#lena oxten
corhore · 2 months
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Lena Oxten spotted at the Olympics.
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Hello I’m not sure if this is the kind of request you mean… but I love seeing your dad content about soldier it warms my heart. Is there anything you think of with him and Tracer as Father Daughter?
I love your writings… sorry if this isn’t the right requests.
It still pleases me to see that my Dad76 post is still getting reblogs and notes after all this time. I want everyone to know that I'm still super soft for Dad76 even with my recent hot take of him being an excellent antagonist lol. I'd be thrilled to write some headcanons for you!!
Of all the Overwatch youngins' back in the glory days, Lena was 100% Morrison's kid. Everyone knew it, including her (but except him. . .)
This primarily comes from the fact that Morrison handled the Slipstream incident personally after it happened.
He authorized the project, and didn't think much of giving it the stamp of approval. So much paperwork crossed his desk, and he's not a science man, so he tended to always approve of official projects like that, even the controversial ones (such as Project Echo).
What he did not catch was the probability of success, written in small print and much smaller than it shouldn't been. What he did not catch was the name and age of the proposed test pilot.
What he did not catch haunted him for the better portion of five years.
After the accident, after what he considered his mistake, he took the reins in giving pretty much unlimited funding to Winston's research to bring her back, even though all the signs at the time pointed to her never coming back or being stable ever again.
It's difficult for Lena to remember, but the second time she reappeared in Winston's prototype stabilization chamber, Morrison was there. She was sobbing. Winston was hesitant to let anyone into the chamber, fearing that her condition might transfer. . . but Morrison stepped in anyway, and gave her a hug before she disappeared from his arms.
(Ana gave him a stern talking-to afterwards. She agreed with him in principal but having Overwatch's lead strike commander disappear from time disassociation nonsense would not have been a good thing.)
After that, he mostly kept his distance. He greenlit even more funding for Winston to develop the chronal accelerator, even though Overwatch was already suffering from some funding issues. He said it was an obligation. He was right, but it was also so much more.
And when Lena received the accelerator, and all was said and done, Morrison personally informed her that it was her choice to stay with Overwatch if she wanted to, that she'd be given a full pension and benefits if she decided to return to civilian life. He was baffled when she said saluted him and expressed her resolution to become an agent.
(Would she have stayed if it was anyone other than Morrison? She's not sure, but he was certainly a big factor. To put it simply, he cared, and perhaps she was projecting a bit of her late father into his stern but gentle demeanor.)
Since her first mission during the London Uprising, the two only grew closer. When Morrison needed the perspective of an agent on the ground when it came to making new policies, he'd always come to her.
He also liked to check up on her welfare on occasion. This usually meant stopping by her quarters for a quick chat, and sometimes staying for a cup of tea.
(He doesn't like her tea- she brews it long, hot, and bitter, unlike Ana's usual blends, but he still drinks it. It's a great energy boost, at least.)
Lena took him to his first Pride parade since before the Omnic Crisis when she spotted the little pride flag hanging in his office during pride month. He was reluctant to go, worried about being recognized and mobbed in the crowd, so she created a genius foolproof disguise for him out of a hat, sunglasses, and leather pants. Slap on some makeup, and he was practically unrecognizable. . . and very fabulous.
He had so much fun during Pride that for the next week, Ana and Gabe were confused about his sudden lift in self-esteem.
Pride became a yearly tradition for Lena and Morrison until Overwatch fell apart.
(Which means that he has met Emily! He 100% approves, lol)
Random headcanon, but Morrison always gave her shoulder pats as a greeting.
And when Soldier 76 reaches his hand out to her shoulder, five years after Morrison was proclaimed dead, Lena pulls away, with a mixture of hurt and confusion written all over her face.
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thapunqueen · 2 years
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been playin lots of overwatch lately </3 
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sn0wwings · 4 years
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specialize · 4 years
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made a gif of tracer going :D because it gives me serotonin
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aebis-wq · 5 years
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Herro, haven't touched this blog in awhile :v
I've been busy... So uhh aft the announcement of ow 2 I couldn't not draw tracer and genji's new design coz they are very cool and gucci uwu
(Tbhh I drew this abt a mth ago but I keep forgetting to post it :')) so here it isss))
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lOoK aT ThEM iM
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5/9/2121 OWCRP Most Wanted!
