#lee (jet trash)
firstpersonnarrator · 2 months
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dramavinile · 5 months
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sono passati 30 anni.
30 anni fa, seduto tra i banchi di scuola, il mio unico pensiero era tornare a casa per poter ascoltare questo capolavoro.
rubato la domenica di Pasqua del 1994 da “Disco Club 64”
un negozio di dischi durato poco, molto poco (probabilmente a causa dei mariuoli come
quel giorno ero con mio zio e mio cugino.
mio zio comprò “the head on the door” dei CURE, mio cugino “Kaos A.D” dei sepultura.
io rubai “experimental jet set , trash and no star” dei Sonic Youth.
sono un peccatore ma il reato direi che è più che prescritto.
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fairyniceyeah · 3 months
🧭 Stray Kids Headcanons - Food poisoning
🐺 Bang Chan
Yes, there is expired food in the minifridge in his studio at times
Yes, he knows that - other members do not (don’t mention it, Chan feels so guilty and will start apologizing for the next three hours again if you do)
But mistakes happen - the manager threw everything out after that and makes him check the fridge regularly
He never told the members but was found it a puddle of his own sick by his manager because he didn’t make it to the bathroom in time
His manager called Minho who came running and stayed with him all night, never complaining about helping Chan to the bathroom or cleaning out buckets
Chan feels terrible about it - he’s the oldest and the leader after all but Minho managed to reassure him for the most part
“Minho-ssi, please come to the company.”
Yeah, those weren’t words that Lee Minho ever wanted to be woken up by again. Not in the middle of the night. But as soon as the words of the manager registered in his mind, he threw off his blankets and rushed to get ready.
‘Chan-ah is sick. Please come and get him - I think he got food poisoning.’
He did not - though he probably should have - expected Chan’s manager kneeling by his only hyung’s side. His hyung, who was laying on his side on his studio’s couch and at that moment violently sick into a trash can. Minho winced at the hacking sounds - he wasn’t squeamish at all, he couldn’t afford to be with six dongsaengs relying on him, but that was a horrible experience. It really sounded like Chan was trying to turn himself inside out.
For a moment Minho was rooted to the spot. Normally the roles were reversed - he had never before seen Chan sick. But first time for everything and Chan looked bad enough that Minho didn’t doubt he would need a lot of help in the near future. 
“Hi, hyung”, Minho said once he got over the unusual sight and knelt down by Chan, who was only now dry-heaving. “Do you think you can make it home or do you wanna stay here?”
“MInho-yah?”, Chan rasped, turning to look at his dongsaeng with wide, feverish eyes, “you shouldn't have to see this.”
“I don’t mind, hyung. Let me help for once.”
Chan looked torn and unhappy, but ultimately he nodded. 
🐰 Lee Know/Minho
He is never ever eating fries again - old oil in the fryer at the airport restaurant did him in
Spend the whole flight with his head in a sickbag 
They knew how bad he was feeling when he didn’t even once seemed embarrassed and he actually cried in front of the whole group and the staff
They had rented out the whole first class so at least he had a little privacy
Charmed the stewardesses though which Changbin finds hilarious
It was the first time he let anybody (namely HAN) but Chan help him because he was so sleep-deprived from jet lag and insomnia that Minho felt bad about keeping him awake during the flight 
Wasn’t really able to lie down due to the nausea but HAN made due and cuddled him sitting up - Seungmin does have “blackmail” pictures he never intents to use
“I don’t feel good”, Minho mumbled. That was about as much warning as Han would get before he watched his hyung shoot up from his aisle seat to rush to the bathroom at the front of the plane - one hand in front of his mouth. 
Looking around Han saw various staff members, as well as Felix, Seungmin and Changbin watch the happenings in confusion. 
“Is he alright?”, Felix asked, leaning across the aisle to speak to Han.
“I don’t know, I’ll check.”
Han didn’t know why this had to happen on a fifteen hour flight but three hours later he was exhausted to the bone. Maybe it was food poisoning, maybe a stomach bug - but ever since Minho had rushed off to the bathroom earlier he had been throwing up about every twenty minutes. Aside from the first time, the older hadn’t been able to even move from his seat, relying on the steady supply of sickbags from the kind, older stewardess who seemed to feel bad for the poor young man who was so very sick. Changbin found it hilarious how she always seemed to come by whenever they needed something - like she was watching them in worry. 
“Hannie”, Minho whispered, his voice raw, “how long until we land?”
Han sighed. He knew Minho wouldn’t appreciate being lied to. But the truth was also awful. “About twelve hours.”
Whatever he had expected to be Minho’s reaction - it wasn’t this. As soon as the words were out of Han’s mouth, Minho just started crying. Fat teardrops rolled down his cheeks and his breathing hitched badly as he sobbed. 
“Oh, hyungie”, Han mumbled, feeling bad for the older. He was so out of his depth. Normally if Minho was sick he would seek out Chan (if he even admitted to being sick in the first place) but earlier when Hyunjin - who seemed deeply disturbed by their hyung’s weakness - had suggested waking their leader, who had dropped off into melatonin-induced sleep, Hyunjin had been shot down by the older dancer. Considering how tired and sleep-deprived their oldest was, they had understood the reasoning. They were all happy to see Chan knocked out on their maknae’s shoulder. But now?
Not knowing what else to do, Han pulled Minho into his arms, rocking them side to side in a soothing manner. They would have to endure. 
Holding his precious burden tightly, Han didn’t have the energy to care as he heard the tell-tale sound of a camera going off. He’d fight Seungmin another day and if the pictures were cute … well, nobody needed to know.
🐰🐷 Changbin
Did you know that protein shakes can expire?
Changbin does know that now too
He woke up during the night with everything in an uproar and well, embarrassment doesn't cover how he feels about those next thirty hours
Called Chan for help once it became clear he couldn’t take care of himself anymore
Took so many showers that night because he felt awful and dirty, Chan just helped him stay upright and didn’t even care when Changbin threw up on his feet during the shower
The moment Changbin had awoken with an angry stomach he knew he was doomed. Maybe the protein shake that was supposed to be expired a week ago according to its label had expired after all. It hadn’t even tasted off. 
