#korra | river run
stonedporcupine · 2 months
Past Due
Warnings: violence; more action
Ch 1 Ch 2 - p.1 Ch2 - p.2 Chapter 2 - Part 3 Ch 2 - p. 4 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Y/N´s PoV
Korra´s polar bear dog runs towards her, speeding past me as I catch up to them. “Korra! Oh spirits, look what you´ve done! The street is a mess!” I say to her as I breath loudly, my hands on my head as I look around the street. “Well…technically it was the Triple Threat Triads guys fault…” I look at her rising my eyebrow. Fuck, I have to leave what am I doing here?! I have class! And if the Chief finds out I was involved in this then I´ll be officially fucked!! But before I can react or say anything at all, the loud police sirens coming from above us and the howling of Korra´s polar bear dog, freeze me in my place. Oh spirits…Oh great Raava come rescue me, I beg of you. “Police, freeze where you are!” Three officers come down from the police airship as they metalbend cables, sticking them to the walls of the buildings as they fall softly to the ground. “Cool, metalbenders.” I hear Korra as she smiles. No Korra, not cool. Very bad, actually. Just as I am about to explain to her how screwed we are about to be she interrupts me. “We caught the bad guys for you ,officers!” NO. Korra not WE especially and most definitely not ME involved in any of THIS. I see Officer Song coming from behind the three standing officers. Yes, Song! Oh shit ,Song. Where did he come from? “Arrest them.” I hear Song´s demanding voice as he points to the knocked out Triple Threat Triad thugs inside the broken-up shop. Where was this strong, demanding Officer near Beifong? Song looks at me surprised. “Y/n? What are you-  oh spirits… I´m sorry but you´re under arrest too.” I hear him say with a guilty look on his face. “I- it´s not what it seems! But I-“ before I can continue Korra interrupts me. As she takes a step back, offended. “What do you mean I´m under arrest?! Those are the bad guys over there!” she continues as she points at them. “They were smashing up a shop!” Korra is quickly silenced as Song says with a strong demeanour “From the looks of it, you smashed up a lot more than that.” He quickly metalbends a cable towards her, sensing she won´t come willingly. She dodges to the right angrily as she says “Wait. You can´t arrest me, let me explain!” she grabs the cable, and my eyes widen. I try to speak “Korra, wait you have to list-“ but I´m interrupted by a struggling Officer Song, “You can explain yourself all you like down at headquarters.” He pulls the cables back from her, pushing me aside as he strikes his cable at her. She rolls down and backwards, getting up with ease as the metal cable smashes the ground, rocks flying to the side. Spirits Song! Are you trying to kill her?! I try to intervene their fighting, as I put myself in front of Song but I quickly gasp as Korra´s polar bear dog comes up from behind Song and knocks him and me to the ground as we grunt in union. The other officers notice the scene as Korra saddles up on her polar bear dog. Fuck she´s running away. Raava give me strength! They run off and make a sharp turn, as Korra kicks an officer in the face, making him fall to the floor. “Song are you okay?” I help him up “Yes but- what are you doing? You should be- Spirits the Chief is going to kill you!” I look at him confidently. “Not if I catch her!” I run towards the fleeing polar bear dog, using my fire propulsion as I jump, gaining speed. I see another officer in the roofs metalbending his cables trying to apprehend her. As she takes another sharp turn to another small street. People gasping around me as I continue jumping and running to catch up to them. As we reach a bridge the officer jumps and is able to bend his cables around Korra´s ponytail. Fuck that´s gotta hurt! I hear her yell as she raises an icy wall from the river below the bridge, knocking the officer against it. Deserved it, can´t lie.
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randomwritingguy · 1 year
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 37
The unrolled scroll sprawls across the wooden table like an infinite river of knowledge. The words are halfway into fading into nothingness, emphasising the ancient energy emitting from them.
So much knowledge from one mere text.
Ever since I became an airbending master, I have realised just how many responsibilities there are to be a leader of a nation. I am now responsible for teaching students and future Air Nomads who will go on to teach the next generation and etcetera. It can be overwhelming.
However, there are perks to being a master.
I was pleasantly shocked when Tenzin told me I was allowed to access and read the books and texts from his office. Normally, only he’s allowed to be in his office (for obvious reasons) and to have a look at the stuff he has collected over the years. But, like I just found out that Jinora is allowed to have a look too, he said I have his permission to go through and expand my knowledge on our culture.
And, right now, that is exactly what I am doing and I have learned that, despite being a master, I still have much, much to learn.
This scroll, in particular, is for a special research project I have had in mind for a while now. And, as I read its contents, my intrigue is amplifying as I learn more about the infamous site that tormented me:
The Fog of Lost Souls.
Over two years ago, Jinora and I were trapped in the desolate place by Unalaq’s dark spirits. While Tenzin was able to save us, including Bumi and Kya, the memories of what happened in the fog itself were almost entirely erased. We were able to recover bits and traces since then, the overall experience is an empty spot in our minds.
But I know something happened there. The last few thing I can remember in the fog was Jinora and I being separated after running away from something. After that? Blank.
I asked Tenzin about the Fog of Lost Souls and he told me that apparently, from the contents of the text I am reading right now, that it is actually a spirit who infects the minds of its prisoners, imprisoning them in their own darkest memories and driving them to insanity. Overall, a fate worse than death.
I didn’t think much of it at the time but, a few days ago an idea came to mind. A very intriguing but dangerous idea.
A light knock on my bedroom doors brings me out of my thoughts.
“Come in.”
I hear the two doors slide open and I turn to face the visitor.
It’s Tenzin, dressed robes of red and yellow that makes him look awe inspiring.
“Y/N, I hope I am not intruding.” The older airbender asks in a gentle tone.
I smile at seeing my mentor and gracefully rise from my chair. “Of course not, Tenzin. Is there something wrong?”
He walks closer into my room and gives me a smile of his own. “No, nothing wrong. I just have a task for you, if you don’t mind.”
“What is it?”
“I’ve heard from reports that there are pirates stealing supplies from ships travelling in-between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom. From what I’ve read, the United Forces have not been able to capture them. I was wondering if you would want to assist them.”
My eyebrows raise slightly in interest. Pirates, huh?
“Of course, I’ll get everything ready and head out as soon as I can.” I tell him. “Besides, it will give me an excuse to stretch my legs and have a change in scenery. I’ll fly by the Fire Nation once I’m done to see if there’s anything I can do there to help. I’m sure Fire Lord Izumi would appreciate it.”
At the sound of my agreement, Tenzin’s smile widens in gratitude. “I suppose she would.”
I then see his eyes move slightly to behind me and I know he is looking at the scroll sprayed out on the table. “I see you have already started your reading.”
I nod. “I’m researching about the Fog of Lost Souls.”
That clearly wasn’t what the wise master expected as his jaw drops slightly. “That’s an odd starting topic. Is there a specific reason why?”
I nod again. “Yeah…”
“What is it, Y/N?”
I swallow aloud. Tenzin is really not going to like this.
“It’s been nearly three years since I had my vision, Tenzin. Nearly three years and I still remember nothing except “Only justice will bring peace.” Despite the countless meditations and techniques, we’ve tried, I am still nowhere close to remembering the rest of it, let alone what it actually means. I was fine with being patient but then…an idea came to my mind.”
Tenzin’s left eyebrow rises slightly. “What kind of idea?”
Well, here it goes.
“I remembered what you said that the Fog of Lost Souls forces you to relive your darkest memories. I can’t remember what I saw in there but…what if the fog showed me the rest of my vision?”
As soon as the question leaves my lips, I know I made a mistake. Tenzin’s eyes widen in horror as he realises what Im proposing.
“-Y/N, it’s too dangerous. Do you have any idea how crazy this sounds?“
“-Yes, I know, but-“
“-I barely got you and the others out last time. I don’t want any unnecessary risks.”
“-Even if you were able to escape the fog a second time, can you even be certain that the rest of the vision will appear to you, let alone you being able to remember them?”
“No! No, I’m not. But, Tenzin, its been nearly three years and I’ve made no progress! The Fog of Lost Souls could be the key to learning the truth!”
“But at what cost?” He asks gravelly and then places his hands on my shoulder. “Y/N, listen to me. I know you are frustrated. I know you are still concerned about your vision. But risking the chance of eternal suffering for answers is not worth it.”
“-No buts.” Tenzin says with a new found sterness, hard as steel. “You will not go to the Fog of Lost Souls. Promise me.”
Frustration grows within me as I clench my hands into fists. He’s talking to me like I’m one of his children. Normally, I’d love that but this concern is holding me back from learning more!
I don’t say all of that, though. I don’t want to cause a heated argument. Besides, with everything that’s happening I need to stay here. I can’t risk being trapped for eternity and leave my family.
So, as much as I am angry, I have to follow along…for now.
I concede.
“Fine. I won’t go.”
Tenzin lets out a relieved sigh and let’s go of my shoulders. “Good. I know you are frustrated, and I know I’ve told you this countless times but the best course of action is to be patient. The answers will come in due time.”
I nod melancholy. “I suppose you’re right.”
“Besides, sometimes the answers we seek come from the most unlikely of places. Perhaps, you will find more about your vision when you least expect it.”
As Spectre finally leaves the blanket of clouds, I spot it immediately. From a distant, it looks more like a giant claw, ready to engulf anything in sight. The mountains that are ontop of the sharpened claw make it look armour that rises to touch the sky.
Kyoshi island.
We have arrived.
“Attaboy, Spectre!” I tell him encouragingly. “We’re finally here.”
I freeze when I spot them.
There, by the lagoon, are airships which I recognise are from Kuvira’s fleet. Terrific.
What could Kuvira possibly want from Kyoshi Island?
Spectre growls at the sight of them and I gently smooth him. “Easy, Spectre. Just get us to its village without them spotting us, okay?”
Luckily enough, we pass over them without them even spotting us. At least, I think we went by undetected. Hopefully.
Soon enough, we eventually make it and, surprisingly, despite some banners and flags there are no troops anywhere. Just…normal people. And the village itself looks…fine. Normal, in fact. It looks fairly rural, built from simple wood. And yet, it looks far cleaner and well-off than the previous village I was at. Maybe Kuvira doesn’t have much influence here?
As we land, I see that people have noticed us and ever so slowly a small crowd of people being to edge closer and closer to the bison and I, curiosity overpowering them. When I get off Spectre, a lanky middle-aged man with black, and a hint of grey, hair walks past the crowd followed by…
By Kyoshi Warriors!
The descriptions, drawings, and images I’ve seen on the books I’ve read do the female fighters zero justice. As with their tradition, their armoured kimonos and white as snow with a hint of red face paint was designed to make them all look spitting images of Avatar Kyoshi, to intimidate anyone who dared stand in their way. And a dozen of them are behind this man, who now appears to be the village’s leader.
“You are an Air Nomad.” The man simply states, his voice gruff and tough which contrasts his rather stick-like figure.
I nod in confirmation. “I am Master Y/N of the Air Nation. It is an absolute honour to meet you. And you are?”
“I am Muyang, the leader of this village.” He replies. “Why are you here?”
I raise an eyebrow slightly at the tense tone of the man’s voice. What has been going on here? Maybe he’s just on edge from something?
Still, I can’t just say it out in the open. The last thing I want to do is cause panic on the small island. I need to discuss this alone.
“I wish to discuss this in private, if you don’t mind.” I tell him.
Muyang frowns for a moment but then relents. “Very well. Come.”
I quickly turn back to Spectre. “You stay here. Just move into the woods and stay there so Kuvira’s men don’t spot you. And…try not to cause any trouble, okay?”
I walk off without giving the bison any time to respond and follow the village leader, with Kyoshi Warriors surrounding us in a rough circle. We do not utter a single word throughout the small journey but eventually we make it to what I presume is Muyang’s house. It is slightly bigger than the other ones, with a triangle shaped roof to mark its uniqueness.
When we finally enter, we all stand still like statues.
“You have your privacy.” Muyang tells me sternly. “Now, tell us why you’re here.”
Here it goes.
I straighten my back and clasp my hands behind me. “I am conducting a search on Avatar Korra. She has been missing for six months.”
“The Avatar is missing?” A rough feminine voice emits from the right, and I see one of the warriors walk up to the side of the middle-aged man. Perhaps she’s the leader of the other fighters? “How?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. The last person who saw her was her father, Chief Tonraq of the Southern Water Tribe, when she left to travel to Republic City. She hasn’t been since.”
“That still does not answer my question.” Muyang reminds me. “Why are you here?”
“I had a vision.” I tell him cautiously. “I saw Kyoshi Island. I…I assumed it was a clue to Korra’s whereabouts.”
As I speak it out, I realise how silly it sounds. A single image of an island and I immediately link it to my search for Korra? There’s little to no evidence that the two are even connected.
But it had to mean something, right? What else could it have meant?
“I see.” Muyang says hoarsely after a few moments of silence. “Well, I’m sorry to say but Avatar Korra is not here. We, nor the other villages, have seen her.”
My heart shatters at his answer. No…
“Are-Are you sure?” I ask him.
“I’m sorry, but I’m sure.”
Worry, panic, and frustration boil in my stomach as I clench my hands into fists and swallow an ocean’s amount of saliva.
So, Korra isn’t here. But why was I given that vision? There HAS to be a meaning behind it. Maybe it has something to do with Kuvira’s fleet?
“Now with that business is over with, you are free to lea-“
“-What are Kuvira’s army doing here?”
The Kysoshi Warrior, who had a neutral expression throughout the conversation, scowls. “What they are probably doing with the rest of the Earth Kingdom: Seizing control.”
“I was under the impression the Kyoshi Warriors supported what Kuvira was doing.” I slowly say, trying not to offend anyone. “I’ve heard how Kuvira was awarded the Kyoshi Medal of Freedom, the highest honour of the nation.”
“That was before we found out who she really was.” She angrily replies. “By the time we realised we were tricked, it was too late. She ordered some of her men to stay behind to make sure no-one enters or leaves. They robbed us of our communications so we couldn’t contact the rest of the world.”
I curse under my breath. Dammit! I knew Kuvira has gone mad. I guess this explains why everyone was so tense earlier when I arrived.
“I’ve been warning President Raiko about Kuvira for months and he didn’t listen once.” I say. “I have a feeling he will soon realise just how wrong he was to ignore me.”
I then realise something and point to the direction behind me. “Why are they all at the lagoon then? When I swooped by, I saw an airship and the troops there.”
“For their own supplies, no doubt.” Muyang grunted.
So…what? They just leave them for a bit and they…do nothing?
I turn back to what seems to be the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. “And you just…let it happen?”
That seemed to tick her off as she snarls and glares daggers right in my eyes. “You think we want this? What choice we have? If we fight back, more of Kuvira’s men will arrive and punish everyone on the island. I will not allow that to happen.”
I…I guess she has a point. But still just doing nothing feels…wrong. These are definitely not the Kyoshi Warriors I have read about in the books.
“Which is why you have to leave.” Muyang says sternly. “If they spot you, you could put our whole island on jeopardy.”
No way I came all the way here just to immediately leave. There has to be a reason why I got that vision. Maybe…Maybe I was given that vision because of Kuvira’s fleet? Because I am supposed to be here when whatever happens, happens? Spirits, this is so confusing.
“I can’t.” I tell him. “Not yet anyway. I was directed to here for a reason. Just give me a day at least and I’ll leave in the morning. Please.”
The leaders of the village and the Kyoshi Warriors exchange looks that, while appear to last for seconds, makes it feels like I’m waiting for centuries. Their expressions are unreadable, but I can tell they are silently arguing.
Eventually, Muyang turns to me.
“Yukari will take you to the Kyoshi Shrine and watch over you. You leave first thing in the morning. Do you understand?”
I nod frantically. “Of course. Thank you so much.”
The Kyoshi Warrior Leader, who I now know is named Yukari, walks up to my side. “Let’s go.”
The journey was long and silent, not a single word uttered between us. Its clear to me that Yukari isn’t that much of a speaker.
After who knows how long, we arrive.
And it is definitely not what I had expected.
I have seen and read pictures and descriptions of the Kyoshi Shrine and what it was like during the Hundred Year War. From the books, they described it as a small village temple within a small stone floor.
But now? Now, the shrine looks revamped. Its much wider than its predecessor and in front of it has statues of Avatar Kyoshi in fighting positions. It emanates a mere fraction of the power the Earth Kingdom’s Avatar had.
Yukari must have saw my shock as I can hear her chuckle to my side. “Not what you expected?”
I silently shake my head. “Not at all. The books I read made it sound…smaller.”
“That was what it was like during the Hundred Year War.” Yukari says as we approach closer to the temple. “It was badly damaged when some pirates and bandits attacked. My grandmother led the warriors to victory and after the battle thought it would be wise to revamp it to further praise and honour Avatar Kyoshi.”
I hum in acknowledgement. “Your grandmother sounds pretty cool.”
I then freeze to stone as I begin to connect the dots.
Led the Kyoshi Warriors…
No way…
I stare at the back of Yukari’s head. “Was your grandmother Suki by any chance? Like, the Suki?”
The Kyoshi Warrior stops in her steps and drops her head with a heavy sigh. “Yeah.”
My jaw drops to the ground.
“You’re Sokka and Suki’s granddaughter!” I exclaim excitedly. “Wow! It’s an honour to-“
“-Stop it.” Yukari interrupts with a harsh tone. “Don’t make a big deal about it.”
That…wasn’t what I was expecting.
“I-I’m sorry. I just-“
“-Excited to meet a descendant of the heroes of the Hundred Year War? You’re not the first one.”
Wait a second. If she’s Sokka and Suki’s granddaughter…
“Aang and Toph’s kids never mentioned you.” I pointed out to her as we finally reach the entrance to the shrine. “I just assumed Sokka and Suki never had kids.”
“They had one. My mother, Kanna.” Yukari says quite quickly. Its clear she doesn’t like talking about it and is trying to clarify the confusion as fast as she can so I won’t ask any more questions. “She was the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors before me. I took up the mantle. The reason you’ve never heard of me probably stems from the fact that I cut ties from the rest of my family.”
My eyes widen in shock. Why would she do that?
She then glares at me full of annoyance. “If I answer, will you please shut up about it?”
I nod frantically.
“If you really must know, I cut ties with them because I was sick of it all.” She says with a hint of venom. “The expectations, the fame, all of it. It was what ruined my parents’ marriage and drove my mother to an early grave. I didn’t want a single reminder of where I came from. So, I said goodbye and burned my bridges. Kyoshi Island is my home, and the people here are my family. Nothing else matters.”
She glares at me again, her brown eyes piercing into mine. “Does that answer all your questions, Air Nomad?”
The acid in her voice makes me mute. All I can do is nod and in response the tension in Yukari’s body releases slightly. “Good. Now, since you’re going to be here and I’m supposed to watch over you like a good babysitter, I might as well show you around. Follow me.”
Before I can even respond, she walks inside. I stand there for a few seconds, processing everything I have just learned.
I…I had no idea things were that bad. I’m used to being recognised and I have some sort of popularity, but I never really considered the bad sides of it. I’ve seen Korra get her fair share of critics but most of the time she didn’t really let it bother her. And I haven’t really got that much at least when compared to her.
But with Yukari…it seems like she suffered a lot because of it.
“Air Nomad, come on!”
Snapping out of my thoughts, I rush into the Kyoshi Shrine and my eyes wide in awe as I see the interior. So many artifacts used by Avatar Kyoshi including her fans, boots, and headpiece. Not just that, but there are also little sections of writing that detail bits and pieces of her life.
“Definitely. Then again, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Avatar Kyoshi lived for over 200 years, right?”
“That’s right. She’s the longest living Avatar in history.”
I can’t imagine living for centuries. There is so much you can do in that time. Roku was left for dead by Sozin, Aang died at sixty-six. Could Korra perhaps live that long?
Yukari shows me each and every bit and piece of artifacts and texts of history of events the Avatar participated in. I recognised most of them, one of them being the creation of Kyoshi Island and the death of the infamous Chin the Conqueror.
But then, as she’s explaining the details surrounding some other event, I notice something at the very end. I lean slightly forward and squint and when I read the text my eyebrows raise in surprise.
That’s interesting. I’ve never read anything like that before.
When I zone back in, I can hear Yukari still talking.
“And that was when Avatar Kyoshi established the Dai Li and-“
“-What’s the Kyoshi Civil War?”
My interruption freezes her rambling and before she can ask, I walk up to the stand and see what it says. I am a bit disappointed to see that there isn’t that much detail compared to the others.
“That…was probably the darkest period of Avatar Kyoshi.” Yukari reluctantly says as she comes up to beside me. “It happened during the twilight years of her era.”
“What happened?”
Yukari sighs heavily, the tension in her body returning. “Are you aware of the beliefs Avatar Kyoshi had?”
I do. All too well.
“Only justice will bring peace.” I recite. “That’s what she believed. She was willing to bring balance to the world by any means necessary.”
She nods in confirmation. “Yes, she was. And when she began the Kyoshi Warriors she taught us to be protectors of our homes and those in need. She taught us the same beliefs she had. And, for the majority of the duration of her era the organisation had little issue. However, near the end, there was a…friction.”
“Friction?” I echo, titling my head in confusion. “What kind of friction?”
Yukari sighs once more, clearly finding the topic difficult to talk about. “There was one warrior who believed we and Avatar Kyoshi weren’t doing enough, that we could be doing so much more. She witnessed corruption persisting in the world despite our efforts. And so, she believed we should increase our numbers and expand and increase our influence and control on all nations to eradicate the scum of the Earth. The Avatar disagreed, claiming that her beliefs were dangerous and could lead her down a dark path that will bring more harm than good. At the time, they all thought that was the end of it. Little did Kyoshi and the rest know was that the warrior was conspiring and plotting against them in secret and growing an army of her own followers.”
My mouth part slightly, stunned at how this one warrior was able to this right under the nose of an Avatar. She must have been really skilled at deception.
“What was this warrior’s name?”
Yukari takes a deep, long breath and clench her hands into fists. After a long, tense exhale she utters two words.
“Lady Yuchin.”
I frown in concentration as I try to remember if I ever heard of that name before but…nothing. Blank.
