#land of mirrors and monochrome...
pardycity · 6 months
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hi!!! fun fact. retris is also my desktop background, my lock screen & my ipad background :o] (also bonus pics of my phone background)
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nekropsii · 2 years
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Experimenting with panels. Here's some LOMAM.
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tejurikromab · 2 years
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recursive outlines, countless mirrors
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son1c · 2 months
hi, this is something i wrote for my sonic x dunmeshi crossover. in my mind i've been calling it SATBK 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO because i think it's funny. thanks and enjoy 💜
Sonic the Hedgehog was having a good day. In fact, it was a great day! The sun was shining and there were no ugly robots in sight. He was also hanging out with his best buddy, Tails the Fox. Tails was telling him about some new techno-thingamajig that he'd invented, and Sonic was bobbing his head along, listening but not really understanding as Tails rambled on and on about slicers or splicers or splinters.
"...But that's not even the best part!" Tails was saying now. "With just the press of a button, this device should be able to undo the damage caused by..."
Suddenly, Sonic's ear twitched. He was still listening to Tails' spiel, but now he was distracted.
Tails noticed Sonic's lack of attention and turned pink with embarrassment. "A-And that's pretty much it!" he said in a rush, hoping he hadn't lost Sonic to whatever white rabbit had caught his fascination this time.
Unfortunately for Tails, Sonic's quills were tense. "Something's up," he said cryptically as he scanned the horizon. But even with a hand placed across his brow and a strategic lean forward, he couldn't make out any rotten eggs in the distance; the only things he could see were grass, trees, and other people's houses.
Still, Sonic's eyes narrowed.
Tails stuffed his new invention into his backpack and hurried to Sonic's side. He thought about all of the things he could do to help--Maybe he could run inside and grab a pair of binoculars from his workshop?--but just when he opened his mouth to suggest something, Sonic snatched him up and held him over his head.
"Woah!" Tails said in surprise, his eyes huge.
"Check it out!" Sonic said, gesturing with his foot at the place where Tails had just been standing.
Tails looked, and saw a small... Well, he wasn't really sure what it was, exactly. It was round, so bright it was glowing, and growing larger every second. Not only that, but when Sonic took a step back, it seemed to move and chase after him, too!
With Sonic still holding onto him, Tails began to spin his namesakes so the two of them could lift off and escape the strange glowing circle. At first, that seemed to do the trick, but then the thing peeled itself off the ground and rose up into the air. Yikes!
"Hang on, Sonic!" Tails said as he flew up higher. But no matter how high he climbed, the mysterious circle followed them. "I think it's a portal!"
"That's no good," Sonic said, not sounding particularly worried. If anything, he sounded a little excited.
Then, the portal swallowed them up, leaving Tails' backyard empty. It spat them out in an unfamiliar place--at least, it was unfamiliar to Tails. The dirt path they landed on was well worn, the sky was painted a dazzling blue, and the forest to their left was lush with life. In front of them was a lake with water so clear and still it could be mistaken for a mirror. Tails took a closer look and couldn't help but think that if he wasn't a boy of science, he might say the place had an almost magical feel to it.
Sonic rubbed his nose. "Y'know," he said, "I'm not usually one for return trips. What gives?"
Tails reluctantly tore his gaze away from the water so he could look back at Sonic. "You recognize this place, Sonic?"
Sonic stopped rubbing his nose. "Yeah, there's no doubt about it." He put his hands on his hips and then took a slow, sweeping look around. "This is the same place from the storybook!"
If this was an anime, Tails probably would've turned monochrome as a glass breaking sound effect played in the background. Unfortunately, it's just a fanfiction, so that can't happen. But the sentiment remained the same: Tails was shocked.
Sonic shrugged. "I guess someone wrote a sequel," he said, like that was normal. Then, his expression turned sly as he side-eyed Tails. "Unless you think we're both dreaming this time?"
Before Tails could reply, someone walked out of the forest. They were riding a black horse and their face was covered by a dark hood, casting their face in shadow. However, not even their cloak could hide the shining armor they wore, as it twinkled brilliantly when they stepped out into the sunlight.
When the stranger spotted Sonic and Tails, they pulled on the horse's reins and stopped dead in their tracks.
This made Sonic quirk an eyebrow.
Tails asked, "Is that a friend of yours?"
The stranger removed their hood and revealed their face. Or, what could be seen of it through the helmet they wore. The intricately engraved metal was accented with red, which matched the stripes on his quills. Then, the dark hedgehog pushed up his visor so he could get a better look at Sonic and Tails.
In a quiet, disbelieving voice, the stranger asked, "My king?"
"You haven't changed a bit, huh?" Sonic chuckled. "Still dramatic as ever!" With a shake of his head, Sonic's mouth quirked up in a grin. "Hey, Lancelot. Long time no see."
Lancelot quickly got down from his horse so he could kneel to Sonic. Sonic, of course, just waved his hand dismissively. "Let's skip all that royal stuff, okay?" Sonic said, acutely aware of Tails' huge, disbelieving stare as it flicked between him and the knight. "There's someone I want you to meet."
Lancelot looked up and was dazzled by Sonic's grin. The blue hedgehog then motioned to Tails, his hands practically radiating sparkles as he showed off the small fox. "This is Tails. My little bro. Whatever world-ending problem brought me here this time, he'll be sure to help us fix it!"
While Lancelot processed this information, Tails barely stopped himself from spouting off a million questions. The first and most pressing of which was: Why does this guy look exactly like Shadow the Hedgehog?
Sonic offered his hand to Lancelot. Tails watched as Lancelot froze in place, but he didn't smack Sonic's hand away like Shadow would've. In fact, he seemed almost flustered at the friendly offer. He pulled his visor down to cover his expression before eventually accepting Sonic's hand and pulling himself up onto his feet. Maybe he thought it would've been rude to refuse? After all, he did refer to Sonic as his "king"...
Tails' head was spinning. He felt like he was going to burst with all his unanswered questions, so he finally voiced one. "Since when are you a king?"
Sonic grimaced. Tails pretended not to notice when Lancelot bristled at the question. Instead, he stubbornly kept his eyes locked on Sonic so the hedgehog couldn't run away from his question.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Sonic said, "Since I caught that cold a few months back? I dunno, dude. To be honest, I kinda thought..." 
None of it was real.
Sonic trailed off as his eyes drifted over to Lancelot. Then, he cleared his throat. "What's it matter, anyway? We're here now! There's gotta be a reason. Isn't that more important?"
Tails frowned. It was clear that Sonic was uncomfortable, if his anxious foot tapping was any indication. Tails knew his big bro hated the limelight, so it made sense that he'd hate being someone as important as the king. But that still didn't answer his question: how did this even happen?
Thinking back, Tails could indeed remember when Sonic had caught that cold. It was hard to forget, since he'd gone through approximately twenty boxes of tissues in the span of about a week. But... "Amy said you just made all that up."
Sonic rolled his eyes. "Does this look made up to you?"
Tails looked around at the very real-looking fantasy land they'd found themselves in, and he had to admit that it didn't.
"Great," Sonic said. "Now that that's outta the way..." He turned back toward Lancelot. "Any dragons in need of slaying? Or not-so-evil wizards who need a talking-to?"
Lancelot shook his head. "I'm afraid not, King Sonic. Your appearance is--"
"Just Sonic."
Lancelot stiffened. Sonic looked at him expectantly. Like he was waiting for the knight to challenge him, like Shadow would've back in their own world. Tails almost laughed at the absurdity of it all, but thought better of it.
"...You've earned my respect, my king. I cannot simply refuse you your title."
Sonic's eyes twinkled. "Oh, yeah? Then how 'bout I cut you a deal?"
Lancelot was wary, but he waited for Sonic to explain.
Sonic jerked his thumb at the forest. Tails realized he was pointing at the treetops--no, at what was beyond them. Barely visible, the top of a grand castle could be seen peeking out from the distance.
"Let's race. If you win, you can call me your king. But if I win, you drop it. Sound good?"
Under the visor, Lancelot's eyes hardened. "I won't lose."
"I'm countin' on it," Sonic replied easily, but there was an undercurrent of excitement running through his words. Then, he turned to Tails. "You take care of the horse, okay, pal? We'll meet you there!"
Before Tails could object, the two hedgehogs were off. In their wake, they left a cloud of dust, and Tails sighed a long-suffering-but-fond sigh. No matter where they were, Sonic would always be Sonic, he supposed.
Taking the reins of Lancelot's horse, Tails began to head toward the distant castle. However, when he was about halfway through the forest, he stopped. The fur on the back of his neck stood up. Looking around, he couldn't see much amongst the thick foliage--just a mass of homogenous green.
Tails forced himself to relax and keep walking. Maybe a little faster than before.
Eventually, Tails made it to the front steps of the castle. It was even bigger up close; the massive structure towered over him, its tall stone spires piercing the sky. Lavish tapestries fluttered from the windows and golden ornaments glinted in the light of the setting sun. It even had a moat!
Lancelot stood proudly in front of the grand doors, his smile visible even with the visor shadowing his face. Sonic rolled his eyes as he stood next to him, but he was smiling too.
"I would've won if that frog hadn't been there," Sonic said.
"Of course, King Sonic," Lancelot replied, emphasizing Sonic's title a little more than necessary.
"C'mon, dude," Sonic said, exasperated, "you saw it! It was in trouble. If I hadn't jumped in, something bad would've happened!"
Lancelot nodded. "Yes, my king," he said again. "Helping the frog was much more important than claiming victory."
Sonic groaned.
Tails cleared his throat.
Sonic perked up immediately. "Buddy! You made it."
Taking the steps two at a time, Sonic joined Tails at the foot of the stairs. Lancelot joined him shortly afterward and gratefully took his horse from him. "My sincerest thanks for guiding Dark Rider, young Tails," Lancelot said.
