#kuroo tetsurou reader insert
shoyostar · 6 months
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raining in japan m.list // haikyuu!! masterlist.
premise. thunderstorms scare you greatly. but thanks to your cute neighbour, you know you’ll be okay after all.
content. tetsurou kuroo / f!reader. fluff. reader is a scared of storms, mainly thunder. power outage. set ambiguously post highschool / university. neighbours to lovers.
word count. 3.1k
soundtrack. show me how : men i trust.
¹new message from jia ෆ hi i’m not dead yes i do still write !! @tetzoro @tetsuskei i hope i did your man justice ^_^
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You barely manage to catch the flickering lights of your dining room’s lamp glitch out repeatedly from the corner of your eye, the lights inside your dingy apartment appearing to go haywire as constant streams of raindrops pound against the glass of your windows.
With each passing second they seem to multiply tenfold of the previous, their impact upon crashing into each other sometimes merging with one another in sync to form a continuous stream of running water trickling down the brick walls of your complex instead of the constant buzz of millions of tiny water droplets.
The soft glow from your lamp dims momentarily before coming to a complete halt. Your hopes are quickly dashed when you see it attempt to start back up again before going dead, and after a few seconds of the darkness swallowing your apartment whole a begrudging sigh escapes your lips as you close your textbook.
“Ah, damn it . . . not again . . .”
You slowly stand up from your seat at the dining table, cautiously pushing your chair back just a little as to not hit the rest of your furniture and carefully maneuvering your way through the dark of your living room.
“Where the hell did I put that flashlight . . . ?”
You really should’ve thought to charge your phone and powerbank ahead of time when you heard a thunderstorm was making it’s way to your city on the news earlier. Now with a dead cellphone battery and empty powerbank you’re left to fend for yourself amist the unknown layout of your apartment without a light source.
Scuffling around in the dark, you take a step forward, miscalculating how much distance there is infront of you as you find yourself accidentally ramming your shin against the side of your unusually hard bookshelf, sending you reeling in agonizing pain stomach first and flopping right onto your couch.
Your teeth grind against each other as you hold your shin, wincing while rocking slightly in an attempt to alleviate the pain. “God, that did not sound good . . .” You can’t see through the near pitch black lowlight of your apartment, but you’re almost certain a nasty bruise may have begun to form on your skin from that.
A few more minutes of stumbling finally merits you to where you had originally intended to end up in the first place— the supply closet. Feeling around for the door’s surface your hand manages to find it’s grip onto the smooth metal handle, twisting it open and carefully reaching out into the darkness.
“It should be on the second shelf . . . or was it the third? Fuck, I really can’t see anything right now . . .”
Your fingers brush up against the elastic wrist tie of the flashlight (it was on the third shelf after all, go figure) and you impatiently snatch it from off the pile of other assorted junk you’ve haphazardly thrown in there throughout the years.
All you hear is a soft click as you turn on the device before your eyes are bombarded by a bright flash, the sudden overload causing you to stumble back a bit, blinking repeatedly to soothe the burn in the back of your retinas.
Maybe it’s not the best idea to hold a flashlight so close to your face while it’s aiming (or pointed) directly into your eyes.
Using your newly gained lightsource you make your way to the fuse box in your kitchen, now being able to easily navigate your way through the dark you give yourself a moment to stop and glare at the corner of your bookshelf that you’d run into earlier, “Asshole.”
Opening the fuse box, you shine the light onto the many circuits housed within, eyes trailing down and scanning each one for the labels of what light they control. You experimentally switch the one for the living room on, glancing outside of your kitchen into the hall to check, only to be met with disappointment as you see the nothingness of the night staring right back at you.
Just as a confirmation (and because you’re stubborn), you switch a couple more of the circuits on and off repeatedly, disappointment mares your features when they yield no results. “No power at all . . .”
A deep crackle of thunder booms from the sky outside, startling you as you nearly drop the flashlight in your hands if not for the wrist tie securing it. A few seconds of heaving and checking outside your kitchen’s windows— only to see more rain than you could ever possibly need in three lifetimes —causes you to ease up a little. You feel a chill run down your bare arms though, the short sleeves and pajama shorts you chose to wear tonight not doing much with the raging wind howling just outside your apartment.
The sudden sounds of gentle knocking at your door cuts through the silence of your empty apartment, the hairs on your back shooting straight up in surprise. You cautiously make your way over to the door, uneasy as your hands hesitate to lay on the knob. Who else could be up at this late hour?
Your eyes squint through the tiny peephole of your door, zoning in on a familiar head of messy black hair, donned in a worn out old highschool volleyball hoodie. With noticeable bags underneath his eyes matching your own, you can tell he’s been staying up as late as you have.
You can’t quite see much or well for that matter through the tiny peephole’s space, but he patiently waits outside with an uneasy look on his face, hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket and pacing around anxiously on the small space on your door mat.
With your heart rate spiking back down to normal levels, you slowly open the door to him. He jumps back a little when he sees you in front of him, as if he wasn’t expecting you to actually be awake. You give him a polite smile.
“Hey, Kuroo.”
He chuckles a little, bringing his hands out of his pockets. You notice the pearly whites of his canines poking out from his lips when he grins. It suits him well. “You know it’s okay to just call me Tetsurou.”
“Right, right. My bad.”
“‘You doing alright?” He asks you worriedly, craning his head aside to check the dark of your apartment. “Heard the entire building’s power just got wiped by the storm. ‘Was told it won’t be back for another few hours.”
Of course it won’t be back for awhile, the electricians can’t really do much while the thunderstorm rages outside. You doubt anyone in the building who was asleep by now would even notice there had been a power outage tonight, most people aren’t awake at the acceptable hours of 3AM working on their overly procrastinated capstone assignment anyways to even care about the torrential rain pouring outside their windows.
“Can I come inside?” Tetsurou asks before stopping himself, backtracking hurriedly while making funny hand gestures. What was that sign he just made? It might’ve meant Apple in JSL. “I mean, if it’s okay with you. I know it’s late and all, and that you probably want to sleep but I—“
You cut him off with a giggle of your own, “Tetsurou,” his cheeks dust a light shade of pink in the darkness. Your laughter. It sounds like bells to him, akin to the raindrops that hit your windows with a light tinkle each time they fall from the clouds above. Wind chimes in the raging storm that falls around you two and lighting crackles behind him, illuminating your bright face for him.
“I don’t mind, you can come inside. You must be cold standing out here, I know I am and I’m just in the doorway.” You take him by the hand, his skin’s cold just as you expected from the frigid air as you guide him into your apartment.
He stumbles a bit through the front door “H— hey!” trying to remove his shoes by the entrance and lay them by the door mat, bringing with him two large blankets tucked under his arms you hadn’t noticed him carrying in the darkness.
Tetsurou’s eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness, squinting and zoning in on the little stack of books piled up at your desk, the flashlight you were using placed just beside an open notebook. “You’re still trying to work on that assignment?” He asks, setting the blankets down on a chair as you slide into your own, clicking the flashlight on and shining it down on your pages.
“Yeah, it’s due soon.”
“There’s a storm outside.” He comments on matter of factly, chin folded into the crook of his hands as he leans on the backside of the chair. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the obviousness of the situation.
“Just, come here.” You feel his hand reach out into the darkness, standing you up from the table with mild disagreement from you, “Relax with me a little, let’s go sit on your couch together. I brought blankets for a reason.”
“I can use one while working at the dinner table.”
The frown that tugs at Tetsurou’s lips is barely noticeable in the dark, but he whines audibly. “That sounds uncomfortable, though.”
“It’s fine.”
“Isn’t it better to huddle together for warmth?” He suggests playfully, “Y’know, no power n’ heat.”
You think his compromise over for a moment, and he senses the hesitation brewing inside your mind. “I promise it’ll be good.” Lighting flashes outside your window for a split second, followed by the loud seismic boom of thunder that causes you to flinch in his hold. Instinctively he jumps, pulling you into a hug as your heavy breathing fills the silence of your apartment. Seconds tick by on the clock hanging on your wall, as it seems like the heartbeats of both you and Tetsurou meld into one beat.
“Are you . . .” Tetsurou looks out the window for a moment, his voice drawls on low and quiet even though the only two people here are you and him, as if he’s about to ask something he shouldn’t. “Are you scared of thunder?”
“. . . No.”
“That sounds like a yes to me.”
“I’m an adult,” You huff, trying to break out of his hold and back to your pile of due papers, “I don’t get scared by thunder like a little kid.” Tetsurou barely catches the “anymore” you mutter underneath your breath. His hold on you not only tightens but he drags you to the couch, much to your protests and complaints.
“You’re not a very good liar,” he grins, plopping you down beside him before reaching over you to drape a thick blanket over your shivering body, were you always this cold? You try to move your hands to lift the blanket off, to stand up but it’s heavy. It traps your arms underneath it, feeling like he condemned you to the couch.
“Is this blanket weighted?” You ask and he hums, draping the other one he bought over himself with a relaxed sigh. “Yeah, I’ve found they’re really good for rainy nights.” You can’t deny that now that you’ve gotten a taste, having this is almost like having a barrier from the cold rain and air outside, and you’re already warmer than you were just a few moments ago.
You wrap it tighter around your body, the fabric smells like him. “Thanks, Tetsurou.” Another crackle of lighting blasts inside your living room through the window, peeking through the gap of your curtains as thunder follows closely in suit. It’s louder this time, and seemed to be a lot closer to your apartment than the others. Your hands slam over the cups of your ears to shield them from the thunderous booms, they feel weighed down by the heavy blanket as you bury your head into the thick material, closing them as like an extra precaution from the storm outside.
You don’t even realize you’re shaking until you feel a hand smooth over you back. Tetsurou’s.
