#lcf headcanons
sadlynotthevoid · 6 months
Because of that dream I had (mentioned in this post), I headcanon that og!Cale's only fear that applies to himself are teachers. All his other fears implies other people being the one who suffers, but he's deeply scared of teachers.
He's teacher-phobic like some people are clown-phobic and like some little animals are afraid of humans. (Or I to spiders)
In my mind, that's the actual reason he abandoned his studies. He had a whole conversation prepared to convince his father that he could do self-study and have Ron or Hans test him every some months. He was so ready to have to present a whole list of arguments when he ditched his classes.
Instead, Deruth just agreed to it almost immediately. Cale was so shocked that he forgot to tell him about the self-study part.
A few days later, he heard some people talk about how "the young master's behaviour got worse and worse" and how "he refused to have any education at all". Then they mentioned how Bassen was so dedicated in comparison.
So he decided that this misunderstanding was quite useful and let it be.
Anyways, I headcanon this so strongly that sometimes I forget it's not canon.
Everytime I read a highschool AU where og!Cale is skipping classes, I'm like "yeah, I would do that too if I were him". Then I remember that that's not canon, not even in the fic. He's just keeping with his "trashy" persona.
(Although, if the fic doesn't contradict it, sometimes I keep going with my reason instead).
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homewarclbound · 2 years
Intense AP brainrot so I was thinking who's the oldest and who's the youngest in their group and their dynamics!
my headcanons are:
Dominating Aura (CJG/Nelan Barrow) physically the youngest so he's the maknae (actually the oldest in the group), he's a lot of fun and a trio with Cheapstake and the Thief in looting items, using the aura to scam people into giving him items. (physically 15, probably actually around his 120s? like Choi Han.)
Super Rock being the oldest in the group so he's called ahjussi by the youngest members lol!! He's tired™, very protective and actually quite reliable? For the group maybe, they're a whole group of lunatics though keep that in mind he's def his own kind of Crazy. (in his late 20s or early 30s! 28 - 32)
Sound of the Wind gives off second oldest vibe, definitely the noona/unnie of the group (people are partial she's not getting the ahjumma treatment like Super Rock is) she's a lot more reliable than most of the group that's for sure. + I hc Crazy Kid's potty mouth was influenced by her (late 20s! 27 - 29)
Indestructible Shield surprisingly feels like she's in her late 20s, foodie, def encourages everyone to eat and not skip meals! Very talkative and the life of the group along with the Cheapstake and Crazy Kid! (feels late 20s, around 27 - 28)
Fire of Destruction is the main life of the group, very enthusiastic and boyish (?), embodiment of youth type of guy! I think he's the type to loot his friends for fun and keep them as tokens! (feels mid 20s, 24 - 26?)
Sky Eating Water one of the 3 (?) dongsaengs, I think she (... she, right?), fire & water (literally) dynamic with the Cheapstake! there is a daily spar between them and she'll jump on anybody strong begging for a fight, somewhat like a less battle frenzied version of Toonka? that's terrifying to think about. (early 20s! 21 - 23)
Vitality of the Heart, the true Maknae™ of the group, I don't know, he just feels very maknae vibe! He's timid and soft spoken but somewhat elegant due to his aristocratic background! Think he'd willingly let Fire loot him lol, he'd gift them gifts, he's also the main target of protection from Super Rock! He has low tears (easy to cry) and easily spooked! He's definitely a lot more prone to overthinking though. (late teens to early 20s vibe, 18 - 21)
Note: is this a hidden knife with VoTH angst being the youngest but also being the last one alive? maybe. Is this a parallel to Kim Roksoo being the maknae of the original Team 1 while also being the last one alive? maybe, we may never know.
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samporrra · 2 months
Cale's grunts translation (By children of average nine years old)
"Hum": normally made in a crime scene when he sees something that's not in the right place.
"Hm": general recognization of your existence, maybe a "good morning", "good afternoon" or "good evening"
A low "mnh": someone messed out and this benefits me.
A slightly louder "mnh": i messed out and this definitly does not benefits me.
*snort*: you're funny or the next victim with nowhere in between
*a laugh without a frowing*: an actual genuine laugh?????????
*a louder laugh with frowing*: dragons! Dragons everywhere!
A very low "Hehe...": money
A sharp inhale through the nose: I'm hurted but i don't want anyone to know.
A soft exhale through nose: why did i become a commander again.
Inspired in this work of art
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unphasedslacker · 1 month
i adore the "cale uses everyone as a pillow" agenda !! part of my hc is that he has an internal rating system for it, it consists of the following points:
comfort - how comfortable is the not-actually pillow? durability - can they handle him clinging, tossing and turning, etc? how far can he go before they decide to wake him up? duration - how long can he rest on them?
i have already thought of a few potential set ratings, and will probably add more later on!
