#l. live with suga
for-yoongi0309 · 1 year
슈가🌟 started their LIVE : 방콕의 마지막 밤
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85 notes · View notes
ineedhaikyu · 6 months
Chapter Two
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Summary: Inarizaki vs Karasuno. Foxes vs Crows. A match between two powerhouses competing for the next slot in Nationals and while tensions were high, Karasuno’s ace couldn’t help but look forward to the upcoming match. Or rather he was looking forward to seeing her.
Word Count: 8.9K
Warnings: A long fic with a huge amount of fluff! Once again Asahi's anxiety will be mentioned. Conversations are prolonged between reader and Asahi in order to establish a well-meaning relationship. Brief description of reader's hair.
A/N: PART 2 to Glass-Hearted Ace!! A lot of people wanted a continuation so here it is!! I had so much fun writing this because I absolutely love the adorable craziness that goes on in Haikyu as well as spreading more love to our gentle giant. Let's keep spreading our Asahi love!!
3rd POV
Day 2 of Nationals. The second round has already begun with the first match of the day. It wouldn't be long for the next match to start. Karasuno vs Inarizaki. The atmosphere was filled with the same energy of anticipation and eagerness just as it was the other day though multiplied by a hundred.
As this was her third and final year in participating in the Spring Tournament, (L/N) (Y/N) felt confident enough to say she was calm and collected. (Y/N) smiled to herself when she compared her younger first-year self to now. Back then, she was such a nervous wreck. Always getting lost on her way to the restroom or the time she followed the wrong team to the WRONG gym. (It wasn’t her fault that the team wore the same maroon jackets. Good thing that happened in her first year otherwise Suna and the Miya twins would never live it down.)
(Y/N) shook those thoughts away and continued her way to the gym where her team was preparing for their match. She was only gone for a few minutes as she had to fill up the water bottles, but knowing the second-years (Y/N) knew it was only a matter of time before something happened. Luckily, the Karasuno volleyball team hadn't arrived yet when she left but perhaps they have already.
The familiar warm feeling returned at the thought of seeing Karasuno’s team. More specifically the team’s ace. Azumane Asahi. The same guy that caught her eye when he played volleyball. The same guy she met yesterday who saved her from getting hurt. The same guy that made her believe in the lyrics of all those love songs.
(Y/N) wanted to say she was a good judge of character and she had a good feeling about Asahi.
A sweet guy, every bit of a gentleman. Very cute too. Every time his soft brown eyes met with hers, she swore it reminded her of a cute puppy. His smile didn’t bring a few butterflies in her stomach… No. They brought a swarm. Each flap of their metaphorical wings gave her the shivers but the grin on her lips never left when she was with him. Even his hair played a part of her enchantment on him. It’s not often to see guys with long hair, but Asahi pulled it off amazingly well especially when he has it in a man bun. Despite his tough guy appearance, Asahi was a gentle giant with a glass heart. In the little time she knew him, (Y/N) hoped she was able to help him realize his self-worth.
God. It hasn’t been 24 hours and not once has Asahi left her mind. They texted each other last night for almost two hours. The conversation between them flowed so easily. Just like before, (Y/N) enjoyed talking to him. Not once had he made her uncomfortable. Quite the opposite actually.
The next morning she woke up early enough to do research on Karasuno’s team. While Inarizaki’s motto was: we don’t need the memories, (Y/N) couldn’t help but see how Karasuno was like from their past matches. They’re different from any other teams they’ve competed against. Besides, it was nice matching names with faces. Luckily, someone made ‘I’m Awesome’ videos of Karasuno’s starting lineup. She’ll admit whoever made these videos was good as they depicted amazing receives to jaw-dropping spikes.
She recognized Daichi, Suga, and Asahi immediately. Their libero, Nishinoya Yū, looked high caliber and so was their setter. She’ll keep her opinions to herself on Kageyama; she didn’t need Atsumu hearing her say that. They’ll have to keep a lookout on Karasuno’s #10, Hinata Shoyo. He’s on the short side considering he’s a middle blocker but judging by the video, the first-year is full of surprises.
Then again, the Inarizaki volleyball team has a few tricks up their sleeves too.
“Ah. Look, it's her!”
“(Y/N)- senpai!”
“Over here!”
The said manager snapped back to reality and was confronted by the usual crowd of fans in front of her. Inarizaki always show their pride with each event but with volleyball, they took it to another level. Then it doubled with the arrival of the Miya twins. Their popularity soared to new heights and as a result the marching band, cheerleaders, and several students took part in Nationals. Both a blessing and a curse.
The curse part? Well, as much as she loved her school’s support, the fangirls… Well…
“(Y/N)-senpai! Can you give this to Atsumu?!”
“Oh, please give these chocolates to Osamu! I made them last night!”
“(Y/N), is there any way I can get a picture with Suna? Please!”
Yeah… This was pretty much the usual for her but this time it was going too far. Girls ranging from first-years to third-years were blocking the entrance to the gym. She recognized some as fellow classmates but others she was almost positive they came from other schools. And they were all trying to catch a glimpse of their favorite player.
Despite the hectic scene in front of her, there were two girls that caught her attention.
One of them looked the same age as her with beautiful black hair that reached her shoulders and fair skin complexion except for the beauty mark underneath her lower lip. Her gray eyes seemed to sparkle behind her thin framed glasses. The other girl looked visibly younger with her petite frame and blonde hair that was styled with a star hair clip. Right away (Y/N) knew that the girl was a first-year. She could see the way the girl was trembling at the sight of the crowd.
They didn’t look like they were a part of the crowd, but they did look troubled. That’s when she noticed they were carrying water bottle carriers just like her. They must be the Karasuno team’s managers. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, (Y/N) decided to go talk to them.
The older girl noticed her first. She stepped in front of the blonde girl as if shielding her. (Y/N) didn’t let that get to her. Instead, she smiled and introduced herself.
“Hi. I’m (L/N) (Y/N). I’m the manager for the Inarizaki team. Are you two the managers for Karasuno?”
The two girls glanced at one another before nodding in unison.
“My name is Shimizu Kiyoko. Third-year.”
“I-I’m Y-Yachi H-Hitoka! F-First-year m-manager! I-It’s very n-nice t-to m-meet y-you!”
“Hey, there. No need to be scared of me. I’m just a manager, just like you.” (Y/N) tried her best to console the first-year’s anxious nature. It was almost like deja-vu with Asahi. “Are you excited for today?”
Kiyoko nodded, finally feeling at ease with her. “The team has worked hard to get to this point.”
“I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so nervous!” Hitoka added while trying to fan herself in order to cool down her face. “But the team is excited to play against the team that placed second place in the last Interhigh!”
(Y/N) raised an eyebrow. “You’ve done your research. I’m impressed. But don’t worry, we still have some tricks under our sleeves. We know we’re up against a great team.”
The Karasuno managers felt the same warm feeling coursing underneath their skin at the compliment.
“Does that mean you’ve done research on our team?” Kiyoko asked.
(Y/N) nodded. “Of course. I like to be prepared.” Her cheeks began to warm up when she thought of Karasuno’s ace. “You two have impressive players on the team. Are they in the gym?”
“Yes. They’re practicing right now. We went to get some water for the match when this happened.” Kiyoko gestured to the sea of girls in front of them.
“We tried to get through but they’re scary!” Hitoka was practically shaking in her shoes. “The first match is already playing their second set.”
“Man! I swear time flies around here. Come on, I’ll help you through.” (Y/N) gestured to the girls to follow her. “We can’t let our teams forget us.”
“Are you sure?” Kiyoko asked her. “We can find another way.”
(Y/N) shook her head and gave them a carefree grin. “This is the best way into the gym. Trust me, I’ll get us in there.”
“W-Why a-are you h-helping us?” Hitoka stuttered out. “A-Aren’t you scared of them?”
“Well us managers have to stick together, right? And trust me, after dealing with the Miya twins for a year, these girls don’t scare me.”
Taking her word for it, the pair of Karasuno managers followed her. As expected the crowd of girls showed no sign of parting, in fact, it has grown in number. Kiyoko and Hitoka were waiting for (Y/N) to politely ask the girls to move aside, like they did before, but the Inarizaki manager did something quite unexpected.
(Y/N) looked over her shoulder and smiled, “Cover your ears.”
The girls obeyed. Lucky for them. Unlucky for the fangirls.
Because (Y/N) let out the loudest whistle anyone had ever heard. A series of groans and shrieks were heard from the fangirls. Then they all had turned to face the managers.
“(Y/N)-senpai? What was that for?!” One of the fangirls that she recognized as an underclassman.
“Oh, come on guys. I warned everyone last time this would happen.” The manager told them, not an ounce of fear in her voice as she addressed the crowd.
“B-But we just want to see the twins practice!” A girl holding a hand fan with the words ‘Miya Twins’ on it. “We aren’t doing anything wrong.”
“The boys need to warm up. You’ll see them on the court. Do yourselves a favor and find good seats to watch and cheer from.”
“Aww but (Y/N)!” They complained.
“You guys know the rules. Now, please, let me and my friends,” She stepped aside to reveal her new manager friends, “get into the gym. We need to do our jobs as managers. Don’t make me tell Kita-san and have him ban all of you from watching practice matches in the future.”
At the mention of the serious captain and under the threat of closed practices, the fangirls dispersed quickly. Some had the sense to apologize and others wished them good fortune on the upcoming match.
“W-Wow.” Hitoka said in awe. “You knew exactly what to do. That’s amazing.”
Kiyoko agreed before asking, “Does this happen a lot?”
(Y/N) let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Yeah… They’re big fans of the team and they mean well but sometimes their excitement can take it too far. As Inarizaki’s manager, sometimes I feel responsible for their behavior.” She bowed her head and continued on. “I apologize on their behalf for any trouble they may have caused you two.”
The youngest manager out of the three was speechless at the older girl’s sincere words in her apology. They’ve only known the Inarizaki manager for like ten minutes but she proved herself to them that she’s a kindhearted yet self-assured person. One look at her senpai and Yachi knew that they were thinking the same thing.
What Yachi didn’t know, Shimizu was smiling for a different reason. Yesterday, she accidentally overheard her fellow third-years talking. She didn’t mean to listen in and she was about to leave when the topic of the conversation caught her attention. Apparently, a girl caught her friend Asahi’s eye. A girl from the Inarizaki team that, according to Suga, sounded like the perfect girl for her anxious friend. So when the girl’s name came up, (Y/N), Shimizu wanted to see for herself what the girl was like.
Now that she has, Shimizu can see how and why Asahi would fall for her.
“Don’t apologize,” Kiyoko finally spoke up and offered the girl a kind smile. “Sometimes, these things happen.”
“You sure? I mean, this might happen again when we have to go into the main gym. There are some fans of the Miya twins that can be a bit… Fierce. If you want, I can help out. It’s no trouble at all.”
Kiyoko shook her head. “It’s okay, (Y/N). We can handle it. Right, Hitoka-chan?”
The first-year nodded eagerly. “Yeah! We’ll be okay. The guys on our team can be scary too. Ah! I need to tell the team that the first match is already in the second set. It was very nice to meet you!”
The third-year managers watched in amusement as she scurried into the gym. (Y/N) smiled before facing Kiyoko. She offered her hand for a handshake and said, “I know it’s customary for players to shake hands before and after the match, but I do it too with the managers. Let’s have a good game.”
Kiyoko took her hand and squeezed. “May the best team win. No hard feelings, right?”
(Y/N) laughed and nodded. “I like you, Shimizu, but yeah, no hard feelings at all.”
“Please call me Kiyoko.”
~Meanwhile inside the gym, ten minutes earlier~
‘Where is she?’ Asahi thought as his eyes searched the other side of the court. ‘Is she hiding from me? Did he say something that scared her away? What if he creeped her out last night when they texted each other?’
“Yo Asahi!” Suga’s energetic voice scared him back to reality. “Are you looking for someone?”
He didn’t miss his friend’s teasing tone that laced his words nor the way his eyes shined in amusement. Leave it to Suga to tease the hell out of him. Last night, for example, was too much. Even after he told his friends about his time with the Inarizaki manager, Suga still wanted to know everything, down to the last detail. Luckily, Daichi took pity on him and reeled Suga back on a somewhat normal level of interrogation.
But that didn’t mean he was going to drop the subject completely.
“I can’t find (Y/N).” He admitted to his friend. “Have you seen her?”
“Hmm. Not yet. But I wouldn’t worry too much. Her team’s here so I’m sure she’s somewhere around here. She’s their manager after all.” Suga clapped his shoulder. “But if you really want to know where (Y/N) is, why don’t you go ask her teammates?”
Suga pointed to the nearby Inarizaki members that were practicing their spikes. He recognized the Miya twins and Inarizaki’s ace, Ojiro Aran. And while he saw how they played from previous matches last night, it didn’t ease the anxiety clawing its way around his heart. It also didn’t help when one of the wing spikers turned the set into a powerful spike. The impact of the ball being slammed to the floor echoed throughout the gym.
Just the very action scared Suga’s suggestion out the window. There was no way he was going over there and ask about their manager! If they were anything like Tanaka or Nishinoya, then he’ll be ripped to shreds.
“N-No way!” He stuttered out a reply and waved his hands in front of him. The slight blush on his face was becoming more visible by each second. “But I’m worried. What if something happened to her?”
“Her who?” Daichi asked as he came up from behind them. “What’s going on?”
Suga answered before he could. “Well, our dear old ace here, is worried that his crush is somewhere out there dying without him knowing. And he’s too scared to ask her friends where she is.”
Karasuno’s captain chuckled and patted Asahi on the back. “Quit worrying. I know you saved her yesterday, but this isn’t a little girl you’re talking about. She can hold her own. After all, this isn’t her first time here in Nationals.”
“See, Asahi?” Suga, clearly amused by this whole conversation, told him. “There’s nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t be surprised if she walked through those gym doors right now.”
He pointed to the entrance and they followed it only to see a swarm of girls trying to catch a glimpse inside the gym.
“You mean those doors?” He asked his friend. “They look ready to burst in here.”
“Who are they?” Daichi asking the question everyone was wondering.
“Judging by the hand fans, I think they’re fans of the Miya twins. They must be really popular to have this many. That’s annoying.” Suga muttered the last part with a pout.
“Can anyone get through?” Asahi wondered as he avoided eye contact with the girls. Something about them unnerved him somehow even if they wore bright smiles and loud cheers. “They look vicious.”
“They’re fans, not witches.” Daichi stated. “I’m sure they’re nice. After all, they're showing their support to their team.”
“Let it go, Daichi. Asahi is only like this because he misses his dream girl.” Suga jested. “He’s going into withdrawal.”
“I was just hoping to see her. She texted me-”
“Woah! Woah! Texted?! When did this happen?” asked Suga, his eyes wide with this new information. “You’re at the texting-each-other stage?!”
“Was that who you were texting last night?” Daichi asked him.
“What?!” Suga exclaimed. “Daichi, why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were asleep and I was tired.” The captain defended. “And it isn’t my business who Asahi texts. He’s old enough to make his own decisions… That being said, what did you guys talk about?”
“You didn’t tell her our secret weapons, did you?” Suga whispered his question, referring to all the tricks they perfected in the past few months.
“(Y/N) isn’t like that, Suga. She didn’t squeeze any information out of me. We picked up where we left off and talked about normal stuff. We thought it was better than to talk about the match between our schools.”
“And what did you guys text about?” The vice captain pressed, eager to know more.
