skullpiratemike · 4 months
This week we did Video Power. I don't know what to make of it.
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tuliptheoshawott · 1 year
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briefalpacashark · 3 months
The Date
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“What in the blazes happened?” Price asked calmly his last nerve hanging on for dear life, as he examined the two in front of him. The yell that was received after many moments of silence.
“I DON'T KNOW!” you yelled back tears gathered in your eyes. You stood there. Drenched to the bone, knees all scraped up and a small section of your hair singed down to your shoulder. Simon's unconscious body lay sprawled on the ground, his feet tucked under your armpits having to drag him the rest of the way to your rooms. 
“We were sitting on the pier and there were these candles, then my hair caught fire and then Simon tried to put it out and then he tripped on the table somehow and we both fell in the ocean but Simon hit his head. He said he was fine but then he passed out on the way here and and,” you sucked in a snotty breath the realization hitting you.
“I RUINED MY FIRST FUCKING DATE, I KNOCKED THE FUCKEN UNCONUOIUSE! I MEAN WHO DOES THAT!?” you cried loudly. Jonny who had appeared with Gaz wasn't helping the situation having burst out in hysterical laughter. 
“SHUT UP!” You snapped at them only earring heavy laughter.
You sat in the med bay next to Simon's bed reading the report the other nurses had written up. Your knees had been patched up. And you had changed into some dry clothes. Simon had a slight concussion, nothing to worry about. But still. You looked up to his mask faced with a deep sigh. Trust you to wreck the first date. It had been going well until that moment. You were talking, laughing. You had seen Simon’s hand inching closer and closer to your own. 
“I’m so fucking stupid,” you grumbled dropping your head into your hands.
“Well, I wasn't going to say anything,” Simon's gruff voice had you snapping up moving to stand.
“Thank fuck your a’right,” his eyes cracked open to look up at you.
“It will take more than a lil hit to the head to stop me love,” he murmured.
“That's all it took. Nearly squashed me when you keeled over,” you muttered checking his vitals before shining a light in his eyes to check his response. He watched you fuss over him with the same funny feeling he always got when you looked after him. He debated briefly to lie about another ache or pain just to continue getting the same treatment.
“You would have caught me,” he shrugged.
“Yeah, I did. Tore up my knees doing so. You know how many weeks of teasing I'm going to cop cause of it. Jonny alone will make every dick sucking joke under the sun before noon, watch it happen,” you grumbled.
“Price already thinks it's a weird sex injury,” you muttered bashfully remembering the raised eyebrows you got with your explanation. 
“On the first date? Bit adventurous don't ya think?” you could see his smug face through the mask.
“Shut up,” you mumbled plonking down on the side of the bed. “You ok though?” you asked softly.
“I got to go on a date with the prettiest woman in the world. I'm fucken ecstatic,” he shrugged. You flushed, it was a new kwirk Simon had adopted. As if freed with his confession he had started to say the most out of pocket sweetest things. It shocked you to say the least.
“We need a crash cart. Full head scans!,” you called into the hall.
“Look at that, Docs blushing,” he mused. You cleared your throat returning to his gaze with a teasing smile.
“Some date it was,” you muttered, your expression falling slightly. He reached up, taking the burnt strands into his fingers. “Certainly was interesting,” he muttered. 
“You can say that again,” you huffed, an embarrassment crawling up the back of your neck. Yet before it could reach your head, it was stopped.
By Simon's hand that slipped onto the base of your cheek, his large hand being big enough to cup your cheek, his fingers sliding into your hair. His thumb gently brushed your cheek bone. “It was the best first date I evea had,” he whispered. You loved the soft side of Simon. You really did. But it was still a shock to your system.
“You sure you're ok,” you playfully reached for his forehead. Only as you did Simon snatched your hand gently yanking you forward. Your chest fell onto his, your faces hovering inched from each other. You could have sworn you could feel Simon's heart beating twice as fast as yours. 
