#lady mary x reader
kate-bishops-waifu · 2 years
Alright screw it, there is a disturbing lack of x reader content for Downton Abbey and All Creatures Great and Small (2020) so I guess it's my job to do it.
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I'm now opening requests for Downton and All Creatures fic.
NSFW requests welcome.
18+ ONLY. This is an 18+ account so if you want a fic you need to be 18+!
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deerlottie · 12 days
omg i found ur nat x plus sized reader thoughts & i was obsessed >_<
cnan i rq some mari x sub!plus size reader thoughts? :33
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also very short im sorryyy but hope you enjoy <3
she's not huge into PDA but she can and will and loves showing you off.
tiny things like making you wear her jersey and/or varsity jacket while you watch her at practice or game
OR! maybe ur on the team with her!!!! always making sure she's on the opposite team as you during practices because it's easy to act like you're butting up against each other for the ball but she's really just making teasing comments about how if you let her team win, she'll treat you good tonight ;p.
leg stretches with her that end up with you bent over and her strap buried deep in ur cunt!! she's groping your ass while telling you to be a good girl and keep stretching ur legs.
she likes to keep things private but sometimes she can't help but get needy and start kneading your lovehandles while growling in your ear, telling you how much she needs you. dragging you to the bathroom and just worshipping ur body.
she loves to be trapped between ur thighs ohmy God!! slight breath play(?) but she loves it when she knows shes doing a good job with her tongue because you always wrap ur legs over her neck and tug her further into ur pussy until she can't breathe. which is fine by her!! she's mastered how to breathe thru her nose when this happens ;p
one wrong look at you and that person is dead. or crying. you dont know how many times she's gotten benched for her behavior because of some asshole picking on you. she knows you can take care of yourself, but she just gets this primal urge to protect you :(
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
The Sun and Moon
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Part 11
Request: Yes or No
"It is quite kind of Her Majesty to host such an event at the palace. I mean, not even the Duke of Hastings got such an opportunity!"
"That is because he and his bride wished for a quick and quiet ceremony, Mother." (Y/N) reminded her gently. Lucy hummed absentmindedly, fingertips softly scratching against her sons' arm as she marveled over the decorations. As always, Her Majesty had outdone herself, but nothing less could be expected from a woman like her. She demanded the best of the best in every single thing, no matter how small. 
The soft sound of a harp welcomed the Granvilles into the chapel and Henry released an impressed hum. (Y/N) wished he had a clear enough mind to truly take in the beautiful decor, but his mind and heart refused to focus on anything. Anthonys' dreaded wedding day had finally arrived and while (Y/N) had woken up with a good mindset, the minute they had arrived at the palace he had found his stomach in knots. His skin felt warm, abnormally so. Digging his fingers into his palm, (Y/N) cleared his throat and forced a smile for Violet as she approached him. 
"Mr. and Mrs. Granville! I'm so glad you could make it." Violet smiled widely, though it didn't reach her eyes. Nerves, perhaps? It was her eldest sons' wedding. 
"We wouldn't dream of missing it, Lady Bridgerton," Lucy replied, reaching out to take Violet's hand. Violet placed her other hand over Lucy's and smiled, giving the family a nod before moving on to greet more guests. (Y/N) felt his father pat his back twice and sighed softly, following his parents to a pew. Lucy released him and sat down first, watching her husband sit down beside her before she leaned in to whisper, motioning to the decorations. (Y/N) lingered in the aisle, glancing back toward the entrance before he sat at the end. He swallowed the lump in his throat as more and more guests arrived and took their seats until eventually, everyone was seated and the music began. 
(Y/N) fidgeted with his fingers, hearing the soft sound of shoes clicking against the floor and a body moved past him. He stared at the wooden pew in front of him, toying with his glove before he lifted his gaze. Anthony bowed before Queen Charlotte before taking his spot on the left side of the archbishop. Anthony looked toward his family first before he met (Y/N)s gaze. (Y/N) turned his head away from him and looked back at Kate as she walked. She looked at him and her lips quirked into a pitiful yet supportive smile, eyes softening as she passed him. She curtsied before Her Majesty and stood off to the archbishops' right. She glanced at Anthony, gaze hardening for a moment.
"There she is.." (Y/N) heard his mother whisper and he shifted, standing up alongside his parents as Edwina walked down the aisle, hand in hand with her mother. The guests marveled at her beauty and Edwinas' happiness was enough to make a smile tug at (Y/N)s' lips. Such a pure, kind soul. (Y/N) couldn't bring himself to find a single fault in her, even as she stood in front of Anthony and smiled at him. 
"Please be seated." The archbishop's voice bounced off the walls, echoing through the large room. He waited for everyone to be seated before continuing. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. And therefore, it is not by any to be enterprise, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, and wantonly to satisfy men's carnal lusts and appetites..."
(Y/N) bit the inside of his cheek and shifted slightly in his seat, unable to get comfortable. He felt Henry subtly press his arm against his in an attempt to bring him some comfort, though it did little to calm him. He made eye contact with Anthony again and he held it this time, the tight-lipped smile on Anthony's face shifting into a frown. They hadn't spoken in the night at the Bridgertons' house and (Y/N) doubted they'd ever speak again, especially after the harsh words he'd thrown at him. But a part of him wanted to speak with him, to ask him, to hear him out. Even if it hurt.
"My lord?" Anthonys' head snapped toward the archbishop and he blinked, looking at Edwina before he gazed back at (Y/N). (Y/N) pressed his lips together when Edwina glanced back at him, her brows furrowing. He could see the wheels begin to turn in her head and it seemed Kate had noticed too, her fingers anxiously toying with the jewelry around her wrists. One suddenly unlatched and fell to the ground with a soft clang, drawing Anthonys' attention. Before Kate could crouch down to pick it up, Anthony stepped forward, head lifting to look at (Y/N) as he picked it up. Edwina watched him closely and when she noticed Anthony looking at the painter once more, her grip on her bouquet loosened. 
"Thank you, My Lord," Kate whispered as Anthony handed her back her bracelet but her eyes remained solely on her sister, eyes almost pleading as Edwina's breathing became heavy and irregular. 
"Miss Edwina-"
"I need a moment!" She stepped away from Anthony, glancing back at (Y/N) before racing down the aisle. Her mother and sister were quick to run after her as loud murmuring filled the air, followed by the loud sound of fireworks going on. (Y/N) focused on the pew in front of him again and released a shaky breath. 
"This is why I warned you, time and time again." His father muttered quietly. Disappointment. "Because people get hurt. I taught you better than this."
Silently rising from the pew, (Y/N) joined the guests leaving the chapel and headed up the stairs, aimlessly walking until he found an empty room to occupy. He shut the doors behind him and sniffled, his fathers' words and tone echoing in his mind as he walked further into the small room, the hot tears slipping down his face. He sniffled and inhaled deeply, resting his hands on the desk at the end of the room as he tried to calm himself. 
He'd spent half his childhood trying to make his father proud, trying to keep him happy so he wouldn't leave on another trip around the world. To disappoint him after so many years... And poor Edwina. Such a sweet and gentle soul. Her wide, warm eyes filled with shock.
"Fuck." (Y/N) grunted, slipping his gloves off and throwing them on the floor. Furiously wiping away the tears that refused to stop, he continued to breathe in and out until the doors suddenly opened and closed. He spun around and stared at an equally surprised Kate. One of her bracelets slipped from her fingers and fell to the ground before the other one followed. She stared at him and took two slow steps forward. 
"She knows," Kate whispered, quickening her pace and throwing her arms around (Y/N), a sob shaking her body. "She knows and she hates me."
"Who? Edwina?"
"Yes!" Kate wailed, knees giving out from underneath her. (Y/N) quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and crouched down, moving onto his knees and gently setting Kate down. The brunette sobbed and buried her face into his neck, hiccuping softly.
"Kate, she could never hate you." (Y/N) assured her and pulled back to cup her warm, tear-stained cheeks. "You are her sister. You love her and she loves you, she knows that. She's angry, yes, but it will pass. You have not wronged her, not like Anthony and I have."
"I kept it from her. I should've told her and saved her the heartbreak and embarrassment. Her face... She looked destroyed, (Y/N)." Kate shook her head, strands of hair sticking to her face. She brought her knees up to her chests and wrapped her arms around them, squeezing her eyes shut and forcing more tears down her face. 
"I know... She's hurting right now. It will hurt for days, weeks... Months, even. But she won't be mad at you for long. She's just taking her anger out on you for now cause she's overwhelmed. She does not hate you, Kate. She may say it or think it right now, but in her heart, she loves you. She just needs space and time to take everything in." He wiped the tears away and placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Breathe, Kate."
Taking in a few deep breaths and exhaling, Kate slowly calmed herself down enough for the tears to stop. She gently rubbed her cheeks, drying her skin with the fabric of her gloves. "And how are you?"
"Not well." He responded with a sigh. "But just like you, I'll feel better soon."
"This is all his fault." 
"And mine." (Y/N) added softly, raising his brows at her. Kate parted her lips to object but ultimately said nothing, looking away instead and sighing with a small nod.
"Come on, Kate." (Y/N) rose from the dusty floor, offering Kate his hand and pulling her up alongside him. He smiled at her and brushed back some of her hair strands. It'd only be a matter of time before someone went looking for them, and if they were to be found alone... Well, they'd be the ones getting married. 
"I'll go first and after a few seconds, you can come out." (Y/N) instructed, taking her hands in his and squeezing them gently. 
With a soft sigh, (Y/N) retrieved his gloves from the floor and exited the room, stepping out into the hallway as he wiped the dust away from his gloves. He glanced down one end of the hall in search of his parents before looking down the other end, only to see Anthony. (Y/N)s' eyes widened slightly and when Anthony began walking towards him, he stumbled back into the hallway and toward the room, throwing the door open. 
"(Y/N), what-"
"Go, go!" (Y/N) quickly pushed Kate deeper into the room and shut the door but his silent prayer went unheard as the door opened and Anthony stared at the two in bewilderment.
"Oh." Kate breathed.
"What are you two doing alone again?" Anthony questioned, gently shutting the door to not draw any attention before facing them. 
"This is our place of refuge."
"A closet?" He furrowed his brows and Kate scoffed softly.
"Yes, now, please go." Kate walked toward him and the door, reaching for the doorknob but Anthony quickly stepped in front of her to prevent her from reaching it. 
"No, we must speak. All of us." 
"I have nothing to say to you-"
"I just spoke with Miss Edwina. She was harsher than I knew her capable of being. I concede I do not know her as well as you do, Kate, which is why you must do something." Anthony said, looking down at Kate, expression soft and pleading. Kate's shoulders slumped and she turned away from him, shaking her head.
"What would you have me do, My Lord? More plotting and scheming? It seems my sister has finally become wise to it all. In one way... I should feel quite proud." Kate said with a sad smile, wrapping her arms around herself and looking back at Anthony. He frowned and scoffed softly.
"So, you intend to cease to help her and hide in a closet as she ruins her life?"
"She's not ruining her life, Anthony. Edwina is simply doing what she wants, instead of what you want. If she wishes to put an end to this whole mess then so be it. She has a choice, she sees that now. She certainly doesn't need you intervening because you're upset someone finally realized what type of person you truly are." (Y/N) spat. Anthony swallowed and lowered his gaze, shutting his eyes briefly before looking back up at him. 
"Give us a moment, Miss Sharma." 
"No, Kate, stay-" (Y/N) stepped toward Kate but Anthony grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Please." He pleaded softly. (Y/N) grinded his teeth together and looked him in the eye. The questions he had could be answered, but he could also risk being left with even more doubts. Tearing his eyes away from Anthony and looking back at Kate, he pursed his lips and shook his head, tugging his arm free.
"You've had many chances, Anthony. I will not be made a fool by you again." (Y/N) stated and brushed past him, thrusting the doors open and stepping out. He felt his breathing go uneven and he made his way downstairs, entering the now empty and quiet chapel. Relieved with no one in sight, (Y/N) took slow steps forward and settled down on one of the pews. 
He'd been one of the few to never attend a service. All the times he'd stepped into a church were to speak to the priests about a painting or to witness a wedding. Even if he had wanted to, the servants were the only ones who could take him as his parents were too busy. His father off on his travels or entertained by a younger man and his mother occupying herself by hosting her friends. A lonesome childhood. One that may have resulted in his desire to please others, to forgive them, to be kind. 
(Y/N) sat there, for hours it felt, before he heard footsteps clicking down the aisle. He turned in his seat and sighed when he saw Anthony. He rose from the pew, one hand gripping the back of it as he frowned. 
"What do you want?"
"Did you not send for me?"
"What?" (Y/N)s' brows furrowed. His eyes shifted onto Kate as she entered the chapel as well, looking between them in utter confusion. She cleared her throat and clasped her hands in front of her, taking slow steps forward. 
"You sent for me, (Y/N)?"
"I-" (Y/N) felt his breath hitch in his throat when he spotted Edwina entering after Kate. She held her head high, still clad in her long white dress. Her face, once bright and happy, now usually stoic and devoid of emotion. She stopped in the middle of the aisle, letting her eyes sweep over her sister and fiancé.
"I have made my decision." She announced. "I thought it best you all hear it from me." 
"Edwina, we should speak in private," Kate interjected but Edwina ignored her and walked forward.
"I cannot marry you, Lord Bridgerton. You cannot provide me with what it is that I want. What it is that I deserve." Edwina glowered, jaw clenched and eyes full of fire. "What everyone deserves." She added, this time more softly as she looked at (Y/N). Her features hardened once more and she looked back at Anthony. "I may not know exactly what true love feels like but I certainly know what it is not. It is not deception or wandering eyes, or a role to be fulfilled. I cannot marry you because I cannot betray myself. You will never meet my eyes in the same manner you met Mr. Granville's on that altar today. You will never... You will never look at me the same way."
With a shaky breath, Edwina turned away from Anthony and faced her sister. "You say you have spent your life trying to give me everything I lacked, but really, you simply gave me everything you really wanted for yourself, as though my life were not my own. I did not ask for any of it, Kate! So, today, I can be sure that what I leave behind is not my loss. It is yours. You say you tried shielding me, protecting me from the truth when truly, you were just protecting yourself. Today, you have lost your power while I have made up my own mind. And that is victory enough for me." Inhaling softly, she began making her way toward the exit before abruptly stopping and looking at (Y/N) over her shoulder.
"Despite my lack of knowledge when it comes to true love, I know that when I find it, he will not keep me a secret." (Y/N) watched her disappear behind the drapes, her words feeling like a punch to the gut. (Y/N) dug his teeth into his bottom lip and turned his head to look at Anthony, fingers digging into the wood of the pew. 
"I must..." Kate swallowed, blinking away unshed tears and grasping at her dress, lifting it barely off the ground and quickly going after Edwina. 
A moment of silence passed, the two men standing still, unable to form the right words. Anthony could feel the silence choking him. Once upon a time, he found the silence pleasing and comfortable. Now, all he wanted to do was hear (Y/N)s' voice, even if it meant being screamed at. But instead, (Y/N) turned toward him with a sad smile.
"If we hadn't met if we hadn't spoken... If we had been smarter... None of this would've happened. You would've been celebrating your marriage right now." (Y/N) spoke, voice barely audible. "You would've been happy with a bride at your side and-"
"No." Anthony breathed and shook his head. He took long strides, brows forming wrinkles on his forehead as he took (Y/N)s' hands in his own, wrapping his fingers around them and holding them to his chest. "I wouldn't have been happy. Not in a million years."
"Anthony, I... I care for you. But I know that while I can give you what you want, I cannot give you what you need. You're a Bridgerton... The first-born son who needs an heir to carry on the family name and legacy. You've said it countless times before. You and I burned but like any flame, we would've gone out sooner or later. It's time we put this thing between us to rest, for the sake of our families and our sanity." (Y/N) leaned forward, pressing his lips against Anthonys'. He didn't allow the kiss to last for long, knowing it'd be harder to pull apart if it did. Resting his forehead against Anthonys, he sighed softly.
"It was nice while it lasted... My Lord."
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"What a scandal." 
"Not now, Steph." (Y/N) grunted, the tip of his pencil breaking against the paper. He cursed softly under his breath and leaned back in the bench, fingers rubbing the side of his temple. A headache had settled in the previous day and no matter how much tea he drank or how much fresh air he got, it refused to budge. An inconvenience he didn't need in the slightest. 
"It hasn't gone away? Perhaps you're getting sick." Stephanie mused, tapping her folded fan against her clothed thigh. 
"Perhaps." He muttered. Stephanie reached over and wrapped her arm around his, gently coaxing him up.
"Then we shall cut this walk short. I wouldn't want you pushing yourself too much." (Y/N) nodded, closing his sketchbook and holding it against his hip as he stood. Stephanie motioned for her maid to follow before the two began walking down the path, a cool breeze keeping their bodies from warming too much. (Y/N) turned her head toward the lake, watching the twinkling water. An image that once soothed his mind now did nothing for him. Maybe he truly was getting sick.
"Mr. Granville!" (Y/N)s' head snapped forward to look at Violet and he felt his headache intensify. Clearing his throat and trying not to wince, he offered her a smile. Violet glanced at Stephanie and licked her lips, parting them only to close them. (Y/N) glanced at his blonde friend and hummed softly.
"Steph, give us a moment, please?"
"Of course." Stephanie smiled politely at Violet and strode forward, beckoning her maid with a flick of her wrist. 