You can barely make out his voice with your hands blocking your hearing, “Are you okay?” It’s muffled and quiet, and his hand rubs soothing circles into your back as you barely manage to move your head to a nod. More thunder comes and Tetsurou’s eyesbrows knit together as you frantically switch to shaking your head no, feeling it drop further into the blanket in shame. Your heart in sync as the storm outside won’t stop taunting you.
The small raindrops that crash against your window feel like they’re right up against your ears, the bright lighting that races across the sky’s edge stings your eyes to look at it, even if you shut them as tight as can be. And that god awful thunder, the thunder that makes you feel like your dingy apartment might crumble underneath it’s roar, crashing to the floors below as the trees outside cave in on you from above.
“This is so embarrassing . . .” Tetsurou hears you mutter as you lift your head to the side to face him, fear is written all over your features and you look like you’re about to cry in the presence of your next-door neighbour. Your voice cracks, and you think you’d prefer if the floor underneath you did fall through after all. “I just really hate storms . . .”
A weak chuckle escapes your lips as you wipe away the tears that prick at your eyes, attempting to lighten up the situation for Tetsurou. You don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable by crying in front of him when you were the one who invited him in, “I guess I really am still a little kid, afraid of thunder and lighting like I’m still four.”
Tetsurou doesn’t laugh at your self deprecating jab, and you feel your stomach drop at the lack of a response. Would you have preferred if he laughed? No, not really— but it felt awkward to have only silence between the two of you in the heat of the moment. His hazel eyes seem to twinkle in the darkness when he blinks, and he wraps an arm around you before pulling you into his chest, you let out an alarmed squeak involuntarily from his actions, and the heartbeat in your chest magnifies to the sound of the thunder that you’re so scared of outside.
His own heartbeat is loud too, now that he has you leaning on his chest like this. The wild thumping and beating, is that from you? You feel stupid for getting excited over that possibility, but as you look up from your spot you catch his eyes, tired and still beautiful as both his arms envelope you in a deep hug. He covers your ears with the palms of his hands, red crawls up the skim of his neck and ears in the darkness.
“It’s okay,” he reassures you quietly, flinching when you snuggle deeper into his chest, the scent of his home shirt being the same as the one on the blanket he brought over but stronger. The smell of clean linen from his laundry detergent sticks to the material of his shirt, and you can’t stop yourself from blurting out “Did you just do the laundry before coming over?”
This time it’s his turn to laugh nervously, “Yeah . . .” his head rests atop yours, taking in the scent of your shampoo. It fills his senses, it’s not overpowering or overwhelming at all.
Maybe because it’s you.
“I didn’t want to smell bad when I came over . . . Is that— is that bad?”
“. . . No,” you decide, a content smile tugging at your lips. “It’s not.”
Suddenly the loud sounds of the storm that had you once afraid and cowering in fear seem to drown out from Tetsurou’s cupped hands over your ears, but you know they’re just as strong now than they were earlier, and perhaps even stronger as the night drags on. But in Tetsurou’s embrace, underneath the blankets he brought from home that smell just like him, wrapped up in his arms and snuggled up against his chest; you think you’ll be okay.
“Stay with me,” you eke out without thinking, and a part of you hopes he didn’t hear because you’re worried you’ll ruin the tranquility of whatever you have now— that this moment is only temporary, all will be over by tomorrow morning when the technicians come to fix the apartment’s power outage at 6AM, and you’ll both go back to treating each other as just neighbours. That you’ll pretend you never snuggled together when you had no power and no heat, and you never said the words you’re about to say to him now. “Please, don’t go . . .”
To your surprise, a soft kiss is pressed to the crown of your forehead as Tetsurou’s wild hair tickles at your skin, the erratic beat of his heart thumping wildly in your eardrums. He looks just as nervous as you do, lips suddenly dry and throat closed up when he tries to speak. After a disgruntled groan, the two of you laugh as once more does lightning flash across the sky, with thunder coming in it’s place moments later, hand in hand as always. Just as you expected.
But this time you’re not scared, not when he next whispers out the words you’ve longed to hear since you were a little kid during these storms, not when he cuddles you closer to his chest and brings his lips close to yours before tilting your chin up and capturing you in the sweetest of kisses, his lips perfectly molding to fit yours as he mutters in between the short breaths of air with a smile that rivals the brightness of the lighting you were so scared to gaze into from outside the windows.
“I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry.”
Raindrops continue to fall from outside, thunder and lightning work as a terrifying duo in sync as they torment the nature. But it all seems significantly less scary now. Underneath the onslaught of rain, the continuous lightning and thunder you’ve feared since childhood, the annoying lack of power— you found something able to strike against even the worst of thunderstorms, and something better to indulge your night in than your assignments that lay long forgotten beside your flashlight on the dining table far away from you and Tetsurou on the couch, warm underneath the blankets together bundled up to escape the cold air.
You found Tetsurou Kuroo.
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reblogs are appreciated .ᐟ ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
2024 © property of SHOYOSTAR. all rights reserved. no reposts · plagiarism · edits · stealing · translations etc. thank you !! 𐚁
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430 notes · View notes
ackerpretty · 10 months
Can you do kuroo from haikyuu coded pleaseeee
You unburied my memories from 2020…
Kuroo codedd
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lale-txt · 26 days
𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀 (𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) ❦ 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨: 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐢𝐠?
⭅ back to m.list
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✰ 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐢𝐠? 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞
the four met during orientation days because each of them was desperately asking around for a cig
their art university is an elite one. they lived the first year on campus till they decided to get a flat together nearby in town
some of their classes overlap but they have different majors!
Akaashi: sculpting
Kuroo: photography
Semi: graphic design
Yukie: fashion design
Semi plays in a band (ofc he does) and often hangs around at the record store and from there he introduced everyone to each other
Yukie, Kiyoko and y/n are very close and spend a lot of time together
Akaashi likes working with different textures when sculpting, wood, clay, but recently marble has caugt his interest
Kuroo absolutely did get his nipples pierced by y/n and tipped her so much she almost felt bad for taking it (he's a bit afraid of her)
Yukie sews a lot of stuff for y/n and Kiyoko because she really loves women, there's no other or deeper reason
Akaashi is down bad for y/n if you weren't able to tell
he openly admits that he sees her as his muse, though he never said it to her face
Akaashi tries to be a model student but often gets roped into the mischief of the others (he doesn't mind and loves his friends)
he got a scholarship to study at this university
they do a lot of creative projects together and help each other out with their assignments when they can
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minarixx · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 ✯ 𝐓.𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨
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"𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙛𝙡𝙮, 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙄'𝙢 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙯𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙞𝙩. 𝙄'𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣"
PAIRING. Kuroo Tetsurou x f!Reader
CONTENT. Angst, break up
Y/N and Kuroo, who once shared a passionate relationship that ended in heartbreak. After their painful breakup, Y/N carries the memories of their time together, fate orchestrates a meeting where Kuroo is wearing the scarf she had given him. As Y/N watches him from a distance, emotions resurface, evoking a flood of bittersweet memories.
WC. 4.5k
A/N. Idk plot is pretty plain and mid for this one. I just like the the writing in this one
Masterlink - Songs Unwritten
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The soft glow of chandeliers adorned the elegant banquet hall, illuminating the faces of corporate elites and professionals gathered for the Japan Olympic and Professional Volleyball Company's celebration. Among the attendees was Y/N, an ambitious and passionate young woman, who worked diligently on the corporate side of the organization. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she mingled with colleagues and exchanged stories of triumphs and challenges.
Amidst the sea of strangers, her gaze was inexplicably drawn to a tall, dark-haired man, Kuroo, who stood in a conversation with fellow associates. He had an air of confidence and a warm smile that seemed to invite her in. He was a part of the Japan Volleyball Association, specifically within the Sports Promotion division.
The soft hum of conversations and the clinking of glasses filled the air at the corporate banquet. Y/N stood amidst the crowd, her eyes scanning the room for familiar faces. She felt a bit out of place, but she knew the event was essential for networking and building connections in her career.
As she sipped her drink, she noticed a group of people engaged in lively banter across the room. Her eyes were drawn to a tall figure with tousled dark hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. It was Kuroo, and he seemed to be the center of attention.
She reminded herself that networking was her goal, and maybe striking up a conversation with someone as engaging as Kuroo could prove beneficial. Curiosity getting the best of her, Y/N found herself making her way towards him, and as their eyes met, an instant connection sparked between them. Like moths to a flame, they were drawn to each other, their magnetic attraction undeniable. 
Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she approached the group and mustered a smile.
"Hi there, mind if I join in?" Y/N asked, trying her best to appear confident.
Kuroo's eyes flickered with surprise, but he quickly broke into a warm smile. "Not at all! The more, the merrier," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of playfulness.
Introductions were made, and Y/N found herself drawn into the conversation effortlessly. Kuroo had a way of making people feel at ease, and his witty remarks had everyone laughing. As they talked, Y/N discovered that Kuroo shared her passion for volleyball and that they both had worked tirelessly to contribute to the sport they loved.
They exchanged stories of their experiences, the challenges they faced, and the moments of triumph that made it all worthwhile. As they spoke, Y/N realized that beneath Kuroo's charismatic exterior was a genuine love for the sport and a deep dedication to his work.
"I've seen your name in some of the promotional materials for the Japan Volleyball Association," Y/N said, a touch of admiration in her voice. "Your team is doing a fantastic job promoting the sport."
Kuroo's cheeks flushed slightly, and he scratched the back of his head in a bashful manner. "Thanks! It's a team effort, and I'm lucky to work with such passionate people. What about you? I've heard great things about the corporate side of the Olympic and Professional Volleyball Company."