Choi Han
the first time it happened, it was an accident. although the vitality of the heart keeps him from getting tired even after only sleeping for an hour or two, when it comes down to it, it's just not enough.
cale sat down on the comfortable couch in his room, he and the others had just returned from their travels to the henituse territory. the red-head had every intention of resting, as soon as he finished up his discussion with choi han. he needed to make sure the korean wasn't left to his own devices, who knows what might occur if he were - cale shuddered at the thought of the swordmaster destroying the training grounds out of boredom. better not dwell on it.
said man took a seat next to cale, keeping a respectful distance, and looked at him expectantly - like a puppy waiting for it's well-deserved treat. the aristocrat talked for a while, giving commands and suggestions, and making sure that choi han knew everything on the training grounds, be it weaponry or other, was available for him to use, when he was suddenly hit with intense drowsiness. cale blinked once, twice, before continuing where he left off, albeit a bit slower.
it only took a minute before choi han found himself with an unconscious red-head on his lap, using his clothed thighs as his pillow. the korean wasn't sure what to do, face red from embarrassment (read: he's flustered) - should he call for ron?
better not, that butler will take his head when sees them like this.
choi han let his gaze fall on the man who'd showed him nothing but kindness since their first meeting, giving and giving and asking for little to nothing in return, and decided that this was fine. cale hasn't rested properly in weeks, so the fact that he fell asleep the moment the two of them were alone felt like an honour more than anything. did he trust him so much that cale felt safe enough to finally relax? (he'd like to think so...)
yes, this was quite the honour.
'don't worry, cale-nim. i won't let anyone, or anything, get near you.'
if said man could've heard choi han's thoughts, he would've spit blood.
Rating ✨
3/5 comfort (ch's thighs are muscular, and cale did feel safe while asleep.. we don't talk about how he felt when he woke up), 5/5 durability (ch wouldn't dare to do anything to disturb cale's sleep), 5/5 duration (same as durability, ch would sit in the same spot, not daring to move even a muscle, to ensure cale's 100% comfort)
overall: 13/15, choi han makes a really good pillow
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galaxygirl8880 · 10 months
Handwriting Headcannons
Whenever he's writing, his handwriting is very font-like. It's neat, looks a bit rushed tho. When he's signing his name, the body's muscle memory takes over and it's the most over the top thing you can think of.
She seems like her handwriting would be very tiny. Probably also does the little hearts as dots.
He has NO FEAR. his handwriting is neat enough(for a kid) but l a r g e.
No opposable thumbs = basically chicken scratch. He's much better at writing when using his magic.
Choi han:
Before the forest of darkness, it was probably pretty average. Now it's just slightly worse. (Got better with practice) He's not too confident when writing in the Roan kingdom's language
It is either neat and tidy because of her time as a princess or it looks like a doctor wrote it, no in-between.
Now I disappear for another three months
*poofs away magically*
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valdeswan · 10 months
My headcanon is that Cale taught himself how to wake up from nightmares without a physical reaction when he started sharing bed with the kids.
The first time, he woke up from his nightmares in panic and looked for a weapon that was not there, scaring the kids. He felt so guilty that now, when he wakes up, he just lies there, petrified and deadly silent, trying to convince himself that everything is okay.
Looking at the cellig, fighting the fear of the monsters that pursue him from his dreams with the warmth of the dragon and the weight of the cats
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fandomscatscomics · 2 months
God there is no way that cale did not write and read fanfiction. He was so projecting onto characters like we do to him. I bet he was already planning a Birth of a Hero fanfic while reading it. He can never reveal this in his new world for fear that someone will find out that he planned to write a OG!Choi Han & Reader fluff and slowburn romance fic with over 100k words. And I bet Kim rok soo discovered fanfic after a few months at earth 1 and started reading and writing it too. That's why he's mad at his bosses they interrupt his writing time.
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ringoahiru · 1 year
KRS!Cale headcanon (?):
Cale likes to eat flowers. Not vegetables, but flowers.
Beacrox: Young master, what are you doing?
Cale: *chewing happily* Eating a flower?
Beacrox: ... And why are you eating that?
Cale: ... Because it tastes good?
Beacrox: *is concerned but is also interested*
Back when he was Kim Rok Soo, when he still worked in a restaurant, he learned that some flowers are edible, some of them are even nutritious. So he tried them and started to like some of it. In the end, he bought books about flowers and tasted every flowers that he could possibly came across.
In the apocalypse, foods are really hard to find. So Kim Rok Soo suggested to his teammates that they should grow some flowers alongside with the vegetables. And they liked it a lot.
