#lee cheong san x lee su hyeok
quack-quack-snacks · 6 months
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Star Crossed - Chapter 4
❤️Happy Holidays all! Hope you all had a wonderful time and if you didn’t I hope sincerely that it gets better for you!❤️
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Normal AOUAD things, Word Count: 7,717
“Gyeong-su…” You heard Cheong-san say from behind you but it was like you were hearing it from underwater. The only thing you could hear was the sound of your own heartbeat.
And the thoughts that Gyeong-su might not have one soon.
As Gyeong-su wiped his nose to find it bleeding, he brought his hands up to see black and purpled prominent veins growing from underneath the cuff of his undershirt and he looked at them in shock, shaking his head and mumbling indistinctly.
He stood up and breathed shakily as he tried to speak while his chair skid across the flooring. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong with me? Something’s wrong!”
You stood up from your chair and stood in front of him. You grabbed his hands and he looked you in the eyes. You nearly started sobbing on the spot as you saw the whites of his eyes turning red but swallowed down the lump in your throat before smiling at him.
“Y-yo…” you tried the first time but couldn’t get the words out so you cleared your throat and tried again. “You just need a t-tissue. It’ll be okay.”
He nodded as tears filled his eyes. The both of you knew you were lying but it was okay to be delusional sometimes… right?
He’d be okay… right?
If you just kept repeating that then he would be okay.
Everything was fine.
Gyeong-su was fine.
You were fine.
You frowned as you heard the scurrying of footsteps behind you while you reached into your pocket to grab one of the crumpled tissues you had from earlier and gave it to him but he couldn’t seem to grab it and it dropped to the floor.
“It’s not true…” You heard Cheong-san say from behind you yet you kept all of your focus on the boy who was in front of you.
“Come on. Get rid of him. Get rid of him now!” You heard Na-yeon scream and just as you were about to yell at her to shut up you felt someone grab you by the hand and pull you away from the boy.
“No, no…!” You tried to complain and weakly pulled against the hands restraining you, already knowing who it was. “Su-hyeok, he’s not. Gyeong-su’s not! I was with him for half an hour, he’s not!” You tried your best to convince him and looked up at him just to see him trying to keep a straight face while tears filled his eyes. “No!”
“Gyeong-su, stay where you are!” You heard On-jo say from behind you which brought your attention back to the group as Gyeong-su had rushed forward but everyone stepped back into a corner to try and avoid him like the plague. “Stay back!”
“I swear, I’m fucking not!” Gyeong-su begged and your heart broke at hearing the confidence in his words faltering.
“I’m sorry, Gyeong-su. Please, stay back.”
You watched as the remaining bit of hope in Gyeong-su’s eyes vanished like a flame being doused by water. “I’ve turned, right?” He asked, his voice quivering. “Cheong-san, what do I do?” He begged for guidance that none of you could provide, especially not Cheong-san who was dealing with the fact that his lifelong best friend was about to die at the hands of a virus that turned the kindest of souls into a flesh eating monster.
“No, no. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would you…” He started, just as confused and in denial as you were when On-jo came up from behind him and tried to pull him away.
“Cheong-san…!” She begged but he just yanked his hand back.
“Let go!” His voice broke as he was finally coming to terms with what was written in blood red ink in front of him. “This cannot be true. Why would you suddenly…?” He shook his head, false certainty refilling his voice as he stepped towards his friend. “No, no. Gyeong-su you weren’t-”
��Step away. Don’t come any closer!” Gyeong-su yelled as he ran backwards in an attempt to put distance between his friend and himself. You stopped struggling against Su-hyeok’s hold a while ago and just let him hug you to his chest while you watched in shock.
“B-but, you were fine. Gyeong-su, you were fine!” You tried to convince him and yourself when suddenly his neck cracked to the side.
Na-yeon looked around frantically as everyone stood there in shock as their friend turned right before their eyes. “Hey! What are you doing?” She sputtered out. “We need to kick him out! We’re all gonna die!” She screamed and you suddenly found the voice you’d lost before.
“Shut up! He-” your voice dropped from its screaming tone to one barely above being completely silent. “He just needs a tissue.”
“W-what’s happening…? Fuck!” You could hear Gyeong-su desperately get out as he gripped his head like it was pounding.
Na-yeon ran over to the door and yanked the umbrella away that was blocking it from being opened. “Get out. I said, get out!”
“Shut the fuck up!” He screamed before discovering a newfound determination within himself. “I’ll leave by myself! I’ll leave. I’ll go on my own!” He started sobbing. “Why would I bite you? We’re supposed to be fucking friends. If I… If I leave, it will be better for everyone.”
Every step he took towards the door you could feel more of your hope for him to be okay being lost.
“Gyeong-su,” Ms. Park spoke up and you looked over to see she had walked forward to the front of the group to speak to him directly. “Why don’t you just go into the recording room until we can figure out-”
Na-yeon interrupted her before she could finish. “If he stays in here he’s going to kill us all!”
“Na-yeon!” Your teacher screamed at her.
“I’m just trying to stay alive,” she whimpered out.
“I’ll leave. I’ll get out of here on my own,” Gyeong-su grunted out while breathing heavily and staggering towards the door, using the table and chair on his way to support him. He turned to look at everyone around him but his gaze stopped on your shocked one for a moment. “Don’t worry,” he started sobbing more and your vision started to get blurry with unshed tears. “I’ll get out of here.”
“Gyeong-su!” Cheong-san begged as his own eyes filled with tears that had yet to stain his cheeks. His lips quivered as he tried to remain strong in front of the group.
“It’s okay. Thank you for everything. Stay alive.”
Right as he tried to open the door to leave, he turned around and started looking at all of you in terror while thrashing around and mumbling things under his breath before his body contorted in strange directions, his bones creaking and breaking until he stood up and let out an unnatural roar and growled at all of you. Dae-su started walking towards him and both you and Su-hyeok tried to grab his arm to pull him back, knowing your friend was gone, until he shook you off and rushed forward when Gyeong-su’s empty shell of a body charged at the group standing by the speakers. He threw him against the table in an attempt to save himself as well as his classmates. Just as the monster who you briefly viewed as your friend was about to attack again, the sound of a familiar tune filled the air.
While everyone was focused on the fight, Cheong-san had managed to raise himself onto the window and grabbed a hold of the rope, hanging off the side of the building with only that to support him. He sang their tune, the tune of Auld Lang Syne, and the body of his old friend came rushing toward him before Cheong-san jumped out of the way just in time.
The group had sat in shock for a while until some started to cry. Cheong-san had gone into the recording room and threw the table to the ground in a fit of emotional turmoil. On-jo had walked up to the door for a moment before deciding to walk back and to just give him space.
A gut feeling told you space was the last thing he needed right now.
You walked away from the spot you had been leaning against the wall with Su-hyeok. You had been comforting him on the loss of his friend as you knew he was grieving right now and didn’t want to focus on your own pain. He and Dae-su had hugged and were currently exchanging tissues.
That was what you had learned to do the best. Block out the pain. Be the emotionless girl everyone knew and few loved.
You walked over to the recording studio’s door before taking a deep breath and walking in. You took slow steps as you entered and saw Cheong-san sitting right underneath the large window on the wall of the door. He’d been crying until you walked in, that much was clear by his red eyes, glistening cheeks, and sniffles. He’d wiped them away and turned to look in the other direction of you. You walked over to him and sat next to him against the wall. You both sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke.
“I’m fine, if that’s why you’re here. You can leave now,” he spoke rather harshly but this time it didn’t affect you as you knew he was on stage 2 of grief.
“Go,” he told you, his voice breaking at the end and he pointed towards the door where you came from but you just looked at his hand before looking up to him.
You sighed and felt your nose and eyes stinging but pushed it down.
“You don’t have to be strong with me, you know?” He was taken aback by your words and looked visibly confused. You sighed before looking down at your fingers where they were playing with the hem of your vest. “I know none of you like me, and most of you think I’m like my brother,” you took a deep breath before you built the courage to look back into his eyes which looked even more astonished than before. “But in the short amount of time that I spent with Gyeong-su in this recording studio,” you gestured to the mess in front of you as you looked at the book and string Gyeong-su had been playing with before everything went down, now places in the corner of the room. “I’d like to believe I was able to call him my friend, and I’d like to be able to call you one too,” you looked back up at him once again to see tears had once again gathered along his waterline and he was looking at you with his lips quivering as he still tried to hold back his emotions. “So I’ll say it again,” you grabbed his hand from where it was resting on his knee and gave it a friendly and comforting squeeze. “You don’t have to be strong with me, Cheong-san.”
There were a few moments where the two of you sat there and stared into each other’s eyes before a teardrop streaked down his cheek. Another followed after that one, and then another, and then another, until he had started sobbing and you brought him into a hug while hiding your own tears which slipped onto his shirt. You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t even try to think of something to say in a situation as bizarre as this one. You just held him in his time of grief.
After a few minutes when Cheong-san had calmed down, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve and pulled away from you. Standing up, he lowered a hand down to you so he could help you up and you gave him a small smile as you accepted it.
The two of you walked out and Cheong-san gave you a smile before walking over to lean against the window, looking out onto the field. This time you let him be alone as you walked over to sit down next to Su-hyeok who was on the ground. You mirrored his position with your legs bent and your arms resting on your knees. Your shoulders were grazing ever so slightly and he leaned over to bump into your shoulder ever so gently. You looked over to him and he smiled at you. You couldn’t handle the softness in his gaze so you blushed and looked away, knocking your own shoulder into his as he laughed lightly.
“That asshole,” you heard Dae-su sob after a little while when the grieving atmosphere set in again. “Gyeong-su, why did you have to turn?”
Na-yeon opened her mouth and you just knew what she was going to say next would piss you off. “I told you all. He was infected.”
“Well, are you happy now?” Dae-su said as he looked at her in despair, you quickly stood up and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. He looked back at you and had a bit of a shocked look which you internally rolled your eyes at but stopped when he put one of his hands on top of the one you had resting on his shoulder. You smiled softly but it fell immediately when Na-yeon started talking again.
“You were all wrong. Only I was right. What would you even do without me?” Your head snapped over to her.
“Na-yeon. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut up and let us mourn the loss of our friend. Don’t be heartless on top of being a bitch,” you told her and just as you looked back at Dae-su, you saw her roll her eyes and scoff.
Just as you were about to talk again, Nam-ra started speaking. “Hey,” she paused and you looked over at her. “Maybe you did it.”
“What?” Na-yeon questioned her in an annoyed tone.
Nam-ra grabbed everyone’s attention as she walked over until she was standing right in front of Na-yeon’s sitting form.
“I saw everything… Na-yeon,” Nam-ra told her, accusing her of something that had yet to be revealed.
Na-yeon stood up to be face to face with the class president. “What? What did you see?” She asked and seemed to get on the defensive quickly which had suspicion rising in your gut.
“You are the one who did it,” Nam-ra revealed, yet everyone was still confused.
“Who did what? I didn’t do anything to Gyeong-su,” she defended.
“I didn’t say anything about Gyeong-su,” Nam-ra told her, which kind of confused you.
It’s kind of inferred because we were talking about his death less than a minute ago, but okay.
“Knock it off!” Na-yeon told her, raising her voice a little.
“What are you talking about?” Wu-jin asked as Su-hyeok and Cheong-san - who were both minding their business - turned to look at the scene.
“I didn’t do anything,” Na-yeon insisted.
“While we were all watching Gyeong-su, you were in the back alone,” your friend explained, then turned and pointed at the broken mop that laid against one of the cabinets in the room. “You wiped that blood with your handkerchief.”
She hesitated before replying in a shaky and slightly fearful voice. “No, I didn’t.”
“You wiped that on the scratch on Gyeong-su’s hand.”
At Nam-ra’s explanation, everyone had a shocked look on their faces, unable to comprehend that their classmate was the cause of their friend’s death. Even you had nothing to say and your hand went limp on Dae-su’s shoulder, only being held there by his own, which tightened on yours.
“I did not,” Na-yeon tried again to defend herself but it was getting less and less convincing as Nam-ra was insistent on proving her to be the murderer of Gyeong-su. The innocent boy who was everything good yet died for nothing.
“It’s in your pocket,” the other girl voiced.
“So what?”
“Take it out.”
“If you’re so innocent you’d take it out and show us,” you sneered at her and your hand closed into a fist while tightly gripping the fabric of Dae-su’s vest.
“I said no,” she insisted while looking at you and slapping away Nam-ra’s extended hand. You glared and she visibly shrunk in on herself.
“Should I take it out?” Nam-ra paused for a split second before reaching for Na-yeon’s pocket until the girl pushed her hand away and slapped her face, most likely a lot softer than she intended to.
“Fuck you! Who the hell do you think you are? Huh? Class president?” She mocked before Nam-ra sent a hard slap across her face and her head snapped to the side.
“You never treated me like president.”
Despite the situation at hand, you smirked slightly as you saw your best friend standing up for herself and just being a complete badass. You let go of Dae-su’s shoulder and went to lean against the table beside where he sat.
“Nam-ra, that’s enough!” Ms. Park exclaimed as she sped-walked up to the two girls to break up the argument. She looked back and forth across the floor as she tried to figure out what to say before continuing. “Nam-ra, do you realize what you’re saying right now? If that is true, it means Na-yeon killed Gyeong-su.”