For some reason, Asahi couldn’t help but recall how he initiated the conversation with the pretty manager from Inarizaki. Actually it was more like he couldn’t believe he was texting with (Y/N) last night. It felt unreal, like a dream. After reading her note, he remembered how hard his heart was beating and how warm his cheeks grew.
Ever since she mentioned it in her note, admitting how he made her nervous, Asahi took some comfort that he can do the same to her and vice versa.
Though, she did prove herself to be bravely spontaneous when she wrote the note and after texting with her last night, he hoped he could do the same. One of his many concerns since starting high school was that girls in his class were always disappointed after finding out his timid personality didn’t match his physical appearance. He’ll never forget the time when one of the girls called him a wuss. It was years ago but the girl’s remark was like a stab wound in the back. It healed over time but it still made its mark on his self-image.
Luckily, (Y/N) wasn’t like any of the girls in his class. She’s so kind when she bought him a shirt as a gift. She’s so understanding when she patiently listened to his problems. She showed compassion when she offered some advice to help ease the anxiety that almost suffocated him. Then there was that beautiful confidence she had in herself. He liked that about her and while he just met (Y/N) yesterday, he wanted to prove to her that he can be confident too.
That’s why he’s been looking for her. He wanted to be the first to greet her. It might not seem like a big deal to others, but it was to him.
‘Baby steps,’ He thought when he was second-guessing himself. ‘What was that saying? Rome wasn’t built in a day. Well, that applies here too. Bit by bit, confidence will grow.’
“Asahi? Earth to ace?”
“You zoned out there for a second.” A smirk appeared on Suga’s face. “Must be quite a conversation you had with her. Wouldn’t you say Daichi?”
It was always nerve-wracking to have both Daichi and Suga tease him. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if the captain joined in on the teasing. But to his surprise, Daichi clapped him on the back causing him to huff a bit under his breath.
“Well, I think (Y/N) is the kind of girl that can make our dear ace invincible. Make sure to show what you’re made of during this match.”
“Yeah!” Suga encouraged, his hand clapping the ace’s free shoulder. “Let her see how awesome you are on the court.”
“No pressure or anything.” Daichi added, his smile matching Suga’s teasing grin.
“None at all!” Suga piped in. “Just remember she’ll be watching you when it’s your turn to serve. Don’t mess up!”
“You guys aren’t helping!” He yelled at his friends. His face burned in embarrassment.
Daichi and Suga laughed but before anyone could say another word that could cause further humiliation for the ace, Asahi’s saving grace came in the form of their first-year manager running into the gym. He thanked whatever deity who was watching over this episode that spared him from further teasing from his friends.
“The first match is in the middle of their second set.” Hitoka informed them.
Daichi nodded and clapped his hands together. In a loud voice, he announced, “Alright, guys. Let’s get into our uniforms.”
Following the captain's orders, Asahi grabbed his alternate orange jersey and placed it over a nearby chair. He looked across the gym and saw the Inarizaki players putting on their uniforms as well. Still no sign of (Y/N).
“Hitoka-chan, wasn’t Shimizu with you?” Suga asked.
The first-year nodded. “We made a new friend just now. She helped us out when we couldn’t get into the gym. I think she’s still talking to her by the doors.”
Asahi tuned out their conversation as he took off his shirt. In his head, he had to concentrate on calming down his nerves. The scariest moments of his life played like an endless nightmare. Like the time when he was a kid and he had to show his parents the bad grade on his report card. Or the time he wanted to pet the neighbor’s puppy but ended up getting chased by the puppy’s mother. Or how Date Tech’s iron wall blocked every single spike; shaking him to the core so much that he temporarily stopped playing volleyball.
The whirlpool of anxiety and dread arrived on schedule in his stomach. Was it getting harder to breathe? Was the air getting warmer? Or was he getting colder? Yeah, no. He was definitely getting colder. His hands felt like a block of ice. Was he this nervous during the Shiratorizawa match? Probably. He made a mental note to trace 人 on his hand, hoping it was enough to settle down his nerves.
He threw his jersey on and was just about to fix his loose hair strands when he heard a familiar laugh coming from the entrance. He looked up to see Kiyoko laughing along with another girl. It was only a glance, a quick one, when he did a double take. He couldn’t believe it.
(L/N) (Y/N), the girl that caused his brain cells to go on a roller coaster ride, was standing there in all her beauty.
She was having a conversation with Kiyoko and by the looks of it, she must have said something funny because it made his usual shy and quiet manager laugh a little. Now he was 100% convinced that (Y/N) had a natural aura that eased people on friendly terms if she was able to hold an amiable conversation with Kiyoko.
Not to mention her smile that complimented her eyes that seemed to shine in excitement. Or how her hair was styled a bit different from yesterday. This time her hair was pinned back from her face with two small side braids connected together where it fell in rhythm with the rest of her hair. It looked cute on her, lovely even. Should he mention that to her or would that be too weird?
“Ow!” Asahi turned around to find the culprit who slapped the (for lack of a better word) living shit onto his back. Nishinoya didn’t have an ounce of shame or regret in his eyes. Quite the opposite actually as the libero was smiling ear to ear. “Nishinoya? What was that for?”
With no remorse, the second-year player ignored the question and asked several of his own. “That’s her, right? The Inarizaki manager? The one who’s talking to Kiyoko-san? The girl you like?”
He could feel his ears begin to burn. “H-How did you know?”
“That’s not important.”
Asahi begged to differ as he thought it made a world of difference now that Nishinoya knows about his crush.
With his arms crossed in front of his chest, the libero continued, “What are you doing standing here? Go over there and talk to her! Be a man!”
“I-It’s not that simple. I need to build myself up before I talk to her. And then I need to think of a topic that we can talk about. Then what type of questions I should ask-”
“Oh come on Asahi! You have to stop acting like a cowardly wimp. Man up and go! She’s right there!”
“J-Just give me a second and I will.”
Nishinoya was just about to retort back when he realized something. This was the first time Asahi was nervous, visibly and mentally, for a girl. Well, scratch that. Asahi was always nervous around girls but this was the first time he seemed to actively try to impress someone. Like the way he repeatedly made sure his jersey was tucked in, double-knotted his shoelaces, and double-checked his hair was safely tied in his usual bun.
So he did what any good friend would do. “You look great, Asahi.”
With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, the ace stood up straight. “You think so?”
“Personally, I don’t care about what other people think about my looks.”
Asahi physically deflated at those words. If only he could borrow some of his friend’s confidence.
“But then again I’m awesome.”
The ace couldn’t argue with that one. But before he could wallow in a pool of anxiety and dread, the libero’s next words saved him from drowning. Along with a strong slap on the shoulder that could echo throughout the gym.
“You’re awesome too. You’re the ace of our team. Take pride in that.”
Asahi took his friend’s words to heart as he stood up a bit straighter. He glanced up to look at (Y/N) who looked breathtaking while wearing her maroon Inarizaki jacket. If only she wore a black Karasuno jacket… He could just imagine the alternate dimension where she could have been a classmate, a close friend, or even something more.
“I… I don’t want to mess this up, Noya.”
Concerned, Nishinoya asked, “How would you mess up?”
“I don’t know! Anything could happen. With my luck, I could trip over myself in front of her. I want to be confident and go over to her and say hi-””
“Alright. Then let’s go.”
Asahi’s mind froze. “What?”
“You heard me. Let’s do what you said and walk up to your girlfriend-”
“She’s not my girlfriend!”
Nishinoya rolled his eyes but the grin on his face showed no sign of leaving. “Fine. The girl you wish to be your girlfriend. We’ll go together. You’ll say hi and introduce me to her because I want to know what kind of girl makes you act this way.”
Asahi could feel his face turning red. “Okay, let’s go. But please don’t say anything embarrassing. Daichi and Suga did enough of that yesterday.”
His friend laughed loudly before slapping his shoulder. “You really need to grow a backbone off the court, especially if you want to impress your crush. But don’t worry, I have your back.”
(Y/N) felt as if she met her long-lost sister through Karasuno’s manager. Kiyoko definitely could relate to the ups and downs that comes with managing a group of boys (especially rowdy second-years). But she admired her commitment. Being a third-year, specifically attending Nationals, it was their last chance to help their respective team to make it to the top.
“So, how are you feeling about being here?” She asked as they sat down on a nearby bench. They still had time before the ongoing match ended. Why not take the opportunity and spend time with her new friend?
“It’s unreal. Sometimes it feels like a dream. A lot of people doubted us since we were a forgotten powerhouse. We were devastated when we lost in the third round of the Interhigh to Aoba Johsai. Our only chance to get to Nationals was to win all our matches.”
“Woah, I can only imagine the pressure your team had on their shoulders. More so on the third-years.” She took a chance to look for Asahi. Her eyes automatically found him and she couldn’t help but smile. It looked like he was having a conversation with the libero. “How did you guys manage all that?”
Kiyoko shrugged her shoulders but she had a faint smile before answering, “It was rough. But we didn’t want to give up on volleyball. Not when there was a chance to make it here. It was a risk. Our advisor warned us third-years to take our future into account before we made our decision.”
“And now you guys are here! I have to give you and your team respect, Kiyoko.”
Kiyoko laughed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thanks. It’s been a journey and we’re ready to play against the best.”
“Trust me the feeling is mutual.”
“Speaking of feelings,” Kiyoko began with a teasing tone. “I’ve heard there’s a guy on my team that caught your eye.”
(Y/N) let out a nervous laugh as she looked away. “He told you?”
“Not directly but Daichi and Suga weren’t exactly keeping it down about it. Asahi is usually quiet. But he sounded happy when he talked about you. I think you helped him in more ways than one because I’ve never heard him sound so confident.”
“Really?” She couldn’t help but smile widely. “You're not just saying that, are you?”
Kiyoko shook her head. “I don’t know what you told him but it looks like he took it to heart.”
“I just spoke the truth. He helped me so it’s only fair that I helped him too. He’s a gentle giant that needs a boost in confidence.”
“Do you like him?”
“Well… It’s too soon to tell but I think so. Asahi is not like any other guy I’ve met. I just want a chance to get to know him more and vice versa.”
“So like a date before the actual date?”
“Exactly!” It was like Kiyoko and her were on the same wavelength. “Is that too weird? Or is it stupid? I mean, I just met him yesterday and so far he seems like a great guy but like… I’m nervous. He makes me nervous and… Shoot. I’m sorry for rambling.”
“Hey, it’s reasonable to think and feel that way. Take it from me, Asahi really is a good guy. He can be a scaredy-cat sometimes and can be insecure about a lot of stuff but he really means well.”
“I saw that side of him yesterday. He’s the type to shoulder all the blame, isn’t he?” (Y/N) asked.
Kiyoko nodded. “He’s still our ace and he’s been working harder than ever to prove it.”
(Y/N) remained silent, taking in all the information Kiyoko told her. She looked for Asahi again and smiled when she saw him getting clapped on the shoulder by the libero.
“Does that bother you?” Kiyoko asked, a hint of worry in her voice.
Confused, (Y/N) furrowed her brow before asking, “What do you mean?”
“Does it bother you that Asahi is the ace but he doesn’t have an ace-like presence?”
While Kiyoko hated asking the question she believed it was an important one. Girls can be ruthless. She heard the gossip from other girls and how they talk about Asahi behind his back. Calling him a wimp or how he was a part of a gang. As Asahi’s friend, she felt it was her responsibility to see if the girl he has a crush for is actually genuine in her feelings towards him. Because as much as she enjoyed (Y/N)’s company, Kiyoko will choose to defend Asahi over her.
“Should that be important? If anything, it goes to show how different Asahi is. When I saw him play yesterday, I knew he was an amazing ace but when I talked to him and got to know him… I saw a guy who’s not ashamed to admit his insecurities and who’s not scared to admit his feelings. I respect that. And after what you told me of what you guys have gone through, I know Asahi will show his self-worth on the court and show everyone why he’s the ace. So who cares that he doesn’t have the traditional personality of an ace? I think he’s already brave.”
Kiyoko smiled at her. That was the answer she’s been hoping for and (Y/N) delivered it. Her (E/C) eyes matched the conviction in her voice and Kiyoko loved it. Not to mention, the timing was absolutely perfect and she thanked the gods that (Y/N) didn’t notice the two people behind her.
Oh god. She could feel her heart falling to her stomach when she heard her name in that deep voice that made her feel everything all at once. Her face became warm in seconds and she didn’t dare move an inch. It wasn’t until Kiyoko let out a small cough that brought her from cloud nine back to the gym.
(Y/N) took a moment to center herself before turning around to see Asahi. His chocolate brown eyes met hers and she swore the butterflies from her stomach danced between her ribs.
“A-Asahi-san! Hey!”
She quickly stood up, a bit too fast as she accidentally knocked her team’s water bottles out of the carrier. Embarrassed, (Y/N) fell to her knees and grabbed the nearest bottle.
“S-Sorry about this.” (Y/N) didn’t dare look up as she already embarrassed herself in front of her crush and his friends.
“N-No! Don’t apologize. It was an accident.” Asahi kneeled, grabbing the last bottle before handing it to her. His breath hitched ever so softly when her fingertips touched his hand. It was as if the rest of the gym faded away. Being so close to (Y/N), he saw how her eyes were beautiful as he remembered. He swore it was no trick of the light that her eyes seemed to shine like stars in the night sky.
(Y/N) felt so self-conscious about how close she was to Asahi. She hoped she looked okay in his eyes. Usually she wouldn’t care so much on how she looked, but the idea was thrown out the window when she met Karasuno’s ace. His long hair was once again in a bun but this time it was neatly in place, a perfect bun any woman or man could be jealous of. The small scruff of facial hair on his chin suited him very well, giving him a sort of wild, intimidating appearance.
But she knew better because Asahi was an adorable giant with a large and gentle heart. If she was being honest, his presence was like springtime coming to wash away winter’s snow. His warmth was… Indescribable.
How was it possible for him to be that handsome yet so adorable at the same time?
The moment was interrupted when someone cleared their throat. Loudly. (Y/n) looked up to see the libero, Nishinoya, with a large grin. His eyes were bright with excitement and amusement. She can immediately tell that this guy was the mischievous and energetic type. As they stood up, she could have sworn she saw Asahi blush.
“(Y/N), this is my friend Nishinoya Yū. He’s a second-year and the libero of our team.”
While he maintained a normal composure, Asahi was mentally beating himself up. ‘Why would you say that?! She’s a volleyball manager!! Of course, she knows that Nishinoya is a libero! She has eyes. She can see that he’s wearing a different color jersey! Asahi, you’re such an IDIOT!’
While the ace was mentally berating himself, (Y/N) formally introduced herself to his friend. During her introduction, Nishinoya could only gawk. When he heard from Suga and Daichi about his friend Asahi finally having a lucky break encounter with a girl, he couldn’t be happier for the ace. And it didn’t take a genius to see how hard Asahi fell for her.
“By the way, I’ve watched those ‘I’m Awesome’ videos.” (Y/N) brought up and immediately caught the attention from both boys. “That match with Shiratorizawa when you made a double save against Ushijima was so cool. It was so amazing that I had to replay it like five times. I even showed it to our own libero and he literally took my phone out of my hands.”
Nishinoya beamed. “Really?”
His chest swelled up with pride and the thought of another libero studying his techniques was just the icing on the cake, but to have a pretty girl, like (Y/N), praise his skills… Well that’s the cherry on top. He liked her already.
“And Asahi, you were amazing too. The way you were able to smash through Shiratorizawa’s defenses was unreal!”
