#kyphosis exercises
karmaphone · 1 year
bruh I know it's a severely understudied group of disorders but I really wish the language for differentiating between the types of eds was clearer
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geepranks · 1 month
Oh man, I haven't drawn in a while because I injured my back. I might also have kyphosis, which is not ideal. I'm trying to get back to normal with physical therapy and exercises (plus I had to spend a lot of money to replace my work setup and bed with more ergonomic furniture but luckily I'm in a position to afford it, whereas I would have been screwed last year).
For the love of god, do not sit at your desk hunched over in a pretzal position like I did. Even if you don't feel it now, it WILL wear you down over years. Get yourself a copy of this book, do exercises to strengthen your back and maybe incorporate swimming and/or yoga into your weekly routine.
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pastel-charm-14 · 7 months
having good posture
let's talk about the underrated but oh-so-important topic of posture. good posture isn't just about looking taller and more confident—it's also crucial for your overall health and well-being. here are some benefits of improving your posture:
reduced back and neck pain: slouching puts extra strain on your muscles and joints, leading to discomfort and pain in your back, neck, and shoulders. by improving your posture, you can alleviate tension and reduce the risk of chronic pain.
improved breathing and circulation: good posture allows your lungs to fully expand and your diaphragm to function properly, leading to better oxygen flow and circulation throughout your body. this can boost energy levels, improve concentration, and enhance overall vitality.
increased confidence and self-esteem: standing tall with good posture not only makes you look more confident—it also makes you feel more confident. when you carry yourself with poise and presence, you exude an air of self-assurance that can positively impact your interactions and relationships.
enhanced digestion and metabolism: slouching can compress your organs and disrupt digestive function, leading to issues like indigestion and bloating. maintaining good posture encourages proper alignment of your internal organs, facilitating optimal digestion and metabolism.
better spinal health: poor posture can contribute to spinal misalignment and degenerative conditions like kyphosis and scoliosis. by improving your posture, you can help preserve the natural curvature of your spine and reduce the risk of long-term spinal issues.
here are some tips to help you improve your posture:
be mindful of your posture throughout the day, whether you're sitting at your desk, standing in line, or walking down the street.
aim to keep your shoulders back and down, your spine aligned, and your head held high.
strengthen your core muscles with exercises like planks, bridges, and bird-dogs to support your spine and maintain good posture.
take regular breaks to stretch and move around, especially if you have a sedentary job or lifestyle.
consider using ergonomic furniture and accessories, such as an adjustable chair or a supportive pillow, to encourage good posture.
remember, improving your posture takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself. small changes can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being. here's to standing tall and feeling fabulous!
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
Baby brother DaVinci is not what i was expecting but i love them. also it's not surprising at all the bardi is okay with breaking the law 'for the greater good`. And and Sanzio that precious boy i would murder for him.
Okay you told me the six year olds now tell me the 15 year olds!!!
15 year old Skittles!
Bardi is still high chaos. He's calmed down a bit from when he was 6, but I'd argue he's THE MOST chaotic now. His epilepsy is largely under control by now, he just needs to be careful. He makes video games! He loves video games!! So complex!! He likes the challenge of making video games that's main feature is their accessibility, and making abled people adapt to that way of playing. (Like a game that can only be played using a one-handed controller, a game with softer colors and less visual business for people with sensory issues, a game that can only be heard for blind people, etc.). He's quiet until he's not, generally very confident in himself. He's very smug. Still very protective of his brothers, and is generally treated as the second oldest brother.
Sanzio's the big brother! His anger issues are identified very early on and he's able to learn how to get them under control quickly. He's hard to make angry, but once he does, oouf. Zio's gotten more confident by this point, and more talkative. He's the biggest, not necessarily the tallest (that goes to Bardi.) His shell isn't so hunched over anymore! He had several surgeries and the brace made the kyphosis not nearly as severe. He's started writing his own stories. He finds written word easier than talking ever is. He still likes cute things and has a collection of stuffies.
Simoni calms down a bit. He's curious about the world and still behind developmentally, so he's treated as the baby brother. He's not so worried about his eyes being different sizes now, and he's found a comfortable way to keep his tongue inside his mouth. He LOVES movies, and videos. He ends up getting into photography and video, basically anything you can do with a camera. He especially likes taking photos of people, or recording them telling stories. He wants to make a series about people's stories one day.
Davinci's grown up, he's still the shortest but he's definitely gotten more bulk to him. He's the most athletic of all of them, and his shoulder's been surgically repaired so that he has an almost full range of motion with his left arm. His heart's pretty much patched up so he can be more active, and exercising regularly keeps him healthy. He's still very quiet, and a lot like his dad. He loves gardening. It's his favorite thing to do, besides (you guessed it) train. He's well-versed in martial arts, moreso than any of his brothers. He feels closer to his dad that way.
