#larissa weems is such a big baby
billiedeansbitch · 7 months
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫
(𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
a/n: finally some fluff with our favourite (not dead) mommy <3
warning/s: none.
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“Watch the stars with me.” It wasn’t a request nor was it a question. Larissa shifted her eyes from the correspondence she was writing, her hand pausing midway in completing an exceptionally long word. The tip of her fountain pain was then lifted from the paper to prevent it from bleeding further. She looked at you, her face morphing into something more softer.
“Come on. I haven’t been able to watch the stars for a while.” 
The stars looked magnificent tonight, burning bright and littered all over in the dark sky, outshining the moon itself. Truly, it was a sight to see. Perhaps indulging your demand wouldn’t do much harm and she needed a break. An all too well deserved break.
She pushed her seat and stood up without argument, running her palms down her dress to soothe the wrinkles and adjusting her dress. She took the hand you were offering, intertwining her fingers along with yours and allowing the heat to soothe her sore knuckles. She had either been typing or writing too much.
The smile on her lips, one that was too sweet and too tender, made your heart squeeze in your chest. It reminded you of that one time when she unceremoniously dropped a kiss on your forehead after driving her back home. It had been late, and she was tired, a little tipsy, too. It might have been the wine but it made your heart squeeze all the same.
Trailing from behind, hands still connected, she followed you to the balcony of her office where the cold air of the night breeze through tainting her cheeks pink and making her step closer to you. The night was peaceful making up for the chaos that it had been all day, allowing the older woman to decompress.
“Are you okay? Not freezing your tits or something, boss?” You giggled, the chilled air made her cheeks flushed or was it your hand that was still encased with hers? 
You gave her hand another squeeze before letting go, your hesitation was clear, but Larissa was too engrossed admiring the stars to notice. You watched her wrap her arms around herself, rubbing her palms on the sleeves of her dress.
“I’m all right, dear. Thank you for checking. Are you comfortable, yourself?” She said, drawing her eyes from the stars to look at you. You didn’t say a word, instead you shifted closer to her, pressing to her side and dropping your head to her shoulder, carefully so, as if moving too suddenly would scare her away. You hoped that was enough to show her how comfortable you were despite struggling to match her height. You kept your hand mostly to yourself.
Just then you felt her adjusting, levelling her shoulder down to let you rest your head properly without standing on your toes. She would have loved to tease you about it and she probably would next time but tonight, it all felt romantic to even try. Though she wasn’t at all successful at suppressing the goofy grin on her lips. 
She sighed, letting her head fall to yours. 
“The stars are truly beautiful tonight.” Her gaze wandered, looking for any present constellation.
“Indeed they are, boss.” You had your eyes on her, it was a bit difficult with your head position but you could see the underside of her chin and jaw. She’s beautiful and you didn't care about the damn stars.
“Work ended a few hours ago. I’m no longer your boss.” 
“And what else would you like me to call you? Mommy, perhaps?” There was a playful bite in your tone, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the woman. 
“That’s not—that’s…no!” she was fumbling. Unbelievable! Her cheeks were flushing, too cute and too much for your own little heart.
You rubbed your cheek  to her clothed shoulder, your eyes glittering with mirth, “I’m merely teasing, Larissa. Relax, please. Unless…” You wiggled your brows at her, daunting her further.
Larissa knew it was best to ignore your shenanigans, and that’s what she did, she let her silence speak for herself and by the look on your face you accepted your defeat and settled down. 
She let the hum of the forest and night creatures fill in her ears, taking in the uninterrupted silence. Being in your presence eased her thoughts. Nothing was more important beyond this interaction, the little glances shared in between with your cheeky smile never failing to make her feel warm. She wanted to kiss your lips.
Later, you found your hand twitching closer and closer until your pinkies touched. Larissa looked down. She made the move; grabbing your hand. She went back gazing at the sky.
“You missed what could possibly be a shooting star.” She could see you staring at her from the corners of her eyes. 
Your gaze didn’t waver, “I like what I am looking at. And no, I don’t think I’d be needing that wish tonight but thanks for telling me. Did you make a wish though?”
She looked at you, “Yes.”
“What did you wish for?”
“It won’t happen if I tell you."
“That’s silly.”
When the wind blew and you shivered next to her, the older woman followed her instinct to wrap her arms around you from behind without putting much thought into it. It was severely unlike her. She too, was cold, and it was a mistake that she discarded her jacket early on but the feeling of your bare arms against hers was rewardingly good, better even. 
“All good?”
You nuzzled into her, feeling the press of her breasts against your upper back, her hands on your tummy pulling you into her arms, shielding you from the cold. “Yes, definitely all good. Thanks.”
“I can get used to this.” Larissa absentmindedly blurted out, too absorbed by the whole thing happening to give her mind a chance to contemplate her words.
“The cold weather?” With eyes full of mischief you spun around, her hands landing on your hips.
“No, you fool. This–us. I don’t know what we are but I enjoy this. I enjoy holding your hand. I enjoy having you so close to me, how you ogle at my breasts sometimes even if the act alone is too perverse I find myself enjoying the attention. After all, we're just human beings with needs.” 
You pushed yourself up, hand on her chest, “And I would love to supply those needs if you let me.” 
Larissa had a bittersweet smile, touched by the way you said those words while you were looking into her eyes depicting your genuine intent. You didn’t even stutter. You bravely faced her, giving yourself to her and for that, she reached her hand out, sweetly cradling your cheeks  with her gentle palm, her thumb stroking against the cooled skin.
“You know how to expertly sway a woman, don’t you, darling?” She giggled. When did she ever giggle? What is this that you are doing to her? Giggling and blushing…Gosh, Larissa felt like she was two decades younger.
"If I wasn't so small, I would have swept you off of your feet and kissed you, Larissa Weems. The things you do to me are insane. You are driving me insane."
Larissa put a finger under your chin, coaxing you to look up. Her lips were a hair's breadth away, and you couldn't, for the love of God, tear your gaze away. You were quivering with anticipation, dizzy with the closeness of your faces and her warm touch. Her lips were begging to be kissed. 
You took a deep breath, “Fuck the stars.” You surged forward, hand cupping her neck to pull her down. You felt her gasp on your lips. Larissa could as well be freezing her tits in this ungodly cold night, her muscles stiffening but she couldn't bring herself to care, not when she had you like this, so putty in her hands. She could feel the way your pulse jumped as her hand rested quite perfectly above your jugular area. Your hand fisting her clothes seemingly grounding yourself. You looked so tempted. So hungry. It elicited a spark in her belly, her lips curled into a coy grin.
Your hand soon gave up on clutching her dress and cupped her face instead. You kissed her gently, the languid movement of your lips matching the strokes of your thumb on her face. Her fingers in your hair curling and tugging, still with care. The way she held on to your hip had a slice of possessiveness and you welcomed it. Your body succumbed to her as she backed you up the nearest wall, it was cold and you pulled away to curse but it was then swallowed when her lips dove right back.
The pace of the kiss stayed consistent, and the mere seconds felt so much longer, like you had been kissing her for hours yet you wanted more until being out of breath was the only reason you'd pull away. You didn't want to part but that was what happened, you panted as you tried collecting yourself, head tucked under her chin and she held you steadily.
In retrospect, maybe she should have kissed you sooner, maybe she should have aimed for your lips instead of your forehead that night. She knew she badly wanted to but for some reason, and she knew it was for the best, she kissed your forehead and bid you goodnight. She thought about it in her bed; the smell of your shampoo and sweat and the hairspray mingling together creating a distinct scent that made her brain foggy. She saw the smile that stayed on your lips when she looked back before crossing her threshold. She hoped she could have been braver.
"You're thinking out loud." you murmured,
Her gaze fell down, tucking a piece of stray hair behind your ear, something innocently sweet that made your heart flutter, "I was thinking the night of the gala."
A smile creeped on your lips, "When you had too much to drink and I had to drive you home?"
"You insisted on driving me home if I remember correctly, darling."
"I did. You were beautiful that night. I could hardly look away from you if you noticed." 
She did, yes, and she had quite a hard time trying to act so normal about it that was why she drank wine beyond her limit, thanks to you.
"You are too charming for your own good."
"And you are too tall so lean down and kiss me some more."
You both went for another round of kiss, her lips strayed a couple of times, trailing down your neck until her lips were stopped by the collar of your shirt. She didn't insist on going any further and went back to dip her tongue into your mouth. All of this kissing and caressing made you throb.
She was smiling indulgently as she pulled away, forehead to forehead, “I wished for you.” she breathed.
“I fucking knew it!” With a smile so big, you lunged yourself into her as if you weren’t already pressed. Larissa almost stumbled down, lucky you, she regained her footing and held you.
“You are so cheesy.” 
For the remainder of the night you stayed tangled up together, kissing and all. 
Shooting star or not, you knew you’d be hers. That much was clear.
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Are we soulmates?
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: angst, toxic!Larissa, pregnancy
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“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You asked Larissa as she sat in your living room “are we even soulmates in this one?” She responded with your daughter on her lap.
It crushed you
You had given everything up for the woman across from you, your daughter had been born during your time at Nevermore. Larissa said shifting was safe and didn’t require protection who knew the teachers pet could be such a liar.
So you dropped out letting Larissa live her life while you raised her baby, taking up a second job so she could continue her studies. Larissa had big dreams to become the principal of Nevermore and you lost the motivation to have any.
You had been dating the blonde since your first year of Nevermore, things had been perfect until that stupid girl came- no it wasn’t her fault.
Morticia had become of the object of Larissa’s desires causing visits to become scarce, you knew she wasn’t attracted to you anymore. Not since you had given birth to Delilah, your body had changed it was only natural it would’ve.
Your little Delilah Brienne Weems meant the world to you
“I love you” she smiled but didn’t take her eyes off the girl playing with her rings, you nodded of course she said that. You wanted a family it didn’t need the white picket fence as long as you had Larissa and your daughter. Unfortunately Larissa didn’t want that just yet.
It wasn’t until Delilah turned three, you sat at the dinner table in the middle of the night Larissa still hadn’t returned. Your head in your hands as you sobbed, who had you become? A shell of a woman begging to be loved.
Larissa had woken you up when she finally got home, liquor on her breath and lipstick smudged she looked cocky. You were tired not sure if it was only physically anymore as you followed her up the stairs watching her get ready for bed.
You laid down facing away from her as she slipped in next to you “I don’t love you anymore” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around your waist. She was only drunk you told yourself as you fell asleep, when you got woken up the next morning Larissa was gone Delilah now on her side of the bed.
She was too young to understand where her mama had gone too little to just see mommy everywhere but you hoped it didn’t last. That Larissa would change her mind but she didn’t and things flushed themselves down the drain.
You loved Larissa violently
Losing yourself
Larissa had gotten her way, she had broken you
It had been thirteen years since Larissa had left never looking back she often wondered how you had been, how Delilah was. But now as she waits for her next interview she knows she no longer needs to wonder about her family the one she left behind.
You walked in behind two children a hand on each of their shoulders, your eyes blank as you stared at her she now wondered had you been married. “M-mom?” Delilah whispered her voice cracking as tears welled in her blue eyes it broke Larissa’s heart she had caused that.
The boy only looked confused as he watched his older sister “my little flower” Larissa smiled sadly “Don’t” Delilah stunned the older woman. “You don’t get to call me that” she sneered as she turned to hid in your side “who’s this?” Larissa asked “Theo” he whispered.
She looked up at you with a silent question but you shook your head no as you took a seat in-front of her desk. “You know Delilah, your mama and I used to attend this school” Larissa spoke gently only to receive a lashing from her daughter.
“I apologise Delilah for leaving” she sighed making matters worse as the girl got up quickly leaving, Theo chasing after her.
You sighed sadly “I do apologise for leaving I wasn’t in the right headspace Y/n” she pleaded almost, you looked away not wanting to give her a reaction. “I found I regretted it, I got the job but nobody to go home to, nobody to hold, I have everything but at what cost?”.
“Well who’s fault is that Larissa?” I asked sitting up straighter in my seat “mine” she whispered staring at her hands. “I was pregnant and I planned to tell you but you left… you just left” you shrugged biting your lip still not facing her.
“I’m sorry”
“Sometimes sorry isn’t enough”
“I know”
“You know?”
Finally your eyes met now staring into the eyes your children shared “I loved you Larissa” you laughed “I love you in every universe” she whispered. “Do you take it back in every universe?” You scoffed shaking your head “we’re here for our daughter’s enrolment”.
You might be single but you had moved on no longer begging to be loved by someone who’s love had terms and conditions.