Y/N blushed at the compliment. "I'm just a small part of the team, but I'm proud of the work we do to support the athletes and ensure smooth operations. Volleyball means a lot to me, so being able to contribute in any way feels incredibly rewarding."
Their eyes locked for a moment, and Y/N felt a spark of connection between them. It was as if they understood each other on a deeper level, beyond their shared love for volleyball.
The evening passed in a blur of laughter, shared anecdotes, and the thrill of discovering kindred spirits. As the night wore on, the crowd thinned, and Y/N found herself still engrossed in conversation with Kuroo.
"You know, I was a bit nervous about attending this event tonight," Y/N admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Kuroo chuckled softly. "You? Nervous? I find that hard to believe. You seem like a natural at navigating these social gatherings."
"I guess appearances can be deceiving," Y/N replied with a shy smile. "But I'm glad I came. Meeting you has been a highlight of the night."
Kuroo's eyes softened, and he leaned in a little closer. "The feeling is mutual. There's something about you that's refreshing and genuine. I'm glad you approached."
Kuroo's charisma was undeniable, an enigmatic magnetism that drew people to him like moths to a flame. From the moment he entered a room, he exuded a vibrant energy that seemed to light up the atmosphere around him. His mischievous grin and playful eyes hinted at a personality that was both charming and approachable.
Confidence exuded from every fiber of his being, but it was never overpowering or arrogant. Instead, it was a quiet assurance that made those around him feel at ease. He had a gift for making people feel valued and heard, as if they were the most important person in the world at that very moment.
Kuroo's humor was infectious, and his witty remarks often left people laughing, the sound of their joy filling the air like a delightful melody. He had a knack for finding common ground with almost anyone he met, effortlessly striking up conversations and building connections that felt genuine and authentic.
His passion for volleyball was palpable, and when he spoke about the sport he loved, his eyes lit up with a fervent fire. It was evident that volleyball wasn't just a job for him; it was a part of his soul. He spoke with such enthusiasm and knowledge that even those unfamiliar with the sport couldn't help but be drawn into his world.
But what truly set Kuroo apart was his ability to listen. When someone spoke, he didn't just hear their words; he listened with genuine interest, absorbing every detail and emotion. He had a way of making people feel seen and understood, as if their thoughts and feelings mattered in the grand tapestry of life.
Time seemed to fly by when in his company, and conversations with him were always filled with intellectual stimulation and heartfelt connections. He was a master of the art of conversation, effortlessly navigating various topics and keeping everyone engaged.
Yet, for all his charisma and charm, there was an air of humility about Kuroo. He never boasted about his achievements or sought attention for his accomplishments. Instead, he focused on uplifting others and celebrating their successes, making them feel like stars in their own right.
In a world where genuine connections were often hard to come by, Kuroo stood out like a beacon of warmth and authenticity. People gravitated towards him not just for his charm, but because being around him made them feel better about themselves and the world around them.
His charisma wasn't a mask he put on for show; it was an intrinsic part of who he was - a genuine, kind-hearted, and passionate soul who left a lasting impression on everyone fortunate enough to cross his path.
As the night drew to a close, Y/N found herself reluctant to part ways. But eventually, they exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch. As Y/N walked away from the banquet, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. The connection she had felt with Kuroo was unlike anything she had experienced before, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead them. Little did she know that their encounter was just the beginning of a passionate and tumultuous journey filled with love and volleyball, intertwining their lives in unexpected ways.
As days turned into weeks, Y/N and Kuroo's relationship blossomed. They shared moments of pure bliss, where time seemed to stand still. Their passion for each other was mirrored in their shared love for the sport of volleyball. They attended games together, cheering on the teams, and reveling in the excitement of every spike and serve.
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as Y/N and Kuroo strolled hand in hand along the bustling streets of Tokyo. Y/N was ecstatic when he finally asked her out.
Kuroo's mischievous grin hadn't left his face since they started their little adventure, and Y/N couldn't help but be infected by his playful energy. He had a way of making even the simplest activities feel like grand adventures.
As they passed a street vendor selling cotton candy, Kuroo's eyes lit up with childlike excitement. "Hey, do you want some cotton candy?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with delight.
Y/N giggled and nodded, the idea of sharing cotton candy with him sounding like the perfect dose of whimsy. They approached the vendor, and Kuroo ordered two fluffy, colorful clouds of sugar.
As they walked along, each holding one end of the cotton candy, they couldn't resist stealing playful bites from each other's treat. The sweet, sugary taste mingled with their laughter, creating a perfect moment of joy and connection.
"Hey, you got some on your nose!" Kuroo teased, pointing to a smudge of pink on Y/N's nose. He leaned in and gently wiped it away with his thumb, making her heart flutter.
"Oh, really?" Y/N replied, trying to keep a straight face before retaliating with her own mischief. She playfully swiped some cotton candy and tried to smush it onto Kuroo's cheek.
He laughed and dodged her attempt, then scooped up a handful of cotton candy, lightly patting it onto her cheek. "Now we're even!" he declared with a grin.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't hide her amusement. Being with Kuroo felt like being carefree, like she could let go of her worries and just enjoy the present moment.
They continued their stroll, their laughter and chatter blending seamlessly with the vibrant city ambiance. Kuroo spotted a street performer juggling colorful balls and decided to join in the fun. He convinced Y/N to stand in as his audience, and he attempted his best imitation of the performer's juggling act, eliciting cheers and applause from his delighted companion.
As the evening wore on, they stumbled upon an arcade filled with flashing lights and enticing games. Kuroo's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he dragged Y/N inside, promising her an unforgettable experience.
They tried their hand at various games, laughing at each other's antics and cheering each other on. Kuroo won Y/N a stuffed animal from one of the claw machines, and she couldn't stop smiling at the thoughtful gesture.
But the highlight of the arcade visit was undoubtedly the dance-off game. Kuroo, who claimed to have some hidden dance moves, stepped up to the challenge. Y/N couldn't stop giggling as she watched him groove to the beat, his exaggerated dance moves earning him a crowd of amused onlookers.
Not one to be left out, Y/N joined him, and they danced together like no one was watching. They spun and twirled, their laughter filling the arcade as they danced to the rhythm of their hearts.
The night had been a whirlwind of laughter, shared adventures, and genuine connection. As Y/N and Kuroo reached the entrance of Y/N's apartment building, they came to a bittersweet realization that their first date was coming to an end.
They stood there for a moment, the city lights casting a warm glow on their faces, neither wanting to say goodbye just yet. Kuroo gently brushed a strand of hair behind Y/N's ear, his touch sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine.
"I had an amazing time tonight," Kuroo said softly, his eyes locked on hers. "Thank you for making it so special."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she replied, "I had an amazing time too. You made every moment unforgettable."
There was a brief pause, as if time stood still between them, before Kuroo leaned in slowly. His lips met hers in a tender and hesitant kiss, filled with all the emotions they had shared throughout the night - joy, excitement, and an unspoken promise of something more.
The kiss was soft and sweet, a gentle exploration of each other's feelings. It felt like the perfect culmination of their connection, a moment of vulnerability and trust shared between two souls who had found something extraordinary in each other.
As they pulled away, Y/N's cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and shyness. Kuroo's eyes sparkled with affection, and he cupped her cheek in his hand, his thumb brushing gently against her skin.
"I don't want this night to end," Kuroo confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with happiness. "Me neither," she replied, her fingers intertwining with his. "But I have a feeling that this is just the beginning."
Kuroo grinned, his playful charm returning. "You're right. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."
And with that, they lingered for a few more moments, savoring the magic of their first date and the promise of a love that was yet to fully bloom. As they said their goodbyes, Y/N felt a sense of hope and excitement, knowing that she had found someone who made her heart race and brought joy to every moment they spent together.
As she walked into her apartment, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. The night had been a whirlwind of emotions, and she couldn't wait to see where this newfound connection with Kuroo would lead them. Little did she know that their first kiss was just the beginning of a passionate and transformative journey of love and volleyball, intertwining their lives in ways they could never have imagined.
In the days that followed their first kiss, Y/N and Kuroo found themselves inseparable. Their romance blossomed quickly, fueled by a shared passion for volleyball and an unyielding desire to explore the world together. They embarked on spontaneous adventures, jetting off to different cities to attend volleyball matches and immerse themselves in new cultures.
Every moment they spent together felt like a whirlwind of emotions - laughter, excitement, and an overwhelming sense of connection. They shared tender moments under starlit skies, made beautiful memories as they wandered hand in hand through bustling streets, and dreamt of a future where they could build a life together.
Their love story seemed like a fairytale, with each passing day deepening their affection for one another. Y/N couldn't help but fall more in love with Kuroo's adventurous spirit and the way he made her feel alive. He had a way of sweeping her off her feet, making her forget about the worries of the world as they got lost in each other's company.
But as their relationship progressed, signs of trouble began to emerge. Kuroo's restless nature and frequent travels for work started to strain their connection. Long distances and irregular schedules made it challenging for them to find time for each other. Communication issues crept in, as they struggled to bridge the gap created by the demands of their respective jobs.
Y/N felt a growing sense of insecurity as Kuroo's availability became inconsistent. She cherished the moments they had together, but when he was away, doubts crept into her mind. She longed for more stability and reassurance, unsure if their love alone could sustain the growing distance between them.
However, their demanding careers often kept them apart for extended periods. Kuroo's responsibilities at the Japan Volleyball Association meant frequent travels and late-night meetings, leaving Y/N feeling lonely and uncertain about their future. Insecurities began to creep into their minds, and they found themselves questioning whether their love alone could sustain their relationship.
Misunderstandings surfaced, leading to arguments that left emotional scars. The pressure of their respective careers added weight to their love, and the rollercoaster of emotions threatened to tear them apart. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if their love was strong enough to endure the trials they faced.
