My main fic is coming to an end soon and I have a swarm of plot buns and unfinished WIPs to pick from. Just curious - what would you want to read next?
Eventually I will work on all of them, but I'm interested in reader input! In any case have a great weekend and remind me to stop using 'in any case' while writing, it keeps popping up, I can't stop it
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inu-yasha · 5 months
I used to think kagome loved inuyasha for his looks since it did happen but I don’t actually know if it’s for anything else but I do know that kikyo didn’t actually care for what he looked like she only cared because how he acted do you think this is right? Because my head is spinning with questions if kagome and inuyasha love was even true love or kikyos and inuyasha is just puppy love since many people said so
Did she love him for his looks? I have no idea, but her 'love' is not 'love', it is a sick obsession.
The problem is that it was supposed to look like Inu//kag had a more mature love, all the dialogues on Kagome and Inuyasha's side were supposed to confirm it, but it all disappears when Kikyou appears and Kagome's jealousy. Kagome can't stop hating Kikyou. She wants Inuyasha for herself, she wants him to only think about her, she even left her daughter and went with Inuyasha instead of choosing her daughter's good. This tells her a lot and confirms that she doesn't exist without him, she can't leave him because she can't live without him and he is much more important than her own daughter. If Kagome was such a loving mother, she would have stayed with her daughter instead of choosing Inuyasha. I still don't understand how she could choose Inuyasha over her own daughter, believing that Kouga would be a good guardian for her. Like ftw.
I'm making this argument that everything Kagome did for Kikyou, her final cry, everything was a mask to make everyone believe that she was a good person, it was all to make everyone around her see her the way she wanted, when in fact, she's a really bad person.
she can't accept that Inuyasha will love Kikyou much more even though her wish came true. She won't free him from the beads because she doesn't trust him and prefers to keep them and use them when she has hurt feelings about Kikyou She didn't let Inuyasha leave with Kikyou, knowing that he wanted to go to her, but she wouldn't let him have her. She wants him just for herself! They didn't leave him, even when it came to their daughter's well-being.
I won't deny that Inuyasha has feelings for Kagome, but he would never look at her if it weren't for Kikyou's soul in her body.
Kagome is a very toxic woman who thinks she is always right and there is no problem, but in fact her love is selfish and egoistic. The only thing she cared about was her own well-being so that Inuyasha wouldn't leave her.
It's always Inuyasha who puts aside his own suffering for Kagome. She never does this. When he is with Kikyou, she runs away and is furious and abuses him because she can't deal with her feelings
Even when Kikyou dies, Rumiko shows that Kagome suffers more than him. Which is absurd to me.
Kagome doesn't notice her mistakes and doesn't work on manipulating everyone to be on her side, and manipulating Inuyasha when she is hurt was much easier than working on herself, because she has nothing to reproach herself with, right? And it stays the same until the end. He never learns, instructing Inuyasha. Absurd.
I'm not saying this as a hater, I'm just reading the facts. Kaogme's side is the biggest problem. inuyasha and kagome have many problems, and kagome is the problem itself, but rumiko wanted to show that through annoying arguments they love each other. Kagome has many good ideas, but she ignores them and becomes immature.
Kagome and Inuyasha's love is puppy love. Not my thing to offer. They are the same as at the beginning of the chapters. Inuyasha is stuck in a toxic relationship with a person who is a self-centered and manipulative person who puts him above his own daughter while still being jealous of her past life. How can I describe it other than obsession?
Kikyou, despite her hatred, didn't stop loving him. Her feelings were very real, she took his feelings into account, there was a moment in the manga when she told him to leave because her friends would worry about him, and she was grateful for him being with her. This is completely different. Kikyou sees him as a person with feelings and takes his feelings into account
Inuyasha is calmer and more mature around her, which cannot be said about him when he is with Kagome, where in the marriage it really shows how repressed he is and is afraid to say anything about Kikyou because he knows how much Kagome is about her.
Sure, InuKik is imperfect, but it doesn't matter, what matters is the depth. Kikyou just wanted to live like a normal woman, she found peace because her dream came true. Meanwhile, Kagome will be forever bitter and hateful towards Kikyou whom she wished for death and her wish came true, but even the fact that Inuyasha still loves her and thinks about her makes her jealous and furious.
This goes back to show that kagome isn't going through any emotional or physical development, so her relationship with inuyasha has changed from friends to husband and wife, but nothing has actually changed about them. It's still puppy love and it will never mature because Kagome won't mature.
The epilogue is a perfect summary of kagome's lack of development and her relationship with inuyasha.
In my opinion, if you want to come to your own conclusions, read the manga. I said what I thought according to my conscience and perception. For me, inu//kag is puppy love and InuKik is a mature relationship and Kikyou respects him as a person and takes his feelings into account.
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ka-go-me · 10 months
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Minamoto (formally Higurashi) Kagome 源 (日暮)かごめ NICKNAME: Kags, Miko, Koishii, Neko Miko TITLE(S): Miko, Hime AGE: 15 - 47 (verse dependent) SPECIES: Human SEX: cis female NATIONALITY: Japanese INTERESTS: Sewing, cooking, playing the flute, working as a kind of taijiya, hanging out with her friends, cuddling with her mate, learning new things, learning how to control her powers. PROFESSION: She works as a healer, wife, mother, and part-time taijiya. BODY TYPE: She's small in stature, slim but not thin, muscular arms due to her use of the bow and arrow, medium-sized bust, EYES: Mahogany Brown HAIR: Her hair is obsidian in color with natural blue highlights, marking it as a blue-black--It looks cobalt when it gets wet. It's long and usually down. She rarely puts it up, but like everyone with long hair, she does occasionally. SKIN: It was fair--almost alabaster when she was little, but ever since she came to the Sengoku it has darkened slightly in tone. So, now it's a very light tannish color. FACE: Heart/oval shaped, small bubble gum pink lips, large eyes, small nose POSTURE: She has to have good posture to be able to use a compound bow with any accuracy. However, when she's relaxing she'll often slouch. HEIGHT: 5'1" ( 154.94cm ). VOICE: speaking: Listen Here | singing Listen Here SIGNATURE OUTFIT: Her most known outfit is the green seifuku (school uniform), and her second is the miko kosode no hakama, that's what I generally have her in, the kosode no hakama, however, I also love having her in furisode kimono, and leather when she's in the modern era. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Inuyasha, typically, played by: @loneinuyasha and Kikyou COMPANIONS: Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara, Kouga, Ginta, Hakkaku, Kikyou-canonically, Hua Mulan @adversitybloomed, Anna of Arendelle @sparesovereign, Princess Yona @akarxuu, and a few others outside of canon~ ANTAGONISTS: Naraku, Houjou, Shichinintai, STRENGTHS: Kindhearted, loyal, empathetic, understanding, healing power, WEAKNESSES: Opinionated, short-tempered, possessive. FRUITS: Strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, kiwis, oranges, lemons. DRINKS: fruit teas, water, milk ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: sake---rarely SMOKES: she doesn't smoke. DRUGS: she doesn't do drugs. DRIVER'S LICENSE: N/A.