"What is it, Lady Bridgerton?" Playing dumb with the woman who had eight children. As if he didn't look like a child who'd been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Violet released a breathy chuckle and clasped her hands together, glancing at everyone who walked past them. Each person eyed the woman with either pity or disappointment and (Y/N) had been partly to blame for it.
"Join us at Lady Danburys', please. You are part of this scandal as much as the rest of us, even if the ton doesn't know it."
(Y/N) wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole. He stared at his gloved hands as Lady Danbury ranted about the tons' reaction to the scandal, looking absolutely enraged. He could feel Edwinas' stare burning into the side of his head and almost as if it were in cahoots with her, his headache squeezed around his brain. 
"We know what we are to deal with, at least." Violet piped up softly.
"We shall not remove ourselves from this fight. All will be lost if we run now." Lady Sharma voiced, one hand in Kate's, her thumb rubbing soothing circles in her daughters' hand. 
Edwina scoffed softly. "I shall like to remove myself from this room." She muttered bitterly as she rose from her seat and fetched herself some sugar for her drink. Her mother stared after her in surprise and guilt.
"Every day that goes by without our altering the ton-shared sentiment will harden it." Lady Danbury pointed out, hard eyes flickering between the two men. 
"Perhaps we need another story as to why things ended." Lady Sharma looked at them with a look that only mothers gave to their children when they were disappointed in them. (Y/N) swallowed, pressing himself further against his seat and praying he'd be excused and allowed to leave in the next few minutes. 
"We have already started to tell one. We cannot change course now." Lady Danbury rebutted with a shake of her head. 
"Well, if we cannot speak about the reasons, might we at least act as though they are of no consequence to us?" Violet raised her brows and looked at Lady Sharma before turning toward Lady Danbury with a knowing look. Lady Danbury grinned widely.
"A ball."
"Yes! Together. We prove to the ton that our story is true. It was indeed a mutual decision between all interested parties, and there is no scandal or ill will between our families at all." Violet beamed and Edwina set her cup down with a clank, an exasperated look on her face. Lady Sharma gave her youngest a look. 
"A ball would give Edwina the chance to find another suitor." She raised her brows at her.
"Another ball? So that the ton might inspect this wreckage with an even closer eye?" Anthony finally spoke for the first time that evening but he didn't look in (Y/N)s' direction and neither did the painter. Edwina stared at the two of them with a clenched jaw before humming.
"A ball may very well work." Edwina nodded and Violet smiled widely. "After all, the Viscount and Mr. Granville have been so good at hiding their true feelings from everyone in public this far! It should not trouble them to do the same a little longer." The ladies' smiles dropped and Lady Sharma quietly hissed Edwina's name. Edwina looked at her mother with a frown before little Newton scurried into the room, barking up a storm and running right up to (Y/N). The painter couldn't help but smile and lean down, giving the corgi the attention he demanded.
"Newton!" Kate tutted and stood up from her seat but Anthony leaned over, gently pushing the dog away from the painter.
"Oh, it's fine." (Y/N) chuckled, standing up from his seat alongside Anthony. With another call from Kate, Newton finally obeyed his owner and waddled over into her arms. (Y/N) watched him with a smile before turning his head to look at Anthony. The Bridgerton hummed softly, staring into his eyes with a small smile of his own. He leaned over slightly, purposefully brushing his shoulder against (Y/N)s', looking away when (Y/N) gave him a look. 
"Was I truly that blind?" Edwina gaped at the two, spinning around to face the others. "Were they always this obvious?"
"If this plan is to work..." Violet began as she rose from her seat. 
"I suggest the two of you stay on opposite sides of the room at all times." Lady Danbury finished for her, gripping the top of her cane and leaning over, smacking the side of Anthonys' leg. Before (Y/N) could chuckle, she did the same to him, forcing the two to step away from each other.
"All we need would be for someone to witness something untoward-"
"I beg your pardon, Lady Danbury. I do not know what you mean to say." Anthony cut in quickly with a scoff as his mother approached him.
"What she means to say, Anthony is that those of us in this room at present are the only ones who know the full truth of the matter," Violet explained, placing a hand on Anthonys' arm.
"And we would prefer to keep it that way. You of all people should know the risk of this being found out, (Y/N)." Lady Danbury raised her brows and he swallowed, eyes falling onto the carpet beneath him.
"I'm fully aware that many would call for my... our death if the ton were to find out."
"Precisely why there must not even be a passing look between the two of you, lest we wish to read about it in Lady Whistledown. Are we clear?"
"Quite, Lady Danbury."
"Yes." (Y/N) nodded, taking her nod as a dismissal and turning away. He walked out of the drawing room and headed down the hall, one hand ghosting over the railing. He felt the world spin and squeezed his eyes shut, hand clamping around it. Sucking in a breath, he brought a hand up to his forehead. 
"Are you alright, Mr. Granville?" A servant questioned.
"Mm? Yes, I'm alright, thank you." (Y/N) replied breathily and smiled at the maid. She hesitantly nodded and continued up the stairs.
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"This one is yours, right, darling?" Lucy motioned to the painting before them, smiling up at it.
"Yes, it's the lake beside grandfather's estate at sunrise. If you look closely, you can see Moonlight standing in front of the lake." (Y/N) smiled fondly. Lucy chuckled and nodded, staring at the painting for a moment longer, the longing to see her late parents again evident on her face. Stepping closer to her son, she sighed.
"Moonlight had always been your grandfathers' favorite. I'm glad you share similar feelings." Glancing at the painting one last time, she turned away and observed the statue nearby.
"Mrs. Granville." Lucy and her son turned their heads to look at Violet as she approached. (Y/N) inhaled. Right, the ball. Violet smiled at him knowingly before facing his mother and taking her hand.
"We're hosting a ball later this week. I was hoping you'd be able to make it." 
"I'll have to speak with my husband first." Lucy returned the smile and gave Violet's hand a gentle squeeze, letting it slip from her grasp afterward and glancing back at her son before she continued. Violet watched her go before sighing and looking at (Y/N).
"Was that a yes or a no?"
"Sounded like a no." (Y/N) answered truthfully, offering his arm for her to take. Violet did so and shook her head, glancing at the others as they whispered and murmured, not even bothering to hide their distaste. 
"If I'm honest... I had my suspicions. Anthony doesn't get attached to strangers so easily, especially his siblings' friends. At first, I thought you'd been the exception, and then when Anthony told me one day that he hadn't been feeling well and what he described sounded like a crush..." Violet trailed off, speaking quietly. "Deep down, I knew it had to be you." 
"I know for most parents finding out your child is... Well, most would consider it a nightmare." 
"But I don't." Violet frowned, shaking her head. "I certainly don't understand it, but I do not believe it is a nightmare. In fact, I'm relieved. For the longest time, I thought Anthony had been incapable of love after Edmund died. I knew he cared for the singer he'd been seeing but I didn't believe it was love. Then, you came along and I saw him look alive... And happy. You're good for him, (Y/N). I'll never be able to hate my children for being who they are and I certainly can't hate you for making my son happy. Whatever you two decide to do, I just hope you'll at least remain friends cause Anthony isn't the only one who enjoys your company in the family." Violet smiled warmly, inhaling softly before she stepped away to mingle with the others. (Y/N) watched her go and swallowed, continuing to walk down the aisle until he stopped by a statue.
(Y/N) knew he couldn't expect less from Violet. Her love for her children was tremendous and an example to all mothers. He doubted she could hate anyone unless they directly harmed her family. (Y/N) wished he'd met her as a child. Perhaps his youth would've been spent running with Benedict instead of being fretted over by maids within the walls of the Granville house.
"Your mother is an angel, I'm sure of it." (Y/N) murmured and looked at Anthony as he stood beside him. Anthonys' lips quirked, eyes looking over the statue before he turned his head to look at the painter. 
"We shouldn't linger around each other for long, Anthony. Unless you wish to face Lady Danbury and her cane." (Y/N) glanced over his shoulder in search of said woman, in case her hawk eyes had spotted them together.
"I'd face her wrath a million times over if it meant being by your side." (Y/N) despised the way his lips formed a smile and the involuntary chuckle that slipped past them. Anthony perked at the sound of it and his eyes softened.
"You should give poetry another attempt, Anthony. It appears you're getting better at it."
"If that's what you want." Anthony continued, voice softening. He stepped around (Y/N) and went back to inspecting the statue to not attract any wandering eyes. 
"Flattery will not change my mind, Anthony."
"Your smile says otherwise."
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alewritesfics · 2 years
ꗟ𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓹𝓲𝓽𝔂 one; Who are you?
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Sharma! reader
Words: 1.3k
Summary: your arrival at Aubrey Hall.
Warnings: Anthony is a jerk at first, talks of death (a new mini story!)
Serendipity Masterlist Masterlist
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The Manor was silent and cold, without any sign of life, just as it has been since that horrible day 2 years ago. The day Kate Bridgerton, nee Sharma, died along with the heir to be the next viscount during childbirth.
He loved Kate very much, he thought she was the love of his life. After everything they had went through in 1814, all the scandals, he was lucky she decided to marry him at the end, what Anthony had with her was a real love, not a marriage of convenience. That’s why her death hit him hard, taking with her a piece of Anthony Bridgerton when she died. He felt as if a part of him died that fateful night. He completely shut himself off from everyone, he closed down the Manor and set away all but the minimal staff possible, he wasn’t able to look at them, watch them mourn his wife as he did, she was loved by all of them.
He did not spend time with his family anymore, he hid inside the Manor, inside his study all day, never came out except to sleep, eat and go to the bathroom.
Just as he was once again, buried in his study, working endlessly on some papers, a cold cup of tea next to him when banging on the front door brought him out of his work. He ignored it and went back to his work, thinking some of the few staff he still had will open it soon enough. That was not the case as a few minutes later the banging started once again.
“Mrs. Wilson will you get the door!” Anthony yelled to the butler that was somewhere around the house. The banging still continued “Mrs. Wilson! –“ he groaned annoyed, stood up from his chair and headed down to the door.
He opened the door and came face to face with a young lady shivering, wet head to toe from the rain pouring outside furiously. He raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“Lord Bridgerton?” You questioned, when he nodded you spoke once again “I was told you could help me, I came all the way from India and need some place to rest –“
He rolled his eyes “I think you are confused, My house is not some charity that helps the needed” He went to close the door, once again annoyed that his work was interrupted by some girl that was asking for housing.
“ Wait! I am Kate’s cousin!” You spoke desperately before he closed the door. He stopped and took another look at you, now that he looked closely, you looked a lot like Kate “I am Kate’s cousin, Y/n Sharma” ah so this is the famous Y/n Kate always spoke to him about.
He sighed and opened the door again, gesturing for you to enter, he closed the door and led you to the drawing room “Mrs. Wilson!” he called our before he heard feet approaching to the drawing room quickly
“I am so sorry, my lord, I was helping Thomas in the Kitchen and then I went to the scullery to wash some pots and –“ the housekeeper spoke
“Just get the girl a towel, she is dripping water all over the room” he waved her off gesturing to you
“Of course, my lord, in a moment” the lady scurried off somewhere before Anthony turned back to you, looking you up and down before narrowing his eyes
“How did you know where I lived?” Anthony asked you
“Kate sent me a letter before she… she told me if I ever needed any help, to come to this location and she would help me” You answered looking down at the mention of her. She was practically your sister, that is why you were devastated when Aunt Mary sent you a letter informing you of what happened, of Kate’s death. “There were some complications back in India, some things happened and I could not live there any longer. Kate told me if I ever needed any place to live, she would gladly house me here in Aubrey Hall”
“Yes, well, she is not here, is she?” Anthony grumbled, clenching his jaw “I am afraid I cannot help you, you can stay here for the night since it is late, and it is pouring outside, but tomorrow I am afraid you will have to go somewhere else, as I said before, my house is not a charity that helps the needed ”
You furrowed your eyebrows, taken aback by his cold attitude, way different from the way Kate told you Anthony was in her letters “Why are you such an asshole? You are very rude, way different from how she said you were, she would be disappointed to see the way you are acting with a member from her family, with me, her and I were very close” you scoffed, he glared at you angrily, opening his mouth to speak when the housekeeper entered the room once again
“Here it is dear,” Mrs. Wilson said putting the towel around your shoulders
“Mrs. Wilsom, please show our guest to a bed chamber, she will be staying the night” Anthony announced
“Yes, of course” She nodded and led you to a room “Oh, we must make you a warm bath, otherwise you will get ill from the cold rain”
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You walked down the stairs, holding the few belongings you came with. You were crossing the dining room when you saw the viscount sitting down, eating his breakfast. You stopped and entered the room making him look up from his plate, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I am leaving now, I thank you for your hospitality and am sorry for any disturbances I may have caused, Farewell viscount Bridgerton” You bowed your head respectfully and walked away.
You were not sure where you would go now, you did not even know where your Aunt Mary resided now since it has been a long time since you have received any letter from the Sharma family, since Kate’s death more precisely.
“Miss Sharma” the viscount called out, you stopped as you heard him approach you behind you “May I know where you are headed now?”
You turned around to look at him “ Well… I… was going to my Aunt’s home, she would be more than happy to have me, I am sure” you nodded
“Oh really?” He raises an eyebrow “I was certain you would have known that Lady Mary was visiting Miss Edwina in Prussia, were you not told?” he stated, you looked at him shocked.
Prussia? What on earth would Edwina be doing in Prussia?
“I…” You looked down at the ground before looking up at him again “ Truth be told, I have not received a letter from them ever since….. Kate’s death…” you saw him clench his jaw at your comment “But worry not, I will find somewhere to reside in, I have been told Lady Danbury is a great friend of my family and they have told me she has offered to also take me in”
“Listen, Lady Danbury is visiting my sister Daphne and her husband at Clyvedown and she will not be back anytime soon, your aunt said she will be back in 2 months” he sighed rubbing his forehead in frustration “I cannot let you out in the streets, you are Kate’s family after all and she would have never forgiven me if I let you leave so…. You can stay while your aunt comes back”
“Really?” You exclaimed “Oh thank you so much!” you squealed when he nodded and brought him into a hug, when you felt him turn rigid you let him go quickly “Sorry, but thank you so much, I promise I will not disturb you”
Anthony nodded pursuing his lips “ I will tell Mrs. Wilson to prepare you a room” and left without another word
Well he certainly was not someone of many words
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mariposiel · 1 year
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INTRODUCTION: Welcome! Here is where you’ll find all of my published works, either on AO3, or Tumblr.
FOREWARNING: This blog contains content for both S4 and its special! Please see my Carrd for more guidelines and information.
CONTENT: I’ve written reader-insert works for The Hobbit and LEGO Monkie Kid! Besides fanfics, I create fan art as well. You can find more information about these by clicking the fandom links. Art and writing requests are closed.
NAVIGATION: You can find my writings and other personal posts under #mari muses. As for my art, you can find them under #mari’s doodles. For fan work recommendations, you can find those under #mari’s favs.
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: Enjoy browsing through my blog!
© mariposiel 2023 - All rights reserved.
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emmaofnormandy · 2 years
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What if Chapuys designates Obi-Wan Kenobi to protect the Lady Mary in dangerous times... (part I)
The year was 1544. Eustace Chapuys, ambassador to the Emperor Karl V to the court of Henry VIII, has been told, after many years of service in England, that he was required in Madrid. But he was genuinely concerned about leaving Princess Mary, unfairly entitled as merely a lady, without supporters. Even though the new queen of England was very sympathetic towards the princess and thus friendly to her cause, there were religious matters that could leave the daughter of Queen Katherine of Aragon in danger. 
Fearing for the life of his protegée, he decided, out of peace of his conscience, to leave someone he trusted to look out after the princess. Those were dangerous times, Chapuy thought, and every precaution was considerated. That was when he decided to contact the Order of Jedi...
Hunsdon House, Hertfordshire.
Eyes closed, scapular in hands. Lady Mary breathed in, breathed out almost as in the slow rhythm with which the priest prayed Pater Noster. She felt at peace with herself in these moments, as if the sacred teachings of Christ, recorded by the evangelists, would embrace her true self and remember her that “whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted”.
That day Matthew the Apostle’s gospel was read and that particular quote voiced the deep pain that seemed unending to the princess. Memories often came back uninvited. She regretted for never being able to say goodbye from her mother. And even though she should have forgiven that woman for what was done against herself and the true queen of England, Mary knew the scars too well to let them heal for themselves. 
She shut her eyes, seeking for comfort in Jesus by concentrating harder in the words said. Curiously, homilies that day spoke of forgiveness. But, in truth, was she ready to forgive those who harmed her? I need to make my confessions again, she thought in deep trouble. 
The mass eventually came to an end and as the priests started to disperse, lady Mary stood and parted for the great hall where meal awaited. It was the start of another day and everything seemed to follow the routine etiquette. Sometimes it tired Mary, but she knew this was what was necessary to keep everything in order.
Followed by her trusted ladies, she was expected to break the fast with some of the important men of the clergy. Of course, she thought to herself rather melancholically, they would search for me beseeching my favor in opposition to the king. But lady Mary would never go against His Majesty’s wishes. Not when she aimed to be at his favor for many reasons. But also because, her conscience reminded her, the Bible advices a child must not forsake the familial duties expected to be performed.
Such were her thoughts as she crossed path with some courtiers. Lady Mary acknowledged the presence of some Howards here and there, the Courteneys’, amongst others as she held her head high and took her usual seat. A bishop of Norfolk praised the Lord and blessed the meal before it was finally allowed for people to break their fast.
