#lake winni
beancat · 2 months
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Lake Winni in the Winty
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sirclitoressa · 8 months
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uppy mommy
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taxi-davis · 2 years
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Teddy Day
Teddy Day is an annual event held every February 10. We are ecstatic to be celebrating love and companionship via one fluffy friend that is always there no matter what — Teddies! Teddy bears, as the name implies, are stuffed toys often made to resemble a bear, and bears are known for their hugs, although fatal. But ours is one of love which is what this day is all about.
History of Teddy Day
Stuffed toys have been children’s best toys since ancient times. They are soft, squishy, and a good companion for all. In the Roman Empire, the children of the rich had wooden carved toys in the shape of animals and humans they played with, and it was such that only the children of the rich could afford and get them. So the children of the low class and peasants developed ragdolls made from clothes and straws, and over the years, they evolved into stuffed toys as we know them in the world today.
Teddy bears are soft fluffy toys in the shape of bears that evoke feelings of love and warmth when we hold and hug them. They come in different sizes; small, medium, large, and even plus size. Like all other stuffed toys, Teddy bears have evolved from being toys for children to being toys for everyone, including men and women. So during the cold, lonely nights and when we’re feeling emotionally down or happy, teddy bears serve as a great cuddle companion.
Teddy bears got their name in 1902 after President Theodore Roosevelt in a series of events that happened when he went on a hunting trip. During hunting, they happened upon a bear, and President Roosevelt refused to shoot it. The story soon spread all over, and the first stuffed bears were developed by toymakers Morris Michtom in the U.S, and Richard Steiff in Germany, and they were named ‘Teddy bears,’ after President Roosevelt’s pet name.
Teddy Day is a time to show love to our special persons and significant others by gifting them teddy bears. It shows how special they are to us and the warm and lovable feelings they bring to us, just like teddies.
Teddy Day timeline
1880 First Stuffed Toy
The first modern stuffed toy in the shape of an elephant is sold as a pincushion by the German Steiff Company.
1902 The Inception of Teddy Bears
After the incident with President Roosevelt where he refused to shoot a bear on a hunting trip, stuffed teddy bears are developed and become popular.
1906 Bear Book
A book on bears is written by Seymour Eaton, a children’s books series called “The Roosevelt Bears.”
1984 Teddy Museum
The first Teddy Bear Museum is set up in England.
Teddy Day FAQs
Why are Teddies so comforting?
Their fluffiness and softness possess a calming ability that eases the mind and emotions. Research has found that cuddling them releases oxytocin which calms the body.
At what age should a child stop sleeping with Teddies?
There is no specific age limit to sleeping with or having teddies. More than just being toys, they are also tools of convenience.
Can a baby sleep with a teddy?
It had been advised not to put stuffed toys beside children below 12 months because of the risks of death by strangulation or suffocation.
Teddy Day Activities
Gift a Teddy
Buy a Teddy
Become a Teddy
How can you observe Teddy Day without a Teddy? Gift your special someone a teddy bear and tell them how much you love them.
Other than giving teddies to your special someone, this is also a good time to get one for yourself. Visit your favorite stores and get yourself a fluffy teddy companion on this day.
Your partner might have lots of teddies already, putting you at a fix, but not to worry. Instead, rent a teddy bear costume to entertain your partner and make their day.
5 Important Facts About Teddies
Winnie the Pooh
Spacefarer bear
Teddy Magazine
Teddy Guinness record
World biggest Teddy
The most famous teddy in the world, Winnie the Pooh, created by author A. A Milne is named after a female bear named Winnipeg in the London zoo he frequented with his son.
The first teddy bear to journey into space is named Magellan T. Bear, which joined the NASA shuttle mission in 1995.
There is a magazine dedicated to teddy bears that has more than 40,000 subscribers called “Teddy Bears and Friends.”
The largest teddy bear collection in the world is 20,367, owned by Istvánné Arnóczki in Hungary on April 27, 2019.
The biggest Teddy bear in the world is located in Estado de Mexico, at 63 feet and eight inches.
Why We Love Teddy Day
Teddies are lovable toys
Helps on cold lonely nights
Teddies can be therapeutic
The fluffiness and cute appearance of teddy bears make us easily fall in love with them. Many manufacturers make them have wide beautiful eyes and innocent-like looks, which warms the heart and sends warm feelings always.
Some nights can be very terrible without a cuddle companion nearby. Teddies are one cuddle companions we can always count on to help us through the cold, lonely nights.
Research has found that cuddling a Teddy bear can be calming. Police, medical and fire officials reiterate the fact that giving a child a teddy during a crisis has calming effects on them.
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puhpandas · 2 years
Hallo, what is your favorite thing to do on Halloween? Also do you have any more drawings of Evan and Gregory in costumes?
today i went to lake winnie for halloween dressed as ash ketchum:) and I might draw some halloweeny stuff with flashlight duo but I dont have anything on hand rn
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johnychen · 3 months
Wacky Worm Roller Coaster On Ride Front Seat 4K POV Lake Winnepesaukah 2...
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askalexsocs · 11 months
Hey Lake! Do you have a favorite camper? Do you know why you were named Lake?
Hi! My favorite camper is Winnie, she’s uh. Really cool, and once jinxed one of my brothers.
I named myself Lake, I really don’t know why it just fit! My dad Apollo says it’s a great name for me.
Mr D once called me River, and I was like; wrong body of water sir! Hahah
Thanks for the question!