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tagged by: @adversitybloomed ( Thank Yu luvy ! ) tagging: @holified, @akarxuu, @peculiarbeauty (Hello~! xD), @prettymoonmuses (your choice!), And you.
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sereia1313 · 2 years
Pick a profession for every IY character
I'm assuming by "every" you mean the main cast? Can I cheat and use a list of characters that I like the best instead? Kiss & Tell actually puts most of these peeps into random jobs, and I answered a similar ask about Sess and Kags having jobs in the modern era here.
Sesshoumaru - CHEF! But also something creative in general! Writer, artist, jewellery maker, etc. (though CEO Sess in a suit is always fun)
Kagome - something that either requires a really high degree like surgeon or engineer, or something to do with kids (teacher, librarian, child author, etc.)
Inuyasha - again, something creative but more hands-on, like carpenter, glass-blower, architect
Kagura - being a badass LOLLL, something where she is completely competent and knowledgeable in what she does and gives her freedom/control. I've had her as Sess or Kags' assistant before but in that "they'd never survive without her" way, dancer, store owner. Lots of fun options!
Inukimi - a combination of Sess and Kagu I guess. Creative but has her as her own boss. Starlet, shop owner, author, etc.
Kouga - ugh, he's always so hard to put into a career. Something active but where he gets to show off? Lifeguard, dentist, etc.
Shippou - Master of Mischief! I haven't had him as a full adult in many of my current fics, so he's usually still in school/learning. I've had him as a mechanic, car artist, tour guide, etc.
Souten - something to compliment Shippou (if she's old enough in my fics, that's who she gets paired with). I think it would be something very straightforward and down to earth, maybe something with numbers like an accountant?
Kikyou - Something that seems more mathematical but is actually creative. Or she works a regular job just for the income and it's her secretly creative hobby that keeps her going.
Sango - Probably something similar to Kouga. Bodyguard, stunt person, park ranger.
Bankotsu - Something that is the complete opposite of his personality! Like, he looks like a yakuza member but he's actually a cafe worker or cake decorator or something.
If I did all of them, I'd be here all day, so hopefully that's enough for you!
Thanks for asking!
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z-lue · 2 years
I love your art! Could you do more IY fanart? Maybe some Kouga? Or Kog/kag
hello! thank you for asking ✨ in fact yes, I want to make more drawings of Inuyasha since I am watching it again and it inspired me a lot
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lordyouko · 6 years
5(inukag) and 32(kogakag)..... 😁😁😁😁😁
@oitreedeb That is one hell of a pick.
@n0vic3-4nastasia Bless you for giving me an excuse to write more inucest. I��ve never written A/B/O dynamic before but I’ll give it a shot.
What @oitreedeb and @n0vic3-4nastasia chose kind of go together and novice- asked for #1 with inucest so I decided to combine all of them in a sort of short ficlet.
@oitreedeb - *grumbles* making me write Kou/Kag. Finnee.
Here goes:
5. bad sex/sex fails (Inu/Kag), 32. Forbidden love (Kou/Kag), 1. A/B/O (inucest)
“Mmf! Inuyasha! What the hell are you-”
Inuyasha hastily let go.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, “Are you ok?”
Kagome huffed, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face. “My god, Inuyasha, don’t you have like the vaguest clue – you know, how stuff… works?”
“I do,” Inuyasha protested. “Here, let me just-”
“No, no that’s ok,” Kagome said quickly. “Don’t worry about it. I mean clearly, you don’t want to.”
“I do want to,” Inuyasha tried again. “Of course I do, otherwise why would I be here in your bed-”
“You tell me,” Kagome retorted. “Why are you here? Because obviously, some parts of you don’t want to be.”
Inuyasha turned red then, and sat back, scooting away from her supine body.
Kagome raised herself onto her elbows, her shirt falling open carelessly where he’d clumsily unbuttoned the top few buttons, revealing her lacy bra barely covering her shapely breasts. Kagome noticed he didn’t even look at them once. In a corner of her mind, she wondered if he would have noticed if Kikyou had been lying here in her place.
“Because… I want to be with you,” Inuyasha replied, not meeting her eyes. “And – now it’s clear that – that I can’t.”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome said, voice becoming a little high pitched, a sinking feeling settling into her stomach. “What do you mean you can’t? If it’s a problem of – you know, performance, it happens to all guys sometimes…”
Inuyasha laughed hollowly. “No, no that’s not the problem. I – Kagome, I can’t because… because I’m an omega.”
“A- what?”
Inuyasha sighed, colour still dusting his cheeks. “It’s bad enough I’m a hanyou, and a bastard, but looks like that wasn’t enough for the universe because it decided to shit on me some more by also making me a – an omega-“
He glanced at Kagome; she still looked completely clueless. He swallowed hard. Damn, this wasn’t something he wanted to be explaining to the girl he had planned to spend the rest of her life with.
“An omega is a youkai that’s – that’s destined to be claimed by an alpha,” Inuyasha explained softly.
“Claimed?” Kagome repeated dumbly. “What is this, some feudal Japan thing? Because I’ll tell you, just because hanyou aren’t socially accepted doesn’t mean you have to-”
“This isn’t a society thing, Kagome,” Inuyasha interrupted, irrationally irritated by her defending him. “It’s my body. It’s – just the way it works. There’s not much I or anybody else can do about it.”
“You’re telling me the course of all youkai lives are predetermined from birth?” Kagome asked disbelievingly.
“No, not all,” Inuyasha said. “In fact, most youkai aren’t any of those things. They can choose who they want to be with, and who they become– ” bitterness laced Inuyasha’s voice. “But it’s not all bad for all the youkai who are born a certain way. Alphas have it made; it raises the honour of a family to have an alpha born in it. My father was one. And  –”
Inuyasha paused and with a short breath, changed the subject. “Anyway, omegas are just the opposite.”
“Ok,” Kagome said.  “So maybe if I-”
“Kagome,” Inuyasha said harshly. “You’re human. There’s nothing you can do.”
Kagome flinched, suddenly uncomfortably with the flinty look in his eyes.
