#lanie chase
arrowverse-next-gen · 4 months
I'll Never Let You Go
It's the third time. The third time Wes and Jon tried to say 'i do', and things turned into a disaster again.
The first time was Lex Luthor dropping the bomb (figuratively) on Superman and Jon that he had cloned Clark, and was hiding the kid below a kryptonite bomb (literally), for fun. That of course put the wedding off. And to be honest, Wes was glad that time. Everything felt too showy. Star City's mayor and IT Goddess' foster son set to marry into Metropolis reporting dynasty.
The second time they almost got hitched, they got all the way to the alter before a time worm ate half of Central City... He's blaming that one on Barry Allen.
And now here they are. It was supposed to be a small gathering just friends and family. But of course nothing can go right for them.
He's sitting in the bunker as Q finishes up the sutures on his right shoulder. He's telling him how to apply the balm to take care of it, and Wes should listen, otherwise he'll be left with one hell of a scar. But he can't seem to focus on anything.
Not when the image of Adrian was burned into his mind, kryptonite arrow knocked in place aiming for Jon and Lanie. His family.
The man had destroyed the city, killed his mother, and tried time and again to hurt the only people who had been willing to take him in, and now he threatened the family Wes had built for himself.
Without thinking he stepped in the way, taking the arrow straight into his shoulder. Lanie screamed, Jon reached for him but was pulled back by the other supers. It took Clark, Mon-El, Kara, and Allie to hold him still. And Wes broke watching. The one thing that could keep them apart his father used against them. And it felt like darkness across his heart.
"That's all of it," Q said as he pressed the bandage in place. "But I still want you to come in to the clinic next week for a follow up."
"Thanks doc," he quipped, trying to press a smile to his face. It's how he dealt with things when Adrian came into it. But Q's gaze told him he wasn't quite done.
"As someone with a psychotic father figure," he started but Wes cut him off.
"Don't okay," he sighed. "We can trauma bond later, but right now I can't okay?"
"That's fair."
He needed to talk to Jon, apologize for all that happened. Wes needed him to know that if this was too much, if he needed time to process Adrian being back, they could postpone again. As much as that thought broke his heart.
As if he sensed Wes' thoughts, Jon came over to them, the nervousness radiating off him in waves
"All good?" He asked, and while the question was directed at Quincy, Wes could tell Jon was talking mostly to him.
"Clear of kryptonite," Q replied. "Ronnie and HD took it off site to analyze the composite and see if we can figure out how zombie Chase got a hold of it."
"Zombie Chase?" Wes raised a brow.
Q shrugged. "Seemed shorter than recently resurrected evil dad." He looked between the two of them. " I'm gonna go go see if anyone else needs patched up."
Wes wished he hadn't left so abruptly, wanting to find a way to ease into the conversation he desperately didn't want to have with Jon. It's like he could feel the ground beneath him start to crumble. He wanted to reach out, to hold on to the life he'd been trying to build, even for just a second longer.
"I'm sorry--" "I wanna talk..."
Their words mixed and tangled together and Wes felt like his heart would crack.
"Wait?" Jon looked at him perplexed. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because my father shot at you with the only thing on this planet that could kill you."
Jon shook his head leaning in until their foreheads pressed together. Wes breathed in the scent of hay and the aftershave Jon had been wearing since they met all those years ago. Before Wes knew he'd fall so hard for the Smallville farm boy that he felt the earth would implode on itself if anyone tried to hurt him.
"You stepped in the way," it sounded accusatory.
"He was gonna kill you."
"And he *almost* killed you," Jon pleaded. His lips dusting a kiss on Wes' cheek .
"I had to protect you and Lanie," he replied. "You two are everything to me."
The longest of silences passed before Jon spoke. "Marry me."
Wes shifted to meet Jon's eyes. His love looked as if nothing could shake his resolve.
"Kinda been tryna do that for a few months now, if you hadn't noticed?"
He shook his dark locks. "Not a month from now when we rebook a venue. Not after we pick beef or chicken or new flowers. Now. Right here, right now. Everyone I need to be there is right here. So I don't want to wait. I wanna be with you forever Wes, so let's get married."
So in the end they weren't wearing pristine tuxes, and Lanie's hair wasn't in a braid crown atop her head. They didn't have speeches or rehearsed vows, but what they did have was even more special.
They had Oliver do the ceremony and shared a hostess cupcake that Lanie insisted on the biggest bite of. And they laughed when the cream filling covered the bridge of her nose.
It wasn't grand or spectacular. But in the end, it turns out, they didn't need all those things. Not when the end result was the three of them finally being the family they had always longed for.
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timotheechalamats · 1 year
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OC IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE: Lani Liu from Outer Banks in The Last of Us 2.
*Spoilers for TLOU2*
"You never told me how you got here, princess — what's funny?" "No one's called me princess in a long time." "Everyone here calls you princess." "Not to my face." "Oh." "Um — but I'm from North Carolina. There was this little base camp over there for quite awhile — lots of rich families from the island and soldiers who volunteered their time to help protect everyone. Figured out if you shut down the two roads to get onto the island, there wouldn't be as many infected or raiders that could get in. We could live in peace, and we did for long time. I grew up there — had an actual childhood on the beach. And when people started to figure out what we had, they tried to get in...Night after night, we were woken up by gunfire and as the sun rose, we buried the bodies of people who protected us for years." "Wow." "One night — uh — I was on the beach with my best friend. We weren't supposed to be there after dark, but we didn't care and we wanted to have a bonfire...Um, she died that night — there was some runners, and we had less soldiers to protect us. The next week the entire island was overrun by infected and raiders, so my boyfriend and I left and traveled west...Got found by Tommy in Nebraska, I think." "Boyfriend?" "Yeah. He didn't make it all the way to Jackson — I lost him before I met Tommy." "I'm sorry." "It's OK. I met Ellie and — Joel when I got here. And you know what happened after that..."
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leilanihours · 4 days
hiii ! req for paige x teammate gf reader (they're in a secret rs but the teammates know) — when kk and ice went live on insta then while they're interacting with fans, they didn't notice that paige and her gf is shown in the live while they're cuddling and kissing on the bed until they saw a comment about them. You can add anything you want to add, this is just my idea hehe THANKS !!!!
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pairing: paige bueckers x gf!reader
word count: 1657
warnings: none!
summary: your relationship with paige gets exposed, but with her still in your arms, is it really the end of the world?
⭑ from lani: idk how to feel abt this one and lowk feel like my work has been so flat lately but fuck it we ball 😭
“OKAY SO BOOM,” you hear your teammate, kk, say to her phone, “we back with another insta live! how y’all doin’?”
“kk someone said they saw you at chick-fil-a being a big back, can you confirm?” ice snickers as she reads a viewer’s comment.
“man, y’all never stop, huh?” kk side-eyes jokingly.
you giggle off-camera as you peer over your girlfriend’s shoulder to watch the two girls interact with fans. you were rested against the headboard of your hotel bed, paige lying comfortably on top of you with her arms around your torso and face buried in your neck.
you aimlessly rubbed her taut muscles underneath her loose shirt, relieving her stress from the game earlier in the day. the team was currently away from its home in connecticut, as they had an away-game against ohio state.
the huskies won, of course, but the score was much too close for anyone’s comfort, especially paige’s. with this season being her first after her acl tear last year, she felt immense pressure to come back twice as good and carry the team on her shoulders all the way to a national championship.
she never talked with anyone about how she was feeling - except with you. she claimed that you were the only one that truly understood her fears and would be able to chase them away simply with your warm smile and passionate words. when she told you this with tears in her eyes from her overwhelming emotions, your heart swelled immensely at her vulnerability.
the two of you had been together for close to a year now, and all your teammates and close friends were aware, but you both opted for a private relationship. there were many reasons as to why this was the decision, the most important being that you knew how the media would react - and neither of you wanted to jeopardize your careers.
there had been a few rumors and speculations about your particular closeness with the blonde, but you had been very careful around the cameras, ensuring that no one would have concrete evidence of your relationship.
as of right now, your entanglement with paige was out of frame, shielding you two from the camera and live viewers. paige was half asleep on her phone, still nestled in your arms while you listened in on your teammates’ silly bickering.
“i know they’re beefing right now but kendrick definitely won!” kk exclaims.
“okay, but who’s the better artist overall?” ice responds as her eyes scan the rapid-fire comments.
“that’s not even the point of this discussion, bro.”
“whatever,” ice laughs, shaking her head, “someone asked where everyone else is - yanna and aubrey are out getting dunkin for all of us, nika is already sleeping, aaliyah is taking a shower, and…” she stops herself before she mentions you and paige, “i actually don’t know what everyone else is doing.”
“what are you talkin’ about, ice? paige and-“ kk is cut off by ice swiftly kicking her leg under the table they’re sat at. she gives her a pointed glare as if to say “shut the hell up,” which makes you chuckle.
“anyways…” ice moves on from the close slip-up, “did y’all watch the game today? i think it was on youtube live or something.”
you tune out of their conversation when you feel paige groan lightly into your skin.
“you okay, babe?” you whisper into her ear.
“mhm,” she responds with a slight rasp in her voice, “can you do that thing you were doin’ earlier, though?”
“what thing?” you didn’t even notice what you were doing, or at least what you stopped doing, until she mentioned it.
“when you rub my back,” she answers.
“you like that?”