Despite her reservations, Y/N clung to the belief that their love was strong enough to conquer any obstacle. She tried to be understanding and patient, hoping that their deep connection would eventually prevail over the challenges they faced.
They had their moments of bliss, but it became increasingly evident that they were both struggling to find a balance between their individual ambitions and their life as a couple. Kuroo's passion and his demanding career pulled him in different directions, and Y/N found herself yearning for a sense of stability that seemed elusive.
One evening, after a particularly difficult conversation filled with misunderstandings and frustration, Kuroo sat Y/N down with a heavy heart. He explained that the long distances and irregular schedules were taking a toll on both of them, and he didn't want their love to suffer as a result.
"It's not that I don't love you," he said, his voice filled with genuine pain. "But I can't ignore the strain this is putting on us. We deserve to be happy, and right now, I don't think we can find that happiness together."
Y/N felt her heart shatter into pieces as she listened to his words. She had hoped against hope that they could work through their challenges, but Kuroo's honesty laid bare the reality of their situation.
The air between them felt heavy with unspoken emotions as they sat facing each other, their hands intertwined one last time.
"I never wanted this to end," Y/N whispered, her voice trembling with raw vulnerability. "I thought we could overcome anything together."
Kuroo looked into her tear-filled eyes, his heart aching at the pain he was causing. "I know, Y/N," he replied softly, his voice laced with regret. "But it's been so hard, and I don't want to keep hurting you or myself."
Tears streamed down Y/N's cheeks as she fought to find the right words. "Can't we at least try to work through this? We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger."
Kuroo's gaze softened, and he gently cupped her face in his hands. "I wish it were that simple," he said, his voice laced with sorrow. "But we both know that the demands of our jobs aren't going to change anytime soon. It's not fair to ask you to wait for me or to put yourself through this uncertainty."
"But I love you," Y/N whispered, her voice breaking. "Isn't that enough to make it work?"
Kuroo's eyes glistened with tears he refused to shed. "Love is a powerful thing, Y/N," he said, his voice tender. "But it's not always enough. We also need stability, trust, and a sense of being there for each other, and right now, I can't give you those things."
Y/N's heart ached at his words, but she knew he was right. Their love was strong, but it couldn't erase the challenges they faced or the doubts that had crept into their minds.
"I don't want to hold you back," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "If this is what you need to find happiness, then I won't stand in your way."
In tears, she nodded, understanding that they were both grappling with the difficult decision that lay ahead. With a heavy heart, they embraced one last time, cherishing the memories they had created together.
And just like that, their whirlwind romance came to an end. Y/N watched Kuroo walk away, knowing that they had shared something beautiful, but that life had chosen a different path for them.
In the following days, Y/N tried to focus on her work, but Kuroo's absence was a constant ache in her heart. She couldn't shake the memories of their time together, and every sight of a volleyball match reminded her of him. The pain was unbearable, and she felt like a mere rough draft in his life. Like an artist scrapping his work, she imagined crumpling herself up and throwing herself away, but she couldn't erase the memories they shared. Every word, every touch, and every smile were etched in her soul.
The aftermath of the break-up was a tumultuous time for Y/N. As days turned into weeks, she found herself trying to navigate the emotional rollercoaster that came with the end of a meaningful relationship. Waves of sadness, anger, and longing crashed over her, leaving her feeling vulnerable and lost.
At first, Y/N tried to distract herself, throwing herself into work and spending time with friends. But no matter how much she tried to keep busy, thoughts of Kuroo and their time together would creep into her mind, pulling at her heartstrings.
The plaid scarf, the one she had left at his house, became a constant reminder of the love they had shared and the pain of their parting. There were moments when she wanted to reach out to him, to hear his voice and find solace in his presence, but she knew that it was not the right path forward.
It had been a year since Y/N and Kuroo had parted ways, and the pain of their breakup had gradually eased, leaving behind a tapestry of cherished memories.
It was a cold winter evening, and Y/N found herself feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of her job and the uncertainties of her personal life. Seeking solace, she decided to clear her mind by attending a volleyball game at a local stadium.
As she settled into her seat, her gaze was momentarily fixated on a guy in the distance. He was wearing a plaid scarf, one that looked oddly familiar. Her heart skipped a beat, and a sense of nostalgia washed over her as memories of the past flooded her mind.
Her friend, noticing her distraction, nudged her with a playful grin. "Hey, where did your mind wander off to?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in their voice.
Y/N shook her head, trying to shake off the sudden surge of emotions. "Oh, it's nothing," she replied with a small smile, not wanting to delve into the memories just yet.
But her friend, being perceptive, raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" he prodded gently. "You seemed lost in thought for a moment there."
Taking a deep breath, Y/N decided to share her feelings. "It's just... that guy over there," she said, nodding toward the guy with the plaid scarf. "He looks like someone I used to know."
Her friend gave her a sympathetic look, understanding the complexity of her emotions. "An old flame?" they asked softly.
Y/N nodded, feeling a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty. "Yeah, he is," she admitted. "We had something special once, but life took us in different directions."
As the volleyball match continued, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at the guy with the plaid scarf. Memories of their time together flashed before her eyes - the laughter, the inside jokes, and the moments of shared happiness.
Her heart fluttered as she recognized Kuroo, standing with his characteristic charisma and magnetic presence. He looked as charming as she remembered, and her mind couldn't help but recall the memories they had once shared.
As Y/N watched Kuroo from a distance, she couldn't help but be captivated by his natural charisma and charm. It was as if he possessed an invisible magnetism that drew people in, effortlessly making them feel at ease in his presence. Even from afar, she could see how he lit up the room with his smile and how people gravitated towards him like moths to a flame.
Y/N remembered how his laughter had once been her favorite sound, a melody that brought comfort and happiness to her heart. It reminded her of the moments they had shared, the jokes they had exchanged, and the memories they had created together.
As he interacted with others, his playful banter and easygoing nature endeared him to everyone around him. He had a way of making people feel special, as if they were the only ones in the room. Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia, remembering how she had once been the recipient of his charming attention.
She watched as he engaged with the team members, offering words of encouragement and support. His passion for volleyball was evident in every gesture, and Y/N couldn't help but admire his dedication and drive. It was one of the things that had initially drawn her to him - his determination and enthusiasm for the sport they both loved.
Seeing him so comfortable and confident in his element made her heart swell with both admiration and a touch of longing. She missed the connection they had shared, the way he had made her feel alive and understood. The memories of their passionate romance flooded back, and for a moment, it was as if time had folded upon itself.
But she knew that the distance between them was not just physical; it was the emotional chasm that had grown between their paths. Y/N had learned to cherish the memories they had shared, but she also knew that sometimes love, no matter how intense, couldn't overcome the challenges they faced.
As she continued to watch Kuroo, she realized that the charisma and charm she had once fallen for were still very much a part of him. 
What she felt could only be described like the last page of a book you were so engrossed in; you turn it, and it's over. Just like that. No grand finale, no dramatic exit, just a silent, haunting conclusion.
And yet, what lingers are the what ifs. Those two simple words hold so much power, so much weight. What if she had said this instead of that? What if she had fought harder? What if she had been more patient, more understanding? What if they had taken a different path, a different direction? What if they had stayed together?
The what ifs seem to taunt her, playing like a broken record in our minds. They're relentless, gnawing at our hearts like a persistent ache. Revisiting the memories, the laughter, the shared dreams, and the promises that were once so tenderly exchanged. And in those moments of reflection, the what ifs become more vivid, more tantalizing, and more painful.
As Y/N turned away, her heart heavy with the weight of memories and unspoken emotions, she couldn't help but whisper to herself, "I remember it all too well." It was a love that had left an indelible mark on her soul, a love that she would always carry with her, despite the pain it had brought. And as she walked away from the sight of Kuroo, she knew that some loves were meant to leave a lasting ache, a bittersweet reminder of what once was, and what could never be again.
©Minarixx 2023 - please don't copy, repost or translate without my knowledge credit or permission.
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alienaiver · 8 months
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Masterlist for my 'Oily Encounters' series following Kuroo in equally compromising and embarassing situations as he first meets you and then tries to woo you, his beautiful neighbor. A mischievous cat, oils and friends help the situation progress.
They can all be read seperately but have a continous story development. They're genderneutral, poc friendly and body size inclusive. The final part includes a chronic pain reader ✨
Link to AO3 series!
Part one: Tuna Oil
The cat is missing from Kuroo's third floor apartment; there's nothing else to do but bring out the cabinet's finest tuna and hope for a miracle! Luckily, you show up with the unexpected find.
Part two: Truffle Oil
Meeting you wasn't chance; Kuroo needs to get to know you more, to talk to you more. To Kenma's dismay, he is now the sole supporter in helping to make this happen. Kuroo's whipped for you and it's obvious to everyone but you, it seems.
Part three: Garlic Oil
You're able to disregard Kuroo's habit of getting himself into a mess and schedule a date. However, a pain flare makes you unable to go for the planned activities. Kuroo doesn't mind though; any activity including you is perfectly acceptable.
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© alienaiver 2024.
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slyvieselkie · 1 month
Runaway Bride
Warning: for the Dungeon and Resting Chambers collection, medieval setting, minor violence, it gets a little fucked up at the end,
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Underneath the cold and pouring rain, the rumble and roar of thunder, the golden strikes of lightning, you feel your mind shatter.
"What are you doing here, fool?!", the man who was supposed to be your father growls.
Your tears and sobs melt into the harsh storm, "P-Please! That man is-", "He is your husband!", the woman behind him shriek.
Why won't they let you in? Into your own home? Into the golden warmth of your younger years?
