#leave my boy alone pete!!!!
Breaks my heart to read about John's struggles with his self-image and weight, and anecdotes like this really reveal a lot about why his self-image deteriorated so badly
His tastes in food ran to such basic English staples as eggs, steaks, bacon, chips, and bread and butter--along with vast quantities of exotic American breakfast cereals like Frosties (Frosted Flakes) and Sugar Pops. By the end of 1965, a distinct pot belly had begun to materialize on John's formerly slender frame. One afternoon, I happened to take an important call from television's David Frost when John was in the shower, and burst into the bathroom to give him the message. I'm not sure which of us was the more startled: John, who, characteristically, jumped a mile at the unexpected intrusion--or I, who hadn't seen him with his clothes off for some time. "What the hell," I demanded, "is that you've got hanging round your waist?" "It's getting terrible, isn't it?" he conceded. "I'd better do something about it, before I turn into a real Fattie Arbuckle!"
Pete Shotton, John Lennon: In My Life
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i was looking through my archive and i found this
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i’d completely forgotten about this stupid ass meme my bf made and most likely so did he
but i just know you weirdos are gonna love this one so here you go
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nomaptomyowntreasure · 7 months
next week!!!!
I think there's already someone livestreaming for Seattle and I prefer to film for UHD quality, so if there's a song you'd like to see recorded let me know and I'll try my best!
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gxmbits-cxrds · 1 year
I got bored so heres Pete n Joe
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prettyinpunk · 1 year
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
i listened to the fall out boy version of we didn’t start the first (listing 1989-2023 world events) and can i just say. first of all the original song is silly and not that deep in its commentary but at least it was like an original idea. there’s a reason your 11th grade history teacher played it in your class in the cold war unit, right? it sets a scene and a mood without even having to do anything but listing a bunch of pop culture and political iconography. but there’s also like, a sequence of events. fob’s really just throws events and names of things together sloppily in no particular order other than if they kinda rhyme. it has a lot less impact when thinking about the recent historical or present moment bc it’s just like “thing you remember, other thing you remember, other thing you remember” but from one object to the next they have no particular connection to each other in space or time. it’s poorly associated. 
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bruciemilf · 6 months
I’m on the second episode of My Adventures With Superman and I KNOW I know, this deserves to be Clark’s show, BUT HEAR ME OUT A SECOND.
Imagine the Waynes didn’t die and Thomas is trying DESPERATELY to buy the Daily Planet from White, but to absolutely no avail.
“For the last time, Wayne, you can have this company when the Gotham Knights win a Stanley Cup.”
“Y’all cheated last year and you KNOW it, White! Come on! We knew each other for 20 years—“
“Not true.”
“You gotta have ONE nice thing to say about me! You saw my charity records? My trip to the Amazon? I found a goddam dinosaur, for Pete’s sake!”
“And you sent it to the Gotham museum.”
“…Well yeah, it looked real pretty.”
“Look, Wayne. I can either give your ego the stroke of the century, or keep Lane and those two idiot interns in check, but I can’t do both. Now get out of here, or—“
Clark clearing his throat, holding two cups of coffee in his comically large hands, “Uh, the coffee machine broke, so I had to run to the store. Is this a bad time?”
Thomas whistling, because what the FUCK. “Christ, boy, how tall are you? How tall is he, White? You a security guard? You WANNA be a security guard?”
“Uh, Clark Kent. Idiot intern,” Clark introduced himself politely despite Perry’s grumbling.
Needless to say, Thomas Wayne is…Intimidating.
“I’ve heard about your research on metahuman physics, Mr. Wayne. It’s brilliant.”
“Oh, that? That was all my boy, really. He’s got all these ideas about reinventing the healthcare system for everybody or something like that. Hell, he wants to invent some bandaids for that Superman fella. “
“That,” Clark blinked, “Actually sounds amazing.”
“Right?. The other day he came to me like, ‘Can I have 30,000 for a research expedition?’ You should’ve seen him in his little lab coat, — cutest thing. Hold on, I have pictures.”
Clark expected a particularly eccentric 10 year not, not a — gorgeous— adult man in what looked to be a great amount of eyeliner and one hell of a scowl. “He’s…” gorgeous, “He seems interesting.”
“Ain’t he? You should meet him sometime. Hates talking to the press, but, I’m sure we can arrange something. “
“Good luck with that. I tried interviewing the kid alone for 10 minutes and Mr. Wayne here kept getting in the way. Probably because he has something to hide.”
“Bruce ain’t really made for the camera, so I had to step in, ya know how it is. He ain’t really the independent kind.” Thomas shrugs. “I know, I know, — you gotta leave em to fly sometimes, and while I bet he’d look cute tryin’,”
Thomas chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amusing. At all. “No bird leaves MY nest.”
Clark finds out why Perry can’t prove Thomas Wayne is Batman. It’s because he’s wrong. He’s listened to Batman’s heartbeat before. And Thomas doesn’t stutter.
Bruce Wayne does, thought.
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lexkent · 21 days
Why Lionel Luthor is the True Villain of Smallville:
Threatened to expose Clark's fake adoption records unless Jonathan Kent persuaded Pete Ross’s family to sell their factory to him.
Kidnapped Clark and put him in a vat of kryptonite solution to be studied in an attempt to discover his secrets.
Kept Clark trapped in a cage made of kryptonite in a separate incident.
Impregnated his dying wife's nurse while he was in a position of power over her as her boss, denied he was responsible, and had her locked away in a psychiatric ward for 7 years after taking her baby away from her. Lionel insured the child, Lucas, remained in poverty in the foster care system and prevented him from ever being adopted.
Forced the second woman he impregnated while married to Lillian, while in a position of power over her as her boss, to give their child to an orphanage where she was tortured. He soon found another home for Tess where she grew up in poverty and extreme physical abuse.
Forced his wife to have another baby despite her objections and was then dismissive of her postpartum depression. "I told you I didn't want any more children. I see how you treat Alexander, chipping away at his spirit."
Found a child, Davis Bloome, in a cornfield and believing him to be The Traveler, ran experiments on the boy until he realized he wasn't who he wanted and proceeded to dump him off alone on a dark Metropolis street.
Created a clone from a dead little girl, Emily Dinsmore, and locked her away in a lab, refusing to let her father ever see her again. "You can't take her away from me. She's my daughter." "She's the property of Luthorcorp."
Was such a terrible father to Lex that Lillian Luthor killed her infant son to spare him from the cruel and twisted parenting Lex endured from Lionel. Was such a horrible husband to Lillan that Lex took the blame for his baby brother's death knowing Lionel would have murdered her in retaliation.
Lied and told Lex that Lucas died in infancy, like Julian, knowing how much it would hurt Lex to hear.
Paid someone to kill Lucas once he became a potential threat to his power. Clark stopped the bullets, and Lionel had the shooter killed in police custody before he could talk.
Forced Lex's mother figure, Pamela Jenkins, out of Lex's life following the death of Lex's mother because he didn't want her to make Lex soft. Convinced Lex that Pamela never loved him and was only ever interested in their money. 
Blew up Chloe and Gabe Sullivan's safehouse in an attempt to kill them and prevent her from testifying against him at his murder trial. Hired a mutant hitman to kidnap and kill Chloe after she escaped the explosion.
Had Oliver Queen's parents killed in a plane crash leaving him orphaned at the age of 5.
Ordered the murder of Andrea Rojas’s mother who was an activist who worked for an organization that fought back against gangs, dealers, and large business corporations. In addition to losing her mother, Andrea was stabbed in the heart during the attack.
Resurrected a teenager, Adam Knight, to get close to Lana Lang and spy on Clark Kent. When Adam failed to retrieve useful information, Lionel refused to give him any more of the serum he required to stay live. As a result, Adam suffered immensely before dying of organ failure.
Resurrected Vince Davis who lived for a short, painful period of time before his body deteriorated without access to Lionel's serum.
Poisoned Lex with a lethal dosage that would've killed 99.9% of people.