“It’s true. Na-yeon did it,” the girl confirmed. You looked over at Cheong-san as he watched. His eyes were filled with so many conflicting emotions: anger, sadness, betrayal, remorse. “She killed him.”
Na-yeon scoffed and rolled her eyes before she reached her hand into her pocket. “You fucking cunt,” she exclaimed angrily before throwing the handkerchief in Nam-ra’s face. Dae-su had to grab ahold of your sleeve to keep you from rushing forward. “There. Happy?”
Nam-ra, who seemed unaffected by Na-yeon’s treatment, reached down to pick up the cloth from the floor and inspect it. “This is blood.”
“I wiped Gyeong-su’s hand,” she claimed and you scowled as you could see the cloth.
“This is his blood?”
“You can’t tell?”
“If it was his fucking blood there wouldn’t be that much of it, you cunt. He’d stopped bleeding 10 minutes into staying in the studio room,” you told her and her eyes flashed with fear but her expression remained the same.
“Then put it on your wound,” Nam-ra told her in an attempt to show either her innocence or her guiltiness. “Wipe yourself with it if you’re so confident.”
You could see her searching for an answer. “Like his blood is so clean? He was a zombie.”
Nam-ra threw the cloth to the floor and stepped closer to her offensively. “He was just fine until you infected him with your handkerchief.”
“Na-yeon… you-” Cheong-san started and started marching towards Na-yeon until Su-hyeok held him back.
“Damn it! It wasn’t me!” She screamed while crouching down and picking up the handkerchief, hovering it above her wound as she looked around for someone to tell her to stop, that they believed her, anything for her to not do it.
Ms. Park, ever the mediator, ran up to her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand and the handkerchief away from her scrape, trying to pull it from her hands but Na-yeon resisted. “Don’t do it. Stop it.”
“Let go,” she whimpered as the teacher tried to yank it from her hands.
“I said to stop it. Give it to me.”
“Leave me alone! Fuck!” Na-yeon screamed while breathing heavily. She let go of the handkerchief and stood up with teary eyes. She looked across the room at everyone, “I should just die too then, huh? That’s what you want, isn’t it?” Nobody answered and so she sighed, looking away before turning back. “Why is Gyeong-su better than me? That dirty welfie pushed me,” she whimpered.
“You little cheat!” You yelled at her while trying to rush forward but Dae-su was still holding onto your sleeve. Su-hyeok abandoned his spot as the one to hold back Cheong-san to wrap his arms around you, restricting any movement of your arms while you struggled and kicked your feet.
“Na-yeon,” Park said after a while of silence, “You didn’t…”
“So you did do it,” Cheong-san spoke, devastated, until he raised his voice to yell at her. Dae-su rushed forward to hold him back. “How could you fucking-”
“I didn’t kill him, okay?” She insisted and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears with rage. Rage and loss. “Gyeong-su fell, but he got up and ran. He’s still alive. He didn’t die, he just turned.”
“You mother fucker! They’re the exact same fucking thing!” You yelled out at the same time On-jo spoke.
“Are you kidding me right now?”
“Stop ganging up on me!” She whined and threw her hands around like a toddler having a tantrum. “When I said he smelled, you all laughed. You all made fun of him too. Don’t try to act all innocent now.”
You thrashed around harder as you felt your eyes burning and your cheeks wet and you finally realized you were crying.
It had been a while since you’d done that.
Dae-su lost his grip on Cheong-san and he ran towards Na-yeon, Su-hyeok unable to stop him because of you in his arms already.
The boy pushed the girl to the ground and breathed heavily. “How could you kill him?” He screamed while Ms. Park told him to stop it. Na-yeon kept her head down.
“You’re… a murderer.”
Her head lifted and you saw tears falling down her face but you had no sympathy at all.
“I have no friends at all,” she whimpered out.
“I wondering fucking why,” you growled.
“I don’t need any of you. Fuck you,” she then stood up and shakily walked out of the room, Wu-jin rushing after her just as the door closed and Ms. Park moved to stop him.
“Listen,” she started and you were finally released from Su-hyeok’s grip after you stopped struggling. “No matter what happens, you stay alive. Also, you must never take a life. If you cause someone else to die, life becomes meaningless.”
She looked at you all with a remorseful and fond gaze and you were sure you knew what she was about to do. “All right?”
“Ms. Park?” You whispered shakily and she looked at you with a small smile before turning and running out the room, rushing after Na-yeon.
“Ms. Park! Wait!” Dae-su yelled and ran towards the door and Wu-jin held him back to the best of his ability.
“Dae-su, don’t go!” he begged.
You had never felt so helpless. Your feet seemed to be glued to the floor and your eyes stuck to the door where she had stood only moments ago.
Dae-su started sobbing into Wu-jin’s shoulder and your heart broke for him.
“Fuck!” You heard Cheong-san scream followed by the banging of his fist against a computer. You didn’t have the energy to stop him, even though you knew if he did it too much he could seriously injure his hand.
You were sitting in the corner next to Su-hyeok who had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest as you were too much in shock to cry; again. You saw On-jo walk up to Cheong-san as he was staring out the window but you couldn’t hear their hushed whispers.
“I feel like it’s my fault,” you said suddenly, only a breath above a whisper. Su-hyeok looked down at you in surprise and confusion.
“What’s your fault?”
He sat up from his leaning position against the wall, bringing you with him, and looked you in the eyes. “How is it your fault? You didn’t do anything!” He tried to convince you, still whispering so the others wouldn’t butt their way into your business .
You let out a sad laugh as you felt your nose burning. “Exactly. I didn’t fucking do anything,” you wiped your nose slightly with the back of your hand to subside the sting. “I didn’t notice what she was doing. If I only noticed and was a little more attentive then Gyeong-su would be alive! It’s my fau-”
“No,” Su-hyeok insisted as he brought your head back into his chest to keep the guilty thoughts at bay. His heartbeat worked just enough for your soul to take a breath. “No, (Y/n). It’s not your fault. How could you have possibly known what she was going to do. You didn’t need to be attentive at that moment because it was someone who was supposed to be loyal to the group and not fucking kill someone. That is not your fault. Thinking like that will just drive you insane.”
At his words, a small sob escaped your lips and your body started to shake with your silent tears as he trailed his hand up and down your back. His lips were pressed against the crown of your head as he whispered the reassurances that you were needing.
After you calmed down and wiped away the tears on your face with your sleeve, you sat up and gave Su-hyeok a grateful smile.
“Thank you,” you breathed.
“You don’t need to thank me.”
It was then you noticed how close the two of you were, faces only inches apart and you could see his eyes travel from your own down to your lips a few times. You backed away with your cheeks flushed and gave him a small smile. He seemed delighted with the effect he had on you and that made your cheeks burn even hotter.
“I’m going to go sit by Nam-ra, I haven’t really spoken to her much in the past day,” you told him, avoiding eye contact as you stood up.
“Okay,” he smiled and got up himself before winking at you and walking over to lean against the counter where Wu-jin was sitting. You took a breath to cool your cheeks and calm your nerves before going over to sit next to Nam-ra.
“Hey there, prez,” you greeted and she met you with a cheeky grin.
She nudged you in the side. “Hey there, lovergirl. How’s it like in paradise, hm?” She teased in a whispered voice and you covered your face with your hands.
“Stop that, we’re just friends!” You whined softly and she giggled for a moment until her face slowly fell back into a frown.
You didn’t want to ask if she was okay because you knew the answer would be no. Nobody was okay right now, Nam-ra wasn’t any different. Instead, you just grabbed her hand and held it in your own affectionately while she leaned her head on your shoulder.
You stayed like that for a while until Cheong-san spoke up and broke the silence. “I didn’t hear anything at all. I just couldn’t hear anything.”
“Like what?” Su-hyeok asked but Cheong-san didn’t lift his gaze from where he stared at the floor.
“I mean after Na-yeon went out and then Ms. Park went after her. I didn’t hear anything after that.”
“You mean, screaming?” Su-hyeok asked and Cheong-san finally looked up at his friend to confirm.
“Maybe they didn’t die, then. They wouldn’t have been quiet if zombies were biting them,” Dae-su spoke his thoughts. “They must be alive.”
You let out a hum of acknowledgment while everyone else stayed silent and he huffed in annoyance, feeling left out. “Why won’t you respond? No one answers me. I’m always talking to myself,” he looked down and played with his tie. You couldn’t help feeling bad even though you were the only one to acknowledge his thoughts, albeit with only a hum.
Just as you were about to say something, On-jo beat you to the punch. “I think you’re right.”
“Forget it,” Dae-su waved her off with an eye roll but she continued.
“I didn’t hear anything either.”
“Me neither,” Hyo-ryung threw in her own thoughts. “ I was scared because I didn’t know how I’d feel if I heard them screaming, but I didn’t hear anything.”
“Come to think of it, neither did I,” Joon-yeong added.
“Then I’m right. They’re alive, right?” Dae-su asked and Joon-yeong nodded in confirmation.
“Should she be alive?” Ji-min asked angrily and you turned slightly to look at her, Nam-ra still resting her head on your shoulder, unmoving.
“What do you mean?” Joon-yeong asked.
“She’s a murderer. She killed Gyeong-su and walked out of here on her own. Is it even right for her to be alive?” She asked angrily, using rage as a coping mechanism for everything that was happening. “Aren’t you all being fake?”
“What about Ms. Park? Should she have died too?” Wu-jin questioned and Ji-min was quick to reply.
“Is that our fault?”
“Either way, we’re responsible for what happened,” he argued.
“Why is that? What did we do wrong?” She asked and you turned back to looking at your hands which were interlocked with Nam-ra’s, unable to look at the emotion in Ji-min’s eyes anymore. “Na-yeon killed someone, then played the victim, and chose to leave on her own. All because we didn’t listen to her,” She defended her own argument and Wu-jin remained silent. “If no one’s on your side, is it okay to kill?” Everyone stayed silent as they churned her question over in their brains. “Ms. Park acted like we were wrong. We didn’t tell Na-yeon to go out there. We didn’t tell Ms. Park to go out there, either. Why should we feel bad? What the hell did we do wrong?” Hyo-ryung leaned over to hug Ji-min and comfort her but the hand she placed on her shoulder was shoved off.
You noticed On-jo looking down at the table and a teardrop falling down her cheek and you reached over to grab onto her hand with your free one, squeezing gently. Surprisingly, she didn’t look shocked by your movements or the fact that you would do something like this, she just gave you a watery smile and sniffed before slightly wiping her nose on the sleeve of her slightly bloodied jacket.
Speaking of jackets, you realized you still didn’t have your own after using it to cover up Hyeon-ju when she came into the classroom. Although it wasn’t cold right now, you were sure it would be later, especially with the broken-open window.
“Hey,” Su-hyeok spoke up and interrupted everyone’s thoughts. “I feel weird saying this, but-”
He was interrupted when Wu-jin smacked his stomach. “Don’t say it.”
Su-hyeok groaned and took a strange moment of silence before continuing with what he was going to say. “Does anyone else have to go to the bathroom by any chance?” Nobody responded. “Am I the only one?”
Dae-su raised his hand slightly. “I do.”
“We have to go, too, actually. But we can’t go out,” Hyo-ryung spoke on behalf of her and Ji-min.
“I also have to go,” you added in and everyone’s head snapped towards you, making you shrink back in on yourself and press your cheek against the crown of Nam-ra’s head in embarrassment.
Joon-yeong sighed before pressing his forehead against the table.
“I’ve had to poop for a while,” Dae-su spoke up again and you held back the smile that threatened to take over your face.
“Dude… that’s… ew,” Wu-jin told him as he threw a pencil at him which was placed near his sitting spot.
“Why are you blaming me for this? Su-hyeok’s the one who brought it up. Poopings not a crime.”
“It’s not a crime, but-” Wu-jin told him with an amused face.
“But what? Don’t you need to go?”
“Yes, I do. Not poop, but, you know…” He informed.
“What about you?” Dae-su asked Cheong-san as he pointed at him, pleading for anyone to be on his side.
“I don’t… Pooping? No.”
He turned to Hyo-ryung. “Don’t you need to go?”
“Why are you asking me?” She whined.
“Why are you getting annoyed?” He shot back.
“What do you want from us? We can’t go out, anyways.”
Dae-su sighed deeply before his eyes caught on yours and he shot up straight. “(Y/n)!”
You smiled, amused, and Dae-su looked ecstatic at your expression. “Yes, Dae-su?”
“Do you need to go? Do you need to poop?” He asked, practically begging you to agree.
Your head tilted a bit as you looked up while thinking. “Yes,” you finally replied.
His hands shot up in victory. “Really?”
“No,” you laughed and he deflated like a balloon back into his seat with a playful glare. “I do have to go though.”
He sighed out again before he looked at the window. “I have an idea.”
You sighed and slapped your forehead, knowing exactly where he was going with this and not liking it one bit.
Dae-su walked up to the window, leaning against it slightly. “First, the girls and the guys will take turns.”
“Where?” Hyo-ryung asked, not understanding the context clues or deliberately being ignorant in hopes of him choosing a different answer.
He looked at her before gesturing to the window in front of him. “Here.”
She scoffed. “You’re crazy.”
“Stop it, man,” Cheong-san said and rolled his eyes at Dae-su’s strange suggestion.