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vintagetripledown · 2 years
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dannofaust · 2 years
Day 7 - Knutson Dam to Becker’s Resort
Day 7 – Knutson Dam to Becker’s Resort
Today started off pretty much as usual. I was able to hang my hammock last night, so I slept well. I woke up a little after 6 am and started working on my blog post. I couldn’t get any photos to upload, so I published the list without any photos. I’m having the same problem today, so the photos will have to wait. Matt gave us our daily briefing and we all got on the river. Our goal for today is…
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wineauntie · 20 days
why would evie notice quinn’s playfully hate towards trevor and tease trevor to, like evie will walk around trevor to go hug quinn making quinn very much and trevkr pout just wanting baby snuggles
THAT’S MY GIRL! — family is family au
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“Hey everyone,”
You placed your keys down on the counter, with Evie in your arms as you greeted the lake house residents. You and Evie had taken a mother-daughter morning, going out for breakfast and strolling around looking from shop to shop.
A few of Jack, Luke and Quinn’s friends were visiting for a couple of weeks meaning most of them were always scattered around the place, and now their latest victim was the living room.
“Hi y/n, hi Evie!” They all echoed, some voices a lot more excited than others as they looked back at the two of you.
Four-year-old Evie giggled and hid behind your leg nervously. The boys had already been there for a week so she was already well-acquainted with most of them– her favourite being Cole, who Evie had instantly taken to and spent countless hours playing tea parties with him.
“C’mere Bug,” Quinn’s gentle voice stuck out from the crowd as Evie’s head perked up. She tentatively stepped out and searched the room for her Winnie and when she spotted him, she lit up.
He was sitting on the couch, flanked by Trevor and Jack. You watched in amusement as your girl carefully wove in and out of all of the boys’ legs which were sprawled out on the floor before making it to Quinn.
Just when you thought she was going to allow Quinn to pick her up onto his lap, Evie turned to Trevor and tapped his arm.
“Hello, Evie,” Trevor beamed, leaning down but not before he shot a teasing look at Quinn that read ‘she chose me and not you, hah!’. “How was the shops?”
“Move,” Evie smiled sweetly, tilting her head at the boy whose face immediately fell. A series of snickers erupted around the room at the girl’s words.
“Evie,” you chided, stifling your own chuckle at Trevor’s disbelief. “Manners!”
“Mmkay,” Evie called back to you before refocusing on Trevor again, folding her arms as she furrowed her eyebrows— a gesture you’d seen Quinn do too many times. “Move…please.”
“You heard the girl, Zegras,” Quinn smirked, his eyes shining with pride as Evie remained rooted in her spot.
Trevor sighed and wordlessly moved over, allowing Evie to clamber up the couch and lean into Quinn’s side. Once she was settled, she turned her head to face a pouting Trevor once more before sticking out her tongue.
Laughter now boomed through the living room, many of the boys mocking Trevor and teasing him as
“That’s my girl,” Quinn nudged her, sneakily held up his hand for Evie to high five.
It seems like Quinn’s playful hate towards Trevor had rubbed off on Evie, and my god, was it entertaining.
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lee-laurent · 11 days
Summer Boy - Quinn Hughes
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Summary: When Jack brings his best friend to the family lake house for the summer, Quinn realizes the crush he's been harbouring for years may not be one-sided, the only issue his youngest brother is already making moves.
Content: slight angst, fluff, heated make-out
notes: let me know what you think!! this is my first fic on here and i def need to work on getting back into writing :D def not my best work, i don't love it but here we go. def can do a part 2 if anyone wants
Elwyn leaned her head against the cold window of the car, feeling the vibrations reverberate through her body. Jack had fallen asleep about half an hour into the drive, and Elwyn wasn't sure how to join Cole and Trevor's conversation without it being awkward. Quinn, Luke, and some of Luke's college friends were driving up in another car, leaving Elwyn alone and bored for the last few hours.
"You doing alright back there, Winnie?" Cole smiled, catching the brunette's attention from the back seat.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Jack's snoring is getting on my nerves though."
Cole chuckled, catching a glimpse of his friend in the rearview mirror.
"Well, you better wake him up; we'll be there in ten," Trevor laughed.
Elwyn nodded, pushing her best friend as hard as she could while restrained by her seatbelt.
"Ahhh! What the fuck, Winnie? I was sleeping"
Winnie just shrugged. Jack rolled his eyes in response, pouting at her.
"I was having a really nice dream."
"Yeah, what was it about?" she mused.
"Oh, it was amazing. Just me and the boys went on vacation, and I didn't have to bring my stupid best friend named Elwyn. It was pretty much paradise on earth."
Elwyn gasped, "You invited me, you cocksucker!"
"And I'll regret it every day for the rest of my life."
"If Jack didn't invite you, I'm sure Lule would have. He basically loves you," Cole laughed.
"That's not true. Luke doesn't love her, Q-" Trevor started, but was cut off by a slap to his chest from Cole.
Elwyn rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. Jack smirked at her in victory, before turning his attention to his phone. The rest of the drive was mostly silent. Jack on his phone, Trevor driving, Cole pointing out the occasional thing he saw, and Elwyn watching as they sped past the lake, the blue looking almost endless.
"Ellie!" Dylan shouted, throwing his arms around the girl. They rocked back and forth, bright smiles plastered on their faces.
"Why does Elwyn get a bigger hug than I did?" Luke questioned, "She doesn't own the house."
"I love Elwyn so much more than you," Dylan joked, narrowing his eyes at his past roommate.
El snatched her duffle bag out of Jack's hands, dissappearing into the house. Jack sighed, grabbing his bag and following her inside.
"You know I love you, Winnie?" he whispered.
"I know, Jack. I love you too," she giggled, flopping down onto the bed in the room that she had claimed, between Luke and Quinn's.
"I still don't get why you don't want to share a room with me. I'm like the best roommate ever."
