#krishna motivational speech
2025soumua · 2 years
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shreekrishnaupdesh · 2 years
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stardustkrishnaverse · 9 months
cos i couldnt get enough 😂
- replies with a wholesome and sweet paragraph LITERALLY EVERY TIME
- asks you about your day
- tells you what him and his fam did that day
- helps you make friends ('Don't worry - you're so sweet and kind! You have got this! 🤗')
- emotional breakdown support 101
- does random facetimes to show you nice things he finds in the forest
- does group vid calls to show everyone
-- > does 'campfire sessions' on group vid call where you all play antakshari or tell stories together
- gives the best life advice, on parallel with Krishna's (surprise surprise amirite)
y/n : hi Ram ji :)
Rama : Hi my priye y/n, so good to hear from you! You know, today we saw this beautiful flower in the forest that I'm pretty sure is a Golden Arch Dendrobium - Lakshmana says we have come to the areas of Bharat where it is a native plant! Its colour was so mesmerising and bright - it looked so lovely in Sitey's hair! I wish you were here to see it 🥰 [Sends pic of flower]
y/n : *sends 10min voice note of emotional breakdown*
rama : *sends multiple vns back right away with lots of affirmations and emotional support. if your love language is physical touch he also posts you a hand-knit jumper or a crochet teddy for you to snuggle*
- another one for speed dial
- happy to help in every circumstance
-- > but may not help with picking outfits as he'll find smth nice to say for every option 😂💓
- BEST motivation and motivational speeches
- will pretend to study with you on vid call so you can have a study buddy 🥺
- if you can't sleep at night, will be on phone call telling a wholesome story to send u to sleep (most likely smth about his or shri ram's adventures)
- will highly appreciate you sharing your fave Shri Ram bhajans with him
- begins and ends every convo with 'JSR 🙏' (Jai Shri Ram)
- in summary: your fave uncle and grandad in one
- in bg of all of Shri Ram's vid calls and says hi haha (he loves to sing in the antakshari and is also such a big hype man 😁)
- you know that trope about going to dads with all your 'dad needs' like fixing the sink,, well that is radhe with LITERALLY EVERYTHING
- solves all your problems
- is also on speed dial
- is the caring older sister (without the brown eldest sibling trauma 💀)
- reposts all the dumb pics of herself that kanha tags her in and adds individual captions with the patience of only kanhas eternal consort 🥰
kanha : *posts of a pic of himself looking swag and radhe scratching her nose mid blink* RADHE ❤️
radhe : *resharing* I've never looked so good, new pfp material 😂
kanha : *comments* wow i get to be in ur pfp 🥹🥹🥹🥹 #blessed
radha : like u are not literally in all of them 🙄
y/n : *posts a vid of radha single-handedly doing dhakka to y/n's broken down car, kanha doing 😍 face in bg*
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teaah-art · 1 year
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Desi LGBT Fest 2023 (hosted by @desi-lgbt-fest)
Day 7 : Faith/Rituals of Love
Definitely geared heavily towards the 'Faith' part of this prompt as soon as I read it!
If being Queer is defying conventions and if being a part of the Queer community means going against heteronormativity and gender conformity, is it not Queer to forego materialistic ties and the love of a human partner and embrace the love of a greater being you have only heard about in stories?
All four individuals featured here were integral part of the Bhakti Movement and/or Sufism in South Asia. None were married other than Meerabai.
(Panel order from top to bottom)
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534) : A key name of the Bhakti Movement and the Gauriya Vaishnav tradition in 15th Century Bengal, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was believed to have been a vessel for both Radha and Krishna. Bengali doesn't use pronouns or gendered language and we may never know what they would have preferred to be identified as in a language they didn't know (English), I will simply resort to using They/Them for them. Their written teachings are few and far between but the verse mentioned here is the seventh verse of the only written record of their teachings, the Shikshastakam - a collection of 8 total verses. The translation here is my own and quite literal so that the interpretation is left to the reader.