“'course i do,” she hums, “it’s like a massage.”
a flushed smile graces your face as you go back to caressing her soft skin, focusing on her tense muscles. when you press particularly hard on her lower back, she lets out a satisfied groan as she drops the arm that was stretched and holding her phone.
you can practically feel her melt into your embrace entirely, body going limp as she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. after placing a delicate kiss on her head, you too let your eyes close as you began to fall asleep with her.
“kk, i think they want you to sing,” ice says, pointing to one of the messages on the screen.
“oh i gotchu,” she smiles, instantly getting up from her chair, “what song should i sing?”
“do…” ice responds before reading one of the fans’ suggestions, “oh someone said do adorn by miguel.”
“that’s a good one, okay let me warm up a bit,” she says before obnoxiously and very poorly attempting to do vocal runs to “warm up her voice.”
“hold on you’re, like, not in frame right now,” ice says before she slightly adjusts the camera so that kk can be seen clearly.
but unbeknownst to all of you, your compromised position with paige can now also be seen clearly. you were too comfortable in your slumber and on the girl in your arms to pay attention to what the camera was showing.
kk was too busy "performing" for the fans and ice was too busy making fun of her for doing so, which is why nobody knew what what going on.
"did she eat guys?" ice asks the fans with a grin as kk sits back down, slightly out of breath from dancing.
both of them scan the comments, slightly confused with furrowed eyebrows at what the comments were talking about. it certainly wasn't about kk or ice.
user01: OH MY GOD
user03: is that who i think it is in the bg 😳
at the third comment they read, they both inch closer to the screen to try and understand what their fans' were so enthralled by.
ice is first to realize how you and paige could easily be seen cuddling on the bed behind her and kk. with wide eyes, she quickly yet subtley moved the camera so that you and paige were once again hidden.
kk, still oblivious as to what they were so focused on, whispered to ice, "what happened?"
"they saw paige and y/n," ice replied putting a hand up to cover her mouth while leaning to whisper back in kk's ear.
now it was kk's turn to widen her eyes and cover her mouth, this time in shock. she turned to look back at you two, still fast asleep with arms intertwined.
she stood up from her chair and moved to block the bed entirely, not wanting another incident to happen. she knew that the fans loved to screenshot and record their lives, which always ended up being posted all over social media no matter what.
she also knew that she and ice would be getting an earful from you two once you caught drift of the situation.
you began to wake up as soon as you felt your girlfriend move from her position on top of you. she’s now next to you, head resting on your shoulder as one of her arms rests on your stomach.
“where you goin’?” you mumble, voice hoarse from just waking up. you were only half awake but you could tell that the room was now empty, the silence comforting and sunrise peeking through the hotel blinds.
“nowhere, ma, i’m right here,” paige rasps with a light kiss to your collarbone.
you were about to fall back asleep but are disturbed by your phone vibrating violently next to you. with a tired groan, you blindly reach for it in an attempt to silence it. even as you pick it up and unlock it, you are still bombarded with notifactions from all kinds of social apps - instagram, tiktok, twitter - you name it.
you’re now awake with curiosity, confused as to why you’re getting so many messages. you usually had your phone on “do not disturb” with the exceptions of your family, friends, and select media accounts. you scroll aimlessly through some of your dms, but when you don’t find an answer, you relocate and scroll through your explore feed.
your eyes shoot open as you register one of the top posts - a video clip of you and paige sleeping peacefully behind ice and kk on live.
"what?" paige mumbles into your shirt.
"look," you nudge her, showing her the post on your screen.
"oh shit."
"my thoughts exactly..." you say, heart beating faster with anxiety at the thought of your careers at risk, "what do we do?"
"i mean," she starts cautiously, "i don't think there's much we can do."
as much as you hated to hear it, it was the truth. clips and captures had already spread like wildfire. people have always speculated and theorized, but with this mishap, their suspicions were practically confirmed.
paige sits up against the headboard of the bed when she notices your reaction - or lack thereof. your expression remains unmoved as you think of any way to de-escalate the situation.
"hey," she says, grabbing your phone from your grasp, "don't stress it too much, alright? what's done is done, and all we can do is act normal - like nothing happened. i can even beat up ice and kk if you want."
you know she's only half joking but the sentiment brightens your mood, "you're right. thanks, p."
"whatever it takes to get you off your phone and back under this blanket," she shrugs, "i mean, did you see the time? we have a full hour before we have to meet up with the team, i'm not letting it go to waste."
"so you're spending it...sleeping?" you giggle.
"no," she protests, "i'm spending it in a nice ass bed with my beautiful girlfriend."
"and who is this girlfriend?" you tease.
"at this point, i think the whole world knows it's you, ma."
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wileys-russo · 5 months
Alanna kennedy "did you just call her babe?" Café
secrets out II a.kennedy
you woke to the sound of your alarm, blinking tiredly and reaching out blindly for your phone. smacking around on the nightstand for a moment you eventually found it, tapping stop and exhaling deeply.
you draped an arm over your face with a wince as there was a gust of wind through the open window causing the blinds to swing and a ray of sunshine to hit you right in the face.
blinking a few more times and rubbing at your eyes you let out a large yawn as the body in bed beside you shifted, a long tanned and tattooed arm stretching over your stomach where your shirt had ridden up.
you glanced beside you with a smile seeing the blondes eyes closed as her nose twitched every now and then, lips parted ever so slightly as she breathed steadily in and out, not even stirring at the sound of the alarm to your amusement.
pushing the duvet off you a little with a stretch your fingers absentmindedly traced the little pieces of art sporadically scattered across the defenders arm. you could tell she had started to awaken as her grip tightened and you continued your tracing.
you knew she was properly awake as her arm accidentally moved upwards, her knuckles grazing your naked chest as you shook your head.
"good morning alanna." you spoke with a knowing smile as the taller girl rolled over a little more hiding her face in the pillow as you knew her own lips would be curled into a smile of their own.
"lani!" you laughed as her hand moved now definitely on purpose, slipping even further up your shirt and squeezing your left boob.
"mm i'm still sleeping, this is shaping up to a fantastic dream." the defender sighed rolling onto her side again and keeping her eyes closed but sure enough there was a smirk on her lips as she repeated her previous action and you pushed her away.
"very charming kennedy." you pushed at her shoulder as she cracked one eye open, arm wrapping around your waist again and pulling you into her, embracing you properly as your nose tucked into her collarbone and you placed a gentle kiss to the warm skin.
"good morning." the girl mumbled and you laughed as her hands moved again, this time to squeeze teasingly at your ass as you pushed away from her.
"you're insatiable its eight am." you tutted, sitting up and running a hand through your hair pushing it to one side of your head. "yeah and? perfect time for a morning quickie." the australian grinned now properly awake as she moved you on top of her.
"not when we've got plans at nine lans." you patted her chest with a condescending smile as her own grin was wiped off her face. "what! since when?" she propped herself up a little on her elbows with a frown.
"brunch and the sunday markets with the girls, and we need to drive separately so you have to take me home first." you reminded as the blonde let out a long and tired groan. "you did hear me say quickie right? emphasis on the quick." she tried again, tattooed hands sliding slowly up your thighs which straddled her hips.
"mm nothing quick about anything with you lani, your pace is terrible on and off the pitch." you smiled teasingly, grabbing her hands right before they could dip beneath the waistband of your underwear and pushing them away.
"excuse me!" the australian scoffed in offence and before you could blink she'd effortlessly flipped you so you were now pinned beneath her. "what i might lack in pace i make up for both in strength and stamina, you'd know that better than anyone babe." the blonde grinned wolfishly as her lips ghosted yours and you shook your head.
"i told ras to pick me up for breakfast, she'll be at mine in half an hour." your hand pressed against her chest as she chased your lips for a kiss, apologetic smile on your face as the blonde flopped down on top of you, face buried in your shoulder with a groan.
"well why would you do that!" she huffed rolling off of you and sitting back up with an annoyed glare. "because my post game plans didn't include waking up not in my own bed and we organised breakfast on friday!" you laughed in defence as alanna let out one final long and loud groan, throwing off the duvet and slipping out of bed.
"you and your little social battery are killing my sex life i hope you know that." alanna sighed dramatically with a shake of her head and a stretch. "oh sorry was the six orgasms last night not enough for you kennedy?" you raised your eyebrow in challenge as she padded back over toward you.
"only two of those were mine, pillow princess." the defender smirked teasingly, leaning over you to grab her phone and stealing a kiss as she did. "pillow princess!" you scoffed in disbelief as the australian shrugged.
'hey, i didn't say i was complaining about it babe."
"whats that on your neck?" hayley frowned as you slid into her car, trying not to let the shock register on your face and silently cursing a certain blonde defender you'd just kissed goodbye about ten minutes earlier.
"nothing, just a birth mark." you flipped your hair to the side she was inspecting as the older girl hummed, slight smile on her lips as she decided not to push too much and changing subjects as she pulled out of your driveway.
"of course she's late." alex sighed with a shake of your head as you, hayley, esme, chloe and ellie sat around waiting for alanna who was yet to arrive.
"i'll go order, no help all of us being grumpy and caffeine deprived." you smiled, the coffee dates all too regular among your group of friends as you knew their orders mostly off by heart.