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cyanomys · 1 year
I have lumber lordosis and cervical kyphosis which significantly contribute to my vestibular migraines (my primary disability). At some point, I for some reason decided this must be my fault and that I somehow created this problem by slouching.
(My physical therapist assured me that if that was the case then everyone would have it. But of course I didn't believe him.)
I recently found some old pics from childhood and saw that actually I had the exact same posture issues when I was a child, which made me question this line of reasoning. Finally told my husband about these thoughts and he gently pointed out that this is bullshit.
Then I actually looked this up to try to prove him wrong and.......there is no evidence slouching causes lordosis (just like it doesn't cause the hump some older women get, that's just an old wives tale.) Sometimes it's just like, congenital.
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Also, I told my husband that I thought that if I just did my exercises enough and stood up straight enough then it would go away. He also pointed out that this was wrong. And...
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Anyway this is a shout-out to myself (hey future self, please read this) and anyone who needs to hear this: you don't have to find ways to make your medical problems your fault. They almost definitely aren't. That's just internalized ableism.
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mezmer · 6 months
I learned two interesting things today that I have wondered for a long time! I was reading some medical articles for my work.
A group of physical therapy experts agree that serious singing is a great exercise to help people with spinal deformities such as scoliosis (lordosis and kyphosis possibly as well) because of how it can strengthen the diaphragm and improve posture.
Though most women have catamenial epilepsy, which means their seizures are usually predictable regarding their menstrual cycles (estrogen is pro-convulsant), there is a periodic aspect of seizures that doesn't necessarily depend on hormone cycles. It is thought to be associated with lunar and circadian cycles. They used some other words for such rhythms I don't recall, so I will look into this further.
This is interesting because my ability to sing gradually decreased as my scoliosis progressed, and my seizures are spaced a month apart but don't appear to relate to my menstrual cycle (which is as regular as regular can get)
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uncloseted · 2 months
do you have any tips for good posture? since I've started working full time doing desk work I've become a shrimp. I have a good chair and set up but I still slouch and my depression makes it hard to care enough to fix my posture most of the time
It really depends on what kind of bad posture you have and whether you have areas that need to be stronger or looser. Some common types of poor posture are:
Forward head, where your head is further forward than the midline of the body.
Kyphosis, where the upper spine is curved and the shoulders are rounded forward.
Swayback, where the hips and pelvis are further forward than the midline of the body.
Flatback, where the lower spine doesn't have the curvature it's supposed to.
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Seeing a physical therapist is the best thing you can do if you're worried about your posture, since they can identify what the problem is and create a plan of exercises and stretches that will help. If you don't have a physical therapist working with you, you run the risk of creating other problems through doing exercises you don't need or doing exercises incorrectly.
That said, there are a few things you can try at home. There are some exercises for forward head posture here, for kyphosis here, for swayback here, and for flatback here.
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Reclaim an Active, Pain-Free Life with Dr. Aditya Raj, Leading Spine Specialist in Mumbai
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Chronic back pain can significantly disrupt your daily life, limiting your mobility and impacting your overall well-being. If you're seeking an experienced and qualified spine specialist in Mumbai to address your back or neck concerns, look no further than Dr. Aditya Raj.
Dr. Aditya Raj's Expertise in Spine Care
Dr. Raj is a highly regarded spine specialist in Mumbai with extensive experience diagnosing and treating a wide range of spinal conditions. He is committed to providing his patients with comprehensive spine care, combining advanced medical expertise with a compassionate and personalized approach.
Conditions Treated by Dr. Aditya Raj
Cervical spondylosis
Lumbar spondylosis
Disc herniation
Spinal stenosis
Spinal tumors
Spinal fractures
Degenerative disc disease
Dr. Aditya Raj's Treatment Philosophy
Dr. Raj believes in exploring all conservative treatment options before recommending surgery. His treatment approach often includes:
Medications: Pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatory medications to manage pain and inflammation.
Physical therapy: Personalized exercise programs to improve flexibility, strength, and core stability.
Injections: Epidural steroid injections or facet joint injections to reduce inflammation and pain.
Lifestyle modifications: Weight management, ergonomic adjustments, and posture correction techniques.
If conservative treatments prove inadequate, Dr. Raj is a skilled surgeon adept at performing minimally invasive spine surgeries. He prioritizes using the latest surgical techniques to ensure faster recovery times and minimize post-surgical pain.
Why Choose Dr. Aditya Raj for Your Spine Care?
Extensive Experience: Dr. Raj possesses in-depth knowledge and expertise in diagnosing and treating complex spinal conditions.
Personalized Care: He takes the time to understand your unique needs and concerns, developing a treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.
Minimally Invasive Techniques: Whenever possible, Dr. Raj prioritizes using minimally invasive surgical techniques to promote faster healing and minimize scarring.
Compassionate Approach: Dr. Raj understands chronic back pain's physical and emotional toll. He is committed to providing his patients with compassionate care and support throughout their treatment journey.
