#cale was so scared but also
sadlynotthevoid · 6 months
Because of that dream I had (mentioned in this post), I headcanon that og!Cale's only fear that applies to himself are teachers. All his other fears implies other people being the one who suffers, but he's deeply scared of teachers.
He's teacher-phobic like some people are clown-phobic and like some little animals are afraid of humans. (Or I to spiders)
In my mind, that's the actual reason he abandoned his studies. He had a whole conversation prepared to convince his father that he could do self-study and have Ron or Hans test him every some months. He was so ready to have to present a whole list of arguments when he ditched his classes.
Instead, Deruth just agreed to it almost immediately. Cale was so shocked that he forgot to tell him about the self-study part.
A few days later, he heard some people talk about how "the young master's behaviour got worse and worse" and how "he refused to have any education at all". Then they mentioned how Bassen was so dedicated in comparison.
So he decided that this misunderstanding was quite useful and let it be.
Anyways, I headcanon this so strongly that sometimes I forget it's not canon.
Everytime I read a highschool AU where og!Cale is skipping classes, I'm like "yeah, I would do that too if I were him". Then I remember that that's not canon, not even in the fic. He's just keeping with his "trashy" persona.
(Although, if the fic doesn't contradict it, sometimes I keep going with my reason instead).
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slackershipper · 6 months
one of my favorites parts of chapter 416 is when cale acts cute for no reason:
Cale shouted while looking at Choi Han who took his sword out to fight for real.
Choi Han chuckled at Cale speaking Korean.
if you aren't too familiar with korean culture, let me tell ya this: when they say this, they also normally lift their hands in a fist, in a cheer kind of way. so when i read this, i couldn't help but imagine him doing the same.
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
random thought #1
You know...I had a sudden realization as I'm starting to re-read the novel so I can catch up to the second part (I'm getting really impatient and I just want to read more of their chaos).
Despite how easy he makes it seems, Cale's natural charisma is one of the reasons why a lot of people are quick to trust him.
Like imagine meeting all these distrustful characters (Molan father and son, Choi Han, the kids, Alberu, the dragons) and have them trust, follow, and care for you for the whole story? And he also handles them like it's a piece of cake? He's "scared" but he sometimes lets them get away with doing stuff like a tired old man. Like I know it's a thing that his friends and family are so done with him being a chaotic little shit who faints every few minutes but imagine being in his shoes and dealing with all these dangerous and equally chaotic little shits.
That's basically impossible. It's extremely hard to do the same thing he did. If it were another person, they won't even last a minute with them. They'll probably experience different kinds of trauma or death or worse.
And this guy is completely oblivious to it.
I mean, if you know his past as Kim Rok Soo, it makes a lot of sense but even then, I don't think he was in the right headspace to notice his charisma in his previous world. He's so in denial about himself even in this new world though and I honestly understand why some nobles were so scared of him. Sand Ailan was right. He's like a king.
At this point, I don't know who's babysitting who, especially if you remember the mess Choi Han and Mary did when he was away. Or when Rosalyn did something explosive. Or the kids. Or Ron. I guess it's because he's so extra in the way he does things that it kind of hides how crazy the rest of the characters are.
At best, Alberu, Beacrox, Bud, and Lock are the "normal" ones in the group if you can even call anyone "normal" in this story. You can't change my mind. Even Eruhaben doesn't count. He's also a little shit from time to time and he's proud of it.
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teriri-sayes · 2 months
Reactions to The Incomprehensible's Chapter 327
Brief summary: Cale's plate is broken. Source of the world saves Cale and repairs his plate. Cale briefly sees the true appearance of the ancient powers. Aipotu is revived.
We now had actual confirmation that Cale's plate was broken. Mila was cursing as she tried to fix it, but CH could tell that she was scared of Cale dying. Even CH felt helpless upon feeling Cale's body that was getting colder. Only Ron remained calm and wiped the blood off Cale's face.
Meanwhile, Cale's anger and annoyance at DHB's sacrifice was what kept Cale from losing consciousness. Fortunately, the Source of the World came to Cale's rescue, infusing him with the power of life, as well as using Cale as an air purifier... 😂
Amidst the brilliant pillar of light that enveloped him, Cale's body and plate was healed and upgraded??? The reactions of the ancient powers to Cale's upgrades were hilarious though. 🤣🤣🤣
SR: What? This, huh? This is getting bigger than I thought. Fire to VoH: Hey, hey! Youngest, if this continues, won't Cale's plate be in a problem? SEW: What problem! You piece of shit! It's a good thing! We're fighting gods, not dragons, so we need to strengthen it to this extent! Shield: Mmm. This tastes better than the source of the world. Everyone: silent at glutton's words Shield: munching the life power of the source of the world DA: …I'm scared…
Our poor cowardly DA, scared of all the APs... 😂😂😂
But during Cale's plate upgrade, he managed to get a glimpse of what the ancient powers looked like:
Vitality of the Heart - an elderly man with a sobbing face
Indestructible Shield (glutton priestess) - a woman who looks like a young girl
Sound of the Wind (the thief) - a middle-aged woman with both eyes closed
Fire of Destruction - A jovial, playful-looking young man
Sky-Eating Water - a woman with a pure impression but a disgruntled face
Super Rock - a hulking, rigidly built man who reminded one of a rock itself.
Unfortunately, DA never got a physical description. 🙁 And Wind seems to be taller than Shield because she patted Shield's head.
Air Purifier Cale's appearance though... 😂
There was Cale. And there was a great energy radiating out from him, a stream of light, a pillar of light, stretching out into the world. And the air was so refreshing, warm, cool, and clear, yet also cold, hot, and chilling. It was like- "Yes. This is nature." Heavenly Demon said to himself as he looked at the marvelous sight. Then he heard the voice of a man in his ear. "The world-" No. "It's returning." His enemy, the dragon, gasped. "The world is returning to normal." I didn't have to hear the voice to know it. The world is being redefined. A return to the way things should be. It could only mean one thing. Something they wanted so badly. The white snake of the beast people, Wisha, cried out, unable to contain her excitement. "The world is coming to life!" Aipotu is coming back to life. And we live, too. No, we can live more. In this place.
Is this the birth of God Cale's legend? The birth of Caleism in Aipotu? And with Cale rejuvenating Aipotu, will he be known as some sort of creator god? 😂
Clopeh-nim, where are you? Are you recording this now? Please record it! Cale is now one more step closer to godhood! Slacker life? What's that? 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Ah, the flags of God Cale keeps multiplying. 😂 Next chapter will be about the aftereffects of Cale and the source of the world's actions. The Aipotu arc is finally reaching its end.
