#length: drabble
mistpodfics · 1 year
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tea, milk & honey written by catboydogma | @catboydogma A Star Wars: Clone Wars Podfic read by mistbornhero with a cover by patientanxiety for VoiceTeam: Dabbling In Drabbles
i take time and i worry about your health sometimes
Podfic Length: 01:11 minutes
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snamioneasks · 3 months
Hi there, I'm hoping you might be able to help me find a fic I've been looking for. I don't remember the overall plot, but strongly remember a scene where Hermione comes to wake Severus up or something and he tells her he had a dream about a hippopotamus drug Lord or arms dealer or something to that effect and then falls back asleep. I know that's random and extremely vague, sorry! I appreciate any help you can give though!
Hi, I asked about a fic that mentioned a hippopotamus drug Lord. I just wanted to let you know I've found it! It's The Precious Few by ConstantComment, and it was a drug Lord that was a platypus. ;P Thanks for running this blog and always trying to help!
Thanks for the rec!
The Precious Few By: ConstantComment - T, drabble (chapter 7) - COMPLETE: Sets of 300-word drabbles featuring HG and SS after the the episode in the Shrieking Shack. EWE, otherwise DH-compliant.
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starrystevie · 11 months
eddie knows his crush on steve harrington is a hopeless cause, okay?
he's somehow been friends with steve long enough to know what he looks like when he's flirting, what he looks like when he has a crush, when his sights are set on someone very non-eddie munson shaped. he also now knows how to hide his jealousy in a fake smirk that he flashes steve's way when yet another pretty girl walks their way with her sights set on him and a smirk of her own.
eddie always watches as steve reaches out a hand just so to gently brush it against a lovely lady's arm with that charming fucking smile and sees how that lovely lady will always melt at the touch. and who could blame her? certainly not eddie, the same eddie who's had his own sights set on steve harrington for what feels like a life time. if anyone knows how painfully a heart can beat when it sees him from across the room and imagines a date and a future and a life with steve, it would be eddie.
but that's where it ends. steve harrington, the ladies man that he is, always stops things there with a smile and a wave thrown in the woman's direction as she walks away. it throws eddie for a loop every time. he would watch the two flirt for minutes that that felt like torturous hours for him only for it to end with a disappointed look on her face and steve turning his attention back to eddie like nothing had happened.
it makes no sense.
"i don't get it, man," he says one day as steve lets yet another girl walk away down to the opposite end of the grocery store aisle they're in. steve's turned back to staring at the shopping list in his hand and is muttering to himself instead of watching her walk away like eddie is, disbelief coloring his face.
"don't get what?" steve asks back, not bothering to look up until the silence goes on for too long. his eyes land on eddie's and he frowns slightly, shaking his head slowly. "... did i miss something?"
eddie reels back, eyebrows furrowing together and motions his arms every which way, from the girl's retreating form to the empty space around them.
"steve, you're just going to let her walk away and not get her number? she was obviously hitting on you, dude."
he watches as steve's face crinkles slightly before smoothing out and shrugs his shoulders, turning back to grab the cat food eddie feeds to the strays off the shelf. he lurches forward and places his hands on steve's shoulders to face him, watching as his eyes go wide.
"what do you want me to say?" steve shrugs again and eddie can feel the movement under his hands. "i guess i wasn't feeling it."
eddie sighs, scrubbing a hand down his face before returning it back to steve's shoulder. "wasn't feeling it... steve, i'm gay, not blind. you two obviously were hitting it off with your fucking charming lines and flirty eyes. you always do this and it makes zero fucking sense-"
"-you're gay?"
steve says a bit too loud for eddie's liking even if they are currently hidden in the pet food aisle. heat floods his cheeks and he throws a hand cover steve's mouth while shushing him to keep him from saying it again. he sees steve's eyes go even wider and feels warmth spreading under his fingers.
is steve...
"you knew this!" eddie accuses in a whisper and tries to breathe evenly while steve's gaze travels all over his face. "we talked about it with robin that one time!"
... is he blushing?
there's a sudden pressure at his side and he looks down to see steve's fingers curling over his waist. eddie takes in a stuttering breath and brings his own wide eyes up to meet steve's. it's like looking in a fun house mirror, seeing his flush creeping up steve's neck and watching steve blink in time with him. he can feel when steve tries to say something, his lips ghosting over his palm and eddie pulls back like he's been burned, but steve's hand stays right where it is on his side.
