#lady dentists
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CW: Mentions of kidnapping, stalking if you look closely. Let me know if I missed something.
Reader who’s been lost in the Siberian wilderness after a solo mission.
Reader who got hypothermia and nearly died before they were airlifted back to base.
Ghost who, after Reader’s recovery, still didn’t let you out of his sight.
Ghost who couldn’t bear to lose you, not even close. Not again.
Ghost who can’t sleep unless you’re nearby, so he knows you’re okay.
Ghost who breaks into your barracks room while you sleep, to make sure you’re alive safe, under the guise of a “Routine barracks inspection”.
Ghost who gets borderline obsessive over your safety.
Stalker!Ghost who doesn’t care if you hate him, as long as you’re all right.
Stalker!Ghost who will do anything to keep you well, even if he has to do it himself.
Stalker!Ghost who definitely doesn’t have the finished basement of his spartan house fitted with soundproof walls.
Stalker!Ghost who does not have a notebook full of different ways to kidnap you so he could be sure you’re safe at all times, what the bloody hell are you talking about?
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stuckinapril · 7 months
"looking iraqi" as a concept is very strange to me because like you said we're very diverse, like even within my own family there are people who are really light skinned and really dark skinned. for me some people guess I'm iraqi immediately upon meeting me but I get a lot of other assumptions like Spanish and Pakistani (most brown hijabis you see in the uk are pakistani but it reads to me a lot of the time i think all brown people are the same). I think the lebanese thing specifically is brought on a lot by colourism, lebanese people are perceived as predominantly light skinned which equates to beauty and iraqis are perceived as being predominantly tanner which isn't deemed as beautiful. which is dumb because there's lebanese people and iraqis of all skin shades and none are less beautiful than the next. it sucks I've heard people in my family refuse to take their baby out in the sun because what if she gets darker
This is so well articulated!!! Agreed w everything you say!
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adelaidedrubman · 6 months
man doctors are so fucking dumb as hell i have spent two years dealing with almost daily tension headaches/migraines, muscle pain and spasms, constant unilateral tinnitus, ear pain and popping, eye pain and blurry vision, severe insomnia, brain fog, vertigo, and balance/coordination issues.
i had consults with multiple neurologists, rheumatologists, audiologists, and physical therapists to get a ton of inconclusive test results and a “something mildly abnormal. who could say why. looks like my job here is done” and ineffective or nonexistent treatments. learned to just live with the pain and impaired functioning while secretly worrying i had some serious condition that would remain undiagnosed until i collapsed in public in some dramatic fashion and got sent to dr. house.
dentist feels my jaw for 5 seconds and says “oh yeah that’s real fucked up lol. are you also having [all of the previously described symptoms]”
and the punchline to all this is i have to pay out of pocket to have it fixed because insurance doesn’t cover adult orthodontics ✨️
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meaercies · 3 months
i have to go to the dentist today. just a cleaning but i havE DENTIST ANXIETY LOL
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thehighmass · 3 months
If I could have some prayers, please — I need emergency dental care
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supercantaloupe · 3 months
made a new patient appointment at a new dentist in the city all by myself. please clap
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weepingfoxfury · 3 months
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The man on the radio is, as ever, chomping his way through all manner of gifts, both sweet and savoury. Texts aplenty being read out and apparently Barry in Oman says its 39 degrees there. Weatherwise here it's time to get the deckchairs out ... don't delay ... and don't blink. The traffic lady talks of Kill Moon Cross again ... says trains are delayed on the such and such a line due to an incident ... then leaves the studio accompanied by Nick Drake ... "If today were not an endless highway, if tonight were not a crooked trail ..."
Today's groaner: did you hear about the man who worked in a bakery and fell onto a bun? ... he was on a roll ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
Can't resist a pretty Geranium. Any colour will do. Lost count of how many years the ones on the windowsill have sat there, and how many cuttings I've taken and given to friends. Anything that can survive my neglectful approach to plant care is more than welcome. Always think of The Dormouse and the Doctor by A A Milne and the Delphiniums blue and Geraniums red each time I walk past the plants. Must get some Delphiniums.
Coffee going down nicely. Keeping it warm and not so hot after my dental trip yesterday. The dentist had a nost unusual name. He did a good job and the Latin music was great. Not sure about the shaking though. Nervous ... or too much coffee ... or maybe not enough. I didn't like to ask ...
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freakoutgirl · 5 months
it really is funny when dentists/dental assistants act surprised about you not going every six months (and act like you are the scum of the earth when you haven't been there for years). like i know y'all are biased but certainly you HAVE to realize how expensive this is right.
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radiant-cowgirl · 4 months
i feel like i have a singular experience in this fandom like my name isn’t that common and it was a JUMPSCARE hearing damien say it in the Supporting an Incubus video
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squidsploitation · 6 months
wanted to finally tackle the pile of books from the library which Are Due but instead spent the day off doing collages… i love you mixed media i’m having a blast with this i’ve made a shaker element in my. journal. with glitter.
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vwiolets · 20 hours
being sweet talked by an older woman had permanently altered my brain chemistry 😵‍💫
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stressedjester · 10 days
I WISH I could pass as a cis man easily like some people on here think all trans guys do because I can probably count on my fingers the number of times I've been gendered correctly in public
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megatron · 18 days
dental cleaning + exam. NO CAVITIES AND THEY SAID MY TEETH ARE SO GOOD AND PRETTY and also that i need to floss more
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graysongraysoff · 20 days
man i don't fuckin want to go to the dentist today
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kateubanks · 1 year
my body falls apart, and i am trapped inside of it.
locked behind my teeth, i cannot run. i cannot scream. i cannot ask for help.
it's not an angry father on day two of a rampage or a car flying towards me on the highway or even a monster under my bed.
i'm the last air-tight hull of a sinking ship.
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