“I’ve never heard of her.”
“I would be surprised if you did.” She chuckles without humour. “The Earth Kingdom used to have more history of her but most of the knowledge was lost during the Hundred Year War. What you see is all we have.”
Spirits…so much information was lost because of the Fire Nation. So much.
“What happened after that?”
“Eventually, she and her followers were discovered.” Yukari continues. “It is unknown what happened specifically, but they somehow escaped and hid. Then, after a short period, Lady Yuchin returned to public light and disowned her loyalty to the Avatar and the Kyoshi Warriors and begun her own organisation, declaring that they will not rest until they take control of the world and eradicate the corruption from within and anyone, even her former allies, who dared to stop them will suffer.”
“And what was this organisation’s name?”
“We don’t know.” Yukari simply says, shrugging nonchalantly. “That bit of information has been lost. However, after she was killed in battle her followers renamed their group after her to honour her memory: The Yuchin Order and its followers, the Yuchin Knights.”
She was killed?!
“How did she die?”
“The Kyoshi Civil War lasted for five years. Lady Yuchin died in the Battle of Shamu during the third year of the war, killed by the Avatar herself. The Yuchin Order’s numbers were growing very fast and so did the Kyoshi Warrior’s to combat them. Many lives were lost. But after Yuchin’s death was when the tide turned to our favour. Without her leadership and guidance, many of the Knights desired to take the role of the order’s master to fill in the power vacuum. Sources say that many of them betrayed and backstabbed one another to achieve authority. In the end, the Yuchin Knights’ worst enemy were themselves. Eventually, Lady Yuchin’s apprentice, Konrok, eventually obtained leadership and did achieve some success but, by then, it was too late. In desperation, Konrok launched one final attack on Kyoshi Island and, from what I read, it was an absolute bloodbath. Total carnage. Casualties were extremely high and most of the island was badly harmed. However, in the end, it was clear who had won. When the fighting stopped, all of the Yuchin were destroyed. None of them survived. And, after five brutal years, the Kyoshi Civil War was finally over.”
As she finally finishes the story, my jaw drops slightly.
Spirits…an entire civil war full of death and suffering and I had no idea it existed. I knew Avatar Kyoshi wasn’t perfect and experienced her own challenges and failures, but a full civil war?
Wait a minute…
“Why is it called the Kyoshi Civil War, though? Shouldn’t it have been the Yuchin-Kyoshi War or something?”
“You would think that, wouldn’t you? But no. Despite the philosophical differences, the majority saw the Yuchin as rogue Kyoshi Warriors. The Avatar was heavily criticised for the conflict after it ended but thankfully it didn’t tarnish her reputation. The Civil War prompted her to reduce the quantity of the warriors to prevent such a betrayal from happening again. And, thankfully, the group has experienced nothing but peace amongst its members.”
We stay silent for a moment as we feel the weight of the story. Just from hearing it I feel nearly crushed by the Civil War’s intensity. I couldn’t imagine what it was like to actually live in the Earth Kingdom during that period.
A new thought enters my mind, and the intensity amplifies.
Is…Is it possible that this was what my vision was about? About the Yuchin Order? If that is the case, why? To teach me some valuable lesson? Or, more terribly, to warn me about its return?
No. No, that was impossible. Yukari said herself that all of the Yuchin Knights were killed in the final battle of the war. There was no way they could come back.
I look up at the board and see a rough drawing of Kyoshi Warriors and Yuchin Knights engaged in a deadly battle. While the former were all women and were dressed to look spitting images of the Avatar they worship, their enemies were a mixture of male and female and dressed in golden yellow with night-sky boots. Some wore bulky armour, others wore mere robes, and others wore a combination of the two. They all wielded sharp silver swords tainted with blood, some wielding one and others wielding two.
“There are women AND men in the Yuchin.” I point out, filling the silence. “Why is that?”
Yukari hums in acknowledgement and deep thought. “I am not entirely sure because of the lack of information. But from what I gathered it seemed as if Lady Yuchin believed that the eradication of corruption was a task for all, not just for one specific category.”
Hm. Interesting. I look at the drawing again and I spot her. At the very back of the army is one female warrior elevated standing on some sort of platform to make her above the rest, marking her importance. Unlike the others, she wields a double-bladed sword and is using it to direct the charge against the Kyoshi Warriors, all the while her red cape is blowing along the wind.
This must be Lady Yuchin. To think, she was once a Kyoshi Warrior herself until her desire to eradicate corruption consumed and transformed her into becoming the very thing she despised. I have seen this with my own enemies over the years. Amon and Tarrlok despised their father and yet became just as bad as him, and now it seems like the same is happening with Kuvira.
The shout or, more accurately, scream of the Kyoshi Warrior Leader’s name startles both of us as we turn to the entrance. There, just outside the door, another of the female fighters is there but is shaking badly with…fear.
“What is it?” Yukari asks as she rushes over to her comrade and takes her in her arms. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Kuvira’s troops. More of them have arrived and are planning on taking complete control of the island!”
Dammit! Since I’ve been gone for a while, the coronation of Wu has no doubt already happened. And since Kuvira’s troops aren’t standing down it means that their leader hasn’t given up her power.
Of course, she hasn’t. The power has gotten to her head and now she’s taking control of the entire Earth Kingdom. I shouldn’t have been surprised.
I was right. I was right. I. Was. Right.
The Kyoshi Warrior continues, and her words shake as much as her body. “Her men are calling Kyoshi Island and its people the property of the Earth Empire. Any resistance will have severe consequences.”
And that's it!
I hope you enjoyed it! What did you think of Yukari so far and the lore behind of Lady Yuchin and the Kyoshi Civil War?
Feedback is appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter! :D
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nguyenconditions · 1 year
My City23: Tontine
I started up this account in order to record and share my Dungeon23 / City23 progress and I'm obviously behind. On the sharing, not the writing, I've successfully done my dailies since Jan 1, 2023. A pre-paid postage sachette is en route for you to applaud into and return.
For my city I'm loosely writing assuming it to be run with my game Trouvaille or it's soon to be started rework & expansion, but so far nothing written is mechanically reliant so it's universally compatible until proven otherwise.
Against my better wishes I'm writing the city without an overarching theme or pitch. Discovering my way through the setting as I write, which I'm assured has some creative merit -- assurances I accept for lack of motivation or satisfaction to argue.
I do have pre-laid guidelines I've set for myself though, so I'm not flying totally foolishly into clouds.
Tontine, the guilds' frontier fortress. Built atop and aside a butte jutting up from deep jungle. Official reports from the guilds in The Capital claim the deep bush round below full of danger and glory, residents know otherwise.
So it's still going to be my South-East Asia silkpunk bullshit. BUT! It's not going to be river oriented. Every other city I've written is all river based, not surprising cities usually migrate to rivers go figure, with canal focused intercity pathways. Tontine is a mountainous parcel that relies on underground reservoirs.
I also know I want dirigibles (very few highly regulated, prone to accidents, and not stupid silly like steampunk ones), public transit trains & cable cars (highly accessible, very accident averse, but lots of weird & wild shit happens on them just as a result of the number of people that get on and off), and populated sewers (populated by like normal ass people not just monsters). So with my typical political bullshit there's like an exploration of technological advances in a fantasy/silkpunk setting kinda like what Legend of Korra and The Greenbone Saga propose.
Bit of a rant but it's free so if you want future posts copy-edited you can find my ko-fi somewhere. I'm excited to keep writing and hope to share soon. Play a bit of catch up where I can and ideally start hitting a weekly share routine. 12 districts, 52+ locations factions & NPCs, 365 details.
First (soon TM): The Godswell (district) and Home (location) the public house famous across the city for it's dumplings.
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Request: Hii! Could you do a angst/fluff with Kuvira where r is like from an important family and they meet when they're young but then r joins the avatar? Finish how you'd like! Thank youu
Thank you to depressed-bi-bitch for the request, this was a lot of fun writing!
When Suyin was creating Zaofu, she knew she needed a dependable supply of metal. The valley, where eventually Zaofu would be erected, was a small mining village. It had an abundance of precious metals, but were predominantly used in trade with neighboring villages. There, Suyin met your family, the esteemed owners of one of the largest mines of the village. Suyin was eloquent with her ideas and clear passion for leading people. Her husband, Baatar, had already made a name for himself as an architect from Ba Sing Se. Meanwhile your family was one of the established families of the village, producing most of the metals and negotiating with outsiders trade deals. Together, your family and the Beifongs created Zaofu, a technological city of the future.
Growing up in a sprawling metal city was like living in a story tale. Big spiraling metal structures, an abundance of art and culture blooming all around you, and spending most of your childhood with the Beifong family were your earliest memories. You were surprised one day, while playing with Opal in the Beifong estate, to find Suyin bringing in another child. The girl seemed older than both you and Opal and she had a firm pout on her lips. Her clothes were more plain compared to what usual Zaofu citizens wore and she wouldn’t make eye contact with anyone. 
“This is Kuvira. She’ll be living with us and be part of our family now, Opal. Think of her like your sister,” she introduced.
From being the adored only daughter to having to share with another little girl was not easy for Opal to adjust. Including sharing you, her childhood best friend.
“I don’t want a new sister!”
The way Kuvira’s face was already apprehensive, turned into a scowl quickly as she looked between the two of you before running off.
While Suyin sat down with Opal and tried to explain Kuvira’s situation, you went off to find Kuvira. She was sitting down under a low hanging awning by the river. You could hear small sniffles coming from her. Six year old you approached her without caution, bumbling up to her with the perkiness only a child could contain.
“Hi.” You introduced yourself to her with a wide toothy grin and a welcoming outstretched hand. She jumped and turned around, quickly wiping away a stray tear. Her deadpan glare penetrated your outstretched hand left open. Being a child, you didn’t let it affect you. Instead you asked, “Do you want to come to my house? I have a dollhouse we can play with!”
Kuvira hesitated, looking from your still extended hand to your beaming face.
“Opal doesn’t like me.”
“Opal’s not coming.”
Oh to grow up with Kuvira. She was quite hot tempered as a child. And you admit, some days it was hard being her friend. She let her emotions take control, most of the time not realizing that she was bending until the dolls were disfigured under her metal grip. You never blamed it on Kuvira though, and you always came back to each other at the end of the day. It took a long time under Suyin’s guidance for Kuvira to gain a better understanding of her own earthbending. But once she did, it was like a flip switched.
While gaining more control, she became more reserved. She pulled farther from the Beifongs and moved out of the estate, choosing to live with the guards in the dormitories instead when she became a teenager. It didn’t change your close relationship though. From running around your estate playing games to her joining you in your metals lab in your research to helping her study for her test to join the Metal Guards; you and Kuvira supported one another through everything.
In the back of your mind you always knew things weren’t great for Kuvira at the Beifongs. But it was always something so hard to bring up to Kuvira whenever you tried to get her to talk about it. It also complicated your friendship with Opal, navigating between their polar personalities was always a challenge. So you opted not to, instead playing mostly neutral grounds and after she moved out, things did get better. 
As you got older, there was more pressure on you to take on the family business. Your whole life you’ve studied metals and how different properties of metals work together to create new things. An inventor, truly gifted, but there were always parts of you that wanted to leave Zaofu.
“I don’t want to study rocks my whole life. I want to learn from other cultures, get a bigger insight!” you confessed one day to Kuvira. You lay back on the soft grass of the lawn. You were visiting the Beifongs casually one afternoon when you ran into your favorite guard. It took minimal convincing for her to take a break from duty to lie with you. It was known that Kuvira always had a soft spot for you. It took one big smile to get her to crumble to you.
But seeing you smile was something she could never get enough of. “You wouldn’t leave me here alone, would you?” Kuvira semi joked.
“I’d take you with me, of course,” you laughed. “See the world together. Maybe fight some bad guys, who knows?”
Kuvira knew that would never be possible. Not with how Suyin ran things, but she didn’t say that, choosing instead to have a lighter hearted moment with you.
Going through the ranks, she saw potential in the Metal Guards, in the people of Zaofu actually. The fact that Suyin rejected most international requests, slowly infuriated her over the years. She watched as her fellow soldiers grew in strength, but all of it went to waste within the metal domes. Kuvira had long surpassed everything Suyin taught her, choosing to go off in her own studies to continue growing as a bender. When not on duty, you’d find her studying different types of bending in the Zaofu library or coming to your lab to practice with rarer metals. Sometimes it seemed like Kuvira never stopped at bettering herself.
You were mesmerized every time you saw Kuvira use her bending. Something as simple as making casual shapes from a slab of meteorite could keep you entertained for hours. It was times like these that were your favorite. She had her armor off and was sporting a long green sleeved spandex shirt with her dark green uniform pants. Her braid was slightly disfigured and helmet thrown off to the side somewhere. She was playing with a piece of meteorite, leaning forward on the bench as she manipulated it with firm concentration. The way her hands moved delicately through the air with precision; every crook and bend of her fingers and knuckles; how soft yet also strong they looked as they bent the metal into a small flower. It rested perfectly in her slender palm as she handed it to you.
It made your stomach flutter and a heat build in your chest. You reached out to take it from her and suddenly feeling nervous. Almost immediately, a gust of wind blew Kuvira over the bench making her tumble down and the metal flower scattering somewhere on the ground.
You both were left gaping. You were born as a non bender, so suddenly being able to airbend made you freak out. Kuvira grabbed your wrists, telling you to breathe as you started rambling off about never being able to bend before and not being the daughter of Avatar Aang and what if your mother had secretly had an affair with the AVATAR and oh god what would your father think-
“We need to find Suyin.”
Learning that Opal also gained airbending made you feel better, and it was something you two could bond over. Suddenly you were spending more time with Opal, trying to learn more about this new weird power to Kuvira’s dismay.
When Avatar Korra and her crew came to Zaofu to rebuild the Air Nation, you laughed off the idea of becoming an Air Nomad. Your future was set in the metals your family mined. You were supposed to live your life in Zaofu, continue your legacy here to grow the city.
“This is where I belong,” you said sheepishly. Korra seemed disappointed, but if that’s what you wanted there was nothing she could do. Although she did debate dragging you on to the ship, kidnapping an heiress to an empire would definitely cause an international crisis that Korra frankly couldn’t afford.
Kuvira was relieved to say the least. The fear of losing her closest friend didn’t sit well with her. But she also saw how you were with your new bending, carefully exploring what your bending could do; how it frustrated you when you couldn’t gain your own footing straight or when wind would blow back in your face.
“Maybe you should consider it.” Kuvira’s response surprised you. It was another day at your estate this time laying on the grass. It was one of Kuvira’s few days off. When she became the Captain, her free time became very limited, but this afternoon was a peaceful rarity. Tonight would be Opal’s farewell dinner, where you would be saying your final goodbyes before she boarded the airship to the Northern Air Temple. You were casually bending a circle of air above your heads, watching as leaves swirl around in a hypnotizing way. It immediately dissipates upon Kuvira’s confession, leaves slowly falling around the two of you.
“What?” you snort. “I thought you’d be the first person to ask me to stay.”
It left a lump in Kuvira’s throat. She never wanted to be the reason you held back your potential. She knew how talented you were as an inventor, but to bring that strength as an airbender? And the opportunity for you to build a nation that was up until recently deemed extinct? Kuvira knows an honor like that is something you’d thrive in, and the only way you could do that is to leave Zaofu.
So with some more convincing from Kuvira, you came around to the thought of being an Air Nomad. Sure shaving your head wasn’t the most appealing thing, but to be able to explore the world outside of Zaofu? It felt like this was your true calling all along. And Kuvira was the one to help you realize that. You gaze softly at her face, trying to find any hint of doubt you could. But she wholeheartedly believed in you and that in the end is what had you knocking on Korra’s door before the big dinner.
“Avatar Korra, I’ve changed my mind. I will join Opal to the Northern Air Temple and help rebuild the Air Nation.” Korra’s face broke into a wide grin and she gave a big cheer, deeming another success in her Avatar duties. You smiled back, feeling giddy at the thought of finding something more than rocks and metals for your future.
Seeing you and Opal boarding the aircraft shattered Kuvira’s heart. Her face is stone and her back is straight, watching the two of you talk wildly about your new adventures to come.
It seemed like at the last second, you pulled away from Opal and turned around, catching Kuvira’s unwavering gaze. You bite your bottom lip and tell Opal to go on without you, that’d you catch up momentarily. She was confused, but realized what you were doing when you ran back down the ramp and towards Kuvira.
Before she knows what’s happening or can ask what in the spirits you were doing, you nearly plow Kuvira over with a bone crushing hug, knocking her helmet right off her head. Burying your face into the crook of her neck, you feel her muscles tense under your touch, and then melt right into your hug. Strong arms wrap around you and clunky armor gets in the way.
But Kuvira can’t picture something more perfect.
She is speechless and squeezes her eyes shut, willing any tears to hold back. This was a momentous day for you, and she didn’t want your potentially last moment with her to be a sniveling mess. Instead she tries to memorize the way your hair smells, how firm your torso feels under her arms, how soft and warm your skin is. Everything she possibly can in these fleeting seconds with you.
“This isn’t goodbye,” you whispered in her ear. The way your breath fanned across her neck made Kuvira’s eyes flutter. She could stay in this embrace forever. “I will see you again.”
“I know,” she breathed out, suddenly finding it hard to find her voice. “I know.” It was something she had to tell herself more than to you.
You hesitated, wanting to say more. But how could you tell Kuvira that most nights you fell asleep thinking about what her lips would feel like against yours? How could you tell her that you still dreamed of traveling the world with her one day? How do you tell your childhood best friend that you’ve been in love with them when you’re about to board a ship to a new life?
Instead you take the chance and lean in, placing a soft quick kiss on her cheek just below her mole under her eye. With one last watery smile, you turn and board the ship. Your future terrified you, but you know for certain that you will keep your promise and return to Zaofu for her. One day.
If you had turned around you would’ve seen Kuvira steeled in stoicism, seemingly unaffected by your gesture. Meanwhile, inside she was on fire. Her cheek was burning where your lips touched. She had to replay the moment again and again in her mind to make sure it wasn’t her own imagination making it up. But it was real; the feeling of your hesitant lips pressed against her cheek made the flush in her chest grow. Her breath comes out in one shaky stream as she lifts the radio to her ear for the guards to close the domes.
And as the metal flower-like structure enclose her in, Kuvira can’t help but let her eyes linger on the sky where your ship disappeared.
This isn’t goodbye.
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt.8
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+, MANGA SPOILERS
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Ep. Warnings: ANGST, cursing, manga spoilers
Summary: it’s time for the battle competition! Or so the students of UA think. Just before the battle starts, a portal opens up and chaos is unleashed. Everything would’ve been fine if Dabi hadn’t exposed the truth.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
After the long drive, a break, mind-blowing sex, and another long drive, UA has finally made it to the battle competition! The students all marveled in their seats as they looked out the bus windows. The buses for all the schools were parked atop a cliff. The area the students would be participating in was below in and it was nothing but forests, valleys, mountains, rivers, and meadows for miles. This was a race and only the best school and best students will win.
“And welcome to the competition UA,” Aizawa tiredly said. The students all cheered as they exited the bus and stepped foot onto the soft grass. They felt the breeze blowing and felt ready to go. “There’s a building down that path, you can change into your costumes there and wait for further instruction. And Y/N, you won’t be able to be with Rumor on this, so I’ll watch him for the time being. See you all soon.”
The students were excited as they quickly scrambled down the path as Rumor went with Aizawa to wherever.
“Man, after all that time we’re finally here!” Kirishima said. “We’re definitely gonna kick some ass the second we step foot in there,”
“No shit, Shitty Hair. These losers don’t stand a chance,” Bakugou said with a malicious grin. They Bakusquad continued to walk and talk as Bakugou kept his arm around you but he once again noticed your unusual silence.
“Hey..princess, tell me what’s up?” He whispered with a concerned voice. You looked up to him as you snapped out of your haze and stared at him with loving eyes.
“I’m fine Suki...just nervous.” You said with a slight laugh to appear okay. Bakugou took your word for it but still held some concern as he felt somewhere in his heart that there was more to the story.
“About what? You’re one of the best fighters here, you don’t gotta worry about anything. You’ll do great out there Princess. Promise.” He said before he kissed your forehead to reassure you. You gave a nervous laugh as you continued to stare off into space. You were scared.
The league would be coming after you sent the coordinates. Your palms were sweaty and your throat felt dry as you got closer and closer to the assembly building. You wanted to cry so bad for so many reasons. You were lost, you didn’t want anybody to be hurt, you didn’t want the truth exposed....you didn’t want to leave UA...and you didn’t want to leave Bakugou.
Time passed and the others spoke of whatever. You wouldn’t know. You were too busy stressing over the villains upcoming arrival. Class 1-A walked in and took notice of all the schools in the building. Infront of the crowd was a stage and a podium. You felt Bakugou’s grip on you tighten and you laughed as you saw he was looking at all the boys staring at you. You loved your jealous little pomeranian.
Students mumbled and talked amongst each other until a man came up to the podium and addressed everyone.
“Hello students! Welcome to the battle competition, Olympus! Today, all you hero trainees will battle against other schools as you all race to the top of the mountain on the other side of the valley. When you reach the top, there will be people awaiting your arrival to bestow upon you the chalice of victory!” The students cheered at the news and got all riled up. They piped down once the man began to speak again.
“Here’s how this will work. Each class from every school will be given a certain location somewhere out in the field. Don’t worry, it’ll all be at an equal difficulty and distance from the finish line so there’s no advantage for anybody. Once you hear the gun go off, you will all run through the wild to get to the top. Maps will be passed out to each of you right now and along with that, a badge that each of you will get that will tell everyone what team/class you’re apart of and it will connect you and your teammates to one team. Now, classes MUST stick together and everyone must arrive at the same time. Along with the obstacles of nature, some of you will fall into certain traps. There are markings placed at random in the field and once a member of the class steps into it, you will wait until another class gets trapped and you shall battle. Winners get to move on and continue the race. The competition will last for 3 days and if you haven’t made it to the finish line by the morning of the 4th, you must remain where you are so that we can find you and track you by your badge. Everybody clear?”