"You snore and steal all the blankets. You're a terrible roommate."
Before Jack could protest, a snicker came from the doorway. Luke was standing there, his body leaned against the frame. Elwyn offered him a small wave, which he gladly returned.
"What's up?" Jack asked.
"Oh, um, Quinn needs help with something out back. Wanted me to ask you to help, Rowdy."
"Why can't El do it?" he groaned.
"Cause if El did it, Quinn would - never mind. Just go help him, dipshit."
"Fine. You coming, Winnie?" Jack sighed.
"I guess," she shrugged, letting him drag her into the backyard.
A few of the guys were playing spikeball, but Quinn was desperately trying to get the boat cover off. It seemed like it had been superglued on. He looked up when he heard two new voices enter the yard. His breath caught in his throat, and he stopped what he was doing when he saw Elwyn walking in step with Jack. He had specifically told Luke not to send her hout, why couldn't he follow simple instructions?!
"Hey, Quinn," Elwyn smiled, twisting one of the rings she had on.
"H-hey, Elwyn. How's it going?"
"Would be better if your brother wasn't so annoying?"
"Who? Luke?" Jack smiled, earning a punch in the arm.
Quinn chuckled nervously, turning his attention to his brother, "Can you hekpl me with this, Jack? I think Dad fucking superglued it on."
"Sure," Jack sighed, climbing up onto the boat with his brother.
Quinn tried his best to keep his attention on the boat, but that was proving difficult with Elwyn there. Quinn had had a crush on Elwyn for as long as he could remember. It was hard with her always being around because of Jack. And it was going to be even more difficult now that she was spending the next two weeks of summer with them.
"Quinn! Quintin! Hello?" Jack waved his hand in front of his brother's face.
"You zoned out. Elwyn's going to help Luke with something inside."
"Oh, uh, okay."
"Are you okay, dude?"
"I'm fine, Jack. Just help me with the boat."
Jack raised his hands in defence as Quinn rolled his eyes.
Elwyn laughed as Luke splashed water from the sink at her. He had asked her to clean some of the dishes that the boys had used for lunch before she arrived with Cole, Trevor, and Jack.
"Stop!" she giggled, flicking some soap at him.
"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to get you all wet," he winked.
"Sorry, sounded funnier in my head," he rubbed the back of his neck, his face flushing.
"It was funny, Luke. No sweat."
Just as he was about to open his mouth and make things worse, Trevor walked in slapping him on the back.
"Mind if I steal, Lukey boy. We need another person to play pool."
"Sure. Leave the only woman to do the dishes," Elwyn shook her head.
"I- I can stay, Winnie. Mark or Ethan can play for me."
"It's fine, Rusty. I'm just kidding around."
Luke gave her a thumbs up, drying off his hands and disappearing with Trevor into the other room. Elwyn giggled at Luke's awkwardness, wondering where his sudden flirting had come from. She thought it was endearing almost. She was used to Jack's friends flirting with her, but his younger brother... that was new. It intrigued her, although Jack would shoot Luke on the spot if he overheard.
Elwyn sat cuddled up next to Jack in a deck chair, a blanket thrown over her legs that were propped on Jack's, one of his many Devils hoodies swallowing her frame. She choked on her beer as Trevor continued his story about striking out terribly at a club a few days before.
"What do you think, El? Who's got the best moves here?" Cole cackled.
"I- um, Quinn? Maybe? Like the quiet, mysterious type? Girls like that."
Quinn could feel his face heating up as the group of guys broke out in laughter.
"Quinn?! Are you kidding? Quinn's too busy thinking about-"
"Trevor! What were you saying about beer pong?" Cole cut him off.
"Oh, right! Me and Cole versus Elwyn and.... Luke!"
Don't be jealous. Don't be jealous, Quinn repeated in his head.
"Are you any good, Ellie?" Dylan asked.
"Oh, I mean, I'm okay... I guess."
"Don't be humble, Winnie! She's a pro! Whenever she comes to Jersey, we destroy everyone!" Jack claimed, smiling brightly.
"We'll see about that," Trevor smirked.
Elwyn sighed, getting up from her comfy spot next to Jack. Luke wrapped his arm around her shoulders, directing her towards the table the boys had set up not far from where the fire was. This way the group around the fire could still watch the game, while enjoying the warmth.
Trevor and Cole went first, both missing. Elwyn dipped the ball in a cup, before tossing it. Luke cheered as it landed in the cup, pulling her into a side-hug by her waist. Quinn gripped his drink a little tighter.
The game continued similarly, although Trevor and Cole sunk a few balls, leaving Elwyn feeling pretty tipsy. She sunk the last ball and Luke picked her up, spinning her around. She laughed, her anxiety from earlier being wiped away by the alcohol in her system. He placed her back down on the ground, staring into her eyes. She giggled, watching his eyes flicker to her lips. Jack, however, also noticed. He quickly walked over to the table, slapping Luke on the back, breaking him from his Elwyn induced stupor. Quinn was thanking whatever god was watching over him, because he felt like he was going to puke watching the moment between his youngest brother and the girl he was hopelessly in love with.
"Alright, I think it's time we head in," Jack said, a fake smile on his face.
"Why? We're having fun," Elwyn slurred, placing her hand on Luke's chest.
"Because... you've had too much to drink, Winnie."
"What? No, I have not. I'm fine, Jacky. You worry too much."
Jack could see Elwyn wasn't coming in without a fight, however he was starting to feel like if he left her out here any longer she'd be making out with Luke. He was not about to let that happen.
"Come on, El. If we go to bed now, we'll be able to wake up early and spend more time on the boat. And you can wear that swimsuit you were telling me about."
