#laughing like a little evil rodent
corpsebunniie · 1 year
heheheh im writing so much lore rn for these celestial creatures hehehe
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godfistgonnalive · 3 months
ultrakill dashboard simulator 2
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🐉 grounded Follow
this grey bitch has no idea whats coming lol
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♦️ flesh-n-teeth Follow
Contrary to popular belief, I actually do not bite people.
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🍵 benign-rodent Follow
Can we talk about how incredibly problematic the Lust Renaissance was? I personally believe the Council had every right to send Gabriel to strike Minos down. It's appalling to think people come on this website and say that Minos was in the right. Do some research.
🌷 strayandferal Follow
are we seriously having this discussion in this day and age? not only is this just an evil thing to say, but saying "do some research" afterwards is just blatantly ignorant.
🍵 benign-rodent Follow
As you can see here, here, and here, these are some proof that the Lust Renaissance was actually super problematic for both Hell and Heaven. To have the gall to call me ignorant when you probably only know very little about this topic is embarrassing.
🌷 strayandferal Follow
those are all obviously extremely biased articles. i wasn't damned to hell yesterday. there's no sources on them, either. come back to me when you have actual proof.
‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ Expand‎
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💣 skullonmysleeve Follow
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🔥 throughthefireandflames Follow
warning to all limbo-goers: watch out if you go any higher than the first part of the layer. i wandered into this air shaft (was curious if i could clean anything up there) and it's extremely dark. i feel like something is watching me
📎 wicked2 Follow
🔥 throughthefireandflames Follow
what. was that
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🟥 teeth-n-flesh Follow
i bite people
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💫 gabriel-judgeofhell Follow
Please do not contact me to strike down sinners you dislike.
🔘 meowrice-deactivated22340521
isnt that what you do for the council tho lol
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🩸 bloodpowered Follow
fuck v2 😞😞😞 #allmachinesarethesame no one talk to me 💔💔💔 #deactivating #abandoned 😢😢😢😢😢😢
🛒get-whiplashed Follow
i go fishing without you one time and this is what happens
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🌵 sandfan59 Follow
today i saw some biogenic sand!!! i think is super cool how its all tiny sea creature skeletons... i collected some in my container to bring home and examine im so excited to get a better look at them
🪨 rockenthusiast234 Follow
if you come to my part of greed i can share my sand i have and you can share any rocks you find
🌵 sandfan59 Follow
hell yes. can we make out
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🌟 heavenly-council Follow
6,345 notes
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⚰️ gutterthem Follow
i just crashed my fucking tram listening to HELL'S GREATEST COUNTRY HITS VOL. 35 on the cd player and when i got off all the guttertanks and mannequins were laughing at me
#is it over for me
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
👀 request open?
I see this and wonder if I can request minish Four accidentally getting stuck in like one of empty potion bottles and getting found by the Player.
The noise that left your nose wasn’t short from amusement, your mushed lips and wide eyed fighting back the watery glaze that dared to cast over them not short from Four’s gaze as who looked back at you, unimpressed and scowling while he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
“I’m sorry, I just-” You burst into cackles, hunching over with an almost painful belly laugh before hacking violenting from the force. “Oh my god, I fucking can���t-”
“Just get me out of here!”
You couldn’t help it you just couldn’t- the scene was akin to something from a movie. Four basked in his minish magic the size of a dainty little field mouse, brooding and slowly boiling to seething in the confinement of an ordinary household glass. A fucking glass- when Warriors had come out of the kitchen squealing about a rodent in the premises of Four’s home, you expected a minish though more an actual mouse (could the Captain even see the Minish?) So, without further adieu, you waltzed into the kitchen to deal with it as Warriors continued to curse “They’re on me! They’re in my clothes!”
And you found Four.
Looking as embarrassed as ever, sitting under the cup in his little glass prison and who only shrunk more when seeing your evil little grin.
You weren’t gonna let him live this down.
“Okay- okay.” Giggling you reached out, grabbing the offending object carefully and freeing your tiny friend. “A fucking glass, how’d you manage that?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He huffed, hopping onto your hand which you lent to him. “And stop smiling!”
“I can’t help it!” You laughed again at his frustrated pout, “Awh, come on, Link.”
He turned away, his back to you as you continued with your giggles until they finally subsided your sigh light before you called his attention. Four only spared you a glance but it was still enough, your soft kiss enticing a surprised gasp from his small form before he shrunk again, this time to hide his flustered blush.
“There- you gonna stop throwing a strop?”
“I’m not throwing a strop.”
“Sure, that’s why you’re pouting.” He hardened his stare, “Oh stop it, it was funny.”
Four huffed, crossing his arms but stayed silent.
“...You wanna know what else was funny?”
At your second devious grin, the man raised an interested brow.
“Wars screaming.”
You both paused before bursting into little evil giggles.
Ah, blackmail, what an amazing thing indeed.
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centipedelightning · 8 months
Hi! I saw your elephant!monster reader ask and decided to throw my hat in the ring with a mouse!monster reader with the same pairings, My oc is the monsterized version of the mouse in the wall. A silly goofy rodent with a habit of "borrowing" things and food from people and shops across the underground
this is so cute are you kidding me. ik you didn't request him but I couldn't resist the klepto4klepto idea in my head with Cash. Congrats on being my first "inspiration point" btw.
ALSO: if this didn’t satisfy you, feel free to resubmit your request fhsgdhdh. i can do something a bit more in line w what you were probably expecting.
| UT/UF/US(+SF Pap) x Klepto Mouse!Reader || Platonic/Non-specified || Fluff |
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You'll probably first meet at Grillby's.
The usual patrons are there and in you come. Slinking.. Scheming...
The crystal glasses have been calling your name for a week now.
To your surprise, this is a day Grillby is out so a certain skeleton is behind the counter.
You sidle up to the bar and order some food, intent on getting Sans away from the glassware. Once he's gone you're in action.
With deft fingers, you are reaching over the counter and grabbing as many glasses as you think you can get away with.
Once your inventory is good and full, you settle back into your spot.
You don't realize you've been caught until an empty glass is put in front of you.
"you've been a little mousy you're whole life?"
"I like to think I'm pretty outgoing actually."
That gets a laugh out of the skeleton. "i'm afraid i'll need those glasses back."
You decide to hand him a pair of glasses you "borrowed" from a frog Monster you met in Waterfall.
This goes on all night. After a certain point, you decide to give up the ghost and hand the absurd number of glasses back over to Sans. He even promised to not rat you out to Grillby.
You were walking through Waterfall when you saw Papyrus walking along a lower level just under you.
He was carrying a comical stack of Tupperware containers full of something. It was simple curiosity! He wouldn't even miss it!
You succeeded at snatching a Tupperware and cracked it open. The acrid smell of pure evil is the only thing that graces your nostrils.
Deciding you have no desire to hold onto whatever science experiment the skeleton had made, you hopped down and chased after him.
You came up with a quick excuse that he dropped the item and you were just innocently returning it.
Papyrus' sockets shine as he drops the armload of "food". You get thanked so profusely you almost thought you did something honorable, not stole food.
You get questioned about your culinary inclinations while he picks all the containers back up. Many of them busted open when dropped, though the skeleton doesn't seem to care.
You didn't realize that you started following him while talking and after some time you arrived to his front door.
You tried to bid him farewell before you were all but begged to come in and cook with him. It is free entry into his house.
Who knows what goodies you might be able to snag.
You've heard about the funny skeleton that sometimes performs at MTT resort and decided to check it out.
You were in the area, there was an interesting list of comics on the roster, and the audience looked like types to have a lot of interesting things on them. What reason did you have not to go?
Many of the performers were fine. A few of them were so dull you had no way to sneak about without being caught.
Red was the closer, and by then your pockets were starting to feel well and full.
You, of course, continued on your mission; stifling giggles and laughs as best you could.
Red's set was nearly over by the time you felt satisfied. Oddly enough, when you fully tuned back in you notice something strange. He was making a few too many rodent-themed jokes than one might expect.
It was only after the second or third time he glanced directly into your beady eyes that you realized he absolutely knew what you were doing.
You tried to slip out of the dining room unnoticed but a certain toothy grin at the front doors stopped you.
"got caught with your hand in the mouse trap there buddy"
You had very few options other than running or offering a bribe. you went with a bribe.
Red, surprisingly, accepts and even offers a little deal. You join up with him during his sets. He tells jokes so good no one will notice a certain mousey's fingers in their pockets. Split the loot after.
You didn't have many options to counteroffer, but even then you didn't particularly want to.
You were caught pocketing some cinnamon bunnies and got the guard called on you. Naturally, you were well practiced in avoiding the guard.
You tried to spend as little time as possible in Snowdin until everything cooled off some. What you didn't realize is that the up-and-coming royal guardsman was not one to give up so quickly.
Once you decided enough time had passed, you made your appearance back into the thrall of the small town. It was only after you picked up some whispers behind you that you realized you perhaps haven't been away as long as you should've been.
What ensued was chaos. Once you realized that yes, people definitely recognized you and had called for the guard, you were booking it out of there.
A few members of the dog pack put up a chase for a while, but none of them cared for petty theft. The only one who decided to pursue you into the forest for the better part of an hour was the new skeleton recruit, Edge.
The chase only ended after you both found yourselves stuck on a large frozen lake, unable to get your feet underneath you. After hitting an impasse, you try one last boon.
You offer to pay for everything you stole and then some. Edge didn't believe you were good for it, but you were no stranger to "borrowing" a good amount of G.
While slipping and sliding past each other, Edge pulled out a long itemized list of everything you have stolen. It took a good few minutes to read through your bill but you did manage to have enough money on you to pay the shopkeep back.
After that, you were watched like a hawk by Edge personally whenever he saw you out about town. It didn't take long to realize you could intentionally run him around if you stole something in his line of sight.
Blue was one of the only people who bothered to regularly set puzzles and traps that were more interesting than piles of snow.
That also meant you could get a bunch of neat junk if you went around to dig out the parts.
You became his shadow. He'd set up a puzzle, you'd slip in and take a few parts. It certainly didn't help that Blue was incredibly amusing to watch once he saw your handiwork.
He even tried to stake you out a few times, though it never worked.
There was only once that Blue caught you.
You were out somewhere else and he put his plan in action.
You came back to your usual spot to scope out how you were going to sneak past the puzzle part of the puzzle. You didn't even think that the course looked suspicious.
It was a switch-flipping style puzzle. Certain switches move different snow poffs and you had to pick the right combination to get through. Easy.
It was only as you solved the puzzle and the floor gave out under you that you realized you made a mistake.
You got pulled out of the snow that fell on top of you none other than Blue himself.
You weren't able to do much more than laugh and deny. Deny! DENY!
It didn't work of course, though Blue did ask to keep you around.
Something about making the puzzles so hard a human wouldn't even be able to pass them?
Stretch was trying to do a simple run to the craft store to get some fabric. His brother wanted a new workout set and refused to just buy one.
You were also there. You were in the bead aisle hamfisting those suckers into your pockets. Stretch could only imagine would you have already stashed away in your inventory.
It was a slow day and he had time for a little prank.
Everywhere you went, the skeleton followed. Everything you put on your person, the skeleton subtly magicked right back out.
It took you a while to notice, but once you did the game changed. It became a combination of making sure you didn't catch him putting your ill-gotten gains back and not being caught himself.
This went on for a while.
You started to get smart. You tried to shake your mysterious pursuer by taking random turns and power-walking down each aisle as quick as you could.
After a time, you also realized your pockets never got heavier. You decided you absolutely had more time to waste and got to plotting.
You started picking up items you didn't even want. Scrap fabric and strange decor items were shoved places you thought you would know if they were tampered with.
It didn't work. The standoff, so to speak, lasted two hours and you didn't catch your shadower once.
You decided to give up. You grab a couple small items and go up to the store clerk to check out. It's the least you could do after being a terror in their store for the past few hours.
It's only after you are well on your way out the door do you feel something. Your bag got slightly heavier. You stop to dig around in it and notice a pack of pencils you didn't steal and definitely didn't buy.
As you look it over you notice it has a little note drawn on the package: "that was fun. quit trying to steal things. see you around."
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• Inspiration Point •
Anyone with a working brain would know not to mess with the skeleton brothers. Most of all you would never want to gamble against the taller one.
You never took their advice. Cash was fine entertainment from afar, but at the table was where the real fun started.
You didn't do it often, but every once in a while you'd find your way to Grillby's Bar & Grill after hours. There was where you'd find the good loot.
With your pockets full and inventory fuller, you found a seat at the round table where the fire elemental was dealing the first round of poker.
You got your wares appraised earlier, so your starting chips were already piled high before you.
The real joy of the table was watching people lose. They almost always came with an air of unearned confidence that made the fall that much sweeter to watch.
They always lost and were always sore losers.
That night, there were only a few real players. Cash was there, like most nights. Dogaressa and Dogamy were there, though Dogamy was only good for moral support. A few of the bar's regulars were at the table as well. The rest of the seats were filled by desperate newbies.
As soon as the table was full, the game started. It continued as you expected. Most of the newbies were overconfident and lost all their G near immediately. Dogamy backed out. The regulars all slowly backed out after losing what little money they offered in the first place.
What was surprising was how long you made it. The only people left at the table were you, Cash, and Dogaressa. You weren't playing for money and you certainly weren't playing to win.
You just wanted some easy entertainment to watch some full adult Monsters throw a few tantrums. It's not like the money you brought to the table came from a personal fund.
It didn't take long before the sore losers all left, so your interest was waning.
It wasn't until you noticed Cash do a weird little hand motion that you recognized quite well. He was pocketing cards. If he's not above cheating why should you be?
In the end, Cash won the lot. You didn't expect to win, nor did you care to cheat enough so that you would've. If anything, that would've been suspicious.
You knew that Cash realized your play and that made the night all the more interesting. Once he knew you were cheating, it became a joint effort to do as much as possible without being fought by Grillby or Dogaressa and miraculously you both pulled it off.
Or, you both pulled it off long enough to get out the door snickering to each other, G in hand.
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lionmythflower · 3 months
lmao not me rewatching the nutcracker and the four realms.
But I actually can't stop laughing.
"That diabolical little mouse!"
"We just have to ask you some questions princess" "this is ridiculous"
"How do u describe ur sympathies towards rodents in general?" "........ Well-" "thank you, good, alright"
"My mother, she.... She died." *dramatic gasps*
Miss sugar plum Fairy stop lying ma'am
I'm gonna slap her
*weird giggling* ".... She doesn't know" HELP
"She tried to take control of the other realms" what bullshit. I can't remember shit of what happens I know damn well that miss sugar plum aint the good one here
"Do u like it?" "I love it" who are u lying to that hair looks so bad
Miss sugar plum needs to stfu her voice is giving me a headache
Ooooh ballet
Oh it's abt the story of the four realms ok...
