#lenaluthor x reader
oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Could you do a oneshot where Jeremiah is back (S2 Ep14) and joins family dinner but with b!d being not so happy to see him again because she was so devastated when she was gone? Maybe Kara or Alex/Maggie/Lena confront him when she runs out the door or something? You can decide how this ends?
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A/n: In this story, Alex and Kara play more as a supporting role in order to focus the oneshot more on the friendship between Lena and Baby Danvers (Reader). That´s why they´re physically mentioned, but do nothing active as talking.
"Did you miss me?" asked the familiar voice from across the room and you swallowed hard as every vein in your body filled with a throbbing rage.
When the doorbell rang, you expected everyone but never him. Not your father, who just disappeared from one day to the next without telling anyone. He hadn´t even given you a damn reason and all these years you´ve been racking your brain about the why.
When he left you, you often thought about what it would be like to see him again, but over time, the scenarios in your head changed. At first, you would havee forgiven him as if nothing had happened. You would not have blamed him, but would have fallen into his arms and started crying with joy.
But now, you recognized his selfishness and was convinced that if you would meet him again, you would let him feel my coldness. For him to be consumed with self-reproach, like you had been for a while. But the more time passed, the more you managed to put the pain behind you with the help of your family and found the strength to close this chapter in your life.
Until now, when your wound completely ripped open again.
"You shouldn´t be here." you hissed between clenched teeth and didn´t dare to turn around.
You didn´t have to- heavy footsteps, mixed with the crunching of the wooden floorboards, could be heard and he stood behind you. "Babygirl.. I´m sorry." you tried to calm your hands, which were starting to tremble. Whether with anger or the sadness he left in your heart- you couldn´t quite figure it out. "But now I´m back and everything can go back to how it was before."
You tried to breathe regulary and bit your lip in the process; the pressure leaving a slight metallic taste in your mouth. Why couldn´t you just ignore him? He should get out of your apartment. Forever. You wanted to get rid of him- he was no longer a part of you and never will be again.
"You screwed up." You couldn´t bear to swallow your feelings anymore. You couldn´t go on and tolerate everything he had done, eventually the capacity of lying and cheating was reached.
"Alex could forgive me, then why not you?"
A short laugh escaped your lips and you leaned against the table that you were recently setting. You looked down for a moment, your feet scraping the floor as you just rolled your eyes up and glared at him maliciously. "Alex feels sorry for you. Why else would she invite you to a family dinner when you traded your wife and kids for work? To me, you are just a pitiful piece of misery that abandoned and destroyed his entire family."
Suddenly, there was silence in the room. Not long ago, your mother and Kara had been messing around with dishes in the kitchen, Alex´s attempts to say something between your arguments had died down and the nervous clinking of the rings against the glass of wine, that Lena wore, was gone.
"Do you really want me to go?"
"Yes, I do. Because I don´t give a shit what promises you make. Just because you exist and tell me all these things doesn´t mean they are true. I can say with a high certainty that you will be gone again in the next few months."
You had your arms crossed across your chest, your eyes narrowed and your mouth set in a thin line. You were furious, your blood almost boiling over but grateful that Alex let you talk. To get everything off your chest; she knew exactly how you felt when he disappeared and that you partly blamed yourself for it.
"Well, I´m not going."
You stared at him one more time with disbelief; your eyes boring deep into him so that he had to swallow hard and had to improve his stance. "Then I will go." you skillfully walked past him. "Please, sweetheart." Jeremiah sighed tragically. He managed to grab your arms and clasped your wrist tightly, so that you couldn´t shake them off at first. "Please, take a deep breath. Do you really want to leave?"
Without saying another word, you freed yourself with a quick and strong shake and took a step back from him. You walked away and grabbed your handbag from the bar stool on the way.
Only now did both siblings step in and try to persuade you to stay, but you couldn´t manage to play happy family with this person, who called himself your father, and enjoy the evening with him. You had nothing more to say and at the same time, you didn´t want to know anything more from him.
"Do you know how much damage you did in less than five minutes?" the black haired finally threw into the room with an even deeper voice and glared daggers at Jeremiah; the light color of her eyes turning into a deep dark green. How could one be so damn impudent and bold to enter the apartment with such a sentence. "A damage that was almost impossible to repair years ago, but we still managed to get her through it?"
"Calm down, Luthor. I´ve disappeared to-"
But the older man didn´t get any further chance to speak, Lena interrupted him abruptly; shifting in her seat so that her back could be supported and her arms crossed in front of her chest. "What? To protect? At that time there were other methods of protecting your children, most notably Y/n."
Lena Luthor seemed close to a dropout, despite her calm demeanor. Everyone in the room knew her, knew well that the throbbing vein on her temple and the twitching of her jaw showed, that the window of opportunity to be able to talk to her normally was soon missed.
He just drove her insane. And yet he still had the nerve to look at her quite innocently and confidently.
"This kid had an untold number of sleepless nights where she would show up at my apartment, crying and sometimes drunk because she didn´t know how else to suppress the feelings you left behind."
During the sentence she dropped, she stood up and put her hands on her hips in anger and disgust, waiting for his reply. But none came. Instead, he turned to leave when Lena held him back one last time.
"So often, she had doubted herself as a daughter, was sure she would have been the one who made you disappear because she gave you a hard time as a teenager. You didn´t deserve her as a daughter so do her a favor and don´t show up in her life ever again."
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
hearts to heal
hi, please read this prior to reading the piece !
so, i wrote this over the last few days. I was not in a good place, and I needed to write something cathartic. I wrote this because I feel so utterly alone and to have not one, but 4 people care so deeply about you, to hold you, to comfort you, take care of you - I crave it more than anything. 
there is a trigger warning for self-harm. it is not romanticed, this isn’t a story of giving up. it’s a story of family and hope - but please do be aware that there is scenes depicting it. there is also mentions of OCD, anxiety and depression. 
please be kind about this work, as i wasn’t sure whether or not to share it. 
Word Count: 2146 (i think my longest yet? it kinda got away from me...)
Alex frowned at the text she just received. It was from your school alerting her that you had not turned up to your first class.
“Something the matter, Director?” Brainy queries, leaning across the desk.
Alex looks up, “hm?”
“Your face has contorted into a displeased expression.”
“Oh, sorry Brainy. It’s all good, it’s just y/n. She didn’t turn up at school.”
Brainy furrows his brows, “That would make it day number 4, wouldn’t it, Director Danvers?”
Alex thought for a minute - he was right. She had been so wrapped up in work that she couldn’t keep track of days. She didn’t realise this was the fourth day within a week that she had been alerted by the High School of your non-attendance. What else hadn’t she noticed?
“Dammit. Brainy, I’ve gotta go. Do you think you could cover for me today? I know we have a lot of stuff going on but-”
“I will be happy to assume your duties for today, Director.” Alex smiles gratefully as she moves to go grab her stuff and head home,
“Thank you Brainy, I owe you.”
Alex rushed to her car, bumping into Kara on the way.
“Alex? Where are you going?”
“Shit, I’m sorry Kara, I forgot about our lunch today.” Kara shook her head and held her sister’s wrist, “Don’t worry about that, what’s up?”
“It’s y/n, she hasn’t been going to school and I just, I’ve been so busy here and we’ve barely even caught each other. I’m going home to check on her, I’m just so worried Kara, what if something’s really wrong and I just never noticed?” Kara moved her hand, so it was now holding Alex’s, trying to ground her some.