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milfsloverblog · 1 year
Stood Up (Part 3) (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: This took me so long to write, I reaaaally wanted to write the angst (beware) but then got stuck at the smutty part (which is why it isn’t as detailed). I hope you’ll enjoy reading this chapter as much as the previous ones! Lil reminder that my requests are open and I’ll happily write for any of Gwen’s characters <3
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Saying you had fallen for Larissa would be an understatement. In a couple of weeks the tall woman had insidiously made her way inside your brain and inside your heart. She was usually your first thought in the morning when your eyes fluttered open, and your very last at night when you went to bed and moaned her name, your hand buried between your thighs under the bedsheets.
You hadn’t dared use her phone number yet. She’d said to use it wisely and you weren’t sure that calling or texting her every time you wanted to would make her very happy. You knew she was a busy woman, probably working until late at night only to wake up early in the mornings, and the last thing you wanted was to bother her.
A couple of times you had thought about sending her flowers, you even had the perfect bouquet in mind. Some black pearl amaryllis paired with baby’s breath and eucalyptus. Love and passion, new beginnings, protection. The perfect bouquet. But you had no idea which school to send it to and even if you had, you still weren’t sure that sending flowers to a woman you were having casual sex with was a good idea.
You sighed as you flipped the sign on your shop window, staring at the word “closed” written in bold letters while you locked the door. Thursdays were always slow and you had only made a few sales that day. You hated Thursdays more than Mondays, but at least you had Fridays to look forward to. Even more now that you knew Larissa.
“Lydia!” You called as you walked past Ellen’s and noticed your friend taking her cigarette break outside the restaurant.
The girl stubbed out her cigarette and waved as you approached her, pushing an awkward smile.
“Are you alright ?” You asked with a soft chuckle, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”
“No, no I’m fine! It’s just…It’s so rare to see you on Thursdays!” Lydia laughed uncomfortably and rubbed the back of her neck.
You were about to answer when you noticed it, the silver hair through the restaurant window. You couldn’t believe your luck.
“Larissa!” You whispered, watching the woman for a few seconds before moving to walk inside the restaurant.
“No, no wait-“ Lydia tried to hold you back but it was too late, you had already pushed the door open and taken a few steps towards Larissa’s table.
That’s when you finally realised that another woman was sitting across from Larissa. A redhead with big glasses who looked around Larissa’s age.
The tall woman leaned in a little, telling her companion something that made her laugh loudly. Larissa smiled, looking proud of herself and you watched as the redhead put her hand on the blonde’s one on the table.
Oh. Oh. It suddenly dawned on you that you were witnessing a date.
You took a step back and accidentally bumped into Lydia who dropped the empty plates that she had been carrying. Immediately the whole restaurant turned to look at the two of you, including Larissa and her companion.
You kneeled at the same time as Lydia did to pick up the broken pieces of glass, your back turned to Larissa.
“I’m sorry, babe,” Lydia whispered, glancing at the tall woman still sitting down in her booth. “I tried to tell you, I…I’ll spit in their food if that makes you feel better.”
You looked at your friend, eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill, and shook your head.
“That won’t be necessary.” You managed to say, “We’re not together. She’s free to see whoever she wishes to see.”
With that you got back on your feet and took a deep breath, turning around to look at Larissa who immediately pulled her hand away from the redhead’s. She opened her mouth to speak but you didn’t care enough to listen, instead choosing to get out of the restaurant as quickly as you could.
As soon as the building was out of sight you burst into loud sobs, letting the tears run freely down your cheeks. And it was silly, you knew that. Larissa didn’t owe you anything, she wasn’t yours and you weren’t hers. You weren’t even mad at her, you were mad at yourself for allowing this to happen.
Of course, she would want to date someone more like her. Someone her age, someone who did more in life than owning a flower shop. You knew that you were different from Larissa in almost every aspect but somehow you had hoped that maybe…
Fuck, it hurt. Your heart squeezed painfully in your chest as you realised that you had fallen in love with a woman who probably saw you as a mere distraction. And you could never be mad at her, because it was all your fault.
The next few days were hell. Every time you closed your eyes you’d see images of Larissa and that redhead woman and it made you sick to your stomach. So much so that you skipped dining at Ellen’s that Friday.
You resented every single person that came into your shop to buy flowers for their partner, your teeth grinding each time someone mentioned their loved one.
“Your partner is lucky, I bet they get showered in flowers a lot.” The tall man standing on the other side of your counter said.
You looked up at him and his beige coat, and then back down at the bouquet of stargazer lilies he had bought. He had been here twice this week already. Yesterday he had gotten a dozen of white tulips and you couldn’t help but wonder if the man knew what these flowers meant.
I’m sorry, the tulips said. I miss you, the lilies added.
“I don’t have a partner.” You simply answered as politely as you could. “I’ll be back in a second, I need to get some organza.”
You walked to the back of your shop, shuffling through your organza rolls to find one that would match the bouquet.
“Ha!” You smiled victoriously and made your way back to the front of the shop, stopping dead in your tracks when you saw Larissa standing where the man had been just a couple of minutes earlier.
Your eyes quickly scanned around the shop, the man was gone. It made no sense, because if he had left and Larissa had walked in, the bell over the door would have rung twice, and it didn’t ring at all.
“I waited for you on Friday night,” Larissa’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts, “But you never came.”
You bit back a snarky remark and walked to the counter where the lilies were still waiting to be wrapped.
“I didn’t feel like going to Ellen’s.” You answered, keeping your eyes down as you cut the organza.
“You haven’t called, or texted.” She said, making you shake your head a little.
“Yes, well, I know you’re a busy woman. Didn’t want to bother you.” You shrugged, still not looking at her.
“You’re right, I am a busy woman. But I would have made time for you.” Larissa took a step closer and you put the scissors down, taking a deep breath before looking up at her face.
“I don’t think we should see each other again.” You said as straightforwardly as you could, watching how Larissa’s mouth dropped slightly open as she processed your words.
“Why?” It came out of the older woman’s mouth as a whisper.
Because I’m in love with you but you aren’t in love with me, you wanted to say.
“Because it wouldn’t be right to that redhead woman I saw you with last week.” You shrugged and went back to wrapping the bouquet.
There was a moment of silence before Larissa suddenly started laughing, and it made the anger bubble in your body.
“Yeah, it’s so funny, isn’t it? So, so funny.” You said through gritted teeth. “I really hope it made you feel good about yourself, me fucking you and you fucking me. I know I’m not good enough to be with someone like you, hell you probably wouldn’t even look at me if I walked past you down the street. But, fuck, it hurts. It hurts to know that if I had been a little more like that redhead, maybe you would have wanted me. Really wanted me, like I want you.”
Larissa had stopped laughing then, her blue eyes wide as she listened to your rant. She frowned because she thought she’d understood what you were implying but it couldn’t be. You couldn’t possibly be in love with her.
“Marilyn, the redhead, is my employee.” She eventually said after a few seconds. “And she is the closest thing I have to a friend. I don’t know what you think you saw that night at Ellen’s, but it wasn’t a date. We do like and respect each other, but it’s nothing like that.”
You just stood there quietly, realising you had been even more stupid than you’d thought. You wanted nothing more than to disappear.
“You fell in love with me…” Larissa said barely audibly and you shrugged, fidgeting with the lilies in your hands.
The cat was out of the bag now, it would be useless to deny your feelings after your clear display of jealousy.
“Yes, I did. Can you really blame me though? You’re everything anyone could wish for.” You eventually said, daring to look up at the tall woman.
Larissa leaned on the counter, her face stopping only a few inches from yours.
“Tell me again how we shouldn’t be seeing each other.” She whispered, her eyes dropping to your lips.
What happened next happened so quickly, you barely had time to register it. You closed the gap between Larissa’s lips and yours, her hand immediately grabbing the back of your neck to pull you closer.
She walked around the counter and lifted you as if you weighed no more than a feather, only to take you to the back of the shop and lay you down on the workbench where you prepped the flowers each morning.
You could smell the roses and carnations that surrounded you when Larissa kneeled between your now naked legs, a couple of thorns dug into your back but you could not have cared less.
“Have me, please!” You begged, aching to feel the woman’s touch on your skin again.
How special it was, you thought as you looked down into Larissa’s eyes and she looked up into yours, to have a goddess kneeled between her worshiper’s thighs, her mouth and chin slicked with their arousal.
You knew you wouldn’t last long when the coil in your tummy tightened dangerously, threatening to snap at any second.
When you came moaning Larissa’s name, the woman’s heart swelled in her chest. You loved her. Someone loved her. She was loved, finally.
“I love you too.” Larissa whispered in your ear as you came down from your high, placing a soft kiss on your panting lips.
She loved you.
Thank god. Thank god for the imbecile who had stood her up.
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alder-saan · 1 year
His sister...
Larissa x normie! fem! reader
OKAY this is the second time I post it bcz... well that was a wip and I posted it... I hate myself right now. Anyway I have to re-wright it. All of it. But that's okay :) (no that's not I wanna end myself)
Warnings : smut (that's the first time I write smut lol (the second as I already wrote this fic)) (the smut isn't with Larissa)
You are Larissa's brother's wife.
word count: ~3000
(I know this will look a bit like Mme Bovary, but... well, it's not a classic of French literature for nothing)
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You had married Philip Weems two months earlier. You didn’t love him. He was eleven years older than you, and not really your type. In fact you didn’t really choose to be his wife and to live in his house. Your father and him wanted to reunite their companies, and you were only there to make it look less commercial. You were here to give an heir. Lovely mission, you were not a woman anymore, you were a baby machine. He had flirted with you before you took the deal, probably to build up your confidence and make it easier for you to accept the situation, but now that you were his, he didn't pay any attention to you.
In his big house, your life was boring. You didn't have a degree, school was never really for you and because your father was rich, you never had to work. So naturally you had resumed reading. It allowed you to live a different life through the eyes of all the characters. And all day long you would read more and more of those mushy novels, dreaming of a life that was no longer available to you. You also started writing, but without telling anyone. It was a bit of a secret. You wrote the romantic stories you imagined all day. And then every day you went out to see your friends in a café in your neighbourhood.
“I promise, Jess’, he doesn’t bother me. I mean, he’s respectful. And I don’t need to work. A win is a win.”
Your friend Jessica narrowed her eyes.
“You sure ? I mean… you always told me you wanted to marry the love of your life when you’d find him.”
“I was younger, Jess’. I don’t believe in this bullshit anymore.”
Yes, you did believe it. You wanted to cry about it. You wanted to know Love. The Real Love. You wanted to meet him by accident in a library, or in a hostel, on the other side of the world. You wanted him to be young, at the same age as you, and you wanted him to love you.
You also wanted to work, to earn your own money.
“Respectful, okay but is he good?” Mary asked
“He is kind, if this is your question.” You pretended not to understand.
“You know what I mean, Y/N.”
“Not really, I doubt he is really interested in me. I mean I am probably too young for him. We just do it because that was a part of the contract, but he never makes me finish. Anyway I don’t need him for that.”
“You don’t love him and he doesn’t look after you. What a nightmare…” Jessica said.
“That’s not that bad. I don't have to worry about money, I have all my days to myself. I can look after myself.“
That wasn’t a positive thing in your opinion. You wanted to be independent. You wanted to be able to do whatever you could want. This made you feel like you were an object, some kind of trophy that he could show off at the parties you attended. You were there to be beautiful and to be silent. 
No, the real positive thing was that you now understood your mother, and why she left you when you were a child. Your father always told you she was a bad mother and she didn’t love you. And before you got married, you were mad at her. But you knew, now you were married to a man you didn’t love. She didn’t love you, but she probably never wanted this marriage nor a child. You were thinking of leaving once you'd given Philip a child, the way she did before.
You wanted to find her, and to talk to her. You wanted to know the story of her life, of her marriage to your father. You also wanted to tell her that you understood her, and that you were no longer angry at her for abandoning you. If she hadn't wanted to be your mother, you wanted her to be your friend, because you were going through something she had gone through too..
“Alright girls, I gotta go. See you tomorrow!” You waved at them and left the café after paying for your drink.
It was time for you to go back to your home. Your husband would be home in less than half an hour. You had to help Livia cook. It wasn't in the contract, but you wanted to do it. Livia, although she spoke very little English, made you feel less lonely. She spoke to you in her half-Spanish English about her travels with her family. Even though she often told the same stories, you liked to hear her talk about places you had never seen. Especially when she talked about the sea of clouds over the Sierra Madre. You dreamed of going there. She told you that when she came back to visit her parents, she could take you there. But you knew your husband wouldn't let you go... And then you helped her to speak better English, she had made progress in the last two months. She taught you Spanish too, but for now, the only things you could say were "Soy Y/N, no me gusta mi marido" and some names of foods and ingredients.
Then, your husband would go home, and you would have dinner. He would watch tv, and the both of you would go to bed, and you would have to fuck. 
Soon, he would fall asleep next to you.
And every night, after that, you used to imagine another man. Sometimes it was an explorer who would tell you about his many journeys, a writer who would make you read his most intimate texts, a painter who would take you for his muse... 