Just the thought of the taste had the rapper rush to the bathroom, violently expelling his stomach contents. God, it was awful. Cramps, nausea and a feverish haze descended over him until all that was left of him was a pitiful ball of sick human on the bathroom floor. He didn’t know how long he had stayed in the bathroom, his body wanting to get rid of all contents in every way.  
“Channie-hyung”, he whimpered into his phone. Not even a minute later their leader was crouching behind him, holding back sweat-soaked hair and keeping him from bashing his head in on the toilet seat.
“I wanna shower, I feel gross”, Changbin whimpered into his hyung’s t-shirt. Standing upright on his own, with his stomach cramping as it was, as a challenge in itself. It was clear pretty soon that Changbin would not be able to shower on his own. He knew Chan didn’t mind, more concerned about his violently ill dongsaeng before anything else, but embarrassment colored his cheeks red as they stepped into the shower together.
The hot water was nice - for about ten seconds. Then it was overwhelming. Changbin swallowed, gagged, swallowed and then his body was forced forward. Chunky, disgusting sick splattered onto the shower floor, washed away by the water but nevertheless hitting Chan’s feet and shins. 
“I’m so sorry”, Changbin said in horror, once he caught his breath.
“Don’t worry about it, mate”, Chan said as he reached up for the shower hose to rinse himself off, “you’re sick. Let hyung take care of you.”
🥟 Hyunjin
Sushi is now banned from any menu 
He went out with HAN the evening before his birthday and let’s say, it was his worst birthday ever (he will never let HAN know that)
Minho, who along with Changbin took care of him and HAN, would have sued the restaurant if that wouldn’t have brought bad press
Worst? The 3RACHA+Hyunjin dorm only has one bathroom and while Hyunjin is largely self sufficient when sick he was practically bedridden from vertigo and cramps 
Needed Changbin to help him everywhere and Changbin lost count how often he had to wash Hyunjin’s hair that night - it was the annoying length of being long but not long enough for a braid or bun
Felix cried more than him about the missed birthday party - Huynjin at that point was too tired to care and was happy to hold HAN tight
“I hate this”, Hyunjin sobbed as his stomach cramped anew. Changbin sighed as he ran his hands through Hyunjin’s hair. It was still slightly damp from when he had washed it not even half an hour ago. It was really an annoying length - long enough to be in line of fire but short enough that it fell out of any ponytail it was put in. Changbin had tried braiding it but he soon had to find out he was not a stylist noona. Changbin saloon could only do so much. 
“I know, Jin-ah”, he replied from where he was sitting on the edge of the younger’s bed.
“I’m never eating sushi again”, Hyunjin added. 
“As long as you are careful to choose a less sketchy restaurant you should be fine”, Changbin said with a tiny smile, knowing how dramatic Hyunjin could be. The next sentence underlined that statement.
“No - I’m never having sushi …”, Hyunjin started, then hiccoughed. He jerked his head to the side, simultaneously trying to lift his body to turn over the side of the bed - but the vertigo was overwhelming. Then he retched and sick splattered onto the pillow he had been resting on and the towel spread over it for cases like this. Changbin just held his shoulder steady, internally sighing when he realized that the long hair was now lying in a puddle of sick - again.
It promised to be a long night of cleaning. He wondered how Han was doing.
🐿️ HAN/Jisung
Scarred for life after that sushi experience
Also guilty because he suggested it and feels like he ruined Hyunjin’s birthday
Apologized and cried a lot when they were both well enough to be put on the couches in the living room, Hyunjin just hugged him until he fell asleep
Barely able to move from the bathroom floor and he still he somehow never made it all the way to the toilet - they disinfected the whole room like twenty times before deeming it usable again
Cried so much because he felt bad and Jinnie-hyung felt bad and it was all his fault and in the end the headache from that was the worst pain
Minho-hyung hugs made it a tiny bit (a lot) better
“Baby, it’s not your fault”, Minho whispered to the unconsolable young man in his arms, “you didn’t know.” Han had his face pressed into his chest, sobbing so harshly that Minho feared he would set off his stomach again. He had cleaned the bathroom floor around five times that night already, he could go without a sixth. Han really was the worst at making it to the toilet - even if he was sitting directly in front of it. 
“Hyung, I feel bad. Jinnie-hyung feels bad and it’s all my fault”, Han cried, fisting his hands into the back of Minho’s shirt. 
“You didn’t want to get food poisoning, did you? So it’s not your fault”, Minho soothed.
“But … but it’s his birthday tomorrow and he feels awful and if I hadn't ….”, Han whimpered but was interrupted by Minho. 
“Don’t worry about it, okay? You’re sick too”, Minho mumbled. It seemingly was the wrong thing to say - at the reminder Han pulled away with force.
And yet, most of the vomit splattered onto the toilet seat and the floor in front of it.
Minho sighed but he felt too bad for Han to care about the mess.
🐥 Felix/Yongbok
Turns out E.Coli can hide in raw flour
Guess who likes licking the brownie bowl clean once done baking?
The stomach cramps were the worst and he spend two days either hugging a hot water bottle or the toilet
It was awful for everyone to watch him go through it - they all cycled into the bathroom at one point to help and were happy to hug the poor, feverish, miserable young man to their best ability
Cried when Chan had to go to the company to finish a deadline and it took the combined forces of Changbin and Hyunjin to stop him from crying
… however, he is a bit resistant to learning - the odds of getting E.Coli from raw flour twice are not that high, right?
“How are you feeling, Lixie?”, Chan asked worriedly, leaning in the doorway of the bathroom Felix shared with Minho. The dance leader had asked him to come to the other dorm earlier, explaining that Felix was not doing well.
