#kv answers.
14dayswithyou · 2 months
Hi Sai wawa!!! Hope ur healthy and fine kitten <3
I'm curious if Ren feels hot for using his cardigan and white turtleneck? I mean he lives on a beach country so I suppose it’s kinda hot there lolol
Does he just ignores being a sweat mess under his clothes just to keep his persona in front of Angel?
Poor baby 😭 let’s take those clothes off 😈/j
✦゜ANSWERED: Roj!! How have you been?? ^^ I miss you!
There are a few hints in the demo that imply that winter will be arriving soon, but a lot of people like to make jokes about Ren's outfit (and my inability to make everyone wear beach-themed outfits), which I don't mind! ^^
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karineverse · 2 months
Y'know, if Ink were to snap under either the pressure of his job or constant slander and misrepresentation he gets
Honestly, I wouldn't blame him. Man deals with a lot
Honestly I see the point, I like thinking like that sometimes too, but I don't really agree :D
First of all, Ink can't overwork if they doesn't work at all... What I mean is that his job is keeping the multiverse alive, by keeping artists inspired!!! And he does that by existing!! So if they're busy with something it's just messing around and trying not to affect the script, which I'd say includes stuff like the fall of an universe or the death of an important character (here's where you get the potential for angst where Ink has to lose something they loves and not interfere). So!!! The point is!!! I don't think he'll be overwhelmed by his non existent work!! He just claims to protect aus, he gave that tittle himself.
About the misrepresentation, I think he'd just accept any headcanons and maybe giggle a bit about the stuff people made up about him. He'd love all his interpretations, cuz each of them are a unique way a creator understood of him. Also I think it would be silly if he had his favorite headcanons and if he tried to make some of them "canon" (ex: someone said they think Ink would like touching moss, they think it's cool and tries to touch moss more often to convince himself he likes touching moss) (it works btw).
About the more "mean" stuff, like "Ink is a dirty villain", "Ink is just a stupid adult that acts like a baby", "Ink is a terrible father", maybe,, depending on the subject he'd just laugh at it and say it's silly and make fun of it. Now, when it's about subjects like his soulesness, he'd be kind of hurt and try not to think about it too much, he'd probably try ignoring these even if it's everywhere. So basically no snapping because they don't work and because they laugh at most "bad stuff" he finds about himself. But I do see the point!!! In fact I love thinking about it (I like seeing him suffer)!!! This was more of a ramble of how I see Ink, lmao. Maybe he'd like it :]
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doomed-prophetess · 1 year
your post abt knives and vash’ fate mirroring castor & pollux!!! yes yES YES!!!! ive been rambling about that to my best friends and i thought i was “insane” for not seeing anyone else mentioning that symbolism/reference and the possibility of their ending going that way!!! (at least on twitter, i didnt see anyone mention it, until i checked tumblr and here i am)
and your tags too!!! i personally believe it’s the best possible scenario, too because not only it would derive too far from knives’ fate in trimax, but it would also imo symbolizes their union = finally understanding of each other, a love that’s requited after all the heartbreak they experience at each other.
(also i personally hate vash’ fate at the end of trimax where he is still hunted by humans, so. i think if the twins die together, it would also serve the narrative purpose of vash being a saint.)
The constellation Gemini despicted in the ending of tristamp is something that is hard to miss, I find, but it goes beyond that. Castor and Pollux are twin half-brothers in Greek mythology. Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus and Leda. Two brothers. One divine, one mortal. Kind of like Nai is more god-like than human: he is emotionally detached from others, dislikes participating in human activities like eating and thinks of himself above the humans who worship him as their god. His powers awakened earlier and he is in full control of them. Meanwhile Vash is more human-like: he is very compassionate, prefers to live among humans, enjoys eating delicious food prepared by them and lived the majority of his life like a human since he was not fully aware of his powers. Another detail of the story that struck me was that Castor and Pollux became patrons of shipwrecked sailors and travellors. I immediately thought of the great fall of the twins' spaceship and the years of travelling that defined Vash's life. Castor and Pollux even had a sister with a tragic fate. (Not very similar to Tessla but I thought I'd mention it since Helen was a victim and treated as a contested/desired object similar to plants in the eyes of humans, if I'm allowed to make this reach. Adding to that Castor and Pollux were motivated by retribution because of the abduction of their sister). They are often referred to as the evening star and the morning star. It's said that in China they were associated with Yin and Yang.