But that night, he was a sailor. A handsome sailor you would have met in the inn where you were working. He would have asked for a room for the night and a meal. And while you were serving him, he would have made a few passes at you, to which you would have responded by teasing him. If at the beginning, it would have been innocent, you would have quickly come to the point where he would have proposed you to spend the night with him, at the end of your service. To which you would have replied with a "maybe", but as soon as your boss allowed you to leave, you would have knocked on his door.
“I was wondering when you’d come…” he would tell you.
Then he would take your waist and hold you close. You would kiss him, and it would become wilder as his hands would travel to your ass. He would gently but firmly push you against the wall.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He would whisper. You would know that was a lie, but you wouldn’t care. And he would know it.
He would kiss your neck while undressing you. And when you would be completely naked, he would sit you on the bed and spread your legs to kiss your inner thighs, then your clit. He would lick your arousal and you would moan his name.
In your bed, you were circling your clit, legs spread, a hand massaging your breast. You imagined his head facing your wet pussy, saying you were tasting divine, his hands all over your body, caressing your skin. You were already so close and as he would ask you to hold on a little, you waited a few seconds before allowing you to come. 
Next to you, your husband was sleeping.
Soon, you fell asleep too.
The sun was brushing your skin, slowly warming it. You opened your eyes. You were alone in your giant bed. Philip was already gone. You heard the clock striking nine. He used to leave the house near seven o’clock. You stretched your arms and legs and yawned. Watching towards the window, you could see the blue sky. This day promised to be good. You quickly showered and dressed up. Something simple. Black tights, dark skirt, white shirt. A safe bet. But to add a small personal touch, you clipped a blue tit pin on your shirt. 
You always liked blue tit. Firstly because they were cute. A tiny bird, yellow and blue, with a kind of large eye liner and white cheeks. Secondly because you wished to go to Europe once. You wanted to travel to Austria, or Germany, and this Eurasian tit symbolised this dream.
Maybe one day you would quit New Hampshire.
Something on the dresser caught your eye. Some 50 dollar notes had been put there by your husband. He had written a message on a piece of paper: "so you can go shopping today, we have a guest for lunch".
You frowned and crumpled the paper. So he wanted you to look good with his guest, uh? 
“I’m not a teen who needs pocket money.” you grumbled. 
You put on black shoes, music in your earphones, and went out of the house. In the streets, the sun was warming the asphalt, and your steps led you almost automatically to the little café bakery in which you usually  bought your breakfast.
Opening the door, a smell of butter, sugar and vanilla reached your nostrils. By 9 am, not many people were left. But you would have noticed her in a crowd of thousands of people. She was sitting on a chair, a big cup of hot chocolate and a croissant on the table in front of her. Her blonde hair in a perfect updo, she wore a clear blue dress. She was looking at the window, her phone in one hand. She was so tall… Your mouth went dry when you noticed her red lipstick as she turned her head towards you. She had caught you staring in the glass reflection. She gave you a smile, and you were sure your cheeks became as red as her lips. You turned your head to the counter to order, removing your earphones.
Were you just staring at a woman?
Did she just smile at you?
You glanced over your shoulder. She was still looking at you, her blue eyes fixed on you, crossing her legs. She took a sip in her cup.
“Hot…” you whispered.
“Excuse me, Y/N?” the waiter asked.
“Yes-yes, Nicolas, er, I-I want a-a hot chocolate please. And… and, er… a profiterole please. Takeaway.”
“Ready in a second.”
You couldn’t stand her look, it made your knees go weak. Was it what Jess called a “gay panic?”. You had to know and tipped a message.
: Hey, Jess
: What exactly is a gay panic?
She was quick to respond.
J: When you look at a girl and you want to like… kiss her. Immediately. And you can’t function properly bcz you think about her kissing you.
J: Why?
: There is this woman at Nic’ and Jane
: I never felt like this for a woman.
: She’s so beautiful, I want her lipstick on my lips and on my throat right now.
J: Oh my god
J: You’re gay!
: Am I?
J: You ARE.
“Y/N?” Nicolas said.
“Uh? Yes, it’s me”
“I have your hot chocolate and your profiterole.”
“Is everything okay? You seem distracted…”
“Yeah, I’m fine, thank you. Is it okay if I pay later? I forgot my wallet at home.”
“Of course, whenever you want.”
You took the paper bag he handed to you and went out of the café-bakery. The fresh air was really needed. You put your earphones back on.
Who was she?
You had never seen her. 
Walking the street, you arrived in the big park in which you always ate your breakfast. Your favourite place was in a sort of hidden place, under a badly pruned weeping willow. There was a bench, and a little pond in which ducks used to swim when you were a kid, but now, there were only frogs left. Sometimes, a grey heron you named Alex was fishing in it. A grey heron in New Hampshire. That was the local attraction. It escaped an aviary two years ago and settled up in the park. No one tried to catch it. And now, it was the star of the neighbourhood's children, who often tried to find it. Sometimes, when it was in the pond, you would talk to it, as if it could understand what you were saying. And for the only answer, Alex would keep fishing, at the other side of the pond.
But this day, no Alex in the pond. And the frogs were happily jumping in the grass. The sunshine passing between the branches of the willow tree made thousands of small sun spots on the now shimmering  water. You wiped the bench full of willow leaves with your hand and sat there.
While drinking your hot chocolate, you thought about this woman, in the café bakery… 
You wanted to see her again…
You had just finished your hot chocolate and ate your pastry when you heard footsteps in your back. You hoped no one would pass the curtain of leaves which hid you from the world. You liked to be alone, daydreaming about people you would never see again… Shit, they entered your secret garden. You sighed.
“What a pleasant surprise!”
You turned your head. That was her. She was there, next to you. Your eyes widened, your cheeks went red.
“Hi-uh… Hello.” You managed to say.
“Y/N, isn’t it? Can I sit here?”
“Y-yes, of course. How-how do you know my name?”
“I heard the waiter say it.” She sat, smiling at you. “My name is Larissa.”
“Larissa…” you whispered. Her name was quite unusual, and you liked it, you liked the way it sounded. You couldn’t look at her so you just fixed the water.  But in your peripheral vision you saw her smirk.
“And I paid your order.”
You turned your head towards her. Big mistake, now you couldn't take your eyes off hers.
“Oh no, you shouldn’t have…”
“And you should have sat with me in the bakery. I’m glad I found you.”
Her look went down on your lips. You felt your cheeks warming.
“I don’t know” she said “I thought you could show me a good time…”
“I-I want to pay you back.”
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to.”
“Mh, if you really want to, there is something you could do.”
“And what is it?”
Her hand approached your cheek. You held your breath. Was she about to kiss you? Your heart hammered in your chest as she stared again at your lips. 
“I-I am a married woman.”
She froze. You held your breath. The wind blew and some willow leaves fell on you, the frogs and the pond.
“I’m sorry. I think I misunderstood your signals” She gave you a soft smile.
She started to pull her hand away from your cheek but you held it back.
“No you didn’t. I-I just thought that was unfair not to tell you.”
“I don’t understand…”
“That’s not a love marriage. I don’t love him, he doesn’t love me.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head. You didn’t like this pity gaze on you.
“Don’t. That’s okay.”
“You know, I was almost forced into a marriage, so I think I can understand what you feel.”
Her? Her, forced into a marriage? You suddenly felt understood, and safe with her. She took your hand.
“My former fiancé learnt I wasn’t a normie and refused the marriage.”
“What do you mean by a normie? You mean straight?”
“Yeah, I mean straight.” She didn’t want to tell you she was an outcast.
“To be honest I learnt I wasn’t today.”
“Am I your gay awakening?” Her smile grew bigger as you nodded.
She kissed you. Her lips were soft. Both of her hands on your cheeks, yours were on her hips. She left a last kiss on your cheekbone and smiled.
“How about a walk? Maybe you could show me the city.” She said.
“Of course, follow me.” You smiled.
You stood up and the both of you came out from under the willow.
“What was yours?” you asked, leading her on a path in the park.
“My gay awakening?”
You looked at her looking at the big trees. 
“My brother’s first girlfriend. He always had good tastes in women. By the way, are you from this town? Because I’m visiting him, and he said he would send me the address but he seemed to have forgotten. Can’t blame him, he has a lot of work.”
“Yes, of course, I live in the neighbourhood. I might know him, what’s his name?”
“Philip Weems.”
You frowned. What did she say?
“I didn’t hear, can you repeat, please?”
“His name is Philip Weems.”
That was official, you just kissed your husband’s sister. What were you supposed to say? Was she the guest for lunch? 
“Are you okay? If you don’t know where he lives, that’s okay.”
“I know where he lives.”
“Good morning Mrs Weems” a gardener said.
“Goo-good morning, Mr Johnson. How are you today?” you replied.
Larissa frowned. Did she know him?
And you cursed him for saying that right now.
“I’m fine, and you?”
“I’m fine.”
And he continued sweeping the path beside you.
“Mrs Weems, uh? You’re Philip’s wife.”
“I am.”
She chuckled.
“That only makes you more attractive…”
Hope you enjoyed <3
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makemyworldworthliving · 10 months
Larissa Weems x reader
Part 4: I’m a shapeshifter
Warnings: a lot of smut/Larissa morphs sex/nsfw18+!
You’re pacing around your bedroom, going over the events of what happened earlier in the day. You sit on the edge of your bed and put your head in your hands.
What. The fuck. Am I doing?
You lay back and tap your stomach lightly, deciding whether or not to go back and see Larissa. On one hand, all you can think about is how amazing her lips feel against yours, how her hands feel like silk against your skin… but on the other hand, you needed a job. A real job, with real money. As much as you loved the idea of going into work every day to fuck, you still needed to get paid. You sit up and sigh, and check your phone for the time. 6:30pm. Well, it’s now or never. You quickly get changed into jeans and a check shirt, before deciding to leave.
6:55pm. You put your phone in your pocket and take a deep breath as you knock on Larissa’s office door. She calls for you to come in, and you peep your head around the door. As you step in she looks up from her laptop and smiles at you instantly. God, you could get used to seeing her smile like that every time she saw you. ‘’Hello, darling! Please, sit down.’’ She gestures towards her couch that sits in front of her fireplace. The warmth of the fire feels cosy against your cold cheeks. Larissa disappears for a few minutes in her kitchen then appears again with a bottle of red and two glasses. ‘’Care for some wine?’’ You nod and thank her shyly as she pours you a generous amount of wine.
You find yourself both sitting in silence for what feels like an eternity, both slowly taking sips of the red wine. You decide to clear your throat and speak. ‘’So…’’ you place your glass of wine down on the floor by your feet. ‘’I was wondering if we could talk about today…’’ you twiddle your fingers awkwardly, not sure where to look. Larissa leans back on the couch, with one arm resting behind you. ‘’Okay dear, what would you like to discuss?’’ She smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear. God you’re so nervous now. Fuck. Just speak god damn it! You move away ever so slightly so you can try to think straight. ‘’I… I really loved today. The way you made me feel was.. incredible. But…’’ you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. ‘’I really need the job, like.. the actual job. I need to get paid and earn some money.. I really hope what happened today doesn’t mean you can’t be my employer anymore…’’ you pick up your glass of wine and take a big gulp, trying anything to stay calm.
Larissa thinks for a moment, before leaning forward and placing her wine down. She turns to face you directly. ‘’Y/N… you definitely still have your job here, if you want it… but I’m sure you could spare at least 20 minutes during your shifts?’’ She smiles and leans forward, taking the wine glass out of your hand and placing it on the floor, her hand now resting on your thigh. ‘’I promise, you will still get paid, no matter how much cleaning you manage to get done when I’m through with you.’’ She places a soft kiss on your neck. You swallow hard, before moving her chin up so you can kiss her. You slowly start to straddle her lap as the kiss goes from slow and gentle to rough and passionate. ‘’So… can I return the favour now?’’ You whisper against her lips. She lets out a small giggle and leans back to look at you. ‘’Yes, baby.’’ Fuck. There’s that nickname again. You clench your thighs together as you moan at her words. You stand up and take her hand, this time it’s you leading her to her bedroom.
After a few minutes of trying to pull each others clothes off you both lay naked on Larissa’s bed, each others hands begging to explore one another’s bodies. You push Larissa down onto her back and straddle her hips. You find yourself staring at her naked body, your finger tips tracing down her stomach. She shivers, and god did she look beautiful when she did. ‘‘You’re so beautiful, Larissa…’’ you lean down and place soft kisses along her neck, your hands on her hips. Your kisses move down to her chest, and her breath hitches in her throat. You let out a soft chuckle and slowly move your tongue over her right hard nipple, causing a beautiful moan to leave her mouth. ‘’God, Y/N… your tongue feels like silk.’’ She turns her fingers through your hair.