Her eyes lit up at the mention of the new bikini she had purchased for this trip. It was beyond cheeky and the cutest shade of red. Deep down she was hoping it would grab the attention of one of Luke's friends. Didn't matter which one, she just wanted to get laid. It had been a while and it was starting to get to her. She nodded in excitement, letting Jack intertwine their fingers and walk into the house.
As soon as she was gone, Luke's friends hopped out of their seats, hollering and playfully slapping the boy.
"Damn, Hughesy! Tryin' to make a move on Winnie in front of Jack! Ballsy as fuck!" Ethan laughed.
"I see you, Luke. Get the girl!"
"Okay, Rusty! I see you!"
Quinn had heard enough. Elwyn was not some object to win over. He stood up from his chair and stormed into the house. Passing Elwyn's room, he peered in to check on her, but she wasn't there. Confused, he peeked into Jack's room. On Jack's bed laid a very drunk Elwyn and a tipsy Jack. He was attempting to get her to change into some of his clothes, but she was already half asleep. Jack looked over at his door when he heard the floor creak, noticing his brother looking in, he got up and pushed the door shut in his face.
"Come on, El. You don't want to sleep in jean shorts. You'll wake up and complain. I know you."
El just whined and started pulling her shorts down her legs. While it wasn't the first time she'd undressed in front of her lifelong best friend, it still caught him off guard. He turned around and faced the wall, laughing when he felt the shorts hit him on the back.
"Happy?" she mumbled.
"Yes, now get under the covers. I'll join in a minute."
"Night, Jacky."
"Good night, Winnie."
Jack sighed, climbing in next to Elwyn. He knew she wouldn't remember anything when she woke up, but if Luke did he was ready to kick his ass. He could feel the anger bubbling in his chest, when suddenly a leg swung over his and a sigh came from next to him. He laughed, pulling Elwyn into his chest. He'd kill Luke later, right now he needed sleep.
Elwyn groaned, shoving her face further into Jack's neck. At least, she assumed it was Jack's neck. She didn't remember much of the night before after beer pong started. Slowly, she peeled open her eyes. Yep, it was Jack. Thank god. Jack muttered something, his grip on her waist tightening. There were no blankets on El, as she had predicted, Jack had stolen them all. Where were her shorts? Carefully, she moved Jack's arm off her, climbing out of the bed. She slid on her shorts and ran across the hall to her room.
God, she needed a shower.
Next thing Elwyn knew, she was out on the boat surrounded by boys. The boat was pretty full, so she found herself perched on Jack's lap, listening to the boys talk about hockey. She couldn't help but notice Luke's gaze that kept falling on her, she'd just flash him a tight-lipped smile every time their eyes met. The boat stopped and most of the boys jumped into the water, Elwyn however was going to use this time to tan. She slipped off her shorts and lay down on the bench of the boat, basking in the feeling of the sun on her skin.
Quinn, who was treading water next to Luke, was trying not to stare. It was proving difficult though, seeing the girl in her barely there bikni, reading a book. He felt like a hormonal teenager, especially when she started applying more sunscreen to her body. He could have sworn that his gulp was audible, as she trailed her hands over her chest and shoulders.
"Someone needs a cold shower," Ethan laughed, patting Luke on the back. Quinn's head whipped in the direction of his brother. Had Luke been staring too? Since when was Luke interested in Elwyn? Was his little brother his competition now?
"Winnie! Get in!" Jack complained from the water.
"No. I'm tanning."
"You've been tanning for an hour. Join us!"
She groaned, pulling her claw clip from her hair. She climbed up on the side of the boat, plugging her nose as she jumped.
"AH! IT'S SO COLD! Holy shit!" she shrieked as soon as she resurfaced. She swam over next to Quinn, placing a hand on his shoulder to stay afloat. Quinn thought his skin might have been on fire in that moment despite the cold water.
"Hey, Winnie," he whispered.
"Hi, Quinn," she smiled, "Your boat driving skills are quite impressive."
"Thanks. Was trying extra hard just for you."
She giggled, "Wow, I'm flattered."
"Yeah, precious cargo. Had to keep you safe." Where had this confidence come from? Maybe talking to Elwyn was easier than he thought.
"You're cute, Quinny," she smiled, swimming off towards Jack.
"Oh my god, she thinks I'm cute," he mumbled.
"Did you say something, Quinn?" Luke asked.
"Huh? No, no. Just thinking about tonight."
Little did Quinn know that night was going to change everything.
Once again, everyone was gathered around the fire, cooking hotdogs over the flames. Elwyn was chattering away with Jack, explaining to him how to cook the hotdog correctly.
"No, it'll still be cold on the inside now. You have to give it more time. You're like a child, so fucking impatient."
"It won't be cold; I've been holding it over a fire."
"Are you kidding around? You're so dumb."
"Fine. I'll just burn it."
"Just because it's charred on the outside, doesn't mean it's burned. I actually cannot stand you. I'm going to sit with Quinn."
"Whatever. Have fun with that."
Quinn prayed that the darkness would shield Elwyn from seeing the blush that covered his face as she sat on the arm of his chair.
"Your brother was pissing me off."
"Not surprised. Not sure how you've put up with him for so many years."
"Me neither. You're clearly the better Hughes boy."
"Ha, yeah..."
A couple drinks later and Elwyn had moved from the arm of the chair to Quinn's lap. Jack hadn't noticed, too busy playing spikeball. Quinn's fingers drummed mindlessly against her exposed side, her head leaning on his shoulder.
"Have I ever told you that you're like the cutest guy ever?"
"What? No? Why?"
"Then I'll do it now. You're like the cutest guy ever."
"Where is this coming from, El?"