Tails offered Lancelot a small smile. Dark Rider, huh? That sounded familiar. "You're welcome," Tails said. Then, after Lancelot disappeared around the corner to return the horse to her stable, he shot Sonic a pointed look. "I still have questions," he said seriously.
"Yeah, I figured," Sonic replied.
"A lot of questions," Tails added.
"Just you wait," Sonic said mysteriously. "There's more where that came from."
Lancelot returned. "They won't be expecting me so soon," he told Sonic and Tails. "When I discovered you on the outskirts of the forest, I had only just left in search of the mad mages."
Sonic raised an eyebrow. "The mad mages?" he asked.
Lancelot's face darkened. "Yes," he confirmed. "There's much you don't yet know, King Sonic. Things have changed since you were here last... and not all for the better. But this is no place for conversation, let's head inside."
The three of them did so. Once the giant wooden doors closed behind them, Tails had to try his hardest to keep his eyes from popping out of his skull. There was just so much to look at: the mounted suits of armor, the stained glass windows, and even the wonderfully detailed carpet. The whole castle also had a unique smell, like that of a delicately scented candle. It really was like something straight out of a storybook!
Lancelot led Sonic and Tails through the halls of the castle. Occasionally, Tails could catch bits of whispers as the staff noticed who exactly it was that was wandering the halls. Their excited chatter made Tails feel excited too--excited to learn exactly what was going on here.
Finally, they arrived before a set of important-looking double doors. Lancelot went to push them open, but then stopped.
"What's up, Lance?" Sonic asked.
"There's no telling how the Round Table will react to your return," Lancelot said slowly. "We've remained together despite some... differing opinions."
Sonic tilted his head. "Trouble in paradise, huh?"
"It's far from that."
Tails bit his lip. "What's going on here, Sh... Lancelot? Really?"
Lancelot looked from Tails to Sonic.
Sonic snorted. "Anything you tell me, you tell him. He's with me no matter what."
Lancelot gave a small nod of acknowledgement. "Very well," he said. "In truth, your departure left us in a bad state. I had faith you would return, but the wounds of the false king were still fresh for many. Sir Gawain, among others, couldn't move on so easily. To say nothing of the wizard's sudden betrayal..."
Sonic held up his hands. "Woah, wait. You mean Merlina?"
Lancelot replied in a grave voice, "The very same."
Suddenly, the doors were pulled open. From inside the room, a purple cat poked out her head. "Ah! Sir Lancelot, I thought I heard your voice. Was there something...?" she started to ask, but her question was forgotten when she saw Sonic and Tails.
Sonic waved. "Hi, Percival."
Percival covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a gasp. Then, she snapped to face Lancelot. "Swear to me that the mad mages aren't behind this. I have no time for trickery now, Sir Lancelot!"
"I swear, what you see is true," Lancelot replied. "Our king has returned along with his brother, the fox."
Immediately, Percival dropped into a respectful kneel. Tails cringed in sympathy for Sonic, sensing that this would become a trend. But Sonic just ignored it, saying, "Yeah, yeah. Nice to see you too. You know, we were just talking about Gawain. Is he in there with you?"
Percival tensed, then stood. After not-so-subtly pulling the door shut, she said, a little tightly, "Yes. However, it might be best to return later. Sir Gawain has become somewhat... prickly... since your departure, my lord."
"So I've heard," Sonic said, sounding bored. "Look, I know he's a knucklehead. That's not news to me. But from the sound of it, things are a bit rocky here. I'd like to be able to count on everyone if things get tough."
"'Rocky'...?" Percival repeated. Her face softened somewhat as she made a realization. "Oh, well, yes. They have been. But now that you've returned, King Sonic, the political unrest will surely resolve."
Sonic tapped his foot. "I'm not talking about politics," he said, irritated, "I'm talking about Merlina. I thought we'd buried the hatchet last time, but I guess some people need a Round 2."
Percival glanced at Lancelot, whose expression remained hard. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her. "If only it were that simple," she sighed. Then, she explained what had happened in Camelot since Sonic's departure.
Sonic struggled to pay attention through it all. Mostly because it involved a bunch of complicated political stuff that he couldn't care less about. Basically, the void of power left by Sonic returning to his own world had fractured the kingdom. Cool. Personally, he thought these prim-and-proper types should've been able to figure that out on their own, but maybe he was being insensitive. 
...Had there always been this many flowers in the castle? The vases were a little gaudy for Sonic's taste, but the flowers were nice...
When Percival finally brought up Merlina's name, Sonic started listening again. Apparently, she had disappeared without a trace not too long ago. But recently there had been sightings of her alongside another magic user. They weren't pleasant reports, though; wherever they went, destruction was sure to follow. So, that explained the whole "mad mages" thing. Sonic's expression soured. Something about this whole thing didn't sit right with him.
Last time he was here, he'd been called by Merlina. So, how'd he and Tails get here this time?
By the time Percival finished speaking, Sonic was deep in thought. Tails, too, was pensive.
"I understand it's a lot to take in," Percival said sympathetically. "But we need not worry ourselves over it all at once. After all, you've returned! The tide of Camelot's misfortune will turn, I'm sure of it."
With that, the doors behind them opened. "I've heard enough," Gawain said as he appeared in the doorway. "So, you're back, are ya? Had enough of running away, huh?"
"Sir Gawain..." Lancelot warned, his hand moving to the sword sheathed at his hip.
Sonic stepped between the two of them, facing Gawain. "I missed you too, Gawain," Sonic said. When Gawain just growled, Sonic held up his hands placatingly. "Look," he continued, "I get it. You're mad. So, let's cut to the chase, alright? Meet me out front and we'll duke it out like old times. Cool?"
Gawain glowered at Sonic. "A deserter is hardly worth the effort," he spat.
"Even if I let you pick the terms?" Sonic asked.
Lancelot and Percival's eyes widened.
Gawain considered this. After a moment, he said, "Your defeat ends in banishment. And your victory..." Gawain leaned fully into Sonic's space, attempting to intimidate him with his cold stare and bared teeth. "...It shall not come to pass."
Sonic crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to back down. "Uh huh. Deal."
"M-My lord!"
"King Sonic!"
Sonic waved his hand. He didn't look away from Gawain. "I'm looking forward to a real challenge. It's more fun that way. So don't let me down, got it?"
The preparations for the duel were carried out quickly. That was good, because Sonic didn't want to wait--he was practically buzzing with anticipation. One of the castle staff had brought him his old gauntlet, but Caliburn was nowhere to be found. Sonic didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed to be given a non-talking replacement sword instead.
By the time the knights, Sonic, and Tails had gathered in the front courtyard, the news of the king's return had spread through the whole castle as well as the town. Spectators ringed the courtyard, whispering to themselves about who would win.
Sonic and Gawain stood opposite each other. The crowd hushed when Gawain shifted, his gaze intense. "I'm Sir Gawain of the Round Table," he stated. "My duty is to protect this kingdom and its people."
Sonic leaned on his sword, a small smile playing at his lips. "Yup, that sounds just like you. But where's the rest? C'mon, I'm waiting."
Gawain's nose twitched. It was obvious he wanted to curl his lip in disdain, but instead he settled for setting his mouth into a hard line. "You call yourself king, but you abandoned your own people. I refuse to bow to a deserter!"
Sonic sighed. He couldn't argue, because Gawain was right: he did leave. Instead, he said, "I don't want you to bow, Gawain. Don't you get it? Your kingdom's in trouble!"
"And what of you, knave?" Gawain hissed, and the crowd gasped. "Could you be an omen yourself?"
Shaking his head, Sonic replied, "I'm here to help."
"Enough!" Gawain snapped. He raised one of his swords, and with that, the duel officially began.
Gawain was faster than Sonic remembered--had he been training since he'd last seen him? The red knight crossed the courtyard in the blink of an eye, slashing at Sonic with what must've been months of pent-up frustration. Sonic raised his own sword to block Gawain's attack, and the subsequent clang of steel resounded throughout the whole courtyard.
Then, Sonic tried to knock Gawain's feet out from under him, but the knight blocked his kick with his other sword. Dang! That was annoying. Even so, Sonic couldn't help but grin. After all, he did say he'd wanted a challenge.
Flipping backwards, Sonic freed himself from the stalemate. From the relative safety of a few feet away, he taunted Gawain with a wink. The red knight grew angry and charged at Sonic again, not unlike a bull.
This time, Sonic dodged Gawain's attack with a simple side-step, but he quickly realized that Gawain wasn't as nimble as him; while Sonic could stop on a dime, Gawain, being taller and heavier, could not. If their fight was happening in the middle of an empty field, then that wouldn't be a problem, but there were people surrounding the arena!
In a flash, Sonic spun around on his heel, and with his super speed, he managed to catch the back of Gawain's metal collar before he could barrel into the crowd.
Gawain blinked in surprise, but quickly recovered. "You won't be so lucky a second time," he told Sonic.
Sonic let go of Gawain's collar and replied, "Prove it!"
They clashed for a while longer, a blur of blue and red across the cobblestone courtyard. Gawain managed to graze Sonic with the business end of his blade a few times, but so did Sonic. Maybe if Gawain didn't want to look like he was covered in paper cuts, he should've designed his armor more effectively! At least, that's what Sonic thought, anyway.
Finally, Sonic managed to knock one of Gawain's swords out of his hand with a well-timed kick. His second sword was soon to follow. Then, Sonic slammed into him, sending him to the ground. With one shoe, Sonic pinned Gawain to the ground, his sword held against the red knight's neck.
"I win," Sonic announced.
The crowd cheered while Lancelot and Percival let out a sigh of relief. Tails, on the other hand, just snorted. Leave it to his big bro to be a drama king!