You fall to the muddy ground begging them, "Father please! The lord is a demon-", "Insolence!", he roars finally stepping out to strike your cheek, "We live in comfort because of him! You will go back before his fury falls down on this family!"
His grip on your hair is throbbing painful but you don't fight it, because you realise that even your own blood isn't on your side. You should've known, after all, he was the one who sold you in the first place.
"My sweetheart, come and greet Lord Testsurō", your father graced you with a gentle smile.
You stared up at the black haired man draped in luxurious fabrics, observing his amused hazel eyes and small smirk, before curtsying with a greeting. Behind him were two aides, one with tanned skin and the other a little short, bowed in response.
So this was the man you were to marry. The pit of fear in your stomach slowly dispersed upon seeing the young and respectable marquess. Due to the notice of your marriage being given a mere week ago, you had feared that your father would hand you to a grimy old man.
His Lordship Testsurō Kuroo was a famous figure and feared name in the surrounding kingdoms. While he was officially a marquess, it is said that the king was in constant fear of him taking control of the court. His connections spread far and wide, across the seas and hidden in every shadow. Your father must've used up all of his luck in this life to drag the renowned marquess back to your little countryside manor.
"Rise, my lady and allow me to observe my wife's face", you straightened your posture as he stepped closer, "Your father had told no lies", Lord Testsurō chuckled.
Confusion dispersed as he explained himself, "A body perfect for my desires and children", you immediately tensed up and glanced at your father who looked just as pleased.
An urge to cower and run away grips your heart as hazel eyes scanned your figure, a hand reached out and outlined your silhouette. Never touching your body, but the action made you sickly green.
When he was satisfied, the men walked off to your father's office to prepare a contract for the marriage. You, on the other hand, returned to your room and sobbed feeling like cattle at an auction. But regardless of your sorrow and misery, signatures were signed and agreed objects were handed over. All the while, you had only met your to-be-husband once.
You were first. Wearing the most magnificent Tyrian purple gown and adorned in rubies, you walked down the long pathway. One that you wished was so long, it would never end. But your wish vanished when the hand holding your father's arm was lifted and placed into his. Smile, you pleaded yourself, or everyone shall call you the unworthy bride.
There was a long speech given by the bishop for the heavens to hear, and to signify your unbreakable chain to Lord Testsurō. Throughout the entire two hours, you only recited the two line vows written by your family. A promise to serve and understand your role. Rings were exchanged and envious eyes stared at the shimmering stone on your finger. A kiss ended it all and the ladies grew sour as the most desirable bachelor was taken off the market.
Your family didn't even stay for the night celebration. You offered a small wave watching their carriage leave with chests of gold and jewellery. Instantly, your shoulders dropped. All of this fancifulness felt so heavy.
"My lady, His Lordship requests for your presence to begin the celebration", you turn back to see an aide with blonde and black hair, "Yes of course."
With that, you headed off to the dining hall and stood beside your husband, "Smile Wife, or they shall think your father married you off to the grim reaper."
His long and cold fingers caressed your cheeks softly, but you felt the warning behind them, "Of course, Husband, I apologise."
The night passed in the blur. In amongst the feast and booze, you barely remembered greeting the royal family and Testsurō's close friends. But you'll never forget his rich voice echoing in your head, hands gliding you across the dancing floor, and lips devouring yours in front of everyone. How sweet, history writes, for there is no bride who is as loved as you.
Lightheaded from the alcohol, you leaned against his chest and whispered, "Please...allow me to return to my chambers...before I shame us both."
His let out a rumbling chuckle before lifting you up, "My my, it seems my bride and I shall have to retire early tonight! May our guests continue to enjoy the feast and music on our behalf!"
And with the cheers of the men around him, Testsurō carried you to your wedding chambers.
Dazed and weakened by alcohol, you were defenseless against his hands ripping the gown to shreds, "T-The dress...", you slurred and received a hush, "I shall fill your room with a thousand more."
From there, Testsurō began exploring your body passionately. Hands groped every mound of skin, lips marking your sensitive spots, and tongue creating glossy trails. You were faintly relieved to have been drunk, as the thought of doing this sober would've made you perish from shame. Testsurō's version of consummation was nothing like what you had learnt as a small girl, and it terrified you.
You squeaked feeling coldness touch your inner thigh, instantly your legs attempted to close. But strong hands held them apart and the man above you gulped before his lips connected with your pussy. A choked cry escaped as intense pleasure stung your nerves, you whined and shook your head.
"S-Sto-ah! No!", you tried to push him, you tried to run away but nothing could stop the black haired man from eating you up.
Embarrassment flushed your system as the sounds filled your ears. The wet slurping coming from below, the high pitched cries coming from you, and the faint chatter from faraway that surely knows what was happening yet also had no idea of the apparent dirtiness. Then, you felt it. It was like a knot being pulled tighter and tighter, a full dam about to fall, a volcano ready to erupt. The last straw came from a sharp graze against your clit. With a wail and trembling legs locking around Testsurō's head, you came fiercely.
Your husband slowly helped you calm down, kissing your folds and caressing your sides. Through your droopy eyes and blurred vision, all you saw were sharp hazel pools that glowed in the luminous light. I need you, you thought and subconsciously reached out for him. You clung to his rock solid body which felt so cool and so good against your feverish skin.
With a hum, Testsurō guided you into a long kiss while his fingers slid down to your wet entrance. Before you knew it, you had three fingers turning your insides into mush while his lips slobbered against yours. He didn't let you pull away, whether it was to take a breath or cry from further orgasms. By the time the man was satisfied, you were completely drenched in sweat and he was soaked in your juices.
And now for the actual event. Exhausted by his foreplay, you laid flat against the bed and compliant for his taking. Testsurō towered over you and leaned down to peck your temple, before his tip rested against your opening. Despite all of his preparation, nothing could eliminate the pain. You whimpered and gripped the silk sheets tightly, how lucky you were to have a well endowed husband.
To be honest, this part was also a little blurry. Because you couldn't really when pain turned to pleasure, and when you began begging for more. Cupping his cheeks and biting his lips until they turned red. Even leaving marks of your own, harsh bites and nail streaks that made him shiver in glee. In response, the black haired man maneuvered you in all types of positions and enveloped you in even more ecstasy.
For moment, in your drunkenness, you thought that maybe life with him wouldn't be as bad as you thought. Until you felt sharpness graze the side of your neck. Sharp? Whatever could be so sharp? Confused your fingers traveled across his jawline, to his lips and into his mouth.
As a tongue wrapped around your fingers, you murmured, "You have...such sharp teeth?"
Glowing eyes narrowed with glee as Testsurō moved you to sit in his lap, "All the better to eat you with."
Then before you knew it, you felt your flesh rip and screamed hysterically, "AHHHH!"
Shocked into soberness, you fought to get away but his arms were a steel cage. It wasn't until you nearly gouged his eye out that the black haired man finally set you free. Heaving and sobbing, you tried to jump off the bed but your weakened legs had you flailing across the marble floor.
"Wife, you must not run away from your duties", terrified you watched his silhouette cover your body and shrieked.
Fear, anger, misery swirled in your hoarse bawling as it dragged you back to the bed. You cowered away from it, refusing to meet its beady red eyes. Unable to accept the fangs that left you pouring blood. You had been sold to a monster, your father sold you to a beast for a few chests of gold and jewels. And the thing you hated the most, was how the pleasure only built.
"You see Wife, vampires like I can release venom with our bite. It numbs the pain and leaves behind an aphrodisiac, allowing our feeding to become increasingly pleasurable with every bite. Some even seek out this bite, even if it means they will die."
You were able to witness this soon enough, how your body began to crave for his fangs, how the mere graze of those sharp fangs brought you closer to the edge. Testsurō used this against you, luring you to grind on his lap, to slide his length down your throat as you hump his face, even letting him explore your ass. All the while, promising you of another bite.
The wedding night lasted for two days but for you, who was half-conscious for most of the time, it felt like weeks before you were freed. Testsurō, who had allowed you to sleep in to recover, returned to your chambers after a day of work. And upon opening the doors, he was met with emptiness.
"My lord", his silver haired knight bowed, "Her Ladyship has fled into the nearby forest, do you wish to send our men-".
He grinned, "No", and his eyes flashed red, "Let me see how far my runaway bride can go."
Now here you were. Staggering down the dirt road of the countryside in muddied and stinking clothes, body aching from the beating you got in response to your cries for help. Exhausted, dehydrated, starving, and lightheaded from the harsh sun, you wonder if this was how your pathetic life was to end.
You couldn't even cry despite the anguish simmering inside, that you would die on the side of the road and no one would care. That you couldn't even have the honour of dying in your home, comforted by the spirit of your mother. Soon enough, your feet surrender and you crumble to the ground.
Then your ears perk up hearing thumps, and emerging from the other side of the hilly road...was none other than your husband and his men. His lavish clothes, his men's armour shining brightly, and the golden carriage seem to mock your pathetic fate. What a life, to be cycled between two horrendous beasts.
Seated on his ebony horse, the black haired man's lips stretch into a wide smile, "My dear runaway bride, whatever will I do with you~?"
You stare back with weary eyes. For some reason, you feel comforted by his addressing. At least someone would claim you, even if it was a blood sucking monster. And with that you smile, knowing that it was enough, that you had tried enough in this life. What is there to live for, to care about, to fear? Golden rays pierce through the leaves coating the stone ground in sparkles, there was a gentle breeze passing through, and birds chirp unaware of the execution below. This seemed like a fitting place.
"What are you waiting for...just kill me already", you croak and he sighs, "My dear wife, I paid too much to let your head roll away so easily. You will have to gift me another option."
Silence fills the air and the lord descend, slowly approaching you, "My wife, dear wife, Wife...Am I not your husband?"