“Hey, whatever’s going on, it’ll be okay. You had a lot on this week, with the President visiting and then those alien’s taking hostages downtown. Y/n and you have an understanding for when work becomes like this. It’ll be okay.” Alex nods, rubbing her free hand across her face. “Now go get home to your girl, okay? And call me if you need anything. I’m with Lena tonight, but we can both come if need be.”
Alex thanked her sister again and then drove home, her heart beating out of her chest as she climbed the stairs to both of your apartment.
“Y/n?! Y/n, honey I got a text from the school – they said you weren’t there.” Alex called out as she dropped her bags.
“Y/n?” Alex looked around, everything was off and untouched.
As she walked around the apartment, she ran her hand through her hair, messing it from the slicked back style she had put it in a few hours before.
She walked into your room, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw your curled up in bed asleep. She debated for a moment on whether to wake you up or not, eventually going over and sitting by you, rubbing your arm softly.
“Mom?” you mumbled sleepily,
“Yeah honey.” You blinked the sleep out of your eyes,
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” Alex said, her hand now moving the brush the hair from your face.
You shifted uncomfortably. It had been a good week of being able to hide everything from your mom, but it was never going to last forever.
“Y/n?, you wanna tell me why you haven’t been going to school?” You shook your head and tried to snuggle back down into your covers.
Alex moved so you were facing her again after turning away,
“Y/n, I’m so sorry I haven’t been here. But I’m here now and I need you to tell me what’s going on.” Your mom’s gentle hand threaded through your hair, though she chose not to comment on the state of it.
“I’m fine mom.” Alex used her free hand to move your face towards her. Your eyes were sunken in, dark circles under them. Your face was red and splotchy, and you looked exhausted.
“Baby, I can tell right now that you are not fine, so out with it.”
Tears began welling up in your eyes. You couldn’t break now, not after hiding things for months and months. What would she do when she finds out? Probably send you away, probably hate you.
You pushed the tears away, swiping at them furiously. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“I know you don’t want to, y/n.”
“Then why won’t you leave me alone?!” Alex sat shocked; you had never raised your voice at her.
“Y/n- ”
“No! I don’t want help; I don’t need help. I am FINE.” You huffed and turned away.
Alex decided to give you a moment. A moment so she could think about what to do next. She didn’t want to force you to open up to her, because then it would lack genuineness and could damage the trust between you both. But she was so damn worried about you.
Within that minute that Alex had left you alone for, you managed to get past her and lock yourself in the bathroom – Alex only becoming aware when she heard the door shut.
“Dammit y/n.” She whispered to herself before knocking on the door.
“What mom!? Am I not allowed to pee alone anymore?!” You and her both knew that wasn’t what you were doing; and knowing your mom – a badass DEO agent – you had very limited time before the door was busted open.
You felt below the sink, pulling the blade from where you’d hidden it. Wasting no time, you slashed at your thighs, the relief immediate.
Right on time, Alex forced the door open.
“Oh baby.” You looked up at her, begging her not to get any closer. “Let’s put that down, alright y/n? Then we can get you cleaned up and talk.” You shook your head, feeling yourself become unwound.
“No, please. I just, I just need to do it two more times. It doesn’t work if its only once, please mom please.” Alex cringed slightly, how didn’t she notice that you had been on a downward spiral? That your OCD was coming back full force? That your eating habits changed, that your anxiety and depression were spiking again – how didn’t she realise?
“Y/n, please put it down.” You scooted across the floor, putting as much distance between you both as you could.
“I need it mom, please.” Tears rolled down your cheeks with no sign of stopping. Alex was doing the most to keep hers at bay. She couldn’t do this.
You look down at your thigh, blood dripping. You didn’t notice your mom flipping open her watch and pressing the button that had your aunt rushing through the door within the minute.
“Kara, please, I can’t – I don’t wanna hurt her. I don’t know how to stop her.” Kara took over, seeing her sister’s frantic state and pulled you into her lap, shushing you softly. You were no match for her kryptonian strength as she threw the blade towards your mom, who then flushed it.
You wailed and wailed, trying desperately to get out of Kara’s grip. She never wavered, just calmly whispering to you. Eventually, Alex pulled herself together and sat down on the bathroom floor with you both, noticing you beginning to stop fighting.
“My sweet, sweet girl.” She whispered, holding your face in her hands, kissing away the tears of anguish and suffering.
“Mommy.” You reached out from your Auntie Kara’s grip, latching onto Alex. “’m sorry mommy, ‘m sorry.”
“Shhh, shhh honey. It’s all okay. I’ve got you.” Alex paid no attention to the blood that was getting over her clothes. All she cared about was holding you tight.
Kara sat quietly, watching her niece and her sister who were both clearly in pain and scared. Alex usually always had control of situations, so when Kara came in to see her frozen and desperate it scared her.
“Hey, I think we should have a look at your leg, y/n.” Kara said softly, not wanting to break up the mother-daughter moment; but being the only one who got a good look at your thigh, she knew the depth of the wounds.
Alex tried to ease you off her, coaxing you until you eventually let go. She didn’t realise the damage you’d done. Not only the new, deep cuts; but the hundreds of scars covering your skin. She felt like she’d failed.
“Baby, I think you need stitches for a couple of these.” Alex said, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I’m not getting stitches. It’s fine, Mom.” Kara interjected,
“They’re pretty bad sweetheart.”
You shook your head. “I’m not going to a hospital. You can’t make me.”
Kara looked at Alex, trying to see if they were on the same page.
“We could call Lena, then her and I can do it.” Your mom says, nodding to Kara who pulls out her phone.
Kara lifted you onto the bathroom counter. There were some perks to having two people trained in some sort of medicine in your chosen family, you guessed. They could perform small things like this. But sometimes, like today, it just didn’t make things any easier. Your Aunt Kara tried to talk to you, keeping your eyes on her as her sister and girlfriend cleaned your wounds and stitched them up. You had tears of pain dripping down your face, but your bared it. Just.
“We’re done, y/n. You did so well darling.” You blushed slightly at Lena’s praise. Reaching for your mom, she had no hesitation in pulling you into her arms, albeit struggling a little.
There was a knock at the door, and given you wouldn’t let your mom go, Kara went and answered it.
It was Kelly, who had brought over homemade soup, bread and some ice-cream.
With you still attached to her hip, Alex kissed her girlfriend and whispered a small thank-you. Kelly smiled knowingly and rubbed your shoulder.
The four older women would do anything to make sure the youngest of their family was okay, and seeing you so obviously not, was painful.
“Should we eat something bub?” Alex asked gently, you shook your head. “Kelly brought your favourites.” You shook your head again,
“Don’t wanna eat.” Alex sighed. You’d truly slipped so far backwards.
She tried to put you down on the couch, eventually compromising so you were sitting on her lap. It was a long hour of persuading and encouragement from all four women, but you ended up eating something.
Kara tried to lighten the mood, talking about anything and everything to keep your mind off the food. It worked for the most part, but you just couldn’t stop thinking about how utterly fat you were. You shouldn’t need to eat.
It felt like you were just a lifeless sack, being passed from one person to another; your brain having difficulty processing what was going on until it was happening. Your mom placed you into a full tub, scrubbing your dirty hair and body. There was faint commotion somewhere else in the apartment, but you couldn’t focus long enough to figure out what it was.
Kara and Lena worked on changing your bed, giving you fresh sheets and blankets. Kelly called a couple contacts she had that were good at working with adolescents. It would be hard to bring up the fact that you have to go back to therapy; you weren’t too fond of it. But Kelly was happy to help make it as comfortable as it can be, even looking for someone who was in the same building as her so she could be there if need be.