“So what does that mean for you and me?” she asked softly, straightening up and beginning to button up her shirt.
Inuyasha swallowed around the sudden lump in his throat. “I –“
He lowered his head and let his bangs cover his eyes. “I can’t be with you…”
She’d been expecting the words, but they still felt like a stab to her heart. They were, after all, dashing away hopes she had been holding on to for so long.
“How long have you known?” Kagome asked, averting her eyes from his. “That you’re – you know-”
“…since I was a kid,” Inuyasha said. There was a moment of silence but Inuyasha didn’t elaborate. Kagome knew he was holding something back, but right now, the details weren’t seeming all that important.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” she whispered. “All this time… you strung me along..”
A muscle twitching on his mouth was the only indication of Inuyasha’s pain. “There – there are no omegas or anything among humans, and I’m hanyou so I thought maybe… if I tried really hard I could-”
Kagome felt some of her anger melt away at the heartbreak in his voice.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he whispered. “I really – I really wanted to be with you…”
Kagome made a soft despairing sound, and Inuyasha sprang to his feet; in a trice, he was at her window.
Kagome sat there dumbly on her bed. A part of her wanted to go after him, wanted to stop him from leaving like this, but she found she couldn’t move. Her body suddenly felt so heavy and she was so tired-
She knew he would have scented the tears that were gathering in her eyes. He didn’t turn around.
Kagome sat there on her childhood bed where he’d left her and finally let the tears escape.
Kagome debated never again returning to the feudal era. She had almost decided never to jump down that well again, when it occurred to her – her life there hadn’t been all about Inuyasha. She had friends there, friends who would be hurt if she just vanished from their lives without saying goodbye.
So she went. One more time.
She hadn’t anticipated how quickly her friends would be able to read her desolation on her face. It took them no time to notice how upset she was, and how standoffish and ruder than usual Inuyasha was and they put two and two together – they were broken up, for good.
Then there was all the consoling and the kind words, and Kagome had never before known those things could make one feel like bashing one’s head against a wall.
So she fled.
Away from Sango and Miroku and Shippou and Kaede, away from anyone who wished her well.
She didn’t know where she had ended up when she stopped at last, winded, and dropped to the grassy floor.
She didn’t cry; that’s all she had done for so long, after all. Inuyasha entered her thoughts unbidden, and she felt the tears gathering like dark clouds in her chest, but she didn’t allow them to her eyes.
Instead, she concentrated on breathing, one hand clenching in the dirt beneath her fingers. She watched a drop of sweat slide off her forehead and mix into that dirt. It vaguely occurred to her that Kikyou probably never got all gross and sweaty like this.
The sound of her name, here, in this time, out in the middle of nowhere startled her.
She looked up and her heart leapt into her chest.
“Kouga,” she said, and was surprised to find her voice raspy and small.
Alien blue eyes clouded over with concern and Kouga knelt down next to her.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
Kagome looked down at her hands, and could not answer.
The wolf leader didn’t press her; instead, he came to sit cross-legged next to her on the ground.
“So what are we staring at?” he finally asked, turning to look at her after a while when the silence got oppressive.
“Are you alpha omega whatever too?” Kagome asked, without preamble.
Kouga drew back in surprise at the question. Out of the corner of her eye, Kagome saw his reaction. She knew she was being rude, but didn’t care right now. She sort of hoped she had offended the wolf, and he would leave her alone in peace. She sort of also hoped he would stay here with her and drive away some of her loneliness.
“I’m a beta,” Kouga answered, to Kagome’s surprise.
She huffed a laugh, resolutely refusing to meet his eyes. “So you can’t be with humans either, then,” she muttered.
“Why do you care?” Kouga began teasingly, but stopped when he saw she wasn’t taking the bait.
“It means I can be with alphas and omegas. I can be with whoever I want to be,” Kouga explained. “Except an omega that’s been claimed by an alpha.”
“But no humans,” Kagome added snidely.
“Humans too,” Kouga said quietly.
Kagome’s head snapped towards him. “Really?”
“Yes,” Kouga said. “Why, what’s brought this whole – mmph!”
He had to brace a hand on the ground behind him when Kagome kissed him suddenly.
Blue eyes were wide as saucers when she drew back. “Kagome-” he whispered, fingers brushing disbelievingly over his own lips.
Kagome said nothing; she just looked at him.
After a moment, Kouga leaned down and took her in his arms, lowering his head to meet their lips once more.
Kagome’s hand clutched at the fur-lined armour on the wolf’s chest, and it occurred to her that this was wrong.
Terribly, awfully wrong.
She had only just broken up with the boy who she’s planned to spend the rest of her life with. And she wasn’t the girl who did this kind of thing. She didn’t jump from one boy to the next.
She should be mourning the end of her relationship with dignity and then, only after a large number of months had passed, should she even begin to think about being in another relationship.
Kouga’s tongue entered her mouth, gently but surely, and Kagome decided she absolutely did do this kind of thing.
After all, if the first love of her life could break her heart without ever being with her, the least she could do was this.
And now, at least she had a reason to keep coming back to feudal Japan.
A/N: That was the first ‘chapter’. @n0vic3-4nastasia - the inucest will be in the next instalment. 
And, surprisingly, I’m having fun writing Kou/Kag. So @oitreedeb thanks for giving me a chance to write a pairing I never would have otherwise gone for ^_^
This will also be up on FF and AO3 soon.
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loversthroughtime · 4 years
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this will never cease to be the cutest and most hilarious scene ever. Also can we talk about how small Kagome is? she's TINY.
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happygurl4evr · 7 years
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I'm a ride or die Sess/Kag fan, but my original fav was Kou/Kag and sometimes I am burdened with feeeeeeeelllssss... so here! I didn't really have a scenario in mind but it kind of feels like a goodbye...
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
so like I feel like I’m an super minority here but I like the idea of bisexual or gender fluid Sesshomaru.. idk any fics tho.. do you know of any fics that either have him being bi or NB or gender fluid..? or mistake him for being gay..? but are SessKag..? ty..!
Well, my darling Anon... This request of yours sparked a movement. 😁 When I started to ask around the Discord sever if anyone could remember reading fics fitting your request, the lovely Troll jumped on it and decided that the world needed more bi/gnc Sesshoumaru and made it a challenge.
So this time, Anon, we will have some fics here hot off the presses for you.
Happy Reading!
- Admin Chie
PS. There will be more fics coming that fit this request later, so keep your eyes peeled! And you might also want to check this AO3 collection for bi/GNC!Sesshoumaru.