“Your Highness”, Mary spotted a secretary to Chapuys requesting for her presence. She smiled gently at him, giving the man permission to step forward and speak. “If I may, I would like to have a word with you in private. My lordship has requested me to do so.”
Lady Mary felt in her heart the depart of Chapuys, but she wondered what were the unfinished business the man left for his secretary to tell her. It must be important otherwise he would have spoken in public. She had to be careful, though. One could never count there would be no spies in one’s household.
“Can it wait after the breakfast?” She inquired softly.
The man looked rather unsure as if he debate with himself upon it. Lady Mary understood the meal could be post aside in order to attend her dear friend’s request. She excused herself from the ladies and took the man by his elbow out of the great hall. They were now set at the empty corridors.
“Well, what’s it?” She asked him, her tone indicating the preoccupation to the matter.
The secretary looked respectfully at his mistress and cleared his throat before going straight to the point as told by Chapuys in his orders.
“My master is worried about leaving you without someone of his trust to guard you”, said he in a whisper.
Lady Mary glanced at him, partly amused.
“As much as I appreciate my lord ambassador’s concerns, he knows I am perfectly capable of handling certain delicated matters by myself.”
“He does not intend to be understood as underestimating Your Highness by looking after you, ma’am”, said the secretary, apprehensive. “He contacted an Order he’s been familiar with, an Order of Knights who are vowed to protect those who required their services with loyalty and peace.”
Lady Mary wondered if she was really in danger for Chapuys going to the extremes by hiring the services of such a knight.
“What order is this I’ve never heard of? Can’t surely be the Templars for they have been extincts…”
The secretary smiled.
“No, m’lady, they have not. This order is related in some sorts to the Templars, having been founded by one of them. It’s called the Order of Jedi and their best knight has been assigned to protect you and ensure that you are completely safe.”
When Obi-Wan was assigned the mission to go to a far away realm whilst he’s been expecting to spend no more than one or two months in Planet Earth to eradicate the last of the Siths who’d been there, he was not entirely happy for having his stay prolongated. But when it came to duties, the Jedi was ready to fulfill them. It was always like this, it should not be different at the present.
This was a very odd planet, in his opinion. Despite the beautiful landscape and all the buildings in a style never before seen by Obi-Wan, people had views that seemed antiquated in many ways. Why, for instance, could not a woman rule in her rights? The excuses his heard would offend Padme and Satine’s ears.
Mace Windu had accompanied him to this task concernings Siths and it was he who delivered the next mission to Kenobi. In many ways it was not different than what he used to do when he was sent to Mandalore many years ago or, in recent history, when he was assigned to protect Queen Padme.
It was now once more up to him to protect another princess. An Earth princess, so Obi-Wan thought. One could only wonder what she had been through, and so far what he’d seen of the people of Earth he could not believe that a princess would be happy.
Yet he was not there to change social circumstances, something he was familiar with. Obi-Wan was no politician and he would rather to continue this way. All it mattered for him was peace and the duties to the Jedi Order.
“As a Jedi, I am not going to remember your duties, Obi-Wan. Yet, it’s always wise to highlight the fact we cannot bound to others in any way possible”, so said Windu, in what Obi-Wan understood as a reference to his former attachment to Duchess Satine.
But she was long gone and I chose duty over love, the ginger man thought bitterly. Concealing his thoughts, he assured his fellow Jedi he would not forget his duties to the cause that brought them to such a strange land.
“And be wary that humans here will not see with good eyes the weapons we carry so that way we are forced to operate as if we were in similar circumstances to that of Mandalore”, advised Windu.
“Of course. I understand. When should I depart?”
“Tonight”, said Windu, calmly. “We shall move to a region where the contractor expects to meet us and that is where I shall leave you.”
Obi-Wan looked at him surprised. “You are not coming with me?”
For the first time, Windu offered what the other male interpreted as a smile even though it came out as a grimace. “I’m afraid not. I have other matters waiting for me to resolve on.”
It did not take hours before Windu once again reminded Obi-Wan of what he was expected to do. He was informed that the political situation in this realm called England was very delicate, moved by different parties which struggled to had a hand over the state matters. The princess who Obi-Wan was expected to meet was known by the name of Lady Mary Tudor. She was a noblewoman, daughter of this unstable king, an eight monarch named Henry, who divorced her mother and made her a bastard.
“Faith here has a great influence upon the thoughts and doings of these people”, said Windu. “Be careful. Do never give your identity in. Play according the rules. In this princess’s life politics and religion hold a great deal of her conscience. And we must not fail her”.
The ginger male nodded, trying to conceal his concerns. To all these informations he was being told, he listened carefully. Looked like that would be a difficult task, but he surely could handle well.
By the time they met this man Windu told Obi-Wan about, it was time to go.
“May the force be with you, Kenobi.”
“May the force be with you, my friend.”
But it would take a few years before them meet again…
(To be continue)
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That's What Friends Are For- E.M.
I've been really thirsty for Virgin!Bestfriend!Reader x Eddie so I poured myself this taaaallll drink of water. Hope you love it xx
You've never had an orgasm, and Eddie would be happy to help remedy that.
Part 2
TW- 18+ MINORS DNI!! Cursing, mentions of smoking, heavy petting, pet names (angel, sweetheart), a lil crying (but in a good way), fingering (lmk if I missed any)
Pairings- Virgin!Bestfriend!Reader x Eddie
Word Count- 4,802
(Gifs not mine, credit to owner!)
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It wasn’t something that you’d normally ask, but with the haze of weed clouding your senses and the exaggerated moans of the poor actress being exploited for the dumb action movie you and Eddie were watching out of sheer boredom, you couldn’t help yourself. You turn to Eddie, the cogs in your head turning in overtime as the words reach your mouth before you can even put too much stock in them, “What does an orgasm even feel like?” Your eyes narrow as you imagine it, the sounds of the woman on screen echoing in your mind. There’s no way that real people sound like that, no, this is just some stupid movie that you and Eddie had never even heard of before digging it out of the pile of tapes beneath the TV. “I mean, I guess it’s gotta feel good, but does it feel that good?”  
While you ponder the probability of the sounds onscreen being at all accurate for real-world scenarios, Eddie’s face pales, the light high he’d been enjoying completely knocked out of his body at your words. Despite being best friends for the past several years, you never really talked about your sex lives with each other. For you, it was because it didn’t exist. For Eddie, it was because the only person he really wanted anymore was you. Every other person in town combined couldn’t interest him half as much as you, and he had definitely looked. Pining after your best friend for years wasn’t really something Eddie was interested in doing, not that it helped. Of course, the only reason you hadn’t made a move—aside from the fact that you were thoroughly terrified at the thought of being rejected—was because you thought that Eddie was something of a ladies’ man. You knew he was much more experienced than you, not that that was a difficult feat, but you knew that he at least went on dates. And you never wanted your attraction to him get in the way of your friendship anyway. If he liked you, he would’ve made a move sooner, right?  
Eddie had fallen head over heels for you about a year after you had met, both of you juniors in high school. You went away with your family on vacation for a couple weeks that summer and came back... different. You were more confident, and even though it had only been a short separation, you looked different, more womanly than gangly teenager. He liked you before, but some switch inside his chest flicked, like the lights were finally turning on in some long-forgotten roller coaster ride. He’s had it bad for you ever since, suffering in silence because he knows how shy you used to be, and still are to some extent. He would never, ever want to do or say anything to make you uncomfortable, including putting his feelings on the line in exchange for your amazing friendship.  
Still, the news that you didn’t know what an orgasm felt like was surprising. He knew you were private about your dating life, and he always respected that. But you had had boyfriends before. And you were both in your early 20s now. Surely you had been with one of them. Or even figured it out on your own... 
“What?” is the brilliant response that flies from Eddie’s lips as his brain short circuits. You look back at his face, having wandered away, lost in thought. Eddie half expects you to backtrack, but still, to his surprise, you double down. 
“What does an orgasm feel like?” He can tell your Mary Jane consumption must be fueling this line of questioning, but if you’re really curious... 
“Um, well...” Eddie flounders, trying to find the words to say. You keep your focus on him, your thoughts trailing only slightly as you wait for him to respond. “It... It does feel really good. I don’t know exactly what it feels like for women, but for guys, at least, for me, it’s like my whole body kind of explodes, but in, like, the best way,”  
You mull this over for a moment, your eyes darting between Eddie’s face and the screen, which has since moved past the over-exaggerated sex scene back into shootouts between the good guy and the bad ones. “Okay, well, have any of the girls you’ve been with ever sounded like that?” You were genuinely curious, trying to imagine what could feel that good and coming up blank. 
Eddie chuckles a bit, eyes flicking up in a memory, “Well, one, but I’m pretty sure she was faking. Some women think they have to sound like that because that’s what the movies show them they’re supposed to sound like. But really, there are all different kinds of... sounds... that people make when they’re feeling that good,” he explains, his surprise relaxing now into amusement just slightly. 
“Oh,” You look back at the screen, apparently done with your questions. Eddie feels his heartbeat fading back into its normal rhythm after the near heart-attack you had inflicted upon him, and things go quiet for a minute before you turn your head back toward him, mouth poised open to speak. “Do you think—Never mind,” You quickly shove the thought back down your throat, remembering that Eddie’s not supposed to know you’ve been in love with him forever.  
The possibilities of what you were about to ask him makes his heart race again, until he’s burning to know. “What is it?” He asks, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. 
Your lips press together and shake your head as a heat spreads over your face, giving you a moment of clarity amid the warmth of the high. “No, it’s okay, it was a dumb question,” You wave your hand in dismissal, and pray that Eddie doesn’t press it further in fear of your mouth working faster than your logic. Of course, you have no such luck. 
“There are no dumb questions. If you want to know something, all you have to do is ask. Would I ever judge you for anything? And really think about that, because I’ve seen you pick a pickle up off the floor and eat it,” He laughs, trying to diffuse the tension. It helps a little, and with his reassurance and that fleeting moment of clarity far away, you open your mouth again, hesitating as you find the right words. 
“Do you think... that you could maybe... show me?”  
Eddie’s eyes bulge from his skull, and he’s afraid that his heart has totally stopped for a minute. But after an agonizing moment, a thick thump of his heart breathes life back into him, and he can only pray that you can’t hear it as it loudly thump, thump, thumps in his chest.  
“Show you..?” It’s a begging question. He’s not exactly sure which part you want to learn, and he wants to make sure he doesn’t assume anything. 
You turn away again, the mortification laying over you in a thick blanket. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have... You can forget it,” 
Eddie doesn’t want to mess this up, and the visions of you making such pretty little sounds for him, or better yet, unraveling under his touch, automatically send all of the spare blood in his body downward, so quickly that he almost becomes dizzy. He has to make an effort to shift his body to hide his growing erection as he tries to reassure you. “No, no! Don’t worry, I’m listening. It’s okay, I swear! What do you want me to show you? I... I can do my best,” His voice is sincere, sincere enough to make you look sheepishly back at him, your lashes low as you try not to look in his eyes. 
You take a deep breath, your head buzzing with adrenaline as you form the words. “Would you show me how to have an orgasm?”  
Eddie swallows hard, his Adam’s Apple bobbing in his throat. He’s trying so hard to make this seem as chill as possible, for both of your sakes. If he gets too eager too quickly, there’s no way he wouldn’t just bust in his pajama pants, and he might scare you. His mouth is dry as he nods quickly, “Um, yeah. I- I can definitely try,” He watches as your face grows redder by the second, but you give a small smile, one that makes Eddie lightheaded again as another shockwave of want shoots through his half-hard cock. “Do you want to go to my room?” He asks softly, gauging the look on your face as you still avoid his eyes.  
“Yeah,” You murmur, but your legs won’t move. There’s a want in you, despite not knowing how to indulge it, and as Eddie gets up from the couch, offering a hand to you, you take it and squeeze, finally looking up at him. Eddie feels like he might faint in that moment, your hazy eyes doe-like and innocent, not making it any easier for him to keep calm. He pulls you up to your feet and you follow him, your hand in his, to his room.  
You shut the door behind you, flicking the lock on the knob despite being the only ones home, and turn to face Eddie, who stands just behind you, still not believing what might happen. “S-so, um...” He begins, feet shuffling beneath him. “For girls, it’s a lot harder to... finish. It takes a lot of warming up first,” Your brow furrows. 
“Warming up?” A blush breaks out over Eddie’s cheeks, and he reaches out to let his fingers trace up your arm, ghosting over your shoulder and up your neck. A breath hitches in your throat as his palm cups your face, and suddenly, you think you might know what he means. Nevertheless, he explains. 
“It’s a lot easier when you’re feeling good from other things first. Like touching, kissing... things like that. It can be painful if you don’t do it right,” Your lashes flutter as he leans in slightly, and you can feel his warm breath fan over your face. 
“Oh,” Eddie lets out a breath of a laugh at your breathless response, and already you feel yourself turning to putty in his hands.  
“I want you to tell me if you don’t like something, okay? Don’t try to spare my feelings. If you want me to stop doing something, or you want me to do something specific, you tell me. Okay?” The demanding edge in his whispers snaps you back to reality, and you feel a warmth building deep within you. It’s nothing like you’ve ever felt before. Sure, shadows of this have been felt watching risqué movies with sex scenes or kissing your prior boyfriends awkwardly in the backs of their cars, but that pales in comparison. This is a new, deep burn in the very depths of your body. 
“Mhmm,” You try to lean closer to him, to feel more, but his other hand goes to your waist, holding you in place. Your eyes meet his, and they’re unexpectedly hard, his brown eyes serious as he looks at you. 
“I need you to say it. I need to know you can say it,” Your breath stutters again at his words, but still, you find your voice. 
“I- I don’t like that,” You whisper, and it’s all you can do. Eddie nods in approval, but his eyes want you to continue, “I want you... I want you to kiss me,” You can hear the hammer of your heart in your ears, your blood singing as the anticipation grows. Eddie’s eyes return to their normal softness, gazing into yours like he’s seeing the sun set over the ocean for the first time.  
“Are you sure?” Eddie whispers as he inches toward you, his face leaning down ever closer. This might be the closest you’ve ever been to him, and the thought sends a delicious shiver up your spine. His nose just brushes yours, and your eyes flutter shut. 
“I want you to kiss me, Eddie,” It’s barely a breath, but he hears you, and gently, gently, his lips meet yours, barely a brush of skin against skin. You hear him suck in a deep breath before letting his lips move against yours a little more firmly, the hand on your waist snaking around your back to pull you closer to him. You let your hands find the back of his hair, which is up in a cute, messy bun, and your fingers wind themselves around a few loose, curly tendrils there. Then, Eddie’s lips move across your cheek, down toward your jaw, and the first sound comes loose from your lips. 
It’s a tiny noise, but it might as well have been Eddie’s favorite song, the way he revels in it. He can feel the pounding of your heart in your chest as you press yourself against him, not really knowing what to do other than let Eddie work his way down your neck with his lips. “E-Eddie...” You whimper, hands gently grasping at the fabric at the back of his worn t-shirt.  
Eddie stops then, immediately, waiting for your instruction. He had gone too far, hadn’t he? He had done something to make you uncomfortable and now you’d never ever talk to him again... “Can we lay down?” You ask, breathy and quiet in his ear. He presses a firm kiss to the top of your shoulder in relief, elated that you were enjoying what was happening before pulling away. 
“Yeah, let’s get you comfy,” He smiles one of those easy, lopsided smiles that takes your breath away, and you feel the butterflies that usually reside in your stomach move downward to your core. You instinctively clench your thighs together to try to squash the foreign feeling, but as Eddie moves to lay down, you see the bulge in his loose pants, and it sends a new swarm flooding your body. With a deep breath, you join Eddie and lay next to him, his face only inches from yours. His hand reaches toward your face, gently brushing a few stray hairs behind your ear. “Do you want to just keep kissing, or are you ready to try something else?” He asks. You think it over, biting the inside of your lip as you bite back the embarrassment of being so inexperienced next to him.  
“Can we try something new and still do some kissing?” You smile sheepishly, not being able to hold his gaze as your face heats. He lets out a small laugh, not at you, but because you’re so nervous. 
“Yeah, we can do that. Is it okay if I touch you? I can just try a few things and you can figure out what you like,” He suggests, his eyes roaming over you. You’re not wearing a bra, because you never did when you and Eddie were just lounging around watching movies and smoking, something Eddie had to get used to quick when your body started really developing. Once or twice when he was a few years younger, he had to fake an upset stomach just to relieve his aching cock in the bathroom upon seeing your pert nipples through the fabric of one of his old t-shirts. 
“Yeah, I think I’d like that,” With your permission, Eddie’s fingers gently reach the hem of your shirt, slipping under and running his calloused fingertips over the smooth skin of your side. You let out a gasp, your eyes screwing shut, and he notices the way your hips move of their own accord, trying to scratch an itch you’ve never felt before. He has to bite back a moan of his own just at the sight of you, so beautiful, so willing beneath his capable hands. He lets out a shaky breath as his hand moves up your side, leaning in to kiss you like he said he would, like he was aching to do again, and you accept his lips greedily, your hands pressing into the sides of his face as he glides across your skin, not light enough to tickle, but enough to send tingles over your skin, goosebumps forming in the wake of his caress. 
When his hand comes to cup your breast, not daring to flick over the sensitive nub just yet, you let out your second noise as he gives a little squeeze there. This one is muffled by his lips, pressed firmly to yours, and the vibration of it shoots straight down to his cock, which twitches willfully in his pants, wanting you more and more every second that passes. 