The Saverem brothers have already plenty of parallels to characters from the bible, why not throw greek mythology in the mix? And according to Wikipedia Castor and Pollux have been absorbed into a Christian framework too.
I really hope they will be reunited in death. My ideal ending is Knives and Vash dying hand in hand or hugging each other and from their bones grows an apple tree under which two brothers are laughing and playing. It would fullfill both of their dreams: humanity will continue to thrive in the garden Eden that they've created together and this time they'll stay together forever. It'd be a bittersweet ending and tragically poetic. No more lies, no more betrayals, no more running away, just them. 🥹
*delusional* maybe if Kenji Muto fully embraces the plantcest shipper inside his heart he'll make them kiss, they merge their souls in a scene allegorical to sex (this time consensual) and their life force will substain the desert planet and revitalize it. Nai gets to become one with Vash but their sacrifice that made Nai's dream of a paradise come true and redeemed him will be for the sake of humanity just like Vash would have wanted. Through this selfless act that would sanctify them, Nai's lies about him and Vash being angels who were send from heaven to save humanity will turn into reality.
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jokeritadoodle · 1 year
this is so fucking funny the "tag your incest" anon actually spoiled me vash has a sibling (i never read the tags)
LDHSJSLLA I’m sorry you got spoiled dude😭😭😭 but if u r into that go to it! It’s so fucking good the new trigun anime😳👌🔥
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badlydrawndavekat · 11 months
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CG: WELCOME TO THE BLOG YOU TUMBLR DEGENERATES. CG: THIS IS AN ASK AND ROLEPLAY BLOG DEDICATED TO DAVE AND KARKAT. SO YEAH, THE ASKBOX IS OPEN, JUST DON'T BE WEIRD. TG: hey tumblr girls TG: this was actually my idea im just dragging karkat along kicking and screaming TG: wait dude you arent holding the phone right CG: I AM HOLDING IT CORRECTLY DOUCHENOZZLE. TG: why do you gotta hold it up so high like its your tinder pfp TG: yeah definitely going to pull all the chicks with that flattering angle CG: I AM SO FUCKING CLOSE TO DELETING THIS BLOG YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. TG: wait nononono karkat how are we going to be the best influencer couple if we cant run an ask blog TG: dont you wanna tell the other straight influencer couples to take a hike TG: because they dont stand a chance against team davekat CG: THAT DOES SOUND VERY TEMPTING YES. CG: NOW PLEASE SHUT YOUR MOUTHHOLE BEFORE THIS INTRO GETS TOO LONG. CG: THIS ACCOUNT IS ONLY RUN BY ONE PERSON (THAT'S FUCKING SAD) AND YOU CAN REFER TO HIM AS MOD KV. CG: HE'S THE ONE THAT WILL BE DRAWING ALL THE SHITTY ART. TG: honestly this intro post is gonna be the highest quality art here CG: YEAH EXACTLY. CG: DON'T BE AFRAID TO DROP ME OR DAVE AN ASK, JUST REMEMBER TO SPECIFY WHO IT'S FOR. OR REQUEST SOME SHITTY (SAFE FOR WORK) DAVEKAT DRAWING I DON'T KNOW. CG: AGAIN, THIS BLOG IS RUN BY ONE PERSON SO NOT EVERYTHING CAN BE ANSWERED. TG: karkat bet me 20 boonbucks that this blog isnt gonna last a month TG: im gonna be proving him so fucking wrong
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andmaybegayer · 3 months
Do you have a favorite plug/socket connector of any kind?
Hmm, favourite, not really, when I need to connect things I'm usually turning to matters of convenience, price and requirement, there's not many alternatives to, say, a u.fl antenna connector. Actually wait no I was talking about this on IRC last night, I do at least kind of have an answer, which are the GES S and 100 series of high voltage, high cycle connectors. Really all the GES high voltage stuff is fun but these are the best.
These are the family of single-pole high voltage connectors that use a long, long, LONG PTFE socket to provide safe isolation for the spicy end of an equally long PTFE sheathed plug, so that when you turn on a 50+kV source on the one side you can trust that you haven't just electrified the panel you plugged into by forming an arc. They look like this:
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I saw a video of these on Twitter or Fedi once and I unfortunately cannot find it because they're great, when you pull them out they leave a vacuum behind so as the tip clears it makes a loud *pop* noise. These are effectively an electrical connector on the end of a sufficiently long stick that the enormous potential you're creating between the tip and the panel can't arc back up and bite you in the ass.