Take Control of Your Spine Health Today
If you're experiencing back pain or any other spinal concern, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with Dr. Aditya Raj. With his expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to patient care, Dr. Raj can help you reclaim an active, pain-free life.
You can call us today at 93726 71858 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Aditya Raj, spine specialist in Mumbai and start your journey towards a healthier spine.
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toneoparticle13 · 1 year
The Disease Of Scheuermann: What You Should Know!
Did you know that Holger Scheuermann, a Danish orthopaedic surgeon who initially characterised the Scheuermann disease in the early 1900s, received his name from the condition? For more information, keep reading.
The musculoskeletal condition Scheuermann's disease, also called Scheuermann's kyphosis, mainly affects the spine. Atypical spinal growth, which causes kyphosis, or a rounded or stooping posture, distinguishes Scheuermann's disease.
It is unclear what causes Scheuermann's disease. It is thought to result from a combination of hereditary and environmental causes. Numerous study results suggest a genetic risk. Environmental elements like poor posture, spinal tension, or food limitations during periods of rapid growth may also impact how it develops. 
What Is The Disease Kyphosis? 
Kyphosis is the medical term describing an unnatural forward curve of the spine. It can refer to a particular ailment known as kyphosis or be used as a general term to indicate an excessive upper back rounding. Kyphosis can be structural or postural and can affect persons of all ages, from infants to older people.
Teenagers are prone to postural kyphosis, which is typically brought on by poor posture. It can be reversed and has nothing to do with spine structural issues. Postural kyphosis can be treated with exercises, postural correction, and back muscle strengthening. 
An aberrant spine curvature is caused by structural deformities such as congenital anomalies, Scheuermann's disease, osteoporosis, or spinal fractures. A few illustrations of structural kyphosis are as follows:
1. Scheuermann's Kyphosis
Scheuermann's illness, as was previously mentioned, is a specific kind of kyphosis characterised by abnormal spinal growth during adolescence, resulting in a rounded upper back.
2. Inborn Kyphosis
This kyphosis begins at birth and grows abnormally as the spinal vertebrae develop.
3. Kyphosis Brought On By Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis deteriorates bone strength and increases the risk of compression fractures. Multiple compression fractures in the spine can cause an increase in forward curvature and kyphosis.
4. Kyphosis Caused By Trauma
This kind of kyphosis may occur due to spine fractures or other injuries, which could cause the vertebrae to collapse or misalign.
Scheuermann's Disease Symptoms 
Some of the most typical Scheuermann's disease symptoms, also known as Scheuermann's kyphosis, are listed below:
1. Kyphosis
The characteristic feature of Scheuermann's disease is an abnormal forward curving of the upper back, which results in a rounded or slumped posture. It is readily apparent and can be mild to severe.
2. Pain In The Back
A lot of people, to varying degrees, are affected by Scheuermann's disease, which frequently manifests as upper back (thoracic) pain. The discomfort may be mild or even severe, and it may get worse with activity or after spending a lot of time sitting or standing.
3. Stagnancy And Less Flexibility
Scheuermann's illness can result in several symptoms due to aberrant spine curvature. It could be challenging to bend or twist the back as a result.
4. Tiredness
Due to spinal stress, people with Scheuermann's illness may grow tired or uncomfortable after exerting themselves physically for an extended amount of time or while maintaining an upright position.
5. Muscle Cramps
Muscle cramps in the back might occur infrequently and hurt or be uncomfortable.
6. Uneven Shoulders Or Prominent Shoulder Blades
Due to the curvature of the spine, the shoulders may appear unequal, with one being higher than the other. The shoulder blades can be seen if they are prominent.
In uncommon neurological situations, the spine's nerves may be compressed or irritated, resulting in symptoms including numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs. These neurological symptoms are less frequent, though.
The Disease Of Scheuermann Treatment 
Controlling symptoms, improving posture, and preventing the progression of the spine's curvature are the main objectives of treatment for Scheuermann's disease. Depending on the condition's severity and individual features, the course of therapy may alter. Here are some common medical remedies:
1. Monitoring And Observation
If symptoms are mild and the degree of spine curvature is not severe, a cautious observation strategy and routine checkups may be advocated in milder cases of Scheuermann's illness. This is particularly true if the individual's growth spurt has passed because the problem often stabilises with skeletal maturity.
2. Stretching And Exercise 
Physical therapy exercises can benefit posture, the strength of the back and core muscles, flexibility, and pain management. A physical therapist can design a personalised exercise programme appropriate for the patient's needs and guide proper body mechanics and postural awareness.
3. Pain Control
Scheuermann's disease-related pain and inflammation can be managed with over-the-counter medications. Before using a medicine, visit a doctor.
The Final Say 
Consider anti-inflammatory foods, consume enough calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones, and follow a nutrient-rich diet to promote general health. When offering tailored advice, dietary requirements, restrictions, and weight-control goals should be considered. 