With a light touch, Eddie lets his thumb just brush your nipple, and it sends an electric shock through you, leading to your third noise, a much sharper sound that almost sounds painful. But when your lips press into his even harder, Eddie is only spurred on and he does it again, then lets his full hand grope over the full mound, rubbing across your breast with his palm. Eddie lets his tongue trace over your bottom lip then, and you open your mouth to him, not really knowing how to kiss with tongue, but unwilling to stop to make a comment about it as your body ignites to a new level of fire and electricity.  
Your legs are continuously rubbing together now, the friction glorious but not enough, and you want to feel more. You’re panting in between the long stretches of kissing, and while you don’t want to stop, you also need to tell Eddie what you want. So, instead of rushing back to his kiss, you press your thumb gently to his bottom lip, pupils blown with need. “Can you take my shorts off?” You ask, your confidence building. Eddie nods all too eagerly, and he gets up onto his knees to shift town toward your bottom half. You roll onto your back and lift your butt to make it a bit easier for him, his hands finding purchase at your hips, fingers dipping just below the waistband when he stops. 
“Do you want me to take your underwear off too?” He asks, wanting to be sure. You bite your lip again as the embarrassment floods back. 
“I’m not wearing any...” You admit, giving a small smile. His hands grip at your hips a bit harder then, and his sharp breath only helps your growing need. This is the most beautiful you’ve ever seen him, towering over you like this. You can see the long outline of his length through his pants now, and you let your mind wonder what could happen if this goes even further than you originally intended. It’s enough to make your hips roll in Eddie’s hands as he starts pulling down your sleep shorts. You close your eyes, trying to keep your embarrassment from making you chicken out when you’re finally about to get what you’ve always wanted. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathes, and your eyes shoot open as you stare at him, mortification building in your chest. 
“What? Is it bad? Do I look weird?” You ask in a flurry. Your hands go to cover your face, thighs clenching together to spare yourself when Eddie pries your legs apart again. 
“What? God no! You look... You look fucking amazing,” There’s a wonder in his voice, and you peek through your fingers to find him staring down at you, the look on his face amorous, hungry almost, like you’re his favorite meal in the world. It takes you aback, but nevertheless, there’s a twitch in your hips again, seeking a friction that you can no longer achieve for the time being. Eddie gently lowers himself on top of you, and you let out a moan when you feel the fabric of his pants brushing over your bare pussy. You let your hands fall as you try to push yourself into him, but there’s a hand holding onto your hip now to keep you down. “Oh my god, please, can you try not to do that right now? I am already in serious danger here, angel. If I feel even a little bit of you against my dick I’m fucking done for,” Eddie breathes a laugh to cover the moan in his voice, his face hovering over yours. 
“B-but I want—” Eddie cuts you off with a deep kiss, his hand squeezing into your hip as you desperately try to feel him against you again. 
“Not tonight, sweetheart. I want this one to be about you, okay? If you still want to in the morning, we can circle back,” Eddie offers, and you give a small nod. “Okay, then. I’m gonna touch you now, okay? I’ll go nice and slow. If you want me to change what I’m doing, just tell me,” You nod again and the hand gripping your hip travels down and his lips meet the hollow of your neck, giving just a tiny nip at the skin that sends your hips up again in need. Eddie tries to hold it in, but he can’t help but moan softly against your skin as he continues his journey.  
His fingers ghost just over the sensitive bud of nerves then, and the shock that goes through your body is even more intense than before when he was playing with your nipple. Your arms fling around his back and you grip the fabric of his t-shirt like a lifeline. “I’m gonna take good care of you,” Eddie whispers as he travels up your neck, “I’m gonna make you feel so good,”  
The promise is punctuated by a soft circle around your clit, and your whimper is so pathetic it startles you as it tumbles from your lips. You can feel how wet you are now; how hot your core is against his fingertips. It’s so blissful, so wanton that you feel your walls clenching around nothing, another new feeling that sends your head reeling. Eddie continues his gentle pattern around your bud, sucking sweet bruises into the skin below your ear between whispers of sweet nothing that spur you forward on your quest into the unknown world of this beautiful feeling. 
“E-Eddie,” You plead, head thrown back in pleasure. Your fingers pull his shirt so that your hands connect with his skin, “Can you go—Can you go a little f-faster, please?” Eddie nods into the crook of your neck as he complies, fingers moving just a bit faster, a bit firmer against you, and your chest starts heaving in pants again, moans spilling from your mouth more freely now. You grind into his hand pathetically as the intense pleasure grows. You feel like you could cry at the feeling, so blissful and beautiful and everything you’ve ever dreamed of as Eddie works you further and further, his lips only ever leaving your skin to whisper sweet nothings to you. 
“You’re doing so good... I can’t believe I get to do this for you... Been wanting you like this for so long...” Eddie nips and sucks and licks across your neck, up your face, across your lips, and you’re just so consumed by him that you feel hot little pinpricks in the corners of your eyes, your throat going thick as the tears begin. 
When Eddie catches sight of the first one, he slows his work on your core, afraid that you had changed your mind. “Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” You feel a pang of panic then, not really knowing why but knowing that you were desperate to reach the edge you were approaching. You pull at his shirt, not being able to verbalize your excruciating need for a second. 
“No, no!” You plead, “Don’t stop, please... I just... Please don’t stop...” You don’t know why you’re crying. Maybe because it feels so good, maybe because the emotions are just so new that your body is startled by them. Either way, Eddie is reluctant but believes you, because he trusts you and you trust him so completely that you don’t think that there’s any way that either of you would or even could hurt each other. 
Eddie picks up the pace again, his lips focusing on yours now to help keep you from crying. Your fingernails scratch up his back as you whine and writhe beneath him, coming closer and closer to something. There’s a tenseness in your stomach now, and it’s building. There must be a precipice close, a pinnacle to all of this pleasure and need Eddie has been giving you. Your panting breaths become more ragged, and Eddie gets the feeling that you’re close. 
“That’s it, angel. You gonna cum for me?” He practically moans against your mouth, and it’s another agonizing minute of this pressure inside you building before you feel it.  
Your hands clench Eddie’s shirt as you unravel. Your tears are flowing freely down your face, mouth open in a loud moan that reverberates on the walls of Eddie’s small room. Eddie keeps drawing circles over your clit as you ride through the waves of your first ever orgasm, kissing down to the top of your chest and back up to add to the pleasure. Finally, you feel it start to subside, the wide waves lessening into ripples as your breath starts to even out again. Eddie slows down again, and finally stops after a few more seconds, wanting to draw out your bliss as much as he can. He kisses you deeply, the hand on your pussy traveling up to grip your side, sliding up past the hem of your shirt as he holds you firm. You can feel the slick on his fingers cooling down on your skin, and it sends a new wave of shivers through your body.  
You kiss each other for a long time, not wanting to go back to reality where you’re just friends, but finally you have to pull away for air. You look at each other, both of you quiet. There’s a new electricity in the air, charged with the anticipation of what you’ll say to each other now that everything has changed.  
“How was that?” Eddie settles on, his brow set in a concerning furrow. He wants to make sure that you had the best experience he could’ve offered you, because that’s what you deserve. You deserve to feel this good all the time. 
Your soft eyes bore into his and you nod slowly, trying to etch every detail of this night into your memory forever. “It was amazing. You are...” Your hand comes to hold his face, and he leans into your touch in such a way that your heart melts for him even more. “You’re so amazing, Eddie, thank you.” You give a little laugh then, at how silly it sounds for you to thank your friend for giving you an orgasm. Eddie laughs a little too, and he stretches his lips to kiss the edge of your palm. 
“Anything for my favorite girl,” He whispers, smiling that easy smile that you love so much. Pride sparkles in your chest at his words. God, you love him so much... 
“So...” You feel a blush creeping on your face again, “You’ve been wanting me... like this?” You think back to the words he whispered against your neck that made your insides turn to mush. 
Eddie flicks his eyes away from you, embarrassed. “You caught that, huh?” 
“Was I not supposed to?” You giggle, your smile sending shockwaves through Eddie’s body. 
“Well, I just didn’t think you would. You seemed to be pretty distracted if I recall,” He jabs playfully, his gaze returning to you. His eyes soften at his next thought, “What do you think about that?” 
This is it, this is where everything changes. It’ll never be the same after this. “I...” You begin, building your courage. “I’ve been wanting that, too.”  
Eddie’s face moves through confusion, surprise, and then settles on joy, his smile widening to reach his sparking brown eyes. “Yeah? You’ve been wanting that too?” Your smile matches his as you nod, letting out a breath of a laugh with the relief settling in your chest. 
Suddenly, Eddie squeezes you in a bone crushing hug, peppering kisses over your face as you giggle. His lips settle on yours again, and it’s like taking a drink of cool water after wandering in the desert. You don’t know if you’ll ever get used to this, but by God, you’d be happy to. 
You keep kissing and cuddling for a long time, talking like you usually do, how best friends do, but now it’s just better. Best friends, but there’s no more hesitancy, no more wishing for more, because now, you have everything you could ever want. 
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ferrarirossa · 25 days
𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓾
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ smut/NSFW, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex, squirting, cursing, size kink
summary: three words: Red. Like. Passion. But red is also the color of the car driven by Charles. Red is your lingerie, as red as your dirty thoughts about the Ferrari driver…
author’s note: do not copy or give credits
The smell of alcohol, loud music, people crowded together, temperature too high: the definition of a busy night. A night in Monaco meant this to you. Boundless fun and one-night stands with whoever came along.
After your breakup with your ex-boyfriend, your sweet and delicate personality has transformed into hate and lust personified. Temptress with your gaze, you conquer every boy who looks into your eyes, driving him crazy.
This one night seems long and empty just like the others. You enter the club, approach the bar counter, and ask for a Bloody Mary. The bartender can’t take his eyes off of you because of how gorgeous you look this evening.
With your cocktail in your hands, you wander around the place feeling observed differently than on other nights. You begin to feel in awe, your skin begins to sweat for no reason. You turn around to understand the reason for all this, and you are struck by a pair of sea-colored eyes that study every curve of your body highlighted by the red silk dress you are wearing.
Brown hair. Ice eyes. Sexy body under the black shirt that struggles to contain his muscles. Who is this man? His appearance seems familiar, but you had never noticed him in the different clubs you frequent almost every night, you would have noticed his gaze and his charm.
So you decide to move in his direction casually. You walk past him and look at him with cat eyes and out of the corner of your eye, you notice him getting up from the sofa where he was sitting just a few seconds ago, following you to the bar counter. When you’re about to ask for a second drink, you hear a familiar voice say: “I’ll pay for the young lady, she’s with me, thank you”.
You turn towards him, meeting his gaze directly toward your breasts. To attract his attention you say in a confident voice: “Oh yes? So are we together? Is today our anniversary by any chance?”
The sound of his laughter sends a shiver of pleasure down your spine. His aura of mystery makes you moisten between your thighs. No one had ever succeeded until now. “Who are you? Why do you seem to already have a place in my mind if I have never met you?” you think in your mind. “So what are you waiting for to drink? Are you going to stare at me all night, princess?” he says, smiling mischievously and moving his gaze toward your thighs pressed together.
Suddenly your favorite song comes on from the speakers so you take his hands, take him to the center of the dance floor, and start purposely seducing him with your sexy moves. You notice his gaze moving toward your hips and then looking at your ass every time you turn your back to him while dancing.
The atmosphere gets hotter and hotter until the sound of his sensual voice reaches your eardrums as he whispers: “How about we go away for a while, princess?”
That nickname drives you crazy, it makes you even wetter and more in need of finding out everything about the man whose name you don’t even know. Placing his hand on the lower part of your shoulder, he guides you toward the exit in a confident manner, leading you to his car.
You can’t believe your eyes: it’s a Ferrari 488 Pista, titanium-colored with a livery featuring red and white stripes reminiscent of the Monaco flag. You already saw that car before. With his hand, he motions for you to get into the car. Still shocked, you enter and observe the interior of it, just as beautiful as the owner. As you look around, you fall into the swirls of his eyes, now just millimeters away from you, which immediately bring you back to earth. Then, without asking, he starts attacking your mouth with his kisses.
You immediately turn your head slightly to allow him access to your neck. You feel his teeth on your sensitive flesh stimulating your pleasure, your nipples stiffen, and your hands tighten on the leather of the seat. His hands instead roam all over your body, exploring every area still covered by the soft fabric of your dress, which is slowly becoming more and more wrinkled due to the contact with his powerful body.
He leaves two purple marks on your neck, you still feel his warm breath near your earlobe. Without wasting time, you bring your delicate hands near the zip of his pants. You too, without asking, slowly unbutton it, until you glimpse a protuberance trapped in his Calvin Klein boxers.
Without speaking, you look him in the eyes and he responds with a nod of approval, encouraging you to continue. You quickly lower his boxers below his knees and take out his cock, already full of pulsating veins visible from afar due to how excited he is. This vision makes you feel so horny that you let out a moan of pleasure without him touching you.
You begin to move your fingers up and down his length, and then focus more on his head with circular movements. With your other hand, you stimulate his testicles so that he dies from the pleasure of having you. Watching his head go back in pleasure and his moans mixed with excitement and lust sends you into ecstasy. You bring your mouth closer to his cock, first licking it lightly and then suddenly taking it all in your mouth until it reaches your throat. This sends him into a frenzy, so much so that he can no longer feel his legs. You watch his abdomen contract and his moans become louder and louder as he holds your hair forcefully, pulling it slightly toward him to make his cock go as deep as possible into your throat.
He cums all over your mouth and hands. You look at him with eyes full of appetite and continuing to look at him you lick all the liquid from him, tasting it and swallowing it. This gesture drives him crazy enough to tear your dress and then throw it somewhere. He is shocked by the color of your lingerie. Fiery red like blood, like the stitching of the seats of his Ferrari, like the sex you are about to have. Quite violently he turns you around to unbutton your lace bra. Your lush breasts enchant him, enough to invite him to leave hickeys right next to your nipples. Your cries of pain infused with cries of pleasure are music to his ears, his favorite tune. He leaves hickeys all over your abdomen until he reaches your inner thighs. He looks at you with his icy gaze for a second, then takes your thong with his teeth and pulls it down until your crotch is exposed.
He enters you without any warning, enough to make you scream so loudly that the people outside the club look around. Luckily the windows of his Ferrari are tinted to hide the obscenities you are doing inside. His pace is fast like his car, his moans resemble the roar of an engine. Together you create perfect music, harmonious notes that blend with the noise of your flash making contact. As he moves inside you he bites your earlobe and moves to your right collarbone. You have never been so at peace. For the first time, you forget all the pain of your past, this man is magical. His cock adheres perfectly to the walls of your vagina. “Fuck you’re so tight, you're perfect for me, princess”. You can’t even answer him, you can only let out a moan of pleasure. Suddenly you feel a knot in your stomach getting stronger and stronger and then you cum hard like never before. “This man is phenomenal”, you think. After a few seconds, he also cums for the second time, still shouting how wonderful you are.
“So? Don’t you ask my name?” he says. “Is it possible that you don’t remember me, princess?”. Immediately that nickname, his voice, his toned muscles, and his icy eyes come back to your mind. It's Charles Leclerc. The famous Formula 1 driver. Your first meeting? A night of fire like this. You have tried to track him down but since so much time has passed you lost all hopes. “Charles,” you say, your pupils widening as does your smile. “I have never forgotten you, princess”. “I hope you can forgive me, it took me a long time to find you, but here we are, perfect as we were that night, made for each other”. With eyes full of tears, you lie down on the seat starting to fantasize about a future together, about a life full of red and love.
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bratzforchris · 3 months
could you do one where chris and reader bring their daughter home from the hospital after she's just born? i love your writings!!!!
My Girl, C. Sturniolo
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Summary: In which bringing your and Chris's first baby home from the hospital results in a core memory<3
Pairing: Chris x feminine reader
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of a difficult labor and its effects (not graphic!), young parents
Word Count: 974
A/N: Y'all my baby fever has been so bad lately (I'm 19 and single 🤡) and dad!Chris did NOT help. Thank you for the request and you cuties enjoy a fluffy Chris fic<33
Chris gently lifted the enormous, pink carseat out of the back of the car, hoisting it onto his arm. He was beyond exhausted from the past three days. Granted, all he had ever wanted in life was to be a father, especially when you would be the mother. And so, he picked up the car seat with renewed energy, coming around the side of the car and opening up your door. 
“You good, ma?” he asked you, protective instincts kicking in as he watched you struggle to unbuckle your seat and step out of the car. 
“I just had a baby, dumbass. My hips are killing me and I’m wearing a diaper. What do you think the answer is?”
Between a long labor, the hustle and bustle of the hospital, and the typical aches and pains that came post-birth, you were a bit snappy after the events of the past three days. Nevertheless though, you planted a kiss on Chris’s cheek, eliciting a grin from your husband. 
“Glad to see the pregnancy didn’t take that fiery attitude I love so much.” Chris smiled, wrapping his arm around you to support you as you slowly walked with one hand and carrying the carseat that held your sleeping daughter in the other. 
 You two slowly began the trek up your front steps, with Chris supporting you the whole way. But before you could open the front door, it was flung open for you, revealing Nick and Matt. They stepped out quickly, eager to get a glimpse of their new niece. They exchanged squeals over how cute your baby girl was until Chris finally shoved them off, protective over his little family. 
