#legitimately i think this video is going to be fucking awesome
lesbianpikachu · 8 months
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thenukacolachallenge · 11 months
some fun facts about Luis and André Peña(his VA)
(from the Nick Apostolides(Leon Kennedy VA) livestreams, because i think Luis is neato and i liked André's performance, especially for a first-time big VA gig!)
UPDATE: NOW WITH TIMESTAMPS bc someone on the part two of this post asked about them lmfao
-André actually auditioned for the Spanish cops that escort Leon to Valdelobos originally, and went through several more auditions before landing the role of Luis Serra. for his first role on a big project like Resident Evil, that's incredibly impressive! (timestamp)
-Both Nick and André did motion capture for multiple enemies, including André calling his "best role" playing a dead body lmao. He and Nick also did mocap for the Verdugos, Salazar's bodyguards! (timestamp)
-Being that it was such a big role, he was very anxious about the game dropping, from the moment he got cast to the day it dropped. He even apparently asked Nick constantly if he had somehow been recast. (poor dude, as someone with anxiety issues and huge imposter syndrome, i feel for him!!!) Nick gives him a very sweet but stern pep talk about how he earned and deserved his role on stream too, it was a cute moment! (timestamp 1: André first mentioning his nerves) (timestamp 2: second mention of anxiety/Nick's pep talk to André)
-André is a big enough fan of the original to remember where all the treasure used to be! i love when people who are fans of a series get to work on it, dude. in addition, he was also very happy with the direction he was given, and felt that he was allowed to explore Luis as a more fleshed out character. (which he absolutely is, and i love it! Luis in the original was so strange and honestly off-putting imo. fucking ballistics lmao) (timestamp 1: first mention of André knowing a lot about RE4) (timestamp 2: more of André knowing the game) (timestamp 3: MORE of André knowing the game lmao) (there are a lot more than just these. dude is a FAN) (timestamp 4: André talking about direction and Luis)
-He refers to the bag Luis is stuffed into as a "Luis burrito", which is hilarious and adorable. (timestamp)
-(Also, not related to Luis, but Nick yells "YEET" when Leon gets tossed into the wall by Mendez, which is fucking hysterical) (timestamp)
-UPDATE: thank you to tumblr user @hamartia-grander for this detail that i completely missed originally! (timestamp)
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(transcript: I hope this okay for me to add, but he also said that in the first scene with Leon and Luis, Luis looks away as Mendéz injects Leon with la plaga because he couldn't watch another person be infected by something horrible he had a hand in creating. Which is easy to infer from that scene, but it was nice that it was a conscious decision on André's part, rather than aimless direction.)
-the first scene André and Nick filmed together was Luis and Leon chained up together! and the first line of Luis's that got revealed was when he said to Leon, "I guess you, me... picked the wrong spot to vacation, eh?" Apparently the mocap for this scene was also very awkward for André, which is totally understandable, considering Luis spends 90% of it getting jerked around by Leon or trying to dodge a Ganado without the use of his hands lol. (timestamp)
-André worked very hard to make sure that Luis's accent was as accurate to Spain's Spanish as it could be, which is awesome, especially for someone who doesn't naturally speak that particular dialect. GOOD ACTING, BABEY (timestamp)
-André owns a legitimate Red 9 gun, the weapon that Luis uses in the game. this is a unique gun bc it was manufactured during the first World War, and it's VERY expensive(they can go up to $10k, but André apparently got his for a great deal!). he also has MADE a copy of the RE4 tactical knife Leon uses, and there's a video up on his youtube channel! (timestamp)
-(not related to Luis, but André also mentioned he has adhd! same buddy!!!) (timestamp)
-OKAY NEW STREAM TIME! This begins part four of Nick's playthrough, and André is a guest once more. All the previous facts are from part one, which is the first one André guested on. According to Nick, André learned how to flip a lighter around his fingers just for Luis, which is awesome. (and he shows off by doing so in stream!!!) (timestamp)
-Ashley's VA, Genevieve Buechner, got asked about her reaction to Luis' infamous "ballistics" line and both her and André aren't sad to see it missing from the remake. André himself makes a comment about how this version of Luis is still flirty without coming across as "creepy" about it. (i find the ballistics line from the original annoying, and it was a huge part of why i didn't care for Luis in og re4, so i too am VERY glad it's gone) (timestamp)
-André jokes about Luis breaking the brake on the minecart: "I react so depressed, like.... 'Guess that's it, bro.' 'Hey man, I tried.'" He really does! it feels like a mix of sheepishness at breaking it in the first place, and just very, resigned and depressed lol. (timestamp)
-Sadly, because he hadn't played up to that point yet, he didn't watch Luis' death scene, and therefore didn't have much to say on it :c
-when the cast was asked what kind of pet each of their characters would have, André said Luis would be a cat person, and he'd probably specifically adopt a stray cat, probably one that "adopted" him first. I definitely agree! (timestamp)
i havent watched Nick's last vid in the series yet but this is long enough as it is! im planning on watching some of André's streams up on his personal channel, and some others where he's a guest in, and i may make a part 2 of this :D (update: i did, link at the top of the post lol)
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retro-stars · 2 months
What. What if Voltron legendary defender and Rottmnt crossover?
Listen, I have a vision: A younger Lance ran into Leo April-style and he as the reason why Leo originally started learning Spanish
He makes good friends with the turtles and co, acting as something of a fun cousin since he's not in New York consistently and absolutely refuses any Donnie upgrades to his tech when he goes off to the Garrison about a month before the season one plot gets rolling since he wants to be an awesome pilot the fair way or something like that
They talk constantly over message and call, giving updates back and forth. They even manage some in person meet-ups for a while once Leo got the hang of consistent long-distance teleportation before Lance ended up in space
Hunk knows them fairly well (the consequences of being a childhood friend of one Lance McClain, you end up knowing a lot of random people through the weirdest circumstances), but they've only met really online or over the phone with the exception of April He's taken to exchanging recipes with Mikey and talking engineering and biochem with Donnie and giving Leo advice. His default talking buddy is Raph through and through though
Pidge didn't get a chance to meet them but she does hear of them, so they're unaware of the whole mutant thing and also that the fellow rogue hacker she sometimes finds digging through the Garrison databases and the super-smart-and-obnoxious-about-it Donnie she reminds Lance of are in fact the same person. Donnie doesn't tell Lance that he's pretty sure Pidge is in fact one teenaged Katie Holt tricking the entirety of the US military and government because he thinks it's funny and wants to see how long it takes Lance to notice the literal fucking soap opera going on around him. Lance has some suspicions as to how legitimate Pidge's identity is anyway since Donnie is horrid at hiding how he's a little too curious about her, though he never gets a confirmation up until Pidge actually tells the team
The Garrison Trio's disappearance happens literally like. right before the events of the movie. The timing of those two things just generally ended up really unfortunate, 'cause Lance got into the fighter pilot course and started dealing with some serious issues with his self-esteem and peers as well as the additional stress of the bigger workload right as the team dynamics with turtles started getting really bad
And when he disappeared they didn't get a chance to act on their suspicions due to the whole Kraang situation and after that it was mostly rebuilding and recovery and just hoping and praying Lance returned at some point because all of them were too scared of asking Casey jr. about his future for fear of the answer
Meanwhile Lance is dramatizing his reactions to the whole space thing despite it honestly not being that much of a shift to his worldview after the whole "oh yeah there's magic and a whole bunch of different races living underneath New York that all share the common trait that they lowkey hate/fear humans" thing The whole Galra Keith thing comes out and Lance is just chilling and waiting to ask if he can get tested for anything off with his DNA too since he's not entirely sure how mystic energy works and if it can rub off on someone or like. unlock some secret abilities or something so at this point it's better safe than sorry
When they come back to Earth the first words out of Lance's mouth are just the dawning horror of "I'm gonna die, aren't I?" because he knows that Donnie has been digging around the Garrison classified files since he applied to the academy and there is no way he hasn't broken in and seen the video/warning they sent to Earth already and he is most definitely going to be absolutely pissed Lance didn't at least try and send them a message letting them know he was alive at the very least
The team is just staring in confusion as Lance's face slowly goes through the five stages of grief before settling on the expression of a man facing his execution. Except for Hunk. Hunk took a second but as soon as he got it he was full belly laughing as Lance's expense (or at least until Lance reminds him that they're gonna kill him too since he didn't contact them either. Then he's just scared.)
