#lady glitter sparkles
iceanaillumise · 4 months
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Trolls Mineez concepts uwu!
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blooeyedtroll · 1 year
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“I think you look phat.” Sum Bridget content to sooth ur soul. Lolz. Cuz this girl doesn’t get enough love.
My latest livestream, on my bday, I got requested to draw Bridget. I really like how the sketch came out, so I decided to work it into a finial piece!
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idkmanraisinbrand · 8 months
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lucky charms
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alizera62quartz · 9 months
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Boosette Lady Bow~
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ourladyofomega · 9 months
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Glittery purple dice.
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gg-is-a-loser · 6 months
bridget is a huge part of why i love trolls so much. when they give her a makeover it isn’t get skinny fix your face fix everything it’s GET RAINBOW HAIR and a SPARKLY BRIGHT COLORED OUTFIT have some FUN
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lazybiba · 3 months
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sparkly glitter
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Lady Glitters Sparkles Fashion Illustration 👗🖍️
Bridget in her sexy chick look 💋
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phoenixiancrystallist · 8 months
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Month 10, day 20
Knell is done! Could I have added more sparkles? Yes. But I chose a tasteful amount of sparkles :P
God I'm so proud of her. Look at her. Behold her! Bask in her beauty!
My first attempt at her is under the cut for compare and contrast purposes. Holy shit have I improved exponentially since *checks file information* March.
...the fuck you mean March?!?!?!? No way I improved this much in just seven months. Nuh-uh. *double checks file information* Well slap my ass and call me Sally, I have. Huh. Guess that's what doing art every day will do to ya. 10/10 experience, highly recommend, tbh.
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She looks so much like an alien in the old one XD I still love her! I'm still proud of everything I did with her! But oh my goodness I can't believe the difference between these two pieces. I'm flabbergasted, y'all.
Fucking March. Goddamn.
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majestic-ai · 5 months
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💖ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀɴᴅᴍᴀᴅᴇ » ai art 🪄✨
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iceanaillumise · 3 months
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I did a "draw six characters" prompt on Twitter! It was originally for 300 Twitter followers, but consider it a 200 follower special for Tumblr too since we recently hit that milestone hehe
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necrobardvixen · 1 year
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One repost and the rest never got posted last year. And an updated Glitter due to developments in Hooves of Death
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p1325 · 2 years
New placement for my book collection with a new addition. What do you think?
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maddestmewmew · 1 year
remind me to never ever show my body online
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basset-babe · 9 days
five times: the one point five.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
warnings: none but gossip yet again
word count: 2.9k+
a/n: please do send me a message or comment down if you would like to be added on the succeeding taglists for the five times series! here is 1.5 times with ben. enjoy! thanks loves <3! (also, pls do imagine ben holding a graft rose for this one heh)
five times series: the first. the one point five. the second. the third. the fourth. at last. text divider from @heavenlayt and pattern banner from @cafekitsune thank you!
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the one point five time.
In the hours of sunlight, callers have flooded the Y/L/N drawing room. All bringing gifts and performances in hopes to win the favourable yes of the season's paragon, Miss Y/N Y/L/N. The grand parlor, adorned with exquisite tapestries and sparkling chandeliers, buzzed with the lively hum of conversations and the tinkling laughter of society’s elite. Lavish bouquets of rare, fragrant flowers filled the room, their heady scent mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed tea and delectable pastries arrayed on silver platters.
Gentlemen, dressed in their finest attire, lined up to present their offerings to Miss Y/L/N, each one more extravagant than the last. Some brought intricate jewelry, glittering with precious stones, while others offered rare books, hoping to appeal to her reputed love of literature. Musicians performed virtuoso pieces on the grand piano, their fingers dancing over the keys in a bid to capture her attention through the power of melody. Poets recited verses composed in her honor, their words dripping with adoration and longing.