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d10nsaint · 1 year
-> Kim Dokja & Cale Henituse with a reincarnated! reader
saintspeaks;“I SLITHERED HERE FROM EDEN JUST TO SIT OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR”-Hozier. JAIDJSKADJ I LOVE THIS SONF OMFG. Also, the ‘you’ in the Kim Dokja x reader only read twsa, but the ‘you’ in the Cale x reader read tcf.
Kim Dokja
A reader of TWSA is all you were — well, one of the two committed readers. You werent supposed to read it, in fact, you stumbled apon it on a sad friday night. But when you met Kim Dokja, the lone reader, you realized why you were never supposed to touch that story.
You’d only survived this far because you binge-read the chapters, and had your handy phone with a save file of the story!
You were living quite comfortably in the apocalypse, traveling alone because you couldnt commit to a group. You knew that the moment that danger came towards you and the group you’d abandon them, so traveling alone was the best option.
Until you were traveling in the underground subway and came across Yoo Junghyuk— the main character himself.
The only thing that happened between you two was a harsh glare met with ice-cold eyes in response.
The only thing that you were thinking was, ‘you dont scare me, bitch.’
And he just stormed off.
You hadnt thought much of the encounter—in fact, you never wanted to meet him again. But, of course, fate just had to have you two cross paths again. But, this time he had a companion with him.
And lord, was he the most handsome man you’d ever seen— even though you could barely make out his facial features.
But he’d never been in the novel. An he seemed just as surprised by your appearance too — because you didn’t have a sponsor, and you’re too strong and seem too knowledgeable for an average person.
The idea of you being the other reader lingers in his mind— but he quickly dismissed the thought as he kept walking past you, following Yoo Junghyuk.
Cale Henituse
You were a normal girl who reincarnated into a noble Lady from a small kingdom in the Western Continent. Since you reincarnated into such a small kingdom, you had no reason to change the story unless it came charging at you.
…and it did.
You visited Lady Amiru in the Ubarr territory.(bad idea number 1)
The moment you started talking to her about using a boat to sail at night, a wolf-looking guy came charging at you, screaming about smelling ‘strong’. You’d never done any training or fighting, and only acted like how a normal noble lady should in these kinds of stories. But, you realized he wasnt looking at you, but behind you. And guess who was behind you?
Cale Henituse—who was hiding behind a rock????
You’d recently been reincarnated so you didnt know much, but what you did know was that some things had changed. One of those things? Cale Himself.
You avoided the Henituse house like the plague— if you got too close to Cale, you’d get tangled up in the story, and you couldnt have that. Excusing yourself the moment you saw the fiery red hair, you ran off of the sandy beach to the room lady Amiru let you use during your stay.
Cale was extremely confused—who the hell were you? why were you here? did you know about the ancient powers? Why did you need a boat?
He let out a deep sigh, wondering why he just keeps walking into trouble—he could just feel you being another wall between him and his slacker life.
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yuriisclumsy · 5 months
Hi im still not sure if this is how you request😅😅
But can you please write a scenario about a reader who is very flirty with cale and always having a way to insert flirty lines into their conversation while cale just ignores it (secretly liking it) but one day he had enough and responds to a flirty line that the reader just said which leads to the reader being shocked. Also bonus if the fam also actually sees it HAHAHAHA
Thanks for reading🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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Who's The Teaser Now?
»»►In this scenario I like to think [Name] has been a servant of Cale’s for years. Like, she saw him when the two were teens , and was like “Well damn, hot momma. You lookin’ fine tonight,” like a high school girl drooling for her crush. And the rest is history.
»»►Having [Name] flirt with you for YEARS makes you unreactive to her remarks; immune to any of her advances. But one day, because he was feeling festive, he decided to reply to one of [Name]’s many flirty lines.
»»►And let me tell you. [Name]. Was. SHOCKED. Pikachu style.
»»►Now we jump to the present.
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Cale was on his way to relax in Heris Village, where his villa resided, after the battle with Arm in the Hais Islands. Only to have it disturbed not even two minutes into the carriage ride back to the Henituse Territory, by none other than [Name] the Simp.
She first started soft, asking if he was alright after the battle: “You didn’t get injured, right?” To: “Well, just WHO would even hurt such a refined gentleman such as yourself, Oh young and handsome Master Cale?”
Now Cale was starting to get pissed. He just wanted a nice, AND QUITE, ride back. But no, he just had to hear your annoying voice…. 
Oh. An idea just crossed his mind.
Let’s see if this will resolve his problem, even if there is a possibility of it backfiring. 
“Y’know Master Cale, every girl in the Henituse Territory is now DYING to see your pretty face. Especially after getting that fancy title of yours. A title, which I must say, is rather fitting of you, young master. Honestly, I’m so lucky that I can just admire it whenever you call me. If you asked me to marry you I wouldn’t even think for a second and just say yes. Truly, a dream come true!” [Name] was making his, On’s, Hong’s, and Raon’s ears fall off with how much she was talking.
Ah! Wait a second. This was the perfect opportunity! 
“Oh yeah?” Cale started, “If I were to fall on my knee and ask you for your hand, would you accept in a heartbeat?” He asked as one curious gaze and two unsure gazes fell on him.
[Name] just looked at Cale, unsure at why he was asking. Usually he just orders her to do something to get her away, or simply ignores her altogether.
“Uhh-uhh..yeah?” She answered.
“Then you don’t mind if I do this then,” he said, getting down on one knee in the moving carriage. 
At this point [Name]’s eyes were wide, almost to the point they might pop out her sockets.
Cale took her right hand and looked up to meet her eyes. With a wide smile he asked, “[Name] [Last Name], will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive, and give me your hand in marriage?” He finished.
The children looked at him like he had a loose screw. Had he finally a lost it after not getting a break to be a slacker? Was this his limit? [Name] had an unreadable expression. Almost concerning.
Did I go too far? Cale asked in his head while assessing her expression. What scares me the most is that she isn’t saying anything cheezy inturn, a sweat drop apparent in his face, falls.
A screeching yell was heard from inside the compartment. The carriage stopped and those outside came running to aid–in what their opinion was a threat–those inside the carriage.
“Young Master Cale! Is everyone alright?! What happened—!?” Choi Han asked in a hurry, swinging the door of the carriage wide open, sword in hand. Only to see Cale kneeling on the floor of the carriage with a [Name] crunched up on the corner of the seat opposite to the door.
What happened? 
All everyone could see was a girl that looked like she was dying slowly in a corner, and a young Master that probably fell from his seat after the carriage suddenly stopped. 