The warm and fuzzy feeling from his chest exploded and it was as if all the heat rushed to his face. Asahi was sure his whole face was red. He tried to stammer out a reply but Nishinoya beat him to it.
“I know right!” He slapped Asahi’s shoulder repeatedly. “He went head to head against one of the best aces in the country and helped lead our team to victory. We wouldn’t be here without him.”
“T-That’s not t-true-”
“Of course it is!” Nishinoya looked back at the girl who was chuckling at their interaction. “Ignore that. He’s so humble whenever someone compliments him.”
Her eyes met Asahi’s and gave him a knowing smile. Although this was her second encounter with Karasuno’s ace, (Y/N) noticed the trend of Asahi’s friends building him up and teasing him at the same time. She had to stop herself from laughing at the lack of subtlety amongst them. Still, it was cute to see Asahi this way.
“Well,” (Y/N) began, her hand casually tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Asahi was listening intently. “Then I bet this next compliment is going to be unbearable because I thought you looked great during that match. It makes me wish I was there to see you guys play live.”
Nishinoya grinned. “Don’t worry, (Y/N)-san. You won’t be disappointed with our match. Asahi, here, will make sure of that. Right, Asahi? Oh, did I mention how-”
Kiyoko, who was silently watching the entire interaction, noticed the slight panic in Asahi’s eyes. She knew the libero means well but there were times he can take things a bit too far.
“Nishinoya, can you help carry this for me?”
“Anything for you, Kiyoko-san! I’ll follow you forever!”
Asahi was about to stutter out his friend’s name when he saw Kiyoko give a little head gesture towards (Y/N), subtle enough so she wouldn’t see it.
‘This is your chance, Asahi.’ That was the message she was telling him as Kiyoko led Nishinoya away. ‘Don’t mess up.’
“So, um, (Y/N)? H-How are you? You know, with everything?” Asahi could feel the goosebumps traveling up and down his arms at how cringy he felt.
The dark cloud of self-doubt and worry that plagued Asahi this morning has evaporated into thin air the moment she smiled at him. How was she able to put him at ease like that?
“So far, so good. I'm a bit nervous for today. Not the bad kind of nervous but the excited kind, you know?”
Asahi nodded as he knew exactly the feeling (Y/N) was talking about. He was feeling it right now! “I know that feeling very well. I feel it almost everyday.”
(Y/N) chuckled before replying, “At least, you’re honest, Asahi. Most guys usually lie about their feelings.” She glanced back at her own team where she saw Atsumu arguing with his twin, probably over something stupid.
“Well someone did tell me that it wasn’t a bad thing to express my feelings. I’m just following her good advice.”
The smile she gave him was like no other to know that Asahi was really taking her words to heart. Words can’t describe how happy this made her nor the warm feeling she felt stir in her chest.
“So, are you ready to play against us?” (Y/N) asked the ace in an effort to keep the conversation going. “Because we’ve been looking forward to this match.”
“It’s a bit nerve-racking that we’re playing against the team that placed second in the Inter-High. You have great players on your team.”
(Y/N) waved her hand in dismal with a shake of her head. “Oh don’t let that rattle you, that was yesterday.” Her school’s motto rings true in her words. “Besides, I’ve done my research. Karasuno isn’t like it was before. Your team has cool players too and that includes you. All you can do today is challenge yourself.”
Asahi couldn’t help but smile at her. “You’re just full of good advice, aren’t you?”
She beamed while tossing her hair over her shoulder in a joking manner. “I’d like to think so. But seriously, Asahi,” Her hand gently touched his bicep and Asahi didn’t shrink away. “How are you really feeling?”
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes looking up to him, patiently waiting for his response.
“I haven’t told anyone so d-don’t make fun of me but… I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“I’m scared of failing. I’m scared to drag the team down. I’m scared to lose the trust my team has in me as the ace. I mean, I’ve watched the Inarizaki clip last night and I can’t help to compare-”
Asahi stopped talking when he felt a pair of warm hands wrap around his cold ones. The blush from before came back in full force. (Y/N)’s hands were small and so soft compared to his yet it was enough to calm his fast beating heart. With her holding his hands, it reminded Asahi of the time when Kiyoko held Suga’s hands during the fifth set of the Shiratorizawa match. He remembered how he, Daichi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka became jealous towards the vice captain. Now he was in Suga’s position and with (Y/N) holding his hands, Asahi understood the feelings Suga went through that day.
“Listen to me, Asahi, what you’re feeling right now… That’s normal, okay? You’re not the first ace to feel this way and even if you are the first that just goes to show how considerate you are to your teammates. I can tell you worked hard and you have skilled, trustworthy teammates. That’s why you’re here in Nationals, remember? You earned your spot on the team as the ace and I understand you carry a burden on your shoulders, but you’re not alone. You have your team with you.”
Asahi opened his mouth but no words came out. It was as if (Y/N) took his ability to talk. He felt enlightened in a way. He was pushed so much in the darkness by his own self-doubt, anxiety, and worry that he almost missed the ray of light that gave him hope.
“You with me, Asahi? I didn’t lose you, did I?” (Y/N) questioned, giving his hands a small squeeze. “Or did I say something wrong?”
“Oh! Sorry! No! I mean- Yes! I mean-”
(Y/N) chuckled. “Breathe, Asahi. There’s no need to be nervous. It’s just me. No one special.”
He shook his head. “That’s not true. At least, not to me.”
She blinked. Then blinked twice. Three times. When she realized that she hadn’t misheard him, she swore those butterflies in her stomach made their way to her chest and danced around her heart. The feeling never went away when he met her eyes. His brown eyes took her breath away while melting her heart at the same time.
Still, she wasn’t expecting Asahi to say that and judging by the obvious blush on his cheeks Asahi wasn’t either. Well, two can play at that game.
“Oh? I’m someone special to you? When we only met yesterday? If I didn’t know better, I would say you’re falling for me.”
Asahi felt his Adam's apple bob up and down. He was used to teasing by his friends and the second-years but never before has he felt like this. Wait a minute… Was this teasing or flirting? He hoped for the latter because he didn’t want it to stop.
“What if I am?” He asked, his confidence growing with every word. “Would it be a bad thing?”
(Y/N) smiled widely. “I… I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
Asahi felt his heart soar to new heights at this. Any anxiety he had began to slowly fade away. His hands were no longer cold but he wasn’t going to stray away from (Y/N)’s touch.
However, the universe thought differently.
“Hey. Do you mind not holding hands with my manager?”
(Y/N) grunted when she felt a strong arm swing over her shoulders. Even without looking, she could tell who it was. The same person who had no problem starting a confrontation with anyone. Not even his twin brother.
“Atsumu.” She warned, letting go of Asahi’s hands, hoping this action would relieve the tension her setter placed around them.
The blond-haired twin kept the same annoying smirk as he met his manager’s eyes. He knew that look very well as he was always on the receiving end of it.
“What?” He asked innocently. “I’m just looking out for you, (Y/N)-senpai. You’re our precious manager after all. Now, is this guy messing with you?”
(Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes while counting to ten in order to calm down. She could only imagine how this must look.
“He’s not. This is Asahi and he’s my friend. We were just talking before the match began. Asahi, this is Miya Atsumu. He’s the setter-”
“Star setter.” Atsumu interrupted as he shook Asahi’s hand, gripping it hard. “An All-Japan Training Camp setter.”
Confused but feeling bold, Asahi matched the twin’s grip strength. He took a tiny bit of satisfaction when Atsumu grimaced the tiniest bit.
(Y/N) raised her brow at them but shook it off. “Sorry about him. He can be a bit much. Anyways, Atsumu, Asahi is Karasuno’s ace. We watched their match yesterday, remember?”
Atsumu gave him an unimpressed look before shaking his head. “Not really. He must have not made a good impression for me to remember. I don’t remember players who suck-”
He was cut off by (Y/N)’s sharp elbow to his stomach. “What was that for, (Y/N)-san?!”
“That’s for lying!”
“I wasn’t lying!”
“Just yesterday you told me he made a lot of great plays. Not to mention, you praised his service ace.”
Atsumu could feel himself blush a little when his manager caught him in his lie. “I… I don’t remember.” When lying doesn’t work, denying is the second best option.
She rolled her eyes while pushing the setter’s head down, forcing him to bow with her. “Sorry about him. He can be incredibly insensitive at times.”
Atsumu twisted his head to look at his manager, quietly struggling underneath her surprisingly strong grip. “No, I’m not!”
(Y/N) sighed before letting go and ignored the glare Atsumu gave her. Instead, she focused on Karasuno’s ace. “I wish we can talk more, Asahi but I need to get the team ready before the match. But I’m glad we had the chance to catch up.”
“Yeah, me too.” He smiled at her, much to Atsumu’s displeasure. “Can we talk later?”
The manager grinned and was just about to answer when she felt a strong tug on her arm before getting dragged away. “Hey, Atsumu! What the he-”
“You said it yourself.” Atsumu pointed out. “You need to help get the team, our team, ready. Let’s go.”
(Y/N) yanked her hand back and gave Atsumu a glare before he could utter a complaint. “Atsumu, be a dear and take this,” She placed the water bottle carrier in his hands. “I’ll be right behind you.”
“But- I, er, we need you. Remember, there’s that thing… That important thing…” His eyes gestured to his hands.
To anyone who didn’t know the Inarizaki setter very well, it may have sounded like there was something urgent she, as the manager, had to do. But (Y/N) knew Atsumu and she almost wanted to laugh at the desperation in his voice. This happened every single time before a match. It was obvious that Atsumu didn’t want to admit his problem in front of Asahi, who had a confused look on his face.
“The stuff is in my bag, inside the small pocket. Just don’t use too much like last time.”
“Yes!” Atsumu fist-pumped before running back to the rest of the Inarizaki team, forgetting the reason he came over in the first place.
(Y/N) chuckled as she watched her friend dig into her bag before turning back to Asahi. “Again, sorry about that. He can be a bit much. But he does have a point, the match is going to start soon.” She offered up her hand for a shake. “Best of luck to you, Asahi.”
He wasted no time in shaking her hand. “You too. Good luck to your team.”
“And whatever happens, win or lose, we’ll be cool, right?” (Y/N) asked, hoping Asahi wasn’t one of those players that completely shuts down and shuns people when they lose. She really liked him so she hoped that wasn’t the case.
“Of course we will.” Asahi promised. “No matter what happens, we’ll give it our best.”
“Good. See you later, ace.”
With one final encouraging squeeze, (Y/N)’s hand slipped away before making her way towards her team. Asahi seemed frozen to the laminate gym floor as his eyes were fixed on her maroon Inarizaki team. His hand was still in the air where he could still feel her fingertips.
He flinched when he heard Nishinoya yell out his name and he almost fell over when he felt the libero hoist himself to do a handstand on his shoulders. It always amazes him how Nishinoya was able to do that effortlessly.
“H-Hey careful!” Asahi warned him. “And what happened to having my back?”
“You were amazing Asahi-san!” Nishinoya praised, stars in his eyes. “And I did have your back. We all had your back. We were watching the whole thing! You looked so cool talking to the girl you like!”
Was it just him or did that last sentence sound so loud?
“Don’t make it so obvious, Nishinoya.” Suga chuckled.
“Yeah, we don’t need Miya Atsumu to come back over here and scare Asahi again.” Daichi joked. “We had to pull Nishinoya back so he wouldn’t go feral on him.”
“I-I wasn’t scared! He just surprised me.” Asahi defended though he wasn’t going to admit that there was a tiny moment of fear when the Inarizaki setter confronted him. “He’s intense though.”
Kiyoko stepped forward. “You didn’t run away. I think that speaks louder than words.”
Asahi swallowed hard. “You think so?”
“Trust Kiyoko on this, Asahi.” Daichi said. “And trust all of us when we say, don’t give up. I know I give you a hard time with you being a coward and all-”
“Thanks.” He said sarcastically.
“Let me finish.” Daichi laughed. “I was trying to say… (Y/N) brings out the best in you. So keep going. Deal?”
“Alright, let’s go win!”
~Meanwhile on the other side of the gym~
“You done flirting with the enemy?”
“Does that bother you, Suna?” (Y/N) countered as she checked her bag, looking to see if Atsumu used all her hand lotion. (He’s always complaining about his fingertips being dry.) “I thought that’s what you guys wanted? For me to find someone?”
“At least give us a warning. Atsumu said it was that scary samurai-looking guy.”
“Atsumu’s dramatic.”
“Am not!”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“He literally was squeezing my hand off! Trying to ruin my perfect setter hands!” The blond complained. “I call sabotage!”
“Maybe you’re just that weak, ‘Tsumu.”
“Shut up, ‘Samu!”
“So,” Suna interrupted before the twins could start another infinite argument. “You like this Azumane guy?”
“Is he Lucky Schmuck #1?” Osamu followed up.
“Or Unlucky Schmuck #6?” Atsumu mumbled with his arms crossed.
“I think… He’s the one.”
Next: Chapter 3
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youremyheaven · 6 months
The Curse of Limitless Expansion: Jupiter's Shadow
I have covered the "negative" manifestations or the shadow side (as I prefer to call it) of different planetary influences, such as Venus, Moon, Rahu & Ketu and whilst I have explored Jupiter's different manifestations before, I thought it is time to do a more in-depth analysis of Jupiter's shadow.
Being the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is expansive and its natives are internally spacious and vast. I had observed previously that Jupiter is similar to Rahu in terms of its spaciousness (Claire had also observed the similarities between Punarvasu & Swati) but the difference is that Rahu is truly limitless in its expansive ability as it quite literally does not have physical form (Rahu refers to the north node of the Moon) Jupiter may be vast but it does have limits, it's bound by its massive capacity but since it does have a physical form, that means it also has limitations, it has a tipping point. This is why Jupiterean natives suffer or have the ability to realize they have "gone too far". Rahuvians have a "point of no return" mentality, they think they've gone too far but have to keep going since it no longer makes sense to return now.
Some people believe that since Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, growth and healing (or generally perceived as a "positive" planet) it somehow does not have a "dark side". This is untrue. Jupiter's darkness is just as terrifying as that of any other planet. The bigger the planet, the bigger the shadow.
Jupiter's shadow manifests as a god complex, messiah complex and megalomania, most commonly seen in men.
Men and women channel their nakshatras and planetary influence differently. Men tend to externalise their problems and women tend to internalise theirs. Men tend to inflict destruction upon others and women tend to self-destruct (@lasirenesensible tysm for pointing this out to me, it's a very valuable insight).
The scope of this post includes a few women but I'll discuss how Jupiter's shadow manifests in women on a separate post in the future.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that a planet known as the "Guru" or teacher is prone to making a lot of people under its influence proclaim themselves as Messiahs or divine teachers, many famous pseudo-spiritual "gurus" have Jupiter ruled naks in their big 3. They are merely charlatans with a Messiah complex driven by their ego to expand beyond reach. This is a toxic trait of Jupiter natives.
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Ryuho Okawa- Punarvasu Sun, Purvabhadrapada Mars atmakaraka
He was a Japanese religious and political leader who was the CEO and founder of the Happy Science and the Happiness Realization Party. His organization has been widely criticised as a cult. Adherents of the religion worship Okawa, who claimed to be the current incarnation of a god called “El Cantare" and a number of other beings, including Hermes and Gautama Buddha.