Miss Y/L/N, the epitome of grace and poise, received each suitor with a warm smile and a gracious word. Her eyes, sparkling with intelligence and kindness, moved across the room, acknowledging the efforts and intentions of each visitor. Her charm was such that even a simple nod or a softly spoken thank you felt like a cherished treasure to the eager suitors.
The hour had struck past 1 in the afternoon when, hopefully, the last caller of the day had bid his farewells. The Y/L/N drawing room, which had been a whirlwind of activity, now began to settle into a quieter, more contemplative atmosphere. The sunlight streaming through the large windows cast a bright hue over the room, highlighting the opulent furnishings and the array of gifts that had been presented to Miss Y/N Y/L/N throughout the morning.
Servants moved gracefully, clearing away the remnants of the lavish spread of refreshments while ensuring that every detail of the room remained immaculate. The air was still fragrant with the scent of roses, lilies, and other exotic flowers that had been brought by admirers, creating a heady, almost intoxicating environment.
"As much as I do love botanicals, all these flowers have turned obnoxious to my senses, Grandmama," Y/N sighed, feeling the urge to slouch on the couch. Her frame was poised elegantly despite her weariness, a testament to her upbringing and the endless etiquette lessons she had endured.
Her grandmother, the Viscountess Y/L/N, reentered the room with a look of satisfaction mixed with maternal concern. "My dear," she said softly, "you have conducted yourself admirably. The attention you have garnered is truly remarkable, but alas, this be the trials of being the season's paragon," she said with jest. "A small price to pay for such adoration and the opportunities it presents."
Y/N allowed herself a small, rueful smile. "It has been a most eventful day. I do hope I have shown the proper appreciation to each caller." She gently plucked a stray petal from her gown, its soft texture a stark contrast to her current mood.
"Rest assured, my dear, that this too shall pass," her grandmother replied soothingly. "Soon, you will look back on these days with fondness, perhaps even in laughter."
Y/N nodded, though she wasn't entirely convinced. She admired her grandmother's ability to see the positive in any situation. Lady Y/L/N had once been the toast of her own social season, and her wisdom was hard-earned through years of navigating similar waters.
"Would it be terribly improper to open a window, Grandmama?" Y/N asked, her eyes drifting towards the heavy drapes that concealed the afternoon breeze. "I believe a bit of fresh air might revive my spirits."
The Viscountess chuckled softly. "Not at all, my dear. In fact, I think it would do us both good." She motioned to a nearby maid, who quickly moved to pull back the drapes and open the window, allowing a refreshing breeze to sweep into the room. The cool air carried with it the scents of the garden outside, a welcome contrast to the overwhelming floral arrangements within.
Y/N took a deep breath, feeling instantly more at ease. "Thank you, Grandmama. That is much better."
"Now, my dear," Mrs. Y/L/N said, her tone becoming more serious, "while you have a moment of peace, tell me—was there any caller today who truly caught your eye?"
Y/N considered the question carefully. There had been many suitors, each with their own merits. Some had been charming, others earnest, and a few rather boastful. But it was not that she minded all these suitors; it was who she looked forward to that truly occupied her thoughts. It had been this Bridgerton man she'd hoped would be calling on her the entire morning. Unfortunately, he had not been seen yet in this drawing room.
"Y/N, my dear, are you still with us?" Lady Y/L/N's gentle voice broke through her reverie.
"Yes, Grandmama," Y/N replied, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "I was merely thinking."
"About anyone in particular?" her grandmother inquired with a knowing smile.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then decided there was no point in hiding her thoughts from her perceptive grandmother. "To be quite honest, I was hoping to see Mr. Bridgerton today.. well as of this morn," she admitted. "I fear he may have been otherwise engaged."
"Ah, Mr. Bridgerton," Lady Y/L/N said thoughtfully. "A fine young man, from a respected family. It is no wonder you look forward to his call. Perhaps he will still make an appearance."