"how is it you can't remember your shorts but you remember the entire teams coffee order?" ellie teased as you stood, shoving her head to the side as you passed her and headed for the counter.
the shorts issue in question was once again alanna's fault. waking up after one one of the first times you'd fallen into bed with her you both realised you'd overslept and were running late, hurrying to get dressed and look half presentable as you zipped off to training, separately of course as nobody but the two of you were aware of your arrangement.
not having planned anything out you had to steal clothes off the blonde aussie which given your glaring height difference was easier said than done, alanna's kit shorts more like jorts on you you'd had to abandon any at all and go with a pair of bike shorts instead.
whatever that arrangement was though both of you seemed to be too scared to ask. some days it was merely a text at three in the morning, manchester blurring past as one of you zoomed over to the other and you'd spend the night together but gone again by the time the sun rose.
other days you'd spend nearly every waking hour messaging back and forth, sneaking off for dinners together or catching a movie after training, dismissing invitations to hang out with your friends with half assed excuses.
"well well well, look who finally decided to show up!" chloe started a slow clap as alanna arrived, rolling her eyes and bowing sarcastically. you gestured to her coffee which sat beside yours as she took the empty seat on your left, smiling gratefully.
"thanks babe." she subtly squeezed your knee under the table but the nickname was not as easy to hide. "did she just call you babe?" ellie was right onto it with a raised eyebrow as alanna paused mid sip, eyes darting to yours apologetically at the slip up.
"yeah, so? she's an aussie they're far too friendly!" you joked to try and cover up but it didn't seem you were going to get off that easily. "mmm but i don't call you babe? am i not aussie enough for you?" hayley smiled smugly as alanna glared at her from the corner of her eye.
"you can call me babe if you like ras, didn't know you'd be so hurt!" you quipped back teasingly as alanna's hand again squeezed your knee but you knew this meant something different all together.
"right. so the matching hickies is just another friendly aussie tradition we've missed out on then?" alex smirked at you from the other end of the table as you winced.
"and the sharing clothes? lani i too would love to have a browse through your wardrobe if you're in such a generous giving mood." esme grinned tugging on the string of the hoodie you wore beneath your puffer vest which was in fact not yours.
"AK...hm those don't seem like your initials now do they?" ellie flipped your wrist over and traced the letters embroidered on the sleeve as alanna let out a deep sigh from beside you, both of you well and truly caught out.
"you will need to save all your questions for the incoming press conference after we've had a coffee and some food!" the australian warned sternly, but her arm wrapped around your shoulders protectively pulling you a little closer as whistles sounded around the table and your face blushed bright red.
"see i told you they were together, you owe me fifty bucks greenwood pay up!"
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lokideservesahug · 3 months
Chasing II
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Pairings: Lando Norris x fem!driver!reader
Warnings: None that I can see!
Notes: Tysm for all of the support on the first part!
Summary: As the race finally approaches, will Lando be able to actauly speak to you in person or will he chicken out again?
•Part 1 •Part 3
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Yourusername: P2 and a truly great weekend! Thank you redbull (and unfortunately) @schecoperez for letting me drive this weekend, it was fantastic!
Liked by Landonorris, Redbullracing and 765,808 others
View all 4,567 comments
User1: Who's that in the 3rd photo pookie??
↳User2: I've had LanY/N for all of about a week and now it has been detroyed💔
↳User3: A week!?!?! Try two years...
Landonorris: You did great this week Y/N well done.
↳Yourusername: Thank you Lando, I couldn't ask for better podium company.
↳Maxverstappen: 👋
↳Yourusername: Oh, hiya Max!
↳Maxverstappen: I heard we were talking about good company on the podium?
↳Yourusername: Yeah we were just talking about Lando dw
↳User4: I just know that Lando saw that comment and giggled
User5: Y/N F1 introduction and soft launch ll in one weekend. I'm afraid no on e can gatekeep her anymore😔
↳User6: Dw babe, its Lando
↳User7: Why? How would you know? HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?
↳User6: Y/N told me herself ofc (I'm delusional
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There will be a part 3 to this!!!
Taglist (idk if you want to be tagged so please let me know if you don't): @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @littlesatanicassholebitch @insanedeathwish @mehrmonga @a-disturbing-self-reflection @ems-alexandra @marymustdie
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niki-phoria · 4 months
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pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 645
notes: not proofread, title from LANY - you!, mullet beomgyu they could never make me hate you
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beomgyu’s face scrunches up; his body stirring at the feeling of your hands twisting through his hair. it’s a comforting feeling - one he would normally enjoy, even - had he not wanted to sleep in longer. 
you can tell he’s awake. his breaths are no longer as deep or slow and his quiet snores have since subsided. but neither of you make any move to start your day. not yet, at least. 
with beomgyu’s eyes still closed, chasing the last remaining remnants of his sleep, you continue to play with his hair. you carefully twist the strands through your fingers, gently scratching your nails against his scalp. you softly smile, brushing stray strands of hair away from his face. 
beomgyu whines softly when your fingers slip out of his hair, instead settling to rest against his shoulder. you chuckle beneath your breath as you lean in, pressing a chaste kiss against the junction of his neck and shoulder. “morning, gyu,” you murmur. 
he quietly grumbles in response, languidly rolling onto his back so he can look up at you. his eyes only flutter open for a second, but it’s still enough time for him to take in the sight of you. your messy strands of disheveled hair framing your face. your soft smile when he looks up at you. your skin shining with a golden glow from the morning sun. you, the love of his life.
beomgyu reaches up to cup your cheek, lazily trailing his fingers against your skin. you wrap your hand around his own, pressing a quick kiss against the inside of his wrist. “i’ll go make some breakfast.”
he reacts quickly, gently grabbing onto your hand. beomgyu intertwines your fingers together - a sign that he’s not ready to let go. it’s a gesture that’s usually reserved for overly dramatic goodbyes in airport terminals or hidden in the safety of your apartment as you send beomgyu off for a long day of work. there are no pressing matters that threaten to keep you out of his arms, but you respect the gesture all the same, quietly slipping back underneath the covers with no complaints. 
“stay,” beomgyu murmurs, wrapping his arms around you. a soft sigh of content escapes his lips as he nuzzles himself against your chest; his body covers yours almost entirely like a giant weighted blanket. his eyes flutter shut once again. “just a little longer.”
you chuckle, but relent without complaints all the same. instead, you reach your hands up to brush your fingers through his hair once again. “we need to get up at some point, you know,” you murmur. “you promised to bake with me today.”
beomgyu hums, though you’re not sure if he’s actually registering the words you’re saying or if they’re just fading into the background like white noise for him to fall back asleep to. 
“we have work tomorrow,” you continue, twisting the strands into makeshift curls. “if we lay in bed today all day, we won’t have time to do anything until our next break.”
you can just barely make out the apology beomgyu mumbles into your t-shirt. his fingers snake underneath the fabric; his fingers trace miscellaneous shapes against the skin on your hips and side. 
a comfortable silence falls over your room once again. your hand falls to beomgyu’s back, now gently soothing the soreness of his body as much as you can. 
“are you ready to get up now?” 
beomgyu lets out a soft hum of discontent. you tilt his face upwards to look up at you as he blinks the sleepiness out of his eyes. pushing himself up, he hovers over you, so close that you can see the mischievous glint his eyes and the corner of his lips beginning to curl into a smirk. 
“five more minutes,” he murmurs just before he presses his lips against yours once again. 
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taglist (open! send a dm/ask to be added): @besciitos
if you liked this fic, please consider leaving a like, comment, feedback, or rebloging !! and if you want to support me, check out my txt materlist <33
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jaetyun · 1 year
How different boys planet trainees would ask you on a date; a thread!
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sung hanbin, gunwook, ricky, taerae, hong hai, keita & gyuvin x gn!reader (all separately) (established friendships with all of them)
genre: tooth rotting fluff, implied school au with hai and gyuvin
wc: 2.4k
a/n: for my friends lani yen and lulu 🫶
Park Gunwook
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swore he was a rizz god
not that he was overcompensating, gunwook was just a confident man!
“im an attractive guy! i dont see why i wouldnt have a shot?”
that was, until he met you
the reality was.. he was anything but a rizzler 💀
giggling like a schoolgirl at a joke you had made, gunwook covered his mouth and quickly cleared his throat. he was not gonna give himself away! in his head, the stone face could come off cool and mysterious. like, he was imagining your very inner monologue! ‘woah! this guys different.. he doesn’t laugh easily. i wonder what he finds funny… i wanna kiss him right at this moment!’ yup! that was definitely you and surely *not* his own thoughts. just to really sell his tough guy-sona, gunwook knew he had to make eye contact. intimidation worked on his dog, why wouldnt it work on people too! although.. he didn’t remember his dogs eyes being this mesmerizing…
“gunwook! are you even listening??”
“i would love to.”
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, causing gunwook to snap back to reality. he sheepishly smiled, blinking a couple times before laughing.
“sorry i-“
“you’d love to what??”
gunwook laughed. not the ‘😭😭’ or the ‘😂’ laugh, the ‘ha.ha.ha’ laugh. he waved his hand, clicking his tongue while trying to think of a bluff. not like that! he would not love to take you on a date and most definitely would not love to date you! so why couldnt he say that out loud?? his mouth seemed to betray him, coughing out pathetically, “ha! what do you… how.. youre.. are you free this friday?”
You chuckled, a sound that melted his heart and any remaining tough-sona left in him. dammit! where did he go wrong? gunwook swore his intimidation was foolproof! still, he couldnt help but shyly bat his eyelashes as you responded to his simple request.