Lena offered to braid your hair while your mom, aunt Kara and Kelly talked outside. You welcomed the attention and began to drop off as nimble fingers threaded through your freshly washed hair, despite it only being the afternoon.
“You can go to sleep darling, it’s okay.” Lena said gently as she finished the second braid. You surprised her by turning into her and nuzzling her neck; desperate for the comfort wherever you could find it after isolating yourself for so long.
Alex walked in, telling Lena that both Kara and Kelly had to go back to work, at least for an hour or two.
“I’m happy to stay if you both need someone here?” Lena replies, smoothing your hair as you get nearer to sleep.
“Thank you, Lena. But we’ll be alright; plus, I’m pretty sure the other two are coming back tonight, if you want to come too. They’re worried about her.” Lena nods,
“I am too.” Alex realises how much you mean to all four of them. This little girl, who was maybe not so little, had such a huge part of their hearts – hearts that now ached alongside yours. Though, hopefully, they would be hearts to help heal yours, too.
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Kara: You guys work too much.
Y/n & Lena: No we're not.
Kara: Yes you are. Take a few days leaves, go on a vacation somewhere in this earth. Relax your mind. A little fun wouldn't hurt. Don't worry about work, we all got this. I got this.
Lena: She's quite right. What do you have in mind Y/n?
Y/n: Disneyland!
Lena lost Y/n: Great. They all wearing the same Mickey and Minnie headbands.
Someone screaming: Help! Let her go off me! I just work here!
Lena runs to it: Oh God. Y/N, LET HIM GO! YOU CAN'T STRANGLE A DUCK!!
Y/n: It's not just a duck. IT'S DONALD DUCK! It soft and fluffy and big!
D.Duck: Ma'am please take her. PLEASE!!
Lena: I'll get you a big duck. Just let him go. People are watching! For fuck sake.
People: Gasp & cover their children's ears then walk away.
Y/n let go: But, but..
D. Duck: I don't signed up for this! *run for his live.
Lena: We're going home. Damn Kara. Go on vacation, relax your mind my ass.
Kara: Hey! You guys back! Wait. It is too soon. Where's Y/n?
Y/n come carries giant duck stuffy: I'm here.
Lena, annoyed: Your sister strangled Donald Duck and we were banned from Disneyland until further notice.
Kara laughed: Was it big and fluffy?
Y/n: You should see it!
Lena: I never take any advice from you ever again, Kara.
Alex: You never should. And going to Disneyland brings out Y/n's inner child and its not very pretty.
Lena: No shit.
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roryywrites · 3 years
A Great Idea
Summary: you had been working for Lena Luthor, the CEO of L-Corp —not to mention one of your girlfriends— for 6 months and your team has been stuck on the problem for weeks. Until one night while in bed you had a late night thought.
Paring: supercorp x reader
Warnings: light language, nothing else :)
Genre: fluff
A/n: literally wrote this in the middle of the night when I was watching himym, hope you enjoy! :)
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Your eyes shot open due to the dirty dream you were having. You could feel your wetness between your thighs and suddenly the thoughts of work came to mind.
You looked over to your side and find Lena sleeping so peacefully but the empty side to your left made you wonder where Kara was. She usually didn’t have anyone calling her to the rescue at night but maybe this was one of the times.
You’ve been working for Lena at L-Corp for 6 months now. Your professional relationship new but your romantic relationship was there 2 years prior to working for her. Now that she was your boss and you her lead scientist you had a lot of paper work and that night and you decided to skip it.
You went back to your apartment and find Lena dead asleep. You decided not to do your paper work anymore because if she sees you doing work instead of being with her, let’s say you were in for a long agonizing night.
You looked for Kara just after slipping all your clothes off. You found her in the bathroom brushing her teeth and reading something on her phone. “What’re you reading?” You asked and snaked your arms on her waist, hugging her from behind, taking in her wonderful scent.
Kara hums feeling happy she could finally feel your arms, because you had been working all day with Lena, and even working with her you don’t really get to see her. While you were busy calculating and making formulas, Lena was running a company.
“Just an article about the attack earlier” the blonde replied and spit out the rest of the toothpaste in her mouth. You nodded and started planting kisses on her muscular back. You slowly moved up to her neck and stooped when realizing where it was going. “Are you tired, baby?” The pet name giving you goosebumps as she only called you that when she was horny.
Kara was never the type to call people pet names but she had an exception for you. She calls you whatever she wants while in bed but in your daily life she usually calls you ‘bubs’ or ‘sunshine’, so her calling you ‘baby’ was a sign she wants you. “Sorry, Kara, but I actually am” you pout and kiss her neck one last time before slipping in beside Lena and Kara doesn’t say anything else when seeing your eyes almost flutter shut.
Out of the blue, an idea comes up to your head just after having a dirty dream about your girlfriends. You turn to the right and slightly shake Lena’s shoulder. “Lee” you whisper but get no response so you do it again. “Lee, Lee” your voice a little louder to slightly wake her.
Lena groans and hums in response, opening her eyes just enough to see your silhouette . “I just got a great idea” you beam and sit up excitedly, trying to shake her out of her sleep.
Lena wasn’t exactly a night owl, nor was she an early bird, she was an afternoon person. So every time she has to work late you go to her office with food, and Kara. The combination of food, Kara, and you was like candy to a 4 year old, it was all she wanted.
Lena sloppily sat up and immediately fall onto your chest, not having the energy to even talk. “What if we combine the two formulas?” You wondered and Lena gives you a confused sound.
You explain why you should combine the two formulas and Lena starts listening. While telling Lena about your late night epiphany, Kara walks in the room in her super-suit, her eyelids threatening to shut and not open till the morning. But when she heard you and Lena talking about the things she never understood, her eyes shot open in amazement of how you two can finish each other’s sentences.
“Holy shit y/n! I think you just solved our entire problem!” Lena exclaims, the previous sleepy and tiredness in her voice long gone. You hadn’t notice Kara standing by the doorframe for another minute but when you finally did you shoot her a soft smile accompanied with a hand gesture, signaling her to come to you.
When your hands finally meet, you pull her to you and Lena and she falls face flat on the mattress. “What kind of idiot did you stop now?” Kara groans and shakes her head saying she doesn’t wanna talk about it. Your eyes meet Lena’s and you both already know that Kara had a bad day —well, night.
You slowly flip Kara to her back and see her already half asleep. Both you and Lena knew that it would be almost impossible to get her out of her super-suit and she has to do it in her own. “Kara, love?” Lena cooed and brush her hand to Kara’s hair, gently stroking her golden locks.
Kara hums and slightly open her eyes “you have to take the suit off yourself, honey” the blonde pouted and let out a groan before super speeding out of her suit, leaving her in her underwear and bra.
After getting out her suit you lay back down on the bed with Lena and Kara beside you, their arms on either sides of you, enveloping you in their warmth as they fall back asleep. It didn’t take you long before dozing off along with them but before you did, you made sure to write the formula on your arm so you wouldn’t forget.
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itzyourgirlnat · 3 years
Caught in the act
Being Kara and Lena’s daughter was...let's say it was complicated. You always had everything that you could possibly need and your family loved you so much. However, it wasn't all perfect. Kara was almost like your best friend, you both watched movies, went flying, cuddled almost ALL the time and told each other everything. Sadly, you hadn't seen each other a lot recently.  You obviously don't blame her cause she was probably also dying to spend time with you. But, between Supergirl (who was very needed lately) and Catco she was always busy. It's surprising how you two live in the same house but only have a full conversation every three or four days. Lena, on the other hand, also hasn’t been very available. And, again, it's not her fault. L-Corp is growing even more and has many projects going on so she’s always in her office.
