#legit just wanna make y’all happy
deadbaguette · 2 years
There’s something about drawing for fic writers and oc makers that fulfils a part of my soul.. it makes me so happy to see u guys happy…..🙏
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whereismyhat5678 · 6 months
OH BOY GUYS- this one this drawing- oh my- oh my this drawing- 😮‍💨
Okay, this is important that I gotta remind all my mutuals; and I mean ALL of them, I wasn’t able to fit all y’all’s in here I had to pick a few since the space had only little room- so if you don’t notice yourself on here I’m sorry, but just know your still absolutely appreciated and loved (platonically) by me, all y’all’s are awesome and that goes to not just my mutuals, but my followers too, all 400- (Jesus Christ 💀) ALL 400 something of you 💗💗💗 You guys make my day and if I can hug you guys I would (I will keep saying that even if I said it already, you mean so much to me 🫵💖💖💖)
*huff* alright- *cracks back* NOW FINALLY FOR THE DRAWING-
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Just gonna say it right now, my god I love you guys- BUT GOODNESS SOME OF YOU WERE HARD TO DRAW-/aff/silly
But seriously, this legit was actually quite fun- I put your @‘s on your persona but since it’ll be hard to read I’m just gonna list you guys off here!
@linhfoxmoive @qwertykeyboard045 @marclef @little--critter @moon9931 @noodletime @ijusthavefun @tailsdollsnewlife @luigigirl12 @ngl200 @oddpizza @gongustheawsome01 @misdreavusplush @zedortoo @atlaslovesedm @nomlioart @alaskacoolkid1
(Again, if you were not on here I still appreciate and love you guys, I really hope y’all know that cuz guess what, I LOVE YOU 🫵💞💞 [platonically])
Alright, now I gotta say that @zedortoo my dude, um- I couldn’t find your persona but from what gongus drew I went off of that and I made a color palette for you I really hope you don’t mind that- 😀🙇‍♀️ (nah seriously bro hope you don’t mind I’m sorry 🙏)
I gotta give a very special mention to @linhfoxmoive cuz you wanna know a fun fact? THEY WERE MY FIRST FOLLOWER PLEASE EVERYONE GIVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 *little cheers in the distance*
And for the rest of you, I really hope I drew you guys justice, I hope you guys like it anyways <:] And yeah- NOW SHOOT- I SHOULD’VE ADDED PARTY HATS ON Y’ALL WHAT WAS I DOING-/J
Anyways- Oh yeah!
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
(The best decision I could ever make 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽)
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I Should Probably, Probably Not
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
WC: ~2.3k
TW: swearing, mentions of sex, making out, definitely pg18, mdni, poor decisions, bar bathrooms
A/N: this song is so Steve post breakup and I legit couldn’t not write it. Hope y’all enjoy it!!!!
Haven't heard from you in a couple of months But I'm out right now and I'm all fucked up
“Robin. Robsssss.” You tugged on her sleeve. Your shirt revealed a bit more cleavage than usual, and your hair had been done up for just one last hurrah before you became a senior in college. The gang had all decided to go out, bar hopping, but after the first bar, you all ended up going to your favorite bar and staying there anyways. You were sitting in your usual booth, all six of you, well would be seven, enjoying the last night of summer together. 
Steve opted out of the night, which you were more than happy about, really. Steve had broken up with you at the start of summer, citing his internship as taking up most of his time and distance would be too hard, as if your almost two year relationship meant nothing to him. But whatever, it’s fine, who cares about him anyways. You do.
“What babes.” Robin took another sip of her beverage and looked at you, cheeks flushed with tequila and rum. 
“I have to pee and I don’t really wanna crawl under the table or go alone..”
Robin giggled slightly. “I was just gonna ask if you wanted to come with me!” 
“Fucking mind melded we are.” The two of you touched your foreheads together before bursting out into laughter. 
“Stop, stop I’m gonna pee my pants.” You were trying to catch your breath, Robin looking anywhere but you because if she did, she’d laugh again. 
“Bathroom Robin! Go go go.” The two of you hopped up, grabbing your phones and heading towards the bar's bathroom, doing your best to keep your laughter to the occasional giggle. It wasn’t gross in there, but you tried to touch minimal surfaces.The two of you sat in the stalls next to one another, talking about whatever came to mind, and when you went to wash your hands, your phone in your skirt pocket buzzed. You pulled it out to look at who was texting you. 
And you're callin' my phone, you're all alone And I'm sensing some undertone
“Oh my god.” You said, unable to stop the gasp you let out.
“What what what.” Robin leaned against you, peering over your shoulder. 
“Steve texted me.” You whispered. 
“What did he say.” Robin answered back in a whisper. 
Your phone started ringing and you dropped it on the sink. “FUCK. Robin. What do I do??”
“Don’t answer him.” 
“Don’t do it.” 
“You’re not my mom.” 
“Hello?” You had picked it up on the last ring. Robin shot you a glare, peppering her hand along with your mouth, making fun of you. Her face made you giggle a bit. You heard him exhale your name. 
“You picked up.” 
“Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah baby.” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to pretend like the nickname didn’t make your mouth a bit dry. Robin assumed it was for her and stuck her tongue out at you. 
“What’d’ya want Steve?” You hummed, 
“I‘ll text you my new apartment’s address. You should come over.” 
“I’m drunk, not stupid Steve. If you wanted to see me then maybe you should’ve come out with all of your friends tonight.” You hung up, giving Robin a small little smirk before the two of you headed back to the table. 
“What a douche.” She muttered, holding the door open as she left. She missed the way you bit your lip and looked down at your phone. 
And I'm right here with all my friends But you're sending me your new address
Steve texted you his address anyways, and you liked it, telling him that you’d be there in twenty. 
It was only a three minute walk, lucky you. 
You were sitting at the table, now on the edge of the booth, listening to Jonathan’s new ventures while Nancy was telling Robin about some cute girl that came in while they were in the bathroom. 
You sighed, content, finishing up your drink, enjoying the company of your friends, but fifteen minutes passed by painstakingly slow, and Robin watched as your interest drifted away. 
She was correct in assuming the text from Steve had made you reel into your own mind, but she was wrong when it came to how upset you were about it. 
“I think I’m going to call it first guys.” You smiled at them, slamming down five, five dollar bills—leaving first meant you paid the price for it. 
Robin gave you a quick smile and handed you your coat. 
Your goodbyes were quick and filled with promises of seeing everyone tomorrow since you saw each other almost every single day anyways. 
As soon as you were out of the bar, you took in a breath of fresh air before sending the text. 
And I know we're done, I know we're through But, God, when I look at you My brain goes, "Ah" Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts) Like blah-blah-blah (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah)
This was not your smartest moment, but you were drunk, you were horny, and you were still in love with Steve Harrington. 