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A Winter Morning by kaoruhana (SessKagKog)
Posted on: AO3 Rating: K+ Summary: Kouga woke up with a yawn, one hand coming up to rub at his eyes, the other raised somewhat in a stretch, jostling the head of black hair that lay curled on his chest. Kagome still slept on, lost to the world and fast asleep. He blinked a few times, before yawning and turning his head to greet his other bedmate. Sesshomaru leant against pillows, a book propped open on his lap, reading glasses resting on his nose. His long hair was gathered together in a lazy haphazardly gathered bun. “Morning.” He greeted Kouga.“Morning.” Kouga mumbled back. Status: One Shot
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Alpha Bitch by LadyoftheLemons (contains InuSess)
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Kagome is alpha female and it's time for her to take a mate for the safety of the pack. Will Inu and Sessh be able to put aside their differences  to have the woman they both want or will their fighting tear the pack apart? inu/kag/sessh Status: WIP
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Don’t Be a Flake by Sereia13
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: A chance encounter in a coffee shop turns disastrous after Kagome’s new hire insults a customer. Status: One Shot
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Exception by AshMish111
Posted on: AO3 Rating: MA Summary: Yokai pride themselves on having strong bodies, strong hearts, strong wills. But they still feel, and they still fall. Sesshomaru has lived centuries, various partners coming and going, but his heart remains untouched. And then a lonely Miko stumbles back into his life. Status: One Shot
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Hazy Blues by Mythicamagic
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Kagome loses her sight and looks to Sesshoumaru for help.(enemies to lovers tumblr prompt fic) oneshot. Status: One Shot
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Kiss And Makeup by AshMish111
Posted on: AO3 Rating: T Summary: Kagome needs help- fast. The only person she can think to turn to is a beautiful, wonderful, soul stopping- and unavailable- friend who comes through for her better than she could have hoped. But he’s not done surpassing her wildest dreams. Status: WIP
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Perception by thetroll
Posted on:  AO3, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Walking home from work one day, Kagome sees a sight she shouldn't. And before she knows it, her life will be forever tied to her boss, Sesshomaru, after that night. (feat. Bi Sesshomaru) Status: WIP
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The Hair And Now by Mynightshining
Posted on: AO3 Rating: T Summary: After only focusing on school for a decade, Kagome's friend gifts her a much-needed day at the salon where she runs into a familiar face. Status: One Shot
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Toy With Me by thetroll
Posted on: AO3 Rating: MA Summary: Kagome decides it's time to take care of her own needs. She's been alone for too long and it's time she looked after herself. Of course, the owner of the store has other ideas once he sees her..
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With These Lips by thetroll
Posted on: AO3 Rating: M Summary: It has been a long, hard day at work. Kagome decides to treat herself to some makeup at the store. She never expects to see him there. Ito Sesshomaru, the makeup king. Status: One Shot
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ao3feed-kogkag · 3 years
Love's Smirking Revenge
by Langus
Inuyasha Takahashi is a seasoned detective heading the most publicized Yakuza murder investigation of the year. Kagome Higurashi is a journalist who likes a good mystery. When the two clash over the investigation will sparks fly or will they get burned?
This is a modern AU crime noir fic I wrote some time ago (2007-2012) that I'm finally getting around to reposting on AO3. LSR is an Inu/Kag and Sess/Rin fic intertwined with a murder mystery. It's pretty dark in places and absolutely every character in this fic is flawed but I hope you enjoy their story just the same. Warnings will be posted at the beginning of any chapter that includes graphic depictions of violence or reference to domestic violence or non-con.
Words: 1744, Chapters: 1/42, Language: English
Fandoms: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: InuYasha (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome, Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Rin (InuYasha), Kouga (InuYasha), Naraku (InuYasha), Kagura (InuYasha), Onigumo (InuYasha), Original Characters
Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha, Higurashi Kagome/Kouga, InuYasha/Kikyou (InuYasha), InuYasha & Kouga (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome & Naraku, Rin/Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Kagura & Sesshoumaru (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome/Onigumo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, noir fiction, Murder Mystery, Organized Crime, Yakuza, Enemies to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Kidnapping, Domestic Violence, Gun Violence, Love Triangles, Past Character Death
source https://ift.tt/P8bu0Sn
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Spots to kiss + 9 (ear)
If you need extra inspo:
Kags wonders why sessho seems to be looking for a particular reaction when he kisses her ears. Instead of asking him about it she just kisses his ear instead and ho boy.
OR anything you feel like writing~
Thanks anon, I went for this instead, I hope you like it ^^
"I really am concerned for you, Lady Kagome!"
Kagome stifled a sigh, lifting her basket of herbs and straightening. "Kouga is just a friend, there's no need to worry."
Joy of joys, Akitoki Hojo had taken it upon himself to graciously visit their humble village. Since hearing he'd married a woman with a name identical to hers, Kagome couldn't help but feel a little creeped out around him. Especially since Shippo had suggested he'd forced his wife into a name change. She shuddered, knowing the kit was just messing with her. But boy had their visitor sure thrown a fit when Kouga had shown up with his usual recycled speech about how he'd make her his woman.
"Nonetheless! You do know that if you marry and- and ah..." his cheeks grew red. "Consummate your relationship, then you'll lose all your spiritual powers?!"
Blue eyes remained flat and unimpressed as she began walking through Inuyasha Forest, gazing up at the light filtering through twisting branches overhead. "That so? Hmm..." she tapped her chin, feeling a brush of dark youki caress the back of her neck. "If that's the case, why does Miroku strut around with perfectly usable sutras? He hasn't lost his powers and he's a horndog."
The young man followed her like a bad smell, shadowing her footsteps closely. "It's only something that happens to priestesses- since they're so pure."
"How convenient," Kagome drawled sarcastically. "That sounds exactly like something an old codger would say to gatekeep a woman's sexual freedom. No way would a priestess lose her powers just from sleeping with someone."
"But it's true, Lady Kagome! Please be a tad more cautious. Demons like that Wolf Prince are a danger to your virtue."
Something simmered beneath the surface of her expression, brightening blue eyes and curling lithe fingers tight around her basket. She trembled a little, and Akitoki noticed this with dismay. "A-ah, I did not mean to upset you-"
Kagome abruptly burst into laughter. She waved a hand, wiping tears from her eyes. "No, no, it's okay. But I might need a minute to collect myself before returning to the village. My delicate nerves are frazzled just thinking about it," she sighed, making her expression morph into that of an innocent young woman, brows drawing together and eyes large. "Would you please carry these back to Kaede for me? I won't take long- mn...maybe 20 minutes."