Hey guys! Sombra here to give you this weeks most wanted! We’ve been trying to find a schedule that works well for everyone so posting has been somewhat inconsistent. However, we can reassure just because posting isn’t as fluid as we would like, we’re still active on this Tumblr to accept applications and answer questions, so please don’t hesitate to reach out!  As for our most needed roles, we would love to see some more high ranked roles and we’re still looking for MEKA members. We’d also love to see some more alternate universe characters! The possibilities are endless for these characters and will allow you to stretch your imagination. The roster will be below this read more and we will have our 3 most wanted characters surrounded in “**” and we hope to see you soon!
Open Canon Characters: Brigitte **Doomfist** Genji Junkrat Mei Reinhardt Symmetra **Tracer** Torbjorn Winston Wrecking Ball Open NPCS Dae-Hyun Efi Gerard Junker Queen Mauga Maximillion Mondata Myung **Overlord** Sojourn   I would also like to note that all our Alternate universe slots for every character are open EXCEPT for MERCY. If you would like to audition for an alternate universe character, please feel free! 
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c0rv · 5 years
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bro shes fucking blue now
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heckinhacker · 5 years
i want tracer headcanons x male reader
Tracer x Male!S/O - meeting and falling in love.
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You were an Overwatch member for some time and looked up to Tracer but you guys never really talked? Which was a shame, but...
You knew how she was busy, she was famous and one of the most important agents of Overwatch. Shucks.
Good for her, yeah, but Shucks that she's too busy.
Everytime you saw her smile, laugh, do her iconic "Cheers love, the calvary is here!" you feel your chest getting warm and feel yourself smiling like a dumdum.
Your dream was to join Overwatch, but when you achieved that, you had to dream about something else - so you're dreaming of Lena Oxton now.
On one mission you were in a team with her, and you tried your best to be focused. And trust me man, you were!
It happened out of nowhere. You, with your zooming visor noticed enemy sniper, you didn't even recognized the face of them, you could imagine it was the unpopular Widow Maker, but she was aiming directly into Tracer's chronal accelerator, which was a bad news if she'd get shot into that.
"Tracer!" you shouted,ehile running to her. You never ran as fast when you realized what really was going on. You literally were faster than bullet.
But boy, you took the bullet into your back for her. It stopped inside you and you fell forward.
Traced held you up, not letting you hit the ground. She took you anywhere safe, screaming for any healer in reach. You needed assistance right now.
Your lucky ass got shot but not lethaly,the biggest problem was bullet stuck somewhere in your body.
Your operation had some complications, but you survived. But everything meant you're going to have medical days off. Days... Psh. Months, at least.
When you woke up, you saw Lena beside your hospital bed and Mercy noting something in her notebook.
You groaned out of pain, and because Mercy gasped so loudly she woke up Lena too.
She gasped too, way too happily, and hugged you right away. Fast reaction but with though, she didn't squeezed you in any way, just held close, so you feel no pain. Lovely from her.
"Hello [y/n]! Thank you so, so, sooo much for saving me. And don't say it's nothing, it means a lot! Because of me you're bedridden, so I'll be the one taking care of you!"
"Oh, no, Tracer, it's really okay-"
"It's Lena now! And it really isn't. Let me thank you. You are really my hero."She kissed your cheek, making you blush slightly.
"Okay, alright, if you insist. But you won't have to do much."
You had no idea how wrong you were. She even had to help you walk around. Pain was really intense, you had trouble lying down, real horror.
But good thing about this nightmare was Lena by your side. You got closer to her - or you thought so and hoped it's true- and thought of inviting her to... Somewhere, anywhere she'd like.
But you wanted to wait until you're able to walk alone, so everything looks, you know, better.
But before you had a chance to invite her out somewhere, she did!
She just normally started conversation with slightly shy tone "You know, [y/n]... When you feel better, would you like to go out somewhere with me, like a date? I want to ask now and not wait since I am not sure if you have feelings for someone, and waiting would be little stupid if it would be for nothing, and you knoww... Maybe some other girl likes you and waits to invite you? You're such a handsome man I wouldn't be surprised. I just wanted to know now."
You were so shocked! You slightly nod then grinned like an idiot.
"I was waiting till I'm good to walk by myself to ask you out but of course, I'll go out with you when I'm okay. And like for a date."
She kissed your face all around until she gave you that loooong kiss on the lips.