"My mind? My heart? I'm not sure. I thought you were cute when I was 16. But you were too cool for me."
"Too cool for you? No, you're too cool for me."
"Funny. I like your nose," she smiled, running her finger over the slope of it.
"Thanks. I like you."
"I- I like your nose too."
"Thanks, Quinny."
"Do you want another drink?"
"Sure. I'll come with you."
The two walked off into the house unnoticed, going to find more alcohol. Elwyn perched herself on the counter as Quinn dug around in the fridge.
"Is Ultra okay?"
Quinn handed her the can and went to walk back outside, when her hand caught his collar. She pulled him closer, spreading her legs to slot him inbetween.
"Can I kiss you?" she whispered like someone would hear.
"I-" Quinn stopped himself, leaning in and capturing her lips with his. Her arms wrapped around his neck, trying to pull him impossibly closer. He swiped his tongue against her bottom lip, quickly being met with her open mouth. He slid his hand up her side, tucking it under the thin string of her bikini top.
"Upstairs," she mumbled against his lips. He nodded, allowing her to jump off the counter and drag him to his room. Their lips met again as she backed them towards the bed. He caught himself before he could crush her, trailing a hand up her thigh.
"Take your shirt off?" Elwyn offered. Quinn nodded enthusiastically, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it over his head. She wasted no time trailing her hands over his pecks, pulling him back in for a kiss. Quinn trailed his hand back under the string of her top, before she redirected it under the small bit of fabric covering her chest. Before Quinn could comment on how amazing she was, her name was called from downstairs.
"ELLIE? YOU IN HERE?" Jack's voice echoed from the bottom of the stairs.
"Ignore him. He'll go back outside," she whispered, kissing Quinn's neck.
"Fuck. We should go, Winnie."
"But I'm having fun."
"I am too. But Jack will come up soon."
She sighed, sitting up. Quinn squeezed his hand under her shirt one more time, smirking as she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Don't start something you can't finish, Hughes."
He laughed as she sped off to go back to Jack. Maybe this summer would be better than he thought.
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asukamood · 6 months
In the Snow (Cold Front)
This fandom does not have enough fanfiction for what the game is worth so have this to try and make up for it.
This game was developed by @racheldrawsthis and it’s completely free, I highly recommend you try it out!
Link to the game
Warnings: Bullying??, minor violence
Ships: Romantic or Platonic Winnie x Augustine (Though considering they are still children; it would probably be better to see it as platonic.)
Synopsis: “Come on Winnie!” A young Augustine exclaimed as he tugged Winnie out of his front door by the sleeve. “It has not snowed in ages here; we have to enjoy it as much as we can!”
“I don’t want to!” The poor boy whined, resisting him as much as he could and holding onto the doorway like his life depended on it. “The others would not want to play with me!”
“Come on Winnie!” A young Augustine exclaimed as he tugged Winnie out of his front door by the sleeve. “It has not snowed in ages here; we have to enjoy it as much as we can!”
“I don’t want to!” The poor boy whined, resisting him as much as he could and holding onto the doorway like his life depended on it. “The others would not want to play with me!”
Augustine pouted at that, his eyes narrowing in a cute frown as he suddenly let the other boy go who, not expecting that, yelped as he ended up falling backwards. Thankfully though, any major incident was prevented as the culprit caught Winnie into a hug.
“How can you be so sure when you didn’t even try?” Augustine questioned, turning the other around before grabbing his cheeks and squishing them. “We talked about that yesterday you know!”
Winnie looked down, one of his hands on Augustine’s wrists. If he had any plan to push the other child away, it was soon abandoned as he stared at the ground, eyes filled with potential tears.
“I know...” He sniffled. “But I can’t help it, I don’t want to be alone, but I don’t want to impose either--”
“You won’t be, I’m telling you!” Augustine sighed as he let the other’s face alone. “But if you’re that scared, I guess we can try it another time. We can just spend some time together.”
Winnie looked up, bighting up. “Really? That doesn’t bother you? I mean, I wouldn’t want to prevent you from playing with your friends--”
Before he could go on any further, he jolted as he felt the other flick his forehead.
“I told you, if you want me to be your friend, you’re going to have to make me want to be your friend and so far, you haven’t had the opportunity to do that so today is the day!” He then pointed his finger toward Winnie. “You better put in your best effort because I only make friends with cool people!”
Winnie blinked his tears away, smiling as his traits adjusted to the determination burning in his soul. “I will do my best!” He exclaimed, earning a nod of approval from the other boy.
“Good good, that’s the spirit!” He grabbed one of Winnie’s gloved hands before pointing to the horizon. “Let’s go on an adventure then! We’re going to save and give the snowmen the land they rightfully deserve!”
Winnie titled his head to the side. “What does that mean though?”
“I have no clue!” Augustine proudly said, his free hand on his hip. “It sounded cool though, so I said it!”
“It did.” Winnie enthusiastically agreed, letting himself be dragged by the other to the nearest park.
As they walked, a few of Augustine’s friends waved at them to which he responded by waving back and having Winnie do so as well. A sigh of relief left the other boy as the other children did not seem to react badly to it, simply going back to their own activities with a smile.
The two of them arrived near a frozen lake, a giant tree hiding them from sight. Once they reached that spot, Augustine let go of Winnie’s hand and face planted into the snow, waving his arms and legs around to make a snow angel.
Winnie blinked, chuckling before joining him, the silhouettes of the angel seeming to merge with one another near their arm.
Winnie was the first to stand up again to admire their work, smiling brightly. “I’ve never done a snow angel before.” He admitted, the other boy, who was still on the ground, gasping from shock.
“You haven’t? You missed half of what is good in life then!” Augustine stood up as well, watching Winnie curiously.