To not make things more awkward, Cale spoke.
“Ah, you guys,” he got their attention, “go back. [Name] just saw a bug. So there is no need to worry.” He skillfully lied, sitting back up.
“...if you insist,” getting a hesitant response from Choi Han, and some worried looks from the others. 
All the while Ron is just smiling in the back. We all know he knows what happened.
Going back to their positions, the carriage started moving again. Only this time, it was quiet. Just how Cale liked it. He looked at the source of the blissful peace to see the girl still in a crouched up position.
“Huff, where did that ‘say yes in a heartbeat’ go?” Cale asked the girl, getting that last remark for his triumph.
In response, all he heard was a muffled “Shut up…!” from her.
Red hues adorned her ears, indicating she was blushing. She was trying so hard to hide her face with her arms and legs too.
How cute.
No wonder [Name] enjoyed doing this to him, being the one on the teaser end is certainly amusing.
He smiled, looking out the window, deciding not to tease her anymore to save her from more embarrassment.
He should turn this into a hobby after seeing that expression on her face.
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Hello, lovelies! I hope you enjoy this. Surprisingly I wrote this in two days...fascinating.
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @ru8yx. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family for more updates.
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ringoahiru · 1 year
KRS!Cale headcanon (?):
Cale likes to eat flowers. Not vegetables, but flowers.
Beacrox: Young master, what are you doing?
Cale: *chewing happily* Eating a flower?
Beacrox: ... And why are you eating that?
Cale: ... Because it tastes good?
Beacrox: *is concerned but is also interested*
Back when he was Kim Rok Soo, when he still worked in a restaurant, he learned that some flowers are edible, some of them are even nutritious. So he tried them and started to like some of it. In the end, he bought books about flowers and tasted every flowers that he could possibly came across.
In the apocalypse, foods are really hard to find. So Kim Rok Soo suggested to his teammates that they should grow some flowers alongside with the vegetables. And they liked it a lot.
Even when he became Cale Henituse, he still has the habit of eating a flower when he comes across a type of flowers that he had never seen before. After he got the Vitality of the Heart, Cale is not even scared of being poison by flowers anymore.
Imagine everyone's face when they saw their young master just randomly picked up a flower and started eating it like it was nothing-
Cale's favourite flower (to eat) is dandelions. Because the petals have a mild honey flavor when it's still young, and also every parts of the dandelion are edible.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Another yapping session lol, I haven't done this in a while. Omfg tho, I didn't mean for this thing to be as long as I made it. I'm sorry shfgsidfhsfjgsdlg
By clicking read more you will be subjected to novel spoilers and my messy long rant about LoTCF. This is your warning.
I've thought about this for a long time but LoTCF is a fix-it novel. Not sure if someone thought about the same thing or if they have talked about it yet. But I've felt this way ever since I read about Kim Rok Soo's life.
After realising what he went through and just how hard his life is made me realise why he does the things he does. Why he has such a mindset. Why he values the little things other people would not even think about.
It made even more sense after hearing how he was collateral damage from the White Star's curse. How he can't hold the things he deemed dear close to him as he will always be bound to lose it. To lose them.
Lastly, it made me realise why the novel seems all sunshine and rainbows in the long run. Sure, there are angsty moments. Some moments and arcs made me bawl for weeks on end. Made me feel as though my heart was being ripped out of my chest (Looking at you earth lore). However, at the end of it all everyone on Cale's side is okay. It's like watching one of those old-school shonen animes where you know everyone will save the day with the power of friendship.
And I know I'm not the only one who noticed that. I saw a lot of discourse about how the series would be more interesting if someone actually died. If a lot was on the line. Something like ORV.
And omg does it piss me off so much.
Because once again LoTCF is a fix-it novel.
It's a novel about starting again. About Cale finally being able to hold and protect the things dear to him.
That's why it wouldn't make sense for him to lose more.
Plus, I genuinely think that if he loses one more thing important to him (non-material ofc) that would be his last straw. He has already been through so much. And it was because of something he didn't even have a clue about. Something he essentially had no business with if White Star just wasn't a greedy mfer.
I think some people also forget or doesn't realise the fact that this is also Cale's last chance. Like Ron and Choi Han who has lost their families several times and deemed their new group as their last chance. Their last family.
It's the same for Cale.
He already lost his biological parents. He already lost his brothers.
He can't lose his new family too.
That's why no one can die.
Despite that, as a reader, I am scared though. Scared at the lengths he's willing to go to protect his family.
Because this man has no self-preservation skills despite him always saying he has no plans of getting hurt or dying. I mean, I can't blame him for not knowing his worth. His life has been shit. He always had to go above and beyond to try and grasp the things he wanted only for them to still slip away from his fingertips. Like he's trying to collect running water with open palms.
And until now, even without the curse, he does the same thing. Because it's what he's used to. Maybe he subconsciously thinks that if his efforts dwindle a little he'll lose everything again. Not fully comprehending that it's fine now. That it's okay for him to breath a little.
Anyway, my point is I'm scared that at some point Cale will try to protect everyone and everything at his own cost. Will try to convince himself that he will be fine when he won't be. I mean I've already heard spoilers from book 2 and heard that's what seems to be happening right now.
I'm just scared that a point will come where Cale won't be able to come back from the decisions he makes in the name of protecting his family.
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youngyoo-apologist · 6 months
I will never forget how like most of the TCF cast never got to have proper childhoods, OG!Cale, Kim Roksoo, Choi Han, Choi Jung-gun, Alberu, Ohn, Hong, Beacrox, etc
Like most of these guys were either
A. Fighting for their lives(Choi Han, CJG, Alberu, Ohn, Hong)
B. Actively on the path to self destruction(OG!Cale)
Or just like having an awful time in general. Like it’s really sad how for a long time, none of them could actually act or be like kids due to the environment they were in.
Alberu being royalty and having to hide things about himself, and probably avoid assassination and kidnapping attempts since he was young.
Kim Roksoo and how he lost his parents at a young age and was abused by his uncle.
Ohn and Hong having to run away because the Cat tribe mistreated them, and they had to survive on their own.
Choi Han being taken away from his family and fighting alone for over a century in the dark forest where he had no one but himself and the monsters that wanted him dead to keep him company.
Choi Jung-gun also being taken away from his family, and losing people who took care of him again, along with like living a thousand years going through who knows what + whatever the hell the god of death made him do.
Beacrox losing his entire family except his father when he was no older than fifteen, and immediately having to live on the run right after.
OG!Cale taking it upon himself to protect his family, and essentially destroying himself because he didn’t know what else to do.