A diet specialist can help optimise nutrition and increase general well-being even though nutrition cannot treat Scheuermann's disease. For further information, speak with the orthopaedic department at Bansal Hospital.
About Bansal Hospital
Bansal Hospital is a multispeciality hospital and is one of the leading, reputable and reliable healthcare providers trusted by patients and their families across the region. It has all the major departments, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, urology, liver transplant, bone marrow transplantation, nephrology, gynaecology and more. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology and has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and medical staff who provide round-the-clock care to the patient.
Visit Our Website
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ppttherapyppt · 1 year
Physical Therapy Clinic in New York City
What is Joint Stabilization?
Joint stabilization refers to the process of strengthening and supporting a joint to reduce excessive movement, prevent dislocation, and improve joint function. In the context of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) or other conditions associated with joint hypermobility or instability, joint stabilization techniques are often employed to address recurrent joint dislocations or subluxations.
There are different approaches to joint stabilization, depending on the specific joint involved and the severity of the instability. Here are some common methods used for joint stabilization:
Physical Therapy and Exercise: Physical therapy is crucial in joint stabilization. Therapeutic exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint, providing additional support and stability. This may involve targeted strengthening exercises, proprioceptive training (improving joint position sense), and neuromuscular retraining.
Bracing and Orthotic Devices: Braces or orthotic devices can be used to stabilize and support joints that are prone to dislocation or excessive movement. These devices are designed to limit the range of motion in the affected joint while providing external support. Examples include ankle braces, knee braces, wrist splints, or custom-made orthoses for specific joints.
Ligament Reconstruction: In cases where ligament laxity or weakness is the primary cause of joint instability, surgical ligament reconstruction may be considered. This involves repairing or reconstructing damaged or stretched ligaments to restore stability and prevent recurrent dislocations. The surgical technique and specific approach depend on the joint involved and the individual's needs.
Tendon Transfers: In certain situations, tendon transfers may be performed to reinforce the stability of a joint. This involves transferring a tendon from a less important muscle group to a location where it can provide additional support to the joint. The goal is to improve joint stability and function.
Arthroscopic Stabilization: Arthroscopic stabilization is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to address joint instability. It involves using small incisions and specialized instruments to repair or tighten the structures surrounding the joint, such as ligaments or capsules, to enhance stability.
The choice of joint stabilization method depends on factors such as the specific joint involved, the severity of instability, the overall health of the individual, and their treatment goals. A comprehensive evaluation by healthcare professionals, including orthopedic specialists or physical therapists experienced in managing EDS or joint instability, is essential to determine the most appropriate approach for joint stabilization.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Surgical
Surgical interventions may be considered in individuals with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) when conservative treatments have been ineffective or when there are specific complications that require surgical management. It's important to note that surgery in EDS patients can be challenging due to the increased risk of complications related to underlying connective tissue abnormalities. Therefore, careful evaluation and planning are crucial. Here are some surgical considerations for EDS:
Joint Stabilization: In some cases of EDS, individuals may experience recurrent joint dislocations or severe joint instability. Surgical procedures, such as ligament reconstruction or joint stabilization surgeries, may be considered to address the instability and provide additional support to the affected joints.
Spinal Surgery: EDS can be associated with spinal abnormalities, including spinal instability, spinal curvature (scoliosis or kyphosis), or Chiari malformation. Surgical interventions like spinal fusion, spinal decompression, or correction of spinal deformities may be required to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.
Skin and Wound Management: EDS can affect wound healing, leading to delayed healing, poor scar formation, and increased risk of wound complications. In cases where surgical incisions or wound closures are necessary, special techniques, such as careful suture selection and placement, may be employed to optimize wound healing and minimize the risk of dehiscence (opening of the wound).
Vascular Surgery: Some individuals with EDS, particularly those with vascular subtypes, may develop arterial or organ rupture or other vascular complications. In such cases, vascular surgical procedures may be necessary to repair or reinforce weakened blood vessels and prevent life-threatening complications.
Gastrointestinal Surgery: EDS can be associated with gastrointestinal abnormalities, such as hiatal hernias, gastrointestinal dysmotility, or bowel perforation. Surgical interventions may be considered to address these issues, such as hernia repair, bowel resection, or surgical management of intestinal strictures.
It's important to emphasize that surgical interventions in EDS require careful preoperative evaluation, appropriate surgical techniques, and close postoperative monitoring to minimize the risk of complications. A multidisciplinary approach involving experienced surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other healthcare professionals familiar
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verdani-s · 1 year
Screaming into the void because its funny
I just had a life changing surgery about a month ago
For backstory, I was born 5 weeks early aka dangerously early and, because of that I have quite a few birth defects. I have a weak heart valve, weak lungs, and a condition know as Charcu-Marie Tooth Syndrome. It’s essentially a syndrome that affects the legs and feet. It causes bone deformation and tendon tightening. It tends to also appear along side lower leg neuropathy and Scoliosis/Kyphosis (Scoliosis being a bent spine being bent to the left or right and Kyphosis being Front or back bending)
Anyways, a month ago I had a tendon lengthening procedure done on my Achilles heel. I got my casts off yesterday. I have some slight atrophy in my upper legs and hips, but other than that no side effects.