After a few minutes of worshipping her breasts, you sit back up. You can sense a look in Larissa’s eyes that she wants to say something. Had you done something wrong? Had she realised that she could do so much better than you already? You feel yourself becoming anxious and rather self conscious all of a sudden. You shift awkwardly. She notices a change in you.
‘’Y/N… what’s wrong, darling?’’ She tilts her head at you. Which was so adorable, fuck.
‘’I was about to ask you the same thing…’’ you laugh slightly, trying to brush off your anxiety. Larissa sits up, and wraps her arms around you. ‘’There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.’’ Oh no, here it comes. She’s married? She’s moving away? You’ll never see her again? Your mind was racing so you just nodded slowly, allowing her to carry on speaking. ‘’… I’m, a shapeshifter.’’ You blink, taking a moment to comprehend what that means.
‘’Oh… okay… well, that doesn’t bother me, not at all!’’ You smile at her, with relief but also with reassurance. She cups your cheek. ‘’I didn’t think it would bother you’’ she says. ‘’But… I thought maybe we could have some fun with it, if you’d be up for that?’’ Her voice was full of lust and desire, and to be honest when it came to Larissa Weems, you were up for anything. ‘’Yes, yes definitely. Anything.’’ You blushed at how desperate you sound. She smirks and tells you to lay down on the bed on your back. She grabs your hips and pulls you down to the edge of the bed. She drops to her knees, now eye level with your dripping cunt. She groans at the sight of you and places soft kisses along the inside of you left thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat as you involuntarily thrust your hips towards her face. Larissa stands up, and places your legs on her shoulders, holding onto your calves.
‘’Y/N… I want to fuck you… with my cock.’’ Your eyes widen, as you now suddenly understood what she meant when she told you she was a shapeshifter. You gulp slightly. ‘’How… big are you?’’ You ask nervously. You’ve only ever been with woman and had small toys, so this was all new to you. ‘’I can be as big or as small as you want, baby.’’ You smile up at her as you start to relax, you know she’ll take care of you. ‘’Erm… is 6 inches okay?’’ You take a deep breath.
‘’Perfect.’’ She holds your legs steady as she morphs her sex, now presenting a 6 inch cock. You look down and your eyes widen, you’re incredibly aroused and excited and nervous all at once. She waits for your nod of approval and slowly inserts the tip of her cock into you. You tense at first then slowly start to relax, locking eyes with her. You trust her, more than you’ve ever trusted anybody. She slowly goes in deeper, and once you’re adjusted to her size, she starts slowly thrusting into you. Moans escape your lips, your hands coming up to your breasts to play with your nipples. Larissa picks up her pace as she feels you become more relaxed, causing you to moan her name even louder. ‘’That’s it, baby. Take my cock. Such a good girl, aren’t you?’’ You try to reply but can’t speak, your mouth is just hanging open leaking out moans and profanities. You start rubbing your clit as she pounds into you, and sight of this causes Larissa to get close to climax.
‘’Fuck, Y/N… I’m gonna cum.’’
‘’Cum on my tits.’’ You almost can’t believe the words left your mouth but you were that desperate for Larissa you didn’t care. She moans as your words and pulls out of you, stroking her cock a few more times before cumming all over your chest, her warm cum coating your tits. Before you could think Larissa’s fingers are inside you, fucking you hard. ‘’cum for me, baby.’’ Her words and the feeling of her fingers are enough to cause you to crash over the edge, your back arching, eyes shut tight. After cleaning you both up, Larissa lays next to you on the bed, placing soft kisses on your face. You roll her on her back and lay your head on her chest. You feel like you could lay like this forever.
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regalbootie · 1 year
Trying Something New In the Bedroom Chapter 3
Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, overstimulation, spanking again cos I'm a whore, shapeshifter peen, Dom Mommy.
Notes: This was requested by the lovely @marilynthornhilllover and I had also received great help with this fanfic from many people i gotta say you guys are awesome. there will be a chapter 4! it just may not be rather smutty hehehe.
Requests are still open and I'm also taking suggestions for other characters to write about so if you craving something ill give it a shot! let me know what you all think of this anyways!
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You pout as the cabin slowly goes out of sight, wishing you could stay there forever with your wife. It was bliss a week of rough fucking along with some tenderness of curling up in front of the fireplace together breathing in the calmness that the homey little cabin provided.
“Oh Darling, I promise we’ll come back soon” Larissa ran a hand over your leg, her fingers drawing soothing shapes that had no meaning. Resting your head against the window and burning the memory of the scenery into your brain when you notice the car rolling to a standstill.
“what’s wrong darling?” looking over at your wife you notice a fork in the road.
“I’m just trying to remember which way to go my love” Squinting hard like she was envisioning a big sign saying this way. “I think it's right” starting to turn the car to go right you place a hand on her thigh.
“I’m pretty sure its left darling”
“No I am sure it is right” Larissa starts the car again “and I am pretty sure it is left” you scowl and let out a huff. Larissa turns to stare at you with that look that says ‘don’t be a brat right now.'
“Ok go right just don’t complain to me when you realize you went the wrong way” now it's Larissa’s turn to scowl and she takes the right turn. Smirking when she reaches the main road and lifting a brow to say ‘I told you so’.
You stick your tongue out at her and she rolls her eyes at you. The rest of the drive was smooth sailing and it was dark once the car rolled up outside the school, a storm had arrived at the same time and thunder was booming in the distance.
Jumping at the strike of lightning the two of you grab your bags as fast as possible making your way through the dim and empty school to your shared quarters. None of the teachers were arriving till tomorrow so it would just be the two of you as the grounds keeper and cleaners would be home hours ago.
Unpacking you notice Larissa is nowhere to be seen, huffing you unpack the last of everything and go hunting for your wife. Noticing a glow of light coming from under the door to her office you knock lightly as the door swing slowly open to the most beautiful sight before you.
Slowly you come up behind her as she gazes into the fireplace the fire roaring before you. Wrapping your arms around her waist resting your tired head on her back, feeling the tension release from her you lay kisses along her shoulders.
Turning in your arms you couldn’t help but smile up at her beautiful face, she was like an angel sent from heaven the fire casting a halo-like effect over her, but little did you know she was going to be the devil.
“You were being very bratty earlier darling” she pulled away from your arms and moved to sit in the armchair beside the glowing embers. “I think you should be punished for how you acted towards your mistress”
Blinking slowly, you realized what feeling she was making run through your body. The wave of excitement traveled down your spine, leaving chills all over your back. Licking your lips, faking a look of innocence for your mistress.
Patting her thigh, you slowly moved to lay across her legs, “I’m sorry Mistress.” Your core was already starting to throb with need as you lay over her like a good little pet for her.
“Oh, I don’t think sorry is going to cut it right now baby” running her hands up over your legs digging her nails in leaving red marks in her wake making you shiver and arch into her more. Reaching your core, she continues dragging her nails and suddenly rips your panties off, making you jump in her lap and even more juices gather and begging for her to taste.
A low seductive chuckle rises from Larissa it almost sounded like a growl and, you knew you were in for a real punishment tonight. Lifting your skirt, she roughly clawed up them from your core, lifting her hands to land rough spanks.
Crying out and yelping “Mommy please” you beg with her after each spank until your ass was glowing bright red and the heat from the fire was not helping with the pain, but the pleasure mixed with it was all-consuming.
“Oh, you want to please mommy? Let me see how good you're being” running her fingers through your folds, her fingers instantly drenched with your juices. Feeling her long fingers run through you was so painstakingly good, you had to stop yourself from gutting your hips back and displeasing mistress.
“Oh, look how good you’re being” licking her fingers clean moaning at how divine you tasted on her tongue. God, you wished you could suck those fingers, your thoughts earning a whimper as you stop yourself from drooling.
“Up you get” Barely giving you an opportunity to get up from her lap you fall to the floor scrambling to your feet, whimpering at the fabric of your skirt brushing against your burning cheeks.
Grabbing and pouring a glass of wine Larissa rested back into her seat, “play with yourself darling I want to see my little plaything warm herself up for me”
 A warmth runs up your face with her request and you shuffle on your feet “don’t go shy on me now, you were a whimpering messy slut just now” sipping on her whine she takes you by the waist guiding you to staddle her. Your dripping core meeting her front making it throb even more at the friction.
“Come on be good for mommy” she takes your hand with her free hand guiding it down, rubbing them over your dripping cunt. Moaning you dropped your head to rest it on her shoulder “fuck mommy” bucking your hips the new stimulation sending shock waves straight through your entire body.
“Keep going I want to watch you” She starts to strip you as you pleasure yourself over her, your fingers gliding over your core and how that you were free from clothes you used your free hand to grab your breast. Palming it as you pinched your own nipples, getting lost in the pleasure you were building you closed your eyes as your head fell back your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Larissa couldn’t help but watch you, the way your eyebrows knitted together and the way you bit down on your bottom lip it was like a goddess had come down to bless her with your mere presence. Sipping on more wine Larissa drank all of you in her eyes roaming every inch of you.
The pleasure in you had built too quickly you didn’t think you would have been so close to cumming but here you were writhing above her gasping for air. “cum for me darling I want to see you”
All it took was those words, her voice was raspy from the wine sending that last piece of pleasure breaking the dam, a shiver running up your back. “Yes mommy” you cried out for her letting her know that she was the last piece you needed. Your hands jolted as the lingering pleasure ripped through you, slowing down once the stimulation got too much.
“oh no baby keep going” she took your hand again making you apply more pressure and picking up the speed. “It’s too much mommy” your hand falters in her grip but she keeps going making you rub your clit as your body shakes from the overstimulation.
“Let mommy help you” setting her glass down on the table beside her Larissa runs her fingers through your folds, slowly inserting her fingers inside your pussy instantly clenching around her. Biting the inside of your mouth you tried to regain your focus, the pleasure of everything was drowning you. Your eyes flutter open to look at Larissa who was licking her lips, her eyes were burning with desire, and it looked animalistic.
“Keep going until I decide you can stop lovely” her free hand guided your hips to thrust down onto her fingers. You were fucking yourself on her fingers and nothing could be hotter, you were on fire your whole body was burning up and the only thing that could fix it was those long fingers that were reaching those deep spots inside you that make your toes curl.
“Fuck mommy it feels so good” her grip tightening on your hip was strong enough to leave marks. Her other hand was still holding your hand in place making you rub your clit, moving your hand to move faster over your swollen clit.
Your legs were shaking the overstimulation was immense and not having a break between your first orgasm had you gasping and panting as your next one was building too fast for you to keep up with. She kept hitting that perfect spot in you pulling sinful moans and cries from your lips.
“God you look like a sinful mess baby” leaning forward she laid a soft kiss behind your ear making your knees buckle ever so slightly making her fingers hit even deeper. A scream of pleasure was all you could make and she attacked your neck.
She was ruthless as she bit and suck leaving deep red marks along your neck, it was unbearable the pleasure that was consuming you “Pl..please please I'm going to cum” sobbing as she bit that sensitive spot, you went ridged as you gushed over her fingers.
Screaming curses you shook, feeling like you were being torn in half with the sparks flying through your body as you came all over her fingers. “yessss just like that for mommy, let it go, ride it out”
Forcing your hips to keep moving as you shook, Larissa grinned you were a masterpiece of a mess and she was the artist. Licking over your bruised neck she slowly withdrew her fingers and it finally felt like you could breathe again and your body slumped against her.
“oh baby I am not finished with you yet” hooking her arms under your legs she stood and you scrambled to grab onto her holding tight. Your pulse quickened realizing there was more to come, your pussy was throbbing and you didn’t know how much more you could take.
You could feel the cold wood on your back as she lay you down over her desk, taking a step back to gaze over your sweat slicken body. “fuck you are so beautiful like this” your eyes were closed as you tried to catch your breath still and you could hear the faint noise of a zipper over the blood thumbing in your ears.
Next was the still new but familiar sensation of Larissa’s new favorite toy and also your new favorite, she ran her cock through your folds making sure her tip rubbed up against your clit spending more shock waves through you, jumping on the table from the over stimulation.
“Is it still too much for you baby?” Your pussy was a mess it was throbbing and spasming still and Larissa had no intentions of slowing down. Moving her shaft to your entrance she slowly pushed just her tip in, as if mirroring each other both of you had your eyes rolling back.
“Yes, mommy but it's so good” whining your answer right back at her, Larissa’s knees almost buckled with how good you felt, your over-stimulated pussy clenching around her instantly and almost pulling her over the edge. Resting her head on your shoulder she worshipped your body leaving kisses across your skin.
“Good girl” She started her thrusts going slow so she could torcher you a little longer but also so she wouldn’t cum so quickly. You were a beautiful mess below her, and she wanted to worship you, she wanted to get down on her knees and pray to your dripping temple.