I think about Ohn a lot, like the fact that she was what, nine, maybe ten years old when she had to run away with Hong and make sure they were both okay. The fact that she was protecting him and herself at the same time, the way that she couldn’t ever play around or have fun when she was growing up because she had to make sure they were both okay. She took on as much as she could for Hong because that’s her baby brother and she loves him more than anything.
OG!Cale and Ohn and like, how they both did everything they could for their younger siblings, ohhhhhhh I’m crying I’m crying I’m crying donnttt even look at me rn
Also Hong and Basen, like being the little brother who watches your older sibling take on burdens alone and you want to help but at the same time your your sibling tells you it’s okay and that you should just focus on yourself… When the trope is older sibling(or family figure in general) taking care of younger siblings and they make sacrifices for them, I’m not crying, what do u mean? I actually do not care. At all. Not . One. Bit.
ALSO LOCKKK , TBoaH Lock they could never make me hate you I don’t care if you were annoying, whiney and a coward, if I was you I would be annoying, whiney and a coward too… he’s just thirteen and he lost all his family, obviously he was too scared to go out of hiding, ANYONE would be scared, he was just a young boy and he lost everything. He found people who cared for him, but he lost the person who resembled his uncle and that’s really when his world fell apart. It must have felt like the whole world was against him, that Lock could never have any family ever again.
Like I can imagine he’d probably have this underlaying fear when it came to Choi Han and Rosalyn,
“what if I lose them too?”
Maybe he hated himself for being a coward, for hiding, for not doing anything… maybe he hated himself even more because when he lost Pendrick, he wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to stop cowering and hide when there’s danger. The battle between wanting to be cared for and protected because the world is just too much and wanting to fight back and help because he doesn’t want to lose anyone else
This just makes me think about TBoaH timeline more oh it’s so tragic and sickening I cried
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sadlynotthevoid · 2 months
LCF AU in which Og!Cale, ever since he was a kid, can understand aquatic creatures. Not only the normal animals, not only the magic ones, but also the lake spirits that live in the forest near his home, the youkai that hides in the Ubarr territory's coast, the ghosts haunting a pirate ship, the undines he saw when his mom took him in a trip, all of them.
So, when he feels the lake spirit calling him one night in the bar, he stops mid-sentence, tilts his head to listen and leaves.
Once he reaches the lake— the dangerous one, not the poisoned one— the lady herself comes out to the surface to meet him. Long, translucid water snakes surround her and move in front of her, carrying a giant bubble with them.
"She worked hard for this life of yours."
The bubble floated towards the shore.
"So take good care of them. Prove him she was right."
His hand touched the sphere.
"Gods. Our Sea Goddess may not be a major god, but she's loyal and her love is as endless as the ocean. She won't allow the last with her blessing to be stepped on so easily."
That night Cale learned that his ability was a gift. A sign of the blessing that held his family once upon a time.
As soon as the lake spirit submerged again and the waters calmed down, the bubble exploded. It was a good thing that Cale had always been a creative mind, because he doesn't know how he would had managed to carry three men down through the mountain otherwise.
He only wanted to drink, cause a little fuss to ban himself from the next noble event. Why was that when he finally was starting to feel drunk for once— well, maybe he did wanted to get drunk this time, it had been a hard week, ok?— the universe threw him a new task.
Now he was trapped building a semi-sleigh with three unconscious men at his side. It just had to be Tuesday.
Back at the bar,
Cale: Harris Village? Why should my fa— *goes still*
Choi Han: (His fa?)
Cale: *tilts his head, brows furrowed in concentration* Huh. *Leaves*
Choi Han: ...what happened?
Bartender: The fuck I know. The Lord's castle is right at the end of that path. If there's something to report, go there and talk to the guards or Hans, the butler.
Choi Han: Thanks.
Bartender: Now get off if you're not going to drink. You're scaring my customers.
Beacrox, hiding in the shadows: *confused assassin noises*
[After Choi Han leaves]
Bartender: Phew.
Waitress: You okay, boss?
Bartender: I feel like I lost half of my life. Who enters into a shop holding a sword and covered in blood? Youth this days.
Waitress: I'm mostly relieved the young master left when he did. He had that look in his eyes, again.
Bartender: *gets stiff* Thanks grandma in the heavens. I'd have to close if that punk was killed here.
Waitress: Oh shush. You love him.
Bartender: He's a noisy punk. He comes, drinks some bottles, breaks something and then he's gone again. He's part of the bar routine at this point.
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cruzerforce4256 · 3 months
I'm feeling like writing lately, so I've thought of a scenario where the reader, who always jokes about their friends, will court Cale to the ends of the earth if ever they get isekaid into TCF (lol, this is me to my friends; they are really concerned at this point). Then some god heard this and was like, Alright, bet. They send the reader to the TCF world as a personal maid of Cale for fun and tell them that they need to make Cale fall in love with them before the story ends (just part 1), or else they will go back to their world with all of their memories about Cale gone. 
So in order for Cale to feel a bit relaxed around them, they told him that they were from a different world and read 'The Birth of the Hero' instead of the TOTCF since we all know Cale will faint if that really happens. They also told him that they felt like he was the same as them because of the changed attitude he was showing recently, and with him going out to feed the dying tree basically confirms it.
Their conversation be like:
Cale: I'll just let you know that I don't plan on getting involved with the protagonists and the war.
Reader whose laughing their ass off inside: Great me too! I'll just stay as your personal maid since I don't want to get involved with all the drama. ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
So Cale became a bit more relaxed than before after knowing that they are on the same page then the reader started throwing their cringy pick up lines to him.
Reader: Young master, are you a bank loan?
Cale: *ignores them and continues relaxing on the couch while reading a book and petting the sleeping children*
Reader: Because you have my interest, and I'm willing to pay the high cost.🥰🥰
Cale looked at them with eyebrows furrowed: I'm literally the one paying you to work how are you going to give me a large sum of money
Reader: *Gasps exaggeratedly" does that mean you have an interest in me.
Cale: Go take your meds.
Later on, the reader confesses to cale that they love him, but although Cale is feeling something towards the reader at that time, he is not sure what it is. He isn't really sure if they just see them as a close family who they trust the most or something more than that, and if it is, he is scared of the possibility that something might happen to them, especially with the war going on. So he rejected the reader.
The reader accepted it and told him that he didn't need to reciprocate their feelings, but that doesn't mean that they will give up. They always give him flowers when he wakes up, always stand by his side, supporting him, and, of course, always throw pick-up lines at him. And slowly but surely, cale became clear with his feelings for them, but he still didn't want to confess because of the fear that something might happen.
