#kpop topic
myung jaehyun is absolutely, hands down, the best leader for boynextdoor.
I always stand by the leader of groups being the best leaders for their groups, but it’s definitely a role that they have to grow into and improve constantly on. just like any other position in the group. just like any other thing you do.
that said, until the fanmeeting, I didn’t quite have the words to truly express why I feel so strongly about jaehyun’s role as the boynextdoor leader—especially as I think to a lot of non-onedoor, it can seem a bit confusing or not apparent at first. which mostly comes from jaehyun sitting outside the norm for a leader (particularly in hybe bgs) at least in personality.
jaehyun is loud. that’s like… something well known about him. he’s talkative and playful and despite being shy, he’s definitely the kind of person to enter the room knowing no one and leave with at least 5 new friends. his approach to people is one that feels very open and bright.
for this reason, I do think many people might not first associate him with the leader role. with most groups, the most energetic member is probably not the first considered as “oh yeah that’s the leader”. jaehyun is all the playful and energy-filled that usually comes with the member who the leader needs to keep an eye on the most and eventually has a bunch of youtube compilation videos.
that said, these qualities are exactly why I think he makes such a great leader for boynextdoor. as mentioned in the fanmeeting day 2 ending ments, the members of bonedo are the type of people to put up a straight face and keep their struggles to themselves. as woonhak and they have expressed, an example being woonhak putting on a smile and performing, despite dealing with grief. they’re very much the people to not make their problems someone else’s and to maintain a collected image in front of others.
while I also think jaehyun does this, as most people who are leaders may tend to for the sake of their groups, he’s also very very very unapologetically himself. he feels so much. his tendency to cry being a prime example of that, though not the only. the point is that jaehyun is expressive and open and in this, jaehyun contrasts with his members.
as woonhak has stated before, jaehyun has expressed that it’s okay for him to cry, to need to take a break, to sit this one out. jaehyun in general approaches his members with a lot of care. but overall, the stand out is that I believe jaehyun navigates along the lines of… feelings are meant to be felt. he has no qualms with any emotion being felt the way it occurs to us. yes there are ways to handle them, but ultimately, the feeling—whatever it may be—is there to be felt and expressed.
this is also seen in how he interacts with his members. in his very tactile approach to express the love and care he has for the rest of bonedo. the pride he feels for them. whatever words I’m not able to formulate to describe the whole yeppi exchange between him and sungho in the 3rd comeback show special.
it’s also in his loudness and energy. it’s all about expression. he’s so much, but it only feels that way, in my opinion, because he’s overwhelmingly unafraid and unapologetic of being himself, in a way that the industry might otherwise discourage. he’s not against expressing how he feels and while it likely won’t be the most apparent until later in their careers, I do think he’s the type to speak his mind.
all that said, the point is that these qualities do exist in contrast to his members and thus… encourage them to do the same. maybe not to be speeding around all over the place, but rather to allow themselves the space and time to feel as they do. that they don’t have to keep it all inside to avoid making it other peoples problems. they’re a team, if nothing else. and it’s in jaehyun being so so so much himself, being exactly the person he is, not something specially crafted to fit a particular image, he encourages the other members to be the same.
jaehyun helps to curate a safe space within their group by exhibiting that there’s nothing wrong with being the person they are. to feel whatever they feel. to express when things are going good or bad or somewhere in between. to approach things as they come and take them in stride, even if it’s without prior planning. that if a leader is meant to push a group forward and help them grow, then jaehyun steps up to the plate in that art cannot be made without emotion and so to become better artists, to continue being artists, it’s so important to find the safe spaces of being able to express and feel everything as they should be felt.
this is why I think jaehyun has some of the strongest lyricism currently in the group. it’s why I think he was a powerful force coming into KOZ and bonedo, and sort of the missing piece. he feels so much and he allows himself to feel all of it. in turn, as the leader, it’s something he encourages in the members. it’s leading by example. jaehyun builds a safe space for them to express, by being open himself.
but beyond that, jaehyun being unapologetically himself becomes an unstoppable sort of barrier between the group and outside the group. while not as apparent now, I do think it’ll grow into him being a strong adovcate for each of the members and the group as a whole. the group matters to him. his members matter to him. jaehyun’s never going to act as if they don’t, so long as they do. as such, he’ll put them first. he’ll encourage them and their best interest. he provides space and works to create and maintain that space for them to express themselves and be themselves. it’s what makes jaehyun the best leader for bonedo now, and it’s what will allow him to continue to do so.