Told Lex he loved him in prison only to persuade him into accepting his hand so he could use a Kryptonian stone to body swap them, leaving Lex to rot and die in prison in his place while Lionel escaped with Lex's body. Instead, Clark intervened and Lionel escaped inside of Clark's body, leaving Clark trapped to die in prison. Shortly after the bodyswap occured, Lionel looked down the front inside of his(Clark's) waistband while smiling to himself. While in Clark Kent's body, Lionel initiated a hug with Martha Kent where he was turned on to the point of shooting heat vision from his eyes. Lionel-in-Clark's body flirted with Chloe, a teenager, and was centimeters away from kissing her. And when Lionel-in-Clark's body encountered Lana, a teenager, he said to her, "A man would travel around the world to pluck your succulent fruit," and forced a kiss onto her, smiling to himself after she slapped him and ran away. Lionel proceeded to attack Lex, choking him, slamming his head against a desk, and demanding 57 million dollars using Clark's super strength. He then went to the Kent Farm and threw Jonathan across the room into the kitchen cabinets. Lionel told Clark he would murder Lex if he didn't cooperate with his demands.
Pretended to be blind. "Playing the handicapped card is low, even for you." "But I was able to see more clearly than ever. It's amazing what people try and get away with right in front of your eyes when they think you can't see."
Fired 2,500 Smallville citizens to force his son back under his control. When Lex attempted to organize an employee buyout of the factory, Lionel bought the Smallville Savings and Loan and threatened to foreclose on every employee's mortgage. When Lex continued to organize and fight to save everyone's jobs, Lionel threatened, "I'll bury you and everyone in Smallville who takes your side."
Blackmailed Smallville sheriff Ethan Millar into digging up dirt on every Lexcorp shareholder(Smallville factory workers), so Lionel could blackmail each one into selling their shares to him in order to take over Lex's fledgling company. In addition, Lionel threatened to expose the sheriff if he didn't do him various favors.
Once again tried blackmailing Jonathan Kent leading to a physical altercation between the two. Lionel fled the scene as Jonathan suffered a fatal heart attack.
Installed hidden cameras and microphones throughout Lex's office, so he could sabotage him and steal his business deals.
Took over Lex's company, which Lex had invested everything he had into, leaving him with nothing and immediately kicking him out of his home.
Insisted an ill-advised, life-threatening surgery be performed on Lex after he had been shot and wasn't stable enough for further surgery, making it clear he'd prefer a dead son over a physically disabled one.
Set Lex up for the murders of Dr. Teng and her entire team at Metron Labs after Lex refused to work for him.
Had sex with Lex's lover, Victoria Hardwick, while they were still sleeping together. 
Hired Dr. Helen Bryce to seduce and spy on Lex for him. Helen later attempted to murder Lex on their honeymoon.
Gave Martha Kent a watch engraved, "To Martha, with deep affection. L.L." while she was his employee and happily married to Jonathan Kent.
Refused to come clean about his past sexual involvement with Rachel Dunleavy and the existence of their son, Lucas, despite Lex being held hostage and his survival depending on Lionel telling the truth.
Refused to come clean about Level 3 when it would have saved the lives of a group of teenagers and his own son. 
Ignored and denied any care to his employee, Earl Jenkins, who was poisoned by kryptonite on the job which led to uncontrollable, dangerous seizures.
Created a deadly fear toxin for the military that leaked into Smallville.
Drugged, gaslit, attacked, and framed his son, orchestrating a scenario where everyone would believe Lex to be crazy after Lex discovered Lionel had his parents murdered for insurance money. Lionel had Lex committed to Belle Reve Sanitarium where he had Lex further drugged and put through electroshock therapy, forcing 600 volts of electricity through Lex's brain. When the doctor insisted they pause the procedure for Lex's safety, Lionel ignored the warning and demanded they continue. This brain frying could have easily destroyed Lex's mind, as it did for others who endured it, and ultimately wiped away months of Lex's memories, allowing Lionel to be off the hook for his parent's murders. Everyone involved in Lionel's plot, all loose ends, met untimely deaths.
Threatened, manipulated, controlled, hyper criticized, denied affection, and lied to Lex constantly. Lionel mentally, emotionally, and physically abused his child throughout his entire life, raising him to become a monster and then denying any accountability for what Lex became in the end.
This list is far from complete, so feel free to add more!
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spider-stark · 2 years
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Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - Your ex-boyfriend, Peter Parker, finds out that you're planning on going out with Harry Osborn, and he's definitely not happy about it.
Warnings - Sexual situations (no actual smut), slight degradation kink if you squint, angst
a/n - another random little thing I wrote about Peter in-between writing for Infinitely You. considering a part two, but we will see! lemme know what you think :)
// masterlist // send me your thoughts //
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“You seriously can’t expect me to be ok with this!” 
The sound of his voice had your blood boiling, anger instantly coursing through your veins as you realized just how domineering his tone had become. He was purposely trying to push you to your limit, seeing just how far he could go before you would finally break. 
“I don’t care if you’re okay with it, Peter!” You snapped at him, not bothering to even look over your shoulder at the boy as you both trailed through the halls of Oscorp, Peter following at your heels like a lost puppy. “And last I checked I don’t need to ask for your permission when making my own decisions.” 
“You can’t go out with him.” Peter grumbled from behind you, ignoring your words entirely. He respected your decisions, he really did. But it wasn’t his fault that you made such terrible ones, he thought to himself. “He’s a total dick.” 
The comment stopped you in your tracks, swiftly turning on your heel and looking up to stare directly at the annoying boy that refused to just leave you alone. “Guess you two have something in common then.” 
He narrowed his eyes at the gab. “What do you even see in him? I thought you hated his little rich kid attitude.” 
You hated the way he mocked your voice as he spoke. Hated the way he mimicked the phrase you had used to describe Harry Osborn so many times in the past. Yet, he wasn’t wrong.
You did hate the way Harry used to act around you–constantly flaunting his fathers fortune–expecting you to fawn over him like all the other girls that came his way. But things had changed after you took on an internship at Oscorp. Harry realized that his pompous act wasn’t working on you, and the closer the two of you got the more you realized it was just that–an act–and you had grown to like the person he actually was. 
“We both know that’s not who he really is.” Peter stayed silent, both of you knowing that he couldn’t argue with you. Harry was his best friend, and he was a good guy behind the flashy cars and his multibillion-dollar corporation. “And at least he makes time for me.” 
The comment had hit its mark, hurt flashing across Peter’s face as the words cut into him. You didn’t let yourself falter, didn’t let yourself feel the guilt that was starting to rise in your chest. He deserves it, you reminded yourself.  
“You know I always tried to be there for you,” his tone softened, his own irritation momentarily melting away as he began to recite the same spiel he had given so many times before, “but it’s complicated, people need-” 
“People need Spider-Man.” You cut him off, finishing the sentence for him. “And I get that.” You really did. People relied on Spider-Man, trusted in him that he would be there when they really needed a hero. “But I needed my boyfriend, Pete. And he was never there.” 
Things had been complicated since the two of you split, especially since neither of you had been willing or even able to cut the other out of their life. You were Peter’s biggest supporter, and Spider-Man’s, but you had grown tired of the constant suffering that came with being close to him. 
As much as you loved Peter, you couldn’t help but crave normalcy. Someone that could be there for you and make you a priority, something that Peter wouldn’t ever be able to offer. 
There was a beat of silence, the weight of your words still lingering in the air between the both of you, before he finally broke it. 
“He can’t make you happy.” It was a weak argument, and Peter knew that, but it was the only one he had left. 
“Honestly Pete?” You sighed, shaking your head at him. “You set the bar low. Extremely low. At this point I think I’d be happy just to have a partner that won’t crawl through my window in the middle of the night and bleed out on my carpet.” 
Pete rolled his eyes. “Okay, that literally only happened one time!” 
“Pretty sure one time is more than enough.” 
