#laser wizard
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i think hes possessed by them now but idk if other people see my vision
forest wizard: ok no fr don't let that guy possess ANYONE ELSE laser wizard: hehehe
choose: is THAT what these do choose: ah- will they do it to me, too? tadpoles: we don't want your lame body
choose: gluck gluck gluck forest wizard: NO laser wizard: hey man--
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a-very-tired-jew · 4 months
Another day, another weird conspiracy from the antisemite crowd.
This time it’s about the helicopter crash.
In one of my circles we have a few people who toe the line between outright antisemitism and anti-Zionism/anti-Israel. They’re millenials and Gen X professionals so they’re a bit more careful in their language.
However, some days they just say the idiotic stuff outright and you have to bap them with a proverbial newspaper. In this case, someone was blaming the USA’s sanctions against Iran that allowed Israel to somehow conduct an assassination. Another person thankfully pointed out that they flew their helicopter into a foggy ice storm that turned into a blizzard. There’s no helicopter in existence that could navigate that successfully. But if they want to blame the Jews for deadly weather and imply that they have magic weather powers, go on ahead.
But yeah, the USA and Israel totally coordinated their weather control lasers and freedom wizards to do it. /s
Seriously, watching these people grasp at straws to try and make this into something has been amusing and exasperating at the same time.
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flygefisk · 4 months
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made some character sheets for definitely wizards and lasers & feelings if anyone wants to use them!
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katartna · 2 years
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My Pokemon Scarlet team in gijinka forms!
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heckcareoxytwit · 5 months
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The wedding misadventures of Rick Jones and Marlo Chandler
As the wedding is about to begin, Hulk and Captain America are helping a very nervous Rick Jones into his tuxedo. While in another room, Marlo is being helped into her dress by Betty Ross and some other women. As she looks into the mirror, Marlo is frightened by the brief appearance of Mephisto reflected back at her. Before the ceremony, there were some surprising appearances such as Northstar who happens to be dating Hector (Hulk's friend from the Pantheon) as well as Rahne Sinclair, Guido Carosella and the unmasked version of ROM Space Knight.
As the wedding ceremony begins, the priest who looks like Peter David reads the book to the bride and groom when they are interrupted by the arrival of Drax the Destroyer. Everyone is surprised when Drax presents an invitation, even though he wasn't mailed one. Nonetheless, they have Drax sit next to Adam Warlock. Next, the wedding is interrupted by the supervillains - Wizard, Absorbing Man, Mister Hyde and the Living Laser. However, they have not come not as wedding crashers, but as attendees, as they too have invitations. In reality, the invitations got mixed up so they were given to the wrong people. The Hulk is about to start a fight with them anyway, however, Doc Samson convinces him to stand down. Rick Jones then agrees to allow the villains to stay for the ceremony. Things get even worse when Kree and Skrull ships arrive with more attendees. The special occasion does little to soften the relations between the two races. When one of the Kree tries to start a fight with Talos the Tamed, the Silver Surfer steps in to prevent the situation from escalating further.
Just before the ceremony is over, it is interrupted by a final surprise guest, Mephisto, who has come to claim Marlo's soul. However, he faces opposition from both the Silver Surfer and the Hulk. The Hulk resolves to handle the situation himself, and seeing a bright light in the sky, he admits his belief in the possibility of a higher power. This apparently gives the Hulk the strength to beat Mephisto back, forcing him into retreat. However, Mephisto gloats how this "defeat" is part of a much larger scheme to damn the Hulk. The wedding is quickly completed and Rick and Marlo are made man and wife. During the reception, Marlo is congratulated by the various guests including the surprising appearance of Death of the Endless, who has come to give Marlo a gift. Once Marlo accepts it, Death quickly leaves. Marlo isn't sure who the woman was, but she and Rick open the box and find a beautiful hairbrush inside.
Incredible Hulk #418, 1994
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podcastwizard · 7 months
about an eternity ago i wrote a wizard-themed hack for lasers and feelings and then simply...never did anything with it. so here's the game doc! i haven't tested it out but if you do, please let me know how it went.
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happy gaming my wonderful wizards ✨
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rolanslide · 7 months
Nothing in FH will ever top this moment in my opinion. This is the SECOND EPISODE
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itsmissing · 2 years
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design comm for a laser gun mage
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Just for fun and curiosity: how do you think Forest wizard and Laser wizard would react to news of Bufo’s death in Wizard City?
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like this:)
followed up with a needlessly violent "GET HIM" and trying to wrestle choose's goods out of his hand
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Who you gonna call? Orcbusters -- because every RPG really is about wizards and monsters in a dungeon (Jim Holloway cover for Paranoia adventure by Ken Rolston, West End Games, 1986)
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
I’ve been twirling it around in my head how Ted and Jamie had similar but opposite movies assigned to them, both revolving around the concepts of dreaming and waking up, but which are very very different in execution. Like literally so different, that that’s the only common thread they have.
