#lawful wives
malsorie · 6 months
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i was waiting for a ship in BG3 to sweep me off my feet until i read @optiwashere’s Minthara x Lae’zel propaganda (their fics) and fell VICTIM. so i drew a little scene from this fic 🤕🤕
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wonder-worker · 2 months
A central element of the myth of [Eleanor of Aquitaine] is that of her exceptionalism. Historians and Eleanor biographers have tended to take literally Richard of Devizes’s conventional panegyric of her as ‘an incomparable woman’ [and] a woman out of her time. […] Amazement at Eleanor’s power and independence is born from a presentism that assumes generally that the Middle Ages were a backward age, and specifically that medieval women were all downtrodden and marginalized. Eleanor’s career can, from such a perspective, only be explained by assuming that she was an exception who rose by sheer force of personality above the restrictions placed upon twelfth-century women.
-Michael R. Evans, Inventing Eleanor: The Medieval and Post-Medieval Image of Eleanor of Aquitaine
"...The idea of Eleanor’s exceptionalism rests on an assumption that women of her age were powerless. On the contrary, in Western Europe before the twelfth century there were ‘no really effective barriers to the capacity of women to exercise power; they appear as military leaders, judges, castellans, controllers of property’. […] In an important article published in 1992, Jane Martindale sought to locate Eleanor in context, stripping away much of the conjecture that had grown up around her, and returning to primary sources, including her charters. Martindale also demonstrated how Eleanor was not out of the ordinary for a twelfth-century queen either in the extent of her power or in the criticisms levelled against her.
If we look at Eleanor’s predecessors as Anglo-Norman queens of England, we find many examples of women wielding political power. Matilda of Flanders (wife of William the Conqueror) acted as regent in Normandy during his frequent absences in England following the Conquest, and [the first wife of Henry I, Matilda of Scotland, played some role in governing England during her husband's absences], while during the civil war of Stephen’s reign Matilda of Boulogne led the fight for a time on behalf of her royal husband, who had been captured by the forces of the empress. And if we wish to seek a rebel woman, we need look no further than Juliana, illegitimate daughter of Henry I, who attempted to assassinate him with a crossbow, or Adèle of Champagne, the third wife of Louis VII, who ‘[a]t the moment when Henry II held Eleanor of Aquitaine in jail for her revolt … led a revolt with her brothers against her son, Philip II'.
Eleanor is, therefore, less the exception than the rule – albeit an extreme example of that rule. This can be illustrated by comparing her with a twelfth century woman who has attracted less literary and historical attention. Adela of Blois died in 1137, the year of Eleanor’s marriage to Louis VII. […] The chronicle and charter evidence reveals Adela to have ‘legitimately exercised the powers of comital lordship’ in the domains of Blois-Champagne, both in consort with her husband and alone during his absence on crusade and after his death. […] There was, however, nothing atypical about the nature of Adela’s power. In the words of her biographer Kimberley LoPrete, ‘while the extent of Adela’s powers and the political impact of her actions were exceptional for a woman of her day (and indeed for most men), the sources of her powers and the activities she engaged in were not fundamentally different from those of other women of lordly rank’. These words could equally apply to Eleanor; the extent of her power, as heiress to the richest lordship in France, wife of two kings and mother of two or three more, was remarkable, but the nature of her power was not exceptional. Other noble or royal women governed, arranged marriages and alliances, and were patrons of the church. Eleanor represents one end of a continuum, not an isolated outlier."