“Wanna hike my mask up for me love?” he asked his thumb to stroke the corner of your mouth, his thumb brushing your bottom lip ever so slightly. Your heart thumped in your chest as his other hand moved to your lower back to keep you propped against him.
“What for?” you asked with a blush that reached the tip of your ears.
“So I can kiss till ya knees buckle,” you could see that stupid grin through his mask. 
“Thought you were going t-to do it at the lookout?” you stammered.
“Well plans change,” he shrugged. “But a promise a promise,” he whispered in that dangerous low tone that challenged your very innocence. 
“Can you stop being so fucking sexy please? It's a lot,” you let out a shaky breath. He chuckled deeply, his laugh bouncing you top him slightly. He was laughing at you, in a moment like that. It was one of his amused laughs too.
“You're an ass,” you grumbled, your blush deepening.
“A sexy one apparently,” he whispered. 
“So you gonna lift my mask or do I have to do it myself?” he asked. You were about to respond when you both heard the role of an nurse stool. You both turned to the left where Jonny slid up to the bed, propping his elbow on the bed so his face was at a level with yours.
“I'll be more than happy to help LT,” he grinned. You dropped your face into Simon's chest officially passing away from embarrassment.
“Kill me now,” you begged.
“You know when we said look after her we didn't mean, let her beat you up,” Gaz strolled over to the other side of the bed plonking down on a chair to copy Jonny's position. 
“We shoulda given ye the talk instead of him,” Jonny smirked at you as you sat up Simon reluctantly letting you go.
If looks could kill Jonny would have been dead, cremated, buried, raised from the dead at least five times and killed all over again. That was what Simon wanted to do at that moment. 
“How long were you guys there for?” you whispered, hiding your mouth behind your clapsed hand.
“Long enough to hear you ever so nicely ask Simon to stop being sexy,” Jonny was having way to much fun.
“Don't worry. We didn't see any of the knee action,” Jonny winked at you. His attention was grabbed by Simon who reached over, tightly gripping his collar and pulling him down to his level.
“I’m going kill you. Get your affairs in order,” Ghost growled.
“Come now Simon, we were only making a wee joke. Ain't that right bonnie?” Jonny asked looking to you for help. The realization of the predicament washing away his amusement.
“Would you like to be buried or cremated?” you asked seriously.
After Simon was discharged you all walked out of the med bay, you side by side to Simon watching Jonny and Gaz replay your previous predicament. You had to say Jonny was going a bang up job acting as you.
“Oh Simon,” he pretended to swoon.
“I'm gonna kill them,” you whispered in promise.
“Not if I get them first?” Simon hissed.
“You can't get both of them. That's just being greedy,” you grumbled watching as Jonny dramatically fell into Gaz arms.
“I'll let ya have Gaz,” he suggested.
“Fair,” you shrugged in agreement.
“How are we doing it?” you asked.
“Knife obviously. No gun shot. Silent,” he said.
“True, but a lot of clean up. Could leave a blood trail,” you pointed out. 
“It's gonna rain soon,”he shrugged.
“And the bodies? We would have to drive them out of base,” you stated.
“Weigh the bodies down and chuck em in a lake,” Simon said.
“Sounds like a plan,” your agreement was followed by a short moment of silence that was broken by both of your chuckles.
“What a night huh,” you whispered.
“Not finished yet,” he whispered. Before you could ask what he meant a hand clasped around your waist pulling you into his side. His body bent over leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet and tender kiss, his other hand holding his mask up. It was bliss, sweet and warm. It made your toe tips tingle. Pulling back your eyes that had fluttered close opened briefly catching a glimpse of the bottom of his face. His stubble sat on a sharp jaw line with scar’s poking out. One even pulled the left side of his mouth making his smile every so slightly crooked. The way he stared deeply into your eyes had you frozen. You stared back at him with the same such eyes. Both filled with admiration. 
“Well now I'm just disappointed,” you shrugged. He frowned, pulling his mask back down but didn't move from his position.
“Why's that?” he asked.