“id love to.”
Ricky Shen
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ricky doesn’t strike me as someone who’d make the first move
“i dont chase, i attract” sort of mentality
it usually worked out for him
that was.. until he saw you getting too close to someone else
you barely made it around the corner before being jumpscared by the tall blonde, who was leaning against the wall waiting for you. his eyes practically burned with envy when you appeared in his view next to them
he frowned, looking at you and simply ignoring their existence. “you ready?”
“for..?” you tilted your head in confusion, giving him a slight side eye.
“Our date.” ricky frowned, no hint of sarcasm in his voice. this only proved to confuse you more, giving a couple of hard blinks before being dragging along by the taller male. you quickly waved bye to your friend, whisper-yelling at ricky once you were down the hallway.
“are you serious right now?!” you yanked your hand away, making him stop. he turned around, still looking as stoic as ever. ricky nodded, pulling out his card.
“a steakhouse or italian?”
Sung Hanbin
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a very romantic man
wants everything to be perfect. you already know he bought a box of chocolates and everything
“so what if its cheesy? its sweet!”
he had valentine’s day marked on his calendar, hyping himself up with each day be crossed off leading up to it.
hanbin gulped, nervously fidgeting with the gifts he bad bought you. you already had a foot out of the electric doors of the building he was waiting at the entrance of. your eyes lit up seeing him, awkwardly waving while walking up to the boy.
“hanbin! whatre doing here? are these.. for me?” you look up at him curiously, eyes softening upon seeing his exicted smile. hanbin was quick to nod, handing you the flowers. then the chocolates. then a teddy bear. then the bag of candles and bathbomb. than the valentines card he handmade. all you could do was shake your head in shock. “you didn’t have to..”
“but i wanted to!” and its true! hanbin had spent so much time and energy into trying to make everything perfect that he came across overbearing. you had gotten used to it with his absurd amount of gift giving, bit even this left you in awe. he resembled a puppy, his imaginary tail wagging excitedly.
the sight was something you couldnt help but shyly chuckle at. “well thank you. happy valentines” hanbin.. hadn’t planned this far. his brain was sent into overdrive trying to find an appropriate segway to pop the question. he found himself opening his mouth, but not words coming out.
you tilt your head at hanbin, waiting to see what else he has in store. knowing himself, he was surprised he didn’t end up buying all of korea just for you. he awkwardly held out his hand, gesturing for you to take it (how he thought you would with your arms filled, youre not quite sure)
“shall we?”
Terazono Keita
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doesn’t hesitate
“what good would stalling do?”
such straightforward thinking
“if you like me, you like me! if you dont, you dont”
he never second guessed his philosophy until he met you
keita shook his head in disbelief, shoving the singular flower he had bought into his friends face. “what do you mean? i thought you couldnt go wrong with flowers??”
zhang hao smiled condescendingly, pointing at the shriveled petals. “not when you had them for *weeks* now and never had the guts to actually use them” he responded flatly. keita clicked his tongue, mumbling “everyone finds them romantic hao…”
“i dont find a half wilted daisy very charming” keitas head was already ready to retort, but he quickly hushed hao away once he saw you walking towards their direction. he smiled, his personality flipping a switch as he met you in the middle.
“oh! keita, here’s that cd you let me borrow“
“nah, keep it.” he hummed, quickly shoving the white daisy in his back pocket. keita was sure hed come around to giving it to you next time! just like the last 5 times..
your eyes beamed, your grip on the plastic softly tightening. “..really??” keita nodded, taking in account your excitement. “what, do you like that band?” your pupils were practically sparkling, nodding wordlessly.
“not like. *love*” jackpot! fuck the flowers, keita had a new plan.
“well y’know.. they’re coming around town next month.” he shrugged nonchalantly, glancing at you to gauge your reaction.
“ill buy a ticket if you do”
you laughed, nodding along in agreement. “alright, sure! tell me which seat you get so i can be next to you”
“okay, why dont we talk it out over dinner?” you were left unable to resist his not-so-hidden advances. his cheesy 😎 expression had you giggling like a child. “you bet. should i wait for you?”
he waved you off, shaking his head quickly. “ill catch up with you.” after you exchanged thumbs ups and you had vanished, keita turned around to zhang hao with a giddy smile.
“am i smooth or what???”
hao sarcastically clapped
“only took you 6 tries”
Kim Gyuvin
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so thoughtful and organized
“i spend too much time thinking about you to not be this thorough!”
and thorough he is
has a backup plan for his backup plan
now he just needs to courage to actually do it
gyuvin mumbled under his breath the speech he has rehearsed for when you left class. he nodded once satisfied, proud of the script he had memorized. that night the boy had created a chart of every scenario and outcome depending on what you’d respond with. once he felt satisfied, gyuvin wrote all the answers and cue words onto his hand with some pen. even with all his planning, he still feeling those butterflies as hard as ever watching you leave your classroom.
“you know that bowling alley that opened up recently?”
“why, wanna go together?”
“oh it’s just down by- what?”
this was NOT a scenario he had memorized, and gyuvin quickly glanced to his hand to see what he should say.
“i asked if you wanted to go to the bowling alley with me.”
gyuvin hadn’t found his answer in time, and decided to just wing it.
“oh! umm, it’s just-“
alright winging it over. his brain seemed to turn to mush in your presence and without a guide he’d honestly end up scaring you away. what he *didnt* expect was you scaring him away instead.
you gently grabbed his wrist, pulling it closer to you to read what was on his palm. “what is this?” he quickly yanked his hand away in embarrassment, shoving it in his pocket. “oh y’know! just uh.. to help me on a test next period.. ?”
“i didn’t know your test had my name on it.” you chuckled at him, seemingly very amused at his now completely flushed cheeks. not only did he have your name written about a thousand times, he put hearts around each one. gyuvin opened his mouth to respond, but words seemed to fail him. you put a hand on his shoulder, bringing him back to reality a bit.
“gyu. you never answered my first question.”
“what is it?”
“do you. want to. go to the bowling alley. together?”
Dang Hong Hai
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so shy
like please save him
he’ll talk about every little interaction while twirling his hair
“i borrowed a pencil!!” “… a pencil?”
fails to actually be able to speak to you though
hai had always been awkward when talking to you, so it was no surprise when you waved to him in the hallway he said nothing. it was also not a surprise when he never mentioned it later in class. what *was* a surprise was seeing him talking with a friend at the end of the hallway, resting against the locker nonchalantly. the nerve of that guy! and he didn’t even seem to notice your waving. you’re not sure why he suddenly switched up, but you’re gonna get answers out of him.
the answer you were not expecting is walking up to them and hearing your very name come out of his mouth. “we’re basically friends now!”
“really? arent you using the term too broadly here.”
“no i swear! we even wave to each other in the hallway now!” he cheered, seeming to gush at the idea. his friend pretended to be shocked, dramatically putting a hand over his mouth.
“woah, we’re taking big steps here. from pencils to waving?? might as well be official”
hai frowned, shaking his head. “i’m telling you all that’s left is asking for the insta!”
“you downloaded insta just for-“
“what??” that’s all you could say, caught completely off guard by their conversation. honghais mouth fell open, slowly turning to you with a :0 expression. “how much of that did you hear…?”
you looked between him and his friend, then him and his friend, back and forth back and forth.
honghais face was completely pink, burying his face into his hands. there was a moment of silence between you two.. both at a loss for words on what to say.
“i’m *so* sorry! i just-“
“you could’ve just asked..” you mumbled, pulling out a paper and quickly writing something down.
“please just- forget this! again i’m so-“ you placed the paper against his chest, waving to him before turning around and walking to class.
“well, you fumbled.” hai quickly hit his friends chest, looking at the paper in a panic.
on it laid your insta and number with a smiley face.
“let’s hang out :)”
Kim Taerae
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always wondering how you won’t pick up on his flirting
the flirting in question: sending you tiktoks he finds funny
one of his usuals is making songs for you and having you tell him what you think
at this point, he wants to get straight to the point and finally pop the question. his method of choice is through song like always
the two of you had picked a spot to hang out together, to let taerae “show a new song he’s been working on” for the most part it was true! and you had never questioned his intention for the serenades, chalking it up to ‘he liked the genre!’
taerae began the rhythm, humming along to the guitar he began to play. you nodded along, closing your eyes to truly listen to the music. the lyrics were a lot more direct then normal, straight up sounding like a cheesy love confession. when you heard the strings no longer make a noise, you opener you eyes and began clapping.
“your lyricism is improving! it’s a lot more poetic this time!” you noted, earning a chuckle from the boy.
“are you curious why it’s better?”
you shrugged. “i guess. what is it?”
“this time i had someone in mind~” he gives you a look, one that screaming there’s more questions he was begging you to ask.
“is that right? who’s the lucky one” you entertained, resting your hand on the palm of your hand. your elbow rested on your knee, giving taerae your utter attention.
you jokingly started to look around you two, examining everyone else walking around the park. squinting, you pretending to consider some options in the crowd, only to turn back to him with a cheeky grin. one last glance from the left and right, you landed on one last option. you slowly raised your head out of your palm, pointing to yourself with only half sincerity. taerae shyly nodded, giving you all the confirmation you needed without saying a single word being exchanged between you two.
