#legolas x pregnant wife
witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ He was protective of you before, but now ... he was suffocating. 
“Legolas, I can do it myself!” You said, reaching for the knife. 
   “But you’re with child. My child, and I cannot let you exhaust yourself-”
⭑ Oh and he knew you were pregnant before you even had an inkling. He didn’t want to scare you, or overwhelm you, so he was protective but waited until you missed a period before he was sure. (Sorry that was a really big sentence-)
⭑ Everyone is overjoyed with the news
⭑ Aragorn goes in for a hug and Legolas steps forward. But you give him a stern look, and he backs off. 
⭑ Arwen barely leaves your side. She wants to make sure that you’re looked after and comfortable at all times. 
⭑ Even though Legolas is on your other side, doing the exact same
⭑ He doesn’t like going on quests/adventures for too long. And asks for a bit of time off to look after you in your late trimester 
⭑ Legolas does not care ONE BIT if it’s a girl or a boy. He’s just excited to be a father!
⭑ You kinda want a girl
⭑ And so does Arwen
⭑ But you know this baby will be loved and cherished forever
⭑ Maybe you didn’t have the best upbringing, so you know exactly what not to do. 
⭑ If you have morning sickness then he is always up, holding your hair back and cleaning you up 
⭑ Loves leaning his head on your stomach. Because he’s desperate to have his daughter/son in his arms
⭑ You go to the physician and have your usual check-ups. Yes, Legolas is always there with you. He doesn’t miss one appointment - not ever
⭑ You were picking out names waiting for the physician a mere month before you baby was due:
     “How about ... Ârben?” You mused, trailing your fingers over your swollen belly. 
   “To honour ... Arwen?” Legolas replied, he stood at the foot of the bed and you knew he was listening to anyone who approached. 
   “I guess, it’s a mix of reasons...”
⭑ When the physician came in, and examined you once again. His face changed, and both you and Legolas started to panic
⭑ “What is it? What’s wrong?” 
       “Oh ... no, no! Nothing wrong. Just something I guess I missed...”
⭑ There was silence before he spoke again. 
    “You seem to be having twins.”
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Your hormones make you hornier. You’re constantly trying to seduce Legolas, even with your swollen belly. 
⭑ Doesn’t want to have sex at first because he thinks it might hurt the baby
⭑ But you’re like ??? This is what everyone does, is it not?
⭑ So your sex life doesn’t cease, if anything, you have sex more often
⭑ You basically become a pillow princess though 
⭑ He doesn’t want you overexerting yourself 
⭑ So sex is basically all about you, because you found that orgasms help you sleep...
⭑ Is not rough though, so sorry if you like that. He doesn’t want to hurt you AT ALL. 
⭑ Orgasms feel so much more intense now, because of your hormones. 
⭑ And you’re a LOT louder than usual. This made Legolas a tad embarrassed at first, because he was used to being so poised and proper. 
⭑ But he got over it, because helping his wife was much more important
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shirefantasies · 5 months
LoTR Characters + Pregnant Reader (Wife!Reader)
Back with more parent AU because it's some of my favorite fluff! Consider this a Part 1 to an anon request that’ll be on its way hehe (also an AU where something happens with Celebrían apparently 😥)
Warnings: conception, pregnancy-related illness and symptoms mentioned, very long post lol
✧ Neither of you had made any concrete plans. No set in stone hour of your marriage reserved for the growth of your family or dubbed too early. Thus, you are unsure how your husband will feel about your news, the fact that you got yourself checked out the first moment of illness, mother's intuition in full service already, it would seem. You cannot keep your smile to yourself, though, as you stroll in search of Aragorn, hand hovering about your own waist as if in disbelief. He had just returned from a hunting trip when you found him, smiling shakily at his amusement when you pulled him immediately aside into the next room over. "What troubles your heart?" The man had intuition of his own, years of silent observation- there was no lying to him. "I just learned that I am with child, Aragorn," you took his hand, seeing no point in being anything but direct, "due for the birth next spring if all goes well." "With blossom comes the next blessing of my kin," your husband replied, that wise look in his blue eyes causing you to shake your head fondly, "what could be more beautiful? What a gift you have given me and how could I ever repay it?" Shaking your head once more, you simply grinned and, sighing with relief and anticipation alike, replied that being the amazing father you know him to be will be all you need. Leaning forward, Aragorn laid his head against yours, brushing your noses as he held you.
✧ Looking out upon the kingdom, the realization that is is his kingdom still sinking in, and that he has made this place a home for new life as well. That this is the very reason he fought for a safe world. It brings such a rush to his heart that he goes off in search of you at once, kissing you warmly and caressing your still-small bump.
✧ Aragorn loves doing anything he possibly can to make your days easier, treating you like the queen you quite literally are! He pampers you with treatment like massages, washing your hair for you, drawing you baths, and the like.
✧ While you no doubt have many people at your disposal, quite similarly your husband enjoys cooking for you by hand and memorizes everything that makes you sick if anything as well as the random foods your cravings make you obsessed with, trying to creatively incorporate them into everything.
✧ You knew it already, but your pregnancy brings about the reminder that this man has such a way with encouraging words, his voice the only thing that cuts through the clouds of your changing moods.
✧ Aragorn is the one who tells you not to be so hard on yourself, that you are doing an amazing thing and you are desirable as yourself, no more and no less. No need to hide yourself, no need to perform, no need to feel anything less than the beautiful soul you have always been. Remember, he tells you, he is going nowhere, and you will endure all together.
✧ For so long had you and Legolas hoped for your little life, long enough of trial and hope that you’d all but given up until you felt a shift. Felt on the brink of illness at nearly all times, seeking healing for a mystery illness and leaving with news that had your husband holding you for minutes on end, tears sliding down his cheeks, and refusing to let go of your hand all day. Holding you like you might shatter, his other hand wrapped gently around your waist where his hand can brush the curve of your soon-to-be-growing belly. “We did it, my love. We will finally be three.”
✧ Your husband grows wistful, getting a distant look in his eyes before smiling and reminiscing on his younger days. “What demeanor shall our little one have, do you say? I would not mind having two of you,” he teases, while you say a child like him would be much easier!
✧ “Both of your little ones sound quite healthy.” “Both?” You are shocked, but Legolas’s grin never falters, nor does his surprisingly tight, hearty grip upon your shoulders. “Twins,” he keeps repeating in wonder throughout the day.
✧ You and Legolas have a bet running on the twins, if they are to be identical or not. You think they are both boys, while Legolas thinks he has a little girl waiting for him, too. “Wishful thinking,” you tease him. “Absolutely,” he agrees, smiling softly at you.
✧ As time passes, he does tease you about your waddle. “Shall I slow down a bit?” Cheeky prince, but that’s why you love him!
✧ Legolas’s eyes never fix you with anything but awe. He is simply amazed at all the wonders your body is capable of and what it endures. Even though that wonder also manifests as him almost constantly asking if you are alright, it is worth it when your husband looks at you as though captivated by a goddess.
✧ Boromir caught you with your eyes bulging out of your head, not a single chance of delaying your discussion. Such news as you have just received can only be considered a blessing, and yet you still are shaken to the core with the spiking precursor of excitement and hope, hope that your husband would be happy. Your words burst forth the moment he took your hands, asking you whatever was wrong and nodding faster and faster with each step of your detailed medical visit. His smile grew and grew until he could hardly help himself, taking your face in his hands and pulling you into a kiss that more than assuaged your worries. “Why do you look so worried? Such a wonderful blessing was beyond anything I could imagine,” he tells you, a hand reaching to rest gently upon you.
✧ He all but tackles you to bed that night, kissing again and again your lips, your cheeks, and down finally to your belly.
✧ Boromir’s appreciation of your body never ceases your entire wait. His hands always caressing you, his words always sweet upon your ears, especially to cut through the deprecating ones your own lips utter. It baffles your husband that you cannot see how utterly glowing you are.
✧ One hundred percent though will he be teasing you about the odd cravings you get; even as he goes to fetch them he’s making faces, asking if you’re sure, joking about what strange taste the little one has.
✧ You suspect you are carrying a son while Boromir’s guess is a little girl. After you remind him that a mother knows, he rests a hand over your bump and replies with a teasing grin “Why can’t a father know as well?” “Because you do not have to carry him for the better part of a year!”
✧ One of Boromir's favorite things in this world is the sight of how his lent garments fit you tighter and tighter, bringing a twinge to both the loving and the possessive sides of his heart...and his hands to wrap around you or cup your cheeks and pull you into a kiss!
✧ His intuition is off the proverbial charts. It is he who first makes any mention of your chances, stating you should not strain yourself in your condition. You are confused, you even protest, but in the end you have your little appointment and your husband has a smug little moment of ‘I told you so’ before the realization of just what he’d been sensing hits him, dropping his jaw and sending his arms flying about you, lifting you up into the air with a hearty laugh. “The mighty line continues! And thanks to such a beautiful lassie no less! You'll want for nothing, I promise you, and no harm'll come to either of you while I yet draw breath."
✧ Has strong opinions about how well you should be eating, so barring you being stricken with sickness Gimli will be making or otherwise providing for you the heartiest of meals, all the things he believes are necessary to raise up a strong little dwarfling. Thank the fortitude and solace of his people, but you are sick very little your entire journey with this and all other little ones you share!
✧ Given the strength of dwarven genetics, you both assume that you are expecting a boy; thus, your husband insists on crafting a tiny axe for him. “For when he’s older, of course!” Gimli assures you, waving his hands defensively.
✧ No worries about your pregnancy weight here- suffice it to say that a dwarf finds the extra pounds quite appealing and has no hesitation about showing you such!
✧ Any exhaustion you feel is the only thing that stops Gimli from taking you around to all his friends and loved ones and likely anyone else who will listen and announce that he has a child on the way!
✧ Nesting is a very strong instinct of his! Gimli builds and crafts by hand all of your baby's furniture and decor, even an adorable mobile of horses, little dwarves with pickaxes, and little effigies of your favorite animal all dangling above his crib! Leaning his head against your belly, he asks the baby "Well, what do you think? Only the finest for my little flame!"
✧ Your husband wasn’t sure at first. Not sure if he would feel whole enough after all he endured to bring a life into this world, but you, oh, you… The one who brought life vividly rushing back to his heart, color returning to his life and comfort to his pain. One day a pang struck his heart and he realized it would mean the world if after it all he was able to create life, and more importantly to have something so amazing come of your love. Soon after you both eagerly hoped for the signs, and it took but a few months. Frodo worried you would be sick, but confirmation comes after weeks without your cycle, nothing more. For once, no pain shall come to Frodo Baggins or those he loves.
✧ Your health is his greatest concern, so much so in fact that Frodo has soon befriended practically every midwife in the Shire, melting them with his endearing eagerness to know all he can about your possible afflictions and what you need. His concerns soon gather you the proverbial village of help should you ever send Frodo off for something beyond his breadth.
✧ It breaks Frodo's heart when his nightmares or moments of panic coincide with your own fragile emotions for the first time, for he should be caring for you, not the other way around, but when you hold each other, tears soaking into the opposite shirt, he realizes that what you two have is an understanding and trust strong enough to fortify each other even in darkness.
✧ In case you were not already aware, you are so lucky in your choice of husband! Discussing names soon emerges into your conversation and it almost takes you aback how quickly agreements on a girl and boy name are reached!
✧ The one time during your entire wait for your little one that brings tears to Frodo’s eyes is the day you bring home a bolt of fabric and when he asks what it is for, you answer to make him and your new arrival matching garments.
✧ You catch him smiling widely at you, love glowing in his bright blue eyes as he watches you do even the smallest things, your little waddle or the way you practice folding diaper cloth. All you can imagine is those same eyes fixed upon a babe in his arms, shooting Frodo the same look right back.
✧ It seemed that every other conversation you shared with your beloved Samwise revolved around babies, so much so that your few still-unmarried friends had grown sick of it. Anyone with a baby in the Shire, though, knew who to look toward for care! You and Sam gushed over little clothes, little hands, went on for goodness-knows-how-long about how much you'd like a little Sam and he wants a miniature version of the loveliest girl he'd ever seen followed of course by you saying why not both? Sam loved life so much, saw beauty in growth and creation and every joy in it, so of course he wanted a big family and all his infectious sunshine on the subject just made you fall in love with him more and more. Months of trying passed, though, before you came to Sam in a daze, before you cupped his precious face in your hands and whispered to him we did it. Before he tackled you to the soft grassy ground and held you, weeping tears of joy and kissing your hands, your cheeks, finally your lips once he'd spoken how much he loved you.
✧ Takes to sleeping a bit lower, his head nuzzled against your torso. In the night you can feel his nose and lips ghosting over it and even hear little whispers when you both can't sleep, but you say nothing, letting Sam have his moments with the little one.
✧ The worry he has about everything the first time around. "Are you sure you can eat that? I don't want you to get sick." "Is that too heavy?" "Don't trouble yourself a mite when I'm right here, I'll bend over for it." "Alright, only if you're certain nothing will happen to the baby, sweetheart." As much as you want to remind him that you are still a fully functional woman, you know that Sam is an action man and this is his way of showing he cares.
✧ The meals he cooks you. You will be eating like a queen all because Sam wants to keep the baby strong, of course! As a bonus, it truly is like he knows what sets you off and avoids those things without even having to ask.
✧ “Imagine all the wee feet running through here,” Sam muses in bed one night, your head tucked in the crook of his neck. “The little hands grasping ours,” you add. “All the little ribbons we can tie in a girl’s hair.” “Taking your little boy out to the garden!” Once again, your friends act positively sick of how sweet you are, but inside anyone can see how deliriously happy you and Sam are and feel warmed by it.
✧ “When the time comes,” Sam always assures you, your hand tightly in his, “I’ll be right here. Wild horses could hardly drag your Sam away.”
✧ Your reveal is made a bit anticlimactic thanks to your husband’s teasing ways. “You’re knitting.” Glancing down at your work, you simply nod. “Yes.” “You never knit.” Merry’s eyes narrow. “Is it for somebody?” “If you must know,” you set your needles carefully in your lap and tease back, “this is for your child. Any complaints now?” “My child?” Jaw dropping, Merry looks at you like you’d just offered him the whole of Middle Earth. “That’s right,” your voice softens, even cracking a bit with emotion at the sight of his smile, “you’re going to be a father, Merry.”
✧ Merry’s adorable little habit of making you a pillow pile to lay on during your time of the month carries right through to your pregnancy. And of course it continues even when you remind him you’ll not be able to stand up from in because he will be right there to help you up!
✧ Because you've taken up knitting, Merry wheedles with all his charm and love and kisses an additional creation from you: a sweater made from the same yarn as baby's. "You are lucky to be so adorable," you tease him, looking up from your work to kiss his lovely lips. Maybe, you thought, a whole matching set for three would be in order, though…
✧ Another one who teases you, joking about how he is finally able to outrun you!
✧ The type of father to chastise the baby whenever they kick you too hard, lecturing to the front of your dress about hurting your mother and how that simply won’t do, then looking up at you with a humored smile.
✧ Compliments increase at least twofold upon your revelation, Merry never sparing the kindest words about your strength, certainly, but mostly your beauty. Never once during any pregnancy do you feel unloved, unwanted, unattractive, for even when your eyes can find no light within your reflection there your husband is practically worshipping every corner of your form.