#It had to be said!#eleanor of aquitaine#historicwomendaily#angevins#my post#12th century#gender tag#adela of blois#I think Eleanor's prominent role as dowager queen during her sons' reigns may have contributed to her image of exceptionalism#Especially since she ended up overshadowing both her sons' wives (Berengaria of Navarre and Isabella of Angouleme)#But once again if we examine Eleanor in the context of her predecessors and contemporaries there was nothing exceptional about her role#Anglo-Saxon consorts before the Norman Conquest (Eadgifu; Aelfthryth; Emma of Normandy) were very prominent during their sons' reigns#Post-Norman queens were initially never kings' mothers because of the circumstances (Matilda of Flanders; Edith-Matilda; and#Matilda of Boulogne all predeceased their husbands; Adeliza of Louvain never had any royal children)#But Eleanor's mother-in-law Empress Matilda was very powerful and acted as regent of Normandy during Henry I's reign#Which was a particularly important precedent because Matilda's son - like Eleanor's sons after him - was an *adult* when he became King.#and in France Louis VII's mother Adelaide of Maurienne was certainly very powerful and prominent during Eleanor's own queenship#Eleanor's daughter Joan's mother-in-law Margaret of Navarre had also been a very powerful regent of Sicily#(etc etc)#So yeah - in itself I don't think Eleanor's central role during her own sons' reigns is particularly surprising or 'exceptional'#Its impact may have been but her role in itself was more or less the norm
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the-ace-with-spades · 28 days
Bradley and Natasha get platonically married a few years into service and confuse the crap out of everyone.
They do it for a multitude of convenient reasons - they've been friends since flight school, they both accidentally found out they're bi but leaning toward same-sex attraction more, and had been each other's cover any time someone would start to suspect something. It comes up after Bradley puts Natasha as his next of kin and pension beneficiary (in case of death) and Natasha is like, 'you know, people are going to start questioning why we're so close'
So they don't give people a reason for suspecting - they make it official before. Nat doesn't talk to her family anymore and also makes Bradley her next of kin, they get a tax rebate, their health insurance is cheaper, they can evoke spouse privilege and get prioritised for base locations, keeping together. Married couples qualify for better housing as well and no one questions if they get a two or three-bed house, because you know, they're young, maybe they're planning to have kids soon. No one can treaten them with a DADT because who is going to believe that they're gay if they're married to each other, they have enough space that they can bring whoever they're dating back home without feeling like they need to do everything in secret.
Maybe, you know, whenever they're both alone and feel like it, they have some platonic sex...
Sure, maybe they're a weird couple - not that affectionate, not that open, talk to each other more like bickering best friends than lovers, maybe years go by and they still have no kids, maybe Natasha kept her surname, etc etc but it all could be swiftly avoided. We tried for kids but it didn't work, don't mention it around Nat/Bradley, he/she still feels guilty. We're best friends first, spouses second. The surname swap is a stupid tradition anyways. PDA is awful to see so why would we do something we don't wanna see others do?
The only real downside is that they can't be deployed together anymore.
When Jake meets Bradley after he gets re-stationed, Natasha is on deployment. They get close and closer, there's some flirting going on, and Jake is like 90% sure Bradley is not straight and is somewhat interested in him.
Push comes to shove and Bradley and Jake get deployed together (while Nat comes back home) and things continue and Jake gets 99% sure because damn, Bradley is fucking brave with how open he is with flirting, given where they are.
Then something happens and Bradley has an accident while onboard the carrier and Jake is there in the treatment bay and their CO comes around and asks Bradley, "Do you want me to call your wife, Bradshaw?" and Jake's whole world gets swept from under his feet. Because, you know, he was this close to fucking a married man.
And the worst thing is when they come back ashore and he finds out who is Bradley's wife - because Jake and Nat knew each other pretty well in USNA and he's not going to come into the mess that is their marriage.
Scratch that - the worst thing is that he can see Bradley does love Nat and that Nat loves Bradley and he doesn't know if he should say something to either. (He just doesn't know they love each other platonically only.)
They do stay married, even after DADT gets revoked, just because they're used to it now, and because the benefits are good, and really, neither of them are dating anyone seriously enough to go through the hassle.
Jake only realizes when after the mission years later, he sees Phoenix and Halo making out at the Hard Deck and tells Bradley "I think your wife is cheating on you with a woman, Bradshaw" and Bradley is like, "Yes, that would make sense given that she is a lesbian and all that."
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rainybraindays · 4 months
Legitimately want Colin Harry and Albion to be besties, I need them talking about how Portia drives them up a wall, I need them trading food recs and them listening to his travel stories, i want him to help them stand up to portia bcause god do they need it. I want them going to Wills and hanging out at balls when their wives are talking to people. please give me the wife guy trio i want it SO bad
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dinowatermelons · 7 months
Zoro, sanji, law, etc? Those are all Luffy’s wives. The man collects wives like an old hard candy collects lint.