It was an understatement if anything. The young dancer had woken up early early in the morning to his stomach aching with terrible cramps that left him gasping for breath. Minho had found him being violently sick only minutes later and ever since Felix had refused to budge from the bathroom floor. The younger had been throwing up off and on but now that his oldest hyung had arrived he seemed empty. That didn’t stop his stomach from throwing a tantrum.
“Awful, hyung”, Felix whispered, looking up with tired eyes at the older. He was curled up on the floor in a tiny ball of misery, hugging a hot water bottle to his stomach and clutching Minho’s hand. “I don’t know what happened.”
“Did you eat anything weird maybe?”, Chan asked as he crouched down to let Felix rest on his lap. He exchanged a worried glance with Minho who just shrugged. 
“I made dinner for us all yesterday so it would be all of us sick if that was the issue. Felix did make brownies after that but we haven’t eaten any of them yet”, the dancer explained, a bit sour, “he says they are for backstage at that award show.”
“Hm, I doubt there will be an award show for you this evening, kiddo”, Chan mumbled. Then it dawned on him.
“Lixie, did you lick the bowl clean again?” Felix frowned and lifted his head to look at his hyungs.
“Oh no.” Minho sighed, realizing where Chan was heading.
“Huh?”, Felix asked, a nauseous look crossing his face as he remembered back, “yeah, I did. Why?”
“E.Coli, Salmonella… anything ring a bell?”, Chan asked softly.
“Oh, fuck”, Felix mumbled in understanding, dropping his head back down on Chan’s lap in resignation.
🐶 Seungmin
Takes food safety to a whole new level - he and I.N. are not compatible and should be separated when cooking
But he trusted Chan’s fridge and regrets it to this day
It was the most miserable day of his life and worst of all? 
He had to spend the night at the company building because he couldn’t get 2m away from the toilet - he really tried to stay strong through it all but even his resolves crumbled after vomiting all over himself
Hyunjin stayed the night with him but let Chan know who felt terrible about it since he figured out what happened
He passed out around four AM due to dehydration and exhaustion and Hyunjin had to bring him to the hospital after that for an IV
Ruined his vocal cords from vomiting so much that he was on vocal rest for a week - a week he really needed to be completely fit and not get queasy and shaky at the sight of any food other than tea and crackers
“Min-ah, I am so sorry”, Chan mumbled to the young vocalist and wrapped him in his arms. Seungmin sighed and rested his head against his oldest hyung’s shoulder. He had just arrived home from the hospital with Hyunjin after a bout of awful food poisoning that they sadly could pinpoint to the milkshake Seungmin had taken from Chan’s mini fridge earlier yesterday. 
He hadn’t thought anything could be more embarrassing than running out of his late evening vocal lesson with a hand pressed to his mouth and barely a muttered excuse to the teacher … until he had thrown up all over himself while Hyunjin, who had apparently been informed of his situation by the vocal teacher, had watched helplessly. Passing out due to dehydration and likely exhaustion had just been the cherry on top of a terrible sick night at the company. Going home - or even away from the close proximity of a toilet - had been impossible with just how much his stomach had been rebelling.
Still, he couldn’t blame Chan - he was an adult himself and should have just read the label and not just trusted the mini fridge. 
“It’s okay, hyung”, he whispered, throat so torn up from vomiting it hurt to speak, “can I just lay down?”
“Of course.”
Ten minutes later Seungmin laid curled up in a blanket on their couch, his head resting on Felix’s lap. Peppermint tea and crackers, courtesy of Minho, were waiting for him on the table and the oldest dancer had dragged their designated puke bucket over, just in case. Seungmin didn’t really feel like he would throw up again soon but he was glad it was there. He didn’t know what would happen if he put anything in his stomach or when the medication he had been given intravenously wore off.
“Rest, Min-ah”, Chan said gently, his face still in a frown, as he tucked himself under Seungmin’s feet. Just a few minutes later soft snoring filled the room.
🦊 I.N./Jeongin
Has a really, really “meh” attitude about food safety - sometimes what he consumes is closer to biological warfare than food
Surprisingly though - he rarely gets sick from it and he has a stomach of steel
Just don’t ask him about that night in Paris - also don’t ask Minho about it who nearly gave into his urge to scream
Minho was “told you so” - personified after that
But getting so sick in a hotel room in a country far from home was the worst and, while I.N. was terribly grumpy and embarrassed, he did need a hyung to help him 
Will never admit to it but was glad he was rooming with the eomma-hyung that night
“Hyung, wake up”, Jeongin whispered, desperately shaking Minho’s shoulder. His stomach was rolling and churning and turning and tossing and he felt awful. Sweat was covering his entire body and he was so shaky he had barely been able to stumble the few steps closer to his hyung’s bed. 
“I.N.-ah?”, Minho asked sleepily, “what’s wrong?”
“I don’t …”, Jeongin didn’t get any further before his body forced him forward with a gag. Immediately hot sick splashed down his front and ended up puddling by his feet. Jeongin felt his eyes fill with tears, which only got worse when the older turned on the lights.
“Oh, maknae-ah.” Minho sighed. “I told you that hot-dog looked sketchy.”
“Hyung”, Jeongin whined. He didn’t want to get teased. He knew he had made a mistake, a mistake that left him painfully sick in a hotel room in Paris of all places. The thought of how far away from home they were and missing the comforts of home, brought more tears to his face. 
“I’m sorry”, he cried, full on sobbing now.
“It’s okay, baby”, Minho said with a bit of regret in his voice, “I’m sorry. Let’s get you cleaned up, okay? Everything will look a bit better then, hm?”