✧ Desire for a family was something that had drawn you two together as a couple, though you may have found yourself talking Pippin down from ten children! “Maybe start with five,” you would always tease him. So the moment your hypothesis is tested and confirmed, a grin you can’t remove spreads across your face and you run to collect everything for your surprise. Surprise is the only word you can use when Pippin opens his gift and sees the tiny knitted hat you’ve placed inside the box. “What is this for? Little small, is it not?” “If it was for us, perhaps.” It ended up taking you reaching out for his hand and resting it upon your lower belly for the massive grin to spread across his face, but once it does Pippin is laughing loudly and giddily, swinging you back and forth in ecstasy!
✧ Runs to get you whatever your need with barely an question. After all, who is he to say what it's like being with child, and if you want it, you shall have it. Hot water bottle? Certainly. A cup of tea? Of course. Three more pillows? Why, he'll strip your whole bed down. Panics a little if the request is to relieve pain, so prepare to hear a crash or the shuffle of a trip or two before you have the item in hand or on body.
✧ "What is this for?" "What are these?" Lucky you love him, your husband does have many a question of all the supplies you gather for after your new addition is welcomed. "Oh, to keep the hands safe? That makes sense." "Wait, you need to wear that... to catch the bloo- oh, my." He gulps. "I'm going out right now. I'm getting you a cake and some jewelry and some flowers and anything else you'd like."
✧ Can barely keep his hands to himself. Pippin was always the most affectionate husband you could ask for, but now? Now you two are practically a package set and nary can you travel without his arm around you, hand about your waist and gently running up and down over your little growing bump.
✧ Your baby seems to have inherited your husband’s personality, for even before the birth many signs of how active your little one is are present! Those poor ribs of yours will get kicked more than a few times with all the fluttering your little one stirs up inside of you! Pippin, of course, wants to feel it all and luckily he is never far from the scene. If he is, though, you bet he will run!
✧ Pippin is always laying with his cheek resting on your belly, talking to the baby about anything from how his day’s gone to how they have the most amazing and beautiful mother. Your heart can’t help fluttering every time.
✧ Faramir has the most uncanny way of reading you like a book, a habit endearing as it is frustrating. Thus the moment he catches you smiling to yourself he is smiling back, approaching you with teasing question of what has you so happy. For once, though, you have the satisfaction of catching your husband off guard, resting your head against his shoulder and a hand upon his chest as you tell him you just cannot wait to see him as a father. "Someday, my love," he takes your hand and kisses it, "if I am so blessed." Giggling, you shake your head against him. "Blessed indeed! Someday shall be this fall," you answer, and peeling back from him you receive another spike of satisfaction at his wide blue eyes, the drop of his jaw and the race of his heart beneath your hand. "Are you certain?" You nod. This time, he takes both of your hands in his and with tears in his eyes thanks the heavens for you even as he shakily laughs, your bright demeanor never failing to put a smile upon his face. "Our child will be so loved." "I know."
✧ Your husband finds himself lost in reverie more and more often, drifting out of reality into some distant, but nowhere near out-of-reach, dream of your family, seeing you as a mother the most beautiful sight he can conjure.
✧ Faramir adores holding you from behind, his hands curled gently over where your bump forms and his head resting gently upon your shoulder, flowing hair tickling your cheeks and neck lightly.
✧ "One for each of us," is Faramir's joke when one of Gondor's finest medics grants you the knowledge that you are not expecting one child, but two. Your husband is there in the storms, the waves of anxiety rolling within you over being there for your twins. "You are not alone," he always reminds you, a hand joined with yours right over the twins' little hearts.
✧ If you wanted a husband who actually does his due diligence learning all he can about growing babies, birth, and postpartum care, then Faramir is another excellent choice! He’ll be spouting off facts about the whole thing ranging from what size the babies currently are to why you might have contractions after giving birth. Your mood determines whether you listen in or tell him to kindly stop.
✧ Just as with you, Faramir’s insecurities sometimes get the better of him, but they also fuel him, bringing a fire you can see to his fair eyes as he speaks with determination how he will love all his children equally.
✧ Pride glows upon your countenance as you flit about the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the roast you'd made for dinner. A kingly feast is in order, for not only had you heard your husband performed exceptional drills this day, but you yourself are the host of something exceptional. Eomer and you have been enjoying each other's company much these days, so the news is not so much of a shock as it is a celebration, exuberance at a line enduring, two dreams fulfilled as one, especially for your husband, who speaks often of how he longs for a full, boisterous home. Six if he's lucky. Well, you can hardly wait to help him along, pulling Eomer into your arms for an enthusiastic kiss before he can even toe his boots off, and when he chuckles and asks what has taken hold of his beautiful wife you let your news fly. Shouting for joy with abandon, Eomer lifts you up into his arms bridal-style, kissing your lips again and again. Dinner is all but forgotten as he kneels before you, holding your waist and pressing kisses all over the bodice of your dress and thanking you for making his day, nay, his life, perfect.
✧ Eomer is always proud of you, but the moment he finds out you are with child that feeling swells and positively drips off of him, every outing with him suddenly seeming quite like a chance for him to show you off. An arm around you at all times, a smile of great joy and satisfaction, news shared to all who dare make conversation with you both, and even kisses in public! Eomer is simply on top of the world and not a thing will topple his spirits.
✧ As somebody who never much studied the workings of women, though, Eomer is… a bit out of his depth. You will have to teach him some things like why your emotions swing so or what to look out for to know when your water breaks. This man has been in battle, seen heads roll in the most literal sense, and yet when you describe the eventual passing of your placenta his entire face contorts in a look of horror that has you all but doubled over in laughter.
✧ “You look so beautiful with child,” Eomer purrs, “we’ll have to do this again sometime.” You smack his arm, but cannot resist giggling at the way your husband still gives you butterflies.
✧ Your new addition had not even arrived yet and Eomer is commissioning a child-sized saddle, unable to contain his excitement as he describes all their future rides to you!
✧ As you dream up names, Eomer has many suggestions from the great halls of his own people, ancestors and great warriors alike, but making considerations of your own background is equally important to him, so he is more than willing to go back and forth for the perfect solution.
✧ No one had thought it possible, but they should have known. Impossible was not in Eowyn’s lexicon, and that was exactly why you loved her, one part within many of why you became her wife. And now, the healer confirmed you were carrying her child. …Very well, technically her banner-bearer’s child as the two of you had been forced to get a bit creative, but to have support and help from those who had begun with such uncertainty meant the world. Even Eomer had come around, having offered similarly, but of course you had to remind him that Eowyn wanted a child of her own, not a niece or nephew! Without Guthláf’s, er, donation, you would never bear witness to the broad and beautiful smile on your wife’s face, the tears glistening in the gorgeous blue of her eyes. “A child…” “Our child,” you add, leaning forward until your foreheads touched and noses brushed, a tearful smile upon your own face as your wife gently held your waist.
✧ Having worked so many times as a nurse lends well at least to Eowyn, for she is firm and unrelenting in her urging, nay, forcing, you to rest. No ifs, ands, or buts are to be accepted from your strong-willed beauty, let her dote on you, for she does it with great pleasure. And besides, the harder you fight, the harder she'll work to keep you lain down.
✧ Understanding the pain and symptoms of your time of the month completely also translates; thus Eowyn is ready with remedies for your aches and pains, hot water and herbs awaiting you. She rarely snaps back at your moods, choosing to be silent in the worst of times because she knows. Really, she does.
✧ She cooks for you, and whether you say anything about that or not likely depends on how willing to hide your honesty behind the hormone excuse if it is not taken well.
✧ Reminds you constantly how strong you are. In your lowest of moments, the times you struggle to stand and straighten your aching spine, feeling massive and utterly useless, Eowyn is there to hold your hand and tell you that you are hosting and creating life as she so speaks. You have made the ultimate sacrifice of your body and the greatest of pain to bring just as great a blessing to yourself and your wife. Far from useless, you are divine.
✧ “What does it feel like?” Resting her head on her hand, the one that wasn’t lain against your fluttering belly, she questions you as the baby kicks. “For you?” Part of her wishes to have this experience herself someday, while another takes your descriptions with trepidation. She does not enjoy being restricted, after all.
✧ “Lie down, please, my love.” Haldir’s concern with your sickness increased daily as did the pain of seeing you feeling so weak and ill. You tried to push through and for as much as he loved your strength, your husband was not having it this time. Pride was not worth seeing you doubled over again, whether from pain or, arguably worse, illness. You relented in the end, resting and beneath the spinning of your head at the end of the day feeling not a seed of energy to protest an inspection. Healing herbs had you perking up a bit, and perked up you needed to be when the dark-haired, round-faced healer nodded sagely and with a wide smile told you you were with child, and these early days were likely to be the worst. For the first time in days the sobs that escaped you were accompanied by a smile, your face utterly breaking as Haldir held you against his chest, weeping too and thanking you for all you would endure for this blessing.
✧ Physically carries you places as often as he can be spared to do so. Lifts you up bridal-style to move you across your home and sits you up before he feeds you. Your illness brings out a tender, caring side you have never seen in your strong, stoic husband, but it makes your heart swell that much more for him and for the life you two are to have with your child.
✧ Another symptom you experience is the aching and swelling of your feet, but Haldir sits you down facing him and makes the best work of them he can, hands gentle as always as they soothe your skin.
✧ Even in the later months as your illness abates, though, your husband remains protective as ever, standing between you and any potential harm with the fiercest look upon his face and a hand upon your middle, even if the threat is an object you’ve hurt yourself on.
✧ The way shock melts into a wide, ecstatic smile unlike your husband’s typical demeanor when the healer repeats that yes, she could definitely hear two heartbeats beside yours is worth more than any gold in the world. Haldir pulls you into his arms, chuckling deeply. You feel his head shake slightly, slowly, atop yours in wonder.
✧ When you sleep, Haldir will always be holding you close, whether it is an arm draped over your bump loosely if you’re hot or need space or else you fully tucked into your husband’s warm embrace.
✧ Galadriel is actually the one who assuages your worries that your dream will not come true, having full faith in you as much as the magic of this world. And she is right, of course, confidence proven in the aid you receive from a member of her guard and even the way she knows it to be true before the healer even confirms the news. As much as she jokes about seeing a glow around you, the width of her beautiful blue eyes, the shine therein, tells you that your wife is as elated to hear it beyond a shadow of a doubt as you are: you are hosting a little life for you both to nurture.
✧ You being pregnant only aids in her mysterious nature. She can be convening in a council with the wisest of minds from afar and will use you as an excuse to step away at her will. "If you will excuse me. My wife is with child." They are not even aware she is married. Some of them may not understand how it all works, but before they can ask any clarifying questions Galadriel has already slipped away to be with you.
✧ One tendency you unwittingly adopt is falling asleep in the oddest of places, your exhausted body giving out upon its own terms. Always will you wake up draped in one of your wife’s shawls or blankets, however, no matter how odd the spot.
✧ Both of you can hardly resist the allure of tiny garments, smiling every time you see them. It also rings a bell of realization within your minds as you hold a tiny gown up to your midsection. Truly as you speak, there is a tiny body within you! What magic it is to be a woman!
✧ What magic indeed, you later reflect as another pain strikes your back not long after. Hosting tiny bodies came with all the assorted blessings and curses of your kind, one not long without the other. Sighing, you make to approach the chaise across the room and soon your wife is with you, moving its drapes aside and lowering you gently to its cushions, a soothing hand tracing up and down your aching spine.
✧ "I hope she looks like you," you both turn to each other and say simultaneously, mothers' intuition firmly aligned in your hearts, from which so much love for each other pours from, Galadriel immediately drawing you closer to press her lips to the crown of your head.
✧ Elrond had been quite hesitant about your relationship with his daughter at first- were you the best choice for her? Could someone like you keep her safe? And how, of course, would she be given the child she so desired? Questions you yourself had posed to her, but she refused to listen, telling you her mind, and heart, were sealed. Little do you know, however, that all of Rivendell would come to love you as their own, see and praise the way you cared for Arwen, and in Lindir’s case even provide the healers with a chance at you giving your wife the family you both yearned for. The moment you tell her the healers’ method worked and she is to he a mother, you both are, her features lighten, taking on the wondrous joy of youth again as she grabs your face, falling onto you with a kiss of pure love.
✧ So accusing if you've overexerted yourself, leaning in closer with a look of sometimes-teasing, sometimes-serious scrutiny. "Surely you did not carry that up the stairs all by yourself, right?"
✧ Do not even bother trying to fake feeling up to anything, whatever the task, for Arwen can see right through you and will insist you sit down, taking your hands in hers. "Rest. You have your burden- let me take the others. My heart bears no ill."
✧ Her affection gets softer, light touches to your waist and hands resting over yours. One hand upon your hip or belly and one on your shoulder as you two sway gently, foreheads pressed together.
✧ Arranging your nursery is one of Arwen's favorite pastimes: painting a gorgeous meadow mural upon the wall, stitching a soft toy to lay within the crib, asking you which fabric you prefer for blankets.
✧ Your bundle of joy can make sleep difficult, but one silver lining Arwen points out in a low whisper one morning is how many sunrises you’ve now gotten to share with each other.
✧ Reservations about having a fourth child so long after the others disappeared every time Lord Elrond caught sight of you holding a neighbor’s child or even just showing the loving care that had him convinced he would be well even marrying a second time at all. Every smile, every sweet thing you did, all of it came back to Elrond in a rush when you told him he was to become a father again. For once he did not feel too old, too tired, nothing but the elation of his every desire unfurling to him before his very eyes from your warm embrace. To be chosen as the father to your child was the greatest honor the lord of Rivendell could imagine.
✧ Your every ailment is minimal, for Elrond knows exactly what is best for each and every one. Nausea? The perfect tea blend awaits to calm the waves you feel. Aches and cramps? Your husband is happy to give you the most heavenly massage, his hands finding every needed spot as if by magic. A swell of emotion? He does not speak unless bidden to, simply holding you through sudden waves of tears, frustration, or both until he feels your body relax against his.
✧ Being married to an elf with the gift of foresight comes with the benefit of worries soothed, but also a joke shared between you both. For many a time you teasingly chastise him not to look too far and spoil the surprise of whether you have a son or daughter on the way!
✧ Standing behind you, Elrond rests his hands around your middle and presses a kiss to your cheek. Just when you think the bliss of this moment, of having your whole little new family all together within your husband’s arms, cannot increase is when Elrond shifts his hands, taking on the great weight you carry. Peering up into his soft blue eyes, your whole body deflates in a sigh of sweet relief as he holds you.
✧ He can never truly understand your experience, but Elrond has witnessed this process. All he wishes is to tell you all your pain shall pass, even the worst memories will fade and ease, but such words will sound insensitive, so all he does is continue to hold your hand and stand proudly at your side.
✧ One thing your husband cannot resist is showering your future little one with gifts, even jewelry for when they are a bit older and the tiniest circlet to place upon the beloved head, matching Adar's perfectly.
Want to meet the little ones? Part 2 coming soon 😉
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch | Message/Reply/Ask to join 🥰
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Samwise Gamgee and elf reader made me cry deeply inside at the fluff and I don’t know how else to satiate this need, except to please request more fluffy (maybe smutty) writings on their happily ever after. Especially since I believe eventually Sam must too go to the undying lands since he held the ring after Frodo was paralyzed? (In the books at least?). Does his elf wife give him a big bunch of kids? Or are they a small family with one or two? Gotta know about those half elf half hobbit babies.