“Well there were plenty of other times where you didn’t seem to mind having me crawl through your window.” He shot you a smug grin, crossing his arms over his chest. “Ya know, for someone who seems so pissed that their boyfriend was Spider-Man, you sure loved fucking me in the suit-” 
Your eyes widened, your head jerking around to make sure that no one was around to hear his words. Peter didn’t seem to care either way, only smirking when he saw the blush that was starting to creep up your neck. 
“I’m not gonna lie,” he continued, once again pushing and pushing, just trying to see how far you’d let him go, “I always thought it was kinda hot. You’ve always been pretty desperate for me, but god, the way you’d act when I wore the suit?” He paused, looking you over as he swiped his tongue over his bottom lip. You hated how the simple action made your breath catch in your throat. “It was pathetic–how you were such a slut for Spid-” 
You roughly grabbed hold of his wrist, snapping at him to shut up in a hushed tone. He let you pull him towards the empty conference room to your left, that stupid proud grin still on his stupid face. 
“What are you trying to do? People can hear you, Pete! Do you want people to find out who you are?” Your attitude was much different than Peter’s, clearly not sharing in his apparent amusement as you tried to quietly pull the door shut. 
A part of you felt like you were getting emotional whiplash from this conversation, somehow jumping back and forth between anger, pity, and guilt while simultaneously trying to pretend like his words didn’t have an effect on you. But Peter knew you, he knew everything about you–and he was using that knowledge to his advantage. 
“You gonna try and get Harry to wear it?” You weren’t surprised that he once again ignored you, only caring to entertain the conversation you wanted out of. 
“What are you even talking about?” 
“The suit.” His tone was so matter-of-fact, so cocky and arrogant. You wanted to hate him for it, wanted to pretend that you didn’t love when he acted like this. “I mean, he’s got enough money to find a replica somewhere, right?” 
You bit down on your bottom lip, your nerves building as you watched him take a step closer. “Shut up.” 
“I’m sure you’d love it, wouldn’t you?” Another step towards you, caging you against the closed door. You could feel his breath against your cheek, though you still refused to look at him. “Maybe you could convince him to wear the mask, yeah? Pretend like it’s still me fucking you.” 
Copper filled your mouth as you bit down on the inside of your cheek, fighting against the familiar warmth building in your stomach. He wanted to get you riled up, that much was obvious, and he knew exactly how to do it. Fuck you, Peter Parker, you had meant to say the words out loud, but they died in the back of your throat as you struggled to find your voice. 
Peter’s nimble fingers lifted to your face, forcing your chin up so you had no choice but to look directly at him. “Even if he wasn’t wearing the mask,” he cooed, the gentle tone not matching up with the dark gleam in his eyes, “we both know you’d still be thinking about me, right?” 
A shaky inhale on your part, desperately trying to maintain a cold stare. You couldn’t let yourself melt for him, wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he still had so much control over you. “You’re intolerable.” 
“You’re not denying it.” He didn’t loosen his hold on your chin, not giving you a chance to break away as his other hand began to trail along your waist, fingers sneaking beneath the hem of your shirt to touch bare skin. “That when you’re with him, you pretend I’m the one touching you,” 
He tilted your head further, leaning just close enough that you could practically feel his lips graze against yours. “Pretending I’m the one kissing you.” 
The hand on your waist suddenly dropped to your hip, his thumb digging roughly into the flesh just hard enough that you were certain it would leave a mark. You gritted your teeth, trying to hold back the gasp that threatened to break free in response to his actions. Peter knew that you were holding back, fighting against your own instincts, and he planned on breaking you.
“Do you wish it was me?” Just barely a whisper, his lips now ghosting against your jawline as he rephrased the question, harsher this time, “Do you pretend that I’m the one inside you?” he shifted his hips as he spoke, pressing them against yours and letting you feel the very prominent bulge in his jeans. You didn’t have time to stop the high-pitched squeak that it had elicited, your face burning red as you accidentally gave him exactly what he wanted. 
“No. I don’t.” The words came out weak, as well as a little shaky, your eyes screwing shut to try and avoid looking at him. 
You weren’t sure how you felt anymore, the emotional motion sickness reaching an all-time high as you grappled with your feelings; just angry enough to scream at him, just horny enough to scream for him. 
Your pitiful attempt to deny him did nothing as he still worked his way down to your neck, lightly nipping at the sensitive skin, grinning against you when he felt you jump at the sensation. “I don’t believe you.” 
His fingers were now toying with your waistband, tugging against the material, begging for any sort of indication that you were okay with it. Both of you knew that you wouldn’t be able to turn him down even if you wanted to, and thankfully you weren’t gonna have to. 
A loud buzz against the door caused both of you to jerk away from each other, Peter stumbling back before you realized that it was your phone vibrating in your back pocket. You didn’t hesitate to reach for it, desperate for a distraction. 
Guilt washed over you as you saw his name appear on the screen, followed by a text telling you that he had finished up work early so he could take you out for dinner. It was a simple gesture, one that some wouldn’t think twice about, but the thought made your chest tighten. 
He was making time for you. 
Peter seemed to know who it was that texted you, able to put the pieces together on his own. That cocky mask fell as he watched you, listened to the way your heart skipped a beat when you thought of Harry. 
“Pete,” He recognized that tone, the same one you had used the night you called it quits, “I love you. You know that, but-” there was always a but, “I just–I can’t do this again. I need to pick what’s best for me.” 
“And Harry is what’s best for you?” It hadn’t been meant as a slight, but rather a genuine question. One he knew he wouldn’t like the answer to. 
“Maybe not.” You hesitated for a moment, dreading what you had to say next, “But I know that it’s not you. It can’t be you. Not again.”  
The words hurt to say as much as they did to hear. Neither of you wanted this, but as much as Peter hated to admit it, he knew that there was no other way. Not right now, at least. Not while the world still needed Spider-Man. 
“Okay.” Peter’s voice cracked, doing his best to force a smile. It didn’t reach his eyes, not in the way it used to. “So where does that leave us?” 
You tried to return the smile. “Friends?” 
“Does that mean I have to see you with Harry?” 
“Probably, yeah.” 
“Fine.” He feigned a look of disgust, earning a small laugh from you. “But I’m not gonna like him.” 
“He’s your best friend, Pete.” You snorted at his statement, assuming that it had to at least partially be a joke. 
“And you’re the love of my life.” Peter shrugged and tried to mask the pain that accompanied his words, while you tried to mask the sound of your heart breaking, “So I guess things change, huh?”
If you liked this, then please feel free to check out my No Way Home series, Infinitely You! :)
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octuscle · 2 months
From Penthouse to Trailer Park
"And now you want to tell me what my future should look like?" Matthew rolled his eyes and looked up from his new expensive iPhone for a moment. The visit to the careers advisor was obligatory, but he thought it was completely unnecessary. His parents had sold his great-grandparents' company to a German corporation a few years ago and now devoted themselves to managing their assets and looking after their bodies. Matthew was the only son, he would inherit everything and he had no intention of ever taking up a profession. He was interested in art, maybe he would study art history in Tuscany, but that was just a hobby. And a way to hook himself a hot Italian stallion…
He continued to play with his cell phone while the man across from him asked him questions, handed him brochures and swiped on a tablet computer. Matthew was annoyed. And he didn't even think the man was hot. Someone boringly normal to die for. Someone who had to work for a living. Someone who didn't go for manicures. Boring and repulsive. "Can we cut this short and end it now? I have an appointment with my personal trainer and then I have to go to the beauty salon. Why don't you fill out your form however you like? Do I have to sign anything? To document that you've done your pathetic job? Did your career counselor actually advise you to do this? Matthew chuckled arrogantly. Chris hated narrow-minded assholes like that. But there were plenty of them here at the school. So he quickly drew up a report and handed it to Matthew so he could sign it on the display.
Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, took his sports bag, neatly packed by Consuela, and left Chris's office without a word. He was looking forward to being properly tortured by Aaron, his hot trainer, at the gym. But he had rejoiced too soon. No one was available at his gym reception and Aaron already had another client. So he would have to train alone. This day was a disaster. And it got worse. Because he had obviously got the wrong gym bag. The clothes were neither clean, nor were they his. It was probably the bag belonging to Manolo, Consuela's son. Disgusted, Matthew took the clothes out of the bag. Should he just leave now? On the other hand… It might have been quite funny. He put Manolo's clothes on. Everything was a bit big, Manolo was 20 years old. Two years older and considerably more muscular. Without a private trainer… Manolo's sweat smelled so good! This was going to be a good workout.