I actually can't remember anything from this movie
was the hot air balloon from that one version of wizard of oz rlly necessary
I promise I actually do like this movie I js love hating on movies no matter how much I love them (another example is
"Beastly women. There's nothing motherly abt her" OKAY U KNOW WHAT U CAN SHUT UP THANKS
Sugar plum speaking French is annoying me sm. Like ok I get ur the pretty fairy women but fuck off please-
Oh the girl is named Clara
Bro crows are scary as fuck
Someone get this girl a pantsuit why is she always running around in dresses
Clara: gets pulled into a dark hole.
what the fuck
What in the name of Russian dolls-
we love her
She looks so badass
Help not captain js struggling w the puppet things
Mother Ginger is the only sensible one here
I actually can't remember what the egg thing does
That owl is fucking everywhere
Also we love captain
And hate sugar plum
alr miss sugar plum u can go die actually
Omg the mouse
Oh look they're in the dungeon
Help not her yelling at captain like he didn't nothing to you 😭😭
Phillip omg
Guys no I need another snack to deal with this women absolutely not
Okie I got some chocolates we're good now
Bro I still have like 33 minutes left in this movie
Thank god she's actually calling him by his name now
Oh damn careful there CLARA
Hun ur dress is ummm a bit dirty...
guys we pay for Disney + and we still have ads what the fuck. This is bigotry at it's worst
Poor mother ginger her face is fucking cracked bro
oh boy
if any of y'all hurt phillip I will be coming after u
Omg mouse tower yes we love them
damn she's a doll now
I don't feel bad
If phillip and clara kiss I'mma cry
Omg we love the mouse and phillip
Oh dear
No. No no no
Oh damn actually that's crazy
Omg the one movie where the girl and the guy who are friends don't actually have to kiss at the end thank god
Bro did a double take when her dad said I'm sorry
The father daughter relationship between them is crazy 😐 (im envious. I don't have a good relationship like that w either of my parents)
Damn the movie's over
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ozzni · 4 months
Behold, a crossover that makes literally no sense at all but I'm typing it out because it is within my head: Cluny the Scourge awakes in Brockton Bay, still assembles a small army of rodents because that's his Case 53 superpower, runs around in the sewers, eventually noticed but never addressed because he is too small so there is never a parahuman to tie to the strange rodent behaviors and is thus never addressed, simply killing random people wherever he can, then Leviathan happens, washing his sewer kingdom up to the surface, where he runs into the Merchants because their first reaction to seeing a bunch of rats is NOT to run away or kill them, but to see what the hell is going on there that the rats like so much. Later, Skidmark starts hearing a bunch of people reporting seeing a specific talking rat while high, and realizes that the rat is PROBABLY real, and decides to recruit him. Cluny is now part of the Merchants, acting as the main muscle for dealing with non-parahumans. He has a Hellhound-Bitch naming argument going on, where all the Merchants call him Rat King, but he tells everyone to call him Cluny the Scourge (usually shortened to just Scourge, depending on the person).
When the Slaughterhouse 9 show up, Cherish gets confused about a bunch of people living underground (Cluny's power makes all the rodents under his command sentient, but wholly loyal to him), and when she goes down to fuck with the supposed mole people, she just falls down a trap Cluny made, eventually dying because whatever, but Crawler does go down there eventually just to slither through the sewers in case there's a new disease down there and kills basically his whole army, but Cluny does manage to survive the whole ordeal, including the miasma, because Jack decided that him killing Cherish for him was cool and since he hated the Merchants anyways he just didn't get noticed by anyone else.
Then Echidna happens, he's actually the first one to get cloned too. While inside Cherish he just keeps hearing bells and laughing children frolicking in the meadows and occasionally that pikeman that took his eye shows up and does it again but more painfully. His evil clones are just Methusela and Matthias and they have their own side adventure of catching a fish and preparing a feast for the local Protectorate but they can only make enough food for like 4 people and the feast is REALLY awkward because of the revalations that just happened 10 seconds before they showed up with their cart of one fish and a bunch of food they bought from a store using pinecones (which were generated as needed). Cluny gets out of Echidna after she's thrown into the other dimension and spends the rest of his little rat life fighting her (Noelle isn't taking it seriously at all, she could have killed him years ago but there us nothing else to do here).
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arwenkenobi48 · 1 year
“Unhand me, vile human!” Vervain shouted, wriggling like an eel in a fishing net. “Or so help me, you will regret it!” I stared down at the fidgeting rodent and couldn’t help laughing. “Awww, your little nose twitches in the cutest way when you’re angry.” “What!?” He squeaked, his scraggly fur standing on end. “Now listen here, human, you’re free to call me many things, but never call me cute! I am not cute!”
“Suit yourself, little rabbit,” I replied, placing him on the table. “I am not a ‘little’ rabbit!” He growled. “So you say,” said I. “But the mirror and the measuring tape tell a different story.” “Just you wait until General Woundwort hears about this!” Vervain grumbled. “He’ll have your guts for garters!”
“I doubt it. You’re miles away from Efrafa.” I pointed out. “And there’s no need to pout.” “I’m not pouting.” Vervain replied, pouting grumpily. “Oh, what a horrible fate has befallen me…” he whimpered, his ears flopping. “An Owsla officer, abducted by Man. How humiliating!” “There there, stop whining,” I said, patting his head affectionately. “I’m not whining!” Vervain whined. He sat there, his nose twitching, an evil bundle of floof and hatred. “Woundwort, where are you?”
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
Here’s a fanfic idea!
Jabitha finding a rat in their apartment😂
(No, I’m not kidding)
I interrupt my Tumblr hiatus to deliver a fic that you requested a year ago, and I wrote months ago. Enjoy!
“Tabitha!” Jughead yelped, jumping backwards, and struggling to pull himself onto a wobbling kitchen stool, “Tabitha, there’s a rat in our kitchen!”
He watched the wriggling creature climb from the bin, clutching a lump of mouldy cheese in its claws and looking at him with innocent, dark eyes. Jughead knew that its harmless appearance was all a façade. He knew that despite looking sweet on the surface, the rodent was an evil, cruel creature whose only purpose in life was to see to his untimely demise. He flipped it off across the room.
“Were you just giving a rat the finger?” Tabitha asked bemusedly, poking her head out of the bathroom before ducking back in, flushing the toilet and walking towards him.
He grimaced and pointed at it across the room, “That bastard ruined my lunch break. I think he deserved it.”
Tabitha walked over to his stool, standing beside him and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder as she surveyed the area. She could almost feel his heart racing under her touch. “You had quite the scare, hey?” Jughead frowned. “Mmm.”
“Ok, how about we…” she paused, thinking, “lure it into a corner and then trap it in something. Maybe one of these Pop’s bags you keep promising to get rid of but always end up leaving on the table?” Jughead smiled sheepishly. “Sorry about that. I promise to do my chores as soon as we deal with this situation.”
A few minutes later, both Jughead and Tabitha had found their positions on opposite sides of the room.
“Three,” Tabitha mouthed, crouching behind the table. “Two,” Jughead followed. He shakily stepped off the stool and drew his hands into fists, as though gathering his courage for battle. “And, one.” He started stamping frantically, startling the small, brown creature and causing it to drop its meal, scuttling under the foot of a chair. Jughead cursed under his breath, before inhaling deeply and kicking it out from its shadowy hideaway. Like a furry superhero, the rat flew across the room. Tabitha watched it sail through the air, her boyfriend’s disgusted, almost comical wailing, sounding muffled to her ears as the brief lifespan of the freshly painted, white wall flashed before her eyes. Out of the corner of her vision she watched as Jughead teetered precariously with one foot still raised, before landing flat on his butt. She stifled a giggle, picking up the bag and shuffling towards the rat on her knees. It stared at her, looking like a deer in the headlights, before bolting away, aiming for the gap below the fridge.
Suddenly, she felt her years of fencing experience kick in. Tabitha lunged for the creature, throwing her body across the room with the bag raised high above her head. A feeling of adrenaline washed over her and she laughed in ecstasy as she trapped the creature in one, swift blow. Sure, she lightly bruised her knees and elbows, but it was so worth it. She felt the creature tumble to the bottom of the bag and held it shut, holding it up triumphantly.
Tabitha then ran to the open window and tipped the creature out. It fell away with a squeal. She was unable to resist the temptation to whisper, “that’s for spooking my boyfriend, ya little bitch,” as she watched it hit the pavement with a squelch. Tabitha spun around to find her boyfriend watching her from the floor with an expression that was equal parts horror, admiration and confusion. She smirked, offering him a hand. “You ok, Jones?” “Aside from the bruised backside and ego, more or less ok,” he replied, “But please, never get me involved in one of your wild, rat containment plans again. After what happened to me in New York I can barely stand to look at one.” Tabitha laughed gently, tossing the now-empty bag into the bin. “What happened to you in New York?” “Wait, you haven’t heard this story?” Jughead asked. His girlfriend shook her head in amusement. He gulped.
“Ahh… You might wanna sit down
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nitecourtfairytail · 2 years
Heavy Hearts
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Depictions/Threats of Sexual Abuse, Discussions of Infertility
Chapter song- Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar
Accidental Gwyn slander again. I promise it’ll be resolved.
Ch. 6 Love is a Battlefield
“Did you give out my fucking address?!” Azriel arrived at the worksite looking for a fight. As soon as he saw Jurian, he was blinded by rage. What if Elain had been at the house? What if Gwyn was crazy enough to send someone to try and harm him for ‘breaking her heart’?!
“Dude. Calm down! There’s no need to be upset. I was trying to help you out. I heard about the chick you’re dating and figured you might need a backup girl.” He was jovial. Laughing. Joking. He thought this was funny!
“What the fuck did you just say?!” He shoved Jurian in the chest. “How do you know Elain?” His mind was reeling. Terror coursing through his veins. Did he have anything to do with Elain’s abuse? Was he an accomplice on one of the rare occasions Greyson took her out? The thought alone made his stomach turn.
“My buddy Grey used to date her.” Jurian just shrugged like he thought nothing of it. Like he didn’t just prove how much of a worm he truly was.
“I always thought you were sleazy, but to admit that you’re ‘buddies’ with her fucking abuser?!” He was screaming. The usually bustling site was quiet, everyone had stopped to watch what was unfurling between the two men.
“Abuser? Please.” He rolled his eyes “That bitch should be grateful-“ his words were cutoff by Azriel’s fist. Jurian immediately fell to the ground, Az climbing atop of him, gaining leverage to continue his assault on the man’s face.
Perry and another man ran over grabbing Az by his arms and dragging him off of Jurian. “What the FUCK Az?! What’s gotten into you?” Perry yelled, but Azriel never heard him. All he was focused on was the bastard on the ground. Jurian sat up slowly, spitting out blood. His eyes were crazed. One was already bruising and his nose was definitely broken. Blood coated his teeth as he smiled. “I bet she never told you Grey would let us take turns on her.” He laughed-an evil malicious sound that made Az’s skin crawl. “He let us use her as our little cumdump.”
“I’ll fucking KILL YOU!” He screamed, fighting against the men holding him back.
“I’m inclined to let you,” an unfamiliar female voice came from beside him “but I’m sorry, young man. I’ve gotta take you both in.” He turned his head-of course someone had called the cops.
Sergeant Otoño, the arresting officer was able to pull some strings and let Az go with a warning. Turns out she had also escaped an abusive situation and her (now) husband had done the same thing to her ex-and his friends-back when they were dating. That didn’t stop Azriel from having to sit in a holding cell, or having to call Rhys to come pick him up.
After what felt like hours, the holding cell door opened. “Mr. Faris! Your girlfriend’s here. You’re free to leave.” Rhys must have called Lain and asked her to pick him up. He smiled at the thought of her and walked toward the lobby. The sergeant gave him a warm smile and a wink before waving him off.
Az walked out expecting to see Elain, but instead a slightly taller woman with blue eyes and a reddish hue to her hair ran up to him. “Az!” She yelled joyfully , wrapping her arms around him. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“What the fuck?” He tried to push the strange woman away, but she held on tighter. “Who ARE you?!” He yelled as two uniformed officers walked toward them.
“Is everything okay here, sir?” One asked. They both had their hands resting on their tasers. “Ma’am, would you mind stepping back, please?” The other officer asked, trying to deescalate the situation.
“I’m his girlfriend! It’s me, Gwyn!” The woman cried. The more he tried to push her off of him, the harder she held on. It was like being hugged by a glue trap you set for insects or rodents.
Admittedly, she was an attractive woman. Classic features except for her large eyes the color of the Caribbean Sea. Her simple ensemble of boot cut jeans paired with a black and white blouse and black pumps accentuated her delicate curves. Azriel knew he’d met her before, but she must not have made a lasting impression on him.
“Gwyn?! I barely even know you!” He gave the officers an exasperated look, pleading with them to get her away from him.
She fisted her hands in his shirt, trying to make him look down at her. He felt her start to shake, whether from her tears or something else he wasn’t sure. The only thing he knew was that she seemed absolutely unhinged.
“Az?” That was Rhysand’s voice! Rhysand was here, thank the Cauldron! He’d be able to explain the situation.
“Oh thank fuck you’re here! Please Rhys. Please explain she isn’t my girlfriend. She’s practically a stalker!” He, himself was near tears. So frustrated that the woman-Gwyn, seemed to think they were in a relationship. So confused as to why. And so frightened of what she could possibly be capable of if she continued her delusion.
She still had an iron grip on his midsection, but he’d never let his arms down farther than her shoulders to push her away.
Rhysand looked between the scene and the officers. “This man is my brother. He, myself and our other brother all rent a house together. This woman showed up last night looking for him” pointing to Az “claiming to be his girlfriend, and at first we thought he was playing two women.” He looked at Az apologetically.
“I can’t believe you would think so lowly of me.” Az scowled.
“Well it’s not like we had much to go on. You’re secretive about your relationships! But Cass knew you were with Elain last night-which by the way we still need to discuss. I want details, brother.”
“So, you don’t know who she is?” Sergeant Otoño had been called out to the disruption, now.
“Az. I’m your girlfriend, Gwyn. How do you not remember?” She sobbed.
“Please, please stop saying that.” He begged before answering the sergeant’s question.
“No ma’am, I don’t-Not really. We’ve met a couple times but I didn’t recognize her at first. She works in the main office doing bookkeeping. We work for Summers Construction Company. I’m usually on the worksite doing framing and don’t go up to h.q. very often. I’ve only seen her a few times. I make small talk while waiting for Helion.” His eyes imploring the older woman to believe him.
Recognition washed over her sharp features.
Her eyes softened. “Helion is my husband.” She sighed, running her hand down her face. “Okay.” She turned to Gwyn, her voice commanding “Ma’am, please release Mr. Faris and come with me. I have a few questions regarding this morning that I’m hoping you can clear up for me.”
The young woman finally let her arms fall to her side, dejectedly following the sergeant who called over her shoulder at the other officers on scene “You two make sure we have contact information for Mr. Faris and his brothers. We may need to call them later.”
The ride home was silent. Once they’d gotten in, Rhys immediately went to the kitchen to make coffee. Az followed.
“Well that was certainly an exciting Friday morning.” Rhysand joked, handing Az a cup.
Azriel grabbed his cigarettes and coffee, following Rhys onto the back porch. “I still don’t understand what happened. Why she thinks I’m her boyfriend. It doesn’t make sense.” He grabbed his phone to text Elain asking what time she would be home today. He needed to see her.
“Where’s Cass? I need to ask him what she said last night. And where were you when all this was happening, by the way?” He eyed his brother suspiciously. Rhys merely shrugged and reached for Azriel’s cigarette. “Oh no. You don’t get to keep secrets and expect a puff. Buy your own damn pack if that’s the case.” He swatted his brother with his free hand while pulling the other out of reach.
“I was out.” Rhys shrugged again. “I’ll tell you all about my night if you tell me about yours.” He winked “I’m dying to know what happened with our little ray of sunshine for you to stay the night. Last I remember she said she wasn’t ready for intimacy.”
Azriel snapped his head up “How do you-THATS what she was talking to you and Mor about. That makes sense.” He sighed in relief. “We’ve been meaning to talk about that, but it seems like every time we get interrupted. Or like last night.. she had a mental blockage.” He frowned. Not sad for himself, but for the beautiful woman he knew had suffered so much.
“Last night. All I wanted was to talk to her. See where we stand. What she’s comfortable with so I don’t fuck anything up. I don’t want to say the wrong thing or accidentally touch her somewhere that will trigger her.” There was a maelstrom of emotions, all evident in his voice. Sadness that she’d been through so much, pain that he doesn’t know how to comfort her, helplessness because this is her journey, all mixed with a burning rage at the man who did this and the woman who bore her.
Rhysand seemed to interpret the unspoken ‘but’ in Azriel’s story. He eyed his brother warily, unsure whether to ask or let him continue in his own time.
Azriel chose for him, continuing after lighting another cigarette and taking a swig of coffee. “She showed me all the evidence she has stacked against him. Everything that’s on video, or text. Pictures of the damage. The medical reports. She had to get stitches because of how badly he’d tore her. Did you know that?!” He barely kept himself together. Furious tears threatened to spill, his knuckles white from trying not to shake.
“She’s been through ENOUGH Godsdammit!” The tears overtook the dam. Sobbing, aching gasps wracked through his chest as they cascaded down his face. Unable to gather enough strength in his vocal chords he whispered again “She’s been through enough.”