“You’re my good girl baby, you’ve done so well tonight” Biting down on your ear lobe you pulled your tired arms to wrap around her running your hands through her hair and pulling her closer to you so she can continue her prayers over your skin.
She couldn’t stop touching you all over one of her hands held one of your legs so they could stay wrapped around her while the other ran over your neck caressing down to reach your breast palming it in her hand “I love your body so much darling it’s a gift from the gods just so I can defile it with my lust”
Throwing your head back whimpering you clench harder around her shaft, you loved her fingers but having her inside you filling you fulling and stretching you deliciously as your pussy wrapped around her.
Picking up the pace Larissa started to gasp and whimper as she continued her travels along your body, swapping her hand on your breast for her mouth causing you to scream out more and your legs tighten pulling her deeper within earning a thrust to that special spot deep inside nearly making you black out.
The room was filled with the sounds of slapping skin as Larissa drove deeper continuing to hit that spot now that she found it. “I... I’m going to ahh” trying to talk was so hard your brain was mush at this point and stringing a sentence together was getting more and more difficult as your walls began to tighten but Larissa knew what you were going to say, she could feel it and she wanted it so badly.
“That good baby you cum for mommy, I’m so close too I want to fill you up while you milk me dry”
The next sound you make was a scream that ripped all the air out of your lungs, it was like you could see the stars and the heavens above but you were slammed back down to earth when you heard Larissa’s growl as she came to her climax.
It was animalistic the way she drove herself deeper making sure you took every inch of her, she was drowning in you her eyes her as dark as the night sky as the lust and feel of you drove her to fill you with every drop. She was ridged as she bit down hard on your shoulder, she was shaking as the pleasure coursed through her.
It took a moment for you both to grab your breaths but having her collapsed against your body helped ground you and you couldn’t be more thankful for that. It took Larissa a minute more to come back but you didn’t mind as you curled her loose strands of hair around your fingers while the other soothingly ran up and down her back.
“That was amazing darling” huffing out a breath as she changed her core back to its natural beauty, so she didn’t hurt you by having to slide out. "you weren't so bad yourself" giggling like a child at her.
“Let's get you cleaned up” On wobbly legs, she scooped you up in her arms to carry you back to bed. Laying you so gently onto the bed and gracing your face with feather-light kisses, Larissa was always a completely different person after sex she was so caring and attentive to you always making sure you were well taken care of.
Fetching a cool cloth she cleaned you up and wrapped you up in a blanket, “get some rest darling” moving to get off the bed you grab her wrist.
“Cuddles?” putting on your best doe-eyed look knowing she’ll never refuse you and cuddles. A big smile grew on your face as she pulled the blankets back to curl up beside you. “Always my love” wrapping her arms around you pulling you closer into her embrace.
The thunderstorm had started to fade away and the room was filled with the soft rumbling of distant thunder and soft breaths as you kissed her softly to sleep thinking to yourself how lucky you were to have this woman wrapped up in your arms.
It had been a month since your little getaway and the students had been back for a while, unfortunately a flu had been going around the school and no one could escape it. You had been one of those victims of the sickness that plagued you for 2 weeks now.
Here you were slumped over the toilet for the millionth time today, not even making it to the staff toilets you had to charge into the students to expel what little of breakfast you had left in your stomach.
The students inside were certainly startled and ran straight out as you heaved, resting your head over the cold stall wall you heard a familiar sound of heels travelling down the hall outside. “Love!?” Larissa called out for you, and you cursed the student that went running to the principle, you didn’t want to concern her and it had taken you a week just to convince her to let you return to work.
“I’m ok Larissa jus...” the stall door flew open the light shining in and Larissa gasped at the sight of you. Your hair was a mess and you were so pale it scared her, swooping you in her arms she stormed down the hall. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go back to work”
Kicking the door open to your private quarters she gently lay you down on the sofa “we are going to the doctor” you begin to interject but she shushes you earning a scowl.
“you have had this flu for 2 weeks now and you just keep getting worse darling!” she was rushing around the flat grabbing her things together and your coat. “we cant go now Larissa I have classes!”
“I have already had Professor Yen fill in for you, they will cover for you until we get this sorted”
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tonks-21 · 1 year
Larissa Weems dating headcanons | Ikea date hcs | +18 | Wednesday | Corvey’s chest
Tw: +18
Content: fluff
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• At first, she didn’t even know this type of date existed
• She’s a car talker. Also enjoys silence, but she likes to have a conversation while let the sight change every second
• Larissa did never step into an Ikea💀
• If she did it was to take a package or buy a big thing, because it was for sure some furniture already noted on her phone
• Well now to the date
• She is so cute
• Cute at the level of following you as a puppy
• Because she doesn’t know where is anything and is actually surprised there are that much things
• And she likes and admires how you are that well-oriented there (or just following the flow unbothered)
• This woman likes when you ask her for her opinion on something
• Would laugh if you change the position of those small wood puppets or pose excessively next to something like candles
• And would take you a photo while laughing
• She likes the calm and cool spirit you are there
• And the fact that even with a headphone on, you would pay attention to her and her comments
• She would find cute that you like old-fashioned things
• Would get tired after a while but continue following you anyway with a smile printed on her face
• So cute 🥹
• Likes to see you in a more relaxed and comfortable outfit
• Likes seeing couples and people with kids searching for babies stuff
• She wants to do that with you someday if you feel the same
• If you see someone you don’t like, she would let you use her as a shield (bc i mean she’s tall as fuck-)
• Takes some photos of furniture and stuff she would like to have in your future house together
• When you ask her/ she tells you is flustered and excited about it
• In the end she thinks it was refreshing for her.
• She insists on buying some flowers for her office, but when you two get them, she gives them to you with a “It was a strange but cute date. I loved it. Thank you, darling”
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daydream-cement · 1 year
What about a sick Larissa wanting some comfort but being embarrassed to ask for it and show herself vulnerable but reader realizes she’s uneasy to ask for it…
I love your storiesssss!
My Little Patient
Characters: Larissa Weems x reader
Authors Note: I know I didn't have to be super descriptive, but everyone should get the opportunity to take care of Mommy Larissa™. This concept is adorable. Thank you, anon <3
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You had gotten home early from work that day and were surprised to see Larissa's coat and shoes already inside the front door. Your girlfriend typically was at work until much later in the day.
When you didn't spot her in the living room or kitchen, you sought out the bedroom. As you stood in the doorway, Larissa was curled up in bed already which was strange. You approach her, glancing down at her face.
She looked miserable. You raise your fingers to her forehead, moving the stray hairs back into place. At first contact with her forehead, you notice she was burning up.
Larissa mumbled something to you. You couldn't quite make it out.
"Honey... Are you okay?" You hover over her, your fingers still stroking her forehead.
"Mmm, I'm fine," was all she could muster. Her eyes opened ever so slightly, but they shut just as easily as they opened, tiredness overtaking her.
She was obviously not fine.
"I think you might be sick... Do you have any symptoms?" You urge her to be more honest with you. Your eyes sweep the room for more evidence, you see tissues piled on the nightstand and Larissa's nose seems to be red from blowing it.
"Really I'm fine." She seemed grumpy at your insistence, snapping at you.
"Look at you being brave." You begin to tease her in a voice you save for pets and babies, hoping to bring a smile to her face, "My little patient needs to be taken care of."
You press kisses against her forehead and pinch at her cheeks, bringing a small smile to the woman's face.
"Seriously, Rissa... Can I take care of you?" You ask, voice returning to normal, seriousness overtaking you.
"Please..." Her voice seemed small, it looked like she was almost in pain asking for help.
"Okay good. Well first off let's get you out of your work clothes. Then I'm going to have you take a quick shower with one of these little tablets that sits on the shower floor. It will make your sinuses feel good. Then we are going to tuck you back in bed with a big glass of water and some cold and flu medicine. Later you can have some soup that I will make while you sleep."
You already had a whole game plan laid out, loving the idea of taking care of her for once.
Slowly, you helped her undress, pulling her shirt over her head and pressing comforting kisses to her now bare shoulders, "While you shower, I'll wash your clothes so they are nice and germ free."
"You've never been so attractive." She mumbled, resting her head on your shoulder as your unclip her bra.
You let out a small laugh, "Okay, honey. Time to stand up."
Larissa groaned and pouted as you took her hands, pulling her up from the bed. Her arms wrapped around your shoulders as you unzip her skirt, pulling it and her underwear down at the same time.
She then follows you to the bathroom. Larissa busied herself by unpinning her hair while you turn on the shower and find one of your shower tablets, dropping it near the drain. You take her hand and guide her to the shower, "Get clean. I'll be right back."
You busy yourself gathering her clothes and bringing them to the washing machine. You even remembered to take her bath towel and toss it in the drier to get warm while she was in the shower. While the washing machine and dryer ran, you brought a garbage can to the side of the bed, clearing the nightstand of tissues and leaving the can there for further use.
You were in the cabinet selecting a sleepy time cold and flu medicine for Larissa when the shower turned off. You rush to get Larissa's now warm towel, presenting it to her when she stepped out of the towel. Her eyes went soft at the gesture, her lip sticking out slightly.
"Get all dried off and put on your favorite pajamas." You place your hands on either side of her face and grant her with a kiss on the forehead as you busy yourself with your new caretaker duties.
Larissa dried off and changed. You shut the bedroom blinds and drew the curtains. Larissa was sitting in bed by the time you returned to her bedside. You offered her the shot of medicine and a glass of water.
"Now, you snuggle in and sleep. I'll be back to check on you in a bit." You take her glass of water and placing it on the nightstand. Larissa shifts back into the bed, obviously enjoying the fact that she was now in comfortable clothes and freshly showered.
Later that night when she woke up from her nap, you served her some of your famous chicken noodle soup. Afterwards you laid in bed with her, Larissa's head resting on your chest as you played with her hair.
"Thank you, honey." Larissa mumbled before she finally drifted off to sleep.
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thegeyisshowing · 9 months
Oh, baby....
Fluff level 10000000%
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Wife!reader
Summary: Your wife Larissa and you sit down and have a talk. Absolute fluff and more chapters to come!
Warnings: None
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Chapter 1: Did you just say that?
Y/n and Larissa stood hand in hand, their fingers entwined like the roots of two ancient trees. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, casting a warm glow over the idyllic countryside just outside of Nevermore where they had chosen to build their life together.
It had been three years since they had exchanged vows under a canopy of oak trees, surrounded by their closest friends and family. The two had joined their lives in a union that defied conventions and captured hearts from everyone around, even their students.
Their love had grown stronger with each passing day, a testament to the undeniable connection they shared. The students and other teachers gossiped about them "sneaking around," but they paid no attention. They had each other, and that was all that mattered.
As they strolled through the lush meadow that stretched out behind their charming farmhouse, Y/N's heart swelled with happiness. She looked up at her beloved Larissa, whose striking blue eyes sparkled with an undeniable joy.
"Lissa," Y/n whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. Every day with you feels like a dream come true."
Larissa squeezed your hand gently and smiled down at her. "Honey, you are my everything. I cherish every moment we share together."
The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it a sense of anticipation, as if nature itself was holding its breath, waiting for the next chapter of their story to unfold.
That evening, after a delicious homemade dinner, the couple sat together on their cozy porch swing, gazing up at the summer starlit sky. Y/N nestled her head against Larissa's shoulder, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.
As the night went on, you turned to your wife with a mysterious glint in her eye. "Lissa, I have something to ask you," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
You looked up as your heart raced. "What is it, my love? You're making me curious."
A slow, radiant smile spread across your face. "I think... I think I want to have a baby."
Time seemed to stand still as Larissa processed your words. Her eyes widened with disbelief and then overflowed with tears of joy. She threw her arms around you, holding you tightly.
"Oh, Y/N, you've just made me the happiest person in the world!" Larissa exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "A baby? Our baby? As in you want to make a mini us?"
You nodded, your own eyes brimming with tears. "Yes, Lissa, our baby. I have been really thinking about it, and it feels like there is a hole right here." You pointed to your chest and looked down. "Like I can't stop the dreams, and honestly, I don't want to. I know I said I didn't want kids, but this big house needs little feet running around. And so do I." You told her the last bit was almost a whisper.
"My love, I never wanted to push you, but I want that too. But I would sacrifice that to be with you. Are you completely positive you want to do this? She looked deep into your eyes, and you whispered, "Absolutely honey"
The night sky seemed to shimmer with newfound magic as you held each other, envisioning the beautiful journey that lay ahead. Your love, which had already defied so many odds, was now blossoming into a new chapter, one filled with hope, dreams, and the promise of a family of your own.
Little did you two know that this tiny miracle soon to be growing within you would bring the two of you even closer together, forging an unbreakable bond that would transcend all challenges. A true love story, which had captured the schools' full attention, was about to become even more extraordinary as they embarked on the adventure of parenthood.
