#kraglin x yondu
lexlightning2002 · 5 days
My favourite ships
Part five? I guess??
Kraglin Obfonteri x Yondu Udonta
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Guess who's finished with doing their Diploma?
MEeeEe *dies*
I am so exhausted but today I sent my Diploma into print🥹 Every picture is drawn and I can finally rest! And that's exactly what I'm gonna do before I got my final exam next week. I still need to prepare some things but the end of academy was never so near and I love the feeling of being able to create my favourite art again: Fanart🔥
So, before I start posting regularly again, there will be some breaks. I planned some vacation in October and then I have the energy again to post.
To introduce the two gentlemen at the top:
they were the main reason I started tumblr<3 2017, when the movie (Gotg 2) came out I turned into a real Kragdu shipper! This was one of my first ships and back then, I really liked the fanart that was on tumblr and therefore I made myself a cute lil profile. This is deleted by now, but this was my road to tumblr🤍
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shyficwriter · 1 year
Temporary Home : Chapter 26
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: When your order for spider repellent finally comes you have to go into town to get it, but what happens when your solo trip turns into you bringing not one, but three, of the Guardians with you into town?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: For my records this chapter ends on day 76 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 6,992
There was only just enough time for you to register the color blue in the dim light before your would-be punching victim grabbed your wrist to block the blow and in one fluid motion had you spun facing away from them with your arm pinned behind your back. Soon followed the same gruff voice, which you now realized to be Yondu's, saying, "Alright, easy now-"
The two of you stood there for a moment with him pinning your arm firmly behind your back, your breath coming in quick bursts as your heart threatened to launch itself from your chest.
He spoke again. "For yer benefit I'm gonna assume that ya didn't mean that," he was clearly referring to you nearly sucker punching him, "-which is the only reason you're still standing. Now, if I let you go are ya gonna behave?"
Wordlessly, you nod.
"Alright then. I'm gonna let you go and you can explain yourself."
He released your arm and you slowly turn to face him, your gaze not quite meeting his. "Sorry." you say quietly. Then, slightly more loudly, "Did you need something?"
"Well, I was a little curious as to why ya just ran out the house like that, but now I kinda wanna know why ya just tried to knock my block off."
Your face began to grow hot. You had been in such a hurry you hadn't noticed anyone else on your way out. Then again, you hadn't been looking too hard either. Furthermore, what could you say? That you were running away from some spiders? You didn't think you could bring yourself to admit it.
"I- um," your gaze fell to the ground, "Did anyone else see?" you asked, declining to answer why you just swung at him. Again, what would even say?
Yondu let a short laugh out his nose. "Nah, pretty sure I was the only one. Surprised you didn't see me, I was right there in the hall." After a beat he spoke again, "Now come on. Out with it."
Unsure if he still meant why you ran out, or why you about hit him, you reply, "Nothing. What do you care for?" Crossing your arms over your chest, you continue to look anywhere but towards him.
"Just curious. People usually don't run out of a place like that unless something's wrong. Thought I'd investigate to make sure you weren't chasing after something or need backup. Then I find ya hiding behind the shed and ya just tried to knock my block off and so now I figure something must be goin' on with ya."
"I don't want to talk about it," you say sullenly, your face growing hotter.
"Why? It can't be any worse than any of what you've already told me."
Finally meeting his gaze you offer nothing more than a glare.
He rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Alright. Don't tell me then. I also won't tell you about that spider crawling in your hair either."
It had just been a joke- just some good-natured ribbing- but it didn't take long to he realized he fucked up.
No sooner than those words left his lips you reacted very badly, jumping out of your skin and immediately batting at your hair to get the alleged spider off of you. Then you half-collapse onto the wall of the shed and begin quietly sobbing.
He simply stared at you a moment, too stunned to speak. Something was very wrong. It was finally clear you weren't just being moody- but fuck- what should he do?
"Um, hey now..." he said awkwardly, eyes wide.
You didn't respond. Just continued to sob, unable to stop, your cries muffled behind your hands.
"Come on now- I didn't mean anythin' by it," Yondu tried again.
Still, you didn't acknowledge him.
He debated if he should try and nudge you or something, or if that might result in you swinging at him again. Damn. He hated seeing people cry. He needed it to stop. But what should he do? Walk away? Shake some sense into you?
Eventually he rolled his eyes and sighed before saying, "Aw hell, come here-" as he grabbed you and pulled you into a tight bear hug.
Apparently it worked. The shock of it all- combined with the fact he practically knocked the wind out of you- startled you into silence mid-sob.
"What... are you doing?" you asked after several moments, confusion evident in your voice.
"Had to make ya stop somehow, and slapping ya just seemed kinda mean seein' as ya were already crying." There was an edge of humor to his voice that almost made you crack a smile yourself. He spoke up again after a moment. "So, ya done now?"
You sniff and nodded your head the best you could despite being squished up against his chest.
"Alright. I'm gonna let ya go... again... and then I want ya to tell me what this is all about."
He could feel you slump in defeat, but let you go anyway.
Once free, you took a step back and looked at the ground, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"It's- I don't... I mean- ugh." You covered your face with your hands. You just didn't know how to say it, so eventually you settled for. "It was just a rough day."
"Just 'a rough day,' huh?"
You nod, still not looking at him.
Yondu frowned, but said, "Well, it ain't gonna get any better standing out here in the cold. Ya ain't even got any shoes on. Come on." He gestured you back in the house.
You finally look up at him, but instead of following, you stiffened.
Yondu furrowed his brow. "What?"
You again looked down in shame. "I-... I can't." you said quietly.
He raised an eyebrow and looked towards the house in confusion before turning back to you. "What do ya mean ya 'can't??'"
With a groan you look toward the sky. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to say a word to anyone else." Returning your gaze back to Yondu you finish with a, "Understand?"
Yondu chuckles shortly. "Sure, whatever ya say." Finally- maybe you'd finally tell him what this all was about.
It takes you a few moments, but you finally manage to get out a quiet, "There are spiders in my bed."
He raised an eyebrow, his face a mixture of confusion and amusement. "That's it? Ya found a spider in yer bed, and it sent ya runnin' for the hills?"
You frown at him, then mutter that there were, in fact, two spiders in your bed.
"Ah, two spiders. I see."
From the sound of his voice it was clear he was holding back a laugh, and you frown at him.
Yondu crossed his arms. "Well you'd oughtta know that I'd find that at least a little funny, considering..."
A sigh left your nose. Of course you knew he was referring to the fake spider you had hid in Peter's bed awhile back, and that Yondu had confiscated in an attempt to stop you and Peter from pranking each other. The irony wasn't lost on you either. Didn't make you any happier about your situation, though. "Not helping."
"Are ya asking?"
"What?" You raise an eyebrow.
"Are ya asking?" He says again, almost grinning. "Are ya asking me to help ya with yer little problem."
You stammered a bit, unsure what to say. Of course you weren't! Were you? Should you? Absolutely not- you weren't a child... and yet...
With a short laugh Yondu claps a hand on your shoulder and pushes you toward the house. "Understood. Ya need someone to come squish some creepy crawlies for ya."
You pull away. "No- No I never said that."
"Didn't need to." Yondu said with a grin. "It's all over yer face. Don't worry, I won't tell nobody... long as ya make it worth it."
You narrow your eyes at him. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, nuttin much... Let's just say you'll owe me a favor and we'll call it even."
"What... kind of favor?" you ask, hesitantly.
"Well that's for me to know when the time comes. Do ya want my help or not?"
By now most of your adrenaline was wearing off and you were starting to feel the cold. He was right, you couldn't just stay out here all night- especially without any shoes or jacket. However, at the same time you knew you couldn't go back inside to your bed if those spiders were still in it. Damn it. You knew you were going to have to take his offer.
"Fine. Just... don't make it obvious. Please." Eyes squinting, you search him for any signs that he intended to trick or embarrass you, but you couldn't quite read him.
He didn't answer you either, just motioned you towards the house with that half-grin.
Letting out a silent breath, you finally start to make your way back toward the house, hoping to get it over with a soon as possible.
Once inside it was quiet. It appeared that no one noticed at all that you had even left the house let alone what transpired outside. You didn't peek inside the sitting room door as you approached the staircase, but it seemed the TV had been shut off and you heard someone utter the words "draw four," which told you the others were possibly wrapped in game of cards, which at least let you know they were otherwise occupied.
Yondu and you quietly made your way upstairs to your room, and once there, you hesitated at the door. Yondu simply grinned and shook his head, but entered first anyway, you slowly following behind him after a quick glance around to make sure you were alone upstairs.
Once you were both in the room Yondu glanced over your slightly disheveled bed before nodding, seeing that two spiders were indeed still in your bed. Quietly, but not in a whisper, he says, "These here, I take it?"
You nod.
Shaking his head with an amused grin he got down to business. A sharp whistle pierced the air, summoning his arrow and spearing both of the giant feckers in one go before catching the weapon in his fist. He stood there, admiring his kill stuck upon his arrow.
"They bite?" he asked, curious as to why you harbored such animosity towards these little critters in particular.
You shake your head. "Not really," you answer. They could, but you knew they rarely did. Even if they did they weren't poisonous, for that matter.
"Then why is it ya hate them so bad for?"
You frown at him. You knew it was irrational, but that didn't matter. What mattered now is that they were gone.
Yondu didn't mind your lack of answer, and didn't have time to press the matter further as the sound of footsteps could be heard making their way quickly to the stairs from below before Peter could then be heard somewhat apprehensively calling up from the bottom.
"Um Yondu..." he called, letting a pause linger after as if he were unsure. "We heard a whistle- Like a really familiar whistle... I really hope no one's being threatened with an arrow up there... We noticed that it's just you and the Agent that aren't accounted for..."
"Quit yer worryin,' boy! I was just getting some target practice!" Yondu hollered back down.
"That doesn't exactly inspire confidence about what I just asked!" Peter called back up, sounding a little more worried now.
"Everything's fine," you think to answer back, forcing a laugh into your voice. "Looks like he just took out some spiders."
"Ok..." Peter responds. "If that changes let us know..."
"Come on now!" Yondu scolded, seemingly jokingly. "I'm insulted. Thinkin' I'd just go whippin' out my arrow and be terrorizin' a lady for no reason!"
"Don't give me that!" Peter called up. "I've seen what you do when you're bored!"
Yondu actually looked genuinely offended by that, and with another whistle his arrow took off again and it was seconds before Peter could be heard screaming like a little girl, quickly followed by him scolding Yondu that he 'could have at least cleaned the spider guts off it first!'
Admittedly you had to fight a grin, and Yondu was pleased to see it as he called back his arrow, Peter seemingly having retreated back to the sitting room to rejoin the others after yelling back a final, "Dickhead!" He either ignored, or had been given too much a fright to notice, that the arrow had come out of your bedroom.
The spiders were now gone off the tip of his arrow, but you chose to ignore it as he went to holster it. You could deal with the corpses later- you didn't mind so much if they were dead and you had a dustpan.
Yondu happened to glance over at the bed once his arrow was in its place and noticed he had sliced a clean cut in your bedsheets when he speared the spiders. He gestured to it and said with a half-apologetic chuckle, "Looks like we got a casualty."
You shook your head and told him not to worry about it, but stopped him just as he was turning to leave.
"Um, thank you," you mutter awkwardly, rubbing the back of your head.
He simply grinned back at you cockily and replied, "Just a simple transaction is all. Pleasure to be doing business." With that, he turned and left.
His footsteps sounded down the stairs and you turned to look at your bed before carefully reaching to gingerly pull back your blanket, momentarily wondering if you should have asked him to stay longer just in case you found more, but ultimately knowing you would have felt like even more of a child if you had.
Luckily you found no more, but you did completely strip your bed of it's sheets and remade it with fresh ones, throwing the ones the spiders had spoiled with their presence in your hamper to be washed in the morning. Again, you knew it was irrational, but there was no way you'd be able to bring yourself to sleep in that bed with sheets you knew recently had spiders crawling in them.
This also meant you now needed to go upstairs to the attic to fetch a spare blanket, seeing as yours was also now in the hamper to be washed.
Climbing the attic stairs you couldn't help but also wonder what exactly Yondu would call in for his favor, and if you might come to regret this "transaction," or not. To late for that now, you supposed. All you knew know was that as soon as you retrieved a blanket you were hitting the showers and going straight to bed. Hopefully tomorrow would be better.
* * *
Luckily, the next few days were relatively smooth sailing.
Nearly the first thing you did when you woke up the next morning was to think to order some spider repellent online. Fast shipping of course.
All you had to do in the meantime was wait. Fortunately the spiders seemed to be giving you a break for now. What you didn't know, however, was that the reason for this was largely due to Yondu quietly running any he saw through with his arrow under the guise of target practice and boredom if anyone else noticed. Of course he never mentioned it to you. In fact, he'd barely seen you since that night aside from when you'd come up to him when no one else was around to ask him about that favor you now owed him, only for him to flippantly tell you that he'd figure it out later.
Groot might have possibly eaten a couple spiders as well when he was able to evade Rocket's eye. But that was less for your benefit and more because he wanted a snack.
When the morning came that you got the notification that your spider spray was waiting for you at the post office you quickly readied yourself to go back into town.
Your intent was to slip out quietly, but you were surprised by Mantis speaking up from behind you as you were slipping on your jacket.
"Are you leaving?"
You jolt, not expecting to hear her, and turned only to be surprised to see her wearing a pout. Raising an eyebrow, you answer, "Um, yeah. Just gotta run to the post real quick. Did you need something?"
"I want to see the Terran town! Can I go? Pleeease?"
"Oh-" You blinked, puzzled. She had never expressed interest in going before, at least not that you had noticed? Come to think of it, would that really even be the best idea? People would definitely start staring at her completely black eyes and those antennae...
Wincing slightly, you notice Peter and Gamora walking into the hall, and speak up so they might hear. "You're wanting to go into town, Mantis?" You weren't sure what they'd do, but you hoped they might see the impending bad idea and talk her out of it instead.
"Yes!" She gestured over to Peter, who had now stopped to exchange glances with Gamora upon hearing you. "Peter and Kraglin have gotten to go into town so many times! I want to see too!" She now dropped her pout in favor of excitement, and you were now worried she had mistook your question for an offer.
"Did I hear my name?" Kraglin asked, entering the hall from the kitchen.
Mantis nodded. "Yes! You and Peter got to go with the Agent into town many times. I'm going this time!"
Gamora meets your gaze and she seems to be on the same page as you. "Um, Mantis... I'm not sure-"
Kraglin interrupts, clueless. "Ya better hope the Agent has a hat to cover your feelers there, Mant."
Mantis looks confused, but then Peter chimes in before her feelings even have a chance to be hurt. "Yeah, gotta remember we're undercover."
Now Mantis grins wide and turns back to you excitedly. "Do you have a hat!?"
You just stood there a minute. Blinking. Part of you was annoyed they had seemingly made the decision without you. The other part was surprised that you hadn't thought of covering her with a hat in the first place- after all, you had made Peter wear sunglasses the first time he went into town with you, which wouldn't be too bad an idea in this case too now that you thought of it... Wait- what were you saying? You couldn't take her into town! You've seen how easily distracted she can be-
But damn it- that face! You knew you couldn't say no now. Begrudgingly you reply, "I think I might have something in the attic."
Mantis squealed excitedly as you glide your gaze over to Gamora and Peter. For a moment you wondered why she was looking at Peter that way before she met your gaze again somewhat apologetically and you immediately knew what she was about to say next despite you narrowing your eyes warningly.
"Perhaps Peter should go too?" She glanced back at Peter. "Give Agent a break while she runs her errands?"
You continue to glare at her as Peter shrugs and says he won't argue with a chance to get out of here for a bit. Damn it. You knew she likely just wanted some space again and found an out to get some. You attempted to curb your annoyance with the silver lining that this was further proof that she truly hadn't taken Rocket's words to heart when he pulled that stunt of trying to convince her you were gonna steal Peter.
Then, on cue, Yondu walks through from the sitting room towards the kitchen, only to clap Kraglin on the shoulder and say, "Ya should probably go with 'em too then, Krags. Quill may be watching Bug for the Agent, but who's gonna watch him?"
Yondu laughed as Peter protested the insult, and as you turned your glare to him he threw you a wink right before disappearing into the kitchen. Clearly he had heard the previous conversion happening and simply wished to stir the pot. Bastard.
Taking a deep breath, you state you're going to check the attic real quick for a hat that might work for Mantis. Maybe you'd take your time, figure out how a trip alone turned into you now bringing three people with you. You tell the others to get ready to leave while you look as you turn to head upstairs.