Students cheered once more as a way of agreement and got ready. “Good. All of you will be directed to the changing areas. There’s over 4,000 stalls, gender is separated, and each student will be able to get their own changing area. Put on your hero costumes and head to your class’s assigned location. Good luck to you all.”
Students got rowdy as they all began to leave the room. You and the Bakusquad stayed and talked for a bit before you kissed Bakugou and left to put on your costume.
You got to your own stall and quickly changed. As you finished you looked in the mirror. You, a villain, dressed as a hero. Comical. But yet, you smiled at the new look. You felt that it really suited you. You snapped out of your gaze and went to the earring hidden in your bag.
“Hello? Can anyone hear me?” You whispered softly into the earring. A minute passed before Shigaraki answered.
“Tell me the coordinates.” You bit your lip in hesitation. Was this really what you wanted to do? You held a shaky breath as you spoke
“43.5647 to 12.8499.”
“See you soon.” And just like that, the call was over. You released a deep sigh in regret and anxiety as you gathered your things and walked to the given location. There you met with all your classmates and Bakugou. He welcomed you with open arms as he pulled you in for an embrace.
“Hey Princess. Everyone already discussed a plan so I’ll fill you in on the way,” He said after he pecked your forehead. Oh his sweet kisses. One of the things you’ll dearly miss when you have to go your separate ways.
“Hi....” Bakugou once again held a frown and concerned stare as your unusual behavior kicked back in. He held you tighter as he tilted your head up by your chin and gave you a loving kiss. He pressed his forehead against yours as your head was still tilted towards the sky.
“What’s wrong Y/N?...Please,” he begged. He knew something had been wrong for awhile and now he was desperate for an answer. You held your breath as you stared at him with sad eyes and a fallen jaw. You squeezed your E/C eyes shut as you shook your head to the ground and placed it against his chest.
“Katsuki, I have to tell you somethi-“
That was it. The sound of the start of the race. Students began running to the forest and you sighed as you realized this was destiny trying to tell you to not go. You shook off your nerves as you looked towards Katsuki.
“It’s okay, you can tell me later. C’mon,” he said as he grabbed your hand and began to run but with the first step that you took, your eyes glowed and you didn’t see Katsuki or the competition anymore. It was bright and white and all you could see was Korra’s angry face as her eyes also glowed.
“TELL HIM THE TRUTH Y/N!” She yelled with the voices of all the other avatars. Your eyes filled with tears as they shut again and you shook your head.
“I can’t! I’m sorry!” You cried out.
“I-I can’t! I don’t know what to do anymore!”
“Y/N!......Y/N!” Bakugou said as he shook you. Out of nowhere your eyes glowed and you froze in your tracks. Bakugou stopped running when he didn’t feel you follow him and when he looked back he did everything he could to snap you out of your avatar state. After a minute you finally settled and your eyes returned back to normal. You fell into his arms as your groaned in exhaustion.
“Katsuki....?” You softly spoke out as he held you against his chest.
“Are you okay?! What’s wrong?!” He frantically asked. The competition completely left his mind as he shifted his everything to you.
“I’m...im fine. It was just..Korra. She..spoke to me.” You explained.
“Are you okay? Do you need to sit?” He offered as he attempted to walk you to a tree stump so you could rest but you stopped him.
“No, no it’s fine Katsuki....we have to do this competition..” you said with stern eyes.
“No Y/N, I think you shoul-“
“Katsuki.” He looked at you and noticed your serious tone and strong grip as you held onto his arms. “Please.”
“.....okay.” And so you both ran to catch up with your class. You strained and shook off your headache as you thought about your past choices. Fear bubbled up inside of you as you looked towards Katsuki. He seemed focused on the task at hand and so you followed. What you didn’t realize was that under his cool, composed cover, he was nervous. He wanted you to be okay, it was all he yearned for but he also wanted to give you whatever you desired so if going through with the stupid race was what you wanted, then your wish is his command.
You both finally caught up with the class and out of nowhere, a trap was sprung. Denki had stepped into a red zone and all of 1-A’s badges glowed as the ground crumbled beneath them and they all fell into some arena in a cavern. The students plopped onto the ground, some on top of each other, as they all coughed from the dust and examined the area.
“You okay Princess?” Bakugou asked.
“I’m fine Suki,” you reassured him.
“What the hell Dunce Face?! Why didn’t you watch where you were going?!” Bakugou screamed at the poor blonde.
“Cool it man,” Bakugou’s best friend had said as he hooked his arms under Bakugou’s to keep him from attacking the electric boy. “Kaminari didn’t know what the traps looked like. None of us did so it’s good that we can identify them now. All we have to do is wait for another class to fall into another trap so we can fight ‘em and win”
“We’re losing time! Now we have to wait for some dumbasses and if nobody shows up, we’re stuck here! Like losers!” Bakugou said as he huffed and plopped on his ass to the ground infront of Y/N as he placed his chin in his hand. Y/N placed her hands on his shoulders to calm him.
“Kirishima is right, there’s hundreds of kids here and nobody who hasn’t sprung a trap knows what they look like. Somebody is bound to fall down here soon,” you reassured your angry boyfriend. Some of the class settled until a few minutes later, a voice spoke up.
“That you are correct, little mouse. Your opponents are here, but it’s not who you’d be expecting.”
Your eyes shot forward as you recognized the voice.
“Oh no...” you whispered and took your hands off of Bakugou as you stood straight. Everyone turned towards you as they watched you tremble.
“Princess, are you okay?” Bakugou asked as he stood up and held your hands.
“She’s fine blondie. She just knows what’s coming like the smart little puppet she is,” Shigaraki said as he stepped out of the shadows. The class shook and stilled at his appearance and got into defensive positions. The rest of the league popped out of the shadows and the class looked in confusion as they spoke on their concerns.
“What they hell are they doing here?!”
“What’s going on?”
“Should we get help?” The class all asked aloud. You shook off your nerves as you took your hands out of Bakugou’s as he looked at you in worry. You clapped your hands as a gust of wind hit everyone to bring their attention onto you. It was silent as everyone watched you speak.
“..Where are the actual opponents? What did you do to the students?” You shakenly asked. Dabi smirked as he walked back into the shadows and then returned before tossing an unconscious body in front of the class. You quickly ran to him and used your water bending to check on his body and health. The water went all around the poor student until you stopped your movements. He’s dead.
“Heh..you should see the rest of the students, little mouse,” Dabi said as he walked to you and gripped your chin in his hands to make you face him. As he smirked at you, an explosion was sent his way but he jumped and dodged it.
“Get your hands off of her!” Bakugou screamed as he ran to you. He brought you back into his arms as you just stared at Dabi.
“It’s not her you should be protecting, hero,” Dabi hinted. You cringed at his words but Bakugou ignored them as he seethed out a question.
“What the hell do you bastards want?!” He asked and Shigaraki was the first to answer his question.
“Take a guess!” He said as he directed the league to attack. Toga was the first to move as she went towards the girls and attempted to sliced at them. Dabi followed as he sent flames to the ground, but Todoroki was quick and put them out with his ice. The two brothers stared at each other, one with a nonchalant determined face and the other with a cocky smirk.
It was here and now. The attack was happening and it was happening to your class right now. All the students sprung into action as they fought villains, multiple students vs single villains. Sadly, the class were the ones struggling. Bakugou fought at Dabi as he pushed Todoroki away.
“Pick someone else IcyHot! I want this Bastard to myself!” The blonde said before he pounced to the fiery villain. Todoroki shifted as he and Midoriya worked at Shigaraki and you stood in pain at all the violence. You heard screams of pain from your classmates and you felt your own heart breaking. Due to your out of zone state, you couldn’t sense the blue flames coming your way until Bakugou screamed your name.
“Y/N! This isn’t the time for your daydreams! Get your head in the game!” He said. Delivery was a little harsh, but necessary. You quickly snapped out of it as you bended Dabi’s flames away.
“Poor little Y/N. Always a burden, always a bother.” Those words rung in your ears as you advanced towards Dabi. As you jumped mid-air, it was like time slowed down as Dabi’s eyes had slanted as he stared you down. “You sure you wanna do that...little mouse?”
His tone, cold, and your eyes widen in fear. The name, the way he spoke. It was the same voice and degrading name he used when he would attack you as a punishment. You quickly stopped your attack and stared infront of him. You looked up at him in fear as he smirked down at you. You may have changed the slightest bit but you were still a submissive little punching bag to the league. As you both held a staring match, one in fear and one in power, Bakugou blasted Dabi away from you. The black haired man groaned in pain as he felt the burn of the explosion and watched from a distance as Bakugou ran to guard you.
“Are you okay, Princess?” He asked you while he still watched Dabi in caution. You nodded your head and gave a “mhm,” as a reply as you both watched Dabi get up. He and Bakugou jumped at each other as they fought. Bakugou threw punch after punch as Dabi dodged each one while he spoke.
“Princess, Huh? *dodge* Never knew you were into villains Katsuki,” Dabi said as he dodged again.
“Shut up! You don’t know shit! That was her past!” Bakugou screamed as he continued to attack.
“Past?! *dodge* HA! You think your little Princess is an ex-con?!” He laughed in Bakugou’s face.
“She did what she had to!” Bakugou screamed once more. He swung again but Dabi caught his fist this time.
“Really? I didn’t know robbing banks, murdering people, and joining the League of Villains counted as survival,” Dabi said in his face. Bakugou face sprouted a confused look as Dabi threw him back.
“What?” Bakugou seethed threw grinded teeth. Your heart began to race as Dabi continued to talk.
“You don’t know Y/N at all Katsuki.” Dabi said as he gave you the side eye and watched your fearful and angry gaze.
“Stop talking Dabi,” you quietly said, however Dabi still heard. Including Bakugou.
“Your precious little Princess is on our side, hero. She’s a villain. And not just any villain. She’s the best of the best when it comes to the girls.” Bakugou shook his head in anger as he ran back to Dabi and threw punch after punch and kick after kick.
“SHUT UP!” He screamed at the villain but Dabi just dodged and continued. Bakugou was so confused and so angered that his emotions took control. His fighting faultered and Dabi had the upper hand as he attacked Bakugou and threw him into a small boulder. Bakugou groaned as he sat exhausted against the rock. He breathed heavily as he watched Dabi walk to Y/N, take her hand, walk closer to Bakugou, and wrap his arm over her shoulder. “GET AWAY FROM HER YOU FUCKING BASTARD!”
“Heh...do you wanna tell him or should I, Princess?” Dabi asked as he mocked the nickname Bakugou gave you. Your eyes teared as your breath became jagged and you looked towards Bakugou. Katsuki noticed how you didn’t remove Dabi’s arm and just stayed silent.
“Y/N?” He whimpered out as he looked at you for some sort of answer. What the hell was Dabi talking about? Grand theft? Murder? Joining the league? He needs an answer. Bakugou watched you swallow down a nervous breath as you hesitantly spoke.
“Katsuki.....I’m Titania....and...I..I’m a part of the League.” You said with a quivering lip. Bakugou’s eyes went wide as he felt his entire world shatter. The girl he fell in love with and gave his entire being to was an undercover villain. He felt tears stinging his eyes as he spoke.
“W-what?” He questioned. Dabi groaned aloud in annoyance as he threw his head back dramatically and continued the talk.
“Your little girlfriend here is a villain. In fact..this whole attack was her plan,” Dabi smirked out. Bakugou watched you as you kept your head down with a shadow casting over your face. An obvious frown adorned your lips. The lips that Bakugou had kissed a thousand times over and they belonged to the most heinous female villain. Bakugou dropped his head down as his eyes stayed open in shock. He felt a panic attack coming onto him as his breaths got heavier and he freaked out.
‘This can’t be true....She loves me! She would never....she could never do this! It’s Y/N! She’s...She can’t be a villain! She would never lie to me like this...’ Bakugou’s thoughts became too much so he screamed as he got up and ran to attack the both of you. He jumped into the air and released an explosion to the both of you but you both had dodged. When Bakugou dropped back to the ground he quickly ran to you and tackled you to the ground. He pinned you down as he hovered over you trying to scan your face for some sort of reasonable answer or explanation.
“Y/N!” He screamed in your face as he shook with tears falling from his ruby eyes. He watched as your lips continued to whimper and the shadow over your face remained. Dabi used his fire to send an attack towards you both and instead of burning you both, it stung as it pushed you both away. The two of you fell down a tunnel. You both held onto each other as you guys tumbled down a tunnel. When you both hit the ground again, you realized you ended up in a cave away from the fighting. Ahead of you was an opening to the outside world. You continued to lay on the ground as Bakugou stayed atop of you as he cried and whimpered into your shoulder. You gently pushed him off of you as you stood and tried to walk to the exit, but before you’d could take a step, Bakugou quickly grabbed onto your wrist.
You looked down at him with sad eyes as you watched him keep his head down as fat tears dropped from his eyes. He stayed on the ground, seated on his knees as he cried.
“Please tell me it isn’t true, Princess..” he whispered. You felt tears invade your own eyes as you squeezed them shut. You both stayed like that for awhile as you released silent tears.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered as you tried to help Bakugou stand but once he got to his feet he gripped your shoulders.
“Tell me everything! ...NOW!” He screamed with his eyes open and full of tears. You stared at him with an apologetic face as you shook your head.
“We have to go Katsuki, we have to get help.” Bakugou shook his head ‘no’ but allowed you to drag him out of the cave and into the opening. It was getting late and the evening had already started as the blue sky darkened a bit. You stomped your foot into the ground to use your earth bending to figure out exactly where you both were. Once you felt the vibrations, you realized you were too far to even locate the others or even the competition grounds. You guys were lost.
“We’re too far away from everything Katsuki. We should look around a bit and see if we can find our way back.” Bakugou held onto your wrist before you walked again.
“You owe me an explanation when all of this is over, Y/N.” He quietly said with a sad tone.
“...I owe you a lot more than that Katsuki. But I will be giving you an explanation...and with how far we are away from everyone, I might have time to give it to you sooner than you think.” You explained. You and Bakugou walked on with heavy hearts but the both of you both had the exact same question ringing in your minds.
‘What are we now?’
You both walked for miles and yet you still got nowhere. Everytime you stopped and checked to see where you guys were, it felt like you guys just got farther away from everyone. You silently begged for Rumor to just find you and regretted not having him just shrink down to a mouse to carry around.
Bakugou trailed behind you. His crying had gone on for some time but eventually stopped, however when it did, his sadness was replaced with anger. He was pissed. He doesn’t know where he was, what he’s doing, what’s going on, and he doesn’t even know who he’s with right now. He’s basically with a stranger at the moment.
Eventually, it grew dark and the sun had set while the moon had began to rise. While you continued to look for a way back, Bakugou was aware of his surroundings and stopped you by grabbing onto your arm.
“Stop walking, moron. Can’t you see it’s dark?” He said as he looked at you with a bored expression. You turned back and scoffed at him in disbelief.
“We’re lost. We have no idea where we are and have no idea how to get back. If we stop now, we’ll lose time and it’ll take forever to get back. And who knows what’s happening now to our classmates?!” You exclaimed. Bakugou shook his head at you when you finished.
“They’re my classmates. Not yours,” truthfully, saying that broke him a bit, but he had to continue, “and if we keep going, we’ll die out here in the wild. We should find a safe place to sleep for the night and find some fire wood to keep warm. Maybe get some food to fight off hunger.”
“We’ll be fine if we keep going. I’ve survived the streets before, we’ll be okay.” You said and attempted to walk again but Bakugou held you back.
“Well this isn’t the streets Y/N. There isn’t a store full of food we can rob when we’re hungry and there isn’t an overhead tunnel at every turn that we can sleep in. This is a forest. So just shut up and listen to me.” He said, his grip on your arm slightly getting tighter. You winced the tiniest bit and Bakugou saw as he quickly took his hand off your arm. He cringed at his action but shook off the bad thoughts. “C’mon, let’s go. We gotta find some shelter.”
You thought about it for a bit and realized he was right. This wasn’t the city. You sighed and bit the inside of your cheek before answering. “Okay.”
As you silently trailed behind Bakugou, you realized you just followed him blindly. It was like he read your mind when he spoke again. “I saw a cave awhile back. We’ll camp out there. Along the way let’s just collect some firewood whenever we see some.”
You followed his orders and by the time you guys made it to the cave, you were all set to sleep. You collected wood for a fire and even leaf piles to sleep on. As you both entered the cave, Bakugou set up your sleeping area and you started the fire with your bending. Once you were done you took a seat infront of the fire and just stared at the bright flame. Here you were in a cave with your....well now you were back to where you started with him. You didn’t know what you two were anymore.
Bakugou finished with the leaves and when he turned around, he saw you sitting on the ground with a blank look. He looked at you with sad eyes and a broken heart before he sighed and sat in-front of you on the other side of the fire. You looked towards him in confusion as to why he sat but then it came to you.
“Talk.” He said as he looked towards you. You stared at him and saw he was working to build up his walls again as if he was preparing himself for disappointment. He was smart for doing so though because disappointment was exactly what he would be feeling. That and probably some severe heartache. You pressed your lips together with a sad look on your face as you came to the conclusion that there was no avoiding the truth now.
“....I’m not who you think I am.” You said and it was like the air thickened as you watched how his jaw clenched and his eyes teared behind his mask.
“My name is Y/N L/N, I’m 16....and I’m a member of the League of Villains,” Bakugou’s breath stilled as he heard the words leave your mouth. He already heard it once but hearing it now as confirmation hurt.
“The story I told you when we were in the kitchen that night was all true. I just left out some details and kind of switched the story around. The place I was born in was a hidden village. The people there had the abilities to control the 4 elements. My parents had me but were killed by the cult I mentioned before. They took my people in so they could use their abilities to create the weapons, but me being so young, I had no idea how to control them. Eventually, I discovered I was the one who could bend all 4 elements instead of just one....I discovered I was the avatar.” You breathed out.
“The avatar?” Bakugou scoffed, “the bridge between the spirit world and physical world? The person destined to bring peace to the world? That’s nothing but a legend.”
“Wellll then I guess I’m a legend so thank you for that compliment.” You said and Bakugou stared at you in shock. He was sitting with the actual avatar. “Blah blah blah, trained with a master, blah blah blah, and that’s when the league found me. They saw my abilities and took me in. But you don’t get to live in the league’s hideout once you join. You work your way up the food chain and so I had to live on the streets and do their dirty work to prove myself. I did it for survival, but in the end, being a villain was all I knew. So I stuck to it. I officially became a member and I eventually became Titania, the best female villain alive.”
“....Why did you come to UA?” He asked.
“I didn’t want to. I came for a job. Aizawa and I were fighting when he took me away while I was injured and offered to take me in and put me in school. Said he saw good in me....obviously he was wrong considering the only thing that triggered me to go was the fact that there was an opportunity to take down UA and prove myself to the league.” You explained. You noticed Bakugou kept quiet and bit his lip as he seemed to have shook a little before asking the next question.
“...What about me? What part did I play in this fucking game you got going on?” He asked. You didn’t look at him the entire time. You kept your eyes on the fire and held a nonchalant face the entire time.
“You were the only part of my UA life that was genuine. I didn’t come here looking for a relationship and I didn’t need a relationship to take down UA.....but then you came into my life. You showed up and something about you...just made sense to me. And it gave me a comforting feeling I never got to experience before. You gave me a break from my chaotic life and it was the refresher I needed.” Bakugou blushed at your confession but still felt sorrow. Your feelings for him were true but that doesn’t change the fact that you lied to him and never told him who you truly were. You were also a villain while he was a hero trainee. This relationship was wrong. He dropped his head as tears began to pool at his eyes.
“.....I still love you, Princess.” He confessed.
“I know...and I still love you Suki..”
“........WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LIE?!” He screamed as he stood up. “YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT WHO YOU WERE!”
“I did a lot of things but I have never lied to you about who I was or what I felt towards you,” you calmly said to his loud proclaims.
“BUT YOU DIDNT TELL ME THE TRUTH EITHER Y/N! ....You didn’t tell me anything. You left me in the dark. You made me fall in love with you...and now I don’t know what to do...” he sobbed out. “You’re a villain...my dream is to be the number one hero...but I love you...but it’s wrong for me to not put you behind bars.”
You just looked at him with a straight face but it was clear you were hurting as well. But you still continued to let him take his frustrations out on you.
“I’m sorry Katsuki..”
A silence fell over the two of you. Bakugou was so hurt and it was all your fault. He didn’t deserve this. None of them did. And yet you still followed through with this horrible plan. You knew what had to be done.
“Let’s just get some rest..we should start our search for home again in the morning,” you said as you got up and walked over to the sleeping area. But this only triggered Bakugou even more.
“Rest?! REST?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME Y/N?! YOU’RE JUST GONNA DROP THE CONVERSATION LIKE THIS ISNT FUCKING IMPORTANT?!,” he said with tears in his eyes as he stood and screamed at you.
“YES! THIS ISNT FUCKING IMPORTANT! IF IT ISNT OBVIOUS, WE’RE DONE. OVER. SO LETS JUST FORGET ABOUT THIS AND FOCUS ON FINDING OUR WAY HOME!” You screamed back. The cave grew empty as silence filled the air. Bakugou felt his heart die in his chest. He loved you, even though you were a villain he still loved you. He didn’t want this to be over..but you? You were really willing to drop this relationship? Just like that?
“So..that’s it? You’re not even gonna try for us anymore? You’re not even gonna fight for us to be together?” He asked with tears in his eyes.
“......there is no more ‘us’ anymore, Bakugou.”
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storydays · 3 years
Season 1, ep3, p2
"Your best friend is a.....polar bear dog." Mako started wearily, before smiling fondly at Neo, who grunted. "Somehow that makes perfect sense, considering." "I'll take that as a compliment, city boy." A few minutes later, they arrived to town square, looking around and didn't see a sign of you or Bolin. Neo stopped near Firelord Zuko's statue from his early days, looked up and barked. "Well, this is Bo's normal hang out spot, and Neo seems to have missed (Y/-" Mako was cut off by Neo running over to the kids playing nearby, licking one of the boys. 