It was a good workout too. Even if the other members looked at him a little disparagingly. With his cheap and dirty clothes, he didn't fit in here. But that didn't matter. Matthew was here to work out. Not to put on a fashion show. After an hour and a half of hard training, Matthew remembered that he still had an appointment. Shit! No showering now. He couldn't keep his tattoo artist waiting. Matthew stroked his pumped-up upper arm. Today the lines would be joined by the shading. It was going to look hot. As he left the gym, the employee at the counter called after him that his membership fees had still not been paid. Shit, it was the end of the month. Money was tight. Everyone was like that…
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So, I'm Matt, dis here’s Junior, Pete, Chuck, an’ mah lil' princess Soraya. Shit, I wuz hopin' I could only father boys. I want at least five. An’ mah ol' lady already got a new baby in her belly. Keep yer fingers crossed it’s another boy. Shit, I'm lookin' fer a job right now. But it's just like the guy at the job center said: Once ya’re 18, don’t got no high school diploma an’ no education, yer prospects suck. I mean, I can sometimes help out in Hank's garage or drive a few routes at the truckin' company. But that don't help permanent. Mah own tattoo parlor would be cool. But who’s gonna pay fer that? An’ I mean, if someone wants their name or somethin’. An’ I’m makin' a mistake. I mean, spellin' or whatever it’s called wuz never mah thing. Guys, I can only advise ya to do yer thing. Mah life is awesome! An’ look at me! I’m the hottest guy in the whole trailer park. Ya can ask any slut here.
Chris shut down his computer with satisfaction. He had had a series of successful conversations. He believed he had really helped some of the students. And with the arrogant idiots who were born with the golden spoon in their mouths, he had simply recorded what he thought they deserved. It was just a dream. But he could jerk off to the idea afterwards.
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sacharinee · 1 year
could you write something like tony accidentally finding our peter and his daughter (the reader) are dating then always teasing them about it, even though he’s secretly their biggest shipper🫶
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pairing: peter parker x reader
w/c: 900+
a/n: hi anonnn, srry it took awhile- this was cute and fun!! so ty for that, i love secret!bf!peter :)
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“you know you can’t keep sneaking in my room forever, right, pete?”
the pretty brunette sits atop your cushy comforter, breathless as he rips off the humid mask.
the poor boy is looking up at you in all innocence. his mouth is agape, hair messy, and eyes wide with pure exhilaration; so excited to finally be alone with you after tiptoeing around your father all day. 
the sight before you makes you feel all warm inside, your provocative thoughts threatening to corrupt your sweet boyfriend.
peter takes a deep breath when you take a seat on his lap, hands immediately settling on either side of your hips.
he looks you up and down, “ehhh, i don’t know, y/n/n. kinda seems like you’re into it,” he teases.
you offer him a shrug, as your hands snake around his shoulders, pulling him inches closer to your lips, “maybe just a little.”
he’s relaxed at your touch, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, 
“huh, didn’t peg you as a fan of breaking and entering,” he jokes.
“mm only when it’s a certain spider.”
your boyfriend exhales as he leans back a bit, smirking, “oh yeah?” 
one of his hands leaves your waist to push back his unruly hair, then swiftly flexes his bicep exaggeratingly, “i don’t blame you,” he shrugs, “i had a hunch you had a thing goin’ on for-”
you’re quick to shut him up, attacking his sweet lips with yours. 
your hand falls to his firm bicep and he’s laughing into your sudden kiss, instantly melting against you. his hand resumes his place on your hip, curling it around your side, and pushing you further into him.
peter holds himself up by his elbows as you push your weight down further onto him. 
he couldn’t think straight when you were on top of him, let alone near him. all his worries of getting caught are thrown out the window when a deep groan rumbles from his throat.
he’s like putty in your hands, his head and limbs going numb at your touch.
and while it was difficult to deny the way your heart races at moments like this with peter, you couldn’t help but feel at such ease around him. when something you know is intrinsically wrong but feels so right, you were tired of peter being your guilty pleasure. 
you know the disapproving thoughts your father would muster up had you and your boyfriend publicly announced your official relationship. 
however, there were often many things you’d fail to notice. like how he’d mutter under his breath of the amount of money he could bet that a certain webhead would set off the security system yet again as sipped his midnight coffee. or when he would prepare a breakfast dish for you to take to your room, one that he knew would be too much for you to finish and unintentionally feed your boyfriend as well. 
sometimes you wonder if this boy was worth risking everything for.
but with peter softly panting against you, all doubts leave your mind and there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be but with him.
“what was that, petey?”
he’s swift in flipping you over, pushing you against the silky mattress.
“shut up,” he whispers as he tenderly attaches your lips once more. 
as he moves down your body, he isn’t shy with his wandering hands when he caresses your breasts over your shirt, pushing the cloth higher and kissing down your stomach, heat rapidly growing at your core. 
you’re flushed with excitement and when you take a look at the boy below, you can tell he is too.
finally, he rests his hands just above the waistband of your shorts, fingers gently stroking the skin below your navel. 
“i’m thinking… that you really enjoy our sneaking around,” his curls obstruct your view from his sultry eyes. your fingers weave their way through his locks, his strong gaze on you has your beaming red, and you’re desperate for him to do anything, 
“maybe, almost as much as me?” he’s teasing you, the roles are reversed and now you’re the one begging him.
he’s painfully slow in stripping you of your loose shorts, leaving your bottom half in just your panties.
your eyes close in bliss as you tilt your head back when peter kisses the inner of your thighs and he grunts at the sudden pull of his hair. his fingers are grasping onto your underwear torturously pulling the garment down when-
“hey honey, have you seen my-”
sad to say, peter’s spidey sense wasn’t quick enough to mask the obscene sight that your poor father had walked in on.
“jesus fuck!”
peter scrambles away from you handing you a pillow to save you some decency. 
and tony’s back on the other side of the closed door, clearly horrified at the very scene, “are you fucking kidding me!?”
“it’s not what it looks like mr. stark! s-sorry!” you stare at peter with a displeased look, rolling your eyes at both your dad’s and boyfriend’s reactions. 
his eyes are frantic when he looks to you for help, “i-i wasn’t doing anything i swear! i was just, checking out a-uh… a mole?” 
you give him an offended face, “a mole? seriously, pete?”
“i don’t know!”
while the two of you bicker, natasha is there waiting on the other side, an aggravated expression painted on her face.
tony clicks his tongue when he meets her outside, “well, that certainly wasn’t how i was expecting to find them, but…” 
“yea, whatever,” nat scoffs. rolling her eyes, she shoves a twenty dollar bill to his chest, too annoyed with the fact that she just lost a stupid bet to the billionaire.
“told you so.”
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callsign-dexter · 11 months
A Father's Comfort
Request: hey lovie 
I just went through a pretty nasty break up (not because of him and I) and I tried to explain everything to my friends and some family what happened by they all thought I had done something wrong. The only person who had my back was my dad, he was the only one who would listen and told me it wasn’t my fault. 
anyways I was wondering if you could write a maverick x daughter reader where she broke up with her boyfriend and tried to get some reassurance from friends and family (maybe just some of Pete’s old friends) but they just thought she was the mess up (maybe they were just extremely passive aggressive) so she just tried to laugh off the jokes. Maybe eventually Pete finds out through the chain that she broke up with the boy so he tried to go confront/comfort her and she tried to make jokes and in the middle of “laughing” she started crying. Then maverick just jumps into loving father mode and comforts her.
maybe the reader is like 16-17
thank you and 100% your choice
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: cheating, angst, fluff, asshole boyfriends, asshole Chipper, asshole Sundown, asshole Merlin
A/N: Hopefully you caught the Grease reference. I'm so sorry you had a rough break up and sorry I got this out late. If you need to talk my messages and asks are always open.