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sapphic-moon-child · 8 months
Oh, Baby... Chapter 6
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Wife!reader Fluff level 10000000% Warnings: smut, mentions of TTC and pregnancy struggles, mentions of child abuse and trauma, mentions of eating disorders, food struggles, Age regression.
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Chapter 6: she's… little?
You woke up the next morning before Larissa to find small eyes on you, looking for permission to cuddle. "Mommy?" Amelia whispered and your heart melted at her statement. "Do you need some snuggles honey?" You were met with several nods and your little girl scooting to you in the soft morning glow. Opening your arms you welcomed her and tucked the blanket around her. The movement slowly woke Larissa and she held a finger to her lips. "Mama be upset me" you scrunched your face a bit in confusion. "Honey why would mama be upset with you?" You softly questioned. "Cause I'm not big." You looked at the girl and thought you had an idea of what was going on. She was probably never tested, but both of you were state caregivers.
"Honey how old are you right now" you kept your eyes on her only flashing Larissa a quick look to not draw questions to the girl. You watched as she held up 2 fingers. She was a little, you knew from her files it said nothing about her classification. You knew there was several Littles in the school and they had designated caregivers, but you had a little now and she was officially yours. "Mama won't be mad sweetheart, we understand sometimes you are big, but sometimes you are little. There's no need to be upset, you can be little anytime that you need to be and mama and I will take care of you and love you just the same." You snuggled her into your chest and looked at Larissa. "We need to go shopping today my love." Larissa nodded and slowly slid out of bed, she got dressed and came to take the small girl from you so you could do the same. "Mama up?" She asked, making grab hands at Larissa. Her small stature was easy for Larissa to pick up and tuck close.
"Let's go get dressed sweetheart" while you dressed Larissa battled the little into her clothes. She set her down in the living room with cartoons and went to find you. Walking into the bedroom she found you pulling on a sweater. "We are going to have to get so much to have her safely here. Josh and Amanda are bringing her things here from the dorm later." "I know, I've been mentally making a list of things. Firstly though a carseat, and shoes that fit her. The ones she has seem to be pinching her toes, poor thing." As you two were softly chatting you heard a blood curdling scream and crying coming from the next room. You and Larissa went running and she scooped Amelia up telling you to get a towel. "Oh my God!" You immediately held Amelia's head and pressed the towel to her eyebrow to stop the bleeding. "She had to have hit the coffee table. Oh I feel so stupid. Shh honey it's okay!" Larissa cuddled Amelia close and bounced the small girl gently. Her cries turned to small whimpers. "Riss it isn't your fault, kids get hurt. It was an accident." Luckily the cut wasn't deep enough for stitches, but left a pretty big bruise. After a plaster was applied and tears wiped away you three headed to the car. By the time you got to the store three towns over, Amelia was fast asleep so Larissa decided to just carry her. The two of you got a multitude of things that the little one would need. A safety gate, bumpers for the coffee table, highchair clothes and more. You brought up needing to get bottles and some paci's just in case. While over in that section your eyes caught Larissa looking over at the supplements. "Riss? You ok?" You asked softly, putting a gentle hand on her arm. "Oh I'm fine, did you get the bottles and some sip cups?"
You nodded and gave her a soft look. "Riss I know what you were thinking, and I'm not opposed to doing it either. I think she could really benefit from that time. And if she opposes it then we will have it for future use." Larissa smiled at you and put six bottles of the lactation induce and boost supplement into the cart as well as two supplement systems for you and her. After all was purchased you loaded the car and after much frustration installing the safety seat you were able to put Amelia in the car. Thankfully you and Larissa bought an adjustable infant seat as well knowing about Amelia's shape shifting powers should the need arise. The car lurched forward and you headed to a small Cafe for lunch. Amelia surprisingly stayed asleep while the two of you ate and chatted. Amelia woke up with a soft whine and Larissa rocked her softly. "Hi mama" "Hi sweetheart, would you like something to eat?
Mama can get you some Mac n cheese?" The little shook her head and nuzzled into her chest. "Mnot hungry mama" Larissa sighed and snuggled the little, not forcing the matter. "Would you like applesauce?" You tentatively asked. You were pleased when Amelia gave you a small nod. Reaching into your purse you pulled out a pouch of applesauce and gave it to her, ensuring a happy giggle. "Riss Mary is coming over tonight to properly evaluate Amelia. It doesn't change the adoption, but it will give her the right help for school and the caregivers grant to help offset the cost of all the things we will need." Larissa cupped Amelia's cheek and smiled at you. "I think that's a good idea. She told you she was two, I wonder if she will drop lower or this is her lowest. It's rare for her to drop this early, but with all the trauma it's understandable."
After lunch was finished you headed back to the cottage you called home. Amelia had fallen asleep only to wake up when the car parked. "Mo-Larissa? Where are we?" Amelia asked sleepily, correcting herself quickly. Larissa gave you a knowing look, getting out of the car and opening Amelia's door. "Sweetheart, we're home, and we have a few things we need to talk about, but first let's get you unbuckled. Amelia's eyes went wide at the safety seat and she knew her secret was out. Tears started to pool in her eyes. "Hush now my love, no need for tears." Larissa guided her into the house and you carried in a few bags. You watched Larissa gently guide Amelia to the couch to sit, you followed to sit on the other side of the small girl. "Why was I in the seat Larissa? Ya know in the car?" The young girl asked fiddling with her fingers obviously trying to play ignorance. "Well my love,  I think you might know that answer. Is there something you've been hiding? You aren't in any trouble, but we need to know the truth." Larissa softly padded her knee and you gently rubbed her back. "I…I…please don't send me back. I can stay big, it was an accident!" The girl burst into tears and covered her face with her hands. "My love, no we aren't sending you back. We love you so much." Larissa wrapped her in a hug and you kept rubbing circles on her back. "Sweetheart we love you just how you are, big or little. How long have you been in your littlespace?"
You gently asked her. "Since I came here last year." She whispered through hiccuped breaths. "Why didn't you come to me, my love?" Larissa pushed gently knowing the girl had one of the few single dorms. "When I went home, I was little and grandfather beat me and made me promise not to tell anyone. He said only cowards are little." Your heart broke in a million pieces. "Honey you aren't a coward, and if you need to be little that's ok, we will always let you be big or little and our love will never change for you Amelia Weems." You cooed softly and she hugged you. Larissa wiped a few stray tears and turned to quickly wipe your cheeks too. "Amelia, why don't we get you a nice hot bath and some pj's? Then mama can order pizza okay?" The girl nodded and gave Larissa a quick kiss on the cheek before taking your hand and following you into your large bathroom with the big tub. You set out everything she would need and ran the water for her. "Ok sugar, I'll be right outside if you need anything."
"No… I… I mean can you stay?" You nodded, a bit surprised. "Sure I can honey." You noticed she was having trouble with her shirt, wincing in pain. "What's the matter, sweets? Does something hurt?" She looked at her feet and nodded. "Do you need help?" She nodded again and you helped her gently take her shirt off. When she turned around you saw the large bruise on her back. "Honey what happened to your back?" She shook her head and mumbled a soft "nothing" at you. You grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, turning her to face you. "Honey no secrets, I'm just worried." "One of the older boys bullies me… he…shoved me down and I hit the fountain a few days ago." You softly pulled her to you and wiped away her tears, mentally noting to talk to Larissa later. "Do you want me to wash your hair for you?" She nodded hesitantly and you helped her into the bath, telling her you'd be right back with a cup so she didn't have to bend down. Walking into the kitchen you caught your wife just as she hung up the phone from ordering take away.
"Riss, can you dose Amelia out some ibuprofen and paracetamol, and a bottle of juice? She has a gnarly bruise covering her back due to one of the older boys shoving her into the wall of the fountain." Larissa gasped and nodded quickly while you grabbed one of your larger cups walking back to the bathroom. You got down on your knees and slowly scooped up some water. "Head back a bit honey" she complied as you wet her hair and poured a bit of your own shampoo into your hands to run through her hair. Gently you massaged it through and watched her relax as you softly scratched her scalp. She turned a bit and rested her chin on her arm that was now placed on the edge of the tub. After a few minutes you grabbed the cup and rinsed her hair, then repeated with the conditioner. After her bath was finished you helped wrap her in a big fluffy towel and lead her to your room where you pulled out one of Larissa's old shirts and handed it to her along with a pair of her shorts and underwear.  I'll stay here but I'll turn around, okay honey?" She nodded at you and she put on her pants but struggled with the shirt.
"Can you help me?" She asked with a small blush. You turned around and pulled the shirt over her head holding out the sleeves for her to slide her arms into. "Would you like me to brush and braid your hair?" Amelia nodded and hopped up in the bed in front of you. A soft knock came from the door and you looked up and smiled. "Hello my dear, I come bearing some medicine to help that not hurt so much." Larissa sat down in front of Amelia and handed her the juice and gave the girl the two syringes of pain medicine. Once she was done with her juice you started brushing her hair, noticing Larissa was watching you, but also noticing Amelia was softly playing with her fingers. Once you were done braiding her hair Larissa produced a small tin of cream.  "Amelia, can I put some of this on your back? It smells good and will also help it heal. I promise to be gentle." She nodded and turned around laying her head in your lap with her back up. Larissa stifled a gasp when she pulled the young girl's shirt up, nearly crying at the sight. How could someone do this to her? She thought to herself. She gently applied the balm and pulled the shirt down. You were softly stroking her cheek, soothing her through the pain of the light touches. "All done honey." The three of you made your way to the living room just as the doorbell rang from the pizza guy. Larissa paid him and set the pizza on the table. After you all had your fill of pizza, a soft knock thrummed through the house. You let Mary in and was surprised that Amelia waved at her from the couch. After a few moments of talking you three decided to just ease into the assessment. You turned off the TV as Mary came to sit with Amelia. "Hello Amelia, how are you?" "Good, sore but mom helped with that." Mary gave a knowing look already knowing about the incident. "I brought some things with me and I want you to tell me which item you like best. And the. I have some questions, it's that ok?" You watched Amelia nod her head and waited with Larissa on baited breath. Mary set out three toys. One for an infant, one for a toddler, and one for a slightly older little. You watched as the girl seemed to like the toys and picked the small rubber stacking cups that were for infants. She then pulled out 3 more toys just like before. This time you chose a panda stuffy made for toddlers that had light up feet. She repeated the process one more time and you chose the infant toy again, not even flashing a thought to the older toys. She then asked a few questions to the small girl. "Amelia, do you know when you feel like you're going to drop?" Amelia shook her head and explained that she pushes away the tingly feeling often because it hurts. "Do you know how often you drop?" The young girl shook her head no. "That’s okay honey, would you like to go watch some tv for a bit and take a break? Amelia nodded her head and ran into you and Larissa's room. “Well it looks like she ranges around 1-3 in her little space. Do you have all you need to accommodate that?’’ Mary asked you two gently. “We do, and we have no intention of changing our mind about her. She is still the same girl we chose to bring into our lives.
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I absolutely adore your writing and was wondering if you’d write a fic for lady lesso and Larissa (I just think that would be an interesting power couple) using prompt 19
Hey hey hey anon! Oh absolutely. Those two would be such a power couple. 👀 I love this, thanks for the request! Shout out to @bratty-honeyy who inspired part of this Fic 💋 Hope you enjoy 😘
Takes One to Know One ~Leonora Lesso xLarissa Weems
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#19. “I swear to god I’ll fuck the brattyness out of you till you can’t walk…”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, pure smutty smut, power struggle, teasing, kissing, strap fucking, overstimulation, implied degrading kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
Lady Lesso walked up the steps of Nevermore Academy. She walked through the corridors, on her way to the office of Principal Weems.
The two had been dating for a couple of months now. And it rocked both schools worlds when they found out. Everyone’s jaw dropped the moment the two walked outside their private walls for the first time, holding hands. They were quite the power couple…
Lesso entered her girlfriends office with a sigh, closing and locking the door behind her. It was Friday evening, which meant the red head had the blonde all to herself for the weekend.
“Hello, Darling…” Larissa hummed, doing a last couple of things on her lap top before beginning to put her work away.
God, that British of accent of hers always sent Leonora spiraling…
“Hey, Baby…” Lesso wickedly purred back, making her way across the office.
God, that wicked tone of hers always sent Larissa into a heated frenzy…
As to be expected, with the students discovery of Larissa’s and Leonora’s relationship, came a whole lot of gossip. The main question on everyone’s mind being: who dominated who?? The two were such a power couple that neither school could really make a solid decision.
What the students and staff didn’t see was the two women’s relationship outside of work. Yes, they were both quite dominant; but Leonora had established herself in charge quite quickly in their sexual life. Or at least that’s what Leonora thought, Larissa had something entirely different to say on the matter. But Boyyyy, did they have a sex life…
Once Larissa had put away her work, she turned her attention to her red headed lover.