“Hey man. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dredge all that up.” Rhysand felt beside himself for being the straw that broke his back. It wasn’t his fault. Azriel just felt so much. Sometimes it was easier to cut off his emotions and be stoic, but Elain….she was their Sunshine. She brightened every horrible part of himself. Her light shone so brightly that it lit even the deepest depths of his soul. Everything he had tried to hide. There were no masks between the two-Their most honest selves.
Az collected himself. Sniffling and wiping his eyes he looked at his brother, so caught off guard by Azriel’s show of emotions. “It’s okay, Rhys. I think that was brewing for a long time. It just needed to be let out.” He tried to smile, to ease the tension more, but knew he looked as horrible as he felt right now.
“I shouldn’t have prodded you. What happens with you and Elain…and when it happens is between you two.” Rhys patted him on the shoulder. “I’m just glad you’ve found someone worthy of breaking that iron cage around your heart.
“Thank you, brother. Truly.” Az clasped his hand on Rhysand’s own shoulder, a ‘warrior’s’ hug, they had called it growing up. Between Azriel and Cassian’s own childhood abuse, the brothers were wary of physical affection (not that you’d know it now), so they had come up with this-a way of physically showing their love-without feeling trapped or smothered. Named as such because to Rhysand, his brothers were warriors. They’d fought such terrible beginnings and came out the other side.
Though now they can hug each other comfortably, the ‘warrior’s hug’ will always be their ultimate indication of brotherly love.
The tension in the air now dissipated, Az turned to his brother, impish smile on his face “Even though it was a horrible thing to see, the whole night wasn’t a bust.”
“Oh do tell.” Rhys placed his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his interlaced fingers.
“I got to sleep with her in my arms the whole night. That alone would have been worth it. But this morning.” He signed dreamily.
“Well don’t keep me in suspense!” Rhysand teased.
“This morning-and this actually stays between us. No telling Cassian or I’m sicking Mor on you” he pointed an accusing finger at his brother. In response Rhys crossed his heart and mimed zipping his lips.
“This morning she ended up topless straddling my lap.” He blurted out.
Rhys blinked a few times, his face drawn back in a stupor. “That’s certainly not what I was expecting you to say. I thought maybe a light make out session or something. But DAMN, brother. Honestly, how did you manage that?”
Az chuckled. “Dude, I have no idea. I was joking with her about her nipple piercings, and she offered to show me. Next thing I know I’ve got literally the most perfect breasts I have ever seen in my face and I’m trying not to blow in my fuckin pants.”
Rhysand whipped his head in intrigue. “Did you say nipple piercings? Elain? And she just popped her tits out like it was nothing?”
Azriel just smirked. “Exactly. Granted she freaked herself out pretty quickly after that, and I had to come home to change for work, but yeah. Shitty evening, great night, even better morning.” He shrugged, laughing. “I just hope she doesn’t kill me for telling you.”
“We tell each other everything. I’ve told you all about my exes.”
“Some of which I had no interest in knowing. Like that one guy you dated with the docking fetish. He shuddered thinking about the act. He wasn’t one to kink shame, but that just sounded downright painful. “I’m glad he didn’t last long.”
“Yeah” he agreed. “He didn’t last long in more ways than one.”
Azriel stood outside of the townhouse. He’d knocked several times but nobody answered, and she didn’t answer the phone either. Elain said she’d be home around 7:30, and he gave her an hour before heading over so she could decompress a bit.
He gave up, and found the fake rock hiding their spare key, unlocked the door and stepped inside. “Babe?” He echoed through the empty house. “Cerri? Nu? Mor?” He called out-no answer still. He searched through the townhouse, growing more anxious by the second. What if Gwyn was truly crazy and found her? Hurt her? What if Greyson had found her? Or his friends like Jurian. He was frantic. Nuala and Cerridwen weren’t answering either. On the third call, Mor finally picked up. “Where’s Lainey?” The panic evident in his voice.
He heard her in the background “Ohmygods I completely forgot to tell Az what was going on!” He heard Mor giggle “Your girlfriend is fine. Amren called right when she got home, to meet and discuss her case. We came with her for support, but in the chaos I guess she forgot to tell you.”
Clutching his heart he sighed into the phone “Thank the Cauldron. Tell her it’s okay and emphasize that I’m not upset with her, please. I was just worried. And tell Amren I have some more information she might need for the case.” She relayed everything back to her side.
The women arrived home an hour later to find Azriel lounging on the couch, watching tv. He had ordered Chinese and not knowing when they’d be home or if they’d had dinner, he ordered enough for everyone.
“Oh thank the Mother!” Nuala cried, digging into the sesame chicken. “I was sure my stomach was interrupting your meeting, it was screaming so loud. Thanks for this, Az. I guess she can keep you for a while.” She winked
Azriel just rolled his eyes. He was more concerned with Elain at the moment. Sitting up, he stretched his arms to her, opening a space between himself and the arm of the couch for her to slide into which she did without hesitation. Skating their arms around one another, she burrowed her head into the crook of his neck, upset from rehashing all of her trauma but satisfied with the end result. The meeting obviously took a lot out of her. She took this moment to borrow his strength, and settle herself back into the now.
“Habibi.” He whispered lovingly, his eyes closed, nuzzling against her hair “I’m amazed by you.”
Mor’s head sprang up at the pet name, staring at the two-lost in their peaceful embrace-with a kind regard.
Nuala cleared her throat to get their attention. Sheepish smiles proving they’d forgotten the others were in the room. Elain refused to be embarrassed. Instead pulling her legs up to rest across Azriel’s lap, her back against the arm of the couch. She leaned over grabbing a container of Lo Mein off of the coffee table and swirled a bit onto her fork, taking a bite like nothing happened. She swirled another bite and fed it to a slightly confused, but thoroughly content Azriel.
“You two are disgustingly adorable and I need you to eventually-as in at your own pace-make the prettiest babies on the planet.” Mor teased the couple.
Az tried not to choke in his shock, while Elain patted him on the back. “I thought I told you, Mor, I can’t have kids.” She said plainly, as if reading a newspaper aloud.
Mor gasped, holding her hand over her mouth “I’m so sorry! I had no idea!”
“It’s okay!” Elain giggled. “I wasn’t even sure I wanted kids anyway, and if I ever decide I do I can look into adoption or a surrogate.” She shrugged. “It’s not that big a deal to me. Doesn’t make me less of a woman.”
“Is it-Is it because of the trauma?” She asked warily
She tilted her head in thought “No, but it probably didn’t help much. I have scar tissue from endometriosis that’s basically killing my ovaries, cutting off the blood supply. Even if I were to get the tissue removed, which I will, they’ve been so damaged that they only one can recover. The doctors told me they usually don’t recommend a hysterectomy for women my age unless it’s as severe as mine.”
“So there’s no way you can have a biological kid?” Cerridwen ask with genuine curiosity
“I wouldn’t say no chance, but it incredibly unlikely. It’s like a ten-ish percent chance that I can. And even if I did, the doctor said I have scarring on my uterus and that would make it difficult to expand properly, so it would be a difficult and dangerous pregnancy.” she shrugged.
“Do you want the surgery?” Mor asked. This conversation was getting incredibly personal before she’d really had a chance to talk to her boyfriend about things. She wanted to make sure they were on the same page before they became too attached. Especially after the last one.
“Gods yes. Do you have any idea how miserable my periods are?” She watched the girls all shake their heads.
She let out a bitter laugh. “It feels like I’m being stabbed in my lower abdomen by Wolverine from X-men. There are times I can’t finish a word because a cramp will come on so quickly and so painfully I can’t think. I’ve almost passed out before. I bleed so heavy that I keep two extra pairs of panties and an extra pair of sweat pants in my purse. When I sleep, I have to put down a towel, use an overnight pad on top of adult diapers, with an ultra tampon and still wake up needing to change the sheets. During the day I sometimes have to take a shower just because I changed out my tampon, and there’s too much blood on my legs to wipe up all the way. And it’s not like it’s a three day heavy flow. It’s like that for a week straight. I can’t wait until I don’t have to deal with this shit.”
She turned to Azriel, who to his credit, didn’t balk the slightest at the talk about period blood and ovaries and children. “But now that that’s all out in the open..this was actually one of the things I wanted to talk to you about tonight. My doctor called this afternoon while I was in class-left a message. He told me that there was a cancellation and he had an earlier opening for me to have the surgery-November 14th. I wanted to talk to you before I accepted.”
He sighed, an adoring smile playing on his features “Are you asking if I’ll go with you and bring you home? Because that’s a given. Just say the word and I’ll request off work.”
The fondness in her eyes only slightly waned with frustration. She’d much rather have this conversation in private, but that’s hard to come by in this group “No. I wanted to talk about how you felt about children…. If you wanted me to forgo the surgery so we can try down the line.” She started fidgeting with her hands, wanting to come off confident, but her anxiety breaking through. He now knew she hoped they’d be together a long time.. long enough to consider a family and a future.
“Look. I’m in the same boat as you-Not even 100% sure I want kids.” He looked her dead in the eyes. Wanted her to know that she had his full attention, because this was important to her, and an important conversation for their burgeoning relationship. His heart was so full. She cares enough to make sure they were on the same page..had obviously considered the thought of a family with him.
He swept her hair out of her face, sliding his hand to cup her cheek. “But ultimately what I want doesn’t matter. It’s your body…. Personally, I think you should have the surgery, if for no other reason, then to have a better quality of life. That sounds fucking miserable to go through every month. If you’re honestly concerned about biological children, then ask if they can save some of your eggs. But it’s not a deal breaker for me. I mean, I was adopted. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings at all to adopt a kid one day. Or have none and live our lives traveling and having expendable income with a bunch of dogs and cats and various reptiles.” She giggled at that. “Two people are a complete family unit. But no matter what, as long as you’re healthy and happy, that’s all I care about.” His sincerity was palpable as he spoke.
All of the women stared at him, mouths agape-Elain with happy and relieved tears lining eyes. Cerridwen broke the silence with a huff in disbelief. “Wow. Can I have your parents address? I feel like I need to write them a thank you card on behalf of the entire female population.”
“Remind me to write it down for you later.” He chuckled.
After dinner Elain and Azriel retired to her bedroom to continue their private talk. Not that it would stop any of the others from hearing. Apparently they’d heard everything this morning and could hardly contain their gleeful prodding once Az had left. When Elain told him, he had doubled over in laughter.
“That explains why my brothers fit in so well around here-Rhysand was seconds away from tackling me if I didn’t give him all the details.” He said, pulling out her laptop.
“What are you doing?” She scrunched her face curiously at him.
“Old spy tactic” he winked, opened Spotify and scrolled for a moment before pressing play. The Gospel Youth’s cover of ‘There’s Nothing Holding Me Back’ began blasting out of the speakers.
“Dammit Az!” They heard Mor yelling from down the hall. “Come on! Cable’s expensive! At least let me pretend I’m listening to a podcast or something.” Az and Elain burst into a fit of laughter.
He paused the music and stuck his head out the door “We’re not here to entertain you! You’ve got wifi. Get on YouTube or something!” He heard Elain cackling behind him. She’d logged in on her phone, changing the song to ‘U+Ur hand’ by Pink.
Az turned around to see her biting her lip to try and stop laughing. Her face bright red and eyes shining with mirth.
“What you said made me think of the lyrics.” She told him shyly. She was adorable-he stuck out his tongue at her, playfully. His heart swelling with an affection he’d never felt before. He turned back to find Mor standing in the doorway, shoulders shaking with silent laughter of her own. “Looks like you struck out, Azzy-boy.” He shook his head and sighed.
“I have a feeling we’ll somehow get more privacy at my house, if you’re up for it.” He called over his shoulder.
“I think you’re right” she rushed to grab her things. “Lead the way.” She said, reaching for his hand as Mor’s pitiful “Noooo!” followed them out the door.
The walk from Elain’s house to Azriel’s was only fifteen minutes, but they took their time-enjoying one another’s company.
“So…nobody followed us?” Elain asked tentatively.
“Doesn’t seem like it. Did you want to talk now? We can go to the park and sit on one of the benches-not many people are out at this time of night.” While that was true, Azriel also wanted to enjoy his time with her uninterrupted for a few minutes longer. Without prying eyes (or ears) from family or friends.
“I’d like that.”
They found a more secluded area of the park. The bushes created a small grove with a bench in the middle-private and romantic. Precisely what he’d hoped for. “What did you want to talk about, Sweetheart?” They’d sat down beside each other, his arm around her shoulders pulling her in.
She twisted her hands around shyly. “I suppose we should get the easy one out of the way first. Like last time.” She smiled bashfully. as was sure he’d never get over that look. “My sisters are coming to the expo.”
“I can’t wait to meet them.” He told her honestly. “Is that what you’re so worried about? Your sisters’ approval?” He tilted his head, an inquisitive glance on his face.
“No, I’m not worried about that. They’ll love you. If not, that’s their loss.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “I just. There so much about me that I kept hidden from them for fear that they’d tell mother. Even though we loved each other and still do, there were times when all of us couldn’t take her lashings anymore and we’d try to get her attention on one of the others.“ He kissed her on top of the head, letting her know she could continue.
“I wore wigs for four years so they didn’t know about my hair-and because Greyson hated it, but since I used my own money from work he couldn’t do much about it short of shaving my head.” She hummed softly.
“They don’t know about all the shit he put me through. I told them the bare minimum.” Shame. Regret. Embarrassment. She found herself unable to look her boyfriend in the eyes.
“Do you want them to know?” He knew the answer, already.
“Of course. I just don’t know how without having to relive it all. Again. I’m tired of having to go through the pain every time I explain it to someone new. I know-I know I’ll have to in court. But that…I don’t know how to explain it, but that seems different to me. I imagine that won’t feel like I’m getting someone’s pity-I’d be giving the facts for judgement on his punishment. But telling people I know…Everyone looks at me differently. I don’t want to see that look from my sisters.”
Azriel recognized her melancholia. He’d felt the same way growing up with his scarred hands. The only difference was how visible his scars were compared to hers. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “Whatever you decide to do, I’ll help however I can.”
She leaned further into him “I know you will.” He ran his nose lovingly against her neck sending shivers down her spine. A soft gasp escaped her.
It frightened her. How easily her body reacted to him. How her mind would call forth every fantasy in his mere presence. She wanted to explore it so badly, but any time she thought about it she would panic. She sighed heavily.
“Okay. So that was the ‘easy’ talk for tonight. What’s the hard one?” He felt her skin begin to pebble as he spoke. Felt her shivers when he ran his nose against her skin. Saw the way she tilted her head to allow his breath to tickle her more. He allowed his lips to barely graze the junction of her neck and shoulder.
“This.” She said breathlessly
“Do you want me to stop?” He whispered.
She hesitated. “No.”
“I need you to tell me the truth, Lain. I swear it won’t hurt my feelings. I never want you to feel pressured into anything.”
“That’s the thing, Az…I don’t. I’ve never once felt pressured with you. In fact-“ he could feel her heartbeat racing.
“In fact I… fantasize about it sometimes.”
“Elain” his voice deep and dark and sensuous “do you think about me?” She felt his sly smile against her ear.
Her body was made of fire. There was a pressure building low in her core and the part of her that wanted to explore sex again was positively screaming. She wasn’t going to indulge it yet, knowing she wasn’t ready. But she would damn sure acknowledge it…later.
She looked at Azriel through her lashes. A shy smile blooming “Yes” she whispered. Her heart was pounding out of her chest-it sounded like Nuala’s bass drum in her ears. Azriel hadn’t said anything yet, and it was making her anxious. She began to chew on her lip waiting for any confirmation he’d heard.
Azriel ruffled through his messy hair-Elain loved his hair. He kept it short on the sides and back, and left a mop of the softest, most beautiful curly onyx hair on top. Slowly, cautiously, as if approaching an injured animal, he lifted his hand. His thumb slid her lip from between her teeth, leaning in for the softest, barest kiss and pulling away.
She lifted her gaze to his. “One day, Habibi.” He stroked her jaw “One day I want you to tell me all the things you’ve been thinking about. There’s no rush. I’ll be here when you’re ready.”