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You didn’t know what happened. You thought your relationship with Justin was going great. You loved him and he loved you or so you thought. It was after school when it happened you were getting ready to leave the parking lot. You had just arrived at your Toyota Tacoma when Justin strolled up to you. You smiled when you saw him and greeted him with a kiss but he pulled away and turned his head so that you kissed his cheek this confused you. “Everything ok?” You had asked him.
“I think we should break up.” He said and your heart broke.
“What why?” You asked
“I don’t love you and never did. Besides I’m going out with Teresa.” He said and your face drained.
“How long has that been going on?” You asked now furious but still heart broken.
“A month after we got together.” He said and our eyes began to sting with tears. “We can still be friends.” He said and you didn’t say anything. He started to walk away but still close enough to you when you shouted at him.
“Lose my number and never talk to me again.” You said and he turned around.
“I’ve already lost it.” He said with a proud smirk on his face while yours was a frown.
“All I want to know is why.” You asked
“You’re too clingy. You never wanted to go further. At least Teresa is willing.” He said and then walked off and now you were truly alone. You got into your truck and drove home somehow not crashing. When you pulled into the driveway you recognized most of the cars as being Top Gun’s Class of ’86.
You parked in your original spot and killed the engine and headed inside of the house. It was loud and from the looks of it some of them had been drinking. You knew they were coming over for a cookout that your dad had planned and you were looking forward to it too until now. You knew you looked awful and you just wanted to escape upstairs and into your room. The plan was going smoothly until Hollywood saw you and smiled and went over and hugged you.
“Mini Mav! How are you?” He asked and you could tell that he had been drinking some but you were respectful and greeted him back because that is what your father taught you.
“I’m fine.” You said with a smile that didn’t quite reach your ear and your eyes weren’t as bright but he couldn’t tell that but two people could, Ice and Slider. They weren’t drinking as much because they tended not to and the thought of hangovers now killed them, when they were younger, they were fine with it but not now plus someone had to be a little bit sober while Maverick and Goose were gone to pick some stuff up and to deal with the rowdy ’86 bunch.
“You seem down. What’s up?” He asked pulling you into him uncomfortably and you nervously laughed and looked at Ice and Slider for help.
“My boyfriend and I broke up.” You said and got out of his hold by now most of everyone was paying attention to you.
“What happened?” Chipper asked as he took a drink of his beer.
“He said I was too clingy. He also cheated on me after a month of dating.” You said with your head hanging down.
“Well, were you clingy? Is that why he started cheating on you.?” He asked and you looked up at him with a shocked expression and everyone laughed but Ice and Slider.
“No, I texted him asking him to hang out but that is what boyfriends and girlfriends are supposed to do. I also just wanted to know how his day was each day and text him good morning and good night. I also just wanted to spend more time with him and make plans and he never answered and I just send him ideas. He also wanted to go further and I didn’t want to.” You said in an exasperated voice. Chipper scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but they don’t have to hang out with each other 24/7.” He said and you could feel tears stinging your eyes.
“Chipper.” Ice said sternly not liking the look on your face and he looked at him.
“What? If she’s being clingy and doesn't want to go further, I know how teenage boys are, then I see why he was cheating on her.” He said to Ice and then turned back to you “Just a friendly reminder, try not to be so clingy next time and just go further.” He said and a tear slipped out and down your already tear-stained cheeks. Sundown scoffed.
“You’re being too sensitive about it. Just let it go. I don’t mean to be rude but it sounds like it is your fault that he cheated on you.” Sundown said and more tears fell down.
“Cheating on you was a surprisingly good decision on his part. If you were texting him all the time and wanting to hang out all the time, my girlfriend doesn’t even text me that much and I’m perfectly fine with that.” Merlin said and took a drink of his drink.
“That’s enough guys. You’re upsetting her.” Slider said and walked over to you and brought you into a hug.
“No, it’s ok. I’m just going to go up to my room. Oh, where is dad and Goose?” You asked, looking at him sniffling.
“They went to the store to grab some things. They’ll be back in like 10 minutes. I’ll let your dad know that you’re upstairs.” He said and hugged you which you returned and hugged him back and then when you released each other you started up the stairs to your room where you shut your door and fell face first into your pillow and began to cry.
Just like Slider said Maverick and Goose arrived back home and everyone had gone back to normal but Ice and Slider looked annoyed. Maverick and Goose put the bags down and then walked over to them. “What’s wrong?” Maverick asked, noticing that they hadn’t even touched the rest of their drinks.
“Where’s Y/N/N?” Goose asked, also looking at the two.
“She’s upstairs and you need to go and check on her.” Ice said and before Maverick could ask why Slider spoke up.
“She broke up with Justin.” Out of all the ’86 class Ice, Slider, and Goose were closest to the Mitchell girl “Everyone was passive aggressive to her. She took off upstairs. She’s really upset about it.” Slider said and Maverick nodded, pissed that the others would be so hateful to his daughter. They know better even if they have been drinking. Goose was pissed too, that was his goddaughter for crying out loud. He turned to Maverick.
“Go check on her. We’ll deal with the others.” Goose said and Maverick nodded and headed upstairs. He came to his daughter’s door and knocked.
“Hey, Sweetheart. Is it ok if I come in?” Maverick asked and waited for a minute.
“Yea.” You said in a quiet voice and he walked in to see you at your desk doing homework but could see your tear-stained cheeks and his heart broke. He went over and sat on your bed. You spun your desk chair and looked at him.
“Ice and Slider told me what happened.” He said
“They’re right. It’s my fault.” You began
“No- “He started but you cut him off with a laugh.
“I mean I probably texted him too much and that is why he cheated on me.” You said with a chuckle but could feel tears welling up.
“Honey- “Maverick said as his heart was breaking.
“I also didn’t want to go any further when we were making out and he would get annoyed. So why not cheat on me with someone that is willing to do something like that right?” You asked even though it didn’t require an answer. “I’m the stupid one and the one to blame.” You said slowly losing it and Maverick just sat there not saying anything and waiting for you to finish “Sundown is right I’m just being too sensitive and so is Merlin cheating on me was the right thing to do. I’m just a screw up and will always be a screw up.” You were looking anywhere but him. You were laughing until you weren’t and then you began to sob with your head in your heads and Maverick felt tears of his own.
Maverick pulled your chair over to him and pulled you into a hug and you leaned into him and wrapped your arms around him and buried your head into his shoulder. “You’re not a screw up. You’re a wonderful person and anybody would be lucky to have you, I know I am.” He said and tightened his hold on you. “You will always be my girl no matter what.” He said “You’re young and still have time to figure out what love is. Who knows the right one may be living in the house just across the street.” He said, hinting at Bradley but you were too upset to figure it out. 
“Thank you, Dad. I love you too.” You said he brought you so he was looking at you at arm’s length.
“Anything for my best girl.” He said and brought his hands to your face and wiped the still falling tears with his thumbs. They say the only man a girl can depend on is her daddy and you found out that was true that day. You were glad to have him in your life.
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somuch-for-scampyz · 3 months
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I hope everyone is aware that What a Catch, Donnie was written for the sole purpose of Pete Wentz telling Patrick he’ll never attempt $uic/d€ again and leave him alone. I’ve known about this meaning for months but recently it’s been hitting again.
FULL EXPLANATION (written by RN_NP_1220 on reddit):
I believe Pete wrote this song for Patrick, about Patrick, but also about himself. It is as complex as Pete is. He is a brilliant man who sold himself short, much as Patrick has.
There's multiple meanings to the song (imo) he writes from Patrick's perspective about how he has such a self deprecating view of himself "I got troubled thoughts And the self-esteem to match, what a catch". He also writes it from his own perspective, after his suicide attempt. He is saying that he won't kill himself but also that he still has the thoughts. "I will never end up like him, behind my back I already am". The him references Donnie H. He compares song writers Donnie H & Roberta F with himself and Patrick.