"Of course!" he simpered, happily accepting the basket of herbs. "Take all the time you need and ruminate on what I said."
"Oh I will~" she chirped, waving amiably as he walked through the trees and out into clear sunlight.
Akitoki smiled to himself, satisfied that she'd been sufficiently warned. He could not bear the thought of Lady Kagome becoming defenceless, and the mere idea of her debasing herself to lay with a demon was unthinkable. His cheeks heated, mind straying.
Deciding to look back at the beauty once more with a crude fantasy playing through his mind- he froze and choked on nothing. At the border of Inuyasha's forest stood Kagome, draped in shade. Another stood with her, unmistakable from the fall of silver hair, spiked armour and furs.
The demon leaned down, face hidden by the fall of Kagome's dark curling hair, but he seemed to be kissing her ear. The priestess clung to him, mouth falling open in a silent moan.
Akitoki's mouth fell open for a different reason. Words failed him as horror climbed up his throat. He thought to run to the village and shout for help.
Golden eyes found him and pinned the young man in place a second later. The lord of the west lifted his head with a placid, stoic expression. Long fingered hands tipped with claws slid possessively around her waist, furs curling her tight against him. It was that predatory gaze that choked the air from Akitoki's lungs, the message conveyed within them unmistakable.
'Talk and you die.'
Swallowing thickly, he woodenly turned around and robotically continued walking.
He kept his mouth shut, and when Kagome returned to the village some 40 minutes later; hair a mess and adjusting her rumpled clothes, Akitoki wisely refrained from comment. The only time she acknowledged him again was during a boar demon attack when she let loose an arrow gleaming bright with holy powers.
The look she pinned him with was triumphant, confident and slightly gloating;
'I told you so.'
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willowandfog · 4 years
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Hey guys! I asked for people to send me some prompts my way and as promised I took the first two and wrote an Inu/Kag one shot. 
The two winning prompts were:
“They're such an idiot. My idiot but still.” 
& “Nothing else matters except for you."
Thank you to @ruddcatha and @smmahamazing for the prompts!
So this came from an idea I have for a fic. This ‘one shot’ will eventually be developed into a full fic. This one shot is from further into the story. The feelings, relationships and such are established by this point. (Warnings:) There is also some violence and brief references to torture.
Read below the cut:
Inuyasha pushed through the doors to the lab, carefully taking in the small group standing huddled together, talking in hushed whispers. Shippo was the first to notice him approaching, shushing the others before pointing over their shoulders towards him. The other two turned in unison as Inuyasha came to a stop in front of the group, hands on hips.
“Tell me you guys have managed to connect the bomb to Sandusky Shipping?” He asked in his rough, impatient tone. 
Miroku, Sango, and Shippo stood gaping at him. “Well uhh actua-”
Miroku elbowed Shippo in the side. “Kagome still wasn’t exactly sure that the bomb is connected to them, she thinks that the bomb might have been moved somehow from its original place to make it seem like it was the shipping company.”
“Ooook. Why does she think that? Is she still testing things?” He held up a hand to stop them from speaking as they all opened their mouths to speak at once. “Nevermind. I’ll ask her, where is she?”
Shippo and Miroku shared a wide eyed look before taking a step away from him, trying to gain some distance, leaving only Sango standing directly in front of him. 
Sango glared back at them before turning back. “Inuyasha, that’s what we were talking about when you came in. We found some unusual trace elements in the samples brought back for us, and… well Kagome wasn’t sure if they originated in the bomb or are just from the terrain when the explosion happened. She said she needed a ground sample from the site, outside of the explosion area.”
“Ok.” Inuyasha sighed, glancing at his watch. “When do you think she’ll be back? Kouga and I really need to move forward with this.”
“Here’s the thing.” Sango started nervously. “She went last night.” Inuyasha looked back to her, frowning. “The records show that she never came back to the lab and she wasn’t at her place this morning when I went to pick her up. We all figured she maybe just decided to go home and grab the samples this morning but… She should’ve been here three hours ago and she’s not picking up her cell.”
Pulling out his own phone, Inuyasha tapped Kagome’s name on his screen. The call connected directly to her voicemail. “Kagome.” He spoke in a low dangerous tone. “Call me. Now.” He growled before ending the connection. Inuyasha stood there, jaw tightly clenched, seething. He turned to leave, stopping at the doorway. He let out an aggravated shout a moment before he punched the wall beside the door, his fist leaving a hole in the drywall. “Whichever of you is capable of collecting a sample, meet me by my office in ten minutes.” He exited through the lab doors, hands tightly balled into fists.
Sango turned back to the other two to find them with their hands raised in position for Rock, Paper, Scissors. “Nope.” She said, before striding away. 
“I am never letting you drive again. What the fuck, Inuyasha? You’re going to kill us.” Kouga growled, grabbing the roof handle as Inuyasha swerved around another car ‘going too slow’.
Inuyasha grumbled something under his breath, turning down the road leading to the warehouse district. 
“He’s right, I’d rather not die before I can legally drink.” Shippo mumbled from the back seat. 
Inuyasha pulled up next to where Kagome’s sapphire blue Hyundai Elantra was parked next to the active crime scene tape. He had barely put the SUV in park before he jumped out. He threw open Kagome’s driver’s side door, picking up her phone that lay on the seat. 
“Her phone’s dead.” He said turning to Kouga as he pocketed the object.
Shippo pointed at the east end of the warehouse. “She would have wanted to collect a sample from as close to the edge of the blast site as possible.”
“Kagome!” Inuyasha shouted as they ducked under the tape, walking towards the spot Shippo indicated. “Kagome!” He heaved a sigh. 
“Guys…” Shippo said quietly, pointing to a spot near the tall grass. 
Kagome’s large black collection box lay turned over, contents scattered. Inuyasha dropped his head into one of his hands, shaking it. Kouga carefully stepped through the tall trampled grass, scanning the ground. He crouched down, inspecting something. 
“Inuyasha. Come look at this.”
Inuyasha knelt down beside him. When he saw Kagome’s issued firearm his stomach dropped. 
“Look here.” Kouga pointed to the butt of the grip. “Is that blood?” 
Inuyasha nodded. “Looks like it.”
“Why would she come out here alone? Especially when it was getting dark.”
Inuyasha growled slightly. “Cause she’s an idiot.” He rubbed his hand over his face in exasperation. “My idiot, but still.” He grumbled before standing, pulling his phone from his pocket and calling it in.  
Why is this happening after we finally agreed to give things between us a shot? Dammit, Kagome, you better be ok. 