Maybe the real one piece was the wives luffy collected along the way.
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shayshayartz · 8 months
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God, I loooooooved doing this challenge with them. Cabenson✨
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raestarr42 · 9 months
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my mouth shut the fuck up
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novaksupremacy · 4 months
*Alex and Casey attending a charity fundraiser*
Harvard Alumni: Alex! It's so great to see you! How've you been?
Alex: *sipping champagne* I'm great, I'm actually here with my spouse tonight.
Harvard Alum: Oh really? So you have a husband now?
Alex: *looks over at Casey* I have a-
Casey: *grabbing hor dourves off passing waiters and popping them in her mouth while also making herself a plate*
Alex: *looks down at her glass and sighs* I have a cheese goblin.
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soonamisapphire · 2 months
Uh, Batman? That’s Rā’s al Ghûl - TaxiCabToSlowtown - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
“I propose the League have a family day here at the Watchtower this weekend. Open to all the families of our heroes who know their identities and who you are willing to introduce to the rest of the team. It’ll be to encourage team bonding and to allow stronger relationships to be formed between the League member’s families.”
And… that was a horrible idea. Horrible. Bruce could already see Nightwing (sitting across the table from him and the only kid who he hadn’t had to worry about the whole time he was gone because he was right beside him, pity he was the mostly-sane one) grinning. The Justice League were going to get more than they bargained for.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Superman said, grin on his face.
It was a horrible idea. It was a horrible idea because Bruce could see the grin widening on his son’s face out of the corner of his eyes and he knew that Dick would make sure that the whole family came (which included Ra’s, since he’d be visting at that time).
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sematarygirls · 16 days
Black Hole Fantasy — Sonny Carisi.
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pairing: sonny carisi x reader
summary: you finally decide to tell sonny how you feel... in the middle of the night... without any warning whatsoever
warnings: none, really. angst if you squint but mostly fluff. probably some inaccuracies regarding nyc and apartment buildings, but plot convenience is more important
word count: 1.3k
a/n: based on my favorite song from the crane wives' new album beyond, beyond, beyond— black hole fantasy. i heard the last verse of the song and immediately thought of sonny, so i opened up tumblr and forewent sleep to write this.
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Let's try this again
You and Sonny had a slightly rocky relationship. It wasn't him at all! He was the most perfect boyfriend in the world, and he was so patient and understanding about your commitment issues. You knew you were the problem, and as much as Sonny tried to reassure you that he was fine with taking things slow, you knew a part of him was frustrated.
You loved him so much, and you wanted to commit to him wholly and completely, but you found it hard to settle down with people. You feared that intimacy, that eventual physical and emotional closeness that all relationships somehow ended up at.
But, once again, you found yourself deciding that you were ready to be serious and talk to Sonny about moving the relationship in a more serious direction. It wasn't the first time you'd convinced yourself it was time to push yourself, but it somehow felt different this time. You felt like you were really ready.
Sonny was on your mind all the time. You couldn't get him out of your head. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled that breathtaking smile, the way his brow furrowed when he was thinking or listening really intently to someone, his hands waving in all directions when he was speaking about something he was passionate about— all the little quirks that made him him— you were completed enamored by them.
I'm on my way to your house, guided by the stars
You gripped the steering wheel as you made your way down the New York streets. That nagging voice in the back of your head was trying to tell you that you weren't ready, that you would never be ready, but you pushed it aside.
You couldn't push people away forever. At some point, you'd have to open up and be honest about how you feel, and tonight was the night.
You followed the street signs, recalling where Sonny lived. You didn't even think of how odd it might be to just show up in the middle of the night without so much as a warning; you were far too caught up in trying to keep your nerves at bay.
Your fingers drummed against the steering wheel, a song playing softly from the radio. It was one you knew well, which helped calm you a little as you sang along. You glanced at the clock, hoping he was home and still awake. You'd feel awfully guilty if you woke him up at this hour just to confess your undying love for him.
I'm pulling in the driveway, I'm turning off the car
You pulled up outside his apartment and cut the engine, staring at the door. God, were you really doing this?
Yes. Yes, you were doing this.