"i absolutely would have remembered if you told me that before," he says and his voice is a little breathless. "there's no way i was there when you guys talked about it."
eddie thinks back to the party when he and robin were huddled up on their couch together. argyle and nancy were dancing in their socks on the living room floor, bouncing around to some experimental track that had been badly recorded on a cassette. jonathan was sitting at the coffee table snapping photos of them, joint hanging from his lips and easy smile spreading on his face.
eddie's trying to pinpoint where steve is in this memory and that's usually the easiest thing for him to remember, but he can't...
until suddenly he can, because steve walked in through the sliding door with his shirt over his shoulder and his swim trunks low on his hips and water dripping down his chest and a cigarette behind his ear and the sunset bleeding in through the windows was painting him golden and he was walking over to dance with nancy with a wide grin pulling at his cheeks and-
"god, i'm gay," eddie had breathed out. robin followed his line of sight and nodded because she gets it like she has a steve problem of her own and that was that.
eddie focuses back in on steve while they stand in the fucking pet food aisle, focuses on the shrill jingle pouring out of the grocery store speakers and not on the way he can hear his heartbeat in his ears, focuses on the way steve can look good even in harsh fluorescent lights.
"well, now you know," is all he can breath out.
steve smiles, all white teeth and crinkled eyes, and his fingers curl even tighter around eddie's waist as he takes a half step even further into his personal space.
"you're why," steve says back easily and eddie reminds himself to breathe as the other side of his waist suddenly has a hand covering it, too. "i don't take their numbers, i don't give them mine, i don't go on the stupid dates they ask me out on because..."
the fingers dance up his side and eddie can't breathe.
"... they're not you, so why would i?"
eddie sends up a silent thank you to whoever is listening that they're hidden away from prying eyes in the pet food aisle so he can lean it and learn for the first time what steve's smile tastes like.
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inhuman-obey-me · 5 months
Diavolo with 🕶 and MC please? I excited to see what you’d do with that?
"I saw a little thing I didn’t like you tried to hide." - Diavolo/MC
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There is a whistling through the rustle of the tree branches, high-pitched and ringing in your ears like alarm bells.
Just the wind, you try to tell yourself -- but the wind has never sounded so uncannily steady with its song. Nor, usually, do you expect to hear faint words hidden in its screaming -- Die. Die. Die. But that too, surely, is just a trick of your mind?
Well, this is the Devildom, after all. The strange and unexpected are to be expected.
You don't know how to tell your lover, crown prince of this very land, that his realm still unsettles you from time to time. He has always tried his very best to make you comfortable here. He himself is proof that terrors are not always so terrifying. His wings, gilded black and extended so wide that they could have blocked out any sun if one existed here, had terrified you the first time you'd seen them in full. But, so too does the expanse of them feel gentle and loving when he wraps those wings around you, a dark cocoon in which you share your secret passions.
You love him, and you love his realm. Scary though it may be, it's beautiful, too, and you try to focus on that. This world is not so dangerous as your human instincts would have you think.
Still -- did the trees you pass on your way home always look like these?
You realize it for certain when a whisper of the breeze against your face sends a chill shivering through your whole body.
Die. Die. Die!
This is not the way home. And you are not alone here.
"Who's there?" you call out, keeping your voice as steady as you can. You have been warned not to show fear -- demons can sense it, and they love the smell of it upon their prey. "Show yourself."
Die! Die! Die!
The whistling twists into a hideous laughter, and a wavering silhouette begins to coalesce before you, its form shimmering back and forth between handsome man and beautiful woman, though you know this creature is neither.
"Puny human, daring to command me?" Its words crackle like static, caught between channels of fury and delight. "Well, I am right here. But you are the one keeping secrets, lost little lamb."
To your surprise, you recognize this voice. It is one of your classmates at RAD, one that you had always found generally pleasant towards you. "Bealphares? What do you mean?"
"I never minded Lord Diavolo's plans for harmony between the realms. I didn't object to the exchange program, when so many others did. I didn't think humans were so bad. But then, today, I saw a little thing I didn't like you tried to hide," it trills, the end of its tirade whipping back into a shriek. "Did you think a pathetic little human like you has any right to our prince?"