“You know, I barely got any work done today…” Larissa thought out loud with a sultry and teasing edge to her tone, “Couldn’t concentrate by any means…”
“Oh? Is that so?” Lesso playfully quipped back, “Do tell me what was so distracting…”
“Hmmm, well I had this vivid daydream early in the morning of you going down on me in this very chair…” Larissa lustfully purred.
“Ohhhh, but you haven’t earned it, baby…” Lesso taunted.
At that, Larissa have Leonora a pouted lip and puppy dog eyes.
“Darling, I have had such a long day…” she sighed, playing along with the power game, “Why don’t you be a love and make me feel good, hmmm?”
Lesso’s eyes slimmed as she stared down her prey. She then rounded the desk where Larissa was sitting, and swiveled her chair around to the side, effectively trapping Larissa by holding the chair with both hands. With a snap of Lesso’s fingers, Larissa’s curls cascaded down to her shoulders, pin free.
“Do you really wanna brat on a Friday where I could punish you all weekend…?” She threateningly purred in the blondes ear.
But Larissa wasn’t going to back down that easy. Before Leonora could say another word, Larissa’s lips were on Lesso’s. Both women moaned into the kiss, and the fight for dominance began. Larissa pulled Leonora into her lap eagerly, and Lesso happily straddled the blonde while kissing her to high heaven. Their teeth clashed together as their tongues fought each other and they ravaged each others mouths. Larissa let out a particularly leud moan as Leonora but down on the blondes lower lip. Eventually, both women had to pull away for some oxygen.
“Did you lock the door…?” Larissa panted breathlessly.
The red head leaned her forehead against Larissa’s, looking up at the blonde with a smirk as she as well panted heavily.
“Yes, Baby…” Lesso purred.
She then moved her lips to Larissa’s right ear, nipping at her lobe.
“I even put on a silencing enchantment…” Lesso purred in the blonde’s ear.
Larissa shuddered slightly at Leonora’s words. Lesso then got up from Larissa’s lap and gripped her collar.
“Baby, I’ll do you one better than fucking you in this chair…” she wickedly purred.
Lesso the pulled Larissa swiftly from her chair around to her desk, so that she was trapping Larissa in between her body and the desk, Larissa’s ass flush against Leonora’s apparent bulge. Larissa’s breath hitched and she was quick to counter and spin around to meet her lovers gaze. Larissa pulled Leonora flush against her, grazing her lips against the red heads but pulling away.
“You’re packing, darling…?” Larissa husked in Leonora’s ear.
“Ohhhhh Yea, Baby…” Lesso lustfully purred, “And I swear to god I’ll fuck the brattyness out of you till you can’t walk…”
The red head then swiftly spun Larissa back around and pinned her down to the desk. Larissa immediately squirmed to get out of Lesso’s hold, but with a snap of her fingers, Leonora’s magic bound Larissa’s hands to the edges of the desk. Larissa yelped in response. Leonora then began kissing the back of Larissas neck and shoulders.
“Color, ‘Rissa?” Leonora checked in with the blonde.
“Good God Green…!” Larissa groaned, her hips squirming.
Lesso groaned in delight, letting go of the blonde as the magical restraints could now hold her. Leonora then quickly stripped her bottom half to reveal her largest strap, while Larissa wiggled her ass in anticipation. Lesso was quick to snap her fingers for Larissa’s dress to magically fall to the floor, leaving the blonde in her lingerie. With a swift hand, Lesso removed Larissa’s knickers, swiping her fingers through the blondes folds and sticking her fingers in her mouth to taste.
“Hmmm…” Lesso groaned, “Delicious as always baby, but I think we can get you wetter…” she purred, placing her dick swell against the blondes ass.
Larissa growled lightly in response. Leonora merely chuckled while swiftly opening the blondes legs further for better access.
“Scream all you want, no one can hear you, baby…” Lesso wickedly purred.
Larissa couldn’t do anything but whimper desperately in response as the red head pounded into her relentlessly.
“Look up, Baby, God look how good you look being fucked over the desk…” Lesso lustfully growled.
Larissa’s eyes wandered up to her ceiling mirrors, and she damn near came again right there. There she was, splayed out across her desk, while Leonora rammed her dick into with no mercy. A strangled moan escaped the blondes lips.
“What…? You wanna cum again, Baby…?” Lesso taunted.
“Yes yes GOD yes…!!” Larissa cried out, nodding desperately.
“You’re so cute when you cry, god, you have no idea what you do to me, Baby…” Leonora wickedly purred.
Larissa’s mascara was running down her face and her knuckles were white against the desk. She was holding on for dear life, while being pounded into in the most delicious way.
“I wanna mark you up, I wanna fuck you till you break…” Leonora growled in the blondes ear with each merciless thrust into Larissa’s aching hole.
“God, you’re so wet for me, baby…” Lesso taunted, “Are you finally giving in…?”
Larissa was a mess of incoherent moans and cries at this point. Her cum running down her thighs as she cried out like a broken record, climax after climax.
“You don’t have to fight it, baby… you know who’s in charge, now, don’t you…?” Leonora husked in Larissa’s ear.
Larissa nodded vigorously and desperately, her throat completely strained and shot.
The next Monday, almost all of both schools questions were answered…
Professor Lesso couldn’t keep the biggest fucking grin off her face. And Principal Weems couldn’t walk three feet without either stumbling on her own toes or her knees just buckling all together.
It was officially clear who belonged to who…
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ja-reau · 1 year
Hi hi hi!
Saw you are taking requests for Larissa. Could you do smut for Larissa x reader? Larissa is dominating reader on their honeymoon
Thank you
Mrs. Weems - Larissa Weems x Reader
Keep the requests pouring in!! I'm so happy to get back into writing :)
Word Count: 665
Warnings: Light degradation, vaginal fingering, oral sex, use of strap on, edging, orgasm denial, sub!reader, dom!Larissa
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You barely had the chance to even enter the hotel room before you were pushed up against the wall and red lips were on your neck. “You looked just gorgeous in your wedding dress.” you heard your wife say. 
Wife. It still felt like a dream. The day was magical. It was everything you had imagined it to be. Did you purposely get a dress that showed your body off in hopes of getting Larissa hot and bothered? Maybe. Did it work? Well, clearly, since you were currently pinned against the wall of the hotel room. 
“I’d punish you for wearing something so suggestive around others.” you heard her say against your neck, her hands moving down to the waistband of the shorts you wore on the flight to Mexico. “But since it’s our honeymoon, I think I’ll ease up on you a little.” She said, A small whine escaped your lips at this and she raised an eyebrow. “Oh, do you want me to be mean with you, darling?” she asked, making you nod quickly in response. “Be careful what you wish for.” she said before pushing you towards the king size bed. 
Larissa Weems had to be an expert in torture. Because the soft, feather-light kisses that she left all over your body was pure torture. “Larissa.” you whined, moving your hands to tangle in her silver-blonde hair. “Larissa please.” you begged. “Please what?” Larissa asked, pulled back from kissing over your stomach. “Please just touch me already.” you asked. No, begged. “Well, I certainly can’t deny my darling wife, now can I?” She asked before kissing down your body. “Spread your legs, let me see you.” She commanded, humming softly when you did as you were told. “Someone’s a dripping mess, hm?” She asked, running a singular finger through your folds, making you moan. “I can’t wait to destroy you.” She said before settling between your legs, immediately thrusting two fingers into your cunt, moaning against your clit at how easily you clenched around her fingers. 
It was almost embarrassing how easily she could get you to your high. Your back arched off the bed, but Larissa’s hand came to your hips, pushing you back down onto the mattress. “Gonna cum, Rissa.” you moaned, trying to rock your hips forward. “No you’re not.” Larissa said back, slowing down her movements. It’s like she got off on making you whine, on seeing how desperate you could get. “But Larissa!” You whined. Big mistake. She instantly removed her fingers and licked them clean. “Lay on your stomach, pretty girl.” she said, pulling away from the bed and going to her suitcase. 
You turned to lay on your stomach, ignoring the ache between your legs. You were so desperate at this point, that you’d do anything so she’d let you cum. You heard her walk over, unsure what she had in mind for you. But you were sure you’d love it either way. She grabbed a hold of your hips, letting the tip of the fake dick touch your cunt. “You want my dick, baby?” she asked you, her voice low. It drove you crazy when she spoke an octave lower, and she knew that. “Please. Please Larissa, please.” You begged. You didn’t care how needy you sounded at this point. You were pretty sure she was a sadist or something. She thrusted into you fully, not even giving you time to adjust. A small moan even escaped her lips at this. “Look at you, taking my cock so well.” she moaned, thrusting at a fast pace. You couldn’t even get any words out, all that fell from your mouth were moans. She snaked one hand around to rub your clit, making you push your hips back towards her. “I’m so close.” you managed to whine, hearing her chuckle slightly. “Did I say you could cum yet, slut?” she asked, slamming into you. You were in for a long night and an even longer honeymoon.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
would you be open to doing a larissa weems request. something along the lines of reader finding out she’s pregnant with twins, (they already have one or two children already). but the twist is that she gets the kiddos to help tell larissa. thank you 🫶
More munchkins? | Fluff
*Authors notes~ flufffff and I got to explore a few of my oc children in here so I'm like super excited to get this out. I hope this is what you are looking for my darling. And I love the idea so much.*
Trigger warnings~ pregnancy, twins fluff?
Prompt~ see ask^^^
Life with your little family was truly perfect, everything you've ever wanted and dreamed off here in your hands. You worked as a Bounty teacher for your wife who if principal of Nevermore. So you both live at the school with your son Emerson James who was five and your daughter Isla Rae who is three. Emerson was the spit of you but completely like he's mamma personality and behaviour wise, Isla being the typical hyper three year old child, with that cheeky too thing smile and the cute little crackly laugh. The spit of your wife in every sense of the word. You and Larissa couldn't be happier with how life is now.
That's why it was so scary to be sat in your en suite bathroom holding a blinking pregnancy test. Your two children had been carefully planned, so loved and wanted by you both but neither of you had discussed any extra children. You had your boy and your girl, and they were perfect truly how would another baby fit into the puzzle that was seemingly complete?
The first thing you did was get ahold of your doctor, had the bloods and all the mandatory tests needed, the results seemingly worrying the doctor. You couldn't help but panic. Maybe you should've told Larissa first? After all she was present all the way through your first two pregnancies and births. The doctor managed to get you booked in for an ultrasound the same day, all easing your mind.
During the ultrasound, you could only see the sack of the baby, everything looked to be healthy until the ultrasound tech went silent. "And here's baby B" the murmured showing you the other sack, "you look to be having identical twins" they confirmed as tears immediately began to fall. Twins. You were stressing about one baby, now you had two. Oh gosh. How would you tell Larissa that you were pregnant with twins.
You knew she needed to know, they were her children too, and you had to tell Emery and Isla. You knew Emery loved being a big brother and Isla had been asking for a sister for the past few months. Going on your gut feeling you'd say she has a two for one deal in the sibling department right now. Two boys or two girls you were not fussy just two healthy babies would be perfect. It was crazy how you could them so much already when they are so early on in the pregnancy but you did.
You decided to include the children in the reveal so you picked up what you needed and headed back to the school to put the plan in motion. Preparing absolutely everything to make it go so perfectly. You couldn't deny they looked absolutely adorable as you waited for Larissa to turn up.
"Hi sweetheart" she murmured coming into your little apartment that was located on the school ground. You immediately sent Emery to run to your wife, his shirt saying "big brother, baby in bagging area" absolutely puzzling your wife as she read it while greeting him with kisses and cuddles, "hi my little prince, how was school? Where's you momma sister baby?"  Instead of letting him answer, you placed Isla down and let her toddle over to her mama. Her little pink shirt reading "big sister, unexpected item in bagging area" both shirts on the back had baby one and baby two est sept 8th 23.
"My gorgeous girl, where's your momma too hmm? What you two little angels trying to tell me hmm?" She murmured tickling both the children so their giggles filled the room. "Hi my love" you murmured coming out of hiding. "Unexpected item in bagging area?" She quizzed laughing at how funny the phrase was, "baby? Are you?" You nodded with tears brimming your eyes. "We gwts sissyssss" Isla squealed happily only to be met with her brothers, "or brothers!" In a protests of the thought of two more sisters. He would be truly outnumbered.
"Oh sweetheart, that's perfect news, another little angle to add to our family" she murmured kissing your cheek happily as she held you, your children running off to play now.
"Two angels" you murmured happily putting a hand over your flat stomach."two? Twins?" You nodded again as she kissed you happily. "Two more to complete our family, god I'm so in love with you" she murmured against your lips. Although not planned these two would be well and truly loved. By the time they were born you knew you had two daughters. Delilah Faye and Liliana mae. Your little lilah and lily completed your family.