Laughing, the kids crowded around him and Naga, who followed her brother, ignoring the two approaching figures behind the two animals. "You guys seen my brother around here today?" Mako called, as the oldest turned towards them. "Perhaps. My memory's a little...foggy. Maybe you can help clear it up." The child sniffed, before holding his hand out. "You're good, Skoochy. A real pro." Mako chuckled, before handing the child a few coins. "Yeah, I've seen him." "When?" demanded the firebender. "About noon." "What was he doing?" A frown came onto Skoochy's face, as he recalled the earlier event. "He was performing some kind of monkey-rat circus, and then..." Turning, the kid held his hand out for more. 
Skoochy yelped as a giant water hand picked him up, and brought him face to face with an unimpressed you. Chuckling sheepishly, he grinned at your raised eyebrow. "H-Hey, (Y/F/N)! How you doing?" "Skoochy, take the kids back to the Rosario, and do not come out without Mika." You said sternly, placing the child down and watching them run off. "Hey, come back here!" Mako called, before glaring up at a casual you, Korra laughing at you shrugging carelessly. 
"I got a lead on where Bolin is," you jumped down in front of the two, sliding your glider into your holster on your back. "The Triple Threats, the Red Monsoons, the Agni Kais..all the triads are muscling up for something big..." "Meaning there's a turf war brewing, and Bolin's about to get caught right in the middle of it." Mako frowned, rubbing his forehead. "Yup, follow me. I managed to track him down, but it wouldn't hurt to have some backup; let's go."
Hopping onto Neo, you told him to go to the Triad's hideout, waited for Mako to get on, and the three of you take off on the Water Tribe animals, and cross the river, when Naga stopped and starting chasing a small animal. "Wait, Naga!" "That's Pabu!" Korra and Mako said at the same time. "No, Naga, Pabu is a friend, not food." Korra said sternly, as the two bumped noses and Pabu crawled onto Mako's shoulder. "We gotta hurry." reminded the firebender. 
*At the  hideout*
"Something's not right..there are usually thugs posted out front. We need to be--" Mako trailed off as Korra kicked the door in. Mako deadpanned as you strolled in, hands behind your head,  looking around curiously at the trashed hideout. "Bolin? You here?" Mako called, looking around. You sensed Bolin's presence outside, and hurried outside, with water skin arms forming around your arms. You called out to the other two. "I've got visual on them! Let's go!" You realized that following them in plain view wasn't the best idea. "Neo, help Korra and Mako! I'm going solo!" 
You veered right heading towards the rooftops, keeping an eye on the van and your surroundings. Mako fired a blast of fire towards the bikes, Korra used her earthbending but the kidnapper jumped over the earth, and another fired two ball traps toward the polar bear dogs, making the animals trip and send the Avatar and firebender to the ground. "Oh man." You stopped chasing Bolin and jumped down to protect Korra and Mako from the incoming enemy. 
It was three on one with Korra getting neutralized early in the fight followed by Mako getting knocked down. You stood in front of them protectively, before using your waterbending to make a ice barrier, making the enemies send out canisters of gas and got back on their bikes zooming off. 
Korra groaned, Naga helping her stand up, before trying to firebend. "Ugh! I can't bend! I can't bend!" She panicked. "Calm down, Korra." You stated, helping Mako up before Neo cuddled into your back. "It'll wear off. Those guys were chi blockers. They're Amon's henchmen." continued Mako stretched his arm out, as Korra did the same. "Amon? That anti-bending guy with the mask?"
You sat down on Neo's back cross-legged, closed your eyes and began searching for Bolin's spirit. "Yeah, he's the leader of the Equalists." "But what do they want with the Triple Threats?" wondered the Water Tribe girl.  "Whatever it is..it can't be good. I can't believe Bolin got himself into this mess. " Mako pinched the bridge of his nose, and sighed in annoyed concern. "Mako, we're going to save your brother, I promise you that."  Korra and Mako stared into each other's eyes.
Neither noticed (e/c) eyes staring at them, before their owner smirked. You grabbed Neo's reigns, and coughed. They turned to him. "If you two are done with your romantic stare down.."They sputtered at him as he continued breezily. "I've found Bo again, but we need to go." Mako cleared his throat and hopped onto Neo's back. "Neo, let's go." You urge, heading towards the other side of town. 
You let Neo, Naga and Pabu rest near the warehouse, and threw clothes at Korra and Mako. "Hey, what are these for (Y/N)?" Korra asked, just as Mako asked, "How'd you get our measurements?" You scoff, tying your hair back, and pulling a headband on to hide your arrow. "Please, have you guys met hyper active airbenders? Instead of chasing them,  I learned how to take measurements discretely. Anyway, we need those to get in to where they're keeping Bolin." They shrugged and went to go get change. 
"You guys go first, and wait for me near the entrance. I'll enter after you guys." You watched as Korra wrapped her arm around Mako. You starred at them, looked at Neo, before laughing at the scene in front of you, your polar bear dog laughing aside you. "O-Okay," you snickered before sobering up. "Wait here for me boy, we'll be back." Neo nudged you, as you adjusted your coat, and heading towards the entrance. 
"This is a private event, no one gets in without a invitation." The guard crossed his arm before you showed him a flyer you grabbed from the man in the park. "The revelation is upon us my brother. Enjoy." He stepped aside and let you in. You walked towards Korra and Mako and gasped at the insane of amount of people gathered. 
"I knew a lot of people hated benders but I've never seen so many in one place." Mako mumbled. "Okay, Korra, you know what to do. Mako and I will go into the crowd and watch for Bolin. Stay safe." You all nodded, before splitting up.  "And now, please welcome your hero, your savior, Amon!" an announcer called out, as said figure rose up from below the stage. You felt tremors running down your back seeing the masked man again. 
'I'm not afraid of him. I'm prepared for him this time.'  "My quest for equality began many many years ago. When I was a boy, my family and I lived on a small farm. We weren't rich, and none of us were benders. This made us very easy targets for the firebender who extorted my father. One day, my father confronted this man, but when he did, that firebender took my family from me, then he took my face." 
Amon turned towards the crowd in front of him. "I've been forced to hide behind a mask, ever since. As you know, the Avatar has recently arrived in Republic City." Suddenly everyone began booing and jeering at the mention of Korra. "And if she were here, she would tell you that bending brings balance to the world, but she is wrong. The only thing bending has brought to the world is suffering." 
You clenched your fists at this accusation. "It has been the cause of every war in every era, but that is about to change.I know you've been wondering what this whole 'revelation?' You are about to get your answer." You and Mako looked at each other in concern, before turning back to the stage. "Since the beginning of time, the spirits have acted as guardians of our world, and they haven spoken to me." 'Pfft, what a load of bison crap.' You snickered to yourself. 
"They say the Avatar has failed humanity, that's why the spirits have chosen me to usher a new era of balance. They have granted me a power that will make equality a reality--The power to take away a person's bending away.....permanently." You couldn't help but gasp along with the crowd. "T-That's imp-possible. T-This guy is insane!" Mako raised an eyebrow at your stuttering, and wrapped an arm around your shoulders in comfort, like he does with Bolin. 
"Now for a demonstration. Please welcome, "Lightning Bolt" Zolt leader of the Triple Triad, and one of the most notorious criminals in Republic City." You watch as said criminal scowled at the crowd. The normals began booing him which resulted him saying back, "Ah, boo yourself!" You laugh at his sarcastic attitude. You watched as other members of the Triple Triad and Bolin be forced to kneel. "There's Bolin." You muttered to Mako. "What's taking Korra so long?" Mako muttered. 
"Zolt has amassed a fortune by extorting and abusing non-benders but his reign of terror is about to come to an end. However, in the interest of fairness, I will give Zolt the chance to fight to keep his bending." The two backed up to give each other space, for a proper battle. "You're going to regret doing that, pal." Zolt smirked before they began fighting back and forth with Zolt getting more and more frustrated and finally began shooting lighting at Amon who moved quickly. 
Amon grabbed Zolt by the back of his neck, and began doing something to him, you started shivering under Mako's arm. The lightning died down, and a burst of flame came from Zolt's hand, before he collapsed. ' W-what  was that?' you thought as Zolt staggered to his feet. "What did you do to me?" he demanded. "Your firebending is gone...forever." Amon turned to the crowd and said strongly: "The era of bending is over. A new era of equality has begun." He raised his fist as the crowd around you begun shifting uncomfortably. "Not yet, (Y/N). We need to wait for Korra." Mako whispered, grabbing your hand stopping you from exposing yourselves. "B-But I can't just sit here and watch these other benders lose--" "I know, but unfortunately we have no choice,"  he hissed, mentally cursing your need to help others at this moment. 
It was at that moment that steam entered the room, causing people to freak out. "Let's go." whispered Mako before you took to the stage, making icicles pop up entrapping Amon and his guards in place. Mako grabbed Bolin while Amon called to you, "You can try and resist all you want (Y/N) but I assure you, you will see things my way." You didn't reply but bended the steam to hide your escape. 
You all run into the alleyway, discarding your clothes. But then heard Neo howling in pain and growling aggravation at the Equalists trying to tame him. You were torn between helping your friends, and helping your animal buddy. Then an Equalist slashed Neo with a knife and that was when you made your decision. You used nearby water to push yourself into the air and used the momentum to kick the enemies away and encased them into ice before sending them into the empty building nearby, effectively knocking him out. You exhaled sharply before turning to Neo's whimpering form, and your friends approaching you, from atop of Naga. You pulled water from you emergency pouch and began moving it across the wound. 
Neo whinned in annoyance and you hummed in acknowledgement. "Sorry boy, I'm almost done. Are you guys okay?" You asked, not allowing yourself to stop healing. "Yes, we're fine. These two are a little fried but otherwise we're good." Neo licked you and stood up, stretching his leg carefully. Naga nudged him with snout before the two were ready to go. "Bo, you can ride with me." You offered a hand to the weary Earthbender. "Thanks for finding me (Y/N)." he mumbled sleepily, as you all escaped. 
You walked wearily behind Korra, shaken from what you witnessed. "Thank goodness, I was just about to send out a search party. Are you two all right?" He placed a hand on both of your shoulders. "Mm-mm." "N-No Uncle." You looked over the ledge before jumping down, using the water to soften your fall, and running off to your mother's tree, exhaling heavily. You didn't blink when you felt the air move behind you. 
"Uncle, when Amon took away the other's bendings, I felt their pain, surprise, and their sorrow, like nothing I've felt before." You turned around and sunk to your knees, feeling small. He sat next to you, draping his cloak over you. "That is because you are an empath, like your mother. She was connected with the spirits in a similar manner. Perhaps it's best if you talk to your gran-gran about this, try and get your mind back in the right place." You peek at him from under your bangs as Nevermore landed near you, and tilted her head curiously.
"Yeah, maybe."
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irresistiibles · 3 years
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so uh, this is a whole monstrosity, but beneath the cut is a plotting call for the event! i have included all of my characters, sorted by location, with blurbs about what they will be doing and possible plots for them. they are just some ideas i came up with and are absolutely not limited to what i put down! anyway, toss this a like and i will hit you up to plot! 
washington dc
asami sato / legend of korra / aware
recently aware and lowkey thankful cause she has more fighting memories from her real life. not actively running out and looking for a fight against these ridiculous creatures but she’s got a taser, real decent martial arts training, and a history of handling herself against much stronger enemies. she’ll be fine, probably looking for a place to bunker down and grabbing anyone who seems like they’re in danger as she goes. worried about korra cause she doesn’t have her memories so she doesn’t know if she can defend herself
plots: could help people. could bunker down with people. could fight monsters with people. could try and build some quick tnt to throw at monsters with people. could try and steal and hotwire a car to get away from monsters with people. lots of opportunities here it’s a party.
blue sargent / the raven cycle / aware
trying to keep out of the way. she doesn’t know if her powers will make the monsters more powerful, but she knows there’s a pretty solid chance and though she is feral enough to fight she doesn’t want to risk it. has a pocket knife and spite for defense but she is under five feet tall and absolutely should not try to take anything on. probably using the chaos as an excuse to steal convenience store tea
plots: someone trying to keep her out of fights. someone she’s bunkered down with. maybe someone with powers she can enhance who’s fighting or something that she helps. 
ciel phantomhive / black butler / aware
he’s tiny and has asthma this is not an ideal situation for him. he does also have a gun but ciel isn’t stupid (most of the time) and definitely knows how to pick his battles. intelligence battles he can handle on his own but strength? absolutely not. will be trying to run and bunker down and potentially find someone who looks bigger and stronger than him to play the pity card of ‘i’m young and tiny and only have one eye’ to try and get some protection.
plots: we aren’t built for fighting so we’re running and bunkering down crew. ciel will be faking some kindness in this event because there’s powers in numbers and if it comes down to it he can trip someone else while running from a monster. someone protecting him like mentioned above. maybe someone who comes and saves his ungrateful ass. legit anything
donna benviento / resident evil / aware
girl is not a fighter. in the game she relies on illusions to fight ethan, which she will be using with any of the monsters possible in order to create escape routes for herself. will be searching for someone familiar since all the people she knows here can be fighters and she hopes like her enough to help her out.
plots: not the type to necessarily help anyone since she’s focused on helping herself, but could give some encouragement to someone else struggling. maybe someone who gets caught in a hallucination she intended for a monster just cause that would be wild. 
entrapta / she-ra / unaware
she’s doing fine. this is the sort of woman who can make explosives on the go. not actively trying to fight monsters but not actively hiding either. she’s curious to an extreme fault and will be interested in all the weird things running around washington. though she knows it isn’t safe she desperately wants a sample and will be trying to find monster corpses or even something she can sneak up on to get one.
plots: someone trying to get her away from danger. someone hanging around her because even though she isn’t hiding she can blow up the monsters and seem safe. someone fighting monsters she’s latched onto planning to get a sample after they kill something
jaskier / the witcher / unaware
lmao he is not doing fine. even if he had his memories mans was a bard and though i think jaskier has a feral side that’s more for like bar fights than monsters. he’ll be working on hiding though he’s a little shit and won’t be able to stop himself from peaking out to try and get a story for a song from all of this. lowkey think he’ll run into a monster from the witcher and trigger some memories because i am ready to know some stuff if not everything.
plots: if anyone wants to offer this man any defense that would be cool. anyone he bunkers down with. someone stuck hearing his song ideas because he’ll probably be composing as he goes like an absolute fool. anyone who witnesses him get caught by a monster and have to stick with the defense of attempting to punch it in the face and run lol. i’m cool with whatever
karolina dean / marvel’s runaways / unaware
though she is unaware karolina is luckily aware of her powers and will be using them to get herself through this. her powers aren’t reallysomething she uses often and they do cause her to become exhausted after extended use so that’s definitely a possible problem.
plots: asdfaldsfkj
lavender brown / harry potter / aware 
just thinking about the last time monsters came to life in the city and is very unhappy about it. mostly trying to hide she did not fuck with this the last time it happened and she does not fuck with it now. knows a little bit of fighting magic if it really comes down to it. will follow people to where they bunker down
plots: someone she gets stuck fighting a monster with despite wanting to dip (could develop into reluctant fighting pals). hiding buddies.  someone who helps her if she panics and just trying to hide in a dark street. legit whatever
lily evans / harry potter / unaware
she is without magic or a wand or memories and doing her best with pepper spray and a decent chunk of anger. will be trying to help people despite her lack of defenses cause she’s foolish. very well may be dying in this because i want her memories back and this feels like an opportunity (considering the other ideas i have had are all awful)  
plots: anyone she helps. anyone who helps her/drags her away from danger when she attempts to run right in. if anyone wants something big she could die trying to protect someone i’m open to options
river song / doctor who / semi-aware
let’s be real this is not the most dangerous situation river has ever been in. i would love to say she’s using her competence to help people but unfortunately she’s probably using the chaos as an excuse to rob high end stores. may help someone in a real casual aloof way where she’s passing by and shoots and monster but it’s not really a moral obligation thing rip. a little worried about where her mom is cause she just found out she definitely has a mom, so she can’t just lose her.
plots: someone she casually helps and then tries to dip from immediately. anyone interested in theft. may go to some fighting for the fun of it so if anyone wants to join she will be down
michiru kaioh / sailor moon / aware
very unhappy about the situation. mostly wants to find haruka considering the last real bad situation in washington had her seeing her dead body so. may provide a little protection along the way but she’s definitely on the colder side and is not meant to be a full time protector for anyone. will probably be transformed in her sailor neptune form to be able to handle the situation as best as possible
plots: someone she helps but tries to ditch. someone who asks her for help who she refuses. maybe someone who sees her fighting and comes by to join only for her to be like ‘oh you got this? i’m out then thanks for handling it.’ 
pansy parkinson / harry potter / aware
planning on following her successful plan that she carried out during jumanji, raiding a liquor store and finding a place to hide. will not be as easy as it was during the storm of course, but i think she’ll still kinda manage it. may get in a fight or two on the way there but that’s about it. maybe she could get injured or something lol whatever works
plots: drinking assholes buddies baby! if she does get a little injured someone for that thread (where she would probably be stupid enough to try and clean out an injury with her drinks). could save someone by accident. someone who witnesses theft lmao and has whatever reaction you want.
quinn fabray / glee / aware
uuuh quinn has many skills but none of them are made for this situation. i guess she can run kinda fast from cheerleading so that’s her best hope. it’s her one and only plan and she will be attempting to just run and hide. is not making an attempt to fight because she’s not stupid and knows anything out there could snap her in half.
plots: someone who offers some protection/saves her from a monster. bunker buddies. some regular human she’s camping out hiding with where they’re both like ‘what the actual fuck is going on in this city???’
tessa gray / the infernal devices / unaware
so she technically has magic but does she know how to use it? absolutely the fuck not. might use a tiny bit in self defense because she’s understandably very freaked out by all of this. like she knows there’s some supernatural stuff but she’s never prepared for this level of things. kinda stuck between wanting to save herself and feeling like she should help people but not knowing how so she does neither as a result. her main plan of defense is stabbing someone despite having no idea how to do so
plots: some sort of help for this victorian woman trying to survive. someone around if she accidentally uses magic to defend herself with no idea how. someone she helps get to safety. 
toph beifong / avatar the last airbender / aware
lets be real she’s having a blast. loves to fight and loves fighting in a situation where she doesn’t have to worry about morals and wow should you hurt this person?? obviously monsters can be hurt so she’s in the clear and will be throwing boulders without any hesitation. lowkey thriving and running into chaos headfirst. 
plots: though it wouldn’t be out of kindness she could help people or shield them or whatever. fighting buddies. someone who decides to stick by her cause she can clearly take out monsters. anything.
zagreus / hades / aware
honestly has spent the most recent part of his life fighting his way out of the underworld so this is not too crazy for him. he’s also died a lot so his concern for his own life is minimum. will be fighting and trying to help because he is a well meaning boy who doesn’t think people should be involved in this stuff if they don’t want to be. though earth was supposed to be better than this and is kinda thrown off and maybe a little sad.
plots: anyone he helps by saving from a monster or leading to safety. could steal a weapon off of someone lol. someone he starts questioning mid battle about whether or not this a common thing on earth
zhongli / genshin impact / aware
this man is very difficult to kill. he can summon meteors and shield himself from damage lmao. probably trying to take out as many monsters as possible but like in a for the greater good to save the people sort of way. reasons killing things is more helpful in the long term than slowly saving on person after another. 
plots: could shield someone from an attack last minute. battle buddies. someone he accidentally frightens by calling down a whole ass meteor and handling that. will save people if they get stuck in combat just not helping people to safety or anything, so there’s options. 
the island
albedo / genshin impact / aware
not gonna lie albedo is not nearly as worried as he should be. the man is bad at having emotional reactions to anything. if anything he’s really intrigued to be on a new location and will be trying to get plant and soil samples despite everything else going on.
plots: someone trying to get him to safety would be funny since it would be a very difficult task.  maybe someone also just vibing with him. a research partner who he just pulls in by accident because he’s like ‘hey get me some of those flowers over there’ and they’re thrown off or whatever to the point where they just do it. 
alec lightwood / shadowhunters / aware
a nervous man trying not to come off as nervous. will mostly be looking for magnus/issy, and turn out to subsequently be very unhappy when he realizes they aren’t there/are in washington (if one of them texts him). from there it’ll be about helping people and trying to keep people safe. this isn’t the sort of dangerous situation he’s used to dealing with (turns out you can’t fight the weather with a bow and arrow) but he’s heavily trained and will manage well enough himself and feels semi obligated to help regular humans survive
plots: any people he’s helping try to keep out of danger. someone aware of his concerns about his people back in washington. uuh literally anything he will be working real hard to play it cool but it’s hard when the people you care about are who knows how far aware and cell service is hard to get in a monsoon or lightning storm (he may try and find the tallest areas to scale just to try and get a text out so if anyone wants to join him they’re welcome to) 
esther mckinnon / harry potter / aware
mentally cursing magic and all of the nonsense that comes with it that refuses to leave her alone so she can chill. luckily, though she’s not amazing with much magic she was always slightly better with defensive stuff or charms rather than straight up attack battle magic. luckily she’s been keeping her wand on her more often than usual cause dying will do that to a person. trying to find/contact her family and survive
plots: sort of survival crew sort of deal. she’s probably half tempted to see if she can swim back to washington so someone should talk her down
gerry keay / the magnus archives / aware
similar to esther is real tired of magic stuff or cult stuff or whatever it is and is kinda pissed to still be a part of it. he’s kinda concerned this has something to do with the entities and will be running around a bit looking for answers at the start before deciding that isn’t happening and just being tired of it. also pretty sure he’s survived worse so don’t be surprised to see him smoking a cigarette through a storm somehow acting like things are chill. is nice and wants to help people even if he doesn’t seem like it so will probably move into action the second he sees anyone struggling.
plots: if your character is tired of this shit and wants to share a cigarette they are more than welcome. he will help people in whatever way he can. someone needs to tell him you can’t fight the weather with arson because that’s the only move he’s got.