“Why?” The boy asked with a slight whine. “The girls can wait in the other room, and the guys can just pee out the window.”
“What about… poop?” Wu-jin and you groaned out while shrinking in on yourself as you were sure you knew exactly what his idea would be.
He pointed at Wu-jin before looking back at the window. “Poop. Well…” He was silent for a moment as he thought before he slapped the frame in realization. “You can take your pants off and hang out the window,” he explained and climbed up the window so his butt was hanging off on one side while he held onto the window frame. “Like this.”
You couldn’t help yourself from snorting at his demonstration. “Outside!” He went on as you hid your smiling face underneath the collar of your green sweater. He stepped down from the window. “Like you’re taking a dump off of a cliff,” he then squatted down before continuing. “Like this.”
“What reaction is he hoping for?” You heard Wu-jin whisper before you spoke yourself.
“You seem to know a lot about this, Dae-su,” you teased. “I’m guessing you’ve had a lot of experience with pooping off of cliffs.”
He looked at you with an unamused look and you couldn’t help yourself from bursting out into laughter that everyone else joined in on as Dae-su rolled his eyes in annoyance. Nam-ra lifted her head from your shoulder and hid her smile behind her hand.
“I’m being serious!” He exclaimed over the laughter.
“Stop being ridiculous,” Hyo-ryung told him with an eyeroll after she calmed down.
“But someone has to hold you, so you don’t fall!” He quickly added when he saw a break in the giggles.
“How are you going to wipe your butt?” Joon-yeong asked him.
“Well, someone else should.”
“What is he saying?” Hyo-ryung facepalmed.
“Let’s just hold it,” Ju-min told everyone. “If the rescuers come-”
“It’ll take a while for them to get here,” On-jo looked at her as she interrupted her before looking down at her hands woefully. “It may be the same outside of the school.”
Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. The joking and laughter filled atmosphere was replaced with the sullen one as everyone thought of the situation they were still in.
“I don’t know how long we’ll be stuck here, but my dad always told me to separate the bathroom from where you sleep if you find yourself stranded,” On-jo continued, sounding like she had an idea.
“What do you suggest?” You implored.
“We create a makeshift bathroom for the time being,” she said confidently.
“Where will we create a bathroom and how?” Ji-min inquired, confused.
“Right there,” On-jo pointed to the recording booth and everyone turned to look.
“That’s smart, if we do some things to make it more private it could be the perfect place to make one. Good thinking,” you praised her and she blushed slightly as she looked back down to her hands while a small smile graced her features. You stood up with a slight hop before turning to On-jo and clapping your hands together. “Okay, boss lady! First order of motion?”
She tried to hide her smile but failed as a small laugh escaped her. She stood up herself and turned to look at the group of girls. “Nam-ra and you guys, try to look for something to cover the window.”
They nodded before scattering across the room to find things they could use.
“Cheong-san and Joon-yeong,” both boys turned to her at their names being called. “Make something that can absorb urine and feces to use as a toilet,” they nodded and got to work. “And then the rest of you…” she paused, knowing they needed something else but not sure what it was.
“A screen?” You suggested and she snapped in your direction in appreciation.
“Yes! A screen.”
“A screen?” Wu-jin asked to confirm in slight confusion and On-jo nodded.
“Yes, a screen to block.”
Wu-jin, Su-hyeok, and you walked into the recording booth and looked around. The both of them seemed stuck on what to use but you saw something immediately.
You walked over to where a few filing cabinets were and started moving one of them so it was positioned parallel to the wall with the window. Going over to start moving the second one, Su-hyeok realized you had been doing the work while they were just watching. He slapped Wu-jin’s chest before jogging over to you with a smile.
“How about you two move that one,” you pointed over to another filing cabinet on the other side of the room. “And I’ll move this one so they can be ‘walls’ on each side of that one,” you then pointed to the previous filing cabinet you had moved which was across from the window.
Su-hyeok frowned before moving over to where you were and going on the other side of the filing cabinet you were about to move. You reached over to smack the back of his head. “I don’t need help, idiot. Go help Wu-jin,” you pointed to where Wu-jin was struggling to move the filing cabinet on his own despite trying to seem like he wasn’t. Su-hyeok turned and rubbed his head where you smacked him before you could see the smile and blush that blessed his cheeks. He mentally slapped himself.
All she did was slap me on the head and call me an idiot, why the fuck am I smiling?
You laughed as you watched him walk away and he blushed harder at the sound of it.
Oh… that’s why.
After moving the two filing cabinets, you moving yours comically faster than the two boys did and rolling your eyes before helping them, you walked out of the room to see Dae-su laying his head down on the table. Cheong-san and Joon-yeong were almost done with what you assumed was the makeshift bathroom.
You walked over to them and rested a hand on Joon-yeong’s shoulder as you leaned over to look at the basket. “Is this the homemade toilet?”
Joon-yeong jumped at first before relaxing. “Yeah, we’re trying to figure something out for where to sit, though. With just this, everyone would probably just have to hover above it.”
You nodded and looked around for a second before something caught your eye and both of them lit up. You practically skipped over to the seat next to Dae-su and grabbed his neck pillow from where it was resting and walked back over to the two boys.
“Put this on top, I think this might be the best option we’ll have,” you suggested and placed the pillow on top of the rags in the basket.
“Dae-su's got a big butt, so let's…” he said as he opened up the button that held the two ends of the pillow together and spread it a bit.
“Perfect!” you smiled and opened the recording booth’s door for the two of them as they brought the basket inside. Walking over to where Nam-ra, On-jo, and the rest of them had set up a little circle of chairs, you sat in the one next to where Nam-ra was standing just as everyone was rushed out of the room by Su-hyeok who slammed the door harder than he probably intended to. You laughed.
“Do you want to sit down? I can pull up another chair,” you suggested to your best friend but she just politely shook her head with a smile. You held your hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, if you say so.”
After a little while, it was your turn and you used it quickly before grabbing a hand sanitizer bottle from one of the cabinets and pumping a little into your hand.
“Oh, thank god!” You heard and turned around to see On-jo, followed by Hyo-ryung, beside you. “I was worried about that. Even if we’re in a zombie apocalypse, I don’t really want to go to the bathroom and not wash my hands,” the bob hair cutted girl said in relief before holding her hand out. You put some in her hand and then some in On-jo’s as well and both grinned at you gratefully.
The bottle got passed around as everyone took a little and then started chatting.
“At least there are cops and soldiers out there, right?” Hyo-ryung questioned hopefully.
“But if you watch the movies, they can’t do anything either, right?” Wu-jin answered with his own question.
“I’m hoping that this situation will be different from the movies, that this thing will have a cure and everyone outside of the school is doing just fine,” you muttered with slight optimism. Hyo-ryung smiled at you and grabbed your hand.
“Exactly, and they always save everyone in the end.”
The door slammed shut and you noticed Joon-yeong, who had been standing outside of the door, waiting for his turn, had gone inside and Dae-su was standing on the other side with the tissue box you all had designated at the toilet paper in his hand.
Everyone’s face had turned sour as the smell of the recording booth flooded out with the small time the door was open.
“Shit!” Su-hyeok exclaimed as you all plugged your nose or wafted away the stench with your hand. “Why don’t you just stay inside?”
“Does it smell?” Dae-su asked cluelessly.
The door to the studio opened again before slamming as Joon-yeong came running out. “S-shit.”
“What?” Dae-su asked again as Joon-yeong ran towards the window to get some fresh air. “Stop being so dramatic. It doesn't smell at all.
“Oh, it does more than just smell. I’m pretty sure the zombies will bust down the door just because of that,” you joked and grabbed a piece of paper from behind you to use as a fan and blow away the air.
“Sit somewhere else,” Hyo-ryung demanded as Dae-su sat in the seat next to her but he just ignored her and she rolled her eyes.
You looked up at Nam-ra and saw that she was just staring off blankly out the window. “What’s up? What are you looking at?” You asked her.
She took a breath and hesitated before speaking her mind. “There’s nobody there. There are no lights on in the stores and apartments out there. They all ran away.”
“Or died…” You added depressingly.
“What do you mean by that?” On-jo quizzed.
“No one’s coming here to save us,” Name-ra stated.
“Why do you have to be so pessimistic?” Joon-yeong asked as he shifted uncomfortably under the change of tone in the air.
“Don’t you know my mom?” She shifted so she was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. “She would’ve torn the school apart looking for me, but she isn’t here yet.”
“So, what do you wanna do?” Ji-min asked in a bitter voice and Nam-ra turned to look at her, annoyed.
When you realized she wasn’t going to reply, you replied on her behalf. “I think she’s just trying to point out the facts, even if they are depressing,” you looked up at Nam-ra to see if your assumption was correct and she nodded.
Ji-min turned to face you. “We all know that no one’s coming. So I think we should just figure out what we’re gonna do next.
“We have to wait to be rescued,” On-jo vocalized. You all looked to her and you especially knew that she might have the best knowledge of what to do in a situation like this considering she had some information passed down to her from her dad. “We can’t leave somewhere safe to go somewhere dangerous.”
“But from the place where we are right now, we’re not exactly in a visible spot for someone to see and rescue us from,” you told her, knowing that even if rescuers showed up to save people, they would most likely go to the roof first before anywhere else if at all.
“And what if nobody comes?” Nam-ra added on and you nodded.
“We haven't been waiting that long yet,” the girl insisted as she stared up at her.
“How long do you think we have to wait? Do you think we should wait until we die?” Nam-ra asked in a slightly snarky tone which you winced at but didn’t make any move to interfere.
“No,” On-jo clarified. “I’m saying let’s wait as long as we can.”
“But when will we know when we can’t?” You asked and On-jo just looked at you, her mouth opening and closing a few times before she looked down at her lap.
“I don’t know… but there’s no way we can go out right now, anyway.”
“It’s probably because it’s nighttime. I’m sure somebody will come in the morning, maybe. There are a lot of choppers flying around,” Su-hyeok pointed out and everyone looked out the window to inspect the sky for a second before leaning back. He let out a sigh. “Let’s just wait until tomorrow, and we’ll see.”
Everyone nodded in agreement when Joon-yeong took in a deep breath and ran back into the recording studio while plugging his nose which you and Hyo-ryung slightly giggled at. Su-hyeok looked down with a smile at the sound but you didn’t notice it from how you leaned forward to talk to Hyo-ryung. You also didn’t notice the questioning looks that On-jo passed back and forth between you and Su-hyeok.
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
Lmk if you want to be added or removed!
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doyouknowbtsswag · 1 year
I Found You |Su-Hyeok|
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I tapped my pencil against my desk listening to whatever the teacher was saying. I looked at the board and saw some notes to take. I took my time writing wanting it to be neat. I try my best to look presentable, wanting to meet my parents proud. It's not like they were strict I want to make them proud even though they aren't pushy. It's nice hearing my parents talk to my family about my grades. It wasn't just for them, I wanted to impress Su-Hyeok. We've talked before and we're pretty good friends but I want to be more. Will he know that? Absolutely not, I like being with him and I don't want to ruin our friendship even if I wanted more. I smiled to myself waiting till the bell rang so I could talk to him on the way to the cafeteria. He'd go sit with his friends unfortunately for me, I lost a friend because I wasn't cool enough so I end up talking to random people every day. I wasn't that talkative but I managed to talk to two other girls I wanted to show her I didn't need her. Once the bell rang I packed up my stuff and went outside the classroom to wait for him.
"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me," I said looking at Su-Hyeok grinning.
"Your so easy to sneak up on" He chuckled as a smacked his chest lightly.
"I am not, I just didn't expect a random voice to be right behind me," I said as we made our way to the cafeteria. "How was class?"
"Fooling around?" I asked jokingly raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe," He said smiling.
"Well my class wasn't that great either, I felt like I was going to fall asleep" I sighed. "But I have to work hard"
"No, you need to relax a bit." He said putting his arm around my shoulder in a joking manner, unfortunately. "You need to do something fun and not spend all your free time studying."
"I'll have you know I binge-watch shows and listen to music"
"Didn't you dance and sing in middle school?"
"Do you miss it?"
"Every once and a while I regret quitting," I said. "But there's nothing I can do now"
"You could still sign up," He said. "I'll even watch you perform"
"Maybe" I smiled.
"That should be a yes," He said. "I want to see you dance at least once"
"Like I said maybe." I smiled as he took his arm off my shoulder as we made it to the cafeteria.
"Can't wait for you to say yes later today" He said before walking over to his friends.
I sighed and looked for On-Jo and I-Sak. I saw On-Jo wave her wand to signal me over. I walked over and sat next to her.
"Why is your face all red?" On-Jo asked as I brought out my lunchbox.
"Su-Hyeok" I mumbled. "He's so oblivious"
"Everyone knows about your little crush except him," I-Sak said pointing her chopstick at me. "Just tell him"
"Absolutely not"
"Oh come on," On-Jo said.
"I don't want to lose him," I said taking a bite out of my apple. "I'd rather suffer"
"Don't be overdramatic" I-Sak said
"I'm not"
"Anyways how did you do on the test in Science?" I-Sak asked.
"I got a 95," I said proudly.
"I'm surprised it's not a 100" On-Jo joked
"Oh whatever," I said nudging her smiling. "And you?"
"Looks like we've got to clean up," She said changing the subject. "We'll be back we're just putting our trays back"
"Alright," I said watching them leave.