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L Ron Hubbard, Purvabhadrapada Sun conjunct Mercury and Jupiter conjunct Ketu in Vishaka (he also had Magha Moon)
He is the founder of Scientology lmao and basically co-opted a lot of eastern oriental thought mixed it with his malignant narcissism and created a religion based on spiritual hogwash. One of its most famous recruits is Tom Cruise, Punarvasu Moon
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Jim Jones- Punarvasu Sun & Mercury (he was also Shatabhisha Moon)
He is known for being the (cult) leader of the Peoples Temple religious group and for the Jonestown Massacre, when he led the mass murder-suicide of more than 900 members of the group at their commune in Jonestown, Guyana, on November 18, 1978.
fun fact: Suga from BTS (Purvabhadrapada Sun conjunct Mercury) sampled a bit from a sermon given by Jim Jones for the track "what do you think" from his mixtape D-2, he removed it following the controversy
"… though you are dead, yet you shall live, and he that liveth and believeth shall never die."— Jim Jones
I feel like it is way too specific and niche for him to not have intended to put it there or have known who Jim Jones was lol but I digress
But on that note, this whole self-belief thing (as we see from Jim Jones' quote) also seems to be tied to Jupiter's nature. These natives have insane self belief.
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Will Smith, Vishaka Moon is kind of an early proponent of manifestation. He's been talking about it since the early 90s.
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Jim Carrey, Vishaka Rising is another celebrity who has been talking about manifestation since the 90s.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Punarvasu Rising (and stellium)
He has talked about the power of the mind and visualisation A LOT. The key to achieving anything in life is to believe you can do it but many experiences (including trauma, self doubt etc) makes it hard for many people to persist in their belief, they hold themselves back. Jupiter's strength lies in its ability to be so vast and bold in its belief, their spaciousness means no matter what they've been through, they just know there's a way through, that they will make it out. This is their inherent nature.
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Nikola Tesla, Punarvasu Sun developed the 3 6 9 method of manifestation (as @brundlefly3333 pointed out)
Kanye West, Purvabhadrapada Moon is another celebrity who has spoken about the Law, the power of self-belief etc etc a LOT.
It goes to show how easy it is for self-belief to turn into delusions of grandeur and make someone a narcissist. It is truly dangerous because Jupiter's influence on the masses is immense so whatever a Jupiter native may proclaim, they have the ability to affect many people through it. Some of the men I mentioned above convinced others that they were God and even made them kill themselves for it. This is a scary, dangerous manifestation of Jupiter's "guru" nature wielding vast influence on others and being absolutely convinced of one's righteousness
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Mussolini- Vishaka Rising, Jupiter in Punarvasu amatyakaraka (he was also a Rohini Moon and Pushya Sun👀)
Benito Mussolini is like the OG dictator. He created fascism, a movement that would plunge most of Europe into darkness. From undermining judges to indoctrinating children, he pioneered key tactics that other dictators would use to seize power.
I specify Nodal influence in these individuals because I think the limitlessness and expansiveness of Nodal influence wrecks havoc to the already expansive nature of Jupiter and makes these natives more reckless.
I also specify Moon influence because as I already discussed in my posts, Moon influence can easily morph into cruelty and corruption and I think Moon & Jupiter together can be a dangerous combo if the native is imbalanced.
If you take anything away from these posts it would be that literally anybody with any placement/nak/planet is capable of being truly evil. There is no specific nak/planet that is a "guarantee" against evil. It truly comes down to the individual to choose how they want to live (I believe in free will and I do not condone in using astrology in a fatalistic way at all).
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Ferdinand Marcos- Punarvasu Moon (he also has Ardra ascendant conjunct Ketu and a lot of Moon influence)
Ferdinand Marcos developed a cult of personality as a way of remaining President of the Philippines for 20 years, in a way that political scientists have compared to other authoritarian and totalitarian leaders such as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler, but also to more contemporary dictators such as Suharto in Indonesia, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and the Kim dynasty of North Korea.
The propaganda techniques used, either by himself or by others, to mythologize Ferdinand Marcos, began with local political machinations in Ilocos Norte while Ferdinand was still the young son of politician and Japanese collaborator Mariano Marcos, and persist today in the efforts to revise the way Marcos is portrayed in Philippine history. According to members of his administration, such as Adrian Cristobal, Marcos's intent was to project an image of himself "the only patron, the king" of Philippine society, which he still saw as a society of tribes." Cristobal furthers that "Marcos and the First Lady wanted more than anything else [...] to be king and queen. They wished to shape the kingdom in their own image; [...] Marcos wanted to be able to say, 'L'État, c'est moi.'" ("the state, that is me") In some extreme cases where Marcos encouraged the formation of cults so that they could serve as a political weapon, Marcos came to be thought of as a God.
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Sun Myung Moon- Mercury conjunct Rising in Purvabhadrapada (he also has Shatabhisha Sun)
He was the founder and leader of the Unification Church established in Seoul, South Korea, who considered himself the Second Coming of Christ, but not Jesus himself. It is generally believed by Unification Church members ("Moonies") that he was the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ and was anointed to fulfil Jesus' unfinished mission.
The thing about all these men claiming to be God/Messiahs is that there were people who believed them and followed them blindly and uncritically. Anybody can claim these things but not everybody can acquire power and influence and lead people this way. This is another aspect of Jupiter (not to repeat myself again and again but yeah it's the whole "Guru" thing, people look at you as a figure of knowledge and wisdom, and these people project natural leadership qualities).
You can't just be crazy or narcissistic enough to believe these things, you also have to be strategic enough to amass a following. To be a leader and a guru requires a certain commitment and discipline. These are all Jupiterean qualities (that are used for malicious purposes here).
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Augusto Pinochet- Punarvasu Moon conjunct Saturn, Mercury in Vishaka atmakaraka, Jupiter in Purva bhadrapada amatyakaraka
He was a dictator who ruled Chile and claimed he was a visionary who was "guided by the mysterious hand of God". He had a cult of personality surrounding him
After his rise to power, Pinochet persecuted leftists, socialists, and political critics, resulting in the executions of 1,200 to 3,200 people, the internment of as many as 80,000 people, and the torture of tens of thousands. According to the Chilean government, the number of executions and forced disappearances was at least 3,095. Operation Condor, a U.S.-supported terror operation focusing on South America, was founded at the behest of the Pinochet regime in late November 1975, his 60th birthday.
Jupiter's expansive nature manifests as greed when an individual is imbalanced or spiritually stunted. This drives a need to acquire massive wealth or spread their influence/reign/territories. If the individual is spiritually evolved, their focus will be to balance the spaciousness within and not project it outward in continuous expansion.
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Hafez el Assad- Mars in Punarvasu atmakaraka, Jupiter in Punarvasu amatyakaraka and Venus in Vishaka (he also had Hasta Sun)
Syria's Hafez al-Assad, a Ba'athist officer who seized power through a coup d'état in 1970, established a pervasive cult of personality to maintain his dictatorship. As soon as he took over power, Ba'ath party loyalists designated him as "Al-Abad"; an Arabic terminology with deep religious dimensions. Linguistically, ''Al-Abad'' means "forever, infinite and immortality" and religious clerics use this term in relation to Divine Attributes. By designating Assad as "Al-Abad", Syrian Ba'ath Movement ideologically elevated Hafez al-Assad as its "Immortal", "god-like figure" who is supposed to represent the state as well as the Syrian nation itself. Another meaning of Al-Abad is "permanent", which is used in state propaganda to denote the perpetual status quo of an "eternal political order" created by Hafez al-Assad, who continues to live in Assadist ideology. The term's verbal form "Abada" means "to commit genocide" including the "symbolical; performative side of violence". This dimension has been weaponized by the Assad regime to monopolize violence against alleged dissidents and justify state terrorism, including genocidal acts of mass murder like the Hama Massacre, Qamishli Massacre and other massacres of the Syrian civil war.
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Jayalalithaa- Punarvasu Rising (Shatabhisha Sun & Magha Moon)
She was the Chief Minister of the state of Tamil Nadu in India and was an actor turned politician who had a cult following (they called her "Amma" or "mother" which I think is interesting that she was this mother figure/matriarch because of Punarvasu's deity Aditi being the Cosmic mother). She was a corrupt politician but the masses largely overlooked this and she was known for being a bit of a tyrannical figure who expected absolute loyalty from her party members who often publicly prostrated before her (not kidding).
Not as brutal as some of the other people on this list but her personality cult and influence over her following is crazyyy (I'm Indian so I'd know) and when she died in 2016, her state observed a 7 day mourning period.
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Mata Amritanandamayi Devi- Vishaka Rising (she also has Hasta Sun👀)
She's an Indian spiritual guru known as the "hugging saint", she's still alive and has millions of followers and there hasn't yet been a proper expose but her cult has been controversial for ages especially after it started recruiting spiritually confused white people into its mix. A lot of it is unexplained, she's most definitely a millionaire at this point and we have no idea what actually goes on behind closed doors. Many of the alleged miracles that she has performed have been debunked on many occasions. To think that she has football stadiums full of people who worship her and think she's the divine incarnate is sooo crazy
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Ram Dass- Punarvasu Rising
He helped popularize yoga and Eastern spirituality in the West. I don't think he's cruel or shady, just a regular white guy who had a spiritual awakening in India and co-opted thousands of years of Vedic wisdom and teachings to "introduce" it to the West. But his influence is unmatched to say the least, he spearheaded a whole movement and made eastern spirituality mainstream in the west. This is a manifestation of Jupiter's boundless nature.
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Oppenheimer- Punarvasu Moon
the man who developed the first ever nuclear weapons was a Punarvasu lol
he truly believed that he was doing the "right thing" because (you already know all this if you watched the movie) Germany was bound to develop these weapons and cause mass destruction and Oppenheimer thought he was on the right side of history by making these weapons for America and by extension for the Allies
"After Germany's surrender in 1945, some scientists questioned the bomb's relevance. Oppenheimer believed it would end the ongoing Pacific War and save Allied lives. The Trinity test is successful, and President Harry S. Truman orders the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in Japan's surrender. Though publicly praised, Oppenheimer is guilt-ridden and haunted by the destruction and mass fatalities. After Oppenheimer expresses his guilt to Truman, the president berates him and dismisses his plea to cease further atomic development." (this is an excerpt from the movie's wiki lol)
it just goes to show how self-belief isn't a good thing on its own because you can make yourself believe anything. I guess Oppenheimer's guilt has to count for something ??? Idk how many people mentioned on this list felt guilt because of the destruction they caused, Oppenheimer had a conscience et.al
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Elon Musk, Punarvasu Rising
He is the richest man in the world and is on a quest to own everything he can and colonize Mars, need I say more? Idk if this is a strange manifestation of Punarvasu's deity Aditi being the Cosmic Mother (either that or the man has a breeding kink) but this guy procreates at the speed of light (he has 6 kids right now with 3 different women I believe)
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Tommy Mottola- Punarvasu Sun (Swati Moon)
the asshole who trapped Mariah Carey (Punarvasu Moon) in a hellish controlling marriage for 8 years. He was the CEO of Sony Music in the 90s and was known for being a megalomaniac (look up his feud with Michael Jackson) he has ruined the careers of many and is known in the music industry for being a really scary controlling maniac
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Anders Behring Breivik- Punarvasu Rising
He blew up a bomb in the centre of Oslo. Meanwhile went to an island where a political youth gathering was taking place. Dressed up as a cop he would kill 69 people on the island of Utøya, and call out to teenagers hiding saying it was safe to come out, those who believed him and came out were shot.
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Alfred Hitchcock- Vishaka Moon (also Shatabhisha Rising with a lot of Moon influence in his chart)
He basically stalked some actresses and tried to control their lives; told them what they could/couldn’t eat, and where they could/couldn’t go. He sent Tippi Hedren inappropriate Valentine's letters. She claims he threw himself atop her in a hotel room and kissed her — and in her biography accused him of sexual assault. Yet another Jupiterean megalomaniac.
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Al Capone- Purvabhadrapada Rising
 He joined the Five Points Gang as a teenager and became a bouncer in organized crime premises such as brothels. In his early twenties, Capone moved to Chicago and became a bodyguard and trusted factotum for Johnny Torrio, head of a criminal syndicate that illegally supplied alcohol—the forerunner of the Outfit—and was politically protected through the Unione Siciliana. A conflict with the North Side Gang was instrumental in Capone's rise and fall. Torrio went into retirement after North Side gunmen almost killed him, handing control to Capone. Capone expanded the bootlegging business through increasingly violent means, but his mutually profitable relationships with Mayor William Hale Thompson and the Chicago Police Department meant he seemed safe from law enforcement.
Capone apparently revelled in attention, such as the cheers from spectators when he appeared at baseball games. He made donations to various charities and was viewed by many as a "modern-day Robin Hood". However, the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, in which seven gang rivals were murdered in broad daylight, damaged the public image of Chicago and Capone, leading influential citizens to demand government action and newspapers to dub Capone "Public Enemy No. 1".
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Robert DeNiro played Al Capone in The Untouchables (1987)
Idk whats the link between PBP and the mafia but Scorsese (PBP Moon) has made manyyy mafia themed movies and Robert DeNiro (PBP Moon) has starred as a mob boss on multiple occasions.
Having Jupiter influence really is like having unwielded power and if a native isn't mature enough to channel it appropriately then they can easily lose themselves to malignant narcissism, god complex and megalomania.
It requires a great deal of wisdom to wield this ability wisely and for the greater good
Jupiter influence is very prominent in the charts of royalty, another group prone to megalomania and god complexes lol. Jupiter bestows its natives with power, status and affluence but one must wield it carefully.
Punarvasu is widely accepted as the most auspicious of Jupiter-ruled naks (due to its themes and its deity) whereas Vishaka and Purvabhadrapada are both harsher manifestations of Jupiterean energy but even the most "gentle" of Jupiterean naks still came up in the charts of some of the horrible people I mention in this post. Basically, no one is exempt from being cruel, obviously, everything depends on the chart as a whole (a person is more than the sum of their parts) but that said the presence of a nakshatra considered "auspicious" (Jupiter ruled or otherwise) does not automatically qualify as some kind of redeeming quality lol. Everybody has to consciously choose their actions and be good and do good aka anybody can be cruel and evil and yes even Jupiter has its dark side/shadow.
hope this post was interesting xx
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i-am-baechu · 2 months
⋆。°✩♬ ♪ My Melody ⁞ M. Yoongi
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���₊ ⊹ Summary: “A piano or guitar couldn’t explain how much I love you...”
𝄞₊ ⊹ Pairing: Established relationship; Yoongi x Deaf! Reader 
𝄞₊ ⊹ Rating: Pg - 14 
𝄞₊ ⊹ Genre: Little angst, fluff and romance 
𝄞₊ ⊹ Playlist: If Not For You - Maneskin 
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Ivory keys that can tell a story and steel strings that complete it. That’s how Y/N described her relationship with Yoongi. A sweet and slow song. An easy song to dance to even to those that can’t dance. Two different lives that on paper, doesn’t make sense to be together but in their music, nothing else mattered. Yoongi came into her as loud as the echoes in an empty hall.
She finished writing her song when the door opened. She slowly looked up and her eyes met dark brown eyes that held kindness in them. She looked around the room and then back at her sheet music. She was writing away when she heard a guitar playing a sweet melody. She dropped her pen and turned towards the song, it was as if it was calling for her. She slowly walked towards him and continued to listen. 
“I like your playing.” 
Yoongi stopped mid-note and looked up to see her curious eyes. He glanced down at his guitar and let out a small cough, “Thanks...I heard you playing. I thought this would go well with it.”