And Steve doesn’t do distance well, you knew that, but you weren’t expecting him to ask you for a break over the summer since you thought Steve loved you the same way you loved him.
Steve. Steve. Steve. 
Nothing but Steve. 
Not a single thought in your head was about anything other than Steve. The ways his eyes would rake over you, that stupid infectious laugh of his, his easily pullable hair, the kisses on your forehead, his fingers grabbing at your soft thighs, the pretty little sighs that left his pretty little lips—your body shivered the more you thought about him.
You chalked it up to the cooler air outside since it was almost midnight. 
Should probably not I should probably, probably not I should probably, probably not
One singular moment of doubt entered your head as you made it closer to his apartment. Only one moment. 
“This has to be such a bad fucking idea right?” You mumbled. But no one answered.
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
“Think of the consequences here babes.” You sighed, pulling out your phone, realizing you missed a text from Robin:
"let me know when you get home babe!"
You sighed and liked the text before opening your notes app, a pros and cons list has just got to help...right?
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
Pros would include:
Sex. Obviously. If one person was good at making you feel like a goddess, it was Steve Harrington. That man knew how to work your body like a violin, just to get you to make the sounds he wanted. You hooked up with someone a week after the breakup to try and get your mind off of him, but not only did you not orgasm, this bitch was a minuteman. 
Steve’s Arms. No explanation needed. 
Seeing Steve after a couple of months. You missed him, of course you missed him. Falling out of love is a difficult process and while the post breakup glow up is real, and beautiful, you couldn’t help but wonder how it affected Steve. He was one of the prettiest people you had ever met, so why wouldn’t he get even hotter? 
Steve’s Hair.
Being able to see Steve and be held by Steve. God you were desperate, it felt embarrassing. 
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
Seeing Steve. Obviously. That was going to wreck you. If you go and see him right now, you might never be able to get over him, and while you wanted to be under him, this might be a bad idea. 
Learning to not settle for good sex because making someone else make you cum is clearly more difficult that you truthfully wanted to deal with. High expectations for sex is technically good, but not when your ex was an Adonis who literally was addicted to eating you out…that’s something you might never be able to let go of again. 
Seeing you tonight Fuck it, it's fine
More Pros than Cons. Clear winner in your eyes. 
Yes, I know that he's my ex But can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend (The biggest lie I ever said)
It’s not like he said to come over and rekindle your relationship. You’re just…hooking up, friends with benefits. God you were a booty call for him. 
You haven’t seen him since May, since he broke up with you. At least he had the decency to do it in person, before he left. What a great guy. 
You're not sure who you're trying to lie to, but it doesn't stop you anyways.
Now I'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans I know I should stop, but I can't And I told my friends I was asleep But I never said where or in whose sheets
You double checked the numbers on the brownstone with the text he had sent you, confirming you were standing outside the right place. 
You shot Robin a quick text, hoping she wouldn’t notice that you got home too quickly this time. 
“About to get in bed! Kiss kiss bitch” 
“Sweet dreams babes ;) <3” 
“You have no idea.” You mumbled, walking into the apartment complex once you had been buzzed in. 
And I pull up to your place on the second floor And you're standing, smiling at the door And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men But I really can't remember when
“Missed me Harrington?” 
“How could I not, gorgeous.” 
“Who let you get hotter. Certainly wasn’t me.” You smirked at him, still feeling the liquid courage you had downed earlier. He looked good. You could spend all night eating him up, and you were going to. His tan was back, freckles along his face, and probably arms and back--you were surprised you weren't drooling when you looked at him.
“I could say the same for you. That’s a good look on you, how come you didn’t dress like that for me.” 
He was looking at you and you simply couldn’t decipher which emotion he was feeling. You saw lust, front and present, but there was a wave of something that kept flashing through. 
“You never asked.” You crossed your arms, grateful for the shirt you had chosen for the night, watching as Steve tried to give you the decency of pretending like he wasn’t staring at your chest. “Gonna make a girl stand in the hallway Harrington or…?” 
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
Steve took one step forward and pulled you into him, lips on yours. You could melt right then and there, letting out a soft moan into his mouth. He tasted like bourbon and smoke and chapstick, plus something you never could figure out—Steve. He tasted like Steve. 
Your hands were around his neck, yanking on his hair, earning a moan matching your own. 
His hands on your waist, pulling you flush against him, as much contact as possible. Sparks flew off your skin when his fingers pushed your shirt up slightly, giving him the skin to skin contact he desired desperately.
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
After about thirty seconds of making out like teens in the hallway, you moved your hands to his chest and shoved him lightly, making him stumble back a bit. His grip on you tightened, causing you to stumble into his apartment with you. 
You rolled your eyes at his antics, but your mouth betrayed you curling into a slightly smug smile. 
You were enjoying this, maybe too much. 
Seeing you tonight It's a bad idea, right?
You kicked the door shut with your foot, kissing Steve again, wanting to get as much out of this as possible because you don’t know what comes after this. But that’s a later, sober you problem.
Steve moved his mouth down to your neck, swearing up and down how beautiful you were, how he couldn’t get enough of you, how much he fucking missed you. 
He lightly bit your neck, sure to leave a bruise in the morning, but you didn’t care, not even remotely. He sucked on another spot, knowing it would elicit the sigh he wanted. 
You felt a finger tap your ass and you took your cue, hopping up onto his kitchen counter. You’ll make it to the bedroom eventually. 
Seeing you tonight
You pulled away for a second. Steve’s eyes were lust-blown, lips kiss bitten and puffy, hair messed up from your hands tugging at it. 
“Should we…” You mumbled, watching the way his eyes flickered up and down from your lips repeatedly. “Do you…”
“Y/N. I swear to god. Just kiss me.” He mumbled, lips back on yours, sparks cascading to the floor. 
You got the memo.
Not a single bone in your body regretted your decision. 