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spirituellemuse · 5 months
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Barbados 🇧🇧 2024 Feb
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chuchaaay · 5 months
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lowkey this dress I found from hot topic is giving MILF vibes. I love it 😻 I’m ready for my NYC trip in 2 weeks !!!! (Yes I’m 31 and still going to KPop concerts 🫡🙂‍↔️)
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Can somebody please explain to me who came up with "keep Kpop Korean"? Were these Korean fans or international fans? When did this shit start and what was the reason behind it?
Cause I feel like anyone who has been a Kpop fan for more than 5 years, knows that Kpop has never been Korean only. Hell, SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment have never come up with anything original. SM Entertainment literally just remakes American and European songs and YG just steals directly from black culture.
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chemicalpink · 2 years
Jungkook's Updated Chart [2023]
Alright, alright, by now you’ve heard it, I’ve heard it, we’ve all heard it and it has caused a joyous moment for the bts astrologers. 
We’ve got in our hands Jungkook’s birth time (and while I really am not anticipating having to come back to the whole balance of opinions and general consensus of is it AM or PM) I am here to offer my two cents as a way to come back on here after a few too messy months. 
Let us start with the (probably) most pressing matter: the rising sign. While the general consensus before his live was a Libra Rising, we now find ourselves between a Capricorn or a Leo rising, I believe it is important to look at the Moon both of them carry. While Capricorn carries a Virgo Moon, Leo carries a Leo Moon, which was already the Moon sign that had been adapted to him before any type of confirmation. 
And while by general consensus Jungkook had been consensed as a day chart (which technically whether AM or PM he’s still a day inclined sect)  I’m inclined to give a PM chart a chance. Hear me out. 
Going by astrological knowledge, Jungkook’s chart continues to be a shady one even after we’ve been given his birth time in a general context. Say, a pretty easy way to tell if someone is an AM or PM chart, is by looking at the way that either the Sun or Moon resonates the most with the way one person is HOWEVER we love to complicate things in here so we’ll take the high road of looking at the malefic planets and their interactions within the chart according to the Hellenistic technique of sects. Say, either Mars or Saturn will play a major part of one’s life accordingly, and same applies to the benefits Jupiter and Venus. 
So let’s draw it out. 
Scorpio Mars in 4th or in 10th
Aries Saturn in 9th or in 3rd
Libra Venus in 3rd or in 9th
Aquarius Jupiter. In 7th or in 1st
A malefic Mars would be looking at someone that is filled with rage and aggression, while a Malefic Saturn is usually seen in people with Mercury-ruled Suns, such as Jungkook’s Virgo. Furthermore, Saturn never gives a malefic status when in houses 2,5,9,12. Now, I know we would love for the empowerment that a Scorpio Mars Jungkook would mean, however if you’ve been here for a while/ have read a bit on Scorpio Mars in general vs Scorpio Mars on Jungkook, you know already that it has been quite a wild ride between the empowered overly sexy go big or go home Scorpio Mars image and Jungkook’s very obvious downplay of said traits and leaning more towards a gentle, awkwardly flirty position; an Aries Saturn in his 3rd House would 100% explain the juxtaposition of it as Saturn would downplay his Scorpio Mars. 
Also just as a personal note, I find it funny (see: funny as an expression, it curious at most) that a usual way to contradict a malefic Saturn in your chart is to have/care for 3 dogs (ahem Bam, Song and Paeng) then again, just a personal side note. 
Either way, if Jungkook were to have a malefic Saturn, it would make him a PM chart/ night sect. 
So onto the benefics, a Libra Venus benefic is usually seen with either a Capricorn or an Aquarius Rising however, if Jungkook were to have an Aquarius Jupiter benefic, it would solidify the tendency towards his expansion as an artist, along with the way that it would be a great placement for his success. 
Messy, I told you. If we were to look at it in a simpler way, just by the semantics of “Which placements seem more impactful on Jungkook?” it would look like this:
An Aries Saturn is a sign of a generation’s leader, a little too competitive person that other peers find it hard to keep up with. 