Sonic sheathed his sword and stepped off of Gawain. Then, he extended a hand to him. "We're stronger together. Will you help us keep Camelot safe?"
Gawain glared up at Sonic. When Lancelot and Percival appeared at his sides, he glared at them too. But eventually, he let out a sharp breath. "Yes, but not for you." He accepted Sonic's hand and said with conviction, "For the kingdom."
Sonic grinned.
Afterward, there was a party. The threat of the mad mages had brought unease to the kingdom, but with Sonic's arrival, it seemed as though a beacon of hope had appeared in Camelot. So, the townsfolk decided to celebrate. As night fell, the castle and its surrounding town became aglow with lantern light. Upbeat music drifted through the streets while people danced. The warm smells of street food wafted from stalls, making Sonic's stomach growl.
"Man, I'm starving!" Sonic said to no one in particular.
In response, approximately twenty vendors suddenly appeared with their freshly baked bread, meats, and cheeses. Sonic blinked in surprise before graciously taking what he could carry, then enlisting Tails' help to grab the rest.
The three knights were there as well, although Gawain was keeping his distance. Sonic offered a spiced bread roll to Lancelot and a sticky pastry to Percival. They accepted with their heads bowed. Sonic also offered pieces of his mountain of goodies to the townsfolk he passed, which eventually left him with a much more manageable hill of treats that he happily stuffed into his mouth.
Tomorrow, he and the knights would need to make a plan for dealing with the mad mages. But for right now, Sonic was content to fill his belly and enjoy the party.
Tails bit into a meat-and-cheese-something-or-other and chewed it thoughtfully. It tasted good, and it was still hot, which made the flavors pop out and swim across his tongue. No food he'd ever eaten in a dream had tasted like this, so he had to accept that it was real. Even though it was hard to believe, he and Sonic had been transported to another world. A world of knights and mages.
Tails' expression soured. He thought about the invention in his backpack, the same one he'd been showing off to Sonic earlier back in their own world. It seemed so small in comparison to this bizarre place filled with magic and mystery.
Speaking of which...
Tails was wrenched out of his reverie when he heard someone scream.
Tails dropped the rest of the food he was holding. It all tumbled to the ground dramatically, and the narrator urges you to mourn the loss of such delicious food. Especially since things are about to get much, much worse.
A flight of winged, human-faced monsters had arrived. They swooped down to crash the party, their wicked talons swiping this way and that. People shouted and ran for cover, but not everyone was fast enough to avoid their grasp; a small child was plucked from the street by the arm and lifted into the sky by the harpy.
"Hold it!" Sonic shouted. Then, he took a running leap at the kidnapper, using a nearby food stall to bounce off of and gain height. In midair, he tackled the monster, which then released the young girl in its grasp.
She shrieked as she fell through the air, but luckily Lancelot was there to catch her, his armored skates sparking from use.
The streets were chaotic. Townsfolk continued to scream and run, ducking into buildings and slamming the doors shut behind them as harpies terrorized them. The knights fought valiantly, their swords slicing through flesh and feathers. Despite the large number of winged monsters, they fell quickly, and so it wasn't long before their ranks thinned to almost nothing.
But that wasn't the end of it.
After spin dashing into a group of harpies and knocking them over like bowling pins, Sonic froze. He realized the ground was shaking beneath his feet, and looked around wildly to find out why. It wasn't long before he spotted the source: a giant red dragon. Or, what appeared to be a red dragon. Upon closer inspection, it actually looked like it was part dragon, part bird, and part human. And it had just crashed through the town’s protective wall.
Percival gasped. "A chimera?"
Sonic shook the monster blood off his sword before rushing over to where the knights were gathered. "You guys keep these birdbrains busy," he said. "I'll handle the big guy."
"Sonic, wait!" Tails said, grabbing Sonic's wrist before he could run off.
"No time, buddy. Tall, Red, and Ugly over there is big trouble. I'm countin' on you to back me up!"
Tails pressed his lips into a thin line, but nodded. Then, he let Sonic go.
With his super speed, Sonic was able to dodge fleeing townsfolk, hop over toppled food carts, and run along the roofs of buildings. He stopped on a tiled roof not far from the chimera, cupped his hands around his mouth, and shouted. "Heeey! Over here!"
The chimera ignored him. It bulldozed its way through the town, crushing stalls and carts underfoot. Sonic chased after it, jumping across rooftops like he was in Assassin's Creed, careful to keep his soles from slipping on the inclined surfaces. Where are you going? he wondered as he watched the chimera squeeze through a narrow alleyway, smashing in windows with its huge scaly tail as it did so.
Sonic's eyes moved in front of the chimera. Up ahead was the courtyard and beyond that, the castle. That must be it!
But, wait, that was bad. Like, really bad! Because that was where the townsfolk were headed! The strong stone walls of the castle offered the best protection from monsters. That was, until a huge chimera came knocking at their door!
Sonic zoomed across the rooftops until he got close enough to the chimera to leap onto its back. He nearly slipped when he landed on the slick red scales, but stubbornly held on by grabbing a fistful of feathers. By now, the chimera had burst out into the open courtyard. Sonic didn't have a lot of time to redirect it before people got hurt.
Setting his jaw, Sonic crawled up to the chimera's head like a little blue bug. It only noticed him once he was face to face with it--or, maybe it was a her? She bared her teeth at Sonic and swiped at him with her big dragon claws, but Sonic was too agile for her to catch.
With his feet planted firmly on her shoulders, he leaned upside down in front of her face and blew a raspberry. His hand made the L-shape as he held it against his forehead, the moonlight glinting off his gauntlet.
In response, the chimera's eyes snapped to the gauntlet. She no longer attempted to swat Sonic like a pesky fly, but rather, she tried to snatch the gauntlet. Sonic flipped off her shoulders, landed on the ground in the courtyard, and then looked from his gauntlet to the chimera.
"You want this?" he asked.
Her yellow eyes seared against the darkness, never looking away from Sonic's hand.
The blue hedgehog grinned wildly. "Then come and take it!"
Sonic led the chimera away from the castle and into the nearby forest. He didn't stop running until he could no longer hear any sounds from the town, and then he kept running for a little while longer, just for good measure. He deliberately slowed his pace so the chimera wouldn't lose him in the tangled mess of foliage, where the darkness blended together with the roughage.
When he finally stopped, he skidded in the dirt. The chimera wasn't far behind, so he had to think fast: what was the best way to slay a dragon?
The chimera burst out from the bushes as Sonic unsheathed his sword. It lunged at him immediately, but was still too slow to catch him. Instead, Sonic ran underneath her scaly arm, only stopping once he was directly underneath her. Before she had time to react, he plunged the sword upward into her chest... or, he tried to.
The chimera's super tough scales broke the sword when it made contact. Sonic dropped it and hurried back out into the forest. So, that didn't work. Now what?
Suddenly, Sonic heard someone's voice. He looked around, worried someone from the town had wandered out here and was now in danger, but quickly realized it was actually the chimera. She had her hand raised in front of her as she spoke--no, chanted.
Uh oh.
Spikes shot up from the earth, and Sonic narrowly avoided being skewered. The forest floor was now a mess of jagged spikes, leaving very little room for Sonic to run. He had to navigate between the closely-packed spikes, which took precious time and attention, and it didn't help that the chimera was shooting fireballs at him now.
"Sorry, lady! Hedgehog's not on the menu tonight!" he quipped as he ducked under a particularly large fireball. "These quills weren't meant to be barbecued!"
Eventually, the fireballs stopped flying.
A drop of sweat slid down Sonic's face, but he didn't stop moving. He couldn't afford to. This monster was full of surprises, and one wrong move could land him six feet under.
Unfortunately, Sonic had gotten so fixated on her human half that he didn't notice when her dragon tail arced through the night until it was too late. It slammed into his side, knocking him off the top of the spike he'd been perched on. He soared through the air, stunned, until he landed in the palm of the chimera's huge draconic hand.
Sonic tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but without a running start, he couldn't overpower her. Black spots swam across his vision, but he just gritted his teeth. If it was the gauntlet she wanted, then he wasn't going to let her have it, no matter what. Using the last of his strength, Sonic removed his gauntlet and buried it deep inside his un-barbecue-able, super sharp quills.
Then, a sickening crunch echoed through the forest, and Sonic drooped in the chimera's grasp.
Without a word, she brought Sonic's body up to her face, searching for the gauntlet. When she realized it was no longer on his hand, she almost dropped him--but then she caught sight of the silvery prize between the hedgehog's quills. With her soft human hands, she reached for it... only to immediately recoil, because she'd been poked!
Scowling, the chimera tried again, only to be poked a second time. Ouch! She sniffed, a single cartoon tear dripping from her eye. Then, she tried to get the gauntlet with her dragon hands... but they were way too big. There was no way she'd be able to finagle that tiny gauntlet out of Sonic's quills when her claws were the same size as his head!
Pouting, the chimera resigned herself to just taking Sonic's entire body back to the Dungeon Master. She'd gotten what he’d wanted, anyway--surely, he could figure out the rest?
So, that was what she did. With Sonic's body held in her arms, she trampled through the forest, back to Thistle.
He was waiting for her along with the female wizard, Merlina, at the lake where Lancelot had originally encountered Sonic and Tails. The two mages were discussing something in hushed tones, but stopped once they heard the booming footsteps of Thistle's chimera approach. Then, they turned toward the forest to watch as the dragon with a human head emerged from the shadow of the trees.
Merlina’s heart dropped when she saw what the chimera was carrying.
Thistle had no reaction to Sonic's body. Once the chimera was close, he simply asked, "Well? Did you get it?"
The chimera knelt down so she could show Thistle the gauntlet trapped in Sonic's quills. When Thistle reached for it, the chimera pulled Sonic's body against her chest and said with difficulty, "Sh... arp..."