It didn't take you too long to find a hat. There had happened to be one hanging on an old coat rack near the top of the attic stairs. Only thing was it wasn't exactly... subtle. It was an old wide-brimmed sunhat that you think might have belonged to your mother, but you weren't sure. All you know is that you had never even bothered to wear it to play dress-up as a kid, which is probably the only reason it was still in decent condition with as old as it'd have to be.
Without bothering to look around for anything a little less... noticeable... you grabbed the hat, beat off the dust, and headed back downstairs. The faster you'd get all this over with the better. You were just going to pop in and grab your package after all. How much trouble could they possibly get into?
You return downstairs and find that Gamora had left, leaving Peter, Kraglin, and Mantis waiting for you in the hall. She was already wearing the sunglasses and beaming excitedly over how she'd finally get a turn to leave the house. Someone, likely Peter, had already managed to locate them and gave them to her. However, unlike Peter who had put on his jacket and Kraglin who was currently slipping his poncho over his head, Mantis didn't appear to have anything of the sort. When you questioned this, as it wasn't very warm out, she informed you that she didn't have one.
You frowned and handed over the hat, which she put on gleefully. "Wait here a minute. I'll grab you something." And back up the stairs you went, knowing that you had a cardigan or two in your dresser. You pulled out a brown one and went back downstairs to hand it to her. "Ok, now is everyone ready?"
Mantis nodded excitedly as the other two shrugged their affirmatives. They, of course, were happy to get out of the house for a change, but they were no where near as excited as Mantis.
With a sigh, you motion them out the door and off you went.
* * *
Mantis was a chatterbox the whole way into town. She gushed over the trees as you drove past, and pointed out every animal she spotted- mostly livestock- and asked what they were from the back seat.
Admittedly it was a little endearing, her innocent excitement. She didn't even ask "Are we there yet?" throughout the long ride, too enamored with the scenery to care.
Mantis gasped when you finally approached the town, right before she joyously squealed that she was finally getting to see a Terran town. You couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm as you pulled into a parking spot at the post office.
Rightfully assuming she'd want to come inside to ogle the post office interior, you didn't even bother asking if the others wanted to come inside or stay in the car. Hell, Mantis had practically jumped out before you even parked.
...And started off down the street.
"Mantis!" you yell, causing her to immediately turn around, nearly losing her hat as she done so. "Don't run off, I don't want you getting lost."
"Oh-" Mantis said, before nodding her head with a smile and coming back to rejoin the group and following you into the building.
There was no line today, which you took as a blessing. Wouldn't have to worry about too many people gawking at your housemates as Mantis busied herself ooh-ing and ahh-ing over the postcards in her out of season sunhat and sunglasses getup while Peter and Kraglin watched over her fondly as they glanced over some old magazines, waiting on you to retrieve your package.
Within a few minutes the woman behind the counter handed you over the box with your spider repellent and you thanked her before turning back to the others and gesturing them to follow you out.
The second the four of you were out Mantis piped up asking excitedly where you'd all be going next.
Truthfully, you had only planned to grab your package and head back home, but something about the excitement on her face made you preemptively feel bad to disappoint her. Before you could decide what to do, Mantis announced she spotted some flowers in a window box and then promptly stepped into the street, right in front of an oncoming car.
Luckily Peter was quicker than you in that moment and snatched her back before anything bad could happen, though the driver of the car did yell some choice words at her as he drove by. Mantis wasn't even phased, though Peter did scold her for walking out in front of a car. Perhaps it was good he and Kraglin came after all…
With a stern look you tell Mantis and the others to get in the car before someone actually did get run over.
Sensing that you were displeased with what just happened, Mantis didn't argue, but that didn't stop her from asking again what they could see next.
You thought for a moment... what could it really hurt to stay in town for just a little longer?
"Say, what do you guys think about bringing pizza back for dinner?"
"I mean, I'm game," Peter replies for the other two, "but the cheese might be a problem..."
"Ah shit, right. I forgot about Yondu." you say, frowning, but then a light bulb goes off in your brain. "Oh wait- I can't believe I didn't think of this before! There's medicine for lactose intolerance. We can pick it up right from the shop."
Kraglin raised an eyebrow. "Lactose intolerance? I thought it was that 'dairy' stuff he couldn't have? The hell is 'lactose?'"
"Yes- I mean, lactose intolerance is just what they call it when you can't have dairy. Look-" you shake your head as if waving off the conversation, "If you guys want to try pizza we can pick him up some of that medicine so he can have it too, or we can not do that. Your choice."
Mantis and Kraglin look at Peter for his opinion as he would presumably know if this 'pizza' was worth trying, and so he shrugs and nods. "Sure," he says, the other two deciding to nod with him, Mantis smiling wide- obviously excited to try some new Terran food.
"Alright. We'll stop by the shop first and pick up the medicine. There's this one pizza shop nearby that should be good for carry out."
With no arguments from anyone, you set off for the shop.
Mantis behaved liked an excited toddler. She ran off no fewer than 4 times in what was supposed to be a short visit to just grab some over the counter lactose intolerance medication. Sure, it was still a little endearing to see someone clearly so happy and excited to see so many new things, but also a little exhausting since Peter and Kraglin didn't seemed too concerned with her running all over the place. Some help they were.
You finally check out - with a few extra items like soda and napkins alone with the medicine - and get everyone rounded back up in the car to head off towards the pizza shop.
When you get there you figured three large pizzas would be more than enough to feed everyone, and let the other's look at the menu to decide what they wanted to try and what they thought the others would eat.
In the end the order wound up being one pepperoni and peppers (mostly to have a safe choice), one vegetation with peppers, tomato, mushrooms, and onions, with pineapple and sweet corn on half (Mantis insisted she wanted to try that, and you supposed she could pick them off when she realized that wasn't a great idea), and one loaded up with meats like pepperoni, sausage, ham, bacon, and even chicken (they figured that would be more enjoyed by Rocket, and probably also easiest to be filling for Drax.)
The place wasn't very busy at the moment, but it still would take a little bit for them to make the pizzas, so you decide to take the others outside to walk about while you wait.
Just like with the post office and the grocery shop, Mantis was amazed with everything, even though you personally didn't see anything particularly special about most of it. Then again, you were used to all of it. To her this was a completely new place. Again, endearing, but increasingly exhausting trying to keep up with her.
Exhausting to the point that you took a moments pause and looked over at Peter who was just chatting to Kraglin with a blasé attitude. "How do you guys keep up with her?" you ask, a littler perturbed that they weren't help keep track of her as was supposed to be their reason for coming. Well, Peter's anyway. You supposed Kraglin was technically holding up his end since he was staying with Peter, though you knew that whole "If Peter's watching Mantis, who's gonna watch him?" was just Yondu messing around.
Peter shrugged. "We mostly don't. I mean, she's never gotten lost before. She always turns back up sooner or later."
Well that explained why they didn't seem too concerned that she kept running off.
You simply sigh in response and look back in the direction you last saw her, only to see that unlike each time she'd wandered before, this time you had completely lost sight of her.
Eyes wide, you get Peter's attention again. "She's gone."
"Don't worry so much. She'll turn back up. She always does."
You scoff at him and turn to look all around you. You couldn't see her anywhere for a good thirty seconds before finally spotting her by her hat down an alleyway across the street. "Shit. You two stay right here, I'm gonna go grab her."
Not waiting for an answer you took off, quickly avoiding cars as you crossed the street towards Mantis. You were glad it wasn't dark yet, unless you counted the storm clouds that had started moving in on an otherwise overcast day. Last thing you would need was for the sky to open up before you all got back to the pizza shop. But no time for worrying about that now, because you just fully noticed where Mantis was walking.
She was heading toward what appeared to be a white, unmarked van, and you didn't like the looks of it. It was parked at the back of the alley where the alleyway turned, and you could only see the back half, as the front half was obscured by a building.
Rarely does something good ever come from an unmarked van. Especially in an alley. You knew from experience, both from working jobs where you had to find people who used them to kidnap the vulnerable, and from working jobs were you were the one inside the van, tracking those who might do harm. Sure, you might have been the good guy, but what happened to the assholes wasn't exactly nice for them either.
"Mantis!" you call out, picking up the pace, but she doesn't seem to hear you. So, you start jogging as Mantis continued getting closer to the van. You call out her name again, but again, nothing. Damn it. Switching to a full run, you notice the back lights turn on, like someone had just turned the ignition key. If there was someone unsavory in there and they grabbed her they could take off down the rest of the alley and you'd never catch them. What if they were traffickers? What if the people after the Guardians had found them and they were stalking them in that van?
Ok, so maybe you were catastrophizing, but better safe than sorry.
You finally catch up to Mantis and grab her, startling her as you jerked her away from the van. As you start pulling her back in the direction that you came the van pulls away. Perhaps this wasn't 'one of those vans' after all, but still. You had every right to be worried.
"Didn't you hear me call you?"
"No- I'm sorry!" She winced, knowing she messed up. "I didn't mean to run off again- there was just this pretty insect and I didn't want to lose it!"
Whatever the insect had been, it was long gone now, but your anger wasn't. "You just can't keep running off like that. You could have gotten lost. And don't ever go near an unmarked van, do you hear me?" Your tone was harsh, scolding.
"Sorry," Mantis replied, nodding. She looked sad from getting yelled at, but you willed yourself to ignore it.
The two of you were quiet for a moment after, you just focused on getting her back to the others, before Mantis spoke up again. "Agent? Why were you afraid?"
"What? I wasn't afrai-" It was then you realized you were still holding her hand, and you promptly let go of it. "Thought we talked about you not doing that without asking," you scold, irritated.
Mantis apologized again. "I didn't mean to- I promise! You startled me and I just... sort of did it on instinct?"
You toss her a quick glance and see she genuinely just looks so sad to have disappointed you that you can't bring yourself to stay angry. Irritation now softened, you just repeat what you said earlier, "Never go near an unmarked van, 'kay? They're just not safe." You hoped she wouldn't ask why, as you weren't sure you cared to explain just what sort of horrible things you'd seen them be used for in the past.
She didn't. Mantis simply nods and the rest of the short walk back was silent. You considered texting Maria about the van so they could look into it just in case, but if it turned out to be nothing or wasn't even actually 'unmarked' (since you only saw the back half of one side) you didn't want the fallback, so you didn't.
When the two of you reached Peter and Kraglin you suggested that you all head back to the pizza shop to wait. They got the hint that you needed to cool down a little and so didn't speak much on the way back. Even Mantis restrained herself from her former excited antics, walking quietly beside Peter with her head down, and honestly you were starting to feel bad for yelling at her. Yes, she needed to be more careful, but she was just excited.
The pizzas were ready pretty much as soon as you walked through the door, and after paying you and walking to the car you asked Mantis if she wanted to be charged with the task of holding the pizzas on the way home. She seemed to perk up a bit at having been given a job, and you cracked at smile when she remarked how warm they were in her lap.
Mantis was less excited on the way home, and at first you thought she was still sad, but a glance backward made you smile when you realized the reason for her silence was that she had fallen asleep.
You guessed the heat from the pizza boxes combined with the rain that was now coming down around you, was just cozy enough to put her to sleep.
The rain had mostly let up by the time you got home and after Peter woke Mantis and brought the pizza's inside, you placed the pizzas in the oven to heat them back up a bit before eating, as the ride from town to home wasn't exactly short.
While you waited you presented Yondu with the lactose intolerance medicine.
"What's this?" he asked, looking at the bottle.
"It's something to keep you from shitting yourself to death after eating dinner," you reply cheekily.
Yondu narrowed his eyes at you.
"It's up to you though. You can always find something else to eat if you don't trust it."
He could smell the food, and it actually smelled pretty good. He also didn't feel like making something else for himself if there was already food made, so he shrugged his shoulders and took a dose. "This better work," he said, washing it down with some water.
"Yeah, for all our sakes," Peter quipped from behind the two of you, earning a glare from Yondu before exiting the kitchen with Kraglin and Mantis to tell the others you guys brought food back.
Now that it was just the two of you, you thought to ask, "Um, if it does work, I don't suppose this will count towards whatever favor I owe you?"
Yondu just laughed and shook his head before leaving the kitchen.
"I guess I should have expected that..." you say after him in response, slightly cringing at how obvious you were making it that you were nervous about what he might ask for in return for his 'services.' You weren't used to owing other people. It felt weird.
* * *
Dinner went pretty well.
Everyone enjoyed the pizza, even Yondu who'd made the previous complaint that 'Terrans put that 'dairy shit' in everything.' And surprisingly to you, Mantis actually didn't wind up pulling the pineapple or sweet corn off her pizza. Neither did Kraglin, who also had some of that half of the pie. More power to them, you supposed.
On the flip side, unsurprisingly Groot didn't eat much, considering his tiny size. He mostly picked the toppings off one of Rocket's slices. Or was it his own slice? You couldn't tell. All you knew was Rocket put two slices on one plate and sat Groot down with him on the countertop where Groot ate the toppings off the slice Rocket left on the plate and Rocket finished off the slice when Groot had his fill of the toppings.
Also, luckily for everyone, the lactose intolerance medicine worked for Yondu. Well, mostly.
You all weren't run out of the house like the previous incidents, but every so often throughout the evening as you were winding down in your room you could hear Kraglin loudly complaining and Yondu laughing from their bedroom across the hall, each time preceded by fart noises. You couldn't help but laugh and be grateful that the smell didn't waft over to your side of the hall, and that your door was also closed if it did.
Mantis was holding back giggles as well when Kraglin could be heard proclaiming that he was gonna go sleep in Drax and Rocket's room after the third or fourth time. Yondu was only heard laughing in response and making some quip about having the room to himself.
The two of you shared a look and you could tell she no longer thought you were mad at her for running off earlier, and you were glad. It made you feel better knowing she was no longer sad about the situation, but you still took the time then to apologize for yelling at her, and in turn she apologized for running off so many times.
All in all, the day seemed like a success to you. Nothing truly bad happened in town, no one argued at dinner, and you sprayed the house down with the spider repellent that evening so it was very unlikely you'd be finding anymore spiders in your bed anytime soon.
Speaking of spraying the repellent, it seemed Gamora had either convinced the others to tidy up around the house while you were gone, or she had done so herself as perhaps a thank you for agreeing to take Peter into town to give her some space, because you noticed the house definitely seemed cleaner than you left it as you went about spraying in the corners and windows with the repellent. You made a mental note to thank her in the morning.
You were in a pretty good mood, all things considered. Much better than the other day when you nearly punched Yondu in the face.
And with the house already seemingly cleaned, the only thing really left to do was to think about what you wanted to do tomorrow, but now that you thought about it, there wasn't really anything pressing that needed done. You could maybe try and take some time to do an inspection of that tunnel like you had been meaning to? Or you could just take a day to just do nothing? Spend the day outside, taking a walk through the woods while you can before the weather really starts getting colder?
Oh wait- Fury should be coming tomorrow for another check-in and restock. Guess that means both a day-long walk or tunnel inspection are out of the question. You should really be around and available when he shows up- whatever time that could wind up being. One of these times he's probably going to come at midnight just to keep you on your toes.
Although, thinking about it some more, it has been a few days since you played the remote prank on Peter... that should be able to keep you plenty entertained while you wait for Fury and Maria to come and go.
You should see about getting the remote back from Rocket tomorrow.
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iamdeceived · 1 year
Kraglin can start another riot!
A/n: Hi, this is just a story that my strange mind has created. It takes place in the second Guardians movie. I proofread it all, but if you find any mistakes, please let me know. (I don't pay for therapy for anyone). Good reading!
WARNING: Mention of rape, foul language, high level of triggers, deaths and murder. IF YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE, DON'T READ!
🦋female reader🦋
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You won't soon forget. The day started like any other. Yondu's ship landed on Contraxia, so that the captain and the boys could "relax". Yondu went up to the room with one of those robot whores, and the others got drunk and had a good time.You sat at the bar, massaging your temples. His head throbbed. "Same as usual, dear?" You murmured a low yes to the attendant. A big green alien with tentacles and a filthy apron. You smiled at him. He brought your drink, which you immediately started drinking. Almost desperate. You needed it. Drink until you don't even remember your name. Maybe that would help him forget about the sleepless night.You stayed up all night. You tossed and turned in bed, but you couldn't sleep.
knew very well that something bad was about to happen. Something really bad.It had been a long time since you had been kidnapped from Earth to serve as a sex slave. Yondu rescued you shortly afterwards, and so you live near the captain.It's not like you guys are intimate. But you loved those boys. You feel safe around them. Especially close to Yondu. You owe him your life. And would be forever grateful for that.The Ravagers spent a lot of time in Contraxia.