One, two, three seconds passes before your head flies back, "Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!", the man joins you as he kneels down and wipes away the tears, "You have a role to play...and so do I."
"Ride to the nearest inn."
With that, you finally rest after days of traveling and misery. The journey lasted for a blink of an eye as you sleep in the carriage.
You slowly begin to relax as hands coated in warmth and precious oils begin to remove the layers of filth. On the bed, Testsurō watches as the maids bathed you, his hazel eyes scanning your figure. And after a moment he asks, why, so softly that you almost missed it.
Turning to him you smile, "I went back for the house", "...You live in a castle five times larger", humming you start playing with the water, "But that house belongs to me."
Your husband raises an eyebrow and you couldn't help but chuckle, "That house once belonged to my mother, left behind by my uncle who passed away at a young age. In order to keep the title and house, she married my father since he was the best suitor around...who would've thought that he'd kill her to bring in his mistress and her daughter?", you sneer.
Testsurō answers back, "That house belongs to your father then, since he is the baron", and he notices the way your eyes harden, "Don't be foolish, how could a commoner such as him gain rights to a noble property?"
A smile slowly grows on his face, "Well, he does now since you've wedded another house. And he'll live in it until he dies, with his mistress and her bastard."
He doesn't hide the way he's attempting to lure you into another dance, and you can't seem to care anymore. You've gone from living with a monstrous man, to being sold and taken by the devil, and facing rejection from the sullied side of your blood. You were so close to ending it all, until the devil saved you. If he wants to dance, who are you to stop him?
"Indeed he does, and my heart aches at the thought of it...whatever shall I do?", your eyes close as the maid pours water over your head.
You don't have to see to know how Testsurō's eyes glow red and trace the streams down to your neck, curving over your breasts, and rejoining the pool. But what you don't expect is for him to excuse the maids and take over the responsibility. His cool hands glide across your skin, gently moving you until your back presses against his toned chest.
The black haired man's lips are stuck to your neck, and you melt against his touches. Suddenly, you feel the sharp graze and it awakens you into freezing. You know that it will feel good, but the reminder of the stabbing puncture and how it forced you into a pit of drunken pleasure makes you fight.
Testsuro is much stronger, but he allows you to shove him away with a wave of water. Hazel eyes see your curled figure, the hands around your neck, your distorted face. A good man would apologise and comfort you, a better man would apologise and leave you alone, but neither of them are your husband. And despite being the devil, your husband believes in fairness in a relationship. He has chosen you as his other, and all is to respect the woman he has chosen...even himself.
"Bite me and rip my neck out", he showcases his flawless neck and leans in, "You will die", your eyebrows furrow but he merely smirks, "I am a monster, a monster does not die in the conventional way."
After a moment of pondering, you grit your teeth and approach him. Your hands grasp at him in such a gentle way, Tetsuro imagines you were just going to nip him. Then his eyes shoot wide open and a choked grunt leaves him before he crumbles in pain. While he does so, you rinse out the metallic coat in your mouth.
Eyes of intrigue watch the way his wound begins to heal itself, the tear threading itself together in a gruesome way. And the act is painful for your husband who sweats and turns pale. You wonder how much more painful his punishment it compared to the sin, surely a monster like him has felt more pain.
"I do say so, Wife, you have a foul mouth for pleasure and pain that even a monster like I fear", you reach out and he returns to your embrace, "Isn't it fitting for something such as yourself?"
He chuckles and kisses your palm, "And how does the devil's wife wish to punish her preys?"
Do make it worthy of our status, he tells you to be sure, as I have a role to play as your husband and a marquess. Your dear father has really done it this time, and you thank him for putting you in this position. Because now he wasn't just insulting you, his daughter, but the marchioness. You smile thinking about it, pondering on what punishment matches the insult. After all an insult to you, is an insult to your husband, and an insult to your husband is an insult to your territory, and when that happens...the knights pick up their swords.
And Tetsurō almost feels like your eyes light up with a redness.
I shall deal with the mistress sleeping in my mother's bed first, the harlot who dared to sell my mother's body to the grave robbers. She is indeed wicked...and so smart, and I have to honour her cleverness. So I will send her to the capital. I heard there is a doctor making significant medicine advancement through studying the dead. We can only imagine what higher skies he can conquer with the living. I pray the books will remember her sacrifices and misery.
Now for her daughter. Such a shameful existence should be contained to a shameful place. She loved to prance about in my jewels, looking for a suitor...so why not spoil her with it? Your men should allow her to bring some of her belongings, it will help her attract customers. We never know, maybe she will get lucky and follow her mother's footsteps as a mistress.
And lastly...my dear father who should've known his place. But of course, greed in engrained in the soul and I have no motivation to remove it. I will send him to the North where he will labour in hunting the beasts. If he succeeds, he will make a name for himself and grow his riches in a proper way. But seeing how fat he is these days, I fear he will become a feast for some lucky feral animal.
"Do you agree, Husband?"
The black haired man feels his pants grow tighter and instantly pounces on you. Your eyes roll back as his fangs sink in, it forces you into an intense orgasm and the whole inn can care your lewd moan.
As he tears off his clothes, Tetsurō growls out, "You have heard Her Ladyship, leave in her honour and return carrying her victory."
As he takes you in the tub, a silver haired knight and his squad rides away with blunt swords. A special request from the marquess, sinners don't deserve clean cuts.
You gasp as his hips collide with yours, "Now you have to play your role, Wife! You will birth two successors, one to be my marquess and the second to be your baron. If you are lucky, you will birth backups for both!", the man grunts.
Letting out a breathy laugh you respond, "T-Then we might as well try f-ah-for a daughter! She'll spoil you in y-your later years when you becomes sentimental!"
He desires nothing more.
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Hi Lovelies, I hoped you guys this!
Vampire Kuroo and medieval setting has been controlling my mind for weeks, and now I can finally be free from it. I actually didn't initially think that Kuroo suited the theme, I thought of what it would look in my mind and somehow he just never clicked. Tbh even now I still don't he's the best option, but I really wanted to do a Haikyuu character for this. I'd love to here other character suggestions for this! The ending did get a little dark...oops, I got a little too into it but can you really blame me?!
Anyways, I see you next time ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
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kosmic-kayla · 6 months
♫☆𝐍𝗼 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝☆♫
hq band au self insert with y/n alternatives
a band full of teens with talent and dreams what could go wrong right? Makayla is a girl in her last year of high school and she has no idea what she wants to do so like a completely sane person she starts a band with her friends. Nobody special was great but drama is never far with something like this. Love, unrequited, friendship and betrayal.
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I had this idea of Kuroo being your brothers best friend who just can’t help but want you😅 I have a whole fic planned but just wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested.
Butttttttt, if you are :) please let me know since I would love to release this whole thing hehehehe. Please enjoy 💕
I do not take credit for this picture !
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For as long as you could remember, no one was ever good enough for you. In the eyes of your brother, no one truly deserved to be with you. And even if they thought they stood a chance, he would do anything in his power to change their minds. You knew he did it protect you. But is was tiring.
And there was no negotiating with your older brother, because it all ended with your s/o running to the emergency room with Niagara Falls gushing out of their nostrils. It always just ended that way. You were tired of bawling your eyes out. Begging him to give them a chance. That they were the one.
But at the end of the day, it always ended with you crying yourself to sleep. Hoping to forget what you had with them.
So, you gave up. You gave up on even trying or giving your attention to another guy. You gave up on looking for happiness with another being. You gave up on love.
Well that’s what you had planned. You knew it was inevitable. Or so you thought……..
Because who in the right mind would have ever seen this coming. The idea of you getting fucked raw, bent over on your kitchen counter at 3 o’clock in the morning by your brothers best friend. But it was no idea, it was happening.
Who would have thought Kuroo would be whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he reached further inside of you.
Such ideas never even crossed your mind for a second. But you like it. And he does too. But how would your older brother react?
Would he like the idea of that?
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fluffytriceratops · 1 year
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 - 𝐚. 𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚 [𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜]
notes: idk what i'm doing. i've never gone to uni so i don't know too much about it personally. i don't know what majors they would all be and am mostly just guessing rn- if you have any idea, feel free to lemme know. i need the help lmao. <3 also pls ignore the fact that the icons aren't all the same size i'm too tired and lazy to do that rn-
chapter one: "mrs kwan is my sugar daddy."
««•◦ ✪ ◦•»»
╰┈➤ ❝Y/n L/n, year 2 english major. ❞
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❝fuck this shit i'm out.❞
╰┈➤ ❝Atsumu Miya, year 2 kinesiology major. ❞
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❝get your stank ass back here.❞
╰┈➤ ❝Kōtarō Bokuto, year 3 kinesiology major. ❞
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❝hey, hey, hey, don't fuck this up for me okay?❞
╰┈➤ ❝Kei Tsukishima, year 1 art history major. ❞
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❝you guys are annoying.❞
╰┈➤ ❝Keiji Akaashi, year 2 english major. ❞
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❝y/n told me to say it.❞ 
╰┈➤ ❝Osamu Miya, year 2 buisiness major. ❞
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❝i make the best onigiri. and i will fight you on that.❞
╰┈➤ ❝Rintarō Suna, year 2 kinesiology major. ❞
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❝suck a nut.❞
╰┈➤ ❝Tetsurō Kuroo, year 3 kinesiology & buisiness major. ❞ (IDK)
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❝kitty needs treats.❞
╰┈➤ ❝Kenma Kozume, year 2 buisiness major. ❞ 
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❝leave me alone to die.❞
╰┈➤ ❝Shōyō Hinata, year 1 kinesiology major. ❞
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❝you look like you could use a hug.❞
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lcvekei · 6 months
wattpad story!!
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angelcake-69 · 7 months
I'm back with the next part!!
