#lance is a little shit
fandomination666-blog · 9 months
On my train of somewhat spanish speaking Keith posts...
Lance starts listening to the song Mayores by Becky G and Bad Bunny.
Keith knows damn well what's going on in the song.
And now he can't stop thinking about the new age difference between him and Lance.... and how Lance probably WOULD like someone to bring him flowers and whisper poetry in his ear when they.... NO KEITH FOCUS ON TRAINING
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rorimoon9597 · 11 months
I'm working on another part of the story where Lance is a little shit and keeps on changing his eye colour from blue to brown. I hope to have it up before Friday at the latest.
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Lance gets red around him a lot.
It’s strange.
It’s different from when they first started. (First met? Keith’s not sure. Lance is so insistent that they’ve known each other since they were twelve, but Keith thinks he’d recognise someone like Lance, someone who smiled that brightly and laughed so loud. But he doesn’t, and he doesn’t understand why he doesn’t, so he doesn’t think about it. He pretends in his head that they met saving Shiro and that’s that.) When they first started learning each other (that’s a better way to put it), Lance went red all the time, but Keith knew exactly what that was about, could read the hard set of his jaw and the anger making his dark eyes steely. Sometimes he would grin to himself and make the flush on Lance’s cheeks deepen on purpose; say something incendiary and challenging in the most casual one of voice he could manage, just to watch how furious he got, how indignance straightened his spine and squared his shoulders and made his cheeks glow.
He called Lance Rudolph, once, and he went ballistic. It was the first time he ever won a spar of theirs, and half of that was because Keith was laughing too hard to breathe. To this day no one believes Lance when he insists it happened. (Keith does feel bad about that, a little. Everyone seems to think it was just Lance who egged Keith on in the beginning, just Lance who purposely made things difficult, but Keith is grown enough now to admit that he had as much fun pissing Lance off as anyone else would. Well, grown enough to admit it in his head.)
Keith still makes Lance go red all the time, now. The issue is that he doesn’t know how he does it.
They still compete. Obviously. It’s fun and it’s easy and Keith is a fan of things that are fun and easy. That’s why he’s into demolitions. And pod racing.
But the competition no longer has that flare of genuine rage. Lance himself had admitted it, sniffing pompously after a late night spar and informing Keith that he had, apparently, “sucked all the fun out of hating by being endearing or whatever”. He also mentioned something about Keith’s “stupid fucking big round pouty eyes and depressing backstory”, but Keith doesn’t know what to make of that so he shoves it back into the recesses of his mind like many other things, including the first time someone other than his Pa said they loved him, Shiro’s safety lectures, and any and all calculus lessons he has ever sat through.
(It’s a mess back there.)
Keith, too, can admit that the animosity is gone. He no longer wakes up and hears Lance’s voice and considers drop kicking him into a black hole. Sometimes he even hears Lance’s voice and realises he’s smiling on reflex. Now he and Lance hang out. Voluntarily, and a lot. They spar. They swim. They harass Hunk. They harass Pidge. They harass Shiro. They harass all their friends, really. Sometimes Lance uses manoeuvres he’s learnt in sparring to pin Keith to the ground and force weird products onto his face and hair, dodging Keith’s attempts to bite him, preaching about their cleansing qualities or whatever. Sometimes Keith even does it without hissing and generally being a nuisance.
Sometimes Keith follows Lance quietly to the observation, late at night, and sits with him while he cries. He can’t decide how he feels about those nights. He’s not sure if he’s allowed to think about them outside of when they happen.
In all of this, though, Lance’s ruddy face has stayed pretty common. Keith can excuse it when they’re sparring, because it’s admittedly a lot of cardio, but at the same time Keith doesn’t get that red and he’s way paler than Lance is. He can almost kind of excuse it when they swim, for the same reasons.
He doesn’t get it any other times, though. He doesn’t know why Lance goes red at the most innocuous things, like when Keith tells him his hair smells good or his laugh is pretty or he’s actually really good at that nerdy math game Pidge likes, holy crow, I didn’t know you were that kind of smart. Nerd. He doesn’t understand why Lance goes red when he trips and Keith catches him, ‘cause he’s a big klutz, you’d think he’d be used to it by now (it’s not like Keith is going to let him fall. Well, usually not). He doesn’t get why Lance goes red when Keith compliments him in training, because usually when Lance gets complimented he gets a big head about it and preens for an hour.
It’s just strange.
Mostly, though, it’s not that big of a deal. Maybe Lance is just a blushy kind of person. He’s taken to teasingly calling Lance Red, because it’s better than Rudolph, and also because Lance goes scarlet every time he says it, so it’s kind of like he’s a wizard who can make Lance flush on command. Which is cool. Other than that Keith mostly just pretends it doesn’t happen. They hang out too much for Keith to bother. If he questioned it every time, he would go bananas.