“Can we get inside first?” he asked, rolling his eyes then smiling at you affectionately. 
The brothers allowed you to step inside the house, where both your and Chris’s parents were waiting, slightly more polite than his brothers. You quickly sat down on the couch with the help of your husband, winded from the short walk up the driveway. Chris quickly placed your daughter in your arms and sat beside you with a proud smile as everyone else gathered around on your large couch and on the rug. 
“So, have you two decided on a name?” Your mother asked excitedly, her eyes shining with joy. 
“We have,” You and Chris looked at each other and smiled as your daughter yawned in your arms, smacking her little lips. “Charlotte Marie Sturniolo.” You said in unison. 
Just as you spoke, Charlotte opened her eyes and yawned, letting out a tiny coo. Luckily, your families had been very respectful of your and Chris’s boundaries about holding her, especially since flu season was currently rampant. That didn’t deter anyone from letting out noises of affection at their new daughter, niece, and granddaughter, though. In your comical families, however, cute moments didn’t last long, which led to Nick piping up. 
“Can you say Lady Gaga?” he asked. “La-dy Ga-ga.”
Chris rolled his eyes, playfully kicking his brother, which received a giggle from you. “She’s a newborn.”
“I’m raising her to have culture.” Nick shrugged, flipping his hair across his forehead. 
As everyone continued to talk, your husband noted how you (and Charlotte) had become more quiet, snuggling into his side. He knew the whole birthing process had been extremely difficult on you, and selfishly, he really wanted some alone time with his little family. 
“Should we go upstairs?” he asked you, whispering in your ear and brushing a strand of hair away from your cheek. 
You nodded softly, already on the verge of falling asleep as you felt your infant daughter snuggle into you. “Yes please.” You whispered back.
“Well, we would love to keep chatting, but duty calls,” Chris helped you stand up, adjusting Charlotte so she could still cuddle onto your chest. “My girls need me.”
By the time you two had made it upstairs, you were exhausted, but could still hear the talking of your family below, murmuring softly about what great parents you two already were. Granted, it had only been a few days, but in your opinion, you both already were. Despite being on the younger side, you and Chris both loved your daughter with your whole heart, and that was what you wanted the most. 
“Thanks for what you did back there,” You yawned as Chris tucked you into bed after placing Charlotte, who was fast asleep, in her crib. “I’m really tired.” 
“I could tell,” Your husband bustled around the room, straightening things up to lessen the load on your plate. “You’re so strong, baby.”
You were almost asleep, but you could sense that Chris had stopped moving, which with your husband, meant he was up to something. “Chris? Baby, what are you doing?”
You peeked open your eyes, only for your heart to practically burst. Chris had taken his shirt off and removed your daughter’s onesie, allowing her to cuddle skin-to-skin on his chest. He smiled over at you as she yawned, fisting his skin. 
“Look!” he whisper-shouted with the biggest smile on his face. “We’re cuddling!” 
You smiled, enjoying the scene before you. “She looks so cozy.”
Chris began to sway and dance softly, singing ‘My Girl’ by The Temptations quietly. “My baby girl. God, I love you so much. You and your mommy are my rock, honey.”
You could hear the happy tears in your husband’s voice as he sang to Charlotte, and that was the moment you knew that you had made the right choice for the father of your children. Chris had been nothing but supportive throughout your whole pregnancy and labor, and it was clear he was carrying that energy into fatherhood as well. You took a mental snapshot, filing away this moment for later because you knew this would always be one you came back to.
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @idek3000hi @melguilbert @oobleoob
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urfavlarry · 19 days
How are you? I just read the cigarettes after sex fic and I'm giggling and kicking my feet <3 Can I request a Joost Klein x fem!reader that's opposite of his style? Like opposites attract :3
The devil with his angel
Joost Klein x fem!reader
summary: readers style is a bit more feminine and usually wear lighter colours, unlike joost who had a masculine, street wear type of style. you were the prime example of the saying ‘opposites attract’
a/n: reader has a slightly specified outfit, hope thats alright<3
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
— You and Joost have been dating for a few months in secret, wanting some privacy before revealing anything to the public. It was more for you to build your relationship more and have your peace and quiet for some time, knowing your fans could get a bit hectic. You loved each other dearly, you two filled each other’s empty spaces, you fit together like an ancient puzzle basically soulmates.
In the present, you were currently at Joosts concert, you being on the opposite side of the barrier blocking the fans from rushing to the stage giving you your space. You were smiling, singing along to his songs. You only started learning dutch when you started dating Joost to show your dedication to this relationship and how much he meant to you, and so you could support him during his concerts like you were doing now. You didn’t fit in the crowd however at all, everyone wearing more darker colours, or something not that bright meanwhile you were here in a floral dress, some white stockings, mary janes and some accessories. You stood out like a black sheep, which was ironic since you were the only one NOT wearing black. You stood closer to the stage, taking some photos of Joost on your polaroid camera he got you on your birthday. You smiled, everyone would be able to tell you were love struck if your back wasn’t facing them.
Joost was in the middle of playing his song ´Droom Groot’ , it was clear he loved performing the atmosphere of his concerts were never dull, always some kind of emotions were being felt during his concerts. The end of the song was nearing, the “Yes, yes, ladies and gentlemen this was Joost Klein with his hit single ´Dome Groot’ “ You smiled softly, Joost looking down at you with a smile before crouching and cupping your cheek in his hand, giving you a kiss on the lips. Your eyes went wide and your cheeks got hotter, the crowd screaming and whistling, even some gasps were heard. It really was a strange sight, you really were polar opposites.
The next day the media went crazy. You were on every media, trending somewhere in the tops 10s. You scrolled through all the articles, some fans were beyond excited and celebrated the union of their two favourite artists, while others were dumbfounded. They had no idea how such polar opposittes could have found their way to each other. Joost came out the shower, towel loosely tied on his hips as he dried his hair. He came towards you and looked at your phone. “How bad is it?” He asks, a smile on his face. You return his smile, looking up at him. “It’s a mix of ‘oh my god i’m so happy for them’ and ‘how are they even together’ but that was more than expected.” You say and he nods kissing your forehead. “Yeah, but i’m glad I don’t have to hide my love for you anymore.”
Despite the media going crazy, you two embraced your public relationship, attending events together and Joost couldn’t help to always post something about you somewhere, your styles making you guys even more magnetic. Fans slowly started to see the connection between you two, acceptance growing more by the day. One time you both had to speak up about your relationship a bit more, since death threats started to be thrown into your inboxes left and right.
Joost Klein
It’s funny how you all see our styles and think we’re two worlds apart. Aside our styles were just two people who have passion for music and love each other.
Liked by bambiethug, {yourusername} and 2,082,096 others
user79107 and 568K others commented
bambiethug: you two are such sweethearts!! sending you all the love and protection from evil<3
fucktheebu replied to user6618990: grow up you’re like 12
{your nickname}
@{yourusername} ✓
I get we have different styles but giving us death threats? Wow..
You don’t see more then what we put on the media, you don’t know what our relationship is like behind closed doors. We may have different styles but we love each other and have the same passion for music, we basically balance each other out in our own way. Sending love to everyone that supported us xx
Liked by joostklein, user97741 and 1,980,762 others
hihixlovers and 567K others commented
lolianx: ❤️❤️ love your dynamic fr
apsondabluebirdha: tell them!!
After that the whole thing calmed down. You two lived your lives more peacefully and you didn’t have to hide anymore. The both of you made a song together, tours sold out and your albums too. It was nice but it did add some stress to your career. You managed it all together always being there for one another despite your slight differences. You cherished every moment together, whether it was a simple night out, cooking together, singing silly songs together or just cuddling and watching a movie, all of it was just perfect.
You were currently in prague, performing a concert there together. You were the opener of Joosts concerts, since you didn’t really have the finances to two different tours so you decided on being the opener which you were more than happy to do.
You sat in a café, admiring the view of prague and also lost in thought. Joost was talking about the upcomig concerts, talking about the new places he wanted to see. He noticed your dazed state and stopped talking, putting a hand on yours as if to silently as if you’re okay. “Just thinking.” You say and he raises a brow; “About?” He pries and you chuckle softly. “I mean, do you ever think about how unlikely this is? Us, I mean.” You ask he he thinks for a moment, gathering his thought before soeaking up; “All the time. And every single time I realize how lucky I am to have you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I appreciate you.” You smiled, heart full of his enduring words. “Same here Joost, same here.”
About half a year later, your one year anniversary came. You were standing on stage, just finishing a song you wrote together just a few months ago. Cheers were heard throughout the crowd, signs with words like “We love you!” “You saved me.” “We’re proud of you.” were held high in the air, your heart melting. Realisation hit you like a truck as Joost picked you up and spinned you around, smiling wildly. He put you down, resting his forehead against yours, sweat dripping down from all the jumping around you’ve done during this concert. You smiles lovingly, holding his hands, fingers interwined. “We did it Joost.” “Yeah, we did.” In that moment you knew you found the right person. You realised you wanted to spend the rest of your days on this earth with this man, in his embrace, in his presence. Together you created beautiful and unforgettable memories that defied expectations, showing that sometimes, the most gorgeous harmonies come from the most unexpected places.
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
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saintslewis · 14 days
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pairing: tattoo artist!lewis hamilton x black fem!reader
summary: in which reader needs a good tattoo artist to help her vision come to life and lewis, a mutual friend, is recommended and is more than happy to help you out.
warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, mentions of tattoo needles, mentions of w33d, smut (18+ mdni), pet names, just read 🫵🏽 (buckle in, frens) sorry for typos!
saint’s team radio 🎀: heyyyy! this spawned in my mind in the middle of the night and my super talented fren @mauvecherie-writes came up with this masterpiece. hope you all enjoy 🤭. (anon i hope this does your request justice!)
tags: @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @httpsserene @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @perfecttrashface @non-stop-imagines @peyiswriting @purplelewlew @alika-4466 @arshiyuh @yeea-nah @louvrepool @motheroffae @lorarri
pls like, reblog and comment! 🫶🏽
pls note, the lady in the header does not represent the reader! 🫶🏽
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“You’ve been sitting there thinking so hard, I could see steam comin’ out your head.” Marie laughed as she walked close to you with two mimosas in her hand, handing one to you. The get-together she occasionally hosts with all of your mutual friends was in full swing, everyone in different corners of the huge house.
Giving her an eye roll, you sipped on the drink before answering. “Girl, fuck you.” You cussed, hearing her laugh. Following close behind her was another one of your friends, Lani. Her kitten heels clacked against the tiled floor as she sat next to you on the light blue couch.
“What’s going on, what’s the tea?” She sipped on her drink and held onto it and she looked at you. “Well my lovely friends, I’ve been thinking about getting a back tattoo for a good minute now.” You replied, leaning back into your seat as your friends gasped with excitement.
Marie held your manicured hand in excitement, “Girl oh my god, it’s going to look so good on you!”. Lani then put her drink down then sat up to look at you properly. “What you gonna get? How big?” She asked.
“A red dragon maybe. Covering the whole thing, It’s been on my mind.” You answered, looking between your excited friends. “Anddd you’re wearing a backless dress right now! Y/n, you better get this damn tattoo.” Marie said, still very much holding onto your hand.
“Anddd it’s going to look great during backshots.” Lani smiled and that earned her a smack on her arm from you.
“Stop thinkin nasty. I just want it because I think it’ll look good with all those backless clothes I got.” You admitted although the thought of it made your skin a little warm. “So what’s stopping you from getting it, bae? ‘Cause I’m excited like I’m getting it.” Marie gushed. “Can’t find a good artist around here who caters red ink for black people.” You shrugged.
It was tough trying to find tattoo artists in your city, much less those who work well with red ink. Most were extremely pricey, others worked with complicated pieces and only wanted pieces like portraits or lions or they just left you on read after attempting to make an appointment.
A moment passed by and Lani smacked your leg repeatedly as she came to a realisation. The look of unspoken excitement travelled between your friends and soon enough, you knew they were plotting something.
“Y/n, oh my goodness you genius!” Marie exclaimed and that made your eyebrows furrow even more with confusion.
“Okay, I am very confused by what is happening so I’m just going to grab another snack.” You voiced out and you couldn’t even move because both women held you down as they smiled like maniacs.
Lani nodded first then turned her head to look at you. “Okay okay. Y/n, we’ve got the perfect artist for you. D’you remember Lewis?” She grinned and you tried to think about it fully.
Lewis, Lewis…oh god, that Lewis. The incredibly beautiful man you met through your clearly unhinged friends at a housewarming party two years ago. He was that type of distant crush that would never go away even if you tried and it didn’t help that he was the quiet type who would hang out with your large friend group every now and then.
“…uh huh. What about him?” You replied, hoping that no one heard your voice almost falter at the mention of him. “He’s a tattoo artist! I don’t know how I forgot but that man just keeps to himself for real.” Lani chuckled before continuing. “But yeah anyways, he could do it for you!”
Never in a million years would you think that he would be a tattoo artist and funnily enough, his arm is filled with them. You actually had no clue what he did, always curious whenever you saw the G Wagon that he would hop into after any get-together was over.
“I don’t know, you guys. I’d have to talk to him first about everything and that seems like a lot. I don’t wanna bother the guy to squeeze in someone who has no clue what they’re doing-” You stopped your ramble once you realised that your friends were just staring at you.
“Girl, you never ramble like that unless you find a dude cute.” Marie teased as she watched you avoid eye contact with her. Smacking your lips, you shook your head and tried to appear like this news didn’t phase you.
So focused on the subject at hand, you didn’t notice that Lani was gone. Finally hearing the familiar clack of her heels, you looked up and your breath hitched. You had just denied even thinking about him but there stood Lewis, quietly chewing on his gum with a glint in his eyes as he looked at you.
With your hand still in Marie’s hold, she squeezed it as she stood up and moved to stand next to Lani. “Lewis, you remember Y/n, right? An absolute beaut.” Lani started. “Anywho, my good sis wants a tattoo and obviously, you came to my mind. Aight, see y’all later.” She continued and just like that, her and Marie disappeared.
“I’m sorry for them, they can get a lil crazy.” You spoke, offering your hand to him and he gently shook your hand with both of his large ones. “They’ve also had some green gummies so I get it.” He smiled and that alone, just sent you to another dimension.
He’s British. You made sure to make little notes along the way.
And he dressed incredibly well. Sleeveless white shirt, white cargos, air force ones and his huge tattooed arms on display. The jewellery making the outfit look all the more good.
It also didn’t help that your dress was the same shade of white as his entire outfit.
“Although we’ve briefly met before, I’m Lewis. Nice seeing you again.” He introduced himself, not breaking any eye contact with you and he could tell you weren’t expecting to see him. “Y/n. I’m sure those two already told you why they dragged you here,” You nervously smiled. “Didn’t wanna waste your time with my questions.”
“You’re good, love. Wanna sit down and talk about it?” Lewis asked, pointing to the couch you were just sitting on. This area of the house wasn’t crowded so you could hear each other clearly.
The nickname he called you by threw you into a loop, nodding at him as a response because you couldn’t come up with one on the spot.
The two of you went on to speak on everything revolving around the tattoo. Your experiences trying to find a good enough artist that you wanted to feel comfortable with, the placement of it and the design. There were all types of jokes thrown into the conversation, making you feel comfortable. He also listened, nodding and replying after you spoke.
“So I’ve got two options if I decide to chicken out of the dragon one.” You said, twiddling your fingers as you still avoided eye contact with Lewis. “Alright even though my favourite would have to be the dragon.” He winked, chewing his gum.
You flushed hearing him say that. You couldn’t imagine being naked in front of him, letting your body be a canvas he gets to work on. Of course you would like to be naked in another way but that couldn’t happen. He definitely has to have someone in his life. Would he though if he just winked at you? Or was he just playing with you because he can sense you’re shy-
“Y/n, love, you still with me?” Lewis worried a tad bit as he watched you zone out on him. Shaking yourself out of it, you were grounded by his eyes boring into yours. Clearing your throat slightly, you asked a different question. “Uh if I do go ahead with it, where will we be?”
“Right now, my studio is under renovations so I’ve got my home studio. Hope that’s okay with you, anything to help you be comfortable.” He reassured, sitting back and the sight of him just sitting so confidently had you squirming in your seat, having to cross your legs.
“That’s fine,” your voice reaching an octave higher than normal. “What was the other design, sweetie? Haven’t done a tattoo on a client in a while so I’m grateful that I’ll be the one who gets to work on this.” Lewis mentioned, watching you lose your train of thought everytime you two locked eyes and he found it quite endearing.
“…A lower back tattoo, preferably a word or a heart.” You muttered, Lani’s words running through your mind. Stop, you can’t think about that right now. “That’s a nice one.” He commented, tilting his head and admired your shyness.
Ever since he laid his eyes on you, Lewis had made it his mission to find a way to get with you. He was in awe everytime you would show at one of the many games nights or celebrations, looking effortlessly beautiful yet timid as well. He hadn’t known if you were single until a mutual friend mentioned you and blind dates in the same sentence.
Lewis thanked the universe for giving him the chance to do his favourite thing with the woman he had fancied.
After a bit more conversation, you had managed to get his number and bid goodbye to him, a very warm hug from him to you, and you hurried to your car to take several deep breaths afterwards. After not being intimate with anyone for a long while, you were embarrassed that a single conversation left you in a puddle with an all too familiar feeling in your stomach.