@karomdr-blog @mis-lil-red
I’m sorry I’m so bad about remembering to tag 😬
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cyclonesyndicate · 2 years
ELEGANTE NUMERO UNO | Elegante 5.3 | Re: Results
Elegante was so fed up with the state of the trial that she barely even noticed that she'd voted "wrong", and didn't particularly care. This whole thing is a farce, anyway! This shitty little rodent wouldn't know how to put on a show if he was playing creative mode in Minecraft!! Let them all vote wrong, see if she cares. It'll just get thrown back in their face, and then who will be laughing? The great Elegante will, of course, for being extremely right and correct about everything evil and villainous.
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She has to stop and think for a moment when it turns out she did vote correctly after all.
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She voted correctly! She solved the case! She cracked it wide open!!!
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"HAHAHAH!!" She bursts out in loud, obnoxious laughter, completely disregarding the vibe of the room. "Ah, how the tables have turned! Your oh-so-clever little ruse has failed, you pathetic worm in triplicate!! The great Elegante saw through your ploy, and now you will pay the price for your failure - as will the rest of you, for even daring to think that you were above this contest of might and wits! Perhaps now you will all start acting like villains, hmm?? Well, unfortunately for you, it is far too late to catch up to the one true villain here in the rankings!! Hahahahah!!!"
0 notes
clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Hewwo, I see that requests are open and you write Encanto. So I had this idea in my head where before Bruno went into hiding he adopted this kid (y/n) that's like a year or two younger than Mirabel. Since he wouldn't be there for their gift ceremony (lets just say adopted kids can also get their gifts) they would dread the day that it would come bc after Mirabel didn't get hers they were so afraid of what the family would think if the same thing happened twice and this time their father wasn't there. But he is, hiding in the walls, but he doesn't feel like that moment was the right moment to come out so he sends one of his lil rat friends to comfort his kid. Idk I just think it would be really sweet if Bruno's kid loved his rats just as much as he did. ~✴
Yeah!!! Never thought I'd be writing Disney fics but Encanto really stole my writer heart haha.
Apologies if I get anything in this wrong ^^; Feel free to correct me
"Padre Bruno, do you think..I'll get a cool gift when it's my turn?"
"Huh? Oh..yeah! I'm sure you will." The visionary smiled at you, before he looked down at his own hands and sighed. "Hopefully it's nothing like mine. I wouldn't wish a gift like this on my worst enemy." He mumbled the last part, but you heard it clearly.
"¿Que? Your worst enemy?" You tilted your head in confusion. "But I don't think it's all that bad-"
"I just told a woman her fish was getting older and..it died the next day." Bruno grimly reminded you, though he couldn't stay upset with your enthusiasm for long. He didn't want you to dread getting a gift.
Tonight, Mirabel was suppose to get hers. You may have been a year younger than her and not related to the family by blood, but you were just as important as everyone else. Casita welcomed you with open arms--or doors, rather when Bruno took you in.
You were indeed drawn to the "black sheep" of the family, not being intimidated by the scary stories your friends told you about him. In reality he was just a guy with an unlucky gift. He wasn't evil and you knew that.
Considering you didn't have any family in town, and that Bruno was the only one out of Alma's triplets without kids, he decided to adopt you as his own. His sisters were surprised, but pleased to be your new tias, treating you like their own children--with love and respect.
In a way you've helped their brother come out of his shell and speak to the family more. But even then he remained shy, skittish, and self-conscious, especially with the rumors of him spreading "doom and gloom" with every breath ramping up.
"What about making a vision of what I might get?" You asked anyway, but he immediately shook his head, as if distraught by the suggestion.
"No, no..that is one thing I will never do. I don't want you to be scared if you see something you don't like."
"Yeah..I guess that's true. But..if your gift makes you see bad things, maybe my gift will let me see good things!" You grinned.
"Ah, that would be quite a gift, huh?" He chuckled a little. "Mirabel might beat you to the punch, but only time will tell."
You wanted to ask him what gift he thinks you'll have--without the help of a vision--but Casita threw an alarm clock in front of you, indicating it was time for your older sister's ceremony.
A rat popped out from behind Bruno's shoulder, lightly squeaking. You smiled and gently scratched its head. "Your rats are cute."
"G-Gracias." He was flustered, considering everyone in the family seemed creeped out by the rodents he befriended.
Besides you, they didn't judge him. And in some ways they seemed like a much better family, though of course he wouldn't tell you that.
Standing up, he took you by the hand as you two made your way to the celebration, seeing the townspeople already filing into the house, laughing and dancing.
Before long there was silence as Casita rolled out the rug, and everybody watched with anticipation and hope as Mirabel finally appeared. Looking nervous, she paced across the courtyard, up the stairs where Alma waited with the magic candle in her hands.
Your mind raced with excitement and curiosity, wondering what gift she would bring to the family this time around. This was the first ceremony you got to witness, so you felt truly honored to be here tonight.
Being so focused on this moment, you barely noticed Bruno's hand tightening around yours, almost shaking even. He felt in his heart that something was wrong.
And tragically, he was right.
When the magic of Mirabel's door faded away..so did everyone's joy.
Including your own.
The morning of your ceremony finally came.
And it was a morning you dreaded for years.
Not only had Mirabel failed to get her gift, but your adopted father Bruno suddenly disappeared. He left a note in your room saying he had to go away for a while, and he begged you not to show it to anyone else. Even Casita ensured you didn't.
With absolutely no context as to what happened, you couldn't help but feel worried and sad, especially when your friends became relieved he no longer "haunted" the town. Yet even grown adults refused to speak his name, harboring the mantra of "we don't talk about Bruno" every time someone mentioned him.
"He was a diablo, [y/n]! He only wanted to trick you!"
"I bet he jinxed Mirabel's ceremony."
"With him gone, you might get your gift without worry."
Such hurtful, hateful things were spoken about him. But you couldn't get angry at them, lest they assumed you carried the same bad vibes that he did. So you stayed quiet and tried to help the family out, finding your passion and wondering about your gift for years.
It took a bit longer than usual for your ceremony to finally arrive, but it didn't make the evening preparation any easier. Only Mirabel genuinely understood your worries and talked to you, helping you calm your nerves.
Yet when she left, doubts still ran through your mind.
What if the past repeated itself? What if this was a sign the Encanto has reached its limit? What if Mirabel marked the end of the miracle-giving?
If an actual family member couldn't receive a gift...what chance does an outsider like you have at being blessed with one?
As you paced around the rickety nursery room, you heard a familiar squeaking noise from behind a portrait. And you looked to see a gray rat sneak out of the hole, eyes widening in surprise.
"Huh?" You watched it scurry across the floor towards you, finally realizing. "Ah, did papa leave some of you here to watch over me?" With a sorrowful smile, you knelt down and allowed the rat to climb onto your palm. Then you stood up to place it carefully on your shoulder. "You wanna keep me company at the ceremony? Is that it?"
It nodded, appearing to smile a bit.
'Guess he still cares..I wonder how he knew I was nervous.' Brushing away the tears in your eyes, you saw Casita drop an alarm clock at your feet, and you knew you couldn't wait any longer.
The tradition had to carry on, in hopes that it will continue on for generations to come. Everyone was waiting, and you couldn't disappoint them. Not now. Not after the last time.
But you decided that, gift or no gift, you'll find your purpose here. One way or another.
So with you little rat companion as support, you departed from your room.
"Please..bless me with a miracle. For my sake, for Mirabel's sake...for Padre's sake."
Yet as you muttered that small prayer to yourself, you had no idea that Bruno was actually there, listening to it. He could only tear up as you mentioned his name, guilt wracking every bone in his body while he watched your ceremony happen. All from behind his walls.
He wished he could just come out and give you actual reassurance and comfort. Like a father should. But he was too cowardly and resorted to sending out a rodent.
As pathetic as that seemed, it simply..wasn't the right time. Not with the reputation he has now. He didn't want to spoil your shining moment, but he was glad to know you still loved him and his rats. You didn't turn against him like everyone else.
Only when he noticed the golden light of your new door did he sigh with relief, smiling somberly as he shuffled back into the darkness.
Finally, he did something good for the Family Madrigal.
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euphoriyoongi · 3 years
♥︎ So this is Love ♥︎ k.s.j
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A Cinderella Story
Requested by: @baby-mochi123
♥︎ Summary:
As an orphan living with your late fathers disgrace of a wife and two step sisters, you’re hidden away from the world. That is, until the King gets inpatient for grandchildren, and invites all maidens to the royal ball.
♥︎ Genre: royalty au, Cinderella-themed, love at first sight, comedy
♥︎ Word count: 5.6k
♥︎ Warnings: none
Once upon a time in a far away land, there was tiny kingdom…
Ever since your father died, life has been rough.
You could barely remember the times you used to play in the grass fields with your mother, or the time you ripped the bottom of your dress as you fell.
Those memories were distant. Nearly gone. Your father remarried after your mother died, and the woman he married was more of a devil than anything. She would act all sweet to you when your father was around, but behind closed doors she disgraced and belittled you.
When your father passed away, she became more evil than before, which was hard to imagine. She was already so terrifying, but now it seemed as though she had something against you.
You were fully grown now, able to do everything for yourself. But yet, you were forced to like in a crammed attic of their home, while your two step sisters enjoyed lavish rooms and jewelry. It was unfair, but you made yourself worth living. With all of the chores and the dust and dirt you'd have to clean up every day, you still had your pride.
You lived in solidarity up and away from the vicious people you could never call family, and the only friends you could call your own were the rats that populated the walls.
The terribly loud clock broke you away from your slumber and bells began to ding, signaling it was time to make breakfast. They forced to go serve them as they lay in bed, and all you wanted was to be able to eat what you made. There would only ever be enough for the three of them and their cat—which was fittingly named Lucifer—and never any for you. That was probably why you were so thin.
"Y/n!!" Your stepmother's voice bellowed through the walls continuously, hailing you to begin her breakfast. She always yelled like she was going to starve if you didn't get it to her in time which wasn't true. She was bigger-boned and had plenty of meat on her bones, and always concealed it with a super tight corset that she would claim her real waist.
"Y/n?! Where's breakfast?" Your step sister screeched at you from her bedroom as you walked by. You ignored her and continued to walk to the kitchen. "Hey! Don't ignore me! Mother, Y/N is ignoring me again!"
You continued to walk to the kitchen and once you got there you began to prepare breakfast. You scrambled up the food and poured tea, and then placed it on 3 plates to bring to them.
As you brought them all their breakfast, your stepmother beckoned you to come into her room. Before you entered, your two ugly step sisters blocked the door. "You're gonna get it bad, Y/N."
You brushed them off again and made your way through the double doors or your stepmother's room, the cat following you in.
The cat glided it's way through the dark room and jumped onto the large bed, curling up into the arms of a dark looking figure. She didn't speak.
"Shut it." She hissed as she pet her cat, who was as dark as the room. His eyes were the only visible part of him. "Seems like you have a lot of time on your hands. Let's put it to good use."
You stayed silent and listened to what she had to say. You knew it was going to be chores, and you just wished you could have some alone time to yourself.
"You have full chore duty today. That includes folding the laundry, washing dishes, scrubbing to floors, sewing your step sisters' dresses and oh—don't forget the garden."
You sighed. "Yes Step-mother."
You had no way out of it. It was all you could do to respect your father.
You could've swore you saw the cat smirk. "Oh yes, one more thing. Don't forget to bathe the cat."
Over the hill was the large grandeur of a palace, where the king and his son lived.
The king was getting impatient, wondering when his son would give him grandchildren. He wasn't getting any younger, and wished to see children before he passed.
Kim Seokjin, the only prince of the kingdom, hasn't even had the thought of settling down yet. He wasn't as young as he used to be, but he thought no one could be his match. The prince was away on business, but was coming home tonight.
His father decided to send out invitations to every eligible maiden in the kingdom to a royal ball, hoping at least one of them will catch his eye.
So it wouldn't seem suspicious, he figured he could plan this ball for his return, and have all the women there for him.
Tonight was the night he planned for the ball. He then sent out all the invitations, hoping for the best.
As you were scrubbing the floor, a thin piece of paper slid through the mail slot on the door and landed right at your feet. You picked it up and didn't bother reading it, you weren't the best at reading anyway. You did notice it was from the palace.
Your step family was upstairs as they were practicing their music skills and you walked up the stairs to interrupt.
You knocked softly, but your step mother screamed as you entered. "Y/n! What did I say about interrupting—"
"This just came from the palace!" You excitedly murmured, and held your hand out for your step mother to grab it.
"There's to be a ball...every eligible maiden is to attend!" She cried out and looked to her daughter's who were jumping up and down.
"We're both eligible!!" They screamed simultaneously, happily shaking the floorboards.
Your eyes lit up when you heard what she said. "That means I can go, too!" You said, covering your mouth with your hand in excitement.
One of your step sisters snickered. "Yeah, right! Her dancing with our prince! That's impossible.
"Greetings your highness, would you mind holding my broom." The other sister giggled as she mocked you.
After their laughs ended, you spoke up again. "Well, why not? I am part of the family. And it says by royal command..."
The sisters looked at each other and then at their mom. "Well...I can't see why you couldn't go..." she stared down at the piece of paper. "If you get all your work done and find something suitable to wear.."
"Yes step mother I sure will!" You smiled as you made your way out. "Thank you."
You ran as fast as you could up the steps to plan your outfit, knowing you have your mothers old dress locked away in a chest.
You noticed it was a bit outdated, so you looked through your sewing book to see any changes you could make to it.
Just as you finally thought you reached happiness it faded away just as quickly as it happened. You were beckoned again to start your chores and now you wouldn't have nearly enough time to sew the dress.
As you worked your ass off to clean and get things done, time flew. You thought you didn't have a change at going to the ball now, especially when you heard the carriage reach the chateau. You sighed. As if your day couldn't get any worse. Your step mother opened her door when she heard you walk by. "Y/nN my dear, why aren't you dressed?"
Your two step sisters peaked out of the doorframe, awaiting your answer. "Ah, I'm not going."
They all smirked, but tried to cover it. "That's too bad. Maybe next time." She cooed and shut the door to get her daughters ready.
You made your way back up to your humble living space, and your shoulders were hunched as you walked up the stairs. You really thought you had a chance for yourself this time. You hated being someone's maid, and you wished things would be different. You had hoped this was the chance to break out of your shell and this house and follow your dreams. Dreams of meeting your one and only true love.
As you entered your room you peered out the window, staining at the tree branches that blocked the moonlight. You sighed, deep in thought.
A sudden creek came from your closet, and the door began to open slowly. You nearly screeched when you saw a dozen rats run out of it, but when your eyes landed on the gorgeous dress that was hung up, you glanced at the little rodents.
"How the hell did you do that? Was that some kind of sorcery?" You stared at the dress with wide eyes, trying to figure out how tiny rats were able to stitch and sew. Maybe you were going crazy. "Thank you..I guess." You said sincerely, but still couldn't wrap your mind around it all.
You rushed to get ready and tossed on all your accessories, including a beautiful jade necklace that sat on the corner of your desk. You were unsure about how it got there, but figured it was the rats with superpowers and carried on with your plans.
You rushed down the stairs as you noticed that they were about to open the door to leave. "Wait for me!" You yelled as you ran, hoping they wouldn't give you any trouble. "I'm ready."
"Mother you can't let her go! It's not fair!" The ugliest sister growled as she tossed her hands in the air.
The other sister huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "This is disgraceful!"
"Now girls...a promise is a promise." Your step mother smirked as she neared you, reaching a hand out to cradle your jade necklace. "Isn't this beautiful, what do you think—"
"No it's ugly—wait! That's my necklace! She stole it!" She hissed reaching out towards it. "Gimme that!" As she grabbed onto it she yanked it, and the necklace broke, sending all the beads to dance across the floor.
You gasped as that happened, and the other sister barely gave you enough time to get a grip when she began to tear your dress from bottom to top. They both  aggressively tried to tear it apart, not a care in the world about how you felt about it. It was your mothers dress after all, and now all that's left is the torn fabric that fell from your shoulder.
"Girls, girls. Let's not be too hasty. I don't want you upsetting yourselves." Your stepmother softly spoke, side-eying you as if she didn't see the whole debacle. "Let's go, we'll be late." She said, leaving you all alone in the large empty house, torn to pieces.
You couldn't help but start to cry. You tried your best to be able to go, even trusted rats to fix up your dress. But now your dress was ruined and you were crying, subconsciously finding yourself in the garden under your favorite willow tree.