I just wanted to share that for my entire life, I have been walking on my toes. I’ve had back pain and leg pain nearly everyday and I have many days where I get home from school and pass out from exhaustion. Yesterday was the first day in nearly ten years that I’ve been able to walk on my heels. Not very well necessarily, but to be fair its been a hot second. My journey to figure out both my self and my body has been an incredibly freeing experience.
After being medically neglected for 10+ years and being able to free myself from my deformity had been an amazing endeavor and I can’t wait to continue the journey and be able to walk, exercise and everything else I’ve missed out on for my entire life.
A note that I do want to add on is this:
Regardless of where you cam from or who you are, everyone deserves to be able to function normal. If you believe something is inhibiting you from working or going to school, talk to friends and family, do research, talk to anyone who will listen. Creating a support group who will help you understand the problem and how to address is the first step in trying to help yourself.
Be kind to others. Be understanding of others.
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adoctorx · 10 days
Older adults, particularly those with a history of stooped or physically demanding work, are at higher risk for developing LDK. Lumbar degenerative kyphosis (LDK) is a spinal condition often seen in older people. It’s characterized by an abnormal forward curvature of the lower back due to degenerative changes in the spine’s bones and muscles. The condition often leads to lower back and leg pain, as well as a noticeable hunched posture. What causes lumbar degenerative kyphosis Lumbar degenerative kyphosis happens when the spine wears down with age. This wear and tear affects the discs and joints in the lower back, making them deteriorate. The muscles around the spine also weaken and get fatty. Several occupational factors can directly contribute to the development and progression of LDK. These include: Repetitive bending and stooping: Jobs or activities that require frequent bending or stooping can place excessive stress on the lumbar spine, leading to accelerated degenerative changes. Heavy lifting: Consistently lifting heavy objects, especially without proper body mechanics, can strain the spine and contribute to degeneration of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Prolonged imbalanced posture: Occupations that involve maintaining a non-ideal posture for extended periods, such as working on the ground in a hunched position, can directly affect the spine’s alignment and contribute to kyphotic changes. Manual labor: Engaging in manual labor that places significant physical demands on the lower back can increase the risk of developing LDK due to the repetitive stress and potential for injury to the lumbar spine. Symptoms of lumbar degenerative kyphosis  The symptoms of lumbar degenerative kyphosis include the following: Chronic back pain: persistent pain in the lower back Postural changes: noticeable forward bending or hunched posture Decreased mobility: difficulty in standing up straight or walking Muscle weakness: weakness and atrophy in the back muscles Fatigue: increased tiredness due to the extra effort required to maintain an upright position Nerve pain: pain or numbness in the legs caused by pinched nerves Treatment options for lumbar degenerative kyphosis The first-line treatment for LDK typically includes conservative approaches. These treatments focus on managing symptoms and improving the quality of life without surgery. The primary conservative treatments are: Exercise: Tailored strengthening and stretching exercises may enhance muscle support and flexibility. Physical therapy: In this therapy, you receive professional guidance on exercises, posture correction, and techniques to manage pain and improve mobility. Pain management: Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce pain and inflammation. Bracing: Wearing a back brace can provide additional support and help improve posture. Surgery is considered for people with severe symptoms like difficulty walking, constant pain, or serious posture problems that don’t get better with other treatments. Here are the most common types of surgery for LDK: Spinal fusion: This procedure joins two or more vertebrae to stabilize the spine and correct any deformity. It stops the painful movement and prevents further progression of kyphosis. Osteotomy: This surgery cuts and realigns bones to correct spinal deformities and restore proper alignment. Laminectomy: This decompression surgery removes a portion of the vertebra called the lamina to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerves, reducing pain and improving mobility. Research shows that measuring pelvic tilt while lying down (supine pelvic tilt or sPT) before surgery is important. If there’s a big difference between sPT and the pelvic tilt after surgery, it can lead to post-surgical problems. Properly assessing sPT helps doctors plan the surgery better and reduces the risk of complications.