As his feelings grew clearer and deeper, the reader's time became shorter and shorter. Though they truly love him and want to be with him, they don't want to force him to love them. When they only had a few months left, they started distancing themselves bit by bit from everyone, especially Cale. 
But Cale is observant; he notices how the reader doesn't throw cringy pick-up lines as much as before, which he didn't know was a blessing or not since their pick-up lines were cringy most of the time. On the other hand, it makes his heart flutter. He also notices how they don't really play much with the kids anymore, no longer cheering the wolf kids on the sidelines while they train as much as before, no longer going out with Rosalyn, Mary, and Hannah as much as before, and no longer teasing Beacrox with Choi Han whenever you are together as much as before (I just want to add the last part, lol).
He is suspicious, and Bud, who just wanted to visit, sees him always looking at you and teases him, saying, "You know, if you don't confess now someone might take them.". 
He just gives Bud an irritated look, but deep inside he is panicking. Is this why you don't interact with everyone as much as before? Who is it? Is he worthy of you? Do you know him well enough?
So he confronts the reader if they like someone else in which they just laugh at him, telling him that he is the only one they like. But when he asked about how the reader doesn't interact with them as much as before, they told him that it was nothing and they were always feeling tired lately.
So Cale forced them to have a paid leave. While they were on that he made a plan to confess to the reader after everything is clear. No more possible threats to their lives and just them slacking off with the whole calefam.
When the day finally arrives he can't sleep and just waits for the reader to come to his room to wake him up. As he waits, he reviewed the plan in his mind again and again to make sure that everything goes right and to lessen his nervousness. He is going to take them out in the afternoon in disguise of checking the improvements of the harris village and when the night comes, he will invite them to eat dinner and confess.
Time flies, and it is finally afternoon. He stares at the door, waiting for the reader to come in with a loud noise to wake him up. But hours came, and you were still not there. Feeling restless, he called for Ron. When the scary butler is finally by his side, he asks where the reader are, but Ron also doesn't know. His heart started to pound. He feels like something is wrong.
He got up off his bed and walked straight to the reader's room. As he opens the door he notices a paper sitting on the top of the bed. His heart pounded more heavily as he walks towards the bed and grabs the paper.
He notices that it is a letter from the reader dedicated to him. In this letter, they told him the whole truth about how the book they read is actually the trash of the count's family not the birth of the hero and how they were a huge fan of him. They also state how they love him so much and they always tell their friends about it which led to a god hearing it and sending them into this world.
After reading it, he immediately ordered everyone to look for the reader and for saint jack and cage to come. The letter didn't state where the reader is but knowing that a god put them in this world means that the god had a deal with them.
His mind goes through a lot of questions. Where are they? Which god did they make the deal with? What is the deal that they made with that god? Are they safe? What are the conditions of the deal? Everybody is restless looking for them everywhere
Saint jack and cage finally came with Hannah. Though confused, Cage told him what the God of Death said to her before she came to the villa, GoD said that some god wants to talk to him and to not worry because GoD will be there to facilitate the meeting.
Hearing this, cale immediately told them what's going on while the kids stayed closer to him in order to help calm him down.
Knowing that the god that wants to meet him is the same god that you made a deal with, he agreed to talk to them. When he told the others about this, he suddenly fainted.
Waking up, he saw the GoD looking at him apologetically for making him suddenly faint. Besides GoD is the god that you made a deal with.
Although he is irritated with the GoD for making him suddenly faint he is more worried about you. He immediately asked where you are and what the deal is about.
And though that god wanted to tease him a bit, he decided against it after seeing his glare. The god just smirked and told him all about the deal.
Hearing this made cale devastated. He is too late. If only he confessed sooner instead of making them wait..........If only he became more clear with his feelings sooner...... If only he accepted your feelings the moment they confessed to him.........
There's a lot of what if in his mind.
Seeing him devastated and a lot of regret the god also offers him the same deal he gave to the reader. This time he is the one who will go to the reader's world and is given with the same amount of time that they spend in his. His condition is that needs to make them fall for him even without all their memories about him. If he manages to do so then they get to go back to his world with the reader who have all their their memories back but if he doesn't then he goes back alone and the reader will forever forget everything about him. Though the god wanted to add more consequences if cale isn't successful, he decided not to since he doesn't want to anger the God of Death more for hurting GoD's beloved child.
Cale immediately accepted the deal
This time he is the one who will come to them. This time is the one who will make them fall for him
Note: i'm not really good at writing so sorry for the errors 😅😅 but i still want to share to you guys this scenario that i've just imagine and damn imagining it is 100000% easier than writing it😭😭😭
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we-stan-cale · 6 months
This is definitely spoilers for tcf part 1, just saying.
I keep thinking about how Cale handled the calebab situation.
In particular his friends suspected something was up, and asked him about it. He told them most of it, but chose not to mention that he needed to stab himself in the heart in order to defeat the White Star.
Of course the World Tree told him that he wouldn't die, and that it would even be beneficial for him. But still. Stabbing. In the heart.
And Cale's thought process when he decided to hide that was interesting.
Because he knew, if he told them, that one of two things would happen. They would either insist on finding another way (and who knows how hard it would be to defeat the White Star while they looked for an alternative?) or they would insist on being there while he did it.
And he didn't want them to see such a gruesome sight.
I... Can kind of see his reasoning. And yet in deciding to keep that knowledge, to not even let them have the choice, it shows... Something.
A lack of trust? A level of consideration that fails to see why his friends and allies would rather see such a gruesome sight, than discover he did something like that without even telling them?
If you finished part 1 then you know that his plan to take care of things on his own failed. And failed miserably. Rather than finding a place where he could stab himself and then the White Star in private, it was all put on display by the temple... And even caught on video by Clopeh. And poor Choi Han made it out just in time to see it too.
But if he had succeeded at keeping it secret, would that really have been okay?
Yes, he was fine. Even better than fine. But still. Stabbed himself. In the heart.
And because he knew he only had a short period of time before the White Star would recover from escaping the seal and be able to fight (and that it'd be worse to fail at the stabbing and have to try again), he did it with no hesitation.
I also keep remembering some of what he said about his own scars. Some of it's the hypocrisy we all know he has, where Mary and Hannah should be able to show their scars proudly... But he considered his disgusting, and always wore long sleeves and covered them. Even if using his Record ability to the point that he overheated.
I think some of that is that he saw his scars as a sign of failure? But he also said something else about them.
However, Cale was quite relieved as he undid his buttons. He could not undo his buttons nor pull up his sleeves in front of his subordinates when he was Kim Rok Soo, no matter how hot and sweaty he became. He didn’t want to show them the scars on his body. It’s not like they were anything to be proud about. It would just scare the people who were doing the same jobs as him.