“You have icing smeared on your face,” Keith comments on one such hanging out occasion. (They’re plundering the kitchen for the cupcakes Hunk made and specifically forbade them from touching. But Hunk allegedly broke into Lance’s room last week and stole the last of his toner, whatever the hell that is, so fair’s fair.)
Lance pops the last of the cupcake into his mouth then turns to face him. “Where?”
“Here,” Keith says, tapping the left side of his own chin.
Lance, like a dumbass, makes a swiping motion on the left side of his face, instead of mirroring where Keith touched. He misses the icing entirely.
“Left side,” Keith says, exasperatedly.
Lance scowls at him. “That is the left side.”
“No — the other left.”
“There is no other left! There’s only one left!”
Rolling his eyes, Keith reaches over to wipe the icing off for him. There cannot be any evidence on them, after all. When Hunk has a conniption over his missing cupcakes they must play the plausible deniability card so they can snicker about it later.
He swipes his thumb under Lance’s bottom lip, trying to scrape the icing off with his thumbnail. Lance inhales sharply.
“Sorry,” Keith murmurs, softening his grip. He must have scratched him. The icing didn’t come off, though, so he switches tactics and slides off the counter, shifting so he’s standing in between Lance’s open legs and cradling Lance’s cheek in his palm to tilt his head. He rubs his thumb much softer on the stubborn streak of whipped sugar, and that works a little better. He keeps rubbing until finally Lance’s skin is clear, all the half-dried icing now spread on the pad of Keith’s thumb. He licks it off without thinking.
It’s sweet.
Lance makes a strained whimpering noise. Keith flicks his gaze up to meet his face again and is less surprised than he should be to see a flush glowing across his cheekbones, making his freckles seem much darker than they are. His pupils are dilated so wide they nearly swallow up the brown of his irises, and Keith can’t tell if he’s looking at him or through him.
He sighs heavily. “Dude, do you have a condition?”
It takes Lance a long moment to answer. By the time he finally does, his gaze has moved firmly to his lap, neck bent so that Keith can’t really see his face. His ears are still read.
“I’ve got a fuckin’ heart condition,” he mutters.
Keith furrows his eyebrows. That’s weird. He’s seen Lance’s medical scans before — he’s in the pods a lot. You’d think that kind of thing would be on there.
“It doesn’t show up on your med scans,” Keith points out. “Is it, like, a genetic thing?”
Slowly, Lance picks his head back up, squinting at him for several long moments. Keith begins to squirm.
“You’re actually slow,” Lance says with an almost awed tone of voice. Which is mean. “Like, genuinely, actually slow. I think there are bubbles in your brain.”
“Hey,” Keith protests, pouting. “I help you commit cupcake heists, and this is how you treat me?”
Instead of answering, Lance continues to stare at him. He almost looks bewildered, which does nothing but make Keith more confused.
Eventually he lets out a long, tired sigh. It is not the first time Keith has heard that sigh. That is a sigh he hears when Shiro finds him throwing up his guts after eating a tub of ice cream out of spite. That’s the kind of sigh he hears from Allura when Keith ignores instructions and boulders through the shocks from the invisible maze to get it done faster. That’s the sigh that says I wish I had a trebuchet to strap you to it and release you into the sun. Keith is very familiar with that sigh, although he usually makes it happen on purpose, or at the very least understands how it’s warranted.
Right now he is completely lost.
“I am going to go bother Coran,” Lance says finally, pushing himself off the counter and walking towards the door. “You are not invited. I will talk to you when I want to strangle you less. Goodbye.”
“Bye,” Keith calls out, head tilted in confusion. He watches Lance go until he disappears down the hallways.
“He is so confusing,” he announces to no one, then walks out the kitchen himself.
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nu-so · 1 year
I feel like Tim would know about Lance. Like.
Bruce and Dick don't say anything, Jason doesn't know. But Mr. stalker over here knows everything about the batfam.
So maybe Jasons arguing with bruce again on how he died as robin and tim (on like 2 hours of sleep in 48 hours) goes 'you weren't even the first one. calm your tits'
jasons demanding answers, bruce and dick want to know how he knows, and everyones kinda mad that they kept lance a secret.
it'd be cool if Lance did come back too, but he's just living his life in like. San Diego or smh as a beach body.
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manuinout · 3 months
Thankfully, Insta and TikTok had a positive reaction to Bloofy! But I was just so scared that they were gonna bully him just like they did with Fear, Anger and Anxiety ;-;
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antiquepearlss · 3 months
Wouldn’t it be really funny if Rapunzel just, forgot about Varian’s whole villain arc in convenient moments?