A Scorpio Mars is someone that does things their own way not giving a second thought to disappoint, yet very reality-driven when it comes to other people. 
A Libra Venus benefits, amongst others, look a lot like obtaining luxuries in life and economic progress. 
An Aquarius Jupiter benefits include rising academically and leading a very intellectually-driven life while receiving support from their superiors. 
Without much thought into it, choosing one every two affirmations (say: 1 vs 2 and 3 vs 4) if you were to say hey, I think Jungkook’s Aries Saturn and Libra Venus sound a lot like what we’ve been able to see of him. We would be guessing a PM chart/ Night sect. 
If you were to say Nah, I think his Scorpio Mars and Aquarius Jupiter are pretty evident. We would be guessing an AM chart/Light sect. 
Now, NOW I KNOWWWW I’ve seen the discourse. 
Oh Jungkook being a Leo rising and Leo Moon makes so much sense. But does it? 
Sure, Leo risings are absolutely magnetic, mesmerising even; they are very aware of the image they want to project. There’s a lot of an “on-stage” vibe 24/7 with them (I’m looking at your karaoke at home, JK) They make rash decisions and are pretty well known for their lifelong temper tantrums as well as their idealism that tends to keep them out of trouble. It would 100% fit the marketing fairy image of his as Leo risings are great promoters. However (and not really counting the interactions a Leo rising would have with a Virgo Sun in the chart) Leo risings tend to live on a separate reality, almost fictional, and are driven by drama, pretty much blind to facts around them. I’ll give it to the allegations though, Leo risings are kids at heart, always fun loving and with wonder-filled eyes. 
Leo Moon (yay double whammies) this is where it gets interesting. A normally reserved but not uncomfortable with the spotlight when needed to be, sounds a lot like Jungkook. There’s this thing with Leo Moons where they feel a need to control people around them, even if not really out there. It is a very creative placement that gives people a need to entertain, if only a bit lazy about it. Sulking is a big thing for them because they need a lot of love and care from the people surrounding them.  
And if Jungkook truly is like that (because then again, we are only analysing a mere fraction of a true multifaceted human being while staying in our fan lane) we love to see it! However, it seems to me like it is more- of a description of Jungkook of BTS and his image when truly on stage. 
 Now, up for consideration:
Virgo Moons, the masters of pouting and nagging to get their way, as an underlying way to ask for care and attention from those around them. Prone to stress and pressure, most Virgo Moons are quick to rank themselves  as “underachievers” in mostly academic terms , if only because they usually find other non academic/non traditional subjects to overachieve on. Very jealous of their own space in which they must develop themselves. Often shy when around new people and pretty chaotic with people they’re comfortable with. Self-critical but with a lot of bodily control that could make them excel in art forms that require spatial cognition such as dancing and tend to have plenty of “little hobbies” or stuff they try out and excel at. 
Capricorn Rising (I know I know, sounds so out of it bc how could we even consider an Earth Sun and Earth Rising well-) perfectionists at their finest. A phrase that is always on the tip of their tongues “I will work harder” If you’re looking for someone that just naturally looks competent at whatever they do, it’s them. Often had to take on more responsibility than others at a younger age. Hard-working and driven personality thats makes it look easy to obtain their success levels. Epitomes of success stories in their own fields. Capricorn Risings are often quite mature and grown up when young due to having to grow up quickly and then loosen up and live a rather unique and free spirited way. 
Personal note on that one, Capricorn Risings are often referred to as “karma tokens” if you were to cross them for whatever reason, be sure that it’ll get back to you. 
Also, Capricorn Rising with Virgo Suns are often times delicate in terms of their skin and digestive system (which would make sense with Jungkook’s no gluten rule as of lately and his usual assortment of specialised personal care along with the aversion of dying his hair because of a delicate scalp) 
A Cap rising would also make so much sense in terms of his relationships with the other members. 
Capricorn Rising Virgo Suns have the best understanding with other Virgos and Capricorns (Namjoon and Taehyung) 
There’s a lot of tenderness and admiration for Pisceans (Yoongi)
Plenty of childish disagreements and bickering with Sagittarius while Sag would 100% help them come out of their shell and learn to loosen up and embrace a more childish way of living towards happiness (Seokjin)
Prone to be pretty close with Libras and Aquarians (Jimin and Hoseok) 
One way or another, the general consensus will come our way and as a BTS astrologer we shall respect the voice of the people, however I hope you enjoyed this food for thought, at the end of the day, and I shall keep repeating it, until we know for sure first hand if it is AM or PM, the only person that can and should resonate with it regardless of the exact time is the person to who the chart belongs to, which in this case is Jungkook. 