Complementary therapies Several complementary therapies can be recommended for managing LDK. These therapies can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall quality of life: Chiropractic care: Manual adjustments can improve spinal alignment and reduce pain. Acupuncture: Inserting fine needles into specific points on the body can relieve pain and improve function. Massage therapy: Therapeutic massage can reduce muscle tension and improve circulation. Yoga: Yoga can help by enhancing flexibility, strength, and posture through various poses and breathing techniques. Tai chi: Tai chi may improve balance, flexibility, and strength with slow, controlled movements and deep breathing. Herbal supplements: Natural supplements may reduce inflammation and support overall health. (Consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplements.) Are treatments for LDK covered by insurance or Medicare?  Many health insurance plans, including Medicare, cover treatments for LDK if they’re deemed medically necessary. This often includes diagnostic imaging, physical therapy, medications, and surgical procedures. It’s always a good idea to verify coverage details with the specific insurance provider or Medicare to confirm what is included in your plan. ICD code for lumbar degenerative kyphosis In the ICD-10 coding system, lumbar degenerative kyphosis is classified under codes related to spinal deformities and degenerative changes. M40.00: kyphosis due to vertebral osteomyelitis (for kyphosis due to infection) M40.1: postural kyphosis (for kyphosis due to poor posture rather than degenerative changes) M40.8: other specified kyphosis (can be used for other forms of kyphosis not specified elsewhere) What should you avoid if you have lumbar degenerative kyphosis?  Here are the activities to avoid if you have lumbar degenerative kyphosis: heavy lifting high impact activities (for example, running and jumping) prolonged sitting or standing slouched, bent, or hunched posture positions incorrect exercises (for example, excessive bending or twisting) inadequate footwear ignoring pain Takeaway Lumbar degenerative kyphosis is a spinal condition in which the lower back curves in an abnormal way due to wear and tear. Managing LDK involves treatment, physical therapy, and avoiding activities that stress the spine, like heavy lifting and high impact exercises. Early treatment and careful planning for surgery, if needed, can improve results and quality of life. Hey kiddo! So, you know how sometimes we sometimes have to bend and lift things? Like when we pick up our toys or help Mom and Dad carry heavy boxes? Well, some people have jobs that make them do that a lot, like construction workers or gardening. Over time, their spines can get a little worn out like an old toy, and this can cause problems with their back and legs. Imagine having an extra heavy toy that we always have to carry around, and it's hard to move or walk because of how heavy it is! That's kind of what happens with a condition called lumbar degenerative kyphosis (it's a big name, isn't it?). It's when the spine in our lower back gets a little bit curved or bent, which can hurt and make it harder to move around. To make things easier, we can do some special exercises to strengthen our muscles and keep our backs straight. If it's really bad, sometimes we might even need to wear a special back brace to help straighten up. But don't worry, there are lots of things we can do to help! Like doing fun exercises and seeing a doctor if we need surgery. It's like getting a new toy that's easy to play with! Remember to always take care of your back and be gentle with your spine. Just like taking care of your toys, we can take care of our bodies!
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neurospinethane · 19 days
Understanding and Treating Spinal Deformities in Thane: A Comprehensive Guide
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Spinal health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, as the spine plays a vital role in supporting the body's structure and enabling movement. Unfortunately, many people suffer from spinal deformities that can significantly impact their quality of life. In Thane, medical advancements and specialized treatments have made it possible to address these conditions effectively. This article explores the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for spinal deformities, with a focus on the resources available in Thane.
What Are Spinal Deformities?
Spinal deformities refer to abnormal curvatures or misalignments of the spine. These deformities can occur at any age and may be congenital (present at birth), developmental (occurring during growth), or degenerative (related to aging). The most common types of spinal deformities include:
Scoliosis: A lateral (side-to-side) curvature of the spine.
Kyphosis: An excessive outward curve of the spine, leading to a hunched back.
Lordosis: An exaggerated inward curve of the lower spine, also known as swayback.
These conditions can cause pain, discomfort, and, in severe cases, respiratory and cardiovascular issues due to the compression of internal organs.
Causes and Risk Factors
Spinal deformities can arise from various causes, including:
Genetic Factors: Some spinal deformities, like scoliosis, can run in families.
Congenital Abnormalities: Defects in the spine's structure that are present at birth.
Growth Spurts: Rapid growth during adolescence can sometimes lead to the development of spinal deformities.
Degenerative Diseases: Conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis can lead to the gradual deterioration of the spine, resulting in deformities.
Injury or Trauma: Accidents or injuries to the spine can cause or exacerbate spinal deformities.
Symptoms of Spinal Deformities
The symptoms of spinal deformities can vary depending on the severity and type of the condition. Common symptoms include:
Back Pain: Persistent pain in the back or neck.
Uneven Shoulders or Hips: One shoulder or hip may appear higher than the other.
Visible Curvature: An abnormal curve in the spine that can be seen when bending forward.
Difficulty Breathing: In severe cases, spinal deformities can compress the lungs and make breathing difficult.
Fatigue: Muscular fatigue due to the body's effort to compensate for the spinal misalignment.
Diagnosing Spinal Deformities in Thane
If you suspect that you or a loved one has a spinal deformity, it’s crucial to seek medical advice. In Thane, several healthcare providers specialize in diagnosing and treating spinal conditions. The diagnostic process typically includes:
Physical Examination: A thorough examination by a spine specialist to assess posture, range of motion, and any visible signs of deformity.
Imaging Tests: X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans are used to get a detailed view of the spine’s structure and identify the extent of the deformity.