Ted, son of Dorothy, with the Wizard of Oz. Leaving the tornado back home in Kansas and traveling to another world where he builds relationships with people trying to discover the magic in themselves. Something about a road (but also something about quoting Robert Frost’s ‘the road not taken’). Crossing through the Dark Forest. Making his way to the Emerald (Man) City. And we know the point of Oz is that eventually you can not stay in the dream. The shoes you’ve found and worn will carry you back home - you’ve had the power within you this whole time. But it also begs the question: has Ted met the man behind the curtain yet? Or is that man meant to be the reflection of himself, the person - the dad and husband - he always assumed he’d be? Wizard of Oz is ostensibly a story about growth and questioning your belief in the role you’ve been assigned and when you’re ready, seeing who you really are and what the world really is. You had the power all along. The dream is a wonderful place, but it’s closing time and you want to go home. You want to go home.
“There’s no place like home.”
In Nightmare on Elm Street you are never safe in your home. Freddy Krueger hurt and sexually abused kids when he was alive (in the waking world), and after he died preyed on kids when they were asleep (in the dream world). And even when they were awake, the kids were always afraid that Freddy was after them. Jamie is literally afraid of his own Freddy Krueger. There are no magic shoes. There is no exploration of self, no growth, no learning - there is just constant, exhausting vigilance. The only way to kill Freddy Krueger is with fire, and even then he keeps coming back. And that’s the note that every Freddy Krueger movie leaves on. The idea and hope that maybe you’re safe. Maybe this time. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. So you try to enjoy that possibility as hard as you can, as much you can, but it’s forced, because you know deep inside that you can’t truly know that if you’re safe ever again. Because it’s the hope that kills you.
So Ted. Sweet Ted. Amazing Ted with his red heels and his beloved witches and his strange but wonderful companions and his flying monkeys. Ted probably feels like he is wrapping up in Oz, ready to face the wreckage of the tornado head on. He’s ready to leave the dream. And he thinks as he’s talking to a Jamie from his world, a Jamie that has grown so much and who’s so strong and smart and kind, a kid who’s so so brave. Because that’s what Ted has seen. That’s the role he’s played. From his viewpoint, this is how the movie goes.
But that’s not Jamie’s viewpoint. Jamie may have wandered into Ted’s play, but to him if he ever fit in, it was only because he was pretending. Because he was stopping himself from being a prick. Everyone else is great and does great things - it’s Jamie who needs to try harder. Ted’s dream was a great place to hide for a while, but Jamie was never waiting for the slippers; he was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. One, two, Freddy’s coming for you. You can’t hide from him. You can’t escape him. And he can even get you in your dreams.
Which is why there’s a point in every Freddy Krueger movie when the victim says they’ve had enough of hiding, and they take some sleeping pills, and they decide to face him head on.
So Ted thinks he’s ready to leave Oz behind and that everyone in Oz will be fine once he’s gone, when actually what he’s accidentally done is given Jamie an idea: to wade into the Dark Forest and confront Freddy Krueger head on. Jamie doesn’t h
Ted and Jamie are talking, but they’re not in the same movie. They’re not in the same genre. They’re both at the end of their movies, ready to face the bad guy, so they think they’re having the same conversation. But they’re not.
And once again I’ve typed so far that I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but there’s definitely. More story there. A climax that hasn’t happened. Another story to explore. Because what becomes of the companions after Dorothy leaves Oz? Even if Jamie defeats Freddy, will he survive to the end of his own movie? Does he make it to the sequel?
Will Roy Kent get to fight his dad like Jason Vorhees? Does he already own a machete, and does he borrow the hockey mask from Van Damme?
Now I’ll just pivot down a different somewhat related path (road):
Isaac literally told Keeley he just wanted to do something with shoes. Something about the shoes. Something about Jamie burning the shoes his mum got him. Something about all the football lads fighting over what kind of shoes they’re allowed to wear, and Dani hating mourning shoes and stealing Rebecca’s soft bright cozy ones that she never wears. Jamie being stuck in his socks at the locker room at Wembley. Roy wearing his colorful socks with the yoga mums. Keeley wearing shoes that out her on eye level with everyone else. Trent’s leopard shoes. All these people in Oz with their fucking shoes or lack thereof.
And shoes!
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hungryhyena · 4 months
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updated the lasers & feelings character sheet, added a second sheet for character info & a space to draw them! also put together a precious things character sheet even tho it'll be like 2 months before i run it
i'm having a lot of fun making these tbh, if anyone has a ttrpg u want a character sheet for ask me abt it! the rest of the games im running already have character sheets :(
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artificersarchive · 2 months
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I've always been fascinated by hot air balloons. The Kentucky Derby has the Great Balloon Glow and Race, I drove through New Mexico during the Balloon Fiesta, and my former home of Marion County started a balloon glow not too long before I left during Ham Days. The colors, the shapes, the way they rely on Mother Nature to get where they need to go.
Hot air balloons were used for reconnaissance and directing artillery fire during the Civil War. In fact, there was a Union Army Balloon Corps!
This scene recalls Dorothy's exodus from Oz, flying over the fields in Kansas, but this time, she got to bring the Technicolor with her.
Back to Kansas, (c)2024, mixed media (needle felted wool, sari silk, glass, acrylic, laser-cut wood)
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mintbees · 1 year
My moms level 220 Elden ring character just made it to the haligtree and she’s killing everything in two hits malenia girl you better start running
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wastingmytimehere · 5 months
All wizards are sluts and their robes are worn because they provide easy access banging.
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