Fuck it, it's fine
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death-in-a-handbasket · 4 months
One thing that bothers me about some ranpo fans is that they woobify him. Like, the mans kinda neurodivergent coded, and people tend to act like hes "baby" for those traits
my brother in christ, that is an adult man! He struggles with some things but that doesn't mean he wouldnt go to a sex shop or have kinks or whatever
gonna go on a bit of a rant here because I have a great many feelings on this and honestly anon if you wanna dm me to go on a discussion spree I’d be all for it >:)
okay see, I get what they mean when they point out how immature and energetic he is, but at the same time every character has stupid and strong parts to them in different ways. Take even someone as serious as Fukuzawa, who tries offering fish to ever cat there is, or perhaps Dazai, who is one of the most complex characters in bsd, and yet is always knee deep in a prank of some kind
Ranpo is an immature shit but that’s because he wants to be as a sort of reclaiming of a childhood he was deprived of and because it makes things easier to be happy-go-lucky, but he’s still an adult and perfectly capable of acting like one, so seeing people baby him completely without acknowledging the fact that he’s seen dead bodies in all sorts of states and has knowledge on pretty much everyone’s personal beef at a glance, well it’s kind of a letdown from a fandom that has such pride in analyzing its characters. if y’all wanna be so smart as to make comparisons between Dazai, his irl counterpart, and the books he wrote, you can do the exact same with Ranpo and read all about eroguro (and the rabbit hole known as pink films I found on the side while researching)
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innocent and baby. yeah sure LMAO
this isn’t to say they’re wrong for making him goofy, I just wish he was known as a whole and not just for certain parts, like have we forgotten he’s on par in intelligence with Dazai 😭 cmon now guys
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I could spend all day sitting down and talking about the intricacies of his character and any bsd character for that matter, and as someone who is legit diagnosed autistic also with a baby face, just because someone is neurodivergent and silly in the face doesn’t stop them from from being absolutely vile on the down low, me and the majority of my friends are walking examples of this, and let me tell you the server convos get WILD
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
I’m respectfully about to lose my mind at some of the fandom rn with the way buddie shippers are being treated… It’s like no one understands the whole point of shipping a couple is to want them to be together, so duh if something happens that could potentially lead to that pairing they’re going to get excited and theorize? Yes it’s absolutely important for Buck to explore his sexuality outside of buddie but the way people are trying to say that buddie shippers are homophobic for wanting endgame buddie….. when buddie is literally a queer ship? it doesn’t make any sense to me as a queer person myself because it’s like- y’all do realize that buck dating eddie would in fact mean that he is still bisexual, and that people have wanted thst for years, so A) why are we shocked and appalled at buddie shippers for being happy that they are one step closer to endgame buddie, B) why are we calling people homophobic or biphobic when they are quite literally shipping two men together, C) why are we all acting as if buddie endgame hasn’t been simmering just under the surface for YEARS and that if they were going to give us buddie, then thag means buck and eddie would both have to come oit as queer…
I’ve seen so many prominent blogs in the community who have made posts like “buck’s bisexuality has nothing to do with buddie and you are a horrible human for even insinuating that” and so many people are agreeing??? And not to mention the fact that now these same people are trying to villainize and trash on Eddie when in all honesty Buck’s behavior in 7x04 was NOT okay- physically harming someone because they’re not giving you attention is never okay (and i’m saying this as someone whi ADORES Buck, he still needs to be held accountable.)
It just reads very icky to me that so many people are screaming “bi pride” but then spewing all of this vitriol over a ship that would fit within Buck’s bisexuality…
It worries me that the writers are going to see this negativity from people and they’re going to just completely back-burner Eddie’s character in favor of Buck and it disappoints me because even outside of buddie, a major tv show portraying a repressed gay poc with religious and family trauma would be EQUALLY as powerful as Bi Buck is……
but i guess that’s just people only caring about the queer storylines when it’s about a white man since these are also the people acting like Hen and Karen or Michael and David haven’t been there the whole time
but that’s just me i guess….
I’m bullet pointing not to be curt by the way just because I prefer addressing part by part🫶
1. Agreed like this fandom was relatively peaceful then BAM it fully shifted overnight like in the words of Taylor swift THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS
2. Yesss exactly like I’m very much a dont yuck someone else’s yum type of person so like even ships I don’t like I’ll be like okay respect 🫡 enjoy your fandom space love that for you AS LONG AS THEYRE RESPECTFUL TOO and I’m not gonna lie to you I see the primary source of negativity and stuff in the fandom be people who legit never watched anything other than the bucktommy related content (which I kinda have a whole other rant about but I don’t wanna give you miles and miles to read in one ask)
3. Yes to that 100% - buddie is a queer ship the cognitive dissonance it takes to call someone homophobic for shipping them is honestly fascinating atp, Buck is bi canonically now and y’all do realise that who he’s with or if he’s single even doesn’t take away from that right??? Like the rep is THERE and will always be THERE
4. You worded it a bit weird but I got what you meant (I hope) so anyone who didn’t may require a little clarification, the sentiment of bucks bisexuality being separate from buddie I think is 1000% correct and I agree wholeheartedly that a persons sexuality and their journey shouldn’t be just about their love interests but about themselves as a person, the issue people are taking is that 1. The people saying this are saying it on every buddie post even when the same blogs posting it have 177283 posts talking about buck as an individual and as a bisexual man outside of buddie and bucktommy, so it’s sort of become a weaponised statement if that makes sense 2. The buddie shippers are the ones who have been advocating so hard for the show to give us canon bi buck like that’s just fact no one can deny so to the og fans who’ve been here for YEARS (I’ve only started like 2023 ish so I’m not counting myself there) this must be such a total slap in the face to be receiving so much hate now
5. Oh yeah the Eddie bashers can personally come fight me
6. If I’m 100% honest I choose to interpret the basketball injury as being mostly accidental like I think he got too into it and forgot himself and his own force for a second rather than intentionally hurt Eddie, like it so happens in sports, I think it’s like just the after guilt that made him question himself and his motives, idk that may just be me denying canon because it just felt too out of character for me to believe
7. I think the fake bi pride stuff also irks me BAD like some of these people are looking for very surface level superficial representation and if you don’t push for more and more substantial and meaningful representation then you’re gonna get constant variations of the same exact thing and these are also the same people ignoring every other queer character in 911 which is just🙃
8. Idk how much the writers take fandom into account but I constantly say like if they were to listen to fandom they’d go the route they know people wanted for years
9. YES about Eddie’s character like I made a whole post about gay and comphet Eddie and how meaningful it would be because it’s just so so unique and unprecedented
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glossysoap · 1 month
AAAAAAHHHHHH! SOMEONE ELSE HAS A CLIT PIERCING! I'm legit so ecstatic??! Like I never find anyone else who has clit piercings?! Most people find 'down there' piercings "ick". So whenever I discover others with em I get happy like "ah. A fellow of taste 😌" lol.
Clit piercings absolutely aren't for the weak tho that's for sure. Pain wise and healing.
I gotta get my nips redone tho. I had them for about 3 weeks when I discovered I was pregnant, and I just COULDN'T with them so I took them out. But now the babe is weaned off of me so I wanna get them redone 😫
you all should make a clit club 👍 LMAO
y’all are stronger than me! god tier pain tolerance! i could never! tits are the most i could do realistically, with my pain tolerance.
nah don’t let anyone tell you that any of your piercings are “ick”. go ahead and throw tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅🍅
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southieparkie · 2 years
Hot Take Bunny Headcanons and Responses to Common Bunny Arguments that Really Aren’t Even Hot Takes Now That I’m Reading Over Them But Whatever Lol.