Even if you miss them, you never ONCE complained. It wouldn't be that bad if you hadn’t fallen into a routine, not spending much time with them became a habbit. You obviously talked to them (cause you live together) but about basic things and you simply stopped mentioning things about school and your private life. Your life went on, without your mothers knowing about it. And then the unexpected happened, you were in volleyball practice when she walked in. She was new and had just joined the team, somehow Rao blessed you and the coach asked you to show her around. Two weeks later you were somehow dating. Honestly, you can’t even believe it, you weren’t popular and didn't have many friends (the Luthor name made things harder for you) but Zoe saw you.
 Anyways, all that happened...and you just, kinda, didn't tell you moms anything about it. IN YOUR DEFENSE they were both very busy lately and honestly, they were already very protective and so you just didn’t say anything.
It was all going on well until one day. You were on a date with Zoe, you had gone to the library to study a bit and then you grabbed some food and simply walked around. You then accompanied her to her house but before going in she turned around and kissed you.
‘even if I love this, your parents could see us’ you said.
‘They are not home yet’ she said
‘Well in that case’ you slowly kissed her.
Zoe’s parents did not see you, what you didn’t know was that both Kara and Lena were in their car on their way home…
‘ We really have to make a change’ said Kara while looking through the window.
‘I know honey’
‘I just hate having such little time with her! What if she drifts apart from us and stops telling us things!’ Kara huffed. Lena grabbed her hand and squished it softly.
‘That won't happen, look, we have been very busy lately but, we are not anymore and we will spend time together like we used to. Besides it hasn't been that long and if something big had happened she would have told us’
‘Yeah you’re probably right’ Kara turned again towards the window. That's when she saw it. You kissing a girl who after hugging you and kissing your cheek entered a house.
‘It’s Y/N!’
‘Kara what is it?!’
‘She was making out with a girl!’
After saying goodbye to Zoe you walked to your house. Everything seemed perfect at that moment: the sun was shining, there were flowers everywhere and you had just had one of the best afternoons of your life. However it all changed once you got home. You opened the door and both of your moms were on the couch. They weren't talking or doing anything in particular, they were waiting for you. Oh no, this can’t be good
‘Hi guys’ You walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water
‘Hi baby’ Kara stood up and walked towards you. 
‘How was your day?’ Lena who wasn't too far away asked
‘Great, I had a study session and it went way better than I had expected’ 
‘Oh we know ’ Kara said. Lena immediately hit her on the arm
‘Oh well nothing’ 
You walked towards them and raised an eyebrow at them
‘Soo, what did you study?’ Kara asked, trying to change the topic
‘Oh, I didn’t know a part of algebra consisted on literally making out with a girl for five minutes’ Lena mumbled
‘We were, we kind of...we coming home when we...we saw it’
‘Oh my god’
You turned around embarrassed. Out of everything that could have happened it had to be that.
Lena walked towards you with her arms crossed
‘So, who is she?’
‘Um no one, just you know, a friend’ 
She looked at you right in the eye. Well nothing could be worse than this could it?
‘I met her at school, she was the friend of a friend and one day we just crossed paths. She was failing french and I offered my help’
Lena laughed softly ‘She asked for help with french and you kissed her. Why am I not surprised?’
‘Don’t laugh! She’s really nice and smart’ You were now blushing
‘For how long have you been together?’ Kara asked
‘Not much, just um, a couple of months or so’ You avoided looking at her.  Even if it didnt seem like it, Kara was incredibly overprotective with you.
‘A couple of months?!’ Oh no, this is not good.’WHAT DO YOU MEAN A COUPLE OF MONTHS?’ 
‘I mean 60 days or so’ you said sarcastically
‘Why didn't you tell us?!’ she runned towards you
‘Well I…’ You looked at Lena who immediately rose her brow
You took a deep breath
‘It's just that I, i don't know, at first I thought it wasn't a serious thing, but the it suddenly was and you were both really busy and I was kind of scared and I just, i guess I made excuses to not tell you’ You were ashamed and looked down
‘Baby’ Kara held your hand. ‘We know that we haven't been around much lately and we are really sorry, but you don't have to be afraid, not of telling us things’
‘Yeah, because we really wanna know what's going on in your life’ Lena added
’I’m sorry’
Kara hugged you
‘Don't be Y/N, it's kind of our fault, but please tell us what’s going on in your life’
Lena hugged you too and know you were between them
‘Yes please tell us and we promise that it is the most important thing for us, more than work and anything’ she said
You all stood there just enjoying each other's touch since it had been long since you had all hugged properly. 
‘So tell us, how is she?’ Lena asked breaking the hug
You then spent the whole night talking about Zoe and the other things that had happened in your life, and finally, you felt at home.
The end
Ok so I wanna thank @supercorpkid who inspired and ecouraged me to write and @gleamylix who also helped:)
If you have any request feel free to tell but (but I’m new to tumblr so im not sure how this works yet, have mercy )
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supergirlfics · 5 years
    I wasn’t expecting it. Wasn’t expecting the long fingers to wrap around my arm, or the black cloth to cover my face. Wasn’t expecting the awful smell of chloroform to fill my lungs and send me slipping into unconsciousness.
    The room in which I awoke was a deceptively small, with translucent walls that did little more than cast shadows of the outside world. 
    There was a small device on my temple. I was wearing light blue scrubs and lay on a bed with sheets of the same color. The only other thing in the room was a heart rate monitor I was hooked up to. 
    The walls disappeared suddenly and standing there . . .
    “Lena?” I sat up quickly, staring at her in disbelief. 
    “Jacquelyn,” Lena said as she strode to my side. “Glad to see you’re awake.”
    “What am I doing here?”
    “Lay down. You need to rest.” Lena gently pushed me back down. My hand reached up to touch whatever was on my temple, but Lena’s warm hand moved it away. “Don’t touch it. I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
    “But what - Lena? What are you doing?”
    She had grabbed a strab from the far side of the bed, bringing it over my shoulders and fastening it. I reached up to free myself, but Lena grabbed my wrist, pushing it down harshly. She held it in place as she fastened another strap over it. 
“Don’t fight it.”
“Lena! Stop!”
She only proceeded to place straps over my other wrist, my 
abdomen, knees, and ankles. I was stuck in place. 
“Let me go Lena! Let me - let me go!” I was breathing hard in my 
panic. In fact, I could hardly breathe at all. 
    Lena pulled something small and familiar from her pocket. My inhaler. “Exhale.” Though at the moment I was terrified, I listened. As soon as I had, the inhaler was in my mouth and I was able to take that life-saving Ventolin puff. Still, you glared at Lena. If you had a choice, you would have refused the inhaler, but you rather enjoyed breathing.
    Lena stuck the inhaler on a nearby table, never taking her eyes off of you. “You don’t need to be afraid.”
    “Says the woman who strapped me to a freaking table. What do you want with me, anyway?”
    “Supergirl hurt me, Jacquelyn. I want her to feel that same pain she put me through.”
    “She made a mistake. She’s only human.”
    Lena raised an eyebrow.
    “Okay, she’s an alien. But aliens make mistakes, too. She thought she was protecting you. She was scared. You can’t hold that against her. And you can’t hold me here because of it.”
    “I can and I will. Supergirl will feel my pain.”
    “They’ll know I’m gone. They’ll find me, and what’s left for you then? You’re making yourself a villain.”
    “I am not a villain,” Lena snapped. “And your sisters would never suspect me of kidnapping you. Or did you forget? Supergirl still believes she is my best friend.”