"Hey, Y/n? I know we don't talk much" I looked up and saw Cheong-San standing in front of the table. "Could you help me out with something?"
"Uh, sure? Depends on what it is" I said packing my lunch box.
"Can you tell On-Jo to meet me in front of the school later, I have to tell her something"
"I think I know what it is so of course" I grinned as he blushed.
"Don't tell anyone okay?"
"I won't," I said standing up. "Good luck"
"Thank you"
"Don't mention it" I smiled and watched him walk away.
I stood waiting for On-Jo and I-Sak to come back. I started to daydream till I heard a bunch of steps. I looked over and saw a bunch of students running in the cafeteria. Someone closed the door on the rest and banging was seen through the glass that it shattered open. Students flooded the cafeteria as chaos quickly spread. I was getting bumped into left and right. I stood up on the table to see what was truly going on. My heart dropped at the sight. People eating others and quickly turning into monsters to spread whatever was going on. I looked around for a place to run but it was almost impossible to leave. The sprinklers went off making everything worse. I saw Cheong-San help On-Jo go through a window and sighed in relief at least one of my friends will survive. I felt an arm tug on me and saw Su-Hyeok pulling me down by my hand.
"We have to go," He said as he grabbed a chair as if it was a shield to run outside. I almost slipped on but quickly caught myself
We ran to the stairs and I followed Su-Hyeok. I wasn't bothered to pay attention to the fact that we were holding hands. We stopped seeing a man on top of a ladder before falling down. As they were distracted we moved the ladder so we were able to get to a window.
"Be careful" He said as he climbed up The window opened and he was pulled through. I started to climb but the ladder started shaking. I looked down and saw a few zombies grabbing the ladder. I felt a hand grab mine as my breathing became shakier. The ladder officially collapsed and the only thing keeping me from the ground was Su-Hyeok's hand. "Don't let go! I've got you okay?"
I looked up horrified and Su-Hyeoks face mirrored mine. I had nothing to grab onto and my hand started to slip from his.
"Hold on a little more okay?" He said panicking. "I'll pull you up I promise! Guys help me!"
I felt more force pull me up but it made my hand slip more. His eyes were tearing up as he looked at me. He was using both of his hands but they kept slipping. I looked down and saw that the zombies walked away from where they just were. I could make a run for it and find someplace to find safety.
"I'm sorry" I whispered as my hand slipped from his.
I fell to the ground and quickly got up running for my life.
"Y/n!" He yelled trying to get down the building but his friends pulled him back.
His scream drew all of the zombies to that building point but I still had to close calls. I never looked back as I kept running forward. I looked at the big tree coming up close that led to a classroom window.
"Here I go" I whispered and did my best to climb the tree I yelped as I saw my foot being grabbed at.
I stomped on it with my other foot holding the tree branch for my life. Once the hand let go I made it to the top. The branches kept creaking as I slowly made it to what looked like the music room window. I looked through the window and saw the coast was clear. I carefully opened the window and climbed in. I sighed in relief until I heard the piano go off. I looked over and saw a girl trapped underneath the piano. I slowly moved back until I fell out of the classroom. I closed the door and noticed that she wasn't going to escape from under the heavy object. I sighed quietly sitting against the wall closest to the window. Fear finally had time to take over as I sat and watched what used to be my classmates bang against the window of the classroom or walk away bloodied with no emotions. I dug my head into my knees crying softly. A day passed by and my head hurt from crying all night and not sleeping. I was too scared to close my eyes just in case a zombie came in. The hallway silence was filled with a bunch of noises and I quickly got up. Before I could do anything the door opened and shut as I started to climb out of the window.
"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and saw a person holding a guitar in a bloody uniform.
"Cheong-San," I said stepping down from the window. "You're alive"
"I thought you died," He said as we whispered back and forth looking at the door in front of us.
"Is Su-Hyeok okay?" I said urgently.
"He's safe, don't worry," He said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Thank fuck" I whispered.
"Stay back," He said referring to the girl under the piano.
"Don't worry she hasn't moved since yesterday."
He just nodded a few minutes later we heard voices come from the intercom. I flinched and hid behind Cheong-San as the Zombies ran to the speakers.
"Cheong-San are you there?" Dae-Su said over the intercom.
"Cheong-San do you hear us?" My heart rate spiked hearing Su-Hyeok's voice over the speakers.
"Told you," Cheong-San said rubbing my back.
"It's me Su-Hyeok. We'll come to you so stay put got it?"
"Don't come here Moron, you can't come here" Cheong-San said walking to the speaker as if it actually does something.
"Shh," I said and continued to listen to what he was saying.
Su-Hyeok kept reassuring Cheong-San they were coming but little did they know it took my whole power to get him to shut up to listen to the announcement.
"And Y/n you better be safe okay? I still have to get that yes from you so I can see you perform."
I nodded to myself but saw Cheong-San planning his escape. I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the window. "Stop it!"
He was about to fight back till On-Jo came over the speaker.
"Cheong-San please stay still," On-Jo said making him stop fighting my grasp to leave. "I know you never listen to me but listen just this once"
This took Cheong-San out of his dazed state and sat on a desk his head in his hands.
"They'll be fine," I said sitting across from him. "Believe in them okay?"
This time music did blare in the speakers as I watched the zombies run to either side of the hallway. My leg bounced anxiously waiting to see if anyone ends up coming to get us. After what felt like forever we heard footsteps coming from the hallway and the door opening. I looked up and saw a group of people. Dae-Su went up and hugged Cheong-San and On-Jo looked over.
"Y/n?" Hyo-Ryung said. "I did see you on the drone camera"
"Drone camera?" I asked confused.
"Never mind that I'm glad your alive" She smiled.
"Where's Su-Hyeok?" I asked as On-Jo hugged me I started to struggle in her grasp trying to leave. "Where is he?"
"He was behind us," Dae-Su said.
Suddenly the door started to bang frantically. There was a voice telling us to let them in. Cheong-San hesitantly opened the door as Nam-Ra and Su-Hyeok ran in. I made eye contact with Su-Hyeok who ran up and hugged me.
"Thank god your okay," He said his voice shaky. "How did you do it, I thought I lost you"
"I thought I lost you too," I said I pulled away from the hug to look at him directly. His face was bloody and he had a bruise on his face. "What happened?"
"That's not important" He smiled gently. "What's important is that I can see you again"
"I should've told you this before but I really like you, when I was stuck in here I thought that I would never see you again and you wouldn't know my feelings. I got scared that I wouldn't be able to tell you and-" my rambling went off as I felt a pair of lips on mine.
"It's okay, I'm here" He cupped my cheek. "And I really like you too so don't scare me like that"
"I won't ever again"
"I promise," I said hugging him and he let my hair. The soothing made me feel like collapsing from exhaustion but my happiness kept it away. I heard two people clapping at our confession.
"Shut up," Su-Hyeok said.
Even though this is one small moment in the hell hole that we have ahead of ourselves that I'm not sure I'm ready for it. This moment was the happiest little did I know the chaos that was just beginning.
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bitchofdarkness · 3 months
Lee Su-hyeok really went "I'm so straight, I totally love a girl, uuuuuh Nam-ra!" but then continues to be super gay about Lee Cheong-san to the point where the dude has to shove him away. Yeah, okay we get it, you only said you like her after it was very clear your pal loves On-jo. Nam-ra was kinda the consolation prize and I don't even feel mad about it (since I hate her).
Either way, wished the girls hadn't been involved with them at all and maybe we'd have a nice wlw and mlm storyline instead xD
No, I'm not greedy at all, nope. /s
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thefourchimes · 11 months
so i have a funny realization
between these two groups
these two idiotic and stupid groups whom my friend and i love very much
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let me list down some familiar things and details though:
one girl has a girl best friend who dies
one guy is a former "bully" who stopped and just wanted to not be like that anymore
one guy is pinning over his childhood friend but is keeping the fact that he likes her to himself
one girl is a quiet person who is misinterpreted to be cold and just "focused" on academics
the two guys have chemistry and banter with each other and have actual scenes that may be taken in a very gay way
same with the two girls, except it started with a rivalry sort of sense
one of the girls is "different" for one reason or another but one guy and the other girl never gives up on her
after that one girl's best friend dies, the other girl slowly became her girl best friend in the process of the show
there's a weird love triangle-square thing going on
one of the main human antagonists is an absolute ass, has a mullet, and has the rivalry (aka the want to kill and almost does kill) towards one of the guys
one girl and one guy have never properly "interacted and got close to one another", at least hopefully not yet
forced together by outside life threatening forces
now, here's the real question
am i talking about the main four of st or the main four of aouad?
who knows! <3
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kooosmiko · 11 months
𝗣𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗈 𝖽𝖾𝗌𝖼𝗎𝗅𝗉𝖺𝗌 𝖺𝗉𝗈𝗌 𝗎𝗆𝖺 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗎𝗌𝗌𝖺̃𝗈 ─── 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗈𝖿 𝗎𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝖽
★ gênero: fofo; ★ pequenas sinopses: voces estão em um relacionamento e após uma briga, ele decide te pedir desculpas ★ personagens: gwi-nam, su-hyeok, gyeong-su, cheong-san x f!reader
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Gwi-nam: Definitivamente o errado da briga, e eu sinceramente acho que ele não iria ser o primeiro a pedir desculpas e você, então, você que deveria ir até ele (mesmo que Gwi-nam fosse o errado).
Cheong-san: Ele faria um pedido de desculpas simples, mas fofo ao mesmo tempo. Te dando seu doce fav, sendo um pouco meloso, de dando cafuné e logo te chamando para sair.
Su-hyeok: Mesmo se fosse o certo da briga, ele iria fazer questão de pedir desculpas a você, sendo o mais fofo e atencioso possível.
⸻ Desculpa... ⸻ Ele falou após cruzar a porta da sala de aula, com uma carta pequena e simples na mão, deixando-a em sua mesa.
Você o olhou, sorrindo de canto e sem dizer uma palavra, concordou com a cabeça em um 'sim' sútil. Ele sorriu, e disse:
⸻ Quer rodar o centro de Seul depois da aula? ⸻ Ele perguntou sorrindo.
Gyeong-su (meu namorado): Uma criança num corpo de um adolescente, ficaria emburrado e envergonhado de pedir desculpas.
⸻ Vai pedir desculpas, agora! ⸻ Cheong-san falou empurrando o melhor amigo, que esbarrou em você na hora.
⸻ Ah, desculpa por essbarrar em ti ⸻ Ele disse coçando a nuca e meio sem jeito. ⸻ E tambem, hm....me desculpa pela briga..
⸻ Pensei que não iria me pedir desculpas! ⸻ Você sorriu dando um beijinho na bochecha.
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intothemultifandom · 1 year
Auld Lang Syne || Chapter One
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Pairing: Han Gyeong-Su x Reader
Summary: Class 2-2's Vice President: VP.
In which the sensible Vice-President does their best to keep their little band of survivors alive.
Tags/Warnings: reader insert, character death, swearing, canon divergence, pre-relationship, angst + more
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Chapter One
Harabeoji lays on the hospital bed, unaware that the world continues without him.
You're his only visitor today. The room is cold, and his heart monitor fills the silence since you won't.
You don't know what to say, where to start.
Do you tell him that he needs to wake up? That since he fell sick, your step-grandmother used his coma as an opportunity to move everyone from your family home (sans yourself) and that her son, your half-uncle and proxy, is already making deals to have the line of succession passed to him instead?
Seoul is too far from Hyosan for you to visit him, to remind him to keep fighting and to keep vigil at his bedside, but they moved his treatment here anyway. Have already brought themselves a sky-line apartment right in the centre.
If you told him that they've left you alone, that they've left you behind, would that be enough to wake him up?
On your lap, you've brought a collection of Western comic books you've been reading to practise your English and since you need to fill the quiet somehow, you pick one out to read:
The Walking Dead, it says.
If Harabeoji finds your pick distasteful, he doesn't say.
(You wish he would).
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In a class-room setting, the Vice-President is meant to ensure that there is strong communication between the Class Reps and the President. When the President is absent, it is up to them to act in their stead. To lead the class through ever-changing situations with a clear head and mature outlook.
At times, you enjoy being responsible for such tasks. The position gives you a sense of purpose on days when you feel set adrift, makes you feel more present as you tend to your responsibilities and resolve minor conflicts. Those are the days you feel like an ordinary student, responsible only for the happenings of your class.
Other times however, it's a bitter reminder. Of Harabeoji who's counting on you to do good, of the dynasty you're set to inherit in his name and of the interests you've had to sacrifice in favour of activities more appealing for Universities overseas. Like being Vice-President.
Joon-Yeong insists you should have been Class President when the positions are first announced. It's unfair Nam-Ra gets the position because of her Mother's bribery when you're not only first in class but have given up more to commit to your school's night self-learning programme and your new role.
He says it with an air of indifference as he crosses his arms, but his eyes burn behind his glasses. You think it's because losing the Presidency to a friend will make the loss hurt a little less, and because it would excuse you from not hanging out with him and the others as much as you used to.
You don't point it out to him, though. Joon-Yeong has to come to his own conclusion for things to stick. Instead, you make a show of pointing your finger right at his nose as you order him–and the others watching–to call you "VP" henceforth.