Y/N nodded, though she knew the likelihood was slim as the noon wore on. She took another deep breath of the fresh air now circulating through the room, trying to shake off her disappointment. The season was long, and there would be other opportunities to see him again.
"There was Sir Nicholas Deveraeux. He was quite charming," Y/N remarked.
"He comes from a good family as well, but I've heard his uncle," Her grandmother leaned in conspiratorially, "envies the crown."
Y/N laughed at the Viscountess' antics. "Grandmama, that's quite scandalous. Wherever did you hear such a thing?" Y/N laughed.
"Deborah told me," her grandmother said, motioning to her maid. Y/N couldn't help but laugh at the notion of her grandmama indulging in gossip. "But I must tell you, I keep my options open still," she stated matter-of-factly, regaining my composure.
"Even though you are clearly captivated by Mr. Bridgerton's smile," Her grandmother teased. "It is wise to keep your options open, my dear, so as not to appear too eager for any one gentleman's attentions."
"Indeed," Y/N thought to herself, "it is prudent not to seem desperate and helpless this early in the season. After all, the season is just beginning, and there will be many more opportunities for maybe much more meaningful encounters."
The older woman patted the young lady's hand reassuringly. "You are a clever girl, my Y/N. Your charm and grace will surely attract many suitors. Just remember to enjoy the process and not to place all your hopes on one gentleman, no matter how enchanting his smile may be."
Y/N nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. The season was an adventure, and she was ready to embrace it with an open heart and mind. As her grandmama said, there would be many chances to find the right match, and she intends to savor every moment.
Just as she was about to resign herself to the wait, a soft knock sounded at the drawing room door. Both Y/N and her grandmother turned their heads in surprise as the butler entered.
"Forgive the interruption, ma'am," he said with a slight bow. "But there is one more caller who has just arrived."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as the butler stepped aside, revealing none other than Mr. Bridgerton himself. He stood at the threshold, his confident demeanor softened by a warm, sincere smile.
"Good afternoon, Lady Y/L/N, Miss Y/L/N," he greeted them, bowing respectfully. "I apologize for my tardiness. I hope I am not intruding."
Lady Y/L/N's eyes twinkled with amusement as she replied, "Not at all, Mr. Bridgerton. We are delighted to see you."
Y/N felt her spirits lift instantly, her earlier fatigue forgotten. "Indeed, Mr. Bridgerton," she said, her smile reflecting the genuine pleasure she felt. "Your timing is impeccable."
Mr. Bridgerton's eyes met hers, and for a moment, it felt as though they were the only two people in the room. "I am glad to hear that, Miss Y/L/N," he said. "I have been looking forward to our meeting."
As he stepped further into the room, bringing with him an air of warmth and possibility, Y/N knew that this visit was just the beginning. The season held many uncertainties, but in that moment, with Mr. Bridgerton's presence brightening the drawing room, she felt a renewed sense of hope and excitement for what was to come.
He walked closer, offering his wrapped gift with a warm smile. "I know of your love of botanicals. Although, I wasn't sure what to get, but I opted for a grafted Rosa Falstaff from our estate's own gardens."
Y/N's eyes widened with surprise and delight as she reached out to accept the potted rose. "A Rosa Falstaff? From your family's gardens?" she exclaimed, her fingers gently tracing the leaves and delicate blooms.
"Yes," Benedict nodded, his gaze softening as he watched her reaction. "I thought it would be a fitting addition to your collection, considering your fondness for floriculture."
"Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton. This is truly truly thoughtful of you." Y/N's eyes lit up as she accepted the graft, appreciating the gesture.
Mr. Bridgerton smiled, a hint of relief and pleasure in his eyes. "I'm glad you like them, Miss Y/L/N. I thought something from home might be more personal and meaningful than the usual offerings."
Mrs. Y/L/N, observing the interaction with a pleased expression, decided to give the young couple some space. "If you'll excuse me, I have some correspondence to attend to," she said, rising gracefully. "Please, Mr. Bridgerton, make yourself comfortable."