Even when he became Cale Henituse, he still has the habit of eating a flower when he comes across a type of flowers that he had never seen before. After he got the Vitality of the Heart, Cale is not even scared of being poison by flowers anymore.
Imagine everyone's face when they saw their young master just randomly picked up a flower and started eating it like it was nothing-
Cale's favourite flower (to eat) is dandelions. Because the petals have a mild honey flavor when it's still young, and also every parts of the dandelion are edible.
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youngyoo-apologist · 2 months
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Design HCs and stuff, I’m still learning how to draw noses and stuff but Deruth, Lily, and Cale all have high nose bridges that’s what I meant by nose shape
The extra stuff is just like design distinctions that wouldn’t be super obvious in a more detailed style buuut yeah
And the creepy smile is a Thames trait, they all have a scary smile I think it’s unavoidable if ur a Thames
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grimeye-j · 7 months
130 chapters into 'Trash of the Count's Family' and idk why but so far Cale feels very aroace to me for some reason.
Maybe I'm just projecting but reading the way he describes other people always feels like he experiences very strong aesthetic attraction but no romantic & sexual attraction at all.
He also just has immense 'aroace with the biggest found family in the world' vibes
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noxiousgrace · 26 days
TCF/LCF headcanon
Honestly one of my favourite headcanons i have so far about krs and og!cale is the fact they're both able to draw
I have explanations for both
The reason krs is able to draw:
During the cataclysm, a lot of methods of recording things became very scarce. (We see this during the sealed gods test when krs relies on the abilities of other people to record whatever they'll need for the future. Information about monsters, how to deal with them, etc.)
And I'm assuming electricity relies on ability users as well considering how devastating the cataclysm was to earth. It would be hard to maintain a power plant during the beginning whilst not knowing how to survive in the new ruined world, so charging devices are out of the question. As far as batteries go, they aren't permanent solutions either, and would run out eventually.
And relying on ability users isn't easy either, first of all getting a power specifically needed for this issue is a very rare occurrence and people on earth aren't sure how these abilities are assigned (they do have theories that it's related to the og persons personality, but I haven't seen any confirmations on this. And i haven't finished reading book 2 of lcf so if the answer is a spoiler from that half then correct me if I'm wrong)
And krs received the ability to record everything he sees and to never forget it, he has the perfect opportunity to make physical copies of information and the subsequent imagery. This would make information accessible to everyone else and also raise their chances of survival because they won't be taking blind shots in the dark in intense situations.
There isn't a reason why krs would refuse to learn how to draw and show everyone what to be wary of.
I don't think he would've learnt how to draw as a kid. Doodles before his parents passed away? Definitely. After moving in with his uncle and having to survive the abuse that followed it? Probably not. (But this doesn't negate the fact he could've tried drawing his parents so he wouldn't forget them, but the quality of his work would've upset him and he could've given up on that along with everything else)
Another reason is to have identification of deceased bodies. He remembers everything, and would easily identify any corpse out in the field as long as he'd seen that person before their death.
In case any of their records or pictures got lost krs would make a sketch and they'd frame it and use it if they were capable of holding any funeral or adding the portrait to the tombstone. (I definitely believe making portraits of LSH and CJS definitely hurt him emotionally)
Why og!cale is able to draw
I don't have a very extensive headcanon as to why og!cale can draw, but i find the idea that he doesn't want to forget his mothers face very endearing. Plus he's from an artisan family and would have to be artistic at some level (well, violan is the artistic one since she values sculptures i think, correct me if I'm wrong) so she could've tried teaching him how to draw and sculpt as a way to bond with him and not leave him as an outcast in his own family. (Maybe she saw his earlier sketches and found his frustration in being unable to replicate jours face and decided to give him tips)
And if they do have a big portrait of jour in the house I'd like to think it was painted by cale
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moonsoupstar-ao3 · 10 months
No one can convince me that Choi Jung Soo do not do the most stupid, childish and basic dick jokes ever and that his main target isn't Kim Rok Soo
I just know it in my veins, he's a man with a child humor, he would wake KRS up at 4am just to risk being kicked out of the house for the hahas
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morallygreyvillain · 3 months
TOTCF canon-divergence AU/headcanon where Choi Han develops Prosopagnosia (face-blindness) due to his trauma from the 'tens of years' spent in the Forest Of Darkness.
He doesn't realize this at first.
Its been so long since he'd seen another human face, he'd even forgotten the faces of his own family after loosing the only photo he had of them. His increased senses allow him to identify a person just by their breathing or their aura, so he doesn't even notice his inability to remember facial features or recognize expressions.