    I struggled against the binding, getting absolutely nowhere. “She’ll find me.”
    “You’ll give yourself rope burn.”
    A woman entered the room. She had wavy blond hair, blue eyes. And her name was Eve. 
    “What is she doing here?”
    “Hope?” Lena smirked. “You’ll see.”
    “Hope? That’s not -”
    “It is now. I mapped her brain, created exactly the type of person I needed. A true friend, you could call it.”
    “You got rid of her emotion.”
    “Precisely. Now hope is perfectly capable of meeting my needs without the disgusting personal attachments.”
    “You’re terrible,” I said, my voice shaking.
    “Jacquelyn . . . You know that’s not true. I’m protecting myself.”
    “Eve may not have been a good person, but you ruined her. You turned her into a robot and for what? Because she hurt your feelings? That’s what villains do, Lena. You’ve become like Lex. Cruel, heartless. You kidnapped two people. No good person does that. I never thought you would do that.”
    “Well then maybe I’m not who you thought I was either.”
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awfcrusso · 4 years
I may be a full on bottom but Katie McGrath can sit on my face any day of the week.
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cool-brooklyn-us · 5 years
Hey guys I'm gonna start taking requests for Y/N Pairing with the following and opinions you might like.
Carol Danvers & you
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Alex Danvers & You
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Kara Danvers & you
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Natasha Romanoff & you
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Brie Larson & you
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Lena Luthor & Reader
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Female and Female Requests only at the moment 😊
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
my biggest gift
request! Lena x young daughter reader
this is a request i had come through my dm’s (the request itself is pretty long so i won’t post it but thank you SO much to the person who sent it through.) I hope you like it!
Word Count: 725
Lena had just got home from a long day of work. She had a board meeting with some potential investors that went terribly and all she wanted was to eat dinner with her little one and go to sleep.
She picked you up from Kara’s, who’d happily agreed to watch you after school. Usually, you would go hang out in your Mom’s office, but Lena’s meetings just were never ending today so she panic-called Kara during her short lunch break.
“What do you feel like for dinner munchkin?” You shrugged your shoulders, watching as your mom kicked off her heels and dropped her bag by the front door.
“Well, I think we have some leftover pasta from last night, you good with that y/n?” You nodded, skipping down to your room to get changed. Lena smiled at the sight before going to do so herself.
When you heard your mom past, you poked your head out of your room and scurried back to the entryway where she left her bag. You quickly dug her purse out and pulled out some bills, not taking a moment to look at what they were valued.
“Y/n Elizabeth Luthor.” Your eyes went wide as you spun around to see your mom, her arms crossed, her eyebrow cocked. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I- I-” You stuttered, feeling your face flush warm with embarrassment.
“You what, y/n? you thought you could go to my bag and take money out of my purse and I’d be none the wiser? Y/n, you know better than to betray my trust like that,” Lena could feel herself losing her temper, something she never does with you. She turns around, trying to collect herself until she feels a pair of small arms wrap around her waist.
“Mommy, mommy ‘m sorry!! ‘m s-sorry mommy!” Lena forgets her emotions and turns around to hold your distraught face in her hands.
“Hey, hey, c’mon. Let’s take some deep breaths together, okay?” You followed her lead and soon stopped sobbing, though your tears still ran down your cheeks.
Lena grabbed your hand and lead you to the couch, sitting you down opposite her.
“I just wanted to buy you a birthday present…” You mumbled softly,
“Can you speak up please, y/n?” You looked up, surprised to see that your Mom no longer looked angry.
“I just, I wanted to buy you a birthday present. I’ve been saving up my pocket money but I was a dollar or two short and I just was gonna take it and – and put it back when I could. ‘m sorry mommy.” Lena’s heart sank.
“Oh sweetheart.” She pulled you into her as you dissolved into tears again. She smoothed back your hair, kissing you gently on your forehead.
“I – I knew it was wrong, I just, wanted to d-do something nice for you and didn’t know h-how and -”
Lena shushed you and pulled your small frame onto her lap, rocking you slightly back and forth.
“’m a bad kid. My parents left, they, they would be so disappointed in me.” You wailed against Lena’s chest.
Her heart broke, “Y/n, hey, hey. We don’t talk about ourselves like that, hm? You are a smart, sweet, wonderful little girl.” She kissed you on your hair, “And your parents are so proud of you. They watch over you every day, darling.”
You sniffed and wiped your face, “really?”
Lena nodded and reached over to pull some tissues from the side table before cleaning your face, fixing your haphazard job. “Really, y/n.”
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry I overreacted before knowing what was going on. Mommy can be wrong sometimes too and I promise to try and understand what is happening before I react.”
“’s okay mommy.”
“And, you know you can ask me for anything you need – or you can go to Aunt Kara or Aunt Alex. I’m sure they would’ve been happy to help you out with a dollar or two.” She smiles softly, rubbing your cheek with her finger until you do the same.
“You are my biggest gift, y/n. I couldn’t want anything else. Being your mommy is my favourite job.” You smile brightly at that.
“Being your daughter is MY favourite job.” You giggle as she tickles your sides before pulling you closer. Both of you relishing in the warmth and comfort.
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
help me hold onto you - part 3
hello!! I have my last exam tomorrow and then i am officially done with my third year of university!. thank you all for being patient while i worked on my final assesments and worked through some personal stuff. I’m still not doing great mentally, but I’m hoping with uni over tomorrow, I’ll have a lot more time, energy, and motivation to write. 
love you guys!
Word Count: 1009
part 1, part 2 
Lena sighed as she watched Kara sleep, her head laying on your bed in the medbay. She could tell how attached Kara had become to you within a matter of days, which worried her in case things didn’t work out. She didn’t want to see Kara hurt; and more than that, she didn’t want you going into the foster system after so much trauma – trauma that was largely her family’s doing. 
“Hey,” Lena jumped as Alex entered the room, suddenly being pulled from her thoughts. 
She turned to face the red head, “Hey”. 
Alex furrowed her brows, “You should be getting some rest too.” Lena waved her off. 
“At least go and get a coffee or something? Some fresh air?” Lena shakes her head again,
“It’s fine, I’m used to sleepless nights.” Alex sighs, placing the paperwork she was holding down at a bench. 
“She’s gonna be okay.” Lena feels a hand placed comfortingly on her shoulder. 
“Which one.” Lena laughs sadly. 
“Both of them. Kara’s strong, Lena. You know that.” Lena nods, she does know that, what she doesn’t know is if she is. “And, y/n, well she has us three to make sure she’ll be okay.”
Lena crosses her arms, “I really do hope so. I can’t imagine what my mother put her through.” 
Alex looks sideways to the brunette, “You know that none of that is your fault.” 
When Lena doesn’t answer, Alex tugs her by the arm, forcing her to look at her. 
“Lena, you didn’t even know that your mother had people running CADMUS while she was in prison, you couldn’t have known what was going on. We didn’t even know there was another facility. Please don’t blame yourself.” Lena nods ever so slightly, Alex squeezes her shoulder, 
“You are not your family, Lena.” The brunette’s green eyes shift. She hasn’t felt like this in a little while, Kara usually kept Lena’s thoughts about herself at bay; but it’s also been a little while since her family has done something this bad. 
The pair stood in silence for a little while before your heart monitor started to spike. Kara woke up frantic, 
“What’s going on? Is she okay?!” Lena grabbed hold of her girlfriend’s hand while Alex checked you over, 
“It seems like she’s just having another nightmare, the sedative I gave her must be wearing off.” 
Kara’s eyes welled with tears as your face contorts in anguish. Alex pulls both Lena and Kara back as your movements become more erratic. 