Hope yall enjoy ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Kuroo x Reader
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Chapter 4) Weekend 🙌🤭
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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Y/ns P.o.v
The next day was Saturday so I met up with Casey and Cheyenne to go to the mall and, hopefully, find some nice matching dresses.
"So, what color should we do? Or maybe we'll have matching patterns instead?" I asked them.
"Hmm.. I think polka-dots are nice.. or maybe we can each get red dresses." Casey said.
Cheyenne nodded. "Ya, I think red would be good." She said.
"Maybe we can do red polka-dots.. or red dresses with white polka-dots!" I said happily.
"Lets get red dresses with white polka-dots." Casey said.
"Yeah, that sounds good!" I replied and Cheyenne agreed. "Lets go look for some!"
We continued walking around the mall, looking for red dresses with white polka-dots. We eventually found ourselves in a store with beautiful dresses, shoes, and accessories. We looked around in awe. As we spotted dresses that looked exactly like what we were looking for, we took them to the front counter. Casey decided to get a white pair of heels and some earrings, while i got some red heels and Cheyenne got black heels and earrings. We happily continued walking after we paid for our things.
"I can't wait for the festival!" I happily shouted.
"Me either! Its gonna be so fun!" Cheyenne shouted aswell.
"Yeah, we're gonna get so much yummy food there!" Casey shouted.
"Of course thats what you're thinking about." Cheyenne said.
"You're always hungry~" I said teasingly to Casey.
"So what? I like to eat~" Casey replied.
We continued joking as we walked until we became hungry. We decided to head to the food court and get some stuff separately before we met up at a table together. Casey got some Chinese food, Cheyenne got a burger and fries, and I got two slices of pizza. As we sat down to eat, someone slid a couple of chairs to our table.
"Fancy seeing you ladies here," He said. I looked at him, it was Kuroo and Kenma.
'Damnit why is he here? Casey and Cheyenne are gonna make jokes about us being on a date now!' I thought.
"Oh, hey Kuroo," I told him. He smiled and waved."Hi, Kenma!" Cheyenne said happily as Casey waved to them.
"Hey guys," Casey said.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Kenma wanted a new video game so I took him here to get it! Then I saw you lovely ladies here." Kuroo replied.
I couldn't help the blush that came up on my face when he called me lovely, although it quickly went away when I chuckled as I saw the face Casey made at being called lovely.
“Ew, I'm not lovely." She said. Kuroo chuckled.
"Oh, come on, don't be like that. You're delightful and certainly very lovely~" Kuroo teased her.
Casey had a look of disgust on her face. "Ugh, don't talk to me like we're in a 1950s romance story.." Casey said in an annoyed tone.
I chuckled at her misery.
Kuroo laughed and turned to me. "So what're you guys doing here?" Kuroo asked curiously.
"We were getting matching dresses to wear to the festival." I happily told him.
"Sounds fun. Can I see the dresses?" He replied.
"Oh, sure!" I said as i pulled my dress to show it to him.
"Wow, thats pretty. Bet you'll look nice in it." He said as he looked at the dress.
"Thanks! Casey and Cheyenne have the matching dresses." I told him.
"Nice, hey Kenma! Maybe we should match!" Kuroo said excitedly. Kenma shrugged and nodded.
"Sure." He replied before going back to his game.
We all talked for a bit, changing topics every now and then. After we finished our food, we walked around the mall for a while before we left.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
After we left we walked home together, Casey and Cheyenne waved goodbye and left. I was yet again, left alone with Kuroo and Kenma. It was less awkward than the first time and we were talking the whole time, Kenma even joined in. When we made it to my house I unlocked the door and opened it, then the kitten came up to me and rubbed against my legs.
“Oh thats where she's been.” Kuroo said from behind me.
“What?” I responded.
“She was a stray cat right? I used to feed her over the summer until she stopped showing up, I was wondering what had happened to her.” Kuroo replied.
“Awe, that's sweet. Well, I've been taking care of her.” I said as I picked her up.
“It's nice to know she's safe and in good hands.” He replied, “Well, I better get going. See ya.” Kuroo said as he waved. I waved back and headed inside.
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Timeskip ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•
The next day I woke up early to head out and get some things for the kitten, which I still need a name for. I got dressed in a cute outfit and did my hair and makeup. I picked up the kitten and headed out.
When I made it to the pet shop, appropriately named ‘Shop 4 Pets’, I grabbed a shopping cart and set the kitten down in it.
“Alright.. I need cat food, a cat bed, maybe a scratching post?, hmm… I also might wanna grab some toys.” I spoke to myself as I walked down the aisles.
I looked at a few things and grabbed what I needed and a few more things aswell. As I continued looking around I bumped into someone.
“We gotta stop meeting like this.” The person said in a joking tone. I looked up to see Kuroo.
I chuckled . “Yeah.. what're you doing here?” I said.
“Oh, I just like seeing the animals. And I was gonna ask you, but I just saw this little cutie.” He said as he scratched her head. The kitten purred.
“Yeah, I'm getting stuff for her. Anyways how are you?” I said as I began to walk to the register to get checked out.
“I've been good, not much has happened since last night. What about you?” He said.
“Yeah, I'm good! Me and the kitten were just hanging out.” I said as the cashier began scanning my items.
“Nice, mind if I join you guys?” He replied.
“No not at all, it'll be nice having someone who will respond to me.” I joked.
He smiled. When the cashier told me my total I almost fainted.
‘22,000 yen!!?? How did that happen? Well I guess I did get a bit more than I needed… but this is way too much for me to afford!’* I thought as I began to tell the cashier to take some items off before Kuroo stopped me.
“Nah, I'll help you pay.” He said as he handed the cashier some yen.
“Kuroo, you don't have to do that!” I quickly said while grabbing his arm.
“Nah, I don't mind.” He said as he paid for half of the stuff.
He helped me get the stuff into the cart.
“Seriously, Kuroo. You didn't need to pay for all of that.” I said nervously.
“Nah, I'm happy to help the cat have a nice home. Speaking of the kitty, did you name her yet?” He responded.
“Ugh, I still haven't decided! I can't think of a good enough name.” I whined.
Kuroo chuckled. “Well.. what about Pepper? She's all gray like pepper.” He said.
“That… actually sounds good.” I responded as I looked down at the kitten. “What do you think?” The kitten meowed and purred.
“I think she likes it!” Kuroo said.
Me and Kuroo continued hanging out as we walked around the shoping center. We talked about lots of different things and we got ice cream and treats for Pepper. When the sun started coming down we began to walk home.
“Man, that was great!” I said happily as I finished my ice cream.
Kuroo nodded. “Yeah, it was nice hanging out with you!” He responded cheerfully. “We should hang out more!”
“Yeah, definitely!” I said as we approached my house. “Thanks for walking with me!” I told him.
“No problem, you're great company!” He responded. “Oh and before I forget!” He handed me a slip of paper. “Here's my number, I'll add you to the team group chat. You can add Casey and Cheyenne to the group chat also.” He told me.
“Oh thanks! I'll talk to you later.” I said before we hugged and he left.
I walked inside my house with Pepper. I sighed as I closed the door.
“Alright, let's get ready for bed Pepper. I got school tomorrow.”
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bonkers-4-hatter · 2 years
Tetsurou Kuroo X Reader - Vanished
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TW: Mentions of a chainsaw being used as a prop.
“C’mon babe, they say the corn maze is supposed to be scary.” Kuroo gripped your soft sides, squeezing the supple skin causing you to slightly jump at the sensation as he just laughed at your reaction. Giving him a little shove you just rolled your eyes at his usual antics. 
“Aww don’t be that way baby, I’ll protect you.” To make up for his actions, he gave your chubby cheek a chaste kiss. “Okay, let’s go, it sounds fun.” Fist pumping his hand, Kurro grabbed your hand and led you to the line for the corn maze. You guys were on a date and since it was nearing Halloween, he wanted to take you out on a “spooky date” his words, not yours and lucky for him, the local pumpkin patch was open and this year they had their after hours corn maze that had actors that would chase, grab and just terrorize you.
You knew Kuroo enjoys spooky things, you do too, but actors chasing and grabbing you did make you hesitant a bit, but you knew it was all in fun and by the excited look on your boyfriend's face, you didn’t want to say no.
“Alright you two, have fun!” Thanking the lady, you both started walking down the tall rows of corn, the distant sounds of screams, laughter and chainsaws made you grip onto Kuroo’s hand more and scoot closer to him as you both made your way down.
Feeling him squeeze your hand, he smirked over at you. “We’re not even at the scary part yet (Y/N), but like I said, your brave and tough knight in shining armor’s here to protect you.” Sending you a wink you scoffed as you both turned the corner to a smaller, shorter and more intimidating row of corn.
So far, so good, there were no actors, nothing scary either. Turning another corner, that thought was kicked to the curb as something ran across the corn field. Both of you stopped in your tracks. “You saw that…right?” Kuroo’s hand slid around your plump waist and pulled you to him as you both cautiously continued down the path, the same path that thing just ran across. 
The more you both continued through the corn maze, the more the actors would scurry across the paths, limbs would pop out in front of you both brushing against you which would make you jump into Kurro and sometimes they’d grab at him and he’d knock into you. 
Needless to say, you both were a bit shaken up at this point and you haven’t even got to the chainsaw yet, something that you’ve been hearing ever since you entered the maze. Without warning once you both turned the corner the abrupt start of the chainsaw cut through the silence as it whirled to life and the actor jumped right in front of you and Kuroo.
Before you could comprehend anything, you felt Kurro run past you and the actor wielding the chainsaw leaving you alone and in front of the thing that you were afraid of most in this maze. As you heard Kuroo’s rushing footsteps getting further away, you weren’t really sure what to do as you stood there frozen in fear. To your surprise, the actor powered down his prop and looked behind him as your boyfriend turned the corner. “Did…did he just leave you?”