Masterlist links:  Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - Stray Kids
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putah-creek · 1 year
silence is now our father
what has become of our voices when did the crows come and rip out our throats? silence is now our father this land is filled with great ghettos in city after city and we say nothing silence is now our father children are going hungry in the shadows of millionaires children do you hear me hungry and we say nothing silence is now our father there is not even a gurgling sound in our throats our taxes pay for the bombs that blow apart hungry children in other lands children do you hear me blown apart the fat pig of government pours liquid gold into the belly of the military enough gold to feed all of the world where is it spent on bullets and jet fuel on rifles and bombs and we say nothing silence is now our father do we build schools no we build prisons do we pass laws to help people be free no we pass laws to take their freedom away and we say nothing for silence is indeed our father we are pumping life from the earth itself and pouring poison into the empty hole we are melting the ice caps and allowing those who do it to call it god's will and we say nothing and silence is indeed our father no more friend it is time to find our voices once again it is time to speak. the emperor has no clothes the people we were told are our enemies are not our enemies, and it is time for us to stop being theirs I say it is time to scream to rage are you listening leave your house stop getting stoned on your television it is time now for us all to walk outside and scream in the street as one we'll just stop traffic and scream we'll stop working and scream we'll scream for the hungry children we'll scream for the people who sleep under the freeway we'll scream for the women turned away from the clinic we'll scream for the prisoners with no hope we'll scream for the iraqi villagers crying at the graveside we'll scream for the children who walk north in terror we'll scream for the family that just can't make it until payday we'll scream for the wounds of the earth for the trash in the sea we'll scream for the filth in the air we'll scream for the leaders getting rich on death and war we'll scream for the lifetime of lies we have endured. we'll scream for the numbness in our minds we'll scream for the freedom of our hearts we'll scream and we will not stop screaming we'll scream because we are human beings And we own our own bodies we will all rise at last and go outside and we will scream. silence is not our father silence is not our father silence is not our father
-for larry jaffe & priyesha lobinha nair-
james lee jobe
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bearsandbeansart · 2 years
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For @avatar-hauntober, 'monsters', Jet as a vampire with his victim Ty Lee because I am both JetLee trash and vampire trash.
I really just wanted an excuse to draw Ty Lee in Mina Harker's stunning red bustle dress from 1992's Braham Stoker's Dracula. I made it slightly pinker because, you know, it's Ty Lee.
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Sonic Youth - Tivoli, Utrecht, Netherlands, June 29, 1993
We're getting deeper and deeper into the 1990s on our #SonicSummer expressway through Sonic Youth's live life. By the time the summer of '93 rolled around, the band appeared to have grown tired (for the moment anyway) of their most recent albums — Goo tunes are absent entirely and Dirty is generally under-represented during this set in Utrecht. Instead, SY take the opportunity to debut a fair amount of their next album, which was well underway — it even had a title at this point, announced by Thurston: Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star.
As is usually the case with in-progress new material for Sonic Youth, the music is more or less firmly in place — the lyrics less so. The verses of Experimental's eventual big single, "Bull In The Heather," are just Kim intoning "Ten, twenty, thirty, forty ..." But that sweet Steve Shelley beat is firmly in place.
Elsewhere, SY dig back into their now quite big back catalog, finding some gems to dust off: "Secret Girl," "Pacific Coast Highway," "Stereo Sanctity" and "Total Trash" among them. I especially love the seething version of "Flower," Kim howling over a furious drone. Like our show from last year, Lee Ranaldo doesn't take any lead vocals here, but he sounds absolutely killer on guitar here, his harsh/beautiful tones leading the way; he's particularly rad on "Starfield Road."
Following this European tour, Sonic Youth would take an extended break from touring, barely playing live at all in 1994 ...
Bandcamp | Merch | Concert Chronology
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saintvainglorious · 2 years
Fics I Enjoyed in February
5 fics total. Includes fics from the following fandoms: Avatar (The Last Airbender), Black Sails
clay kids by suzukiblu Avatar: The Last Airbender | Jet/Zuko | 35k (WIP) | Teen & Up
“I don’t think you want someone like me in your group,” Lee says, stepping back, and Jet steps forward quick and grabs his wrist. “Believe me, you don’t know what I want,” he tells him, his eyes intent on Lee’s. On Lee’s gold eyes. “I get it, man. Dirty little secret. You think you’re the only one who’s got it? Me, I got off lucky—I take after my mom.”
(Never) Forget Who You Are by mindbending Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gen | 10k | Teen & Up
“Hello, my name is Joo Lee,” says a young man in cheery spring green, his smile stretched to the point of pain. “I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se.” “Zuko?!”
Let the City Pull You Under by MadSeason (naive_wanderer)/@madseason Avatar: The Last Airbender | Jet/Zuko | 8k | Teen & Up | Part 1 of up in the city (until the stars lost the war)
[He’ll wonder all that, later; but in this moment he kisses a boy who thinks he’s something other than he is, and clings to the bolt of revelation that strikes him in the dark: maybe nothing in life matters except grabbing onto whatever brief moments you have to feel good.] Before joining the Avatar, before choosing his path on the crossroads of destiny, and before he finds a poster for a missing bison, Crown Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation has a teenage affair in Ba Sing Se. Featuring wheat crime boy Jet and horrifically understanding parent man Uncle Iroh.
No Reason to Run by MadSeason (naive_wanderer)/@madseason Avatar: The Last Airbender | Jet/Zuko | 31k (WIP) | Teen & Up | Part 2 of up in the city (until the stars lost the war)
[In another life, Zuko finds a poster for a missing bison outside Pao’s teashop, dresses himself in black, and resumes his mission with the kind of single-minded focus he hadn’t been able to muster for months. In this life, Zuko finds a poster for a missing bison, stares at it for a bit with his insides roiling around his heart like a ship caught in a storm, and crumples it up in one hand before tossing it into the trash and going back inside.] Sometime during late spring in the city of Ba Sing Se, Zuko serves tea (badly), falls in love (maybe), and deals with a chronic illness of the soul. AU continuation of "Let the City Pull You Under".
don't come closer, don't let go of me by youatemytailor/@annevbonny Black Sails | James Flint/John Silver | 3k | Teen & Up | Part 1 of unfinished business
"Why are you here?" Convinced it would look too much like startlement, Silver does not let his eyes shift downwards at the sound of Flint's voice, roughened with disuse. He watches the displaced dust around the rafters above, instead, swirling in the air as the men walk on deck. "Ben mentioned you were refusing your rations." "So?" "So, I'd rather you not die. Not now, not when we’re so close."