In an instant, the air leaves your lungs as if pulled, your ribs crushing inwards at the sudden emptiness, and you drop to your knees. You try desperately to cast a spell to protect yourself, but your breath is too empty to form the words. Bealphares steps closer, cupping your face in its hands as it leans in close to hiss, "The prince of demons belongs with a demon."
"Stop there, Bealphares."
A great shadow falls over you both, as terrifying as the day you first saw it, and Diavolo's commanding presence swoops neatly down beside you. His golden eyes glow wild with a kind of anger you've rarely ever seen in him, and the air around him grows hot with raw magic.
"Lord Diavolo!" Bealphares releases you at once, scrambling to bow before its prince. You gratefully gasp in the crisp night air as the lesser demon anxiously spits out, "I-I can explain!"
"Very well. Explain." Your beloved's cold expression does not change, glaring down at your attacker. "Explain to me, Bealphares, spirit of air, why I've arrived to find one of our human exchange students on the verge of death at your hands. That's a grave offense, to try to attack one of my guests, here in the realm I rule."
Diavolo's voice rumbles like the deep shaking of a volcano, and his fangs glint dangerously in the moonlight as he speaks. Are they longer than usual? Sharper, too, you think -- though it's hard to tell, as the light distorts around the little embers that begin wisping out with each word.
"I will give you your chance to try to justify yourself. But keep this in mind -- I have the power to tell truth from lies. And if I do not find your answer to my satisfaction, Bealphares, I will carry out your punishment personally."
He takes a heavy step between you and the demon -- protective in one sense, threatening in another. His wings are outstretched so wide that you can hardly even see the other past them, with golden veins weaving glowing energy throughout. Though you cannot see, you hear the wind of the demon's voice faltering in the heat of the air as it whimpers, failing to form words.
"Now, go on then. Explain."
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shares-a-vest · 6 months
Prompt: First Day (Discord Drabble)
"Do you have your lunch?"
"Water bottle?"
"Hasn't left my work bag since last semester."
Eddie gasps and Steve jumps even though he has felt his partner hovering close behind him ever since he picked up his keys and announced he was leaving for his first day back for another school year.
"What about your glasses!"
"Eddie," Steve begins, standing upright as he hoists his work bag over his shoulder, "I'm wearing my glasses."
Eddie smiles, all innocence and dimples. He reaches forward to smooth out his collar.
"Silly me," he says, moving to dust off the shoulders of Steve's jacket.
"I'll call you during my lunch break," Steve assures, leaning forward to press a kiss to the corner of Eddie's mouth, "Love you."
He turns to leave but he feels a hand on his shoulder.
"I'll walk you to the car."
"Fine," Steve chuckles, reaching for Eddie's hand.
"Love you too, Stevie," Eddie says, once again impossibly close behind him.
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shaarlslec · 2 years
lucky charm 
part 2 here lovelies
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
words: 8500
warnings: bit angst i guess? but not so much, mentions of pregnancies, injuries (broken bones), hospitals;
requested: yes
Charles Leclerc finds his son's paediatrician a little bit too pretty not to ask her on a date right before the Monaco GP.
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You have met Xavier Leclerc a couple of times already in the past two years since you got your new job in Monaco, and you adored that little ten-year-old boy way too much to not treat him extra-special with double candies when he left your cabinet and sometimes rare pieces of Lego to add to his collection.
He was one of the brightest kids you had chance to meet during your activity and somehow Xavier managed to always lift your mood and give you something to smile about when he visited for his monthly check-up with his nanny Lola who always seemed to be in a hurry. 
“So, we are finished right?” She asked as she took her bag from the chair with a quick snatch watching you goofing around with Xavier to trick him in taking a very unpleasant coughing syrup. 
You nodded, “Almost.” You spoke, “Busy schedule today at karting, Xavier?” You whispered to the kid now crooking in front of you before sticking out his tongue as he nodded ‘yes’ to your question. 
“Disgusting.” The boy simply spoke, pretending to neat his tongue with one of his palms, “Never again miss, please.” Xavier then added with his tongue pinched in between his fingers, “What have I done to deserve that? Have I ever wronged you with something miss?” Xavier continued, mumbling half of his words while the others were barely understandable. 
You chuckled, “Well, you slept with your hair wet and window open in the middle of autumn, that is what you did to deserve coughing syrup. Be sure to not go to sleep with your hair wet next time to avoid this taste that you seem to love too much, shall I pack one for you to take home?” You inquired, “Go on now, the track is waiting for its biggest Monegasque star.” You gently spoke, slightly patting the boy’s light brunette hair, “Be safe, drive prudently.” You warned him as you pointed a finger towards the patient’s face. 