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
I've been thinking about Mystique's costume (or lack thereof) in the X-Men movies, and I have to wonder: is there a way to portray an attractive naked woman as a serious, scary threat without sexualizing them? I just wonder because I think of these two enemies in the video game Outlast who everyone loves because of how legitimately terrifying they are, and also the fact that they're completely naked when they stalk you. I feel like a female equivalent of them would be awesome.
I think the key word there is "attractive". There isn't really a non-sexualized way to hire a supermodel to strut around the set naked regardless of gender because that is a sexually-charged creative decision to make. There isn't really a non-sexual reason why you would want a character to be portrayed as a nude supermodel.
There has been female nudity in media which comes across as monstrous rather than alluring. The trick with making female nudity unappealing is the same as with male: If you want the character to come across as monstrous, you have to design them as a monster. Let her be ugly. Let her have a fucked up face and a body type that isn't conventionally attractive like those two neanderthal-looking guys have.
If you're going for "supermodel bombshell" and "serious threat", that's not a monster. That's a femme fatale. Mystique is a femme fatale. That's a different vibe. Femme fatales, incidentally, are com-pli-cated subject matter when it comes to gender.
The topic touches on the larger conversation about the way female characters are often shaped to be appealing as sex objects while male characters are shaped to be appealing as power fantasies.
Like. Goku gets his clothes blasted off a lot. So do a bunch of female anime characters. But when it happens to women, they don't usually come away looking like this.
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"Oh no, my clothes! Now everyone will see how powerful my muscles are! You could slice meat on these abs!"
As a consequence of the male gaze dominating media landscapes, female nudity is often designed to be appealing to men while male nudity is designed to also be appealing to men.
But the femme fatale is complicated. The femme fatale marries sexuality and power together. She's an alluring sex object and a powerful, lethal woman. Everybody fucking loves Ada Wong. Whether they want to sleep with her or be her, I have never met a single person who does not love Ada Wong.
That fight in X-Men 1 where Wolverine is roaring and slashing while Mystique's bouncing around in Full Monty really puts a spotlight on it. Like, that's it. That is male vs. female character design in a nutshell right there. It's hard to claim that the intent is to feel empowered by the naked supermodel jumping around on set. Nonetheless, she dominates the fight and kicks Wolverine's ass.
Then you have characters like Bayonetta. And opinions are very divided on Bayonetta. Hell, even in my household, opinions are divided on Bayonette. Bestie loathes Bayonetta with every fiber of their being and their wife has ravenously consumed every game Bayonetta's ever appeared in.
IDK. Female sexuality and its relationship to both objectification and empowerment is an extremely complicated topic and I am not the person to make any definitive statement on the matter.
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tlgtw · 6 months
Aside fromsoft, are there any fantasy game settings/stories you're into?
Like what was the first game that pulled you in and before you realized you were checking dialogue for inconsistencies?
Zoooooomg, I *wish* had any other answer for this but the first game that "pulled me in" indeed WAS a Fromsoft game; and it was Bloodborne.
This came around a few months after it came out, (Meaning I was 14.) and I'd wanted Bloodborne the whole time because of how wicked fucking awesome it looked. (even if perhaps I was a little too young for it.)
I can't remember how, but by some means or another leading up to or concurrently with Bloodborne's initial release I got into all the "Loretubers" from that time, as they're known now.
VaatiVidya of course--most likely he was the first person I ended up watching, but also the other ones. Like the one who wrote that big book about it basically called like "The Paleblood Hunt" or something, and a few others!
The most significant of which I can tell you for a fact was the 'late' Jerks Sans Frontieres.
Her videos shot straight into my spinal cord because she wasn't a summarizer. She, in a similar sense that I am now, was a detective.
At that point I was still purely an audience-member for that latent genre of YouTube videos. As the consumer I enjoyed all of them, but I liked her's best. And I must've rewatched each of her Bloodborne videos at least a half-dozen times before I finally got my hands on the game myself--for my 15th birthday--and I got *so* scared by my experience in Central Yharnam that I think it took me days to pick up the controller again the second time.
I legitimately considered returning it! It was my first FromSoft game. I'd never played something that just, say, *didn't* have background music all the time, for example. I remember it still, clear as day, how unnerving it was just walking around the early areas hearing just your footsteps and the background rumble and when I was unlucky the screaming sounds of the crows and other enemies.
Precisely, when I first came up that ladder to the Central Yharnam checkpoint, when I heard the scream of the Cleric Beast, it scared me out of my wits so goddamn hard that I stopped moving for like 15 seconds.
I was still *just* turned 15, but at that point I had watched all of Bloodborne over and over again like 80 times. I'd watched tutorials and build guides and cheese strats and weapon movesets and everything else I could about that game, before I finally got my hands on it. I thought I would be, at least, ultimately okay. Cause I would still know everything I'd have to do.
I was wrong.
But I did get through it, hahaha.
In-fact I ended up getting through it so hard that by the time I got my hands on the actual DLC, my main save file was in NG++. So the first time I beat The Old Hunters was in NG++.
Fortunately I was very grinded-up so I think ultimately the experience balanced out.
And nowadays I've beaten Bloodborne so many times that I have the entire level of Central Yharnam actually memorized. Until a few years ago could've draw an accurate map of it from memory (and I have).
With Bloodborne being my introduction, as it were, to the concept of Videogame Story Explained Videos, it was also my introduction to the concept of seriously reading a videogame's story in the first place.
What this wasn't, yet, was me actually going in *myself* to actually cross-reference item descriptions and dialogue, for my *own* understanding. You don't do that sorta thing unless you're specifically involved in discussion. And I was involved in *no* discussions in 2015, or 2016, or '17 or '18 or '19 or anything all the way up to until 2022, because online I have the tendencies of a weird hermit.
Although that is me exaggerating. In truth prior to my dealings with Elden Ring I had been a Redditor and I talked (argued) about the story details of Little Nightmares 1 and 2 (My favourite games.) on the subreddit for those games. By then I had already become the kind of person I am still now, most of all in my disinterest in finding any answers regarding a fictional story that can't account for every extant element... of that story. (As you've seen, and will see more of in Episode X of ERwSET. When an idea I have appears to conflict with work in subject, I drop the idea. And develop one that doesn't conflict with it instead. This is opposed to the alternative of making up reasons or justification to keep the initial idea regardless)
No doubt doing that instead would probably make me a lot more content to make money with... Personally, doing so isn't engaging to me, because I am already someone who writes fiction. And in my opinion, "Videogame Story Explained Videos" are fundamentally a non-fiction genre of video, and for me are more interesting in general when they conform to that, because they interface directly with the media itself, and the material that media's author's put into it. Rather than just the individual video creator's personal experience of that media, of that material.
In part this comes from my background as someone who writes poetry and fiction. Of course.
*Of course,* an author who writes and puts meanings into material themselves, finds themselves more interested dissecting the material and creative decisions of *other authors,* who do the same thing, as opposed to the material and creative decisions of just *other readers.* Who most of them don't--generally maintaining more humane professions and areas of expertise instead.
And probably this is rooted into my tendencies as a 'weird hermit,' too. But, from my perspective, if I wanted to see what a fellow member of the audience thinks are the inner working of this character or imagines regarding the off-screen elements of a story, I would read their fanfiction.
That is of course reductive, but I think saying it like that is really funny, so that's why I'll be still saying it xd.
"Everyone consumes, but not everyone makes," you could say. The same way there are less farmers than people in the world. There are less writers than readers in the world. When I analyze a work of fiction, underneath it all what I'm looking for is to see what decisions the authors made, for *their final product:* "What does that do?" "What does this do?" "If it was different, what would that make?" "What does this matter? Does it?"