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Inspired by @bisexualnathanyoung and @merrilark I'm here to give my opinions (that nobody asked for) about every single thing Rob has been in.
The Umbrella Academy: really good adaptation, Klaus is a work of art. I wish there were a billion seasons
The Last Bus: I mean... way too little Rob in it, but it was fun
Angel Dust: nice voice, bruh
Robot Chicken: nice voice, bruh. But also kinda gross
Trailer Park Boys: anyone please hook me up, I wanna watch the whole thing. I've only seen clips, love his observations about Canadian pizza
Young Offenders: love how he pulled this off even when he was sick. I live for the part about being gay and the protest scene is perfect
Mortal Engines: I like the movie even though it was way longer than it needed to be, but what the hell was that hair? Where does it say Tom needs to have 2005 pop punk hair?
Genius Picasso: Amazing, heartbreaking. Really shows the importance of oral sex. Also, please never paint a beard on Rob ever again, that was weird af
Bad Samaritan: PERFECT MOVIE, I have nothing bad to say about it
Mute: needed more Luba. This movie made me hate Paul Rudd lol we need to know what happened to Luba!!!
Song of Sway Lake: Ye old granny fucker! Love this movie, although it's a bit pretentious (sorry, Ari Gold! I love you, but you know you make things too poetic sometimes and that can rub me the wrong way)
Dicky: that was weird... that was a bit odd... love it
Geostorm: the three minutes Rob is in are masterful (I don't care what anyone says, the accent was good), the rest of it is pure shit
Three Summers: LOVE IT, but what an annoying protagonist. I'm talking about Keevy. Roland is awesome and deserves the world. Also, it did sound like Smells Like Teen Spirit!
Fortitude: what the fuck was that? This show sucks balls, why is Dennis Quaid involved in this? Vladek is hot though and I'm grateful for the full frontal nudity. Lots of people seem very disturbed by the scene, but I like it
Banshee Betty: represents very well the moment Rob was living love wise lol
Jet Trash: ugggggggggggh Lee is sexy, everyone else in this movie is fucking horrible. I hate every single character, especially Vix. Girl, get a personality. And someone please give Rob a burger, he's so thin
The Bigger Picture: it was good, nothing too special, but nice
Rideshare: CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE, does anyone know where I can find it?
The Messenger: Literally traumatized
Moonwalkers: really good, extremely funny. Love the cast, love the story, love the fake moon landing scene, love the tiger pigs
The Exchange: That was kinda cute, not gonna lie
The Road Within: PERFECT, as a person with mental health issues, I cry every single time I watch it. Fuck you, Marie, you're manipulative af. Rob did such a good and respectful job, I love it
Randumb - The Adventures of an Irish Guy in LA: omfg that was disturbing, but represents LA quite well
Anita B: love it, my Jewish heart swells with joy, especially during the Purim scene. Rob speaking Yiddish? UGH, SO HOT! He should've gotten the role of Max for The Book Thief
Love/Hate: overrated
Mortal Instruments: the only thing wrong with this movie is that there is no second one. I wanna see Simon as a vampire so bad! Iconic lines such as "I don't remember anything she'd want me to forget"
Push It: um... interesting. Lots of visuals and stuff.
Rituals: hippie fantasy and I'm living for it
In Love With...: it was cool, don't get exactly what the hell that was, but I was vibing
Immaturity For Charity: HILARIOUS! Very few times I laughed this hard
Me and Mrs. Jones: I don't care what anyone says, I love this show. Criminal what Rob did to his hair after the pilot, and Gemma is way too stupid to be a functional human, but Inca is our queen. Billy is way too charming and I can't cope
Accused: well, that was sad
The Borrowers: this movie has no business being that sexy. The scene with the motorbike? The scene with the bed? The scene in the plane? Spiller could get it and he's only five inches tall
Demons Never Die: very bad horror movie with a very bad name, but Rob was good in it
Misfits: PERFECTION! Nathan Young is the king of my heart. He can do anything to me, I wouldn't stop loving him even after he trippled himself.
Killing Bono: love the movie, love the cast, the soundtrack is immaculate (SPOTIFY, GET THE FUCKING SONGS IN THERE!), way funnier than I expected. Who tf gave Rob such a low harmony? His voice nearly disappeared.
Season of the Witch: average Nicolas Cage movie lol Kay is nice, love to see him on a horse. The ending was fucking wild. I wonder who we have to exorcise to end COVID
Coming Up - Dip: that was really good! The social commentary was actually kinda deep and relevant. I like the ending
A Turtle's Tale: Who the hell looked at Rob and thought he was the right fit for this role? I like it, but it was weird.
Red Riding Trilogy: HEARTBREAKING, I wanna give BJ a hug
Cherrybomb: love it, love the accents, very much early 2000s vibe and it makes me feel things. Luke's dad deserved better. Love the way Rob says the word tape in this
Ghostwood: um, what? Pop off I guess, baby Rob. Cool accent. Tim is how I imagine Nathan in the high school arc @seanfalco
Lowland Fell: what the hell did I just watch? What was the meaning of all that? Not a single person I know has a reasonable explanation for anything that happens in this
Rock Rivals: Guilty pleasure. Addison deserved better, they did him so wrong! I wish I could see Rob singing in this, but the boyband dances and outfits were really good
BitterSweet: needed more Rob. The neck kisses are just *chef's kiss*. Liam is such a good guy
The Summer of the Flying Saucer: I will do anything to watch this movie. I will suck any cock, fuck any ass, lick any pair of balls! PLEASE SOMEONE GET ME A COPY OF THIS MOVIE
An Créatúr: Bruh... what the fuck? Good job acting in another language and seeing Rob act as a little kid was so sweet. The big baby scene was at the same time terrifying and strangely alluring, don't know what that says about me. For legal reasons I'm not gonna comment on the scene where he's fed cake
Bel's Boys: pretty funny, love the clothes Max wears lol evil genius got defeated
The Clinic: Robbie, baby, why did you do this to your hair? At first, this looked like the beginning of a porno. Love the vulnerability of Shane and that tummy close-up was gold. They really violated his mouth there
Young Blades: King Louie is so underrated! I love him. Every scene with him is just gold. We really needed a spin-off about him finding a wife and all. Wish there was a ballet scene.