Thistle lowered his hand.
It was then that Merlina stepped forward. Her face revealed none of her true feelings, but when she placed her hand on Sonic's head, her fingers trembled slightly. "I sense a great power within this creature," she said cryptically. "Perhaps he could be of use to us?"
Thistle frowned. He looked closer at Sonic, but he didn't see whatever it was that Merlina saw.
"Some artifacts are protected by narrow passages," Merlina added. "In that case, a... smaller... creature would be valuable."
The chimera puffed up her cheeks indignantly. How rude!
Thistle considered this. Then, he looked down. His arms were overloaded with two large books. Carrying them both this far had been a hassle, but he couldn't leave either one behind. They both had to stay where he could see them. But, maybe...
"Dragon," Thistle said, causing the chimera to snap to attention. "Set it down here."
The chimera did as she was told. Now, Sonic's body laid flat in the grass at Thistle's feet.
After rummaging around in his pocket for a moment, Thistle pulled out a glass vial with a single drop of blood inside. While Merlina watched, he popped the lid off the vial before turning it upside down and letting the droplet stain Sonic's chest red. Lastly, he moved one of his books under his arm, then opened the other one and began to read.
Sonic's body glowed as the droplet of blood soaked into his fur and disappeared. Then, he gasped and sat up, clutching his chest. Life had returned to his body, but his head was spinning, and when he looked up and saw Merlina, his head hurt even more.
Thistle didn't let him finish. He transformed the book into a pulsing ball of light that squirmed and twitched as if it was alive. Before the strange orb could escape the mage's grasp, he shoved it into Sonic's open mouth.
Sonic, startled, swallowed it.
Merlina was glad Thistle couldn't see her expression as Sonic transformed before her eyes, his whole body burning with the fierceness of a small star. Feathers grew from his fur and his legs twisted into the body of a lion, all the while Merlina looked on in horror.
When the light finally faded, signaling the end of the transformation, the dragon chimera cocked her head curiously at the newly made lion chimera.
Sonic shivered in the grass, his long tail flicking back and forth.
Thistle gave him no time to acclimate to his new body. "Lion," he said. "Give me the gauntlet."
Sonic growled.
Thistle held out one of his hands expectantly. "Now, Lion," he repeated, more firmly this time. "The gauntlet."
Sonic looked up at Thistle. When their eyes met, Sonic's stiff, defensive posture evaporated. With his strange new eyes, the lion chimera could see something floating just above Thistle's hand. It was about the size of a blueberry and just as round, but glowing with the warmth of a freshly baked biscuit. It looked delicious.
Sonic reached into his quills and pulled out the gauntlet. Now, he offered it to Thistle without hesitation, his head bowed slightly. But his eyes remained locked on that strange magic blueberry.
Thistle nodded, pleased. "Good," he said. And then he took the gauntlet from Sonic.
When he did, Sonic was able to taste that strange blueberry. And it tasted better than anything he'd ever eaten in his entire life--including chili dogs! His wings fluttered in delight as his eyes filled with sparkles. Now, there was only one thing on his mind: how could he get more of those blueberries?
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shirolian · 3 months
Autumn's Clear
Days passed. Will it be today? Sitting by the table, hunched over her journal, she bits the end of her pen. Another day to cross. Another day without him. When will he return to her? Staring blankly into the distance, her pen moves on the paper. Where are you? How long will I have to wait? 
This situation was not anything new. And yet, it hurt each time it happened. She was sure that it will hurt each time it happens in the future too. Looking back down on the previously empty space of the page, she realized that she sketched his face. The pen dropped out of her hand and her fingers hovered over the image, gently, softly tracing the well known features. 
“How far are you this time…?” She mumbled, the loneliness grasping her heart tightly.
Weeks eventually turned to months. The pink sakura leaves withered under the scorching summer sun. The salty sea waves eventually lost their azure flair when the autumn came. Bright orange leaves started falling and as she walked towards the campus, one landed in her outstretched palm. It’s autumn again, she thought. Soon, it will be a year since they last met. The smile left her face a long time ago, a numb expression taking its place. Even if the leaf in her hand proudly displayed its bright color, in her eyes, the world faded to monochrome. 
“Where…” She looked to the sky, her eyes mirroring the gray clouds. “Where are you?”
The soft, lifeless steps abandoned the tossed leaf on the ground as the girl kept walking away without looking back. 
Was it cold? Probably yes, she thought. But she felt nothing. Deep inside the mountains, nestled in the cabin that he gifted to her, she gazed at the unfinished painting in front of her. She could no longer stand, her body protested against the starvation that she bestowed upon it. But, at least, his face was finished - and that was the most important part. She could paint the rest of his body just fine from her kneeling position. A weak smile graced her features as she gazed up into the eyes of her model. “Cael… “ She could swear that he smiled back. Was she hallucinating? And if she was, would it be a bad thing that she was finally granted the pleasure of seeing it? Her shaking fingers could no longer hold the brush. The dull thud of the brush falling down didn’t startle her. She was so very… tired. 
“Wait for me… I will finish you,” she mumbled, her palm pressing into the white canvas. The exhaustion took over and her body collapsed on the floor, plunging her into sweet nothingness.
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When he returned back to St. Shelter, his first steps led him to her house. But, nobody was home and eventually he found Beanie in the animal daycare, meowing at him sadly. Promising the now considerably thinner cat that he will return, Cael left in search of her. Where could she go? A certain cabin in the middle of mountains appeared in his mind, urging him to go there. It was the middle of winter, the falling snow blended with his long hair as he scaled the cliff, finally approaching the place. When he opened the door, the chill surprised him. It was almost as cold as outside, barely a difference could be felt. His heart grew heavy, a feeling that he was unaccustomed to. As he passed through the kitchen, dried blue roses on the table caught his eye. Frowning, he took one petal between his fingers - she was there, that was for sure. But why is it so cold and lifeless inside? Still holding the petal, he pressed forward, the uneasiness turning to dread when he reached for the door, opening them and then- a life sized painting of him overtook his vision. By his painted self feet, her lifeless body laid and his eyes widened in pure fear. Running to her body, he knelt down, taking her in his arms and feeling her pulse first. The realization did not quite hit him yet. He kept caressing her pale face, hoping that she would wake up, that she was just sleeping. His finger brushed her colorless lips. Last winter, they were red. What are these feelings? So tight, so out of breath, that he almost choked. His hands, now slightly shaking, pressed her head tighter into his chest, the feeling of her hair cold and unwelcoming. 
Why…? Why aren’t you waking up?
The ever so graceful expression of his painted counterpart watched him, unfeeling and calm. So blissfully unaware, devoid of emotions that ravaged his awakened heart. 
“... Why?”
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princessmacedon · 4 months
{ OOC: housekeeping!
it's been a while since i did one of these and i have a great big mess to clean up ASDFDSD so! threads below the cut, and if i missed something please let me know!
per suggestion of the newsletter, mun pages ( 🐦 ) ( 🐈‍⬛ ) now have guidelines
both maria and katarina's supports pages have been brought up to date!
threads + thread tracker nonsense below!!
here's my thread tracker! currently, it should contain all of my active threads, excepting those from the ethereal ball and as always, please don't feel as though you need to rush! (especially those of you whose threads i just replied to while fixing my shit AHSDHSDFHSD) this is for my organizational sake HAHA ; i'm glad to continue any and all threads, but if you're not feeling one anymore that's fine too >vo)v
Waiting on me:
something old, something new -- @ventusanimae
spirit of healing -- @ashenprofessor
what my cover shows -- @knighteclipsed
all things precious -- @reddragonprincess
red riding hood's basket -- @justices-blade
wondrous tails -- @carefreemonk
with those who favor fire -- @arcelerity
objects in mirror -- @raikuroji
three lions walk out of a field (BOEL) -- @pirrhyc @sharpscion
paperwork perils -- @magictome
land and heavens near -- @lycianlynx
solace in the abyss -- @justices-blade
Waiting on partner:
an end to the song -- @arcstral
sun's shine -- @lycianlynx
shadows in the moonlight -- @hresvelged
birds chasing cats -- @aubins
not dead yet -- @alliberacio
from winter's close emerging -- @hermidetta
i do believe in fairies! -- @nagaficat
Waiting on me:
seeds of hope -- @arcaeda
a blanket of white, unbroken -- @knighteclipsed
a mystery in monochrome -- @gentlenekomata
the road that we walk -- @unsungblade
a day in (un)kingly shoes -- @arcstral
Waiting on partner:
uprooting wallflowers -- @unsungblade
a fleeting fata morgana -- @nabataprophet
cat cat kitty cat -- @unsungblade
cooking by the book -- @amitieos
sham of a prince -- @hosannan
gallowed halls -- @princepsumbra
a night and day we'll never see -- @ulircursed
the mega bonk technique -- @sharpscion
the name of a villain -- @indevouement
penpal randomizer -- @gauldheri
with @cursedbluebird : i'm planning on tacking on an extra reply and have it fade to black if that's alright? :o marianne is so sweet though, thank you for sending her my way!! <3 <3
with @pirrhyc : while i do love lobbing the hot potato around ASDFSDFSDG i think i'll call it there?! but i really enjoyed their little exchange!! :pleading: :boom:
with @frauleindermorgen : i'm definitely down to make this into a mini thread :] unless i misunderstood aDSDDSFHF
ALL MASKS: maria was mask 22! if you'd like to play out the rest of a masquerade thread, i'm down! ^^)7
as always, if you need to contact me for anything, feel free to do so through here or discord!