“Y/n, y/n, hey you need to wake up, alright? C’mon, you got this, just wake up honey” Alex tried to get through to you when all of a sudden you bolted upright, hands gripping the rails of the bed. 
Alex quickly held your face in her hands, allowing your eyes to focus on her instead of darting around the room. “There we go, you’re safe y/n.” 
“Alex…” When Alex turned to Kara’s voice, she followed her gaze to the bed rails, of which had been bent right where you were holding them. 
You looked down and immediately pulled your hands back. They can’t know, they can’t know! 
“Ah!” your hands flew up to cover your ears, every sound increasing until you could hear people down the street talking, people’s heartbeats, the wind… 
“Hey, y/n, what’s wrong?” Alex tried to pry your hands off your ears, 
“Too loud, make it stop!” Alex looked toward Lena and Kara who both looked equally confused and concerned.
Your gaze was frantic, you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t focus. 
Alex motioned to Kara and Lena, pulling down the rails of your bed and wrapping her arms around you. The other two followed suit, Lena sat moved to sit behind you and Kara on the other side from Alex, so you were now held all around by three strong pairs of arms. You felt your heart rate begin to decrease as you breathed deeper. 
When they felt as though you had settled, Kara and Alex let go of you. Lena, however, stayed behind you and let you lay your exhausted body against her chest.
There was a period of silence, Alex didn’t stop looking at your charts, trying to figure out what happened. Kara stood biting her thumbnail, silently conversing with Lena as she sat behind you combing your hair back. 
“What’s wrong with me?” Lena didn’t quite hear you, 
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
“What’s wrong with me?” 
Alex heard and sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed. 
“I don’t know, y/n. But I promise you, we will do everything we can to figure this out, okay?” 
You nodded, leaning back against Lena again, trying to allow yourself to be cared for as her nails scratched your scalp lightly while her fingers resumed threading through your hair. 
Kara suddenly got a concentrated look on her face, 
“Alex, there’s a disturbance downtown-”
“Go, we’ll be okay.” Kara nodded at her sister before changing into her suit and speeding off. 
Alex then decided to give you some more medicine so you would sleep again – she said it was to give you some rest, but as soon as you nodded off, she pulled out a needle. 
“What are you thinking Alex?” Lena asked, watching as her friend drew blood from your arm. 
“I’m going to run a couple other tests, DNA tests.” Lena furrowed her brows. 
“Why? Didn’t you do that when we brought her in?” 
“I did, but I didn’t test for alien DNA.” 
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
Help me hold onto you
okay hey hi hello, this is me coming back to writing slowly!! i know i’ve put things out here and there, but from now i’m aiming to be a little more consistent (if my mental health allows)
this is going to be an on-going story (i’ve already started part two!) with lena and kara navigating parenting an extremely traumatised teenage reader, and their growing relationship. 
(song title from The Archer - Taylor Swift)
Help me hold onto you - part one
Word Count: 850
Taking you in seemed like a no-brainer to Kara when she and Alex found you in the Cadmus facility.
Lena, however, was harder to convince. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to – in fact that’s all she wanted – but she was terrified of the prospect of possibly not being the parent you deserved after all that her family put you through.
“I don’t know Kara…” Lena looked back into the medbay, your unconscious body laying while Alex drew blood from your arm.
“Lena, she’s a teenager who has lost all her family. Hasn’t known love in years. We can give that to her.”
Lena bit her lip; Kara could sense her girlfriend’s anxiety. “Hey,” the blonde cupped Lena’s face, “you’re amazing with kids. Ruby adores you.” Lena scoffs.
“Yeah but I’m not responsible for Ruby.” Kara sighed.
“Darling, I promise I do want to take her in. I just, like you said, she deserves love. She deserves the best – what if I can’t be that?” Kara kissed her softly,
“You are incredible. We’ll do this together, and we won’t be perfect, no. But we’ll do our best. We’ll make her feel safe and loved again.” Lena thought quietly for a moment before nodding her head and squeezing her love’s hand.  
It was now quite a few days later. You woke up almost 24 hours after they brought you in to the medbay, and they had to give you a mild sedative when you did.
No one knew what you endured at the facility, and you were determined to keep it that way. The people that found you seemed nice enough, and so did those who you’ve met since being at the DEO. You just couldn’t tell them.
You really hadn’t experienced anything resembling care in years, so hearing that Kara and Lena wanted you to come live with them was baffling.
“Why?” Kara furrowed her brow,
“Why what, sweetheart?” You picked at the bandages covering your arms,
“Why would you want to do that?” Your question was so genuine that it made Kara tear up. You really didn’t understand why anyone would want to show you love.
Lena stepped in then, giving her girlfriend a break. “Y/n, you have been through something none of us can even begin to imagine. You deserve to have a safe place to call home, and we want to give you that. Will you let us?” Green eyes poured into yours.
Hesitantly, you nodded. Lena sent you a small smile and rubbed Kara’s back.
Alex walked into the medbay to see you sitting up with Kara and Lena talking a bit.
“Hey kiddo, you look a bit brighter today.” Alex had been the one to deal with you mostly the last few days. Given the fact she was there when you were found, you didn’t trust any of the other doctors at the DEO to be near you. After what you experienced, anything regarding medical equipment sent you into a panic attack.
“Yeah, I guess.” You shrugged as Alex begun the routine you both had compromised on. Kara and Lena stood either side of the head of your bed as Alex lowered it all the way down so you couldn’t see anything but their faces. They began talking to you, distracting you from the fact the Alex was drawing blood and pulling out the IV.
A little while later, Alex returned and stated that you had absorbed enough nutrients that you were no longer critically malnourished. You would still need regular check-ups to track your progress, as well as frequent visits to clean your wounds. But for now – you were free to go.
“I’m just a phone call away, Kara, you know that.” Alex whispered as Lena helped you change into some clothes she bought.
“Yeah, Alex, thank you. She’s got a long road ahead of her, we’ll just take it one step at a time.”
Getting you out of the DEO wasn’t a challenge they anticipated though.
“I, I think I think I should just stay here.” You stood frozen in place.
Kara placed her hand on your back, and you flinched. “I’m not going out there.”
“What’s going on, y/n?” You wrung your hands,
“I haven’t been anywhere but the, the…” you couldn’t bring yourself to say the facility; but Lena caught on. You hadn’t been anywhere but the DEO and the Cadmus facility in years. Of course you would be terrified of anything else.
Lena moved in front of you, not touching you, but ensuring she had your attention.
“I know it’s so beyond scary, y/n. I know. But you are so strong. We will be here the entire time, and we’ll go at your pace.” Kara smiled at Lena as she watched her girlfriend realise that maybe she could do this; maybe she will be okay and will be able to take care of this sweet girl.
It took a little more coaxing before you said okay, but you did, and Kara and Lena were really proud of you.
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! lena x reader - invisible string
How about a Lena x reader who is a few years younger than her where they became friends in boarding school cuz Lena helped reader with a science project or something. After graduating reader starts a company that partners with LCorp and the two reunite. I just feel like Lena needs to have someone good from her past besides Sam🥺 p.s I absolutely adore your work 💕
So i took the title from the line from ‘invisible string’ by taylor swift from folklore bc it really reminded me of this 🥰
thank you guys for being patient with me as I try to juggle uni, my worsening mental health and everything else the world is throwing at me. Im sorry i haven’t written in so long. I hope this is okay.
Word Count: 681
‘And isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?’ 
“Why doesn’t this make sense” you grumbled under your breath as you held your head in your hand, your other desperately flipping the pages of your science textbook.