Foreign Exchange: Really good! First thing I ever saw Rob in when I was 9. You can blame this show for everything. So many good memories, it makes me feel hugged.
An Cuainín: does this short film actually exist? I never found any evidence of it lol if anyone has it, send it my way
A Dublin Story: wow, just wow. The subjects this short film touches on and the way it handles them are amazing, Rob was so young and his acting was already so powerful. He also managed to make Clocker very funny, I like it a lot.
Song For a Raggy Boy: what a pile of bricks, this movie is very very hard to watch. But it's a fun game of Spot the Rob. Lefties rise up!
The Tudors: I know his bit was cut, but boy did I spend hours watching over and over to see if I could spot him.
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badlucksav · 2 years
i was very excited to see the interest form for another march madness event this year. hope it happens
in honor of that event maybe happening again what are your favorite atla and tlok couples for partner swapping and which haven’t you read before but would like to?
or just your current ot3/4s if you’re not into that
Hello! I'm so glad you're hoping for another event. From what it looks like, we'll be having a second Avatar March Madness!
You know, I actually hadn't thought about partner swapping at all until this ask, so you actually made me think on it! And that means I also haven't read any partner swapping fics (I went and looked, and it seems like there's only 1 tagged for this fandom...so maybe that needs to be fixed).
So after thinking on it, here's what I've come up with:
Predictably, Irosami. I HC that Asami is very into exhibitionism while I sometimes give Iroh a voyeur kink, so I think partner swapping is a step up from that for them. I think Bopal would be a fun swap with them.
For AtLA, you know I'm Zutara trash, so it has to be them. As for a fun partner swap, it's most likely JetLee.
My current OT3s are probably Makrohsami, Jetzulee (Jet/Azula/Ty Lee), and Jekotara.
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videostak · 1 year
got a really funny actually p good documentary on dvd the otheer day abt the rolling stones mick taylor years and like it was funny cause like it was not official they talked to legit ppl tho but it wasnt like authorized or approved of by the stones so like after exile they just started ripping the stones apart saying how hard they fell off and how just out of touch with the world they were like it was rly good like talking abt how stupid the led zeppelin rock star lifestyle was how like jusst going from private jet to private jet to hotel room making no real contact w/ the ppl in the places ur performing at and like perfectly summed that up by saying how goats head soup was recorded in jamaica in byron lees studio with mikey chung mixing and how absolutely ZERO reggae influence is apparent on it both in music style and production and like how embarrassing that is especially considering how they started doing reggae after the wailers success so lol. like one music critic guy was super flabbergasted and pissed abt that like how out of touch ending up in jamaica as tax eexiles and not even having anything to show for it in terms of actual growth or musical style lol. but the box and name made it seem like it was gonna really focus on mick taylor cause they even had john mayall interviewed but like it rly only focused on him for like a lil bit in the beginning then just started talking abt jagger and keiths feud lol. and then like it did all that talking abt how dumb as fuck it all was after exile and there was a nother guy who was like yea when i first heard itss only rock n roll it sounded like a bad parody just like final nail in the coffin LOL. and like it said alll that and then at the end all the guys and the narrator were like "most ppl consider taylors time w/ the band from 69 to 74 as the best yeears of the band" like completely ignoring all the trash they talked abt like the last two years lol. like in reality 68 to 72 probably their best years. ppl forget taylor was hardly even on let it bleed and wasnt even on beggars which is suhc a great album. anyways it was really funny having eevery1 gang up saying how dumb as fuck everything abt their music theier lifestyle got aftere exile to just be like "oh but this whole mick taylor era was their best" LOL
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firstpersonnarrator · 3 years
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alf-ii · 3 years
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robmesheehan · 3 years
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killrqueen7 · 5 years
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Robert Michael Sheehan || January 7, 1988
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whumpythingy · 3 years
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seanfalco · 2 years
Okay, I'm not a fan of Jet Trash, but I'm a fan of you 🧡 what if Lee saw someone hitting on the reader, maybe she's a waitress... and he defends her?
thank you for indulging me bb 💚
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The Regular
Lee x f!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k Warnings/Tags: mention of drugs/selling drugs, alcohol, attempted assault/non-con a/n: eyooo my first Lee fic and another new rob character under my belt!  Please comment/reblog if you enjoy!
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The night started out like most others.  Outside, the London night was cold and damp, but inside the club, behind the bar, the pounding music seeped into you while the heat from the press of bodies warmed you.  You’d tended bar since you were old enough to set foot inside one, and the familiar rhythm of the job soothed you, your worries melting away as you poured the drinks.
Night after night it was the same, and after a while, the faces that approached the bar melted into each other, except one in particular.  He’d been frequenting the Aqua Club for the past few months, nearly as long as you’d been working there.  Tall and thin, he approached the bar, flashing you a disarming smile and you met his emerald gaze from under his neat mop of dark curls.
“Back again, Lee?  What’s that, th’third time this week?  I’m startin’ to think you might have a drinking problem.”
An amused snort ripped from his nose and the grin he flashed made your pulse spike.  “Well, can y’blame me?  Not when y’mix the best drinks this side of London,” he chuckled, slipping you a tenner in exchange for his usual.
“Besides, th’drinks almost pale in comparison to the view,” he added, raising a cheeky eyebrow.
“Flatterer,” you muttered, rolling your eyes in return as you slid the glass across the bartop to him.  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were only here t’see Vix,” you ventured, fixing him with a level stare.
Lee shrugged and tipped back his drink.  “Well, I do hafta speak with her,” he admitted, avoiding your knowing look, “but it’s only business,” he emphasized, dropping his empty glass to the bar with a soft ‘thunk’.
“Uh huh, that’s what they all say,” you countered doubtfully and Lee held up his hands.