“seriously?” you pointed at yourself with more emphasis, and he softly laughed before pointing to you as well. you both continued to feed each other giggles, seeming to telepathically communicate. you finally cleared your throat, trying to silence all the leftover snickers. “well? what’re trying to say mr. singer?”
taerae straightened his back, running his hand through all the strings of his guitar before saying in a sing-songy voice (that did not go with the riff at all) “will you go out with me? ♪”
you began to cackle, clapping in laughter at his cute nature. you pretended to ponder the question, tapping your chin with an index finger. “sorry what was that? i didn’t quite catch it.”
“will you go out with me? ♪”
you leaned over to him, plucking a random string and mimicking his singing.
“yes i will ♪”
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imustbenuts · 2 months
kiryu is so smoll bean coded at times its hilarious. to elaborate:
kiryu, for whatever reason, is given to be 4 years younger than majima, effectively turning their relationship into a senpai-kouhai one from the start. this eventually becomes more big bro little bro relationship at the very least, and kiryu seems to asks his big bro (majima) for help who indulges too happily multiple times. (also theres the whole dropping cash bombs on kiryu thing. whats up with that)
in a similar vein, hes also got kashiwagi who behaves like a mentor and a older brother to him
y0 has him be 20. instead of saying nijyu-sai its hatachi and theres a whole idea that 20 is where adulthood starts proper. so he reads like a small bumbling kid trying to suss out his position in an adult yakuza world
y0 then has him getting chased down by yakuzas in a similar fashion to haruka and lani. and also his life was exchanged for 1 billion, haruka's was the 10 billion yen girl, and lani is uh probably the net worth of scientology or something.
him getting saved and set up by kazama's schemes so many times in y1 and y0. and then nominated for chairman position. for some reason (too smoll bean and has no desire for blood fame and power is my guess)
falls for scams. multiple times. punches his way out tho its ok
his hated food is green bell pepper. said to be one of the most commonly hated veggies by japanese children. usually invites a "are you a child?" comment when an adult doesnt eat their bell pepper over there. he continues hating this even up into y6 at the very least (havent found evidence in y8 its likely its still there)
goes full smoll bean mode in y8 where the yokohama party catches onto his sweet tooth quirk and accepts it without ever making fun of him. immediately. (in the bucket list cutscene with seonhee and nanba he immediately zeroes in on the tamago sushi (sweet) and wants to find out what sweets are popular with the youngins)
also you can have the yokohama party order strawberry deserts and trigger a table talk event where you can get kiryu to break up the sweetness by... ordering more strawberries
little bro vibe too strong
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judgementdaysunshine · 10 months
Hi babes!!! I have another Jey request for you. You have free reign to go crazy.
First match
Pairing: Jey Uso x Fem reader
Description: You bring your daughter to Monday night Raw for her first match and to surprise your family
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You walk backstage with your two year old daughter in your arms waving at Liv Morgan who squeals when she sees you and your daughter Leilani. You laugh watching lani run and jump in Dom's arms when you see him and Rey in the hall "There's mi flor favorita!" you smile recording him holding and tickling lani before hugging rey running into Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley who have been long time friends of yours and lit up seeing the bright eyed giggling little girl run to them always leading to her on damian's shoulders or in rhea's arms taking pictures of them before leaving them to get ready for their matches finally walking and knocking on the first of three familiar locker room doors giggling when you see Roman looking a bit surprised before smiling at the little girl tapping his face "Hey there sweetie!" talking with him before knocking on the next door seeing Solo who despite being quiet and not smiling immediately smiles and laughs picking lani up. "There's my favorite girl! Look at that smile!" you laugh recording him chasing her around when Jimmy walks out to grab a drink "Hey sweet pea!" she squeals hugging jimmy before hugging solo when you and her hide around the corner as Jey walks out when he hears the laughter outside "Whatcha all laughing bout?" you jump out holding lani laughing and yelling making him jump before laughing "Whataya you doing here baby!" he laughs hugging you before picking up lani smothering with kisses as she laughs loudly "Came to show family support and I think it's time for her to see her first match!" they all laugh and get pepped up making her laugh before you and her go to your seats close to the ring and they head down for their matches, jey climbs out of the ring after winning helping both of you over the barricade holding your hand in the air with his and lani on his shoulders holding the title he won in the air with his help as the crowd cheers hearing a fan yell at you in the crowd after jey speaks on the mic grabbing the mic from him. "Yes lovelies? o le a le mea ua tupu?" "We love you Uso family!" you melt with a hand over your heart hearing a fan yell she loved you and lani warming your heart that the fans thought so much of you and your daughter "I love you all too your not just fans to us your family!" you all walk out of the ring sharing hugs with the boys and your friends smiling at lani on rey's shoulder watching dom's match backstage feeling warmth flow through you at all the love and real sense of family being shared each time and especially this night for your daughter's first match.
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kitashousewife · 2 years
loved you better
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an: this is sort of based off of sad by lany. this is also extremely based on my real life! clearly this is me healing
pairings: timeskip!atsumu x fem!reader
warnings: angst tons of angst, fluffy ending, breakups, mentions of cheating, v brief mentions of sex (no smut), fighting (verbal), alcohol mentions/consumption, i think that's all
wc: it’s longer, i wasn’t able to get an accurate # but over 2k
it's been three years since atsumu has seen you. one hundred and fifty-six weeks, and just over a thousand days. he's thought about you from time to time, but the feelings and memories are a lot heavier when he visits home.
laying on the floor in his childhood home, his thoughts spin around, playing out past events on the bare ceiling above him. they're vivid, almost tangible. visions of a young osamu chasing him through the house, ones of himself on the kitchen counter, feet swinging as he watches ma cook, but most of them involve you.
things weren't always tough.
atsumu met you in high school. bumping into each other one day, both too nervous to introduce yourselves. similar schedules led to the two of you passing each other every day during your first year. finally, right as the end of the year rolled around, the two of you exchanged numbers.
an entire summer of texting, surface-level conversations about your lives wrapped up into a nervous reunion. now second years, both of you had changed in many ways from your last encounter. atsumu, a lot taller and stronger, hair a new shade, and attitude much more confident. you, a little taller as well, a touch more outgoing and sure of herself. after only a few short weeks of stolen glances during class and spending passing periods talking, atsumu asked you to be his girlfriend.
the two of you were the talk of the school, calls of your name and whistles sent your way every time atsumu would walk you to the bus stop, hand in hand with a proud smile on his face. most weekends were spent getting ice cream, getting ramen, staying out too late, and sneaking through the house to avoid getting caught out past curfew. the first year was perfect.
atsumu was your first kiss.
the start of your third year was when the rose-colored lense started to fade. it was slow at first, things falling apart in smaller ways until it began to crumble all at once.
atsumu began to put his all into volleyball, heart set on continuing past high school, focused on becoming professional. those weekends spent together began to morph into something different. ice cream shops became gyms, eating ramen in the park became bringing him some water while he trained. you, as well as your relationship, began to take a back seat to the sport, which you didn't mind at first.
he's never forgotten the conversation that was the beginning of the end. he's sure you haven't, too.
and he's correct.
a few weeks before graduation, the two of you were spending an evening together, something quite rare at the time. both of you on your backs, staring up much like atsumu is right now, enjoying each other's presence. atsumu remembers it perfectly. you were on his left, fingers playing with his, the clock ticking on the wall, heart hammering in sync. he remembers sighing, thinking about the upcoming graduation, the scouting camp he's been invited to, and interviews with potential teams. the thoughts swirled around and began to become heavy on his chest. he sat up abruptly and let out a shaky breath.
"i think we should break up."
you sat up, giving him a look that to this day sticks in his mind.
the rest of the conversation is a blur, mostly due to his thoughts of trying to cope with it all. you were devastated, completely shocked. atsumu felt bad, his own fears of the future creating a rift in one of the most important things he had ever been a part of. his heart ached. ultimately two of you stayed together, attempting to enjoy a final summer before you went off to university and he launched his career.
atsumu was your first time. your first everything.
your first break up.
everything ended because of a rumor. a week before you left, atsumu had been at a party with friends, packing as much fun as he could in the final months of his youth. a mutual friend saw him talking to another girl, mistakenly believing that he was unfaithful. you found out the next day. after a summer of missed calls, forgotten dates, and staying up late waiting for atsumu to get back to you, you felt defeated. everything seemed to break, the dam finally cracking after a year of built-up emotion finally made its way through.
your first fight happened that day.
"why the fuck would ya think i would do that to ya?" atsumu groans, his head was thrown back in the driveway of his home. the two of you stand in front of your car, headlights illuminating the night with a sickeningly yellow glow.
"they told me last night. they saw it!" your voice raises, shaking at the same time. deep down, you didn't believe your friend, but you weren't so sure.
"i was just talkin' to her sweetheart. i didn't-"
"don't lie to me atsumu!"
his jaw drops. hot tears fill your eyes, one blink away from rolling down your cheeks. that was the first time you shouted at him.
"i may be a lot of things, but i'm not a fuckin' liar." he seethes, angry eyes set on the quiver of your lip.
"maybe we should be done," you croak out, mind speaking before your heart even got a chance.
"maybe we should."
atsumu's head throbs as the memories finally dissolve before him. running a hand through his hair, a sigh of relief slips through his lips when he's brought back to reality.