"It's just no use at all.." you cried out as you laid your head down onto the bench, kneeling. "There's nothing left to believe in anymore."
You let your tears fall, completely oblivious to the bench that somehow turned into the lap of a man. His hand softly stroke your head, listening to you cry.
"Nothing? You don't really mean that, right?" His soothing voice spoke out, and you'd think it would've broke you out of your funk, but it didn't. You still sat there with your head in his lap and cried.
"Yeah, I do mean that—"
"No you don't, or I wouldn't be here." He shrugged and you finally realized something wasn't normal. You sat yourself back and gasped at the boy in front of you. He had dazzling blue hair and eyes to match, with a beautiful pink gown on. He looked very feminine and approachable. Sparkles danced around his figure and he held something that looked like a wand in his right hand.
"Wha—" you rubbed your eyes, trying to understand was was in front of you. First it was artsy rats, now...a fairy?!
He reached around your arms and slowly lifted you up. "Okay, you definitely can't go to the ball looking like...that." He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "We have to hurry."
He glanced around, almost as if he was trying to find something. "Now what did I do with that damn wand, I swear I lose it every time.."
Your eyes widened. "Wand? Then you must be—"
"Your fairy godfather—god that's so strange to say. How bout your god-daddy" he shook his head as he covered his mouth. "Wait no that sounds to provocative. Just call me Jimin." He smiled, and then continued to look for his wand.
You glanced at his right hand, which held a long stick-like thing. "Uh...is that it? In your hand?"
"Now who do you take me for? Im not that dumb I—wait, you're right. I guess I am that dumb." He scratched his head in embarrassment and shook it off. "Okay. I say the first thing you need is a pumpkin."
"A..pumpkin?" You questioned, glancing over at the pumpkin patch that was part of the garden.
"Yes. Now what we're the magic words?" He wondered out loud, scratching his chin. "Ah! Bippity boppity boo bitch!"
And just as ridiculous as the magic words were, a grand carriage blossomed from the pumpkin. You were at a loss for words as you glanced from the carriage to Jimin, shaking your head in astonishment. "How'd  you do that?"
He smiled. "Magic, I guess." He said not too confidently, looking from you to the little rats around your feet. "Now you need horses."
You looked down and the rats and giggled. You could've sworn you were in a fever dream right now. How was all of this possible?
With the flick of his wrist, Jimin turned the cute little rats into large white horses, standing high and mighty as they were ready to pull the carriage.
You didn't even take notice to an actual horse that stood next to Jimin, patiently waiting to have his turn with magic. "Now you need a coachman.." he muttered and waved his wand at the horse, transforming it into a human man. He sat at the reins of the horses, ready to go.
"Okay what the hell is going on here?" You blinked frantically as you tried to understand what was happening in front of you. How could such a gorgeous man be a fairy, and how could said gorgeous man turn a horse into a person?
Maybe you were high or something.
"Aha. Now, it's your turn." He turned to you with his wand and winked. He looked you up and down and bit his lip, then looked into your eyes. "You're super hot and all, but that dress is a no no."
He waved his wand up to the sky and did a little twirl, and you couldn't help but chuckle at how ridiculous he looked. But all of a sudden a large wave of sparkles encased your body, spiraling around you with high speed. You looked down in confusion, then when it all stopped, what was left was a beautiful silvery-blue dress that sparkled as much as the stars.
"Woah..." you breathed, spinning around in it. It was absolutely stunning, you didn't even want to question how he did it. He then fixed up your hair and makeup, and last but not least, your shoes.
You had a weird shoe size. It was a bit too small for your body, so most of the time it was hard to find ones that fit. So when Jimin magically put sparkling glass heels onto you, you gasped in disbelief.
They sparkled even more than the dress, but all in all you sparkled more than the night sky. "This is like a dream.." you murmured in awe.
"Okay, I'm done." He chuckled, crossing his hands across his chest. "Just one more thing."
"What is it?" You asked him, on edge to go to the palace.
"This is all a façade, okay? Just like all dreams, it won't last forever." He looked into your eyes. "It won't last after midnight. Everything will go back to how it was before."
You nodded. At least that gave you enough time to try to meet the prince. "Okay. I'll be out of the palace before that."
He nodded, then gasped and it nearly scared you. "Okay, you gotta go or you'll be late."
He shooed you into the carriage and as you sat down, the horses that were once rats took off, leaving Jimin in the dust. When you looked back you noticed his little wave, then all of a sudden he disappeared into thin air, making this whole situation even weirder.
When you approached the castle, you noticed how grand it was. With it standing so tall it looked like it hit the clouds, and the beautiful stones that held it all together. This was a dream in life itself that sadly had to end, but you were going to make the most of it.
Currently inside the palace, the king organized all of the women to be introduced to the prince one by one. But everytime a promising woman would walk up, it was almost as if he would yawn at the sight of them.
The prince stood tall in the great hall, barely giving any women a second glance. He didn't want any of them, and just wanted to find someone himself. His father and the arch duke sat up high on the balcony, looking down on the scene. Seokjin looked up, noticing how aggravated his father looked.
You approached the grand steps to enter the ballroom, the sides lined with guards. You looked over at them when you noticed they were looking at you, and continued your walk up a hundred red-velvet covered stairs.
Your step sisters were currently being introduced, you took notice to that as you walked into the room. The far side wall was open, leaving only the beautiful night sky to be viewed. What you didn't take notice of was that the prince stopped in his tracks and was standing at you wide eyed.
Seokjin couldn't help himself. The two girls that were in front of him were such a bore. When he bowed respectfully to them and straightened up he noticed you, where you were directly in his line of vision with the dark sky surrounding you, making it seem like you were sparkling.
He had to meet you. The way you spun around to music that wasn't even being played or the way he just glanced at you once and could've sworn he fell in love, he knew he had to at least know your name.
He pushed past the two sisters and stepped toward you, determined to make you his bride.
He reached out a hand towards your shoulder. "Hello, miss?" Jin said politely, his dark hair pushed up to reveal his forehead. "How come I don't know who you are?"
His father took notice to his interest, and hurriedly signaled the band to play the waltz.
When the music ran through the room, you didn't even have time to answer him. He was breathtakingly beautiful, almost like a prince. Little did you know that he was one.
"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked you and held onto you hand, raising it to kiss the back of it.
You shivered in delight, knowing you fell for him at first sight. It seemed like he did, too. So much for marrying a prince, you didn't care who this guy was at this moment. "I'd love to."
He held your hand as you both made your way to the center of the ballroom, watching all of the women cry in disbelief.
He slid his hands down to your waist and you held your hands onto his shoulders. You moved in sync, your lips just a few inches away from his. His eyes were stunningly dark and mysterious with hair to match. His lips were plump, almost pillow-like and you wondered how they would feel against yours.
You couldn't get enough of him, you were lost in him. In his touch, in his eyes, in his heart. He was also captivated by you and had no doubt you were the one out of all these women.
"Who is she, mother? I've never seen her before." The step sister asked as she tried to get a good look of you from the crowd.
"We'll Ive never—wait a minute...something is familiar about her." Your stepmother wondered, but before she could get a good look, they moved their way out onto the terrace, now all alone without anyone watching.
After the dance was over he held you in his arms, brushing a stray strand away from your face. He smiled at you when he noticed your blush.
He grabbed your hand, holding onto it tightly as he took you into the garden, both of you in bliss.
You both sat down on the edge of a large fountain, not taking notice to the clock behind it. It was nearing midnight, but you were so lost in his charm that you didn't even pay attention.
He sat next you you closely, and looked from your eyes to your lips. "You're beautiful. I hope you know that." He said to you as he leaned in farther. "So, so beautiful."
His lips grazed yours softly, but before it could turn into a kiss, the clock struck twelve behind you, bellowing a loud noise. You whipped your head around and noticed the time. "Oh my god!"
You stood up abruptly, and his hand that was on your thigh flew up as you stood. "What's wrong?" He wondered with worry, noticing how frantic you were.
"It's midnight!" You cried, holding onto your dress like it was going to disappear.
"Yeah..so.." he trailed off, hoping that this night would go farther.
You shook your head and turned to leave. "I have to go." You said sadly, but his hand grabbed yours before you could run off.
"You can't leave now—"
"I have to!" You said as you looked frantically back and forth, hoping nothing would disappear right now.
"But why?" He asked softly. He didn't want you to leave. He had so much more he wanted to say to you, he didn't even know your name.
You had to make up an excuse. "I—uh...the prince! I haven't met the prince yet!" You said and nodded. "Yeah, that's right."
"The..prince?" He asked. Didn't she know it was him? "But didn't you know that I—"
The clock bellowed again, sending you hurriedly looking for the way out. "Goodbye!" You said and bowed, and ran off back into the palace to find your way down those beautiful velvet steps.
"Wait! I don't even know your..." he trailed off as he ran after you. "Name.."
Before he could catch you, all the women blocked his leave and surrounded him, all blabbing something he wasn't paying attention to. All he saw was the beautiful girl he fell in love with run down the stairs, only leaving a glass heel behind.
You ran out of the palace and jumped into your carriage which was thankfully still intact. It rode off and it started to slowly change.
The carriage began to soften like how it was before and transitioned into a large pumpkin, and the horses morphed back into the small rats they once were. Everything was a blur and all of a sudden you fell to the ground with a thud, picking yourself up and scurried with the animals to hide in the forest as the palace guards ran straight, smashing the pumpkin that was once a carriage.
It was quiet now, you stared down at your tattered dress. The cute little rats stood by your feet, trying to get you to notice that you still had one glass slipper. It didn't disappear with the rest of it.
That was all you had left of that night, and you went back home holding it tightly, dreaming about the man you nearly kissed.
The next morning the prince paced back and forth in his room, trying to figure out a way to find her.
Seokjin was never like this. He was always calm and collected, but something ticked in his mind when he met you. He needed to find a way to get you back into his arms. He didn't even get to kiss you.
He held the heel you left behind in his hand and came up with a great idea. He needed to have this heel reach every maiden's household to see if it fit. The problem is, it could fit any number of the girls. He’d just have to wish for the best. His father would never let him out of the palace to do it himself though.
The grand duke was willing. After figuring out the plans, the duke took off to find the girl of the prince's dreams.
“Y/N!” Your stepmother cried out angrily. “Where are you?” She paced up the stairs but stopped as soon as she heard you.
“I’m right here.” She spoke out as you exited one of the rooms downstairs. She always seemed to rush you even if you were doing a great job.
“Where are the girls?” The looked anywhere but you as she asked this, only ever worrying about her own daughters.
You set down the broom you had in your hand and sighed. “They’re still sleeping.”
She rushed up the steps in anxiousness and you wondered what was the matter. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tea for them quickly and ran upstairs, only to overhear their conversation.
“What’s wrong, mother?” Both the sisters were in the same room, both tired and yawning up a storm.
“He’ll be here any minute!” She rushed, pulling back the curtains to bring light inside the room.
“Who?” They asked simultaneously with a yawn.
“The grand duke. He’s been hunting all night.” She rooted through her daughter’s wardrobe. “For that girl! The one that lost her slipper at the ball last night. Apparently he’s madly in love with her.”
“The duke?” One of them asked, only to be interrupted loudly.
You walked into the doorway at this moment, looking back and forth at the sisters and your stepmother.
“No, the prince!”
You stopped in your tracks. So that man you met—the man you nearly kissed—was the prince?
You gasped. “The prince?” The glass teapot that was in your hands slipped through your fingers, sending shards all over the floor.
“You clumsy fool! Clean that up!”
You couldn’t even pay attention or acknowledge the fact that you were spoken to. The only thing you did was slowly fall to the floor and clean it it without paying close attention. You couldn’t believe it. You…met the prince?
“Why are you telling us this then? If he’s so in love with that other girl?”
Your stepmother side glanced you and continued to root through the wardrobe. “Because not even the prince knows who she is. The glass slipper is the only clue. So one of you must fit into it.”
You glanced up as you cleaned the mess, listening intently to what was going on. “The grand duke was ordered to try it on every maiden in the kingdom. If the shoe fits, that girl will be the prince’s bride by order of the king!”
“Bride?” You whispered in shock, still unable to wrap this around your head.
As the sisters clashed together in search for clothing you saw yourself out, blissfully dancing to the door to your room.
Your stepmother watched you as you swayed, and she narrowed her eyes. Something was certainly fishy about you, and she didn’t have the time to let you become someone better than her daughters. She sneaked up the stairs and peaked through the door, watching you as you sang lovingly in the mirror.
You coughed of glimpse of her in the corner of your eye and turned around, only to see her slide the key into her pocket and lock the door, slamming it.
“No no no!” You cried out, running to the door. “You can’t leave me in here!” You banged on it with your fists as hard as you can, only to hear her footsteps slowly disappear.
You set your back against the door and slid down to the floor. How were you supposed to meet the prince now? How would he ever find you?
You lost all your hope. When you heard the trumpets sound that the duke was here, your heart dropped to your stomach. You let a few tears fall, upset that no one here would even care enough about you. It spoke a thousand words when your step mother locked the door on you, not caring if you needed anything, or to be happy for you if it was your slipper.
The duke came into the house and glanced down at the two sisters who definitely weren’t the prince’s cup of tea. He still had to do his job anyway. He read out the decree and told the older sister to sit down first to try it on. When the glass slipper seemed like it fit like a glove he stood back in awe, that is, until she lifted her foot up and it was only covering half of it.
Meanwhile, the magic rats were up to something. The smallest one was able to gently slide into your stepmother’s pocket. The others stood by and were able to reach it when the small rat lifted it up. They hurriedly rushed the key up the stairs, but it was a bit heavy for them. This was going to take a while.
The duke sighed and shook his head. “Let’s try the next young lady.”
The next sister tried to forcibly squeeze her way into it. She kept complaining that her foot was just swollen today and kept trying. The duke sat there with a frown, knowing that it wasn’t either of these girls. “Are you sure there isn’t another maiden in this household?” He asked you stepmother, grabbing onto the heel and keeping it safe.
The rats were tired, but were able to reach the top of the steps. Now it was time for you to shine.
“No, there’s no one else here—“
“Your grace! Wait!” You cried and rushed down the grand steps of the chateau. “May I try it on?”
The duke’s eyes widened as he took notice to your appearance and smiled. He signaled his servant forward as you reached the bottom of the stairwell.
Your stepmother rolled her eyes. “Don’t pay attention to her.”
“She’s just y/n! A nobody!”
“Madam.” He stood sternly next to your stepmother. “My orders were every maiden. Now if you would excuse me.”
He motioned you to sit down in the chair and beckoned his servant to bring the glass slipper towards you. As he came closer, your stepmother stuck her foot out, only to come to the servant tripping, which sent the glass slipper flying through the air until it smashed right before your feet.
You weren’t too worried about it—since you had the other slipper—but the duke nearly cried and he tried to piece it together. “No no no, this is terrible!” He cried out. “What could we do?”
You smiled at him and then glanced to your stepmother, who was smirking. You always new she was no good for you. But now you were done. “Perhaps..if it would help?” You slid the other slipper out from behind you. “The other slipper?”
He gasped and grabbed ahold of it excitedly. He reached down to slide it onto your foot, and when it fit, he breathed a sigh of relief. The prince could finally be happy.
Bells chimed and people cried out as you rushed down the stairs of the palace in your grand wedding Dress, holding onto Seokjin’s hand tightly with a smile. This was a dream come true. A fairy tale. Everything worked out for you at the end of it.
Here you were in the back of a carriage taking you both somewhere for alone time, but you couldn’t help but blush as his hands cradled your face. “I’m so glad I found you, y/n.”
You stared lovingly into his eyes, glancing down at his lips slightly. “I’m so glad you wanted to find me, Seokjin.”
He stared at you like no one has ever before. He looked at you with such intent it nearly made you melt. His eyes glanced from your eyes to your lips and once again he leaned it for a kiss, this time actually happening.
His lips softly touched yours, slowly moving into you as his hands cradled your face like you were glass. You wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen this kiss, so in love with each other.
All this struggle, and now here you were in each others arms, happily in love and wishing it would never end.
And they lived happily ever after.