“I swear, luv!” he cried, that damn smirk sending butterflies swarming inside you.  “I’m tryin’ t’get her t’set me up a meeting with Marlowe.  I need an in,” he explained, his lilting voice sobering and you let out a sigh.
“Just be careful, yeah?  Marlowe’s dangerous.  Would hate t’see that pretty face o’yours get messed up.”
“You think I’m pretty?” Lee taunted, latching onto the wrong part of your warning.
“Did I say that?  I don’t think I did,” you quipped back, a slight grin tugging at the corner of your lips.
“You think I’m attractive,” Lee replied smugly, smirking as he leaned in, his eyes flicking up to yours as he wet his lips.
Before you could respond, however, a patron across the room caught your attention, impatient for his drink and you let out annoyed huff at the interruption.
“Don’t press your luck,” you murmured, stepping past Lee as you took the man’s order out to him.  
As you walked away you could feel Lee’s gaze on your back, but you fought the urge to look over your shoulder at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had any effect on you.  By the time you finally turned back around, he was gone.
Letting out a soft huff, you made your way back to the bar, annoyed at yourself for the spike of jealousy that pricked you.  Usually you didn’t envy the woman the attention she got, but this was different.  How could you compare with Marlowe’s star entertainer?  Vix was mysterious and graceful, and you were just a bartender.
Lost to your thoughts, you gave a start as the man behind you reached out to pinch your arse, snapping you back to the moment, the music rushing back into your ears.
“Oi luv, I’m runnin’ low, can I get a refill?” he asked, shaking his empty pint glass at you.
Scowling, you grabbed the glass and returned to the bar, taking a steadying breath to calm you as you held it under the tap til foam spilled over.
“You okay?” your coworker asked, noticing the look on your face.
“The customer at table three’s gettin’ a little handsy,” you explained and the other bartender let out a sympathetic sigh.  
“I got it,” she offered, placing his drink on her tray and heading back out to the floor while you silently thanked her.
However, it wasn’t long before the same man made his way to the bar, trapping you so you couldn’t escape, not keen on being brushed off.  Reminding yourself how good the tips were here, you plastered a smile to your face.
“What can I get for you?”
“How ‘bout your digits, luv?” he asked cheekily, leaning against the bar.
“Sorry, that’s not on th’menu,” you replied, your smile slipping, hoping the bloke would take the hint and bugger off.
No such luck.
Taking a seat at the bar, he leaned in closer, the alcohol on his breath overwhelming.  “Aw c’mon, your shy or somefin’?” he pressed, leering at you, his hungry gaze making your skin crawl.
Just as you were about to open your mouth to tell the guy off, a voice to your side brought you up short.
“Hey, back off, man.  She’s clearly not interested.”
Lee wore a self assured grin as he leaned against the bar, sizing up the other fellow as he chewed his gum, his nonchalant demeanor belying the sharp edge to his gaze.
“Fuck off, mate.  What d’you know?” the bloke spat, his expression turning dark.
Lee merely shook his head, tutting softly.  “I know th’owner,” he answered, blinking innocently.  “You want I call Marlowe out t’settle this?” he asked, his brows raising.  “Cause I don’t think he’ll be too pleased t’hear you’ve been harassing his best bartender.”
Lee’s threat did the trick and you watched as the colour drained from the man’s face.  “Whatever,” he scoffed, pushing away from the bar, clearly trying to save face.  “Fuckin’ prick,” he muttered under his breath as he stumbled away.
“You alright?”
Lee’s question snapped you out of your daze and you quickly nodded, turning to him.
“Yeah.  Yeah, I’m alright.  Thank you.”
The Irishman inclined his head as if it were nothing, but his gaze still followed the drunk as he disappeared into the crowd.
“So, how did it go?  Did you get your meeting?” you asked, changing the subject and Lee blew out of a long stream of air.
“Not yet, I don’t think Vix likes me very much,” he shrugged.  Though he seemed unperturbed, his brows pinched slightly, and you wondered if Vix’s aloofness bothered him, or if he was merely dismayed at the obstacle in his path.
“Hmm, too bad,” you mused, wiping down the bartop, trying not to appear too pleased at the news.
“Yes, well.  I’m not given’ up that easily,” Lee replied.  “I’m not the quittin’ type.”
“I’ve noticed,” you murmured wryly, bringing a smarmy grin to his face.
Jesus, that smile would be your undoing one of these days.
“I mean, unless you wanted t’put in a good word for me with your boss…” he said, leaving the suggestion hanging.
“I’ll think about it,” you conceded, and Lee’s grin widened.
“That’s all I ask,” he replied, spreading his hands.  After a moment, he cleared his throat.  “So, uh, when d’you get off?”
“About an hour,” you answered, raising your voice to be heard over the music.  “Why?”
“Thought I’d walk yeh home.”
“You don’t have t’do that,” you exclaimed, shaking your head.  You knew if he followed you to your door you’d end up inviting him in.  It was inevitable.
“I want to,” he insisted and you let out a soft huff of resignment.
“Alright,” you gave in.  “Meet me by the back door.”
Lee flashed you a parting grin, winking as he slipped away, and you rolled your eyes, silently kicking yourself for giving in so easily.
By the time you were free to go, you grabbed your coat and bag, slinging it over your shoulder as you hurried to the side door, while trying not to look like you were hurrying.  As soon as the heavy metal door swung shut behind you, you fished in your bag for a cigarette, bringing it to your lips as you peered down both sides of the alley for Lee.
“Oi luv, been waitin’ for you.”
The voice that emerged from the shadows was familiar, but at the sound of it your blood ran cold.
“Thought you could give me the brush off and I’d just take no for an answer?” the man from the bar asked, grabbing your wrist as you tried to step away from him.  “Where y’goin’, ey?” he laughed, forcing you back against the alley wall and caging you in with his arms.
“Get off me!  I’m meeting someone!” you warned, struggling to push him off you as adrenaline flooded you, your heart rate spiking and your stomach flipping.