Since always. Lately, everyone has had a lot of work to do. So finally a little rest would do us all good.You should be very happy for the well-deserved rest. But, I couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.Every time Yondu's ship lands on the frozen planet, you take the same route, to your favorite bar, and stay there drinking like crazy, and making small talk with the kind and pleasant bartender.You had met so many times and spent so many hours together that you were almost best friends. If this position didn't belong to Kraglin.It wasn't mean, you loved Kraglin with all your heart.
He was your best friend and a brother to you. They told each other everything, and defended themselves tooth and nail.But there was no way she could be near him while they were in Contraxia. You didn't really like being around the whores there. Mainly, didn't like to see them rubbing up against his best friend. It was worse when it came to Yondu. Do you feel… jealous? For sure.
You love Yondu.
It's very different from how you feel about Kraglin. Kraglin is his brother. Yondu is the man you would want to spend the rest of your life with. But he doesn't know that.He's cold, and his dates are professional at all times.He's never touched you, and he doesn't get too close. He's the captain, you're just the subordinate who's in love with him.
The attendant stopped. He looked at you with great curiosity. Maybe he sensed her nervousness."Is everything okay, dear?" You lifted your eyes to him. She bit her lip so hard that a trickle of blood ran from the corner of her mouth. And then you started to cry.You were exhausted.You love Yondu, and you hated the thought of him up there in the room with another woman.
Even though I knew it was just a stupid robot. You love Yondu and he will never return what you feel.His head throbbed hard, as if something was pressing down on both sides of his head with all its might.You were exhausted.Had worked all week without being able to rest properly. You barely saw Yondu, and you couldn't even talk to Kraglin properly these past few days. He worked so hard that he barely had time to eat. S/n was simply exhausted.She tipped the bottle once more. Consuming all the liquid inside, before wiping the tears away and asking for another drink bottle."You didn't answer my question… Y/n, is everything okay?" He knew about your feelings for Captain Ravager. When he gave the bottle to your hand, you took a long drink. "I've been really tired…" her eyes stung. You won't cry, not again. The attendant placed one of his tentacles on her arm and with another caressed her head. "Whatever you're going through right now, I want you to know that you're strong enough to get through this! Don't worry, it's going to be okay in the end, honey, I promise!"She gave him the sweetest, most genuine of smiles. "Thank you, you know that means a lot to me!" The attendant smiled and walked away to attend to someone else.
You raised the bottle to your lips once more. Before she could actually drink his precious drink, heard Tulk call out to Yondu. Apparently he was already drunk. You see the captain coming down the stairs. Immediately looks at the attendant. With a suggestive smile on his face and beckons you to go.
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You stop next to Kraglin, dodging so the "girls" with him don't touch you. He flashes you a smile, and ruffles your hair. "Is it over yet?" You nodded, then pointed at Yondu, who was walking by without looking at anything but Stakar. He gave a wan smile. Kraglin obviously knows how you feel about the captain. Once, when he was drunk, you had to beg him not to say anything.Yondu walked past you, and his eyes glued to your back.You felt a punch in the pit of your stomach as he and Stakar started yelling at each other.
You squeezed Kraglin's shoulder and he took your hand. The boys had told you about Stakar's relationship with Yondu.
She knew that was important to him. Felt Kraglin squeeze his hand.Taserface said something to insult Yondu. He had been doing this ever since the captain pardoned Peter. But he never said anything to the captain's face. -Disgusting coward- you thought. His eyes were still on Yondu. Kraglin was squeezing his hand. He defended the captain. You saw when Stakar left with his group, leaving Yondu behind in the heavy atmosphere.
You're still holding hands with Kraglin when a golden woman comes up to him.-Sovereign-. You thought.
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Back on the ship, you were heading towards the guardians. The golden woman wanted to kill them. Rocket, you thought. A smile escaped her lips. "I wonder what you got up to this time?" For a moment you even forgot the bad feeling that walked with you.Yondu was too quiet. He shouted an order here, another there and closed himself in his corner.You wanted to run to him, wrap him in your arms and give him a comforting kiss. But you held back.
Kraglin and the others were busy making some necessary repairs. From time to time, you would still hear Taserface badmouth Yondu behind his back. "Your time is near, my dear! I want to have the honor of witnessing your death!" You told him with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and left.Taserface wasn't man enough to touch you. Yondu said he would kill anyone who tried. It was the first time for a woman on the ship. Some rules have been established.
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You were alone in your room when the door opened.You thought you were going to die when you saw Yondu enter. "we arrived ?" Yondu nodded his head. "I want you to know something." You shook hands. The nervousness returned to her body. "I have no plans to hand over the guardians." You sighed. You already knew that. Yondu loved the guardians. He would never betray them. "I'll betray the arrogant golden woman instead. Steal the batteries and sell them on the black market." You nodded. "Do the others know?" Yondu said no. They wouldn't react well. You both knew that. "Why did you come to tell me that?".He turned away before answering. "You have more maturity than those idiots." And then he left. Leaving you alone with the feeling that something bad is going to happen.
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Everything happened way too fast. You went to the guardians' ship. They saw no sign of Gamora, Drax or Quill.You held your breath when Kraglin spoke out against Yondu. It wasn't a good demonstration. But it was enough to get all shit started.You felt your body shake when Taserface proposed mutiny, and you had to fight not to fall when Nebula shot Yondu.
Rocket and Groot were taken to the ship.
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Taserface was humiliating him. Making sure he saw his friends being murdered. "You killed these men. Why are you weak!" You were close to Kraglin.At that moment, you wanted to kill him. But when you looked into his eyes, you saw that he didn't want that to happen.
Taserface hit Yondu. The others laughed as they waved at the lifeless bodies floating in space.You clung tightly to Kraglin's arm. He returned the gesture grabbing her shirt.You didn't have a choice.Helping Yondu at that moment, or even saying they were in his favor, means death.Kraglin didn't want to die. Taserface hit Yondu. You didn't want to die. Taserface hit once more. And others. Yondu didn't even bother to lift his head. Defeated. You can see the sadness in her eyes. Once again. And another.His fists clench. Taserface lands a punch to its captain's chin. He lets out a painful sigh. His red eyes glued to the ground. You clench your teeth.Another painful sigh.
Kraglin understands what you want to do. He holds you tight.You let go of him.You're not even thinking about it when your fists slam into Taserface, hitting his nose with all the strength you have.The ugly man takes two steps back.
Cold sweat trickles down Kraglin's forehead.You place yourself in front of Yondu.
The laughter in the ship ceases. All eyes are on you.The captain finally looks up. You quickly turn to face him. You see a mixture of many emotions in his eyes, his beautiful red eyes. You never had the right to be this close to him. Those seconds seem to turn into hours.
You see hate, fear, sadness, disappointment, humiliation, relief, pride and despair in their eyes.
Before you can look forward again, the Taserface grabs you by the wrist, injuring you in the process. He lifts you off the ground, bringing you into his eyes.
A scream catches in Kraglin's throat.
Yondu looks down again. He doesn't want to see you get killed."You are very abused, little girl!" You hear the laughter start up again. "What should I do with Udonta's hot girlfriend?" The free hand goes to your neck, still lifting you in the air.Rocket who was just making small jokes, is now completely silent, bright eyes wide open staring at you, breathing fast and desperately. "Don't hurt her!" he whispers. Groot is clinging to the bars of his cage.Taserface smiles at the raccoon, before squeezing its neck. "I'm not going to kill him. I'm just going to…play with him! And then I'm going to sell him to the slave traders who wanted him in the first place." Yondu looks at you.You wave your feet in the air. Breathless.Kraglin closes his eyes with all his might - it's my fault, she will be a slave because of me! The captain will die because of me, my fault! - He wanted to help. All of you though, fear paralyzes your skinny body. He cannot move.
Nebula was in a dark corner. Waiting to intervene in case those stinking idiots try to kill their wares. You weren't very important to her anyway.Taserface throws you to the ground. And immediately you go close to Yondu, ignoring the pain and shortness of breath. You breathe desperately to fill your lungs with air. His hands left huge purple marks on her neck. You look at Yondu. Something in his eyes says you're the dumbest, bravest human he knows. Is he… sad for you? You hug his neck."Ownnn, they are so cute!" Someone yelled. And then another session of giggles began. Rocket lowered his eyes. Groot let out a scream.
Taserface grabs you by the hair.
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You were on the cold floor of the ship. Naked.
Doesn't know how long the torture lasted. Doesn't know where Yondu or Kraglin is. Doesn't know what they did to Rocket and Groot.
You choke on your tears.Remembers seeing Yondu lower his head, remembers hearing Kraglin scream. It was so noisy there that no one even noticed. Only you.
You didn't even bother to get up. You flinched in an attempt to hide your intimacies.Cry low.The ship has been silent since Taserface threw you in the cell.Her skin burned. Dishonor. Disgrace. Your damn habit of wanting to play heroine.Suddenly you heard footsteps and laughter. You cringed, knowing they were close. again. And then Rocket and Yondu were thrown into the same cell as you.They avoided looking at you at first. You sat on your thighs, and hid your breasts with your arms. Yondu took off his coat and threw it at you without looking at you.
"I'm sorry girl! I couldn't protect you out there."Your eyes filled with tears.
You sat next to him. Huddled inside her coat.
In the end, Kraglin ended up helping you anyway.All the rest of the crew were killed by you, Yondu, Rocket and Groot.Soon after you went to Ego. Save Peter from his father.And then they got an indefinite ride until Yondu got a new ship. After all, yours was blown up.
No words were exchanged.You spent a lot of time alone.You avoided Kraglin, and barely looked at Yondu. Tried to have as little contact as possible with the guardians.When they got the new ship, you installed yourself in what would become your new room. And spent most of the time on it.Kraglin got tired of being ignored by you and left you alone. Yondu was barely looking for you.
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You gathered enough courage to go to Yondu.He was seated, in front of the panel, which opened directly into the space. You went to him."You have to stop ignoring Kraglin, he's going crazy. I can't stand hearing him complain anymore!" You faked a smile.
After all, Yondu couldn't sleep.
He almost died after saving Peter from his father.
You went to him."Seriously, you need to stop!"You noticed the nervousness in his voice as he approached. You stopped beside him. It cost him to look at you. You caressed his face.
You were also having a really hard time sleeping since everything happened. He went rigid under her touch. He cocked his head in her direction. You let him relax his head on your chest. Stroking her face, her head and her shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her waist. He pressed you against his body. "You need a new crew, captain. "His grip tightened. And then he cried softly in her arms. He let himself be beaten again, this time in a much nicer way. "Damn it, I know, girl!"
Kraglin had told him about his feelings. You heard him tell. And for some reason, his reaction was different than you imagined. You talked more. They spent more time together. They stayed together.
You and Kraglin were there when Yondu recruited more men to form a new Ravager team."Watch out, captain! Kraglin might start another mutiny!" You wrapped your arms around his waist. Yondu laughed. Kraglin snorted. "I already told you it wasn't on purpose!"
You both laughed.
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colormeyondublue · 1 year
Hey everyone. A couple of announcements for those who are still around and who might still follow me.
-I am going to take a little time away from tumblr and other social media platforms. Due to some life stuff going on, I still haven't had the opportunity to see GOTG Vol 3. I am starting to run into spoiler snippets all over the Internet, and I'm sure tumblr won't be an exception. Due to that, I won't be back until I've been able to see the movie myself.
- I am going to take an indefinite hiatus from Yondu and the Secretary. So many things have come up, and my priorities are constantly adapting and changing, I just have not had the time to sit down and write. I don't want to aimlessly throw words into my story, as it really does mean a lot to me. When and if I come back to Yondu and the Secretary, I want to continue to work hard at it. My sincere apologies on this front, as I don't tend to like it when fic writers abandon their stories - yet I find myself doing the same. Thank you for all the love and support you guys have shown for my content...you guys have been so awesome. Truly.
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guardian-angel12 · 6 months
Oneshots and random clips
Peace of the Storm {Experiment}
Snow and Lights {Meredu AU}
Scars {Experiment}
What if You’re Wrong?{Experiment}
{Will be updated}
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acuteredstone · 2 years
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I’ve noticed a lack of Yondu content so here ya go 💙💙💙
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you look good in leather
Peter Quill x F!Reader
Prompt: “I’m sorry, but it’s very hard to focus when you’re dressed like that.”
Summary: on the way to xandar to face off with ronan the accuser, quill walks in on you changing into a ravager uniform and just has to show you how much he approves of the look.
Warnings: smut, hints of exhibitionism, vaginal sex.
Word Count: 1,613
Got a Request? Prompt List: here
follow my fanfiction blog
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Propping your foot up on the crate in front of you, you fastened your boot closed before straightening. Exhaling a nervous breath, you reached up to run your fingers through your hair, you pulled it back to tie it away from your face. You heard the metal floors creak behind you, and you spoke without turning around. “Do I even want to know why the Ravagers had a uniform in my size? I’m not seeing a big female population on board.”
“You and Gamora would be the first on this ship,” Quill replied. You turned to face him, smoothing your hands down over the leather encasing your hips. “And you look a hell of a lot better in it than Kraglin does.”
“High praise,” you said, tugging on your hair to tighten the band holding it in place. “Actually, come to think of it, why the hell do you have a uniform here to fit Rocket? Dude’s a raccoon, for flark’s sake.”
Peter didn’t reply, his head tilted slightly to the side. You noticed his gaze fall lower, travelling slowly, pointedly over your curves. You rolled your eyes despite the immediate bloom of warmth you felt spread through you.
Raising a hand, you clicked your fingers in front of his face. “Hello? You in there, Space Cadet?”
Quill blinked, dragging his gaze back up to meet yours. A teasing, flirtatious smirk curled his lips. “I’m sorry. But it’s very hard to focus when you’re dressed like that.”
“Seriously?” you asked disbelievingly, glancing down at yourself. It was more form fitting that your usual t-shirt and jeans ensemble, but you hadn’t really thought anything of it. “Yondu just threatened to kill you and we’re about to go up against an interplanetary warlord, and you’re still thinking about sex?”
Quill shrugged, a self-deprecating smirk blooming on his lips. He closed the distance between the two of you slowly, taking ahold of your hips. “Guess I’ve got a one-track mind.”
You rolled your eyes at him, your own smile breaking over your features despite yourself as his hands slipped around to smooth over your backside. He pulled you closer, your hips bumping against his. Your hands moved automatically upward, and you rested them lightly on his shoulders. “Peter. Bigger issues.”
“We got time,” he replied, pressing his hips into yours teasingly. You could feel him harden against your thigh, and his hands squeezed your ass possessively. “Might as well use it creatively.”
“Funny how all your ‘creativity’ seems to result in nudity on my part,” you said snidely, sliding your hands up to wrap your arms around his neck loosely. “You might need to find a new schtick.”
“I thought you liked my ‘schtick’.”
“Ugh, Quill!” you scoffed at the lazily double entendre, shoving him away from you. Peter laughed, catching you around the waist and pulling you back against him. Your back met his chest, and your breath caught as you felt him press a hungry, open-mouthed kiss to the side of your throat. A taunting mix of tongue and the blunt graze of his teeth against your skin, it made a shiver roll up the small of your back, as did the way his hand travelled up your stomach to squeeze your breast through the supple leather of your outfit. “Peter…”
“Shhh…” he whispered; his breath hot against your flesh. His hand moved slowly, teasingly, sliding the zipper at the front of your suit down and slipping into your bra to clutch at your breast. “You’re gonna spoil the mood.”
“Asshole,” you bit back a moan as he pinched your nipple, turning your head to capture his mouth in a kiss. Quill returned it hungrily, sliding his tongue into your mouth.  You moaned into it despite your indignation as his other hand moved lower, cupping your cunt roughly through your clothes. The inelegance, the demand in his touch thrilled you despite your objections, and you felt heat rise in your chest as he led your hips back to grind against him. Quill groaned into the kiss as you bit his lip, his grip tightening on your breast for a moment.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”
“And you’re still an asshole,” you retorted, and he snickered as you turned in his arms to face him again. Quill recaptured your lips, his hands taking hold of your waist. His mouth moved along your cheek to your jaw and down to the side of your throat, sucking a bruise into the sensitive skin over your pulse point.
He lingered there until your breath caught, then trailed his lips higher, catching them teasingly on your earlobe before speaking in your ear. You felt yourself shudder as his hand walked slowly up your torso to your zipper. Quill tugged it down at a glacial pace, his voice warm and gruff. “So, let me make it up to you then.”
Your hesitation lingered only until you felt his hand slide into your suit and over your stomach to curve against your ribs. “Fuck it. You have ten minutes.”