The various models are rated for up to 100kV of potential, the small ones can do 30A and the big ones can do 80A. They're also rated 100k mating cycles, so you can use them when you're working with, say, high voltage machinery that might need to be disconnected and serviced regularly.
Consider that, at 80A and 100kV, you're moving 8 megawatts, which is somewhere between 5-15 % of the output of your average nuclear reactor.
They make multi-pole ones rated for more ordinary 5-12kV loads, which are much more convenient if you only have to deal with moderately high voltage connections.
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moonlight-tmd · 11 months
okay, I was just scrolling through my feed and came across angst for the bees in transformers who lost their voices. (TFP, KV, CV, etc)
now let's apply that to TFA and see how bee becomes a shell of himself due to it. I've read fics about it (two) and I wanna know your take on it
Boy they really like to give him that angst do they...
Well, i did read those fics and unfortunatelly, i am a weak weak bitch and cannot take his beautiful voice away(for too long).
I think he would get injured- it's probably Starscream cuz i like the idea of him being a sadist, his voicebox gets ripped and crushed, leaving him mute.
Bee would be so devastated- he tries to talk, scream, anything. There is nothing but painful static.
The others- sure, sometimes they wished Bee would just shut up and stay quiet but they never meant it. And now they are forced to watch as Bee essentially becomes depressed. He can't eat solid foods so he's bound to drinking oil and liquid energon. He almost stopped interacting with others because it's so difficult to let them know what he wants to say; charades are too confusing and writing signs is too slow. All is left of his cheerful attitude is a tiny smile he offers sometimes when he and the others (are trying to)have fun.
Sentinel is the worst, he is oddly untouched at the scout's misery. He straight up says it's good that he shut up when he's not around. Optimus has ended whatever was left of his friendship with Sentinel long ago, but it seems like Sentinel never acknowledged Optimus saying anything- like he's above what the failure of a Prime is saying to him.
They are stuck like this- Bee hanging on by a thread that is threatening to snap at any moment and the others desperately trying to hold onto Bee and help him out of this Pit.
Bee is crafty so one time a radio breaks and he tried to fix it. Static spills over garbled words whenever he's trying to tune it, it remind his of something... He fixed it at last, the static briefly present whenever the channel is switched and songs or radio news play, tuning in and cutting sentences, almost making a new one- That gives Bee an idea.
He spend a a whole week trying to get his own radio to obey him. The others are so surprised when Bee answers one of their questions with cut up song lyrics and words from the radio, but they are very happy- Bee has started to look up, slowly but surely. The amount of relief they felt when Bee used the laughting sound effects to mimic his own laugh. He's still sad that it's not his own voice, but that is the closest he can do.
I imagine it was Longarm that took mercy on the scout- they were good friends, Longarm had grown fond of Bee as a friend. It hurt him to see Bee so sad- just like in boot camp when Wasp tormented him. So- Longarm, being the Data Master, steals Bee's medical info and other stuff and contacts Swindle about it. He has everything- parameters, size, settings, type, even various voice samples from when he and Bee talked to find the perfect voicebox to replace his missing one. Bee might have infected Longarm with his stubbornness cuz he's determined to make Bee talkative again.
Longarm comes to Ratchet and gives him the necessary parts and materials to fix Bee, he avoid any questions like 'where did you get this?' and leaves. Ratchet assumes it because he's a Prime with connections.
Bee has to force-refresh his processor to comprehend what Ratchet just said to him. He goes under a surgery and it's succesful.
He could not stop crying, his voice was back. Primus he wanted to say so many things but this was so ovewhelming he couldn't stop ugly sobbing.
The whole day he said everything that was on his mind- i mean everything. No filter to separate his thoughts from what he wanted to actually say, he spilled so much answering questions and how he felt the others didn't know if they were trembling from happiness or the sheer worry about the minibot.
After that, whenever Bee is annoying, the moment they want to say 'shut up' or something like that, they get flashbacks to when Bee was mute. They never told him to shut up ever again- instead they try to manouver their situation to make Bee go do his own thing and leave them to do that important thing they were doing.
To say the least, that situation was traumatizing to all of them.
And of course, Bee couldn't help but tackle-hug Longarm and repeat 'thank you' over and over again the next time he visited.