“Well, where I’m from it never really snowed so...” He pat him on the back, before running off to another spot.
Winnie followed him, albeit a bit slower than him. “Does that mean you’ve never done a snowman as well?” Augustine asked, already gathering snow chunks for the construction of a new being.
Winnie shook his head, crouching next to him and watching what he was doing. “I’ve never made one.”
Augustine thought hard for a bit before speaking up again. “In that case, I’ll teach you! Better follow what I do well!”
Winnie saluted. “Sir, yes sir!”
The other boy tilted his head to the side, his confusion so clear it would be easy to imagine a question mark drawn next to his head.
“The people in the TV always do that.” Winnie explained sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “Was that weird?”
The two stared into each other’s eyes in silence for a solid three seconds before bursting out laughing together.
“Alright, no more joking around!” Augustine stated, still laughing in between his words. “We still have many people to make with the snow!”
“Sorry!” Winnie apologized, quickly getting into position.
“Augustine?” His mother’s voice suddenly reached his ears, interrupting the two children in their endeavour. “Where are you?”
“Oh no!” Said child whispered, face palming. “I totally forgot to tell Mom we were going to the park!” He turned to look at his companion. “Winnie, can you keep guard for me? I won’t take long, I promise!”
Said boy nodded, his hands still in the snow trying to make a good base. “You can count on me!”
“Thank you, I’ll be right back!” With that, Augustine ran off toward his mother to explain their disappearance, leaving Winnie with their snowman friends, not suspecting that anything would happen.
‘Wow, it took more time than I thought to calm Mom down!’ The boy thought to himself as he walked back behind the tree. Just as he was about to step in though, he suddenly stopped in his tracks as he heard a sob.
He ran there, worried in his tone as he passed the tree. “Winnie? Are you o--”
His eyebrows furrowed at the sight in front of him. Their snowmen were gone, most of their parts lying miserably on the ground and even their snow angels disappeared, their forms having been deformed because of being trampled. Footsteps covered them and were oriented toward the weeping Winnie in the middle of the snowmen graveyard, missing his winter outfit and left in his indoor clothes.
Having heard him, the other child turned in his direction and just cried harder upon seeing him.
“I’m sorry!” He cried out, burying his face in his hands. “I really tried to protect the snowmen; I really did! But--”
“Hey hey, calm down!” He crouched to his level, his hands in front of him to show he was not angry. “What happened? And where is your coat?”
Winnie sniffled, shaking. “These tall people came in and destroyed everything!” He made big gestures with his hands as if to show the other the difference in height between him and them. “And when I tried to stop them, they slapped me and took my clothes!” He wept as indignation passed through the other boy’s face.
He was about to insult them, most probably, but then he took notice of how red Winnie’s face looked and realized that he must have been freezing there. Just to make sure, he grabbed one of Winnie’s hands in his own and even through the fabric, he could feel how cold the limb was.
“You’re so cold!” He remarked, standing up and pulling the other on his two legs as well. “We have to go back inside before you get a cold!”
“But--” Winnie looked back at the snowmen carcass.
“No but, come on!” He took off one of his gloves and handed it to the other boy. “Here take this one!”
Winnie frowned. “But what about your other hand?”
“It’s fine,” he reassured, taking one of Winnie's freezing hands in his warm ones. “See?”
The boy finally nodded, slipping the glove on. They began walking toward the entrance of the park before they were stopped by the other children who noticed the unusual state of the newcomer.
“Augustine!” One of them called out, his eyes darting back and forth between said child and Winnie. “Why is your friend crying?”
With encouragement from him, Winnie started explaining what happened during Augustine’s absence, a small group of children forming around them.
“That’s horrible!” A girl exclaimed before unwrapping her scarf and handing it to him. “Here, you can have that for now! I have a hood anyway, I’ll be fine!”
“O-oh-” Winnie stuttered, taking it, and thanking her quietly. He looked surprised at how kind the other children were being to him right now. Turning to Augustine, he noticed the way the other looked at him as if saying ‘I told you they would like you.’
“Do you remember what the bad guys looked like?” One of the boys suddenly asked, gaining everyone’s attention.
“They were two.” He began, looking up at the sky. “One of them was really tall with orange hair and freckles on his face and the other had dark hair and brown glasses--”
“With a line across his cheek, right?” Said boy finished, Winnie looking up at him in surprise.
“Yes... how did you know?”
“My father told me about them.” He responded. “Apparently, they are in middle school and are well-known for causing trouble.”
“We can’t let them get away with this!” Augustine suddenly exclaimed, making Winnie jump in surprise. “Do you know where they could have gone?”
As the group all thought deeply, one girl suddenly pointed toward the entrance. “Look, they’re the bad guys, right?”
“Wow, it’s really them!” Another guy said. “We should get the adul--”
But he did not have the time to finish his sentence, Augustine already running toward them. Since they were holding hands, Winnie was brought along as well, their two silhouettes leaving the area as the other children sighed and ran in the opposite direction to get their parents.
“Hey you!” Augustine called out, pointing at the ginger person, who was holding Winnie’s bright blue coat in his hands. “Give Winnie his coat back!”
His friend scoffed at him. “You should go home kid; your parents must be so worried about you.” The other snickered, not paying any attention to the two children.
“Not until you give it back and apologize!” He stood firmly in place as Winnie’s face paled seeing the reaction of the two others at the last word. He attempted to drag him to safety but the other would not budge.
“Apologize?” The taller one repeated before laughing as he gripped the child by the collar. “Now listen here--”
“Put him down!” Winnie shouted, grabbing the attention of the other guy.
“Ah for fuck’s sake, do they not know how to shut up?” He groaned, walking menacingly toward Winnie.