“Inuyasha!” Sango came sprinting into his office, huffing for breath. She handed him a file. “Kaede got those results on the blood from Kagome’s gun.”
Inuyasha cracked open the file, studying the contents for a long moment.
“It wasn’t her blood. She fought back, she’s still alive, Inuyasha.” Sango spoke quietly reaching across his desk and resting a hand over one of his. 
“We don’t know that for sure. But she damn well better be.”  He snapped the file closed, covering his eyes with his hands. “Why didn’t she just ask me to go with her?”
“Inuyasha.” Sango said gently. “As much as  Kagome likes working with you. She isn’t likely to want to interrupt when you’re arguing with your ex in your office.”
Inuyasha sighed. “I gotta make a call about these results. Hopefully we’ll be able to find out where she is.”
“Alright everyone, the blood we found on Dr. Higurashi’s firearm was from Johnny Marrow. Been in prison a few times, but mostly his cases almost never make it to trial. Some crimes include criminal possession of a controlled substance, evidence tampering, but most importantly several cases of assault, and he was suspected of several murders but we never had enough evidence to convict. We had an informant report Marrow conducting suspicious activity near the port. Now, if he doesn’t have the doctor, he should know where she is. Marrow is to be taken alive.” Inuyasha instructed the three HRT agents in the van as he strapped on his vest. 
“That’s one of Darren Montana’s men right? Scummy, clean up, loose ends man?” Kouga questioned. 
“Yeah.” Inuyasha said quietly as he sat down next to him, checking over his MP5SD6. 
“Don’t worry man. She’ll be in there.” Kouga said, clasping him on the shoulder as the van jerked to a stop and the back doors swung open. “Let me take point. If we find her, you just focus on getting her out.”
Inuyasha nodded, following him out of the van. As the five agents gathered together to finish coordinating, the driver ran over to them.
“Thermal scanners indicate there are a dozen people inside. There’s a cluster of five on the west end. Three on the second level. One near both doors, and another doing patrols. Then the last one is isolated near the five on the west side.” He reported. 
“Thanks, Luke.” Kouga said, turning back to the group. 
“Should’ve brought more men.” Inuyasha groaned to himself. 
“Alright guys.” Kouga started.
Kagome jerked awake at the sound of gunfire. She yanked on her restraints, tears pouring down her face as the blistered wounds circling her wrists began bleeding, and her dislocated shoulder screamed at her. She failed to shake the matted, blood-caked hair from her face as she watched the door intently. Her vision swam, head throbbing, as the continued sound of gunfire seemed to echo in her ears. The dirty cloth rag pulled tightly at the corners of her mouth; her mouth and throat dry and raw.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed as she sat, tense, tied to the chair before the door swung open. She blinked squinted eyes at the bright light before she was able to make out a tall figure standing in the doorway, swinging a gun from side to side, scanning the room. When the figure lowered their weapon and kneeled beside her chair, she was finally able to recognize Inuyasha.
Tears of relief rather than pain began to flow as he gently pulled the gag from her mouth. He hesitated for a moment as his stern set face took her in. The bruises on her face already had different shades of blue and purple, and the dried blood down one side of her face indicated a head wound. His eyes turned soft before he moved behind the chair. As he cut the ropes he tried not to take in her blood soaked hands. She slumped forward, almost falling as the ropes fell free.
“Come on, Kagome.” He whispered to her, moving to scoop her up. 
She let out a high pitched whimper as her limp arm was jostled, dangling uselessly at her side. Wrapping her good arm around his neck, she buried her face in his neck. 
“Inuyasha.” She sobbed.
As he carried her from the room she noticed another agent had been guarding the door. Inuyasha followed close behind him, eyes scanning as they went. She closed her eyes firmly against the sunlight when they exited the building; hearing more shots coming from the second floor. Inuyasha carried her to the back of the van they arrived in, gently setting her down on a seat inside.
“Ambulance is on it’s way.” The other agent, Kagome thought his name was Evan, said to Inuyasha before turning and speaking into his radio.
Inuyasha knelt in front of her again, taking her face tenderly in his hands. “Are you ok?” He questioned softly.
“Yes.” She whispered but shook her head.
“Your shoulder.” He moved to take her arm as if he was going to pop it back into place but she pulled away from him.
“No.” Her voice was hoarse. “It’s really swollen, just leave it. She leaned her head back, closing her eyes again. “How did you find me?”
“Your gun.” He said simply, and she nodded.
Inuyasha waited impatiently outside of Kagome’s hospital room. Almost an hour had passed before Totosai finally emerged, closing the door behind himself. He frowned, shaking his head as he approached Inuyasha.
“That took a while.”
“Yes well, when an agent is kidnapped and tortured, there’s a lot more questions to ask. She’ll have to fill out an official report when she’s out of here but it’ll do for now.” Totosai raised a brow at him. “You sent Kouga without you?”
“I’d rather be here. How bad was it?” Inuyasha questioned.
Totosai sighed. “They were trying to find out what and how much we know. They’re scared we’re getting close. I believe her when she says she didn’t give anything up, I don’t think she’d still be alive if she’d talked. I think they were just getting started on her though, if you hadn’t found her when you did…” he shook his head again, glancing at his shoes briefly. “They’d started pulling fingernails, Inuyasha.” He said delicately before patting him on the shoulder and walking away.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, trying to compose himself before heading into her room. He drank in the sight of her as he shut the door. He took in the small bandage on the side of her head, the sling on her arm, her wrapped wrists and her bandaged fingers. The majority of her face was covered in deep purple bruises and the corners of her mouth looked split.
Her eyes cracked open, a small smile gracing her lips. “Hey.” She called out weakly. 
“Hey.” He replied back softly, approaching her bed.
“What are you doing here? I thought they finished the tests at the lab, confirming that Montana’s group planted that bomb. You were supposed to be making that arrest on Montana today.”
“Kouga’s going.” 
“We all know that you should be the one making that arrest.” She said firmly to him.
He rested a hand on her bed, leaning down, bringing his face close to hers. His breath warm on her face, Kagome caught a whiff of his spicy cologne. “Nothing else matters, except for you.”
She sucked in a breath, heart racing. Her chocolate eyes studied the greyish depths of his violet ones. He leaned in closer, stopping when he was a hair’s width away, pausing for a moment to see if she would object. When she didn’t he placed a brief tender kiss to her lips.
He smiled at her grin. “I think you should let me take you to dinner when you get out of here.” When she nodded he held up a finger. “Actually. How about I’ll take you to dinner if you agree to not go back to crime scenes alone.”
She laughed. “Deal.”