Donny died by suicide and Roberta had a hard time getting past it. "Miss Flack said I still want you back". The lines "And all I can think of Is the way l'm the one Who charmed the one Who gave up on you" to me is a combo of their thinking - Patrick blaming on himself for Pete's attempt bc he thinks poorly of himself, it Pete places blame on himself and they both feel as they've let the other down. That's my interpretation based on interviews over the years. It's tragically beautiful. I think they sold themselves short and I hope that their 20+ years of success has helped to change that view <3
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rhondafromhr · 3 months
Expanding on my “the Monroes adopt Max and he becomes an even worse person” AU
- they take him in not long after he turns sixteen. His dad dies in some kind of freak accident, it makes the news and Linda recognizes the name because she knows everything there is to know about the history of the Honey Queen pageant and his mom won about ten years ago. She also knows that, like every other winner of that pageant, she left Hatchetfield and never looked back, meaning Max is completely alone now. She’s not sure why she cares about this complete stranger, but her heart breaks for him not having a loving home and she decides she can provide that. She’s a great mother, after all, and they already have four beautiful boys, what’s one more? Gerald isn’t as invested at first, but he agrees to it because he supports Linda in basically anything she wants to do.
-Linda keeps trying to give him expensive new things to cheer him up and make him feel like part of the family and she doesn’t understand why he’s reluctant to accept them. His dad was the type to act like providing basic needs (food, housing, etc) was a huge burden and always came with strings attached, saying stuff like “I put a roof over your head, I pay all your sports fees and you couldn’t even win that game?”. She and Gerald eventually figure it out and the next time Linda gives him something, she makes sure to tell him he doesn’t have to take it if he doesn’t want to, but it’s a gift that they got for him because they like him and they’re glad he’s here. That makes him smile for the first time since he moved in. He tells her that he’s glad he’s there, too.
-they try to stick him in an expensive private school, but he wants to stay at Hatchetfield High because he doesn’t want to give up his power there. They go back and forth over it for a few weeks and during that time, someone overhears them discussing it while out for dinner. This leads to a rumor going around school that Max is leaving and it gives all the nerds so much false hope that things could get better. In the end, they let him stay. There’s not a lot Linda and Gerald can’t get away with, but even they’re not willing to risk pulling the star quarterback out of school and making the Nighthawks lose to Clivesdale.
-Pete, Ruth and Richie do end up transferring out to get the hell away from him when he starts becoming even more of a menace, as impossible as that seems. Richie begs Paul to let him finish out high school at Sycamore and Paul reluctantly helps him get a variance. He joins the anime club and the swim team there. Sycamore isn’t as cliquey as Hatchetfield High and a lot of the kids who go there are just as “weird” as he is, so he’s actually kind of popular there and he’s much happier. Ruth starts doing online school. Being away from the constant bullying, her anxiety starts to get better and her confidence improves. She joins a local theater troupe for teens, makes tons of new friends there and lands her first ensemble role. Pete just works his ass off and graduates early, then goes off to UCLA (he gets his own CaliforMIA reprise). Lex and Hannah make it to California in this universe too because why the hell not and Pete ends up being their roommate. I just think he and Lex would be an iconic duo. They’d hate each other at first (she’s a retail worker and Pete’s canonically a rude customer, natural enemies) but then they’d start vibing and the levels of snark would be off the charts.
-When Linda and Gerald see how Max is struggling in school, they hire a tutor for him and his grades actually improve a little. He’s still a nightmare to deal with and doesn’t try that hard, but they pay this tutor such an extravagant amount that they’re willing to put up with just about anything. Just for funsies, maybe the tutor is Ziggy. Idk could be a fun comedic pairing and I like to think Ziggs is smarter than they let on and tutors on the side so their only stream of income won’t be drug dealing - they don’t want people getting suspicious of how they’re making a living.
-Linda and Gerald start going to every single football game with the boys. The whole family is decked out in an obnoxious amount of Nighthawks gear and they cheer for Max louder than anybody else. Max pretends not to care, but he secretly loves it. They’re proud of him and it’s not conditional on whether he wins or not. They prioritize him, clearing their schedules so they can come to the games and always show up when they say they’re going to. His dad never did that for him.
-Max injures his knee during one of these games and he insists he’s fine, but the coach forces him to sit out for the rest of it. He’s worried Linda and Gerald are going to be mad at him for not playing or think he’s weak for not toughing it out, but they’re both just worried about him and want to make sure he’s okay. When they get home, Gerald makes him stay off of it and ice it. Linda fusses over him and his new brothers keep him entertained while he’s laid up on the couch.
-every so often, the school calls the Monroes and tries to talk to them about a bullying incident. It’s pretty rare because Max is the star football player and the administration doesn’t really care what he does, but if it’s a particularly violent one they’ll at least make a half-assed attempt to address it for appearances’ sake. Gerald tells them “if you have that much of a problem with it YOU do something about it.” Linda then reminds them that if they do, their generous donations to the school just might dry up. Whenever Max comes home after, Gerald just laughs about it and claps him on the back, then says something along the lines of “That’s my boy, keeping those nerds in line!” Obviously, this only encourages him more.
-Linda decides to impart her wisdom on him and show him that brute force isn’t the only way to keep people in line and get what he wants. She and Gerald start to teach Max more creative, underhanded ways to hurt people and encourage him to use their wealth and connections to his full advantage. As they say, what’s the point of having money if you’re not going to enjoy it?
-As part of this lesson, Gerald fondly recounts what Linda did to that girl’s skis in that competition back in college and how it was the moment he knew she was the one. He goes on about how hot, successful and smart she is and says that Max should take her advice because she knows what she’s talking about. Max can’t put it into words, but there’s something so healing about seeing the way Gerald and Linda love and support each other. Maybe seeing this modeled teaches him how to have (somewhat) healthy romantic relationships down the line and he and Grace eventually get together and have a similar “horrible to everyone else, loving and supportive to each other/enabling to each other’s bad behavior” dynamic.
-When Max joins the family for dinner with Roman and hears the way he talks to Linda, he can’t control his temper and tells him he doesn’t care who he is, he’s going to smash his face in if he doesn’t shut the fuck up because nobody talks to Linda like that. Gerald, of course, is absolutely delighted. Linda half heartedly scolds him, but is secretly so touched that he stood up for her like that. She and Gerald discuss it, decide Max deserves a little reward and buy him a brand new Range Rover.
-After the incident with Roman, Linda tells Max that he just might be her new favorite. River overhears and this ignites a lifelong, largely one-sided sibling rivalry with Max. He starts kind of emulating Max’s bad behavior and lashing out at school to try and get Linda’s attention and when that doesn’t work, he becomes a huge overachiever instead as a way to distinguish himself from Max and make himself feel superior since Max isn’t very academically gifted. He does genuinely study and work hard but he also pulls every dirty trick imaginable to sabotage any other students standing in his way (some…unfortunate things end up happening to his competition for a few scholastic awards and the one student who’s ahead of him for valedictorian his senior year). Linda’s proud of him and showers him with praise, but all he can think about is that moment Max displaced him as the favorite. He wonders if anything he does will ever be good enough to earn that spot back.
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xflippinfrogx · 3 months
No title because I’m lazy
A/N~ Heyy sorry I’ve been so inactive the last while I’ve had severe writers block but I’ll try my best to get a few things done in the next week or so.. well hopefully lmao!! Yes it is another marauders post but it’s been in my drafts for over a year and plus I rarely see any new ones so why not put some out there myself?? Anyways enjoy the fic and I’ll hopefully write again soon💕
Lee(s): Mainly James but also Sirius, Remus and Peter
Ler(s): James, Sirius kinda Remus and Peter
James Potter was what people would call a very tactile person. He showed his love and affection through touch.
He was never seen without an arm around Peter or his hands tangled in Remus’ hair. Sirius never thought about his actions until today when he was visited by a familiar friend of his..
The tickle monster.
“Jahaahahamehes stAHAP IHIHIT” He writhed beneath his attacker. James let up noticing the alarming colour of red that had engulfed Sirius’ face.
“Maybe next time don’t provoke me then okay?” He smirked.