Like Varian is suspected by some villager of conspiring with criminals and she’s just like “Why would Varian be around criminals lmao?” Or he commits some petty crime (against someone who totally deserves it) and when he’s accused she’s just like “Varian has never done anything wrong in his entire life!”
Varian: pranks Frederic by putting thumbtacks on his throne, puts blue dye in Nigel’s shampoo, steals classified documents for shits and giggles, sneaks in fake documents within real documents, replaces the guards swords with inflatables, blackmails uppity nobles, goo bombs Kiera and Catalina’s treehouse, dyes all of Lance’s clothes hot pink, and steals Eugene’s makeup.
Rapunzel: Varian is such a silly little guy. What a sweet lad.
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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toy doctor redux
plushy based on this guy
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pidges-lost-robot · 9 months
I bet Pidge is always running her mouth about Lance needing impulse control and everytime Lance gives her a hard stare and reminds her of everytime he had to fully slam a hand over her mouth lest she say something to turn Iversons ire on them because that shit from the first episode was too practised, he was too prepared to put a hand over her mouth to stop her saying some shit
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2023 Singapore Grand Prix - Qualifying- Lance Stroll
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 11 months
Shiro (to me): Teacher's pet coded rebellious child who wants to be a class clown
Lance: Class clown coded teacher's pet who wants to be the rebellious child
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fandomination666-blog · 9 months
Okay but Lance figures out that Keith knows a LITTLE Spanish and uses this knowledge for EVIL.
Calling him "capitán" when he makes a good decision as leader hwudhwkaidn
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rorimoon9597 · 11 months
Pt 1 Pt 2
Lance turns out to be a huge help as Keith's right hand. When he's overworking himself, Lance is there to force him to bed. If Keith's having a bad day, then Lance is there as silent support.
It makes Keith fall in love with him even more.
And the fact that Lance was determined to keep up his game with his eye colour. Keith admired the dedication to keeping everyone confused. So much so that sometimes, when they meet with the leaders of a planet, his eye colour changes more frequently. The looks on the aliens faces when Pidge explains that Humans can't change their eye, skin or hair colour at will is priceless.
Keith begins to feel as if he will burst if he doesn't do anything about these feelings soon. It takes having to fight Lotor to do that.
They're all in the castle, resting. They were so, incredibly lucky that Lotor wasn't able to go into the Quintessence field, that they were able to stop him. Sure, he was dead now, but better for a tyrant to be dead than alive still.
Krolia had fussed over him when he got back. Romelle nearly cried and clung to him. Coran had hugged all of them.
Then, perhaps the weirdest part of the day, Allura was able to bring back Shiro. Who had one less arm again. Keith had cried with relief at having his actual brother back.
They were floating through space, resting after the fight, and Keith was never one for resting. Even during his self-imposed exile to the shack in the desert he'd had things to do.
So he decided to go check up on Shiro.
"Hey," he said. Shiro looked up from where he was glaring at the bowl of food goo he'd been given.
"Hey, Keith. Do you need something?" He asked.
"You... Could say that." Keith walked into the room and sat on the bed with Shiro. Kosmo, his wolf that would now only respond to that name that Pidge had given him, joined them, lying on the floor.
"Is something wrong?" Shiro asked. Keith sighed.
"I'm so gay, Shiro," he said. Shiro laughed. Keith glared at him.
"I knew that already."
"Uh, yeah, because I came to you and Shiro when I had a gay crisis and needed help."
"Why are you telling me something that I already know?"
"Because! My crush on Lance has gotten worse. I love him now, Shiro. It's not just a crush anymore." Shiro gave Keith a sympathetic look.
"That's the hardest part. Even for me, and I knew that Adam's gay, too." Shiro placed his had on Keith's shoulder. "Don't wait for too long, Keith, or you'll lose your chance. Trust me on that. I waited too long with my first crush, and he ended up moving away and I never saw him again. Tell him when you think that the time is right."
"How do you know all this? Didn't you tell Adam that you liked him when you were sleep deprived?" Keith asked.
"Not the point, Keith. I'm trying to be a good brother to you, and part of being a good brother is to give my younger brother relationship advice," Shiro replied. Keith rolled his eyes.
"Whatever," he said. Shiro moved his hand to ruffle his hair.
"Trust me on this, Keith. I have actually been in a relationship before." Keith can't help but smile at those words.
"I will," he agrees.
They being their journey to Earth soon after that. On the way there, they pick up Matt, Rollo, Nyma and Beezer and tell them about the whole ordeal with Shiro.
"I knew that something was off! His hair floof and eyeliner were wrong!" Matt shouted triumphantly. Pidge just shook her head at her brother. Then she dragged him off to Green's hangar to start designing a new arm for Shiro.
They still had some pit stops before Earth. One of those was to pick up some of the Olkari, who were going to help with the defense system on Earth.