(oooh yes okok I'm gonna do some headcanons on this :) enjoy!)
(Sam x female!elf!reader, continuation of this post)
Once you first move to the Shire with him, Sam gives you as much time as you need to settle in before he starts bombarding you with anything.
He more than happily shows you around and introduces you to everybody (the introductions may or may not come at a party that Merry and Pippin may or may not have organized in secret).
Once you are fully settled and happy, Sam is quick to propose to you. It isn't a huge busy affair, just a simple romantic evening together, and he proposes as you watch the sunset.
Obviously you say yes.
The wedding planning is not something either of you are particularly fussy about, so if there's a really particular thing you'd like then he's fine with it.
Most, if not all, of the Shire is invited to celebrate, along with a few close friends from further lands. The remainder of the Fellowship is present, who cheer by far the loudest when the two of you kiss, along with Arwen, Faramir and Eowyn.
Sam just about feels his heart stop beating when you tell him you are pregnant for the first time.
Cue a mild sequence of panic and many gentle reassurances from you.
The pregnancy is not easy by any means, but it is certainly nothing to panic over and you have very few complications, and soon enough you give birth to a wonderful baby girl.
Her hair is light and curly, just like her father's, and the tips of her little ears come to a point - an indication that she was definitely half elf.
At your suggestion, which Sam enthusiastically agrees to, you name her Lily.
You end up having four more children over the years - two boys and twin girls. They are all a handful to deal with sometimes, but Merry and Pippin are the best uncles ever, and will happily spend a day with them to give you and Sam a break.
Because of how tall you are compared to them, be prepared for your children to just start climbing you at any given moment.
You watch, hand in hand with Sam, as they grow up in front of you, and you watch as your husband begins aging too.
Wrinkles begin to form on his skin, his joints begin to ache, and you fear his mind is not as sharp over time as it once was.
You begin to prepare. Many years ago you had consulted with Arwen and Legolas about this eventuality, and had it all planned out.
So when all your children have grown up and started their own lives, and Sam tells you he fears it is his time to go, you simply smile softly.
You have explained to your children already, and while they are sad that the both of you are leaving, they understand and promise to take care of each other.
You take Sam back to Rivendell, where he had asked you to stay so long ago, and find a boat waiting for you.
His hand over yours, he murmurs "Where... where are we my dear?"
"Do not worry, my love. We are going to join my kin."
And with that, you board the boat, and sail to the Undying Lands with your husband.
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Thranduil X Half!Dwarf Half!Elleth reader
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GIF by the-butterfly-blues
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GIF by leepace71
Thranduil didn't exactly like the idea that his wife's father was an absolute arsehole Thorin Oakenshield. He also didn't like the idea that he had to invite quite a few dwarves into his halls, but they were your halls too, and you had wanted to get the two races together. You were the Queen of Mirkwood and first in line for the throne of Durin.
Your father had had relations with an elleth later in times when Thranduil's father had still been on the throne. The elleth had been banished when King Oropher had found that the Captain Of The Guard. His guard. Was pregnant with a halfling. Especially a dwarf halfling.
The banished elleth was your mother.
Thranduil remembered her banishment as if it was yesterday, even if it was hundreds of years ago.
His father sat high upon his throne, looking upon the elleth as if she were nothing but an ant under his boot that had to be stepped on. "You have disappointed me, Rhawien. You have served my wife and I, as well as this kingdom for a great amount of time. I wish these were other circumstances. But, you have done something that goes against the very culture of elves. Therefore, you shall be banished from these halls and Greenwood for the rest of your time."
Thranduil watched as, with a nod of his head, two guards dragged your mother out of Greenwood as she begged for them to stop. To let her have the child then leave. Thranduil knew his father would never be that merciful. She was lucky enough that he was allowing her to leave rather than be killed straight away.
The prince had searched for years for the elleth, Rhawien. Forests, caves, mountains, but to no avail. He felt as though he was respnsible for getting her back into the kingdom. He'd had many argument with his father before his death about this, but his father, as usual, didn't listen. His search had to end when he was crowned king, his freedom somewhat ending with the search.
He had no idea that, when he met you, his search would finally be over.
He had met your father and you long before he had been with the company, (as you were already married, had given birth and raised Legolas by then) but never your mother. He had questioned you why, and you had told him. She had died a few years after you had been born, in battle, never to be seen again. Your father had removed any memory of her whatsoever from the mountain halls, but still she lingered in your mind. As if she was your guardian angel, always looking after you. He could understand the pain that Thorin had endured both after your mother's death and raising you with out a mother's touch. That was what his father had to do. He was just glad that you hadn't been taken from him whilst raising Legolas.
The king was pulled out of his thoughts at the sound of singing. He knew that both you and Legolas knew old dwarfish songs, as you used to sing them to him as a child, but what everyone was singing was one he had never herd. Apparently, Legolas knew it as he was singing from beside you.
"Ooooh! You hear that, lads? He said we'll blunt the knives!
… Blunt the knives, bend the forks Smash the bottles and burn the corks Chip the glasses and crack the plates That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
… Cut the cloth, tread on the fat Leave the bones on the bedroom mat Pour the milk on the pantry floor Splash the wine on every door!
… Dump the crocks in a boiling bowls Pound them up with a thumping pole When you're finished if they are whole Send them down the hall to roll
… That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!"
He saw you beaming whilst you sang, glass of wine in hand. 'Trust you to get drunk with the dwarves.' he thought as you turned to have a conversation with Bilbo, who was grinning as the music continued.
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edensrose · 2 years
Hello my favorite writer! If you have time, could you write to Yandere Thranduil x pregnant reader wife who is trying to escape from hers so that her son does not grow up with a father like him? 🤗 I apologized in advance if this makes you uncomfortable or something :(
ps: i love your writing its just amazing please never stop writing 😅❤
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( ❀ ) ˙ ˖ yandere!thranduil ⠀〳 reader⠀ ❜࿔
· ⊰ synopsis. you had accepted that you would never escape the elvenking's madness — but what happens when you discover you are now carrying his child who may grow up in a broken home? ( dark themes ៸៸ yandere content ៸៸ pregnancy ៸៸ possessive behaviour ៸៸ violence ( not towards reader or child ) ៸៸ toxic relationship ៸៸ dark themes in general viewer discretion advised )
· ⊰ note. istg hearing that I'm people's favourite writer makes me gush so HARD 💕 thanks sm for the support love! hope you enjoy, translations in the comments!
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ʚ You had come to a point in your relationship with Thranduil where you eventually accepted all of the madness and inescapable darkness. What point was there to protest? It only led to suffering - and he had demonstrated time and time again that there was no where you could run, no where you could hide; each and every time he would find you and drag you straight back to him. You had quite literally become his perfect little wife, bending to his every whim and appeasing him at all costs. A doll, if you will 
ʚ However, this mindset all changed the day that you discovered your pregnancy. At first you didn’t want to admit it, to simply deny and pray to every divine being imaginable that it wasn’t true, that you wouldn’t birth a child to this madman. Alas, it appeared that you were indeed: pregnant with Thranduil’s child
ʚ Your mind was a battlefield, a slew of panic and anxiety on the actuality of the situation and the fact that your child would be born into a broken home. Sure, you could handle your husband’s madness but you were unsure of how he would react to the child. You didn’t think that you wanted to know. It was not as if you could go-off of the way Legolas was raised because not only was that before your time but also whilst he still retained the majority of his sanity. It was his feelings for you that drove him mad. After the loss of his previous wife, he was determined to ensure that it never happened again - that you remained at his side for all eternity. And he was willing to do whatever it took to secure that. So there was no telling what your child would face, being raised by a clearly mad father
ʚ You couldn’t bring yourself to potentially put them through the horrors you faced, to have to witness the terrors of this palace, this soon-to-be family. So you concocted a plan, simple yet unbelievably foolish: run away. You’ve done it before, he’s found you every time. . . but it’ll be different. You will do whatever it takes to ensure your child grows up in a healthy home, free of the king’s madness. With that in mind, you got to work, planning your escape diligently all whilst keeping up the facade of being his perfect wife and queen
ʚ What you didn’t expect was how protective Thranduil would become after he discovered you were pregnant, after all, how much more protective could he possibly get? Now, there was not a moment you were left alone without a handmaiden, a guard or servant at your side. It was almost as if a part of him knew what you were planning - almost. Thanks to your quick wit and sheer determination you just so managed to deceive them all, keeping your husband in the dark of your real motives while feigning an excited soon-to-be mother on the outside 
ʚ The day of your escape couldn’t have come sooner. You put all the pieces together, rehearsed it again and again in your head. Finally, when the time was right you took your chance and fled with your heart in your hands. You never looked back, not once. Instead you kept running, fleeing the realm of Mirkwood before he even discovered your disappearance. 
ʚ And when he did? Well, let’s just say hell reigned on earth. He was outraged, appalled. After everything the two of you had been through. . . and yet you still ran away!? The fact that you had fled whilst pregnant with his child did little to help the situation and in an instant, a fleet of guards was sent out to drag you back; by any means necessary
ʚ You didn’t expect to remain hidden for so long. Especially to the extent where you birthed a healthy baby boy and now lived your life free from the clutches of the king. You thought all would be well, that the life of horrors was left behind and you could simply raise your son in peace - in a home that he deserved. You had resided within a village, not particularly known by most of middle-earth, a disclosed little sanctuary where you could live happily, as you deserved
ʚ Unfortunately for you, peace was never a staple when it came to your life. You woke up to the sound of shouts and screams, only to be met with scenes of crimson red upon glancing out the window of your little cottage. Elves, everywhere. And your poor little village having pay the price of your sin done unto the elvenking
ʚ You wanted to take your son and flee again, but upon finding your way to his room - you were met with a sight that plummeted your heart into the pit of your stomach. Standing there, cradling your precious baby - was none other than the elvenking himself. Gazing upon the little bundle with such gentle eyes, such a soft countenance, despite all the terror that went on outside. And when he glanced up once your presence was sensed, he tilted his head with that same, bone-chilling smile. 
ʚ “My queen, did you really think I wouldn’t find you again?”
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Cyclical Love
Young!Legolas x Thranduil x Wife!Reader 
Summary: Following He Comes First, we’re left wondering how Thran will react to his wife’s second pregnancy. And while that’s important, the real question is this: will Legolas enjoy hearing about his sibling that’s on the way? Continue reading to find out. 
PART 1: 
“...pregnant,” Thran said, and if you weren’t mistaken, a little breathlessly. 
“That’s correct, darling. We’ll have another Legolas to snuggle and love on in a few month’s time. Another little elfling that will finally complete our family.” 
Your husband’s eyes then became as large as dinner plates as these specific facts relayed themselves via hippocampus. Not only was he recognizing that another kind, beautiful, and jovial winë (little one) would be joining them, but he also was understanding that this seemingly unattainable wish of having another child had been granted in a manner of seconds by Valar (God). “Sweetheart, this is excellent news. Really. You have no idea how astounded I am. I cannot wait to meet our newest addition, and I am sure Legolas will be jumping for joy when he discovers that he will have a sibling to share more of his affection with. Honestly, if I did not have our little leaf cuddled against my chest, you can bet that I would be kissing you senseless at this very moment.” 
Grinning, you moved away from the doorway and settled yourself against the right edge of the bed and placed your right hand on top of your husband’s left calf. “Gi melin (I love you), you know, and I can’t  wait to see you become a father a second time. You will continue to be remarkable in that position.” 
A few weeks later, you found yourself reaching the fifth month of pregnancy. Although a bump hadn’t necessarily made itself noticeable, the other “benefits” of gestation took the opportunity to compensate for that deficit. For example, your hands and feet were achey and swollen beyond belief. So much so that you had to quit wearing your wedding band (which, keep in mind, was a point that was never reached during your pregnancy with Legolas). Also, the morning sickness reached a level of severity that you never experienced with your little leaf. It’s as if the little elfling inside of you is completely distrusting of any of the outside world’s delicacies and would much rather be nourished by your body’s nutrients. And while all of this was, indeed, tolerable (mainly because you knew the end result would be one of the most fruitful rewards of your and Thran’s existence) in your eyes, your son had a different outlook on the situation. Since you and your husand had decided to wait until you were further along before breaking the news, he couldn’t understand why his naneth wasn’t feeling well. Anytime you would shed a tear, he would shed one as well. And it was breaking your heart. 
“Thran,” you said, rubbing your tiny, almost imperceptible bump while looking in the mirror, “I think today’s the day that we share the good news with Legolas.”
Your husband came up behind you just then, wrapping his arms around your slowly, but steadily, growing stomach and setting his chin atop your head. “I believe you are right, sweetheart. Now that we are more certain the babe’s survival rate has increased, I think it is safe to let our son know that he will be a big brother soon.” 
Entering your darling boy’s chambers later that day, you both planned to do just that. 
“Legolas,” you chimed as you watched him play with the crocheted elven soldier that so clearly resembled his father, “would you be able to put your toys away for a few moments. Nana and Ada would like to talk with you about something. Something important.”
At the sound of your voice, Legolas’ head snapped up and turned to view the two most fantastic people in all of Middle Earth. Almost automatically a smile framed his face. “Nana! Ada! I missed you both,” he said, running to jump into his father’s waiting arms. “Nana, are you feeling any better after your nap?”
“Yes, darling. I’m doing so much better. Thank you for asking.”
“Legolas, as your Nana said, we would like to discuss something with you.”
“Certainly, Ada. What is it about?” 
“Well, how about we sit on your bed and continue the conversation?”
Your son nodded, gesturing with his arms to be released from his father’s loving embrace. Once back in a bipedal position, he took both of his parents’ hands and guided them to his bed. And as he sat between you and Thran, the floodgate of questions opened: What are we going to be discussing? Am I in trouble? Is something wrong? 
Hastily, you tried to mitigate his fears. “Darling, everything is fine. I’m fine. Ada’s fine. No need to worry on that front.” 
“Alright. But then why do you need to talk with me?” 
“Well, we have some news that we think is very exciting,” Thran started, “and we believe it is the proper to time to let you hear it.”
Hearing this, Legolas perked right up. “What is it, Ada? Oh, please tell me.” 
“Iôn nîn (My son), you obviously know that your naneth has not been feeling her best. However, we have not told you the reason for that being the case. You see, a babe is currently residing in Nana’s tummy and will remain there for a few more months so he or she can grow. And when that time is up, you will have another sibling--a brother or a sister--to spread your love to.” 
After a few moments, moments in which you and your husband began to perspire from sheer nervousness, you felt two tiny lips kiss your cheek. “A brother or sister! Nana, Ada, this is the best surprise ever! Thank you, thank you so much,” your son shouted, his emotions creating personified versions of happiness, joy, and bliss. 
“Oh, we are so happy to see this anticipation, Legolas,” you said. “I know that this sweet babe cannot wait to meet you in the flesh.”
“But of course, little leaf,” Thran interjected. “You are such a special boy and will be such a wonderful role model for your brother or sister.” 
“Well, I hope so because I love them so much already. As much as I do you and Nana.”
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entishramblings · 4 years
Haze of Emotion [Thranduil X Reader]
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A.N: so this was originally requested for Legolas but my brain could just not imagine it with him so I changed it to Thranduil....I hope that’s okay!