Cale looked down at his body that was now visible and started to think. ‘…This is nice.’ This body did not have any scars. Even if it did, the Vitality of the Heart would quickly get rid of them. That was good. Scars were records as well. Terrible records. It was better if those disappeared. It would only cause pain to those watching and those nearby as well.
He thought his scars would scare them. Not only that, but he knew they were a reminder that hurt the people around him to see.
(I love our boy, but he has issues).
Probably because it was a reminder that he got hurt protecting them, and not something they'd want him to hide...
But we all know he's dense when it comes to things like that. It does seem like he noticed that they were pained by the scars.
So he chose to hide them.
I think calebab was something similar. He was trying to protect them from that type of pain, and in the process hurt them far worse.
But then again - did he have a duty to tell them? I mean, it's not a good thing to do as a friend, but it was kind of his choice to make...
Well. He did what he did, and he completely failed to hide it, and to there's now a few underlying trust issues that they got a bit too busy in part 2 to really address. Yet.
I suspect it'll come up again at some point though.
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
In defense of Ron Molan
Since I already wrote a post about Deruth, I'm going to make one for Ron as well because I'm absolutely confused why some readers hate him too.
Fair warning once again, if you haven't read or finished the first volume of TCF, please be prepared for SPOILERS. Thanks!
So...this is going to be a long post too. Be prepared lmao
Isekai and Abandonment
Like with Deruth, the most common thing some readers hate about Ron, is how he abandoned OG Cale and didn't seem to notice a difference when Cale and Kim Rok Soo got swapped.
Like I mentioned in my post about Deruth, please put yourself in their shoes before criticizing or hating them. Imagine this.
You noticed that a friend or family of yours, someone who you know for how many years, suddenly changed. The changes aren't obvious. There are some parts of their personality that are still them and some that have changed. What would you first think?
Transmigration? Long lost twin? Clone? Possession? No. The first thing you'll probably think is they have a problem that they can't tell you or maybe they just want to change. You'll be confused but you won't think too much about it. It happened but what are you gonna do about it? Ask them? And if they don't tell you why, would you push for it? Maybe you'll continue to watch and see if you'll find something incriminating but it won't ever answer your questions unless the other person talks.
So is Ron at fault for not noticing this after serving OG Cale since he was a baby (and changed his diapers lmao)?
Yes and no.
He should've asked Cale, former KRS, more about the topic. He should've pushed because he's an assassin. It's his job to know more. But he didn't push because there is some truth to Cale's first impression of Ron.
He cares for OG Cale but it's not enough for him to leave behind his thirst for revenge and completing his goals. And in all honesty, I find it logical for him to leave OG Cale to join Choi Han in TBoaH.
He lost his whole family to Arm, with only Beacrox as his reminder of what he lost. He was accepted as a butler for the Henituse family but that doesn't mean he forgot his past as an assassin. He'll always be an assassin and he'll leave behind whatever attachments he has depending on how useful that attachment is.
He only stayed in TCF because OG Cale was replaced with Kim Rok Soo. He was intrigued but not enough to completely leave his mission. It only changed when Cale got angry when he lost his arm and helped him gain a new one. He now owes Cale a debt.
Before, he owes the Henituse family a debt because they gave him a place where he and his son can hide in. He repaid that by being their butler and possible protector from other assassins or danger (tbh I dunno if they know he's an assassin). Still, his mind is focused on any opportunity to find and kill the organization that ruined his life. So it was easy for him to leave when he first noticed the connection Choi Han has with Arm.
Saying he abandoned Cale because he doesn't care is not completely wrong but it's also not completely right. He has layers. (Like Shrek and his onion lmao)
Lemon tea and Scary butlers
Another reason why some readers don't like Ron is, funnily enough, because of the lemon tea that he keeps giving Cale. And because he scares Cale.
Lemon tea? Seriously?
Some say Cale hates it and Ron keeps giving the drink. They say it shows that he doesn't care about his master and that he disrespects him. And yet, here I am just finding this absolutely hilarious.
Personally, I don't like tea so I understand why Cale doesn't like lemon tea. But I just see this interaction with Ron as a comedic relief and them bonding in their weird way. Sure, it gets repetitive, but after looking up what benefits a person gets from drinking lemon tea and knowing all the mess Cale gets into 24/7, it's pretty tame that lemon tea is the only thing he gives to Cale. These two are so emotionally stunted but that doesn't mean Cale will stay quiet if he truly doesn't like the tea Ron keeps giving him.
He's the master and Ron is the butler. Ron and Beacrox are both loyal to him. He can order Ron to stop giving him lemon tea anytime he wants. He talked down stupid nobles and priests for worse things they did and didn't do (because of Mary). I don't believe he can't tell Ron that he's being disrespectful to Cale as his butler.
If your reason is Cale is too scared of Ron to tell him to stop, then I think you don't understand their dynamic.
Cale finds everyone, not just Ron, scary. He finds the kids scary. He finds Choi Han scary. He finds the Whale Tribe scary. They're OP and can kill him before he can blink. And yet he's very close to all of them.
Ron scares him because Ron is an assassin and is very good at his job. And honestly? A normal person would be scared of Ron. But the difference is, Cale is not normal and he can also kill anyone if he wants to (are his ancient powers and skills he gained as KRS decoration to you guys?). Him being "scared" is him being respectful of Ron's abilities. He acknowledges Ron's strength but also finds the way he smiles when he can kill someone, "scary" (understandable).
So no, the whole lemon tea thing and him being scared of Ron that he can't tell him to stop giving the stupid tea doesn't make sense as a reason for hating or disliking Ron.
Oh, and last thing.
Ron actually gave Cale a sweet tea once early in the novel. I think it was before the war and Cale was stressed with a lot of things, including maintaining the shield around the territory. So...yeah, he shows concern for Cale in his own twisted way.
Again, layers.
That's my opinion about the matter. In short, Ron is a human being who can be selfish and dangerous. He's a person who has emotions despite being an assassin. He has his own goals. It's not that hard to understand him.
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teriri-sayes · 11 days
Reactions to The Incomprehensible's Chapter 349
Brief summary: Cale talks more with GoD. Alberu meets Cale in the game.
Today was a funny chapter, with Cale planting another flag and Alberu going crazy over his dongsaeng's antics. 😂
Cale talked about his conversation with GoD, and how he planned to steal GoC's divine item or create a new non-attribute divine item. Everyone just nodded to his words, making Cale think that he communicated it well to them.