@ruddcatha​ @lavendertwilight89 @cstormsinukagblog​ @clearwillow​ @witchygirl99​ @dangerouspompadour​ ​ @pinkpigeonstudio @superpixie42 @smmahamazing​ @bluejay785 @zelink-inukag @liz8080 @rootpatterson @umacaking @zelico
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lemonlushff-iy · 4 years
if you're still taking these, 8 and 9 for dog tags?
The ask box is always open!
Writer asks
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
I took a lot of my husband to create Inuyasha in this one. I didn’t see it at first...but...Ok. This is what he wanted to do for Valentinesday 2020. He asked me to take the day off so we could spend the day together, and then we went for a hike, went to my favorite home goods type of store, and then we had sushi (which is like...my FAVORITE food group), and then he made me a bath for the rest of the night. I’M KEEPING DETAILS PG13. He also has a habit of just randomly sending me flowers. Like...they just randomly show up at work sometimes. For literally no reason. Or at home now...because COVID. 
The farmers market was also inspired by a permanent farmers market I’ve been to in Cincinnati, OH, Finnely Market. 
Also the seal thing? 100% happened minus the rain and everything that followed. We were at his cousin’s wedding in (I wanna say Santa Monica???) and we decided to go for a walk on the beach. We found the seal, he called animal control, I cried a lot, stayed there until the seal was picked up...He got major brownie points for that. 
Saucy (Beta for this fic) will swear up and down that I took her navy boy and turned Inuyasha into him. (I’ve never met him, so who is to say?) So really...it depends on who you ask, but I don’t fight her on it because the fic is for her...And my husband works in IT. So maybe Inu is just a fun blend of the two. 
I will also say that I made Kagome a librarian because Saucy is one. Thus...her full name being Saucy Librarian...but I’m lazy and never write that in full.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
In one version, Inuyasha and Kouga were friends. You can kinda see me setting them up for that in Kouga’s first appearance in the fic, but Saucy asked me to change that so...I’M SORRY KOUGA!!! 
In another, Kagome and Inuyasha didn’t have a long-distance relationship. She was just a local librarian helping him hunt down the owner of the Dog Tag. That idea was quickly scrapped because I asked Saucy if she wouldn’t rather have them be long distance like her and her guy? (Clearly the answer was yes). 
Also...At the moment this is more head canon than written out........BUT....
Since I’m the Inu/Kag “Queen of Angst”...
After Inu got back to the states, he was going to have a phone call from a hospital telling him that, as Kikyo’s emergency contact, she had been hospitalized. This was her ploy to get him to come see her again, and...when he fell asleep in the hospital room due to exhaustion (because let’s face it - he’s the kinda guy who would go see her despite everything), she was going to kiss him and break up with Kagome via his snap chat by sending her a picture.
Inuyasha, meanwhile, is oblivious and had made secretive plans with Miroku and her parents to come in for Thanksgiving to see her and meet them. So...When Kagome, still in the midst of heartbreak (because she had received the photo literally a day before) sees Inuyasha there with her brother, and is all smiles and is affectionate and sweeping her into this long desperate kiss...
She starts wondering what the fuck is going on. 
They get back to her parents' house, which is where they are all staying, and they get to her room and he starts looking around. He comments on the stuffed dog toy he won her, and can’t understand why she’s this chilly towards him. He thinks that it’s maybe because he surprised her and it might be too soon for him to meet her parents, but he does a very dumb horny guy thing (because he’s been on that ship for MONTHS surrounded mostly by guys) and takes off his shirt and says he’s going to go take a shower...and she should join him. 
This is where things changed.
In the OG version, they proceed to have a fight about him breaking up with her and pretending that he never did it. They figure out that Kikyo is the one who sent her the snap, not him, and once that gets clear up, the fight turns into one about trust. Because how could she really believe that he would do something like that to her? They ultimately break up, and he sleeps on the floor in her room after she convinces him to just stay for the holiday. It’s Thanksgiving. He shouldn’t go back to CA alone right now, and he already has the return flight booked...They spend the weekend pretending to be a couple in love, and while they are, they’re also the only ones who know that they are over. When they got back to the airport to drop him off, they kiss one last time, and when he says goodbye...That was supposed to be it. Because they are over. 
She still has a ticket to go out to CA though for winter break, so she does. She stays with her grandparents and goes to visit her brother at his apartment a few times. Inuyasha is still Miroku’s neighbor though...and Miroku is still up to his old tricks. He gets them alone together once, and they slowly work on mending fences and realize that they still want each other. By the time she goes home, they’re back together. 
In the new version, the fight in Kagome’s room isn’t about trust, because she caught on pretty quickly after that “I’ve missed you” kiss that something must have happened...it’s about the fact that he had come back and hadn’t told her, and that he even went to see Kikyo in the first place. He tells her that it was just because he wanted to surprise her for Thanksgiving - nothing else. And he went to see Kikyo because the hospital had called him. They ultimately make up, and she does join him for that shower. 
Things just felt more realistic in version two. It felt like the angst wasn’t going to be natural in version one. Like it would have been forced. And really...Once you stop trusting another person...How do you even come back from that? It just felt like too much, so it got chopped. 
Then again. 
So did this whole second half of the story...
THANKS FOR THE ASK ANON!!!!!!! You were not expecting a dissertation on this, LMAO!!!
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sereia1313 · 2 years
Ooh hello! 🛳 Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
Hellow @witchygirl99! How lovely to see you in my inbox.
🛳 Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
There are definitely a few I'm looking at in future fics! Bankotsu/Sango, Kouga/Sango - Sango is one of those IY characters that doesn't have an OTP for me, so putting her with different characters and exploring their dynamic is really fun (especially since I don't use her in general).
InuKimi & Kagome - I really love the friendship dynamic between these two, especially when Kags doesn't realize who she is (or who she's related to). Plus them getting into familial shenanigans while Sess groans in the background is hilarious in iteself. And characters impressing others by not putting up with their bullshit is SOOO fun!
Shippou & Kagome - Most of the fics with these two have Kags in more of a mom role, and while I love that (I've got a fic planned where this is really emphasized), I wanna explore them in a sibling role too.
Bankotsu & Kagome - Okiee, this one I'm really looking forward to. I'm trying to branch out in terms of Kags' friendships, and while Kagura is usually my go-to (cuz she totally deserved more time in the spotlight), I also like making her Sess's friend as well. So, this friendship is coming up and it'll be interesting to see how they balance each other out.
Thanks for jumping into my inbox for the New Years Writing Goals Ask!