glinda upland / wicked / aware
lowkey a little pissed she was not given a warning about all of this so she could at least show up in a proper beach outfit. real tempted to just hide in her bubble and float in that until this is over but isn’t sure if that would actually help. also has bad memories when it comes to extreme weather conditions. can use some magic to try and help herself with but glinda is not built for thinking under pressure so big rip
plots: someone offering her some help she needs it. someone who witnesses her attempting to keep her hair styled throughout all of this. literally whatever.
haruhi fujioka / ouran high school host club / aware
a little too confident and bad at accepting help. will be doing their best to get through this on their own, and probably semi managing but not as good as they could with some help, especially considering they are human and so many others are not. will offer others help even though their biggest and best plan is to hide however possible
plots: reluctantly accepted help. maybe the opposite of someone trying to offer help and haruhi adamantly refusing. a hiding crew of sort, where haruhi would stick with someone else under the assumption that more eyes in better and she’s still mostly handling herself.
jin ling / the untamed / unaware
stubborn like haruhi, but will recognize his limits much faster. kinda overconfident with a habbit of running headfirst into things and them directly going to shit. lowkey thinking he could get injured and get some flashes of his memories back but not become completely aware, just a sense of things. hoping his dog is safe back home
plots: please someone help this boy dear god. if i do go with an injury maybe someone pulling him out of whatever shit he gets himself into. any sort of group safety or help that can deal with him being a little mean because that’s just how he is unfortunately. 
kyoshi / avatar the last airbender / unaware
‘let kyoshi bend a meteor’ an admin said to me as a joke but you know what? she could so why not! will be attempting to utilize the bending she barely understands to get through the weather and will probably be semi successful considering she’s best at bending giant amounts of elements rather than precise bending. will be keeping herself safe but nervous about anyone being near her due to not feeling in control
plots: someone she saves with her bending. someone that could get hurt from her bending something into them accidentally (though probably not too seriously). someone hanging around her to stay safe but it’s just making her nervous but she doesn’t want to tell them to leave her alone so it’s a struggle all around
namaari / and the last dragon / aware
is used to surviving in difficult weather situations. not this bad but like, it’s not so far out of her comfort zone that she’s absolutely screwed. probably has a good instinct for it. doesn’t trust super easily so will not be super jazzed about joining a group but could go with a person or two.
plots: someone she impulsively helps. someone who helps her and she gets stuck feeling like she has to thank them and hangs around till she gets a chance to repay them (or she ditches them to save her own skin). working together but she’s clearly hesitant with them
pearl / steven universe / aware
she’ll be good. i mean very confused and concerned about how she got out of the city, but interested in finding out how it all works. will be trying to do some research around the horrible weather. is also a very fast builder and could probably manage some shelter. if she decides there’s nothing to find may try and establish a place to just stay at and deal with the weather. does have a moral compass and will attempt to help people.
plots: someone she helps/saves. any people interested in looking for answers with her that don’t have enough concern about the weather situation. can try and build some protection structures for people.
rita skeeter / harry potter / aware
real tempted to turn into a bug and just bury in the dirt until this is all over. may start that way even until earthquake kicks in and that doesn’t feel safe either. will be a beetle for some of it though. luckily most of her magic skill is in defense (she has always prepared for the day someone snaps and tries to punch her) so she’ll kinda manage, but is a selfish bitch only out for herself so do not expect much from her in terms of help. will try and start doing interviews on the island despite the craziness to prep for the article she’s gonna write after
plots: someone she starts trying to interview mid chaos. someone who pulls her out of danger while she’s filming something. lmao if someone wants to see her turn out of a bug for the laughs (or discovering she’s an illegal animagus) that could happen i’m down for whatever
victor nikiforov / yuri on ice / aware
sir is absolutely not built for this. nothing in his career has built him for this, it’s just made him a charismatic egomaniac with bad knees and ankles. probably makes a snapchat story along the lines of ‘someone come save me i’m a national treasure.’
plots: will cling onto people for help so anyone stuck with him. could offer money in return for people with any form of protection/support. making unfortunate snapchat stories/instagram posts as it goes. let him pull some people into the wildest selfies ever.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Just Around the Riverbend
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Category: Hurt/Comfort, Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Characters: Korra, Asami
Korra’s arms were fluid in motion. Eyes closed, she glided her arms back and forth in front of her. The water of the river mimicked her motions; like a lithe snake, a stream of it flowed before her with gentle ripples and gurgles. She opened her eyes to observe the crystal-clear water refracting the sunlight, making it seem like diamonds skipped across its poppling surface. It made Korra smile; though she’d long since mastered all the elements (and saved the world a few times over), she’d always had that particular affinity for the water. 
After feeling satisfied with her morning training, she allowed the water to splash back down into the river. It startled the fish that were swimming around her legs and nipping curiously at her tanned skin; after the initial disturbance, they eased their way back in, brushing their silvery scales against her legs as they inspected her. Though the fresh, ice-cold ice of the polar caps would forever be her favorite, Korra had to admit that rivers were nice, too. She enjoyed the spongy mud squishing between her toes, the kiss of the water grasses brushing against her calves, the gurgle of the water as it followed the current way, way down to the sea. 
She inhaled, then exhaled deeply, trying to get her muscles to relax— but nope. As ever, they held just a bit of tension under the surface, the expectation that something loomed on the horizon. Though the conflict with Kuvira had been months and months ago, Korra had yet to abandon that feeling that something else would come along. She’d grown so used to being high-strung, always on the edge of battle, that she’d forgotten what peace felt like. 
She missed it. 
Korra groaned and squatted down in the water, sinking down until the water lapped just at the underside of her nose. She stared across the river at a frog perching on a log that was half-buried in the murky bottom. It blinked at her, and she blinked at it, and then the frog licked its eyeball. She stretched out her tongue, trying to stretch it up, but she only got far enough to lick above her lips. All she’d really succeeded in was slobbering all over herself and flooding her mouth with river water. Disappointed by her failure, the frog hopped off the log to splunk into the river and swim down into the reeds. 
Korra just continued to crouch there, tense and aching and ill at ease. 
She turned as her name floated over the breeze, looking up the small sandy slope of the river bank. The person called her name again, and a smile bloomed on Korra’s lips. Asami, she realized and stood up to greet the ravenette as she came to the top of the riverbank. The hair ruffled Asami’s voluminous blac k hair as she stood at the top of the small hill, hands on her hips; water cascaded down Korra’s form as she stood in the river, arms outstretched with glee. 
“You’ve been at it all morning. I was worried you’d drowned,” Asami joked. 
“Me? Drown? I’d be a disappointment of a waterbender,” Korra laughed. 
Asami smiled at that, then gently picked her way down to the edge of the river. Korra watched her with a dreamy smile; she had such a way of making everything she did like pure magic. It made Korra’s heart flutter in her chest like the winds rippling the surface of the water around her. Asami reached out a hand to steady herself on the slick rocks, and Korra took it without question. 
Asami smiled sweetly at her while she stepped down into the sand, and Korra melted into a pile of mush. She felt like the river would carry her gooey body away. 
“Thanks,” Asami hummed when she finally settled down at the edge of the river. Her heels dug into the soft sand, but she didn’t seem to mind. Korra remained in the river, swirling her fingertips over the surface to create little whirlpools under her hands. Even with Asami there, the stress simmered under the surface, making her smiling lips constantly want to tug down into a frown. She knew that she had no reason to worry anymore, but her body just didn’t seem to wanna get the memo. 
“Korra, love,” Asami said, and Korra looked up at her with furrowed brows. There was a serious edge to Asami’s voice. Was something wrong? Asami reached out to ghost her fingers over the bottom of Korra’s jaw, collecting the river water that was coalescing there. “Something’s bothering you.” 
Ah. She should have known that she couldn’t get anything past Asami. Korra smiled shyly, twisting her body from side to side while Asami continued to pet her cheek. 
“I, well,” she stumbled over her words, unsure just how to voice what she was feeling. “I guess I’m just… apprehensive.” 
“I don’t know. I feel like something bad is coming, even though I know it’s not. Does that make sense?” 
Asami hummed in understanding, which made Korra’s body unknot a little in relief. She was afraid that it would sound silly, worrying over nothing. Asami perched herself onto a smooth rock to tug off her boots and roll her pants up. Korra backed away from the riverbank so Asami could slip in and stand in the shallows, the water lapping at her upper thighs. When Asami reached for her, Korra nearly jumped to put her hands in hers, making Asami chuckle. 
“Love, that makes perfect sense. Think about what you’ve been through.” 
Yeah, Korra supposed nearly dying, going through excruciating rehabilitation, losing your memory, and saving the world from certain doom several times could make someone a little paranoid. 
“You’ve devoted so much time to preparing for what’s around the bend,” Asami said while rubbing soothing circles into the tops of her hands, “that you’ve forgotten what it means to stop and savor the river you’re in.” Korra looked down at the water they were standing in— the currents swirling around their hips, the fish flitting between their legs, the grasses and reeds swaying in the underwater current. 
She looked back up with an unsure expression.
“How do I remember?” She didn’t want to feel this way anymore. It was exhausting, holding in that tension with no way to release it. She felt like a piece of wire being twisted tighter and tighter and tighter, and sooner or later she would snap into sharp, frayed ends. She didn’t want to cut anyone who tried to help. “How do I stop thinking about what may come?”
Sensing her growing apprehension, Asami tutted comfortingly and reached up to cup her cheek. Korra leaned into her touch, appreciating how the warmth of her smooth palm complimented the cool water running in rivulets down her skin. Asami tilted her head to the side as she smiled gently, her eyes scrunching up just a bit. 
“You think about what you have right now,” Asami answered. 
“I have you,” Korra blinked, and Asami’s soft smile widened. She leaned in to press their foreheads together, and Korra’s eyes fluttered at the gesture. “I have you,” she repeated, softer, and entwined her fingers with Asami’s in the hand she was still holding. Asami’s other hand shifted back to thread into her chestnut hair and play with the dampened ends. Korra abandoned herself to that moment, focusing on the beautiful young woman before her and how much love she felt for her— and suddenly, the future didn’t seem so scary. 
Instead of hardship and strife and battles, she began to think of Asami— playing in the water with their giggles like bubbles above their heads, lying on their backs in the sweet grasses while they watched the clouds drift lazily across the azure sky, holding one another close as the moonlight filtered into their window. Hope that she hadn’t felt in a long time bubbled up inside of her. That seemed like a lovely future, a kind future— a future she could look forward to. 
“Yeah,” Korra smiled. Asami cooed as the tears bloomed in Korra’s eyes, then dripped down her cheeks to join the river water still glossing the bottom half of her face. “Yeah, I have you, and I’ll always have you.” 
“Yes you will,” Asami purred. “Does that make you feel better?” 
“Mhmm!” Korra nodded. “Now… I’m not really afraid of what’s just around the riverbend. If anything, I’m a little excited because I get to see it with you.” 
Asami laughed at that. Korra loved Asami’s laugh; it was so pretty, like windchimes in the breeze. Grateful for her girlfriend’s comfort, Korra moved forward to wrap her up in a tight hug. Asami wound her arms around her hips to hold her close while Korra snuggled into her neck to breathe in her scent of floral perfume and oil. It was a strange combination, but Korra had always thought it smelled nice. She closed her eyes, savoring Asami’s presence, and then— 
Her stomach growled. 
Korra’s face flushed dark red at the absolutely mortifying sound of her stomach gurgling loudly in her belly. Asami laughed again, but when she tried to pull back, Korra clung to her so she wouldn’t have to show her bright red face. 
“Korra, it’s okay,” Asami laughed. Damn it, why was her laugh so cute? Instead of making her more embarrassed, it was making her head all fuzzy and cottony. “Korra. Sweetheart. Why don’t we go get some breakfast?” 
It was hard to focus on how embarrassed you were when the offer of food was put on the table. 
“Okay,” Korra mumbled, peeling herself away from Asami. Still mildly mortified, she hung her head low with her lips jutting out in a pout. Asami laughed again and squeezed her hand, which Korra was still holding. 
“Come on. Let’s go.” 
Korra allowed Asami to pull her out of the river. While Asami tugged her boots back on, Krra cast her gaze to the river, where it bent around some large rocks to disappear into the unknown. When she woke up this morning, she would have been afraid what beast lurked in that beyond. Now… She felt like she could face anything, as long as Asami was by her side.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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paige-from-my-book · 3 years
Here’s another little bit from my Korra fanfic! (Yes this scene is based off of the scene from atla where Toph thought it was Sokka that saved her when it was really Suki)
“A scuffle breaks out. I try to stay by Bolin’s side, but soon enough, we’re all separated in the chaos. 
“I know you’re hiding him! Where is he?!” Boulder man shouts. I don’t have to see him to know who he probably has cornered.
“‘Sami!” I exclaim. I punch the woman standing in front of me to clear the way. Another man is running towards me, clearly ready to keep me from getting to my friend. I use my running start to give me momentum as I drop down to slide under his grasp. I’ll worry about the pavement burn later. 
My friend is about ten feet away, being held against the railing by the guy that had given us trouble at the gym. He’s holding her by the collar as Bolin struggles with someone behind him. I can’t get to her in time before Bolin and his opponent stumble into Boulder man and he loses his grip on her.
“Asami!” I hear Mako yell right before a splash reaches my ears. “Asami, I’m coming!” He has one leg over the guard rail, but before he can finish climbing over, another guy tackles him to the cement. 
“Help! I can’t swim!” I hear from the river below. 
I know she’s on the other side of the bridge by now, which isn’t as crowded, so I jump onto the guard rail and use it to launch myself into the cold water. The current splashes around me, so I use it and my limbs to propel myself to where I see Asami. I grab a hold of her and kick to the shore, pulling her onto myself to get her out of the water. I’m laying with my back on the ground and she’s on her stomach on top of me now. Suddenly the cold water doesn’t bug me anymore. 
“Mako, you saved me!” she exclaims right before planting a kiss on my cheek. When she pulls back, she places her hand on my cheek, as if she’s about to pull me in for a deep kiss on my lips. 
My brain stops working as her lips come into view. I know I shouldn’t want this kiss so much. I know her hand on my cheek shouldn’t make me as warm as it does. There’s no way she could see me like that. She’s only doing this because she thinks I’m her ex. But I can’t help my lips from itching to feel her breath on them. She’s just your friend, I remind myself. 
Her small, green eyes get wide when they meet mine and her mouth gapes open when she realizes who had actually saved her and whose cheek she’d just kissed. “Korra.”
“Hey, ‘Sami,” I eek out, giving her a timid half smile. I can feel my cheeks getting hot. 
Asami looks mortified and her cheeks grow red as she turns back to the river. “I’m…. I’m just gonna go back and drown now.” 
I can’t stop from laughing as I embrace her, feeling shivers come on. “Let’s get you into some dry clothes.””
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This is my @atlawinterfest2020 gift for @kor-ra
I hope you enjoy it. It is posted on FanFiction.net and AO3
A clock rang out in the small studio apartment in Republic City, it shrill chirp chirp chirp echoing throughout the small, cramped space. The apartment was adorned with little furniture, two pieces to be exact. Tucked into the corner farthest from the door was a bed big enough for two and positioned against the back wall was a couch so old the cushions had permanently molded to the shape of a person. Upon this couch lay a woman, half asleep as she tried to untangle herself from the mess of blankets surrounding her.
Roused by the sounding of the alarm clock Korra rubbed at her eyes, clearing her vision so she could better see the time. Damn. It’s five already? Dinner is in an hour and I look like I just woke up after hibernating all winter. With a reluctant sigh Korra heaved herself up off the well-worn couch, and made her way to the tiny bathroom, and into the even smaller shower.
Forty-five minutes later Korra was idly pacing through the kitchen, counting down the minutes until Asami arrived to take her to dinner. She glanced down at her dress, feeling a little self-conscious about how she looked in it. The pale blue dress fell to just above her knees, its soft fabric hugging her waist and hips, accentuating the many curves of her body. She was beginning to feel more and more self-conscious about the dress, and had nearly convinced herself to go change, when the doorbell rang.
“Coming!” Korra yelled as she stopped her pacing and walked over to the door. Korra pulled the door open to reveal a raven-haired woman in a dress of ruby that stretched from her shoulders down to just above her ankles. Korra froze as she saw her girlfriend standing in her doorway, her mind momentarily short-circuiting as she tried to process the gorgeous woman in front of her.
“Korra. Korra. Korra!” Asami said, increasing the volume each time she tried to get her girlfriend’s attention
“Huh? Oh uh… you look…” Korra stammered.
“Thank you,” Asami laughed as Korra continued to babble incoherently, “and you look dazzling yourself. Now come on, we’re going to be late. Bolin and Opal are probably already at the restaurant,”. Asami grabbed Korra’s hand and led her out the door.
Halfway across Republic City, in a similar apartment, another couple was getting ready for dinner. Bolin bounced slightly as he waited for Opal to put on her finishing touches. He walked aimlessly around the cramped space he and Opal called home, his mind wandering off into dreams and memories. Most of them were about Opal. Lost within his daydreams Bolin didn’t notice as she walked out of their tiny bedroom, adorned in a short dress the color of pine needles.
“Ready to go?” Opal asked, startling Bolin, his daydream coming to an abrupt halt as her voice brought him back to reality.
“Not just yet,” Bolin said, a lopsided grin emerging on his face. “I need a minute or two to take in the beauty that stands before me,”.
“Shut up,” Opal replied, her cheeks reddening at his flirtatious comment.
“Why?” Bolin whined sarcastically, “I can’t help but comment on how amazing my girlfriend looks,”.
Opal’s face became two shades redder upon hearing this. Trying to keep her composure she said, “Come on Bolin, we have to get going. Besides you can complement me as much as you would like on the ride to the restaurant.”
Both couples arrived at the restaurant without much delay and were quickly moved to be seated at their table. As they made their way through the maze of tables Korra took in the sights of the restaurant. People sat together in little pods around their individual tables, families, couples, and friends spread across the vast dining area. She also picked up on little bits of conversation as they moved past these different groups, their contents meaningless to anyone but those participating.
Soon they were at the semi-secluded table tucked away against the back wall of the restaurant. They sat and began speaking of small things. The conversation continued like this for a long while, every so often being interrupted by their waiter. After a short while their food arrived, and the conversation lulled as they all focused on the plates in front of them. Bolin and Korra attacked their food with the vicious ferocity known only to a starved animal, while Asami and Opal approached their meals in a more methodical manner.
“It’s so nice to see you guys,” Opal said, putting down her fork in order to resume the conversation. “It’s been so long since we’ve been able to get together and have a night to relax with you guys. With Korra busy with her Avatar duties, Asami running her company, Bolin helping Zhu Li, and my work with the Air Nomads we barely have any down time.”
“I know! I’ve been needing a night out for a while now,” replied Korra, her plate nearly empty. “By the way, didn’t you said there was a special reason why you were inviting us out tonight?”.
“Uh… Yeah. Yeah, we did,” Bolin said nervously.
“What is it?” Korra and Asami said in unison. “Is it exciting?” Korra followed.
“You could say that,” Opal said as she raised her left hand showing off a silver ring, a small opal set into it. The iridescent stone glittered slightly in the artificial illumination of the restaurant.
“Oh, my spirits!” Asami said, her face erupting into an expression usually reserved for children when they receive a new toy.
“When did it happen?” Korra shrieked, an expression similar to her girlfriend’s rapidly emerging onto her face.
“Two days ago,” Bolin said, excitement leaking out of him with every word.
“It was really romantic,” Opal said as she looked over at Bolin, her love for him as clear as water fresh from a mountain stream. “I was walking around Air Temple Island when Pabu comes running up to me with a note in his mouth. The letter read something along the lines of ‘Dear Opal, I am very hurt. Please come get me. Love, Your Bolin’. I start sprinting after Pabu, and after five minutes of running we finally come to as stop at a small bluff overlooking the harbor. When I get there, to my surprise, I do not see a injure Bolin, but instead him sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket next to him,” she said exuberantly. Turning to look at Bolin she said, “Would you like to tell them what you said to me when I found you there?”
“I said, ‘We never did get to have that picnic I planned. I’d like to do it right this time.’ And then I got down on one knee and said, ‘Opal you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. I love you more than anything else in this world, and I want to continue to show my love to you for the rest of our lives. Will you, Opal Beifong, marry me?”.
Everyone one gushed over the news they had just now learned. Their dinner continued, though it was frequently interrupted by Korra or Asami making a comment about their newly engaged friends. The content of these comments ranged from admiration of the ring, to when the wedding would be, to who else they had told.
“Mako is the only one who knows,” Bolin said in response to this last comment.
“We wanted everyone in the group to know before we told everyone else,” Opal explained, a little giddy due to all the attention she was receiving.
Soon dinner came to an end and the couples said their long goodbyes, sending each other off in their own directions.
Bolin and Opal soon arrived at their apartment; their breathing slightly heavy due to the seven flights of stair they had just climbed in order to reach their floor. They made their way into the small space and moved directly to the couch that they both loved, even if it was a little ragged along the edges. Reaching over Opal’s shoulder, Bolin grabbed a blanket, which he proceeded to wrap around himself and his new fiancé. Opal leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder as he pulled her closer, wrapping one arm around her as he intertwined their fingers. They sat like this for an eternity, admiring the view of Air Temple Island just past their window.
“I love you,” Opal said, her voice barely a whisper.
“I love you too,” Bolin said, the truth of his words showing itself in his expression as he bent down to kiss his beautiful fiancé.
Not long after this short, but intimate, exchange of words they both fell in a calm sleep, still wrapped in each other’s arms.
Across Republic City, inside a similar apartment, stood another couple locked in a gentle embrace. Near them stood a fireplace made of grey river stones, the fire within it the only thing lighting the small space that surrounded the two women.
Korra gazed lovingly at her girlfriends as she ran her hand through her thick black hair. Slowly she moved her and Asami onto the well-loved couch, positioning them so Asami sat in her lap, head resting upon Korra’s chest. They sat like this for a awhile, Korra playing with Asami’s hair as they both watched the fire.
Time seemed to slow when they were like this. Asami laid there thinking about how at peace she was, how comfortable she was, when Korra leaned her head out so it was above Asami’s and bent down to lay a soft, tender kiss on her girlfriend’s lips. Their kiss continued for a short while, but soon, and prematurely Korra felt, they pulled apart.