"are ya good?" osamu comes down the stairs, slipping his phone into his back pocket before falling onto the couch. "ya seem a little upset."
atsumu shakes his head. "just thinkin', but i'm fine."
"everyone wants to see ya tonight at the bar," his twin rubs his eyes, referencing their friend group. "i told them i would ask ya, though."
he smiles. "sounds good to me."
atsumu wishes they had picked a different bar. it's not very packed, fairly quiet and everyone was able to make it, but he feels uneasy.
a year after the break up, almost to the day, atsumu saw you at this bar.
he was in town, fresh off of joining the MSBY jackals, and his friends decided to throw a party for him. it was fantastic to be with those he loved, especially after probably one of the hardest years of his life. little to no social life, every waking minute spent practicing for, training for, or thinking about volleyball. it all paid off, better than he could have imagined, but something was missing.
your laugh caught his attention, distracting him from the girl he was flirting with. he saw you, sitting in a booth with your friends, probably hanging out with them one last time before you went back to uni. atsumu remembers it like it was yesterday. the two of you made eye contact, your mouth opening to speak before forming into a small smile, but your eyes were wrought with hurt. he panicked, looking away as fast as he could. feeling jealous, sick and anxious.
after an hour or so, you finally regained the courage to talk to him. before you reached him, he noticed you, and in a rather poor last-second decision, atsumu pulled the girl on his side in for a kiss. when he pulled away and met your eyes, he wanted to cry. you turned around and walked out the front door of the bar without a word.
that was three years ago.
"to atsumu!" aran cheers, and atsumu blicks a few times before raising his glass with the rest of them. throwing his shot back with a grimace, he pushes his feelings down and focuses on the moment.
"you with us man?" aran pats him on the back, and atsumu nods.
"yeah, i-"
"ya did this earlier, 'tsum. is everythin' alright?" osamu leans forward in the booth, and suna nods.
"yeah, you seem a little out of it," suna sighs, putting his phone down on the table. "penny for your thoughts?"
atsumu sighs, pushing his hair back with an airy chuckle.
"i don't know what it is about bein' home, but i haven't been able to stop thinkin' 'bout her."
"i knew it," suna smirks, pouting quickly after kita kicks him under the table and shoots him a glare.
"the two of you have a lot of memories here, so it makes sense," aran shrugs, sipping at his beer. "this probably isn't a good time to say this," he sets his beer down, ignoring the glare kita sends his direction this time. "she's seeing someone."
"how do you know?" atsumu's voice wavers slightly, attempting to hide the sinking feeling in his stomach. of course you are. it's been years, why wouldn't you move on?
why haven't i moved on?
"i told him, actually," kita offers an apologetic wave. "i saw her a few months ago, she was visitin' family and she talked to me when i was out doin' deliveries."
atsumu nods. "is she happy?"
kita shrugs. "she seemed that way. said he treats her well."
"that's all that matters."
sensing his brothers strife, osamu claps his hands together.
"next rounds' on me!"
the next day, atsumu decides to go for a jog to clear his head. everything feels so heavy, weighing down his thoughts. his dreams are of you, his thoughts are of you. he turned down a potential training at inarizaki this week, not even feeling up for playing volleyball. he wishes he could've treated you better, he wishes he could go back in time and shake his high school self, scream at him that volleyball isn't everything and he is, in fact, better when he's with you. a bitter taste fills his mouth, tears threatening to slip out when he argues with himself in his mind. he's so thankful for every opportunity he's had, every experience being the product of his tireless work all those years.
atsumu wishes he could have found a balance, though.
the concrete grounds him with each step, the familiarity of his hometown numbing his brain just a little. he follows a familiar route, one he used to do often to stay in shape. kids play in the park next to him, laughing and carrying on without a care in the world. he smiles at that, and decides to run through the park instead.
after a while, atsumu decides to walk back home. he takes his time, going down streets he normally wouldn't, looking at the changes of the buildings since he's been home last. he decides to run to onigiri miya to visit his twin, hoping he can get a free meal out of it at the same time.
he stops walking. not that his legs would work anyway. his heart pounds in his ears, the air suddenly difficult to breathe despite his leisurely pace. he's in front of a coffee shop, he knows that from the smell. he turns around slowly, taking a deep breath.
it's you.
you're here. in front of him. tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, a nervous habit that's clearly never changed, adjusting your weight to your other foot. drink in hand, keys in the other, your head tilts.
"hi," he breathes, finally getting the words out.
you look similar, but not the same. you're older and more beautiful than the last time he saw you, if possible. your hair is different, and you're a little less baby-faced, but it's you.
"what are you doing in town?" you raise a brow, beginning your examination of him. he's taller if possible, hair less yellow, now a much lighter shade, bringing out the glow of his eyes. he's huge, but you knew that. he isn't exactly hidden. almost every day a photo of some kind reaches your feed. even when you aren't looking for him, the universe sets him right back in your life.
"oh, i had a break and decided i would come home and see ma and 'samu," he scratches the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his own. "what are you doin' here?"
you chuckle. "i moved back, actually. just finished school."
he smiles wide. "congratulations! i know how important that was to ya. i'm so proud of ya!"
tears form in your eyes, and your stomach does flips. many people have said the exact same thing to you over the last couple weeks, but this carries much more weight.
"thanks," you mumble, looking down.
"do ya wanna sit? it's a little chilly," atsumu points towards the cafe doors, and you nod. he holds the door open for you and follows you to a small table. sitting down with a sigh, he shakes his head.
"i can't believe i ran into ya," he snorts, folding his arms over his chest. you set your things down on the table, and atsumu's eyes frantically look at your hands for a ring.
"i know! who would have thought we would be home at the same time?" you smile, looking around the shop. it's new, one of the few places you haven't been before.
truth be told, you were hoping you would run into atsumu. it's been years, and you have so much to tell him.
you only hope he wants to hear them.
in a selfish way, you want to brag. there's so much you've accomplished, seen, done, experienced, and been a part of. you've watched that movie series he was always talking about, and you went to a few places you swore up and down you would never go to.
"so, what's new?" atsumu smirks at you as if reading your thoughts. if you were standing, you would go weak in the knees.
"well i graduated, which i told you. i just got an apartment, and moved in a few days ago actually."
"come on, that's all ya have to say after all these years?" atsumu laughs, and you roll your eyes.
i haven't stopped thinking about you.
you give in, telling him every detail of your life for the past several years, leaving no details out, and atsumu is entranced. nodding often, laughing at your stories and sharing in your heart ache and rough times. he wants to hug you, tell you over and over again how proud he is of you, how you deserve the world.
the world he didn't give you.
"i can't believe ya watched 'em! after all those years of me beggin'," he scoffs and you laugh.
"what about you, 'tsum? how's the professional volleyball player life?"
he gets sheepish, and every ounce of confidence completely thrown out the window.
"it's been great, yeah. i have the best teammates and the coolest job in the entire world. i do what i love and i get paid to do it, and i know most can't say the same," he looks down at his now empty water cup. you hum.
"why don't you seem happy then?"
he wants to cry, scream, pick you up and never let you go. his mind is racing. how is he supposed to tell you that he misses you, that everything in his life seems like it's missing a piece, how every accomplishment that he's had thus far loses some of it's sparkle, all because you aren't there to relish in that with him?
as he stares at you, right into your worry-filled eyes, fear washes over him. it's a similar fear to what he felt that night many years ago on his living room floor, fear of the unknown. except this time, he won't make the same mistake. right now, atsumu doesn't know when the next time he will see you will be, and instead of backing out, he jumps in head first.
"i miss you," he starts, nervously looking up into your gaze.
"but i'm right here," you laugh, but you know what he means.
"i miss us. for the past week, i've done nothing but think about us and how much i fucked up. i ruined everythin', all because i was young and stupid," he rambles, suddenly feeling overcome with emotion. you place your hand on top of his.
"of course we were stupid atsumu, we were teenagers," you console, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand, the same hand you were playing with that night. he shakes his head.
"not anymore. were older, we've both done so much, i mean look at us. i just," he trails off, shaking his head. "i just miss ya. i love ya, i've never stopped either."
you sit in silence for a minute or so. your mind is a mess, so many thoughts going through your head. every failed date, every small relationship ended by yourself for reasons unknown, all receiving their answer right now.
it wasn't atsumu.
you'd be lying if you said you hadn't missed him. that night at the bar was heartbreaking, leading you to try and find someone else as soon as you could. after some time, and lots of maturing, you realized who you wanted to be with.
atsumu, the boy who remembers every detail of your life. atsumu, who refuses to let his food touch on his plate, no matter how much he's ridiculed for it. atsumu, who brings you flowers for every single occasion, or none at all.
atsumu, who loves you for you.
"i've missed you too, 'tsum. and if we're being honest," you exhale, long and slow, really thinking about your next words. "i love you, too."
atsumu feels relief, letting out a loud sigh, before lacing your fingers together across the table. he calls your name, before looking you right in the eyes.
"i have ya to myself again, and i can't let that go. somehow, i get a second chance and i'm not gonna mess it up, not again," he begins to tear up, laughing to himself out of embarrassment.
"how about i take ya out? i'm in town for another two weeks. i'll take ya out every night if ya let me. i just wanna start over."
you smile. hope fills your body, much like a deep breath after finally coming to the surface.
"i would like that."