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inventors-fair · 9 months
All Our 2023 Contests:
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New Year's Revolution (Design a Rebel)
Running Into Time (Reference two parts of turn)
One Card to Rule them All (Impress R&D)
Chimeric Idols (Combine two cards)
Manifestish (Sorcery/Creature art mix)
Counter Intuitive (Two or more kinds of counter)
Hit Singles (Monocolor Partner)
Die Role (Activated Ability w/ Sacrifice)
Mini Me (Smaller/Bigger existing card)
Uncommon Ground (Uncommon for unusual gameplay)
Signature Spellbreakers (Supplemental Planeswalker)
Limited Options (Common archetype payoff)
Expiration Date (Unique death)
Known by Many Names (U/R/M that references a common)
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (MOM-style teamup)
March Madness (Non-teamup MOM card)
Within Reach (Desire/Longing flavor)
School's In (Teacher/school theme)
Alone in the Big City (Monocolor Ravnica Legend)
The Rainbow Standard (Rules text w/ basic land type)
Come to the Down Side (Card w/ downside)
Sagas Beyond (UB Saga)
Elevator Pitch (New variant on keyword)
A Type of Perspective (Story Spotlight redesign)
Innovation Nation (New type of draft set)
Stunning New Marvels (Stun counter R/M)
A Dark and Stormy Knight (Mirrored Pair)
All Play and All Work (Silly moment)
Back to Nonbasics (Design a land card)
Guess Who's Back? ("Return" in OT)
Return to Tarkir (What's Tarkir like now?)
The Next Big Thing (Large theming)
Strength in Numbers (This way/For each/Equal to)
The Power of Friendship (UB Partner variant)
Woe Tidings Upon Ye (WOE card)
Elder Dragon Highlander (Legendary Elder Dragon)
Monochrome is Where the Heart Is
Reborn Again
Dead Lucky (Using both seven and thirteen)
The Power of Superfriendship (Plays with planeswalkers)
The S Word (Powerful weapon)
Get a Load of Dis-Guise (Change creature type)
Dognitive Cissonance (Elemental/Color relationship)
Lost Caverns of Ixalan's Lost Vault (LCI Card)
One For the Money (C/U card with MV 1)
Re: Vision (Redesigning old submission)
All the World's a Page (Literary UB card)
The Finality Countdown (Card with finality counter)
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rainismdata · 2 months
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Call of Duty: Original Character
The Kusuma: Luna and Lexa
[originally posted on December 29, 2022]
John Price's personal "special force" and adopted children
Gifted Name, Legal Name, and Code Name:
Rajni Cakrawulan Purbawasesa Kusumaningrum = Rajni “Luna” Purbawasesa (she/they)
Bramantara Laksamana Sadawira Kusumawijaya = Bramantara “Lexa” Sadawira (he/they)
Character information:
Twitter thread: (currently contains Luna's journal)
twins, born in 1997, both are pansexuals.
Javanese, from Indonesia. Got kidnapped by the kidnappers, on purpose, they killed their parents. since 7 years old (2004), they have to fight to get foods.
saved by Captain Price when they were 15 (2012). they were found in somekind of gladiator sphere sonewhere at Suriname area. Price got their names from the kidnappers' file.
Price is basically like their brother but also their father. There's no in between.
Both are mirroring each other. When one got excited, the other would calm the other down. if they're both excited or calm, there have to be Price with them
introverted!Luna extroverted!Lexa , but that doesn't affect their personalities
both are curious by their own way. Luna would be asking and listening for answers. Lexa would reading and searching for answers.
Price brought them to the military to learn things. Maybe too much. Because— Luna can control various land vehicles, while Lexa can control various air/sky and water vehicles.
Price let them stay in his 2nd house, because he just use his 1st house. And let them to come whenever they want. But, as javanese, they were taught with what nots of manners even without Price tell them anything about “manners”
both are multilinguals. Luna: fluent in indonesian, javanese and english, good in hebrew, greek and latin, knows arabic and russian. Lexa: fluent in indonesian, javanese, english, french and dutch, good in spanish, mandarin, japanese, korean. Luna curses in javanese; Lexa curses in indonesian.
Luna is the rebel kid, and Lexa is her caretaker or her tamer. Price? I told you, he is whether their brother or their father.
Fight preference:
Luna is great in physical combat because she knows Pencak Silat (Indonesian Martial Arts) learnt Karate and Taekwondo, and also her body is strong, so she can use her strength, endurance, and energy. Somewhat good but not that great in using ranged weapons, but melee weapon actually is her specialty. does anything with her instincts.
Lexa is great in hand-to-hand combat because he has a great agility and stamina. not really good in using melee weapons, but ranged weapons is his specialty. also tech-person. does anything with his knowledges (he got photographic memory)
Luna has wavy Keris and Lexa has Bionet. Both are Javanese traditional weapons.
Luna plays rhythmic instruments. Lexa plays melodic instruments. Price would sing with Lexa.
Luna has a journal/diary (see here). She likes to write anything with her handwriting. Lexa loves the convenient of writing with keyboard, he probably has writeas or Ao3 or even Wattpad.
Luna likes to cooks main courses; while Lexa for deserts. Price taught them.
Physical Appearance:
Luna: a bit darker tan skinned, big round eyes with dark brown eye color, middle long eyelashes but thicker than Lexa's, natural arched eyebrows, moody in clothes types and colors (mostly black, dark colors, and monochromes; wears lighter color if Lexa tells her to or when she wants to).
Lexa: has lighter skin tone than Luna, sharp eyes with brown eye color, long eyelashes, thick straight shaped eyebrows, wear any kind of clothes and colors based on anything exist by his sight (but mostly in earth toned colors; wears darker colors if Luna tells him to, or when he wants to).
Luna: 165 cm, 65kg. Waist long black hair, tied bun half down with hairstick in casual, dutch braided in fight and french braided bun in formal. Always bring a lipstick, it comes in handy. Always has pointy hairsticks and big needles on her outfit that she could use to attack anyone. Only used the pointy hairsticks to warn the enemy. Her right eye ball is changed with mechanical prosthetic eye that she can turn into flashlight with a magnet. She lost her right eye sight in fight when she was 10 because of a spear, that explains the long wound from her right cheek through her right eye to her right side of the forehead. she also has any smaller recovered scars on her body of the stabbing or slashing. she would always use black sunglasses.
Lexa: 185cm, 85kg. Shoulder long dark red brown hair, tied half bun down in casual, a total mess with headband in fight, tied bun in formal. He only needs his finger to comb his hair (Luna can't relate). Always bring slingshot and any kinds of bullet on his outfit. the biggest scar he had is on his back, long wound from his left waist to his right shoulder. he also has smaller recovers scars on his body by the stabbing or slashing. always has the 2nd headband or bracelets on his left hand to cover the scars he made after he tried to kill himself numerous times, just for the kidnappers “saved” him because the donators liked his fights.
sometimes— they would have half mask on for their daily.
Education and Emploment:
While they weren't “working” with Price, Luna is studying for philosophy of divinity major and serving in a church near the seminary, while Lexa is studying criminological psychology and working in a library.
Price gave their “nickname” by their real name. Luna from Wulan (also means Bulan), means “Moon”. Lexa from Laksamana, means “a Fighter, a Warrior”. They like it. Luna once challenged Price to say her first name, Rajni; Price needs a week to finally pronounced it correctly.
both are strategist; Luna with her instinct and Lexa with his knowledge. Yes. They come in package.
they come in package. no one can change that, except if Price tell them to go in one-by-one. They were called “The Kusuma”, means “The Flowers”. They are a special “team” not related to any military, so they only work in Price's commands, mostly in guerrillas or rescue missions. Sometimes, they come in package because Luna needs someone to keep her safe while she was doing anything she needs to do.
Maybe Price was too young for being their Father, but Laswell understood how important Price for them. She gave them a device to monitor Price's position when they need it or when they have to (means when Price was on a mission). The Twin are the only one who would know Price position if he were abducted, gone missing, or was going on a run. Lexa then upgraded it.
Plot Information:
They are always go to a forest on saturdays, where they would fight each other without safety to maintain their abilities in fight. And Price is the only person who know their spot, and the only one who allowed by the twin to come or to join them in the fight. They feel honoured for the way Price would keep up with them as a twin, that means sometimes they would hold each other's energy. But— They know how “dangerous” Price actually is. If anything, they acknowledge that it's basically them who needs to keep up with Price, rather than Price having to keep up with them even for being a twins.
You know the original Luna? Yes, the Tse Míngzhū's Luna. Kusuma's Luna likes Tse “Luna” Míngzhū as if she was her sister. When Kusuma's Luna is with Luna, Kusuma's Luna will go with “Luna-two”, and they were sometimes joking with it in “Loonatoo”. Tse promised Rajni to bring her to Singapore and would go with her if she wants to go back to Indonesia, when they have holidays or vacations.
Luna thought Soap and Alejandro was scary, while Lexa thought the same about Ghost and Rudolfo. Meanwhile, Gaz gives them cakes or cookies, sometimes; same with Laswell's wife, after MWII2022, because it's the first time Price let them to meet Laswell, after Laswell found out about Makarov.
Why were the Twin ever got scared of them? Soap: he reminds Luna of their scary neighbor when she was a kid who had the same hairstyle (in Indonesia, there was an assumption or stereotype that people with the same hairstyle like Soap or mohawk are not good people...). Alejandro: Luna is the “look into people's eyes when talking” person, without a smile, Alejandro's eyes was so sharp and looks like could've cut people in pieces just by looking at them. Ghost: well... their kidnappers wore balaclavas... both Luna and Lexa do remember about it but it was traumatic for Lexa even more. Rodolfo: for Lexa, he looks even more serious and mysterious than Ghost... Lexa wouldn't wonder if Ghost being mysterious because Ghost hides his face; but Rudolfo shows his face and looks scary.