Meerabai (1498-1597) : [CW : IMPLIED QUEERPHOBIA/APHOBIA] Meerabai was born into Rajput royalty and was married off, also to Rajput royalty, in likely an arranged marriage. While most of the stories surrounding her are folklore whose historicity is yet to be confirmed, her marital status can be confirmed, and so can her devotion and affection for Krishna and the divine, which she has herself penned in numerous poems and songs. Folklore does strongly imply that she was non-committal to her marriage and that her in-laws tried to poison her to death multiple times for it.
Kabir (1398–1448 or 1440–1518) : Found as an orphan by a Muslim weaver couple, Kabir's religion grew to become somewhat of an enigma for future generations. His stance, however, on the topic romance and marital relationships is quite clear - he looked down upon them and a huge chunk of his couplets strongly imply that romantic and sexual relations simply obstruct spiritual enlightenment.
Bulleh Shah (1680-1757) : Bulleh Shah, though an ardent proponent of loving the divine, was declared a Kafir, a non-believer/non-Muslim by a quite a few Muslim clerics of the time. He was known for speaking up against existing power hierarchies of the time and used vernacular speech for his writings (Punjabi, Sindhi) which not only served to popularize his works, but also let people connect to his words.
A personal note on my motivations under the cut.
A while back when I was actively going through the anxiety of finding out that I am ace and that I will never fit into the current South Asian society that the wedding industry has a chokehold on, I desperately wanted to see people from my own culture living happily without a partner. During one of my history rabbit hole escapedes, I restumbled upon the story of Meerabai, how she always insisted on loving and devoting herself towards Krishna, despite being married into a normative and wealthy household and despite her in-laws repeatedly attempting to poison her for not committing to her husband. Most of us from India grow up hearing about Meerabai, her spiritual connections to Krishna, and her struggles. The moral of those stories is always framed as 'believe in god, he will help you through tough times'. But this was the first time I was making a different connection, I was drawing different morals. And when I took Meerabai's non-conformity to her married life and started looking for more examples like hers, I was overwhelmed by how many more individuals existed without a partner, condemned being in a normative, married relationship, admitted to having lost human connections and faced resistance even, and yet stayed true to their orientation and sounded HAPPY! It was extremely hard to narrow it down to these four, but these do make my point! Labels are hard to transpose across cultures and history. But if being queer means being nonconforming of marital structures and being aspec/arospec implies neutrality, indifference, or aversion to romance and intercourse, then no one fits the label if they don't.
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bhagvadgita · 6 months
Verse 12.10 - Karma Yoga
अभ्यासेऽप्यसमर्थोऽसि मत्कर्मपरमो भव । मदर्थमपि कर्माणि कुर्वन्सिद्धिमवाप्स्यसि ॥ १२-१०॥
If you are unable even to practise remembering Me, be you intent on performing actions for My sake; even by doing actions for My sake, you shall attain perfection.
In this verse, Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to work for Him, if he cannot practice remembering Him with devotion. This is the path of karma yoga, or the yoga of action, which is suitable for those who are not able to control their minds and senses through meditation or other means.
By working for the sake of God, one can purify one’s mind and heart, and gradually develop love and devotion for Him. This is the perfection of life, as it leads to the realization of one’s true nature as the eternal soul, which is part and parcel of God.
Working for God means to perform one’s prescribed duties according to one’s nature and position in society, without being attached to the results or the fruits of one’s actions. One should offer the results of one’s work to God, and accept whatever comes as His grace. This way, one can remain free from the bondage of karma, or the law of action and reaction, which keeps one trapped in the cycle of birth and death.
Similar verses from other Vedic texts, that convey the same message of karma yoga are:
In the Yogavashishta (6.2.10), it is said:
कर्मणा मनसा वाचा निर्ममो निरहङ्कृतः । यः कुरुते स शान्तात्मा स ब्रह्मण्यधिगच्छति ॥
He who performs actions with his body, mind, and speech, without egoism and attachment, he is a peaceful soul, he attains Brahman.