It's not much, but if you show that you're not upset with the position you're given then your friends have no grounds to be angry on your behalf. You just hope that overtime, they'll come around about the Class President you do have in the meantime.
You did in the end, hadn't you?
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Speaking of your Class President, Nam-Ra always complains about the music playing on your headphones whenever she slides into her seat next to you, but it doesn't stop her from leaning over your textbook to assess your work.
You respond by turning your volume all the way up so the melody of Auld Lang Syne rattles your ears, mouth curling when she nods begrudgingly at your answers.
There isn't much she'll find to begin with, but it's routine; Nam-ra grumbles about your music in the morning as she looks over your work (way better than her rhythm techno beats, mind you), and you pretend this isn't her odd way of showing her friendship.
Silently, you offer her a piece of Poki from your half-opened bag, your own show of friendship, and she accepts the treat after a long, drawn out moment. Even though she doesn't say anything, you can see her face soften in the corner of your eye, and beyond the obvious, you're glad that she's not actually mad about your song choice for today.
"Wake me up when Ms. Park comes," you say after a moment, falling into your normal position as you cross your arms over your textbook, cushioning your head as you close your eyes. Nam-ra predictably grumbles at your command, but doesn't make a move to disturb you.
And drifting off, you hope that today is another calm day.
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It's not.
Hyeon-Ju's bloodied entrance is too shocking for the day to be anything but calm.
Even when she's whisked away by Ms. Park, Su-Hyeok and a few others to the infirmary, the shock gives way to unease and the feeling settles under your skin before you can do anything about it. It makes you itch to do something, anything.
Ms. Park instructs you all to resume studying but hearing what Hyeon-Ju said and seeing her state in general, more than half the class group together to brainstorm what happened between your classmate and Mr. Lee.
Nam-Ra seems to be the only one actually studying and while it looks like you are too, with all your pens laid out and your head tilted down to your book, you're actually listening in on the chatter around you. Pulling out your stationary was just a show of solidarity, if anything.
From what you gather, no one seems to say anything that corroborates your unease or the sense of foreboding that's taken root. Dae-Su's idea is perverse, Wu-Jin is quick to slap him on the back of his head, and I-Sak returns with a troubled face before the others can chime in.
At once, everyone turns their attention towards her, even Nam-Ra, but the weight of someone's stare grows heavy on the side of your face so you turn to other side of the room instead, catching Gyeong-Su's gaze just as he snaps his head back to I-Sak.
You're sure he knows you caught him staring at you because the tips of his ears are pink, and his posture is rigid as he faces the front. If you weren't feeling so agitated, your skin still itching, you'd smile at his embarrassment.
How long will he wait before he confesses?
"–What happened? Is Hyeon-Ju okay?" Wu-Jin chimes. He kneels next to I-Sak when he asks, and you begin tapping your finger on your desk when she speaks, pulled back to the matter at hand.
When you saw Hyeon-Ju last, the poor girl was delirious as she stumbled into the room, eyes fluttering as she tried to stay awake. Her face was bloodied, her hair was matted and when she collapsed by Ms. Parks' feet, she could could barely move.
However, the Hyeon-Ju I-Sak left in the infirmary sounds like a completely different person.
Having to be restrained as she thrashed on the bed. Hissing. Biting.
She scratched Ms. Kim, I-Sak says.
There's a cold sweat running down the back of your neck the more you imagine it, different scenarios flitting through your head in quick succession, but when I-Sak mentions some weird shot Mr. Lee injected her with, the agitation you feel reaches a crescendo.
You stop tapping, deciding that you need to see things yourself.
Nam-Ra glances at you from the corner of her eye, and you hope the look you flash her doesn't belie your nerves.
It turns out though that the Class President must consider you more of a friend than you realised (the kind of friend that you cover for), because her mouth twists like she knows you're up to something but doesn't push.
"I'll find a mop to clean up the mess," you lie, grabbing your bag.
"Hurry back," is Nam-Ra's cool reply.
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This is a multi-fic story. 
I intend to post this story on Wattpad and Ao3 shortly. Maybe even Quotev and FF.net, too. 
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justice4gyeongsu · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS ➢ sometimes a little courage can do a lot more good than bad. sometimes, that is.
PAIRING ➢ lee suhyeok x male!reader
AU ➢ enemies-to-lovers au!
CONTENT WARNING ➢ this chapter contains; loneliness, sprinkles of unfit parenting, a bit of heatedness with an older male (just in m/c's mind) [let me know if i missed any !]
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roses, tulips, lilies, they usually were in every storefronts window. signaling perfectly how the season was changing soon and quickly, the flowers were now missing and/or wilted. you were going to miss seeing the bloomed flowers for a while. winter took the invitation swiftly, the wind blowing your hair away from your eyes proved that fact. the sun still shines down onto people's heads, as usual, it confidently shows it still has a job to do upon the season changing. the solid road you were walking down had green grass sprouting from between the cracks a little, a visual of a younger you playing with it while your mother was arguing on the phone with someone flashed by in your mind.
couldn't recall what it was about exactly. “y/n, you have two feet facing forward and yet somehow you seem to be walking backwards,” your father retorted to your slow walking. you snapped your head up to see he was a few feet away from you, jogging to catch up. “yeah, sorry.” you mumbled. not in the mood to argue so early into the day. especially on a weekend, the two days where you could only worry about how you would get your dad out the house.
your first thought when your father had told you he was leaving to run errands, you weren't necessarily thinking you had to be a part of it. well, it seems everything you don't expect always seems to happen to you. adding this to the list. “welcome!,” the store owner announced as you two walked in. you bowed when making eye contact and as you rose up the older woman couldn't help but send you, what only you could assume to be, a motherly smile. you gave a small smile in return, her warmth made it hard not to. “hello miss, we were wondering if you had any chamomile tea?” your father asked the lady with a high pitched tone, obviously trying to sound kinder than usual. you couldn't help the smirk on your lips when the woman quickly left her station and went to retrieve said herbs. you placed your hands on the counter and tapped your fingertips in a rhythm. “so..” you trailed off as your dad turned his head towards your direction.
“why do you need chamomile tea?” you asked while staring at the broken sign that stated no leaning on the small statues that were lined against the wall of the store. “just.” was your fathers answer. you exhaled while closing your eyes, you were used to your father not actually wanting to have normal conversations with you. in spite of that, it was still in fact draining to not have a communicative parent. and the only times he did want to speak to you, was because he needed to ridicule you for every decision you made in this life. it makes you ponder about what you must've done so awful in your past life.
you turned around to lean your back against the counter and stare out the windows with your arms over your chest, your thick green cardigan making you feel comfortable even if the atmosphere did not. looking out onto the street you see three grown women pass by, then a boy that seemed close to your age, maybe a little older, on a bicycle slowly cruises by the windows. to say he was handsome was an understatement, your mouth slightly parted as he looked into the windows of the shop you were in and looked directly at you. it wasn't a certain look he gave you, just the fact he did stare at you before disappearing past the window where you could no longer see him. making your throat dry and your heartbeat a little faster than usual. your feet led you off the counter and outside the open door to where he had disappeared to. he was crossing the street to the corner bike store, parking his bike outside and entering. you blinked before turning back to see your dad now chatting with another older lady about different tea’s. “dad, im gonna check out the-“ he waved you off, not even turning his head to spare you a glance. you shook your head from the sudden hurt and quickly jogged over to down the street to the sidewalk. your mind now focused on one thing and one thing only.
one someone, to be exact. upon entering the bicycle store you were greeted by a younger women whom you bowed to in response. you weren't sure if you fitted in with the rest of the people shopping in here. you still pretended to look at the bikes that were on display in the windows and throughout the store. looking up, you noticed a familiar tall and fit boy who was looking at bike tires that were hung up. swallowing in hopes of smoothing your vocal chords out from the dried cracks of anxiousness. you proceeded to walk slowly more and more to him, though one step came with an intrusive thought. “you see him and what are you gonna do about it?” you turned swiftly toward a wall full of chains for bicycles.
your heart began to beat harder at that. what are you going to do now? you probably seem like a stalker now, he's obviously gonna recognize you from the other shop. you need to leave, you need to leave now. “you own a bike?” a voice cut in to your own conversation. your head whipped to the side to see the said boy was now standing beside you and not where he was leaning over a few feet away prior. “uh, me?” you ask dumbly. he nodded with a smile that his eyes turn into slits, you blinked before answering, “no i don't.” oh no. “i-i mean that's why i'm here. y-ya know, to buy one.” the boy nodded slowly at your words. you weren't quite sure if he believed you or not. he then points to the chain you were once having a staring contest with, “maybe you should get the whole bike first.”
you nodded before nervously chuckling, to which a heavenly giggle escaped his throat. something that made your heart flutter at. “can i give you some advice though?” you nod quickly. he smirks at your quick reaction to his words. “don't try and get one of the trendy ones right now, they'll only go out of style as quick and usually they break down as easily.” your eyes stuck to his lips as he spoke to you. wow, he really was very handsome. you couldn't help your ears from gaining heat at the fact that he still stared at you as you did him.
“yes, i understand.” you softly responded with a starstruck face. “good.” his voice lowered. the boy looked down at your body which made you shy instantly. “also those shoes are good for bicycling, so don't even try to waste your well-earned money on some new ones.” you furrowed your brows before looking down. “ah, yes, i wasn't planning on it.” you reassured him while mentally hitting yourself for getting into your head like that when just speaking to this nice guy. “im y/n.” you stuck out your hand politely. “my names kyungho.” the name fit him perfectly you noticed.
he nodded before saying a gentle, “see you around then, y/n.” it was as if your heart punctured outwards of your chest and grabbed onto his sleeve when he was walking away, but instead you said “w-what kind of bike do you have?” you asked for the first time in a louder tone. he turned with an eye-slinting smile before responding.
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the sun was finally done being confident for the day and began relaxing by 6pm. its winds and clouds taking over for the exhausted sun. “come back for dinner, y/n!” your father shouted while heading into the apartment building, you nodded before pedaling off on your new bike that you had recently bought the next day. you sold most of your old toys to nearby neighbors and finally, 19 hours later and you purchased the black version of the bike kyungho had. you pedalled off down a street, the feeling almost rejuvenating. not having a specific path you wanted to take, you just followed the sun as it set and the skies soon turned orangey-pink. you cut through wind so fast, your clothes were practically second skin.
it was different. very much different. it made you wonder as to why you never thought of purchasing one of these before. it beats walking, that's for sure.
while you skidded down many empty streets and just enjoyed the outdoors for once, you came across and intersection, you slowed down and drifted onto the sidewalk. slowly cruising towards the crosswalk. thats when you noticed it was the same intersection where suhyeok saved you from. a faint hint of your ears getting warmer made you grow angry. you knew one-hundred percent then, that you couldn't control who you liked. because even when you don't want to, that prick still somehow squirms his way into your arteries like a blood clot. an infectious disease that can only be cured if you rip your own heart out before he consumes it. shaking your head in order to clear your mind, your ears pick up laughter. you turn to see a chicken restaurant and eating inside were a few of your classmates. onjo, cheongsan, isak, and gyeongsu. they looked rather happy.. and warm.
you looked away in defeat, leaning onto your bike and rubbing your head. for once in your life you were not gonna live the same day over and over. tomorrow, you were going to change for good, that was something only you knew at the time, but soon everyone would see it too.
meanwhile, in cheongsan’s chicken, “yah, is that y/n-ah?” isak spoke as she covered her mouth from keeping chicken spewing out. everyone turned to see the young boy with his head in his hands and brushing his hair away from his face in frustration. cheongsan and gyeongsu looked back at each other before returning to their food. onjo looked at the two boys who were stuffing their faces once again, “we should invite him to eat with us,” she began and continued when everyone looked at her with surprised faces. “hes always alone. no one should be alone throughout high-school, it makes school even more unbearable. plus, isn't he woojin-ah’s friend?” she asked and immediately was met with gyeongsu shaking his head slowly in a grimace. “he tried to ..befriend him again but i think woojin just didnt wanna be apart of drama.” he explained while now picking at his food.
“drama?” onjo asked with a slight undertone. almost accusing cheongsan he had done something wrong from just answering her question. “y-yeah, you know about y/n and myunghwan..” cheongsan trailed off as onjo became angrier by the second. “y/n was just being himself, this whole town needs to grow up already. he never hurt anyone, he just had a stupid crush and wanted to tell him.” she stated with fire in her eyes. isak raised her eyebrows at her friends tangent. “do any of you know the guy?” isak carefully spoke up. everyone then proceeded to shake their head. “only y/n knows.” onjo answered while now pushing away her chicken while she tried to calm down. “and myunghwan and his goons.” gyeongsu added while looking down at his fork nonchalantly.
“that guy that snitched should go to hell.” isak stated with crossed arms and a small pout. finally, understanding y/n, when her friend put the situation in perspective for her. “yeah, i will never like a guy like that.” onjo announced seriously. cheongsan gulped and gawked at his childhood friend before continung to eat his food.
everyone was quiet, seemingly done with the conversation until gyeongsu spoke up, “if youre still a little angry, can i have that piece?”
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bilesandthesourwolf · 2 years
*Cheong-san exists*
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Su-hyeok: Nam-ra? Oh no... no... I only like her as a friend.
Cheong-san: Why are your eyes shaped like hearts?
Su-hyeok: Allergies.