“Hey… are you okay?” You looked up and saw a girl – a really pretty girl.
“Uhm, just… yeah no. This chemistry chapter is kicking my ass.” You laughed.
The girl sat down beside you, putting her books on the table and motioning you to show her the textbook.
“I’m Lena, by the way.” She smiles softly, though her green eyes looking a little sad.
“I’m y/n.” She cocked her head, “Are you new? I haven’t seen you around.”
You nodded, “I just started, I’m only in 8th grade.” You blushed.
“Oh! Of course, that’s why this book looks familiar” She laughed, “I’m in 10th.”
Lena sat with you and helped you out, not getting frustrated when she had to explain a concept three times over. By the end, you were both just chatting about everything and anything.
From that day onwards, Lena and you were inseparable. She introduced you to her friend Andrea and you started hanging out with them. When they both graduated, you all promised to stay in touch, but life happens and it strained your relationship pretty quickly.
You tried to keep it up during the first year, but then they became more and more distant and schedules clashed even more when you started college.
Years later, you graduate with honours from Oxford after moving abroad to study. You decided to head back to National City, your hometown, to start up your own company. It was a lot of hard work and long hours, but you were really gaining momentum for someone so young.
It wasn’t long before a company reached out to you to negotiate a partnership – you were shocked. Though your company had grown, it was still extremely small and unaccomplished compared to what was out there. So, when you looked down and saw L-Corp on the email, you thought you were dreaming.
The following week you smoothed out your best outfit, making sure you looked as professional as possible. After feeling satisfied after looking in the mirror, you headed out of your apartment and down to L-Corp.
You smiled as the security guard ushered you up to the top floor and buzzed you in,
“Oh my god, y/n?!” Your eyes widened,
“Lena!” She laughed brightly and pulled you into a hug. Your head still fit perfectly under her chin, just as it had all those times she held you when you were scared or homesick at boarding school.
“Why didn’t I put it together that you run L-Corp now?!”
“Well, it is only a new development. I took it over last year.”
“Wow, Lena that’s amazing! How have you been?”
“Life isn’t exactly uncomplicated with the last name Luthor, but I think it’s looking up. What about you? You ended up going to Oxford, right?” You smiled; she remembered your dream school.
“Yeah I did, got honours in bio-engineering.” She beamed, giving your shoulder a squeeze,
“I always knew you were going to do it, y/n. You were always doubting yourself.” You scoffed,
“Says you!” She smirked, “Touché”.
You talked for hours, Lena ended up cancelling her afternoon meetings just to stay with you. You caught up, you told her all about your company (for that was really the reason you were there), and of course she agreed to partner with you on some research.
“I can’t believe how many years it’s been Lena… I missed you so much.” Lena tucked her fingers under your chin, lifting your face to meet hers.
“I missed you too darling, more than you’ll ever know.”
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! lena x reader - you’re all i need
Hello!Can I request one where Lena is trying to organize something special for her and reader's anniversary. But everything fails despite Lena's efforts to save the plan over and over again. Eventually reader gets home when it's dark and finds a sad Lena. R comforts her gf and instead of a lavish anniversary celebration. Reader whips out popcorn, wine and some silly movies. Lena realizes all she really needs in her life Reader. No fancy events needed to celebrate.
Hope this is okay, anon! 
Word Count: 591
“Well that’s just not good enough!” Lena huffed as she sat at her desk, on the phone to the restaurant downtown for the third time that day. “No, you can keep that offer thank you very much, we will be dining elsewhere.” She put her head in her hands. Lena had been trying to organise you guys one-year anniversary. You had been talking about this new place you wanted to go for weeks; however, it seemed that everyone else in National City also wanted to go there and hence, Lena’s reservation was cancelled after they overbooked.
Lena was usually dead against using her status and name to get what she wanted. She believed that she should be treated like any other citizen; but right now, she was seriously considering it.
“Ms Luthor, they’re ready for you in the board room.” Lena looked up to see Jess in the doorway,
“Thank you Jess, I’ll be there in a minute.”
For the rest of the afternoon, Lena was swamped with work. She felt like she was being pulled in all directions. When she finally got home, she felt completely defeated.
“Babe?” You had gotten home late, you and Kara had a lead and things didn’t wrap up as quick as you wanted.
The lights were off, and you frowned as you flicked them back on, expecting Lena to be here. Then you saw your girlfriend curled up on the couch,
“Hey, hey what’s wrong love? I’m sorry I’m late, I tried to leave earlier but things just kept happening.” You sat beside Lena and pulled her close.
“It’s not you darling, promise. I just, I had so much planned for us tonight. I wanted to show you how special you are to me. How amazing this last year has been. But it just, it kept falling apart and I couldn’t put it back together.” Lena sniffled as you rubbed her back.
“Babe, you know I don’t need anything fancy.” Lena turned to you,
“But you deserve it. You deserve the entire world, and I just wanted to give you as much as I could.” You leaned in and kissed her, cupping her cheek.
“Why don’t you go change into something more comfortable and I’ll whip something up?” Lena went to object, but you gently shushed her, and she went on her way.
You pulled out a bottle of wine you had got last weekend and hid away, then some of Lena’s favourite popcorn from her stash she thought no one knew about. By the time Lena had come back downstairs, you had Netflix queued up with her favourite comfort movie and a nest of soft blankets.
“Come on, Lena. Let’s just snuggle and drink wine and watch movies?” Your girlfriend smiled as she slid underneath the blankets and pulled you into her arms.
“Sounds perfect baby.” You leant up and kissed under her chin, making her giggle.
“You’re all I need Lena,” She found your hand and squeezed it,
“I love you y/n.”
You were right, just being together was completely and utterly enough.
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! lena x reader - cooking
How about Lena x reader, where "decent cook" reader helps Lena "takeout" Luthor learn how to cook? Thanks in advance, love your writing 😍
Hi, so i was meaning for this to be longer, however with everything that went on tonight, I kinda lost motivation and stuff but i do still really like how this turned out! even if it is short and sweet :)
Word Count: 447
“Y/n! I’m home, we decided to move the board meeting to Monday – hey what’s all this?” Your beautiful girlfriend walked in the door to the lavish apartment, stopping in her tracks when she saw you grinning from behind the counter, an array of ingredients on display. 
“We’re gonna cook!” You beamed. Lena placed her bag down and removed her coat, looking confused. 
You smirked and moved closer to her, reaching up and giving her a kiss. “I’m, gonna teach you how to cook! You can’t live on takeout all the time Lena” She scoffs playfully, 
“It’s not like it’s unhealthy takeout.” She counters. 
You roll your eyes and hang on her neck, “Yeeeaaah, but I wanna teach you how to cook! Pleaseeee” you looked up at her with puppy eyes, she was crumbling. 
“You cannot give me that look y/n, that’s unfair!” You jumped up and down and kissed her on her cheek. Lena smiled softly; you truly do have her wrapped around your little finger. 
“Well, what are we cooking darling?” She asked, looking at the ingredients and trying to make sense of them.
“Hmm, I thought we could try those veggie tacos I make? I know you love those and they’re pretty quick and easy.” 
Lena pecked your cheek, “Sounds amazing, love.”  
“Kay! Let’s start! Lena, can you chop the zucchini and onion?” Lena did a fake salute and got to work, you laughed softly at your girlfriend’s antics as you started chopping the tomato and chili.
A little while later you heard Lena sniffle, “Y/n, look you’ve made me cry!” You looked up and she was half-way through cutting the onion, 
You laughed at her, “have you never chopped an onion before?” 