Consoling yourself whilst driving, you grew excited for the week ahead for the tattoo, of course.
Darting your eyes between your phone and the house you were currently parked outside of, you felt confused although your gps led you to the correct address.
“Sis c’mon, he wore a cartier bracelet like it was nothing.” You joked to yourself, trying to keep yourself at ease with the fact that your entire back will be filled with ink very soon.
Clearly the camera right by the gate was able to see you and the gate opened up for you. Finally parking next to the car you were familiar with, you fixed up your outfit. You tried walking to the front door with an excruciatingly slow pace to try and calm your nerves but as soon as Lewis opened the door, that all went out the window. His gaze was piercing as he leaned on the door frame, watching you twiddle with your nails and walk over to him with the same shy energy you held the other day.
“You can’t be lookin at people like that, Lewis.” You spoke with a slight smile, being welcomed into his large home. “Like how, Y/n?” He smiled as he closed the front door behind him, admiring every inch of your body.
“Like you wanna eat me alive.” You chuckled, choosing to not feel his glare on you after you said that. He chuckled as well, deciding to not comment and wanting you to be comfortable first.
“Anything you need before we start, love? You seem nervous.” Lewis asked, placing his hand on your back and lead you towards his home tattoo studio. An incredibly large room with decor that screamed Architectural Digest, the tattoo chair stitched with his initials ‘LH’ and a candle was lit, a ocean-like scent wafting through the air. You had told him that you liked that candle scent all those days ago and the fact that he remembered made you blush.
Low rnb music was playing and a calm atmosphere washed over you as soon as you entered the room.
“It’s my first big tattoo, of course i’m nervous about it.” You replied with a sigh, plopping down on the soft couch and placed your phone on the record player stand.
Playing with the band of your shorts, you knew he was looking at you from the doorway. “Also it’s a lil silly but I don’t even know if this shit will look good on me, y’know? I wanted this but i guess it’s just the nerves.” You continued.
Not even hearing him move from his spot, you lifted your head to see him crouched down in front of you. His tattooed hands landed on your thighs without breaking eye contact with you. “Can I tell you what I think?” He asked. All you could do was nod. He hadn’t touched you in the way you wanted but in an instant, you could feel a puddle forming.
“On you, it will be the best piece I’ve done because it was made to sit on your body. A canvas that people will get to admire, a canvas that you’ve given me the honour to work on.” He continued, hands barely moving from your legs.
Taking a breath, you finally got the strength to respond to what he said. “Are you always this poetic to your clients?” You tried to joke but his eyes were glued to yours, the same way he looked at you at the housewarming.
“It took me a while to garner the confidence to talk to you, to just be in your presence. Every time I had the luck to see you, I would cherish it because we wouldn’t be in the same room all the time. I want the time we have here to be meaningful. And before you make that adorable timid face, yes, I have always found you attractive.” He spoke and you were just speechless.
“Are you serious?” You managed to speak, your voice becoming softer the more you accepted everything he was saying.
“Would you like me to show you how serious I am about you?” Lewis shifted his legs so that he could kneel in front of you. You could see the truth in his eyes as he spoke, darting between your eyes and lips.
You whimpered and you couldn’t control it, his hold on you was so strong.
“I need your words, princess.”
“Please. Please show me, Lewis.” You whined out.
That was all it took for him to begin to reach for the band of your shorts but you put your hands on his to stop. His eyebrows furrowed and before he spoke, you went for it. “Kiss me.” You breathed out. Lewis stood to his full height then sat on the couch next to you, pulling you onto his lap.
You made the first move and leaned in, your lips moving together in sync as he kissed you passionately. His hand held the back of your neck, bringing even closer while his other hand trailed down your arched back.
Your whimpers echoed throughout his home studio as he pulled away from the kiss, watching you try and grind to get some sort of pleasure in. Gently putting his hands on your waist, he guided you and you gasped as you felt his length, long and hard. Just waiting for you.
It felt unbearable, a knot in your stomach needed to be released and you threw you head back, just wanting to wash over the arousal. Lewis watched how you pleasured yourself on him, your denim clothes restricting the both of you from connecting skin to skin. “You enjoying yourself, darling?” He licked his lips, looking up at you with dark eyes clouded with lust.
You wanted to respond, desperately, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. The warmth from the two of you became stronger, him leaning up to begin peppering kisses on your necks and not wanting to create any marks just yet. “..Yes.” You managed to breathe out and you loved the feeling of his large hands roaming around your body, not able to get enough of you.
Lewis held your hips firmly, halting your movement and that made you want to cry out of not getting a release. “Lewis, please.” You whined and he chuckled against your neck. “Take your clothes off and lie down, princess.” He said, looking at your cute angry face with a slight pout evident.
Instead of doing what he said, you just looked at him in the eyes clearly wanting to start a challenge. However, he knew his gaze made you weak. It was one of his many charms. All he had to do was slightly tilt his head and it had you standing up and slowly taking your clothes off, him following suit. You oggled at him, his tattoos gracefully placed on his skin making your mouth water.
With you laid down on the couch, he crawled up your body and crashed his lips into yours. He held your neck so gently as he kissed your jawline then your neck all the way down to where you needed him the most. Lewis laid between your legs to admire your clothed core, giving praise to your thighs and ass as he planted a kiss on your inner thighs.
“Oh shit…” you gasped as he started licking all around your clit until he planted his mouth on it, your moans bouncing off the walls as Lewis devoured you like you were his dinner. Sticking his tongue in and fucking you with it was really the cherry on top, your hand flying to his head to keep it in place and you ground into his face.
Screaming as he entered two fingers in your pussy, you felt a tear slide down at the immense pleasure he was giving you. It had been a very long time since someone had gone down on you but never had you orgasmed from head before. Until now.
Lewis licked you clean as he climbed up and kissed you so that you could taste yourself. You could tell he wanted to say something but you reached your hand to palm him through his pants, watching the different expressions on his face. Slapping the side of your thigh, he held your face.
“Bend over for me, princess.” With a smile on his face and you knew you were going to be here a while.
The buzzing of the tattoo gun sounded out through the room, Lewis wiped the dripping ink from his canvas. He was doing the last bit of work to fully complete his piece on you, the ink contrasting beautifully with your skin.
Finally switching it off and clearing his station to prepare for the clean up and to place the plastic cover on, he lightly smacked your ass to wake you up. “Darling, we’re finally done.” Lewis softly said, already focused on the clean up.
You hummed, “That’s amazing, baby. Thank you.” You spoke all drowsy from the nap you took earlier and the buzzing feeling of your body even after the tattooing gun isn’t touching your skin. Not to mention the sativa joint you smoked together before the final session.
You and Lewis kept this arrangement going, him saying that once he finished his artwork on your back, he’d take you on a date to wherever you want to go and you agreed. The mutual crush you had on each other transcended to a different level, becoming almost domestic every moment you spent together.
“Can I see it?” You asked, rising up from the chair and you looked at him while batting your eyelashes. “Of course you can, princess.” Lewis leaned down to peck your lips then led you to the mirror. You gasped when you saw your dream tattoo, sitting perfectly on your back and your mind was running wild with thoughts already.
“The backshots with this tattoo are going to be amazing.” You giggled and he just rolled his eyes. “Okay that’s enough weed for you, baby.” Lewis chuckled then lightly tapped your ass.
“You were thinking it though!”
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saint’s notes 🪩: mind you this has been sitting here since feb 🧍🏽‍♀️. this is dedicated to @mauvecherie-writes , thank you for your patience fren 🤭 and yes the monaco fit made me go feral.
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alewritesfics · 2 years
𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖕𝖎𝖙𝖞 3
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Summary: growing closer is easier than you thought
Word count: 2k
Warnings: talk of a shitty family, mentions of death, unedited, I think that's all
Serendipity masterlist masterlist
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You hummed as you entered the library grabbing the first book you saw on the shelf and sitting down on an couch nearby. You flipped through the pages, finding it boring and discarding it away.
You stood up and walked to the shelves, ruffling through the books, a door opened and closed behind you but you ignored it and continued searching for a good book when you heard a throat being cleared behind you.
You turn around with a book on your hands, coming face to face with the viscount “Viscount Bridgerton” you muttered pushing past him to go sit down
You open the book, ignoring his eyes that were fixated upon you “If you have something to say, you should do it now, I do not like people staring at me like you do, and I do not like people who do not speak their minds”
“I heard what you said to Mrs. Wilson” He blurted out, you hummed in response
“If you are expecting an apology, you will not get one, I stand by what I said” You stated
“No, no, I am not asking for one” He shook his head
“I came to – wanted to apologize for how I… I treated you before” he muttered
You raised an eyebrow “Truly.” He said once he saw the disbelief on your face “You were right. We all lost Kate and everyone is hurting the same way that I am. You were also right saying that I shouldn’t act the way I am, Kate’s death is no excuse and you did not deserve to be on the receiving end of my ire”
You pursued your lips before sighing mulling over his words “I accept your apology, if only because you are Kate’s husband”
He smiled slightly “I propose we start over” he offered “put the bad first impression behind us and try to get along… for Kate”
You nodded “For Kate” he nodded and grabbed a book, sitting down on the couch beside you
And just like that, you both started over.
You both would not go entirely out of your way to seek the other but in the case that you did come across each other, you would greet the other politely, making small talk before you went your way.
That was only the first week. By the second, you would go to the library for your nightly reading fest, the viscount would join you half an hour after, where you both would speak about the books you previously read and he would recommend you books he had read and enjoyed.
And soon enough, you went from strangers, to acquaintances to, almost friends?, you were not quite friends but you were not acquaintances either.
“Mr. Bridgerton” you greeted once you entered the library once again one night, he tilted his head in greeting, very immersed in the pages of the book he was reading. You grabbed the book you were previously reading the night before and sat down next to Lord Bridgerton. Uncomfortable silence filling the room.
After a few minutes of you both reading, you felt Lord Bridgerton shift beside you, closed his book and turned to look at you “Can…” he hesitated “Can you tell me about Kate?”
You looked at him questioningly “How she was before coming to London” Lord Bridgerton clarified “She told me bits of her life but not everything as we spent our time doing…other things” you smother the chuckle you wanted to let out, and instead shook your head
“Well, I have no idea how her childhood was since my parents never did let me visit Kate’s family, because as you probably know, Kate’s father was not exactly rich, and my mother despite being born poor, after she married my father, she changed and prioritized money over everything” You replied “But after I went to live with her family, well, she spent all of her time taking care of Edwina, and me then, she used to spent all of her time teaching Edwina everything she would need to become a proper lady, never really spending any time doing anything other than that. It was very rare when she took some time for herself”
“But, she was always there for us, she listened to us whenever we had a problem and if we wanted to go somewhere but we couldn’t since it wasn’t proper for us to go out unchaperoned, she would take us” You smiled your mind taking you back to the time when everything was simple “There was this time when Edwina and I desperately wanted to go to a fair they were having on our native country, they had brought some new stuff, like opera concerts, or new jewelry, there was even this thing called fireworks, and since we never saw one, we wanted to see what it did”
“So, we had snuck out at night when everyone was abed, or so we thought, we had gotten to this tall wall and we were trying to climb over it – it had some partitions that were out so we were able to hold onto them – and Edwina was at the top, I was starting to climb the wall when Kate caught us. Instead of reprimanding us for sneaking out, she was mad that we did not bring her along” Lord Bridgerton and you chuckled “ Anyway, Edwina and I were on the other side and Kate had one foot on either side, she was bringing her other foot to the other side when she lost her footing and fell into a puddle of mud that was, coincidentally underneath her and that is not even the funny part–“ you started to laugh remembering her face “ because where we used to live was close to a farm, which had some pigs that got loose a lot. One was in the puddle and when she fell, she accidentally fell onto of the pig. You should have seen her. Her whole body was filled with mud, some even got in her mouth and when tried to get up, she lost her footing once again and fell right back down onto the pig” you shook your head once again, both of your laughter filled the room “That was the happiest day of my life”
When you finished talking, the room was filled with silence once again. But this time, it wasn’t that awkward.
”And how was your life before you lived with Kate’s family?” Anthony wondered
You looked up at the fireplace in front of you both, the flames shinning brightly on your eyes “It was normal, it was not amazing but it was not like I had a bad childhood either” you sighed “We were not exactly rich nor did we have a big mansion like you do, I was always expected to be a proper lady so I could marry someone rich and ‘pay back’ what they wasted on me, my mother and father were not really that loving and never really paid attention to anything I needed”
You turned your head to look at him only to find him already staring at you “Ever since I was young, I was all alone, my father spent all of his time working and working to earn money so when the time came, I could make my debut into society thus he was never around, and even if he was, he never spoke to me unless it was to reprimand me for something. My mother was the same, if not worse. Of course, she did not work, how could a lady work? All they are born for is to marry someone rich, give them their heirs and spend their life forming their daughters into proper ladies. Or so she used to say. At least that is what she molded me into.” You did not even know why you were telling him this, but your mouth didn’t seem to want to stop, wanting to let everything out.
“Point is – “ You said “They were never there for me when I needed, they were never loving towards me despite being their only daughter. But they did everything so I could have a better life than they did and I loved and respected them” Anthony stayed silent, letting me get everything off my chest
“I loved and respected them until they turned their backs on me, that is” You admitted “Ever since that awful night, they disowned me, blamed me for ruining their reputations, as if it was my fault, they were never caring but I would have thought that me being their daughter would have meant something, that they would support me through everything and, Surprise! Surprise! It was the exact opposite.” You scoffed incredulously, you sighed and grabbed the book you previously discarded, thinking the conversation was done when you finished talking.
”I had to grow quicker than all of my siblings” Anthony admitted smiling sadly “I was 18…. when my father… died…. We had gone that day to hunt just the two of us and as we were heading back here, we stopped to pick some of the flowers out front” he pointed out the window
“He was stung by a bee. He had turned out to be allergic and before we could call for the doctor, he was gone” he pursed his lips “Just like that, at 18 years old, I was made the viscount. I had to switch from being a brother to being a father figure to my siblings in a matter of moments. I was entering a new stage in my life as a teenager and I did not even get to fully experience it from having to grow up sooner than I thought” you sighed and hesitated before you put your hand on top of his as a comforting gesture, one he smiled gratefully at. “I spent all of my time in the next 10 years either working or, and I am ashamed to admit it, frolicking around with women.”
“My mother was destroyed when my father died, she was always in her room, never really ate anything, could not even check on little Hyacinth from how heartbroken she was. That was the moment when I decided that I could not, and would not marry for love and have someone suffer the same fate as my mother did, as I could not even bare the thought that I could ever surpass my father in anything, much less surpass him in age” He sighed before his eyes seemed to brighten up “Then I met Kate, and she changed my perception on love, Kate was my soul mate. As you probably know, I had initially proposed to Ms. Edwina, she was the diamond of the season and since I was not planning to marry for love, I thought she was the best option, that she was well suited to be my wife, she did fit all of my requirements. But little did I know that trying to pursue her would be hard as she had a sister who did not like me one bit. Kate and I fought all the time, we could not stand to be in the same place for even a minute. But everything changed when I invited them here, some things happened and everything between Kate and I changed, we fell in love. We went through some hardships but in the end, we overcame it all, we were happy, we were expecting a child, everything was fine until she died” he lowered his head, you looked at him sadly, tears started to sting on your eyes before you blinked them away, composing yourself
“Kate was the best of us” you murmured looking back at the fireplace “ I don’t know how we will live peacefully without her” Lord Bridgerton nodded agreeing with you before he stood up
“If you excuse me, I still have work to do” he left without another word, you looked at the door he just walked through, understanding filling you, the wound still wasn’t healed after all but you were comforted knowing that this was a step closer to getting along.
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sexysadie23 · 21 days
ੈ✩‧₊˚Lady Killer ੈ✩‧₊˚
Rafe Cameron
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Tags | Bestfriend!Rafe Cameron x innocent!reader
Synopsis | Despite having moved to Figure 8 on Kildare in your early teens, you never had many friends. Certainly not in the kook academy, the only place you really had the chance to. But upon attending one of your parents’ country club events, the island suddenly doesn’t seem so lonely.
Warnings | Underage drinking and drugs - misogynistic comments (more exciting things to come in the series!)
Note | This is my first time writing a Rafe fic! This will be just a one shot of how these two characters met, but I will be making this a series eventually! I do include certain elements to reader ie. Being an only child and ‘doe eyes’. If you don’t like that - don’t read it! Reader is like so cute and obsessed with Rafe and he’s like wtf okay?
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For a long time, you thought there was something explicitly wrong with you. You’d moved a couple times in your life, so you’d never really had friends which stuck. You were simply just a phase in other kids your ages’ lives, only to be remembered as ‘that girl which was in our grade’.
It was lonely for a while, and you had learnt to find comfort in the little things. Friday nights in watching your favourite movies, reading in the library at lunch, the birdsong on the walk home from school. Yet moving to Kildare seemed to be where your parents finally decided for you set up camp, and you’d sparked an iota of hope that this is where you would find your people.
Your parents were moderately well off, though certainly not as rich as some families seemed to be at your new home. But you had always had the essentials. On top of them however, was a nice home, a vacation at least once a year and never any need for a part time job. After all, being the only child your parents wanted you to focus solely on your studies at the Kildare Academy, otherwise known as ‘Kook Academy’ - why, you didn’t know really.
You’d never had to wear a uniform before. You were so excited though at 14 years old - wearing your mary janes and blazer which was slightly too big. Your pink JanSport backpack which was bulkier than necessary, a Winnie The Pooh keychain dangling off of it.