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sonicexelle-junkary · 2 years
I'm not quite sure if this has been asked yet buuuut... Out of all EXE characters you do have on this blog, which one(s) do accept head pats and which ones can't tolerate even the slightest pets and would probably kill me if I ever were to try petting them? Asking this because I'm merely curious and I like everything about your blog and everything you do- /gen /pos
I wasn’t planning on answering asks today, but I felt like I needed to answer this. (No particular order)
Smile- would probably accept head pats, but would still kill you afterwards
HHSonic- accepts head pats if you ask him first
LOSTKING.EXE- would break your arm if you tried to give him a pat
STH.EXE- he would humour you in allowing you to pet his monitor. But to pet himself he would not let you
TheJudge- indifferent to head pats, but wouldn’t really do anything if you did. She’d mostly be confused
Mascot- would accept head pats if he was comfortable. Though most likely it would accept a single pat, he doesn’t really like physical touch
Miles- would break your hand if you tried
Terios- doesn’t like pats, but would tolerate it
Exelle- would accept head pats
I have a couple other little EXE’s that I haven’t shared much of. I don’t have a confident amount of information to make much content of them yet, so they’ll be shared again another time.
Kv uva avbjo SVUNWSHF. Ol dvbsk hssvd fvb av ayf. Iba qbza kvua
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kineticpenguin · 1 year
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The KV-2 and the FV4005 are answers to that age-old question: What if, instead of a "turret," per se, we just sort of put a tiny home on an armored chassis and stuck the biggest gun that we could find in it?
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70 - 71 - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75 :3
70. What turns you on?
Lots of things 🫠 I’m a very tactile and sensory person. So…hearing the soft little needy moans you can’t help, fingers to mouth (theirs to mine and mine to theirs, lips on my chest, being the big spoon or little spoon and grinding and being a bit handsy, my inner thighs being kissed, sometimes even just a hug or intimate eye contact, bathing together, kissing and making out, my neck being kissed or bit, kisses down my spine and lower down my back until…lol so many things. I lean more to the submissive side of being a switch, but I also like taking charge at times. I love giving the person I’m with pleasure and spoiling them all over their body. I love making them feel good. But most importantly I just love being desired and the people with the power to make me believe that.
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
I’m bad at remembering my dreams lol. A long while back I had one that was a bit of a feral orgy, which was a bit of a surprise. Some where I was very submissive. But most of the time it’s just one person and anywhere from in a bath slick with water and oils, on a bed, against a wall or in the middle of nature. And…just hot. A pretty hot one was where I woke up and my current partner, who I’d been sleeping next to and dreaming about was also having one and we both woke ourselves up very needy and brought dreams into reality 🫠
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
I usually like praise. From the sweet to the little bit mean. I’ve noticed “good girl” and “such a pretty mess” get me. I got “daddy” a few times, which a mixture of uncomfortable but with that partner and our dynamic I warmed to it a bit. But good girl then came up and that hit me much harder 👉👈 Also terms of endearment. My current partner calls me their Little Rabbit, Pretty Rabbit or Spəplinaʔ in my language, which always just carves open my heart ❤️🥺❤️🥰🥵
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
Oh I’m so bad at this. But the obvious answer is forehead kisses.
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
Honestly idek. I definitely am a sucker for beauty. Pretty eyes, full lips, shapely bodies…but honestly I have a pretty wide variety of attraction to different kinds of people and features. Thin people and larger people. All skin tones, ethnicities and cultures. Goth, posh, punk, country extd. I lean towards attraction to more femme or androgynous folks, but masculinity can be hot too. It’s always definitely how a person animates themselves in the way they carry themselves and how they treat me and others around them that really seals the deal for me though. But I have tons of lil crushes every day, on transit, at the mall even at restaurants when the cashier or server is a cutie. Underneath some of my thorns, I am just a lovey little person.
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
Hmmm…that’s such a hard question to answer Anonymous! All the partners I’ve had have done very sweet things for me. Often it’s thoughtful gifts, or intervening and taking charge when I’ve needed a break. One partner I had convinced me to call in sick to work (I wasn’t sick, just mentally exhausted, stressed and rained) and then took me in her Van to a beautiful little waterfall which was such a needed rest at the time and also full of intimacy. My first partner gifted me a beautiful handmade journal and a beautiful love poem she wrote, both of which made my heart hum. My current partner learned the word for rabbit in my language and called me it and it took me by surprise and I basically became lovey Indigenous putty in her hands 🥺
@m-kv 🥰
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r0bottob0t · 1 month
Hi! I’m KV! (It/Co)
This is my art blog!