Quill laughed, unzipping your suit the rest of the way and shoving the sleeves of it down your arms. You echoed him, the sound catching in your throat as he shot you a cocky wink, turned you around, and bent you over the crates behind you. He smoothed a hand up the back of your thigh, and you shrugged off the sleeves of your suit. He tugged the whole thing down around your thighs as soon as your arms were free, heedless of the awkward way the leather hung around your legs.
Your chest met the storage crates as he bent you over further, his hand sliding between your legs. You moaned, and he pushed your underwear to the side.
“You know what one of the hottest things about you is?” he muttered, teasing his fingers along your cunt to circle your clit. You whined through gritted teeth, eyes closed. The heard the dull sound of his zipper being lowered. “The more you pretend to you’re not into it, the wetter you are.”
“God, you’re a dick—” you broke off with a drawn-out moan as Quill pressed his cock into you, his hand clutching at the swell of your ass as he filled you. “Fuck, Peter…”
His hand tightened painfully on your flesh as he withdrew and thrust into you again, hard enough to make the crates beneath you shake. You grunted as he did, bracing yourself on your elbows and shoving loose hair out of your eyes where it had come loose.
Quill didn’t pause, didn’t hesitate… apparently taking your time frame to heart. He fucked you hard, his fingers bruising your hips as he pulled them back to meet his thrusts. Your breath left you in a short, sharp moan each time he thrust into you, and he teased his hand over the side of your ass in approval, massaging the flesh of it.
His hand moved higher, a shiver following it up your back. You grinned, teeth digging into your bottom lip, as he wrapped your hair around his hand and jerked your head back. It forced your back to arch, and he pushed deeper into you. You moaned, eyes rolling back. When you reached back to grab at his hip, he took hold of your arms, pulling them back behind you. Your chest met the crate inelegantly, your cheek pressed against it, as he trapped your wrists against the small of your back.
“You’re so hot when you talk dirty, baby.” he laughed, his voice tight with arousal.
“Go fuck yourself, Quill.”
“Right after I’m finished with you,” he replied easily. “God, you’re mean to me.”
“You… you love it.”
“I do,” Quill said with a groan. He released your wrists, hands returning to your hips. He guided you into pushing back into him, and you braced yourself on your hands, fingers tightening painfully on the edge of the crate. “Do it more.”
You choked on a laugh, arms shaking as Quill’s hand snaked around between your legs and found your clit. “You’re running out of time, Star Lord.” your voice broke in a whimper as he circled it roughly, pinching it between his fingers. “Tick-tock.”
“Oh, now you’re asking for it,” he almost growled the words, and you jerked under his touch as his other hand pressed against the small of your back, pinning you in place against the crate. Unable to move your hips aways from his fingers, from his cock, you felt the stimulation all of a sudden too much, and you cursed as you came, drawing out his name in an almost pornographic moan.
Quill’s thrusts had become almost desperate at the sound of his self-imposed moniker, and he groaned as you tightened around him, pulling out of you just before his own orgasm hit. You could feel yourself twitch as he smoothed a hand up your thigh, and you exhaled as you straightened cleaning yourself up before pulling your suit back up and shrugging it up onto your arms.
You turned to face Quill as he tucked himself back into his pants, and your eyes widened. You smacked him hard in the chest. “You left the door open?!”
“Ow!” he flinched away from you childishly, and you smacked him again.
“Private moments, Peter! Private.”
“I didn’t want to waste any of time!” he argued defensively, but you saw the corner of his lips twitch upward in a smirk.
“You suck, Peter.”
“Maybe later,” he joked back. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve got a lot going on right now. Honestly, your priorities—”
“I will hit you again.”
tags:@lovely-dreamer19 @wittyforachange @wefracturedmotivation @january-echoes @glossyloner @capitalnineteen @youclickedthislink @s0ftness @castieltrash1 @drakelover78 @queenoftheunderdark @bombardia​ @bellarkeselection​ @nix-rose-q​ @blue-chup​ 
want to be tagged? send me an ask :)
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Adam Warlock x Star Lord!Sister Reader
Prompt: You’re pregnant. The very thought of it is so surreal. And more importantly, it’s Adam’s. Now not only do you have to break the news to the man you love, uncertain of how he will react, but then there are the rest of the Guardians too. And more importantly, your brother, Peter. 
Word Count: 3,878
A/N: Hello! I am back again with another Adam Warlock x Reader baby themed one shot! I will add a link to this one to the post that has all of my one shots to this series so far. Requests are open! I’m currently working on one at the moment! Any thoughts of any kind, my comments and mailbox are open! I hope you enjoy! -Jen
Pregnant. A word that had seemed so foreign to you up until now. An aspect you hadn’t even begun to fathom would happen to you. And yet here you were, sitting far off from the hustle and bustle of Knowhere’s square trying to clear your mind. Trying to think through haze and churning from your own stomach as you processed it all. Wondering how you would announce it to Adam. So lost in your head you didn’t even notice when Kraglin took a seat beside you. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” 
Kraglin had been like an older brother to both you and Peter. Though, your relationship was a little better at the time because, growing up, he felt as if he needed to compete with the boy from Terra for Yondu’s approval. That had changed though. Now the three of you were equally close. You looked over to him, not too sure what to say. In all honesty, he was the last person you’d imagined to break the news to first. 
“I don’t know.” You responded softly with a shrug. “I haven’t decided, I guess.” 
“What’s wrong?” Kraglin asked, his tone slightly concerned. “Did something happen? Is it Adam?” He paused, his expression more serious than you’re used to. “Did he do something?” 
He did, but technically so did you. You exhaled, wondering why you didn’t stay cooped up in the confinement of your room. That way you could’ve at least hid from it all a little longer. Pretend that everything was as it should be. You wished Adam was here, he had a way of making you feel better. Then again, maybe it was better that he wasn’t. 
“Y/N?” Kraglin’s voice snapped you back into reality. You turned and looked at him as he placed a hand on your knee. “Uh, you want me to get Pete?” 
“NO!” The word came out much sharper than you meant it to causing Kraglin to visibly flinch. “Sorry, I mean, no…that’s okay.” 
The last thing you needed was your brother. Peter was overprotective, he had always been. Even though you two were adults, he was still annoying when it came to you and relationships. When you and Adam first got together, he made it clear to you that he wasn’t exactly supportive of it all. Sure, the guy had saved him from literally turning into a human icicle in space, but he was still wary from the Rocket fiasco. That was something that you knew would take a long time to repair. At this point you were lucky he was tolerating it all and not getting on your case. If he knew you were expecting…well, you didn’t know how he’d take the news. 
“Can I trust you, Kraglin?” You asked, knowing full well there was no turning back after saying something like that. “Swear on Yondu you won’t say anything? Especially to Peter?” 
Kraglin looked at you with such uncertainty it was almost comical. Almost. “Yeah…” He replied with hesitation. “Cross a Ravanger’s heart.” 
You nodded, looking at the ground. “I’m pregnant.” 
“...Oh.” He said after a moment, shifting awkwardly where he sat. “...Is it Adam’s?” You threw him a dark look that caused him to hold up his hands defensively. “I’m sorry! It’s just well…congratulations? I mean, this is good, right?” 
You let out a loud groan and covered your face. “I don’t know!” The words came out muffled from behind your hands. “You’re the only one who knows.” 
“I’m honored! Thanks!” 
“Only because you showed up here.” You didn’t mean to sound so harsh. Kraglin didn’t deserve it. “I’m sorry, Kraglin, I’m…I’m not trying to take this out on you. Maybe it’s the stupid hormones, I don’t know. I found out today and I’m not processing it well, I guess.” 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” He offered, and you felt his hand rest on your shoulder. “I don’t know nothing about having babies, but if there is something you like, maybe a glass of water, or a blanket? Wait, that may be for shock…” 
For the first time that day, you actually smiled. Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder what Kraglin might’ve become if he hadn’t ever joined the Ravangers. You leaned forward and pulled him into a tight hug. 
“Just your support is nice.” You told him, inhaling deeply. “Thanks.” 
“Well sure, we may be Guardians now, but we'll always be Ravangers at heart.” Kraglin grinned at you when you pulled back. “And Ravangers take care of our own. Well, except when we don’t, but you know what I mean. We’re family. All of us here. I guess what I’m tryin’ to get at is we’ve got your back. Adam’s a great guy, I mean, he did almost wreck all of Knowhere--”
“Yeah, yeah, what’s in the past, is in the past. He turned out to be a great guy, right? Saved Pete, helped fix up a mess, managed to even join the Guardians. That’s somethin’, right?” He took a deep breath. “I don’t need to be able to read minds or do that emotion thingy that Mantis does to know Adam loves you. Like a whole lot.”
“I know he does.” Your smile was soft. “It’s more than mutual.” 
“So it’s gonna be alright, okay? When have I ever lied to you?” Kraglin asked with a grin.
You gave him a look. There were not enough fingers on each hand for you to count the number of times both he and your brother had pulled some stunt on you. All relatively harmless, but you had learned not to be so gullible since. 
“I need to go find Adam.” You told him, dusting off what little dirt had gotten on your pants. “He’s probably worried. Last thing I need for him is to go hunt Peter down. I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to approach that one.” 
“No matter what, Pete’ll come around. He always does.” Kraglin tried to assure you. “He got used to you and Adam. This is just another thing added on.” A big thing. 
It was becoming apparent that, for the time being, you needed to focus on one thing--telling Adam. The rest you could try to get yourself to stop worrying about until later. You pulled Kraglin one last time for a quick squeeze. 
“Thank you, Kraglin. For everything.” 
“That’s what family’s for.” He said with a smile. “Even if we ain’t exactly a normal bunch.” 
The nausea you felt the moment you stepped over the threshold and into your room was not from the baby. Part of you wanted nothing more than to just turn back and find a new spot to hide in, somewhere where no one could find you. But Blurp, Adam’s beloved furry F’saki, immediately bounded over and pounced excitedly at your legs. 
“Hey, buddy.” You said, giving the animal a half smile as you reached down to scratch it behind one of its ears. “It’s good to see you too.” 
Adam came bounding in with a mixed look of concern and relief at your arrival. You straightened up as he walked over to you, his hands immediately reaching and cupping your face as he studied you carefully. You felt as if you were a piece of fruit being checked for bruises by a potential customer. 
“Are you alright? I was worried. You weren’t here when I returned and I kept waiting, but you didn’t leave a note--and I know that you can take care of yourself, as you’ve said before--”
“Adam.” You said, cutting him off. “I’m fine.” 
He beamed at your response and looked down at Blurp. “See, I told you everything was fine. No need to get anyone else involved or form a search party.” The creature gurgled and nudged your leg. 
“But, Adam, we do need to talk…” His expression changed to one of confusion as you took a step back. “It’s important.” 
“Oh?” He responded, following you as you took a seat on the edge of your bed. “What do you want to talk about? Should I be worried?” And his laugh was nervous--making your own anxiety that much worse. 
“I don’t know.” Probably not the best answer to give him. “I mean…I don’t know how you will feel about this.”
Gods, if you could have any power in all the universes, invisibility would’ve been great. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at Adam as you feel his hand take yours. Tears started to well up in your eyes and suddenly you found yourself flooded with emotions. Damn hormones. 
“Y/N, my love, what’s the matter? Don’t cry! Tell me what I must do!” Adam was cupping your face once more, searching your eyes for answers. “Have I done something wrong? If I have, please tell me and I will make amends. Please, say something, you’re scaring me.” 
You shook your head and hiccuped. “You didn’t…you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m…” The deep breath you took was shaky, and you could only hope you didn’t look as gross as you sounded. “Adam, I’m pregnant.”
The silence that blanketed the room made you want to crawl over into a corner and die. This was it. Adam was going to get up and leave you and everything would fall apart. The Guardians would banish you from the team. From your family. Knowhere was exile you. You would have no one and nothing and Thanos might as well have snapped you for good. 
“I’m going to be a father?” 
The words snapped you back into reality. Through tears, you looked and saw Adam gazing at you with such glee and adoration it sort of caught you by surprise. You sniffed, wiping your face with your sleeve--nevermind how unattractive it must’ve looked, and nodded.
“Yeah.” You answered him softly. “You’re going to be a dad.” 
He was quiet for a moment. “I never had a father.”
The corners of your mouth twitched into a small smile at his statement. “...I don’t remember my mom.” 
“...Do you think I could be a good father?” Adam asked slowly, his gaze burning into yours. He sounded hopeful. 
“Yeah.” You said with a smile. “I know you’d be a wonderful dad. There is not a doubt in my mind that says otherwise.” There was hesitation in your voice as you asked the next question. “Do you think I’d be a good mom?”
Adam chuckled warmly. “You already are to good, old Blurp right here.” Blurp trotted over and jumped into your lap, licking excitedly at your face. “See? Even he approves, and he is very particular too.” 
“I can see that.” You laughed, carefully moving the dog onto the mattress. Sighing, you gazed into Adam’s eyes, getting lost in their golden pools. “Are you happy then? Are you…okay with this?” 
Adam said nothing as he leaned forward and kissed you. You allowed your arms to wind around his neck as one of his arms hooked around your waist and pulled you close. Nothing sounded better than staying in that moment for all eternity. The warmth and gentleness of it all. You almost had to fight the urge to pull him back in when he stopped.
“I have never been more certain of something in my entire life.” Adam said with so much pride your heart swelled. “And I will love this child as I do you, Y/N. You are--well, now it is two of you I suppose, the most important things in my eternal life. I will do better than my best to be the very best! I swear it.” 
You chuckled, sniffing as you beamed back at him. “That was quite the speech.”
“Was it what you wanted?” Adam inquired, wiping away at a stray tear that’d begun to slide down your cheek. “Are you okay? Perhaps I should’ve asked that first.” 
Even though it would be months until you felt anything, you rested your hand on your stomach. You began to imagine the sensation, what little movements, kicks, flutters your baby would give you. Your baby. Adam’s baby. Gods, it sounded so surreal and yet, so right. 
“Yeah.” You inhaled, your gaze deep as it met Adam’s. “I’ve never felt happier.”
“We need to tell them.” 
Adam’s voice was soft as his hand gently rubbed your back from where he knelt beside you on the floor. Your head hung over the toilet as you tried to fight back the wave of nausea that stirred in your stomach. Morning sickness, more like ‘all day sickness’. It had been a week since you had broken the news to Adam--and technically Kraglin--about the baby. From the get go, he had wanted to tell the others but you had sworn him to secrecy. You still were avoiding sharing the unexpected pregnancy announcement with your brother. But now, with how violently ill your body had decided to start becoming, you weren’t really left with any options. 
“Maybe we can just wait until they’re born.” You mumbled weakly, the bitter taste of bile coating the inside of your mouth. “Spring it on them then.” 
“I don’t think that would be the best idea--or even possible.” Adam responded, frowning softly when you waved away at the glass of water he tried to coax in your hand. “They’re starting to worry about how sick you’ve been. And you already told Kraglin.”
“That wasn’t in my original plans.” You answered somewhat defensively. “Besides, there’s a big difference between him and Peter knowing. The others I’m not as worried about. I’m his little sister, but he forgets I’m not so little anymore. Like a lot.” Your stomach gurgled and you heaved a big sigh. “I can take care of my damn self.”
“I know.” And the palm of his hand began to knead between your shoulder blades. “But the sooner we get it over with, the better you will feel about it. And you aren’t alone in this. I’m right with you. We’ll tell them together and it will go over well, I promise.” 
The last time you saw a look like the one Peter was giving you now was when you accidentally dropped his Walkman as a kid and it fell between the grates of Yondu’s ship. How he managed to get it back out before it slipped to its eternal demise, you were unsure--or cared. But this look was not about any sort of music box. Oh no, this was something much greater. 
“...You’re pregnant?” Peter asked slowly, eyes flashing from you to Adam. “As in having a baby? Together?” 
“Yes, I am.” Before anyone could speak up, you quickly added. “And we’re happy too. Really happy.” Adam’s arm found its way around your waist offering a sense of comfort that you needed. “And since we’re family, we were hoping that maybe you all would feel the same way.” 
The silence was killing you. The way they were all watching, Peter especially, you almost wanted to curl up into a ball and beg Adam to fly you back to your room. Try again on another day. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around, followed by a squeal. 
“I am VERY happy for you!” Mantis gushed, beaming at you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Adam nervously watching, probably concerned with how tight she was hugging you. “Oh this is such good news!” 
Drax broke into one of his deep fits of laughter. “Quill! That means your sister had sex!” Of all the anti-social things he could’ve said, he had to go with that one. How wonderfully mortifying. “But I am also happy for you!” 
One of Groot’s branches reached out and touched your stomach. “I am Groot.” Or, as you had grown to understand. “I like babies.” 