Request: @lotr-th-nin-meleth — Heyy! Could you do a Thranduil Legolas x Wife! Reader the reader is asked to go to war to support the elven kingdom, she declines, when Thranduil Legolas finds out he calls her selfish, says something along the lines of "you live in this castle with your ignorant bliss! letting our people die everyday while you enjoy your luxury wines and teas, you say you care but the one time you are asked to fight as well to protect our lands you coward!!", she reveals then that it's because she's pregnant. End it fluffy! thx
Pairing: Thranduil X Reader
Summary: (Y/N) refuses to fight for her kingdom and Thranduil is pissed. However, when he finds out why he understands
Word Count: 725
Warnings: lot of angst, arguing, fluff
(gif not mine)
*all elvish was looked up online from various sources so please don’t come at me if it is not entirely correct*
King Thranduil, cloaked in the finest silver armor and most delicately detailed robes, made his way through the vast halls of Mirkwood. He carried himself high and with poise—power and statues radiating from his form. His jaw was clenched and his icy eyes pooled with anger and fury. It was clear that no one was to stop or approach him. Therefore, every bustling maid, servant, and warrior, who were swarming about the castle in preparation of war, parted ways for the angry King.
Although he was blinded by anger, his feet were able to guide him to the person it was to be inflicted upon. The wooden door to his chambers swung upon under his forceful touch, startling his wife.
(Y/N) sat upon a chair in front of beautifully crafted vanity brushing her (h/c) locks into cascading satin. However, the calmness within her soul left her as soon as she saw his expression.
“Meleth Nin, man na- oth- (My Love, what is wrong)?” She swallowed dryly as fear encased into her heart, “Na ed Legolas? Man lúda- an est? (Is it Legolas? Has something happened to him?)”
She stood up, awaiting his answer, but that is not what she received. Thranduil advanced closer to her with an intimidating nature. Speaking the common tongue he hissed out, “It is not Legolas. It is you.”
A frown edged across her face. “Me? What have I done?” She questioned with offense.
He ground his teeth as stinging words tumbled from his lips, “Before we wed you were one of the best warriors in all of Arda, yet you refuse to fight for us now?!” He began to pace the room in anger, “All you have done for this kingdom the past month is deplete our resources—food, drink. Will you give nothing in return?! Has royalty made you weak—a coward?!!”
(Y/N) took a step backwards as shock, surprise, and irritation grasped her heart. “How dare you say that to me! How dare you!”
Her words were fueled with anger as she slipped back into sindarian, “Dôl gîn lost! Ego, mibo orch, -idë kuu`datto! (Your head is empty! Go kiss an orc, you bastard!)”
Thranduil ground his teeth, “Mibo nin— (my head—)”
She cut him off, “Nányë di hên! (I am with child!)”
The King froze in complete utter bewilderment as silence encased the air. (Y/N) could see the emotions morph and twist upon his face—shock, fear, regret, happiness. It was a long moment before anyone spoke for the air was stilled with electrifying intensity.
His voice came out a whisper as he repeated her words, “With child?”
(Y/N)’s response was a quiet nod.
Thranduil turned from her for a moment, before staring into her gaze once again. “Mine?” He questioned in another low whisper.
A small smile cracked upon her face as she snorted in response, “Of course it is, you idiot.”
The blonde-haired king rotated once again so his face was not towards her. Remorse soaked his heart as his boiling words came back to him. This time, his voice was soft when he spoke, “It seems my head truly is empty. I should....I should have noticed—I should never had said such things to you.”
(Y/N) moved towards him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, “Thranduil—“
Yet he refused to look at her. He pulled his form from her grasp. “What have I done?”
(Y/N) called to him again, “Thranduil, please look at me.”
“How can I?! I don’t wish for you to gaze upon me after I disgraced you so.”
She shook her head and clutched his arm, forcing him to turn towards her. (Y/N) grasped his cheeks in her hands only to be surprised by the moisture that trailed down from his eyes.
“Oh, Meleth Nin (my love)....”
The King gazed down upon her with a wet gaze of regret, “How can you ever forgive me?”
(Y/N) did not answer. Instead, she pulled his form into a tight embrace. The two stood there for a moment, encased in a haze of emotion. Thranduil burred his head into her neck as his arms snaked around her waist. He held her close as she drug her fingers through his hair.
“It is forgiven, Meleth Nin (my love),” She whispered.
Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary @swimming-in-stardust @elvish-sky
Thranduil Tag: @tiefliing @veilfirxs @moriamithril
If you wanna be on a taglist lmk!
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lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
The Whisper in the Stars 
Pairing: Geralt Of Rivia x Elf OC
Word Count: 2,251
Warnings: cursing? 
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I woke the next morning to the sun coming threw the curtains, rudely shining directly into my eyes. It was the first time since we left home I had awoken in a bed and warm, and not on the floor of the woods. It was also the first time in many, many years I had woken to a man's arms around me. I didn't know when or how his arms had made their way around my waist. His chest to my back, and his breathing soft and calm on the back of my neck. The warmth of it makes my skin crawl. I wanted nothing more than to ravish in his touch. But I figured the witcher wouldn't be too happy about the sleeping arrangements once he woke.
Softly and carefully, I removed his hands from around me making him stir. His eyebrows furrowed together and I quickly stood up looking at him. His eyes were now open, but barely. His lips twitched into a half-smile.
"I hope I didn't offend you, princess." His voice was even deeper than normal and gruff with sleep.
"You didn't witcher. I just wanted to get a start to the day. Maybe wander around town, look for new clothes for Ciri and Dara." I said with a smile. He sat up placing his feet on the ground, I could hear his body cracking.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped your boundaries last night." I blurted. Knowing how many male elves I had been with in the past, hated when I didn't go their pace, whether it was slower or faster.
"I wouldn't have let you, little elf if I didn't want it. I enjoy your company. We all do. And your heartbeat is a great lullaby." I couldn't help but smile as I walked over to him, his golden, warm eyes looking up at me. I new the witcher never showed this emotional side to others very often, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
"It's a good thing you stumbled upon us then." I bent down a tad and kissed his forehead. His eyes never left my face. I was more drawn to this creature than I had ever been to any man in my life. And after 1,389 years there had been plenty of men.
"Common get dressed and come with me." He nodded standing up, putting his shirt back over his head. I grabbed my dagger, sliding it into its sheath and tying my top.
Once he had his boots on we exited the room, to find Dara and Ciri sitting in a group of kids on the ground below the inn. They were playing some form of game. All laughing and smiling. It warmed my heart to see them being able to be kids. Legolas was sitting on the stairs, willing something onto his new bow. I couldn't tell what type of pattern it was but he was extremely concentrated on it. Jaskier was sitting on a log not far from Ciri writing in his book.
"Would you like to come and get some new clothes with me?" I asked walking up behind the two, kneeling down.
"Oh yes, I'd love to." Ciri cheered and jumped up Dara following.
"Thank you for letting us play!" She said to the group of kids who all smiled and waved at her.
"There was a jeweler merchant set up across the clothing shop. I'm gonna stop in there." I told Geralt who looked at me with a brow cocked.
We walked into the jewelers to see an elderly man talking to the elder that had "greeted" us. Their heads turned as we walked threw the door. The man behind the table stood and smiled brightly at us.
"Good day, Geralt of Rivia and friends. How can I help you today?" He greeted and smiled. Geralt looked down at me as I walked up to the counter, Ciri at my side.
"I have something to possibly trade," I said and pulled out the necklaces I had been wearing. I broke the chain around my neck and let the ring fall into my hand and placed it on the counter.
It was a golden ring with gold leaves that came together around a stone native to my homelands. The man took it, looking at it with eyes wide.
"This stone. Where did you get it? Why are you giving it up?"  The man asked and looked at me. I could now feel Geralt's presents behind me as he examined the ring.
"Its a stone called Adamant, a white jewel. It's one of the most valuable jewels to my people. But it hasn't meant a thing to me in many, many years. It was an engagement to a betrothal about 500 hundred years ago, I only kept it due to the value I know it holds. I'm only willing to give it up for the right price." Ciri was now holding the ring. Looking at it closer.
"I have a queen who would kill for a peace like this." The jeweler said and pulled out a chest, full of coins.
"I'll give you 3,000 Orens for it." He said as he started to weigh the gold coins. I had very little knowledge of the currency of this land so I looked to Geralt.
"Does that seem fair to you?" I asked and he titled his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I've killed monster for 3,000 orens. I feel you could do better man. If this queen is willing to kill for a peace like that, I do not believe you will only be selling it for that amount. Do not try and scam the woman." He said, his voice gruff and his eyes set in a glare. He slowly moved closer to me, his chest nearly touching my back.
"Try again." He growled.
"The highest I can go is 5,000." The jeweler said now looking even more intently at the ring. I looked up at Geralt and he nodded.
"Deal." He smiled and started to fill a pack full of coins before handing it to me. With a quick thank you, we exited the store and I tied the sack of coins to my belt.
"So you were betrothed?" Great asked quietly as we sat and watched the woman who gave me my clothes measure and dresses Ciri.
"I was, a long long time ago. Before my father realized I wanted to marry for love. Not for the kingdom. And I was also a fierce warrior even then. My father thought my talent would be wasted on the elven king who just wanted a bride to produce his kin. I kept the ring tho. Thought it'd come in handy one day. And it did." He chuckled softly.
"I never took you for the settle down and marry type anyway." He said glancing at me.
"I'm only open to it, with the right person. Someone willing to treat me as an equal and not just want me for my uterus. Unfortunately, many higher up elven men in my home only care about spreading their seed and continuing their line. My father was the first in many years to not go threw with a betrothal." I now met his eyes.
"I'm not a housewife. I'm not a trophy wife. I want to be a wife who's known for defending herself and her family. And not just a woman pregnant all the time." I said and he smiled a little.
"I believe any man would be lucky to have your hand in marriage little elf." He was so close to my ear as he whispered and it made me shiver.
After Dara and Ciri were equipped with new clothes and shoes, I walked to the woman who was now placing all her tools back. Placing my hand in the bag of coins I pulled out a handful and placed it on her table.
"For everything you've done. We appreciate it so much." She smiled and took the money off the counter and I turned to leave.
"Oh, my dear don't forget your cloak and new knickers." I turned to her again and she handed me a bag full of I'm guessing the new nickers which I was more than happy about. And she wrapped the cloak around my shoulders.
"Its a sheep's wool cloak. It'll keep you plenty warm out on your adventures with the wither. If you're ever around again. Don't hesitate to come to see me. Good luck young one." I smiled and she leaned up and kissed my cheek before pushing me towards Geralt and the kids who were waiting by the door. The cloak was beautiful. It was black all over but the inner fabric was a beautiful blood red.
As we exited the shop Jaskier and Legolas were walking up to us, Legolas had two new horses by his side. He handed me the reins of a beautiful black mare. She was stunning. Her main was thick and her tail was almost to the floor.
"The town elder said these were the ones he was willing to give up." I placed my hand gently on her nose and she leaned into it.
"Hello, lovely," I whispered softly, she huffed in response. I softly pressed my forehead to her snout and closed my eyes. Feeling her bond connect with my own. She had never had a true owner, I could feel her sadness and wanting for a real person to care for her. Not to just be a show pony to the town.
"Vega..." I whispered. She huffed again.
"Such a pretty name," I whispered again and stepped back from her. I slowly walked around her petting her as I went.
"I wish I could do that," Ciri said looking at me as she pets Vega's nose.
"I know you have talents of your own. Embrace those, don't be jealous of someone's abilities when you've been gifted by the gods with your own." I softly kissed her head.
"You will soon come to master those powers and become a very fearsome warrior like Geralt." She smiled wildly at me.
"Or like you." I couldn't help but smile at her words.
"I'm nothing compared to the Witcher of Rivera but I'm more than happy to teach you anything you ask." I heard Geralt hum softly before he turned and walked towards the inn. We all followed behind him, and I tied Vega to the post outside next to Roach.
We all went to our rooms to collect the items we had left in. I grabbed all the new clothes I had acquired and placed them in a bag rolling it with a blanket and, grabbed my swords placing one in my sheath on my belt and the other next to the door. I walked over to the bath and picked up the lemon-scented bar soap and looked at Geralt who was putting his armor on.
"Would it be bad if we took this. I'll leave them a coin." He chuckled softly not looking in my direction focusing on trying to tie his gauntlets that were studded along the outsides of them. I walked over to him and gently took his arm and rested it on my thigh while I tied them for him.
"I didn't need you to do that, princess." He said looking at me as I finished his other arm.
"No, but it was painful watching you struggle, witcher," I said with a smirk and stepped back.
"I'm taking the soap. You can smell pretty bad some days. What does Jaskier say, Onions?" I asked with a laugh and he just grunted, rolling his eyes.
We walked out of the inn and down to the horses. I placed my second sword in the sheath on the saddle and my pack on the end of it, strapping it in. My bow and quiver were also strapped onto the saddle. Not too long after I finished everyone else had their belongings packed to their horses. We all went to the well in the center of town and filled our water packs.
"Where to next?" Jaskier asked as we walked to the horses, Geralt mounting Roach after helping Ciri and Dara onto their own. I followed suit, mounting Vega after untying her lead.
"Where ever the monsters take us. Hoping to find a village willing to house us for when winter hits. I don't want you all out and open to the harshness of the snow this winter." He said as he begins leading Roach to the main road us following.
"Well, I think we should let Apha do all the talking. She's nicer than you Geralt." Jaskier said before he jumped into song as we left the town behind us.
"Toss a coin to your witcher-"
"No Jaskier!" Geralt yelled behind him. But the bard continued, Ciri and Dara joining laughing while they sang. I couldn't help but giggle at the Witcher's stone-cold glare. I gently poked his arm as we rode side by side and he looked at me.
"Where the monsters take us?" I asked, his lips twitched and I could see a shadow of a smile.
"Yes, little elf. Are you with us." He also glanced back at Legolas who was pulling up the rear to make sure no one was falling behind. He heard of course. With his enhanced hearing. He nodded to Garelt wordlessly.
"We're here Garelt. Where ever the monsters take us."
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Half Horse, Half Human, All Yours (A Request)
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Requested: @gold-queenriderof-reylanilth​
Word Count:3174
Pairing: Natasha X Fem!Centaur!Reader, Avengers X Reader(Platonic)
Warnings: Mentions of blood and gore, Violence, fighting
Request: Can you do a centaur!au of Natasha x female reader where the reader finds out she's pregnant and tells Natasha? And a few weeks after that Reader gets attacked by wolves mutated by HYDRA and Natasha gets there in time and her and Bruce does an ultrasound and they find they are having twin girls? In my stories males and females can get others of the same gender pregnant as they have been doing it for thousands of years.
A/n: Sorry this took so long...I hope you like it!
You swore that sometimes the universe loved the mess with you and give you headaches. First by Making you a mutant, then by handing you over to Hydra. All the screaming mixed with gentle nurses cleaning wounds. The fighting and blood. And then the rescue. 
The Avengers, you had learned their name, had stormed the compound that you had been in and had rescued you. 
But then you had no idea what to do with your freedom. Being part horse, a centaur, you got some strange looks from the public once you were free. So the Avengers invited you to stay with them in the Avenger Tower. 