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themurphyzone · 3 years
PatB Oneshot: Poor Unfortunate Soul
Summary: Brain doesn’t think Pinky would be a very good villain. Pinky decides to prove him wrong (but mostly he wants Denny's).
AN: I’ll be honest, Dark Pinky isn’t for me. So how to compromise writing a villainous Pinky with normal Pinky? Well...you’ll see. 
AO3 Link
Pinky gasped at the TV, crumbs of popcorn falling out of his mouth. Brain stopped chewing and looked away from the screen, unable to stomach the scene of Lupin and Sirius forcing Pettigrew out of rat form as he attempted to flee the Shrieking Shack. 
No matter how many times he’d seen Prisoner of Azkaban, Brain always found it uncomfortable to watch Pettigrew transform into a pathetic, sniveling human who acted like he hadn’t sold his own friends out to a homicidal madman.  
Sure, Voldemort was the villain while Umbridge was the personification of government corruption, but there was just something downright insidious about Pettigrew. 
Pinky’s eyes were blown wide open as Pettigrew pitifully tried to plead his case. The simpleton was always so surprised about this plot twist no matter how many times he’d seen this movie.
The more he pondered, perhaps Pinky was the exact reason he found Pettigrew worse than the larger threats of the Harry Potter world. The man played into the worst of rodent stereotypes with his cowardly and backstabbing nature.
But Pinky?
Not a single disloyal bone in his body. It was a lesson Brain had taken to heart after his disastrous second birthday. Pinky was far too sweet and simple to even think about betrayal. 
Tears flowed down Pinky’s face as Lupin transformed into an emaciated werewolf, so Brain discreetly nudged a pack of Kleenexes his way. Pinky flashed him a grateful, wobbly smile, then reached for a tissue and blew his nose. 
Pinky always cried at this part. And while Brain found the scene emotionally gut-punching too, he considered himself above displays of crying during movies. 
Mufasa’s death didn’t count. Dirt always lodged in his lacrimal ducts whenever he watched that scene. That was all.
Brain’s fists clenched as the cowardly Pettigrew abandoned everyone to die. 
Though his escape was an essential plot point for the rest of the series, Brain wished the protagonists could’ve caught Pettigrew and delivered justice for betraying those who called him a friend.
He knew how the movie played out, but Pinky acted like he was watching it all for the very first time. Sometimes, watching Pinky when he didn’t care what happened on-screen was much more interesting. Especially when Pinky insisted on not skipping Order of the Phoenix. 
Pinky hugged his knees, tail draped tightly around him as the Dementors attacked Harry and Sirius. The rest of the movie would be loaded with those undead abominations. Brain had learned from unfortunate experience that Pinky would have nightmares if he didn’t cut off the fear before it took root in his subconscious. 
Slowly, Brain moved towards Pinky, careful not to make a sound lest Pinky catch him in the act. He took a deep breath to steel his resolve, placing a hesitant hand on Pinky’s back. 
Pinky turned to look at him. 
“Eyes on the screen,” Brain commanded. It was easier to do this when Pinky wasn’t watching him. 
Pinky obeyed, humming softly as Brain patted soft fur. A long, flowing tail wrapped around a crooked one. Pinky sat up a little straighter. 
The Dementors wouldn’t haunt Pinky’s dreams tonight. Not as long as Brain had something to say about it.   
“-and I’m so happy Sirius and Buckbeak got away! D’you think I could ride a hippogriff? Why are they called hippos when they’re not hippos anyway? I don’t think wizards know their animals very well, Brain.” Pinky’s chatter continued into the ungodly hours of the morning. Only the people unfortunate enough to work early morning shifts on Saturday would be awake at this time.
Brain rolled onto his stomach, covering his ears with his pillow to block out all the extraneous noise. One con about taking nights off from world domination was that his body just didn’t want to sleep even when he was tired, and Pinky’s exuberance only amplified the issue. 
“Troz! Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite out of the Harry Potter movies. But my favorites are also Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber and Goblet...oh! And Order has Luna Lovegood of course! Love her! What’s your favorite, Brain?” Pinky asked. “Ooh, you shouldn’t lay like that. You need to breathe!” 
The pillow was completely ineffective as a sound buffer. Brain was sorely tempted to keep up his current position out of pure spite, but he had to give up and lay on his side so he wouldn’t suffocate.
“No favorite. Hippogriffs are fictional. Hippo is Greek for horse and does not refer to a hippopotamus in this context. You think cows cluck and chickens moo, Pinky. Now go to sleep,” Brain sighed, squeezing his eyes shut. 
Perhaps he could trick his exhausted mind into believing Pinky wasn’t there if he couldn’t be seen. 
He had an urge to stay awake though. If his subconscious latched onto hippopotamuses, he’d just have that nightmare with the rich hippo couple and Rockefeller baby all over again. He shuddered at that memory. The pain and humiliation from that hippo-sized booster shot had been oddly vivid. 
“Okay. G’night, Brain.” The bed shifted as Pinky flopped onto his back. 
All was quiet. 
Brain curled into a more comfortable position, ready to drift off to a dream world where he was an emperor on a golden throne, Pinky was dressed in royal finery while leading a resounding chorus of We are the World, and all knelt before their authority. 
And there went the dream. 
“What?” Brain snapped. Part of him wanted to knock Pinky out himself, but that would require moving his arms. He didn’t want to move out of his current position.
“Just pondering. Poit,” Pinky yawned. “Before sleep ponderings. Those kinds are the best, Brain. Cause they get weird and tangerine-y. Bet you get those too.” 
It was true. When his plans weren’t derived from Pinky’s inane ramblings or current events, they were often the product of pre-sleep thoughts. While he wrote down all he could remember afterwards, the plans pulled from those tangents tended to be the craziest and illogical in hindsight. 
He tried not to rely on them too much, but if his conqueror’s block was high or creativity levels were low, he didn’t have much choice.
“Yes,” Brain confirmed. 
But his curt answer wasn’t enough to deter Pinky. 
“Cause I was pondering about villains,” Pinky said. “Like Pettigrew. Cause what if I had something that makes me a villain?”
As much as Brain wanted to dismiss the idea of a villainous Pinky due to the sheer absurdity of the concept, he supposed it wasn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility either. 
But Pinky as a villain? A mouse who gave up his soul for the sake of Brain’s desires and argued against promoting harmful cigarettes to children? 
It was just ludicrous. 
“Pinky, you lack many prerequisites for proper villainy,” Brain said. “Except for the dramatics. That’s the only trait you have in common.” 
“Oh. Well, I could certainly try,” Pinky replied. 
Yes, and someday pigs would evolve and develop flight capabilities. 
If he were in a clearer state of mind, he would’ve argued out of obstinance. But right now, it was incredibly early on a Saturday morning and he wanted nothing more than to sleep. Discussions on villainy and world domination could wait a few hours. 
“If you can prove me wrong, you can select the next restaurant we’ll go to,” Brain yawned.  
Pinky rarely got to choose the restaurant, given Brain’s sophisticated palate, but at this point he was willing to try anything to get Pinky off his back. 
Then Pinky went from figuratively being on his back to pressing against it, his tail curling around Brain’s. Pinky’s jaw rested against the back of Brain’s head. The added pressure released a tenseness around Brain’s shoulders, one that he’d been previously unaware of. 
“Denny’s,” Pinky murmured, nuzzling the back of Brain’s ear. The sensitive appendage flicked. Nobody was around to witness that involuntary reflex, so Brain let it pass. “A Grand Slam with pancakes and syrup and bacon n’ eggs…” 
Within seconds, Pinky was out like a light. He wouldn’t remember this conversation, too busy thinking with his stomach instead of properly pondering with that fluffball of a mind. 
With Pinky’s warm fur against his back and soft narfs against his ear, Brain’s thoughts gently trickled away and yielded to peaceful sleep. 
Though it was probably noon by now, Brain still didn’t want to open his eyes. Why bother? No scientists to pester them, no leftover plans or materials to hide away so they wouldn’t be discovered, no tedious mazes to run on Saturday. 
Pinky had gotten up sometime before him, and the space beside him was empty, giving Brain room to stretch out in whatever way he liked.  
Then he heard a harsh scraping noise, like someone was dragging something heavy across the counter. That wasn’t unusual for Pinky if an object caught his short attention span for some inane reason. 
However, there was also the sound of laughter accompanying the noise. Pinky was giggly and bubbly to a fault, but this brand of laughter was different. 
Almost malevolent. 
A chill ran up his spine, but Brain ignored the feeling. Pinky’s evil laugh was still firmly in Saturday morning cartoon villain territory, he told himself. 
Even if he sounded a little too good at being evil. 
Apparently, Pinky had remembered the bet after all. 
Brain slowly opened his eyes, about to find Pinky and tell him to knock it off, only to find that it was much darker than it should be for daytime. But it wasn’t dark enough to impede his vision. When he looked up, he found a sheet had been pulled over the entire cage. He couldn’t see anything outside the cage.  
Pinky being secretive would surely spell disaster.  And it hadn’t been there last night, so Pinky was the only culprit. 
The wheel stood empty, a fresh oil can beside it. Brain rubbed his eyes, partly to wake himself up and partly out of disbelief. He was normally a light sleeper, but if he hadn’t heard Pinky maintain his wheel at all, then he must’ve had a deeper sleep than he thought.
He climbed out of bed and marched towards the unlatched cage door, though the corner of the sheet was pulled over it. He would’ve swept it aside, but an unopened cup of Rice Krispies with a half-empty bottle of milk, napkin, and spoon conspicuously placed next to the door gave him pause from leaving the cage. 
His stomach growled. 
“Well played, Pinky,” Brain admitted. A breakfast barricade to delay him? It was rather creative, not that he’d ever let Pinky know. 
The Rice Krispies made satisfactory snap, crackle, and pop noises as Brain poured the milk inside. Then he scarfed down the cereal, half-expecting Pinky to come in and drag him outside for whatever he planned. 
But Pinky seemed content to let him eat first. 
Once he finished eating, he dragged the empty cereal cup and milk bottle behind him. But even his simple two-step plan of throwing his current load into the garbage and finding Pinky were laid to waste the moment he set foot outside the cage. 
For Pinky had unleashed his inner interior designer and completely transformed the room in such a short timeframe.
Large, sweeping blackout curtains covered the windows, even the skylight. According to the digital clock atop the TV, it was 12:30 in the afternoon. But if Brain didn’t know any better, he would’ve believed it was midnight. 
No wonder he’d been so inclined to sleep in. 
Long strands of Christmas lights hung on each dark blue wall, which was otherwise untransformed. Other than the digital clock, they were the only available light source. But rather than their usual festive association, the unblinking reds, greens, and blues lent a rather ominous, otherworldly quality to the room.  
Brain dispelled the fear. It was irrational when he’d traversed the dark lab at night a million times before. 
Perhaps he was focusing too hard on dumping the leftover milk into the sink. With absolute concentration, he pushed the empty cup and bottle over the counter’s edge and into the garbage can below. 
As he backed away from the edge, he saw a large mixing bowl with a stepladder set by it. Wisps of steam rose from the inside of the bowl. This must’ve been the source of the scraping sound he’d heard earlier. Curious, Brain climbed the stepladder and peered inside. 
It was just warm water though. 
He tried not to feel too disappointed. But even if it was mundane right now, surely it had to be here for a reason, right?
Or Pinky didn’t have any reason at all and he just wanted to fill a mixing bowl with boiled water. Both options were possibilities.
As he continued his search for Pinky, he walked past rows upon rows of test tubes filled with brightly colored substances. Electric green, dreadful purple, deceptively calm cerulean…
He wasn’t sure what kind of chemistry experiments they were running, but he wished someone had enough sense to label the test tubes.
Beakers and tubing distorted his reflection, a prickling sensation traveling down his spine and forcing his fur to stand on end. He smoothed it down so he didn’t bear a passing resemblance to a cotton ball. The slightly colder than normal temperature wasn’t helping. 
The distortion was simply a natural refraction of light passing through liquids. That’s all. There was no reason to get worked up over natural phenomena.
That didn’t stop him from leaping back when a wide, smiling human face suddenly appeared as he navigated a sea of flasks. 
His heart threatened to leap out of his chest, his breaths growing heavier.  
There weren’t any humans in the lab right now, he reminded himself. And the smiling face was frozen and unmoving. It wasn’t real. 
Brain cautiously poked his head around the flask, keeping it as a buffer between himself and the unknown threat. 
Against the wall, several of Pinky’s Barbie and Ken dolls sat in a row. The one whose face appeared on the flask was on the far left, her blonde hair in a ponytail. All of the dolls were in colorful swimwear. One of the Ken dolls had a pair of sunglasses perched on his head. 
The dolls were normal. No creepy alterations or missing body parts. 
But as Brain approached and inspected the dolls closely, their positioning seemed...odd.
Yes, their plastic visages displayed smiles as if they were en route to a Miami beach party, but their arms were stretched above their heads or out to the sides in warning. Their legs laid flat against the ground. Duct tape trapped their legs to the ground and wrapped against their torsos, sticking them firmly to the wall and preventing them from falling over. 
An interesting choice for decor, to say the least. 
But enough was enough. Time to find Pinky and force a coherent explanation out of him. 
One of the Barbie's arm pointed to the back of the room, so Brain followed her instruction. It led him straight to Pinky’s dollhouse, and Brain cursed himself for being so taken in with the environment that he’d neglected to check one of Pinky’s favorite toys. 
The pink plastic door was wide open, a deadly invitation into danger. Brain’s ears pricked as a song floated through the air. 
“Things are working out according to my ultimate design,
Soon I’ll have that little rodent and the planet shall be mine!”  
The melody was accompanied by a sinister cackle. 
Brain wanted to barge in and demand Pinky to cease his foolishness immediately, but his fingers curled against the doorframe instead, urging him to heed caution. 
“I can hear you!” Pinky singsonged from behind a section of dollhouse that was curtained off with jingling Mardi Gras beads. “Won’t you come inside so we can talk properly?” 
Brain rolled his eyes, sweeping the bead curtain away. “Pinky, I’m aware of our deal, but this is rather excess-” 
Then his mind registered the scene that lay before him. 
Pinky perched on a stool in front of a mirror as he applied a red coating of lipstick. That wasn’t unusual for him. 
But he was also clad in a backless floor-length dress with thigh-high slits. The dress was dark as night, leaving his shoulders and arms exposed. His fur was dyed a light lavender, save for his messy white tuft, which was gelled so that it stood straight up.
A small seashell necklace sat just above the low cut dress, purple earrings hanging from each ear. Pinky didn’t turn around, blinking coyly at Brain in his reflection, which sported heavy blue eyeshadow. 
He set the lipstick down, and Brain stared at the enchanting movement of manicured, polished red nails as deft fingers picked up a small brush and dipped it into a makeup kit. Then Pinky applied a beauty mark next to his lips.
The next thing out of Brain’s mouth was a very intelligent ‘um’. 
“You shouldn’t lurk in doorways,” Pinky purred, his voice low and sultry. “It’s very rude. Didn’t your mother teach you manners?” 
She didn’t have time to teach him a lot of things, given his kidnapping at an early age, but that wasn’t the point.  
“Why in Ptolemy’s name are you Ursula out of all villains?” Brain asked, once his voice came back. 
At least it explained why Pinky had redecorated the room to resemble an underwater cavern that doubled as a villainous lair. It was an excellent use of space. 
And the Barbies and Kens...those were the stand-ins for the helpless sea polyps.
Pinky must’ve been deriving a lot of satisfaction at seeing that realization dawn on Brain. 
“Why not?” Pinky shrugged. He puckered his lips and kissed his reflection, leaving a red lip-shaped mark behind. “Besides...isn’t there something you’re after? Something you want oh so very much, but haven’t been able to get?” 
Brain scowled. “You know perfectly well that I’m trying to rule the world, Pinky.” 
Pinky snapped his fingers. “And that’s what I can help you with! The only way to get what you want...is to become a human yourself.” 
Well, he’d never considered that before in the pursuit of world domination. There was something about manipulating his genetic code and changing his species that didn’t sit well with him, even though he detested the challenges that came with being a lowly lab mouse.
But it made sense. 