“Well, they’re just gunna have t’wait til I’m done, now aren’t they?” he sneered, leaning in closer.
You flinched back, turning your head away and squeezing your eyes shut, every cell in your body screaming out in disgust.  
“You’re even prettier up close–hey!”
Suddenly your attacker jerked back with a yelp, his rank breath disappearing from your cheek and when you opened your eyes, you found Lee hauling him away by the scruff of his neck, an expression on his face you’d never seen before.  With a growl, the other man broke free of Lee’s grasp and rounded on him, throwing a punch that Lee easily avoided.
Barely giving him time to regain his footing, Lee grabbed the drunk by the collar, his fist connecting with the man’s nose in a spray of blood.  The man cried out and stumbled to the side, clutching at his broken nose.
“You like that, do yeh?” Lee taunted, pulling his fist back again for another punch.  “Y’fancy another?”
“No!” the man cried, quickly holding his hands up in defense.
“No?” Lee asked, no hint of amusement on his face.  “So you do know th’meanin’ of the word,” she spat, shoving the man back in disgust.  “Don’t show your ugly mug around here again, or I swear you’ll get much worse than this!”
The man didn’t wait, scarpering off down the alley, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste as Lee crowed in victory.
“You alright?” he asked, turning back to check on you.
“Yes, I-I’m fine,” you answered, taking a shaky breath, unsure if you were trying to convince him or yourself.  “Thanks to you.”
“C’mon, let’s getcha home.”
The walk back to your flat wasn’t too far, but after the night you’d had, you were grateful for Lee’s company, his arm brushing against yours as you walked, his touch comforting.  You almost reached out to take his hand more than once before thinking better of it.
“This is my place,” you said, stopping in front of the steps.
Lee tilted his head to survey the building, his breath misting in the cool night air.  “Would it be too presumptuous of me to ask for a nightcap?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at you, waiting for your answer.
“Yeah alright,” you replied, giving in, unable to resist that fucking smile.  “But only one,” you warned, jabbing him in the chest with your finger.
“Hey, I’ll be th’perfect gentleman,” he assured you with a laugh, holding his hands up innocently.  “You’ll be th’one beggin’ me t’stay, you’ll see,” he teased, making you crack a smile in return.
“We’ll see about that.”
Unlocking your door, you shouldered it open and turned on the light, letting Lee in ahead of you.
“Have a seat,” you offered, gesturing to the kitchen counter as you slipped off your boots and hung up your coat near the door.  Following him over, you washed your hands at the sink before pulling out two small glasses and a bottle of whiskey.  As you poured two shots, you noticed the dried blood on Lee’s knuckles and the way he cradled his hand against him as if it pained him.
“Let me see that,” you murmured, hissing out a sharp breath as you reached out to take his hand in yours.  “Jesus, Lee—” you muttered, clicking your tongue in consternation.
The Irishman merely watched you, not saying a word.  Though when you finally met his gaze, you found amusement and something unreadable dancing in his verdant irises.
“Nothin’,” he replied, his lips twitching up at the corners.  “Your hands are cold,” he pointed out, brushing his thumb over your skin.
Though it was only a small gesture it sent heat flooding you, warming your face, and you quickly pulled your hand from his.
“We need t’clean that,” you exclaimed abruptly, turning to search for your first aid kit, leaving Lee chuckling to himself.
“You worried about me or somethin’?” he teased when you returned and threw him a dry look.
“This may sting a bit,” you muttered, disinfecting his cuts before he had time to argue.
“Jay-sus!” Lee yelped, nearly pulling out of your grasp in surprise.  “A little warning would be nice,” he hissed, whining like a petulant child.
“I told you it might sting,” you laughed, glancing at his face before pulling a small roll of gauze from the kit and winding it gently around his hand.  “Hold still,” you murmured.  “It’d be a shame t’lose a regular over something so easily treatable, especially one that tips, even if it’s not a lot,” you teased, meeting his amused expression with a smirk of your own.
“Oh, I see how it is,” Lee shot back.  “Y’know, once Marlowe lets me sell my gear in th’club and I start rakin’ in the dough, I’ll be able t’tip much better,” he pointed out, holding your gaze.  “I could even take care of yeh…” he added, his lilting voice softening.
For a long moment you couldn’t seem to breathe, your heart pounding in your ears.  
“I can take care of myself,” you murmured, swallowing, Lee’s hand still gripped in yours.
“I know that, but what if I wanted to?” he replied, and you couldn’t tell if he were serious or just joking around.
Your eyes flicked up to his, searching them for something, though you weren’t even quite sure what, and before you knew it, you found yourself leaning in—drawn in—and your breath hitched as his nose brushed against yours.
A voice in your head told you to pull back, to thank him for making sure you got home safely and see him out, but you found it all too easy to shove the voice aside.  Lingering only a moment longer, you closed the rest of the distance, pressing your lips to his.  When he kissed you back, slipping his hand along your jaw, a tingling sensation spread through you, starting in the pit of your stomach.  
His lips were softer than you’d imagined—not that you’d imagined it often.
“Lee–” you breathed, pulling back before things could get too heated, your gaze seeking his.
His lashes fluttered as he shared your breath, not wanting the kiss to end.  “Hmm?” he hummed, his lips close enough to brush yours as he waited for you to tell him to stop.
“Thank you for walking me home.”
“It was th’least I could do.”
“But maybe you should…” your voice trailed off, the words not wanting to come.
“Should what?” he mused, caressing your cheek, a grin playing at his lips, still so close to yours.
“Should… head… home,” you managed, your eyelids fluttering.
“I don’t think you really want me to.”
“I– I want…”
Shutting your eyes, you let go, the last bit of tension holding you back dissipating.  Shaking your head, your lips collided with his once more, mouth opening to deepen the kiss.  Your tongue hesitantly sought his and he moaned at the brief moment of contact before growing bolder himself, his hand at your jaw slipping behind your neck to pull you closer.
“I want you to stay.”
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taglist: @super-unpredictable98 @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator
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