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menameh · 5 years
I have a thing for speedsters
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proxysart-retired · 5 years
Recolor of an older Tracer drawing. I love herrrr
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A Summary On Chronal Disassociation and Gravitic Fluxes
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Athena suggested that I try to write out my line of thinking in simpler language, as to get the basics down before I get into the “nitty-gritty” of the matter. It reminded me of something that Dr. Winston said to one of his co-workers back on Horizon, something along the lines of “if you can’t explain it to a five year-old, you don’t understand what you’re talking about”. Wise advice indeed! While I don’t have any five year-olds around, and anyone I would show this to certainly wouldn’t be five, haha, I figured it was worth a shot just to get my ideas straight.
So, where to start?
Let’s start with Lena. It’s always good to start with what one knows rather than what one doesn’t. Anyway.
Lena has acute chronal disassociation. Chronal disassociation is a condition where the particles that make up the body spontaneously detach themselves from their current time and place and reappear in a different time and place. To the extent of Lena and I’s observations, this does not include inter-dimensional or alter-dimensional travel. Even if there were such things as alternate timelines, her disassociation through space and time would not create them due to the transient nature of her travel, but that’s getting beside the point.
My chronal accelerator design (it’s not really an accelerator, per say, more of a harness, but the name seemed to stick) keeps Lena in this current timeline by. . . hmm, keeping it simple simple. . .  kind of in a way that a quantum computer works. (No, that’s not simple! Think, think. . .) Quantum computers work by having infinite states of existence, which the computer infrastructure is able to control what state is active at which time. The chronal accelerator uses very much the same principle- it essentially “tells” Lena’s particles where to exist and in what state.
Now, that status is programmable, allowing Lena to alter her state at will (within certain safety parameters, of course!). With the aid of the accelerator, she can manipulate when her particles exist (such as restoring herself to a younger and undamaged time) and where her particles exist (such as moving herself on the X and Y axes, although it must be someplace she could reasonably get to using her own two feet. She cannot fly, for example.)
Now. . . here’s where things get. . . interesting. Lena, I hope you’re not reading this without me.
Chronal Disassociation is transferable. Not contagious! Lena is not dangerous to herself or anyone around her, even without the accelerator! But it is transferable. She does have the ability, with familiarity and practice, to disassociate other particles and reassemble them in another location. This idea is obvious to anyone who thinks to ask the question of why her clothing and weapons travel with her whenever she blinks or recalls. In the early days, in fact, we ran several experiments with the accelerator to make sure that she wouldn’t teleport the oxygen molecules out of her lungs, since the air she breathed wasn’t the same air that was involved with the Slipstream incident. I was genuinely concerned that she might suffocate should she ever try to blink!
I digress. The fact of the matter is, Lena can control the timeline of particles around her. Not just her own bodily particles, but the particles around her. While she herself is hesitant to acknowledge it, her condition isn’t just a condition- it’s a power.
Which leads me to the next, far less pleasant topic, and the real reason why I’m typing all this out.
Dr. Siebren de Kuiper underwent an unknown procedure of events and has now arrived under my study with the power to control gravity. To make matters worse, in between that unknown event and now, Talon got to him first and already constructed a kind of “harness” for him. A “harness” that’s highly invasive and shoddily built compared to my inventions (and that’s saying something, my chronal accelerator notwithstanding!) I’ve been working night and day not only to understand the basics of how his power works, but also how that harness is supposed to function in relation to that.
What I’ve got so far is pretty crude. I think Dr. de Kuiper has some kind of control over quantum gravitons, aka the particles that transmit the force we all know as gravity. The more gravitons he creates or gathers on an object, the more gravity exerted. Similarly, he has the ability to destroy or scatter Earth’s normal gravitons, which reduces the amount of gravity exerted on an object. On the large scale, it functions almost as a kind of basic telekinesis from a superhero movie.
If that theory is correct, de Kuiper must have an astounding amount of control. We’re talking septillions, octillions, maybe even nonillions or decillions (stupid huge numbers, forgot to keep it simple) of individual graviton particles that he’s manipulating here. The crude “harness” that Talon strapped into him (I mean literally INTO him, into his brain) must help him with that in some regard. Whether the technology controls the particles for him or if it simply helps him “feel” or “visualize” them better, I have no idea.