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rafesfuckdoll · 3 days
Destined To Be Pt.1
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summary: Two best friends Leilani and Katie that bring Y/N and Rafe to earth. The destined duo. inspired from my moodboard!!!
warnings: none!! this is just a introduction into the two moms life before we get into y/n and rafe.
word count: 1.4k (this will be a 4 part fic so it'll get longer sorry yall!!)
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Part 1: Beginnings
The summer of 1981 in Outer Banks, with its rolling hills and whispering beaches, was painted in vibrant shades of green and gold. Leilani L/N, with her unruly mane of black curls that seemed to catch the sunlight just right, lived in a cozy house with a sprawling backyard. Right next to it was the house of the Camerons, where Katie Cameron, a girl with freckles speckling her cheeks like a galaxy, spent her days.
Their friendship blossomed from a genuine and innocent place, as two young kindergartners bonded over their shared interests in chasing butterflies and confiding in each other. Beneath the warmth of the afternoon light, they sat under the shade of a venerable oak tree in Leilani's backyard, their little legs hanging over the frayed picnic blanket.
"Katie, you know what I just thought of?" Leilani mused, her eyes glinting with mischief, indicating a mischievous idea forming in her mind.
"What?" Katie responded enthusiastically, her chestnut-colored pigtails bouncing playfully as she eagerly shifted her gaze towards her companion, filled with curiosity and interest.
"We should build a secret clubhouse right here," Leilani declared with all the authority a five-year-old could muster.
Katie's eyes expanded in surprise. "Yes! We'll have a password that no one else knows but us!"
Their adventures became limitless from that moment onwards. Using discarded cardboard boxes and old bedsheets, they built a secret hideout where they stored treasures such as acorns and shiny rocks. At night, they shared their hopes and ambitions—Leilani's dream was to become a mural artist decorating city walls, while Katie's goal was to become a well-known veterinarian who could communicate with animals.
With the passage of time, the strength of their bond intensified and developed. Throughout the challenges of elementary school crushes and middle school drama, they stuck together, their friendship serving as a stable force during the tumultuous years of adolescence. Leilani's bedroom walls were transformed into a gallery of their memories, adorned with pictures of them in DIY Halloween costumes and flashing bright smiles on the annual first day of school.
"You'll always hold a special place in my heart, Leilani," Katie whispered one evening while they were having a sleepover, the light from a flashlight casting a warm glow on their faces.
"For eternity," Leilani responded seriously, solidifying their agreement with a pinky swear.
Changes came with high school, yet their friendship stayed constant. Leilani became a member of the art club, spending her afternoons covered in paint splatters, while Katie thrived in science and math, securing a place on the academic decathlon team. Even with their varied interests, they were always by each other's side, discussing everything from crushes to future college endeavors and beyond.
"Lani, do you think we'll still be friends when we're old?" Katie asked one day, lying on the grass and staring up at the clouds.
"Of course," Leilani replied without hesitation. "We'll be those cool old ladies who still get into adventures."
High school passed in a blur of exams, dances, and late-night study sessions. Leilani developed a love for art that translated into vivid paintings, each one telling a story of her life and friendships. Katie, with her sharp mind, excelled in her studies and dreamt of opening her own veterinary clinic one day. Despite their different paths, they were always there for each other, providing support and encouragement.
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After graduation, life took them to different colleges. Leilani attended an art school in New York City, where she immersed herself in the vibrant culture and honed her skills. Katie went to a prestigious university in California, where she studied veterinary medicine with dedication. They kept in touch through letters and phone calls, sharing their experiences and dreams.
"New York is incredible, Katie! The art scene here is like nothing I've ever seen," Leilani wrote in one of her letters.
"And California is beautiful, Lei. I'm learning so much about animals and how to care for them. I can't wait for you to visit," Katie replied in her letters.
Even though they were miles apart, their bond remained unbroken. They visited each other during holidays and vacations, exploring each other's worlds and deepening their friendship. Leilani took Katie to art galleries and introduced her to the bustling city life, while Katie showed Leilani the serene beaches and animal shelters she volunteered at.
Years flew by in a blur of laughter and shared secrets. Eventually, Leilani developed feelings for Theodore, a tender spirit who played melodies on his guitar that resonated with her soul. In Ward, Katie found someone who matched her boldness, a fearless businessman who shared her adventurous spirit.
Amidst the joyous clinking of glasses in honor of each other's forthcoming weddings and the elegant twirls on the dance floor under the shimmering canopy of stars above, Leilani and Katie both had a deep-seated understanding that their paths were about to diverge in a significant way. Savoring lemonade, they lounged on Leilani's porch on a pleasant summer night, listening to the crickets chirping in unison.
"Katie, I've been considering something," Leilani said excitedly.
Katie's raised eyebrow revealed her curiosity, her blue eyes searching for answers. "About what, Lei?"
"I've been contemplating starting a family," Leilani admitted, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the rim of her glass. "And I was thinking... what if we did it together?"
Katie's face lit up with a smile that reached her eyes. "You mean... we plan to have babies at the same time?"
Leilani nodded with excitement. "Imagine, Katie. Our kids could grow up just like us—best friends from the very beginning."
The concept began to grow, developing into detailed plans brimming with optimism and excitement. They imagined their children running through the same backyard where their own adventures began, sharing secrets under the same oak tree that had witnessed their childhood dreams.
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After graduation, both Leilani and Katie moved back to the Outer Banks, fulfilling a promise they had made to each other years ago. They bought houses next door to each other, just like their parents had done. Their bond deepened more and more with every passing year, keeping them as close as ever.
Katie, now Dr. Cameron, opened her own veterinary clinic, fulfilling her childhood dream. Leilani, an accomplished mural artist, brought color and life to the city streets with her vibrant paintings. Their lives were busy, but they always made time for each other, their friendship a constant source of joy and support.
It was in the spring of 1999 when their dream was fulfilled. Leilani, with joy in her heart, introduced a beautiful baby girl named Y/N to the world, and just a few days later, Katie welcomed her son, Rafe, with open arms. Together, side by side, they found themselves in the hospital room, each cradling their precious newborns in their arms, their faces adorned with tears of happiness, trickling down slowly, like a gentle, steady stream.
"Katie, it's unbelievable," Leilani murmured, her eyes fixed on her daughter.
"We made it happen," Katie said, her voice filled with emotion. "Our kids are here."
Leilani glanced at her dearest friend, their relationship now spanning to the next generation. "Here's to the future, Katie. For Rafe and Paris."
Katie smiled, nodding. "For Rafe and Paris."
Their children would grow up together, sharing the same unbreakable bond that had defined their mothers' lives. The adventure was just beginning.
Leilani and Katie spent the next few weeks adjusting to motherhood, often calling each other for advice and support. They took their babies on walks through the familiar streets of the Outer Banks, pointing out the places where their own childhood memories were made.
As Y/N and Rafe grew, their mothers' dream of them becoming best friends started to take shape. The two children played together in the very backyard where Leilani and Katie had built their secret clubhouse all those years ago. They chased butterflies, built forts, and whispered secrets under the same oak tree, their laughter echoing the joyous sounds of their mothers' past.
"Look at them, Katie," Leilani said one afternoon, watching their children play. "It's like seeing us all over again."
Katie nodded, tears of happiness welling in her eyes. "We've come full circle, Lei."
Their lives, intertwined from the very beginning, had created a legacy of friendship and love that would continue for generations. As they watched Y/N and Rafe grow, Leilani and Katie knew that their bond would never fade, and their children would carry forward the spirit of their enduring friendship.
The adventure was far from over. For Leilani, Katie, Y/N, and Rafe, it had only just begun.
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Lanie exclusively calls Jon, DJ since about the time time she was 4. (Wes and Jon have been dating pretty exclusively for nearly a year at this point).
Wes used to kind of correct her, and go 'honey its Jon.'
She'd just say. 'Duh daddy. But that's what you call him'
So when they're looking to move into a new place, Lanie insists on the one with a chicken house out back for DJ. Wes tried to explain that Jon isn't moving with them, and she pouts and says 'if DJ isnt moving to the new house she isn't either'
He calls Jon to ask his advice on what to do, to which Jon flies over (sometimes dating a superhero has its perks).
He tells Wes that he wants to do things at the right pace for them and Lanie, but he also sees his future with Wes.
Wes reminds him he lives in Smallville, and fights crime in Metropolis. To which Jon points out he also just few to Star City in under a minute, so it's not that long of a commute.
'Lanie wants the house with the chicken coop,' wes says. 'She says you can clean the gross parts'
'If Lanie wants me there, I'll be there. But you have to want it too.'
'Of course I want you there,' Wes replies. 'You, me, and Lanie, it's all I want.'
'Are you asking me to move in?'
He kisses Jon, and then smiles. 'Yes, I am.'
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brokenfuturerpg · 10 months
Hola personitas. Venimos con un aporte que nos ha costado un tiempito reunir. Es posible que algunos PB tengan 1 añito más de lo que pone, porque igual cumplieron recién. Esperamos les guste ^^
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Lauren Graham (56)
Nicole Kidman (56)
Salma Hayek (56)
Pamela Anderson (56)
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Robin Wright (57)
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Demi Moore (60)
Marcia Cross (61)
Julianne Moore (62)
Jamie Lee Curtis (64)
Michelle Pfeiffer (65)
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Geena Davis (67)
Sigourney Weaver (73)
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Meryl Streep (74)
Susan Sarandon (76)
Diane Keaton (77)
Hellen Mirren (77)
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thefifthsister · 8 months
Can you do #30 on the prompts list? Thank you so much for your stories!