This verse teaches that one who does his duties without any selfish motive or pride, but with a calm and serene mind, realizes the supreme reality, which is Brahman, or the absolute spirit.
In the Bhagavata Purana (11.20.9), it is said:
यत्करोषि यदश्नासि यज्जुहोषि ददासि यत् । यत्तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत्कुरुष्व मदर्पणम् ॥
Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer, whatever you give, whatever you practice, O son of Kunti, do that as an offering to Me.
This verse is similar to the one from the Bhagavad Gita, and instructs Arjuna to dedicate all his actions to the Lord. By doing so, he can attain the highest goal of life, which is to love and serve God.
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philophi9999 · 7 months
Watch "अगर कोई आप को धोखा दे आपको दुःख पहुंचाए तो इसे सुने | Krishna motivational speech | Krishna vani" on YouTube
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gud4knowledge · 10 months
भगवान श्री कृष्ण के सिरदर्द की कहानी | Krishna Motivational Speech | Kri...
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krishiiprinces · 1 year
Life Change Thought #krishna Motivation Speech
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pankaj-joshi1 · 1 year
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2025soumua · 2 years
​ @thingscanchange2023  I am just trying to fuel the flame and keep engine going . Don't stop if you have failed , going through tough times , sad about something . You are a lot More than you think . Hustle to explore , to succeed . Subscribe to the channel and be the part of this Motivational journey . krishna love motivational speech
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हार के डर से पीछे मत हटो | motivational speech । krishna motivational sp...
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iskconchd · 1 year
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श्रीमद्‌ भगवद्‌गीता यथारूप 2.54 https://srimadbhagavadgita.in/2/54 अर्जुन उवाच स्थितप्रज्ञस्य का भाषा समाधिस्थस्य केशव । स्थितधीः किं प्रभाषेत किमासीत व्रजेत किम् ॥ २.५४ ॥ TRANSLATION अर्जुन ने कहा – हे कृष्ण! अध्यात्म में लीन चेतना वाले व्यक्ति (स्थितप्रज्ञ) के क्या लक्षण हैं? वह कैसे बोलता है तथा उसकी भाषा क्या है? वह किस तरह बैठता और चलता है? PURPORT जिस प्रकार प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के विशिष्ट स्थिति के अनुसार कुछ लक्षण होते हैं उसी प्रकार कृष्णभावनाभावित पुरुष का भी विशिष्ट स्वभाव होता है – यथा उसका बोला, चलना, सोचना आदि । जिस प्रकार धनी पुरुष के कुछ लक्षण होते हैं, जिनसे वह धनवान जाना जाता है या कि विद्वान अपने गुणों से विद्वान जाना जाता है, उसी तरह कृष्ण की दिव्य चेतना से युक्त व्यक्ति अपने विशिष्ट लक्षणों से जाना जाता है । इन लक्षणों को भगवद्गीता से जाना जा सकता है । किन्तु सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि कृष्णभावनाभावित व्यक्ति किस तरह बोलता है, क्योंकि वाणी ही किसी मनुष्य का सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण गुण है । कहा जाता है कि मुर्ख का पता तब तक नहीं लगता जब तक वह बोलता नहीं । एक बने-ठने मुर्ख को तब तक नहीं पहचाना जा सकता जब तक वह बोले नहीं, किन्तु बोलते ही उसका यथार्थ रूप प्रकट हो जाता है । कृष्णभावनाभावित व्यक्ति का सर्वप्रमुख लक्षण यह है कि वह केवल कृष्ण तथा उन्हीं से सम्बद्ध विषयों के बारे में बोलता है । फिर तो अन्य लक्षण स्वतः प्रकट हो जाते हैं, जिनका उल्लेख आगे किया गया है । ----- Srimad Bhagavad Gita As It Is 2.54 arjuna uvāca sthita-prajñasya kā bhāṣā samādhi-sthasya keśava sthita-dhīḥ kiṁ prabhāṣeta kim āsīta vrajeta kim TRANSLATION Arjuna said: O Kṛṣṇa, what are the symptoms of one whose consciousness is thus merged in transcendence? How does he speak, and what is his language? How does he sit, and how does he walk? PURPORT As there are symptoms for each and every man, in terms of his particular situation, similarly one who is Kṛṣṇa conscious has his particular nature – talking, walking, thinking, feeling, etc. As a rich man has his symptoms by which he is known as