Of course, our oblivious Cale did not realize they were silent because they were scared of him who casually talked to a god or spoke of stealing and creating divine items as if it was nothing... 😂😂😂
Next up was Cale's talk with GoD:
Cale: You know I've been to the Demon Realm, right? GoD: Yes. I know. What happened? Cale: I take it you haven't heard from CJS? GoD: Yes. Not yet. Cale: I created a cult of GoC in the Demon Realm. GoD: … GoD: What? What nonsense is that? What the heck did you do there? Cale: FYI, the group's name is Arm. GoD: … GoD: That name is very useful.
Why do I feel that GoD and Alberu are similar after this conversation? 🤣🤣🤣
GoD cautioned Cale to not be found out as the mastermind because the current Demon King was smart and powerful. He also explained why there were few religious groups in the Demon Realm.
The demon race awaited for what they called the "Demon God", and treated whoever sat on the DK position as a potential Demon God. So most religious groups in the Demon Realm laid low as to not offend the DK who could become the Demon God.
Meanwhile, our Cale...
GoD: You know what I'm worried about? It's fine to cause discord, but it will be complicated if you get caught as the mastermind. The current DK is quite smart. Cale: As long as I don't get caught, it's fine. And if I get caught, I just have to avoid going to the Demon Realm, right? GoD: Huh? Cale: Isn't it hard for the DK to descend? Even gods have a hard time descending? GoD: Yes, that's right. Cale: Good. I'll just take care of my business with the hunters and return home to live quietly. I'll rest. No matter what. GoD: … Cale: So, there's no need to get involved with the Demon Realm. GoD: … Uh… Okay… Cale: (He looks convinced. Okay, let's talk about the next topic.)
Ah yes, it's the FLAG right there! 🚩🚩🚩 Cale, GoD didn't look convinced. 😂 He just gave up on you who planted a flag but wants to rest. 🤣🤣🤣
Cale asked for help regarding portals between worlds, and GoD agreed to help... after he was done with his work. We got another scene of Cale genuinely feeling sorry for GoD and trying to cheer him up. 😂
It's Alberu's turn now!
Alberu: This is driving me crazy. Alberu: *recalls Cale's message to him* Cale's message: I don't think I can return to Roan right away. So let's meet in the game, Your Highness. I'll be waiting. - Cale Henituse. Alberu: You dare… summon a crown prince?
Alberu's classic line is here! And Cale's disrespect is back too! The subject summoning the crown prince? 🤣🤣🤣
Alberu: *arrives at the entrance of the 7th Evil dungeon* Dark Bear: *waiting for him at the entrance* Alberu: !!! Alberu: *reads the NPC title* Alberu: (Final Boss?!) Dark Bear: Hmm… You match the description. Are you Alberu Crossman? Alberu: *nods* Dark Bear: *smiles brightly* Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm the Final Boss, the Vicious Dark Bear who serves the "Worst" of the worst evil! It's an honor to meet you! I'll do my best to serve you! Alberu: … Alberu: *stares up at the sky blankly* Alberu: …This is driving me crazy. Dark Bear: Did you say something? Alberu: It's nothing. Is this the request of Cale Henituse? Please guide me. Dark Bear: I will guide you there swiftly, accurately, and safely! Alberu: Haha....
Imagine heading to a dungeon that most players warned about its dangers. And then at the very entrance, you suddenly meet its Final Boss, someone you would only meet at the very end of the dungeon. But said Final Boss was very hospitable to you, acting like a model employee... and their boss was your dongsaeng...
No wonder Alberu felt like losing his sanity. 🤣🤣🤣
And Crown Prince Alberu was able to meet Cale Henituse after a long time. “Oh, Your Highness, the Crown Prince. It's been a long time.” The center of the 7th Evil. The lair of Dragon Lord Neo. Sitting on the throne there, Cale gently waved at Alberu. “Haha-” And Alberu laughed brightly. “…….” Cale quickly stepped down from the throne. “Human, the crown prince's laughter is scary!” There was no answer to Raon's words.
The sheer disrespect. 😂😂😂 Alberu was still a crown prince and had yet to sit on the throne, and here we have his subject, summoning him, the crown prince, to a throne room where said subject was sitting on the throne. 🤣🤣🤣
At this point, Alberu broke and no longer said his classic line, simply laughing instead. 🤣🤣🤣
Oh yeah, because the dungeon is fairy tale-themed, I guess the throne was made of cotton candy or gingerbread? Imagine Cale sitting on that kind of throne... 😂
Ending Remarks I always love Cale's interactions with GoD and Alberu because it's guaranteed to be funny. 😂 Next chapter will be Cale dropping bombs on Alberu again. I look forward to Cale explaining how he'll create a divine item to Alberu. 🤣🤣🤣
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
There's this fic I read a long time ago while I was obsessed with tcf's fics, where OG!Cale's personality is suspiciously a lot friendly but it turns out that he actually died a while ago and Deruth trapped his soul in there or something. OG!Cale reaches out to Rok Soo, begging on his knees (HE CALLS OUT FOR RON!!), but then his body rebooted and he was back to his sus pleasant personality.
Wouldn't it be so nice if we used that manipulation technology that Bruce used on Jason? But combine it with some time-travel and Bruce uses it on Jason earlier before he debuts as Red Hood?
I want Tim, the person Jason was going to use as a lesson towards Bruce, to find Jason this way. He gets a few days of happiness, being with Jason. But fanon stalker instincts tell Tim that there is a whole lot that wasn't right with the past few days as well.
Although I also want some angst caused by Dick's denial, I think he would instantly believe Tim if he explained that Jason feels off. And that's why, I think Bruce never tells Dick about Jason coming back to life (like he never told Dick about when Jason died) conveniently also still off on some mission.
Tim, who had been (self appointedly) in charge of making Bruce's support group, makes the decision to crush it. By solely starting with Alfred.
He needs verbal confirmation on whether the old man is truly on his side or not.
So he tells him.
And Alfred, sweet old Alfred. The one who gave Tim the Robin suit in the first place. The one who enabled not only Bruce's bad habits but also Tim's own. The one who is either on Bruce's side or none at all.
Alfred weeps. And admits that he's known all this time.
And that's what's horrible.
"Jason admired you," Tim would tell him. "He loved you and followed your advice to heart.
"And you just. Let it all happen? He's probably waiting for you to notice! Because other than Bruce, you're the second person who's been there for him the whole time he stayed here!"
Tim looks at him in disgust.
"How could you?"
Without waiting for a reply, he leaves.
He takes Jason with him.
And then, he goes for the second person part of Bruce's support group who can very much ruin Bruce's life just as easily.