Nebula gave you a rare smile from where she stood beside Rocket. She had come so far since you first met her those many years back. Gone from enemy to a true member of the Guardians. The late Gamora, your Gamora, would’ve been proud to see what she had become. 
“Congratulations,” Nebula said with a nod. 
“I agree with the others!” The canine yipped, her tail wildly wagging when she trotted over to you. “I will protect the baby like a good dog!” She licked your hand leaving you secretly grateful she didn’t try to jump up. “This is good news!” 
Rocket, who had been at Peter’s side, made his way over. “Yeah, yeah, what they all said.” He said with a half smile, arms folded. “Guess we better get one of those sign things to hang on the ship that says Baby On Board or something.”
“So no one else sees a problem with this?!”
Peter’s voice popped you out of that blissful bubble you had found yourself in. Everyone was looking at him now, the good mood immediately snuffed out. Your stomach began to churn, only this time, it wasn’t from the pregnancy symptoms. 
“We just got our team back together and everything was fine! Now you had to go along and get pregnant!” He jabbed a finger in your direction. “I dunno, did you not consider how this might impact the rest of us?!” 
Where the hell was this coming from? “You know, just a ‘Wow, congratulations, Y/N’ would have easily sufficed!” You were fuming. Of course you knew he would be a dick when you needed him most. “This was a surprise to us! I’m sorry I didn’t take you into consideration!”
“You know you can’t come on any missions, right, Y/N?” His eyes then landed on Adam, his new target. “You know she is basically out of commission. She’s a risk! Now we’re down a teammate!”
“Peter, leave him alone!” You snapped, moving protectively in front of Adam. “He didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“Oh, really, he didn’t now?” Shit, you led him right into that. “Did you forget that whole thing when Goldilocks over there busted through our home and almost killed Rocket, not to mention trying to take the rest of us out with him?!” 
“Everyone deserves a second chance, Pete.” Rocket cut in with a frown. “You’ve said it yourself before, and it’s clear that Adam has. I’ve forgiven him, why haven’t you?” 
You weren’t sure if Rocket’s words struck a chord with Peter or not. In reality, you really could’ve cared less at that point. Tears of frustration and sadness had already begun to well up in your eyes, you didn’t want to give him the courtesy of seeing. 
“Thanks, everyone.” You said, stare fixed on the ground. “Your support means a lot.” 
Adam’s hand caught your wrist as you started walking away from the group. “Y/N?” 
“I’m fine.” You told him, pulling your hand out of his grasp. “I just need some space. I’ll meet you back in the room. I love you.” And you made sure that you said the last part loud enough for Peter to hear.
You had practically built yourself a nest out of pillows and blankets on the top of your bed. Adam’s pillow was stained with your tears because you had chosen it to be the one you cried into. He smelled nice. Honestly, your fight with Peter could’ve gone a hell of a lot worse. You could think of several things you might’ve spat out at him that would’ve hit him hard and good. There was enough that you didn’t need to add onto. 
Suddenly, you heard a knock on your bedroom door--which was odd considering Adam always chose to waltz in without first announcing himself. Whatever, it had been a weird day as it was. Who were you to dictate how your partner came and went?
“Adam, the door isn’t locked. Just come in.”
But the person who opened the door wasn’t Adam. Peter. You watched quietly as your brother made his way over to your bed, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. After the fallout, why exactly had he decided to show up? Was he going to give you another earful? 
“Before mom died, she made me promise that I would always protect you. Even before that, I felt like I always needed to because it was just the three of us. Well, four if you wanted to include grandpa, but three.” 
You chose not to respond, deciding to see where he was going with this. 
“You may be grown, Y/N, but you will always be my little sister.” Peter said, his voice no longer harsh as it had been. “But that isn’t an excuse to lash out when you get into a relationship or, well, get pregnant. You’re tough. Quills have to be. And if you love Adam and this is what you want, you have my full support.” From his spot, he smiled at you. “Besides, I think I’d make a pretty damn good uncle.”
Finally, you looked up to meet his gaze. “That was a dick move you pulled back there.” 
Peter sighed. “I know, I’m really sorry about that.” 
“And you owe Adam an apology for trying to make him feel like shit.” He watched you, probably trying to figure out your next words. Inhaling, you continued on. “But I forgive you. I know you mean well, but I can take care of myself. Adam is a really great guy and he has changed. I really want you two to get along, especially with this baby coming. I need my big brother. I need you.” 
“Y/N, you couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried.” He replied, lightly throwing one of your pillows in your direction. You dodged it with a smile. “Call it a talent.”
You snorted, shaking your head as you beamed the pillow straight back. “You’re such a dork.” The imense amount of relief you felt now was so welcoming. “This baby will be lucky to have you as an uncle. I wish Yondu was here.” Though, you weren’t quite sure how your adoptive father of sorts would feel about a baby. “...I wish mom was too.” 
Peter moved and pulled you into a hug--one that you didn’t realize you needed so badly. “Me too.” He admitted with a sigh. “She’d be so excited. She was the best mom, and I know she’d make an even better grandma. And I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be just as great at it as she was.” 
You gave Peter a watery smile, only this time your tears were happy. “You think so?” 
He chuckled. “When have I ever lied to you?” And you couldn’t help but think back to Kraglin at that. 
You rested your hand on your stomach, something you had a gut feeling would become more natural as time went on. Your mind wandered to the little life inside of you. What would they look like? Adam? You? Growing something inside of you that was the product of your shared love. Even though you had only known about this baby for such a short amount of time, they were already so adored. A smile crossed your face at it all. The new chapter in your life, his life, everyone’s that had only just begun. 
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coffeeandbatboys · 1 year
The Art Of Stupidity (Peter Quill x Fem!reader)
In which Peter nearly gets killed because he's a dumba** so you do a lot of screaming at him.
Warnings: swearing (whaa ikr?) Injury, insult to injury, Rocket being himself, Peter being an idiot (aka himself) mebbe some slight foreshadowing for vol. 3 but it ain't a spoiler if you don't think too much about it.
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"Rocket, where's Peter?" You gasped.
In your glorious retreat back to the Bowie, you'd lost him in the chaos that he caused. How does the idea of stealing a heavily secured antique piece of junk sound now?
"He had to go and get the damn Zune he dropped in the hallway of that security station."
"He told me he was down to one blaster!?" You shrieked, realizing that this was not, in fact, going well.
"And he's the lazy asshole who didn't charge them up!"
"You didn't think to, I dunno, COVER HIM?" You flapped your arms in disbelief.
"Hell no, you're the girlfriend!." The insufferable Raccoon snarled. "If you wanna go get Star munch, he's all yours missy."
You muttered under your breath as you turned to go get your boyfriend. "That stupid Zune is gonna be the death of him someday I swear. Thanks a lot, Yondu."
You readied your blaster and dodged bullets in the space between the ship and aforementioned security station, before kicking the door open to find an incredibly absurd sight.
The Doobie Brother's 'What a Fool Believes' blasted from the ridiculous object he went back for, as he was trying in vain to fight off the security droids. Sighing, you stepped in and blasted to your heart's delight, until the two of you (or, mostly you) successfully eradicated the rest of them.
"Thanks, babe." Peter offered a sheepish smile and you just rolled your eyes in frustration.
"Let's go before these guys blow a freaking hole in our ship!" You growled.
His eyes widened and the smile dropped. "Ohh ok yeah you're like really mad."
Once again you we're crossing the distance back to the ship, only this time, you didn't dodge one of the bullets as it lodged itself in your calf. You were already frustrated beyond rational capacity, and physical pain just added insult to injury. But you were too hyped up on adrenaline to care. Tumbling into the ship, Peter in tow, you sat down and glared.
He wasn't sure whether to apologize or leave you be, when he noticed your leg trembling. That's when your world went fuzzy and you sorta just, checked out of reality while somehow staying conscious.
"Shit! I need a med pack and a pair of tweezers." He hollered for anyone in earshot as the ship lifted off and set out for Knowhere. Soon, the bullet was pulled out of your leg and the med pack placed over the hole.
And this...this, is where you snapped back to reality.
"You asshole!" You screamed, "You could've gotten yourself killed!"
Kraglin, who had brought the medical supplies, just cringed and stepped away, leaving you two alone.
"I'm sorry, y/n..."
"Sometimes I feel like that stupid thing is more important than any of us!"
You regretted the statement as soon as it left your mouth. The Walkman was one of the only things he had left of his younger years, and when his father had destroyed that, the Zune was all he had left of Yondu.
His eyes fell and your heart broke. He moved to stand up, but you stopped him.
"No—wait. I'm sorry. I shouldn'tve said that. I'm sorry." You repeated.
He relaxed and sat back down, giving you a lopsided apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry I freaked you out. I wasn't trying to get killed back there. I feel like it was my fault that you got shot, too."
"Its fine, baby." You smiled sadly. "If I hadn't been seeing red, I probably would've payed more attention."
The med pack needed a bit more time, and Rocket was calling for him, so he kissed your forehead, then your nose, before finally catching your lips in a sweet, tender kiss.
One that would take priority over anything else.
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Star Lord fics are back in business baby!!
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inari-zaheer · 1 year
requesting hcs of nebula pining over female reader please and thank you! set after gotg 3 and reader is one of the teachers who teaches the kids they saved from the high evolutionary
Nebula Pining Over Fem! Reader
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Pairing:Nebula x Reader
Tw:Angst with a happy ending
Ever since the events of the battle against the High Evolutionary, Nebula got way sadder than usual
Sure they saved a bunch of people and lots of civilizations, but right when she was getting used to her lil disfunctional family they decided that they needed some time apart of the group
She helped everywhere she could in Knowhere, from building stuff, to fixing equipment, till a day where Kraglin asked her if she could help with teaching the children the basics of self defense
It was definitely not what she was used to, but coming from a "family" of abuse she understood the importance of it
An that's when she met you!
As she was waiting for her class with the children start, she saw you on one of the windows of the building teaching the children how to comunicate with everyone
From that moment she felt weird, overwhelmed, it was a feeling that she never felt before, and the fact that she didn't knew what it was only made her upset
She was going to pretend that it was nothing, until a day when her session with the kids ended that you went to talk to her
You waited just so you could thank her for what she was doing with the children, because as they were learning your language they were able to tell the horrible things they suffered on the ship
It was a simple thank you, but that didn't help Nebula with her feelings, quite the opposite actually
But after the group kinda dissipated she had no one to talk to
Her sister was not the same she lived with before the battle with Thanos, Quil was back on Terra and the most important person who could maybe help her, Mantis, was somewhere in the space, and it was obvious that Rocket, Groot and Drax where out of question
Every day you would stay to watch the kids you quickly bonded to see their improvement (definitely not for the goddess of a woman who was teaching them that you were slowly caughting feelings for)
Geeting closer to her, telling how cool her abilities were, saying how one day you wanted to be as strong as her
And every day that passed she got more intrigued by her own feelings towards you
Until one day Kraglin was telling her about some movie tapes that Yondu had found for Peter but didn't had the opportunity to give them, so he asked if she could keep them safe on her room till he came back
She wasn't exactly the type to like music or this so called movies, but she was just so bored one day that, when she was sure no one would ever know, she put a movie on the device that Rocket had made for Peter if they ever found one of those
She did not knew or cared about the name of the movie in question, but one of the main themes that kept poping over and over again made her understand everything
It was love!
Oh fuck it was love
Those were her first thoughts when she realized it, immediately turning off the thing and throwing the tape as far as she could
She could not feel love for you, in her head love wasn’t meant for her, she wasn’t worthy of love
But then again, why would you love her? A killer, a destroyer, machine
And after that day, she was not the same again
She asked to change the day of the sessions just so she would not see you, avoided you everywhere in Knowhere, and asked everybody to tell people to just leave her alone
She kept pushing the feeling back, and one day she cried for the second time in her entire life for a person
But she underestimated you
One day you simply showed up at her door, and even when she pretended she was not there you just screamed that you were going to wait
Seeing you really weren’t gonna budge she opened the door for you and saw your state
You looked sad, tired and even a bit sick
She went to ask what did you wanted but was met with a "did i do something wrong?"
Of course she was not understanding, but you just asked why she started avoiding you out of nowhere, almost starting to cry
Then all of the conflicted feelings she was feeling immediately turned into guilt
How could she do something like this to you? To leave you in that state just cause she could not understand what was happening
Then she finally could not wait any longer and told you everything, how she felt about you, how she was scared of those feelings, and how she thought she did not deserve any of what you wanted to give her
You immediately told her that it didn't matter the stuff she had done, the past was in the past and she deserved someone to help her see that things could be great, that she deserved to feel love and be loved
She said she was not used to it, but asked if she could give you a hug
It was kinda akward, but you could see that this was definelly just the beginning of something special between the both of you
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ay0nha · 1 year
The Sweet Hereafter | Peter Quill
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SUMMARY: He cursed at himself for succumbing to you again. That was just the lure you had. Miles away—galaxies even—you always found a way to lead Peter to you. It may have been subconscious, but despite the fact that you bickered, the pair of you belonged together. 
PAIRING: Peter Quill x f!reader
WARNINGS: canon typical things, descriptions of injuries, cursing, general angst, semi enemies to lovers, etc.
A/N: I had to dust off cobwebs for this one. I forget how much nonsense I write and don’t post, this being one of them...gotg v.3 got me in my feels so I’m posting this. It’s a little plotless and full of plot holes....so enjoy lol.
“Please.” Kraglin’s desperation was obvious, and had been for months. Yet, through every modulated call, he was met with disappointment. “She has no interest in staying with us, tried to get her to go—
“All she does is run off–” Peter countered just to bite his tongue. But characteristically it didn’t last, “–then I’m the one sent to drag her back.” He scratched at his growing facial hair, growing increasingly frustrated. “I’m tired of this.”
"And you think I'm not?" Kraglin snapped. Peter could see, even through the hologram before him, that Kraglin was being pulled thin.
As a new Ravager leader, Kraglin had growing pains with the position, but nonetheless carried himself well. He could handle the banter as it was a part of the life, even the new settlement of Knowhere. Yet, he could never understand how to handle you.
"We don't have space for her." Peter feigned passivity, but his voice wavering exposed his facade.
"I can try and put in a word to the Nova Corp, see if they can—
"We can’t just pass her off to the next, she's Yondu’s daughter—
Peter cut the connection before Kraglin had a chance to finish.It was a trap. It had always been a trap. But Peter fell for it all the same. Like him, you found yourself surrounded by scoundrels that’s hearts softened every time you called for help. Over the years, though, your calls became more deliberate; less for aid but more to stretch your sticky fingers.
There was something deep in Peter’s chest that made him queasy. As time went on he found it harder to say no, even if his body screamed at him. The ship was quiet, only carrying the sound of his dragging boots. Each step to the atrium of the ship, Peter struggled to quell his thoughts.
He cursed at himself for succumbing to you again. That was just the lure you had. Miles away—galaxies even—you always found a way to lead Peter to you. It may have been subconscious, but despite the fact that you bickered, the pair of you belonged together.
"Fuck." Peter cursed again, leading the unknowing crew to the last coordinates that Kraglin had sent to him.
Oddly enough, the cold floor felt relieving against your back. Pulling your arms above your head, the horizontal position elicited deep pops from your vertebrae. You were sore, your body enduring too much too soon, but in a way felt good. It meant you were still alive and breathing, more importantly, it meant that you got your way.
You perked up at the footsteps approaching you. You knew who it was, but you’d never admit the relief you felt hearing Peter’s voice echo through the dingy ship.
“And you’re tellin’ me she only now decided to tell us?”
“…You know how she doesn’t share anythin’...” Kraglin answered honestly, but it did nothing to comfort Peter. “...Well, ya know, expect that she’s Yondu’s kid.”
"She's lying."
You had a knack for twisting the truth. Lying was just a game to you, a game you were good at. It was what got you in your current holding cell. You posed as a threat even behind bars, but it was only due to the tales spun about you.
Peter knew you well. That you stumbled upon Youndu and his crew only to rob him blind with  innocent charm. It could make sense that you were his daughter, but even you didn’t want to believe it. You hadn’t until the letter found you. The chicken scratch was barely legible, but it detailed your unorthodox relation.
"She's not."
"How do you know?" Peter resisted. The man they spoke of was gone, but Peter doubted his legacy fell on your shoulders. "He didn't have any kids."
"Then what were you to him?" You didn’t need to be loud to be heard. The silence carried your suggestion. “Always good to see you, Star-Lord.”
Peter saw now how the bruise on your chin carried up onto your bottom lip. To match, just below your eye, a bruise started to form. He watched you move languidly to stand, he could see how much you hurt.
Pinching his brows together, he asked a rhetorical question. "Your boyfriend do that to you?"