I imagine Cale/Rook Soo picked up on this but never brings it up as he rightfully infers it has to do with his trauma from the Forest of Darkness (though Cale-soo can be pretty dense so who knows it's a 50/50 shot)
As he begins to heal from his trauma and isolation while traveling with Cale and everyone he has these vague moments of carity where he experiences brief senses of recognition of expressions or features.
Like noticing the bright burning red of Cale or Rosalyn's hair during a sunset or in the light flames, or the young and innocent smile of Lark.
The first time he really experiences this earth shattering recognition and finally turlly "sees" someone's face is when he finds out that Cale is a fellow Korean. He suddenly just sees all of him and when he gets Choi Jung Soo's memories and he finally see's Kim Rook Soo's face he finally "Sees" Cales face aswell.
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alicehattera03 · 1 year
Cale's outfits
Cale in any and every outfit that shows even just a hint of skin:
Us and everyone else in the world suddenly becoming victorian men who would faint at the sight of an ankle:
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galaxygirl8880 · 8 months
Hugging head cannons :D
Cale: it's kind of tragic, how bad he is at hugging ppl back. He gets all stiff and awkward and doesn't know what to do with his hands. He will reluctantly hug back if they feel upset. Unless it's raon, ohn or hong hugging him. He's used to getting hugs from the kids. But he basically never hugs anyone else? Ppl just hug him.
Alberu: depends on the situation, me thinks. If it's some stuffy noble guy who he doesn't really like, its like an awkward professional hug. If you're Cale who just got back from doing something stupid, it's weirdly passive aggressive but also don't-do-that-again-pls-for-the-love-of-god hug. He's gotten plenty of affection from his aunt and the other dark elves so I think he's fine. Mildly touch starved maybe? Idk I'm indecisive.
Choi han: He holds on for a little too long, and a little too tight. Like he wants to make sure you're there.(Especially if your name starts with c and ends with ale)
Unless its a stranger, then let go or you will be sliced.
Raon, Ohn, Hong: I don't think they really like getting hugged by anyone but Cale? (He never starts it unless he thinks they're asleep, but they like hugging him.) I think it's iffy for them even if it's someone from their found family. Either they climb on you willingly or u pretty pls don't touch them.
Lock: He's pretty great at receiving and giving hugs. He's an older brother, what did you expect?
Rosalyn: I don't remember her backstory, someone help-
Edit: it's been decided that she is a great hugger. Gives warm older-sister hugs even if you're older.
Does this make sense?
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weirdsht · 2 months
Imagine Cale being with someone that is strong enough to help him but the damn problem is that they tower over him. A 5 inches if you will, how would that work?
Cale with someone stronger and taller than him
so basically more than half his group rn?
okay let's assume you're already part of his group, he'll still be wary of you
have you seen how he views strong people? It's either vicious (Choi Han) or an idiot (Toonka, Indomitable Ruler, etc.)
so yeah you have to work hard to reverse his perception of you (I would say it's easy if you're smart but um we all know Bud Illis...)
anyways! how about when you're together?
sometimes you'll intimidate him
especially when you accidentally tower over him at the most random times
but it's alright, he knows you mean no harm
it's not your fault you're freakishly tall (in his opinion)
if you're physically strong too then prepare to become a human carriage
you'll have to carry Cale a lot of time, especially during battles
speaking of battles
he trusts you
he'll worry a bit ofc but overall he knows you're strong enough to handle whatever mission he assigns you to
sometimes enemies will be like "well that's Cale's s/o surely it'll be his weakness" and try to go after you
Cale just laughs at them because he knows you can take of it even before he even hears of the situation
overall he feels his mind is more at ease when he's with you during battles
now back to something more domestic and that height of yours
whenever you're sleeping on the same bed you'll be the big spoon, he won't take no for an answer
sometimes when his super tired from doing whatever and you're sitting on a comfy chair he'll just slither where you are and lie down on you
curl up even, like a cat on your lap
when he first did this the children (except On) became concerned
but now they're use to it
power couple in public
especially during formal gatherings where Cale has his Dominating Aura on
your intimidating tall build and his presence? no one will dare to even approach
i low-key think it'll be funny if you turn out to have golden retriever energy
but that's up to you
oh Cale will use your height to scare off people he doesn't want to interact with
"yeah when we get there just stand behind me and make eye contact for 5 seconds"
Cale loves it!
he may or may have not tried using it on Alberu one time
to which the crown prince just laughs while handing you a cookie before assigning another job to Cale
all in all aside from the occasional heart attacks, Cale loves your height and you being strong
please just stop sneaking up behind him, he feels his lifespan shaving off every time you do
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