Nevertheless, I am a 15:23 advocate. If only because when looking at his chart’s universal time, being born at 3:23PM would make him a light sect with a 6:23 AM hour (which again, I find funny numerology-wise cause 2x3=6 and that’s the whole universal time of birth for him) 
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spiltinksky · 1 year
Chan: Mingyu, are you scared of Jihoon?
Mingyu, nervously: I think- I think everyone should have a healthy fear of their friends
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hwnglx · 1 month
hi ᯓᡣ𐭩
hope everyone's alright. life caught up with me and it got very difficult to keep up with this blog. i'm still busy, but found myself missing my blog a lot.. so i decided to come back! 🥰 however i can't promise how frequently i will update. i will do my best, but likely won't be able to fulfill every request or post as much as i did when i was very active.
since my inbox is a mess and very full, i'd prefer to have a clean slate and open my kpop requests from now on.
i do not do romantic readings on underage idols, and will continue to refrain from reading on anything nsfw/overly personal. pls keep your requests respectful. feel free to check my masterlist to avoid requesting topics i already read on ᰔᩚ (i'm open to updating some of my older readings though!)
also to note, i've been seeing some blatant lies being spread about me in the community, and would like to clarify i did not once steal anything from anyone on this platform. i do not have the hypocrisy within me nor any interest in doing that. anyone who states otherwise is full of sht. this isn't the first time that a lie has been made up just to stick a dagger in me, and it's truly giving obsession. hope you can finally find the peace within yourself to move on.
to everyone who sent me love in my inbox, thank you dearly. it means so much to me, you don't even know!
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shi0n · 10 months
theres this one pretty famous artist on tumblr but everytime i see their art. i just think about their 2017 TERRIFIC kinblr breakup and how they would post about their handsome korean friend. who turned out to be fake. sorry i just cant forget it....
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euseokz · 7 months
I feel like anyone upset over the boys being in happy healthy relationships just don’t get bitches
exactly !! just say you're bitchless and petty and move on like 😭 if anything i'm happy they're in relationships like why wouldn’t i be ?? people need to start remembering they don't own these idols in any capacity and they have the right to have their own private lives outside of work JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE !!
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kpop-bbg · 6 months
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schoenht · 1 year
I actually don't know the problem so I'm not too sure if I have problems with lactose or dairy all I know is whenever there's milk based included in my coffee or any milk it doesn't sit right with my stomach then again I haven't really tested any alternative milks or lactose free milks because the country im in barely has alternatives or lactose free so in most cases I'm stuck with regular milk but I don't regret it honestly. Also funnily enough any sort of ice creams doesn't trigger it/doesn't make my stomach not feel well.
- 🍦
interesting !! i have heard of that too bc i literally have the same thing when it comes to ice cream but yeah, wish you had the lactose free options bc that really helped me a lot <3 i hardly use alternatives tho its all or nothing (and my stomach winds up regretting it)
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growingwithem · 1 year
One of Leeteuk's projects on Kiss The YouTube is to listen to fans, give them comfort, advice, and strength. One of them told him that he is transgender and he expressed his pain, how hard it is for others to accept him and go after a dream:
Fan: Actually, I'm not an ordinary man. I am a transgender person. It is a fact that my family does not accept me and recently I feel very confused about my future. Will I be able to get a job? Is my existence a burden on everyone? I feel helpless and tired. I originally wanted to work in the industry, but due to my identity, that seems impossible. Since I'm a fan of hyung, I really wanted to tell him.
Leeteuk: "Don't be ashamed of being transgender, we are talking about your happiness after all. It's amazing that you decided to express yourself, be who you want to be"
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"A psychology teacher said that in life we ​​will have problems, even if you can't solve it, talk about it (...) If I accumulate my problems and try to lock myself up thinking that I can overcome them alone, those problems will not be solved. Therefore, they will make your heart sick, with depression, panic disorder, etc. That is, everything that is part of "suffering alone" (...)