Y/N turned around and grabbed her sheet music in excitement. She pulled up a chair to sit next to him with an excited smile, “You think so?”
He couldn’t help but smile at her excitement, “Want to try it?”
“I would love to...”
When she found out that he was famous, a whole new world was born. She didn’t care who he was. To the world he was Suga but to her...to her, he was Min Yoongi. The soft man who built her the nightstand when she was in need of one and the man who was with her from the very beginning. 
“Yoongi, I told you I was fine.”
He crossed his arms and closed the studio door with a frown. He turned towards her and sighed, “I don’t think so. You can’t hear when Hoseok is calling for you. I’m worried.”
Y/N looked away and frowned, “I have a check-up in the morning...you can come and tell them.” 
“Y/N, you-”
“I can’t ask them...I can’t.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and sat next to her. He placed his hand on her knee and she looked at him with a sad look, “I’ll get my shoulder looked at too...would that make you feel better?” 
She let out a small laugh and leaned into him. Her head on “his good shoulder” (something he called it), “We’re both messed up.” 
“Yeah that asshole hit us both-”
He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her knee, “I know...I know.” 
“Mrs. L/N, you're losing your hearing.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened at this and turned towards Yoongi, “What?” 
Yoongi frowned at this, “Babe, you’re losing your hearing.” 
Y/N’s mouth dropped and turned towards the doctor, “How?”
“When you hit your head from the car accident. I’m estimating that in a year, you’ll be deaf.” 
That’s when her life was restarted. She slowly couldn’t hear the melodies that Yoongi made in his studio or him rapping away with pure passion. She could hear small sounds but not the full sounds. It was heartbreaking for her in the beginning. The piano that Yoongi gifted her collected dust as she covered it with a white sheet. It wasn’t until Yoongi helped her play. 
It was their sixth anniversary and Yoongi had an idea. Y/N entered the room to see him with a guitar and she raised her eyebrow. She shook her head and sat in front of him with a frown. She signed to him as he watched with knowing eyes, “I can’t hear.” 
He gave her a small smile and nodded his head, “I know but...I bought this speaker so you can feel the vibrations.” 
She tilted her head at the special set up behind him and back at him, “An electric piano?”
Yoongi nodded his head in excitement, “I had the guy make sure that it was loud enough for you to feel the vibration.” 
A small tear escaped her eye and she watched him finish signing the last word. Her heart felt whole and she couldn’t stop herself from crying. She jumped into his arms and he sat there with a shocked look for a second but then he brought her closer. This was the moment she knew Yoongi was the one for her. True love like this was hard to find. This is what she wanted when she was a little girl. 
She stood in front of him in her white gown and at this moment, all she saw was him. Yoongi looked her up and down with pure love in his eyes. She was dressed in delicate lace and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead making the crowd laugh. He turned towards them and shrugged his shoulders, “I couldn’t help myself.” 
Yoongi took a deep breath and started signing his vows to her as she watched with tears ready to escape, “There’ll be no summer. There'll be no spring, if not for this love of mine. If not for you, I wouldn’t sing anymore. My melody on days that feel so dark. All those crowds and all the music would just fade out if you were gone. You took me out of my hell and you gave me heaven. Y/N, a piano or guitar couldn’t explain how much I love you but I hope my actions do. I can’t wait to be your husband and I want to experience everything with you. I love you so much, my melody.” 
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nishipostitz · 2 months
how anime men react to you getting a love letter
haikyuu, jjk, bsd, death note, and demon slayer
tw! none. i mightve forgotten a good chunk of ppl ngl
men who are confident
bro knows that whoever wrote that letter has 0% chance with you bc he is just that confident. he also believes that you wouldnt do anything about the letter bc my my, you already his hottie self as your man 😭😭 but he sees you trying to find out who wrote you that letter and he goes 🤨 this wasnt what i calculated 🤓☝️ and so he follows you to see what you were doing. you went to reject the person. he chuckled and said me 1 them 0
oikawa, gojo, sukuna, tengen, kenma, L, chuuya, ranpo
men who will be dramatic
starts shedding a tear and begs you to not leave him 😫 babe please dont fall for that letter 🙏🙏 i can treat you better you already know that bbg. and then he fakes faint on top of you to get pity points. you only giggle and tell him that he has nothing to worry about hes your bbg
princess gojo again, rengoku, bokuto, atsumu
men who will write back a letter
he is a menace to society. since hes been dating you, he hasnt been on his heart breaker agenda as much as he was before. but hes not complaining. but now, this is his chance to be a heart breaker once again. but not for himself, (is it really?) its more for you. he gripped that letter so hard before you even saw it, read it through and got rid of it with no trace. he then wrote a letter, with his best handwriting rejecting the person. one heart broken, and you were oblivious. he thinks he did a good job 😇
dazai, light, megumi, toji, kageyama, akaza, tsuki, akaashi, daichi, geto (calls them a monkey), osamu, iguro, zenitsu, akutagawa, sanemi
men who will write you more letters
hes in a sad mood now bc someone else has their eyes on you 🥺 so he took it upon himself to be even better and write you more personal and heartfelt letters that will definitely bring the other person to shame. you were surprised to say the least. you werent expecting that many letters from him, but you arent complaining. this is great!
yuta, itadori, hinata, asahi, yamaguchi, suga, nanami, choso, atsushi, tanjiro, kunikida, gyomei, muichiro, giyu, ushijima
men who wrote that letter 💀
hes trying to start drama. we cannot live in peace when hes around 😫. but thats okay! bc you knew it was him anyway with his little pp drawing and that hard to read handwriting. you still love him, but he just needs to do better if he wants to start drama
all the menaces: dazai, gojo, oikawa, inosuke, kuroo, suna, nikolai, tengen if you squint
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embercub · 2 months
First meeting
(Franco Barbi x Fem!Reader)
*modern au!
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Y/N wasn't told about the new prime asset.
Hell, she wasn't even told there was going to be a new prime asset at all.
The only way she found out was when a guard dropped a file onto her notebook while she was working on her paper for one of her classes.
Taking out her earbuds, she looked up at the guard with an irritated face.
"You guys could have at least told me about this before hand." She growled in irritation.
The guard only shrugged his shoulders before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
Leaning back into her chair, she grabbed the file and began to read it as she heard the growl and struggling of restraints in the office area.
"Hmmm, Franco Barbi, son of a Louisiana mafia don and an unnamed woman. Committed his first murder at the age of twelve and later became a debt collector and hitman for the crime syndicate. Suffered abuse from his father... shit." Placing her pen on the page she was on, she closed the file for now, planning to read more later, then walked towards the door that separated the living quarters from the office.
Walking into the room, she was shocked to see the man's head being bloodied, his blonde hair covered in blood.
She also noted that his head was double the average size of a man, and the left side was heavily mutilated, deformed.
Most definitely from the abuse and birth defect from what the file mentioned.
His hazel colored eyes were bloodshot, hemorrhage, or brain damage from the abuse.
"What are you lookin' at, eh?!" He growled as he pulled at the restrains.
"Relax, I'm your doctor, I'm just gonna take a look at your head injury, then I'm gonna clean and bandage it, is that okay?" She asked as she walked to the cabinet to get some of her medical supplies.
"Fine, but no funny business suga'." He grumbled as Y/N opened the cabinet and grabbed some bandages, a needle and thread for stitching, and a cloth to use to clean the wound.
She brought the items over to the table next to the man before getting a bowl of water to use with the cloth.
Once she was all prepared, she grabbed the cloth, dipped it into the water, then gently began to dab the blood around the wound.
As she did this, Franco looked at the other side of the room where the woman came from.
A giant window that separates the lab from what he assumed was this woman's living quarters, the curtain was drawn back, revealing the room to him.
Posters of different bands and artists hanged on the wall, and a record player sat on a small table with a case full of records.
There was also a TV and next to it, a shelf filled with books and movies, all stuff that he assumed Y/N would read or watch when she wasn't working.
There was also a desk with some textbooks, some notebooks, and the file about him.
He barely took notice of Y/N finishing up stitching and wrapping the wound and began to clean up.
"There, all done, now that wasn't all that bad huh?" She asked as she took the bowl over to the sink and poured the bloody water out.
Looking back at the woman, he froze as he now took in her appearance.
She had h/l h/c hair, wore a t-shirt with a guitar with the words Nashville Tennessee and music city on it, a pair of jeans and sneakers.
"Well, aren't ya a pretty thing ain'tcha? What's your name sweetness?" He asked with a smirk.
This made her frown as she crossed her arms.
"You can call me Dr. L/N." She replied with a look of irritation, realizing that he is going to be all flirty with her from now on.
"What about your first name? I wanna know a bit about the gorgeous woman I'll be seein' from now on."
She was about to say something until the door opened, and the guards came in to retrieve Franco, and another doctor entered.
"Y/N, Eastermann wants to talk to you."
Y/N internally groaned as he said that infront of Franco, who grinned at hearing her first name.
"Y/N, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He said as the guards took him away.
Sighing, Y/N looked to her college with a small smile.
"Thanks. I'll head over in a moment." Y/N said before the other scientist left, leaving her alone in her office.
Walking back to her desk, she picked up the file and found a photo of a younger Franco inside.
The young man smiling as a man stood next to him with his hand on his shoulder.
"Franco Barbi... you're gonna be both interesting and a pain in the ass to work with." She said as she placed the file back down before leaving to see Eastermann.
Okay, first off, sorry if this isn't really good, it's the first time I'm writing for him, so if he is a bit out of character, I'm sorry. Second, so most of my writing for Franco will be female reader, if anyone requests for gender neutral versions as well, I'll be glad to post a gender neutral version of my modern au as well! Also, I just did it where the reader's room is also part of her lab, so basically, murkoff has her living at the facility, and she's basically does online school while she is there.
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silantryoo · 2 years
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kang haerin x non-idol!reader (fluff, angst)
WARNINGS ; idol life
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who was kang haerin?
she was the quiet kid in the back of the class that you struggled to befriend. the girl that you had managed to bribe into talking to you after offering a small block of cheese to during the middle of a lesson.
kang haerin was someone your parents considered their own daughter, basically living at your house more than you had been. she was the one who dragged you around, looking for stray cats on the road to feed ice cream to.
kang haerin was someone your parents considered their own daughter, basically living at your house more than you had been. she was the one who dragged you around, looking for stray cats on the road to feed ice cream to.
haerin was the girl who you would've called your best friend, and maybe if you had told her back then, the love of your life.
but now, haerin was nothing but a memory to you. she was a feeling that you would get from time to time, like how a warm breeze blows past you on top of the tallest hill during that field trip so long ago. haerin was the feeling of scraping your knee for a hello kitty bandaid.
but she was also the despair that you felt when your mother promised you that you would see her again on that halloween years ago.
kang haerin was a beautiful, empty promise.
you just wished she was yours.
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who was y/l/n y/n?
kang haerin would answer love immediately.
haerin always knew that she loved you, years before she knew what that word had even meant. she would find any excuse to find herself next to you while you talked to your plethora of friends. she found herself caring about what she looked like more often, trying to impress someone who didn't know about her feelings, just like her.
all she needed to know was that you were the person who made her unafraid of the harsh spotlight. she knew that no matter what, you would be cheering her on from anywhere in the world.
haerin wondered where you were now.
did you still think about her? were your dreams filled with the two of you, just like hers were? did you still keep that one picture from that one christmas where she had asked her parents to not buy her a present that year, so she could buy you one?
did you even remember her?
haerin remembered you. haerin would always remember you.
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the world had finally fallen in love with kang haerin, just like you had many years ago.
you could see her posters everywhere, one even in front of your house as she danced to her newest single 'OMG'.
she was successful. you were happy(?).
your roommate — song jisoo, a first-year high school student with a focus in entertainment who happened to be from your elementary school — would say otherwise.
you were miserable. so much so that most days, she would drag you out of the house to go on her horrid five-mile walks with her, just so you would forget the pain that you felt from the taunting faces of your first love.
however, since the new idol had blown up, everywhere you had gone was filled with her (even in that bathroom near the station at SOPA... who leaves their photocard on the floor like that?).
still, that didn't deter jisoo in any way.
"get up." the girl shook you back and forth.
jisoo shook you harder, trying to roll you out of your bed. "get. up."
you groaned, hating the feeling that sat upon your chest as you watched videos of haerin on your phone. "why?"
jisoo could think of a million reasons why, but it was clear that you weren't exactly open to hearing them.
"let's go somewhere." she told you, her face engraved with a small smile. "that cafe near hybe."
you sat up, expressionless.
"you're torturing me, aren't you?"
"i am not." she groaned, grabbing your arms as she pulled you up. "you'll be fine. maybe we'll even get to meet suga or jin."
there it was. jisoo had always been a big fan of bts, even back when you first knew her. you knew that she had an ulterior motive. she hates sit-in dining.
you looked at her, confusion all over your face. "jin's in the army now."
"no." jisoo covered her ears, glaring at you. "not if i don't believe it. now get dressed, we'll be out in five minutes."
you sighed, rubbing your eyes as you heard the door slam in front of you.
you made your way to your closet. part of you sure that you had no more clean clothes left since someone (read: jisoo) had forgotten to take you laundry with her yesterday.
you opened your closet, not a single shirt in sight.
muttering under your breath, you shuffled around in your closet, trying to find a box that had 'clothes' labeled on them. you must've had something that you could wear, even if it was a little small on you.
you smiled, thanking yourself in your head that you had managed to label this one properly.
lifting up the box, you set it on your bed. you opened it, fully expecting your clothes to be there.
in front of you stared a cat beanie, one that you knew didn't belong to you. its soft gray ears stuck out in surprise as if it was shocked to see you like you saw it. its eyes were still in the shape that you knitted them a couple years back.
kang haerin's eyes.
gently, you picked it up, the wool of the beanie touching your fingertips. it was soft, softer than you expected.
you turned it around.
be brave, kang haerin!
you wondered if haerin ever went looking for it. if it were you, you would've done everything in your power to get it back. perhaps if you paid the idol a visit...
no. you couldn't. you don't even know if she remembered you. it would be too humiliating to.
you would kill to see the owner again.
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haerin wanted to kill minji.
not in a literal sense, but more in a 'why did we just practice for two hours straight with no break?' sense.
at least practice was over. that was all that mattered to the cat-like girl.
"i'm tired." hyein muttered as she stumbled into the car, danielle close behind her. haerin watched as hanni leaned onto their leader's shoulder. "unnie, i want coffee."
"no." minji shook her head, mindlessly on her phone as danielle closed the door. "it'll stunt your height."
hyein whined. "but i don't want to keep growing!"
minji sighed as the car moved. although they did have a few hours to kill before their next schedule, minji knew that it should've been spent resting instead of running errands.
minji couldn't handle a grumpy, overtired hanni.
"haerin," the leader called out. "do something."
haerin turned her head, blinking tiredly at minji. she never understood why hyein would listen to her rather than their leader. perhaps the youngest knew that eventually, minji would allow her to if she begged hard enough.
haerin hummed, wanting a pick-me-up from the tiring practice.
"i kinda want coffee too."
minji pursued her lips as the youngest cheered. in front of her, danielle muttered to the driver, asking to drop them off near the curb to a cafe she always frequented.
"wow." hanni chuckled, her eyes closed. "minji got betrayed. imagine that."
minji frowned down at hanni as haerin blinked in disgust. the cat-like girl looked over to hyein, the youngest with a grimace as she watched the interaction. "you're supposed to be on my side."