Humans only respected humans. Becoming a member of the dominant species would be an asset for sure! 
But Pinky didn’t have the means to make that happen...right? 
“You don’t know how to manipulate mouse DNA into a human one,” Brain said. 
“Oh my dear, sweet Brain,” Pinky crooned as he stood up, slinking over to Brain. Brain crossed his arms, forcing himself to stare Pinky straight in the eye and not show any signs of yielding. He made a point out of not watching those sashaying hips and tail. “Helping poor, unfortunate mice like yourself is my one passion in life! Why, without it, I’ll have to slink away and become a crazy cat lady! And then who will those poor souls turn to?” 
“A glass of alcohol, I presume,” Brain replied. 
Pinky’s tail came to rest around Brain’s shoulders. The tip tickled Brain’s nose, and he held it away from his face as Pinky pulled him out of the dollhouse and back to the tied up Barbie and Ken dolls. “Maybe, maybe...but a real person they can lean on, I mean. One that knows a little...magic.” 
He flicked his finger at a beaker filled with a lavender substance. The beaker sailed through the air, dumping its contents into the mixing bowl. A purple haze rose from the bowl. 
“That’s telepathy, not-” 
Pinky gently pressed a finger to Brain’s mouth to hush him. “Oh, ye of little faith,” he scolded. “It’s true that I did some rather — how would you phrase this gently — unsavory things before. But I’ve repented! Turned over a new leaf! Seen the light! And now I use my talents for those lonely and miserable enough to seek my services.” 
Then Pinky moved away from Brain, flicking his tail against Brain’s nose to direct his attention to the wall. Pinky wrapped his arm around the Barbie with a red polka-dotted bikini. “You see, Barbie here grew up where she didn’t have much opportunity. Poor girl had to work two jobs to make ends meet, and hardly a cent to show for it! So I offered her a chance to get away from it all...and she took it.” 
Brain gulped as Pinky moved onto the Ken doll next to Barbie. He was awfully convincing, even when the subject in question was inanimate. Pinky played with the ascot around Ken’s neck. “And this young man? Well, he wasn’t having much luck with the ladies. So I gave him a few pointers, maybe a knickknack or two to help speed things along. However…” 
Pinky indicated the tape that bound the dolls to the wall. “I wouldn’t worry about this too much, since you’re a mouse of your word, but sometimes...they couldn’t pay me back in time. So I found a different way to collect their debt.” 
“Yes, I’m sure you have much to gain from restraining children’s toys,” Brain said, tilting his head up to hide his uneasiness. 
They looked less marketable and more like hapless victims wallowing in despair, despite their smiling faces. He chalked it up to the wall’s resemblance to a dimly lit marine cave. 
“Oh, I get some odd complaints every now and then,” Pinky shrugged. “But alas, that’s what happens in this business.” 
He plucked a purple sash from Barbie and wrapped it around his head, fluttering his eyelashes innocently. 
Not that he was fooling Brain. 
But he didn’t have time to process that nonverbal gesture, for Pinky threw the sash around Brain, his tail looping around Brain’s waist. With the sash locking his arms against his sides, he was helplessly corralled to the mixing bowl. He dug his feet into the surface beneath him, but it was no use. Pinky was far stronger than he. 
In physical terms of course. He tried to keep his eyes on Pinky’s face and not his...well, he was a male mouse...he didn’t have...unless he padded...
Stop, Brain. 
A finger slipped under Brain’s chin, tilting his head up. “Not to worry,” Pinky purred, and the room suddenly went from cold to sweltering. “I have your solution right here.” 
To emphasize his point, blue and green test tubes poured their contents into the bowl. The colors melded together, the resulting haze forming a rough image of the world. 
“Here’s the deal. I’ll make a potion that can turn you into a human for three days,” Pinky declared, dragging his finger along Brain’s chin. Now that Pinky’s grip had loosened, Brain ripped the sash out of Pinky’s hands and threw it aside. 
The stroke of Pinky’s finger along Brain’s fur was enticing, and he pushed it away exactly for that reason.  
“Before sunset on the third day, you’ve got to find someone of royal blood,” Pinky said. A golden liquid swirled out of a beaker and formed a crown in the center of the world. It was an image of which Brain had dreamed of for so long. He tried to touch it, but it was far out of reach for him. “Then this charming person has to fall in love with you.” 
That sounded...feasible. Three days was a rather generous deadline. Most of the time, they were on a time crunch between eight to twelve hours.  
Pinky produced a pink felt heart and held it between two fingers. “Then you have to seal your love with a kiss. And not just any old peck on the cheek, but a kiss of true love.” 
A what? 
Brain huffed. Of course this plan would have such a ridiculous stipulation. He’d gotten his hopes up for nothing. 
...and why was he treating this like it was real? 
Because Pinky. 
Yes, that was the only explanation. And not even a rational one. 
“Oh dear, don’t pout so,” Pinky smirked. The expression was fogging up Brain’s mind. “What else is there to seal amour but with true love’s kiss? It’s a tried and true method, after all.” 
He chuckled at his own joke. Brain rolled his eyes. 
“If this certain someone kisses you by sunset on the third day, you’ll have the world permanently. But if they don’t, you turn back into a mouse.” 
Pinky tossed the felt heart into the mixing bowl, the solution emitting a pink puff of smoke. 
“And you belong to me.” 
A dangerous edge crept into Pinky’s tone as he whispered into Brain’s ear, and the appendage fluttered uncontrollably until Brain forcefully snatched it to cease its movement. 
Pinky tossed a hair tie, penny, and eraser nub into the mixing bowl, then leaned against a long pencil case as he awaited Brain’s reply. 
“Suppose I agree to your deal. What then?” Brain asked. 
“Well, there’s the matter of payment,” Pinky admitted. He stretched his lower limbs and tail as he rolled onto his stomach, exposing his long lavender-dyed legs. Brain tried not to watch the motion too closely for fear of hypnotism. “If you want something so badly, something of equal value has to be given. Equivalent exchange, as they say.” 
“And what exactly do you want?” Brain asked, though he knew the answer. 
He’d seen the movie. 
“Your voice.” 
Pinky’s smile was too wide and manic for Brain’s comfort. 
“In other words...” Pinky hummed as he leaned forward, his nose was just an inch away from Brain. “...no more talking, singing, zip!” 
He popped the consonant and mimed zipping his mouth, throwing away an invisible key.  
It was so warm that Brain couldn’t feel his face. 
“Now, now. Don’t be alarmed, Brain.” Pinky stretched luxuriously as he stood up. His tail slinked around Brain’s waist again. “You have your pretty face. And you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of...body language.” 
Pinky’s hip bumped into Brain’s, his leg sliding all the way out of the slit of his dress. He batted his eyelashes and blew a kiss to an invisible audience. 
Brain covered his face, ears flat against his back. He was fine. Just had to think about...something. What was he trying to picture exactly? 
No mathematical formula could save him from the horror that was stupid, sexy Pinky. Curse those mathematical miscreants! They abandoned him in his time of need!
Pinky climbed up and down the stepladder, tossing chemicals and liquids and all sorts of things inside. The bowl rocked back and forth dangerously, bubbles spilling down the sides. 
Brain didn’t dare get close. The inside of the bowl surely were an unholy abomination. 
But that didn’t stop Pinky. 
“Now a dash of zort, a sprinkle of poit! Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble! Fire burn and cauldron bubble!” Pinky cackled, throwing his arms up in the air. “Abracadabra troz! Bibbidi bobbidi narf!” 
The mixture now to his satisfaction, Pinky flicked his finger at a notepad and pen, sending them hurtling towards Brain. 
“Just sign on the dotted line, you poor unfortunate soul,” Pinky said.
Well...playing along couldn’t hurt. Even when there was a biohazard right in front of him. 
And no, the bowl’s contents weren’t the biohazard here. 
Brain took a deep breath and signed his name. 
The moment he finished, the notepad and pen flew out of his hands and into the bowl. 
Pinky wiggled his fingers over the bowl, green smoke rising to the ceiling and seeping past the edges of the blackout curtains to the outside. No smoke detectors went off, though Brain wasn’t surprised. ACME was rather lax on safety protocols. 
“Beluga sevruga, come winds of the Caspian Sea! 
Larengix glaucitis
Et max laryngitis
La voce to me!”
With a wide grin that spread from ear to ear, Pinky climbed down the stepladder and placed one hand on his seashell necklace, the other tickling the base of Brain’s neck. Brain ducked his head instinctively to stop the ticklish sensation, trapping Pinky’s hand under his jaw.
“Now sing.”
It was rare that Pinky commanded. Brain hated taking orders, yet something compelled him to obey.
Those coy blue eyes demanded, so Brain willingly gave.
And he sang.
Though he was hoarse from surprise at first, Pinky’s finger traced the outline of his neck, up his chin, to the corner of his mouth. Brain imagined his voice growing stronger...could see his voice taking physical form, flowing out of him and into Pinky’s seashell necklace.
Pinky doubled over in laughter as an explosion rocked the counter. The bowl sparked and smoked, its base clattering against the surface with loud metallic bangs. 
Brain broke out of his trance as a sludge-like wave with various melted objects slithered down the rim, creeping ever closer. 
He wasn’t taking any chances. 
Grabbing his maniacally howling companion by the arm, Brain quickly bopped him over the head to halt the laughter, then dragged him over to the window for a quick escape. Pinky recovered from the bop and shimmied past the blackout curtain. Brain took a moment to collect the ACME credit card he’d pilfered from an employee several weeks ago, then followed Pinky onto the windowsill. 
Pinky jumped first, safely landing in the bushes below. Holding the credit card above his head, which was no easy feat since the card was about the same size as him, Brain jumped as an explosion rocked the building, and his ears flattened instinctively to shield him from the worst of the noise. 
As predicted, he landed in Pinky’s arms. 
And it was somewhat mortifying now that Pinky’s eyes had gone from coy to blindingly innocent, even with the heavy eyeshadow. Shoving the card between himself and Pinky’s face, Brain climbed out of his arms. 
“Narf! So how’d I do, Brain?” Pinky asked. “Was I convincing?” 
Brain dusted off a bit of lavender dye that had rubbed onto his arm. He hoped it was fur-friendly. “You created a dangerous biohazard, toyed with my perception of reality, and overall you were a flirtatious nuisance.” 
Pinky’s tail stopped wagging. 
“So yes. You were indeed a convincing villain,” Brain said. He tapped the credit card. “And to fulfill the conditions of our original deal, I shall now treat you to Denny’s.” 
He was a mouse of his word. 
“Hoorah!” Pinky cheered. He twirled around in excitement, his black dress swirling around him as he danced all the way to the sidewalk. “Let’s go, Brain! I wanna look at all the lovely pictures on their menu!” 
“You’re going like that?” Brain called after him. Didn’t he want to change out of the Disney villainess ensemble? 
“Well you’re naked! So there!” Pinky stuck his tongue out at him. 
With a sigh, Brain joined his companion on the sidewalk. Pinky skipped over to a patch of white flowers blooming next to the sidewalk, gently cupping the petals and cooing at a ladybug which landed on a blade of grass next to his foot. 
Truly a convincing villain. 
And Brain’s poor unfortunate soul was helpless under his power. 
End AN: I deny selecting Poor Unfortunate Souls over other villain songs specifically for the body language line. You can’t prove anything. 
I HC that Brain would hate Pettigrew more than any other Harry Potter character. I was trying to write a villainous Pinky...somewhere along the way he turned into Pinky Suavo. I don’t get it either XD
There's some folks taking care of the biohazard the mice left behind. Don't worry, the lab's still standing. It's just their problem while the mice get Denny's. 
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Hi, can I request a jamie Fraser x reader... maybe smut, with like spanking. If you don’t write that then don’t worry, I love your blog btw. Ur Billy Hargrove post was awesome!!
Thank you so much!! I hope this is okay, sorry it’s short!,
#6 Do As You’re Told (Jamie Fraser x Reader)
Do I even need to say this? Contains smut
Jamie came up the stairs with increasing volume. This was, you guessed, a ploy to make you even more nervous. It was working, of course, but you’d be damned if you let him know that.
“What were you thinkin’, lass!” He exclaimed as the door burst open.
You remained silent, looking anywhere but his eyes, which you could guess were narrow with rage.
He walked over to you, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up at him. This wasn’t like him, at all. Out of all the MacKenzie men, he was always the gentlest, the kindest. That was why, out of all of them, you had chosen to marry Jamie.
“He’s a bastard and you know it!” You yelled back, staring into his eyes with unmoving defiance.
“He’s my superior officer!” He roared back, “For once, woman, why couldn’t you just mind your tongue?”
It was true, Gavin McDade was Jamie’s superior, but he was also, a disgusting man. Out of all the people you hated most in the world, abusers were right at the top. His poor wife had been frightened to death confiding in you, and once you had found out, minding your tongue was out of the question.
If Jamie was angry at you know, you did not look forward to the time when he found out what you had put in Gavin’s tea.
“Not all of us,” you said, “are as complicit as you are in the evil actions of those around us,”
He grabbed your shoulders, pulling you towards him, “I’m no complicit! McDade’s a bastard, I’ll give you that, but a cannae risk losin’ my position! D’ye ken that? D’ye understand what that means for me? For us?”
You fell quiet, “I’m sorry,”
He clicked his tongue, “You cost me a lot of trouble back there,”
“I know,” you said, your same quiet tone, wrapping your arms around him.
“Lass,” he said into your neck, “You don’t expect to walk away unpunished, do ye now?”
Your eyes widened, you tried to pull away from him but he had you wrapped in his arms.
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be,” he warned, but you thrashed against him.
He sat down on the bed, easily over powering you and pulling you down over his lap. He pulled up your dress, revealing your bare arse. He ran his hands over it.
“Ye were naughty today”
He spanked you hard.
“Ye embarrassed me in front of my family,”
He hit you again. Lying over his lap, you felt him grow hard.
“You’re enjoying this!” You cried, “You sick bastard,”
He laughed, “Of course I am! Look at ye, yer helpless!”
He leaned over you, spanking you once more, “completely at my mercy, lass,”
“Get off!” You yelled, but he only laughed.
“I like ye like this,”
“I should keep ye like this,”
“No use strugglin’, lass,” he said as you tried to get away, “I’m stronger than ye. Yer mine,”
“I don’t belong to you!” You yelled.
He grabbed your hair and pulled you to your feet, “By God ye do!”
You felt him pushing you down on the bed, and you fell face first, your chest against the mattress.
“Ye cannae expect,” he said, pulling out his cock, “to dae things like that and not get what’s coming to you,”
You gasped as you felt him enter you, pushing your face into the pillow as he thrusted wildly, fucking you like an animal, slapping your arse as he did so.
You tried to move but he growled, pushing you back down and spanking you hard.
“I’m no done wi’ ye yet!”
Although you tried to stop yourself, you couldn’t help but whimper with pleasure as he ploughed you, he laughed.
“Enjoyin’ yersel’?”
You could only reply in moans.
“Don’t finish yet,” he said, “not til I tell you to,”
“I can’t help it,” you whimpered, “please,”
You looked over your shoulder at him and he laughed with triumph.
“Yer eyes are all glassy like a little rodent,”
He stroked your cheek, still thrusting into you hard and fast.
“Please can I come?” You asked, feeling the rush of pleasure approach.
He spanked you again, “Not til I say,” he growled.
You tried your best to hold it but you couldn’t. You let it wash over you just as he grunted his final thrusts, slowing down and growling as you felt his warm seed fill you. You cried out in pleasure and he laughed, not pulling out. Instead, he wrapped his arms around you, rolling you over on your side.
“Next time,” he whispered, giving you one last spank, “do as you’re told,”.
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pieces-by-me · 4 years
Golden Eyes
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Words: 2627
Summary: There aren’t only rats in the tunnels under York. A big surprise for Ivar that takes his breath away.
Warnings: mentions of blood, death, imprisonment. English is not my first language and first time writing for Vikings.