As her grandmother left the room, Y/N gestured for Mr. Bridgerton to sit beside her on the elegant settee. "It's so refreshing to receive something so genuine," she said, placing the graft gently on the table beside them. "Tell me more about your estate's gardens. They must be quite beautiful."
Mr. Bridgerton settled into the seat, his expression brightening as he began to speak. "Our gardens are indeed a sight to behold, especially in the spring. We have a variety of flowers, from different roses to lavender, and even some more exotic species like that which my mother is particularly fond of. Each section of the garden has its own unique charm and character."
Y/N listened intently, her interest piqued not just by the subject but by the way he spoke with such genuine affection for his home. "It sounds enchanting," she said. "I would love to see it someday."
He smiled, clearly pleased by her response. "I would be honored to show you around Aubrey Hall, Miss Y/L/N. Perhaps you could offer some advice on expanding our collection of botanicals."
"I would be delighted," Y/N replied, her smile matching his. "There are always new species to discover and cultivate. It would be a pleasure to share that with someone who appreciates it as much as I do."
As they continued to talk, the conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on various topics of mutual interest. The room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them engrossed in their exchange. The connection they felt was palpable, a promising hint of what could be a deep and meaningful relationship.
The noon sun cast a golden glow through the open window, bathing them in warm light. It was as if the world outside had conspired to create the perfect moment, one that Y/N would cherish as the beginning of something truly special.
"Why not a change of scenery, Miss Y/N? May I enchant you to a walk with me this afternoon?" Mr. Bridgerton asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
Y/N felt a flutter of excitement at his proposal, though very different from norm indeed. The thought of a leisurely walk, away from the confines of the drawing room and amidst the fresh air and beauty of the outdoors, was undeniably appealing. She glanced at her grandmother, who had discreetly lingered near the doorway.
Mrs. Y/L/N, catching her granddaughter's hopeful expression, gave a subtle nod of approval. "I think that sounds like a splendid idea, Mr. Bridgerton," she said. "A bit of fresh air through my garden will do you both good."
"Thank you, Grandmama," Y/N replied, her smile widening. She turned back to Mr. Bridgerton, her eyes meeting his with a mix of excitement and gratitude. "I would be delighted to join you for a walk."
Mr. Bridgerton offered his arm, which Y/N took with a graceful nod. Together, they made their way out of the drawing room and through the grand halls of the Y/L/N residence. The household staff, now accustomed to the comings and goings of numerous callers, discreetly stepped aside, offering polite smiles as the pair passed.
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As they stepped out into the sunlight, the warmth of the afternoon embraced them. The gardens of the Y/L/N estate stretched out before them, a riot of color and fragrance that promised a delightful stroll. Birds chirped melodiously, adding a charming soundtrack to their walk.
"Your gardens are truly beautiful, Miss Y/L/N," Mr. Bridgerton remarked as they began their promenade. "It's easy to see where your love for botanicals comes from."
"Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton," Y/N replied, her gaze sweeping over the well-tended flower beds and neatly trimmed hedges. "I find great joy in spending time here. There's something so peaceful about being surrounded by nature."
They walked in comfortable silence for a few moments, taking in the beauty around them. Y/N's lady's maid chaperoning behind. The gravel path crunched softly underfoot, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead.
"I must admit," Mr. Bridgerton said, breaking the silence, "I was quite nervous about coming here today. I wasn't sure if my gift would be well-received."
Y/N looked up at him, surprised. "You needn't have worried," she assured him. "Your gift was one of the most endearing ones I have received. It speaks volumes about your character and your genuine interest. Quite a change in the morn's most fragrant bouquets. All exquisite but a tad bit too much on my senses." I gestured towards my nose.
He smiled, clearly relieved. "I'm glad to hear that, Miss Y/L/N. I hoped to make a meaningful impression."