"Would I do this too?"
And this interest excludes the question of 'why,' predominantly. I'm not interested so much in wanting to know 'why,' because the only way to learn that is if the author themselves actually decides to share "why." I'm interested just in what the final decisions "are."
"Why'd the author decide to make this character do this?" Well, maybe they were really hungry that day. Or maybe they saw an ad on TV. Or maybe they were talking to their friend about something unrelated and their friend happened to say a phrase in a peculiar and cool way and the author decided he wanted to make use of that, too. And everything else that encompasses the spectrum of the human experience.
"Why" is whatever it wants, it's not like it would change what the final product "is," right?
And of course this doesn't preclude the fact that author's can just *lie* about their motivations too. For that reason, actually trying to find out 'why' is generally an impossible task.
And I'm not interested in pursuing those/I'm not interested in not #winning.
Perhaps this, you could say, then, is the ultimate source of my attitude. Not in the way that it's why I actually decided to write and draw and voice and edit my 80% Elden Ring lore series and 15% weird cartoon; "Elden Ring Explained with Snake-Eyes Teieruji." I did all those for completely circumstantial reasons! (And I go into detail about them in Issue #0 of the Kinda-Monthly Newsletter.)
Nor even in how my show is... the way it is! 'Cause even that is just me being really really slow and meticulous, (as you've no doubt suffered) and anyone can act like that~!
But it is, perhaps, what made me come up with the idea of making such a show as ERwSET, at all, in the first place. (And you can also read about the *second* major exclusion in my recounting here from that same article in Newsletter #0, which was the Sekiro-related project for which Snake-Eyes Teieruji was actually created, that didn't end up going anywhere.)
You'd have be a pretty specific kind of chucklehead to actually think of doing, specifically all this; y'know?
But you may be surprised to learn that I'm normally not like this at all, when I play videogames. Most of my creative energy in such regards are channeled into my poetry, art, and fiction. When I eat games, or movies, or books or TV, I don't really feel a want to find out "exactly what the author did for this character" or "exactly what elements of this scene connect with another scene" because I guess, perhaps, I'm too occupied with enjoying myself...
Well, maybe it'll be more accurate to say that what I'm presenting, "of myself" in ERwSET, is effectively extremely extremely scripted and deliberate.
I spend months writing my scripts. (sorry about that.) And those months include the meticulous cross-referencing and fact-checking that gives those videos their noticeable pow.
It's a large amount of *work,* that that is. The desk-jockeying kind. And it's not something that can just do itself when you're relaxing playing any game normally. (I'll never just stop what I'm doing while playing a game to fact-check whether I'm currently right about something, while I'm still in the middle of playing it.
For example in my first playthrough of Elden Ring: I wasn't actually sure how Marika's name was spelled until I had finished my first playthrough. That I wasn't sure if it was "Marika" or "Merika" at the time just legitimately didn't concern to me. I just didn't pay that close of attention whenever I passed a Church of Marika or whatever to actually remember how it spelled her name, afterwards.
I actually kept a journal to keep track of all of my sidequests and stuff for my first playthrough, too! So maybe here's another example, haha:
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And here's one more dfbjkskjdbfbkjsdkjbfsjdsf. These are all things I actually wrote down in the middle of playing the game so reading these myself is really fucked up I just remember what I was doing when I wrote them:
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What I'm referring to as 'the fucking castle' there is actually what I thought the Siofra Aquaduct was, the first time I saw it, hahaha. I was even a little bummed out when I actually got to it, I'll admit. I thought it was gonna be an entire dungeon.)
In any case;
The experience of *creating* something, and the experience of *consuming* something, are just fundamentally incomparable things.
You could never figure out how houses are built by just living in one, even if you lived in one for a really long time. Right?
It's that very sort of thing; in terms of cross-referencing dialogue and noting game-wide consistencies and inconsistencies for discrepancies and explanations, no playing a game inspired me do that, or could. It was my becoming an author of fiction that inspired me to do that, and my burgeoning desire to understand the decisions *other authors* made, for *their* fiction.
"I wanna know how to do that too." Right?
Eventually this desire lead to me writing poems instead.
Which lead to me (once I finally became good enough at writing to realize--as related in that poem I flashed from highschool in ERwSET1) disavowing the written word entirely! TOO limited for me, I though...!
Pictures have WAY more pow than words!!!
And that's how I got into drawing...
(which are like *way* more powerful than words, right, like it's not even comparable, the only thing words are up-to-down unbeatable at is, indeed, non-fiction... but also in being a trillion times faster than everything else to actually work with. I have returned to the written word, since then, as you might tell. And I'll tell you that writing also has one advantage that no other skill on Earth has--and that's you can practice it using only your head. Every other skill needs equipment, lit only needs words.)
...which is lead me to my foray *now;* the likes of 2-dimensional medias like video! (visual + audio)
But that's maybe not the kind of question you were actually asking, either... so...
Y'know... maybe it actually *is* Elden Ring, that's what 'pulled me in'.
I'm pretty far-in-deep right now in this, aren't I? And I've certainly never been this deep in something before!
How... did I get here...!?
I talk all about this in Issue 0 of the Newsletter as well but it's because of how Elden Ring served to combined FromSoftware's skills in atmosphere, the acting of the characters, visuals + audio, and gameplay, with George RR Martin's skills in actually have a coherent plot to present with those elements.
I've stated so before so I'll say so again that earlier FromSoft games such as Bloodborne and (especially) Dark Souls 3 are, to *a* meaningful extent, "not worth" looking into closely from a narrative perspective. In the way that their stories were never purposely finished.
The Soulsborne games have the reputation of having stories that are predominantly based on vibes, and that's not by accident. They are based on vibes.
Gameplay, atmosphere, acting, etc. Those are things that dictate the vibes. But they're not precise. You can't find the definitive answer to a character motivation in their boss theme, that's music.
*Power,* of course, they have in spades, but obviously not any 'precision.'
As we know, Bloodborne had a lot of cut content. And Dark Souls 3.
And as a result of the same internal situations (i.e. real life reasons like time, budget, and workforce) that lead to all that content being cut, a number of the questions you would ask regarding the plot details in those games, literally do not have answers *in* those games.
The stories of Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are ambiguous. But not in the way that there are multiple answers: In the way that there are *no* answers.
Again, that isn't by accident. The games themselves are obviously, literally, finished products. It was deliberate decisions made during production to *remove* material communicating parts of the story, for variable reasons, from what would become the finished product.
Thus, leading to parts of "the story" being, for the reader; missing.
Most people will frame this as equivalent to "the audience deciding what the truth is." And I think this is completely inaccurate.
"The audience can choose what the truth is" is when there would be multiple possible answers. (Little Nightmares 1 and 2 are my favourite games.)
"The audience can *never* know what the truth is" is when there are no possible answers.
And in my opinion they are completely different narrative outcomes. They shouldn't be equated.
...not acknowledging, of course, the *massive* amount of subjective legwork the word 'possible' is doing there, with those vibes-based definitions:
"Possible" as in, coherent with what is (percieved to be) in the text... by the reader?
Or "possible" as in, literally possible to be imagined by someone... such as the reader, whoever that happens to be?
The topic is only more complex from there. (All into academia and shit tho I wouldn't know I'm an art school dropout.)
And... almost definitely that's also not what you asked, either...
Well, I ask that you forgive me.
As for *why* Elden Ring was special to me, circumstantially, such that it lead to my actually making ERwSET, the explanation for that will remain in Issue 0 of the Members-Only Kinda-Monthly Newsletter.
As to *what* lead to me becoming this way, as you see before you? (Insane.) I hope I was able to answer it.
As for RECOMMENDATIONS, for games in general, that inspire ME, personally!?!?!? (Specifically, in the way that they inspired me to think about the setting and wonder about how things in there connect. These listing might look random but I'm positive they're exactly what you might mean in you including, specifically, what "settings" I'm into. Albeit, you are getting this from a poet. So... there is that as well. I hope if you end up looking into any of these that you do end up pleased with the experience.)