Valeria was one of their “donator” for a few years. Price gave the Twin all the fighters' and donators' files once they got into a college. He was too afraid to give it to them when they were not “old” enough for it. When Price told them they got Valeria Garza, it's Lexa who instantly remember about her and having a hard time to cope with that. While— Luna doesn't remember at first (she's having damaged memory due to traumatic head concussion); but she'd chose to be the one who remember rather than having his brother going through a hard time of those triggering events.
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xvexhexx · 3 months
My name is Tanya/Kaz or you can call me vex too I uh draw I guess.
Here’s my Caard and pronoun-page
My DMs are always open and my personal is @coctyusheart
Some (but not limited to) fandoms I like (plus tags); (And my OC universes below that)
Voltron, PJO, various musicals like Heathers, BMC, Hades town ect. Danganronpa, genshit, Honkai, ace attorney, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, Undertale, HADES, dungeons and dragons, homestuck, bg3, JJBA, MLP, mythologies, Skyrim, and more tbh.
I really like cats and all animals :3 too.
Anyway as my ocs go;
MML: mirrors of monochrome lights
| 7 young adults in college who went to highschool together get swept into a weird situation in which they end up in a magical world that acts like they’ve been there the whole time and has people they know
| everyone is gay or sumn or bipoc except Peter he’s the token straight
Main Cast; Vanessa F, Persephone K, Giovanni T, Radha J, Drago S, Amai A, Peter A.
DOSM: Ditchotomy of sun and moon
This was intended to be made as a video game however…I do not have that skill set.
| you play as Moss, as you land in Chicago after the calamity 20 years ago, with little to no memories and people seem to be sorted into three Catergories.
| The gold who prefer the Sun kingdom, and have been deemed morally good, and/or socially accepted have received the gift of natural talent. Gold and very subtle sparkles in the arm
| the Star: the neutral who can go where ever they please but the town is considered neutral territory. They are the middle grounds, socially and morally can go either way. They have grey arms and the power of diplomacy.
| the moon: for thoes go are outcasted, demonized or have committed to darker morals, (usually it’s just outcasts tbh) and they frequently reside in the town, the town wood or the Moon kingdom. They have received the gift of magic which correlated to marking on thier arms.
Main cast: Moss (the mc), Vanessa (another one ik), Kevin, Zerena, Nico.
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dyrewrites · 1 year
Weald and Wen - Prologue
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The Nothing screamed.
Its hollow wail pierced the disquieting gray and cyan of the Darklands. Fyrni lands, Loahl's lands...and he heard it, loud and dreadful through the stillness and prayed to the Lady that the younglings did not.
With their ears twitched tall on their youth-rounded heads, his younglings scrambled behind him, eyes alight in vibrant blues. Blues that should have been yellow, burning with the fiery tether of their shadows...but those shadows were lost.
As we are lost, Loahl thought, careful to keep his worries silent and close as he and his charges bounded into darker woods.
They wove through smoky trees, beneath a canopy of shadows, their throats and minds fear-stricken and grief-silent as they navigated the stout rocks and wide, voidtorn chasms. The cyan light that led them pulsed brighter, fuller through the grasping leaves, greedily snatching up the blackened, wisping trees. Loahl's ears twitched and his eyes flicked to the swirling sky, where six burning eyes met his—Heart-wide and deathly chill. Too far had they stumbled, too close to the Watcher but Loahl had no time for further fears as the scream that chased them splintered and muffled chitters slithered into the leaves above. Howled cries blended with them and Loahl kicked dust and rock when he spun, eyes lit for what threatened his charges.
The Song carried more power in a chorus. He had taught them as much and, backs to one another, tails entwined, his three fledgling Reapers practiced their lessons.
Their mottled Song wafted through the dead breeze of the monochrome lands, swelling through the ragged gasps of Breath that filled them and, from their veins, silvery-blue blood rose. His Reapers shaped and sharpened their hot, dripping life into vicious weapons, ready to wield them in the generous bulk of their paws and pride swelled with the heat of their Song as it moaned through Loahl's veins. In them was power...hope and he sped to join the chorus.
Loahl growled his Song and fed the deep-pitched hum with the strength of age and dread-swollen Breath. His blood rose and hardened into curved, menacing axes and as he gripped them...he fretted, but would it be enough? 
“Reaper Loahl,” Choked Merai, as her short blades quivered before her. “The shadows in the trees...th–they moved.”
“Shadows do that here, Mer,” Lyrza snapped, her raspy singsong raking Loahl’s ears. 
“But, but they have our shapes,” Merai whimpered, her too-blue eyes locked on the ears and tails poking from a dark, rippling mass of shadows growing among the trees.
Motioning for quiet, Loahl kept eyes on those shadows as he guided the silent Naerni to his other side, careful not to untangle from their tails. But Naerni wriggled out of his grip to keep closer to the worried Merai and Loahl sighed.
“The shadows we fled were no breed of ours, fledglings,” He lied. “They were the claws of a predator that would do more than shake the trees and twitch our noses.” Bitter, his lies, too bitter to bear as his eyes caught greater movement but he held to it, readying his axes.
They need no more fears to weigh them, he told himself and the younglings were quick to mirror his confidence, readying their weapons toward the shadows. Pride fogged Loahl’s good sense then, daring him to hope, perhaps we can fight it. Then the tree line quaked and the air pealed with laughter and Loahl’s pride drained with the cyan bright.
It began as a hole in the gloom, cold and bleak...but it grew. It grew and it stretched and it bloated until it blotted all scraps of meager light the Darklands had to offer. Rotten dread and stinking terror swelled after it, assaulting Loahl's nostrils as the Nothing screamed again.
It howled and it glared with its blanket of narrow white eyes and then, as it tasted their gasped horror, it chittered with mouths and mouths of sharp, gleaming teeth. And it was an awful thing, a hollow thing, a void in sight itself that squelched against wisping trunks and oozed its fat tendrils through to eat away at the wasted light. It drowned them in another chittering wail, devouring their Song before its own warped and twisted into hysterical laughter.
The younglings shook and gasped but then they tried to rekindle their prayer, tried to bring their voices back and ward it off with Breath and Song.
But the Nothing would not allow it. It oozed outward to envelop the remaining trees and Lyrza howled, first in fear and then in rage. She sniffed deep, hind legs firm in the dust and fired her bolts at the horror's bobbing eyes.
She hit, perfect shots every one, earning a gasped cheer from the other as each blue rod sunk into the black. Then, one after another, they sunk deeper and deeper until they were consumed by the icy bright.
The living darkness tittered and oozed ever-closer.
Growl fierce, near a howl, Lyrza sung more and more bolts into its dark, into its eyes. And when they, too, were consumed she screamed and made to lunge. But Merai stopped her, with quick paws she motioned her back and then she, too, slung her weapons true.
Blurs of silver and blue blades glinted through the cyan-lit wood, but no sound rang as their sharp tips sunk into the darkness. Merai howled and drew more blood, to shape and throw and Loahl’s snapped warning was lost in that howl, unheard by Naerni as he broke from the circle, fueling his thin sword with more blood until it towered above him.
And the Nothing's laughter pitched higher still, rising above the chittering mass of too many mouths to screech through the wrath of Loahl's charges...and Naerni dropped in it. Like a rock he dropped, his battered knees cracked with the weight and he wailed and slapped his ears tight to his head. Yet, with his eyes so tight, he could not see how close the shadows had slithered, or the black knives that snapped from its hateful dark.
Torn tails whipped past the other Reapers, past Loahl, splattering all in Naerni’s silvery-blues. Gasping wails chased them, shredded from Naerni’s throat as the Nothing lurched all its oozing mass toward him, hungry for a greater taste. Its tendrils trapped him, arms and legs, and twisted tighter and tighter until they bathed the parched, gray dust in his shimmering blood. The crack of his bones shattered the circle, shattered the Reapers, and Merai's tears glittered in a mournful rain as she rushed toward the squelch of Naerni’s flesh.
Fresh blades held fast above her, she coiled her tails and sprung high. All her strength stabbed into Naerni’s tethers, through shadow and dust, and the Nothing accepted them. Greedily it slurped them up and its mouths giggled, high and gleeful, as it fed more tendrils to her eager meat.
Merai was lost, as Naerni was lost, their limbs too sweet a treat to the slick teeth of the Nothing. And so was Loahl lost, to the weight of what he had led them into. The horrors he had wrought through careless pride.
His axes fell to the dust as Merai’s head fell from her neck and Lyrza was quick, almost too quick, but Loahl caught her and held her tight.  Her hot tears stained his fur as she thrashed and howled, but Loahl kept hold. He would not lose another.
“The Lady calls them, Lyrza,” he whispered, head tight against hers. “We must let them go.”
But she did not fall into his comfort; instead she jerked her head away to glare into his blurring eyes and growled, “Loahl let them go, as Loahl let others go. I will not lose my grip so easy.” She wriggled again...and he let her go. 
Lyrza spat at his knees before howling toward the Nothing. And Loahl stared at the ashen ground, closing his eyes when her broken screams joined the others as she, too, was lost.
How quickly we failed, his thoughts chided as he wiped the tears from his fur. Then he sucked in a breath and tore open his matted arms, adding too much blood to the dust. But there is a gasp, a whisper of a chance. He huffed the stench of his charges’ blood from his nostrils and plunged his claws into the numb earth, intent on delivering that chance, to warn if not to fight. 
Connection made, Loahl closed his eyes and listened.
He sought the Lady, he sought Her Song, so thin in the air of the Darklands but full and throbbing through the snapping bones of his charges. Then, willing the chaos of his mind into singular purpose, the prayer left his dark lips in a whimper.
And the Lady answered.