"You certainly have," she replied warmly. "And now, here we are, enjoying a lovely walk together. It seems your efforts have been rewarded."
As they continued their walk, their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on topics both serious and lighthearted. They shared stories, laughed together, and discovered common interests. The connection between them grew stronger with each passing moment, the bond of friendship and potential courtship becoming more tangible.
"So, do tell me more about you, Mr. Bridgerton."
"Do call me Benedict, if you please. Provided, of course, that you feel comfortable and we are beyond the earshot of your lady's maid." his eyebrows raise in suggestive jest.
Y/N chuckled, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. "Very well, Benedict. You may address me by Y/N as well."
Benedict smiled, clearly pleased by her informal, now more familiar, address. "My days are usually spent at home, but sometimes, I spend my time in my art studio at the academy."
"Yes, you've mentioned of yourself an artist, I remember." Y/N remarked, intrigued. "That is fascinating. What sort of art do you create?"
Benedict's face lit up with enthusiasm as he began to describe his passion. "I work primarily with oils on canvas, though I do enjoy sketching as well. There's something incredibly satisfying about capturing a moment or a feeling in a piece of art. It’s a way to express myself that words sometimes fail to achieve."
Y/N listened intently, her admiration growing. "I would love to see your work someday. It must be wonderful to have such a creative outlet."
"It is," Benedict agreed, a note of pride in his voice. "And I would be honored to show you my studio and some of my pieces. Perhaps I could even paint your portrait, if you would allow me."
Y/N blushed at the thought, a mixture of shyness and excitement. "I would be delighted, Benedict. Though I must warn you, I may not be the most patient of sitters."
Benedict laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I’m sure we would manage just fine. And who knows, you might find the experience enjoyable."
"I look forward to it," Y/N said, her smile reflecting her genuine interest. "But tell me more about your family. I have heard much about the Bridgertons, but I would love to hear it from your perspective."
Benedict's expression softened as he spoke of his family. "We are a large, close-knit group. There are eight of us siblings, and we were all raised with a strong sense of duty and love seeing my late father and mother attend to our household. My mother, Violet, is the heart of our family. She has always encouraged us to pursue our passions and support each other."
"That sounds wonderful," Y/N said, touched by his words. "Family is so important. I imagine it must be lively with so many siblings."
"It certainly is," Benedict replied with a grin. "There is never a dull moment at Bridgerton House. We have our share of disagreements, of course, but we always come together in the end. All the laughter and camaraderie make it worthwhile."
Y/N felt a warm connection forming between them, their shared values and interests creating a bond that felt both natural and exciting. "I would love to meet them all someday, even so now that your brother has found himself a wife. Such exciting things!" she said.
"And they would be delighted to meet you," Benedict assured her. "I can already tell that you would fit right in."
"He thinks of me as someone who would fit with his family? I could feel my heart flutter," Y/N thought, the realization sending a warm, thrilling sensation through her.
As they continued their conversation, the afternoon sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the garden. The hours had slipped away unnoticed, a testament to the ease and enjoyment they found in each other's company.
Eventually the day had struck shy of 3 at afternoon and they made their way back to the main house, the promise of future meetings and shared experiences hanging in the air. As they reached the steps, Benedict turned to Y/N, his expression earnest and hopeful.
"Thank you for a wonderful afternoon, Y/N," he said. "I look forward to our next meeting."
"As do I, Benedict," Y/N replied, her heart full of anticipation. "Until then."
With a final, warm smile, Benedict took his leave, leaving Y/N with a sense of happiness and a fluttering hope for the future. The day had been more than she could have imagined, and she felt a deep sense of gratitude for the connection they had begun to forge.
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taglist: @novausstuff @pussyslayerhd @amoosarte
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harunayuuka2060 · 21 days
Leal: Master Akihiko.
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: What is his reply?
Leal: ...