I’m gonna start off with some good ol’ headcanons.
Butters is a short king and Kenny is a tall king. That’s just how it is.
I headcanon that although Butters is fairly secure in his identity as an AMAB, he still finds comfort in, and even encourages, feminine pet names. Kenny calls him “princess,” “wife,” and very jokingly, “babygirl”
Butters smokes. Kenny is a stoner. Argue with ya mama. Also Kenny gets pissed sometimes because Leo gets lipgloss on his blunts and it just throws off his mojo. But he can’t stay mad at him for long <3
Bunny is a pretty couple. I don’t care they just are. Kenny has a very pretty face, very charming and very handsome. And Butters. Butters is fucking gorgeous. All of his bullies in elementary school got ugly. Him, though? He got his glow up.
I am a huge fan of flirtatious Butters. LIKE. HUGE FAN.
Bunny is ADHD x ADHD couple I’m correct I’m correct I’m correct.
I actually really like the idea of rebellious reckless Kenny. Like, that’s my shit right there. Because if he is, and he gets hurt, that gives Butters an excuse to doctor him up and be all fluffy with him.
Vic Chaos is Dr. Mccormick’s sugar mama-
Fuck y’all “Buttercup” is an adorable nickname. Nicknames in general are just adorable.
All of my other “hot-take” headcanons are inappropriate. So I’m not gonna talk about them-
What I wanna do now is take a minute (or twenty) to talk about common discourse-starters in the Bunny fandom.
But first, I wanna reiterate one more time. When I say butters is gnc, he is a gnc CREATUREEEEE. He is hyper-femme (me fr). He has meltdowns about his trauma, then covers his tears with makeup (me fr), he expresses his feelings through his sewing machine (kinda sorta me fr), has the best outfits in school (me fr), and will key your car :)
But don’t assume that I also believe he’s a meak, powerless, washed up little baby just because I headcanon that he’s gnc (If you automatically associate femininity with any of these traits, I’m gonna give you the nastiest side eye.) Butters, from what I can understand, is a slick little guy. He’s shady, he’s a gossiper, he’s prone to snapping at people, and I’m happy (<- lying) to admit that he has this weird jealousy relationship thing going on with women. Personality ≠ Hair and Makeup and feminine outfits. Those are two totally seperate things.
Protective Kenny
In terms of Bunny, people say that Kenny would not be Butters’ protector/save his little meow meow from the evil Stephen-Wephen. I’d like to argue that both of these aren’t outlandish ideas. They just need to be done right in order to seem legit.
Protective Kenny is such a real and accurate headcanon because…that’s who he is! That’s what he does! He protects his little sister from their questionable foster home and strange new school, he protects his friends from Cthulu’s clutches by stating that he’ll die for good if it means that his friends would be safe, he voluntarily goes to hell to protect the fucking world!
Question, if this boy is willing to sacrifice so much to make sure nothing harms who/what he loves, why is it so jaw-dropping to say that he would do so for his boyfriend?
I do get that this headcanon can be trivializing because, yeah, it does kinda bolster the whole “meak little overly-dependent meow meow” pretense onto Butters. Yes, Butters most likely will stand up to his parents one day all by himself, but what happens when Stephen inevitably responds negatively? I feel like Butters would double down after seeing Stephen’s reaction to being yelled at. Because snapping and delivering one loud, detailed, emotional monologue triggered by years of hurt, anger, and mental disintegration isn’t going to magically undo the complience, discipline, and obedience Stephen has drilled into his head.
Butters is going to back down and go back to obeying his father because it’s instinctual. And because of that, he needs someone to step in and encourage him to not fall into this headspace. He needs someone to let him know that what he feels isn’t disobedience, it’s his conscience recognizing that this is bullshit. And if that backfires, then yeah, Kenny’s gonna take matters into his own hands.
Now, the dramatic dinner table scene that ultimately leads to a shootout between Mr Stotch and Kenny while Butters watches on in fear while pissing his pants, and then Kenny shooting Mr and Mrs Stotch dead and running away with Butters to California (or vice versa) is kind of a stretch. But to defend the people who may see it as one big showdown: it’s South Park! You think these characters are going to sit over cups of tea and have a civil conversation? No! Sure, you’re allowed to dislike that outcome and dislike the fact that people write it in fanfics, but you can’t really blame authors for writing it this way because the source material is batshit insane. Think about it this way, if Matt and Trey were to write a scene where Butters stands up to his father and Kenny is there to back him up, do you think they would either:
A) Write it like this: Butters blows up at his dad, his dad retaliates, they eventually settle down and have a reasonable conversation, and then everything is fixed…
B) Write it like this: Butters blows up at his dad, his dad retaliates, Kenny steps in, Mr Stotch attacks him, they get into a gunfight with lasers and condoms rain down from the sky and Mrs Stotch flashes her tits and there’s totally unsubtle political commentary in the form of a satirical new character nobody cares about and Holy Shit, is that Joe Biden on a bicycle?!?!
Idk. I’m neither Matt nor Trey. So anyway, Kenny is a protective boyfriend.
I honestly don’t think Stephen would hate Kenny as much as Bunny fans think he would. Although he’s a crude kid and one that’s mysterious and questionable when it comes to making money, it’s not like he’d be outright vitriolic towards him at first sight.
What I think does happen is that Stephen starts to dislike Kenny because he can tell that Kenny has an obvious influence over his son. If his son doesn’t meet the standards that he aggressively sets for him, and he knows that an outside force is disturbing that process, then yeah. I would assume that Stephen wouldn’t like whoever that “outside force” is because that person is taking control away from him. Not because he’s poor, or a manwhore, or even because Stephen and Stuart may or may not dislike each other. It’s simply because he’s no longer allowed to manipulate and warp his son into what he believes should be the standard, because Butters is starting to think for his own and not living by the ideals and harsh life lessons his father is instilling in him.
Homophobic Stephen Stotch
Okay, this one has takes that I both agree and disagree with. Some Bunny fans think that Stephen would be totally homophobic and unsupportive of his relationship, others believe that he wouldn’t care much in that regard and even support him. Both sides just seem fundamentally weird? To me? I don’t think that he’s homophobic, per se, but I definitely don’t think he’d support it full out.
The main evidence people use in this debate to prove that Stephen isn’t homophobic is the fact that Stephen Stotch…is literally gay himself. He has a history of going to gay bathouses and watching explicit gay films. So yeah, if this is a thing, then how would he be homophobic? Easy answer. Stephen doesn’t seem all too proud of himself for his behavior. In the same episode, he expresses to his wife that he doesn’t want to be this way. So yeah, he’s fruity, but in a “Catholic gay man is ashamed of his wicked ways and wants to undo his sins before God” way, or whatever the hell.