"Something like that," You smirked slightly.
Quill sighed deeply, regretting the interaction. If you looked like this, Peter knew your ‘boyfriend’ was close to dead. You were the definition of reckless and something he wasn’t convinced he needed to take on. Yet, everyone in the room knew that by standing in front of you, his fate was set.
“Go on, Kraglin, show him,” You motioned your head with your words. Although you were considered one of them, they welcome you aboard with pointed blasters. In doing so, your belongings became theirs, even the tattered letter.
Peter didn’t want to read it as Kraglin unfolded it for him. He skimmed it, not bothering to look for the interesting details. Years ago, Peter would have questioned the astronomical coincidence that you had any blood relation to the man who raised him, but coincidences and beings with gauntlets scared it out of him. However, the last line resonated. Don’t tell Peter.
A bitter laugh escaped Peter’s lips. It was always like Yondu, even in death, to get the last gag. The story went as follows; you weren’t taken and forced into the life of a ravager. You were left in the safety of a Xandarian orphanage only to weasel your way out and join the life your father intended to keep you away from. You would have been better off stranded on an abandoned planet.
You got good at what you did, too good. You made a name for yourself that instilled fear in some and in others an open invitation to challenge. Challenges you never shied away from which only meant you begged for danger to follow.  
Peter tossed the letter to the side, letting whatever leaking pipe soak its material. The letter’s significance didn’t matter, years had come and gone washing away any anticipated emotion, but the only thing that held Peter’s attention was why you waited so long to reach out to him.
“Why now?”
“Had to get your attention somehow.” You frowned. He avoided you, but you waited for the perfect moment to gain his attention. “That boyfriend of mine is coming for you.”
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shyficwriter · 1 year
Temporary Home : Chapter 27
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Seems you might have gotten a little too cocky with your prank, will there be consequences?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: Oops! Didn't mean for this one to be this long lol. Also, for my records this chapter ends on day 80 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7,043
Woken up by knocking, you glance at the digital clock on your desk.
Barely 4:30 in the damn morning... and you knew it must be Fury. Well, it wasn't a midnight check-in, but it might as well have been. You mentally cursed yourself for jinxing the situation- sleepily reasoning that if you hadn't made the comment to yourself that one of these days he'd show up at midnight to keep you on your toes, then maybe he wouldn't be so early now.
Begrudgingly, you got up and descended the stairs, having waved Gamora and Kraglin, who the knocking had woken up as well and had emerged from their rooms to see what was going on, back to bed.
You opened the door to a bright and fresh-looking Fury and Agent Hill. Maybe it was that you were still half asleep, but you could have sworn they looked pleased with themselves.
"Where are your charges, Agent?" Fury asked, as if he didn't already have an idea.
"Sleeping," you said flatly, with just enough edge that made it clear you wish you still were too.
"Very well." Fury replied before adding, "Might want to get some shoes on and help Agent Hill with the packages."
"Packages?" you asked. "But you just restocked last week?"
"Different packages. Figured they'd be needing some warmer clothing in the coming months. Just some sweaters and jackets. Figured we'd bring them early just in case- can't be too careful, now."
There was an edge of amusement in his voice that solidified to you that he was doing this on purpose to annoy you, so you didn't bother responding. Just glared shortly before turning to throw on your boots and a jacket.
It was a damp, chilly morning, but not freezing or anything. Just cold enough to make you very much wish you were back in your warm bed instead of going out to bring in packages- apparently by yourself too for as soon as you came back out and Maria opened the van Fury 'suddenly' needed her to look at something. To make matters worse it appeared there was one box for each of the eight Guardians. They were each big enough that you could only manage one at a time, but at least they weren't too heavy.
You carried them all into the kitchen and left them on the floor, and miraculously Fury was only finished with Maria once you carried in the last box. However, he had some disappointing news.
"Sorry Agent, but it appears we were given the wrong boxes. Mix-up back at SHIELD. Gonna need you to load them all back in the van and we'll have to do this again next week."
He had to be kidding.
You glare at Fury for a moment, but obey the order without a word. Sooner this was done and over, sooner you could go back to bed.
Maria made to come help you out, only for Fury to claim he needed her to review something again 'real quick.' To you it was clear they were putting on a show to mess with you, but you didn't know why. Were you being punished for something?
The boxes all now loaded back into the van, you close the hatch and walk over to Fury and Maria, hoping that would be an end to this visit.
"Well, wouldn't you know it- Seems there was a mix up about the mix up." Fury said when you came near.
You just stared at him incredulously. Did he seriously-?
"Yup. That means those were the right boxes! Sorry about that. Guess we better get them unloaded again. Maria can help you out this time."
Not saying a word lest you say something you'd regret, you turn back toward the van, not waiting for Maria, only to be halted by the van having locked when you closed it and needing to wait for her to catch up and unlock it anyways.
Both you and Maria grab a box, but before Maria so much as lifts hers, Fury calls her back over to review some 'intel.'
You were definitely being punished for something. Had to be. But you didn't know what.
All eight boxes having been loaded back into the kitchen you return to Fury and Maria looking quite grumpy. "Anything else?" you ask.
"Nope. Not unless there's anything you need to tell me." Fury answers.
You couldn't read his face to tell if this was a standard check-in question, or if he wanted you to think he knew something and was giving you the chance to come clean with whatever it was.
"No, everything and everyone has been fine," you answer curtly. "Nothing's changed since last week." You didn't know what he might be getting at, but you were too tired and grumpy to acknowledge his game- assuming he was playing one.
"Alright," Fury answers. "We'll be going then." And with that he and Maria started back towards the van, just like that.
You watched them approach the van, and just as Fury was getting in the driver seat he stops and looks at you over the top of the door, still halfway out of the vehicle.
"Oh, Agent, one more thing," he said. "Make sure to keep a good eye on your charges. We wouldn't want any running off and getting lost, would we?"
He didn't wait for a response before fully getting into the van and closing the door to drive away.
You, however, just stood there gobsmacked. Did he-? How did he-? Somehow he must have known about what happened with Mantis the previous day, but how??
You already knew the answer. He knew because he was Fury. Man has eyes everywhere. Probably put a tracker on your car for all you knew.
Well, nothing really for it but to go back to bed, and so you did.
* * *
The rest of that day and the next were pretty uneventful. Each Guardian figured out which box was for them and stored their jumpers away. They each got two jumpers, one black, one grey, and a thicker jacket in a dark blue color that was clearly meant for winter. Two months too early to be useful right now, but you knew Fury knew that.
You also noticed someone even made teeny jumpers for Groot, which were adorable, despite them having been packed in the same large box as all the others. One of the Guardians made comment on it, but you just shook your head and brushed it off, knowing it had been done on purpose to aid in the punishment Fury sprang on you that morning.
Other than that, you spent your time reading, cleaning, and pranking Peter with the remote any chance you got, provided it wasn't during one of the times you handed the remote off to Rocket.
And given that you hadn't seen anymore spiders, all that combined you were relaxed enough and having enough fun that you actually once again forgot about inspecting the tunnel. However, you only realized this around time you were going to bed.
Sure, doing it at night would solve the problem of any nosy eyes peeking about, but you also worried that if Mantis woke up to find you gone again and alerted the others it could cause unnecessary drama, so you better not.
Geeze, keep this up and the whole thing will likely be caved in before you ever got to it...
You resolved to definitely do it the next day. No exceptions.
* * *
About those 'no exceptions...'
It was raining when you woke.
Not just rain, either, but a full on downpour. It hadn't rained this hard since that first night the Guardians came. Hell, it was coming down worse than that night, and it obviously wasn't letting up anytime soon.
Sure, technically you wouldn't get wet inspecting a tunnel considering it had one entrance located in the dry safety of your cellar, but you also found yourself less willing to adhere to your 'no exceptions' plan anyway, justifying it with how the tunnel wasn't going anywhere and how, now that you thought of it, maybe it'd be easier to avoid the others noticing your absence if you started from the woods and worked your way back toward the house.
Under the guise of you going out for a walk, no one would wonder where you disappeared to for so long, and you already knew the door back there needed replaced anyway. You could order those brackets you never bothered to get, build the door, then find a way to get out and do it at night. Not so late that you'd have to worry about any drama or Yondu's annoying habit of somehow knowing when you intend to go out in the middle of the night, but late enough that someone would be less likely to look out the window and see you actively dragging a door into the woods. Or better yet, take it out in smaller pieces and assemble on site.
If you were being honest though, that was all just a bunch of reasoning to justify to yourself that you just didn't feel like doing anything today as you watched the rain pour out the window from your spot at the kitchen table.
Yondu and Rocket were there as well, the three of you finishing your respective breakfasts without saying much.
You were grateful not to have to experience storms like this often, though you did remember a time when you used to love and be comforted by them. Now that comfort was negated by a nagging physical reminder that you often suppressed either with alcohol or ibuprofen, and unfortunately for you, it seems you had let yourself run out of medication. When you went to grab the bottle from the cupboard before sitting down to eat you found the bottle empty, and with a sigh you tossed it in the bin. You must have finished it off at some point without realizing it. A stiff drink would be your next choice, but you felt it would raise concern to be caught breaking out the whiskey first thing in the morning.
Oh well, you'd get through it. It's not like you hadn't had worse.
Contemplating whether you wanted to go back to bed, or to watch TV in the sitting room, you got up to wash your cereal bowl.
Rocket watched as you got up, and noticed how stiff you appeared when you stood. He hadn't been expecting it, and his memory momentarily flashed back to the morning he saw those scars. Could you- well it could make sense... nah. He was being stupid. Overthinking it.
But-? Come to think of it, you did appear a little stiff when you'd went to sit too... Could that mean-? Nah. Again, overthinking it.
None of you brought attention to said stiffness as you rose, but Rocket did raise his eyebrow and tossed a glance over at Yondu as these thoughts ran through his head, and he simply nodded. They had shared an unspoken conversation. A theory had been hypothesized, and then proclaimed to be true despite any actual evidence other than what the two of them had witnessed during their time with you. Could have been projection on their part, but the pieces did fit a little too perfectly with the aid of hindsight.
Little did you know, Rocket was in a similar boat as you, though he'd never just come out and say it. That might involve feelings, people feeling bad for him, and he wasn't about that crap. Instead, he'd just self-medicate or suffer in silence. Well, aside from irritable grumblings.
The only other one who seemed to have any idea what it was like for him was Yondu, though to a lesser extent. Neither of them ever really had a conversation about it- not out of any sort of shame or anything, they just didn't need to. From experience, they both knew what metal does in a mammalian body, and an unspoken understanding formed between them about their respective situations.
They could also theorize now, with the aid of hindsight, that you likely had some in yours, too.
* * *
Opting to watch something on TV you now sat curled on the sofa wrapped in both a cardigan and a throw blanket as you surfed through Netflix. It wasn't actually that cold to need both, but the extra warmth did help you feel better.
After a bit Mantis came in and flopped on the sofa next to you, happily asking if you wanted to join her, Drax, and Groot in a game they learned from the TV called "duck, duck, goose."
"Will you play!? It looked like so much fun!"
While admittedly you believed it would be amusing to see someone as large as Drax play said children's game, you weren't up to all the up and down and running about it would entail, and so you declined.
Mantis looked disappointed at first, and like she might try to persuade you, when Yondu spoke up from the table in the back where he had been playing cards with Kraglin and Rocket.
"Hey, Bug. Go see if Peter will play with ya. I think I remember him trying to get some of the crew to play a game called something like that with him when he was a boy."
Mantis immediately stopped looking disappointed and happily took Yondu's suggestion, quickly darting off to find Peter.
With Mantis gone and your brain now filled with images of big, scary-looking space pirates playing children's games, you had to ask. "Did they ever do it? Play with him, I mean?"
Yondu grinned slightly, and looked down at his cards. "Never when they knew I was watchin', but a couple of them used to, on occasion."
You saw him briefly glance at Kraglin, and though Kraglin was facing away from you, you could tell he had just become very interested in the wood grain on the table.
* * *
You must have fallen asleep at some point, because you woke up gritting your teeth in pain to an apologetic Peter who, for whatever ungodly reason, was sitting in your lap.
"OwOW-Ow! Motherfucker, get the fuck off!" You cry out, laced with more expletives as you pushed him off of you.
"Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm sorry!" Peter exclaimed as he nearly fell on his ass off the sofa, now very worried that he had injured you seeing as you were now rubbing at your hip and had turned your face into the back of the sofa. "Shit- please don't tell me I made you dislocate something else!"
He reached towards you, and as if you could sense it you barked at him, "Do not touch me. I'm fine."
"Oh, like I'm gonna believe that- That's what you said last time too," he said, referring to the time when you dislocated your elbow- of which he still felt guilty for.
Pain finally starting to subside you now glared at him, "I'm fine- you just mostly startled me," you lied, angrily, "but what the fuck do you think you were doing?"
You could see now that others had heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. Mantis was half hiding behind a confused Drax with Groot on her shoulder, and Gamora had just peeked around the sitting room door looking concerned. Behind you, out of your eyeshot, you had the other three's attention as well. Yondu watched on all frowny, while Kraglin and Rocket were still processing what idiocy must have just taken place.
All at once, Peter, Mantis and Drax began talking. So did Groot, but you couldn't understand him. Eventually you were able to piece together that apparently their Duck Duck Goose game had changed into a game of hide and seek tag, and someone, for whatever dumb reason, had declared you the safe space, and for whatever dumber reason, Peter thought it'd actually be funny to plop into your lap as he declared himself safe.
When they finally finished rambling you just blinked at them, unsure what to say. Mostly you just wanted them to go back to leaving you alone, so you decided to use what some might call 'Mom Voice™,' and scolded them. "I could have sworn I said at least once not to be running in the house-"
"I am Groot," Groot interrupted.
You blinked and raised an eyebrow, not expecting to be cut off.
"Um, he says that you only said not to run in the kitchen... and we never did run in the kitchen..." Mantis translated shyly.
Your eyes narrowed, and you genuinely had to catch yourself before you told them off to their rooms before immediately feeling silly for nearly sending three adults to their rooms like they were children, so you settled again for 'Mom Voice™: Version-Scary' and said, "You all better go find something else to do quietly that doesn't involve jumping on top of me."
Getting the hint that a great fuck-up was made, the four of them scattered, and you could hear Gamora giving Peter further scolding as he exited the sitting room.
With them gone you turned, stiffly, to face forward on the sofa and glanced out the window to see that the storm was still coming down pretty good. You rest your head back with a sigh, rubbing your hip some more before tossing off the blanket and scooting to the edge of the sofa so that you might get up. Maybe retire to your room where you could properly lie down and read or something- assuming the stairs wouldn't give you too much trouble.
With a deep breath you make a move to stand, but abort mission partway up and sit yourself back down.
You try again, with the same result.
Alright. Annoying, but you genuinely knew you were fine. Just need a minute for the ache to subside from Peter jumping on you, is all. Just a minor setback. Next time you'd remember to stock up on pain medicine. You didn't know what had gotten into yourself to just run out like that. However, now that it was on your mind, what better time than now to take out your phone and place an order for some more.
Better to pace yourself anyway, you told yourself as you opened the shopping app. Better that than push too hard and wind up limping out of the room, as that was bound to result in pointless comments or worrying from others. In the meantime you'd just sit and watch the rain. Breathe through it. You'd been through much worse- so you should be up in no time.
Wasn't long until Yondu appeared beside the sofa, Kraglin and Rocket at his side. "Look like you could use a drink," he said lightheartedly.
You stare at him a moment and then nod. Damn right you could. "I'll catch up," you respond. "I think there's an opened bottle already in the fridge." Sure, it was still early, but you didn't care anymore, and at least you wouldn't be drinking alone. Perfect excuse.
Yondu communicates to Kraglin through a slight motion of his head, and Kraglin responds with an equally slight nod before heading off toward the kitchen saying, "I can get us some glasses down then." Rocket, who understood the same message, followed behind with a quip about how he bet he'd be able to outdrink you.
Once they were gone Yondu moves to stand in front of you. Not directly in front, but sort of toward the side. One might describe it as blocking the view of where you were sat on the sofa from the doorway. He wouldn't describe it that way- but someone might.
Giving him a quick glance, you repeat, "I'll catch up, go ahead."
Yondu doesn't speak, just holds out his hand.
You glance at his outstretched hand, then up at him, then back down into your lap again. His expression had been blank, and you didn't know why he was still there, offering out his hand. There was no way he could know, but why else would he offer? Was he making fun of you? No, you're just being paranoid. His lack of expression also seemed to point that his intention wasn't to mock, but you were still reluctant to accept his offer. You didn't need it. Never needed help getting up before, saw no reason why you'd need it now.