“You really do not watch Formula 1 at all, don’t you?” Xavier sighed, “There is no such as thing as driving prudently on the track! You must be the fastest, the quickest of them all, the smartest amongst the bunch, not the most prudent nerd out there.” He explained watching your confused face, “Do you think my father won four championships by driving prudently?” 
You laughed again as you nodded, “Ok, ok.” You spoke, “I will not argue with you on your field, but make sure not to catch a cold therefore you will not be able to drive either prudently nor dangerously or however your father drove to win those four championships you brag about since the day I met you.” You added, already handing Xavier two of his favorite cherry lollipops while Lola was not paying attention as she was too focused on her phone now rather than you two. 
Xavier threw you a short wink, you held back your laugh and covered your mouth with one of your hands as the little boy was so awful at winking and you would not have wanted to shatter the confidence of a ten-year-old. You just wondered where he got that move from, perhaps the father? 
“I am bragging because you still refuse to watch Formula 1 and it is the greatest thing that was ever invented on this whole world!” Xavier cried as he stuffed the lollipops in the back pockets of his jeans, “Next time I am going to teach you all about Form-”
“Are you two done?” Lola interrupted as she forcefully grabbed the lock to press down, “Your father just texted me that he will arrive to pick you up in a minute, you are already late for the practice because your doctor likes to chit-chat while consulting you it seems.” She bitterly spoke, making your eyes go up to your brain causing a laugh from Xavier watching you. 
Your focus switched from the child in front of you to the lady who was not even daring to look you in the eyes as she spoke ill of you, “She is just jealous because you like me more than her.” You spoke, proudly pretending to dust your shoulders with a cockily lifted right brow.   
Lola and Xavier left your office after a warm hug from the little man and a dreadful glare from Lola. 
You watched both then exiting the building by glaring outside the window where you spotted the famous black car with the red strip parked right at the front of the building. The exact blueprint of Xavier Leclerc jumped out with arms wide opened to welcome your patient.
You were right from the start amazed by how alike they look in real life, you have only seen the two of them together in pictures. You smiled as you watched Xavier excitingly welcoming the arms of his father and tightening his grip around the man’s neck. They snuggled for a good while, and it made your heart melt right away. 
It was for the very first time when you saw Charles in flesh and bones, although from distance. And yet, you felt like you knew everything about the man from his child. Xavier talked non-stop about his father and how much of a hero Charles was for him. 
You knew exactly when Charles won all his championships although never had watched a Formula 1 race from start to finish before. You also knew the names of all other drivers on the gird and how the cars are named depending on the season amongst more known and unknown facts about motorsport that Xavier gathered. 
Xavier was a know-it-all at just ten years old and now you were watching the man who taught him all Xavier knew. You could not help yourself but smile, and by doing so you were caught in act. 
Xavier saw you from above watching them back and was no hesitant but enthusiastically wave you goodbye from Charles arms. You waved back to him in the same chaotic manner to make him laugh. 
Your daily goal was for all your patients leave with a smile from your office and something about Xavier smiling back at you made you happier than with any other patient that stepped in your office. You were aware of the type of life the little boy had, and maybe that was why you gave him more of your care, more of your attention, more of your candies and more of your time. 
It was only him and Lola for most of the times when he was not racing in karting competitions or going to practice where his father visited. Charles Leclerc was very much a present parent but being a in such an exhausting sport was not allowing him to play the father card so often. Charles tried; Xavier always made you let know that his father was indeed trying to be there for him. And yet, it has been two years since Lola bought him to the doctor instead of Charles.
You even met Xavier’s mother twice rather than his father who had custody of the child. Charlotte wanted to know who Xavier’s new pediatrician was two years ago and she bought him in during the first two consultations. After the first two times she stopped coming and left Xavier all alone with that annoying nanny of his.  
“Was your mommy busy today?” You had asked him then, watching the little man’s eyes being way too gloomy for an eight-year-old. 
Xavier nodded, “Yes, my brother is new. She told me that she must take care of him more now.” He spoke, and you could feel nothing but sadness coming from the statement of the little man. 