As a year passed with you being a sort of live-in maid slash companion slash cook slash communications officer for the team, you and a certain red headed assassin became close. 
And then came the proposal and the wedding and the late nights and the awkwardness of trying to sleep on the same bed, and the laughter as Natasha rode on your back for the first time. 
And then the day that you and Natasha had approached Bruce and Tony with a proposition. Natasha was sterile from her time in the red room, but you were fertile. Could the two scientists create an embryo with yours and Natasha’s DNA and then implant it inside you?
The answer was yes. And now Two years after being rescued from Hydra, you were three months pregnant and couldn’t be happier.
“What are you thinking about Babe?” Natasha’s smooth voice floated over to you where you were lounging on the carpet. Your long Equine legs folded in on themselves in an effort to get comfortable.
Reaching up with grabby hands, you yanked on her waist and pulled her down to you.
“Just about the past.”
She snickered, “Oh, Dangerous.”
You laughed and flicked her forehead, “Shut up.”
Natasha sighed, and her hand came to rest on your stomach. Her gaze wistful.
Sadly, the happy, calm moment couldn’t last. 
“All available hands needed, urgent mission. Please report to helideck for report.”
The voice of FRIDAY echoed through the building and you groaned as you stood up, your hooves already aching.
Natasha looked at you in shock, “You aren’t actually going, are you? You’re pregnant?”
You smiled softly as you grabbed Nat’s waist and swung her up on you so that you could carry her weight and get to the deck faster by galloping.
“I’m barely pregnant and you heard FRIDAY, all hands needed. I’ll be fine. Besides, I just provide communication support from the Jet. I don’t actually do any fighting or missions.”
Natasha sighed, knowing you were right. Her hands wrapped around your waist, where Human became horse, were warm and comforting.
Upon reaching the Jet loading area, you weren’t surprised to see the rest of the team already suited up and ready. Aside from Falcon, who was working at the VA.
Jumping down from your back, Natasha straightened up, going into what you teasingly called, her Avenger mode.
“We got a call an hour ago from some assets in Russia. They had been monitoring activity at a suspected Hydra compound. We received confirmation along with some worrying information.” Steve’s voice was cold and clinical as he laid out the basics of the mission.
Speaking over the rumble of the jet engines, you captured Steve’s focus, “What worrying information? What would require all of the Avengers?”
Taking down Hydra compounds wasn’t necessarily a dangerous activity. It was actually pretty common for one or two Avengers to take down compounds weekly. So you were understandably worried that this compound somehow needed all the Avengers.
Steve nodded slightly at you, recognizing your worry.
“During their check in to relay the information, we heard some sounds over the radio. Then screams. The assets did not recheck in, and we have been unable to contact them again. We have to assume that Hydra has created some sort of weapon and killed them.”
As Steve said this, you noticed that almost everyone subconsciously shifted away from Bucky.
His shoulders slumped the tiniest bit at this, and you couldn’t help but wince in sympathy. You knew what being kept by Hydra was like.
“So we stay safe, we stay in groups. I want us to be home by midnight.” 
You tuned back in as Steve finished briefing. 
“Got it.”
“Right Cap.”
“You coming with me, Legolas?”
“Whose staying behind with [Y/n]?
Of course it was Natasha who voiced the last comment amidst the cacophony of noise.
Everyone quieted and looked over at you.
Stomping your front hoof, you snorted, “I’ll be fine, Red. I’ll be inside the Jet, and I trust you guys to keep the fight away.”
That did not ease the fear in those gorgeous green eyes you loved.
So when the Jet landed and everyone began heading out, you reached out and grabbed her hand. The one with the simple gold band on her finger.
“I love you Natasha. I’ll be fine...we’ll be fine. I promise.” You kissed her knuckles as you guided it to your stomach. Where new life was growing.
Natasha released a heavy sigh and smiled at you, “I know. I love you too.” She stretched up on her toes to capture your lips in a searing embrace.
Upon release, you gazed at your wife with heavy lidded eyes, “Better go now before I decide to keep you here.”
Natasha giggled, and your heart stuttered at the sound. “Would that be so bad?” She batted her lashes at you with a pout on her lips.
You laughed, and pushed your wife away, “Go, Nat. Go save the world.”
Once she did leave the jet, you closed back up the ramp and trotted over to the controls, adjusting a headset and connecting all the comms to your unit.
“This is Base, Everyone sound off.”
“Cap here with White Wolf”
“Iron Man here with Hawkeye.”
“This is Vision sounding off alongside the Scarlet Witch.”
“Banner standing by with Hulk ready to go”
“This is Black Widow with Banner.”
You sighed deeply, getting ready for the fight to come, even if you weren’t actively participating in it.
“Everyone is good. Base is going silent. Good luck out there.”
Shifting your weight, you listened in on the codes and orders as the Avengers moved into the compound.
Several times, you swore your heart stopped when you heard your wife yelling, or when the comms were silent.
But you trusted the team, and you trusted that your wife would return safe.
“Anyone got sight of the supposed weapon yet? This fight seems to...quiet.” Tony’s voice broke your reverie.
Leaning forward, your eyes on the console, your attention on the fight, you heard Steve reply in short gasps of breath.
“No...Anyone! Have...eyes on it?”
A gunshot echoed through your ears, “Not over here Cap! But Hulk’s getting a little carried away!”
A distant bellow, still thundering loud, punctuated Natasha’s words.
Your hooves made noise on the metal flooring as your front legs pranced with nerves. Where was the supposed weapon that had killed the Assets?
And once again, the Universe decided that it loved to mess with you. Because the screeching, chill inducing, shrieking of something carving into metal, was not coming from your headset, but rather, from right outside the Jet.
Quickly unmuting your side of the comms, you interrupted Vision, “Guys. I’ve got a situation back at the Jet. Unknown source outside, attempting to gain entrance.”
Another ear splitting shriek was heard, this time accompanied by a strangled howl.
And you couldn’t stop the animal instinct, the baseline fear, that crawled into your heart and settled. Warning you. Shouting at you to run. Run fast and far and away from the predator right outside.
“What!? Whose closest to the Jet!?” Natasha’s worry and fear was almost tangible.
“No one is near! But the fight should be over soon and we’ll head over as soon as we can! The Jet is made to withstand a Nuke! [Y/n] Should be safe as long as they stay inside!”
Your tail flicked as another strangled howl was heard from outside the Jet. And then, unsettling silence.
“Guys. Whatever it was. I think it left.”
Natasha sounded like she was running as she panted, “Don’t check! Stay inside [Y/n]! Please!”
You knew she was right. You knew it was what you were supposed to do. But something inside you, some morbid curiosity, some unknown fear, made you inch towards the button that would lower the ramp.
Headset still on, you heard everyone panicking as the fight wound down and they tried to calm Natasha.
A shaky hand stretched forward, and with a hiss of electronics and cold Russian Air, the Ramp began to lower.
“[Y/n]!? What was that!? Don’t lower the ramp! Please Baby!” The cry was just that, Natasha crying into the comm. 
Your heart was beating fast like it wanted to escape from you human chest, and it beats faster as you listened with half an ear to your wife’s sobs.
Your hooves seemed unnaturally loud as you pranced down the ramp, eyes scanning the area.
A gasp was caught in your throat when your eyes caught sight of the side of the Jet. Long gashes ran down it. Claws. Your mind stuttered helpfully. Powerful claws. Big Claws.
“What sort of animal?” You muttered to yourself.
But the rest of the team heard you.
“What? What animal? [Y/n]? Do you have a visual on the weapon?” Steve’s brusque voice broke your trance.
But right as you opened your mouth to respond, you saw it. And your body froze.
Gleaming yellow eyes peered out at you from the russian snow. Then another pair of eyes, and another. Until a total of four sets of yellow eyes, glistening with feral intent, stared at you.
Dimly, you heard voices screaming at you, but you were focused on the shifting snow. No, not snow. Bodies. Lithe, large, powerful white bodies.
Not normal wolves either. These wolves stood at six feet tall. Paws as wide as your head. With razor sharp teeth that gnashing in anticipation. Saliva dripping from their mouths as their eyes tracked you.
In an instant, you sprang to action. Turning sharply on your hind legs, you ran towards the ramp controls.
And then Pain. Blinding white pain erupted from your withers.
“Ah!” the sound you emitted was a mix between a human scream and a horses whinny of fear.
Bucking your hindquarters, you swung wildly.
The large weight left your back abruptly, and the sudden shift along with your hooves struggling to find purchase on the metal floor, led to you slipping and rolling down the ramp, landing in the snow on your side, your legs tangled underneath you.
“Aaroooo!” The strangled howl pierced your soul as your struggled to stand, wincing as you caught sight of the giant gash on your hindquarters. The thick blood pouring out and staining the white snow red.
The four hybrid wolves. Ones that Hydra had mutated you hypothesized, began circling you.
Stalking. Their footsteps silent in the snow as they walked around you, their dead yellow eyes never once leaving you.
You struggled to keep an eye on all of them at once. Whirling around erratically.
One jumped at you, jaws snapping viciously, saliva spraying.
Rearing up, you lashed out with your front legs, managing to clip it. It backed down, a low growl in it’s throat as it began circling again.
You could feel the stress and the exastian settling in as the fire from the wound on your back began to flare up.
And then two attacked at once. One leaping at you from the side, while another went for you human torso.
Turning, you managed to body block one, but the second wolf managed to latch onto one of your arms.
Your agonized scream echoed as you pried at the clamped jaw with your other hand. Sticky with sweat, saliva and blood, as it spilled from the wolves clamped jaws, made it difficult, your hand slipping as tears blinded your vision.
Bloodlust and victory in sight, the remaining wolves left off a howl and then sprang for you.
In that second, it seemed like your life flashed before you. As you stared at death and its gleaming silver fangs and venomous yellow eyes, you remembered warm hands clutching yours, soft words whispered at night, drunken kisses and stolen moments. And you silently apologized to the love of your life.
‘I’m so sorry Natasha. I acted rashly. I left you alone. I put myself and our child in danger and am leaving you to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart. I hope you can forgive me someday.’
And then your eyes slide closed as you awaited death.
Death was not supposed to be loud explosions, the sound of bullets and hot blood soaking your body though, was it?
Cracking an eye open, you immediately became wide eyed.
The wolves laid dead before you and one glance up and around you was enough to figure out how.
Tony flew over to where Bucky stood with his automatic rifle. Clint and Steve walking from the treeline with grim faces. Vision and Wanda flying down from above with Banner being carried by Wanda.
And in front of you, chest heaving, tear tracks visible amongst the dirt and blood, eyes wild and hair flying in the wind, hand outstretched holding a smoking pistol, stood your wife, Natasha.
“Natasha, I’m so sorry, I almost got myself and our baby killed and I’m-” Your words cut off as air left your lungs from the weight flung at you.
You managed to catch Natasha. Her arms snaking around your torso as sobs shook her body.
Your own tears once again began falling as you cried with her.
“Don’t ever do something like that again [Y/n]! You listen when I tell you to stay put! You almost died you idiot!”
Your laugh choked with tears stopped her rant. 
As she slowly let go, you suddenly became very tired.
Blood stained your hands, and your arm began screaming out from pain. Glancing at it, you felt bile rise in your throat. 
“I think I’m going to-” Once again you were cut off, this time because darkness encroached on your vision and you fell as you became unconscious.
The next time your eyes opened, you were assaulted with white and the bitter smell of antiseptics.
Groaning, you slowly took stock of your surroundings. Your horse's body was laying on its side, with large swatches of gauze and bandages covering your rump. Meanwhile, your human torso, as you stretched and leaned up, had been resting on a modified lounge.
Your arm was covered in bandages as well. Some pink showing through in patches, making you grimace.
And then you heard the door open.
You and Natasha stared at each other. She was dressed casually. And you realized you were in the medical ward of the Avengers tower. 
And then she ran to you and slid on her knees so that she was level with you.
Her hands came up, but paused just short of cupping your face, as her eyes stared into yours.
Her lips trembled as her hands slowly traced your cheeks. Your eyes slid shut for a second as you felt the warmth from her palms.
And then you reached forward and tugged her closer, causing her to lose her balance and fall onto your chest.
Which worked for you as you captured her lips and drank the love of having your wife safe and in your arms.
“Should We come back later?” The amused voice spoke out.
You and Natasha parted and looked to where Tony stood smirking beside a sheepish looking Bruce.
“You gave us a good scare there [Y/n]. Those wolves were no joke. You’ve been sedated for two days recovering.” Bruce went into doctor mode as he looked you over.
Natasha stayed nestled against your chest, her hands resting on your shoulders, your wrapped around her waist.
She kissed your cheek and growled at you, “The next time you recklessly put yourself in danger, I will shoot you myself.”
Chuckling lightly, you gave her lips a quick peck, “I’ll let you do it Darling.”
Tony, who had walked over to where Bruce was typing away at a computer, faked gagged at the pair of you.
When you and your wife both turned your glares at him, he held his hands up in surrender before sighing and looking at you with worry in his eyes, “We were all scared [Y/n], when you wouldn’t respond and all we heard was screaming and howls. You’re lucky you only got as hurt as you did, considering the precious cargo you’re carrying.”
The reminder of your baby had you gasping as you unwind an arm to place it on your stomach. Natasha turned and stretched out her hand as well, laying it on top of yours.
Bruce smiled softly at the two of you as he pushed his glasses up higher, “While you were under, we did some tests to make sure your baby was fine. Which it is!” He frantically said when he saw you tense up and eyes start to water. Once you’ve calmed down, he continued, “Your baby is more than fine. Both of them are.”
It took a second for his words to register, but when they did, you and Natasha gasped.
“Twins?” Your voice was a whisper, the word a prayer and a hope.
Bruce’s smile was bigger, while Tony seemed to gloat.
Your eyes went to Natasha’s, drowning in their green, as she shared your look of amazement and happiness.
“Twins. We’re having twins, [Y/n]!” Her laughter rang out as she leaned up and once again captured your lips in a searing kiss.
Breaking apart, you grinned at her, “I love you so damn much Natasha.”
Natasha grinned as well, “And I love you, [Y/n].” She grew a serious look, but you could still see the happiness and joy in her eyes as she continued, “But you are not going on anymore missions. End of discussion.”
You nodded, “Okay. But only if you promise to not go on missions for the rest of the pregnancy, and you promise to always return when you go on missions after.”
Natasha’s eyes grew soft, “That I can definitely promise.”
And because the Universe loved to mess with you, right as the air began to sizzle with sexual tension, the bubble between you and Natasha popped as Tony’s annoying voice chimed in, “I claim naming one Stark Junior!”
As Natasha chased Tony around the lab, as Bruce tried to placate them, and as you snorted with laughter hearing Natasha yell that they were not naming any of your babies after such an arrogant man, you knew that you were where you were meant to be in the Universe. You were home.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t​ @mialeelavellan​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​ @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​
Natasha Taglist:
@ludwigvonbaethoven​ @hanjiscience-slut​ @kitten-q-p​ @morbid-gaymer​ @honeybadgerwhodoesntcare​ @sunnyandtwisty​ @zoeyknight​ @kurlyafro​ @thewomanofwonder​ @5aftermidnight​ @myfemininelesboworld​ @gaytrashgoblin​ @marvelb00kwolf​ @multifandom-imagines-things​
Avengers Taglist:
@jadepc​ @marvel-is-a-mood​
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Lord of the Rings Masterlist
(All works are x GN!Reader unless otherwise specified!)