“Well yeah, I’m not totally clueless. I just don’t remember them making me tear up this much.” You ‘aww’ed’ her and wiped her tears, not missing the opportunity to press a kiss to her lips – still a deep shade of red that she had put on for work. 
You guided Lena through sautéing the vegetables and stirring in the rest of the ingredients. Then softened the tortilla’s and let her serve them up. 
“Oh my god, Lena these are amazing!!” You exclaimed. Lena blushed, 
“Yeah well, you helped.” 
“No way, this was allll you.” You giggled as you took another bite. Lena looked proud of herself as she did the same.
“Maybe some homecooked meals every now and then would be nice.” You smiled, leaning over the delicious dish you made and kissing Lena, 
“Told you so.”
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! - lena x daughter!reader (sickfic prompts)
Lena x daughter!reader with 70, 49, & 59 49. “Not with that cold.” 59. “Did you really hide the thermometer?” 70. Cranky sickie.
Word Count: 468
hope its okay, anon!
You knew your mom was in the kitchen working. She had made you stay home from school today because you woke up sick, but your best friend’s birthday was today, and you really wanted to still go to the party tonight.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You cringe and turn around to see your mom’s eyebrow quirked and a stern expression written on her face.
“To Olivia’s birthday party…”
Lena scoffed, “Not with that cold.” You whined,
“But mom! Please! I’m all better!” Lena got up and walked over to where you stood.
“You’re all better, are you?” You nodded,
“Hmm” Lena pressed her lips to your forehead,
“Well, if I take your temperature, it’s going to come back normal is it?” You nodded again, though less confident this time. She’s seeing through you so easily.
Lena went into the bathroom and fossicked around in the cabinet. Frowning, she came back out to you, “Y/n Luthor, did you really hide the thermometer?”
“No?” Lena crossed her arms and gave you ‘the look’.
“Ugh fine.” You huffed and stomped all the way to your bedroom, retrieving the thermometer from under your pillow. When you got back to Lena you thrust it into her hands and then flopped down on the couch.
Your mom came over and sat beside you, “darling, c’mon, open up and let me take your temperature.”
When it beeped, Lena sighed. “Sorry love, its high. Let’s take your makeup off and get you back into bed okay?”
You were so annoyed, all you wanted was to go to your best friend’s birthday but of course you had to be sick!
Lena lead you back to your room and then disappeared into the bathroom before coming back with a makeup remover wipe. “Stop pouting sweetheart, or I’ll have to wipe that off too.” Lena laughed as she cleaned your face,
“Mooommm, I can do it.” Lena tutted and continued.
“Let me take care of you darling. You’re not well, and the sooner you admit that and rest, the sooner you’ll get better.”
You grumbled, “Just wanted to see my friends.” Lena sighed as she finished taking off your makeup.
“I know honey. You’ll see them when you’re feeling better.” Your mom kissed your hair, “I’m gonna go get you some more medicine, why don’t you change back into your pyjamas and get under the covers, love?”
While getting changed, though you’d never admit it, you were kind of glad you were getting back into bed. Everything was hurting and you were exhausted from the energy you just exerted.
Lena came back into the room to see you almost asleep, snuggled with your favourite stuffed animal.
Coaxing you awake softly, Lena gave you the medicine and then stroked your hair softly.
“Sweet dreams, stubborn daughter of mine.”
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! baby!danvers halloween makeup
B!D doing everyone's makeup for Halloween.
had fun with this one :) hope you like it!
Word Count: 833
Halloween was less than a week away and you had been begging Alex, Kara and Lena to let you do their makeup,
“Pleaseee I’ve been practicing so much, and I’ve learnt how to do really cool things!! Please?!” Alex groaned, rubbing her face.
“Oh c’mon Alex, let’s let her.” Kara was the one to give in, just as you thought. Then with yours and Kara’s puppy eyes, Alex crumbled too.
“Lena? Pleaseeee?” Lena looked up from her book,
“Hm, I guess so.” Then she looked at Kara and Alex, all sharing the same mischievous smirk.
“But if you get to do ours, we get to do yours – AND decide your costume!” Alex said, the others looked on in amusement as you crossed your arms and huffed. That was so not the way you wanted this to go.
But you really wanted to do their makeup and it had taken so long to convince them…
“Fineeeee.” You sighed dramatically. You saw Lena laughing and your sisters high-fiving and started to immediately regret agreeing.
Throughout the rest of the week you collected what you needed for each of the group’s makeup looks. Lena was going to be a vampire, Kara a fairy (“well just because it’s Halloween doesn’t mean I have to be scary, Alex!” she explained) and Alex a zombie.
As for you, you had no idea.
You had instructed them all to be at yours and Kara’s apartment at least 4 hours before the party was meant to start. Luckily for them, they all scraped in just in time.
“Kara, you first” you told the blonde, thinking she’d be the easiest as she was the most excited.
What you didn’t take into account was the fact that your sister was basically a puppy.
“Will you hold still! I just gotta blend this eyeshadow.” Lena smiled softly at her girlfriend and came up behind her, “Love, just sit still” then she leant toward Kara’s ear, whispering something not even you could hear. Kara giggled in response and you crinkled your brow but continued working. You had created such a cool blend of blues and purples on her eyes, then stuck small stars on her cheeks. To finish, you applied glitter on her pink lipstick.
“y/n!! this is so cool!!” Kara thanked you, and you beamed. Kara hopped up and Lena took her place,
“Just not too gruesome, y/n.” she states as she pulled her hair back.
“Pff, yeah yeah.” Lena rolls her eyes at you as you start the makeup. You gave Lena an incredible smoky eye with rich, burgundy lips that dripped with blood. She put in the fangs you gave her and you had to admit – she looked pretty dang scary!
Lena hummed in approval and then went and scared Kara who was trying to put her fairy wings on. You laughed, turning to Alex – the most complicated look yet.
You got out the fake blood and liquid latex and created gashes across her cheeks and neck, darkening her under eyes and making her skin even paler.
“Oh my god, y/n… this is amazing.” Alex said, you smirked,
“I told you!” Alex nodded,
“Now it’s our turn!” You grimaced but turned and sat in the hot seat.
“What did you guys decide?” Alex pressed her finger to your lips and shushed you,
“You’ll see soon enough kiddo.” You heard Lena laugh behind you as she pulled your hair up into two…
“Hey why are you giving me pigtails?!” you went to turn around but were jerked back by Alex’s hand.
Alex held the foundation brush with a grin, “You just relax little one.”
“Yeah, we’ll be done soon!” Kara added, finally coming over and joining in on your torture.
You thought they were having a little too much fun applying various products on your face – you never let your sisters do your makeup, so they were taking full advantage of the opportunity.
After Kara applied the last of the lipstick, Alex shoved a mirror into your hands before standing proudly with Lena and Kara.
You gazed at the mirror; high pigtails with pink ribbons, giant eyelashes and big rosy cheeks. “You… turned me into a what? A doll?” Kara nodded and twirled one of your ponytails.
“You look so cute!!! Wait til you see the dress!” you groaned, and Alex laughed,
“Sorry, it’s just hard to take you seriously when you look like a 5-year-old.” You huffed and crossed your arms (not exactly helping your case).
Soon you were in the frilly dress they picked out, taking group photos that Kara insisted on. “Okay, are we ready to go? The party starts at 7,” Lena asked, checking her phone.
“Sure, just five minutes and I’ll be ready.” You scurried off to the bathroom before anyone could follow.
When you returned, you smiled proudly – fake blood dripping down the fake cuts you made in your smile lines.
“What? You never said I couldn’t be a creepy doll!”
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