I’m a minor and I make fanart of games, comics and cartoons!
Here are the tags I use to sort my blog;
#glorpposting - My art tag!
#kv yaps - text posts where I talk!
#kv yaps (tags edition) - posts where I’ve talked in the tags!
#reblogs - posts I’ve reblogged
#important - Serious/important posts I’ve made or reblogged
#kv stim - stuff I stim to / stimboards I made
And more TBA - my organisation of this blog is still a work in progress!
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Please don’t interact with my blog if you are ‘proship’ , are a NSFW blog , etc! I block freely!
When sending in asks, art requests, or posts ; please keep in mind I am a minor and I have no obligation to answer nor fulfil requests! Please ask in my inbox to DM before actively doing so unless we know one another!
I like bugs and being fun and whimsical! ^_^
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Discord - petitfusee
Instagram - r0bottob0t
Artfight - r0bottob0t
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karineverse · 4 days
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 1 year
got an ask on curious cat and wanted to crosspost it here because it's trigun meta!
hihi, really really loved your thread on knives/vash and the masks they wear. it was an insightful read and i admire your grasp on vash and knives' characters! (your post-trimax kv fic is also one of my favs in this fandom, GREAT shit right there) i would be curious to hear your thoughts on vash and how he experiences/deals with his trauma in trimax (PTSD/C-PTSD, rem and tesla, guilt from the big fall, the separation between him and knives, aftermath from the July/fifth moon incidents, plant body horror and all that jazz) i know there's a lot sjdfksjh you don't have to touch on all of those points but only if ur interested ofc!
thanks! i'm glad you enjoyed the meta and the fic!! seriously i think i blacked out while writing "we've got to get back to that stinking garden," i was so ill about them. still am. 
anyway. trauma, huh? i think i usually gloss over talking about vash's trauma only because it feels so clear to me. knives's is so easily misinterpreted for the purposes of lambasting him or woobifying him but vash wears all that pain on his sleeve. uh. literally. because of the. the arm thing. but the way he deals with it is so!! it's /so./ 
short answer: he runs away. all the time. 
long answer: it's his coolest thematic motif because his name is "the stampede," right, a horde of animals sprinting for their fuckin lives because something behind them spooked them so bad they're going to trample everything in their path just to get away. and occasionally, when he feels he /really really has to,/ because of a sense of sheer responsibility, he runs toward the Bad Things. said bad thing is usually knives because vash believes that his brother is inherently his responsibility, and also all the guilt from the big fall. that's trauma, as you mentioned, that manifests over and over again as soul-wrenching guilt. 
the reason vash fashions himself into gunsmoke's friendly neighborhood jesus figure is because he's tortured by that guilt, especially in stampede, because of that lil addition the writers made to the canon: that vash is partially responsible for letting his brother Commit Atrocities. and that's something that clearly drives him batshit insane. how can he laugh when the suffering of a whole planet sits partially on his shoulders? how can he eat when they're starving? how dare he /not/ be their meat shield over and over again when he's the reason they need one in the first place? 
his trauma drives him to atone for a sin that can't really be atoned for and can't really be ascribed solely to him. he was, of course, 1 year old (mentally ~6?) when he helped knives perpetuate the fall. it's an impossible, Sisyphean endeavor, but because he's functionally immortal and never /really/ had a chance to grow up properly, he's going to fuckin try. 
mf i'm running out of characters here this is evil!! anyway. i think his guilt about rem is why he develops such an, uh, oedipus complex about her that has even wolfwood thinking he's talking about a dead girlfriend. and i think with tesla he just. put her out of his mind. how the fuck do you even begin to cope with a sister dismembered and brutally killed, a sister kept in a jar, a sister you never knew you had or got the chance to love. i think vash just avoids it. it's too big, the ramifications too Much, when all he wants to do is move on and live his life. 
(in contrast, nai is forever stuck in that room, in that horrifying moment. he can't escape it even as vash runs and runs and runs away.)
The same thing happens post-July. Post-fifth moon. Vash sees the horror he’s wrought (that knives has wrought) and goes. Fuck this shit i’m outta here. Fight or flight more like flight or flight even fuckin faster amirite. But knives always catches up to him in the end, is the thing—nai is the physical symbol of his trauma, the narrative vehicle for vash’s pain. He is everything that has traumatized vash made flesh. It’s part of what makes every fight between the two so gripping, imo. By overcoming knives, by putting his brother in the ground, that’s him trying to atone and appease the guilt. This is vash overcoming his trauma. Trying to, anyway. 