"me? your side?" hanni looked up, minji's face erupting into a blush. "funny."
the three other members looked at each other. danielle shook her head with a small smile, telling the others to just let them be.
haerin sighed, feeling the car come to a halt. she was glad that the cafe wasn't out of their way. minji would most likely calm down after a while, and they would still get the much-needed rest before the shoot.
the idols stepped out of the van, putting on their masks as the cold winter air hit their exposed skin. the entered the warm store, the rest picking a booth at the back of the cafe as danielle ordered for them.
it was cozy. the lights were dim enough for haerin's liking, but the overwhelming smell of caffeine made her head hurt.
she looked around, trying to find something else to focus on as the others conversed.
"i'm serious!"
she knew that voice. why did she know that voice?
"haerin-unnie?" hyein looked over to the girl as her head perked up, her eyes trying to find where that sound was coming from.
it couldn't have been you.
her eyes locked onto your figure, her entire body tensing up as you rolled your eyes at your friend.
wait, was that song jisoo?
"do you know her?" hanni asked, rubbing her eyes awake.
song jisoo. your former seatmate in second grade. why were you here with her?
"y/n..." she whispered under her breath, her eyes wide.
the others looked at each other, shocked to hear that name again.
it was a name they hadn't heard in a while, but one that they heard every minute of the day back during pre-debut. they had never asked haerin in great detail who you were, but they knew enough to understand that haerin wanted more.
the members turned their heads to look at you.
"it's a stupid idea."
song jisoo... haerin didn't understand why you were with her here. was it because you were meeting up again? why didn't you ask her instead?
right. she thought. i changed my number.
"you're a stupid idea." you frowned, sticking your tongue out at the girl. "just let me give it back to her."
haerin watched as jisoo rolled her eyes.
"how?" she asked you, taking a sip of her coffee. "are you gonna go up to hybe and say 'hi! i'm kang haerin's long-lost best friend and i have a beanie that's two sizes too small that i want to return to her. i promise i'm not a creep!'"
haerin found herself smiling.
you still remembered her.
haerin watched as you took a sip from your cup, your eyes glaring at jisoo with something else laced beneath them. "you are so supportive, y'know that?"
haerin knew she should just go up to you. she would reach for your shoulder like she always used to do, and you'd smile at her with your signature smile, your eyes dancing with curiosity.
courage. she thought to herself as she prepared to stand up. i just need courage.
jisoo smirked, making you twitch your eyebrow. "that's why you sleep in my bed, yes."
"whatever." you muttered, a bright red blush on your face.
the members frowned, haerin's eyes drooping as she looked at you.
suddenly, she felt like she went back in time, back to when you didn't know her name.
"ha!" jisoo pointed at you, smiling victoriously. "you want me sooo bad."
haerin looked down at the table, a small, disappointed smile on her face. you were always good around people, it was your charm. she couldn't blame you for finding someone who appreciated it.
she missed her chance. if only she hadn't been so stupid.
"shut up and eat your pastry before i shove it down your mouth."
haerin was tired.
"just say you want me." jisoo stuck her tongue out. "i already know."
haerin stood up.
danielle walked up to the table, drinks in her hand as she looked over to the younger idol, confusion laced across her face.
i wanna go home.
"i'll be in the car."
you were love. but sometimes, haerin forgets that you could also be heartbreak.
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it had been two weeks since the cafe incident and haerin hadn't felt this alone since she was younger.
it was stupid. she knew it was stupid. you two had completely separate lives now. for all she knew, you were only here to visit jisoo, the girl she was sure was your girlfriend.
she wondered if she would've been your girlfriend if she stayed in contact with you.
"haerin." she turned her head to find minji peeking her head through her door. "there's someone here for you."
haerin tilted her head. who would be here on an off-day for her?
the quiet girl stood up, walking out of her room and into the living quarters. her eyes met hyein's watching as the young girl awkwardly looked at a figure from across the couch.
haerin swore she almost burst a lung.
this had to be a dream.
"kang haerin." you smiled at her, just like you always did. "hey."
she looked at you with a blank expression, her eyes pooled with curiosity. this had to be a dream. there was no other explanation. you would never visit her, not when you had a girlfriend.
"i didn't stalk you! i promise!" you tensed up, uncomfortable with the way she had been eyeing you. "i asked if i could give you back something at the main building but they took me here."
her manager. she knew who you were.
haerin made a note in the back of her head to convince the company to give their manager a raise.
haerin nodded, still looking down at you with a blank stare.
danielle winced as hanni covered her mouth, watching the entire thing. they knew haerin was this awkward but this was a level that they'd never seen before.
you furrowed your eyebrows, watching as she stood still. "hi?"
the idols looked at each other in silence as haerin continued to look at you.
hyein bit her lip. she was sure she's seen you before.
"are you--"
"sorry about her." minji covered her mouth, shooting you a smile as you looked at the two confused. she chuckled. "we're just going to our rooms now."
the leader ushered everyone away, pushing them down the hall as she sent haerin a worried look. the younger girl had missed it, too emerged at the person in front of her.
"uh..." you cleared your throat, ignoring the mutters that could be heard from down the call. "i came to give this back."
haerin watched as you stood up, pulling out a piece of clothing that she hadn't seen for over a year.
slowly, you walked over to her, reaching out as she grabbed it gently. you let go, watching her face morph into a smile.
pretty. you thought.
"my cat beanie." haerin whispered. she had cried so hard the night she lost it. it was almost as if she lost the last piece of you. "i thought i lost this a while ago."
"i stole it before you packed up for hybe." you scratched your cheek, avoiding her shocked face. "i forgot about it until now, but here you go."
she traced the engraving on the back.
be brave, kang haerin!
haerin smiled, her chest filling with love as she stared at you. "thank you."
you nodded, a bittersweet grin on your face.
it was obvious to you that the idol was uncomfortable. her awkward stance, her refusal to sit on the couch next to you... you didn't want to prolong your stay any longer.
you were glad to see her smile one last time.
you stood up, dusting yourself off. "it was nice seeing you again."
haerin felt her shoulders drop. why were you leaving so soon? did you not want to see her?
why couldn't you just stay?
haerin wanted you to stay.
the idol's eyes followed you as you walked towards her, towards the door. "you too."
she remembered you, back when she was packing up for the dorms two years ago.
("be brave, kang haerin!" you said, giving her a beanie with similar features. "and stay warm!")
be brave.
she grabbed your wrist. "y/n."
i love you.
"i..." haerin blinked, her brain racing a mile a minute ("be brave, kang haerin! for me!"). she couldn't. not now. "i've missed you."
if you could describe kang haerin right now, she would be hope.
the idol watched as your eyes softened, becoming glassy with tears. "i've missed you, too."
"this beanie." she whispered, holding it up. "you gave it to me."
i gave it to you with love. you thought, the knitted eyes of the beanie staring back at you.
"i did."
"you told me it would keep me warm." she looked at it, letting go of your wrist as she grasped it with two hands. "i..."
you stared at her curiously.
her eyes met yours once more, an emotion you couldn't place filling it. "i don't want it."
i want you. haerin thought. i want you so bad.
"oh." you chuckled, scratching your cheek with embarrassment. "sorry, i thought you would want it ba--"
("be brave, kang haerin! i believe in you!")
"i don't want it if you're just going to disappear from my life again." haerin shook her head. she watched you inhale sharply. she looked away. "can i... have both?"
down the hall, danielle held back a squeal as hanni slapped her shoulder, their maknae right beside them nodding her head.
"wow." hyein was impressed. "unnie's smooth."
"shut it, you idiot." hanni whispered loudly, glaring at the younger girl as danielle giggled beside her. "minji's gonna find us listening."
behind them, minji's door opened slightly, her head popping out into the hallway.
the three girls' eyes widened.
"i don't care." minji looked down the hall. "i'm listening too."
haerin was a beautiful promise, one that you could reach out in front of you and grab. she was the promise of ice cream on a hot summer day. she was the promise of the window seat when traveling on a bus.
she was the promise of love.
you wrapped your arms around her, burying your head into the idol as she found herself doing the same.
"i'm sorry for not keeping contact," you muttered, your warm breath hitting her skin.
you still smelt the same. like the warm laundry detergent haerin had found in your basement while playing hide and seek.
and just like before, she still loved you the same (if not more).
"me too." haerin smiled, feeling herself melt into your embrace. "i should've tried harder."
i will. i'll make up for it. i promise.
"me too."
haerin sighed, pulling back as she watched tears fall from your face. it was the same time of tears she had seen the day she had got accepted into the company. the one that fell down the side of your smiling mouth as you looked at her proudly.
("be brave, kang haerin!")
"can we..." she trailed on, her eyes on you as you tried to figure out what she was going to say.
you smiled. she always knew that you would understand her, no matter what.
"just like then?" you whispered.
she whispered back. "just like then."
she watched as you backed up, clearing your throat as you smiled the same smile as she remembered.
"hi. i'm y/l/n y/n! i think you're really pretty." you winked at her, making her roll her eyes. "can we be friends?"
('hi! my name is y/n! let's be friends!')
"hi. i'm kang haerin." she smiled. "i think you're really pretty too."
("i'm kang haerin.")
"does that mean we're friends?"
("be my friend, kang haerin!")
"yeah." the idol nodded. "we're friends."
haerin'll worry about song jisoo another day.
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> main masterlist.
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skzoologist · 7 months
My mooties
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⤐ @dmnksrt - One of my irl best friends, you guys can thank her for so much, because she is my number 1 fan and keeps cheering me on. Without her, I wouldn't have written this much. She's a victim of accidentally being converted into a kpop fan, purely because I was also dragged into the fandom. Even though she stans another group and man (Suga), we still ramble to each other for hours easily. Once she gathers the courage to post her own fanfics, you can be sure I'll be there to support her immediately. Her brain is wonderful, just like her, I wouldn't hesitate to commit arson for her sake. Her tag is 'my Darling', no, we aren't dating, in case any of Nat's anons come here asking that.
⤐ @nerenbe - Well well well, if it isn't my menace herself. This lil gremlin is the sole reason I am in this fandom altogether, since she just kept singing 'Star lost' while we were in the Christmas market in the year 2023. I guess this is what I get for dragging her into so many animes and manhwas, haha. She isn't really active here, but know that she loves to murder me with pics and memes of my bias and wrecker. Truly, she lives up to her nickname.
⤐ @shetherocket - The last of my irl best friends, the poor one who isn't in the kpop fandom and has no idea wtf I am saying to her, ever. It's really funny actually, as she just nods as I speak, no clue about anything. But she likes Felix! Loves his softness and sunshine self, so I sometimes spam her with him lmao. I am never going to be sorry for that :D
⤐ @thightswideforhanin - First ever person to loudly admit Bae wrecked her, and hard. I always enjoy her reblogs, she was one of the first ever active members of my blog.
⤐ @michelle4eve - A shy follower of mine who gathered enough courage to speak to me, and would you look at that, we speak more regularly now :) She's very sweet, which is why I just call her my Sunshine.
⤐ @jinnie-ret - Jinnie-ret, Jinnie-ret, the person who started it all. She was the first skz writer who noticed me and decided to raid my blog, quite literally. She recommended my work on her blog and I got a big influx of people, making me breach the 100 followers threshold. I still can't believe she'd followed me back, when I've been her silent follower for months by that point. While we don't speak a lot, as she is busy, I know she's very welcoming and kind (also my brit mum, because she decided to adopt me lmao).
⤐ @atinyniki - Niki, my precious little pocket pookie who just loves to pester me and absolutely shower me in love, no matter how hard I keep pushing it away (this is the norm for me and my friends). She's absolutely sweet and so strong, I look up to her in that sense to this very day. We easily start gushing about ATEEZ or my husky puppies for a good while, or even start planning some gut-wrenching fics together xD I am so happy she wrote to me, even if she keeps insisting I am cute, falsely.
⤐ @writingforstraykids - Nat, my talented menace! I love her art, oh my god, I cannot wait for her to draw more, even if that is a year later or more. And her soft thoughts? Hell yes! She's the one who usually gets to see my own random thoughts about the boys (hence our collab), because she's my mootie and they get VIP services :) I am forever afraid she's gonna do what my menace does and send me pics of the boys... I would straight up die on the spot.
⤐ @cheesemonky - Leisel! While we don't talk a lot (timezone differences and my depressed, anxious self), she's cute and so supportive. I just know if we would talk more, our chat would be filled with rambles and thoughts about TXT, haha.
⤐ @yangbbokari - Mumu, the chaos child. We didn't get to know each other well yet, but she loves to say random shit and cause mayham xD Very maknae line coded.
⤐ @lilmisssona - Sona, my sweet sonata, who is so sweet and supportive of me despite barely knowing me, it gives me diabetes. I already love her works, her AUs are very interesting. She also loves my two puppies, and I am only glad to provide her with photos and videos of them.
⤐ @minholing - Jenny, my lil biologist sprout. While she left, I will await her return here. Who knows, maybe by then I'll be able to accept her hugs more easily.
⤐ @kimistorm - We don't really talk, but we occasionally tag each other in some games. Her works are really nice and sweet, I wouldn't be surprised if she is like that too.
⤐ @miuracha - Miu, the legend amongst us. I haven't really gathered the courage to talk to her yet, but I do know she is an absolute sweetheart who only deserves the best. I hope life finally gives her a break, and very soon.
⤐ @silverstarburst - Silver, my star and guardian wolf, thanks to her protective nature over her friends. Our friendship started with her tagging me in a Jisung photoset, completely unprompted. That was a sign, so true that we now regularly talk here or on discord. Bless her and her gif/photo sets.
⤐ @galaxycatdrawz - A very active moot of Nat, someone who gave me even more meme ideas when I started memeing Nat, being the menace he is. Thus, he shall be named my official meme partner. While we don't talk regularly, that doesn't mean he isn't fun to be around.
⤐ @thatonedemigodfromseoul We haven't really talked a lot so far, but that is how it is when you just meet someone.
⤐ @dean-a-mean-tae Ah, yes, sweet Ronnie, who likes to sing my praises, even though I am average at best. No, please, don't look at me like that guys, I'm sorry- We have this mouse and cat game where we compliment the other in an endless cycle. Also let me tell you, when I first saw that they mentioned me, saying how good my silly fics are, I just sat in front of my screen like a confused and emotional dumbass. Definitely will remember that day for a good while, haha. I look forward to getting to know them better, if life allows it.
If I didn't tag you here, that either means I am way too nervous to do so (you're probably a big writer blog), or I just straight up forgot with my smooth, pea-sized brain. Please do reach out to me, I assure you I didn't mean to somehow offend you.
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rcbirthx · 2 months
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Hello everyone!! I’m Minnie (cst. she/her) and I’m the one behind Park Jaeha, your local bodyguard!  ♡   Under the read more you will find more about my boy and his plots are coming soon.. so if you want to plot or a thread or to talk hmu! or hit the heart and i will message you first.  ♡
Welcome to infinite entertainment! it's [PARK JAEHA], who is the ([SECURITY] OF) [SOLOIST 3].i’ve heard whispers that the [31] year old is pretty [DUTIFUL] but lowkey [ABRASIVE]. also, doesn’t he remind you of [MIN YOONGI (SUGA)]?
full   name   :    Park Jaeha     nickname   :    Jae, Mr. Park        age   :    31      gender   :       cis man.        pronouns   :    he   /   his   fc: min yoongi (suga)     date   of   birth   :    july 05th, 1993  occupation   :   security guard.
P E R S O N A L I T Y.