You nodded, and that is when you understood that Xavier’s mother slowly was vanishing from the boy’s life as she was building another family with another man. You knew from Xavier’s file that his parents were divorced, but you had no idea about stepbrothers until then. Since that day, you heard Xavier rarely mentioning Charlotte during the appointments, and briefly around his birthday or holidays. After a while, she seemed to completely vanish from Charles and Xavier’s lives while trying to live her new one apart from the two boys. You felt sorry for him and that was because Xavier very much reminded you of how lonely you felt at his age too. 
You were happy to give him a show from time to time to make him laugh, the little boy deserved the laughs. 
“Oh look there dad, she is her!” Xavier yelled as he waved back to you, “Isn’t she pretty?” The boy asked watching Charles glaring at you to throw in a little wave as well. 
Your smile remined the same as you reciprocated Charles’s wave, “Fuck, he is even more handsome than in pictures.” You muttered for yourself, locking eyes with the man from the distance. 
Fuck indeed, Charles was indeed even more handsome in real life even from high above. Dressed casually in all black and with a pair of large driving sunglasses funnily sitting on the bridge of his nose, Charles Leclerc sueded you right away. You knew that will happen, you had quite a weakness for brunette guys with all-time ruffled hair and light green eyes that can easily pass as Monegasque princes. You clearly saw that Xavier’s’ father checked all the boxes. You shook your head. No, no, hell no. You were not getting hooked on one of your patient’s parents. You awkwardly smiled one more time, waved goodbye again to both, and then went back to your computer where all you did was to search for Leclerc’s name. You had plenty of time to go down the rabbit hole of pictures with the Monegasque driver as your next appointment was in twenty minutes. 
All you knew about him came from his son’s mouth, and all the words were nothing but praises. You told yourself that there had to be something suspicious about him, no one you knew was that good, handsome, and successful at the same time. You were doing now exactly what you did with all the men that dared to cross in your life – searched for a reason not to like them more that you should have. After all, no one could have ever compared with your ex-husband. Right?
“Oh, you were right. She is very pretty.” Charles replied as he put Xavier down, “Way too pretty, maybe I should make an appointment too?” He then added, fully focusing on you now pretending to work on the computer and regretting to have not bought nor taken Xavier earlier from the doctor’s appointment, “What did the pretty lady said, what we are going to do about that little cough of yours?” He then asked, getting on one of his knees so he can be at Xavier’s eye-level to pinch the boy’s nose, “Have I or have I not told you to not go to sleep without drying your hair?” Charles scolded his son, gently patting the boy’s wind-swept hair. 
Xavier slightly rolled his eyes, “You did, yes.” 
Charles chuckled hearing his child’s wiping tone, “Where did you learn to roll your eyes young man?”   
Xavier pointed up at you, “From the pretty lady.” 
Charles looked up at you for one last time that afternoon, “From the pretty lady, huh?”
Hours passed and it was your time to get off from your shift. You were more than pleased to close the office and go back in your tiny Monegasque apartment to eat junk food and agonize about being lonely again on a Friday evening although refusing anyone asking you out. You closed your laptop as the last thing you did before getting out. The tabs containing Leclerc’s name were still on. You were even more suspicious now that you have not found any dirt on him on the internet. 
“Suspish.” You mumbled as you squeezed your eyes in the dim lights of the room, “No one is that perfect.” You spoke to yourself as you approached the exit only to be taken aback by the door opening in front of you. 
“Shit.” You swore with your hand at your chest as you saw one of your colleague’s faces meters from yours, “You scared the shit out of me.” You chuckled, “What’s happening? What’s burning?”
“One of your patients just arrived at the ER.” The other doctor spoke, watching you already hurrying towards the ER room without even locking your office’s door. 
“Who?” You aggravated spoke, hurrying your steps into a run already at the end of the hall. 
“Leclerc. Broken arm, nothing too serious. And yet, the child is too scared and has called for you.” 
You ran straight to the ER room right after you heard the name. You went there in time as they were taking both Charles and Xavier for the latter to have an X-Ray of what seemed a broken arm. 
“I am scooping in.” You spoke as you went through the almost close door of your colleague’s office for the X-Ray, “Xavier is my patient.” You explained as you saw the confusion on the face of your colleague, gently touching the boy’s wet cheeks with two of your fingers as you looked down at him before looking up at his father, “Hello there, little champ,” You spoke with your eyes still on Charles as you got down on both of your knees to genteelly take Xavier’s face into your hands, “My colleague here needs to take a look at your arm and then I am going to help him fix it, alright?” You calmly spoke as you watched the boy’s hot tears running down his cheeks, “I will punch him straight in the face if it hurts, okay?” You nervously chuckled to calm the boy down. 