Snapping yourself out of the fog you were in, you slowly nodded. “That’s messed up, here,” the actor moved to the side, essentially clearing a path for you to go past them. “The exit is up ahead where he ran to, have a good night and Happy Halloween.” Smiling at them, you made your way past him and took your time as you made your way toward the exit where Kuroo would most likely be. 
You weren’t sure how to be feeling right now. On one hand you should be pissed that he left you like that, but honestly on the other hand it was pretty hilarious to see him so freaked out that he had a straight up Scooby Doo moment and ran right out of there. 
Finally exiting the maze you were engulfed in a tight hug, making you stumble back a bit at the force. Kisses were being peppered all around your face too, now this was something you could get behind for sure. “Not sure if that was protecting me Kuroo.” You wanted to give him some shit for what he did to just mess with him. 
“I’m so sorry baby, I’ll never leave you again, I promise.” You just laughed at how sorry he sounded. “It’s okay Kuroo, you got scared I understand, how about you buy me another candy apple and I’ll forget this ever happened.” 
Kuroo pulled away and cupped your cheeks. “I’ll buy you all of the candy apples in the world (Y/N).” Before you could poke more fun at him, he kissed you before leading the way to the candy apple stand to buy your forgiveness.
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belphgr · 2 years
Day 9 | 20.2.2023
Prompt: a stupid kuroo x reader drabble that i scrapped
WC: 593
kuroo x gn! reader
> set in highschool / before time-skip
> reader is kinda mean here
warnings: reader curses a couple of times, ooc kuroo 
“hey, sweetheart,”
you stop what you were doing to look up at kuroo, leaning against the doorway of your classroom as he waits for you to finish packing up so he could walk you to your club. his signature smirk on his face makes you sigh and internally roll your eyes.
“hey, kuroo.”
“how many times do i have to tell you to call me tetsurou? or better yet-”
“no, so are you going to walk me to my club or not?”
“ah, so you do want me to-,”
“you’ll follow me anyway so i might as well not make a fuss,”
“ack! you’re so cold, love,”
“you knew what you were signing up for,” you finally finish putting away your school supplies and walk past kuroo, who was still leaning against the doorway.
you hear the sound of desks bumping into each other and a ‘crap!’ before you sense his presence walking beside you. you can feel him staring a
“so… are you free this weekend?”
“wanna go out? there’s a new coffee shop that just opened-”
“why do you always have to cut me off? but anyway, c’mon, [ ___ ]. just one date? you like me enough to ‘’tolerate’’ me, you have to at least find me cute,”
you’ve had this conversation before. thing is, you do find him cute. who wouldn’t? his dorky science jokes make you smile internally, how you want to kiss his cocky grin right off his stupid face, and the way he looks at you when he thinks you don’t notice- absolutely smitten, completely in love, eyes shining like he can’t believe you really exist.
you want to strangle the fucking idiot who told kuroo to act like- well, not himself as a method of asking you out.
but you aren’t going to accept a date when he’s trying to put forth some dumb suave act for you, you want a confession coming from kuroo tetsurou; the science nerd you’ve come to know and love, the one who blushes when you wipe food from the corner of his mouth even though he did it on purpose, the volleyball player who knows the periodic table by heart and doesn’t realize he’s singing the song under his breath.
but something tells you he isn’t going to give up that easily, so you figure he needs a little push. or maybe you just want to mess with him a little.
“i did find you cute,”
“exact- wait, excuse me?”
“i said i found you cute,”
“did? what happened?”
“the dumbass who told you to act like one of those boys who unironically make tiktok thirst traps to try and ask me on a date happened,”
“i- no one told me to do anything,”
you turn to look at him incredulously. “are you serious? then you’re just stupid,”
“now you’re just being mean,”
before answer, you see you’re clubroom from here, so you’ll have to make this short.
“look, tetsurou. i’m not going out with you until you ask me properly. i don’t want you to call me pet names to try and woo me into falling into your arms,”
“you’re not exactly giving me much to work with here,”
“you’re a big boy, you’ll figure it out.”
you turn to face him when you arrive, and you figure you could give him a little encouragement.
you pull him by the tie and give him a light peck on the cheek, and when you pull away, his face could compete with his jersey. 
“for luck,” you tease.
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trafalgar520sushiro · 2 years
fanart credits to @KANJORI on twitter
(some time in WeChat)
| the rooster: @the chick wru? come here, we're at the beach.
| the rooster: oi @the chick open your damn WeChat
| the chick: just a minute, tetsu
| the rooster: (sent an attachment) @the chick get ur ass here
| the chick: hey hey wait the fuck up, i told you i'm helping the shop
| the chick: (replying to the attachment) why does ken look like he's sulking?
| the rooster: idk mAybe he IS sulking because YOU didn't come today duh
| the chick: yah! it wasn't my fault there are so many customers in the shop today
| the rooster: tell that to kenma because my patience is running out now and i wanna sulk too
| the chick: wth what happened now, tetsuro?
| the rooster: because i feel alone in here! kenma's literally giving my nothing but silence when you said you weren't coming
| the chick: awww, so kenken's missing me that much huh?
| the cat: no, i don't
| the rooster: what the fuck you've been ignoring me the whole time and now you messaged here because y/n is online HUH
| the cat: go away, kuroo
| the rooster: you sucker.
| the chick: guys, do you want pudding? i'll bring you some from the shop
[at that moment] Kenma threw some sand at Kuroo, which unfortunately went straight to the latter's face. Kuroo's eye twitched in annoyance and went to chase Kenma who was running now.
| the chick: uh... guys? are you two still there?
*seen by everyone*
| the chick: hey! i said i'm coming, don't ignore me mfs
| the cat: thanks for the pudding in advance, y/n! also come here quick! kuroo might murder meahklhkdah;ouksa/s;29q3847
| the chick: Kenma?
| the chick: aish these two morons.
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prime-adeptus · 11 months
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hello! as a thank you all for the warm welcome in the x reader community, i wanted to do something we could do together! :D
18+ only; nsfw and dark content are allowed. of course, you can also submit sfw fics if you'd like, but please be above the age of 18!
multifandom; you can write for whichever animanga/game character you'd like as long as it's a reader insert.
a maximum of three fics are allowed per track. there also isn't a minimum word count — as long as you have fun writing, that's what matters!
you can do two songs if you'd like, just let me know the details :)
when you post your entry, use the tag #tuncollab, tag me and link to this post!
to join, simply send me an ask with the song you want, the character you'll be writing for, the rating, and any content warnings necessary. we don't have to be mutuals for you to join!
[updated jan 6th] there is no deadline <3 go at your own pace
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IMAGINE | nanami kento x reader | by k9nto
nsfw | afab reader | billionaire! nanami, old high school acquaintances to lovers; cunnilingus, cum eating, marking, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, discussions of pregnancy.
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TRACK #2 : NEEDY * full!
haitani rindou x reader | by fubu18writes
rating & tags tba
hisagi shuhei x reader | by fubu18writes
rating & tags tba
NEEDY | sano manjiro (mikey) x reader | by sin-and-punishment
nsfw | female reader | manila mikey, light angst & fluff
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jean kirstein x reader | by chaotic-nick
nsfw | guy best friend! jean
oliver aiku x reader | by kakujis
rating may change
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fushiguro megumi x reader | by bleach-your-panties
nsfw | female reader | crack, angst
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izuru kira x reader | by bleach-your-panties
more tags tba
kageyama tobio x reader | by pparadiselost
nsfw | female reader | more tags tba
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bad idea (forget about it, forget about me) | by bioticlaw
nsfw | female reader | fwb, unrequited pining, unhealthy relationships, angst.
getou suguru x reader | by nutheadgeenat
nsfw | more tags tba
haitani ran x reader | by ranphobic
nsfw | more tags tba
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ryuguji ken (draken) x reader | by h8ani
nsfw | more tags tba
scaramouche x reader | by hiperacid2
nsfw | more tags tba
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TRACK #8 : GHOSTIN * full!
GHOSTIN’ | hanma shuji x reader | by kiirsteiins
nsfw | gender neutral reader | major character death, kanto incident spoilers, graphic depictions of violence and gore, mentions of suicide ideation, canon divergence, aged up characters | smut tags incl. penetrative sex, fingering (reader receiving), pet names.
gojo satoru x reader | by kakujis
nsfw | female reader | more tba!
GHOSTIN | mitsuya takashi x reader | by h8ani
nsfw | female reader | major character death, grief, mentions of blood, mentions of a panic attack, hurt/no comfort. | smut tags incl. unprotected sex.
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fushiguro toji x reader | by nova-amor
nsfw | female reader | more tags tba
geto suguru x reader | by shidouryusm
nsfw | more tba
gojo satoru x reader | by tteokdoroki
rating may change! | female reader | more tags tba
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TRACK #10 : 7 RINGS * full!
bokuto koutarou x reader | by sunarc
nsfw | female reader | more tags tba
hinata shoyo x reader | by shoyostar
nsfw | female reader | more tags tba
kuroo tetsurou x reader | by quaranweeb
nsfw | more tags tba
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itadori yuji x reader | by sukxma
suggestive/nsfw | more info tba
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diluc ragnvindr x reader | by hiperacid2
nsfw | more tags tba
imaushi wakasa x reader | by wakashawty
nsfw | female reader | more info tba
ryuguji ken (draken) x reader | by sin-and-punishment
nsfw | female reader | more info tba
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kosmic-kayla · 6 months
♫☆𝐍𝗼 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝☆♫
ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ ʙᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴜ : 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵(𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺/n alternative)
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19 notes · View notes