Treatment Options for Spinal Deformities in Thane
The treatment for spinal deformities depends on the type and severity of the condition. In Thane, patients have access to a variety of treatment options:
Observation and Monitoring: Mild cases of spinal deformities, especially in children, may require regular monitoring to ensure that the condition does not worsen.
Physical Therapy: Exercises and stretches designed to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine can help improve posture and alleviate pain.
Bracing: For moderate cases, especially in growing children, wearing a brace can help prevent the progression of the deformity.
Pain Management: Medications, injections, or other therapies may be recommended to manage pain and discomfort associated with spinal deformities.
Surgical Intervention: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the spinal curvature and prevent further complications. Advanced surgical techniques available in Thane, such as spinal fusion or the installation of rods and screws, can provide long-term relief and stability.
Choosing the Right Care in Thane
When dealing with spinal deformities in Thane, it's essential to choose a healthcare provider with expertise in spinal health. Look for clinics and hospitals that offer comprehensive care, including diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation services. The right specialist will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Spinal deformities can be challenging to live with, but with the right diagnosis and treatment, patients in Thane can find relief and improve their quality of life. Whether through non-invasive therapies or advanced surgical techniques, the medical community in Thane is well-equipped to address the complexities of spinal deformities. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to explore the best treatment options available.
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foolwife · 2 months
exercising has apparently really been helping my kyphosis/hunched back and im 2 inches taller now :) which means my height difference with bobby is smaller :(
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goodhealthgroupclinic · 2 months
From Pain to Performance: Myotherapy in Brighton East
Are you struggling with chronic pain or limited mobility? Myotherapy could be the solution you’ve been searching for. Specializing in the assessment, treatment, and management of musculoskeletal pain, myotherapists use a range of techniques to help you feel your best. If you're in Brighton East, finding a skilled myotherapist can make all the difference in your journey to optimal health and well-being.
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What is Myotherapy?
Myotherapy is a form of physical therapy that focuses on the assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and associated conditions. Originating from the Greek word “myo,” meaning muscle, myotherapy involves a hands-on approach to manipulate soft tissues, improve joint function, and enhance the body’s natural healing processes. Unlike general massage therapy, myotherapy incorporates a wider range of techniques including dry needling, trigger point therapy, and corrective exercises, tailored to address specific musculoskeletal issues.
Benefits of Myotherapy
Myotherapy offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve your quality of life:
Pain Relief: Effective in treating acute and chronic pain conditions such as lower back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain.
Improved Mobility: Helps restore movement and flexibility, particularly after an injury or surgery.
Enhanced Athletic Performance: Ideal for athletes looking to enhance performance and prevent injuries.
Stress Reduction: Promotes relaxation and reduces stress through therapeutic massage techniques.
Postural Correction: Addresses postural issues that can lead to long-term pain and discomfort.
By targeting the underlying causes of musculoskeletal pain, myotherapy not only alleviates symptoms but also helps prevent future injuries and conditions.
Common Conditions Treated by Myotherapists
Myotherapy can effectively treat a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to:
Sports Injuries: Strains, sprains, and muscle tears.
Chronic Pain: Conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Postural Issues: Kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis.
Repetitive Strain Injuries: Tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow.
Headaches and Migraines: Often caused by tension and muscular imbalances in the neck and shoulders.
Each treatment plan is customized to address the specific needs of the individual, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Choosing the Right Myotherapist in Brighton East
Selecting a qualified myotherapist in Brighton East is crucial for achieving the best results. Here are some tips to help you find the right professional:
Qualifications and Certifications: Ensure the myotherapist is accredited and has relevant qualifications from recognized institutions.
Experience: Look for a practitioner with extensive experience in treating conditions similar to yours.
Client Testimonials: Check reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction and success stories.
Personalized Approach: Choose a myotherapist who offers tailored treatment plans based on a thorough assessment of your condition.
Comfort and Communication: It’s important to feel comfortable and understood by your myotherapist, as this will enhance the effectiveness of your treatment.
In conclusion, myotherapy is a highly effective treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, offering pain relief, improved mobility, and overall wellness. If you’re in Brighton East and considering myotherapy, take the time to find a qualified and experienced myotherapist who can provide personalized care tailored to your needs. Don’t let pain hold you back—take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free life today.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact your local myotherapist in Brighton East.
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pilates-yoga · 2 months
Exercise to Fix Incorrect Posture
Maintaining good posture is crucial for overall health and well-being. Incorrect posture can lead to a host of issues, including back pain, neck strain, and even headaches. One of the most effective ways to address and correct poor posture is through Pilates. In Surat, the best Pilates studio and online Pilates classes offer comprehensive programs to help individuals improve their posture and overall physical health.
Understanding Posture and Its Importance
Posture refers to the alignment of the body parts supported by muscles and bones. Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit, and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments. Proper posture keeps bones and joints in correct alignment so that muscles are used properly, decreasing the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could result in arthritis.