I'm running to your porch, I'm sprinting up the stairs
You took a deep breath and pulled out your phone, finding Sonny's contact and pressing the call button as you got out of your car and headed to the front door. You stood there awkwardly, listening to the phone ring.
God, this was a stupid idea. What were you thinking?
Just as you were about to turn and walk back to your car, he picked up.
"Hey," he hesitated, sounding like he was going to say something, but he thought better of it. "What's up?"
He didn't sound like he'd just woken up. That was good.
"Uh, hey," you responded awkwardly, kicking a pebble at your foot. "I'm downstairs. Can you buzz me in?"
He paused, and you heard shuffling on the other end. "Uh, yeah," he said. You could practically hear the furrow in his brow. "Give me a minute."
"Okay, thanks," you said, quickly hanging up. You didn't want to word vomit everything you had to say over the phone.
You heard the buzzing noise of the door unlocking and pulled it open, hurrying inside. You rushed to the elevator, practically running. You felt a little stupid, but you really needed to get this off your chest before you tried talking yourself out of it last minute.
"Stupid elevator," you grumbled, watching the floors slowly tick by, antagonizing you. You could've sworn it got slower and slower as it reached the ground floor.
Once inside, you pressed the button to his floor frantically. You figured you must have looked insane, but you didn't care. You groaned in frustration as the elevator ascended just as slowly as it had descended.
Finally, you reached his floor, rushing to his door. You take a breath. "No going back, now," you think, knocking on the door.
the door swings open, and you're standing there
Your heart is pounding as he opens the door, greeting you with that big warm smile that always made your heart melt. You couldn't help but smile back, your nerves calming just at the sight of him. You'd never felt this way with anyone— this safe and so unconditionally loved.
you're beaming down at me, you're reaching out for me / you pull me in your arms, and i feel your heart pounding
"Hey," he said again, pulling you into a hug. You wrapped your arms around him, eyes fluttering shut as he engulfed you in his warm, comforting embrace.
"Hi," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. You can feel his damp hair on your neck and the strong scent of his shampoo, and you can't help but take a deep breath, inhaling his scent. He smelled like home.
i take a step back to catch my breath
"What are you doing here?" He asked as you pulled away from him. "Not that I'm not thrilled to see you— cause' I totally am!" He looks at you, his brows furrowing softly. You could practically see the wheels churning in his head. He was worried that something was wrong.
"I'm in love with you," you blurted out. Your cheeks heated up as you realized your mistake. You had a whole speech planned. You wanted to sit down inside and hold his hand and pour your heart out.
Instead, you confessed your love in the hallway, looking like a deer in headlights like an idiot.
and we look at each other and double over / and laugh, and laugh, and laugh
You couldn't help but start to giggle, something you did when you got nervous. And your giggles only worsened, turning to full blown laughs when you saw the bewildered look on his face.
He couldn't help but smile, watching you break out into a fit of laughter, and soon, both of you were standing there laughing like lunatics. If anyone walked by, they'd probably think you two just escaped an asylum with how odd it would have looked.
Slowly, you two began to catch your breaths, the laughter dying out as you stared at each other, neither of you knowing who should say anything first.
"I'm in love with you too," he replied softly, his hand finding your waist and pulling you closer. "God, I'm in love with you."
You smiled up at him, and for the first time, you didn't feel scared. You weren't worrying about what would come next or if you were ready. You were just in the moment with him.
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, like he was promising that what he said was true. You wrapped your arms around his neck, melting into him.
"We should probably get out of the hallway before one of my neighbors wanders out to see what all the noise is about," he grinned, pulling away from the kiss, his face still hovering close to yours. "they already don't like me. I hardly think public displays of affection will win me any brownie points."
"Shut up, you dork," you laughed, leaning in to kiss him again and gently curling your fingers into his freshly washed hair. He groaned into your mouth, pulling you inside and kicking the door closed behind him. You smiled against his lips.
You were finally happy, and you didn't plan on letting it go any time soon.