Hohokum (2014), for PS4 and PC
GRIS (2018), for basically everything
Bloodborne (2015), but note it standing directly *on* Elden Ring
Minute of Islands (2021) for PC and consoles
The surrealist artbook "Codex Serafinianus" by Italian artist Luigi Serafini (originally published in 1981, but still added to by him occasionally with an updated 40th anniversary edition having been released in 2021.)
Gorogoa (2017), for basically everything again
Child of Light (2014), also, for basically everything, somehow
Flower (2009), available on PC (and I really cannot overstate how important 'Flower' is to me, I didn't even know games could *be* like that, before I played this)
And of course, my all-time favourite book "The Vine That Ate the South" by the band The Legendary Shack Shakers's basically only actual member, JD Wilkes. (A book that has all-but baked itself into my genome since I first read it in highschool, and the additional 29 times I've read it since. 'Cause I have been counting. I voraciously recommend the Audible-licensed Recorded Books and RB Digital audiobook version; the narrator T. Ryder Smith's voice is a trillion bucks for that book.)
And y'know what I think I'm wanting to mirror this answer directly into the Kinda-Monthly Newsletter itself. Not all my readers follow me on Tumblr, even fewer'll be online at the right time as to actually *see* this post this before it's buried under everything else I'll post afterwards, and I've just spent the last few hours enjoying the hell out of myself writing all 3100 words of it, gyahahahhahaha!!
So, for those who aren't reading this!
Look forward towards seeing it the first time, in Issue #1 of the T-L-G-T-W Official Fanclub Members-Only Kinda-Monthly Newsletter. (The Issue that'll be available for free.)
My reader, I also hope you don't mind your ask ending up inspiring me to do this. But you might be the first of more, too.
So for now, going forward for any questions and answers such as these asked to me (even anonymously) on Tumblr blog, that activate me like this one has; *they* might just end up in the *next* Issue of the Newsletter, too...!
I can't say for certain I'll announce every that do, ahead of time.
But, maybe... you'll just be able to just... tell. Somehow.
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doodle17 · 11 months
Just got back from the fnaf movie
Please remember if you reblog go tag with every fnaf spoiler tag you can think of btw!
Was so... godamn...
First of all: absolutely loved how it wasn't overly violent. I'm not a prude, but when it comes to gore and violence, I'm very particular. Everyone who follows me knows I'm not a fan of gore, and luckily this movie had none!
It was still pretty gruesome. Like the guy getting his face eaten by Mr. Cupcake and that one girl who got bitten in half by Freddy. But even then, all you could see was the silhouette and her lower half fall to the floor. And 90% of the other scenes you do see, but they kind of let the sounds of what's happening fill in the gaps as the camera goes somewhere else, like with Mr. Cupcake.
Even when you see their bodies later on in the parts and services, the end results of what happened earlier aren't even that bad! Tbh it's almost too dark to even see anything
I loved that! It made it perfectly fine for me to watch and not squirm uncomfortably or feel sick. It actually shocked me! Most gore just makes me roll my eyes and want to gag but this stuff literally made me say "WOAH that's MESSED UP" (enthusiastically) out loud a few times!
Also the parts with the animatronics playing with Abby.... GOD that really filled a void in me that I never knew I had... Watching them play and build a fort and be goofy... Really made me smile so hard!... Uh, as if they didn't kill a bunch of dudes earlier.... Hmm..
All the little references made me point at the screen and squeal! That MatPat cameo my goodness! It made me laugh too lol, which I was pretty surprised about! I wasn't expecting to laugh, smile and cry in a scary movie but here we are!
Every Balloon Boy jumpscare got me, because even though it was, as all those video game critics say, "a cheap spook with a loud noise" I can guarantee a lot of other people did too
I think I was pretty pleased with how they did the springlocks. The reveal... The way Abby said "They can see you now." As they turn to William... Their real Killer... HOT DAMNNNNN AND THEN HE SAYS THE FUCKING LINE AND PUTS ON THE HEAD JUST- CHILLS DUDE (I should probably mention how loud this movie made me btw)
And that part legitimately made my eyes water too! When they dragged him away, the music and him twitching... All I could think was "JUSTICE!"
And I love that they made William a horrible father from what we saw when he talked with Vanessa. It always irks me the wrong way when people try to portray him as a sad parent who lost his daughter and that's why he did what he did. Like- no. He wasn't okay in the head you guys, he was NOT a good father, EVER. I'm sorry but no, he literally neglected, emotionally, and possibly, physically abused his kids.
And I love what they did with characters too! I like how the movie just did its own thing that to me, felt like What fnaf REALLY is.
I never like fnaf lore as it is now. I like when the premise was simply: "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him." Before all that sci-fi stuff got involved. And the Movie is just that! "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him."!! It was awesome!
And I like how it explains that there's the possibility that while the kids posses them, they also have somewhat minds of their own. At least that's what I got from some stuff revealed. There's ways been a part of me that thought the animtronics themselves had minds of their own, so to see that it could be a possibility (in the movies canon at least) was really cool!
Also... Living tombstone fnaf 1 song :) in end credits!
And to end this off, sadly there wasn't a post credit scene sadly (unless you count that CoryxKensin getting jumpscared by the BB toy after the fancy credits)
But!!!! Did anyone else notice the fnaf 2 music box playing in the end credits? And the one noise that says the letters and stuff during the secret fnaf 2 minigames...?
I mean, Matthew did say he signed for 2 more movies... So who's to say we won't get a Fnaf 2 movie based off the evidence of what we heard there, huh? Just a little thought I decided to leave here before we end things off :)
FORGOT TO MENTION that both me and Cherri SCREAMED the lyrics for the fnaf song at the end lol,and two girls next to us started recording us lol (not in a mean way we all talked and ranted for a good 3 minutes afterward it was fun!)
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inherstars · 5 months
I acknowledge this is a 110% Gen-X'er / Certified Old Person thing to say, but I wonder how younger generations will look back on the nostalgia of their childhoods.
I was just reading an article about Dana Hill, whose birthday is today, and some of her early work (which involved commercials and guest spots on TV shows throughout the 80s, before she eventually landed a role in one of the National Lampoon movies.
When I think back on the (especially early- to mid-) 80s, it has a very specific vibe. I was born in '76, so I don't have any real appreciable recall of even the late 70s, but up until 1983-1984, the 70s and 80s were very much a cultural, visual mish-mash of each other. It wasn't until everything started to get brightly plastic-colored and Miami pastel in 1985 or so that the 80s really broke out into what most people mean when they say "the 80s."
The late 70s and early 80s was all beige, brown, olive green, burnt orange, nicotine yellow. There was so much fucking corduroy it was a little obscene.
I spent most summers with my grandparents, and they were long days of reading book after book after book, playing in creeks, walking to the general store to pick up this or that for my grandmother (and a Matchbox car for myself). Long road trips to Lancaster or "down the shore" without seatbelts, playing with some plastic novelty picked up in a souvenir shop in the back seat of my grandfather's giant boat of a car. Sticking to the vinyl in the blistering, baking heat. Chocolate water ice. Flip-flopping noisily through the absolutely arctic air of the grocery store with my grandmother.
I don't say any of this to suggest it was better. It was just very very very different. And as mundane as those things are, they are what bring back the strongest nostalgia, the most biting and needle-sharp memories for me. But in large part because I was completely present for every single moment (excluding those I spent cross-legged on the low-pile green carpet, watching cartoons from like 6 inches away.)
What memories are today's kids going to have of being a kid? And I know it sounds like I'm saying it in a KID'S TODAY! kind of way, but I legitimately mean it. Every kid I see out in the wild has a phone of their own in their hands, or are begging to use their parents' phone, and they're watching videos or playing games or texting or facetiming.
I am not a parent. Don't want to be and have never wanted to be a parent. I would be fucking awful at it. So seeing parents shove any kind of phone or tablet into a kid's hand to occupy them, like... I get it. I would be the world's worst mother just for five minutes of sweet, sweet silence, so it's not (intentionally) a critique.