But that isn’t it, there’s another piece of evidence that argues that he is homophobic, and that’s the infamous “Butters Bisexual” episode. When Butters is almost tricked into sexually gratifying Cartman, his father walks in. Petrified, he sends him away to a gay conversion camp. Pretty harsh stuff, and pretty telling of where he stands in terms of homosexuality, specifically when it pertains to his son. At the end of the episode, though, he…accepts? His son for being bi-curious. And then the bi-curiosity is no longer explored nor mentioned or alluded to for the duration of the show up to season 26.
I feel like another vital piece of evidence that happens to be forgotten when having this conversation is how Stephen responds to Butters getting into a relationship period. He doesn’t seem apalled by his son getting a girlfriend at all, leaving us with the conclusion that Stephen isn’t against the prospect of his son finding a partner. But it still leaves a few questions unanswered, the main one being If Stephen is okay with a straight relationship, what would his reaction to a gay relationship be?
In my opinion, I really think it’s all a matter of perception and interpretation. The problem in this discourse isn’t exactly the idea of Stephen being homophobic or supportive. (either interpretation is backed up by canon, so it’s a matter of choice really) The main issue that people take in this aspect of Bunny is the extremity of either interpretation. Rampant Homophobe Stephen Stotch kicking his son out and murdering his son’s promicuous boyfriend v.s Accepting Healing Understanding Stephen Stotch who loves his son and embraces his son and his boyfriend with loving, caring arms. Neither of these are accurate responses to the supposed scenario of Kenny and Butters dating to me.
Raging Homophobe? No.
Accepting Ally Parent? Not exactly.
Closeted Gay Man who renounces his own homosexuality as well as his son’s? Yeah, that’s probably it. But IMO a combination of both sides of the discourse can be accurate and interesting if explored with nuance and an extra dose of consideration. I’m down with either.
Womanizer/Cheater Kenny
Uh. Idk. I do think it’s a little strange that people translate “10 Year Old Boy is exposed to sexual content and infatuated with it” to “He will grow up and get around with many girls (and maybe many boys).” Ultimately, though, it isn’t something I have extreme hatred towards, moreso something that I just. Scratch my head at. And don’t really have any need to talk about. Then again, it’s not a headcanon that has no evidence to back it up. Kenny does pursue sexual encounters even at a young age. He spent what I’m assuming to be multitudes of money to buy a concert ticket and condoms, and then he sat down and watched over an hour of said concert, solely to get a BJ from Tammy Warner. So, yeah, maybe he is seeking out stuff he shouldn’t be seeking. Plus, when you take puberty and hormones into consideration, Kenny might find himself persuing a few sexual encounters as a teenager.
One scenario that I see in Bunny fics a lot that really doesn’t make sense to me is Kenny selling himself for money. Like, yeah, okay, that headcanon is also backed up by canon. He was offered $20 (I think?) to give a popular radio host a BJ. But idk? I feel like that’s something the fandom should talk about more.
Cheating Kenny just pisses me off. Like, what? The most loyal character on this show would not cheat on any of his partners, and he sure as hell wouldn’t cheat on Butters. And you can play the “it’s for angst purposes!” card all you want, but out of all of the angsty shit both of these characters go through, you wanna take the easy way out? Yeah, no. We’re not even gonna go there.
Going Native
“Going Native had no particular moments that would ever allude to Kenny and Butters becoming a thing!”
Yeah. Exactly. That’s kinda the point of crackships. You don’t need any pivitol moment to justify the ship, you just need two characters, an Ao3 account, and a broad imagination. Besides, Going Native develops Kenny and Butters’ friendship. And where there’s friendship, there’s also potential for a romantic relationship!
Angst vs Fluff
I’m sorry, but if you base a ship’s validity/quality on the angst-to-fluff ratio, I just think that’s rather silly. People often make the claim that Bunny is a boring ship because it’s too fluffy and every time I see that take I just have to internally face palm. Isn’t that…good? Isn’t fluff a good thing?
I think the reason people don’t like overly-fluffy ships is because fluffy content in general mostly consists of nothing but cuddling, dates, wedding, domestic endeavors, and overall cuteness. Nothing about fluff makes you think, and that’s the point.
What drives them away from all of that is the obvious lack of sadness. It’s showing only one side of the story. In some cases, people wanna see a breakup, trauma, another breakup, an impromptu suspected cheating arc, character development, some more of that good old trauma, and then you can get to the cuddling. Kind of like a reward for using your brain and analyzing the characters first before portraying the romantic and silly stuff. But if you specifically enjoy the cuteness of the cuddling, then you’re neglecting to mention the characters’ dramatic backstories and placing a magnifying lense on only their good, loving qualities. Which isn’t inherently bad?
Like, yeah, I like angst too. Sometimes, I need to see my babies hurt so that I can see how they cohesively decide to move forward as a couple. Cool, three-dimensionality. But what if I just want to see Kenny and Butters rub their noses together like cute baby cows in love? What if I wanna see them awkwardly fumble and cutely make mistakes in an effort to make their first date the most perfect evening of their lives? Shit, what if I just wanna read about them having a pillow fight and playing footsies under the covers? Wanting either of these things is not a bad thing to want.
Now it’s very plausible that I’m just running my mouth here and people simply want to read about character depth in fanfics. That’s fine! We all have our preferences! But when you start disliking a ship simply because the popular consensus among the ship’s fanbase is that it’s fluffy, then I just think that’s a little silly.
In my opinion, yes! Bunny is a very fluffy ship! However, with both of these characters having a history of trauma and abuse on them, chances are you’re not going to get fluff 100% of the time. There will be fights, there will be hardships. Hell, if people are bold enough to portray such a thing in fanfic, and if it’s done in a way that is tasteful and in no way romanticized, then there may even be some abuse or manipulation thrown in there as well. It’s not a crazy concept, the cycle of abuse is a real-life thing that real-life couples struggle with.
Whether or not these struggles are portrayed is up to the author of the work. But if you don’t see any of that in Bunny fanfics, then you are capable of being the author that takes that risk and writes about it in your own fanwork!
ok thats all i can think of im gonna go drink some apple juice now
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firecrackerhh · 1 month
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I watched an interview with Raph once and they said that they personally apologized to the person they were being inappropriate towards. Get the fuck over yourselves.
“Vivziepop is borderline evil” Bitch shut the fuck up. The only behavior that looks anyway evil to me right now is yours.