The boy froze, looking around in panic. His eyes landed on Augustine who still looked as brave as ever despite being in a very disadvantageous position. He wanted to run away but that expression stopped him.
He was there because of him; it was not right for him to just run now!
He noticed a little rock by his feet and without thinking grabbed it, along with a ball of snow before chucking one at the middle schooler walking toward him and the other at the one holding Augustine captive.
The rock landed on the guy’s cheek, making him take a step back and reached the other in the eye, making him yelp in pain as he released both Augustine and Winnie’s coat.
“You’re gonna pay for that!” The one with the glasses yelled as he sprinted toward Winnie, fist raised. The child braced himself for the impact, raising his arms to protect himself but it was in vain as an adult voice came from behind.
“Stephen!” The teenager froze in shock. “How many times have I told you to stop bothering the other children?!” The woman yelled, freezing the two.
“But Mom-”
“No but!” She replied, grabbing both teenagers by the ear, and dragging them somewhere else to scold them. Their father stayed behind, reaching for Winnie’s coat, and handing it back to him.
“I’m sorry for my sons’ behavior.” He sighed, helping Augustine. “Were you two hurt?” They both shook their heads, making the man heave in a sigh of relief.
“Thank the stars, I’ll make sure this never happens again, you can count on me for that.” The two children nodded as the adult walked away toward his wife.
Winnie played with his fingers, feeling too guilty about putting Augustine in danger to look him in the eyes. “I...”
“That was so cool!” The other exclaimed, snapping the other into focus. Augustine had stars in his eyes as he shook the other child. “The way you just went peeew with the rock and snow was awesome!” He praised, rendering the other speechless.
He was finally released, the other grinning from ear to ear as he extended his fist toward him. “I’ve made my decision; I want to be your friend!”
Winnie’s eyes sparkled at that as he fist bumped him. “Thank you, Auggie!”
The other tilted his head. “Auggie?”
“Ah-” Winnie’s cheecks flushed in embarrassment. “I’m sorry I uh... that came out of nowhere!”
“It’s fine, it sounds cool! You can keep calling me that.” He shook his hand. “Happy to be your friend, Winnie.”
“Well, someone seems to be in a good mood!” Winnie’s mother remarked as she put the plate on the table. “What happened?”
“I made a friend.” The boy with a wide grin replied.
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taxi-davis · 2 years
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Ch. 1: Control
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“Ouch! No no no- definitely too much moon powder!” I hastily wipe my hands on my dusty skirt as I attempt to put out the purple flames coming out of my cauldron. I’m attempting a healing potion for my cat Twilight, but accidentally misread the spellbook. Mom’s spellbook.
But I’m too late to cover my tracks- I can already hear footsteps approaching outside!
“Magica! What have I told you about practicing magic?” My father yells from the doorway.
Twilight hisses and scrambles out of the kitchen, leaving me to fend for myself.
I cringe and turn around slowly. “Not to?”
My father, a tall buff man wearing a hunter’s cap, stomps into the room. “Yes! What if the Royal Guard was passing by? I don’t want you getting locked away!”
“But I don’t live on the Isle of the Lost, so magic is allowed here!”
“They don’t know-!” He sighs and rubs his head. “Since they don’t know about your mother, it’s best to just keep your magic hidden.”
“But dad, I’m finally getting the hang of this! I think I might write to Fairy Godmother and tell her about my magic-!”
“No!” My father stomps forward and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Magica, you’re my only daughter. If they found out you’re the descendant of a villain they could lock you up. I- I only want what’s best for you, understand? I know you’re proud of this gift and are a very talented witch, but sometimes it’s best to be normal.”
“But- but-!” I can feel my aunt’s temper boiling inside me. “Why should I be different?”
I wrap my cloak around me and storm out into the woods. There’s a secret spot I have near the stream that runs into the Enchanted Lake. It’s a small clearing big enough to practice my magic safely. After I sit down on a boulder I start tearing up, torn between being mad at my father for silencing my magic and being ashamed of being the descendant of an evil witch.
Yup, that’s me. Magica Sanderson, secret daughter of the infamous Sarah Sanderson. From what I’ve gathered, my mother seduced the Evil Queen’s Huntsman so Winifred Sanderson could steal one of her potions. The Huntsman became my father, and when he found out about me he immediately brought me to Snow White’s kingdom to keep me from becoming a VK. But the one thing he couldn’t avoid was the fact that I inherited my Aunt Winnie’s magical talent and my mother’s bewitching looks. I have my mother’s pale fair skin, white-blonde hair, and slim figure. I also inherited my Aunt Winnie’s bright green eyes and Aunt Mary’s love for Cheetos. I can’t help it- I’m a halfblood witch!
Father has tried to suppress my family ties by homeschooling me in our woodland cottage and dressing me in flowy pink dresses just like the goody-two-shoes kids wear at Auradon Prep. When I was old enough to control my powers, father brought me to the Auradon kingdom to meet Prince Ben, son of Beauty and the Beast. Immediately we became inseparable best friends, always causing mischief despite our parents’ disapproval. One time we slipped a hiccup potion into Chad Charming’s drink during a gala social, and spent the next half hour trying not to burst out laughing when he tried hiccuping at Audrey to ask her out! I told Ben about my powers, and he promised to keep it secret. He knows I’m nothing like my mother or aunts, and that I’d never try to hurt anyone.
But even so Ben’s acceptance can’t help fill the gap that separates me from the other kids in the village. I’m still different no matter how hard I try because I don’t have the arrogant, uppity attitude that the other kids have.
Mother, why do I have to be so different? Could I have at least one true friend who won’t disappear?