“Mom, do you think they’ll like me?” The unadulterated hope in your eyes made your mother smile. She worried about you sometimes. With your wide eyes and kind heart, she feared you were too trusting, sheltered for your age.
“Just be your sunny self, sweetie and they will love you.”
But that was not what happened.
You tried, honestly you tried to make friends. Still nothing seemed to stick. People at the academy had been there for years, with it being a relatively small school full of people from Figure 8 with pre-established friend groups and social standing. You’d entered at an age where teenagers were enraptured with what their peers thought of them, and the girls at the school only judged you for your lack of designer handbag or lack of makeup, lack of status - or whatever problem they could seem to find.
You even came back to the gym lockers to change only to find ‘Chanel’ written over the exed out ‘Jansport’ of your bag. Your mother was infuriated, and insisted you use one of her designer bags to fit in.
You denied, however much you wanted to and were somewhat materialistic, you knew they would just call it a fake or find some other way to deface it. You’d simply washed the backpack, and continue to use it until graduation 2 months ago.
Summer vacations were hard for you. When you saw so many others at parties in big mansions or even on the other side of the island, ‘the cut’ as you learned, or people surfing with their friends, it only served as a reminder of your solitude. So much so that you had resigned to reading in your garden, window shopping online or following your parents around.
This included Midsummer’s. It was a sort of soiree to celebrate…well, actually you weren’t sure what. Being rich, it seemed? That’s what it looked like, as you sat there in your pink tulle ankle length dress, flowers woven throughout your hair tied simplistically with a white ribbon. You idly watched, sipping on a bottle of coca cola as your dad talked business with a fellow doctor from the island.
Obviously, there were kids from the academy there. Many of which you had just graduated with, and all of which were ignoring you - or just didn’t realise you were here. You never pondered too much on your friendlessness, looking at the positives in your life rather than the negatives.
The atmosphere at the party was thriving, and you adored the pageantry. One lady in particular, a blonde fussing over a curly haired tween with glasses was wearing an extravagant headpiece which looked like it could poke out your eye. A girl from the academy around your age stood nearby, wearing white with flowers in her hair as well. She looked pretty, but being from the academy you knew to keep your distance.
It was starting to wear you out, the fact that nobody had asked you a question in 45 minutes. Then and there, you’d decided to at least explore the venue, which had waiters and bar staff scuttling in and out every so often.
“Hi- excuse me.” You tap such a boy on the shoulder, and he swings round to meet you with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. “Would you happen to know where the ladies’ bathrooms are?”
He looks somewhat startled, as if he doesn’t actually know what you asked him. “What? Um, sure thing. Just uh- this way my lady.” He nods, in a somewhat boyish way, and leads you to the patio where you follow him through to where the ‘Ladies’ sign hangs on the door.
“Thank you so much, um…” you were selectively shy, but still had manners.
He grins. “JJ - Maybank.” He winks, before he sees something behind you, a blue jacket from whose owner rumbles,
“The hell’s the pogue doing here?”
The blonde smiles at you before dashing off, leaving you to the bathroom where you rearrange the ribbon in your hair and add some extra lip gloss.
You’d hid out there for about 10 minutes, not wanting to return to a party you were already invisible at.
The door to the ladies oscillated as you walk out, determined on telling your parents that you weren’t feeling well and wanted to return home. It sounded better than sitting here, suffocating in your own silence as you watched people from your grade slip each other sips of brandy while they laughed and joked with one another.
You walked past a locker room of sorts, and saw the very same blue jacket from your peripheral before. He appeared to be roughed up: shirt crinkled, a bit of blood on his nose which he held up to the ceiling.
It was curious, but sad to you. Maybe he was bullied like you too? Though you had never been physically assaulted. He looked a similar age to you, but even sitting down seemed much taller. Bigger in general, as his shoulders strained against his tux jacket.
You returned to the ladies and got some tissue from the dispenser. Before entering the locker room, you hesitated. Maybe he would be mean like the other rich kids. But your father’s doctor in you couldn’t let him sit and suffer.
“Hi, are you okay?”
Not looking at you, the boy- man, should you say replies, “God, Sarah I’m fine. Don’t fuckin’ tell dad about this shit alright? I don’t need him hounding me again.” His deep voice reverberated. Despite the harsh language, the smooth drawl was distinct. You liked it.
Your eyebrows furrow, confused at whoever he thought you were. “M’ not- I just came to give you this. You look hurt.” At the hand which was pinching his nose, and failing to stop the stream of blood - you shove a bunch of tissues into.
His eyes widen at the sudden handful of tissues and he lowers his head to look at you properly. He looks you up and down, realising that you are very clearly not his annoying sister.
“Oh, right. Sorry, thought you were my sister but uh, I’m a little bit…out of it right now.” He winced as he sniffled and tried to get the words out, happy that the blood seemed to be absorbing and steadily stopping. “Thanks for, you know this.” He said, gesturing with his free hand to his nose.
It was odd. He seemed weirded out that someone offered him help.
Happy that he didn’t tell you to go away like the other people from the Academy, you sat down beside him with a smile. He looked at you as though you were a bit crazy, but you attributed that to the bruise which was forming on his nose.
“You’re welcome!” You gave him your name, excited at the possibility of making a new friend. “What’s your name?”
This man, in the blue tux and white shirt which had splatters of blood on it now, looked increasingly confused at your eager demeanour. His immediate thought was that you wanted to fuck or hit a bump, given his reputation- yet you asking his name dispelled that thought. You really had no idea who he was. He was pleased about that, for some odd reason.
He could tell by your flouncy dress that you were definitely not a Pogue - thank god - but Midsummer’s was an exclusive islander event, so the other idea of being a touron was out. If not a pogue or a vacationer, then who the hell were you?
“I’m Rafe.” He said. The corner of his mouth twitched, finding it comical how he’s leaving his last name out. He needed to figure out if you had an ulterior motive or something. As most girls, even some of his friends- heck even his own father, often did.
You blushed at his eye contact, you’d never seen such a handsome boy.
He sniffled his nose and winced once more, holding his hand out for you to shake. Truth be told, he found this interaction hilarious. It wasn’t often that people didn’t know his name, or who his father was.
“Rafe.” You whispered, testing it out. “I like it.”
“Um, thanks?”
“Do you live on Kildare?” You asked, though you quickly felt stupid because you were pretty sure everyone at this party did.
“Yeah, yeah I do- look are you looking to hit up a bump or something? I don’t got anything on me right now.” He cut straight to the point. As much as he appreciated the tissues, he had to go and fuck up that Pogue.
This boy, he kept leaving you confused. “M’ sorry, I don’t know- a bump?” What was he talking about? You were only trying to help.
“Yeah princess. A bump. Coke?” He asked, looking equally as confused as you are. He couldn’t imagine why someone would wander into the club’s male locker rooms, not wanting anything no less. It wouldn’t matter anyhow, Barry’s been fucking around and sampling a little too much to get any product pushed at all.
You smile, suddenly understanding his generous offer. “Oh no it’s okay! I already got one the bar but I don’t like to have too many because it’s bad for your teeth.” You supplied, ever the daughter of a doctor and a dentist.
Yet Rafe Cameron sat there, rather stunned. He couldn’t figure out if you were stupid or just sheltered. Half the people his age at this party were already high, or certainly on their way there. Either way, he didn’t really have time to sniff that out.
He chuckled at your obliviousness. “O..kay. Yeah uh- look, I don’t really-”
“Ooh, pretty. Can I?” You got distracted easily, by the stacked rings adorning Rafe’s - very manly - hands. Not awaiting his answer, you grabbed his free hand and started spinning a ring round his finger. This particular ring was a class ring, fairly large and engraved with the wheat symbol.
He was very weirded out by how forward you were being. You looked like you were wearing princess peach cosplay : pink flouncy dress, kitten heels which couldn’t be ignored and a melodic voice that was almost soothing. So what the hell did a cute thing like you want from him?
“Most of em’ are heirlooms, you know generational.” He replied. It was like he wasn’t allowed to have his own hand back, seeing as it had become your new fixation. He felt as though he had a phantom limb, it was there but it sort of just had to sit limp until you were done with it.
“Is it real gold?”
“Course it is.” He smirked. He wouldn’t be caught dead with disingenuous jewellery.
“So pretty.” You whisper to yourself again, seemingly mesmerised by such a beautiful design. You blushed at his very masculine (why did you keep fixating on that?) hands, with lots of veins.
“Veiny…” you ran your fingers along one of his many veins. Then you looked at your own and just saw slightly chubby, much smaller than his, hands.
“Why do you have more veins than me?” You wondered aloud.
“Well, I don’t know don’t guys have like - more muscle n’ shit? I play golf sometimes too. Lotta handiwork.” Rafe shrugged. One thing he did not expect at Midsummer’s, a fucking bore fest every year, was to be interrogated about his veins and have his bling closesly inspected.
“Oh! Here? At the country club?” You ask, a glimmer of hope striking your eyes.
“Couple times a week if I can.”
You nodded. Maybe this Rafe could be your friend!! Because, “I just got enrolled at the country club too. My dad says I need to get out more…maybe I’ll play tennis. Or golf! Like you.” You were not one for exercise, but you can’t simply stay at home all day every day.
“I mean- that shit’s more like a guy thing in the club. Most chicks just go to the brunch or the sauna.” He says, being honest. It’s mostly just housewives who like the spa and gym facilities.
That dejected you. “Oh.” You said, looking down and finding his hands again.
Rafe noticed this and felt a twinge of guilt; “But, y’know, maybe you could still try it out. They got teachers n shit to help you.”
He was glad to see the smile return to your face at that. “I dunno. Just need to do something this summer.” Other than reading or dwelling on how your parents couldn’t hang out with you. It was becoming pathetic.
Rafe’s bleeding had finally stopped so he threw the tissue in the trash. “Is my nose all fucked up?” He asked. “My dad’ll kill me if he sees I got in a fight.”
Upon inspection of his face, you realised that he was very handsome. Perfectly symmetrical with a good jawline. “Uh-uh,” you replied. “S’ just a lil’ red. Like a reindeer.”
He smiled at the comparison, looking to the ceiling as he poked and prodded his nose. “Okay, it ain’t broken so that’s good.”
“Who’d you get in a fight with? Is someone bullying you?” You question with conviction in your voice, full of compassion and sympathy. That made the Cameron smile a genuine smile. Not many people cared or paid mind to his antics. Never had he been seen as the victim before either.
He laughed at the idea of someone bullying him. He was a Cameron - he was untouchable. The scrunch of your eyebrows which indicated your genuine worry for him was rather endearing though.
“Bullied? Nah. S’ just- s’ just these freakin’ Pogues y’know? Can’t trust em’, even on our side of the island.” He shook his head, turning to face you more on the bench. He got viscerally agitated at the mention of these ‘pogues’, whoever they were.
“Pogues?” You question. You’ve lived here for roughly three years and have never heard of this group. Were they a band?
Rafe noted your confusion once more. “Yeah, from the cut. Just a bunch of lowlifes and basket cases. Don’t associate with them, okay?”
You appreciated how he was giving you advice. No one ever really told you the ins and outs of Kildare, so you were grateful for his guidance. “O-okay. How do I know who is a Pogue?” You wondered.
“Well y’know. They’ll prolly try and steal from you. They look roughed up a lot. Not a lot of money on that side of the island.”
“Ohh. Okay. If they’re Pogues then what are we?”
He looked you up and down - yeah you were definitely part of that ‘we’. “I guess they’d call us kooks. Kooks and pogues sort of don’t mix. S’ why they’re on the cut and we’re here on figure 8 y’know. They just forgot tonight to stick to their land.”
Your eyebrows scrunched up, “So the Pogues beat you up? Should I talk to them?”
Rafe Cameron let out a closed mouth laugh as he was becoming increasingly endeared with your naïveté. Moreover, the way you seemed to truly care. Your big wide eyes focused on him as he considered how to answer.
“I mean they tried. You should see the other guy. But uh- nah. Don’t bother talking to them. They’re pretty set in their ways. Don’t bother going to the cut either. Nothing there for a girl like you.” He warned. He could only imagine the ways a guy like JJ Maybank could take advantage of you and your obvious innocence.
“Alright. Thanks for the advice Rafe.” You gave a tentative smile and blush. This Rafe was really handsome. You could tell from beneath his shirt and jacket that he was muscular. The way his thighs strained against his suit. His neck which had veins branching out all over and a prominent adam’s apple.
He nodded while pursing his lips. He went to speak but a figure appeared at the door.
“Rafe man, cmon’ let’s get out of here. Sarah’s ignoring me and the Pogues crashed. We need to go.” A boy wearing a similar suit to Rafe was. He was tall and blonde, but definitely not as cute as Rafe was! Not to you anyways.
“Uh,” Rafe looked at you and then to his friend. He looked like he wanted to say something. “Y-yeah Top m’ coming. Jus’ meet me outside alright? Shit’s in the glove compartment.”
You saddened at the thought of your new friend leaving. You were just getting to know each other!
He turned back to you and assessed you one more time. Doe eyes met his as you waited for him to speak.
“Maybe I’ll see you around huh? At the club or something.”
Your smile gleamed once more as the prospect of seeing Rafe again. He was just so nice and helpful! You were definitely going to have to use that membership now. Your head moved up and down to indicate a shy yes.
He smirked as he stood, looking down as you remained on the bench. From this angle, he looked just so much bigger. Like a predator eyeing its prey as he loomed over you.
“Alright then. Remember what I said, no pogues.” He warned again, sniffing his nose.
You nodded, still not fully understanding but trusting this Rafe guy’s word. He seems smart. “No Pogues.” You echo back, effectively bringing out his boyish grin.
“Okay, good. Good girl. I’m gonna go so just enjoy the rest of the party okay? Be seein’ you.” He said as he exited the room backwards, jutting his chin towards you before taking off entirely.
There was a fuzzy feeling brewing in your stomach. Glee. It was pure, unadulterated glee. What had started out as a boring party had turned into a monumental moment for you. You’d just made your first real friend on Kildare. And he hinted that he would want to see you again! And he was super pretty and muscular and tall! Though you didn’t know what that had to do with it.
You decided that you’d go home and go shopping for some country club outfits. Something to make you look cute, probably pink. You wilted at the thought of actually trying to learn golf, but if it meant you could maybe one day play with Rafe - then you would do it.
You just couldn’t wait.
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Author’s Note : Ahhh! My first fic. I love reader she is just so cute and wholesome like LOL she thinks this guy wants to be her friend. Later in this series she’s really only comfortable w Rafe since he is basically her only friend and is super shy w other people. This was just to set up and show how they met!! I hope you enjoyed :-D
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prongsiepotter · 1 month
down bad | j. potter
summary: you're so in love with james potter but he's a little too good at giving you mixed signals that it might actually ruin you
pairing: james potter x reader
warnings: angst, a little fluff if u squint, and so much longing & yearning. omg so much of it
a/n: i am unfortunately completely obsessed with taylor swift's new album, so everything i'll write in the near future will be based on one of the ttpd songs (yey!) & this one's based on 'down bad.' feel free to send requests if u want pick the next song for me x
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"So he just said no?" Mary all but hisses. Marlene shushes her, glancing around the classroom before leaning down from where she's sitting on your desk.
"Are you sure it didn't mean something else?" She rests her hand on yours. "Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. He wouldn't…he just wouldn't, right?" You smile weakly at her, then shake your head. She squeezes your hand.
"The note was pretty clear," you say with a soft sigh. The sentence rolls off your tongue with unhidden bitterness. "Sorry, can't. Need to catch up on some assignments."
You would show it to them, so they could see for themselves and maybe divert their sympathetic gazes from you. But you had set it on fire right after reading it, just like the other two notes friendly rejecting you. You still aren't sure why you did it. After all, you did just tell Mary and Marlene that you're fine. At least you will be. You should not be this devastated over some guy.
Even if that guy is James Potter.
James who is now strolling into the room with his mates, looking as invincible and full of life as he always has and always will.
Quickly, you force a smile at the girls and pull out the chair next to you. Marlene, bless her, gets the hint and lightly shoves Mary's shoulder to have her take the seat. You're going through your book bag, pulling out your inkwell when four bodies make their way past your desk.
"Ladies," comes Sirius cheerfully loud voice as he bows at the waist because, of course, he does. Peter and Remus aren't as dramatic with their greetings. The latter, however, does take the time to slow down in front of you until you look up and return his kind smile. Belatedly, you realise perhaps you shouldn't have done that. You lock eyes with James, who's right behind him.
He sends you an easy smile and a wink. Like he's letting you in on another one of his rare secrets. You're not sure if you're smiling back, but it's almost a given that you are.
He takes his seat behind you, laughing blithely at a joke Pete just told, and it's all so painfully charming that you want to die. You fear he will always make you feel like this. Like you're somehow the chosen one. It's such a sickening feeling, you can't help but whip around and look at Mary, pleadingly. Though, you're not sure what you're pleading for anymore.
She shoots you another unbearably sympathetic smile, looking like she's close to cooing at you. You sigh, hiding your face in the crook of your arms.
You can't help but think how easy it would be to just cry right here. It's embarrassing to admit, but you've done it plenty of times over the weekend after you had seen James out at Hogsmeade with the others. Miserably, you had realised that he was, in fact, not too busy working on his assignments. He just didn't want to spend time with you.
You almost let out a sob.