I don’t think you’re evil, but you definitely are a fucking retard being used by evil people trying to actively make the fucking world worse.
Fucking slipping into conservative ideology out of some horrifically misplaced sense of “justice” as if being on the fucking fascist side (sorry, that’s the side you’re on, hate to tell you) actually will lead to anything good for anyone makes me wonder how tf you graduated elementary school.
“Vivzie pop is evil!!!” Yeah and you’re a retarded bitch with the IQ of a rotting corpse who legit believes censoring adult media will somehow get rid of every bad thing in the fucking universe because you clearly haven’t emotionally matured past the age of 5.
Viv is nowhere near as harmful as you and your shit friends (if you can even call them that) constant harassment and bullshit accusations of pedophilia towards someone who has never hurt an actual fucking child in their life but maybe made a couple iffy drawings in their teen years.
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Watering down the definition of pedophilia only helps pedophiles actually, I can’t fucking believe you’re this stupid.
“Hi, I’m antivivziepopparade. Don’t look at my old blog, that was before I was put on medication.”
I’m gonna keep it 100 with y’all, I don’t see a fucking difference.
You think Viv is evil, you think she’s a danger to society, you think she’s a fucking pedo for Christ sakes! If you want the bitch dead, I would prefer you just be fucking honest and say that!
Christ at least I don’t bullshit other people into thinking I’m a good person, at least I’m fucking honest, at least I’m fucking intelligent enough to not fall for pseudo-conservative horseshit!
I don’t think the schizophrenia has shit to do with your opinions on any media. I have a strong feeling you were dumber than a sack of bricks long before you decided to jump on this hazbin hate train. The schizophrenia doesn’t help for sure, but no, I think you’re just like this, no possible excuses.
“Vivziepop is evil!” Nah bitch, if anything your fucking ideology is evil, but you have your head so far up your ass you don’t even realize it.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Your ‘good intentions’ are fucking worthless when facing the reality of what your ideology creates.
Morally reprehensible authoritarian pieces of shit.
You don’t give a shit about other people, you just want an excuse to be a fucking asshole, you just want to bully people because you think doing so is actually helping anyone when all it does is make like worse for everyone, including yourself! People like this aren’t happy, folks!
As human beings, we are all equal, but holy fucking shit I know for a fucking fact that morally speaking I’m way better than any fucking anti on this wretched site. Christ above I’m surprised any of you can read past a 3rd grade level at best!
For the record, it’s not like I’m saying all this shit cuz I wanna defend Viv necessarily, nah, regardless of what these fucking losers want, Viv is probably gonna keep winning, they are beyond welcome to die mad about it.
I just can’t stand stupidity going unchecked.
🧨🔥~Firecracker out~🧨🔥
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faffreux · 1 year
Ew gross this is gonna take a while I’m so sorry-
Your lil essay earlier? Absolutely floored me. I knew you adored the silly bean man but MAN, that just sealed the deal for me. I’m generally happy for you and that you’re so happy with silly bean man! I was really nervous to even make a blog a while ago, because I was nervous that people may judge me for legit anything (ex. I like pears and they like apples more and want to burn all my pears) and you were legit like a example for me that people can do what they love and express what they love without care. It took a while for me to work up the nerve, and when I finally made a blog and interacted, I can’t say all my anxiousness left, but it has lessened. YOU have shown people not only that fawful is amazing (he is, truly) but that people can express their love for whatever they want because, as the saying goes, Cringe is dead and dumb. If a person is just happy or having fun and no harm is done, it’s wonderful. I sincerely thank you for showing me and many others that you don’t need to care about what others say, it’s seriously taken a lot of people a long way. Thank you Faff. I’m sorry if this is long I’m awful with words. Also where the heck do I get a fawful plush I wanna grow an army-
(Also I drew Jolligig on a sticky note during class and someone called him a JoJo character I don’t know what to even say-)
I let you know on discord already how much this meant to me but I’m gonna publish it now here that I have a moment at work bc this is sincerely so heartfelt of you to send to me. Thank you, friend. People like you will never understand how much y’all have impacted me just by letting me know my self expression can be genuinely enjoyed by others too!! It feels like a true blessing.
I VERY MUCH grew up in a time online where people harassed others relentlessly for being what they considered cringe— hell, I literally got bullied on deviantart only for making a Koopaling OC once upon a time. I’m so glad things are changing now, needless to say.
(Also LMAO?? JOJO???? HELP-)
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restinslices · 6 months
I Just Wanna Yap
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So… I just kinda wanna yap about my fandom oc at 11am if y’all don’t mind
My love of angst really shows with them. With how much pain I put these two through, you’d think I hate them. I don’t. I adore Matthias and Kajsa is legit my favorite fandom oc. I love these two with all my heart. I think about them way too much. I love siblings angst and these two? Delicious.
Ok so canon wise, Matthias loses his parents and younger sister when Inferni soldiers attack his village. That’s why he hates Grisha so much. In this version of the story, his sister is alive but he doesn’t know.
The attack happens, yes, but the two are just separated. We know Matthias joins the Druskelle, so what happens to her? Well, I played with the idea of the Fjerdan government and how far they would go to wipe out Grisha. Everyone knows what the Druskelle look like. They can’t hide. They’re big men, wearing animal furs, traveling in a pack, with what I would assume would be a thick Fjerdan accent. The people of Fjerda and the Druskelle believe they’re doing the right thing. They grab Grisha, put them on trials that they don’t know are a sham and kill them. But that’s so much work and the Druskelle move slow. In my story, the Fjerdans have another group. This group is a secret only high profile government personnel know about. It’s a group of women who are trained to become assassins and they go to other countries to kill Grisha. No trials. Just straight getting rid of them. That’s what happens to Kajsa. Matthias was always big for his age. Big and strong. Kajsa has incredible control over her body, a great memory and is a living amplifier (mom’s a descendant of Ilya’s second daughter because why not? Maybe I’ll change it. Idk). Yeah, they could’ve let them go, but the two would be lost in the foster care system and could leave Fjerda. That’s too much talent going to waste. So both of them are lied to and are told the other is dead. It drives them towards the anti Grisha cause more. Vengeance can make people monsters and that’s what Fjerda needs,
You may think she’d find Matthias and become besties with the crows right away. Absolutely not. Kajsa would actually be a villain. Keep up, shit is finna get juicy. SO, they made a big ass mess during that heist in Fjerda, right. Now Matthias is wanted in Fjerda and boom boom boom, Kajsa knows he’s alive. As a trained assassin, she wouldn’t have a hard time finding him. They reunite. It’s cute. It’s emotional… then she finds out his girlfriend is a Grisha. In the books, Matthias still struggles with his prejudices against Ravkan people and Grisha. He left his country for good because he fell in love with Nina. Kajsa only left her country for her brother. She’s still brainwashed. So she believes Grisha are still witches and thinks Nina has a spell on him. So when he refuses to leave her, she thinks she has to kill Nina to end the spell and when he doesn’t let that happen, she thinks she has to kill Matthias to save his soul because if he marries this witch and have kids then Djel won’t allow him to see their parents. Are you following?