Trying again, softer, yet more forcefully than before, "No, really. I'll catch up."
Yondu simply cleared his throat.
You glance back up at his face, seeing his expression was still blank, with maybe just a hint of, 'Let's not make this harder than it needs to be.' You sigh, able to tell, for whatever reason, that he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
So, with a quick glance around him to make sure no one was looking, you took his hand.
* * *
The next day was much better. The storm had started letting up sometime after you started drinks with the guys, and by that night you were feeling much better.
Better enough that the next day you woke up ready for some well deserved mischief.
The day before you hadn't gotten much use from the prank remote, both due to having slid it to Rocket the previous night and the whole weather related crankiness thing. But, Rocket had gotten it back to you this morning and you set to use it the first chance you got.
You walked into the sitting room where Peter was already watching TV with Kraglin. You would have winked at Rocket as you walked in, but he had his nose buried in some manual over at the table. (And if you knew him better, that alone would probably leave you worried about just what he was intending to tear apart.)
Glancing over the bookshelf you pretended to be busy looking for something to read for a few moments before clicking the button on the prank remote to mute the TV.
Peter groaned immediately. "Seriously?? This again??"
You unmute it.
Peter wasn't done complaining. "I seriously think your TV is broken, Agent."
Feigning disinterest, you respond, "I don't know what to tell you, it always works fine when I'm watching." You put on a show of pulling down a book, pretending to mull it over, and placing it back to sell your indecisiveness as Peter grumbled and returned to watching his show.
And then you hit the button to shut the TV off.
Smacking noises could be heard and a glance confirmed that Peter was smacking the remote thinking perhaps that was the cause.
In your best annoyed tone you scold him, returning your gaze to the books. "Dude, don't abuse the controllers. Maybe that's why you can never get it to work."
Peter protested. "I swear it's not me! That's literally the first time I've hit it!" That was a lie, but still, he wasn't wrong about the issue not being him, even if he didn't fully know it. "Maybe there's a loose wire or something!"
"Did you try changing the batteries, Quill? You always forget the batteries." Rocket chimed in, also feigning annoyance with his friend.
Sounding slightly defeated, Peter turns to you and asks if you have any spare batteries he could try.
"Sure, there's some in that drawer over there," you say, gesturing to a short chest of drawers by the window.
There was the sound of the remote being placed on the coffee table and then Peter stood up to get the batteries. He barely takes one step when the TV turns back on.
"What the hell???" Peter exclaimed.
"See, it's working now," you say, opening a book you had just pulled from the shelf. "Maybe it wasn't the batteries after all."
"I already took the batteries out!"
"Oh-" You look to see the remote in his hand and then glance over to see the batteries on the table. Well shit. You should have been paying more attention. "Weird." Glancing at Rocket, you see that he is now paying extra attention to that manual. He barely looks up at you, clearly realizing you fucked up a bit. You glance back at Peter and put on your best confused face. "Put them back in, I guess? Maybe you were right about a loose wire?"
Peter's eyes narrow. "What do you have in your hand?"
Brushing it off, you scoff, "A book?" and snap the book shut for emphasis. However, you knew full well he must have caught a glimpse of the tiny remote in your hand that you were hiding behind said book.
"No- you have something else! Have you been pranking me this whole time!?"
"Don't be ridiculous."
"Show me your hands."
"Excuse me?" You lower the book to your right side, not breaking eye contact.
"Show me your hands," he said again, fully facing you with his arms crossed. The sofa still separated the two of you and while Peter was now standing, Kraglin remained sitting, watching back and forth between the two of you like a tennis match.
"Ugh, fine." Rolling your eyes, you hold up both hands, still holding the book. "See," you pass the book between your hands to show him each hand was empty one at a time before once again lowering the book to your side, this time on the left, "Nothing in my hands- other than this book. Happy?"
Peter eyed you suspiciously.
"You done now?"
"Hand me the book."
"I said, hand me the book," he repeated, taking a moment to discard the remote onto the table next to it's batteries to free up his hands.
Laughing, you oblige. "You're ridiculous- here."
Peter accepted the book, and looked it over, not fully sure what he was looking for. Finding nothing, he handed it back. "I know this has got to be you somehow."
"Why? Literally what have I done? I'm just looking at books."
Rocket spoke up. "Hate to agree with the Agent, but you're looking real paranoid right now, Quill." He definitely wasn't helping you- he was just... protecting his investment. If you messed this up then the whole prank was over and then a perfectly good device would be wasted. Well, at least until he tore it apart to make something else, anyway.
"Do not!" Peter protested.
"Do so. Now keep it down, some of us are trying to read here."
Peter waved his hand at Rocket dismissively and returned his attention to you. "Fess up, and I might go easy on you."
Well that didn't sound good. You had no idea what he might mean, though you suspected he was declaring another prank war. Regardless, you needed to play it off. You scoffed, "Go easy on me?? You must be joking. I didn't do anything!"
"Fine, if that's true, you'll have no problem letting me search your pockets." Peter retorted with a smirk.
"What? No. I'm not gonna let you search me!" You reply, playing up your offended act.
"Aha! So you admit it!"
"There's nothing to admit!"
"I know this has got to be you!"
"Why do you assume it's got to be me? Kraglin's the one always around when it happens!"
Kraglin was momentarily offended and started to express so, before a sudden silence fell on the room. Peter's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but grin. At the table behind you, Rocket internally groaned but retained his outward appearance of not being invested in what was going on.
You had fucked up.
"Ohhhh" Peter said with a cocky grin. "Tell me, how exactly do you know that Kraglin is around every time it happens."
"Well- I... he-"
"Gotcha!" Peter exclaimed, and started around the sofa towards you.
You immediately took off in the other direction, and in short order the two of you were still separated by the sofa, but each now at opposite arms.
Rocket made a show of looking annoyed and choosing to leave the room just as Peter went to chase you back around the sofa the way you came so you wouldn't be able to run out of the room, and you took this as a chance to drop the remote. You had to time it just right, and hope that Rocket was paying enough attention and cared enough about his creation to snatch it before anyone saw.
You ever so briefly lock eyes with Rocket whilw he was trying to avoid getting stepped on as he was leaving just as you rounded back around to stand again at the opposite sofa arm as Peter, only this time the two of you had more or less switched sides. You held the remote behind you and felt Rocket sneakily snatch it out of your hand as he walked past toward the door.
Not a moment too soon either, because just as Rocket was leaving Peter lunged around the sofa for you again, corralling you once again toward the back side, only this time you didn't stop there.
Just as you were about to round to the front of said sofa yet again, Peter said to Kraglin, "Quick, grab her Krags!" and Kraglin happily obliged, standing just quick enough to block you, but not steadily enough to catch you properly. He did catch you, but the two of you almost ended up on the floor when you half-tripped over him before he finally got a good grip on you.
"Peter, listen-"
"Nope." He returned to the front and helped Kraglin wrestle you face down onto the sofa where they both sat on you to hold you in place, Peter on your lower back and Kraglin on your legs, all while you protested with profanities. Once they had you more or less settled and a quick pat-down didn't reveal anything Peter spoke again. "Ready to come clean?"
"Oh, fuck off!"
"Suit yourself." Peter started gently poking at your sides and ribs. "One last chance..."
"Get off!" you scolded, holding back your giggles and still trying in vain to squirm out from underneath them. You should have guessed he would default to that kind of childish tactic. "That's not going to work!" you scold him.
"Hmm... So you do admit there's something to get out of you." Peter grinned. "That's alright. I've got time." And with that he started to properly tickle you.
You fought against the urge to laugh, all while attempting to smack at Peter, throw him off, and scold profanities at him all at once.
Kraglin, who you would had practically forgotten was still sitting on your legs had it not been for the lack of ability to move them, just huffed a laugh out his nose and shook his head at Peter's childish antics, of which he wasn't going to attempt to stop considering you tried to frame him for whatever it was you had been doing with the TV.
For that reason, now that he thought of it, why shouldn't he join in the fun? He could easily reach your feet, and you couldn't possibly kick him now like you did the last time...
"Hey Agent, remember back when you found it so funny how me and Rocket got tangled in that hose? And how you couldn't quit laughing every time you saw me- so I fixed to give you something to laugh about, but then you kicked me something fierce?"
You barely registered any of what he said, too busy fighting off Peter and failing. So, when he reached down and scratched at the bottoms of your feet with such a gentleness that you would never have expected from the man, it actually managed to finally startle a laugh out of you, and from there you were unable to hold back anymore laughter as the pair tortured you for the crimes you wouldn't admit to.
Seconds later Yondu walked into the sitting room, looked upon the scene, and raised an eyebrow. "Do I wanna know?"
Peter briefly paused, as did Kraglin, and told him of your crimes. "She's been pranking me the whole time with the TV! I don't know how, but I know it's been her! Figured a little... 'gentle persuasion,' would get her to talk."
"And she tried to frame me for it" Kraglin added.
They then resumed tickling you right as you began protesting your innocence and stating their lack of proof.
"Ah..." Yondu said with a slight nod of his head. Now, he could have scolded Peter about it being bad form to resort to torture without proof of a crime- yada yada... but honestly, Quill probably learned that behavior from him. So he opted to not get involved. Also, he, of course, already knew you were guilty as hell and probably had this coming. So, instead, he just continued on with what he came in there to do. He picked up the game controller from the table to surf Netflix, and only bothered putting the batteries back in the the other remote once he realized he was probably going to need to turn up the volume.
Just as Yondu ignored the happenings on the sofa, Peter and Kraglin ignored his presence as well, and went about their business tormenting you.
"Ready to confess and say sorry yet?" Peter questioned, once again pausing his torture for a moment along with Kraglin.
"Get off and go to hell-haHA!" you replied, the end of your sentence punctuated by laughter as Peter resumed tickling.
Kraglin found that what Yondu put on the TV held his interest more than tormenting you, so he took a break- lounging back to watch the program while remaining on top of your legs to hold you in place.
"Shame," Peter said in mock disappointment, "This can all be over if you just admit what you did and apologize..."
"I did nothing you lihittle shit!! Get off me!" you scold through your laughter. You weren't going to give in, and he should've guessed that. You had told him before that you were trained against torture, after all.
Peter dramatically sighed and continued, this time moving his hands up your sides to attack your armpits.
Immediately clamping your arms to your sides, you shriek, though it was muffled into the sofa cushion where your face had fallen now that your arms were no longer propping you up, and you let out a string of sounds through your heavy laughter. "NOTTHERE!NOTTHERE!GETOFF!!AHHH!!!"
"How is this not fair?" Peter said mischievously as he moved his fingers back down your sides, his goal being to not linger in one place for too long so hopefully you couldn't get used to a sensation. "I told you the rules. Fess up and apologize, and I'll stop."
Yondu chuckled from his armchair and spoke up, unable to resist. "I don't think she said 'not fair,' boy." He grinned wider, remembering back when he had teased you about being vulnerable to torture. Seems you were proving him right. "Pretty sure she said 'not there.'"
"Ohhhh!" Peter said gleefully. "Well in that case, I think that's exactly where I need to focus!"
Of course, him returning his hands to your underarms caused you to let out another scream, only for it to be cut off by Peter playfully shoving your face back into the cushion to once again muffle it. Kraglin found his interest in the mischief renewed with your screams and decided to join back in, which of course only made you shriek more with the unexpectedness of his touch.
Yondu just turned up the volume on the television to drown out your squeals- that rat bastard.
When you could think more clearly you were going to get them all back for this. For now, though, all you could do was struggle uselessly under your attackers and shriek with laughter. The ticklish feeling under your arms was nearly unbearable, and having your feet tickled at the same time just made your situation all the more maddening.
But you knew they would learn sooner or later -hopefully sooner- that you weren't one to give in or beg for mercy. Never had been. You knew better. Give in once, that would only tell your enemy that they found an effective way to get what they wanted out of you in the future.
Sure, this wasn't actually as serious as being in the field, where being captured and tortured for information generally had never (in your memory) included tickling, but still, good principle to stand by considering how your housemates acted like overgrown children.
Outside the sitting room, Rocket sighed and stood. He had taken up residence on one of the steps to listen-in out of curiosity. See if you'd talk. Crack under the pressure. See if you'd spill the beans, or even try to rat him out to either save yourself or take him down with you.
So far he was actually impressed that you hadn't talked, given how you were carrying on. Not bad, for a Terran.
However, once he heard your laughter turn to screams he figured maybe he better go find Gamora to call Peter off before he tickled you insane.
Not because he felt he owed you a favor because he felt guilty for the previous day or anything. How was he supposed to know that you would have needed the pain medication? Right, he couldn't have. Sure, he was at fault for not realizing he put the bottle back empty after he took some of it to relieve his own weather-induced pain, but how was he supposed to know you'd need it? That's your fault for not telling anyone that you very likely had some sort of hardware in your body. ...Right? Right. So he totally wasn't doing you a solid out of guilt or anything.
So... why was he doing it? Because, shut up. That's why.
He thought he remembered seeing Gamora go outside with Mantis, and he was right, spotting them almost as soon as he opened the back door.
"Hey, might wanna go save the Agent from Peter," he called out nonchalantly, walking toward the shed.
Gamora raised an eyebrow and walked closer to him. "What?"
He continued towards the shed, replying over his shoulder. "Yeah, they got into it over something or other. Now he and Kraglin got her pinned to the couch." He opened the shed door and shrugged. "Figured you might wanna break it up before they kill her or something. Up to you though, not my problem," he said just before entering the shed.
Gamora and Mantis shared a look of alarm before rushing inside, which was quickly replaced by relief to see that you were only being tickled, and not, as Rocket had implied, engaged in a fight with Peter and Kraglin.
"Alright, break it up." Gamora said in a commanding voice that one could perhaps find laced with a bit of relieved humor if one listened very carefully. She remained standing inside the doorway, hands on her hips. Mantis stood slightly behind her, looking both curious and amused.
Peter halted his actions and turned toward her, looking disappointed. "But she-"
"Don't care. I'm finishing it."
With a dramatic sigh Peter dismounted you, as did Kraglin- who simply stood and moved his butt over to the other armchair and continued watching the TV with Yondu like nothing happened.
"Kill-joy," Peter muttered.
"Nothing!" Peter turned back to you as you pulled yourself into a sitting position to catch your breath, your cheeks still pink from laughter and residual giggles still escaping your throat. "This isn't over," he said, "I know you did it someh-"
Gamora cleared her throat. "I said, break it up."
"Let it go, boy. Ain't like you ain't pranked her tons of times before." Yondu chimed in, mostly not wanting to deal with the start of yet another prank war between the two of you. Surely that was enough revenge for a simple prank.
You smirked slightly at Peter, causing him to frown. You clearly felt like you had gotten away with it, and Peter clearly felt injusticed that you might.
"But we were in a truce!" Peter whined in Yondu's direction.
Damn. Yondu couldn't argue with that. Bad form to walk back on a truce- and he knew Quill would likely site him as the one who taught him something about that. Not that he'd ever admit to it. Of course the boy would only listen when it could come back to bite him in the ass. Yondu looked at Peter, then at you, and then back at Peter. He sighed- it was the only thing he could really do- before finally waving his hand in a dismissive gesture and saying, "Whatever. Just make sure ya don't annoy me."
Peter pumped his fist with a cheer while you and Gamora gave Yondu similar but separate looks of surprise.
Had Yondu seriously just given Peter permission to get revenge against you? Because it sure as hell sounded like it. What happened to 'If there's one thing we don't need it's you and Quill startin' another prank war! It always ends in trouble'?
Gamora looked like she wanted to say something, but opted instead for just rolling her eyes and pulling Peter out of the room. Just before exiting the doorway he turned and did the 'I'm watching you' signal, while you sat there, still dumbfounded from Yondu's apparent sign off on Peter's future shenanigans and the fact that you were all, apparently, abiding by schoolyard rules.
"Ya done it now," Kraglin warned nonchalantly, continuing to watch TV like nothing had happened.
"Yup." Yondu agreed, leaning further back into his chair.
"Ya ain't supposed to go back on a truce." Kraglin added, shaking his head gently, barely bothering to glance at you.
"Nope," Yondu agreed again, resting his arms behind his head casually.
Kraglin knew Yondu well enough to know that he hadn't technically given Pete permission for anything, not that Peter would have waited for or even wanted it anyway. What he had done though, was stated that he wasn't going to get involved or stop whatever Peter might decide to do. Truce was a truce, and while Yondu wouldn't want to deal with the likely scenario of being in the crossfire of any potential new prank wars, (as Peter was wont to do), he wasn't about to deny a man his revenge justice for a broken truce. And seeing as you tried to frame Kraglin for that prank, Kraglin wasn't going to get involved or try to save you either.