Word count~ 876
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prettygreenpills · 1 year
Plaything - Larissa Weems
Warnings: smut, shapeshifter cock, gxg, tits!play, semi-public sex, daddy kink, p in v, etc.
“Oh my-“ Larissa gasped when she walked into her office and saw you waiting for her. You were sitting on the chair which was in front of her table, half naked, half dressed in the clothes she loved so much.
You were wearing only your black lace thong which was see-through and a bathrobe, which was matching to your thong. Nothing more, nothing less.
Larissa closed the doors shut and locked them. Looking her up and down you could see a bulge between her legs and smiled for yourself. You got her where you wanted her.
“Hello, daddy,” you smiled innocently and Larissa made her way to you only by four big steps. She took you my your chin and made you look up at her.
“Say that again and I’ll have you bent over my table in a second.”
“What daddy?”
Larissa didn’t have to tell you twice. Your bathrobe was on the floor next to the table immediately and she kept her word. She took you and bent you over her table. It was the perfect height for her and you were holding on the distant edge of it.
“Look at this beautiful plaything. I could watch you all days long.”
“Why just watch if you can touch daddy?” You challenged her and you heard the fabric of her dress slide down and hit the floor. You were laying there naked in front of her, bent over the table, while she was standing behind you, undressing, so she could get every single inch of herself inside of you.
"Oh believe me, I will touch you, you dirty little girl," Larissa promised you and you closed your eyes with a moan on your lips as Larissa brushed her fingers through your folds. You bit on your lip to not moan out loud once again and as she sattled her fingers against you, you closed your eyes shut.
"Don´t beg me yet," Larissa said in lower voice and you nodded your head to let her know that you understood her command. You could feel her nails cut your soft skin between your legs and you sucked in a breath. "You will have enough time to beg me darling, just wait."
"Yes daddy."
With that answer of yours, Larissa slipped her fingers inside of you, using only two of them at the time. Closing your eyes and moving against her to get her deeper, you were happy about that what happened, happened.
Laying on the table, you were letting out all types of sounds. Moans, groans, whimpers. And Larissa seemed to like it.
"Do you like my fingers? Hm? Is this feeling pretty?" Larissa started asking you and you were just nodding your head as an answer to her questions.
Her fingers felt really nice, they felt pretty thick. Larissa was stretching you out the best she could and she was enjoying you moaning out loudly. She showed her fingers even deeper than before and you whimpered.
"Fuck yes- yes daddy, they feel really nice!" you answered her verbally finally and Larissa smiled, nodding her head what you couldn´t see at all.
"I wonder how will it feel being filled up by daddy´s cock," Larissa smirked and your stomach twisted at the thought of it. You couldn´t wait for her to finally be inside of you, to pound into you and Larissa seemed to feel like that as well. When you felt her getting closer to you, you moaned, feeling the huge bulge on your ass.
"Please fill me up daddy. Fuck me so good, please-" you begged her and whined, looking down at the wooden table you were laid on. When you heard Larissa moan and suddenly something warm started sliding up and down on between your legs and lips, you knew that she was just as excited as you.
Her tip was hot, as the blood flew there. She was thick and she felt so wet against you. Your only wish was for her to fuck you dumb into that table so you will naver be able to walk properly again. And Larissa seemed to be reading your mind, because suddenly, she slipped inside of you, stretching your walls out, groaning at your tighteness.
"Fuck you are hugging me so good baby- shit Y/n, you are so fucking good at this-" Larissa was moaning and you were keeping your eyes shut because you could feel butterflies and also how wet you were. When you also started hearing it, you felt the heat travel up into your cheeks. You were feeling so embrassed.
Larissa waited for few more seconds before she moved again. You closed your eyes shut as she did so and you bit on your lower lip because she became rougher with you. Her hips were meeting yours, she was panting and you were moaning under her, taking what you were getting.
Your body started to sweat. Her cock was too deep inside of you and it felt so good. She had the perfect size you wanted and needed. Brushing your spot by every single thrust, she made you gasp or moan a little lately.
“Oh my god- if you won’t stop squeezing me like that-“
At her sentence, you squeezed your walls around her even more. By the same second, her hands found their home on your hips from the back and she started pounding into you insanely.
“Fuck- daddy- fuck-“ you could moan only those two words and you couldn’t even think. Larissa was breathing heavily and she wasn´t slowing down. Her hips were meeting yours rythmically and all you could do was rolling your eyes back and moan.
"Shit, you are so tight," Larissa moaned and you whimpered under her. It was all you could do, since her cock was deep inside of you and you weren´t able to speak after few thrusts.
Something behind you started buzzing. When you realized what could it be, your eyes grew wide. Larissa reached for something with one of her hands and then she leant close to you.
"Now, you will keep your mouth shut. I don´t want you to whimper, the mayor can´t know about this. If you misbehave, you will regret it. Got that?"
"Yes daddy-" you nodded your head along with your answer and Larissa´s free hand brushed your asscheeks.
"Yes? Oh, good day mayor Walker, how may I help you?" Larissa asked him through the phone in a totally different tone of her voice and you closed your eyes, trying to not do anything bad. But Larissa just kept brushing your ass cheeks and she was teasing you, so your walls clenched from time to time.... "Yes of course. I am a little busy with the Raven´ but I will make some time for it, I will make sure. My pleasure mayor. Goodbye," you heard her end the call and then she trew her phone onto the table.
"I fucking told you to not do anything," Larissa hissed into your ear and you were so confused. Feeling how angry she was, your arousal grew even more when you felt her become thicker inside of you.
"I didn´t do anything daddy-"
"Oh you think so? Why did you squeeze me like that you little slut?" She asked, pulling out and filling you up again. You whimpered quietly and closed your eyes.
“I am sorry daddy-“ you managed to speak.
Larissa didn’t say a word, she was silent. Her hips were meeting yours and you kept your eyes closed shut. Her thick cock was brushing your walls and you were clenching around her, but not on purpose this time. You loved when Larissa got angry with you.
“Oh my god- yes daddy-“
“Does my little slut like this? Hm?” She teased you, slapping your asscheeks. You moaned and rested your forehead against the finished wood.
Not being so far from your release, made Larissa keep pounding into you at the same speed. Feeling how deep she was inside of you and feeling her cock twitching sometimes made you sure in that she wasn’t that far from her release neither.
“Yes daddy- fuck! Daddy-“ you couldn’t think clearly at that point.
“I’m close honey, cum with me, hm?”
Louder and louder moans were leaving from your mouth and making the air in her office thicker. Larissa have you few rough pounds which made you cry out in pleasure and that was when your insides twisted, the little ball in your stomach exploded and you hugged her cock the tightest yet.
“Fuck daddy!”
“Yes baby- yes-“ you both kept moaning and you collapsed onto the table with your whole body. Larissa stayed inside of you for few seconds and you felt how she was pulsating. Filling you up with her cum. “Dear god-“
You kept breathing a little heavier and when Larissa pulled out of you, you whimpered. At the feeling how swollen you were.
“You did so well darling, you did amazing,” Larissa kept panting and you nodded your head against the table in a ‘thank you’. After that, she kept brushing your lower back.
“Yeah,” you could say only and then Larissa kissed you onto your lower back.
“I’ll take you to the bathroom. Is that okay?”
“Please,” you said only and Larissa chuckled.
“What a difference between those two types of begging. Before you begged me as my little plaything.”
“Now I beg you as your girlfriend,” you breathed out and only after that Larissa picked you up. She carried you to the bathroom and you were thanking to all gods you got her by your side.
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notinmyvocab · 3 months
i’m not sure if you do something like this but i have a request for a story.
I have a butterfly tattoo on my right rips ( two next to each other and one over them) So a would love a story of a reader who has exactly that.
maybe smut if you do this, or just appreciation.
preferably larissa weems or brienne of tarth, or even phasma.
thank you XO
Thanks so much for the request! Was in a soft mood so have some soft Rissa!
Larissa x Fem Teacher!Reader
"Tell me about this."
Larissa always said this when the two of you lay side by side each other, bare. Red painted fingertips traced the lines of your tattoo that she was always so fascinated with.
You couldn't blame her. And you always liked telling her the story; liked the way her eyes drank in every detail of ink as you talked about seeing the image when you were little and how it stuck in your head until finally one day, you saved up enough money from your first job and made your first big adult purchase: a butterfly tattoo.
"It hurt so fucking much," you lamented.
"Aw, poor baby," Larissa teased, pressing a gentle kiss against your skin, coloring the wings with red lipstick. "Beauty is pain."
"My parents were pissed when they found out that instead of putting that money in my savings I blew it on this."
"But to you it was worth it?"
"Putting artwork on my body and have a pretty woman always admiring it? Totally worth it."
Another kiss against the image, and your heart fluttered.
"My beautiful girl," Larissa murmured as she drew her lips up your body, finally giving you a proper kiss. "I did always have an appreciation for art."
"Oh yeah? Show me your appreciation."
"Later, darling." Larissa kissed the tip of your nose and got out of bed. "I've got a school to run, and I know for a fact you haven't finished grading those tests for fifth period."
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littledollll · 1 year
Hi!! I wonder if I can ask for a caregiver! Larissa x little!reader, maybe like r has a cold and is stressed w school at the same time but didn't want to bother Larissa, but she finds out anyway and it's just some soft comfort and reassurance? :)
Sick little love
Larissa Weems x little!reader
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A/n: actually wrote this while I was sick, I love it cuz it’s actually so me when I’m sick. I hope you like it!
Warnings: mentions of medication, sick r (just common cold), mentions of food
You felt like death the second you woke up, honestly! You had so much to do and since your mind and body are apparently so in zinc it also happens that you got sick. Now it wasn’t anything horrible, just a common cold, scratchy throat and maybe a light fever. Nothing you haven’t dealt with before.
When you woke up Larissa was already gone off to work, so that gave you the great illusion that you could somehow in the span of 8 hours get better and not be sick by the time Larissa was back. And also have all your work done, simple!
Everything just got more complicated when you regressed. You could handle being sick while big but while you were regressed? It was absolute hell, plus this took away your ability to get school work done so out the window went that part of the plan.
Your dramatic little mind decided that if you were gonna die (sure, from the common cold.) it would be in bed cuddled up and hidden from the world, with a tone of snacks and your favorite shows of course.
You spent the entire day half conscious, most of the time you were sleeping and the rest mindlessly watching a plethora of different shows and videos to keep you entertained. Was that the most responsible on your part? Maybe not. Should you have called Larissa? Maybe!
But you really didn’t want to bother her if you were just going to spend the day sleeping anyways. Forgetting the fact that you should probably be watching your temperature, getting proper meals and maybe taking some meds you were doing quite good for yourself.
You were absolutely baffled when you heard Larissa come home, did a whole 8 hours pass without you ever noticing? There’s no way. When you checked the time it was only 12pm, Larissa got off at 3 so what was she doing here? Your doubts were cleared up the moment she made her way into the room.
It didn’t take much of a genius to figure out your state. The bed was a mess and your pile of stuffies that was supposed be on the chair next to the bed were all with you, the tv was blasting with some kids show you don’t even remember putting on and the box of tissues next to the bed proved your attempt to control your cold.
“I would’ve asked you to explain why you’ve been absent in every class but I think I’ve seen enough, there comes my next question.” Larissa made her way to you side. Sitting on the edge of the bed and checking your temperature. “You poor thing. Why didn’t you call to tell me, my little love?”
The second she sat on the bed you threw yourself on her. You really really wanted to be held and babied right now. Larissa was quick to pull you into her lap and cuddle you close. “m didn wana bother you” you pouted.
“You could never bother me, sweetheart. I’m here to love and care for you in any way I can, specially if you’re sick and even more so when you’re small.” She cupped your face making you look at her.
“Have you had anything for your allergies or fever, my love?” you shook your head, you’ve always hated medicine, they’re hard to drink and if their liquid they taste horrible, absolutely nobody could get you to willingly take any of that. “make sleepy n I hav work!!”
“Oh do you now? Well momma will help you with all your work after you take your medicine and your nap.” you were expecting that half excuse to somehow work. “Come on, little love, we’ll fix you something to eat so you can take them.” There was really no arguing against her now, so you reluctantly followed behind her to the kitchen.
After you had a light meal and got your meds, Larissa helped you into the bath. You hadn’t regressed that small so she just kept tabs on you regularly and continued on with whatever she was doing.
After about 20 minutes she called you to come out. You giggled as she dried your hair and helped you getting into comfy clothes for even more sleeping, which of course you had no complains about.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” she asked while tucking you into bed, “sleepy!” you huffed our like that was your only issue in that moment and she chuckled. “Yes little love we knew that was going to happen, I’m asking about your cold.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
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