a rich man, as a diseased man has his symptoms by which he is known as diseased, or as a learned man has his symptoms, so a man in transcendental consciousness of Kṛṣṇa has specific symptoms in various dealings. One can know his specific symptoms from the Bhagavad-gītā. Most important is how the man in Kṛṣṇa consciousness speaks; for speech is the most important quality of any man. It is said that a fool is undiscovered as long as he does not speak, and certainly a well-dressed fool cannot be identified unless he speaks, but as soon as he speaks, he reveals himself at once. The immediate symptom of a Kṛṣṇa conscious man is that he speaks only of Kṛṣṇa and of matters relating to Him. Other symptoms then automatically follow, as stated below. ----- #krishna #iskconphotos #motivation #success #love #bhagavatamin #india #creativity #inspiration #life #spdailyquotes #devotion
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marwahstudios · 2 years
8th Global Literary Festival Presented Fashion Show
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Noida: The second day of the 8th Global Literary Festival Noida concluded with a beautiful fashion show put up by the students of the School of Fashion and Design. The show began with a motivational speech by Festival Director Dr. Sandeep Marwah who encouraged the students and congratulated them for carrying out the second day so well.
On this occasion, Actress Raviraa Bhardwaj appreciated the festival by calling it one of the biggest space in India to showcase the art and creativity, followed by HE Dr Roger Gopaul , High Commissioner, Ambassador of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago who narrated his journey of coming to India and the strong bond shared between the two nations.
During the show, National President of Public Relation Society of India, Dr. Ajit Pathak dedicated a beautiful poem to Fashion and Literature together. Then, President of Dancing Rabbit from Germany Mark Fazzy expressed his gratitude and congratulated the students for a wonderful show. Gurbani Bhatia, a musician who shared her past experience of performing on the stage of Marwah Studios. The event was attended by actor & model Richa Kapoor,
Vice Chancellor of Noida International University Prof Dr. Uma Bhardwaj, Jimmy from Embassy of Turkey, Pasch from United Kingdom also spoke on the occasion. During the event, a book on fashion titled “Hook” was launched. The spectacle of fashion was on full display during the Fashion Show. The first set of walk with the theme “Unity in Diversity” showcased the mix Indian culture wedding attires. Second set was based on “Western” theme which mainly included the wedding gowns. The designers of the first two sets were – Saba, Jasmeher, Shelly Agarwal, Rupin Jha, Priyanshu Tyagi and Gunjan Mishra. The third set was based on the “Casual Hip Hop Streetwear” which included the handsome hunks in streetwear. The last set presented the beautiful relation of Lord Krishna and Radha which included traditional Indian wear and showcased simplicity, elegance, purity and innocence. The designers for the last two sets were – Priyanshu Tyagi, Ishita Jain, Junaid, Paridhi, Pavnish and Ayush Gupta.
On this occasion, Dr. Sandeep Marwah presented the mementos to the esteemed guests and thanked them for joining in for the event. The show was anchored by Mr. Syed Ashar and Ms. Paridhi. It was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Director of School of Fashion Design Prof. Ritu Lal. The show was supported by ICMEI-International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, AUA-Asian Unity Alliance, PYC-Prithvi Yoga Centre, and AAA-Asian Academy of Arts.
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thingstory · 2 years
sri krishna motivational speech status || @𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬
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