Kraglin looked over at Yondu as he stood. "Think I'm gonna make some popcorn, ya want some?"
Yondu gestured that he wouldn't mind some popcorn and Kraglin left to fetch them some from the kitchen.
You continued to sit on the sofa, wondering how exactly you, an Agent of SHIELD, had managed to get yourself involved in a prank war for a third time- or was it fourth? You had lost count.
Well, you supposed you better sleep with one eye open tonight.
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iamdeceived · 1 year
Tell me
Hello, I wish you a good reading!
Warnings: High Chances of Acquiring Depression (I don't pay for therapy for anyone)
English is not my first language, so forgive me for any mistakes!
🦋gender neutral reader 🦋
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You smiled looking at the blue man. Yondu came to visit you often. You were a rich shopper, but that wasn't why you bought from Yondu. You love him.
Contacting him frequently, asking him to sell you things you'll never use. Just to see him.Her heart warmed as looked at him. He was there in your dreams, he was in your head, he was in everything you wanted.
You love him.
"How much do you want for this?" He smiled at you.
"150 thousand units". You gave him a sweet smile. He takes advantage of his condition of wealth, and charges a lot, for almost worthless things.
You transferred the money to him.
Your body warmed as he offered you a generous smile.
It was a smile of happiness for the money he had just won. But even so, it warmed you from the inside out.
You love him.
You tried to get as close as you could to him. you wanted to get really close. you wanted to touch him.
Her heart swelled with joy to be so close to him. you wanted to kiss him.
You love him.
"It was nice doing business with you again Y/n, hope to see you soon!"
Oh God , you wanted to shower him with kisses. Before he could leave, you hurried to call out to him. He slowly turned to face you.
"Can we see each other again, other than for work purposes?" He smiled again.
"Sure, y/n!"
You couldn't sleep that night. You were staring at the roof of your house. Your bed was gigantic, too big just for you. You felt an emptiness in your chest.
Yondu didn't strike her as the type of person who could be in a relationship with anyone. He lived stealing and spending all his money on alcoholic beverages and prostitutes.
You felt the ground open up. As if the bed were going to swallow you and throw you into a deep abyss, which you would never be able to get out of.
Tears burned her face.
(Tell me you'll be here
When the moon is in the sky
tell me that you will come back to me
Tell me you'll wake up next to me.)
You woke up still feeling tired. After many shed tears, you ended up falling asleep.When you woke up, you were even worse.
(Tell me you won't let me
Tell me you'll come back to me
Don't spend false words
never fool me.)
Yondu didn't get in touch for the next few weeks. You started to despair. "He must be laughing at me right now… I'm so stupid!"
(Tell me you won't go away
If you go, please come back
Don't keep me waiting
Do not leave me)
One day you received a message from Kraglin. "Why Kraglin?"
Blood pounded in his ears. His head throbbed. What was happening?
(Are you leaving?
When you leave close the door
I don't want anyone to come in
Nobody other than you)
"Good morning Y/n, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you!" You barely managed to hide the nervousness in your voice. "Good morning, Kraglin… You don't bother!" He transmitted a weak smile. Kraglin had bags under his eyes, he looked terrible."Would you like to do business?" Where was Yondu? "I don't know…" Kraglin sighed, a shadow settling over his eyes. "It's just… You always wanted to do business with the captain…" You choked on his words.
(You're gone
The sadness corroding my soul
empty tears
You locked the door to my heart
And you took the keys with you.)
"I'm sorry I couldn't let you know sooner… It turns out that the captain passed away a few days ago."
His words hurt you. Like sharp knives, ripping through her skin and digging into her flesh. "Yondu… Died?"
Kraglin nodded.
Your heart in pieces.
You were never able to love anyone again. You carried Yondu in his heart to the grave. You only felt happy when you could see him again. Seconds before his death, the figure of your beloved appeared to you. And then it was all over.
(Good to see you again
I feel the emptiness in my chest being filled
Good to see you again!
Tell me when you'll be back)
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Broken Hearts and Laser Guns (Yondu x Reader)
A/N: This is one of several completed Yondu fics I wrote a few years ago and found sitting forgotten in a folder on my laptop a couple of months back, and I'm slowly making my way through them to get them all posted eventually. I'm not going to do much editing (just a glance-through to find glaring typos), and I feel like my writing has improved since then, but hopefully they'll be enjoyed. :)
Summary: Reader gets their heart broken and Yondu offers some advice.
Warnings: I don't think there are any, but if I've missed one, just let me know. It's a bit angsty due to a breakup, but nothing too intense.
You peeked your head around the door frame of one of the lounges in the Avengers compound, making sure no one was inside. Breathing a sigh of relief when you confirmed that it was indeed empty, you walked inside and collapsed on one of the couches, scrubbing your face with your hands.
You wanted nothing more than to go to your room, lock the door, and cry in private, but that was out of the question. You still had work to do and you didn’t want to let the rest of the team down just because you were heartbroken. You’d take a quick break to pull yourself together, and then try to focus on work for the rest of the day.
Dating someone who also worked in the compound had seemed like a good idea in the beginning, but after the breakup you quickly realized why it was, in fact, a terrible idea. You wished you could avoid your partner – well, ex-partner – completely, but knew you’d bump into them sooner or later. Sooner, with your luck.
You looked up toward the ceiling, doing your best to keep the tears from streaking down your cheeks. All you needed was for someone to find you crying in the lounge. The Avengers compound held a modicum of professionalism, but news about breakups and broken hearts traveled fast, and you really didn’t want to have to deal with any useless, however well-meant, sympathy from your co-workers.
You heard footsteps coming down the hallway and quickly brushed a couple of lingering teardrops from your bottom lashes, hoping that whoever it was didn’t come into the lounge.
A man strode past, glanced inside, then took a step back so he could lean against the door frame, a look of concern on his blue face. “Somethin’ wrong, Y/N?”
You shook your head and tried to muster a smile. “I’m fine, Yondu, thanks. What are you doing here?”
Yondu pushed away from the door frame with his shoulder, then joined you on the couch. “Me an’ Kraglin are gonna help out with a mission. Tha Avengers needed somebody who could get into some shady space ports, an’, well…”
He shrugged, flashing you a quick grin, and you gave him a small smile in return.
“Well, it’s good to see you.”
“You, too. But ya ain’t foolin’ me by sayin’ yer fine.” He nudged you with his arm. “Out with it.”
You sighed. You couldn’t say that you and Yondu were particularly close, but you’d spent time with him occasionally in the past when he and the other Guardians would show up at the compound for one reason or another.
And you had to admit, talking to someone who wouldn’t judge you sounded nice.
You took a steadying breath then said, “I got dumped today.”
You tried to brush it off with a shrug, but you felt your chin wobble and knew you weren’t going to make it through this conversation without crying. You avoided looking at Yondu’s face, and instead studied your boots, which were intensely interesting all of a sudden.
“Ah, damn. Hate ta hear that, Y/N. Their loss, though.”
You huffed a sardonic laugh. “Yeah, sure.”
“I mean it.”
You shook your head, still avoiding looking in his direction. “I just don’t understand what happened. I thought we were fine, you know?”
Your traitorous eyes began to leak again and you angrily brushed the tears away.
“Yeah, that always makes it harder, when it seems ta come outta nowhere.”
You gave a small nod, now focusing on your hands. You didn’t trust yourself to speak, and Yondu seemed to understand.
“Gotta say, I ain’t been dumped in a while, but that’s only ‘cause I ain’t been in a relationship in a while. Reckon I remember how bad it hurts, though.”
“It does.”
“Feels like tha world’s endin’ when ya lose someone.”
You nodded again, brushing another tear away.
“’Specially when ya don’t know what happened.”
“I just… don’t understand.” Something shifted and you couldn’t hold your tears in any longer. “What did I do wrong?”
“Sure ya didn’t do nothin’ wrong.”
“Then why?” Your voice broke on a sob and you finally met his eyes. “Why wasn’t I good enough, Yondu?”
You began to cry in earnest, leaning forward and resting your face in your hands. You tensed up for a moment when Yondu draped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you to his side, then relaxed against him, giving in to the tears.
“Listen ta me, Y/N. Yer good enough, ya hear me? If they couldn’t see that, then that’s on them. Sometimes folks jus’ ain’t meant ta be together. Don’t mean somebody ain’t good enough, just means ya ain’t tha right fit.”
You cried harder. “But I thought we fit! I thought we were fine!”
“I ain’t gonna tell ya not ta cry. Cryin’s good fer ya, so ya do it as long as ya need to. But I am gonna tell ya that ya need ta get the ‘good enough’ thoughts outta yer head. They ain’t true an’ they won’t do no good.”
You were crying too hard to form a reply, so you nodded. You knew he was right, but it still hurt and you couldn’t help the feelings of not being good enough. Why else would someone break up a seemingly good relationship?
“An’ as fer fittin’ an’ bein’ fine, maybe y’all did fit at first, an’ then maybe things changed fer ‘em. Life gets in tha way of these things, changes people, ain’t got nothin’ ta do with you. Ya need ta let ‘em go, let ‘em do what they need ta do. Tryin’ ta hang onto these things never works. Won’t make ya happy.”
You tried to catch your breath as you continued to cry, and hoped you wouldn’t start to hyperventilate. That was all you needed to make things even more embarrassing.
“I… I know. But it just… just hurts so much.”
“I know it does, darlin’. Just gotta let it hurt. Gotta get through it. One day yer gonna wake up and be okay, though.”
You gave an unbelieving huff as you tried to stem your tears.
“Yeah, didn’t think ya’d believe me, but it’s true. Ya listen ta ol’ Yondu. He knows what he’s talkin’ about.”
You sat up and lifted your head to look at him, wiping more tears away and wishing you had a tissue. “When did you get so wise, Captain?”
He grinned. “Always been wise. Don’t know why ya ain’t realized it before now.”
You hiccuped a laugh and used your sleeve to dry your eyes, even as a few more tears trickled down your cheek. “You’ve been hiding all that Ravager knowledge, I guess.”
“Guess so.”
“Ugh, I wish I had a tissue.” You knew your eyes were red and swollen so there would be no hiding this crying session when you finally left the lounge, but you at least wanted your face to be dry when you met up with your teammates.
“Oh, here.” Yondu removed his arm from around you and reached into an inside pocket of his duster, pulling out a grimy handkerchief and handing it to you.
You took it from him and gave a small laugh through the last of your tears. “It’s… dirty.”
“Yeah, well, I’m a Ravager. Might be good with advice about a broken heart, but I ain’t ever got a clean handkerchief.”
You laughed again, a little louder, as you handed it back to him, then dabbed your eyes gently with the sleeve pulled up over your hand. “Thanks, but I’ll just keep using my sleeves.”
“Suit yerself.” He grinned as he stuck the dirty handkerchief back inside his pocket. “Listen, I got an idea. We’re gonna go blow off some steam.”
You shook your head. “I can’t. I have to get back to work.”
“Come on, Y/N, when’s tha last time ya took off?”
You thought for a minute and realized it had been months since you’d taken a day off. “It’s been a while,” you admitted.
“They can get along without ya fer one afternoon. Tell ‘em yer sick an’ let’s go.”
“I can’t just lie and say I’m sick! They’ll have me in the sick bay within the hour.”
“Ain’t a lie! Yer heartsick, an’ they can’t put ya in tha sick bay if ya ain’t here. Come on, send ‘em a comm.”
You bit your lip, considering your options. “Fine.”
His grin widened as he watched you pull out your phone and send a quick email to your supervisor. It was true, they could do without you for one afternoon. There weren’t any pressing matters to attend to, and it was Friday, after all.
You slipped your phone back into your pocket. “Done. So where are we going?”
Yondu stood and held out a hand to help you up. “It’s a surprise.”
“I don’t really like the sound of that.”
“C’mon, trust me.”
Even though you knew you probably shouldn’t, you did.
You followed him outside to the airspace, but stopped walking when you realized he was heading towards his ship.
He noticed you were no longer beside him and turned back to you. “What’s wrong?”
“Are we leaving Earth?”
“I can’t just leave the planet.”
“Who says?”
Realizing there was literally no one who could stop you from leaving the planet – something that you thought might have been an oversight that someone should have already considered – you shrugged and caught up with him.
A few minutes later, you were sitting next to Yondu in the co-pilot’s chair of the Eclector. You’d never been in space before and could hardly believe you were here now.
“So where are we going?””
“Told ya, it’s a surprise.”
“Leaving the planet isn’t enough of a surprise?”
An hour later, Yondu set the ship expertly down in a landing field full of other ships, and the two of you stepped out into a brightly lit town. Apart from the fact that the buildings were definitely not constructed by anyone from Earth, it almost felt like a bustling city back home.
You followed Yondu to a small building, painted in vivid colors, and walked inside as he held the door for you. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dimly-lit room, a contrast from all the brightness outside, and then you quickly caught up to Yondu as he strode to a counter on the other side of the room.
“Two, please.”
The man behind the counter, who had three eyes and whose skin was tinted a light purple, said, “Yes, sir. Will you require laser guns, or do you have your own?”
“Go ahead an’ give us a couple,” he said, sliding some credits across the counter.
The man nodded, reached under the counter and pulled out two laser guns, which he handed to Yondu. “You can go on in,” he said, indicating a door on the right. “The session isn’t full yet.”
Yondu handed one of the laser guns to you. “Ya ready?”
“For what?”
“Fer a laser gun battle.”
“Is this… is this like laser tag on Earth?”
“Yeah, somethin’ like that. General concept is tha same.”
“The general concept?”
You stopped at the door. “Don’t we get the little vests with the targets?”
“Don’t need vests. We’re tha targets.”
“But how do we know who wins?”
“Whoever’s still standin’ at tha end.”
You looked at your laser gun in horror and spluttered, “Yondu, are these real laser guns?”
“’Course they are! Can’t protect yerself with fake ones.”
“Are you trying to get me killed? Because I guess that is a good way to make me forget about my broken heart.”
Yondu laughed. “Nah, we ain’t gonna die. I’ve seen ya at target practice, yer a natural. We ain’t got nothin’ ta worry ‘bout.”
“Ya really don’t wanna have a laser battle?”
“Not when the losers die!”
He grinned. “Fine. Then how ‘bout ice cream?”
You were speechless for a moment as you tried to comprehend his sudden shift from death in a laser gun battle to ice cream. “Ice cream sounds much… safer.”
“Then ice cream it is. I know this place over on -”
You raised a hand to stop him. “Can we please get ice cream back on Earth?”
He laughed. “You got it, darlin’.” Turning back to the man behind the counter, he asked, “Reckon we can get a refund on these guns?”
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guardian-angel12 · 6 months
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the last tag is killing me
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There are plenty of Marvel groups who would/could share a bby. After all, many of them have known each other for years, and, as mentioned previously, some of they have died before, so they might decide to have a friend/partner/team share their bby to make sure they are okay if anything happens to one of the yanderes. Of course, each group has its own special members and dynamics, so they all have their separate ways of handling their obsession. Some of the groups are:
• The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (according to them. Sometimes break a city or two by accident. Working on not doing that. Co-workers who became family along the way. Along with their co-workers' friends and family, who probably get special privileges). Has members like Iron Man, Hawkeye, Captain America, The Hulk, Black Widow, and Thor. Not to mention other characters who show up in one media or another, such as Bucky Barnes, The Falcon, Vision, and the Maximoff twins (those two are also sometimes, once again depending on the media being used/read/imagined, a part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants or the X-Men). This group is likely to have a bby who is a vigilante, or a kid trying to survive, yet still attempting to do the right thing.
• The X-Men: The Group Of Gifted People (born with the X-gene, and gifted with power. Run a school sometimes, sometimes a nation, for mutants. Have fought with the Avengers. Will fight them again. Found family right there. But they WILL argue over things, from time to time). This team has members like Professor Xavier, Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Rogue, Gambit, and others, depending on the era, and once again, the media. They would probably have a mutant bby. Would not care what their bby's mutation is, would love them no matter what. Whether the kid/teen/young adult wants it or not.
• Guardians Of The Galaxy: Rowdy Space Crusaders With A Good Taste In Music (have been across the galaxy. Have met many people, have stolen from many people, have helped many people. Will accept anyone, no matter what they are. Red-necks of space). Here, you have the likes of Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Drax. Other members that join are Yondu, Mantis, Nebula, as well as Kraglin and Cosmo. They could end up obsessed with anyone, to be honest. A human, an alien, a god, a mutant, anyone.
I might add more groups in a future post, maybe villains, maybe more heroes, who knows! But, yeah, let's start with the three groups we hear about the most (and have had a long running in the MCU, with multiple movies and mentions, as well as animated series).
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