I just wonder what they'll remember. Will it be lots of books and experiences and playing in the neighborhood park until the sun goes down, or is it going to be, "Remember that summer I spent like twelve hours a day watching YouTube and then playing Minecraft?" And like... how wild is that?
What I will say, in defense of parents now, is that the ones on my block (we live on a cul de sac, which has honestly created a really nice little enclosed universe of communal child-watching / child-minding) are super involved and invested. It's kind of awesome to see.
One parent sets up a slip'n'slide and the whole damned cul de sac is out, plus kids from the ones on either side of us. Somebody decides, fuck it, and rents a bounce house. The rest of us block the street off with our cars so it's safe for them. Somebody is always bringing out toys or distractions, or offering to be den-mother on a walk down the street to get ice cream. It's actuallly great see.
But I don't know if that's everywhere. I hope it is. I hope kids are still out there doing real stuff, because -- with irony, sitting here and typing this on my stupid computer -- the Internet has become fucking trash.
I'm old, and I already have my foundational experiences stashed in my saddlebags. I just wonder what they'll end up carrying around.
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greentrickster · 2 years
My main impressions and information gleaned from lurking around the Transformers fandom for the past week or two:
Megatron is an ex-gladiator
this tracks
He’s also quite possibly a bigger component of why the Decepticons never win than the Autobots or Starscream, huh, didn’t see that one coming
Soundwave is also an ex-gladiator, wtf
Also generally very quiet and stoic, Not Emotional
Unless his cassettes are involved, then he is Dad, apparently the most parental Decepticon
Starscream is incredibly popular (no I didn’t expect or know this, I had about a week of Bay-verse Transformers fandom exposure back in 2010, my knowledge of these characters is impressively small)
Also he’s apparently much more skilled than I thought he was
And he went to college on Cybertron? In most continuities it seems like?? He was going to be a scientist??? Apparently he’s actually pretty dang smart at science, he just sucks at military coups?!????
The heck, I thought he was just a bumbling henchman with delusions of grandeur??!??!?!? How the heck is he... this (waves hand at all of him) and also legitimately Megatron’s second in command?!??
...of course he’s the one I latch onto. Of course he is. My only consolation is that at least I’m not alone in this...
...he may be canonically immortal? It’s unclear.
Command trine command trine command trine
I found a tiny Skywarp in Target last week, I officially own my first transformer, I had to look up a youtube video on how to get him into jet mode, I love him
So, that backstory, huh?
(holds temples in hands and stares at the table)
(endless screaming)
Bumblebee is unanimously agreed to be a Good Boy
Already sort of guessed that
Nice to know I was right about something
Optomis Prime’s characterization is actually more varied than I expected
Full range from ideal leader/father figure to deeply flawed hero to technically not a himbo but on thin fucking ice about it
(puts on shelf with Superman in the ‘actually it’s perfectly okay to make these characters too good for this world, too pure, because it suits them and while they’re rare you do get people like that in the real world sometimes’)
Why would you put Red Alert in charge of security, it seems logical on the first glance, but putting him in a job where he’s supposed to actively think of all the things that could go wrong is probably super bad for his paranoia
Ratchet throws wrenches but is also sitting on the Best Boy shelf next to Bumblebee
Whoever writes the Transformers wiki has an excellent sense of humour and writing style, someone hire them to make school textbooks actually readable
Though, on that note, get someone to read over their shoulders because none of the entries list what anyone can transform into. Anywhere. I- how? I know the exact details can vary from continuity to continuity, but seriously, how??? The alt forms are half the appeal, how is this not a specific section in each character bio?!??!?
Jazz is awesome but also scary. Psychologically scary. He’s coming for your secrets.
There’s actually some pretty interesting lore involving how you get new transformers!
Pretty much everyone ignores this because this fandom is indescribably thirsty
I do not condemn
I am merely frustrated because anthropology minor and culture culture culture culture-!!!!
There are ten million continuities
Including a canon role-reversed universe where bad guys are good guys and vice versa
You can’t do this to me I have rights-!
The fact that Megatron turns into a handgun doesn’t come up nearly enough
I have been laughing about this since I learned about it from the Toys That Made Us and I refuse to stop
Steve the Eradicon does not deserve any of this, but golly it’s funny to see him go through it anyway sometimes
This fandom is so frickin’ confusing
I see why everyone likes the giant robot-vehicles
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allycat75 · 10 months
Aren't you tired, Boston Dumb Fuck? I know we are!
As someone who is on record as not liking to be manipulated, aren't you tired as a perpetrator of it? Of all the lies and machinations? Let's just take a little look at the last few months, shall we. This is a bit long, but you have been busy and getting no where. In fact, further than no where (cue Paul Simon's "Slip Sliding Away"). And I recognize this may not be under your control, but you signed on the dotted line so you hold ultimate accountability. If you don't like what is happening in your name, you are a grown ass man with agency, regardless of what that contract says. There is always a way.
First, bravo for pretending to be married to a racist, antisemetic, fatshaming Lolita. Something I never thought someone who really loved love or was a good upstanding citizen with integrity would ever do, but you never cease to surprise me.
Then, creating the illusion of two ceremonies- the "East Coast" one (was it your house in MA, Cape Cod, somewhere in New York, your cursed place in Vermont?) with a random smattering of work friends who were in the area for other commitments (and had projects to promote but couldn't because of the strike) and your clout chasers who needed to boost their followers, all on your niece's birthday, I think (way to be a super user uncle- was all the prep for her party good cover for you? I am sure she appreciated your care and attention). Then the "Portugal" ceremony ("let's go Portugal") which only seemed to prove some of your family and friends got a free trip to Portugal at some point this summer.
But what we didn't get were sighting of you and the little wifey, not even puttering around town making preperations, or getting coffee at a local cafe. Were no phones working in either location? They couldn't give a shit about her, that I get, but I am sure a few people would have recognized you, even in your current sorry state, and at least done that thing where you pretend to take a picture of something else and catch you in the background (see "funeral dinner" below), and posted it in real time.
Seeming to be everywhere and nowhere, strategically planting anachronistic and ambiguously located photos on "random" people's SM. Or the blurry, Ghost Hunter-quality photos of people that could be fake, you and/or Fish Mouth or the image of your soul slowly leaking out of your body.
Like the one where you look healthy one day (and your bride looks exactly like she did in one of your lame-ass scare videos from years ago when you see her in the reflection in your glasses), then magically, two days later, you look like absolute shit. As if you are having a Mitch McConnell-like seizure!
But my favorite has to be the funeral dinner with Scarlet, Colin, Stanley and Fish Mouth, that was taken months ago (you looked much less sickly then). Interesting how the poster, for some reason, made her account public then made it private again once the damage was done. Colin looks like he just loves you and how you are using his wife so this talentless twit can get ahead. Awesome how you put one of your best friends in this awkward position!
The only seemingly legitimate sighting we got was on the plane where you didn't even sit together. Even stranger because you rarely fly commercial these days- I wonder why this time was different? We find her non-posing, feigning interest in something the stranger next to her is saying while someone in the aisle obviously takes her picture. Girl's not famous in any country- no way some rando traveler is just going to recognize her and stop the flow of passengers to take a photo. Then there was the ghost bag Fish Mouth was pulling. My theory is we thwarted a bad photoshop of you holding her hand, BDF, because you still don't want to touch her. Ah, true love!
(Side note- you do know you are paying for all this set-up and clean-up, by the way. Megan isn't doing a bad job out of the goodness of her heart).
Forget that this "marriage" and globe hoping could get you and the wifey into a heap of trouble with immigration, but you are a famous, rich, white man and she is an arrogant, entitle brat who seems to be able to pitch a tantrum until she gets what she wants so I am sure you will be fine. No need for introspection on how your decisions have consquenses. Sounds like bliss to me!