Xavier nodded in between the sobs, the little man wanted to show you that he is a tough one and an X-Ray was not going to frighten him, “Good boy.” You paused, slightly touching Xavier’s hair before Charles carefully lifted him up from the ground.
You looked at his father as he handed Xavier to your colleague who took him in the X-Ray room. Charles looked terrified, even more alarmed than Xavier. The palest face of a man you have ever seen glare at you with pink-washed tetchy lips and wide-horrid eyes, “It is my fault.” Charles then muttered, covering his forehead with one of his sweaty palms, “It is all my fault. I encouraged him to push harder on the last lap in practice and he crashed with one of his mates on the circuit, the kart went upside down and the medic was not on there today and I –” 
You gently touched the man shoulder to calm him down as well, Charles’ words were spoken in a rapid fire and there was only guilt felt in the missile of the mumbled speech, “It is not your fault, children fall and get hurt when they play.” You assured him as you patted your hand, “It can be just a light fracture, Xavier is going to be okay.” You added, watching Charles glaring at your arm at it departed from him. 
Xavier was indeed more than fine after you helped your college plastered the child’s broken arm. The tears stopped from running, and Charles’ cheeks regained their rosiness once the man saw his son talking to you instead of crying. 
“Remember when you told me this morning that you are going to teach me everything about Formula 1? Go.” You spoke, trying to keep Xavier’s mind out of the fact that you were in the process of plastering his arm.  
Xavier’s eyes widened in excitement, “Dad, can you believe that she is staying in Monaco and has not been to even one Formula 1 race?!”
Charles’ eyes widened in the same exact way but in confusion rather than excitement, “Never?”
You nodded, “It is only my third year here, how many I have missed then?”
Both Charles and Xavier replied at the same time, “Two, but it is happening next weekend again.” 
“You cannot miss this one miss.” Xavier pleaded, “It is our home race, my dad has the biggest chances in winning.” 
Charles’ head titled, “Not sure about that, you know how the Monaco curse go.” 
“Monaco curse?” You interestingly inquire. 
This is where the discussion started. Xavier explained you what the Monaco curse meant for Charles and how his father missed his first chances to win their home race. 
They talked to you about races until the child’s arm was secured in the cast and many minutes after that. You sat next to Charles on the chairs in front of Xavier’s bed while the boy was excitingly talking about his father entire carrier since the beginning with little add-ons from Charles who was glancing from you time to time to see if you were getting bored of the cars talk. And yet, the entire time you shown nothing but enthusiasm and excitement, questioning the little champ more and more as the discussion evolved.
 Xavier held an entire monologue about his hopes and dreams and how he wanted to be just as great as Charles up until the moment he felt asleep whilst talking. 
Your college was long gone by now and you were now left in the office with a heavily asleep Xavier and an extremely tired Charles. Both Leclercs, both car crazes.
“I think we should let him sleep for a while in this bed if it is alright for you, lifting him up might woke him.” Charles whispered to you leaning in, “Can I bring you something to drink?” 
You nodded in the man’s direction being totally unaware of how close you two were, “Yeah, I could use a drink. I will come with you though, show you the fancy kitchen for the staff.” You spoke as you rose from the seat taking a glance at the asleep Leclerc after eyeing the worried one, “It is okay, I will have somebody watch over him and call me if he wakes up.” You softly spoke, “Come on now, let’s get you something to eat. You look like you need it.” You added, handing Leclerc’s your hand for support. 
Leclerc took it and you both exited the office on your way to the kitchen. You let go of the man’s hand right when you spotted the first person outside the office. Being seen with a celebrity in the hospital holding hands was the last thing you wanted. Nevertheless, Charles would have loved for your hand to stay into his longer than just for support.
“Thank you for today.” Charles spoke as he was indulging some jellybeans found in one of the drawers, “You said fancy kitchen, right?” The man spoke as he was basically devouring the whole bag of jelly-colored bears. 
You chuckled, “Trust me, they are better than the ones in the automatic machines on the hall.” You lied, resting your back on the kitchen counter, and stealing one of the bears from the man’s hand where he gathered them all to chug, “You do not have to thank me, Xavier is my patient.” 