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vampenjoyer · 10 months
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various dewdles from a whiteboard 😊
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"[Matilda of Boulogne's office as Queen of England], initiated and broadly defined by the coronation ordo, gave her royal power and authority to share in governance. Her obligations and activities were shaped by custom established by previous queens and the ad hoc needs of king and realm. [...] [Matilda's] thorough integration into the governance of the realm was not repeated in [Eleanor of Aquitaine’s] years as queen of England. Eleanor's coronation followed a new model that emphasized the queen as progenitor of royal heirs and subordinate to the king rather than as sharer of royal power. Though Eleanor acted as regent in England between 1156 and 1158 and in Poitou on several occasions from 1165 on, her writs suggest delegated rather than shared royal authority. In England, her power was limited by the lack of lands assigned to her use and by the elaboration of financial and judicial administration. Whereas [Matilda of Boulogne's] inheritance allowed her to play an integral role in politics by securing the Londoners' loyalty and a steady supply of mercenaries, Eleanor's inheritance provided her with more extensive power in Poitou and Aquitaine than in England. Until 1163, Eleanor withdrew funds from the Exchequer by her own writ, but unlike her Anglo-Norman predecessors, she was not a member of its council nor did she issue judgments from the royal court. Eleanor's counsel and diplomatic activities, in contrast to Matilda's, are rarely mentioned. She did, however, encourage the 1159 Toulouse campaign and supported Henry in the Becket affair and the coronation of young Henry. Eleanor was not a prominent curialis; she rarely witnessed Henry's charters or interceded to secure the king's mercy. She did follow in Matilda's footsteps in her promotion of her sons, cultivation of dynastic goals through the Fontevraudian tombs, and patronage that reflected her family's traditions. For Matilda, to be queen encompassed a variety of functions-curialis, diplomat, judge, intercessor, and "regent." Through a combination of factors, Eleanor's role as queen was much more restricted."
-Heather J. Tanner, "Queenship: Office, Custom or Ad Hoc", Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady (Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons)
#this is so interesting when it comes to the gradual evolution of queenship over the years (post-Norman to early modern)#eleanor of aquitaine#matilda of boulogne#queenship tag#historicwomendaily#english history#my post#don't reblog these tags but#the irony of the 'Eleanor of Aquitaine Exceptionalism' rhetoric is that not only is it untrue#but you could actually make a much more realistic argument in the opposite direction#We know that it was during Eleanor's time as queen of France that 'the queen's name was disappearing from royal documents' (Ralph Turner)#She did not enjoy an involvement in royal governance that her mother-in-law Adelaide of Maurienne enjoyed during her time as queen#As Facinger points out 'no sources support the historical view of Eleanor as bold precocious and responsible for Louis VII's behavior'#Even as Duchess of Aquitaine she played a secondary role to Louis who appointed his own officials to the Duchy#Only four out of her seventeen ‘Aquitanian’ charters seem to have been initiated by Eleanor herself#And now it seems that even Eleanor's role as queen of England was also more restricted than her predecessors#with new coronation model that was far more gendered and 'domestic' in nature#That's not to argue that it meant a reduction in the queen's importance but it does mean that the 'importance' took on a different form#There's also the fact that Eleanor's imprisonment and forced subjugation to Henry after the rebellion till the end of her life#was probably what set the precedent for her sons' 'Lord Rules All' approach with their own wives (Berengaria and Isabella)#as Gabrielle Storey has suggested#None of this is meant to downplay Eleanor's power or the impact of her actions across Europe - both of which were extensive and spectacular#But it does mean that the myth of her exceptionalism is not just incorrect but flat-out ridiculous
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smokestarrules · 1 year
bandai somehow doing the opposite of queerbaiting post-show by trying to pretend as if Suletta and Miorine's relationship is at all up for debate is simultaneously disappointing and kind of hilarious
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jatlokgwo · 3 months
my favorite kind of dni is when its like
hello!! welcome to my blog ^^ this is a 16+ only space as i am a gore and horror artist and some of my art is graphic!! [dni: facists homophobes/transphobes maps/necros proshippers basicly just be into weird or illegal shit]
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ladyorlandodream · 1 year
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Not the same Baseball Bat
I need to know the name of the one used by Barb
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nat-without-a-g · 6 months
I find it pretty funny that Henry and Glenn don’t often get along/agree with each other because I’m pretty sure they have the most things in common between each other out of the season 1 dads.
Henry’s just too much of an anxious nerd.
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