CHB'23 #18: No Competition Post 2x06 Vampire Weekend
The party is dying down but he's enjoying himself with his friends, sitting with a few beers and trading stories.
"No, you had to be there," Ryan's giggling. "I'm chasing the head one way, Espo has the ass going the opposite way down the street."
"Except neither can see where they are running," Espo continues the story. "Fool misses the fire hydrant right in front of him. Goes down. Hard."
Castle is laughing, hearing the teams tales of woe of arrests of Halloween past, doesn't envy Lanie the task of determining fake or real blood.
"How about you, Castle?" Lanie says. "You must have had some wild Halloween parties."
Castle agrees. "None that I will mention with mother present," he teases the medical examiner.
"You haven't done Halloween until you've done Halloween with your theatre troupe," Martha insists. "Now, there is some commitment to the bit."
Castle groans but he watches his new friends, his partner turn rapt attention to the actress, knowing from experience that none of them had ever experienced anything the way Martha Rodger does.
"Go on then, Mrs R," Ryan encourages. "What's the weirdest Halloween experience you've had?"
"I was once doing a modern retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, you know, the Shakespeare play?" She checks everyone nods before she continues. "It was dreadful but we couldn't make the director see that his modern tweaks to the story just weren't working. Harriet, one of the actors, she insisted on trying to perform a séance and contact Shakespeare to rectify the situation and..."
She waited, watched them all get drawn in.
"Bam!" She clapped her hands, watched them jump. "Stage light blew out above us, Harriet was dreadfully frightened she'd summoned something that she quit the next day and we went back to the original."
Castle sat back, laughing at the looks on his friends faces. Martha Rodgers was definitely no competition when it came to tall tales.
Prompt: séance
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lokideservesahug · 3 months
Chasing III
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Pairings: Lando Norris x fem!driver!reader
Warnings: A few swear words and Lando just loving his gf.
•Part 1 •Part 2
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Yourusername: Never sending an even remotely cryptic tweet out again. It had nothing to do with my relationship!!
Liked by Landonorris, Redbullracing and 750,897 others
User1: Does this mean what I think it means!?!?!
↳Yourusername: What do you think it means?
↳User1: You're signing with Red Bull next year!?!?!?!
↳Yourusername: No??? What gave that impression?
↳User2: Mother, if I may. You posted a ref bull photo dump and spoke about people misinterpreting your tweet so we think this is the correct interpretation...
↳Yourusername: No!?!?!?! I just posted a normal photo dump and I work at Red Bull so it's bound to all be red bull related!!!
↳User3: Y/N ilysm but you are so stupid sometimes
User4: Mother is going through that with that chain
↳User5: Ikr. Like she's so talented but a bit slow sometimes.
User6: My LanY/N heart is living for the fact that he is still hidden in the likes
↳User7: Hidden!?!?! He's the first one to like her posts. He's not exactly subtle
Landonorris added to his story 2s ago
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Landonorris: Who Knew that I'd be the one to slip🤷‍♂️
Liked by Yourusername, Oscarpiastri and 1,983,461 others
View all 32,854 comments
User1: Nooo my gf is off the market😔
↳User2: I take Lando if you take Y/N?
↳User1: Deal
↳Landonorris: No deal. I want Y/N
↳ Yourusername: Awww Lan. You already have me!
User3:Lando is just luke me because I was dating Y/N then I'd "accidentally" expose my relationship too
Oscarpiastri: Well done you two. It's about time that you finally got together. Lando has been speaking about you non stop for the long. And the amount of talks he's ruined by just staring at Y/N is outstanding
↳Landonorris: Thanks mate
↳Yourusername: Awww really? Lan that's adorable
↳Landonorris: I can't help it baby, you're just so distracting
↳Oscarpiastri: Please keep that to yourselves
↳User5: Ha ha (my reaction fr)
User6: Everyone say ty Sophy
↳User7: Thanks Sophy for hurrying this up
↳User8: Soppphhyyyy🙏
↳User9: Who's Sophy?
↳User 10: @mrs...norr1s on twitter.
↳User9: Looked her up and in Soph we trust.
User11: Y/N to McLaren next year?
↳Yourusername: I do look good in orange...
↳Landonorris: Baby you look good in anything😉
↳Oscarpiastri: Oi! And ew.
As always, likes, comments, reblogs and especially feedback are always welcome!
Also if you have arequaest then don't be afraid to send it to my inbox!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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tubatudiaries · 1 year
Genre:- fluff
F!reader x idol!Beomgyu
an:- this is once again a drabble for all the hopeless romantics including myself the longer version will be posted very soon on my Instagram account :- tubatudiaries ; I got inspired by "our summer" By TXT the vibes of that song hit different; hope y'all will enjoy it <3
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"Ughh, I hate my life, these assignments don't want to get over!" y/n yelled at a her laptop frustratedly then looking at her watch , it displayed time 5:53 and a notification of a new post on Instagram by her friend. She clicked on notification only to see the most gut wrenching photo of her friend kissing her boyfriend and if that wasn't enough another slide of her smothering him with kisses. Disgust was reflected on her face clearly, but at the same time she was happy for her friend. She was pretty like a kpop idol, and always had been the popular girl of her school.
Thinking about it, y/n opened camera app on her phone (the worst idea to ever exist) within a fourth of a second she closed the app and threw her phone to the side " Nah this is definitely not it"
She was already insecure about her looks since ages and then the hope of being loved completely died within her, of course her family and friends loved her, but we all need that someone who loves us like no one does. "So what I'm ugly, my soobin and beomgyu photo card love me 😤 my tubatu loves me, that's enough motivation for me to complete this crappy assignment as soon as possible"
After 2 hours of hard work and a little bit of distraction from all new videos updates from YouTube, you completed the assignment.
After completing your assignment which was equivalent to toxic relationship you decided to reward yourself by going for a walk.
The cool evening breeze brushing your face felt therapeutic and relaxing . It calmed your intrusive thoughts.
Just then a parrot flew over your shoulder , it was a turquoise fronted medium-sized parrot , he had boba eyes , and looking in all directions.
You heard a distant voice shouting "yahhh! Toto come back! Stop disturbing people"
That voice came closer and because Toto was perhaps relaxing on your tensed shoulder and you couldn't move.
"Here you are Toto! You made me run errands for you " You lifted your eyes to see the person in front of you. It was a man, young and his voice was husky yet soothing. His hair were fluffy , his features even in moonlight seemed well defined and were so mesmerizing, the most attention capturing part of his face were his boba eyes and pearly white smile. You were so lost in his beauty that you realized that Toto was still on your shoulder.
"Thank you so much for not moving and extremely sorry for causing trouble , Toto's becoming naughty day by day "
You replied "n-no problem, he really did nothing apart of siting but I'm sure you are tired of looking and chasing after him , you can have my water"
He accepted the offer as he was extremely thirsty, you were literally staring at him while he was gulping water , he seemed ethereal and looked like a daydream.
After handing over your water bottle, he spoke "once again thank you, I'm choi beomgyu and this is my pet parrot Toto" You froze in place as soon as you heard his name
B-beomgyu no, THE CHOI BEOMGYU from TOMORROW BY TOGETHER was standing in front of you, he drank from your bottle and moa's crush Toto was on your shoulder.
You stuttered " I-i am y/n n-nice to meet you Mr Choi, you pet is really beautiful "
"You can call me only beomgyu since you seem around my age and thanks for the compliment :) Since you helped me can i treat you with an ice cream, I know it's not much , but there is an ice cream shop right there "
Stawwwpp did beomgyu just offered you an ice cream treat , you were on cloud 9 , you tried to look calm and composed and replied " Why not! Since it's so hot you too are sweating let's cool down ourselves "
Beomgyu smiled and asked you to follow his lead, he kept Toto in his cage in his car and fed him water and his food, then you entered the air conditioned ice cream parlour. The sweet smell of ice cream had you drooling . Beomgyu asked you for your favorite flavor and bought one for you and one for himself, you both sat and talked for a while about how Toto became his pet, then beomgyu got too curious about you and you were being interrogated the whole time but you too asked him about himself.
After an wholesome conversation, you both headed out of the ice cream shop, both of you were a bit sad for you won't be able to talk to him , you both had only met half an hour ago and had bonded so well and then suddenly never meeting again seemed too sad of an ending to a good friendship to which beomgyu suggested to exchange phone numbers you both were glad to have something to stay in touch with each other.
You both bid farewell to each other and said "thank you beomgyu for treating me with ice cream and being an amazing listener, I'm feeling so much more relaxed thanks to you"
" I'm glad I could help you, and i hope to stay in touch with you! Goodbye y/n! "
You both parted ways, you felt happy, a smile was plastered on your face , not just because you had spent time with your idol but also because you found such a good friend who was extremely genuine and his vibes were so positive, you felt grateful for being able to finish your assignment on time and meeting this beautiful soul
Beomgyu too was feeling the same, he felt heard and did not feel alone. His busy schedule didn't have him time to talk to his hyungs in person , they did text each other on kakao talk but they too are extremely busy and also something about talking in person is always better . He found a friend because of Toto, he felt grateful towards Toto. Every stress and tension that moment just seemed too good to be ignored because he had a good time with you.
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