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A vaguely yandere fic with Su-Hyeok and Cheong-San. All I’ve got is a bit of dialogue between Su-Hyeok and Gwi-Nam.
“Why do you need him?”
“I’m gonna kill him.”
Su-Hyeok pins him against the wall by the throat, heated glare in his eyes as he practically snarls at him.
“He’s mine. Don’t fucking touch him.”
“Ooh. Hit a nerve did I? Maybe I’ll keep him instead and make you watch?”
Su-Hyeok punches the shit out of Gwi-Nam, breaks his knuckles on his face and threatens to do worse if he so much as thinks of going near Cheong-San
Gwi-Nam smiles through bloody teeth, laughing slightly as he spits blood and spit to the side.
“Does your boyfriend know how much of a psycho you are?”
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quack-quack-snacks · 8 months
The Star Crossed Masterlist
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Lee Su-hyeok x Fem!Yoon!Reader
Author's Notes: For the sake of fanfiction - and this applies to all of my aouad stories unless stated otherwise - we shall make it so that Gwi-nam never sexually assaulted/harassed Eun-ji and neither did his friend group because what they did WAS SA/SH and I feel like so many people gloss over that fact. They have never SA/SH anyone and are just regular bullies who just harass and beat people up normally. In this story, Gwi-nam and his friends are all seniors instead of juniors as I’m pretty sure they were juniors in the show.  Warnings: Violence, zombies, slight bully!Su-Hyeok in the beginning, (maybe) ooc Gwi-nam, extra extra fluffy fluff, (more to be added as the story progresses)
My Navigation and Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
Being an outcast based off of the boy you are the younger sister of for the entirety of your high school experience has been a roller coaster of emotions. Even more so when you include the fact that the only person who doesn’t treat you differently is the ex friend and fellow bully of your older brother. When the zombie apocalypse begins, when feelings arise and friendships are made, you begin to realize life isn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Funny how you only learned that while the world was ending.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Coming Soon!
I am taking a hiatus for a little while but I’ll get back to the series soon (hopefully after my finals stop)!
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ken-dala · 2 years
Am I still alive?
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A/N: for a long time, of course, I didn’t write about this series, oh, I miss my era when I wrote about them every day.
The reader fights to the last, but she still gets bitten, but she is still alive and can walk and talk, which means that she will be able to protect her friends. hambie! reader
- Guys, we need to calm down. Let's make a plan. But all I want to say is I love you guys. We must fight to the last, be careful look every corner so you don't get bitten.
- Calm down?! Are you serious y/n? We may die, but you? Joon Yeong said in annoyance.
- Let's make a plan.
- Great plan! I agree, we just need to get out of here quickly.
Everyone got dressed and prepared so that no one would get bitten, etc. You were sure this plan would work. Now you are all following the plan.
You completed your building and found chocolate..? Food. It was overdue but what's the difference the most important thing is food
- Guys, I found chocolate! Let's take one bite
- Thank God at least something.
You started biting off the chocolate and handing it to everyone, it was Dae-su's turn. He took a bite completely. What about Joon Yeong?
- Bro are you serious? After you, Joon Yeong.
- Oh God I'm sorry Joon Yeong I didn't mean it honestly I thought you already uh took a bite
- Come on, let's get out of here.
You opened the door and quickly began to act, everything is fine but the zombies are surrounding you, you have to fight them off. You see that Jun Yong gets bitten and quickly went to his territory pushing him away from the zombies. Crap neck hurts..
- What the fuck, y/n you're a moron, what's wrong with you?!
- Im okay you know, I just have to leave you guys.
You climbed up the building and went outside, a bunch of monsters attacked you, but you looked at your friends with a smile and gave them a sign to leave as soon as possible. Many gave you one last look after realizing that you can't be saved.
They got out of this shit.
- We did it! Everyone is alive? And we are lucky that the monsters went to one side!
- Hey guys are you okay? Joon Yeong?
- Y/n she sacrificed herself so we could escape...
- You're only joking soon.. Oh shit oh shit is she really left there?
- Cheong san calm down.. She stayed there so that we could survive..
- Shit... We.. we have to continue this way.
"meanwhile with you"
Damn your head is spinning and your neck still hurts, what the? Are you still at the gym? Oh shit, you have bites all over the place but now you have a good sense of smell and hearing. This means you can find your friends.
All have been considered, but they must make it to the shelter. Will it all end like this? Will you just rot in the gym?
You could hear your friends as they walk through the woods, you decided to follow the sounds and decided to speed up. The path was long but you were able to find them. You decided to lightly and quietly follow them
You touched Joon Yeong's shoulders, and he screamed at the sight of you, turning everyone's attention to you.
- What the hell? Are you alive?
- Am I still alive?
- Damn don't scare us! And don't sneak up on us like that!
- Okay, guys, let's not be distracted, after all, we must find shelter and live in peace.
You hugged everyone, realizing that you and Nam-ra are the main defenders from zombies, you were so happy for yourself.
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Prev 07 - Next 09
Everyone took a step back except for Cheong-san who decided to fall back instead while the zombie that was just hanging from the hose by it's leg thrashed around, reaching out toward the students as it growled. 
"It's coming in!"
"Cheong-san, come back here." 
"Hey, watch out."
Cheong-san looked around and spotted a mop in the corner. He rushed forward, "Bring Cheong-san back here!" Gyeong-su reached out for Cheong-san but missed him by a centimeter. 
"Hey, wait!" Once Cheong-san grabbed the mop he immediately stepped back and went in a protective stance to hit the zombie with the mop. He quickly began to push the zombie away.
"Push it! Push it away!"
"Did you get it?"
"Does it look like he did? Don't ask stupid questions!"
"Push it!" Each time Cheong-san would try to push it away it would grab the mop.
"Push it! Push it more!" Gyeong-su soon after went to aid Cheong-san and tried to help him push the zombie away. The zombie grabbed onto the window frame away it tried to go in, "the hand!"
"Hey, watch out!" As Gyeong-su was moving its hand away it switch from grabbing the window frame to grabbing his hand, "step back!" He managed to remove his hand and took a few steps back with Cheong-san. The zombie continued to move around, trying to pull itself in. Cheong-san grabbed the broom as a bat and hit it once on the back of the zombie. He looked at the zombie and the wooden mop that was now broken, the mop was now just a stick.
"Don't go near it!"
"Should I go or should you?"
"Move over. Hold on, I can't."
"Go, Dae-su."
"Should I go?"
Su-Hyeok who was nearby on the side watching Cheong-san, rushed forward, "what are you doing?!" He took the stick away from him. Accidentally hitting Gyeong-su in the nose as Su-hyeok pulled back and poked the zombie harshly on its shoulder. The zombie was dormant for a few seconds before it began to screech and pull itself more in rapidly. 
"We're fucked."
"Just push it!"
"Just push it! Push it away!"
"Push it away already!"
"Fuck. It's coming in."
"Su-hyeok! Just throw that away!" Gyeong-su looked at the computer box before snatching it off the table, "Su-hyeok! Move away!"
"Move, Bare-su!" Su-hyeok moved as Gyeong-su raised the computer box above his head and ran towards the zombie. He smacked the computer box hard on the zombie, and both fell. Almost everyone stood in shock with their mouths open, some went over to the window and saw the zombie that had fallen get up and run off, there lay the computer broken.
"That scared me."
"I'm exhausted." 
"Are you okay?" Su-hyeok walked away from the window with Dae-su and Wu-jin as he dropped the stick on the floor, "I'm good."
"Where did it come from?"
Soo-jin looked around in search of the short black-haired girl. Hwa-young walked off to a chair nearby, Na-yeon looked over at Gyeong-su who was beside Cheong-san, and Wu-jin who walked over to him to ask if he was okay.
"Everyone okay?"
"That was scary. I'm okay." Gyeong-su patted Wu-jin's shoulder and walked off, "good thinking." Gyeong-su's nose began to bleed from the hit he had received earlier from Su-hyeok. Na-yeon stared at him before calling him out, "Hey. You..."
Everyone looked over at Gyeong-su wary and far away from him, "Gyeong-su, your nose is bleeding." Gyeong-su wiped his nose confused, "it is?" He stared at his hand for a few seconds deep in thought before remembering that Su-hyeok had hit him accidentally, "this is because Su-hyeok hit me with the mop." He reached over for some tissues and began to clean his nose. Soo-jin squinted her eyes a bit before nodding, "I saw."
Na-yeon shook her head and took a step back, "stand back. Don't come closer. You were bitten, weren't you?" 
"No, I wasn't. Su-hyeok hit me..." He pointed over at Su-hyeok as he held the tissue up to his nose. Just as Gyeong-su moved Na-yeon took some steps back, which bothered Gyeong-su, "why do you keep picking on me?" 
"You were bitten."
"He just said no, do you see any bite marks on his hands or wrists? Huh?" 
"I-sak got a nosebleed just before she turned. On-jo. You know. That's how I-sak was before she turned." Na-yeon looked at the teacher before turning to look at On-jo.
"I wasn't bitten! I swear!... Damn it." He sighed knowing that no one was believing him. 
"Your hand. What is that? What is it?" Gyeong-su looked down and saw three small scratches, "This was from when I picked up the computer! Don't you trust me? This happened while I was saving you. How could you do this?"
"Yah, I'm sure Gyeong-su is fine. I was nearby and I didn't see him get bitten." Soo-jin looked at Hwa-young and nodded her head, "it happened all too fast though." Some students agreed. Cheong-san walked around the table and grabbed Gyeong-su's hand to inspect it, "it's not a bite. It's a scratch. Whoever wants to check, come and check." Dae-su and Su-hyeok were the first to go check. Joon-Yeong checked for a brief moment as he passed by to go check the computer.
"It's a scratch?" 
"It is a scratch. I'm sure of it." 
"Ms. Park, please take a look." 
"Okay." Ms. Park went over to look at Gyeong-su's hand, "I don't see a bite. It's a scratch. Thank goodness. He's okay." Ms. Park let go of his hand and went to go do something. Na-yeon stared at Gyeong-su who in return stared at her bothered, "satisfied?... I asked if you were satisfied!" 
Joon-Yeong frowned slightly as he looked over at Gyeong-su, "but the computer's gone."
"Then the internet... Did you have to throw that of all things?" Dae-su exclaimed slightly. 
"What could I do? It was trying to get in."
"I'm just saying, but yeah you did good. Thank you. Don't get mad. Hey, Na-yeon. Say you're sorry and end this." 
"Why should I?"
"Because you caused all this, he did it to save us while all you did was just stand there doing nothing like always. So apologize." Soo-jin spoke up glaring at Na-yeon in annoyance.
"Stay out of it bitch."
"Are you calling me a bitch? Ha did you bite your tongue while saying that?" 
"Hey. Just say sorry."
"Why should I be sorry? I saw everything. I saw it grab your hand. I'm right. He may have been infected." 
"Na-yeon, that's enough."
"It really touched him."
"Does being touched mean he's infected?"
"Who knows? It might."
"I held I-sak's hand before she fell. Why am I okay."
"He has a wound on his hand. It's different when it's an open wound."
"No, it's not. It's the same thing." Hwa-young looked at Na-yeon weirdly.
"Why, that-"
"Hey." Su-hyeok and Cheong-san moved close to hold back Gyeong-su who was going for Na-yeon. 
"Don't yell at me. Think about it!"
"Na-yeon. I know you've always hated Gyeong-su, but this is completely different from badmouthing him. This is about life and death."
"She's always like this," Ji-min spoke up looking at Na-yeon for a moment before looking away as Na-yeon turned her head to glare at her.
"If it weren't for him, we may all be dead." 
"And now he may kill us."
"I'm about to die because of you."
"Watch your mouth."
"I'm fine right now."
"That's enough, all of you! Shut it."
"Ms. Park-"
"Shut the hell up," Min-jee said while staring into Na-yeon and Gyeong-su's eyes. 
She had just opened her eyes not that long ago and stretched, she could hear some students arguing especially Na-yeon and Gyeong-su. She sighed and closed her eyes again trying to sleep some more until she heard Na-yeon yell again, she heard Ms. Park too as she too was getting frustrated from their argument. Min-jee got up harshly with her jaw tense and an annoyed expression, she was pissed.
She was trying to sleep and here is this crazy girl screaming as if that wouldn't catch the zombies' attention then the other continued into her trap. Everyone turned to look at the short hair girl who still had sleep in her eyes, but you can tell she was extremely peeved. Looking at her caused them to just look at her from their peripheral vision. Gyeong-su kept his stare on the ground while Na-yeon just made a face putting up a facade.
Soo-jin and Hwa-young took a step back, Soo-jin sucked in her teeth creating a tch sound, "we pray for you both." Even Ms. Park took a step back due to the aura the girl had at the moment. 
"I sleep for a few minutes and you're already arguing? What are you? 4, huh? What grade are you in? Elementary? Hell, I think even elementary kids would act better than you two. Get serious, look at the situation we're in. Whether you like it or not you both need to pull your differences aside and help each other survive. If not, you might as well just die." Everyone looked at the girl who kept her glare on Gyeong-su and Na-yeon. No one said anything for a few seconds until Ms. Park spoke up and gently patted the girl's shoulder, "Min-jee is right. Now more than ever we need to help each other out."
"Hey! Let's do this. Stay in the recording room for just 10 minutes, Gyeong-su. I know it'll be hard, but I think that's better than being suspected."