When I give you advice or answers to your problems there is no correct answer, I can only say that it is an answer. Or when I tell you words of encouragement, in fact, most people start with their own experience, right? Like the situation of this fan it is not a feeling that everyone can easily experience and feel, so what I say to you may not touch your heart and no matter what I say to you it may not be able to heal your pain... But still, the fact that you were able to muster courage for me and everyone else listening to the show shows that you've always had a will, right? You have will and want to do many things. To develop better, to take a step for yourself... My thought is that you are already moving in a very good direction.
Didn't you say you want to work in broadcasting? In fact, there are also transgender people who are engaged in the performing arts. Where are you from...? First of all, streaming work is not something you can do if you want to do it. It requires qualifications and skill, and even some luck... To make this work, I think you need to think about where you will start. Do you want to create your own YouTube channel or start with other YouTube channels? It is also very important to accumulate some of your own strength and broaden your experience. Maybe I can bring comfort to this person in the future, maybe if I find a suitable topic for you, if you need help again, I will contact you once again 😊
Everyone on the stream right now is also sending a lot of messages of support. In these shared moments, instead of dividing situations and saying what is better or worse, or questioning people's choices, praise when the person's choice works well or criticize when it works badly... They are not the most correct thing to do.
I like to say 'As much as it's not easy now, I think you'll do better in the future' (..) In short, the important thing is that you make your life valuable to you. Because it's a precious life.
Call me hyung now and keep calling me hyung in the future!
Here the video with a more detailed interpretation ❤️‍🩹
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haoiism · 8 months
deleted all my writing now my notifications look so much nicer 🫶
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trashlie · 1 year
Hi!!💖 Have you ever read Seasons of Blossom? I started it some months ago and now I'm literally obsessed, it's so good! It's sweet, yet tragic, and overall super enjoyable. The characters are very likable and it made me cry so much (both for joy and for sadness lol)
Ohohoho you must know me well for this recommendation because you are right - it is SO good! In fact... let me show you how much I love this one 😅
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I bought the Spring box set in Korean lmaoooooooo
Seasons of Blossom is, hands down, one over my favorite webtoons and I absolutely recommend it go everyone! You are very correct in how it manages to be sweet AND tragic. I'm behind on Winter because, frankly, I'm not good with things I love ending, but I just know I'll binge and catch up soon!
Something I really love about this series is the way all of the characters are, in some way, connected, whether it's because their friend groups overlap or relatives or something drawing them in, so it's never truly goodbye when we move on to the next season. I have definitely cried a LOT. Summer is just.... lmao look just trying to talk about it has me tearing up. Summer is very personally relatable to me, in how thick and choking the summer humidity is, and how it held such a painful, tragic story. And I know some people have issues with Autumn but I personally have a soft spot for angry, wounded girls lol
I even started the kdrama and despite some of the changes they made to the story, I was really enjoying it! I just had tp stop because while it was well done how they tied in Spring and Summer, my heart couldn't take it and I needed to take a break and I just haven't steeled myself lol
(Fair warning, because I think it's important to let potential readers know, Summer heavily deals with loved ones still struggling to come to terms with the suicide of someone they loved. I think it's incredibly well done; it's empathetic and understanding, it doesn't downplay the grief or confusion, or what compelled someone to make that choice. It's just also such a heavy, oppressive topic. I lmao binged it and just sobbed through the night lol ;~;)
Anyway YES YES genuinely 10/10 for Seasons of Blossom from me. I love it SO much and recommend it to anyone and everyone! Each season tells their own story and I find the writing so good! Spring is set up to be a sweet, little cliche which would be fine, but the writing didn't give in to the cliches and I love how it turned out!
Waaaahhhh I'm delighted you guys are suddenly giving me webtoon recommendations, I love this! I love discovering a diamond in the rough or getting to crow about how much I love something!!!!! 🥰
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i‘m always cycling through engaging and not engaging with kpop but this time around it’s been... something
day 1: one of my favourite artist is involved in a drunk driving incident + fandoms of groups i enjoy are clawing each other’s throats out in all their usual toxicity (which is normal, i guess)
day 2: jeonghan‘s enlistment is officially announced
… at least changbin and skz were being cute on his birthday?
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leafington · 2 months
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