+dutiful +adaptable +genuine +loyal
-aloof - abrasive- -stubborn -resentful
B A C K G R O U N D.
Born and raised in Gwangju. Jaeha lived a pretty normal life with his parents, who were a pretty young couple when they had him.
While growing up he was an average student, doing well enough in his academics.
A lot of things happened when the time to go to university came, not only was he unsure of what path to follow but his parents discovered they were about to have another baby putting them in a difficult spot economically so Jaeha chose to enlist in his military service during that year to releave some pressure from their shoulders and give himself some time.
Two years away became 7, he found himself enjoying his time there and became part full time of military until one day he injured his shoulder in a mission and it was time to retire.
He wandered lost for months, searching for himself with no job, no studies, it was difficult to meet the months ends. He did everything he knew and even learnt a few things under the way to make some money. midnight gigs with a band, delivery services, anything he could he did until a miracle happened.
2017. A bodyguard gig for a soloist. He took it without much expectations other than a small job to put food on the table for a day...
fastforward: he has been the security for soloist 3 ever since.
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Now that chapter 2 is mostly over for all the members but Jin (whose chapter 2 is finally starting!), I wanted to write down my thoughts on how I think each member's reputation and image changed, what I learned about them, what my perception of them is now, etc.
For J-Hope, I think this was a great opportunity for him to "free" himself from the hope persona - which is very important and true to him but also constricting - and to promote himself more as a musical artist than a dancer - despite being the main dancer, even in his BTS solos Hobi usually chooses to limit his dancing. I think Hobi showed a cooler, smoother, stylish, more mature side of himself that increased his popularity and brand and resonated with a lot of people. He also proved that he's more than capable of going solo, even if I personally have mixed feelings about his voice.
I think Suga's chapter 2 was relatively "forgettable". He already had the image he wanted, released the music he wanted, produced what he wanted, so there was nothing to prove or show. Suga dropped an album that I'm pretty sure he didn't think was anything special and then went on tour. He also had fun with Suchwita. I think most of what he did was for Army and BTS, with the exception of the tour which was also for him. I don't think his solo ventures really felt like him going solo, but more like a side job. He did well, but I'm not sure his popularity, reputation, or image changed substantially - I mean, no more than expected.
RM had a pretty wild chapter 2. Through Indigo he explored a more artistic and uncensored side we all knew of, but it was in the build-up to RPWP than he started to express his opinions more freely. His amazing and diverse collabs also helped show a cooler and trendier side of him. RPWP was the game changer though. I think RM finally "escaped" his BTS leader image and mainstreamed this sexy, quirky, artsy, smart yet unserious image which he already had but the GP didn't know. Music wise, he's the one who did the most, showed the most, and had the most incredible material - even if his music isn't mostly to my taste. He's the most natural soloist along with JK imo.
V chose a path similar to Suga's. He did a lot of variety, which we already knew he liked, hanged a lot with the Wooga Squad, who we already knew, released a few songs in a style we knew he liked, did lots of photoshoots and work in fashion, which we also already knew he enjoyed... I don't think V took chapter 2 very "seriously" in the sense that he didn't strategically try to brand himself differently or find his own voice. He might've even released Layover a bit more for us than himself. He already had a strong brand and didn't change it. I think his popularity decreased a bit comparatively to Jikook because he was very lowkey.
Jungkook... well, he exploded in popularity. He had his BWL moment in Dreamers and L&R, his Dynamite in Seven, and his Butter in SNTY - kinda. His songs are GP friendly and in English, so they had a lot of impact, and his CK campaigns were genius marketing because they helped build this image of a sexy, attractive, gender nonconforming guy who can be both gender neutral and conventionally masculine. CK is also accessible to a lot of people so he got his face (and body) plastered all over the world. The collabs helped some too. Jungkook really committed even if at first he wasn't sure about releasing an album. I think he grew the most as a performer. He has continuously showed growth over the years, but imo he grew the most during the pandemic and chapter 2. His singing and dancing became more refined and unique, his stage presence and stamina improved. He was on fire with SNTY. Jungkook's vocals, dancing (eg. the sultry, relaxed hand movements he does now), stage presence, visuals, attitude, etc., all reached another level, an iconic level. Jungkook really changed his image, beginning in 2022 when his lives become so unfiltered - he sang his heart out, shared his life, didn't censor himself as much. I think Jungkook changed a lot - dropped the veil a bit -, and his music was a natural progression of him letting more of himself show. At first I didn't get it, but now I think it all fit JK really well - even if I don't/didn't like all of it. He's so effortlessly confident and comfortable on stage now, though. He might not have grown as a songwriter, but he grew so much as a performer, which is his art.
Lastly, Jimin... he surprised the most tbh, but in a negative-ish way. I had huge expectations for him and felt disappointed with his solo chapter. His image changed a lot, but in his case I loved the "old" Jimin better... I wanted something like Filter and Lie, I wanted him to show amazing dances and visuals. But he really went on a different route. He focused on singing and music the most, investing a lot in writing his own stuff, which is great but a bit unexpected. He focused a lot on inner reflection and less on his idol self, which up until then I thought was what he wanted us to see the most. And by becoming less "idol-like", he changed a lot. His choreos are more relaxed and less attractive now imo, and he engages his dance crew a lot whereas before he mostly carried his dances alone. He also showed us a much shier and reserved side of himself. His vocals changed too, or at least how he sounds in songs... I know Jimin had a lot of success, but I was surprised by how "unremarkable" I found him as a soloist. I thought he would set the world on fire, but he didn't take many risks on stage - his songs were risky, but not his performances or styling - or stand out that much. During Face he even looked a bit uncomfortable. He shines in BTS, but I don't believe Jimin truly shined on his own - not like he could've. I find his image less attractive and marketable now than pre-2022 Jimin - and that's okay but I lost a lot of interest in him as a performer. I used to love his fancams, but now I don't really care. He's still the cutest and loveliest, but, selfishly, this is not the artist Jimin I wanted.
Anyway, I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this!
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luv4divineruler · 1 year
hi may I request a Kit Walker X fem reader with 66 fluff? thank youuuu
absolutely ml!
MOVED TO @spectr3inl0ve
prompts: fluff 66 (bolded)
contains: kit walker being a good sport, kit being too amazing, fluff
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1964(pre-asylum kit)
The waitress hastily rid a table of its dishes and cleaned it, anxiously waiting for her boyfriend, kit walker to pick her up. today he was meeting her parents, and she was terrified. kit, on the other hand, wasnt nervous one bit. though in his defence, he was a natural charmer. relief washed over her when her boyfriend walked into the diner, a bell ringing to notify others of the presence of a potential customer. "kit!" y/n called, smiling, as she weaved through the tables and toward the man who just walked in. "hey suga', how are ya'?" he asked as he leaned down to kiss her cheek and slide an arm around her waist, his thick boston accent coating his words. "very stressed, you ready to go?" "yeah, come on."
y/n rang the doorbell to her parents house, clutching kits hand. a few moments passed before the door opened, revealing her dad, who smiled at the sight of his daughter. "y/n! hello, you must be kit!" he greeted warmly, extending his left hand to shake kits. kit smiled and said hello back as he shook y/ns father's hand. as the couple were ushered in, the smell of homemade food filled their nostrils. "smells good, right kit?" y/n giggled. he nodded back enthusiastically, grinning as he and y/n were led into the dining room by her dad.
"this food is amazing mrs l/n." kit said as he dabbed his napkin to the corner of his mouth. "so, kit. what do you do for a living?" y/ns mother asked, ignoring kits praise, her eyes narrowed in kits direction. kit gave an easy smile, "i work at a gas station ma'am.". mrs l/ns mouth set into a hard line. mr l/n seemed pleased enough. "i remember i used to work at a near by gas station when i was around your age, kit. i respect that." mr l/n chuckled, his reaction to kits job the opposite of his wifes.
the rest of the meal was accompanied by y/ns mother interrogating kit about his life, hobbies, friends, work ethic, plans for the future, etc. kit bore it with grace, never failing to smile or be less charming than usual. once kit and y/n had said their goodbyes to y/ns parents and got into the car, y/n let out a loud groan, "im so sorry my mom was being so rude, baby! ugh im so embarrassed!". kit shook his head, smiling "dont be sahhry' sweetharrht.”. as the car started, the girl buried her face in her hands, slightly mortified at her mothers actions. she had expected it though. “well at least my dad loves you,” y/n mumbled through her dainty hands. kit chuckled in response, agreeing with her. glad that kit was still seeing the bright side, she leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. kit glanced at her once before his gaze returned to the road, laughing, “im pretty sure your mom hates me,”. as y/n laughed back, all she could think about was how lucky she was to land a guy like him.
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authors note: this isnt my best work sorry! lately i havent been writing anything of quality so requests will take a bit longer
taglist (dm or comment to be added):
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for-yoongi0309 · 1 year
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시카고 끝 ! !
Chicago, end ! ! (Live)
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msanimedolphin · 6 months
~Back In The Game~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
-Series Masterlist-
What happens when a girl who loves volleyball joins a boys' volleyball club? Does she find love? Will she relive her past or move forward? Join (L/N) (Y/N) on a journey with fun twists and turns.
I don't own Haikyuu or any of the characters.
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-Last Time-
“AAAA” Asahi yells, frightened.
“GAAAH!!” Tanka yells worriedly.
“HINATA!!!” You scream, quickly running over to him.
You get to Hinata first, with the others arriving right after.
“Hinata! Are you okay?” You ask worriedly.
“...! OWWWW…” He replies.
“Aha! He lives!” Noya says.
“You okay, bro?” Tanaka asks.
“OHMYGOD. OHMYGOD. OHMYGOD. Are you okay I’m sorry I’m sorry!!!” Asahi panics.
“It’s his own stupid fault for zoning out like an idiot.” Tsukishima says nonchalantly.
“Tsukishima! Quit!” You scold, earning a “tch” and an eye roll.
“A-Ambulance! C-Call an Ambulance!!” Takeda freaks out.
“Calm down, sensei.” Ukai says.
Hinata begins to sit up, so you help him by telling him to move slowly.
“Oh, uh, it’s okay. I’m fine. Sorry to make you all worry.” Hinata says, rubbing his head.
“You sure? Maybe you should sit out a rally or two…” Daichi says.
“No! I’m fine! I promise!” Hinata says quickly. “I just…didn’t dodge all the way in time. Besides, I’m used to getting hit in the face!” ‘You shouldn’t be though…’ You think sweat dropping. “I’m very sorry!”
“Don’t be.” Suga smiles. Before you can say anything you feel a very familiar dark aura. You and Hinata look at the source, Kageyama. He’s pretty pissed off.
“What’d you think you were doing? Zoning out in the middle of a rally…” Kageyama asks.
“Um! Uh! I, ah!” Hinata tries to respond but he’s too scared.
‘The fact that Kageyama isn’t yelling is not a good thing…’ You think and know that Hinata is thinking the same thing.
“I know what you were thinking.”
“You were thinking about how cool the Ace is but that all you’re good at is being a decoy, which is stupid and boring. You were wishing you were as tall and strong as Asahi so you could be an Ace too.”
“Enough Kageyama…” You say but are ignored.
“I…I was not!” Hinata defends but only earns a glare from Kageyama. “O-Okay…so, uh…maybe a little.”
“Once you realized our team had an Ace…aside from all the idolization or whatever…you got jealous.” Kageyama begins. “Quit letting your brain wander off onto stupid crap during a game.”
“...So I got a little jealous. So what?”
“Hinata…” You say softly.
“Guys. Stop!”
Suddenly the gym doors open. An older man is standing in the doorway.
“Hey! What are you all still doing here? It’s time to close up!” He says. “Hurry and clean up.”
“Excuse me!” Takeda begins. “Could we please at least finish this game first?”
“But it’s awfully late…”
“I’ll take responsibility and supervise everyone!”
“Once we’ve finished, I will do all the final checks and make sure everything is properly locked up.”
You look at Hinata and see he’s sad and embarrassed. You go over to him.
“...Hey…Hinata…” You softly say. He looks at you. “Are you okay?” HE puts on a fake smile.
“Yup! All good!”
“You don’t have to fake it with me.” He looks slightly shocked and drops his “smile.”
“It’s my fault for delaying the game…”
“You can’t blame yourself. You got hit in the head with a volleyball. At least you wanted to continue playing. Others would’ve taken Daichi’s offer of sitting out.”
“But then I had to go and yell at Kageyama for it.”
“What Kageyama did and said was completely uncalled for. You were upset and defending yourself. It was admirable.” This causes Hinata to blush.
“Thanks, (Y/N).”
“You’re welcome. Now…Are you hurting anywhere? Do you have a headache? Dizzy? Nauseous?”
“N-No. I’m okay. I promise.”
“Good.” You lightly punch his shoulder. “Don’t make me worry like that!”
“! I-I’m sorry! I-I didn’t -” Hinata can’t finish his statement because you suddenly hugged him.
“But I’m glad you’re okay.” You say hugging him tighter. This causes Hinata to turn bright red. You stop hugging him just as Takeda closes the gym door.
“Sorry, Sensei. Thanks for that.” Daichi says and Takeda turns around and gives him a thumbs up. “Okay, everyone! Let’s get back to playing!”
The game is about to resume but Kageyama gets Asahi and Takinoue’s attention.
“This rally.. I’m going to set the ball for him.” He says pointing to Hinata. “Please try as hard as you can to block him.” Hinata, Takinoue, and Asahi look at him confusedly. ‘What are you playing at Kageyama?’ You wonder.
“Hey, Hey! You trying to taunt us now?” Takinoue asks, annoyed.
“Yes, sir!” It’s a blatant taunt! I’m sorry for being disrespectful!!” Kageyama replies bowing. This shocks both you and Takinoue.
“Ha! Well aren’t you a gutsy kid! I like that! Okay, Then! We’ll take you up on that!” Takinoue replies.
“Thank you, sir!” Kageyama says before staring at Asahi intently and then walking away.
“What the heck is that rookie thinking? A quick set is effective precisely because you can’t predict it. Telling the other guys it’s coming means he’s gonna run smack into a triple block. And if that happens short stuff doesn’t stand a chance.” Ukai comments.
“...True…” Takeda begins. “If he runs headlong into a block…that may be the case, yes.” He finishes as Ukai looks at him questioningly.
‘Augh! Stupid Kageyama. What’s he doing telling the other team what we’re going to do next? There’s no way I can punch the ball through blockers that tough. He knows that!’ Hinata thinks nervously before looking at Kageyama, whose back is turned, frustrated. 
“Hinata. The way you are right now…you suck. You’re a scrub who’s fast and kinda knows how to jump. That’s it.” Kageyama says darkly.
“The Ace is a player who can put the entire team on his back and carry it.” Kageyama continues. “That’s someone you’ll never be.”
“!!” Hinata looks like he’s going to cry.
“Hey, um. Don’t you think…” Asahi begins,
“Yo, man!” Tanaka says.
“BUT!” Kageyama continues again, interrupting Asahi and Tanaka. “As long as you’re with me, you’re the greatest!!” Hinata looks at the setter in shock. “Yeah, Asahi-san’s spikes are super powerful! And yeah, he can go straight through even a triple block!”
“Huh?! Um! N-Not all the time…No, but…” Asahi stutters at KAgeyama’s words.
“Stop acting so modest!” Noya scolds the Ace.
“So what about you? All the times I’ve put the ball up for you… have you ever run into a block? Ever?” Kageyama asks, earning another look of shock from the middle blocker.