@maggiescarborough​ - thank you again for the help with this!! I hope you like it and still want to read it (Even though it took me four months to write this)
Ever since Eadrick and Hilda found out she was with child they knew that it would be special. They knew because the pregnancy felt different. Hilda didn't have sickness in the morning and her emotions stayed the same all throughout the months. When they went to the healer of their small village he told them that it was a curse from the Devil. For no women had ever a pregnancy like it, it was unnatural. Eadrick couldn't understand why the healer had the idea that his child could be a curse. How could it be? They tried for so long and never were blessed with one and now that it finally happened they had to hear that it was the Devils work? Hilda had tears running down her face as she stood tall and declared that the healer should feel ashamed. “My child is not made by the Devil but blessed by God!” The healer sneered after them as they exited the small cottage.
Months passed by and the happy pair couldn't wait to see their little boy or girl.They didn't care what the child would be as long as it was healthy. But with the time fleeting and the stomach growing the looks from the people of the village would grow as well and become more and more evil. Word had got out that Hilda supposedly carried the Devils child and with every day that passed Eadrick became more worried for his wife. He knew that he had to protect her and his child, so he did everything to build them a little home in the middle of the forrest surrounding the village.
When Hilda went into labor Eadrick feared for his beloved. The healer refused to help birth 'a cursed child' and they were alone in their small home. Only a fire to help and warm them in the cold winter month. The birth went so fast it was as if it never really happened. And the strangest thing was that Hilda felt not one bit of pain. She was smiling when she pushed and then her child came into the world. Hilda birthed a little girl and Eadrick couldn't help but look at his family with love and adoration. He swore to God that he would do anything, even sin, to protect his family.
She didn't scream when she came into this world. Her big eyes were just looking, searching, for her mother and father. And as soon as her little eyes met the tear filled ones of her father she let out a little laugh that made both her parents cry for joy. Her eyes had the color of light. An almost golden hue that could not be discribed. She was not a curse. She was a blessing. They decided to name her (Y/N). The little girl with sunshine in her eyes.
Ivar wobbled through the streets of York with eyes in search for any small thing he could have missed. He had to make sure that everything was in order and that nothing would go wrong. The smoke from the burned up rats and rotten meat made it hard to examine the traps but he managed. More annoying was the smell. He had to swallow back his already eaten food to not vomit all over the street at some points. That would not be a good look for the ruler of the Heathen Army. But that also was something he managed. Ivar sent Hvitserk away to survey the catacombs under York after his big brother questioned his plan. Idiot. As if he didn't build everything in his head to a point and thought about how everything could turn out. Of course he had a plan. A plan that would soon be taken into action, for as the Saxons were on their way to take back York. With an almost malicious smile Ivar made his last round around the outer ring of the city. Oh yes, the Saxons would come soon and think that death took all the heathens away. But they would be met with nothing but death for themselves.
Hvitserk cursed his younger brother. He knew very well that Ivar was not an idiot and had a plan. He just wanted to be included. Not be left out and always chasing answers and responsibility. Not unlike with Ubbe. But now he kind of wished that his brother would have given him another order. And not running around the dirt and rat infested tunnels that stretched out under this Christian city. He didn't really know for what he, and the other worriers that went down with him, should be looking for, but he guessed that if he found something suspicious or wrong he would see and know.
After walking through the foul-smelling tunnels for hours, Hvitserk was about to call it quits and wanted to go back up the ladder when he caught something in the corner of his eye. It was a door. A rotten door with huge metal bolts that looked like it would bust with one small push and fall out of its hinges. He walked closer to it, intrigued to find something after hours of nothing. The wood on the door felt rough to his touch making him think that it was not used often. When he tried to open it though it wouldn't give. It stayed shut and only then did he see the whole for a key.
'You're not the first thing that wanted to stay untouched but I always got my way.' He thought with a mischievous smirk as he thought about some of his past conquests. When he slammed his body for the third time against the door, with running start, and it's still not budging he grew irritated. The wood definitely being more robust then it appeared. What the hel was behind this door that needed to be so protected? After one last push something in that room moved. Hvitserk could hear it. Almost like a hound. Whimpering and shuffling as if to get away. Why would the Saxon leave an animal locked in these dark tunnels?
His thoughts were broken up by the sound of running feet and people flooding the tunnels. The time has come. The Saxons were here. With one last glance to the door Hvitserk made his way back to the entrance where he was supposed to meet up with Ivar. As he rounded the corner he saw how his little brother was being hoisted down and someone was already waiting with his crutch on the ground.
The Saxons entered the city. Empty of all beings except the rats that crawled over the muddy grounds. Why were the rats on the ground? The Bishop looked at the small rodents with uncertainty. It was not common for rats to run this free around people. Soon the cheers of the soldiers were washing his worry to the back of his head. Bells were ringing and people celebrating; they have defeated the Vikings.
But while the rats ran free on the ground the tunnels swarmed with Viking warriors lusting for blood. Ivar did it again. He came up with a plan that fooled his opponent and would guarantee his success. He looked up through the manhole to the feet of soldiers walking over him unbeknown to the threat underneath their them.
Hvitserk arrived and made his way over to his little brother. The two Ragnarsons met eyes and in both radiated the intend and want to kill and mark the streets of York with the blood of the Christians. In the back of Hvitserks head the thought of the mysterious door and animal surfaced for a split second, he would go back there and try to open it when the battle is won. With a little shake of his head to get back to now he heard the Saxons cheer for their victory.
Ivar and Hvitserk met eyes again, both smiling like two mad men. Anticipation running through their veins at the thought of finally running their sword and axes through bodies and bones. And with a small turn from his body Ivar watched his warriors, everyone at the soles of their feet to start, threw is right hand in the air and ladders were pulled up. Everyone had to be silent.
As the first men stepped through the opening, Ivar and Hvitserk letting out roars of battle, the Saxons had to realize that they made a huge mistake.
Cheers turned to screams of shock and the streets turned red with blood and gore.
The Heathens were not dead but they brought it with them.
The battle was done. The bishop in chains and Ivar was basking in his win. Heahmund thought he was looking in the eyes of the devil when he saw the crawling figure coming closer and closer to him. Chuckling like a demon. While he relished in the humiliation of the Christian, his brother was distracted by something else. In the back of the church were two dogs that fought over a bone, it seams that ever creature was fighting on this day. But the display and sounds brought back a memory to Hvitserks mind. The animal in the tunnels.
He went out of the building without a word in search of a bigger ax. His brother not even realizing he left. When Hvitserk made his way back into the tunnels he had a harder time finding the mysterious door again. The shine of the torch not being light enough for him to see everything. With his luck we would get lost. But the gods were on his side and after he ran into a dead end for the fifth time he found it. 'You're done'
His shoulder hurt after the battle. One Saxon having brought their sword down further then Hvitserk could reflect with his. The dried up blood was still on his clothes. It seamed to open up again as warm liquid trailed down his arm in small droplets. But he didn't care. He needed to know what exactly was behind this stupidly, hard to open door. With a final blow of the ax the wood splintered away and gave sight into the room.
It was dark and the smell of sick and rotten flesh made its way into his nose. It was worse then when they burned flesh for the plan. Even with his torch he couldn't see inside so he made his way back a little and began to bring the ax back to the hole he created. More and more wood split away and after only four more hits he could fit through. Of course it was probably not the best idea to go blindly into a locked room but his curiosity won over common sense.
At first he didn't see anything. No animal running towards him. No treasure or anything being stored in this room. All his eyes were met was stone walls that were covered with vines and mold, water running down in small streams down the sides and puddles of old and dried up blood littering the floor. This was not a room for save keeping. No this looked like a cell if he ever seen one. He turned around and was about to climb back through the door when a sound made his body freeze.
It was the same thing. The small whining of a broken animal. Barley there but in the silent room it appeared to echo from everywhere. He turned around and really searched every corner and halted when his eyes came on a small bundle of brown fabric. Fabric that moved in a feeble attempted to get away from the viking. He took a step closer, cautious as to not scare it even more. He didn't even know what lied before him until two golden eyes looked back at him with so much despair he faltered in his step.
It was a girl. A small, sickly Saxon girl that, by the looks of it, was trapped in this cell for only the gods knew how long. She trembled and flinched and even though he didn't move closer she tried to get away even more. But her body seemed to gave up on her. All throughout her weak attempted to escape the threat they held eye contact until the gold vanished and she collapsed on the ground.
'What in the name of Odin?'
Hvitserk ran up to the girl and up on a closer look saw that her hands and feet were shackled to the walls. Her wrist scraped raw and red. Ankles crusted over with old blood.
Unbeknown to Hvitserk the closer he got to the girl the less his shoulder bled and hurt. But with the situation a little bit more severe he just simply couldn't focus on it. He blamed it on his new discovery and excitement and moved on. With his ax he had little effort with the chains that weighted more then the girl herself, picked her up over his shoulder and made his way back to the church. He couldn't wait for his brothers reaction of his find.
Ivar was getting impatient. Sitting on the table at end of the hall he wondered where his brother was. A small feast was being held to celebrate the defeat of the Christians. He wanted to talk to him about the bishop and then rub it in his face a little that his plan worked. The rumble of conversations died down a little with the sound of opening doors and people made room for whoever entered the hall. By now Ivar could see that ,finally, his brother came. But what he nor anyone expected was the sleeping girl in his arms. What was going on?
With each step from his brother Ivar felt something change inside his body. He couldn't put it into words but there was a force spreading from his chest to his legs. Hvitserk went to the middle of the room and laid the girl on the floor right to his feet. Ivar's eyes widened, breath stuck inside his lungs. Could it be? He didn't feel like this since he was just a little boy. He only remembered that once he had felt it because his beloved mother told him. With a start so abrupt he made everyone in the room look at him he lowered his body to the ground.
Hvitserk looked at his little brother who crawled over the unconscious Saxon girl. Faster then he ever crawled. As if she was the only thing that would keep him alive, that she was the last drop of water for a dying man. His whole body covered hers and he was only breaths away from her. The look on his face was a fuse of shock, astounding, revelation and skepticism. But also, if you were close enough, fear. He looked as if the biggest treasure lay under him. The other vikings in the room stopped at what they were doing and observed what their leader would do. No one said a word. There wasn't even the sound of a single breath. Ivar's eyes didn't even blink as he slowly graced her face with his bloodied hand. Leaving a small trail of blood on her cold face. Who was this girl?
“Ivar, what it is? What are you doing?”
Ivar could only vaguely hear his big brothers words. But they came through the haze he was trapped in and with a small voice, so quiet Hvitserk had to lean closer to the two bodies lying on the ground to even hear him, he said:
“I don't feel any pain in my legs.”
Thanks for reading and let me know what you think about this. I have an idea for a little series with this. 
Hope everyone has an awesome day!
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theinkmage · 3 years
hI guysss sO i gave myself a prompt  : The hero and the villain have been tasked with getting close to one another to obtain information for their respective teams, yet both are unaware of the other’s task. And one of them kills the other in the end. 
TW/CW : death mention, stabbing, blood
"Remember, your sole mission tonight is to eliminate the opposition. If you fail, don't even think of coming back here, or else it will be your head on the chopping block."
The hero threw an arm across the villain's shoulders, pulling them closer as a sudden bout of gusty wind blew across the dark street, adding to the sharp biting chill of the night. Winter was close, which meant that the hero's year-long mission was about to come to an end. The hero should be jumping for joy, really, that if they managed to pass this level, they would be promoted. But they couldn't find an ounce of happiness in them.
"Your job was to get close to this particular hero and extract valuable information that will be of utmost importance to us. I assume you have managed to get most of the data that we need to bring down the heroes, given your competence. If that is so, then we have no more use for them."
 The villain swallowed nervously, the cold metal of their dagger nudging uncomfortably against their arm, nestled snugly in its arm wrap, hidden out of plain view by the long sleeves of their coat. The villain might be callous, but only towards those who had wronged them. All that cruelty on the surface masked a deeply hurt and aching soul within, with friendship and love being its only salvation.
 "This villain is smart, too smart. And evil. A threat to society what with the manifestation of their destructive powers that they have chosen to harm people with. For all you know, they might be catching onto our little plan. Or, they might even have a plan of their own."
 The hero tightened their arm around the villain subconsciously as the two strolled through the almost-empty streets. Just ahead lay the park, herded by a small forest of trees and the usual pond. This was where the hero had asked the villain out for the first time. It was where their mission had first failed, considering the fact that they weren't supposed to catch feelings for the villain at any point in time.
 "I hope you haven't gotten too attached to your subject. That simply won't do. You are supposed to kill them tonight before they have the chance to strike, do I make myself clear? And if you were to hesitate, think about who took you in when you were starving and injured on the streets."
 The villain tried to stem the amalgamation of emotions that flooded their soul as their superior's words echoed in their mind. It was true that the villain had been abused and maltreated just because their powers were seen as destructive. The villain had never wanted to hurt anyone in the first place. They had hurt the villain first, and as a form of self-defence, the villain hurt them back. Years of hatred and tears and insults, all jumbled together into a huge roiling ball of anger and violence and revenge, set on destroying those who had made the lives of villains a living hell for something that they could never control.
 "I hope you bear in mind that I do not take failure lightly. I shall be awaiting your success tonight."
 The hero groaned internally, a deep nagging sense of dread coiling deep in their stomach. The air in the park was cooler, supposedly because of the many trees clustered around the area they were currently walking in. It was quiet, with the ducks bobbing silently in the clear blue water, the flies buzzing near the heat of the streetlamps, the slight rustle of rodents searching for food in the undergrowth. Peace settled over the hero as they tugged the villain onto a bench, plopping down onto it and staring up at the night sky. They wouldn't do it.
 "If you want to show those heroes that we are not to be trifled with, then you will do as I see fit tonight."
 The villain gnawed on their lip nervously, fingers sliding inconspicuously towards the dagger tucked in their arm wrap. Guilt sank its claws deep into the recesses of their soul, images of their dying friend and lover running through their mind. No, no, they would not be responsible for another death.
 "Return before midnight."
 The villain's fingers had been dancing nervously along their arm, almost as if trying to satisfy an inner itch that they couldn't reach. The hero leaned over, taking both the villain's hands in theirs, letting a smile appear on their countenance. God, they were so deep in already. Yet they had a duty to fulfil.
 "Return before midnight."
 The villain started as the hero grabbed their hands, rubbing soothing circles over their knuckles. Looking at the smile gracing the hero's lips, the villain couldn't help but let their lips quirk up in a little grin of their own. This was all that they had ever wanted. Yet they had a duty to fulfil.
 When the hero let go of the villain's hands to tug them close for a kiss, the villain's fingers immediately slid to the arm wrap beneath their sleeve, gripping the handle of the knife and yanking it out in one smooth, practiced motion. The hand that was holding the knife was quivering badly, caught in limbo between wanting to slide itself back into its sheath or plunge its blade right into the hero's body. A single tear slid out of their eye and curved a path down their cheek.
 As the villain released the knife, a sharp pain in their side made them yank away from the hero, hand clutched to their lower abdomen. Red seeped through the white shirt and pooled between their fingers, dripping slowly onto their lap. Betrayal and anguish tore through the villain like a hurricane as they gasped out shaking breaths, fingers curled slightly around the knife embedded deep in their stomach.
 Guilt and regret was plastered all over the hero's face as they gently lowered the villain from the bench onto the ground. They were crying, too. These big fat tears that didn't look right on them.
 "I…I'm sorry…" The hero choked out, holding the villain tight in their grip, hands clutching fistfuls of their shirt and hair, trying desperately to hold onto every single part of them.
 The villain shook their head, wrenching out a choked laugh from their throat that morphed into a silent cry of pain. Yes, pain from the inflicted wound on their stomach, but also pain that stemmed from their supposed friend and lover's betrayal. "I c…couldn't ki-kill you, you know?"
 At that, the hero sobbed even harder, tugging the villain closer to them, mumbling apologies over and over again even though there was no turning back. They rocked there, on the spot, for what felt like eternity, feeling the villain's blood drip-drip-dripping onto the floor, seeping into their clothes. Their limp shudders, small but close enough to be felt. Their sharp intakes of air, the grunts and whimpers of pain left unspoken and tears. The tears were the worst.
 The villain had just one last ounce of strength left in their body before they departed for good. Their body felt so cold, so numb, bleeding out on the ground.
 "H…hero." They gasped, panting for their last breath of air. "Th-thank you f…for eve…rything. I l-love you."
 And then, the villain was gone.
 The hero broke.
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