He takes Jason to Babs.
Oof! Time travel angst with the brain altering would be fantastic. Though, is Bruce the one who time travels, then? He, after already deciding to do that to Jason once, goes back in time and writes off the kid (especially if this is before Red Hood debuted and thus Jason would be max 18 years old). No talking to Jason, no effort, just Bruce going to the extreme.
Damn. Let's just keep building this fuckery up, shall we?
So, the symbolism of Tim taking Babs' support from Bruce away is fantastic. Before Tim got involved, Bruce was practically by himself. Babs had her own independence away from Bruce as Oracle and Dick was still fighting with Bruce (for good reasons).
After Tim finds out that Bruce did such fucked up shit? He pulls that man's support from him so fast. Also, Tim, who made his entire Robin career based on needing to pull Bruce from becoming a monster, does he end up feeling like a failure? Does he blame himself? Does he still tediously try to stop and fix Bruce?
Since it's probably before his 16th birthday, I think he wouldn't have the understanding of how cruel Bruce can be. This reveal is such a shock and hurts way more because Tim never thought Bruce could pull that shit against his children.
Despite his complicated feelings, Tim works to reverse the shit Bruce did to Jason's head.
This leads to Jason reverting back to his previous mental state. The man is traumatized by what Bruce did and begrudgingly thankful for Tim's assistant, but he still hates Tim's guts. He despises him.
After the days, weeks, whatever it took for them to reverse it, this is not the reaction Tim was expecting. Jason had been constantly scared, but he was also kind and affectionate to Tim. Seeing Jason become better yet hateful of Tim, especially after Tim had betrayed his mentor to do it? Damn.
Extra angst to be added on would be Bruce, after he realizes that Tim had betrayed him, goes to pick up Damian early. He needs a Robin, afterall, and he can't trust Tim.
This would make Damian max 8 at this age and thus the youngest Robin to hit the streets (I think) (Bruce is a horrible person in this AU, ig. Fuck that guy).
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salaapaoo · 2 years
Do you think Cale would stand along the edges of the group when they're all happy and domestic sometimes...? Just feeling kind of disconnected and distant because this amount of happiness and this amount of closeness was just a distance dream when he was roksoo
Maybe he watches the children get praised and he's so proud of them, but can't help but feel the dull ache of jealousy. Of course, he would also add to the pile of praise and love, but deep inside his inner child just... Aches. Deep inside he just wishes he could've had this when he was younger. The praise, the love, the gentle touches full of warmth. Maybe he just can't help but feel so far away because it feels so.. unreal. He's never had the chance to properly grow up, so he definitely wishes for these kids to grow up happy, loved, cherished, and healthily. Hell, he will make sure they do.
Maybe he freezes when the kids first begin to hug him? The warmth is foreign, but not unwelcome... So he indulges them. Giving them the love and affection that he wishes he received as roksoo. Turns out he's also touch starved as well, so he grows to love these interactions with the children. Eventually he starts initiating them by himself, finding his hand gently carding through On or Hong's hair, or maybe his hand rubbing circles on the small of Rain's back? But only for the children. Children are honest, children are safe. He doesn't know how to tell his friends he wishes to be closer. So he keeps quiet, inner child longing and aching.
He watches the way Ron interacts with Beacrox. The way on the outside they're stoic and seemingly cold, almost like some sort of business exchange. He sees it though. The way Ron's eyes soften when he watches his son cook, the pride that swirls behind those eyes just for his son. He feels in an outsider. Sure, he has his family, but could he really be considered theirs? He feels like an imposter, coming into their home with their son's body and face, so he only watches as they bond. The warmth of just being within distance is both soothing and never enough. He distances himself in hopes of keeping these pesky feelings in check. He tells himself to be happy with what he has because it's already a blessing to have so many people who stay with him because they want to be with him.
Maybe he doesn't know how to interact with parental figures, feeling awkward when they welcome him. His mind convinces him that their welcome is just polite. When he agrees to act as Naru, he thinks of it as just a deal. Both parties benefit from it. As Fredo continues to shower him with gifts and love, he finds himself relaxing in the warmth. Just for a bit. Then he walls himself off again. He receives a toy as a gag gift one day. Some sort of play set that they (maybe Alberu and Rosalyn) think would make him give them a deadpan look in return. They're shocked as they silently watch Naru's eyes sparkle as he explores the set. His touch soft, so so soft, as if the toys were an illusion that would crumble away if he were to rough. They expect a sarcastic "thanks" with some sort of annoyed look paired with it. Instead they watch from behind their disguised friend, barely hearing the whispered "...thank you" because Naru's voice is just above a whisper. (His ears are red as he thanks them, he doesn't turn away from the set. Too happy to have received it because it resembles the one he had always longingly gazed at through the display windows. He couldn't ask for it, so he just looks on, smaller hands pressed against the cool glass in his memory).
He's on guard while he stays with Fredo, but his inner child can't help but cheer at the unlimited food and sweet. Happy to be able to just receive instead of all the give give give he's had to do growing up. He feels warm as he nibbles on a cookie, sitting on a plush couch.
Cale is too scared though. He doesn't reach out, bringing this love closer to him and claiming them as his. He just accepts the in the moment love that's directed towards him, grateful for what he can get.
And they slowly begin to notice the longing in his eyes. The way he attentively watches as the children are introduced to more games and experiences. (It hurts them more later on when they learn what kind of world he had grown up in as Roksoo).
Cale doesn't seem to notice the loving looks he receives from the people around him. He just assumes that it isn't for him. So when Eruhaben starts to press his cool hands against his forehead, gently grasping his face as the dragon checks him over for any more injuries... He finds himself overjoyed. Confused, but overjoyed.
Or when he finds himself noticing how Rosalyn and Choi han seem to sit ever so closer, with their legs pressed against his and their arms brushing against him. He finds himself relaxing, just appreciating the feeling of being close with them.
Cale treasures the people around him. They notice how Cale feeds the children before himself, watching them eat for a few minutes before he breaks out of some sort of train of thought. (He can't forget the days where food was limited. The cries of poor, innocent children when their stomachs felt like they would just collapse inwards and consume itself. He doesn't ever want to see the people he loves have to think before eating, rationing off some incase there isn't food next time). Alberu gifts him more snacks-- batches of cookies that are easily shared and plentiful enough that he doesn't hesitate before eating some himself. Beacrox cooking more and more, trying to show that if Cale asked, he will receive. How there's plenty of food to go around.
(he grew up in such an unstable environment that being this secure feels like a dream).
I wanna write a fic... But I'm not that confident in my writing sdjdjhff
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