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fuckyeahkogkag · 4 years
I definitely want to be more involved in the kog×kag community. I have no art skills and I have ideas for FanFiction. How do I get them onto paper?! How do I start this? I completely understand why it takes authors so long to update now. 😅 Also, I read a ton of kogxkag FF. How do I make it seem like I'm not taking someone elses plot? Reunion fics are so similar. HELP!
Hello!! I’m so sorry to have taken so long to reply, I didn’t see the notification for this ask. 😅
How do I get them onto paper?! How do I start this?
I (Mod Nikki) am a fanfic writer, so I might have some answers for you -- though I don’t know how helpful they’ll be. The best ways to get your ideas onto paper is to start writing them. I know this sounds super simple and super unhelpful, but let me share some different ways you can go about this.
You can jot down the idea as if you’re giving it to someone else. This would be a quick synopsis, exactly what the idea is in your head. From there after it’s on paper, you can flesh out the idea -- think about what happened before to lead up to the idea you’re focused on, consider what the world is around them (canon divergent in the past, canon divergent in the present, modern au?). Then, consider how this idea would affect the two of them. How would their friends react, how would it change their current life. Eventually, you might find the perfect starting point for a story (or one-shot, or mini-series, or whatever you feel like writing).
Another way to get the words out is to do a writing sprint. This is where I’ll set a timer for 20 minutes and all I can do in those 20 minutes is write. Write out everything and anything, it doesn’t matter if it’s terrible. Sometimes when I’m starting a new fic or idea, my first couple sprints is literally exploring the setting -- What is Kagome or Kouga seeing? What are they feeling? What does their surroundings look like? By the end of the 20 minutes, I’ll usually have enough momentum to have written something that really caught my interest and from there, I follow it to figure out the stoy.
One last big tip I have -- writing down your ideas doesn’t always have to be prose!! I have typed out full AUs and plots in just a simple outline and shared it that way on tumblr. It really helps to start churning ideas and the more ideas you churn out and share, the more new ones you think of. Creativity breeds creativity and the more you share, the more you’ll discover.
How do I make it seem like I'm not taking someone elses plot?
There is a BIG difference between writing a similar trope and copying someone else’s idea. First, I want to say that every trope has already been written. There is no such thing as a completely new, unexplored story line. Someone somewhere has written something similar.
Now, why write anyway? Because you are you. You have a different perspective, you have your own voice, you have your own interests and quirks and descriptions and characterizations. I can pick out seventy reunion fics between Kouga and Kagome and you know what? I will absolutely read another fifty more! Just because someone did a “Kouga and Kagome meet 500 years in the future” doesn’t mean someone wrote your “Kouga and Kagome meet 500 years in the future”. And there are readers out there that want your take!!
I have a fic that I’m currently writing that another author has copied the same tropes and we’re matching chapter for chapter. (I post a chapter, they post a chapter, so on and so forth.) Completely the same tropes -- and they’re two completely different stories! You have something unique to offer. It doesn’t matter how many reunion fics there are, yours will always hold something that none of the other fics have because it’s written by you.
There’s a comic that goes out where someone bakes an elaborate three-tiered cake. Another baker comes along with a beautiful one-tiered cake and says “Oh no, someone already made one.” Then a person with a fork comes along and you know what they say? “Awesome!! Two cakes!”
No one is ever going to complain about having options for cakes.
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cryysiswritesthings · 4 years
The Multi-verse Theory || Healthy Relationships
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Series: Inuyasha Rating: PG Warnings: Non-physical abuse, Trust Issues Status: On-going Pairing: KogKag Summary:
Kouga look between the two women, seriously wondering if they were pulling his leg. “You’re fucking with me.”
“I wish.” Sango cackled into her drink, taking another pull from her beer. Poor Kagome fiddled with the paper label on her bottle, refusing to meet his gaze.
“Kags, did he really…?”
“Let’s just say,” the embarrassed girl interrupted quickly, “that it didn’t last very long past it.”
Find it On: AO3
Tumblr Tags: #kogkag #inuyasha #multiverse #healthy relationships
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Kouga look between the two women, seriously wondering if they were pulling his leg. “You’re fucking with me.”
“I wish.” Sango cackled into her drink, taking another pull from her beer. Poor Kagome fiddled with the paper label on her bottle, refusing to meet his gaze.
“Kags, did he really…?”
“Let’s just say,” the embarrassed girl interrupted quickly, “that it didn’t last very long past it.”
Sango’s smirk was triumphant. “Because I put his ass in the hospital for it.”
“Good. Fucker deserved it.”
Kagome tipped her bottle in Sango’s direction, acknowledging her actions.
Waving her now empty glass, Sango stood from the table. “Be right back, I’m getting another. Next rounds on me?”
Kagome’s smile was small, but sincere. “Thanks babe.” Sango merely waved her off, before disappearing into the crowd. The new couple were finally left alone.
More than a little concerned, Kouga chose his next words carefully. “I know you’d probably rather not talk about it, but Kagome… you do know that what he did was wrong, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” She tried to smile, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Sango may have had to beat it into my head for me to get it, but I do now. I thought… the way he explained it, I just–”
“You don’t have to explain,” he said quickly, covering one of her hands with his. “I know… well,” he cleared his throat, “I know how it can be.”
Kagome frowned, her hand turning under his to press their palms together. “Kouga?”
“A few years ago,” he started, rubbing his thumb over her wrist. “This girl I was dating at the time. She wasn’t… she didn’t physically do anything to me, but she used to do other stuff. Constantly ask me where I was or who I was with, blow my phone up when I didn’t answer her right away, go through my phone without my permission…” he shrugged. “Stuff like that. I didn’t really see anything wrong with it until my sister saw what was happening. She flipped out. ”
It’s… it’s still hard for me to see what she did as wrong, sometimes. Even now. I know guys who’ve had girlfriends do that all the time, and are always surprised when they end up with one who doesn’t. It still seems normal to me.”
“That is not normal, holy shit.” Her grip on his wrist tightened. “People actually do that?”
“I would be livid if a guy did that to me. What sane person thinks its okay to do that to someone?” Realizing how that might have sounded, Kagome released him, trying to correct herself. “Not that–I didn’t mean–”
“I get it,” he laughed, biting his lip and again taking her hand. She seemed surprised, and his smile turned sheepish. “Sorry. I just… We’re still getting to know each other, and I get that, I do… I just really like holding your hand.” His fingers twitched as if to release her. “But if you’re not comfortable with it–”
“No, it’s… it’s okay.” She could see Sango heading back through the crowd, but Kouga was her primary focus. She squeezed his hand, her smile bright in the dim light of the club. “I like holding your hand too.”
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