According to de Kuiper himself, aboard the ISS, he experienced what he called a “singularity”. Now, his language was very. . . flowery and unscientific, but given the subject matter he’s trying to describe I don’t blame him. Most disturbingly, however, it matches Lena’s description of the Slipstream incident almost perfectly. Lena (the much more reliable narrator of the two,) described the sensation as being “everywhere at once, “not knowing which way was up or down”, and “feeling incredibly old yet only lasting a few seconds”.
Lena doesn’t talk about the Slipstream accident. I highly, highly doubt she said anything about it to de Kuiper before he recounted his story for me. While his testimony is dubious, the events he described were too close to hers for me to dismiss them as coincidental storytelling.
As a result of this seemingly identical incident, he now has control over his own particles and the particles around him.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though! Lena’s powers and de Kuiper’s powers are two fundamentally different things. De Kuiper exhibits no control over any other subatomic particle, only the gravitons, which is an important distinction. Lena’s power is indiscriminate- the reason she can’t “fly” like he can is that she takes the gravitons in her body with her when she teleports and can’t separate them out. She certainly doesn’t have individual molecular control, whereas de Kuiper might, but only for gravitons as I mentioned. And then there’s his “melody”, which he claims is related to the fluctuations of his power, but that’s likely just to be how his psyche deals with the associated trauma. I mean, Lena isn’t crazy enough to report hearing music.
But. . . it is important to remember that time and gravity are related quantities. I haven’t been able to tell de Kuiper’s physical age in the very same way that it’s impossible to tell Lena’s based on DNA testing. It’s common knowledge that the greater the gravitational field, the slower time passes within that field. I suspect that de Kuiper is physically younger than the amount of time that has passed since his supposed death.
Does this mean that de Kuiper could have control over time? Does this mean that Lena could be unwittingly manipulating gravity? I have my doubts. There’s a lot of caveats with this “theory” that are only visible when talking about the more complex science. 
Regardless, I’ve cautioned Lena over and over again not to let de Kuiper use his powers on her, just in case. Even if their powers aren’t connected, I don’t want to discover any sort of strange reaction that could cause Lena to disassociate for good. I just hope she listens. 
Alright. Let’s get back to work now on the real science of it. I’m not sure how useful this exercise really was, but I suppose I can use it as a quick reference or something.
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eramia · 5 years
Summary: It hasn't been long since Lena "Tracer" Oxton was firmly anchored back in the correct timestream. When she disappeared during the Slipstream accident, she took more than the prototype ship with her. Now that she's returned, she goes back to Overwatch as a field agent and her life continues as normal. When Christmas comes, she even requests a break to make up for lost time with her girlfriend, Emily. But when Lena reads something she shouldn't have, she quickly realizes that what felt like a bad dream to her continues to be a living nightmare for Emily.
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brazenedminstrel · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @mizuaoi! 
I promised you this as soon as I started composing this music. That whenever I’d have better software, I’d remaster the songs to sound like a real orchestra. Literal years later, it’s here. I can proudly present the first three remastered songs of my soundtrack for Mizu’s fanfic The Huntress. 
I remastered three songs. Amélie and Lena’s themes and the dramatic battle track I’m Coming for You. 
Some fun things about the remastered songs: 
The trumpet doesn’t break your ears anymore.
The solo violin in Amélie’s Theme sounds like an actual violin, as does the solo cello in I’m Coming for You.
There’s tremolo now. Maybe a bit too much tremolo.
New and improved chord progressions! Because I didn’t know what those were, when I made these songs. Poor little braz. 
The sounds aren’t so packed together anymore. They sound open, like an actual orchestra. This is most apparent in I’m Coming for You. 
The songs are still mostly sad and dramatic, like The Huntress itself.
All the links: 
My Ko-Fi (please donate to this poor music student)  My twitter My AO3 (yes I write fic too, mostly world of warcraft nowadays)
Mizu’s patreon Mizu’s tumblr Mizu’s twitter Mizu’s AO3
Merry Christmas and stuff. I’ll do a new year’s post too, with another song remaster. This time one of the lesbian waltzes I made. 
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palatteflags · 5 years
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Tracer based Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Pan, Trans, Nonbinary, and Agender flags! (From Overwatch) *note: I am not saying this character, canonically a lesbian, is anything but. These are for people who enjoy the character and are said sexualities/genders. For an anon~ Hope you like them both!
Want one? Message me whenever~
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