So you might think “just jump the bitch” but NO. I specifically made her so she wouldn’t be easily taken down. Everything the Crows are good at, she can counter that. And before y’all call her OP, know I did this for a reason.
I’m not necessarily a pacifist but I love stories where violence will not solve the problem. They cannot jump this woman into submission. If Matthias wants this happy ending and he wants to choose both of his families, it can’t be The Crows Vs Kajsa. It has to be Matthias Vs Kajsa. That’s the only way to hopefully become Matthias AND Kajsa again. It has to be a family affair. Matthias has to be the one to appeal to her humanity and their family history. Matthias can’t come to her as the ex Druskelle, now escaped convict and she can’t come to him as this new assassin she’s become. They have to come to each other as family.
There’s a few parallels I have in mind with them. One being Zuko and Azula. Yeah Katara was there during the final Agni Kai, but it was a family affair. It was a family fight full of tragedy and sorrow and “what ifs”. Zuko, who was able to escape his father’s brainwashing and abuse vs Azula who didn’t have a support system and fell victim to the cycle of abuse.
And in my head the story would touch on multiple things. Corrupt governments, family, betrayal, abuse, grief, guilt. Can you still have sympathy for the abuser if you know they were once the abused? At what point do you stop feeling sympathy? Is change possible for everyone? Can you truly end the cycle of abuse? Plus other shit imma think of once I post this.
They’re everything to me. Neither of them really want to kill the other but they feel at some point they’ll have to. They genuinely love and care for the other. I imagine that on the anniversary of their parents death (and when they thought the other was dead) they’d leave offerings and pray to Djel, believing he’d send their loved ones a message. When they finally see each other again, Kajsa wants them to live new lives together somewhere else. All that hope and relief finally seeing the other is crushed as soon as it started. I JUST- loving them a normal amount is impossible for me. And because the story is in my brain, the angst hits different. Expect me talking about them more because damn. I honestly wanna write an actual story about them but idk yet. Might stay in my head. Might share. Who knows.
If y’all see this then feel free to yap about your own Ocs because I am in fact a nosey bitch
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bunny584 · 7 months
Out of curiosity, what's your writing style? Do you plot everything out from the start? Go with the flow? Write ahead then go back and fix stuff in previous chapters? Mine is like...60% just writing random ideas down to toss somewhere into a story, 10% filling in the gaps between said ideas, and 30% going with the flow (these numbers have been pulled from my ass and are completely arbitrary) I refuse to talk about how I am my own beta reader and proof read 100 times over and still make fuck ups I don't like to post fics while I'm still writing them because I have ADHD and could potentially drop a fic in the middle of it, and I don't wanna subject any potential readers to the disappointment of a dead fic ;-;
Ooo I love this question my love. We are kindred spirits. 🩷
My writing style is manic. Utterly insane. For a full length story I have a barebones skeleton of characters, major events. Never have an ending planned out because I think conclusions naturally reveal themselves.
Like you, I do the feverish scribbling of ideas. This all goes into the notes app on my phone. And at all hours of the day/night. Legit have woken up at 3 am to write an idea down. My out-of-ass percentage is also 60.
The rest is purely raw dogging the shit of the story 😅 I’ll write around phrases/metaphors/statements I want to include and then hope for the best.
It’s humiliating how many times I reread over my stuff and still find a way to include typos. I just hope y’all glaze over it. I’ll pick it up eventually.
Then after birthing a chaotic prose baby I’m happy with. I’ll publish it then not look at it for like a week. I’m so dramatic. I blame being a Pisces for this trait.
Can also relate to dropping fics like hot potatoes. But for me, it’s usually when I’m uninspired. Like the process is no longer romantic and full of feelings and tortured etc etc etc. I can’t stand writing when I’m bored, you know?
Ugh, sorry for the length. You got me on a soap box
Besos, my love 🩵
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
hello. thank you for the advice. I agree with what you said about dating life not affecting important life decisions. I completely understand her decision to change schools and taking your advice I'll try my hardest to not show my disappointment because I know she'll feel guilty. I don't want to pressurise or guil trip her in any way. So I'll try my best to keep that in mind. Again, you're right about the fact that we can't meet up as much as we want to. Parents and other things are a big factor. Also, can't really say I wanna meet my girlfriend when you both live in a conservative family, actually country. As for long distance, it's not so much as I'm opposed to it, as much as the fact I don't want my parents to find out. I have zero privacy, my mom legit checks my chats everyday and reads through them. I mean I delete the ones which are like not safe for me for her to read. Like I had to delete out the entire confession thing and all I had with my friend yesterday. which sucks and I almost cried because I like to go back and read messages which make me happy. But whatever. So, that is a pretty big concern for me actually for both of us, even she had to delete it coz same story.
I appreciate the advice very much. I think I'm just going to go with the flow and hope for things to work out. We have our board exams from next week, so we'll meet when we go to give our exams (god dani you must be thinking just how many people in your Tumblr are having boards hahaha) and hopefully we'll be able to talk more.
I've decided to focus on the good side of things like the fact that she likes me back and the cute things like that she gets a bit jealous when im touchy with my other friends but less touchy with her (it's so cute and i like people being jealous over me sue me.)
Thank you for listening. It felt good to talk about it.
Much love 💙💙
Glad to be of help 💚
Please be careful and always keep your safety and your girlfriend’s (👀🫢) in mind too. Hope it all works out!
PS - I’m not wondering how many of y’all are doing boards, I’m wondering how many of y’all are still in school 😭😭😭
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
"Me and mommy are nominated for multiple Grammy's today and I'm nervous. I think I'm more nervous for her than for myself. I know that I wouldn't be anywhere without her and she believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself and when I wanted to give up. But she saw something in me and wouldn't let me quit. If neither of us walk away with anything tonight, I know I already won. I won because she’s my wife and because I get to be a father to you three. Don't give mommy too much trouble today, okay?" Okay so yea, I see we’re starting off this fic crying 🥹
“But, you would always find it for me, right?” Exactly why yo ass needa chaperone 😭
“Still can’t believe that there’s three of them in there. I forgot till I read the last sentence of that first paragraph 😭
“So? We’ve been through a lot this past year and I don’t know. I just want you to take time to rest.”My wife is so thoughtful y’all 🤭 Jack & Dua don’t say shit I SAID WHAT I SAID!!