A distant, solemn melody, Her Song danced above the Nothing, even as it cackled and lurched ever nearer. The Song beat in rhythm with Loahl's own and crescendoed into his anxious mind and he hummed to that mournful tune, conjuring the wild magics of the Breath that carried it. Then the prismatic vapors which pulsed through the lands—all lands—flickered into his consciousness.
The honeycombed burrows of the Fyrni were what he ached for in those warbling mists, his warren, his home. And he called to them, with all his Breath he begged for them and, pulling in the memories of that sweet, electric odor, he added those notes to his Song.
Below him his shadow dripped into existence, tattered and rippling. Its yellow eyes were dull and blinking as it peeled from the ground far too jittered, far too frail. But, though faded and hardly pulsing, the Path yet formed inside its dim and oh, how that colorful bright teased. It whispered promises to burn away his wounds, to wrap him in its warmth...even ferry him home.
Distorted figures of his fellow Speakers flashed in the portal. Their expressions were pained, twisted with the same agony and loss that twisted his, but their claws extended. Toward him they reached, soaked in comfort and safety. Yet Loahl had not called for safety.
He did not deserve safety.
What he Sang was to be a warning, to tell of his failure and beg them to Weave the younglings before their Breath became too thin for the Lady to take.
“The younglings,” He pleaded in a gulp, a choke as the path’s color wavered. “Weave!” He shouted it again and again into his shadow but the chill hands took him, yanked him from the periphery…and his last chance at redemption. His shadow howled, as he howled, both ripped from the Darklands by one fuller and darker than either.
Then it spat them into the Lady's lands, onto moist ground and rough grass, and Loahl had but a beat to taste the blood on his tongue before those shadows descended on him.
From all directions their tendrils snapped, trapping his limbs far too slow. Their barbed blades twisted next, constricting the flow of blood in his veins and Breath in his lungs, but the Nothing would not afford him the quick end it had given his charges. It would not be content merely to rake and to tear. 
It wanted all of him.
The whole of those fetid shadows, with its walls of gleaming darkness full and looming, pressed in tighter and tighter still until all sound sunk to a low pulse beneath its laughter. Laughter that wove its discordant voices with those more painful to Loahl's ears and he sobbed as the tendrils wriggled and the distorted, agonized voices of his younglings echoed through the Nothing's mouths.
Those voices sang, bitter and frightened as the vile shadows explored his flesh. The Nothing prodded and dug, wrenching clogged and gasping howls from Loahl's lips while its chill fingers slithered through every scrap of Breath and bone. His lost younglings, his failure as guardian, beat against his skull, nourished by deeper tendrils through eyes and ears.
And he heard it then, his own shadow howling mad as the greater darkness upon him tore it loose...devoured it. The Nothing spiked after, it squelched and rippled with the taste of his shadow’s memories and Loahl felt it. Even as thoughts not his own filled his mind and his own sparkling life soaked his fur, thick and viscous—its heat cooling fast—he felt the icy stab of teeth into his shadow. Into the lost life that tethered his Breath to the Darklands, to the Lady’s.
Loahl shivered then, from cold or pain he could no longer discern but he shivered and he braced for the end, for when the Nothing would devour him as it had his charges. He braced and he braced, through the numbness of suffering too great he waited for it, begged for it, pleaded with every fiber of his being for oblivion.
But the howls would not quiet, the blades would not cease; no end was coming. Then, with a final breath of agonized clarity, Loahl knew that none ever would. It would not stop until he had become part of it, one with it, until he had become Nothing.
Until all had become Nothing…
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rove-bogge · 1 year
Blinding white turns to grey as the temperature drops. For a moment it feels like he’s sinking through water till eyes flutter open to monochrome and the soft clutter of his feet landing on wood?Marbel? He wasn’t sure. He shuddered as the chill seeped into his clothing as he pulled out the mirror from his chest pouch to call through only to frown deeply as he received nothing back. Great a dud… Looking round he saw none of his team around. Alone, he clutched his jacket around him to try and comfort his stress as he started ascending the stairs calling out for anyone who could be near. As he turned one spiral he caught sight of someone ahead of him. Picking up pace into a run he gripped the side rail breath panting. “H-HEY!” He called out hoping the person ahead of him was another student. ~~~ @crossedtheline @silverknightpiece @thecoachman
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gayfrasier · 1 year
okay I'm gonna put all these together
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I dont have a date for this one but it's by George frank Higgins and. Jesus. Look at the perfect mirror of sky and water and the sheer texture of that fauna. the texture is insane on this one.
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in a similar vein but THE SHADOWS. GOD. it's such a perfect recreation of how light plays when the sun is partially obscured and I lovveeeee ittttt. ugh. Ulrich fisher moonlight on the loop at Ormond (1940)
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UMMMMMM. HELLO GORGEOUS!!!! THE COLORS!!!! THE RENDERING OF THE WATER!!!! this beautiful homage to an element of Florida landscape so often forgotten and considered unremarkable!!! she's positively ethereal in this context!!! OUTSTANDING!!! AND ITS WATERCOLOR. THE RICHNESS OF THAT FOREGROUND IS ALLLLL WATERCOLOR! Sandra deArmas Lloyd, water in the tracks (1980)
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UMMMMM. AGAIN. ME AN MY MONOCHROME. she's haunting. literally. that figure in the distance looks like it's looming in the isolation. it's desolate and beautiful and POSITIVELY SUBLIME! I didn't get a good picture of the identifying info for this one SORRY.
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and then. there's her. why they hung her above eye level I have no idea but. LOOK. LOOOOOK. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY!!!!!!!! that early morning blue cast on the walls!!! somber and depressing as you drag yourself for the day!!!!! brightening the land and bolstering your spirit!!! THE GATHERING!!!!!!!!! THE SENSE OF COMMUNITY!!! ITS TOO MUCH!!!!! MONOCHROMMEEEEEEEE. UGH. Everett shin. before dawn. 1944.
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redstrewn · 1 year
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My reflection doesn't show in the dropped mirror It disappears when light shines on it
It's so bright Hey, it's bright, ah  All my heart may vanish away
The sorrowful fish drowned in a moonlit night can be seen when the light goes away
Hey, I'm scared Hey, hold my hand, ah Until sleeps calls on me
Once the sun comes out, sow lunaria in the sky When light dances in a distant land The monochrome night changes its color Smile, tell me you're not scared anymore
I'm sad Hey, I'm sad, ah The distorted sun falls
The voice of that beast who eats sleep  echoes in the silence of the dark night
Hey, be quiet Hey, be quiet, ah I heard a voice calling me
Once the sun comes out, sow lunaria in the sky When the black darkness wraps around me Steal my heart, don't let go of my hand Take me to where the light awaits
Once the sun comes out
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dashodist · 4 months
〘⠀ᛝ ּ 🎀🪽◞ ˚̣̣̣ 摆姿势 ִֶ 𓂃 dressed to impress, we turning the bottega into runways with a playful clash of punk rock and pinkish plush. every frill floss tells a story, from the kitschy charms that jangle with each step to the belts that cinch our unapologetic hip chic.
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︵ ︵ ིྀ ּ 🎀﹙오려고 한다﹚ ☆ ⋆ / 𖥻𝙷𝙾𝚃 𝙼𝙴𝚂𝚂 .. % each frame bursts with its iconic aesthetic—think sugar, spice, and everything fabulously nice. as they say, “So if U like my world, I can take you to MY world” ─ o’ what a glittering, chaotic world it promises to be!
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₊˚ˑ 𓂃 ★ ₊ ׁ cosmic queens alert! ⁴⁴⁴✗ ₊ ☆ aespa has officially landed in the starry scape of pop culture with their luminous Japan debut, ‘𝙷𝚘𝚝 𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜’! swirling in a galaxy of glitter and dreams, each portrait captures their ethereal charm and unapologetic flair.
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ꤠ ˙ ִ ˖ 최상의 시기 ࣪ 𓈒 midnight muses in monochrome! as the night deepens, our style speaks volumes—bold, unbridled, and beautifully enigmatic. here, in a realm painted in shades of twilight and intrigue, we don black lace and leather, whispering secrets of a shadowy chic.
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𖦹 그림자⛶. .✼ xX3.o ₊ ⊹ caught in a moment of joyous abandon, i found myself dancing through the corridors of life, one carefree step at a time. today, i’m draped in layers of dark charm and grunge, a blend of soft and strong that mirrors the dance of contrasts within me.
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𝅄 ⭒ 𓄳 +(𝟭𝟭𝟭)% stepping into the spotlight with a fierce gaze and a fiery heart, tonight is all about embracing the bold and the beautiful. 🌹⠀̸ 홍조를 띠다★ ” under the crimson glow, my soul dances to the rhythm of the beat, each step a declaration of strength and style.
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𝄿𓉱 ׅ 매끈매끈한 장미 ۪ܺׄ⃞ ♥︎𝀉 beneath the sultry veil of crimson lights, here i stand, a whispered promise of enigmatic allure and unabashed boldness. 🌹˖࣪ ∿ 🌙 ₊ ⊹ this moment, caught between the folds of rich velvet and the warm glow that dances across my skin.
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valiantharpoon · 6 months
"The Dead Don't Wear Pants"
Written by: V Harpoon
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Chapter 9:
On the stranger side of the world, Brad W. leans on the edge of the long pier. His coat brushes aside the splinters as he gazes at the moon's reflection. Dayna crawls in his thoughts. Nothing jealous in nature, just the mission. Val is a good agent, his plot armor seems to hold him together. Dayna even more so, yet this sharp something won't leave his guts. In the corner of his right eye, the one imbued with Astral Sight, a faint blue shimmer joins Brad on the floating wood.
Brad glances down at the ghost's nudity. Why don't clothes appear in the afterlife? Most of them are made of things that once were alive, so why not? Because, as Brad thought, God loves a good dick joke. The one beside Brad has a huge hog. It even sways in the breeze. Why? The same reason Brad thought about Dayna. Irony.