PS- don't give your crack (like the drug, not the compliment) team any ideas. One of the reasons I did this rundown was to show how absurd this all is. There is no amount of "proof" that could make your lies true at this point, so save the billable hours for your next crisis. We've seen the show and all its sequels and we are not buying tickets because it sucked from the very start. Don't insult our intelligence!
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outer-edges · 1 year
15 Questions and 15 Mutuals
ahhh ty @liveandletcry23 feel free to bother me all the time
Were you named after anyone?
not that i am aware of. there is a large scale family debate about WHO named me, because my grandma is under the impression she picked out my name, but my father claims HE picked it out. it is very classic harmless family drama.
When was the last time you cried?
oh literally don't even know. probably last week when i was thinking about joel and ellie at some point. or wallowing in my own all-encompassing loneliness.
Do you have kids?
plsss no i still am a kid. not really lol. but still at the age where even the idea of one of my friends telling they're pregnant is like nightmare territory.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
i think i use it a regular amount? but also i do NOT understand when people are being sarcastic
What's the first thing you notice about people?
kinda weird but typically their eyebrows.
What's your eye color?
controversial question. i say brown but most people around me would say hazel.
Scary movies or happy endings?
why must we pick between these two things?
Any special talents?
i make REALLLYYYY good zucchini bread
Where were you born?
midwesterners rise up!
What are your hobbies?
pretty standard set. watching tv/movies, reading, writing both original stories and fic, and video editing. i also dabble in whatever random craft strikes my fancy.
Have any pets?
a russian tortoise.
What sports did you play/have you played?
like besides park district sports when i was a wee one? none. i'm a legitimate hazard on any kind of sport field/court.
How tall are you?
another controversial question. i say 5'8", however some individuals have measured me at 5'9" and are CONVINCED i am 5'9"
Favorite subject in school?
english 4 life
Dream job?
making movies and tv shows. obviously not going to happen in a million fucking years, but a girl can keep writing her little stories and yearning for the opportunity to put bella ramsey in the solo wilderness survival film they would absolutely devour.
tagging @fieldsoftulips bc ur awesome no pressure tho!
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imabillyami · 1 year
Thoughts on Summerslam?
Hey lovely anon! Thanks for asking and being interested as always 💜 I appreciate you! 
A little warning: this contains a lot more complaining and bitching than my opinion pieces usually do, but I honestly expected more from this PLE and I’m feeling a little meh about it, cause a lot of it didn’t live up to the hype for me personally (if you wanna read mostly positive things start reading from the Gunther vs Drew portion onwards). 
As always, these are my personal views, other's might differ from that and that’s completely fine and valid. We all enjoy different things and it’s good that we do. (Disclaimer, cause I don't want any drama in my inbox from anyone reading this.)
I thought the first half of the show pretty much sucked. I wasn’t invested in it at all and had a tough time sitting through all of it. 
Match by match under the cut:
Logan vs Ricochet: Anyone who knows me or has been following me for a while knows that I fucking hate LP’s guts. I wish he’d walk out and never come back, cause yes, he’s a fucking terrible human being and a quick google search will tell you all the reasons why. He doesn’t deserve the spotlight he gets, he deserves jail time. I’m glad Ricochet got an opening match at a big PLE though. He’s one of the best in-ring guys of this generation and seeing him perform is always a blessing. I fucking hate that he lost, but we all knew he would, didn’t we? And Samantha having to announce LP as the winner had me 🤢🤢🤢 As for the match: It was okay. Too much posing and showing off for my taste. Classic LP. And don’t get me started on that screwy finish or the commentary about Samantha. (+ As much as I’m happy Ricochet got to be on the card in that manner, I’d rather have seen Becky vs. Trish or a Rhea title defense in that spot.)
Brock vs Cody: Y’all know my stance on Cody. I don’t like him. I don’t care about him. I fucking hate the “finish the story” narrative and how he forcefully inserts himself into shit all the time. He’s not as great or talented or charismatic as he thinks he is and I cringe so hard every time he opens his mouth. I don’t know what other people see in him, but I guess to each their own. I for one wish he’d leave and never come back. But that’s just me. He called himself “the best wrestler in the world” in an interview recently and I’m sorry, you’re not the best wrestler in this company and there’s many more wrestlers from other promotions who are way above you on that list, sir. Plus your acting and selling sucks. Sorry, sorry, this wasn’t supposed to be an anti Cody rant. If you like him, go ahead, but I’m not gonna hide my dislike for the man. Brock is awesome, I’ve always respected him immensely as an athlete. He’s always been very legitimate and very protected and rightfully so. I don’t know when opponents (other than Roman) started getting up and walking off an F5 through the table, but apparently that’s a thing now… The highlight of that match for me was seeing all of Daddy Brock’s good parts lmao 😂 
(I’m still bitter about Becky vs Trish not being on the card. They had time for 10 minute video packages between all the matches, but they didn’t have time for this highly anticipated match? If I speak 😶 That feud could have been one for the ages if it had gotten the proper booking it deserved)
Battle Royal: I know they had to do this one for sponsorship reasons (and probably to give LA Knight a win and appease the audience, which don’t get me wrong, I LOVE LA Knight, but what good does that win do him?), but I could’ve done without it. Again on my women’s matches agenda here. With how over he is, the crowd wouldn’t have accepted another winner, so it was predictable. It gave the audience a feel-good moment though, so I’ll take it. 
Shayna vs Ronda: I love Shayna ❤️ 100%, no questions asked. As for Ronda… I’m not gonna say much, other than I hope this really was her last match in WWE. I still don’t get why we got an MMA rules fight instead of a proper wrestling match, but then I haven’t been following the build to this very closely. I’m glad Shayna won and I hope she gets to move on to bigger and better things in WWE now that she’s out of Ronda’s shadow. But that’s probably wishful thinking. 
Drew vs Gunther: Was exactly what I wanted it to be. Just two big meaty men hitting and chopping away at each other, manhandling and throwing each other around. Beautiful. I knew I was gonna like this and I did. I love seeing both of these men in the ring. Gunther winning was no surprise, but this time I didn’t mind. He deserves breaking that record. He’s been doing incredible incredible work for a long time and he deserves all the good things he gets.
Seth vs Finn: You have no idea how much I love Seth and Finn, no idea 😭 These two (+Sami +Bryan Danielson) to me are the best technical wrestlers of this generation. No matter what, they will always be able to put on a banger wrestling match, so I’m always always always loving it when they get into the ring together. It’s just beautiful to watch them move. Art art art. I love Seth’s mind games, I love the whole arena singing Seth’s song, I love the history between them. I love everything about it. Either of them deserved that win and that title, I’m glad Seth retained though, he deserves a good long title run. (Also can’t wait to see what TJD getting involved in the match will stir up. That ever growing tension between Damien and Finn is delicious to watch 👀)
Asuka vs Bianca vs Charlotte: The build to this match was terrible, not gonna lie. The match delivered though! The crowd didn’t appreciate it enough, which is a big L on their part. These three did amazing! Sure it wasn’t all smooth sailing and some of it was visible (also thanks to some not so great camera angles), but the quality of the match was still awesome! 
Cash-In: I’m so so fucking happy for Iyo!!! She deserved this for such a long time and I’m so glad they made the decision to put that title on her (I was fully expecting Bayley to cost her that title, so it was a nice surprise that she didn’t and that she was actually the one taking everyone out, so that the path was clear for Iyo. A beautiful showing of friendship 😭 And I loved seeing Dakota and the sweetness that was these three friends celebrating together ❤️ For me this was the highlight of the night!)
I’m also hoping this will be the final straw in turning Bianca heel. She looked like she reached her breaking point during all this, so I’m carefully optimistic. I’ve been wanting it for a long time and with the Profits now having turned heel the dream of heel!Bianca feels closer than ever 👀 WWE I’m begging you! 
Jey vs Roman (aka Jey vs everyone in Tribal Combat): Moment of deep deep appreciation for Jey’s beautiful beautiful back ink and the man who put it on him. Incredible 😍 As for the match: I’m not gonna lie, I had my difficulties with this match. The buildup was so epic, the match itself felt a little disappointing to me in comparison to their earlier bouts. I adored Jey vs Roman at Clash of Champions and HIAC and I loved the tag match at MITB, so I had very high expectations for this match and maybe they were too high. Idk to me it felt a little off and very much not like Jey’s usual pace and what these two are usually capable of.