Sirius was left alone sat on his bed when he began to think. James was always tickling him and the others, it was just another way he showed affection. But then it suddenly hit him that it was always James doing the tickling..
He couldn’t remember the last time James had been properly reduced to a pile of giggles and tears. He could name hundreds of times James was doing the “reducing”.
He decided to watch carefully for the next while to see if he could figure out if maybe James was actually doing this in hope of receiving the same affection back..
That evening, Peter spilled ink over an essay James had spent ages working on and they all knew exactly what was about to happen to poor Pete. He apologised hundreds of times but James had already set his target.
Immediately the room was filled with please and squeals as James got his well deserved revenge. It only lasted a minute or two but Peter was a mess by the end. He helped James clean up the mess and re write his essay and everything went back to how it was.
Sirius however hadn’t missed the slightest blush grazing his best friends face and a look of what he thought was disappointment?
Was James hoping it would escalate further into him being the victim? Definitely. In all honesty Sirius could just put James out of his misery and tickle him then and there but he was enjoying watching his friend become embarrassed and flustered by the situation.
Anyways, he needed to be 100% sure that James was really looking to be tickled before he struck. You know, incase he didn’t actually like it and Sirius was misreading the whole thing..
The next morning as always, James was the first to wake. The only difference is that Sirius woke up early too, he was too giddy about his experiment to sleep any longer.
Peter got up as well hearing the other two pottering about the dorm. Only Remus remained in his bed. As Sirius had predicted, James wasn’t having it.
When James is up everyone has to be up.
He had already called Remus to wake up multiple times. The others knew Remus hated mornings but James wouldn’t take no for an answer, even if it was a Saturday. James quietly tip toed towards the unsuspecting boy and crawled carefully onto his bed. With one leg either side of his friends torso he began to lightly walk his fingers up and down his sides.
Remus was laying on his stomach, hands above his head, leaving his entire back and sides completely vulnerable. He shuddered feeling the light pressure from James’ hands.
Too tired to know what was happening, Remus just lay there for a moment. Half asleep, he began to squirm and James’ actions had drawn a few sleepy giggles from the boy.
“Moony don’t make me do this, wake up mate!!” James insisted. All he got in return from Remus was a grunt.
“You leave me no choice..” He rapidly spidered his hands all over his ribs and sides. Remus jerked and burst into fits of giggles.
Once again it didn’t last long, just enough time for Remus to get in a few pokes himself, nothing major. James however fell off the bed in suprise!!
“James, don’t ever do that again or I swear to Merlin I’ll murder you!!,”Remus said helping James up off the floor.
This time, James’ face had very obviously reddened but Remus had the decency not to mention it.
Sirius did not.
“Mate you are as red as Lily’s hair, you alright?” He remarked with a grin
“Just fine thanks Pads.”
James rushed off and the others didn’t see much of him that day. Sirius suspected he must have been rather embarrassed and needed some alone time.
That evening James returned to the dorm back to his usual bubbly self.
Sirius decided he had waited long enough and now was his time to strike.
James sat by Peter and Remus, they were currently in the middle of a very intense game of exploding snap. Sirius moved quietly from his bed to the floor behind James.
It was James’ turn and Sirius decided it was now or never. James went to place his card when he felt two hands kneading his sides. He elicited a loud shriek and his card fell from his hands causing a minor explosion.
“Haha James you lose!!” Peter laughed dusting off the ash from his face.
“C’mon Pete let’s get cleaned up, we’ll be back for round two in a bit James!” Remus explained. The real reason he was dragging Peter out of there was because he totally knew what was going on and he wanted to, well, help Sirius on his investigation.
“Sorry James, that was a pretty illegal move there. I know you hate when I do that, I won’t anymore, promise.” Sirius was really trying to rile him up now.
“I uhm, I don’t mind it.” James mumbled so quietly that if sirius had been any further from him he wouldn’t have noticed he’d even spoke.
“You what?” He asked with an underlying tone of mischief. Finally, James turned to face him and blurted out “I saidthatIdontmindit-”
“Don’t mind what prongs?” Sirius enquired with a smirk on his face. “When you.. you know.” He gestured his hand at Sirius trying to explain what he meant. Sirius acted as though he had no idea what James was on about. “God Sirius I don’t mind when you tickle me ok!? You’re awful at taking hints,” he huffed while simultaneously covering his red hot face.
“No need for the attitude Potter,” he rolled his eyes in false annoyance and swiftly brought his hands down to his friend’s sides again preparing for attack. “You’re in no position to be rude right now.”
James burst into laughter as he was tickled to pieces on the dormitory floor. Even if you hadn’t done all the research Sirius had on him it was clear that James was really enjoying himself. He had one of those smiles plastered across his face where it was so wide he felt that if it got any wider that his cheeks would split. Sirius mirrored this because seeing his best friend so happy was everything he could want.
James didn’t even try to flee at this point because a mutual understanding was formed between them that this wasn’t embarrassing and he could just enjoy himself.
He spent the majority of that evening giggling away as Sirius poked, squeezed and scribbled over every spot he could find and it sent James into hysterics. Once Sirius reached his ribs though, he lost it.
“Hmmm I don’t know Jamesie are you sure you’ve received all the attention you so clearly wanted?”
“You 100% certain?” He was really teasing now.
“I’ll take that as a yes then.”
The curly headed boy flopped over as he regained his breath, hands attempting to rub away the phantom tickles he felt lingering.
“James you know if you really wanted me to do that you could’ve just asked?” Sirius was actually being sincere this time around, he wanted James to know he wasn’t judging at all.
“It was just embarrassing I guess, not really the normal thing to like eh?” He was still terribly red but he kept his wide smile.
“Doesn’t mean it’s embarrassing, sure I’m going to tease the hell out of you about this for the rest of your life but really, it’s not something to hide,” he grinned that Sirius black grin as his friend shoved at his shoulder.
“Thanks mate, I appreciate” sarcasm dripped from his voice but he smiled getting up from the floor.
They spent the rest of the evening playing exploding snap and yes Sirius did use that illegal move many more times but they all knew James didn’t mind. Let’s just say the next time he set off the cards he seemed to find his punishment very amusing and the gryfindor boys dorm was filled with laughter once again.
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jaylienpotter · 1 year
Part 3 of Let them be | 1.9K words
> Part 2 | Part 4 <
Let people want both
Remus, James and Peter were outside already, waiting for Sirius to join them to go to Hogsmead. Remus was getting impatient (it was getting close to that time of the month), it was unbelievable the amount of time someone could take to get ready. They always expected him to take longer, hence why not waiting at the dorm. But that day Padfoot was taking especially long.
Lupin's frown became something else entirely. Thin lips parted, brown eyes wide and cheeks most certainly darker than usual. Siri looked absolutely gorgeous, hot, perfect.
"Looking good Pads!" Prongs greeted the last marauder with his usual cheerful grin. But he didn't have the tall boy's slightest attention.
"You think?"
"Yeah! Girl day?" Sirius hummed affirmatively and got closer. Fuck did he she look even better.
"Where did you get the clothes?" The short blond boy was still getting used to the whole gender thing, but it had gotten better since the protest they did for Regulus.
"Well, Marlene gave me the skirt, said it's a tad too big on her. The top is mine but I cut it to be cropped. Not bad, I'd say. Definitely not the straightest but it's me after all. And I don't know, it gives it a grungy style. The fishnets are Mary's. I was expecting it to be uncomfortable but it's not, really. The accessories are all mine except for the bracelet, which is also Marlene's. The boots are mine, obviously. It would be fun to maybe get heels at one point but I don't think they exist in my size."
"You can always try spells. You look wicked, anyway!" Potter turned to Remus, who was very much panicking on the inside. "Y'alright, Moony?"
"Huh? Oh- yeah, yeah." Was that suspicious? He was quite collected in general but something about that man - or woman, person, didn't really matter - made him feral. He wanted Sirius to be his. He needed it. But he was far too awkward and shy to ever make a move. I mean, what if it ruined their friendship?