Brad: "Phil. How's things?"
Phil moans incoherently.
Brad: "Carol, how's she?"
Phil grunts and drools.
Brad: "You're a chatterbox, Phil."
Phil is missing the upper half of his head.
Brad: "Lucky."
Brad thought of Dayna's soft lips as he huddles in the cold subtle wind and Phil wanders away onto the water. Brad watches the moon ripple around him. One of Brad's eyes can see the magic of reality, while also illuminating everything else unseen. The moon isn't just a pale sliver but a pulsing orb around which a rainbow of aether swirls. The delicate mist that coats the world of death. A mist that the dead cannot see, because of... more irony. Brad tries to shake their last conversation away, but his phone beeps a text and then rings. It's her... of course.
Dayna: "Brad, things are getting stronger. We need you to here quickly. We need an anchor. Something ancient is awake."
Brad: "Hi."
Dayna, sighs: "Sorry. I'm being intense."
Brad: "No worries. It's that serious?"
Dayna: "Worse than Calhoun."
Brad sighs: "Fun. Ok, I'll be there."
Dayna: "I sent you the address."
Brad: "Brass involved yet?"
Dayna: "Soon. I trust you more."
Brad: "Thanks."
Dayna: "Val says to bring the Amulet."
Brad: "I'll make a pitstop."
Dayna: "Thanks, Brad."
Brad: "Anytime."
Brad's flights are expedited, the Amulet of Astro acquired from a corporate base, and he lands at the small airport next to Stonehawk Lake. Val's uncanny ability to heal the story clicks into action. Still, no one is there to pick up Brad at the small airport and Dayna isn't answering. Brad asked about a rental car, got a red sedan, and soon pulled into the parking lot of Hard Egg Diner.
That's when the sky coats black. The wind accelerates and a strange whistling pierces the mix. The air above the diner swirls in a storm of ghosts. A rainbow of colors muted by an evil sludgy mist that whirlpools over the entire lake and mountain. Spirits and ghasts blur as they screech and haunt. A fierce glow of white light bursts in the middle of the diner as Brad reaches the clean glass entrance. His hand still on the handle and holds him.
The strange whistling pierces from the white orb. Brad sees both realities at the same time, but moments pass as he collects himself. In that time he sees his own face in the mirror ahead and the intense gaze in his friends eyes. They were watching a scene that shouldn't be, but is happening. Somewhere in the nexus.
A bronzed, muscular man is bent over and is being penetrated by a human sized monochrome mouse. They both moan, grunt, and whistle with ecstasy. The mouse's cartoon cock slides as the man oozes clear onto the blue runner rug. A whistle and a grunt exchange. Tarzan backs up as Steamboat Willie grips those glutes of tanned steel.
Brad can see that these characters are still in their own dimension, but are on display here. He can even smell the lust, sweat, and even the sweet sting of anal love. Willie pulls out and thrusts balls deep, making a sloppy popping sound. Tarzan moans and strokes himself. They seem to be close to eruption.
Brad closes his eyes and focuses, drawing power from Dayna's Astral Battery ability across the room. She is consumed by the horny actions of unreality. Brad glances at the bright orb and chants words too confidential to write down. Brad closes his right eye and the orb flattens into nothing, like an old TV turning off. The entire diner shakes their heads as they awaken. Val notices Brad first.
Val: "Glad we called backup."
Brad shrugs: "Was lurking around anyway. You should've..."
Dayna: "Things are getting weirder."
Brad: "Weird how?"
Val: "Like the author of this mystery is changing things as they go, not realizing that they're putting us through it."
Brad: "This is one of those cases that we won't remember later, reference, or get a sequel to, because of... reasons, isn't it?"
Dayna, hits the vape: "Beyond these words we don't exist."
Val: "The company motto."
Sheriff M: "Still, people are dying..."
Brad: "Maybe, we can fix that too. How gullible is this mysterious writer?"
Val: "Depends on how you spell it."
Tony: "Are you sure there's a writer?"
Bailey: "Are you sure there's a story?"
Dayna: "Nope. Just a feeling."
Barb stands: "Coffee, dear?"
Brad nods: "Yes, ma'am. Thanks."
Dayna sips hers: "Guess we should start with some introductions..."
Brad W lays down on the hard hotel bed, wearing only his soft black briefs. He thinks about the cartoon skin and that somewhere deep in the jungle. He thinks about his job, his parents, his name, his history, and finally about Jessica B. His lower memory bounces quickly. Brad gropes mindlessly at the hard lump pulsing below the soft black cotton.
The hotel room is warm in temperature and color tones. He's turned the TV on low volume. Lights dance on the ceiling as the audience laughs. The covers Brad lies on are red flannel and comfortable. His thoughts return to Jessica. Her mouth and its lingering flavor. Her eyes watching his satisfaction. Her sounds confiding in him a sense of passion.
Brad wriggles up against the headboard, his thickness rubbing and poking upright. The cotton holds his erection poorly now, but he doesn't mind. He thinks of Jessica and her pert breasts pressed against him. The motion of her anatomy and her short bob hair she ended up hating. He grips his cock and watches a pearl glisten at its tip in the lamplight.
He spits in his left hand, licks the first three fingers, and wraps his warm digits around his hot bulb and tree-trunk hard shaft. The saliva is viscous and just enough. He smooths over his seam just underneath. His shaft pushes back against his grip. The moan of ultimate ecstasy arrives sooner and unintentionally. The want of keeping a sensation cresting, but as Brad strokes himself, his mind is flooded with Dayna, Val, and a stranger they've always known. All the background noise and stories are burning into his mind. He feels like he's always been a part of this. He's the catalyst.
Brad ejaculates like a geyser. He twists and his hand feels along his stomach. A grin of incomprehensible joy from a memory he shouldn't have. The splooge cascades along Brad's body, briefs at his knees, eyes rolled up into a trance, body twitching, mouth foaming, now floating above the bed, strings of semen stretching, now lowering back to the bed, and finally a knocking at the hardwood door. Brad blinks aggressively, trying to return to normal.
He sees the state of himself, hears the knocking, pulls up his briefs, swallows what organic globs he can see, tasting his tangy sweet residue, and then drapes a flannel bathrobe over himself. Brad answers the door, but the biggest question on his lips is "Who the hell is Jessica?" He knows he may never get that answer, but there it sits. Maybe I can ask this stuff to the author, he ponders. Maybe...
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xasha777 · 6 months
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In a world where the hue of one's attire and the richness of their adornments dictated the hierarchy of power, there existed a place unlike any other—the Kingdom of Chromatia. This was a land where the brilliance of color was both currency and creed, and at its heart sat the Glowing Throne, ruled by the alabaster-skinned, flame-garbed Queen Vespertine.
Queen Vespertine was no ordinary ruler. Her skin was as pale as the moons of Thessaly IV, and her hair as white as the comets that graced the night sky. Her eyes, a piercing cerulean, mirrored the depth of Chromatia’s fabled Azure Sea. She was the last of the Solar Lineage, born during a cosmic event when a star fell into the ocean, its fiery heart forging the first of the Flame Jewels that now adorned her regal form.
The story unfolds as Queen Vespertine, draped in her traditional garb of solar orange—a hue so vibrant it seemed to pulse with the very life of a star—stood before her council. She wore the Flower of Rigel, a living bloom that thrived in the vacuum of space, upon her head. Her neck and arms were bedecked with baubles and beads made of condensed stardust, each piece telling a tale of her ancestors' journeys through the galaxy.
But all was not well in Chromatia. The colors were dimming. A specter of monochrome bleakness threatened the vibrancy of their world, creeping across the fabric of reality like a shade drawn slowly across a pane of glass. It was said that the pallid shadow was the work of the Void King, a mythical usurper from the dark recesses of the universe where no light dared to venture.
In her luminescent chambers, Queen Vespertine received an envoy from the Fringe Planets—mysterious visitors robed in fabric that absorbed light, rendering their figures almost invisible. They brought with them a prophecy that told of a union, one that would bring balance to the light and dark, the chromatic and the void.
To combat the encroaching dullness, Vespertine was to seek the counsel of the Color Conclave, a nebulous gathering of beings who could manipulate the spectrum in ways no Chromatian could fathom. But to reach them, she would have to undertake a journey across the starways, through asteroid fields of shimmering minerals and past nebulae that painted the void with ethereal brushstrokes.
The Queen embarked on her star yacht, the Iridescent, her flame-like dress trailing behind her like the tail of a shooting star. Accompanied by her loyal Knights of Spectrum, warriors who wielded swords forged from prism glass that refracted light into dazzling arrays, Vespertine journeyed toward the edge of her known universe.
As they approached the meeting place of the Conclave, the cosmos seemed to sing with chromatic harmony, welcoming their solar queen. The beings of the Conclave emerged from the cosmic canvas, their forms ever-shifting, colors swirling in patterns that the human eye had never seen.
With their guidance, Vespertine harnessed the full spectrum of light, weaving it into a tapestry of radiant energy. With this newfound power, she returned to Chromatia, her aura now a cascade of hues that danced upon her skin and radiated across her kingdom.
The final battle against the Void King was fought not with swords, but with splendor. Queen Vespertine stood upon the highest tower of her palace, a beacon of brilliance against the dark. She released the spectrum she had woven, and it spread like dawn across the land, repelling the void and restoring the colors to their former glory.
In the aftermath of victory, the Queen's attire was no longer just a symbol of her station, but a testament to the unity of light and dark. Under her reign, Chromatia flourished in a renaissance of color, each citizen a vibrant thread in the fabric of their society.
And so the tale of Queen Vespertine passed into legend, a story of a ruler whose light conquered darkness, whose royalty transcended the throne, and whose legacy was written in the very spectrum of her world.
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