After they picked up Matt, Romelle asked the question that Keith had been expecting.
"What is up with Lance's eyes?" She asked.
"I have been wondering about that as well," Krolia agreed.
"We don't know, but we have a betting pool," Pidge replied. Keith rolled his eyes.
"You get far too much enjoyment out of this," he said. Then he turned and left.
He'd let them suffer if they really wanted to.
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“You know I love you, right?”
Keith smiles. He doesn’t stop his hands from their constant brushes through his boyfriend’s hair, doesn’t shift or move. Lance stays where he is, too, full weight on Keith’s body, head pillowed on his chest, moving slightly with every breath.
“Yes,” Keith says. “I know.”
“Good.” Keith feels the rumble of Lance’s voice in his ribcage, the puffs of his breath on his bare skin. “‘Cause I tease you, a lot, so I wasn’t sure if you knew.”
“I do. I know.” He pauses as he runs his fingers over the shell of Lance’s ear, tracing the scar on his skull, before gently tapping his finger three times. For a while Lance simply breathes, sinking into Keith’s touch, then he shifts slightly, turning brown eyes up to meet Keith’s.
“How do you know, though? Like if you had to define it.”
Keith leans down slightly to press a kiss to his freckled nose, just to watch it wrinkle. It makes him grin. “I just do, Lance. You say my name like you love me.”
The answer doesn’t seem to placate Lance completely, but enough that he sighs, putting his head back down on Keith’s chest and reaching over blindly to pull their blankets up to his chin.
Keith says nothing for a long while, humming to himself, enjoying the feeling of Lance’s soft skin under his hands, the weight of his body pressing him into the mattress. It’s a relief after a long day, a balm to his exhausted muscles and tired brain.
“Why do you ask?”
“No reason.”
Keith tugs a strand of Lance’s hair in admonishment, not enough to hurt, but he grumbles anyway.
“Try again.”
“Maybe I don’t love the man who hurts me so,” Lance pouts, sticking out his bottom lip and rubbing his scalp like it actually hurts.
Keith rolls his eyes. Lance grins, then sighs.
“Just — someone said something, at training. Kind of huffed and said something about how annoying it was that we still don’t like each other.”
Keith snorts. “Well, you did shoot me.”
“I was justified! You were being irritating!” Lance shifts, moving to his belly so he can look at Keith properly, glaring. “And I put my bayard on stun! It barely hurt!”
Love of his life or not, Keith loves getting this man so riled up.
“Yeah, the giant bruise I have says otherwise.”
There is no giant bruise.
But messing with Lance is funny.
“You are not fucking bruised!”
Before Lance can get too enraged and start stripping him down to make sure, Keith laughs, giving up the game and grabbing Lance’s wrists. He pulls him forward so he loses his balance, arms around Keith’s neck, barely managing to catch himself before their heads smack together, face inches from Keith’s.
“You worry too much,” Keith whispers, nosing his way down Lance’s cheeks, peppering kisses as he goes. “I don’t give a shit what anyone else says. The whole point of keeping them in the dark is so that I can have you —” he bites Lance’s earlobe gently, pulling it slightly, making the Cuban’s breath hitch — “all to myself.”
“Still,” Lance tries to insist, but Keith can physically feel his resolve falling away, feel him melting into Keith’s touch. “It bothers me that people think I can do anything but love you. You’re — I dunno. You’re everything to me. You make me feel like I can keep going.”
Keith can’t help his smile, and he knows Lance feels it, pressed into the junction of his neck. He kisses slightly there, and Lance turns his head to give him access, slides his hands into Keith’s hair as he works a mark into dark skin.
“That’s gay,” Keith mumbles, as fondly as he can.
It takes a second for Lance to clock Keith’s words, too focused on the besotted sound of them, but he huffs when he does, shoving Keith away and glaring at him.
Keith bursts out laughing.
“You’re the worst,” Lance says, but soon he’s smiling, too. Keith leans in and kisses that smile, because he can and because he wants to.
“I know.”
“Jerk. I’m divorcing you.”
Keith hums, tugging him back down under the covers, wrapping him back into the position he was in earlier. “You won’t even let me marry you.”
“We are twenty years old,” Lance grumbles, but every time he says it he sounds less and less like he cares. “We’re not getting married at twenty years old.”
“We’ll see.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Lance settles into the silence, breathing evening again, wandering hands going still.
“I love you too, by the way,” Keith murmurs, suddenly worried that Lance doesn’t know.
He feels Lance’s lips upturn, and smiles to match it.
He knows.
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princelancey · 9 months
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Countdown to 150 | race 5/150 ¦ 2017 Spanish GP
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astralscrivener · 1 year
wough. secretly dating klance
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antiquepearlss · 3 months
Together Kiera, Catalina, and Varian have a body count.
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