Which is what also makes the ending of trimax so. So utterly vash. Because he says fuck this there’s another way, and it happens in a split second when he has to decide if he really and truly wants his brother dead. His trauma!! Does he want to overcome it like this!! With violence and blood and the corpse of nai rotting in the ground!! 
No. the answer’s no. 
He saves knives. He declares that even though nai has done all of these things to him, he still doesn’t have it in him to kill his brother. And that’s a way of coping with trauma, too, isn’t it? The declaration that you won’t let it rule you. Won’t let it dictate what you do anymore, how you live your life. It makes me so, so fuckin emotional ;-; 
Anyway, thanks for the ask! Didn’t touch on the plant body horror as much because i haven’t. Uh. read enough of trimax to properly talk about all that. My reading order is a little unhinged. Hope it satisfied regardless <3
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
ask game for cisco? :)
How I feel about this character
I love him!! Easily the most powerful meta on Team Flash (canon can nerf him all it wants, I know the truth ✋), and the heart of Team Flash (a position he shares with Iris post-s1)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
This is...a bit of a difficult question to answer 😅 Barry and Kamilla fall into this category easily, while Caitlin falls somewhere in the middle (I still have KV fics in my bookmarks, but I don't ship it as much as I used to)
Iris...sorta halfway counts because of my love for Barriscowest, but I don't ship Iris/Cisco as its own ship, so 🤷‍♀️
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Iris and Caitlin sorta half-count here too ig 😅 I love their friendships with Cisco!
My unpopular opinion about this character
Kamisco is a very sweet and supportive ship!! It's not boring!! It just didn't get as much focus as a ship like Cynco did (or even a friendship like Caitlin & Cisco), but it's very clear how supportive of Cisco (and his powers!!) Kamilla is, and vice versa. I do wish they'd gotten more focus on and development though, because they're very sweet and underrated. Just not quite as fleshed out (and with the unfortunate pitfall of being part of the show's worst seasons)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
He should've kept his powers ✋ he had a whole arc of accepting them in s2, and his reasons for giving them up were muddled throughout s5 (and he temporarily got them back during Crisis anyway, and then recreated them with tech, so like...what was even the point of him giving them up??)
character ask game!
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bluev0id · 9 months
Reading exchange game ♡
Answer one of my questions using whatever method you want and send in your question to get a reading from me! If your question is about another person, please add a visual detail about them, or else I won't answer. (Has brown hair, very tall, wears pink a lot, etc) Kpop idol asks ar ok, too! I don't mind and welcome weird asks, but if I find anything uncomfortable, I will just not answer.
Please don't take my word as law. Readings can be any size you want, don't worry about writing a lot
Non-anon will be prioritized!
My questions you can choose from
1. How does KV(long, light hair) feel about me?
2. How will I spend this new years eve ?
3. What can I expect in January?
4. What should I know about my connection with M(blue hair)?
5. Advice I need to hear rn ?
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P nla aol dhua av jvtl olyl iba dof ahrl wlvwsl myvt aolpy dvysk av vul fvb thf ohcl uv ruvdslknl vm.
Ovd kv fvb wshu av wyvcpkl mvy aovzl fvb mvssvd. Ovd kv fvb wshu av huzdly aol xblzapvuz aolf ohcl dolu pa'z uvaopun sprl fvb pthnpulk.
Ovd av lewshpu aol dvysk pm pa dvu'a hjjlwa aolt. Pa dvu'a il rpuk av aolt pm aolf zwlhr vm aolpy vdu.
Kv fvb dhua aoha?
Uv dvysk pz myll vm whpu dolaoly if obthu vy Wvrétvu.
Qpyhjop Huvu
For anyone curous, Ceaser cipher, -7, a -> t, it took me less than a minute.
"I get the want to come here but why take people from their world to one you may have no knowledge of.
How do you plan to provide for those you follow. How do you plan to answer the questions they have when it's nothing like you imagined.
How to explain the world if it won't accept them. It won't be kind to them if they speak of their own.
Do you want that?
No world is free of pain whether by human or Pokémon.
Jirachi Anon"
We're not taking anyone from our world who doesn't want to come, that would be criminal! And i'm not the leader, so stop asking me all this shit
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