“I love you,” Asami said, looking up at the person she cherished most in this world.
“I love you too,” Korra said as she leaned down to initiate another kiss.
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thedoctornumber11 · 4 years
Munday post
I figured maybe this week I’d do a different type of Munday.  Most of my long time roleplay partners already know me quite a bit and I also try to introduce myself to newer partners as well, however I figured this could be a good chance for everyone to really get to know me.  I’m including everything under a read more not because long post and also because I know not everyone likes seeing this type of thing.  It’s just a bunch of random facts about me and my favorite things along with a munday pic under the cut.  I didn’t want to just throw out a munday picture like most would do.  I’ve done that plenty of times before and there’s nothing wrong with it, I just felt like doing something a bit more unique and different this time that might really give people a chance to get to know me :D
So long post under the cut.
So, first off, my name is Derek.  I’m the mun.  I just recently turned 30 and I’m from Indiana.  I work in a preschool, essentially as a glorified baby sitter.  I help the teachers get their breaks.  
I’ve been interacting on here since November of 2013 and I’ve had this exact blog with this exact URL the entire time.  I wanted something really generic and not just a quote or something like that.  I first tried TheEleventhDoctor, but obviously that was taken so this ended up being what I went with.  As for the theme, it too was made a VERY long time ago.  The TARDIS theme with the opening doors on the TARDIS actually used to be quite popular when I first started interacting on here, particularly with the Doctor Who RP fandom.  Although I’m the only one I see with it these days, if you go looking for older Doctor Who blogs that have gone inactive you are actually likely to find a few other blogs with it.  As for the background picture, I found that one myself except for the part with Matt Smith/The Eleventh Doctor edited on.  That part was done by someone I used to interact with who just surprised me with it one day and unfortunately isn’t on Tumblr anymore :(  Having been on this platform for so long I’ve obviously seen a lot of blogs come and go and I miss every single last one of them :(  However I also enjoy everyone I currently interact with and would recommend almost any of them.  Seriously, if anyone is looking for new people to interact with, let me know you are looking for people and what fandoms you enjoy and I can probably recommend a few blogs!
Outside of Tumblr RP, I enjoy video games, yugioh, reading comics, general super hero related stuff, watching movies, playing Pokemon Go (I help run the local PoGo community) general board games, watching my shows, figure collecting, and cosplay, most of which I’m sure is stuff many of you also enjoy.  My fandoms include Doctor Who (obviously), DC, Star Wars, The Legend of Korra/ATLA (I’m one of the few that likes LoK more than ATLA), Marvel, Star Trek, Firefly, Power Rangers, The Walking Dead, Yugioh, Pokemon, Sherlock, general Nintendo fandom, Digimon and Harry Potter.
Here’s a few things about me in list form.
My favorite musician is Weird Al Yankovic.  
My favorite book is Look Me in the Eye by John Elder Robbison.  As someone who’s been diagnosed with aspergers syndrome myself, this book really spoke to me in my original read through and since then I’ve purchased it multiple times.  I own at least three or four different copies of this book, partially because I kept loaning it out to people.
My favorite book series is the Harry Potter series.  Don’t ask me for a favorite book in the series, I love them all about equally.  
As for comics, right now my favorite thing I’m reading is the Power Rangers series that Boom is putting out.  Some of my favorites of all time include Power Ranger Soul of the Dragon, the Star Trek TNG/Doctor Who crossover, the Power Rangers/Justice League Crossover, the original Spider-Gwen series, Poison Ivy Cycle of Life and Death, The Dark Knight Returns (I know anything Frank Miller related is a bit controversial but I enjoy it for what it is) and Batman: Hush.
Favorite movies include UHF, Scott Pilgrim VS the World, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Captain America the First Avenger, Avengers End Game, the Justice League movie, anything and everything DC animated, anything and everything Spider-Man related (yes, I even like Spider-Man 3 although it wasn’t as good as the others), anything Star Wars related although I’d say Force Awakens is my favorite one, the 2017 Power Rangers movie, Serenity, The Lego movie and it’s sequel, Yugioh Bonds Beyond Time, Mystery Men, Galaxy Quest, all the Star Trek movies, the corny 90′s Mario movie, the Doctor Who movie, and Detective Pikachu.  Really, any of the Marvel and DC movies could probably make this list as well, I’m not super picky when it comes to movies.
Favorite TV shows is something I am a bit pickier about.  Doctor Who is obviously on the list, and I’ve watched and enjoyed most of the Marvel and DC live action stuff although I have a huge preference for the arrowverse and 70′s Wonder Woman.  Animated stuff tends to vary but a lot of the older stuff from the early and mid 90′s seems to be best for that.  Power Rangers is obviously on the list as well, along with The Walking Dead, Digimon, Avatar the Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Sherlock, Yugioh, Firefly, and off the top of my head that’s about it.  Everyone always assumes I’m huge into anime as well, but I’m not actually that into it.  Just not my thing.
Now video games has potential to be my longest list as it’s easily my favorite medium of story telling due to the interactivity.  First off, Nintendo and Playstation are my general consoles of choice.  Nothing against Xbox, I have a lot of respect for the brand but I can’t really afford to have three consoles (even though I wish I could) and Nintendo and Sony have more offerings for me personally.  I also do dabble on PC a bit, but I don’t really have a high end PC and it’s mostly just for Sims.  That being said, my favorite games and game series include Watch_Dogs, The Sims, Mario (mostly the “main series,” 3D games and 2D platformers but I do enjoy some of the off series stuff like Mario Kart and Mario Party as well) , Pokemon, Super Smash Brothers, The Force Unleashed series, Injustice, most of the Spider-Man games, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider, most of the Batman games, Wario Ware, The Last of Us (still haven’t played the sequel yet.  Waiting to get it for cheap after seeing reviews), Days Gone, Control, Horizon Zero Dawn, No Man’s Sky, 51 Worldwide Classics for Switch, No Man’s Sky, the Tony Hawk Games (still haven’t played the new one yet), Time Splitters, The Movies, Hulk Ultimate Destruction, Zombies Ate My Neighbhors, Kirby, The Legend of Korra game (the 3d one, not the really bad one for 3DS), Donkey Kong, Street Fighter 2, Punch Out, Metal Gear Solid 5 the Phantom Pain, Sonic Heroes, and the list could go on and on.
My favorite drink is root beer or chocolate milkshakes if that counts
My favorite alcoholic drink is probably just a basic screwdriver tbh
My favorite food is Cheeseburgers, although Chicken Pot Pie is also a top contender tbh
My favorite color is green
My favorite Doctor is Eleventh obviously, but Thirteen, Two and Twelve are tied for second
Favorite companions are Amy, River (if she counts), and Donna
Favorite New Who episode is The Eleventh Hour
Favorite Classic Who story is Genesis of the Daleks
Since I’ve mentioned super heroes a lot, my favorites are Batman, Wonder Woman and Spider-Man, although Supergirl, Batgirl, Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow are also pretty high on the list.
Favorite game in the Pokemon series is X and Y
Dragonite is my favorite Pokemon
Favorite 3D Mario game is Odyssey although Sunshine would be next up on the list.
This is my only Tumblr RP blog.  I also have an ask meme blog and I used to have a personal but I haven’t logged onto it in years.
I’m on discord and I do add people from Tumblr on there, but I mostly only use it for Pokemon Go tbh
I spend every Wednesday and Sunday at the local comic book shop playing Yugioh
For anyone wondering in relation to that last fact, my current competitive deck Barrier Stun.  Some of my favorite casual decks that I play or have played in the past are Lightsworn, Blue-Eyes, E-Heroes, Greed, Sacred Beasts, Penguins and Six Samurai.
In the last decade I’ve moved about 3 times
I own pets!  I have one dog and one cat currently, but a few years back when we lived in a more country like setting, we owned 7 cats and 2 dogs at maximum.  Most of them died of old age over the last few years.
Before my current job I used to work at Walmart.  Long time followers of the blog may remember that I hated it there.
I don’t have a whole lot of writing experience outside of Tumblr tbh.  While I do enjoy writing on here, it’s the interactions itself that makes it fun for me and while I’ve tried to write a few things myself, it’s just not the same as roleplay.
Anyway, I just sort of wanted to do something different for munday besides just posting pictures of myself so I hope anyone who read this enjoyed it.  Here’s a pic of the mun to go with it.
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randomwritingguy · 2 years
The Myth of Y/N (Korra X Reader UNREQUITED) Part 16
I open my eyes to see a world full of life and colour. It's full of luscious green, various of flowers, spirits flying across the plains, mountains stretching for miles. This place is...breath-taking.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Jinora asks who sounds just as amazed as I am.
I gasp for breath in the awe of what I am seeing. "Beautiful is an understatement. I...I've never seen anything like this."
Korra, on the other hand, seems less amazed than we are. "Just stick close together, okay? This seems nice, but you never know when we'll run into dark spirits."
Huh...fair enough.
She proceeds to touch a flower, only for the flower and transform into a massive spiritual butterfly! Wow!
"Look!" Jinora exclaimed, pointing at the spirit. "It's like it's made of jewels! The spirits are so much more beautiful in their own world than they are at home."
I chuckle at the scene before me. Man, this place is so...magical.
Jinora starts chasing the spirit, though, and I realise she's starting to get a bit far from us. I remember the last thing Tenzin said to me.
"Look out for my daughter."
I promised him that I would. I'm not going to let him down.
"Jinora, wait!" I shout, running to catch up with her. After a short moment, I finally reach her. She's still playing with the spirit.
"This is so amazing, Y/N!" Jinora tells me, her eyes never leaving the butterfly.
I sigh in relief. "Yeah, it is. Don't run off next time, okay? Korra's right, there can be dark spirits anywhere. We need to stick together."
The airbender sighs but nods. "Yeah, okay. I understa-"
"-Y/N! Jinora!"
We both turn around, and it looks like she's being attacked by some meerkat spirits trying to attach some blue liquid onto her or something. They don't look like dark spirits to me. Did she somehow piss them off?
Jinora realises this too and is quick to act. "Korra, stay calm! Your energy is upsetting them!"
I concentrate a bit and...yeah! Her energy is having a negative affect on the spirits here!
"Jinora's right, Korra!" I shout at her. "Stay calm! You're making this worse for yourself!"
We both rush towards her, hoping to settle the situation. By the time we get to her, she is surrounded by this...blue jelly? What?!
Suddenly, the ground begins to shake! What is going on?!
Wait! It's not shaking! WE'RE SINKING!
We all get sucked into the hole recently created by the spirits, only to end up underwater. I hold my breath as long as I can and I swim closer to Jinora and Korra.
Great. Now what-
-I see Korra's eyes widen and, as I turn, I see why.
The spirit engulfs us quickly and easily but, instead of a stomach, we are in some kind of cave system, following a river's trail. I emerge from beneath and let out a huge breath of air. Then I look towards me, and see two diverging paths. Before I can warn them, Jinora and I start heading toward the left path while Korra is heading towards the right!
"Y/N! JINORA!" Korra shouts out, but by then it's too late. We're separated!
No no no no no no no no
I look forward again and I see two more separate ways. Before I can react I feel the water pushing me to the left direction while I see Jinora going to the right.
"JINORA!" I let out.
"Y/N!" she shouts back...and then she is gone from my view.
Finally, I reach the end of the river, as I am thrusted off the edge and I land painfully on my back on the solid ground. I groan from the pain and open my eyes.
I'm in some kind of...spiritual forest. It looks very peaceful and calm. Contrasting from the greenery from the area before, it's taking on some kind of a blueish appearance.
After recovering from the pain, I rise back up.
This isn't happening. This isn't happening.
We're all separated. I am lost in the Spirit World, with no hopes of finding Korra and Jinora.
"Look out for my daughter."
How am I supposed to keep my promise now that we're separated?! If something happens now I will never forgive myself!
"KORRA! JINORA!" I shout out, hoping, no, desperate that any one of them is nearby.
I get no response.
My scream as loud and fiery as a eruptive volcano startles the wildlife in the forest, causing some spirits to fly away from me in fear.
I pant and pant, trying to catch my breath. I need to find them as fast as possible. Me being angry at myself won't do anything helpful.
I sigh, take a deep breathe, and start walking in a random path. Every minute I call out Korra or Jinora's names but I keep getting no response. The forest seems to be stretching out for miles and miles and miles with no end in sight.
Come on, Y/N! There has to be something I can do!
I whip to my right and I see...nothing. All I see is just some trees, blue and pink flowers, and a colourful mushroom. Am I going crazy?!
"Who...who said that?"
"I DID!"
"Ah!" I let out as I fall backwards onto the floor in shock.
Did...did that mushroom just...talk?!
"You're talking to me?" I slowly ask them, my heart still racing.
"You're...talking to me." I repeat to them, still stunned by what's happening.
The mushroom scoffs at me (SCOFFS). "OF COURSE I'M TALKING TO YOU! WHY WOULDN'T I?"
I slowly stand back up and lean forward to make sure my eyes aren't deceiving me. "You're...you're a mushroom."
"SO? ARE YOU SAYING MUSHROOMS CAN'T TALK?!" the spirit yells at me, clearly offended by my comment.
"Wha-No! No, that's not what I meant!" I urgently tell the spirit, waving my hands about to calm them down. "I'm sorry, where I'm from mushrooms talking isn't heard of."
The mushroom hums in acknowledgement, seeming to calm down now. "Yeah, I can tell. You're a human. Haven't seen a human in a while."
"Uh...yeah." I simply respond. "This is my first time in the Spirit World. I came with my friends but we got separated. Do you have any idea on where I can find them?"
"Hmmmm, let me think." The spirit replies. "Duh! Of course not!"
I frown at the response. Seriously?
"Why not?"
"I'm a mushroom."
"Does it look like I'm the type of spirit to move around? Does it look like I know where to go?"
I open my mouth to respond...only to close it. Shit. The mushroom is right.
I groan heavily and rub my cheeks with my palms. Okay, so, it is going to take ages for me to find them, if I do find them anyway. And the only friendly spirit I've encountered so far doesn't know where they could be. Terrific. Just the best.
"Okay." I reply to them, growing agitated. "So there aren't any maps or something? Any knowledge on where to go?"
The mushroom hums again. "Hmmm. Knowledge, huh? Your best bet on finding knowledge would be Wan Shi Tong's Spirit Library. He knows ten thousand things!"
Wan Shi Tong? Library? Those stuff seem familiar. Didn't Avatar Aang and his friends go there once?
"Wait a second." I say, snapping out of my thoughts. "You said you had no idea on where to go!"
"I did not!" The mushroom snaps back. "I said I had no idea where you're friends would be. Doesn't mean I don't know anything! You ever been forced to sit in a single position for all your life, human?"
I just give them a blank expression. "No, I have not."
"Oh, you're lucky! It's pretty boring!" the spirit quickly replies.  "But when you're a spirit like me, forced to remain in one position for eternity, you'll find yourself hearing a lot of things from the others spirits. Man, I remember when the library entering the Spirit World over seventy years ago was the big news. Every spirit who came to this area was talking about it."
"I see." I reply. "And I take it you don't know where the library is?"
"Of course I do!"
"Wait, really?!"
"NO! Were you not listening to me earlier?! I'm a MUSHROOM! I can't move! Just find the next friendly spirit and see if they can help you."
I sigh and rub my forehead. At least I have some hope now "Okay. Thanks anyway."
The spirit hums again. "No problem, human."
"Y/N. My name is Y/N."
"Nice, Y/N!" The mushroom replies, as if the spirit is amazed by my name. "I don't have a name. I was never able to come up with one."
Oh...that's sad. Maybe...
"How about "Hope"? I suggest. "Thanks to you, you've given me some light in this darkness."
The mushroom's mouth is wide open and is silent. Is it a good silence or a bad silence?
Then, all of a sudden, the mushroom starts squealing. "THAT'S GREAT! "HOPE"! I LIKE IT!"
I chuckle at the scene before me. "See you later, Hope. Thanks for the help." I tell them, waving them goodbye as I begin to walk away.
"See you later, Y/N!" Hope calls back.
Now...time to find another spirit.
Every single spirit I approach end up flying away from me! Do I look intimidating or something?
I rush around the forest, desperate to try and find a spirit at all...but nothing.
"I need a miracle." I say aloud, sitting down on a big rock.
Come on, Y/N. Think! There has to be someone out here, right?!
I look around the area, the forest still looking the same. I can't hear any bit of movement. I don't see any spirits around.  
I sigh and look down to the ground. What am I going to do?
"Hello, do you need help?"
The panic from the sudden voice made me lose my balance from the rock and fall off. Was that a spirit?!
I look back up and-
-It's not a spirIt.
It's...a human?
Another human is in the Spirit World? From his looks...he looks awful. His black and grey hair clearly hasn't been treated well, with its long and messy look. His clothes look terrible too, with his robes having a few tiny holes and are just generally unclean. Spirits, the bottom of his robes look like they've been cut to ribbons. And it looks like he is wearing bandages all around his arms and legs. I glance at his face and, despite his messy, black and grey hair, he looks to be relatively young. Maybe in his late thirties? Maybe early forties? His eyes are a olive green and his eyebrows are sharp. Interestingly, though, his left eyebrow seems to have been cut slightly, disconnecting one section of the eyebrow from the other. Where did this guy come from?
"Uh...I'm sorry?" I simply reply back, not really knowing what to say.
The man reaches out with his hand, a gentle smile on his face. "I'm sorry I scared you, that was not my intention. I was simply asking if you needed help."
He is stretching is hand out to me, an obvious gesture to pull me up. I glance at the hand, then at his face, then back at his hand. After a moment of hesitation, I take it, and he pulls me back up.
"It's fine." I tell him. "And, yeah, I do need help."
The man tilts his head slightly in confusion. "Is there a problem?"
I sigh deeply and nod. "Yeah. I was separated from two of my friends. A spirit told me my best bet would be going to Wan Shi Tong's spirit library to find answers."
He narrows his gaze like he is examining me. "I see. Do you know the directions?"
I groan again and turn around, examining the forest. "Nope. I don't have a clue. I was suggested to talk to another spirit, but every time I try to confront one they run away from me!"
I sigh yet again and drop my head. "It's fine, I'll figure something out. I'll just-"
"-I can take you there." The man interrupted, his gaze hardening. "I haven't been inside the library myself, but I have seen the building during my travels."
I whip back at the man, my eyes widened.
He knows how to get there?!
Should I trust him? I don't even know his name!
I walk closer to him. "No offense, but I have no idea who you are. What if this is a trap?"
Instead of being offended as I assumed he would, his smile widens slightly. "True, but then again I also don't know who you are."
"Okay...fair enough." I reply back. "But why do you want to help me? What do you gain from all of this?"
My words do not faze him in the slightest. "Can't a man help someone out of the kindness of their heat? Would have you done the same?"
Yes...I would. Hmmm. I...I guess he's got me there. This seems weird but...he may be my only chance on reuniting with Korra and Jinora. I guess I have no choice. I'll try not to tell him anything personal though...just in case.
"Very well." I tell him. I bring my hand towards him. "I'm Y/N."
The stranger takes my hand gently and we shake. "A pleasure to meet you, Y/N. My name is Yorru."
Yorru, huh? Cool.
"Nice to meet you, Yorru." I respond. "Lead the way."
Yorru begins leading me along a narrow path, so narrow in fact that the tree branches on the right begin scraping my arm a bit. Ow.
A few minutes go by, no word exchanged with one another. I can't tell if the silence is awkward or not.
"So, why were you and your friends in the Spirit World to begin with?" Yorru asks me out of nowhere, breaking the silence.
I'm still not sure on whether I trust this guy. What should I say?
"My friends and I always wanted to visit the Spirit World." I tell him. "We decided to just do it and see what was there. We should have been more prepared."
Yorru hums in agreement. "Yes, the Spirit World can be a beautiful place...but it can also be dangerous."
I tilt my head curiously. "Sounds like you have experience."
The man chuckles at my claim. "I spend most of my time in the Spirit World. I've seen almost everything that happens here.
Huh. Interesting.
"Forgive me for asking," I tell him, "but why do you spend most of your time here? Do you hate humans that much?"
Yorru lets out a full on laugh at my question, obviously finding it quite humorous. "No, I do not hate humans. I simply spend my time in this realm because it makes me feel more free than ever. Freedom is essential to one's happiness."
"I suppose." I tell him. "But what's stopping you from being free in the human world?"
The man remains silent for a moment, thinking on how to reply to my question. "I haven't been free in a long time. "What ifs" and what could have beens have been plaguing my mind for years. I'm homeless, you see? I am worthless to the eyes of corrupt leaders of the nations. But here? Here, I feel more alive than ever."
That's-that's really sad. I wouldn't go so far to say all the leaders are corrupt but from his position...I can't blame him for thinking that. I feel sorry for him. "I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you're finding happiness in the Spirit World. Do you have any friends in our world?"
I can see his eyes full of regret and sadness...and longing. "I did. Three of them, actually. They were my best friends. One of them...she...she was the love of my life. But they're gone now."
My heart aches at his words. I don't question what happened to them. It's not my place. Out of sympathy, I place my hand on his shoulder. "I'm really sorry about that."
Yorru sends a smile my way. "It's fine, it's not your fault."
I smile back and we continue walking in silence.  After a few moments though...
"What about you?"
I look back at him and tilt my head in confusion. "What about me?"
Yorru chuckles at my confusion. "You said you always wanted to visit the Spirit World. How come?"
Shit. I feel bad about lying to him since of what he told me earlier, but I don't really want to give out some important information to a stranger. Maybe I just tell him a bit of truth.
"I was always interested in spiritual matters, Spirit World included." I start, pondering on what I should say next. "I don't know, just the mystic nature of it all grabbed my attention. And now I'm here...it's not like anything I imagined. Everything is so different here from our world, what we think is this way is actually different here. Like, just earlier, I spoke to a talking mushroom. I didn't consider the possibility of that happening, you know?"
See, not a total lie.