☆ = Personal Favorite
ღ = Suggestive
꩜ = Humor
𖠋 = Parent AU
☮ = Platonic
How The Fellowship Acts Around Their Crush
The Fellowship When Their Crush Cares For Their Wound ღ꩜
Napping With the Fellowship ☆
Calling the Fellowship Pretty
When You’re Naturally Physically Affectionate
When You Give Them Flowers ☆
Their Favorite Body Part of Yours ☆
When You Call Everyone Pet Names
When You’re On Your Period (F!Reader) ღ
What Type of Kisser is Each LoTR Character? ღ☆
Reaction to You Wanting Cuddles When Stressed
How They Confess to You ☆
With a People-Pleaser
Cold Hands, Warm Heart ☆
How Many Kids Do They Want? ☆𖠋
When You Have a Loyal Canine Companion
Things You Do Together ☆
Youngest Member is in a Courtship ☮
How the Fellowship Comforts You After a Nightmare ☆
The Fellowship Reacting to Your Fear of Heights
LoTR Characters + Physical Affection (Suggestive Version) ღ
Lotr Characters + Pregnant Reader (Wife!Reader) 𖠋
How the Fellowship of the Ring Treat You When You’re Shy
LoTR Characters Meeting Your First Child Together (Wife!Reader) ☆𖠋
How LoTR Characters Spend Your Birthday With You
LoTR Characters Finding Out You Were in an Abusive Relationship
Reacting to Their Flirty Jokester Crush
Seeing You Dressed Up For the First Time ☆
When They Accidentally Walk in on You Changing ꩜ღ
The Fellowship With Your Feline Companion
LoTR Characters + Buff Woman
Horse-Maid- Eomer x F!Reader
A Failure of Words- Haldir x GN!Reader ꩜
The Steel Lady of Imladris- Elrond x F!Elf!Reader
Sweet Spot- Boromir x GN!Reader ☆ ღ
Pie in the Sky- Pippin x F!Hobbit!Reader ☆
This Means War- Elrond x Wife!Reader (Drabble) ☆
The Weight of a Heart- Galadriel x F!Reader ☆
Hold Fast to Me- Legolas x Reader (Drabble)
Miscellaneous LoTR Headcanons
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the-vanillaa-bean · 4 years
The Aftermath | Miracles Happen (Legolas x Reader)
*wink wonk* — Imagine Legolas lusting after you. PART 2
Let's write stuff! — Should have knocked
Acuore — Bath Time
Multi-fandom — Love After Battle
Legolas x OC || Melamin | Serenity & Hysteria | A Series of Oneshots
Bring Down the Stars (Beautiful Hearts Duet Book 1) - Kindle edition by Scott, Emma. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
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Stories of Middle Earth — Imagine being betrothed to Legolas and meeting him...
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Lord Of The Rings Imagines — Family - Aragorn Imagine
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Remember King Thranduil. — Imagine; Thranduil x Legolas x Reader
You + Them — A Queen for a King (Viserys x Reader) (Request)
What Goes On In My Mind — My Dragon
Dragon's Blood / Viserys Targaryen x Reader
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Edge of the Obsession — Til’ the end
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The Drinking Game. | Legolas X Reader
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Multi-Fandom Imagines — Forbidden
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In Black and White || Thranduil || AU by Lilysm on DeviantArt
Rebellions are built on hope — To Know One’s Heart- Legolas Greenleaf
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The Cabin That Reunites | Under a Full Moon ( Jacob & Reader )
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ccrriissuuus writings — Imagine being married to Legolas while having an...
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Fandom Imagines — Baby- Legolas
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Kitchenator's Writers Blog — Legolas ~ Period
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Meg's Fandom Harem(thanks anon!) — Centuries Passed
Trick to Love - Jealousy and Matchmakers, Fan Fiction | MediaMiner
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Under The Rose {Eomer x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by:@rachelcarroll1819 Wordcount: 2701 Summary: You plan a party with your husband Eomer. Your guests include your best friends, Arwen and Samwise, their spouses, and your brother Legolas.
There were many flowers blooming, despite the rough start to Spring. However, it was the roses outside of your Rohan keep that you were looking most forward to. The roses were what set yours apart from all of the other gardens in the area - everyone knew that the ones that bloomed under your touch and care were always more beautiful, sweet smelling and even longer lasting than any other rose in the Kingdom. There were people who came from outside of Rohan to come and see them when they finally bloomed, including your two best friends, as unlikely as they were. If word got to Samwise Gamgee of The Shire, or Arwen of Rivendell, they could be expected to travel to Rohan with their families - King of Gondor included - to celebrate these roses. And you couldn’t forget about your brother, Legolas, who always came to visit you, roses or no.
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Eomer walked out of the keep to see that you were looking over your garden, and wrist-deep in the fertile soil. You were never afraid to get your hands dirty, and that’s one thing that your husband loved about you. “The dawn’s barely broken, do you ever let yourself rest?” He asked, sauntering towards you, blonde hair hanging down around his shoulders. “Didn’t you stay up weeding, too?”
“Eomer, it’s almost time,” You said, smiling at him over your shoulder. He knew exactly what that meant. Did you stay up weeding because it’s almost time to hold the annual garden party at your home, yes, of course you did. You knew that the garden wasn’t exactly something that he was interested in, but it was important to you so it was important to him. “Sam might bring something up from his own garden for us, so I need to make some space. His marigolds are always gorgeous, I hope it’s those.” You realized that you were ranting, and Eomer was just looking at you blankly. You chuckled, getting to your feet and wiped your hands on the long skirt you were wearing.
“The riders are on patrol today, and I don’t have any appointments until the afternoon...” He said, suggestively. By the time that you approached him, he had a grin on his face, not just his usual smirk.
“You mean that I get the King to myself for the rest of the morning?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow. Climbing into his arms, he held you securely in his chest and carried you up the stairs, back into the warm castle that you called home. You pressed small kisses into the crook of his neck, and though of course he was on your mind as he so often was, you couldn’t help but think about the invitations you were going to send out to your friends.
He carried you into the bedroom, humming an affirmative to your question and laid you down on the bed. You laid back against the pillows, hair spread out around you. “You know that means I want the Queen to myself all morning,” He said, returning the kisses that you had given before. You closed your eyes and moaned as the sensations spread from the hair on your head to the tips of your curled toes. You quickly got over the distraction of planning the party, and focused on him and him alone.
Eomer retreated to the gardens outside once the last of his meetings were over. As he was still dressed in his Kingly attire, and had been sitting down on the throne for the last couple of hours, he was feeling stiff, and was looking forward to a stroll around to loosen up his legs. Something was different though - there was a male voice in the garden with yours, making you laugh. He turned the corner to where the benches were, under the shade of the large, sweet smelling trees.
“Samwise Gamgee,” Eomer said, seeing the mop of curly hair. You beamed up at your husband and motioned him to come and join the two of you where you were sitting. Sam stood up and behind him was revealed a just as pleasant looking woman and four young bairns. “Oh - and ... family.”
“There’s another on the way!” You said, cheerfully, laying your hand on Rosie’s round stomach. You always were a sucker for babies, especially when they were young, so having these children here and knowing that Rosie could burst at just about any second was exciting. With Eomer, children made him soften only slightly - he had a tough childhood himself and no one had ever taken it easy on him, so it was hard for him to remind himself to take it easy on them.
“Something for you  here,” Sam said, fishing around in a sack that he had brought. He pulled out some fresh ears of corn from the Shire, shining as golden as the sun above. You stood up and took one out of his hand. “Usually I’d bring more but we’ve been having trouble with the carrots lately,” He said, sheepishly.
“It’s good enough for us,” Eomer said, taking the sack from Sam. “It’s going to make a good meal, once everyone else gets here.”
“I brought Lembas Bread,” Legolas said, coming around the corner that Eomer had just arrived from. He had been eavesdropping clearly, and came straight for you. Over everyone else, you were the one that your brother cared about the most, and he showed it in the way that his arms lifted you into the air as he hugged you. You laughed joyfully and wrapped your own arms around your pretty, blonde brother, having missed him over the past year. Although that year for you and Legolas had been short, it had been long to all the others, and that way of thinking had begun to rub off on both of you. “Y/N, you’re looking well,” He said, once he put you back down.
“As are you, Legolas,” You said, taking in the never-changing appearance of your big brother. “What a surprise, Lembas Bread,” You teased. Legolas always brought Lembas bread to these gatherings, mainly for Sam to take home for Merry and Pippin.
Legolas and Eomer embraced, but only for half a moment before separating. They had fought together in the Great Battles sure, but there was a discomfort in knowing that they both cared about you above all else. It almost made them competitive with one another - at least on Legolas’s end. You usually had to force Legolas to stand down, and remind him that Eomer was only human, after all.
Aragorn and Arwen were the last to arrive. You stayed standing to greet them, though you did bow down just to tease the King, who always insisted that you didn’t have to bow. He stood with the rest of the men while you and Arwen embraced and kissed each other on the cheek.
Arwen was counted among your two best friends, with Sam being the other. You agreed with your husband that it was an odd mixture of friends, but the core aspects of your personalities were the same. All three of you would die to protect your friends and the ones that you love, that was the main thing. You’d missed them terribly, and it felt amazing to have your favorite people back together again.
The next evening was filled with color as the roses finally bloomed at last. You had arranged the large table to be beneath the climbing roses that took over the majority of one of the back walls of the castle. There was an array of red, white and pink, mixing in with the golden buds of the marigolds Sam had brought and that the two of you planted together that morning. This may be the best turn out your garden has ever seen.
Arwen walked noiselessly on the cobbled garden path, holding a large silver pitcher of water for the table. “Is Rosie going to  be able to walk this far?” She asked, setting it on the table.
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“Sam will take care of her, carry her down if he has to,” You giggled, picturing Sam crawling on all fours with his pregnant wife sitting on his back. Arwen laughed as well, it sounding like musical bells against the quiet of nature. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she gives birth here in Rohan.”
“Can you imagine, a little newborn hobbit baby,” Arwen sat down at the table, her cheeks glowing with happy thoughts. The others weren’t due down here for another half an hour, but she knew you would be down here making sure that everything was perfect. Most of the food was still in the kitchens, being kept warm, but you already had the large plates of fruits, cheeses and finger vegetables set out for appetizers. She picked a ripe cherry tomato off of one of the plates and ate it without the littlest bit of juice dribbling from her lips. Nothing less from an elf, of course. Or from the Queen of Gondor.
“It’s nice to hear children running around in these halls - it has been much too long,” You sighed dreamily, remembering some of the laughter you heard. You had started the morning playing with the little ones so that Sam and Rosie could get some rest in. Elanor had wormed her way into your heart, and started acting like a little princess straight away.
“As you are my best friend, I’m going to let you in on something...” Arwen said, leaning in to make sure no one else would hear. “Do you remember that vision I had of Aragorn, and our son?” You nodded and leaned forward, craving the good news. “We’ve been trying - but you cannot tell anyone.”
“You’re worried that I would tell your father?” You asked, and she nodded slowly. “He would be happy for you if it happened, we all would. Or should I say will, since it was a vision and is sure to come true.”
Being an elf with a human as a husband, much like yourself, made it very difficult to have children. You’d been thinking about it since you first laid eyes on the rider on the way to Rohan. It seemed fitting that your best friend was having the same contemplations with her own husband. Despite the hardships that would come with trying, you supported her endlessly, and proved that to her with a hug - something that elves did so rarely.
You held Sam’s hands when he came out of the castle, ready for dinner, with his wife following along behind him. Tonight was what you were most looking forward to - a great meal, great friends, and the blooming roses overhead. It was a great thing that Eowyn and Faramir were in the city, and agreed to watch all of Sam’s little ones. Having them around was great fun, but also greatly chaotic - you wondered how they could handle it at all.
“Sometimes it’s nice being away from home,” Sam said, “if you’re around the right people.” You smiled at that and let go of his hands to lean in and peck Rosie on either cheek. You loved their round cheeks and their sweet smiles - there was something so happy about the couple that was entirely infectious.
“You know you’re always welcome here, and I hope to visit the Shire one day.” Sam and Rosie looked at each other and both started to laugh, making you furrow your brow in confusion. Without asking, Eomer walked behind you and put his arm around your waist.
“Normally, even humans in the Shire would look odd, but an elf?” Eomer explained on the Hobbits’ behalf. It did make sense and you giggled behind your hand. “Y/N, sometimes you forget that other places aren’t like home, don’t you?”
“Can you blame me?” Getting into your seat at the intimate table that seated seven comfortably, you flushed and put your hand on your husband’s thigh. There was no one looking at the two of you anymore, but rather they were all fixing their plates. “You brought me to a perfect home.”
Working on dinner, the seven of you didn’t have much time for chit chat. You had provided them with a feast with all of the foods that they loved. You were particularly fond of the roast pork and vegetables that you had the kitchens whip up, salted of course with salt from The Shire that Sam had sent by rider a few months before. You also made sure that there was plenty of wine - enough to make everyone’s nose and cheeks go rosy, even Legolas’s and he had a very high tolerance for alcohol. Save for pregnant Rosie’s, of course. All around you, the smell of roses hung in the air, the fragrance enriching the senses to where it even seemed to flavor the food.
In true Kingly fashion, Aragorn and Eomer were attempting to out-eat one another. As always, you and Arwen made fun of them, sneaking more food onto their plates when they were too busy looking at each other competitively. Your husbands would be feeling that later, that’s for sure. There was even some surprise as Sam and Rosie were both keeping up, but were taking their time of it. You, Arwen and Legolas, as the elves, were more picky with how you ate, making your plates look clean and pristine once you have eaten the last morsel but you hadn’t had your plate heaping either.
You called for the maids to come clear the table once all of the food had been eaten, and suggested a walk in the gardens to help the food settle. From when they first arrived, you wanted to have some time with just Arwen and Sam, and this was the first time that it was finally materializing.
“Of course you’re the first one out of the Fellowship to have a baby,” You smiled down at Sam as you and Arwen took smaller steps to match his stride. “A few, in fact, unless - oh please don’t tell me that Pippin has reproduced.” Sam laughed at that and shook his head, his curls flying around his face. “No, not yet, but he might.”
You listened as Arwen and Sam caught up with one another, for they didn’t speak to one another as often as they spoke to you. Being more on the quiet side, Arwen mostly listened as Sam talked about his family, the Shire, the love of his home and his friends, and of course - how much he missed his best friend Frodo Baggins.
You slowed down and a hand caught yours, fingers intertwining. No other person would dare touch you like that other than your husband, so you knew immediately that it was him, and squeezed. You looked to your side to see that he had caught up to you, and under the twilight sky, he looked absolutely beautiful. His hair was loose and flowing past his shoulders, golden as the mane of the horse that he rode. His dark eyes sparkled as they always did when he looked at you - only when he looked at you. Since the moment that you first set eyes on one another in the field, while looking for the two young hobbits Merry and Pippin, a connection had been formed that a dangerous war and the risk of impending death did nothing to sever.
“Having a good time?” Eomer asked you, matching your steps.
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You reached just past his ear to one of the rose vines behind him, and plucked a deep red one, narrowly avoiding the thorns. It’s scent was strong, and vibrant. You twirled it between your fingers and caught your husband’s eye once more.