“Knees didn't buckle in the slightest,” you shrugged. The corner of his mask pulled up in his smirk. “Didn't know you'd want that sort of kiss in front of an audience,” he grinned. Your eyes shifted to the boys still stuck in there own little world having not noticed the kiss.
“You Simon are one hell of a sweet talker,” you whispered.
“Just for you love,” he whispered back, straightening up to continue walking, slipping his hand in yours. You smiled your whole body on cloud nine as he gently tugged you close.
In the end, you thought the night went pretty well.
“GHOST AND Y/N Sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. AHHHHHHHH!” Jonny's high-pitched scream sounded as he sprinted off Ghost hot on his heels.
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I may be a terf, but a well mannered one, so here goes the pinned post :D
33 years old in fact but granny inside, neurotypical with little kwirks, 1 year of personal therapy, higher education, IT career, married, no children, post-ussr countries of origin and current residence.
Created this blog to write down thoughts I can't share in most of my pal groups because of obvious reasons.
Went a path from uneducated homophobe to bisexual radical feminist. There was a lot of mental work, so my position is well honed and isn't inherited from mainstream narrative. It would be so much easier to be woke and conforming, you can't even imagine.
My hot (not really) takes:
Woman is adult human female;
Radical feminism goes from "radix" — root, and the root of women's problems is patriarchy;
Sex is why women are opressed, gender is how women are opressed;
Gender reinforces gender stereotypes which hurt both sexes, thus we need to get rid of it;
TRAs show cult-like behavior;
Sex work is rape;
Abortion is human right;
Women's sport is females' sport;
Children can not consent to puberty blockers;
Transwomen breastfeeding is child abuse;
"Menstruator", "birthing person", "uterus owner", "cis-woman", "non man", "bonus hole" are insults;
"they/them" is horseshit;
"not all men" but somehow always a man.
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sorenblr · 7 months
Did either of you make any commentary on the two Majin Tensei games? I know there was some talk about Ronde a while back, but wasn't sure about the aforementioned.
Neither of us have ever discussed them in any real depth simply because we've never played them to completion. They are very long and very dull! The first game has cool battle sprites and the second has a fantastic soundtrack. I don't know how much deeper I could go than that. We streamed the opening hour of Majin Tensei a few years back, though:
This ask made me realize that this video wasn't included in the SMT playlist or even titled to indicate that we played Majin Tensei at all, making it impossible to find unless you really wanted to watch us stream Kwirk, so I've taken the opportunity to correct that. Thanks lol
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razor-rozary · 11 months
Hey guyz, little vent rq, Im not gonna use much of my typing kwirk here
I saw this post abt the trans flag and it got me thinking, do I really identity with this lable? Or more accurately, can I? One of the many reasons I got back on tumblr was to experiment using the pronouns I really want, but I dont have a lot of dismorphia like people talk about. Im more so disconnected from the language and social aspects of it. Ive been planning on top surgery for a lot time because I dont like the way I look, but thats about as far as it goes. Am I able to call myself trans?? Or am I just still too close to my abg to count? Are people with neopronouns trans? Idk, I'm confused.
Id love to hear what you guys have to say, and even ur stories too! Im all earz :)
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Get Yourself A Kwirk Shirt! ‘WWF Wrestlemania Challenge’ NES
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gamersonthego · 1 year
Matt Giguere's Top 25 Game Boy & Game Boy Color Games
Ed. note: Thanks to “Giggysan” for joining on GOTG’s GB & GBC Top 25 episode. The following list are his personal top games for the system, which include none of the restrictions we used in our shared list.
25. Boxxle
24. Shadowgate Classic
23. Balloon Kid
22. DuckTales
21. Super Mario Land
20. Shantae
19. Kwirk
18. Metroid II: Return of Samus
17. Final Fantasy Legend II
16. Kirby's Dream Land
15. Warlocked
14. Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land
13. Wario Land 3
12. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
11. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
10. The Final Fantasy Legend 
While it may be a very basic RPG (you can make whatever party you want at the beginning) this game is no pushover. There are neat, but often obtuse battle mechanics that may put off those not willing to bend to the whims of the RNG gods, but I still find that as part of this game’s charm. For an early turn-based RPG on the Game Boy, the first Final Fantasy Legend is worth a look for what it accomplished in its time.
9. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
While a bit of a wonky platformer, Super Mario Land 2 manages to make for a very memorable and engaging time. The larger sprites make it easier to follow the action on screen, and while Mario might feel a bit floatier than usual, it still manages to be a solid game from beginning to end.
8. Final Fantasy Adventure
While not as good or transformative as Link’s Awakening, FF Adventure gets points for trying to bring the Zelda formula to the portable screen when few were tapping into that well. Just like Awakening, there is a full adventure to be had with this one, and a surprisingly engaging story.
7. Gargoyle’s Quest
A special little early Game Boy game from Capcom that is surprisingly deep for its time. Mixing both platforming and a character who levels up, this might feel like home to fans of the Adventures of Link on the NES, but here Gargoyle feels a bit more competent with its blend of genres.
6. Mario Golf
THE sports game to grab for the Game Boy Color. Somehow, Camelot made the best feeling and most fulfilling golf game on this small portable, and it remains as one of the best sports games made today.
5. Kirby’s Dream Land 2
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While the first Kirby game on Game Boy started the series, it was Kirby on the NES that gave him his personality. Dream Land 2 expands upon the NES game with animal companions that add a dual layer of mixing and matching abilities. It offers a feature-rich Kirby game right in your pocket with all the charm of the originals.
4. Donkey Kong '94
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A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one! Donkey Kong '94 is one of the most pleasant surprises on the Game Boy that, on its face, would have been a very decent port of the original arcade game from 1981. Instead, Nintendo flipped the script on the archaic moveset of Jumpman to make him feel more like modern Mario. There is also an astounding amount of content to be played here with just over 100 levels to test your puzzle-solving and platforming skills.
3. Pokemon Red/Blue
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The games that started it all and spawned a billion-dollar franchise. While my love of the mainline Pocket Monsters franchise began and ended with this release, I still think back to the countless hours spent during recess with my friends grinding, trading and, most especially, battling each other to see who was the very best. Much like Link’s Awakening, Pokemon Red and Blue exemplifies how very little in terms of hardware power can produce a whole lot to play.
2. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
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Link’s Awakening is a good example of how to get a lot out of something with so little by making a full-fledged adventure on a handheld with all the trappings of the home console versions. Few games can make the same claim that Link’s Awakening manages to pull off. Even though this game has been picked apart critically for years, it still remains fresh and a delight to play.
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You probably saw this coming like a desperately needed line tetromino on a five row setup. Yes, Tetris is one of the best games ever made. Yes, it is one of the greatest pack-in titles. Yes, it is one of the perfect examples of handheld and on-the-go gaming. Kids played it. Their parents and siblings played it. Everyone, for a time, played Tetris on a Game Boy. Tetris and the Game Boy are linked to the hip, and for that it deserves the number 1 spot.
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dabaki · 16 days
Kwirk, un gioco rompicapo dal mondo Game Boy
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eirikrjs · 3 years
Puzzle de CALL was basically for me “What if Puzzle Boy in Nocturne was MORE difficult?” and there ya go. Six levels where even the boss at the end was a puzzle that attacks you!
But is Puzzle de CALL... A-MAZE-ING?
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peteneems · 6 years
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lesserknownwaifus · 8 years
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relatable-books · 5 years
aldjka how did you like FINDING ORION???
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boxartcomparisons · 8 years
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Box art comparison: Kwirk.
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sorenblr · 2 years
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TONIGHT, April 10th, 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST, we’re reaching into the past and pulling out an assortment of various fruits and vegetables with some classic Atlus Puzzle Boy shit, including Kwirk and the legendary Spud’s Adventure! Giddy up, cowpoke! If this turns out to be too stupid or boring then we’ll watch a movie or something. Tonight!!
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/streamingknowledge
Archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXYyuYZQg2tPKOB-eS7BYrw?view_as=subscriber
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