Yorru hums in acknowledgement to my rambling. "I understand perfectly. When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
"That was pretty wise, Yorru." I tell him. "Did you just come up with that on the spot?"
Yorru chuckles at my question. "No. I...I got that from a philosopher I admire."
"Fair enough." I simply reply. "That sounds like what an Air Nomad would say. I've heard plenty of stuff similar to that."
Yorru turns to look at me, his eyes widened. "You're familar with Air Nomadic culture?"
"Mmhm." I simply reply. "I'm not an expert or anything but I like to think I have a decent amount of knowledge of the culture. My friends think its boring, but I find it so fascinating."
I glance at Yorru and I see his smile has widened even more. "I, too, find the culture fascinating. I admire it. Their views on life and how the world works are truly inspiring."
"Indeed." I respond. "If you're a big fan of the culture, why not become aa Air Acolyte? I'm sure they will welcome you in."
Yorru chuckles at my suggestion. "Thank you for the suggestion, but I doubt I would fit in. There's a difference between admiration and desiring to join."
I chuckle back. "I suppose so. There are times where I think of becoming an Air Acolyte myself but I don't know. Maybe some day."
"You're young, you have plenty of time to figure it out." Yorru tells me.
I smile in response to his words. "Thanks. I'm going to be honest, I did initially judge you based on your appearance. I'm sorry about that. But, talking to you, you seem like a pretty cool guy."
My confession makes Yorru chuckle again. "I am not offended, I understand why you would have thought of that. And it looks like we're here."
Wait what?!
I look upward and....there it is. The library. Its...its upside down?! And there are vines all over it! It looks like it hasn't been used in years! I also notice that I was so focused on my conversations with Yorru that I didn't realise that we are no longer in the blueish forest.
"I am not sure how you will be able to get inside, but I am certain you will figure it." Yorru tells me. "Perhaps one day we will meet again."
I turn around to ask him what he meant by that and...he's gone. What?!
"Yorru?! YORRU?!" I shout out. I get no response.
Huh...that was weird.
Anyway, enough with that. I'm here. But how do I get to the library?
Then, faintly, I hear a noise of...wings flattering?
I turn back around and see something approaching me...its...
"Oh, heyyyy...." I say but begin to trail off. As it gets closer to me, I realise that it is a lot bigger than they were back in the human world. When it lands next to me, it produces a sound of joy and begins nuzzling against me.
"Hahah, it's nice to see you too." I tell them.
Wait a second.
I know how to get into the library!
"Hey, is it fine if you can help me with something?" I ask the spirit. "I need to get into the library, would it be fine if you can give me a ride?"
The spirit nods enthusiastically and I hop onto the spirit's back, and we are off. As we get closer, I realise just how enormous the library is, and once we're inside I realise that it is far, FAR bigger than I imagined. Seriously, there are hundreds of shelves here and there appears to be multiple floors!
I hop off the spirit and gave it a hug. "Thank you."
When I release from the hug, I realise something...isn't Wan Shi Tong supposed to be here? The spirit owl? Surely he would have shown up by now, right?
"HELLO?" I shout out, my voice echoing the halls. "ANYONE HERE?"
Wait! Is that-
-As I look closer I see...
"JINORA!" I yell out, rushing towards her. "Are you okay?! How did you get here?!"
"I'm fine!" Jinora quickly. "After we got separated I was transported to some sort of open field. Furry-Foot found me and they took me to the library. What about you?"
"I was taken to a forest." I tell Jinora, attempting to summarise everything. "At first I had no clue where to go, but then I got help from this spirit mushroom and some random guy who happened to be in the Spirit World, and then one of the spirits we befriended took me here."
The airbender tilts her head in confusion. "Someone else was in the Spirit World?"
"Yeah, he seemed alright." I assured her. "But that doesn't matter now. I thought Wan Shi Tong is supposed to be here?"
"Oh, he was." Jinora clarifies. "But then after he allowed me to stay because I told him I came with the Avatar he left to go somewhere else."
Then, out of nowhere, some spirit l fox runs up to Jinora, a book in its mouth. The airbender's eyes light up with enthusiasm and takes the book. "There it is! You arrived just in time, Y/N! I found the book about Harmonic Convergence!"
Shit, really?! Awesome!
"Well, what are you waiting for?" I ask her. "Lets read it."
She opens the book and, after a few moments, she finds what she is looking for. "The tree of time. That's where Avatar Wan imprisoned Vaatu. "The elders believed that as long as the portals are closed during the Harmonic Convergence, Vaatu will remain imprisoned and the battle between good and evil will not be fought again. But if both portals are opened, spirit energy is amplified greatly. During the Harmonic Convergence, this energy will be great enough to allow Vaatu to break free from his bonds, and the matter world will again risk being consumed by darkness."
SHIT! That's not good!
"We need to tell Korra this! Now!" I urgently tell Jinora. "We need to-"
"-Why, isn't this a pleasant surprise?"
That voice.
Jinora and I both turn around and see the menacing Unalaq and Wan Shi Tong, staring us down.
"Ah, it looks like the child has brought a friend with her." the spiritual owl notes displeasingly.
"Indeed." Unalaq replies. "When Wan Shi Tong told me he had a visitor, I had to see it with my own eyes. I can't believe Tenzin sent his daughter here instead of coming himself. What kind of a father is he? And let's not forget about you, Y/N. Did you get bored by all of the temples that old fool was showing you?"
I clench my fists in anger. "That "old fool" is twice the man you are, Unalaq!"
Jinora speaks up too but with confusion instead of anger. "Wan Shi Tong, how can you be helping him?"
The spiritual owl glances down at Unalaq with pride. "Unalaq has proven to be a true friend to the spirits, unlike the Avatar."
"But don't you understand what Unalaq is going to do?" I plead, hoping to persuade the owl. "He's planning on releasing Vaatu! He will destroy everything!"
Unalaq smirks at my accusation. "Don't believe everything you read. Why don't you two come with me so you can have some first-hand research?"
"Jinora, run!" I yell at her but, before we can move, our spirit friends grab hold of us and proceed to grow bigger and transform into terrifying versions of what they were.
Dark spirits!
I try to break free from the spirit's grip, but it's no use. It's the same with Jinora too. The airbender can't move an inch.
"I can't move!" she exclaims.
"Look out for my daughter."
"Unalaq, please!" I beg the waterbender. "Let Jinora go! She's just a kid!"
"And let her warn Korra?" Unalaq smoothly replies, his smirk growing. "No, she is coming with us too."
"YOU BASTARD!" I yell at him, trying to lung forward with all my strength. I still can't break free from the dark spirit's grip.
"So much anger, young one." the waterbender taunts. "Now that you're here, I know exactly how to open the northern portal."
My eyes widen at his comment.
He's going to use us for blackmail against Korra!
"You won't win!" I spit out, but the threat is hollow.
Unalaq's smirk is still present.
"I already have."
Korra's POV
I'm on the adult dragon bird spirit and we are on our way to the portals. After that I have to figure out where Y/N and Jinora went to.
As we finally land, I approach the southern portal. It's time to finish this. I raise my hand, ready to close it and-
"-So you've returned, Raava."
I turn around, only to be face to face with the tree of time.
Face to face with Vaatu.
"The Harmonic Convergence is coming soon, and this time, I'm going to wipe you out for good."
He still thinks he has a chance? How wrong he is!
"I think you've said that before, Vaatu, but I'm here to close the portal." I proudly declare to the dark spirit. "You're not getting out."
I begin to walk away, back to the southern portal. It's time I end this.
"You might want to reconsider, that is, if you want to save you friends."
Wait, what?!
I whip back and see Unalaq, using his waterbending to surround Y/N and Jinora in water loops! They're glowing purple. Are they being corrupted?!
"Y/N! Jinora!" I exclaim. I rush forward to try and free them but all of a sudden my path is blocked by multiple dark spirts. And the ones I were with earlier have been corrupted too. I'm surrounded.
I stare right into my uncle's eyes, sending him nothing but rage and hatred. "I can't believe I trusted you. You made me think you wanted to restore balance with the spirits. But this, this isn't balance. It's madness. Now let them go!"
Unalaq isn't deterred though, he is still continuing the process. "If you want your friends to make it out of the Spirit World, you'll open the other portal now."
"Korra, don't do it!" Y/N shouts. "Think about what will happen!"
"Yeah, Korra! Don't do this!" Jinora yells at me too.
Unalaq is speeding up the process! Y/N and Jinora are about to be consumed by darkness!
"What will it be?" Unalaq asks, a smug smile on his face. "Open the portal, or lose your friends' souls forever?"
I'm sorry.
"Stop!" I beg Unalaq. "I'll do it."
I know what will happen if I do this...but I will not let Y/N and Jinora die because of my mistake of trusting my uncle.
We all approach the northern portal. After a moment of hesitation, I press my palm against it. Entering the Avatar State, I cause the closed portal to rupture, spiritual lightning conducted from the reaction, until finally it breaks open. It is done.
I turn back around and glare at Unalaq, his back facing me. "Now, let Y/N and Jinora go."
However, in a blink of an eye, my uncle sends a water whip right into my direction which ends up hitting a portion of my left arm, severing it for a moment before returning!
"You should have come through the portal." Unalaq taunts. "Then you could do this!"
I try to dodge his waterbending attacks as best as I could, dodging, flipping, and running. At the corner of my eye, I can see two dark spirits flying away with Y/N and Jinora!
"KORRA!" they both scream, full of terror.
I rush forward, desperate to catch them, only to be knocked aside by a dark spirit and caught in the mouth of another!
It drops me to the floor but, before I can get back up, I am surrounded by dark water loops. My soul is being consumed!
Just before it seemed like the end, I see the dragon bird spirit I was with earlier whack Unalaq to the side, who then proceeds to pick me up with their claws and carry me away from the fight.
Before my vision darkens, the last thing I hear is Vaatu's voice.
"I'll see you soon, Raava. Once the Harmonic Convergence comes, I'll be free from this vision. And then I will have my revenge!"
I awake with a gasp. I'm full of sweat and my heart is racing.
I'm back in the human world! NO!
"Korra!" Tenzin says, trying to gain my attention as he rushes forward. "What was it like? Did you manage to close the portal? Were Jinora and Y/N able to help you?"
Oh no...Jinora...
""Tenzin, I'm--I'm sorry." I weakly sputter out. How could I have let this happen?!
Tenzin's face and eyes begin to be filled with panic. He checks on Y/N and Jinora's still unmoving bodies. "Where's Jinora and Y/N? W-Why aren't they waking up? Why isn't she waking up?!"
The airbender rushes towards his daughter, fear overtaking him. Jinora's motionless body slumps towards Tenzin's body. He looks back at me, his mouth wide open and his eyes full of dread.
"Korra. What happened to my little girl?!"
And that's it! I hope you enjoyed it!
What did you think of the stranger? Pretty weird, huh? :O
Constructive criticism is always appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter! :D
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patrickstargang · 4 years
Forgotten Past, Hidden Future (Legend of Korra fic)
Chapter 1: Looking In The Wrong Places
Chapter 2: Lucky To Have You
Chapter 3: A Lot To Learn
Chapter 4: Kya’s Story
Chapter 5: A Tale of Maizu
Chapter 6: The Avatar’s Love
Final Chapter: The Mural
CW: mentions of homophobia
Kya was known to begin practicing right around when the sun started rising. The pavilion was usually where she went unless Tenzin was taking the other Air Nomads for an early meditation session. But it wasn’t Tenzin that she saw at the pavilion, but two figures that were all too familiar to her.
Korra and Asami sat facing the shore, both in what looked like a deep state of meditation. Every now and then Asami would peek to see the still, balanced posture that Korra was trying to keep. Korra concentrated, maybe a little too much. But her concentration breaks as a voice upsets the silence.
“Fancy meeting you two lovebirds out here,” Kya said with a smug grin on her face. “Especially at this hour.”
Korra and Asami turned around to see Kya, they both knew she would show up eventually. “Oh good,” Korra said, sounding relieved. “We were waiting for you.”
Kya seemed very confused until Asami interjected. “She’s trying to talk to Avatar Kyoshi and she thinks that meditating will help her tap into the Spirit World. But, I think she needs a little help.”
Korra slumped forward in her spot. “Even after years of being the Avatar, I’m still bad at meditating.”
Kya lightly chuckled as she approached the pavilion. “Alright then kids, let me help you out a little.” She sat next to the two, sitting with proper posture and stance. Korra and Asami adjusted themselves, trying to mimic Kya.
She glanced at the two, her smirk changed from smug to sincere. “It's nice to see you two are meditating together.” She glanced off into the distance. “Reminds me of when I used to meditate with my girlfriend.”
Korra opened her eyes. “That reminds me, I forgot to ask the other day but who is your girlfrie-”
Kya snapped her fingers. “Hey, stay focused now!”
Korra quickly adjusted herself, closed her eyes, and stayed silent.
“Now just keep focusing on your breathing, let it guide you. Empty your mind of any thoughts you might have. Even what you might say to Kyoshi when you meet her. Just feel the moment, let your mind be like a wave across the shore. Now…...breathe.”
It took time, but Korra was able to envision herself as the wave Kya was talking about. She felt her presence at this moment, more so than ever before. She could feel her connection to the world around her, hearing the wind and soft chimes coming from the temple. But most of all she could feel the support of those who loved her, more so than any tangible thing. She felt at peace, for the first time in a while. As this feeling came across her, she suddenly felt weightless.
Korra opened her eyes to see herself suspended in a blueish, ethereal plain. The only other thing out in the emptiness was spots of light that cut through the dark. She looked down at her hands, to see she was an apparition, highlighted with a purple glow. She made it.
Korra floated in a moment of silence before she noticed a figure forming in front of her. A blue glowing energy began to twist and morph, but it never settled on a shape. Soon she remembered what it was. She closed her eyes again in intense focus.
“Please,” she spoke softly. “I need to speak to Avatar Kyoshi.”
Korra could hear the shaping of the energy, contracting, and welling up like a burning flame. This lasted for minutes before it went completely silent. Then a familiar voice spoke.
“It’s good to see you Avatar Korra.”
She felt a chill run down her spine. She's done this before but every time it was still just as intimidating. Korra slowly opened her eyes to see Kyoshi. Except, it wasn’t Kyoshi. Well, it was Kyoshi (still as tall as ever) but not in the way she usually saw her. She wasn’t wearing her signature face makeup or her headpiece. She appeared before her without any mask, this was Kyoshi not as the Avatar but as herself.
“....A-Avatar Kyoshi!” Korra stumbled, surprised by her new appearance. But she readjusted herself and felt somehow comforted by her. “It’s good to see you too.”
While Kyoshi’s appearance was different, she still exuded the same cold and calculated tone she has shown before. “So, you’ve come to me with some questions?”
“Yes, a lot actually.” She gives Kyoshi a look of determination. "I want to know about Maizu Village.”
Kyoshi’s cold stare showed a hint of intrigue. “What is that you want to know?”
Kyoshi sighed deeply, realizing Korra’s commitment to this journey would be taxing but necessary. “Very well then.”
Behind Kyoshi, a wall of blue aura manifested, shaping into what looked like the Earth King’s palace. Before she continued, blue faceless figures began acting out her story.
“It all started one night when I was visiting Ba Sing Se, I was about 10 years into accepting my role as the Avatar. I already knew the capital was set up in a way that divided the social classes, promoting an unfair way of life for those who weren’t so fortunate. I was still in the process of trying to reform this system in whatever way I could. But there was so much more going on that I didn’t even realize.
“I was spending the night up in the estates, that was where the King wanted me to stay before I met with him in the morning. But I was feeling restless, so I took a walk late night walk down to the lower sections of the city. During my walk, I heard a struggle going on in the building next to me. The front door slammed open and I saw two young boys, both ragged and hurt, being taken away by Earth Kingdom police. It caught my attention, something felt off about this.
“They kept holding on to one another like they were holding on for dear life. But the guards kept separating them. I approached them, asking why they were being arrested. One of the guards told me that they had committed ‘treasonous acts’ against the Earth Kingdom. The lie was about as plain as the nose on his face. I asked what ‘acts’ they had committed but he refused to say. Then the guard looked back at the boys, who were holding hands as tight as they could. They were trying to stay connected. The guard broke their grip with malicious intent. He had a face of pure anger that I had only seen on rare occasions. He called them ‘degenerates’.
“After that, I knew exactly what was going on. I had no evidence for it, but these two were not being taken for treason. I don't know what came over me, but I surprised the guards by pulling them down into the Earth up to their torso. I took the boys into my arms and ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could. No one identified me since most people saw the Avatar with the makeup and headpiece. I looked like how I appear to you right now.
“I took them back to the estate in secret. I learned that they had no family to stay with and that if they tried to go back out, they might be identified and arrested. I agreed to take care of them until I found someone who could. As I was sleeping that night, I knew exactly what I needed to tell the King.
“The meeting went about as well as you would expect. When I brought up the subject of citizens being imprisoned for prejudiced reasons, he brushed it off by saying they were committing treason. I tried everything that I could to convince him, but he was about as stubborn as he was dense. I later found out that the people who were arrested for their sexual orientation were being labeled as ‘political prisoners.’ This was a matter that couldn’t have been stopped if I had just brought down the Earth King, this was deeper than that. It's easy to kill a leader, but it's hard to change the beliefs of an entire nation. It was then that I realized I had to take drastic measures.
“Since I had my connections with the Earth Kingdom police, I could see who was being held up for ‘treason’. I had a plan in mind to break them out and get them to a safe space. I was able to set up the mission with a couple of old daofei friends of mine-”
“Wait a minute,” Korra interrupted. “You were a part of the daofei !? That part wasn’t in any of the scrolls or textbooks.”
“I’ll tell you the story behind that one day, but not right now. Anyways, I was able to gather a few friends to help in this breakout.”
She paused, her stoic expression changed to something more sly. “Interesting, isn’t it? That a couple of daofei criminals could have more sympathy for others than the ruler of the Earth Kingdom.”
“We all did it in disguise, it was harder for me because my height was usually a dead giveaway. I also restricted myself to only using earthbending which made our plan a bit more challenging. But we made it through, taking everyone with us to a remote location deep in the woods. It would have been much more challenging to get there if it wasn’t for Pengpeng, my flying bison. I took the two boys with me as well, since my efforts for finding them a home went nowhere. We set up camp at first and as days went by it started to look more like a real commune.
“I had to keep them away from the authorities since they were all considered wanted criminals. They went under new names for a while, some decided to keep their name but others still used their original name in private. As the months went by, the search died down and things were able to go back to something resembling normal. After that, Maizu became somewhat of a fishing town, on top of being a sanctuary, as it lived near a river. So with time, the villagers were able to truly make a home of it.
“From that day forward, I swore an oath to protect Maizu to the best of my abilities. Even if it meant facing against the Earth Kingdom military. I would have to make visits every now and then while still keeping it secret from everyone. I’m sure many of my friends were confused about my frequent absences, but it was something I felt a great responsibility to. I got to see these people who were always living on a knife’s edge find peace for themselves. I even saw the two boys grow up together and start a family.
“Helping all those people reminded me why being the Avatar was such a monumental responsibility. The reputation of the Avatar was somewhat soured after Kuruk and so I felt the need to make up for all the injustice that brewed after his passing. And on top of many other corrections, this… this was long overdue.”
Korra was overwhelmed with this news, she had a starstruck look on her face for the past few minutes. But she thought about what she said about the responsibilities of being an Avatar. She wasn’t sure how to compare herself to Kyoshi.
“It sounds like you took to being the Avatar pretty well. I mean, helping all those people really changed their lives for the better. I wish I could say the same. You’ve helped others live peacefully and I’m still here trying to fix everything with the Spirit World and the Earth Kingdom.”
Kyoshi took note of this, she could sense the doubt in her voice. “But you're still young, you won’t always have a handle on things so soon. And yet you’ve done so much in that time. Quite frankly you're on a much better direction than I was at your age. I was still settling personal vendettas. Creating Maizu was an uphill battle and it took time, but that time and effort paid off in the end. I know you will find a way.”
The initial doubt washed away from Korra’s mind. “Thank you,” she said softly.
“Did you have any more questions?”
“No, no more questions.” But Korra hesitated, remembering one other important detail. “Actually there was one other thing…..”
“What is it?”
Korra hesitated again, wondering if her curiosity was going too far. But eventually, she gave in. “I saw a name in the textbooks I was reading. Someone named Rangi. It said that she was your bodyguard while you were the Avatar, but that's all it said. I was wondering…..who was she?”
Then Korra saw something she had never seen before. She saw Kyoshi smile.
“Korra, I’m sorry but I can’t tell you about my bodyguard .”
She turned her head to the side in complete confusion.
“But, I can tell you about my wife .”