Key Benefits of Good Posture:
Reduces Back and Neck Pain: Proper alignment reduces stress on the spine and muscles, minimizing discomfort and pain.
Improves Breathing: Correct posture allows the diaphragm to function effectively, enhancing respiratory efficiency.
Enhances Digestion: Proper alignment of the internal organs promotes better digestion.
Boosts Confidence: Good posture often makes one appear more confident and assertive.
Increases Energy Levels: Efficient muscle use leads to less fatigue and more energy.
Common Postural Problems
Several common postural issues can be addressed through Pilates:
Kyphosis: Excessive curvature of the thoracic spine, leading to a hunched back.
Lordosis: Excessive inward curvature of the lumbar spine, often referred to as swayback.
Scoliosis: A lateral curvature of the spine.
Forward Head Posture: Where the head juts forward, putting strain on the neck and shoulders.
Rounded Shoulders: Where the shoulders are hunched forward.
How Pilates Helps Correct Posture
Pilates is a low-impact exercise that focuses on strengthening the core muscles, which include the muscles of the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis. By targeting these muscles, Pilates helps improve overall body alignment and balance. The best Pilates studios in Surat and online Pilates classes provide tailored programs to address specific postural issues.
Core Principles of Pilates:
Concentration: Focus on each movement and the mind-body connection.
Control: Perform each exercise with control to ensure proper form and muscle engagement.
Centering: Strengthen the core, or "powerhouse," which is the foundation for all movements.
Flow: Move smoothly and gracefully from one exercise to the next.
Precision: Execute each movement with precision for maximum benefit.
Breath: Use breathing techniques to enhance muscle engagement and relaxation.
Best Pilates Studio in Surat
When searching for the best Pilates studio in Surat, it's essential to consider several factors, including the qualifications of the instructors, the variety of classes offered, and the overall environment of the studio. One highly recommended studio in Surat is Fitmotivation by Shilpa Narang. This studio is known for its professional and experienced instructors who provide personalized attention to each participant, ensuring they perform the exercises correctly and safely.
Pilates Point Surat Offers:
Tailored Programs: Personalized programs to address specific postural issues.
Qualified Instructors: Certified and experienced instructors who provide hands-on guidance.
State-of-the-Art Equipment: Modern Pilates equipment that enhances the effectiveness of exercises.
Holistic Approach: Integrative approach focusing on both physical and mental well-being.
Online Pilates Classes
For those who prefer the convenience of working out at home, online Pilates classes are an excellent option. Many reputable studios offer virtual classes that can be accessed from anywhere, allowing you to follow a structured Pilates program from the comfort of your home. These classes are often live-streamed, providing real-time feedback from instructors, or pre-recorded, giving you the flexibility to practice at your own pace.
Benefits of Online Pilates Classes:
Convenience: Practice from anywhere, at any time.
Variety: Access to a wide range of classes, from beginner to advanced levels.
Cost-Effective: Often more affordable than in-studio classes.
Accessibility: Ideal for those with busy schedules or limited access to local studios.
Recommended Online Pilates Platforms
Pilates Anytime: Offers a vast library of Pilates classes for all levels, taught by experienced instructors.
Glo: Provides Pilates, yoga, and meditation classes with a focus on holistic health.
The Pilates Class: Features live and on-demand classes with a variety of instructors and styles.
Effective Pilates Exercises for Posture Correction
Here are some specific Pilates exercises that can help correct common postural problems:
Pelvic Tilts: Strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles.
Cat-Cow Stretch: Improves flexibility in the spine and relieves tension.
Bridging: Strengthens the glutes and lower back while improving pelvic stability.
Plank: Enhances core strength and overall stability.
Chest Opener: Stretches the chest muscles and improves shoulder alignment.
Child's Pose: Stretches the back and promotes relaxation.
Creating a Consistent Pilates Routine
To achieve the best results in correcting posture through Pilates, consistency is key. Here are some tips for creating a consistent Pilates routine:
Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your Pilates practice, such as improved posture or reduced back pain.
Schedule Regular Sessions: Aim for at least 3-4 sessions per week, whether in-studio or online.
Track Progress: Keep a journal to note improvements in posture and overall well-being.
Stay Motivated: Join a community or find a workout buddy to keep you motivated and accountable.
Correcting poor posture is essential for maintaining overall health and preventing long-term issues. Pilates offers a holistic and effective approach to improving posture by strengthening the core, enhancing flexibility, and promoting better alignment. Whether you choose to join the best Pilates studio in Surat or take advantage of online Pilates classes, committing to a regular Pilates routine can lead to significant improvements in posture and overall physical health. Remember, the key to success is consistency and dedication to your practice.
Name: Fitmotivation By Shilpa Narang | Pilates and Yoga Studio in Surat
Instructor Name: Shilpa Narang
Contact No.: 093132 05520
Address: 401,402, AVADH ARENA, VIP Road, near SHYAM BABA MANDIR, above CROMA, Vesu, Surat, Gujarat 395007
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