The whistle is blown and Shimada serves the ball. Ennoshita receives it as Hinata looks at the other team's blockers and begins getting intimidated.
“Dodge!!” Kageyama yells, pulling Hinata from his thoughts. “It’s not like there’s anything else you can do…you scrub!!”
Hinata runs to the left side of the court with the opponent's blockers following him. He bends his legs and swings his arms back getting ready to jump. ‘That’s right. If we can’t go through…’ Hinata thinks.
“We go around.” He says before jumping back and running to the right side of the court. This surprises Asahi, Takinoue, and Ukai.
‘I hate getting blocked! I hate getting stopped!!’ Hinata thinks as he jumps into the air. ‘If even one blocker gets up in front of me…there’s no way I can beat it the way I am now. I can’t play like the Ace plays. But…! “As long as you’re with me…you’re the greatest!”’ Hinata spikes the ball, surprising everyone, and earns his team a point.
“Yeah, you’re no Ace! But with your speed…your jumps…and my setting…we can take on any blockers out there!” Kageyama declares. “The point the Ace scores by busting through a block…and the point you score by going around them…It’s still a point! Even if you don’t have the fancy “Ace” label you rack up points in games! They pay attention to you, and follow you…and that frees up our other hitters! Including the Ace!! Right?!” Kageyama finishes and whirls his head toward Tanaka. 
“Dwah?! Y-Yeah!” The second year begins. “He’s got a good point, Bro! There’s a huge difference in how well our offense works…depending on whether or not you’ve got your decoy game up and running.”
“Despite all that…do you still hate the part you play on this team?! Do you still think it’s boring and uncool?!” Hinata doesn’t answer. He stands still thinking until he looks at his stinging hand.
“...I don’t…”
“I don’t think that!”
Nishinoya is gaping at the two as Suga chuckles. Hinata looks at Asahi.
“That was a really amazing spike you did.” Asahi compliments the first year.
“!! Thank you!!” Hinata says with a blush.
“Hey, Kageyama…” You say catching his attention. He turns to look at you. “That was sweet. What you did for Hinata.” His eyes widen and a blush creeps to his cheeks. He doesn’t know how to respond. “But…maybe next time…be a bit nicer.” You say tilting your head to the side with a closed-eyed smile that’s a mix of sweet and threatening. Kageyama‘s blush increases so he looks away.
“W-Whatever…” He says.
“Awesome! Now I think you know what to do.” You say as the setter goes to Daichi.
“I’m very sorry for interrupting the game again!!” He apologizes as he bows.
“Um! N-No, it’s okay.” Daichi replies.
“We’re all finished now, so…” Kageyama begins as he stands next to Hinata.
“We’re ready to play!!” The two exclaim together.
~To Be Continued~
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Since you are active, I thought I would get this in quick.
Did you watch the last three shows of Suga's concert? Just wanted to know your thoughts. I bought all three days because I suspected the boys will play. I had already seen Suga few times so I was hoping for the other boys and I was happy that they delivered. I am going to provide honest feedback and be mean by rating them. It's not a bad rating per so. It's more about what I felt during those three shows.
1st - Park Jimin and Suga - what a fucking pair. I know we always talk about Jikook's chemistry but I feel that JM has good chemistry with all the members and only highlighting Jikook's chemistry is disservice to JM and his insane chemistry with all the members. How the fuck is he able to match everybody's energy? It's incredible. To be honest, I struggled a bit to whether place RM and Suga's night or JMs and Sugas night first. In an ideal world, I would rate them both equally but also at the same time, Park Jimin is the performer of this century. The way he moves, the aura, the way he sounds, the way he looks. Every time I watch a BTS performance, Jimin kills it and he keeps getting better and better. I am afraid there is no stopping him. He is already on the way but he is going to be the biggest icon this world has seen..there is way too much potential there and we have just scratched the surface. He is so fucking sensual, its crazy..him and Suga sounded amazing and vibe really well. Jimin just owns the stage whether he is just walking/talking or performing. I think this to me sets him apart from all the other members. He doesn't even need to perform to ooze out charisma. There is just something about him. Okay enough about JM before I write multiple paragraphs.
2nd - Damn RM!! First of all, I love short hair. I think it makes him look fucking sexy. He is daddy for sure!! Love the unreleased song. Loved the energy between Suga and RM. Loves those friendship and whatever else thee is. The only reason that I placed the second day about the last day despite the visit from Hobi and Jin is Park Jimin. He is a performer performer. In saying that, I have always felt that RM's stage presence is underated. I feel like people used to be a bit funny about Suga's too but they have since relapsed that Suga is a fucking beast. RM I think gets a mixed reaction. I feel that dancers often get labeled as people with best stage presence but RM is a fucking killer on stage. I still rank JM higher than the rest of the BTS members but RM is pretty up there for me..his new song sounds incredible and I can't wait for his new album. Plus I want to see his titties..honestly I don't care about BTS showing their bodies. I have already loved through that with JM with his beautiful fucking body. Now Kookie is naked every second day.. most of the days l love it but sometimes I dont want to see it. The reason is because the body loses its value for me if I see it often. I just want to see RMs sexy body and then I am done with BTS and nudity unless one of them does tasteful full nudity (looking at you JM). Show us the goods!! I digress sorry. In conclusion, RM you nice, keep going.
3rd - I love Kookie but I don't like the song Seven. I think it's a dumb song that has the streams it has because fans feel they need to support everything their artist puts out, too many versions to purchase and stream, too much of a push for a shitty song and all that jazz. Now I am not saying JK didn't do a good job. He did do a good job but I want a better song for JK. I don't even care that he doesn't write it. I want a song that's not forgettable. I want a song that I know JK can kill and make it his own. Once again, JKs vocals sign but the song isn't that great. I thought I would enjoy it live but honestly have no feelings. I also felt that the audience weren't that into it when he performed. Not sure what but didn't feel it. I might sound like a hater but I honestly don't think the addition of JK did much for me. Burn it on the other hand was a blast for me. I like JKs voice in songs like that. I think JK is a great performer and just like JM has a lot of potential but 7 doesn't show any of that potential for me. I have no idea why they were pushing the song so much to be honest. Jk can write better songs and melodies. Let him do his shit!!
Overall though, they all looked hot. I almost cried looking at their beautiful faces. I hope if JK does songs about sex next time, actually either kiss the fuck out of them or fuck them
That seems more fitting than a weird stalker music video. JM next time kiss your reflection for fuck sake. Although a bit weird to.kiss your reflection, that would have been awsome. The whole fandom would have lost their mind. I am waiting to see who is going to start the trend of physical intimacy. I would like to say JM since he technically does a lot of subtle rebellious things or JK because it's JK but I would honestly love it more if it's Joon. Imagine everyone's face. Can't wait for all of them to kiss on screen.
Okay I am done with my rant haha
I disagree that Seven is a stalker music video. I think it's fairly clear the line between benign (humorous) persistence and stalking wasn't crossed. And it's no use defaulting to that option otherwise.
But yes to everything else you said. Sort of. I enjoyed reading everywhere this went even when I strongly disagreed. I think it's so interesting how we all perceive each member in BTS and their solo works.
And yeah, everything about Yoongi's encore concerts was perfection.
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tsumuuu · 1 year
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕕𝕠𝕝 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕕! 𝕂𝔸𝕎𝔸 - TORU OIKAWA
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What if the Haikyuu setters were a bunch of idols in an idol group called PSIS (Pretty Setter Idol Squad) and you happen to be their self-proclaimed "biggest fan" and win an all-inclusive tour of the behind-the-scenes of each member! What will you find out about each member? What are their lives off the stage like? Will you get to know them or will you just be another fangirl?
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notes: a bit suggestive at one part but its PG-13
word count: 1.0k
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KAWA, also known as Toru Oikawa is 21 years old and the leader/one of the founding members of the group PSIS
100% has the most fans
He's the lead singer and by fans seen as the most charming
has some of the most toxic fans
in his public appearances, he's seen as the most social out of the bunch, taking selfies with his fans and giving them hugs
in general the most affectionate one
accepts his fan's gifts all the time.
often does give aways to his fans
very talkative to his fans
very friendly to his kid fans
most engaged with his fans
his photo cards are of him in very fashionable poses and a lot of selfie ones
definitely flirts with his fans a lot
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This is the room of KAWA, the leader and the most frivolous of the bunch. He's notorious for flirting with his fans online and for his incredibly toxic fan club. You decide to knock on his door.
"I'll be right there!" a cheery voice says behind the door. The voice definitely belonged to KAWA. After all his voice is very distinguishable due to his popularity.
As the door opens you see a tall brunette leaning on the doorframe. He’s wearing really expensive clothes, as in designer clothes.  After all he is an idol and it’s what you’d expect someone with status and money to wear.
"Ah, you must be the winner of that contest we did. Well come on in cutie~" KAWA says making you a bit flustered.
You enter the Idols room and to your surprise, it's quite bland. There's a singular couch and some of his debut posters on the walls from when PSIS was just him and SUGA but otherwise, quite clean and tidy.
"So cutie, got any questions for the famous KAWA? Maybe you want a signature from yours truly?" he smirks while grabbing your face with his hand.
struggling with coming up with any words because of his antics, you just stood there blushing.
"Oh? No words? I tend to have that effect on people~" KAWA lets go of your face and sits on the couch, "All jokes aside, please call me Oikawa. What is your name though? It must be a really cute name~"
"(l/n) (f/n)" you tell the famous star.
"What a pretty name (l/n), but feel free to sit beside me, I won't bite." he motions you to sit with him on the couch.
You walk over to the couch awkwardly sitting beside the famous Idol, you're not sure what to entirely do in the situation you’ve been put in.
"In all honesty, is there anything you would like to ask me?" Oikawa asks in a less teasing tone.
You think of potential questions to ask the Idol, and your thoughts fall on one particular question.
"What is your true opinion of all of your fans?" You ask
"Well, let me think..." He pauses his sentence for a while, "In all honesty, they are quite annoying, and they can be incredibly rude to other fans..." he then looks you in the eyes with his brown eyes. "It's not that I don't appreciate them I really do! I just don't appreciate how they fight over me!" he laughs a little in the end.
You feel you’re starting to understand Oikawa a bit more than you did before, the person behind the idol persona.
“Well, let me follow up with this, you constantly flirt with your fans, why is that?" you reply to his previous question.
As soon as you said that he moves closer to you "well, tell me, are you feeling something? Something special when I'm this close to you? You have a famous Idol all to yourself right now, many people your age would love a chance to experience what you're experiencing right now, you're very lucky..." he smiles while he's slowly creeping on top of you, pinning you down.
"Well... yeah... I guess I feel special right now..." you admit while blushing at Oikawa's antics.
He really is one damn big flirt.
Oikawa then sits back down on the couch beside you and then smirks. "Well, there's your answer, I do it to make them feel special."
"You're quite the interesting man Oikawa." you tell him with a little laugh at the end.
You are right, Toru Oikawa is quite the interesting man with incredibly interesting antics. That's what gives him his charm.
"Why thank you, cutie! Many people have told me that before but none as cute as you~" he chuckles while smiling, "You know, you make a great manager for us. You have the looks and I can brag that PSIS has an incredibly cute manager."
You are quite flattered by Oikawa's request to become a part of the management for PSIS, after all, it is one of the founding members and the leader of PSIS requesting that you'll be a part of management.
"I'll consider the request Oikawa-"
"Toru. Please call me Toru." he cuts you off while you were speaking.
You flash him a smile "Well, I'll consider it Toru!"
He also flashes you a smile that seems genuine, nothing like his playboy smirk before, "Well, thank you (y/n), I appreciate it." as he says this he’s reaches into his pants pocket and he pulls out of piece of paper “This is my own personal number, be sure not to loose this sweetheart~” 
You take the piece of paper from him and get up off the couch and look at Oikawa right in the eyes "Well, I have other members to visit! I'll catch you later Toru, thank you for your number and I'll be sure to update you soon on your little offer!" You tell him as you open the door.
"See you around cutie~" he slyly replies back to your goodbye
Once you leave Oikawa's dressing room you realize why Toru Oikawa has his fans, he's an incredibly charming individual and you've gained more of a liking to him than ever before.
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taglist: @tooruchiiscribs @thechaosoflonging @cloud-lyy
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©tsumuuu 2023
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ssshhe8 · 5 months
Ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes. I’m trusfrated 👍
An EXO-L took to Facebook to post a fake “translation” where they “revealed” that HYBE often paid for their groups awards, brand deals, charts, etc.
Well, that’s WHAT the KPOP fans took from it.
Instead of acknowledging that the translation was faked they decided to carry the delusion into other fandoms.
Now almost (yeah pretty much all the fandoms) are attacking BTS. Saying they PAID their way. Somehow they went from being extremely poor at their start to buying their career.
Just gonna casually mention how their album debuted with 34 Sales but that’s Payola for you.
I’m sure in 2010 when they were formed, they knew they would have multiple nominations at the Grammys.
I just know it!
Also. It gets better. According to KPOP fans HYBE is the reason for every groups failure. Especially the Big Three Groups. They’re also to blame for every single song by another group/company that did not chart.
Somehow HYBE even managed to pay G-Idle to block Aespa on the chart? I’m not sure how they profited from that but it happened.
Furthermore, HYBE/BTS are to be blamed for Big Bang, EXO, IKON, and more groups loss of popularity. I saw something about Loona too?
It is because of this that BTS won an award over EXO back in 2017. Yep. Something that happened in 2017 has been brought up in 2024.
I was also informed that HYBE paid for the following: The sinking of the Titanic. Jungkook’s Stuck Potatoes, Jin’s Decision to Cut his Cake with his hand. RM’s inability to Drive. Jhope’s fear of bugs & Snakes. And Taehyung and Jimins dumpling incident. I strongly believe they were involved with Suga bumping his nose with his straw too.
You know the time when he was on Live with his shoulder strap, drinking an americano? He kinda smiled real shy after he bumped his nose and giggled.
But one thing I rarely noticed mentioned was the reason behind all of this.
Min Hee Jin.
And her plot to Casually mention as many groups as possible in hopes of igniting a fanwar to Distract the public as much as possible from the actual allegations against her. The break down wasn’t working good enough, I guess.
“Step on Aespa’s neck.” She Quoted from Bang PD.
That group was literally minding their business before you dragged them in that mess. Not to mention her open hatred for Le SSERAFIM being the first GG to debut. This woman is mentioning every group alongside New Jeans.
I have no problem with these fandoms or their groups. It’s not hard to simply focus on the ones you like. But the way they’re going for BTS, Who has been minding their business and doing their required military service, is uncalled for.
It’s natural to lose popularity. You’re not going to win every single award… if you love the group then support them to your best ability. Don’t worry about who is ahead of you.
It’s just very WEIRD & DELUSIONAL behavior that is making kpop as a whole look very immature.
Also the fact that most of these groups are friends yet their fandoms are fighting like children for everyone on Twitter to see.
Yeah. I name dropped but I’m not dragging any group. I’m simply quoting what I seen on Twitter and giving my opinion. I swear it will benefit you not to get on there. There are some funny tweets tbh. A LOT of viral tweets. But it’s just extremely messy.
It’s back to 2017-2018 for BTS fans on twt. Every fandom on there is lurking. I feel bad for the ones just minding their business.
Lastly. Some bts fans are just focusing on Namjoon’s comeback (as they should.) Pre-ordering for Right Place, Wrong Person is available now!
Also, I gotta mention how ENHYPEN casually danced to the Sweet Venom remix while the company is in flames. ✨They are icons ✨
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