“And you look like you just stepped out of an issue of GQ. My husband fine as shit." Shittt don’t play, I’d buy that magazine
“Correction, you might be getting old, but I’m aging gracefully and I’ll probably be 50 looking like I’m 35. Black don’t crack, baby.” THAT’S ON MOTHAFUCKIN PERIODDD!!
“Am I the only person that can see you are legit actually glowing? I never understood what people would be talking about before, but…. I get it. You really do look happy and that’s all I want for my best friend.” Urban piped up and your eyes started to water. Awwww Urbyyyyy 🥹 why you wanna make me cry sm Ree!!
"No matter what, I'll always be proud of you. That's never going to change. Not just proud of the artist that you are, but you as a person. I thank God every day for sending me the most amazing husband that I could ever ask for." Third time I’ve cried while reading this!!! It’s js so heartwarming 😭
"AHT AHT! Spare our eyes and save it for later." Boy it ain’t nun you ain’t seen before, Matter fact u done seen a wholeeee lot more 👀
"Then I'm getting a DNA test." Boy shut yo ass up 😭
2forwoyne: not the 2fo slander on this fine Sunday evening Yess slander 🌚 it’s getting slandered with loveee🫶🏽
urbandjack: who else cried during her speech when she dedicated her award to jackharlow? ME!! 🥹
druski2funny: y/ninsta jackharlow yall need to sign up for AARP. got damn yall old. Ain’t u ‘94?!? Yea let’s keep quiet on age boo 😘
As always your reactions make my day better 🥺
Yesss we started off crying. Our favorite couple has been through hell and back and they need to be in their fluff era!
And she hardly ever lets them go anywhere by themselves because it's always a hot ass mess lmaoooo
2fo is always stealing someone's food
Urby being the supportive best friend like always and he has definitely seen more than anyone else has so he needs to stop lol
If you cried multiple times during this just wait until we get to the pregnancy fics for FL 😭
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visceravalentines · 2 years
Happy 1k! I’m so happy to join this fandom with y’all. You make my day better with your fun stories: )
On a sadder note tho… Bo! You’re gonna hate me for this but something’s wrong with the car again (my car had to get fixed like 3 times) : (
Like legit, dad took it in to get it fix and the next day he said I can take it to school but then halfway there something like pop? And it’s not the tire but I barely turned into a plaza but lost energy by the driveway and couldn’t go all the way in.
*Sniffle* what’s worse was that across from me were two motorcycle cops who were helping a car get towed and they had to push me in ;-;-;-;
No ticket but I cried like a baby in a plaza by a convenience store until dad could pick me up. I’m now using my uncle’s old car which I’m sad but grateful for.
Even tho I hate it, at least the cigarette smell in the car reminds me of you❤️❤️❤️
Baby girl, I'm gonna need the name and address of your mechanic. I just wanna talk to him, that's all. Could be the distributor, could be the timing belt, be glad to take a look for ya.
Hate the thought of you sittin' there cryin'. Wish I woulda been there for you. You can always call me, darlin', even just to keep you company on the phone 'til your daddy shows up. Y'did just the right thing and I'm relieved you're safe.
Can't say I mind you thinkin' about me, but you best be sure that car ain't gonna give you trouble either. Bring it by 'n I'll give it a look. We can make a day out of it. ;)
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
i took this opportunity to say something because i have been waiting to type something about this topic because i am very much well educated ( i think.. ) only because i was like you at some point, i legit was crying myself to sleep because i thought i was alone and nobody was real 😭 so yeah we all have been there bae dw 🤌🏼 trust me i used to cry & miss the person i was before i knew about free will & eiypo but now?? fully understanding it makes it so stress free 🙈
free will & EIYPO: i assume your worried that your alone and that people only exist because of you but they’re not actually real (at least that’s what i thought.) but hold on, that’s not true at all !!! people are real, siren is real, I AM REAL, everyone here is real, has their own mind, feelings and etc, BUT the people in your life act based on the way u assume they will and same goes for them, you act how they assume u act towards them most of the time and that is pretty much EIYPO. I PERSONALLY BELIEVE EVERYONE HAS “FREE WILL”. what i mean is, as the other anon who said something about this to your ask, absolutely anyone has the power to revise, revamp & manifest you (if you don’t want that just manifest nobody can manifest you) BUT since anyone has the power to do that to YOU or take away your free will (some anons be toxic w nobody has free will thing, some of them wanna control their sp like a PUPPET in a very toxic way forgetting they’re real people with real feelings 😭) i personally would give my sp or anyone in my life the free will they deserve but ALSO give myself the happiness i deserve too, if you’re gonna treat your sp right then go right ahead, it’s completely ok!!! your making yourself and your sp happy. again, it is just a belief in the end. if you believe no one has free will then good for you , if you believe everyone has free will then good for you <3
also for eiypo, i like to think it like this. the reason i wanna manifest my sp is because they want someone like me in their life / they wanna manifest me too!! i hope this helps <3 and siren u were the blog that made me understand this whole free will and eiypo thing, thank u!!
yes, please don’t be toxic like some folks and have the people in your life do crazy things 💆🏾‍♀️swear some people don’t deserve to know about the law.
but uhhhh anyways YOU SUMMED IT UP PERFECTLY LOVE🥰have I mentioned before how I love when y’all come together and help each other ?😭🫶🏾I love how you worded this 💗and I try to help y’all as much as possible that’s what I’m here for *curtsies and tips hat*
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
Hi, Berry!
So I've caught the flu and I feel like the definition of shit! You know I try not to bug ya too much but I'm laying here in bed just dying for some love and pampering from my men!
Is it alright if I get a love note from the husband?
Either way thank you for this blog and for all the hard work you do to make all of us happy! You're a legit angel within the Jojo and Selfshipping community and we all appreciate what you do for us! FV is constantly at heart eyes for you!
Hi there!!
Oh gosh I’m so sorry :( No worries, and no bother at all! I hope you’re feeling a bit better now :( Aw, and of course! I enjoy having this blog to be able to write for y’all ;w; But tysm!! I appreciate your kind words!! ♡
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Hey babe, 
I hope you’re getting plenty of rest! I don’t wanna bug you too much when you’re trying to get some sleep or anything but I wanted to leave you a little note in case you wake up while I’m out at the store. I just want to make sure you have enough tissues and medicine! Of course I’m gonna get some of your favorite snacks too... I think soup would be best right now, but I don’t think there’s any harm to munch on some of your favorite snacks too. I know soups get boring after awhile. My poor baby... I’m sorry you ended up getting so sick like this. Just know I’m going to take good care of you and make sure you get well real soon!! Make sure to get plenty of rest, I love you so so so so much.
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