"But he's-"
“He nothing, end of argument. Gyeong-su come on.”
“Wait what?” The Short haired girl grabbed his hand and pulled him to the recording room with her, “If he doesn’t turn Na-yeon I will fuck you up, and I keep my word.” Min-jee said as she passed the light brown-haired girl.
"The others don't suspect me. It's just her."
"Gyeong-su, would you do that, please?"
"Forget 10 minutes. I'll stay half no, a full hour."
"There's no need for that. It takes less than five minutes to turn. Stop overreacting."
"Let's just be sure."
"Will that do? If nothing happens, you'll sincerely apologize, right?"
"Don't ask her. Tell her she will, it's the least she could do." Min-jee said as she looked at Na-yeon who wouldn't look at her. 
"You guys are all okay with that, right?"
"He's clearly fine. If we do this, who would step up next time? Everyone will hide."
"You're right, too, but... Let's consider this a way to learn to trust each other."
"I trust Gyeong-su."
"See you in an hour."
“Me too,” Min-jee yawned and followed Gyeong-su, “wait what?”
“I’m going in with him.”
“No, you aren’t, what are you going to do in there?”
“Uhh… sleep duh.” 
“Min-jee really?” 
“yes, Gyeong-su needs me and.. and Cheong-san for.. for moral support so-“
“Min-jee, it’s okay.” Gyeong-su moved his arm away from her softly as he pushed himself off the table and walked to the recording room. Min-jee stepped aside to let him pass and watched him go in. She looked at the ground for a few seconds before turning around to walk over to Soo-jin and Hwa-young after bumping Na-yeon's shoulder with hers intentionally.
"Should I go in with you?" Asked Dae-su, Gyeong-su only responded by raising his hand up to give them the middle finger. He closed the door glanced over at the glass and sat on the chair facing the wall.
"That stubborn punk." 
"Ten minutes would be fine."
"He's nothing compared to her." Na-yeon shook her head with anger, glaring at Ji-min who had made that comment, and Min-jee who returned the glare but looked away as she saw the black-haired girl smile warmly. She knew it wasn't a warm friendly smile and that caused chills to go down her spine. Out of everyone in the room, Hwa-young and Min-jee scared her the most, and a little bit Soo-jin too as she hung out with them. Many supposedly saw what Hwa-young, Min-jee, and Soo-jin did to two upperclassmen that had been bothering a friend, but those were just 'rumors' just like the other ones of them being in a gang which made people decide that they didn’t want to be on their bad side. 
As Na-yeon looked away her eyes landed on the stick that had been propped up leaning against the wall in a corner. It had blood and not just any blood, zombie blood. 
City council
Everyone crowded around the paramedics. Nam So-Ju held a small flashlight up to the person's eyes, Park Young-hwan was covering his nose and looking at the person in front of them, Kim U-Sin stood on the other side of So-ju watching. The person they were checking had been infected and was tied down on a chair by the others before the paramedics arrived. 
"He's our youngest aide. He collapsed and started convulsing when he returned from the council office..." Said the chief's aide.
"Captain, he smells like a rotting corpse."
"And then he got up, growled, and charged at Assembly Member Park. So we tied him up. We didn't know if we should call the police. Yes?" The chief looked back over at the Assemblywoman, Park Eun-hee, "Why are you telling them that?" 
So-ju looked at the rabid male before speaking up, "let's gag him and move him."
U-Sin grabbed the things and went to stand behind the male who immediately snapped its teeth toward them. 
"One, two, three." Immediately all three sprung into action, So-ju went for the right shoulder pressing it back and holding his head from the top. U-Sin put his arm around it and put them in a chokehold position. Young-hwan quickly moved the gauze bandage towards its mouth so it could bite it, in the progress he got bit and retreated. So-ju looked at him still holding the zombie down, "did you get bitten?"
"It's okay. It's a small bite." Young-hwan glanced at him before going back to gagging the zombie, "wrap him up!" 
"Wrap him." U-Sin removed his arm and started to wrap him with another gauze bandage. The zombie continued to squirm around and snarl. So-ju walkie spoke up for an urgent emergency, knowing they had it under control he took a few steps back and answered as he walked away, "Rescue Team One." 
"As of now, issuing level-three disaster in Hyosan. Everyone report to temporary headquarters." Everyone's phone went off.
"Did you say level-three disaster?" 
"I repeat. Issuing level-three disaster in Hyosan. Everyone report to temporary headquarters." So-ju sighed with a worried expression. Park Eun-hee walked over to him, "what is it?"
"This is the director's order."
"Report where?" 
"Mobilize immediately. Over." The walkie-talkie stopped and So-ju looked over at the Assemblywoman, "Well... Our headquarters was relocated outside the city due to an emergency. The disaster and safety management will control the situation directly." In the background, the Chief's aide is heard complaining on the phone asking the other line if an evacuation order was necessary. He hung up the phone and went over to the Assemblywoman once So-ju had walked back to his crew, "they think it's an acute infection. They expect an evacuation order of Hyosan soon." 
The council sat nearby a corner talking about politics and the situation they were in. So-ju waited for a moment until he received a call and walked away from the chatter, "A virus? What type of virus?"
"I don't think it's a droplet infection, but it hasn't been confirmed. You seem to get infected if you get bit, so don't get bit or make physical contact. We don't have any information on the virus yet, make sure to avoid contact. I hear an assembly member is there." So-ju listened to his Chief until he mentioned not to make any contact. He looked at Young-hwan as realization began to dawn on him, "hold on." He mumbled as she brought the phone away from his ear. 
In that moment while U-Sin was aiding him Young-hwan got a nosebleed, "Young-hwan... Young-hwan, are you okay?" Young-hwan shivered and snarled, he was now bleeding from the mouth, in result, he coughed slightly some blood splattered onto U-sin who was in front of him helping him. He then fell to the floor beginning to spasm, "Young-hwan. Hey." He turned around facing upward, his body twitching and moving in an inhumane way, bones cracking in the process. The council people began to move back, and the chief's aide pointed over at Young-hwan, "that's what happened to our aide earlier. It's the same." Everyone stared at Young-hwan, a few gasped as he lay there still, "is he dead?" U-Sin asked, the body moved, bones cracking, and the now zombie snarled and went straight to attacking U-sin. The council backed up in a corner as they watched, "hey!" So-ju ran over to help U-sin, So-ju removed Young-hwan off of U-sin before pinning him to the ground, "U-Sin, grab the rope! Hurry!" 
"Tie him up!"
"Tie him up, hurry," U-sin immediately went to grab the rope, once he did he tied the zombie's legs and then quickly its arms. 
High school Cafeteria
"Go get it." Whispered Gwi-nam to Hyung-seo who was under the stove with him. 
"You little..." Gwi-Nam reached out and grabbed the back of Hyung-seo's neck. He quietly cried as he pleaded for Gwi-nam to let him go and to stop. In response, Gwi-nam was pushing his head out telling him to go get the knife. Gwi-nam managed to push him out, which cause Hyung-seo to panic more and try to crawl back in even though Gwi-nam was pushing him out.
"Move. Stop that." Hyung-seo grabbed Gwi-nam's leg and pulled him out too. Gwi-nam kicked him off into a zombie that was behind Hyung-seo. He quickly stood up coming to face with another zombie. He crawled out to the other side making whimpering sounds from fear as he tried to get away. He grabbed the cooking table and pushed it under, trapping the zombie that was going after him underneath. As he backed up another rose from the ground and walked out to him, he put a cart in its way causing the zombie to fall. Gwi-nam had reached a dead end until one of the lunch ladies whisper out to him to join them from where they were hiding. Rather than taking her help he grabbed her and used her as a shield from an upcoming zombie who fell by the cart. He pushed them both back, the elder screamed in pain as she and the zombie that was latched onto her shoulder fell back. Gwi-nam kept running around with no plan in mind seeing as he had to dodge two zombies. He fell to the floor and quickly grabbed the knife that was right there in front of him. He pushed another off of him and another came up. He held him away with his arm and grabbed a colander nearby putting it on the zombie's face. He pushed it back to the wall and stabbed it once in the stomach and twice in the neck, he went for the third time but the zombie fell. Gwi-nam stared at it and the knife in shock at what he had just done, but pulled himself together as he fought another one.
"Maybe they're drawn to smell. They go after you like crazy." Wu-jin said as he looked at Dae-su who was deep in thought and shook his head, "I don't smell."
"You sweat a lot." 
"I sweat, but I don't smell." Dae-su sniffed as he looked down at the table, "what is that smell?"
"Your sweat." 
"I think they're more sensitive to sound than smell."
"Yes, sound." Joon-Yeong was sitting at the table as he used a hairbrush from the back as a mirror to check his neck, Su-hyeok was sitting at the table too, just listening to their conversations. Ji-min sat in between Dae-su and Wu-jin at the table. 
"This isn't a movie."
"That's how most zombies are and you saw their eyes. They can't see with those eyes." 
"Sound or smell, I don't know, but..."
Hyo-ryung was behind Wu-jin, she was on the floor sitting beside Ms. Park, "Ms. Park... Some kids probably left the school, right" Ms. Park looked at her before looking at the floor as she nodded, "yes, probably."
"Should we consider ourselves the lucky ones?"
"The fact that we're alive... Means we're lucky." 
"Is that true?" Ms. Park looked at Hyo-ryung and nodded while humming 'yes' she then pulled the teen into a side hug. 
Min-jee leaned on the walls of the corner they were in and yawned, "I could go for another nap."
Soo-jin shook her head, "Lazy ass."
Hwa-young smiled and shook her head, "Dude what happened to your shoe? I forgot to ask earlier." Min-jee looked down at her foot which didn't have a shoe, showing the world the type of socks she wore, today she went with grey socks that had Snoopy and Woodstock on them, "some zombie stole it. It grabbed my leg as I was going out the window, so I pushed it, and bye-bye shoe. I made it, but it cost me my shoe." She pouted as she dramatically told her story. The girls laughed and playfully pushed her, "That's sad Mj."
"Rip Mj's shoe."
"I'm glad you're okay."
The three girls were talking until one of them got quiet, “Do you think we’ll make it out of here?” 
Both girls stopped talking and looked at Hwa-young before nodding, “I- yes of course, the three of us will make it we just have to stick close together and be careful you know.”
Min-jee nodded agreeing with Soo-jin, she can still see the small fear in Hwa-young’s eyes, she stuck her hand out forward and looked at both girls, “I promise to stick close to you guys and we will make it, I won’t leave any of you behind no matter what.” Soo-jin and Hwa-young looked at Min-jee before moving a hand toward her that was in the middle.
“I promise.”
“Me too, Promise.” All three fell into a small comfortable silence before Min-jee moved and tapped on Hwa-young asking if she can nap on her lap, Soo-jin giggled and both girls let the short girl nap. 
Nam-ra sat in a different corner on a chair looking at the ground. Na-yeon sat nearby the door 
On-jo sat on a chair resting her hand on the table as she looked down with a solemn expression. Cheong-san looked at her and walked over to her, "Are you okay?" 
"I keep thinking about I-sak."
"But you held onto her, until the very end." On-jo shook her head, "stop it. That's not comforting." 
"You did nothing wrong. Be strong. Your dad or somebody else will come to save us." They both stared outside the window, Cheong-san stayed there for a bit before deciding to move away to let On-jo be. 
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esmestarz · 8 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ INTRO ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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about me ─ ★
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i can play on the electric guitar and piano !!
i used to do ballet but now i do belly dancing
i love listening to music esp rap, metal (any type tbfr) and rock, my fav animal is a cat and I'm pretty sure that's it
stuff ─ ★
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if you want me to write for a character that isn't on the list feel free to ask me and I'll write for them if possible <3
i will write smut, fem reader, gn reader, platonic and romantic relationships
i will not write rape, incest, gore, threesome, gang bang, male reader, character x character, character x oc, poly relationships, specified race reader
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what and who i write for ─ 𐙚⋅˚₊‧
black swan
- nina sayers
- lily
diary of a wimpy kid
- rodrick heffley
harry potter
- hermione granger
- harry potter
- draco malfoy
- luna lovegod
- ron weasley
- theodore nott
- tom riddle
- tatum riley
- sidney prescott
- billy loomis
- stu marcher
- samantha carpenter
- tara carpenter
- amber freeman
- anika kayko
- ethan landry
- gale weathers
- jill roberts
- kirby reed
- chad meeks-martin
- mindy meeks-martin
life as a house
- sam monroe
- clay beresford
- casper mcfadden
fight club
- marla singer
- tyler durden
star wars
- anakin skywalker
- padmé amidala
- edmund pevensie
- peter pevensie
seasquatch squad
- jeremy sumpter
pretty little liars
- emily fields
- alison dilaurentis
- hanna marin
- spencer hastings
gossip girl
- blair waldorf
- serena van der woodsen
- georgina sparks
- rafe cameron
- sarah cameron
- jj maybanks
- kiara carrera
- pope heyward
- john b routledge
seaquest dsv
- lucas wolenczak
the babysitters club
- sam thomas
- kristy thomas
- stacey mcgill
- claudia kishi
- dawn schafer
- carl gallagher
- fiona gallagher
- debbie gallagher
malcolm in the middle
- malcolm wilkerson
- reese wilkerson
- francis wilkerson
my babysitters a vampire
- rory keaner
- ethan morgan
- sarah fox
ruby and the well
- sam price
- mina amani
- ruby o'reilly
all of us are dead
- choi nam-ra
- lee su-hyeok
- lee cheong-san
- lee na-yeon
- nam on-jo
sweet home
- yoon ji-su
- lee eun-yoo
- cha hyun-soo
KPOP ─ ★
- karina
- winter
- ningning
- giselle
- nayeon
- chaeyoung
- momo
- mina
- sana
- jihyo
- dahyun
- jeongyeon
- tzuyu
le sserafim
- sakura
- yunjin
- chaewon
- kazuha
- eunchae
- soyeon
- minnie
- shuhua
- miyeon
- yuqi
- sullyoon
- lily
- kyujin
- haewon
- jiwoo
- bae
new jeans
- danielle
- haerin
- minji
- hyein
- hanni
the last of us
- ellie williams
fatal frame
- yuri kozukata
- rui kagamiya
cry of fear
- simon henriksson
resident evil
- leon s kennedy
- jill valentine
- ada wong
- claire redfield
- bela dimitrescu
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plentyoffandoms · 11 months
Purple (Part 6)
Gwi-nam x f/Reader
wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
Main Masterlist ♡ All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist ♡ Yoon Gwi-nam Masterlist ♡ Jelly Bracelets Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Am I late to this fandom? Oh hell, yes, but the show was so good.