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feifiefofum · 4 years
a measured response to lily orchard’s lok is garbage
i have feelings and they’re mostly offended at how stupid some takes are that you don’t catch ‘em on editing.
like, okay, i get it, it’s cool to hate on legend of korra. but seriously, is it too much to ask for consistency?
lily levels many complaints about korra, the whole narrative arcs in every book, and details in the show. i’ll go through them via memory book by book.
in book one, one of those details that bothered them is how bending isn’t utilized enough in republic city in people’s everyday life. which is hilarious because earlier in their(?) video they emphasize how cool it is that mako is lightning bending to generate power in his day job. like, that’s bending, being utilized in a city to make it run.  congrats you played yourself.
they also showed scenes from atla showcasing civvies playing around via bending and even scenes from earth rumble then unironically complains about pro-bending, diminishing the sanctity that is bending. forgetting completely that aang himself played airball, was prone to pull out a marble to do his spinning marble trick.
then we get into the meat and potatoes of their criticisms of book one, there was no set up to non-benders being oppressed. firstly, this isn’t true. we see benders oppressing non-benders with the taskforce led by tarrlok. curfews were set up, their right to congregate infringed upon and presumed guilty just for being a non-bender. some might argue that that’s justified, but is it really? you’re cool with persecuting countless innocents for a minority of the population being all terrorist like. that’s problematic, fam.
besides which, lok doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it has atla to draw from. sokka has expressed a sense of uselessness next to his peer who can chuck boulders, move rivers and literally fly. atla and lok makes it easy to forget, but these chuckleheads would be considered goddamn superheroes at least in our world, demigods or what have you.
point is, this is a logical conundrum to deal with in the avatar universe.
they go on to complain that they wrap it up too nicely, but it’s not nick’s fault that mike and bryke rushed the story. completely forgetting that nick gave ‘em 12 episodes and 1 season, then strung ‘em for a 2nd season, then a 3rd and 4th season then cut funding mid 4th season. it’s just a headache to deal with.
look, would i have liked to see more of this season 1 story fleshed out?? hell the fuck yeah. would i have like the mako-korra-asami-bolin love mess to be chucked out altogether? yes, but they’re 16ish teens, with hormones and shit to deal with. it happens. you date friends, because why not? you know your friends for a reason, so you at least have some common interests. why wouldn’t you besides worrying that post dating it’d be awkward? which it was, but even mako got over himself to be a supportive friend to his exes. like there you go, some character development.
from mako of all people.
then season 2 came and they were excited for that. well, the first half of that. there was civil war, tensions about who’s right and who’s wrong. civil war baby! it’s new, it’s exciting- except, it’s a retread. remember in the fire nation, how ozai usurped the throne from iroh? and how iroh was like, i can’t fight ozai because that would lead to civil war? yeah, this is that, playing out with the northern and southern water tribes. unalok usurped tonraq’s chieftaincy, got super jealous when tonraq became the father of the avatar, then conspired with won shi tong to release vaatu. all of this, under the veneer of spirituality. kinda like how sozin was gonna spread his enlightenment via war. y’know how warmongers are, they need a veneer of legitimacy. it makes it feel better. but don’t worry, they want new content really bad. it’s not like civil war is just another war and thus is pretty much the same thing with extra bells and whistles.
then they ranted about how vaatu and raava were god and lucifer which is completely insane. push and pull, tui and la. order and chaos. first off, god spanked lucy hard and won forever and always. vaatu and raava are locked in constant battle until the avatar put a stalemate on vaatu by shoving them in the tree of time. but raava didn’t dunk on vaatu and it’s pretty explicit. why you might ask?
well, the 100 year war, that’s what. lemme explain.
for 10,000 years~ish there were monarchies all over the avatar universe. after 100 years of war, and post ending of ozai, republic city was formed. how did this happen? the avatar. because of the avatar’s inclination to order, it utilized tried and true methods or population control in the form of monarchies to maintain order and balance around the world. of the 4 nations, 3 of them have a monarchy like system in place. there were chiefs in the water tribes, kings and queens in the earth kingdom and firelords in the fire nation. when there was an integration of the cultures in a melting pot like republic city, a republic sprang up with a council of benders and then a friggin’ presidency.
chaos is often violent and disruptive, but it’s also a vehicle for great change. it’s also why i’m against god ais (my apologies to the machine) and my brother needs to get off that train or so help me- that’s not the point. the point is that order has it’s drawbacks. chaos isn’t necessarily bad, it shakes up the status quo and could lead to improvements as well as regressions/worsenings. it’s a roll of the dice.
then they dunk on zaheer. firstly, they’re confused about how zaheer was such a gifted airbender after having just gained airbending via harmonic convergence. forgetting the fact that they mentioned that bending was also a martial art, showing a clip where toph explicitly calls it a martial art and expect the audience to forget the fact that zaheer wasn’t an air nomad fanboy who constantly quoted air nomad philosophers left and right. and also conveniently forgetting that tenzin was spanking that boy pretty handily until his backup dancers handled bumi and kaya to back him up.
no, let’s forget that part. conveniently.
then he waxes poetic about how anarchism always lead to despots and dictators. how power vacuums get filled.
completely forgetting that for at least 9,000 years at the least, the avatar has propped up friggin’ monarchies and governments to maintain order. that rome fell like 1.5k years ago and we forgot that cement was made with seawater. that we’ve lost all records on where some people got their tin from during the bronze age. it’s been 9,000 years, people forgot that anarchy bad. it happens, and their repository of knowledge just got their library erased a season ago.
like that’s what i’m pissed at unalok for. first hand accounts of 10,000 years ago lost because some petty tyrant wanted to be uber special. you know how people are upset about the burning of the library of alexandria? that’s the travesty of the loss of all korra’s past lives, times a billion.
the first half of the season sets up how bad monarchies are. hell, there were three seasons of atla which you gush about that explains the exact same thing. monarch’s aren’t held accountable, they explicitly say that the earth queen was within her rights to press the new air nomads into her army.
there’s your order, hope it sits well with you.your queen can send you die on a whim. but hey, anarchism bad. freedom/chaos, bad.
the irony here is that they accuse lok of oversimplifying the matter when they themselves constantly do the same.
and then there’s kuvira. apparently she was perfect and didn’t do anything wrong ever until the writers made her do it??
let’s forget the part where everything she does is explicitly because the writers made her do it. so everything that she supposedly did right, the writers did that too.
but more importantly, kuvira wasn’t some dictator that rolled up in her train and made demands of people. and here they unironically show her in her train, making demands of a governor to sign a treaty. a train that’s presumably full of her soldiers. and supplies of war, right next to the food and blankets. like this is kinda explicit.
but no, kuvira did nothing wrong here.
they go on to criticize suyin for not taking the reins of power since she criticized the monarchy a season ago. not realizing that criticizing an establishment doesn’t mean that they can do a better job of it. parallel, totally intended by the by. sure, suyin runs a tight ship in zaofu, but that doesn’t mean she has the resources or temperament to run a gosh darn kingdom. they continue to berate the world leaders for not taking action, forgetting that the earth kingdom is a loose allegiance city states that have a king in omashu even as there was a king in ba sing se. that kuvira was forcibly making governors and officials bend the knee, that she brought both the carrot (food and blankets) and the stick (her whole fuck off army) on her train to every negotiation.
i love kuvira but she was a dick. and yeah, she picked up the mess that was the aftermath of the whole zaheer affair, but she could’ve just provided humanitarian assistance and military support. but no, she decided to take power for herself. she might’ve started off that way, but it’s three years, and the stress of that job gets to you. so you look for shortcuts and oops, i’m a dictator now.
the prime directive exists for a reason. you might go in trying to help, but suddenly your usurping power or setting trends and contaminating the development of a society. sure, breaking the directive could save a species, but man saving it could mean cultural genocide as well.
lessee, what else was ranted about? mechas and such were complained about. but man, industrialization happened in 60 years. avatarverse had 70. cars and stuff happen. mechas are a thing get over it. if you could accept it in book one, you’re gonna have to concede that 5/6 years later, someone’s gonna make a giant mecha.
they also continued to bash the world leaders for doing nothing. firelord izumi was quite explicit that after 100 years of war, the fire nation was reluctant to engage in any form of war, no matter how justified. president reiko was, as usual, a spineless coward and all about that surrender. the water tribes were busy after a friggin’ civil war, plus weren’t really in a position of power to really offer any assistance.
the air nomads were down to war though.
look, it was a mess of a review. but c’mon, have some consistency. they complimented kataang and sokki for having understated relationships where a breath ago they bashed korrasami for the same thing. look, was it a good thing or a bad thing? if it was a good thing, great. if it was a bad thing, why are you complaining about the relationship mess that was the whole krew in seasons 1 and 2? like i get it, but you’re trying to have your cake and eat it too here. have some complexity. nuance, do you get that?
they go on to ‘compliment’ atla for having a simple antagonist. ozai was not a simple antagonist. ozai was a product of 100 years of war, that kind of staying power is rooted in pride and a superiority complex that culminates in manifest destiny manifestos. he was a simple antagonist in that he was unambiguously an asshole, he’s complex in how such assholery came into being. nationalism taken to the extreme. there’s comparisons to nazism in this bit.
and god, i’m gonna have to humanize nazis (but only kinda) in that they didn’t spring from the earth fully formed to conquer germany then the rest of the world.
nazism was a heady mix of nationalism, white supremacy, with a hint of ‘we’re the chosen people of god’ christianity. post ww1, this heady intoxicant revitalized the punching bag that was germany. they were in a rut, the great depression was bringing all the nations down, and nazism swooped in to sweep germany off its feet.
now am i saying fascists are cool? no, but they took an opportunity and ran with it.
which leads us back to the fire nation, who started out going ‘hey we’re here for cultural exchanges’ but quickly evolved to ‘these guys aren’t getting it, maybe if we explain it by throwing fire at them’ to ‘these dumb curs only understand fire bad so let’s burn this to the ground’. which evolved to nationalism and a superiority complex which made ozai cookoo bananas and we get atla.
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cafedemic · 4 years
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Sweatpants, the aftermath of rain, and my earth kingdom themed bujo spread \(-.-)/
I dubbed today “Hell Thursday” because I had a summative assessment in nearly every single class today. AP Chem and Physics 1 went well, but I’m scared about my AP Lang essay
Anyway, I froze myself some mango juice and made a popsicle as a treat for making it through the day. I got to eat it as I watched rain fall from my deck, and after it ceased I went to the bridge in my backyard and watched the river run. It’s so tranquilizing, an overflowing river - the rush of water in your ears, watching branches being carried off into the distance.
I hope you enjoy my ATLA bujo theme! September was all about Avatar the last airbender and Legend of Korra for me. I never watched the shows when they originally aired so Netflix has really given me an opportunity here! Tag your opinions of the show, please! I’d love to hear from everyone <3
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irresistiibles · 4 years
the master plotting post is below the cut. it’s kinda long so good luck fam. it’s really more about where my character are and how they’re doing but i am hoping that will help us both brainstorm some ideas together. i have put trigger warnings next to each individual blurb so that way if you’re worried about anything you can read the rest while skipping any that are potentially triggering. this is just where characters are starting a few of them i may still update, especially for characters who fears i haven’t completely worked out. toss this a like if you’d be interested in plotting and i will come to you! i will get another call out specifically for starters closer to the event
level 1: windstorm
asami sato / the legend of korra / unaware
girl is not really phased by the windstorm and will be pushing through and probably wind up leveling up. she’ll also be offering to help where she can so like if any characters need help to level up or just get by she will be around we can def do something. she’ll probably be getting pieces of her memories back in the storm but nothing concrete. probably one of my characters who realistically has a chance of making it to the safe zone. definitely open to teaming up
leveling up: probably
plots: anyone else trying to level up she can work with, someone to help out
blue sargent / the raven cycle / aware
not entirely sure what my plan for her is tbh. she’s seen like all the wild shit washington has thrown and honestly might try to find somewhere to bunker down and wait it out or maybe level up but either way she’ll be a fun mixed of chill yet pissed while on this level. not freaking out but annoyed after all of the things that happened her. a potential reluctant teammate
leveling up: a reluctant maybe
plots: someone she winds up working with for a bit even though teamwork and being nice is not her strong suit
lily evans / harry potter / aware
let’s be real after everything she’s been through in washington the windstorm does not feel like a big deal and she’s charging through to get through to the next level. she will ultimately wind up losing all of her memories as a result
leveling up: no
plots: teammates, people she knows who can find her after her memory loss, some help after her memory loss, someone she helps, since afterwards she’ll be bunkering down and helping people out
max caulfield / life is strange / aware
my one character? who is terrified for storms? caught in the windstorm? asdlfkjad incredible. anyway max is going to be freaking out and almost definitely stuck here the whole time she is terrified of storms and will be hoping to find a nice corner to crawl in and stay in with her hands over her ears
leveling up: no
plots: someone to help her please she will be screwed on her own,
melody pond/river song / doctor who / awareish
she will absolutely be leveling up. river is a high energy adventurer who is so shit at sitting still there’s no way she’s not moving up. honestly will be pretty unbothered in this level at least. i may give her some flashes of her parents from the windstorm to kind of set her on edge. down to team up though she’s always out for herself first and will ditch partners as needed
leveling up: probably
plots: let her be a chaotic teammate for someone, an injury she reluctantly treats as she tries to get out of there
pansy parkinson / harry potter / aware
honestly she’s mostly just tired and pissed. pansy, though obnoxious, is logical and focused on her own survival first. she’ll probably wind up finding a save space to be and see this thing out. if anyone needs some slightly less chaotic plots she’s probably someone good to hit up. she could be open to being the obnoxious teammate someone has ever had.
leveling up: no
plots: teammates in the sort of self serving way, bunkering down buddies, drinking buddies, a calm party crew 
persephone / percy jackson / aware
she’s a goddess she’s vibing and almost definitely leveling up tbh she doesn’t know what’s going on and her main priorities are finding hades and reluctantly nico but will try to offer some help where she can
leveling up: probably
plots: some people she helps out to either safety or level up, 
level 2: nightmares come to life
ben hargreeves / the umbrella academy / aware 
his nightmares are p limited ngl since being dead kind of takes away a lot of fears. i mean his main one was passing on and he did that last season so, i guess it’ll kinda be his powers. of course he’s mostly afraid of losing control and hurting people, but he’ll probably just be seeing/dealing with vague eldritch creatures. could maybe deal with his fear long enough but that’s really the only way he’s potentially leveling up. potentially open to teaming up
leveling up: doubtful
plots: some people he helps, teammates, maybe someone he accidentally hurts cause he does have powers and he may lash out when spooked so could cause an inury, 
jang man wol / hotel del luna / aware / level 2: nightmares come to life
her fears are complicated. like ? she mostly fears and hates herself lmao. i suppose she has some fear of the gods in her world but they aren’t really violent and can only hurt her if she hurts a human so she might be seeing them and getting freaked out and jumpy and convinced she’s gonna do something that ultimately gets her destroyed. honestly though, she’s at the second most stable she’s been in a while (a step down since chan sung’s memory loss) so she will be making her way to level 3 at some point.
leveling up: yes
plots: uh, maybe someone she almost lashes out and hurts but manages to last minute hold back, someone she helps/protects to avoid her own problems, though she wouldn’t be nice about it rip
jaskier / the witcher / unaware / level 2: nightmares come to life
this is my emotional support idiot he doesn’t really have any tangible fears not because he’s strong he’s just dumb, will be running straight into things trying to help people out. i would say he should get hurt but this man has survivridiculouslysly well on luck and charisma so far and i don’t think that���s going to change anytime soon. if i think of a fear for him i will update this. will probably find someone who looks strong to leech off of and feel safer around. you just know this idiot is writing a song about the whole experience as it occurs.
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone more powerful than him he follows around for safety
karolina dean / runaways / unaware
aaah um i’m not entirely decided on what her fear is yet at the moment but she’ll be doing her best to deal with it. honestly i don’t think she’ll be leveling up karolina is strong but struggling without her memories in terms of fighting. i might have her see her dad a bit even though she won’t recognize him she’ll feel the fear
leveling up: no
plots: any sort of teammates cause she works well in groups, maybe someone who sees her attempting to use her powers to fight things off 
kyoshi / avatar the last airbender / unaware
so kyoshi is not afraid of much. she’s a seven foot tall beast of a woman/nerd so of course she isn’t, but, i’m saying she’s afraid of clowns, because kyoshi is gonna panic and wind up bending in defense. of course she has no memories so she’s gonna spend the rest of the event like ‘hey what the fuck was that????’ honestly she may be able to level up but she’ll probably be focusing on helping people in level 2 as best she can
leveling up: no
plots: a teammate would be fine though she’ll probably only want one, she’ll have just discovered her bending so someone can be around for her to yell about that, any people she attempts to protect/get to safety  
lavender brown / harry potter / aware 
werewolves! she’s scared of them! because of course she is! and she’s absolutely flipping out! she’s probably stuck here ngl i do not think lavender is conquering this anytime soon. she’d fight a little bit but i imagine she’s mostly going to wind up hiding out. could probably use some help or support ngl. i debated saying she could get injured but i feel like this is already going to be rough enough on her ngl
leveling up: no
plots: anyone to help her out she could use it, i would offer her as a teammate but she’s going to be pretty freaked out so idk how much she can do, but maybe someone she likes hides out with and just tries to survive with
michiru kaioh / sailor moon / aware
death tw welcome to lesbian suffering. her biggest fear is going to end up in her seeing haruka’s dead body and uh, she’s definitely not recovering from this one she will be staying on this level the whole time probably losing her mind a little bit and not knowing what happened and blaming herself and it’s all going to be rough.  
leveling up: no
plots: she may attempt to team up with a person or two but her mood is going to be awful and she won’t be a great teammate, honestly anyone around to try and keep her slightly grounded
sam giddings / until dawn / aware
hello happy children it’s wendigo time! exactly what it sounds like. she’s not leveling up. this is a monster that eats people and can only be killed with fire. sam is running. going to be terrified but not freaking out at least not externally. might go for a minor injury with her. down to team up with anyone
leveling up: no
plots: lmao survival buddies, despite everything she will try to be helping people out so there could be something for that
toph beifong / avatar the last airbender / aware
so toph’s fears will probably include not having any earth around or below her. honestly this fear is less about her seismic sense and not being able to tell where things are around her. her other senses are still good even if it’s really not ideal and that will be partially upsetting, it’s more about feeling like she lost her earthbending. she’s also terrified of heights after dangling off of the warship in the finale so i might do something with that. i doubt she’s leveling up. down to reluctantly team up.
leveling up: no
plots: would be willing to team up but she’s feeling a little useless and stressed so how great she’d be as a partner would be mixed, she could cause an injury if anyone wants since she can’t sense any earth but i’m assuming there’s still going to be things she can bend around, so maybe some sort of an accident with that, honestly let her make a friend she’s not against help from friends will hold onto their arm most of the time
level 3: poisoned supernaturals
ciel phantomhive / black butler / aware 
gun tw: this boy has already had bad experiences with supernaturals so he’s not in a good mood about any of this. he’s got a gun and his concerns are himself and lizzie and that is about it. he knows physical strength is not his strong suit and has no intention of trying to fight his way out. may try and play the small defenseless boy card if he needs to in order to get some help and protection from actual nice humans on the level. not available to team up. available to trip another character while they’re both fleeing from the same thing.
leveling up: no
plots: someone who he injures, someone who injures him, a human he partners up with and could betray cause he’s a selfish little shit if that’s something someone’s interested in, or some human who’s physically strong who he pays to be around him as some sort of safety
dominique weasley / harry potter / aware
not a huge chance she’s doing anything but staying here and going ape shit. does not really have the willpower to manage to fight off the poison. is solidly in the middle between barely dangerous to destructive beast.
leveling up: no
plots: a feral crew, someone she hurts, someone who tries to snap her out of it, anything
elsa of arendelle / frozen / aware 
ice queen time babey! will be pretty destructive and very dangerous. open to her killing someone’s character if anyone wants since i’d love her to be upset about that after the fact. she already thinks she’s a danger let’s prove it!! she might wind up fighting off the poison but idk it would take a hot minute since she’s had a lot of stress and frustration lately and it’ll be coming out!! she’s ready to do some damage
leveling up: maybe
plots: someone she hurts and can feel real guilty about, someone who tries to snap her out of it
entrapta / she-ra / unaware
not nearly as concerned about danger as she should be. probably out here purposely trying to approach supernaturals to get a blood sample i hate her. not looking for her to die but could be open to a semi-serious injury. might level up ngl if she finds decent tech she will be able to defend herself. open to team ups but she’s not a great team partner
leveling up: maybe
plots: teammates. maybe someone who teams up with her to use her more than anything since she can build attack bots with really any scraps she can find so she’s good for people looking for defense and will not be able to tell she’s being used
glinda upland / wicked / aware
me realizing just this second glinda probably counts as a supernatural cause she’s got magic:  👁👄👁 so yeah uh this one is difficult i think she’ll be working to fight it off. even with poison she would not be good at being violent fam.
leveling up: maybe
plots: uuuh poisoned people trying to push her to the dark side, someone trying to help her fight it off, maybe a human she fights but doesn’t hurt, or if so it’s something minor, anything
haruhi fujioka / ouran high school host club / aware 
does not know what’s going on and isn’t sure they want to. tbh slightly similar to entrapta in the sense that they can manage self defense alright. they’re going to pepper spray a supernatural so fucking hard i swear to god. they aren’t like a super amazing fighter and sometimes they’re too reckless and stubborn for their own good, but haruhi is smart, and will probably mostly be hiding. they could be available for trying to help out other humans on the level
leveling up: maybe 
plots: single teammate or group of humans getting by, a not too strong supernatural for her to fight cause i don’t want her getting too hurt, but could be up for a small injury, anyone she helps
ji eun tak / goblin / aware 
lmao so technically eun tak has powers but they aren’t fighting powers she can just see ghosts but technically this still counts as powers so she’s affected. this doesn’t make her any stronger though she’s just angry but like not a threat. here is a picture of eun tak as provided by kasey (x). like the worst shes gonna manage is to mug someone and honestly, that is probably her goal. my girl has lived her whole life poor and she’s ready to make some bank
leveling up: no
plots: lmao please give her a strong supernatural that she’s hanging around so we’ve got destructive power plus baby with knife, someone she tries to, or successfully mugs, if you need a weak supernautral to fight to level your character out of level 3 she’s a good pick, anything
rita skeeter / harry potter / aware 
rita will probably go crazy stupid for a day and then start fighting it off. tbh she doesn’t care too much about if she’s hurting people. it’s not something she likes to do but it doesn’t freak her out a ton either, but she doesn’t like being out of control, and that sheer stubbornness might be enough for her to break through and level up. down for her potentially hurting or killing someone’s character if desired. will still be taking tik toks through it all the poison is not enough to stop that. she can hunt and film at the same time
leveling up: maybe
plots: feral crew, any other supernaturals working to fight it off at some point, i’m not saying let her film ur supernatural hurting an npc but like do it, anything
tessa gray / the infernal devices / awareish
so technically she’s part shadowhunter part demon but homegirl does not know it so it’s going to be a fucking interesting time for her. honestly destructive power is mixed cause she’s certainly got some but the lack of awareness will make it weaker. will probably use this as an excuse to trigger a few more of her memories. open to her injuring someone.
leveling up: probably not
plots: uh, someone she can freak out to in the first 24 hours before the poison hits because she doesn’t even know she’s supernatural, someone she gives a minor injury to maybe, someone trying to snap her out of it, anything
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