A hand rubs your back and you know it can only be Mary, but you let yourself believe that it's the universe consoling you, as if to say there, there because there's nothing fair about this and she knows it, but there's nothing she can do it about now, can she?
History of Magic passes in a blur. Before you know it, you're in the library, pouring all of yourself into an essay that you normally couldn't have cared less for. But you're willing to do whatever it takes to keep yourself busy. You know your thoughts will stray the moment you're lying quietly in bed anyway, awaiting another sleepless night.
You finish the sentence and look up, satisfied with your work. Apparently it's been a while since you've torn your gaze away from the parchment before you, seeing how stiff your neck is. You knead at the uncomfortable knot in your shoulder while looking around the library. It's relatively full today with every other seat being taken.
Which makes it all the more irritating when your gaze snatches on a figure sat at the other table right across from you. He's not even looking up, head bent over a book, but you would recognise that mop of unruly dark curls anywhere. James must've seen you when he came in, but that might have just been your hopeful self speaking.
Begrudgingly, you resume your writing and it takes everything in you not to look up every few minutes. To glimpse the slight furrow in his brows and the small pout of his lips as he's carefully reading every paragraph. You know he's likely looking for something to prepare for a prank. Normally, you would simply go over and ask him what he's up to. You know he'd happily tell you. But you're glad to have at least a little bit of pride and dignity left that keeps you rooted in your spot.
Seemingly not enough though since all you can think about is that there's no way he doesn't know that you're right there. It really does make you want to bang your head against the table. Maybe that would finally catch James' attention.
Pathetically, you glance at him only to notice that he's packing his things to leave. The tip of your feather goes back to the parchment so fast, it almost pierces it. You haven't got a clue what you're writing, too busy tracking James' movements from the corner of your eyes.
You watch him stand up, walking down the length of his table towards the door down the hall on his right. Then he stops. You hold your breath. James seemingly hesitates before fixing the strap of his bag on his shoulder. He turns left and walks towards you. You're staring at your hand as it writes illegible words, completely out of your control, when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
"Hey," James whispers when you look up, giving you a familiar grin and small wave. It's an innocent gesture, sweet, but there's almost something hostile about this encounter. Like you have no choice but to let him occupy every single one of your senses. You stare up at him, a matching smile sweeping over your lips before you can think better of it.
That's when you notice the scarf he's wearing and its frizzled ends. It's yours. You know it is.
Did he not give it back to you after one of your nights out together on the stands? After you had flown on your brooms, so close to the sea of stars that you could've dipped your fingertips in them? You could almost hear the echoes of your windblown laughters as the memory pushes itself into the foreground of your mind.
James is sitting still, rosy-cheeked, watching you with curious eyes while you babble on about the Leo constellation. He had just told you that you could do whatever you want to him—another quite maddening thing to casually say to someone—and now he's apparently keen on staying true to his word by letting you wrap your scarf around his neck.
It took some convincing before he'd finally accepted it from you. You promised that you wouldn't be cold with your high collared sweater, but James only gave in when you had accepted his wool hat in exchange.
He had carefully put it on you, smoothing down your hair and pulling out some loose strands to frame your face, mumbling something about how much lovelier his hat looked on you than on him. You told yourself that he surely must've known what it did to you when his knuckles brushed your cheeks. Right? Surely.
James pokes your side, chuckling, as if he sensed that your mind was drifting elsewhere. He cracks another joke, saying that if you were the one to teach him Astronomy, he might actually pay attention in class. He says it like it's a deal and you feel inclined to do whatever it takes to hold up your side of the bargain.
You laugh helplessly, feeling drunk on a little bit of everything; the stars above, James' gentle laughter, the familiar smell of broom wax and crisp winter air. This must be cosmic love, you think to yourself. Your breath clouds in front of you, becoming one with his. All the while, you're too aware of James' shoulder bumping into you, his leg pressed against yours. There's no one out here but you two.
You have all the room in the world, but James chose to sit this close to you. Probably close enough for him to hear your heart pounding. Did he do it for a reason? You'd love to know.
"You don't need me to pay attention in Astronomy," you find yourself saying in response, something daring laced in the drawl of your voice. His eyes flash, bright and a bit wild. It's the same look he gets after you challenge him to a race on your brooms. His grin grows wide, carefree, and oh so lovely.
"Please." His face comes impossibly closer and you lean in without another thought, eager to take whatever it is James will give you. You feel his breath on your lips.
"I will always need you, Y/N."
Somehow he makes it sound genuine.
Then he winks and leaves you a horrid, forsaken mess. Somehow he makes that feel like a nice gesture too.
Incredulously, you stare at him as he leans back, elbows resting on the seats behind him. James Potter, you think weakly, what are you doing to me? Not for the first time you ponder what you would do if you can't have him. You almost double over from the striking pain in your chest.
Then he points out another constellation and you nearly forget all about yourself. He's good at that. Never ceasing to show you that the world is bigger than the two of you. Making you forget and remember that you might be in love. Because what if you were in love?
James cups the back of his neck, then points towards the door of the library, almost shyly letting you know that he's leaving. You nod slowly, still dazed. A small smile crosses his lips before you watch him round the corner, his back disappearing from your sight.
You blink, letting out a ragged breath. You feel like you got the wind knocked out of you. Like you just lost your twin. Someone who knows you like no one else ever will. Someone who might just be your better half. Someone who sometimes makes you feel like they want nothing to do with you.
It's ridiculous, you think bleakly to yourself, you're so down bad.
And James Potter makes it feel like a curse and a blessing.
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nebbyy · 2 months
Please write a fanfic about King Baldwin IV from KoH, where he fell in love with female reader. The plot is up to you. Please make it a serious love story with slight fluff 🤗🤭
Baldwin IV x reader - Life always comes down to a game of chess
A/N: You have no idea how much I love you anon, this was one of the prompts I already wanted to write omgggg!! For this fic I kinda got inspired by this painting (which, for everyone interested, it’s “La belle dame sans merci” by Frank Dicksee), and you’ll see how and why reading it;)
Summary: King Baldwin IV receives an offer from an Italian nobleman to marry his daughter; unsure of whether to accept or not this compelling offer, Baldwin decides to do what he does best…
Warning: there are some mentions of christianity and religious references along with some hints at the misogynistic ideologies of the time (about the woman being “owned” by the dominant male figure in her life) ((I don’t condone this ideology at all but I thought it’d be fitting to add it anyway to give some accuracy to it)).
Word count: 2637
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King Baldwin couldn’t quite wrap his head around you. The day that he was informed of your engagement, he felt himself quite skeptical of the idea of marrying someone. After all, ever since his leprosy had been diagnosed he had to get used to the idea of living a life of solitude, forced into a lifelong chastity, for no sane man would ever marry off their daughter to a leper. With time, he had found solace in nurturing his own knowledge and virtue, elevating himself to a level of wisdom that very few could boast at his young age.
During the following days, the young king's mind was plagued with thoughts, considerations he was making to weigh the choice. The benefits of marrying Lady Y/N were many, first and foremost securing a connection to the land of Italian speakers, allowing for easier trafficking of crusaders arriving in the Holy Land, not to mention the abundance that would be the young lady's dowry. And not only did marrying her mean strengthening the economical side of his reign, but it also meant giving the impression to the public that the king's health condition was improving to such an extent that he considered that to be an ideal time to marry. His most trusted men and all of his advisors kept repeating to him, marrying Lady Y/N would’ve been  comparable to a blessing.
But despite all the benefits this union seemed like it would bring, Baldwin continued to hesitate to make a decision. What left him so undecided was the possibility that this was some kind of deception, a conspiracy orchestrated against him, hidden in the form of the most convenient of marriages. It was up to him to decide whether it was worth taking these risks in favor of the benefits that would come if his concerns turned out to be unfounded. 
Like everything else in his life, this choice came down to a game of chess…
It was this idea that prompted him to make a decision. Baldwin had a messenger called, to be sent to Pisa to give the news to Lord Y/F/N that the king wished to report his decision to him live, at his court. For the lord to arrive it would have to wait, but Baldwin has always been a man of exceptional patience.
Four months passed, when at the dawn of Lent it was announced by a Pisan messenger that Lord Y/F/N and his daughter had come to Acre, and would soon be coming to Jerusalem. Another week passed before father and daughter, riding two white horses and accompanied by an escort of knights arrived at the royal palace.
When he first saw you, Baldwin could have sworn he saw Mary himself. You walked with such grace that you almost seemed to float. Your face looked serene, despite the anxiety that had been devouring you from within ever since the day the invitation from the king of Jerusalem reached you; a blue veil covered your hair, framing your face and falling over your shoulders. You bowed to Baldwin as was proper to do before a king, yet he felt so tempted to interrupt you, prevent you from bowing to him, perhaps even bowing to you himself.
At that moment he felt like Lancelot before Guinevere, completely mesmerized by your beauty, one who seemed more fit to an angel than a woman. But, he gave no sign of his true emotional state; after all, a gorgeous woman does not mean she can be fit to serve as queen. Her answer will be decided when she has had a chance to hear you speak, away from the judgmental stares of the court, free from any influence that might change what you really think.
As the sun shone bright in the sky, the banquet took place inside of the palace. The king excused himself before going to eat by himself in his chambers as usual, leaving his guests in the company of his sisters and his court. Loud chatter filled the room, goblets were raised to get more wine poured, courses flowed onto the set table, a tribute to thank Lord Y/F/N for making such a journey to fulfill the king's request. All this noise, yet in your ears all became quiet when a servant approached your chair, whispering a few simple words, "The king has requested your presence at dinner."
Your blood froze in your veins in surprise, and you could almost feel your father's thrill as you rose from your seat, having the servant guide you toward the king's study. Walking through the halls of the palace, you could do nothing but feel so small in comparison, you almost seemed to disappear, enveloped by the magnificence of everything around you that, if all went well, you would have called your own.
You were brought back to reality when the heavy doors of the king's room were opened by the two guards who stood at his sides. An enveloping fragrance, a mixture of myrrh and frankincense filled your senses with a feeling of serenity, an almost familiar feeling. In the center of the room, a hooded figure, dressed in silk as white as snow. "Come forward, my lady. I apologize for my absence at the table but," she interjected for a moment, rising from her seat and revealing her face-or at least, what was not covered by the veil-"many might find my appearance somewhat...disturbing during a meal." He chuckled a little at that last part. You wondered if irony had become a kind of means for him to soften his own hellish condition. 
As soon as he turned around you could not help but study the appearance of what will hopefully be your future husband. Rumors about his condition had been swirling since the day he was crowned, so you had been prepared to be confronted with a horrifically disfigured man. Instead, although part of his face was covered by the thin veil, it was like an instinct for you to try to study his features. You could vaguely make out the golden hair that adorned his face, although it was covered by the veil. His voice had intrigued you; it sounded so jovial and yet so deep. A melody that sang of the young monarch's endeavors. It intrigued you, you wondered what his lips looked like, whether they matched the sound of his voice.
But what really caught your interest were his eyes. They were blue, but of a color so deep, so intense, it reminded you of tales you had heard about the northern seas, of the waters that dark and deep seemed to beckon sailors, to lead them to drown within them. Likewise you felt mesmerized by such intensity. And you wondered, how much of this would remain the same as his illness progressed.
You recovered from that momentary trance, wasting no time to bow, but this time Baldwin stopped you before you were able to bow more than your head: "Don't bow, please. Such reverences are not necessary here." You looked at him a little dumbfounded, but despite the king's unusual attitude you did not object. He stepped to the side, revealing a finely decorated chessboard, with all the pawns already set in place. "Do you play?" he asked softly, and you finally mustered up the courage to speak "It's been some time since I last did," as you approached the table, taking your seat opposite Baldwin. He took his seat again, and for the first time in your life you found yourself face to face with a king. 
You quickly realised that he had assigned you the white pawns, the small courtesy of moving you first. You took a moment to think of an initial strategy, and moved your first pawn. A horse. Baldwin raised his eyebrows, surprised by your decision. "Aren't you going to move the pawns first?" You kept your gaze on the chessboard, partly out of respect and partly out of fear, still unsure why the king would call you to his chambers, if indeed it was all just to have a playmate. "I always prefer to start with the horse. I like to think that the pawns would be frightened to charge against the enemy without a knight to guide them." You looked up, meeting his eyes that studied you intrigued. Chuckling at what you had just said, you continued, shaking your head slightly, "Forgive me, it was just a silly thought."
"Not at all, my lady," he replied, studying your every detail, "I find it fascinating." It was his turn to move, and as per rule, he moved one of the pawns, the one in front of the queen. "So you think good leadership is better than letting the individual decide for himself?" There was a spark that had lit up in his eyes, something playful. It was clear that you were intriguing him, surprisingly in your eyes, since you had been instructed to stay behind your father's shadow, not to express your thoughts or externalize your ideologies.
Everything had to be perfect, one could not risk the futile mind of a young woman ruining the marriage that would have been so beneficial to her dukedom, but above all to her family. Yet at that moment she felt that expressing what resided in her own mind was exactly what Baldwin wanted from her. Something lit up in her too, and he in turn caught the same spark in her eyes. Could it be that she had figured out the trick...? 
Another pawn moved, it was Baldwin's turn to move again. Your eyes seldom parted from each other, just for that moment necessary to make your own move. "Independence is not always what benefits a man. Certainly, it is tempting, but in moments of indecision it risks leading to oblivion. An infantryman needs a leader, a young man who is lost in the woods needs a hunter to guide him out..." Another move, the white bishop points directly at the black king "...an indecisive man needs an outside opinion to make his decision."
You smiled, and like the sweetest of plagues you infected him too. You had deciphered his little deception. An innocent deception, with the purpose of seeing with your own eyes how you, in a condition so similar to what is the duty of a sovereign, would have acted. 
After all, his life always came down to a game of chess....
"So you understood..." Baldwin whispered, again sitting in his place. For the first time in his memory, someone had managed to leave him speechless. His witty mind seemed to have died out all of a sudden, the knight in him unarmed by the woman sitting in front of him. Maybe the deception wasn’t as occult as he had planned, or maybe this young lady was really able to stand up to him.
You smiled at him proudly, be proud of your intuition but also relieved that your thought had not turned out to be foolish. Your pride had removed from your mind every rule, every admonition that had been given to you from the moment you set foot in the Holy Land; your mind was now like a river in flood, finally free to flow out according to its natural course. "I do not blame you, my lord. I realize that this is a difficult choice for you, and that the factors at stake go far beyond your individual will."
"And what do you think about that?" Your smile acquired a bittersweet scent, and you answered without almost hesitation: "I am only a woman, my will is that of my father and it will be of my husband. My family prays that this role will be filled by you, and for this to happen I have been instructed to be fit to reign at your side."
“That I can clearly see, but what truly urges me is to know what your own will says. If we were to marry, you would be the bride to a wretched man, one whose fate has already been announced by God. My demise won't be far off, you’ll be left a widow in a foreign land. And before this… curse gets the better of me, there is no saying that it won’t get to you too. If it did, you would suffer the same fate I had been given.”
It took you a moment to let his words sink into your mind. He spoke the truth, a future with him would be filled with sickness and uncertainty; you would have to live in a court far from your home, where everyone was waiting for the king’s death like a flock of crows flying above a dying man. You took a deep breath, feeling as everything came down to this very moment. “I won’t lie to you, my lord, the future that awaits me while standing by your side is not an easy one by any means, and I’m very much aware of that. I do not expect my future to be easy, for it would be an excess of greed. So if I can have a saying in my own future, I’d like to say that I would much rather all the time that is given to me by the Lord standing by the side of a man filled with virtue, than by the side of a man too full of himself to see anything just an inch away from his reflection. There would be no greater honor for me than to stand by your side, for as long as you still have to live, my lord. And if I ever was to catch this disease as well, then I would have no other words to say other than God wills it.“
At your words, the young king had to shake himself up, now more than ever necessary for him to say something, anything really. “For you, my lady, I shall always be just Baldwin.” His tone was softer than ever, a soft breeze that reached to you and whispered I am but yours now. It was unsaid, but decided. Once this meeting would be over, the king would come to your father, and confirm his decision to accept the proposal. Only problem was, this meeting seemed to have become endless. What was supposed to be a quick meal, accompanied by a game of chess, turned into a lively exchange of political views, then silly childhood anecdotes, then again into a walk in the inner courtyard of the palace. Baldwin tried hard to keep you in his presence for as long as was deemed decent for an unmarried man and woman. He kept you with him as long as he could, and when that was no longer possible, he led you back into the great hall, gently holding your hand over his. Soon after the announcement of your engagement, the wedding was set to happen during the following Easter, and the banquet made in honor of his guests was prolonged until the sun had been long set, this time in honor of his betrothed.
You think back to that day fondly, as you lay on your bed, in the comfort of silky sheets and soft pillows. One of your hands holds your head while the others traces the patterns of the scars in your husband’s face that have considerably worsened during the years. Aside from the bed, sitting on a table, forgotten as long as the night reigned over Jerusalem, were two crowns, along with two chess pawns. A white queen and a black king. Both came from the set that had been used the day the two of you met, a reminder for Baldwin of the day God had merged your destinies in one.
A/N: wowww that came out longer than I though oopss. ANYWAY, this was my interpretation of your request, anon, hope you like it!! Also, for everyone who’s gonna read this, feel free to leave any constructive criticism since this is my first fic and I would like to improve a looot more in my writing skills. That’s it now have a nice day y’all <3<3
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