“Nothing in this world could ever be more perfect than tonight has been.” You assured him, and tucked it behind his ear in a teasing manner.
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blankdblank · 5 years
To Fight For Pt 5
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - 
Warning - Drama ahead
Requested by @deepestfirefun
All – @himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars 
  x Thorin – @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
Dinner went well, though a bit quiet as he got interrupted by a letter and his own personal Raven agitated at the storm’s effect on his feathers. Upright in a closer inspection of the portrait you had been stealing glances at during his reading Thorin’s hand settled on your shoulder only to shift to your upper back at your asking, “I am curious.”
With his eyes on you he hummed back, “Hmm?”
Turning your head to meet his gaze you asked, “Am I what you expected?”
“It is hard to understand just what the circumstances were to bind us together in betrothal, though I would assume Thror and your Adad would be proud.” You nodded forcing your grin to hold as you peered up at the portrait of his family in their younger years again, “Is that not what you meant?”
“My kin’s taste for partners surely meet different criteria than yours.”
“Am I attracted to you?” His lips remained parted in shock at your unexpected question far from ever being necessary to be asked, “Is that what you are asking?”
You nodded and replied, “Those who have shared their opinions to me are greatly biased in my favor.”
He smirked at you after wetting his lips, “I am to be your husband, clearly I am biased in your favor as well.”
“True but you forget you will have to swear honesty to me, and I would prefer to know now just how difficult-,” at your eyes sinking to the floor his hand shifted to cup your cheek snapping your eyes back to his and his deeply adoring gaze glowing in the firelight.
“All I found beautiful before, no, beautiful is not right.” After a pause his thumb stroked your cheek tenderly, “The sun shies away when you show your face.”
With a scoff you rolled your eyes and mumbled, “Stretching-,”
“What am I stretching? I could scarcely remember to breathe seeing you outside Rivendell. I am no prize, however, you will never be in want of security or affection, should you ever wish for it.” After a pause his eyes scanned over your face in your inch closer to him making his heart skip as he swallowed dryly at your timid closing of the distance. A warm breath ghosted across his cheek from you only to leave just as quickly at the knock on the front door to his apartment.
Facing the door you sighed through a disappointed gaze at the door and he wet his lips easing his fingers that had dropped from your cheek to your shoulder along the open neck of your shirt brushing a strip of loose curls over your back. “I would like to show you something.”
“Another present?”
He chuckled easing his hand onto your upper back guiding you through his apartment, “Among part of our courtship, even though it is much later on, you will be granted your own space in my apartment. I have started to decorate it. I doubt this interruption will be quick so please, take your time, look it all over and please let me know what else you would require.”
“I would have assumed a bed would be all I would require.”
He chuckled, “Your quarters here will be fully furnished. I must warn you, if you leave me to my own whims it will end up quite a stunning jumble of whimsy and function.” You rolled your eyes and he chuckled, “I am not known for subtlety.”
A heavy sigh left him and his body turned at the next knock only to halt at your grip on your pinch on his sleeve parting his lips. Inching closer again rapidly you left a timid peck on his cheek stirring a grin onto his face as he turned to claim your hand and raise it to his lips to kiss your knuckles sweetly, “Please, take your time. Humor me a bit and give it a once over, leave as many notes as you prefer. I will see who is trying to tear me away this time.” That last sentence came out in a mumble on his path out to the door after releasing your hand as a scowl formed onto his face in being taken from you once again.
A thorough inspection was done and in the journal left out for improvements he had left for that purpose. Biting your lip remembering his comment earlier you made your way back to your apartment to change once again and climb into bed for a deep sleep.
Yet another snag in a repair that should have been completed weeks prior, if not for the bickering brothers in charge, came up tearing him from your side once again. Though in his shifting control onto a more tolerable and reliable pair from the Iron Hills his eyes traveled to another group of passing Dwarves trying to imply that had you truly cared for this kingdom at all your men would have moved inside and aided with the repairs instead of taking hold of Dale without permission. Far from there you turned to your early morning tasks to head out for the task of escorting the Maiar inside Erebor to the peaks needing his help.
Agonizingly you and your men toiled behind the Maiar both burning and stamping at the earth to help you split and turn it. Weeks end had rows of seeds planted to be encouraged by the Maiar and Elves around you to split through the dirt for a great number of tiny green stalks topped by small leaves reaching for the light through the enchanted ceiling. More and more Dwarves shared whispers about your distracted place in the Kingdom while others seemed to urge the King from your side only to have him plotting secret paths to sneak to your side.
In the first start of the markets in the lower levels of Erebor you eyed the first stalls being filled with the profits of your men’s hard work. Beside the Elf King, who had just come from a stop in to try for a trade deal with Thorin, you strolled through the vast hall hearing hints of the taps of hooves signaling the curious Maiar had come to peek in on things to sate his bubling curiosity. Though over that was the sound of hushed plotting chatter from the approaching Ironfists.
On your right, straight in the view of Thorin and Dain in their paths to you, the sneering clan stood in full number ahead of you as the second in command straightened up. “King Dain might have forgiven your comments though our kin are not so timid on the slights your kind have bestowed upon us.”
“And what slight might this be to have you all approaching me like this?”
His brows furrowed at the twitch of his upper lip signaling the other Dwarves away from you recognizing his intentions while newly arrived Vili ushered his pregnant wife and mother in law away from the possible danger. “Clearly your intentions are clear, cozying up to that prancing lot! You and yours have turned your back on our kind and we’re here to right that.”
“Surely that is a weighty goal, severing a lifelong friendship with your disapproval when your words mean nothing.”
At that his eyes darkened and he tossed his ax away that fell loudly in his fumble to unstrap his weapons, “You will pay for that. A duel, now.”
Passing over the daggers tucked in the back of your belt from Thorin to Thranduil, who eyed his men stepping back knowingly to grant you space as your father’s Elves joined them with Maglor and Maedhros both glaring at the clan silently shifting their weapons to others as you stepped forward. “And here I assumed your lecture to go on endlessly.”
The Dwarf now tensing to rise half a foot taller than you and over a foot broader than you with thick fiery hair and beard pulled back into long braids at the flick of your braided ponytail over your shoulder. Lowly he growled, “Enough of your cheek! Now ready yourself!” Raising his curling hands he eyed you in your stoic stance shifting your hands at your sides to urge him into the first move only angering him more.
Behind him his clan, including King Dunne with a devilish grin, urged him on and even in your frozen stance that made Thorin’s fists clench through a low growling exhale beside Dain, now scowling at the King he had warned not to trouble you, egging the man on in his charge.
Motionless you stood until he was barely a foot away, his eyes scanning over you in search of the best place to grab you, your size now stirring uncertainty in his eyes. A grip of his wrist allowed your maneuvering his back to you enabling your hold around his chin you jerked sharply snapping his neck parting the lips of his kin. Heavily you let his body fall to your side holding your gaze on the stunned clan now tipped over the edge into a familiar seething rage.
Narrowing his eyes behind you Thranduil’s hand settled on Legolas’ wrist keeping him from drawing his blades out at the ten Dwarves now charging at you. In the hall cries and shouts pooled together driving out sounds of all else for the Ironfists to stand down from this dishonorable behavior to attack you at all after a clear victory in an honorable duel. The Durins watched along with the other clans, all refusing to step in without the sight of any weapons for fear of worsening things as glances were stolen of the Elves all scowling at the Ironfists now swarming on you while they formed lines at a good space around the mosh it.
Three were easily brought down with quick flicks of your hands snapping more necks on bodies that fell heavily, each final member of each family line killed angered the mob more as they couldn’t manage a single blow on you in your speedy avoiding dance. In the sea of Dwarves a glint of silver stirred a sea of red into the eyes of the clans looking on. King Dunne himself wielded a diamond edged dagger and took your distraction to his advantage, calling out, “Let us see if the betrayal runs blood deep. If you cry out like your pathetic Father and Brothers who dared spurn me!”
Sharply the dagger slammed into your side halting the rage of the Ironfists at your stunned gasp and sudden glare up at the King as he jerked it upright snapping the ribs it had sliced through harshly the moment prior. In the muddle of things your ears rang at the deafening roar that sounded from the outraged Maiar in your struggle to breathe, but in the sea of out crying Dwarves all fell silent at the jet of flames erupting from the mouth of the formerly missed peeking Balrog with wings outstretched in rage burning all Ironfists within sight.
Brightly the flames burned as the scent of burning flesh filled the hall churning the stomachs of all who looked on as their hearts sank. Staggeringly slow Thorin’s heart continued to beat as he watched, what he assumed to be his intended burn alive stirring chilled tears down his cheeks burning hotly at the flames that died all at once.
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Blinking rapidly all in the hall drew in a sudden breath seeing you standing safely in the sea of smoking piles of ash and ruined armor. Nearing you quickly through the parted Elves the Balrog knelt with one hand holding you steady through removing the dagger lodged in your ribs with the other as you coughed up blood over his fingers now holding you steady. Your baggy dirt and now ash riddled shirt under the outer vest you unbuttoned was brushed up exposing the gushing wound on your clearly broken ribs. Over your sides more scars from other heinous breaches of conduct in previous duels, the Elves inched closer as the Balrog drew in a breath and exhaled a white flame rippling over your side calming your agony at the mending of your broken ribs and the gash the dagger caused.
Another coughing pause later you straightened up on your own feet and turned to the Balrog to stroke his snout after he transformed again, a couple weak coughs later and he turned after a bump of his snout on your stomach to trot behind the Elves. Your hands moved to your vest with fingers fumbling in search of the first button, painfully you continued to breathe, still feeling the weapon’s effect on your still badly bruised ribs. A shuffling step forward towards your approaching father and uncle your eyes fell on the Elf King’s who looked you over unsteadily and mentally asked after your pain with your answer calming him greatly as you fared better than the last time you had been attacked mid duel.
At once your eyes clamped shut at your father’s lifting you in a tight hug sending another waft of smoke and dirt into the air from your wrinkled layers. Inching closer each Elf inspected you as best they could confirming your safety for themselves while Thranduil stated, “We have brought healing herbs, a bath should assist in your healing.”
His eyes followed Thorin now feet from you at his rush to inspect you for himself. On your feet again you turned giving the King a weak smile, “Thorin,” at his nearing you your hand reached up to wipe his cheeks, “Still breathing.”
Gently his hands settled on your upper arms and his forehead tilted to meet yours, “I-, this-,”
Weakly you chuckled, “I did warn you.” His head drew back and his eyes turned to find the Elves using their daggers to sift through the piles of ash collecting all the beads they would no doubt give to you later while another Elf hurried to send off an eagle usually tasked to follow you when apart from your men since arriving here. Sent off with word of what had happened and to signal your second in command to come to your side.
Dryly Thorin swallowed and said, “Let’s get you up to a healing bath.” At your side he walked with you up to your quarters while Dain breathed steadily and called all his men into his sights. Waiting until you were out of sight to exclaim that those piles of ash are the fates for those who refuse to honor your place as the next Queen and those who dared to challenge you for the fate of the Ironfists would be brought down by his own hands.
Warm water bubbled around you at your sinking into the hot spring fed bath while the Elleths around you helped to unravel your long strings of braids. Removing the ribbons with the charred beads knotted into them that were set aside freeing you to ruffle your hair under the waters soon with soaps dribbled over your curls the pair helped you work through and then rinse out. Firmly you scrubbed your skin clean then inched out of the tub to sit on the stool they offered to help dry off and comb through your long curls they helped to weave into the lower half of your hair as you wove Thorin’s braid and bead back into place next to your face through the gentle weaving of the top half of your hair into a long braid mingled with your bead filled lower curls.
Eased into a simple sleeveless white blouse tucked into a fresh pair of pants tucked into a fresh pair of boots you stood eyeing your reflection through securing the belt over your waist as you heard the Durins and other Dwarf Kings filing into your sitting room waiting for you to come out.
Thorin’s eyes turned to your father who said, “Do not worry yourself with promises of this never occurring again.”
Thorin’s brow inched up and Maedhros added, “We have all made that promise, yet the hatred runs deep, and without fail more men in hopes of harming her will scurry up out of their darkened pit.”
Dain, “How long has she been expected to duel their clan?”
Maglor answered, “Her first challenge was at 23.”
All the Dwarves gasped and parroted the number back for Thorin to ask, “What would have them so callously challenging a child?”
Maedhros answered along with his brother, “Unfettered greed.”
Silently the Dwarves sat until your door opened again revealing your second in command holding a sacred bag clearly meant for extending your arm band with the helper for the task beside him. Through the door you passed and all eyes turned to you in your path to the chaise lounge. As per tradition the room was cleared once you laid back, arm extended above your head exposing he strip under your arm now to be filled in fully with the final tally of beads for those you had brought down before the flames. Inhaling deeply your eyes locked with the pair tasked with adding to your markers in the beginning of the traditional hums. A chisel and stick were brought out with ink as well, one painful tap after another you laid there humming and singing the traditional words until a single allowed tear at the end of the ceremony was shed at the smearing of a special cream coated your finished tattoo from your upper arm to just above your elbow.
On your feet again your bare arm slung around your second’s shoulders in a tight hug thanking him for the continued faith. He shared that the repairs were moving on steadily and they were content in remaining in Dale until news had spread on what had occurred to the remaining Ironfists, who no doubt would be coming for their own pound of flesh as well. A hug was also claimed from the elder all too eager to share the completion of the marker on their Queen in his rush back out to Dale before the late rains would fall. Wetting your lips you paused in front of your mirror eyeing your reflection, eyes lingering on Thorin’s bead dangling by your face.
A gentle knock sounded and you turned calling out, “Come in.”
Straight through the door Thorin passed through, sealing it behind himself, in finding you he hummed out, “Princess,”
Sighing softly you lowered your hand from removing his bead and the braid you had undone and turned to him in his inspection of your tattoo only for his eyes to wander to the bead you were holding out to him parting his lips. Instantly his eyes snapped to yours and you said, “I seem to have mangled the braid, would you mind righting it?”
A weak relieved chuckle left him as a grin eased across his face, “Of course.” He inched closer adoring the chance to rebraid your hair, silently wishing he got the chance each time you washed your hair. “Are you in pain?”
A wry chuckle left you inching up his brow, “It is tolerable. No doubt you’ve felt the same with your own markers.” Wetting your lips as you watched him secure the bead at the end of his braid he lowered by your face, “If you imagined me some fair Maiden you will be sadly mistaken. I am riddled with scars and shaped by the weight of all that rests on me. I am far from what is worthy of stirring sonnets in my honor on appearances alone.”
He chuckles weakly, “In that you are mistaken. You unfortunately are bound to one as unprepossessing as me.”
You smirk at him, “Then I suppose it is in your favor that I was raised by Elves and Hobbits. I am not so vain to expect the pinnacle of Dwarven beauty.”
“I am unbeautiful to you then?” He teased.
Giving him a playful glare back you answer, “To some of your kin I would assume.”
Lowly he asks, “My kin? I can see why you would feel detached from us.”
“I am,” You sigh, “I was a child, I know the words, the motions but I could have you reciting Kurdu and you would no sooner grasp the weight of those words than I could tear a mighty oak from the ground with one hand.” He steps closer to you, “I am a farce. I carry the weight of my people who feel half stranger to me. They love me, respect and honor me and still I feel like an outsider. One foot in two worlds with my other on a third, my brothers are far more dwarfly.”