Don’t get me wrong, it had some very good spots and some very emotional moments (and some highly comedic ones too, Jey telling Paul to grab the other side of that table? I was cackling! Solo screaming at Roman and looking seconds away from murder after that spear? I was pretty much on the floor, cause it was too damn hilarious!), but overall it felt to me like something was missing. Plus most of us saw that Jimmy return and him turning on Jey and costing him the match, the championship and the tribal chief position weeks ago and from a million miles away. I still think it’s too soon for this and I would’ve loved to actually see this for WM40 next year, just the way Josh and Jon have been dreaming about, but we’ll see.
Seeing it coming doesn’t mean I’m not devastated about it. That ending with Jey crying and screaming all alone in the ring? OH MY GOD. I’ve been watching them as a tag team from the day they arrived in WWE with Tamina and I never thought we’d see the day they break up, but I guess I’m comforted by the knowledge that Josh and Jon are going to have the time of their lives with this feud. For us though? Emotional pain awaits, but what else is new
I’m very curious to hear Jimmy’s reasoning (I'm guessing jealousy or Jey leaving his side when he got hurt to challnge Roman) and to see where Solo fits into all of this if Roman is really taking a break for longer. I can’t see Jimmy realigning himself with Roman or Solo tbh, cause that would make everything that happened since NOC pretty much useless. I’m pretty happy if he goes down the lone wolf route for a while. As for Jey? We know that man had deep trust issues before, but now that his entire family has turned on him, imagine how bad it’s gonna get. Sami come help your man! He needs you and you’ve got nothing going on anyway. WWE please make it happen! We need this! Give Jey back the only person who never turned on him! It could be epic! (doesn't convince you? it could make you loads of money!!) Don’t fumble this, idiots!
All in all: Hated the first half, loved most of the second half. And the parts I didn’t love… well, it is what it is and we’ll deal with the aftermath of it as we always do - by being delulu while writing copious amounts of fix-it fic and crying about it 🤷
Hugs to you anon 💜
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blazewatergem · 2 years
I wanna start this off by stressing 3 things.
One: I am on my period(at least, should be soon), therefore, Extreme Emotions are happening. I don’t need to be told I’m overreacting or “being silly” - I am very aware of my emotions. Thanks.
Two: This entire rant mess will be about the game called Death and Taxes. It’s been out for a bit, but I just got it, and played it. Spoilers ahead.
Three: I need to stress I did like the game. It was a very fun game and I’m sure I’ll play it more later on! But I’m taking no prisoners here.
Let’s begin
I am legitimately furious at a video game character. This fuckwit made me cry. I literally spent the last turns of the game in emotional distress frantically trying to fix humanity, thinking I broke this fake little world, only for this Sir NightEye looking whore to turn around and be like “oh lol yeah I did that”
Fate on the GODS sleep while you can im gonna eat your damn desk. I am in your walls im gonna chew on the DRYWALL
Oh oh and it’s MY reputation down the drain! Everyone saying I DID THIS LIKE IT WASNT YOUR ASS STEERING THE SHIP. YOU MADE ME MF TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
This game was fun, im sure it was, and I think I saw a vast majority of players ended up with the same ending I got, but holy shit I am going to punch out Fate. I trusted this man. I stuck up for “oh it’s tradition im sure he knows what he’s doing” on fuck the next playthroughs I’ll break the mold. I’ll break him. Raw spite and rage bitchboy you are gonna LEARN
Who knows when I will though. I both love and hate that this game got a reaction out of me. Love because it’s a good game. It’s awesome it did that. Hate because it was - clearly - a very negative reaction that’s actually made my mood shitty and made me mad at myself. I was blaming myself and crying at the end. Im a fool.
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scentedchildnacho · 1 year
Uhm I just meant by my Google reviews stuff everybody already knows...if people can't stop fucking with me or others or messing with me their life won't change ..
Women's law isn't different if you flash poverty and call it your misery object then you still have to live under alcohol unions in a heretical idea
Maybe they don't know or forget or just stop thinking about it but people have a right for the d.a. to tell them their immediately prosecuted
It's heresy it's beastiel all I have known it to be my friend heyroth hated me hated me and so she could be a drunk and brace face slave if people can't get off revenge at the world then the alcohol unions come for you
People have a tendency to think they can be too close to heyroth and it's just funny she is a feMale and deeply suspicious of the feminine for wanting to be close friends with people and she would do all she could to hurt me away from her disease....her lung collapsed and she hallucinated a lot of phobias
She had this really cute immigrant step sister just very cute and nice that like shared home pogrom with her anything she could do to make valla go away
She maybe had a criminology issue like brain damage....because she was learning handicapped she would try to hurt people if their affections were misplaced or wrong or illusory and just keep getting stuck then with us
Heyroth couldn't ever learn basic soap operas...you have to be spiritually direct and kind....your just stuck in your head you don't actually care about me....
When people break up with people normally then I finally go away if you keep getting into being a misery beater then I can't go away
I wonder about no one is special if the universe in it's cold calculated logic to carry out a strategy provides a decent life for people who hate and Holocaust on me and it is wrong it would feel much better if it was a legitimate war on me
They have horrible prostitute drug addict lives
Yea the correct environ for the heresy is northern European exotics like Hieronymus Bosch
Well I use to feel bad for chicks because my own consciousness was too intensely innocent I was expected as jobs to do my little help chores and so my world view remained unmaturate having seen more black lives matters artists I don't feel bad for segregated jobs at all if it's my secret powers world view...
I don't know what happened at the library today but it's again too rich of an issue using library space or attempting to kill the poor with housing inclusions
But they kept speed walking through on their they was fat program so I was afraid of it like I needed to watch Christopher hitchens for what their essential basement falsehood is
Simm theory has no relevance doomsday theory or the native creation myth does....
But they all went into the library to have a kids birthday party so others may not learn read or grow....it's just not at all the time or place for the bad behaviour lash out
They wanted a like for real fantasy basement party at the library
When I had my basement I would get these fantasies about my life that didn't work out actually being a really crack head kick ass ending in my favor
And every time I had this fantasy world in my basement room I would totally win in some way in the fantasy
Anyway these fantasies were pretty psychotic and schizo and yet eveny family had deference for this time I needed to simm theory so
Anyway in Natchez I was told that's a pretty awesome counter culture to get to do angels and fantasy and video games....like retribution what if what's going on in those fantasies isn't about people maybe some are immortal now
I could have been Vanderbilt and spawned things
Then I found out about Peggy mason getting to be neurobiology so in some way my disability was a capability I guess.....oops...
Archangel Michael and Satan
Anyway having to try to make me poop my pants is not a good life.....I went to the farmers market and that's very
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About a week ago I watched the Taylor Swift documentary because I was in some weird documentary watching phase, and I don’t know if it is the best or worst decision I have ever made. I legitimately have the worst personality type where I go through phases of being obsessed with things e.g. Glee, Friends, Britney Spears. 
So the question is, do I want to enter a new phase? Well I actually think I am fucked and I am accidentally already here. So today I finished watching the Reputation Stadium Tour and it was freaking awesome. She really is an amazing performer, and a master at marketing. Someone talked about this parasocial relationship thing where one party really cares about the other but the other doesn’t know they exist. Basically, Taylor Swift plays on this really fucking well because she has cultivated this relationship with her fans that makes them really love her. I honestly could write a whole dissertation on this if I was a marketing major. 
Anyway, I basically spent all day listening to “...Ready for it?” and “Delicate” and I am obsessed. I just needed to get that out for some reason. The Delicate music video is so good and chaotic, most of her songs are about guys so there is always some guy playing her love interest in them, even though this song is about a guy, it is just her in the video. And I love that. It was just very…her. I’m not sure if 10pm Isobel makes any sense.