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @bilesandthesourwolf 2nd gif @dramastream
Gwi-nam's POV
Chang-hoon and I were standing in the balcony that overlooked the front yard. He was talking about trying to hook up with some girl, and I was nodding my head here and there to make it look like I was paying attention.
"What has you so distracted?" That made me look at him. He had one eyebrow raised as he took a sip of his drink.
"Na, na. You have been distracted lately. Ever since that new girl came to school."
"Pfft. You are seeing things." I said to him.
"Come on, man. I haven't said anything to Myeong-hwan or Hyeon-ju."
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He had a point, but I wasn't going to let him know that. He could use it against me later on or have Myeong-hwan attention turn to her.
"Speaking of YN, there she is with her friends."
"The way you are talking about her, it seems like you like her." I told him as I turned my head, and he was right.
This is probably the first time I have seen her in clothes that weren't our school uniform.
Wearing a short black dress, with knee-high boots. I want her to see those boots on her every damn day.
Chang-hoon let out a whistle as he too seemed to get a good look at the three of them.
"Who knew they were hiding that underneath their uniforms. Let's go and see your girl."
"She is not my girl." I said as the two of us left the balcony.
"Good to know." The asshole said with a stupid smirk on his face.
As I walked down the stairs, I looked over the crowd of people, searching for any sign of YN, but my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw her talking to Lee Su-hyeok.
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The party was in full swing when Sun-Hee and Jang-Mi and I finally arrived. The two of them switched outfits at least 3 or 4 times.
I asked them why, and Sun-Hee told me that they just wanted to look good. I told myself I didn't care what the hell I was wearing, but I was lying to myself.
I kept checking my makeup and my outfit anytime we walked past a reflective surface just to make sure it was still perfect.
It was nice to be looked at by people as we walked past them into the house. Sun-Hee and Jang-Mi pointed to what I am assuming is the kitchen to get the drinks while I went to find Gwi-nam.
He told me he would see me at the party after he left me to deal with the librarian who gave me a lecture about making better life choices.
I didn't want to come after that, but I gave in knowing that he could just show up at my house, so I only came for him, but I bumped into Lee Su-hyeok, probably the most popular guy at Hyosan High.
I almost lost my footing, but he gripped my shoulders to steady me.
"You okay?" He asked me. I nodded my head yes.
"You're YN, right?"
"Yeah, and you're Lee Su-hyeok. Have you seen you around with Gyeong-su and Cheong-san." His eyes seemed to light up at that.
We got talking, but I kept looking for Gwi-nam. Su-hyeok is nice and all, but he seems a bit too sweet for me.
"What are the bracelets for?" I looked down at them and held up the remaining 11.
"Just a gift from my best friend back at my old school." He went to open his mouth, but he closed it and took a step back. His gaze was no longer on me, but behind me.
I turned and could see a very angry looking Gwi-nam coming my way, but he too was just focused on Su-hyeok.
I gripped his arm as hard as I could to try and get him to focus on me or anything else that wasn't Su-hyeok, but that didn't help.
He gripped Su-hyeok by his collar and shook him and got really close and said something to him.
Gyeong-su and Cheong-san came rushing through the crowd to stand with their friend, but they too took a step back once they saw me. They diverted their gaze but stood their ground as well.
I pulled on Gwi-nam's arm, but that didn't do anything. So I let go of him and just walked away, ignoring the whispers.
I needed some fresh air, so I went to the backyard, which was filled with people, drinking, smoking and making out.
I was only out there alone for a short time before I heard the angry stomps coming towards me. I turned and saw Gwi-nam, and his fist was bloody and bruised.
"What the hell was that?" I asked him.
"I could be asking you the same thing." His voice was low, but angry.
"I can talk to whomever I want. You don't own me, Gwi-nam." His hand quickly reached up and gripped my throat. My hands were trying to pull his hand away from my throat.
"You may think that there, Princess, but you get one thing straight. You are mine and mine alone." He finally let go, and I was gasping for air.
I fucking hate myself for how turned on that made me, but I was angry. So very angry.
"Fuck you Gwi-nam."
"Soon enough, sweetheart." I wanted to wipe that smug look off of his face, so I grabbed his hand and placed it on my arm and with his hand, I snapped the purple one.
Wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
I held it up and showed him, placed it in his open hand, and pretended to lean in to kiss him.
"You think I am going to kiss you? Like I said, fuck you."
I grabbed the person who was walking past us and smashed my mouth against theirs. Their arms were flailing, but then they settled on my hips and pulled me flush against their body.
But I had enough of kissing this person, so I pushed them away and finally saw who it was, Park Yae-Joon.
"You done there, Princess?" Gwi-nam calmly asked. Almost too calm.
"Run." I said to Yae-Joon, who didn't wait and ran.
"Don't worry, I'll deal with him later. Now, to deal with you."
White (Part 5) ♧ Clear (Part 7)
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intothemultifandom · 1 year
– 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐒 || 𝐠𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠-𝐬𝐮
SUMMARY: In a matter of seconds, [Y/N] is infected protecting Gyeong-su, he is reminded of their 100 day celebration, and his heart is irreparably broken when you are forced to say goodbye. PAIRINGS: han gyeong-su x genderneutral!reader TAGS/WARNINGS: established!relationship ; character death ; swearing, angst + more
1.4k words
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IT HAPPENS IN A MATTER OF SECONDS, so sudden Gyeong-su can hear nothing but the sound of his own blood rushing through his ears as you stagger away from Na-yeong, eyes wide in disbelief.
The shock and horror of what she'd just done had ended the cacophony of mania, everyone standing shock-still by the revelation that Lee Na-yeong had intentionally infected you right before them.
"Na-yeon, what have you done?" Miss Park asks quietly, eyeing the frantic girl warily as Su-hyeok and Nam-ra step away from her, the formers' hands clenched at his sides.
Your hand is still bleeding from where she'd dug her nails into the skin, your blood intermingling with the blood she'd swiped at you with her dirty fucking handkerchief and On-jo lets out a soft cry when a drop of red trickles from your nose.
"If you're so sure he's not infected, you can die with him", Na-yeon had cried, moving too fast before anyone could react.
"[Y/N], c-come here, you need to sit down," Gyeong-su manages to say through the tightness in this throat, breaking away from Cheong-san's side to stagger towards you.
"We need to get you a tissue," he continues, almost in a daze.
We need to stop the bleeding. Put them in the recording booth. They're not gone yet. We can still–
Before he can reach for your hands however, you step away from him, pressing yourself against the door as you shake your head firmly at him.
There are tears gathering in the corner of your eyes, and your face flickers with a multitude of emotions before your features grow ladden with grim resignation.
"–Stop," you say roughly, and Gyeong-su just knows that you've made your decision.
Now that you've been infected, you're going to walk out the door, determined not to stay long enough for him to convince you otherwise.
Because doing so would only hurt everyone more in the end, and the last thing you'd want is for them to see you turn.
(I-sak's blood is still on On-jo's collar.)
For the first time since he met you, your boyfriend wishes you were selfish enough to stay, selfish enough to fight everyone to stay by his side the same way he would if the roles were reversed, but it's you.
[First name] [Last name].
Always doing the right thing, even when it hurts. Even when he doesn't want you to.
Because you and Gyeong-su both know he won't ask you to leave, and you're stronger than he'd like to give you credit for when you make no move towards him.
"Han, please just stay there...I don't want to hurt you," you say quietly, unflinching when he shakes his head with a scoff that sounds too much like denial. "I need to leave."
"N-no you wouldn't," he insists, mouth trembling as his chest gives way to a choked cry. "Please [Y/N], get away from the door. Let me help...please just move away from the door..."
The wounded sound he makes makes Ji-min and Hyo-ryung flinch on the other side of the room, hands held firmly between them. A sentiment shared by even the more quiet ones of the group.
The truth is, they've all lost people today–teachers, classmates, friends–but none have lost someone they cared for this way, to something as preventable as a contaminated handkerchief and the paranoia of a crazed girl.
More blood drips down your nose in quick succession then, and while it is the final nail in the coffin for everyone in the room and settles your resolve, Gyeong-su doesn't want you to go.
Not like this. Not after everything you've been through and not after you were infected protecting him from your traitorous classmate.
[Y/N], how can you be so calm? He wants to shake you. Why aren't you mad?
"Cheong-san, y-you need to get my bag...there's a box with butterflies on it in there..." Though you've addressed Cheong-san, you keep your eyes locked on your boyfriend, committing every plane and edge to memory as you tell your friend what to do.
For a moment, Gyeong-su has no idea why you're telling Cheong-san about your bag, about this small box with butterfly designs before the memory comes unbidden:
It was your 100 day anniversary, and Han had saved enough of his weekly allowance to take you out on a date after school. While most boys his age would aim to take their partner to a nice restaurant and shower them with even nicer jewellery, he could do only so much with what little money he had. Fortunately, while most people would've raised their brows at dining at a chicken restaurant (in his humble opinion, nothing could beat the exquisite taste of Cheong-san's family restaurant) and then being cart off to an Arcade to blow off the rest of their money, you were unlike most people. In fact, when Han had won you a back of Butterfly-themed plasters instead of the cute [favourite cartoon] phone charm at one of the claw machines, you had only laughed fondly as you placed your hands in his. Grinning as his cheeks grew flushed. "Hey Han Gyeong-su, don't be too serious," you teased gently, bumping his shoulder as you held the box of bandages. "I think these bandages are way better. Plus, I'll keep it in my bag in case I ever need it." Before he could apologise again, flustered by your earnest words, you tilted your head, brushing your lips against his as his flush deepened.
It's a nice memory, one of the more simpler ones, and Gyeong-su is sure you remember that day, too, because your breath catches as you move your hand to the door handle.
"It's a pack of bandages, Cheong-san. You need to cover Han's scratch, and keep him away from Na-yeong. He isn't infected, but he needs to keep his scratch covered. Please use it for the others, too."
There's a raspy quality to your voice now, more urgent now that there's black veins blooming from your injuries.
If he weren't so madly in-love with you, Gyeong-su would assume that your calm and poise was unnatural for someone on the verge of turning.
But you've always held a quiet strength to you, and this display of extreme will is only a testament to your character. He's glad the others seem to realise it too because no one makes a move to accost you, trusting you enough to know what you need to do.
Still, the finality in your plea seems to seep through the cracks in his heart, because this time he launches himself towards you more frantically than before, stopping only when Cheong-san wraps himself around his waist, holding him back from moving any closer.
"[Y/N] please, you don't have to do this! [Y/N]! [Y/N]! Cheong-san, let me go! LET ME GO!"
Desperate, your boyfriend bucks wildly in Cheong-san's arms, begging to be let go and cursing his long-time friend all in one breath as he punches uselessly at his chest.
Cheong-san has always been surprisingly strong, but when Dae-su and Su-hyeok join him–there's no way for Gyeong-san to reach you, no matter how much he tries.
"Han Gyeong-su," you rasp, your voice cutting through the loudness and chaos.
Saying his full name is enough to make Gyeong-su pause, gives you enough time to say what you've wanted to say to him since this whole mess started. "Thank-you for our time together. I...have loved every second being your partner."
For the first time since you locked eyes on him–hand frozen as he holds it out to you, one last attempt to reach you–you move your gaze around the whole room, hoping that as your eyes meet theirs, your classmates know there is no blame from you, or anger.
You do not look at Na-yeon, or Miss Park.
There is only sincere hope that they all make it out, and gratitude for everything they've done for you until now.
Wiping the tears that have fallen with your uninjured hand, you scrub at your face before nodding to yourself, turning to the door before you finally pull it open.
"Thank you for everything, guys. Please make it out of here. Really. And please take care of Gyeong-su for me..."
Behind you, Gyeong-su's anguished screams grow louder as you step out into the Zombie-infested hallway, the door sliding close with a soft click behind you.
Though it doesn't beat the sound he makes when he hears the first of your bones breaking from beyond the classroom door.
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