“Well I will not be moving our union onto them.” He joked making you roll your eyes and start to turn away only for his hand to settle on your shoulder, “Please, do not misunderstand me. I feel the same. I am King, and yet for all the trouble of bringing my kin home I would sooner take up a smithing stall than that throne for my worthiness. When I am smithing I know the rules. The goal, and I charge after it and pound that shapeless metal into place. You have courage far greater than I to stand so fiery against all.”
“Those men stole my home from me.” Thorins lips part, “They spout off how those fires took half of their lands and yet they forget why those fires were lit in the first place. We would rather our home burn to cinders than grant those mongrels shelter once it was stolen from us.”
“They stole it?”
You scoff, “We lost, countless, nearly all our men were gone and not two days since word had returned on wing those thieves marched their home guard on our borders!” Fire began to stir in Thorins belly and his eyes darkened as yours did, “We were children and defenseless. Had it not been for my Ada my kin would have been destroyed and those allowed to survive, too broken to ever find peace again. And since that day they stole the last of what we had of our lost kin, they have greedily come begging and demanding more and satisfaction for a slight they triggered! I am fiery because fire has shaped me into this force. I am not bound by blood to High King Feanor, though I am fabled by Elves to have earned his fire.”
“I will never side with the Ironfists if it ever means harm to your kin, those remaining will bend to my rule or they will be banished. I have very little to offer you in means of strength past that. Your arms and numbers are far greater than mine.”
You sigh, “There is a matter of discussion in need of discussion before any marriage.”
“That would be?”
“Moria.” He nods, “Your kin will be allowed to pass through or even dwell there, however, even in marriage I cannot pass rule over to you.”
He inhales sharply then calmly asks, “And why would that be?”
“Because any who have been taken as threatening to my rule there have stirred the Balrog from our Maiar.”
“I don’t-.”
“When we found Moria open, and we charged inside l saw that Balrog, and as soon as he saw me, he turned to charge at the orcs after naming me Perian.”
“It means haffling.” He nods and smirks, “His horns are coated in Yavanna’s runes and it seems she hid away reminders for her husbands children to not grow too greedy.” Thorin’s brow inched up, “We were meant to build the earth and spread growth, stability and strength. Yet greed and stubbornness is what we have shown the world.”
He nods, “You would still grant us access? Just to see it, thriving again..”
You chuckle weakly, “Oh it is well past thriving. Nice and lush with innumerable resources even the Elves are envious of thanks to our Hobbit numbers.”
Playfully he quipped, “So it is green then?”
You smirk back at him, “It is green, and pink, and red and blue with yellow and orange. Hourly on the breeze the scent changes telling you what is being picked. It is so much more than green, it is alive. Exactly what we hope to turn Dale into, so much more than it ever was.”
“I wanted to ask, I am having a dinner set up, I was hoping I could convince you to join me. It is meant as a way to fulfill my task of earning a conversation with your father, as per tradition.”
You chuckled and settled your hand on his shoulder, “Then you should go ask him. I wanted to thank Thranduil for his herbs, he does worry so each time my tattoo grows.”
Looking you over he asked, “He dotes on you like this always?”
Again you chuckled guiding him to the door, “All the Elf Lords do. Ada brought me home to Rivendell and we have been treasured ever since, the youngest Princes and Princesses.”
He gave you another smile and off you went. Ignoring your lingering pain, you sent out grins to all who bowed their heads to you on your way to the main hall where Thranduil was waiting for you, a grin spreading onto his face at seeing you up and about. A flash of your tattoo later and he bowed his head promising to see you as soon as he could, with shared hopes that you could convince Thorin to agree to trade sooner than later so he could spend more time with you. The closeness of your kingdoms stinging all the greater without time to spend near you.
Dinner bled into the sending off of letters and off you were back into your normal schedules with Thorin still off searching for where you might be. Small snacks and stolen lunches littered with small tokens were exchanged between those you had left surprising him in return. Meetings stretched on and in the next string of Dwarves arriving came another sea of Ironfists. Tensions were high and at the end of Thorin’s tether after one more three hour long meeting with ample stolen jabs at Thorin for all of his choices and more importantly his bond to you and the so called beast you ruled over able to kill you all if not sated by you.
Through his apartment he strode only to groan under his breath at the sight of you leaving another gift he had yet to meet with one in return. The noise turned you around and in a low growl he grumbled out, “Of course, of course I return with another challenge of affection on my table.”
Your brow inched up and at the sound of voices growing in the hall, no doubt following after the King who just wished for a moments peace alone. He puffed up, “I do not have time for this!”
Abruptly he raked his eyes over you taking in each detail of your heavily embroidered long skirt and corseted vest over another blouse hugging you perfectly with a thick belt around your synched waist. But he had no time to admire you, not with his pounding headache, and his heartbreaking world weighing harshly down on him after the arriving masses began to grow by the day. On his path back to the door stabbing himself deeper in the chest he barked at you, “Yet another failure, lovely, if I don’t seem up to your standards as well it might be best if you right the mistake and set your men to march homewards!”
Narrowing your eyes at his back you inhaled sharply biting your tongue as he tore his door open making the Dwarves on the other side of it leap back as he shouted out, “WHAT?!” The door slammed loudly behind him and you huffed leaving the chocolates you had brought on the table along with the sentimental note you were tempted to tear up along with the included offer for dinner.
Huffing to yourself you made your way down to the main hall again, the Elven numbers had all moved to Dale this morning to help with the final touches on the palace inside and you were keen to join them. Trotting down the final steps between you and the gate far behind your inner storm was another storm brewing from Dis herself who had heard Thorin’s exit and spotted yours right after. It was clear Thorin was struggling to gain the approval of the new head of the Ironfists, even against the support of all the other clans having witnessed your attack, yet still they dug in making trouble where they could. Behind you the Durin Princess huffed up her own storm following to catch up.
Out through the gates you walked past the Dwarves on watch grateful for the slap of cold air to excuse the pinking of your cheeks in the struggle against your tears fighting your own mental barrage of doubts. The sound of dirt crunching under loud hooves halted you in place. Turning around you spotted Dis, panting atop the cart being pulled by a pair of battle rams nearly to the gates of Dale. Exhaling lowly you bowed your head to her only for her to burst out saying, “Thorin did not mean it!”
You shook your head, “Oh I know that.” You sighed smoothing a strip of your hair from across your face behind your ear, “Really you shouldn’t have troubled yourself. Being out in the open and all that carrying his youngest heirs.”
Her brow inched up and she shifted on her seat to face you more, “I came to ensure you understand he is merely stressed.”
“I understand. These ears of mine hear a greater deal of echoes of all that is spoken against me here.”
“It will calm.”
Another sigh left you and you stated, “It always does, and no doubt Thorin will calm down once he’s tackled one or two of the men troubling him so.”
Dis chuckled and nodded, “Perhaps I could get Dwalin to offer a bout of wrestling to calm him a bit. The both of them have been a bit tense lately.”
“And surely after the coronation it will calm even more. Without Dunne they can’t hold that hot air forever.”
“Bound to run out of sons in any case as it is, Dain sent word to his lands in your support. Any other attack would not be allowed.”
A rumble from above drew your eyes upwards to the swirling clouds not from any sort of natural storm. The horn in the distance stirred your heart to pound as your hand found the belt around your middle, “Get back to Erebor.”
Dis, “Get on!”
Howls split the air and you ordered in Elvish to the rams, “Get back to the Mountain!”
At once they turned and bolted for Erebor as you pulled back your belt revealing the split in your skirt you threw over the back of her cart leaving you in the leggings and boots hanging under the lower half of your blouse under the base of your corseted vest. Turning away from Dale at the sight of the wargs charging towards Dis you raced off drawing them off the pregnant Dam’s path. A lean down brought a hidden pair of blades from your boots into the sights of the Dwarves shouting atop the overlook to send for Thorin and to open the gates to defend Dis, who all fell silent at the black arrow slamming hard into your back.
Heavily you fell forward with a groan and scrambled to your feet to start running again. A snap of jaws on your left ended with a single swing of your blade decapitating the warg whose body flipped ending his rider flying. Racing on as fast as you could a roar sounded behind you at your Balrog leaping into the sky towards the Nazgul soaring after you. A heavy slam into the earth in their wrestling battle sent you to your knees again at the second arrow slamming into your back. Groaning in pain you turned taking out three more of the wargs while more raced over the distant hills with a sea of goblins after them. Swinging your blade again you beheaded one of the orcs only to be tackled by another.
The snap of the arrows in your back in your fall onto your back had you crying out in pain while an orc scrambling to climb out from under its warg slammed his dagger deep into your thigh. Twisting the blade in your hand it planted firmly into the beast’s skull easing your pained turn over to hop up and race for the woods again doing your best to ignore the blade in your thigh you knew better than to remove just yet.
A final death blow to the nazgul was followed by a jet of flames killing more than half of the wargs and sending the others racing faster into the woods. Loud roars echoed through the plains and into the forest at the Balrog’s taking on the army surging towards Erebor and Dale now leaping to take up arms and defend the borders from the stragglers not taken out by the flame spitting Balrog.
Panting heavily you stumbled through the twisting roots avoiding more and more arrows from the few surviving orcs behind you. At once the forest seemed to shift and your hand planted on the trunk of a tree you ducked behind, with eyes rolling back your knees buckled and a firm arm circled you drawing you into the chest attached. A tug on a dangling rope later and you were lifted up into the winding paths of branches in a race to the palace far out of reach from any foe.
Loudly gasps sounded all the way to the Healing Wing that was thrown open for you as the King and his billowing robes chased after. A calming breath was released at the loosening of the laces on your top, which when removed took the arrows with it, thanks to the armored layer inside of the corset matching the one in your cumbersome skirt in the back of Dis’ cart traditional to the fighting Noblewomen of your clan. Small cuts were all you bore on your back from the force of the snapped arrows in your fall, leaving them to focus on the simple task of removing the dagger in your thigh and then healing the cut after.
Pt 6
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anari3l · 6 years
*~* Lord of the Rings MASTERLIST *~*
Decided to make a rebloggable masterlist for everyone! 
Thranduil x Reader 
Home at Last -- Thranduil’s wife returns to him after being presumed dead [Part 2]
Reckless -- Reader is Thranduil’s daughter. You leave Mirkwood to fight beside your father and brother behind your father’s back. 
Look, Nana! -- cutie patootie baby Legolas shenanigans
Queen’s Orders -- Thranduil is entrance in his word. You want his attention
News Worth Celebrating -- Reader tells Thranduil she’s pregnant
“Well, this is awkward” -- Fluff on Thranduil’s throne
Lazy Daze -- Thranduil lets you use his back as a writing desk [Part 2]
The Bargaining Chip -- you’re kidnapped by the Company, thinking Thranduil will trade the Arkenstone for you [Part 2] 
Baking -- you attempt to bake something for Thranduil’s birthday
Rumors -- You and thranduil discuss some rumors about the two of you
Flirtations -- Thorin flirts with you. Thranduil is less than pleased. 
Featherlight Touch -- Fluff with a feather. [Part 2]
Secret -- Your relationship with the king must be kept a secret ... 
Bard x Reader
Strong One -- you find a baby after Smaug’s attack
How far for Family? -- rewrite of Strong One
Legolas x Reader
In your Eyes -- Legolas flirts with a human reader
Smaug x Reader 
In his Eyes -- you find yourself a friend in the dragon of erebor [Part 2]
Thorin x Reader
Portrait of a King -- Thorin finds some of your drawings 
Thorin’s Bride -- love declarations as Thorin walks down the aisle with someone else
True Love’s Kiss -- after the battle, you give you king one final kiss
His One -- You return to Thorin after the Battle 
Bilbo x Reader
“I thought you were dead” -- you and Bilbo are reunited after Goblin Town
Bofur x Reader
Battlefield Confessions -- Bofur confesses his love mid battle
With the Help of a Drink -- Drunken flirtiness. 
Frodo x Reader
A Kiss for Frodo -- Everyone knows you and Frodo are close. Problem is, you’re both too shy to realize it. 
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luna-redamancy · 6 years
To all that have requested:
I have not forgotten you! You are all in my inbox!
I’m so sorry I haven’t completed your requests, life is extremely stressful right now and it’s very difficult for me to find time outside of my classwork to even pick up my pen to try and write.
Right now I have seven requests, in this order:
Thranduil x Reader- You’re a costume designer for The Hobbit and Thranduil somehow gets sent to modern Earth, the reader helps him adapt.
Bilbo x Blacksmith! Reader
Legolas x Shy! Overwhelmed! Reader - to be called Braiding @lady-of-lies (Isn’t this your request?)
Thorin x Pregnant! Wife - The reader gives birth on the journey
The Company x Reader- Service Dog
Expansion of the Dwarvish courting- wedding ceremonies/ differences if it’s royalty or not
And lastly, a Disney Beauty and The Beast Fic with Thorin but with dragon-sickness instead of the witch cursing the prince.
I will try to be getting at least one up very very soon, again, I am so sorry it’s taking me forever
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nyf-archive · 5 years
@formidablekind | cont. from x
    The elven male never though he would be in this position again. Being a father. After his wife passed, he figured it would always be himself and his son, who was still young. But he was getting older with each day. Smart and more independent in a way, but he would always be his little pine cone. The news made him cry in truth. Being told he was going to be a father again, yet, it would be after he pulled himself together, that he got worried. Sure, they no longer had the threat of Corypheus and the inquisition had practically disbanded, things still had to be done.     Of course, his worries were pushed aside as when she started to get bigger. He would go out a lot more, would do a lot more for her. Sometimes even the most silly and stupidest things that she could easily have done herself. Gently leading her to the chair, he hushed her in elven before moving to finish cooking their food. “ I know but you deserve to rest. You won’t have much of it once the baby is born. ” Though, it wasn’t as if he was going to leave her alone. But, she was going to be tired after the baby came and he would be up a whole lot. “ You could trip and fall. You could burn yourself. ” Thrand hummed looking over his shoulder at her. “ Don’t give me that look.”
Finduilas was more than happy to have heard that she was pregnant; the healers knew quicker than she ever would have. But it was bad luck to tell anyone before she knew for sure until a few months; but she never had any idea that she would be thrown through a whirlwind. With the events of Halamshiral and the disbanding of the Inquisition (for the most part), the elvhen woman wasn’t sure how she escaped the events.Fin was finally able to take a deep breath. The only outcome she wished she had foreseen was the loss of her left arm. The anchor had consumed it, she had Bull cut it off before it was too late.
The look on her vhenan’s face was something she hadn’t expected, but with bad news came good; she was pregnant. A mixture of emotions between them and Thranduil’s tears left them in such a bliss that she wasn’t sure she would ever come down from. Well. That was until the fretting and the mother henning set in. Oh but she loved him, she was happy to know that he was looking out for her. But, she could take care of herself. Pregnant; not incapable. But his last few sentences caused her brow to furrow and her lips to tighten into an unamused line. “I trip and fall one time and suddenly I have two left feet. Vhenan, truly, Motherhood can’t be as stressful as running an Inquisition...I think we’ll be alright.” She chuckled and gave her swollen stomach a soft rub. Within the next few months they would be welcoming their new family member; Legolas was more than ecstatic
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