"Look!" Pads lifted her rectangle black sunglasses to show an amazing eye look (not that Remus knew much about makeup) that made her grey eyes pop. "I did it myself! Lily has been teaching me how to make different looks with makeup."
"You're on a first name basis, now? You're not stealing Evans from me, Pads, are you?" He squinted as if threatening, not that he would ever hurt his best friend.
"No, don't worry. I'm still very much into blokes."
"Good. Anyone you got your eyes on?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Suddenly focused on the conversation, a million thoughts raced through Rem's head. Did Padfoot have a crush? Who could it be?
"Secretive. I'm onto you, Pads. And how about you Moony? We all know Pete is devoted to the Ravenclaw boy-"
"Merlin! I've told you already, Benjy and I are just friends."
"Sure." Round glasses turned to Moony, who, for once, was feeling somewhat brave.
"I guess you could say I fancy someone." He hoped to get a reaction from said person.
"Ooooo! Who is she?" This was his moment.
"Why are you assuming it's a girl?" There it was. Pads looked up, interest peaked. It could only be from curiosity, she always enjoyed some drama. Or maybe, hopefully, it could be deeper than that.
"Am I the only straight person here?"
"Well I'm not gay, because I don't fancy Benjy. I don't fancy anyone." Poor Pete. James wouldn't leave him alone about it, constantly teasing.
"Whatever you say, Wormy. Who's this person, Moony?"
"Ain't telling." He was feeling brave and maybe even impulsive. But not even the full moon made him an idiot.
"Aww, come on! Why don't you lot tell me anything?!"
"Perhaps because you're extremely obvious and embarrassing." He did have a point. Although that wasn't the reason in this case.
"Awn, do I embarrass you in front of eagle boy?"
"You're insufferable!" Potter chuckled, deciding it was enough teasing.
"Well, where we off to first? Zonko's?"
"We should go there last. We will need quite a lot of things, we're running out of stock for pranks."
"What would we do without you, Moony?" Get in a lot more detentions, that's for sure. "Three broomsticks?"
They all agreed and went to the pub, ordering butterbeer. After a while of talking about nothings, Peter got up.
"I have to go for a bit."
"Meeting a certain someone whose name starts with a B?"
"Sod off, Potter. I'll see you later." He was barely out the door when James got up too.
"Oh shit! I also need to go. I want to buy Lily some flowers. See if this time she'll accept going on a date. Sorry mates." He took some coins from his pockets (most of them galleons, rich prick) and messily left them on the table. "Uh this should cover some of the drinks. I'll meet you at Zonko's in like 30, yeah?"
"Just go, lover boy."
"Thank you, you're the best!" And then it was just them. It's not like they were never alone, but it was especially hard to focus when Sirius looked like a hot rockstar. No matter where Lupin looked, he could easily get flustered. Face? Amazing makeup that he wanted to kiss. Top? You could see her abs under the crop. Bottom? Obviously the mini skirt. There was no way out.
"You seem distracted."
"Hm? Do I?" Fuck.
"Yes. Is it because of the person you fancy?"
"Maybe." Absolutely.
"I didn't know you were bi." The lanky boy just shrugged, afraid to say something stupid. "Do I know him?"
"You know everyone."
"You know what I mean." Another non answer, a sip of the butterbeer that was near the end. "Do you know if he's gay? Or bi or whatever."
"He is."
"What does he look like?" They were getting into dangerous territory. There weren't many males at hogwarts with fucking grey eyes. Join the long black hair and it was a given.
"Why the interrogation? You also didn't give us much closure."
"Ask me things, then." He pondered. He desperately wanted to find out if Padfoot had any interest in the boy across from her.
"Do you fancy someone?"
"I do." Could be anyone.
"What's his house?"
"Gryffindor, of course. I have high standards, Moons." Siri was the only person that called him that. Got this man on his knees every time.
"I mean you dated a Ravenclaw."
"Shhhh we don't talk about him."
"Right." Brown eyebrows came together "Is it- is it James?" It made sense. They were always together, after all. And Potter was always complimenting his best mate.
"Prongs?! Fuck no! He's my brother. Why? You don't fancy him, do you…?"
"No, no!" Different Marauder.
"What's his house?"
"Also Gryffindor. What does your crush look like?" It could go downhill from there very fast.
"Brown hair. Brown eyes." Matched… "Bad sense of style." Listen. Remus didn't have a bad sense of style. He just liked to be comfortable. Although he could be the one in the description since Black said he looked like a grandfather.
Before Rem could answer, probably ask something that was more specific, a crash and shouts were heard a few tables over.
"Let's go somewhere else?"
"Sounds good."
After paying, Moony awkwardly followed his crush to a secluded area in the street.
"How about you? What does your crush look like?"
"Dark hair…" Pads hummed, encouraging to continue. "Light eyes…" Bastard was smirking. Smirking at the pink cheeks across the scarred face.
"I see…" She got close. Very close. "You know, Lupin. I couldn't help but notice you get particularly shy whenever I'm wearing a skirt. Any reason?" He didn't say anything. I mean, what was he supposed to say? Sirius obviously knew the answer already. "I'd say you simply like short skirts but I don't see you staring at other girls like that." His cheeks matched the colour of their house and he could be playing quidditch with how fast his heart was beating. "What is it, Remy?"
"Siri…" His voice was pleading, his eyes were pleading, his heart was pleading, he was on his knees and she was well aware of that.
"No no." She took his chin and made him look into those grey eyes. "Say it."
"I…" Shit, he was nervous. "I… like you…"
"Was that so hard? If all I needed to do to get you to like me back was to wear a skirt, I would've protested a lot sooner."
"It's not since the skirt… It's been longer." The Black smirk. Annoying and hot. He just wanted to kiss it, aware the bold red lipstick would get smudged on both of them.
"Remus John Lupin, you fool." And just like that, their lips met. Pale arms around the taller one's neck. Moony put his arms around her and pulled her closer, feeling her bare skin and melting into the kiss.
Merlin knows how long the kissing lasted. Time didn't exist between those two. After what seemed like an eternity and yet not enough, they parted.
"You have some lipstick on you." She chuckled and cleaned some of it with her finger. "I'm making it worse…"
"That's okay. I'll wash my face."
"Woooooo!" Turning around, there was a short Filipino blondie cheering them, holding hands with her dark skinned girlfriend. "Fucking finally! You better tell me the details, Black!"
"Fine! Now sod off Mckinnon!" She laughed and pulled Dorcas, walking away. "Well…"
"I uh… I'll wash my face at the pub."
"I'll walk with you." The silence was a tad awkward. At least to Remus. His crush took his hand and broke the ice. "So, since when do you fancy me?"
"I'm not sure… A year, maybe? You?"
"Awww really? You should have come out sooner. I've liked you since fourth year. Never made a move because I thought you were straight. And even after the protest, I wasn't sure if you just found me attractive because I look like a girl."
"No, I like you when you're masculine too. The skirt just… I don't know, has a different effect. Wait here?"
"Is my lipstick smudged?"
"A bit."
"I'll go too." They went back to the pub they had left some minutes ago. Pads went to the girl's bathroom while Remus cleaned his face and grinned at the mirror in the men's. When they met again, the red lips were as lively as before. They stained Moony, the shape of a kiss on his left cheek. "Sorry. Had to."
It had been over 30 minutes since James left to fetch Lily a gift. So naturally, he and Pettigrew were already waiting at Zonko's.
"There they are! Where were you two- Is that lipstick?!" The werewolf blushed and looked down while his partner held up their hands grinning.
"We're dating!"
"What?! You were each other's crushes?!" Wormtail shook his head.
"You are so oblivious, Prongs."
"Wha- You knew?!"
"Everyone with eyes and some common sense knows those two have been pining over each other. Congrats on figuring it out, it was getting painful to watch."
"Wormtail!" Pads gasped dramatically, her hand over her chest. "How could you stay quiet?"
"Wasn't my place to say anything. And it was quite entertaining to watch how stupid you both were." Sirius seemed offended, but Remus couldn't help but find the whole situation hilarious.
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