I asked Chat GPT to tell me I’m not crazy for this (which probably makes me crazier) and it said this “You appreciate the fact that Taylor Swift's music videos often feature a love interest, but in the case of "Delicate," it was refreshing to see her as the sole focus of the video, reflecting her true self.” 
I think that pretty much sums it up.
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racingtoaredlight · 2 years
I just don’t like this guy...
I’ve watched this entire video a few times...it’s fantastic even if the host is blatantly lying to you.
Jacob Collier, if you’re not familiar, is a very talented multi-instrumentalist that has gotten a good amount of buzz from doing a lot of online shit and lectures.  He’s really known for doing remakes of well-known songs where he plays all the instruments and does all the vocal harmonies.
I should revere him as a walking god.  At the very least, a living Mozart.  But I don’t.
The biggest reason I hate the Beatles isn’t their music or lack of musicianship.  They’d be perfectly forgettable if that’s all there was to it.  But you can’t mention the Beatles in any public forum outside of the most radiant positive light without inciting a near riot.  And Jacob Collier fans have quickly become just as zealous and violent.
What makes the video at the top great is that it’s one of the few criticisms of Collier that exist outside comment sections or forums.  The host does his absolute very best to stay politically correct and not justifiably rip into him...but his face tells the whole story.
Simply put...this guy is a highly educated, professional vocal coach who knows all the how’s and why’s.  His face tells the entire story.  He might go and say “oh he’s really talented and makes it work,” but down deep?  He’s disgusted at what he’s hearing.
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The video at the top is peppered with these moments where his inner disgust comes to the surface.  And you gotta give this guy props if you listen to the whole thing...he does his damndest to stay objective and say nice things about Collier, but...
When you really devote yourself to the study of a particular area...where you painfully break yourself down and face truths that fundamentally fuck your head up...and some guy comes prancing in pretending to be a deity, there’s going to be some cognitive dissonance there.  You can only tell pretty lies for so long until the truth feels like it’s going to erupt sideways and cause a mile of mountain to displace itself at the sound of speed while Dave Crockett films darkness from beside his Seattle KOMO news car on a miraculously undamaged logging road.
Was that callback too hamfisted?
Maybe it was, but I like it.
The big difference between the Beatles hype and Collier’s is that Collier is actually trying to be proficient at the thing he’s supposed to be doing.  And I’m not going to shit all over this, because I think...for the most part...it’s really nice.  There are parts in there that are really, really nice...which is one of my biggest issues with Collier.
Those home runs should be the meat of the song.  The spoke of the metaphorical wheel.  They shouldn’t be quickly abandoned because of ADHD.
Check out 3:50-4:10.  My goodness that is good stuff.  He goes from a nice little counterpoint-style riff in the higher registers and gradually moves down, octave by octave, filling up the space...which is fucking awesome when he abruptly changes key at the bottom.  Just insanely good, high-level shit tucked into a simple presentation.  Men have made careers out of much less.
The problem is...this is a single moment.
If you pay attention to the majority of the rest of this...whenever he’s singing, the piano disappears.  Now, singing and playing at the same time is difficult, and something I can’t do.  But he can’t really do it either...and for that 20 seconds of greatness, we have 7 minutes of him trying to find the keys on the keyboard.
Collier’s big thing is that he plays a ton of instruments.  Singing, keys, guitar, bass, uke, banjo, drums, whatever...
Which is cool...I guess?...frankly the most impressive part of this is how it gets put together and edited.  Because when you talk to musicians specializing on a certain instrument that Collier plays, that’s when the real criticisms come out.  Almost immediately this gets dismissed as sour grapes or jealousy, but it’s not...
The vocal coach at the top...there are times watching Collier where he’s legitimately confused as to what he’s hearing.  It’s not because Collier’s not pulling it off, or because the coach is trying to be mean to an amateur...it’s because Collier’s billed as literally Mozart.
And for any musician who knows that instrument he’s playing really well, it’s readily apparent that he’s pretty mediocre on all of them.  Technique and musicianship matter to people like us, and when...say...a pianist sees Collier playing like this?
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Are we back in 1st grade piano lessons again?  Because that’s 1st grade shit.  What about bass?
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Lol tiny gif of Tiny Desk concert.
I wrote a post awhile back about how you can tell a musician’s proficiency by looking at their hands and wrists.  Specifically mentioning how bent wrists like that are an easy way to identify musicians that haven’t put time in on their instrument.
This is important.
When you go through the gauntlet of getting proficient, you quickly realize that everything technical boils down to efficiency.  Getting the most out of every movement.  Why is this important for bassists?  Because the number one responsibility a bassist has is THE GROOVE.  Keeping time.  Efficiency means better time being able to be sustained longer because you’re expending less energy.
Start the video below at 2:50
What we have here are three of the greatest slap bassists of all time, masturbating in public to their heart’s delight.  They are playing way, WAY more stuff than Collier is...and yet, do any of them have that jerky movement?  That bent wrist?  No.  Because he hasn’t put in the hours.
Yet, Collier has been a featured guest on the biggest bass podcast/YouTube channel in the world multiple times for insight into playing bass.  He’s presented as an expert.  But he’s not.
Does he have some profiency?  Yes he does.  He gets a good sound on his bass, it fits the role and the song, and I’m not complaining about him being able to lay down a 4th grade bassline...I’m complaining about him being hailed as some musical genius.
Lets look at guitar.
Lets move on incredibly quickly, otherwise I’ll spend another 3,000 words on everything wrong with this.  Goddamnit, I found another one.  This is some of the legitimately worst guitar playing I’ve seen from a professional.  And here’s a total no-show.  If you’re supposedly Mozart, how you gonna be completely invisible on a stage with 3 people?  Seriously, he might as well not even be there.
If he was behind a piano, it’d likely be a different story.  But he chose to bring a guitar up there, and you’d think a guy with his knowledge of theory wouldn’t be so shoved in the background by the astoundingly mediocre John Mayer...or his voice wouldn’t be able to cut through the cacophony of...a garden variety chick singer?
That’s exactly what the voice coach at the top was talking about!  His vocal technique works in his vacuum...but when you play with other people, technique matters.
There was a guy a two years above me at North Texas that is what people say Collier is.  He was the lead alto sax in the One O’ Clock Band (despite it being collegiate, it’s one of the best big bands in the world)...was as good of a guitarist as I was, played bass, led church bands on keyboards, played drums and did all sorts of computer programming for music composition and recording.
His proficiency on keys was as comprehensive as it was on sax.  He led bands because, not only did he know all the parts, but he could play all the parts on whatever instrument.  It was incredible to get the few chances to play with him...and after that, it’s pretty easy to see Collier’s not a musician in the same class in terms of performance.  Theoretically is a different story, but in terms of what his hands are doing, he’s pretty amateur on most of the instruments he plays.
Collier’s greatness is his mind.  His knowledge of harmony and theory is bulletproof from criticism as far as I’m concerned.  I don’t care for his voice, but I certainly respect his ability to match pitches and organize harmony.  His arrangements are excellent, period.
And while there’s novelty to being a multi-instrumentalist recording every part of a song, and that is certainly something that was very marketable during the COVID lockdowns, a lot that falls flat when the underlying foundation isn’t solid.
I don’t think you can make the argument that his abilities on guitar or bass are solid.  Criticisms there are completely legitimate, because it’s obvious he hasn’t put in the hours.  I mean, how could he?
I studied classical and jazz guitar at the same time.  While it’s “the same instrument” the disciplines are completely foreign to each other.  It was difficult to the point where I couldn’t imagine getting proficient on multiple instruments like that, for no other reason than there are only so many hours in the day.
When you look at his skillset, it’s obvious that his talent lies on the keys and with his voice.  But all the time he spends on these other instruments...merely for novelty and showmanship, not for musical reasons...and it neuters the overall production.  Delegation is not a new phenomenon here...a pro bassist can fill that slot so you can fix your sketchy piano technique, and make better music moving forward.
Just because you “can” doesn’t mean you should.
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