Leal: He will cooperate.
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: *smiles*
Akihiko: See? I told you, Leal.
Leal: *smiles* *but then his expression becomes serious* However, your father wants to have a conversation with you.
Akihiko: Set a date.
Leal: *bows to him* Yes, Master Akihiko.
Yuurin's mother: Dear, can you help me recall what Yuurin used to be like when he was younger?
Yuurin's father: Of course, dear. Where do you want to start?
Yuurin's mother: From when he was born.
Yuurin's father: Hmm... Ah, do you remember how he frowned when the doctor held him?
Yuurin's mother: Did he? *chuckles*
Yuurin's father: Yes. You were afraid that he would grow up having an attitude.
Yuurin's mother: Indeed. But he grew up as a fine gentleman. *as she writes in the journal*
Yuurin's father: ...
Leal: We can assure you that nothing will happen to the madame.
Leal: That's why, I beg you, sir.
Leal: Help us to set Lady Yuurin free.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Ruggie-senpai, what do you think?
Ruggie: Hmm... I think your hair has become fluffier.
Yuurin: Is that a good thing?
Ruggie: Why, of course!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Do I look more feminine now?
Ruggie: Yep! *grins and gives her a thumbs up*
Ruggie: Oh! Shishishi! Yuurin, are you interested in trying hair glitter?
Yuurin: Hair glitter?
Ruggie: Yes! It will make your hair sparkle like the stars in the night sky!
Leona: ...
Leona: *pulls out his phone and then takes a picture of Yuurin*
Yuurin: ???
Leona: You look too cute. I'm sending this to Aki. *then walks away*
Yuurin: ...
Rook: Monsieur Tranquille! Today, you exude such captivating loveliness!
Vil: I agree, though I feel that whoever did your hair just dumped the whole bottle of hair glitter.
Yuurin: Ruggie-senpai did.
Vil: ...
Vil: Alright. I'll be the one styling your hair from now on.
Yuurin: You don't have to, Vil-senpai-
Vil: I insist.
Yuurin: ...
Lilia: Ooh~ Is that Yuurin?
Silver: Hm? Something's different about him.
Lilia: What do you mean?
Silver: He looks dreamy.
Lilia: ...
Silver: Ah, it might be because of his hair.
Lilia: ...
Lilia: *smirks* Silver, why not go ahead and compliment him directly?
Silver: Huh?
Lilia: *chuckles* Just go! *pushing Silver*
Silver: Good afternoon, Yuurin.
Yuurin: Good afternoon, Silver-senpai.
Silver: You look dreamy today.
Yuurin: Thank you, Silver-senpai.
Silver: That's all I wanted to say.
Lilia: *appears* Huh?! What do you mean 'that's all you wanted to say'?
Silver: Fathe- I mean, Lilia-senpai, what's wrong?
Lilia: Yuurin, you see... *smirks*
Lilia: When Silver saw how cute you looked, he couldn't help but want to take a photo together.
Silver: No, I didn't-
Lilia: You wouldn't mind, right? Okay! Silver, go stand next to him.
Silver: *confused but followed anyway*
Lilia: Fufu~
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Lilia: *frowns* Silver, put your arm around Yuurin's shoulder.
Silver: Um, like this?
Lilia: And Yuurin, please put your arm around his waist.
Yuurin: Like this, Lilia-senpai?
Lilia: Fufu~ Yes. That's perfect.
Yuurin and Silver: ...
Malleus and Sebek: ...
Malleus: What is this, Lilia? *seeing the photo of Yuurin and Silver displayed at their dorm's lounge*
Lilia: Don't they look adorable~?
Malleus: Yes, they do-
Sebek: AAAHHH!!!!
Lilia and Malleus: ...
Lilia: Sebek?
Sebek: M-My apologies, Lilia-sama.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *smirks* Sebek, are you jealous?
Sebek: N-No, Waka-sama!
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