“Meow?” A voice calls.
I look over and see that Twilight has returned with another black cat- one with recognizable yellow eyes.
I sniff. “Hey, Binx. How’s it been?”
The two felines slink between my legs and rub their noses on my boots.
“Been fine, but from what Twilight’s told me you’re in a bit of a pickle. I know your dad means well, but even I agree that suppressed magic is never a good idea.”
I stop twirling pink sparks on my fingers and give Binx an odd look. “Why?”
Binx glances around nervously. “Well… I’ve heard stories of past maidens that try to bottle up their magic until any sudden breakdown can cause an outburst. Do you remember Elsa of Arendelle?”
The memory of seeing former Queen Elsa’s meltdown on tv runs through my head, and I have to agree that holding back my magic could lead to something worse.
“You’re right, Binx. But I can’t just do some tricks and expect the whole kingdom to be ok with it. I could be sent to Auradon Prep, or worse- the Isle of the Lost! And magic’s forbidden there so I’d be powerless! That and I’d have to live with-” I shutter. “My mom.”
Binx hisses and Twilight swipes a paw against my cheek. “No you won’t. We wouldn’t let that happen, and your father would protect you. I suggest you cool down a bit and then go back to the house.”
I sigh. “I guess so. But how long will I have to hide like this? All my life I’ve followed the rules and been nice, so I’m not wicked… am I?”
“No, no,” Binx assures with a soft voice. “It’s not that, it’s just that normal folks are unsettled by the strange and unusual. It’s like you said, you’ll be sent to Auradon Prep. You don’t want that, do you?”
I gag. “Ugh, no! Ben says all the people there are stuck up and half-witted fools! I would rather eat a toadstool dipped in boysenberry sauce than associate with those idiots!” I stand up and start walking back to the cottage. “Sorry Binx, but right now I better head back to father before supper. I’ll save you some fish!”
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bestanimatedmovie · 2 months
Welcome to Revenge of the Underrated!
Some of you asked me to put a "haven't watched both" to be more fair to the more unknown movies, but I've seen other tournaments doing this and I think it limits too much who can participate in the polls. So what I decided to do is a double elimination!
What does that mean? That means a movie has to lose twice to be eliminated. In other words, there will be a sorts of losers bracket that'll be part of main bracket. I'm undecided on whether to do this for only one round or the whole bracket, as it would make the tournament very long. Do let me know if you have any opinion about it.
Anyway, Revenge of the Underrated, Round 1:
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Miss Hokusai vs Happily N'Ever After
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children vs Tiger and Bunny: The Rising
Ballerina vs Book Girl
On-Gaku: Our Sound vs Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Cats don't Dance vs The Flight of Dragons
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge vs The Girl Without Hands
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix vs Flatland: The Film
Felidae vs Pokemon the Movie: The Power of Us
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West vs Unico in the Island of Magic
Rock and Rule vs Rock-A-Doodle
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning vs Freddie as F.R.0.7
The Plague Dogs vs The Magic Riddle
Pokemon Heroes vs The Pebble and the Penguin
Strange Magic vs Sea Prince and the Fire Child
Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
16.Azur and Asmar: The Prince's Quest vs Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer
17.Titan A.E. vs Ico, the Brave Horse
18.The Adventures of Mark Twain vs A Troll in Central Park
19.The Case of Hana and Alice vs Once Upon a Forest
20.Underdogs vs Long Way North
21.Mars Needs Moms vs The Twelve Months
22.Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Candace Against the Universe vs Blinky Bill
23.Robot Carnival vs Revue Starlight: The Movie
24.One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom
25.Ruben Brandt, Collector vs Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie
26.Lupin III: The First vs Pippi Longstocking
27.The Three Caballeros vs The Legend of Manxmouse
28.Princes and Princesses vs The Snow Queen
29.A Letter to Momo vs Seven Days War
30.The Wild Thornberrys Movie vs The Rabbi's Cat
31.Night on the Galactic Railroad vs The Boy who Wanted to be a Bear
32.The Swan Princess vs Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito
33.Patema Inverted vs Bartok the Magnificent
34.Next Gen vs Padak
35.Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
36.Thumbelina vs Catnapped!
37.Early Man vs Rainbow Magic: Return to Rainspell Island
38.Junk Head vs Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie
39.Charlotte's Web (1973) vs The Princess and the Goblin
40.Shaun the Sheep Movie vs Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
41. Redline vs Balto
42. The Addams Family vs Inu-Oh
43. Epic vs Mary and the Witch's Flower
44.The Girl Who Leapt Through Time vs Vivo
45.Barbie: Princess Charm School vs Kronk''s New Groove
46.Waking Life vs The Transformers: The Movie
47.Barbie in the Nutcracker vs Barbie as Rapunzel
48.Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back vs Cool World
49.The Land Before Time vs When the Wind Blows
50.The Secret of NIMH vs Summer Wars
51.The Black Cauldron vs All Dogs go to Heaven
52.The Red Turtle vs FernGully: The Last Rainforest
53.Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs Ron's Gone Wrong
54.The Boxtrolls vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
55.Arthur Christmas vs One Piece Film Red
56.Barbie of Swan Lake vs The Rescuers Down Under
57.Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole vs Secret of the Wings
58.The Castle of Cagliostro vs Pokemon: The Movie 2000
59.Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust vs Arthur and the Invisibles
60.Tinker Bell vs Barbie as the Island Princess
61.Mind Game vs Tekkonkinkreet
62.The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh vs Dragon Ball Super: Broly
63.Mirai vs Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
64.The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase
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johnychen · 3 months
VR 360 Wacky Worm Roller Coaster On Ride Front Seat POV Lake Winnepesauk...
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