“I know, but you calmed him there better than me. I think he even forgot about his broken arm for a minute there.” Charles spoke, “Thank you again.” 
You smiled back at him, “That child adores you.” 
“I adore him too.” Charles bittersweetly smiled, “I just wish I knew how to calm him down; I feel like I am losing all control when he gets hurt and I cannot stand a chance of gaining it back when I see him cry.” He then continued, taking your example, and resting his back on the counter in front of you to be fully in your sight and make you blush when the man’s glare lifted from the bag of jellybeans on you. 
You slightly chuckled, “Most fathers I know act the same, I think you will learn how to do it with time.” You spoke, hopping on the kitchen counter now so your legs childishly swing in front of him. 
“Yeah, what a hell of a father am I? Pushing him to get hurt?” Charles spoke after what seemed to be the heaviest sigh in the world, “I should have encouraged him to take another path, especially since I knew everything this one leads to.” 
You titled your head as you chuckled, and Charles swore right then and there that that was the cutest tilt of heads he had ever seen when a couple strings of your hair touched your shoulder. It shook him, nothing that little ever moved him from a woman. Charles gulped, and that is when he understood perfectly why Xavier always called you “pretty lady” instead of your name.
 “Seeing how much he basically worships you; I think that even if you were to oppose to his pleadings of becoming a racing driver, Xavier would have found his tiny witty ways in becoming one without your approval.” You spoke, your words accompanied by your chuckles being everything the man standing in front of you desired in that very moment to find comfort in that fancy kitchen hospital. 
“Do you have kids?” Charles suddenly asked, watching you from head to toes for his glare to stop on your clasped hands resting on your lap. There was no ring, no nothing, therefore he quickly retracted the question with an embarrassed tone, “I am sorry, it just came out of nowhere and the least thing I want is to seem to curi-”
“It is okay.” You smiled at him, spearing him of the embarrassment to formulate a good excuse, “I do not, and yes I am not married.” You chuckled, lifting your hand up in the air for Charles to better notice the absence of any ring as you caught him staring, “Can I tell you a secret?” 
Charles immediately nodded, oh how much he adored secrets especially the ones coming from pretty girls with whom he was alone at night, “Sure, I will not tell a soul.” He then replied, lips going in a straight line. 
You took a short breath before talking, “I never wanted kids my own. Ironic, right? I love being a pediatrician and I truly and utterly adore kids, but I never thought about myself as being a good mother and a couple of years ago someone got me thinking otherwise, but when we tried to have children, I found out that I cannot get pregnant.”
Charles carefully listened before replying. You were taken aback by your own words, you barely talked about this with anyone since your break-up, why were you talking about something that personal with a man you just met? You shook your head, “I am sorry, I do not know why I—” 
“It is okay.” Charles mimicked you, taking two steps forward to match the spot at your right with his back, “That is why there is no ring on that?” Charles asked, gently caressing your left right finger with the tip of his own. Daring, you needed to give him that.
You nodded and yet not dared to move your hand which was right next to Charles, “What about you?” You asked him, “Xavier rarely mentions his mother, and my judgement tells me that he misses her lots.” 
Charles took a short breath in as well, now crossing both of his arms at his chest after leaving an invisible mark on your finger with his quick passing, “We got married really young, and we wanted too much in too little time.” Charles confessed with his eyes fixed on the wall as if he was not brave enough yet to be vulnerable in your eyes, “You seem to know the good parts of being a race driver from my son, I never mentioned to him the bad ones yet.” He then added, voce getting softer as he talked and you getting sueded by it as Charles kept going, “I was younger and hungrier after the wins rather than being home, and now I am trying to not do that anymore and to focus on what was left from my first try of building a family of my own.” Charles spoke, a shadow of a smile lingering on his face, “Back to your question, we divorced five years ago and since then I really cannot think of myself ever wanting to love again in the same way.” 
You nodded in full understatement of the man’s last statement, “Totally agree. Adult human relationships are awful.” You slightly groaned, “Have you tried dating in your late twenties when everyone is as fucked-up as they can be from past relationships?” 
Charles chuckled, “I am at the beginning of my thirties and the last time I was on a date was more than a decade ago.” Charles confessed in a humorous tone, “Xavier is all I need anyways.” The man added, switching the glare from the wall right back at you, “Am I too fucked-up for thinking like this?”
You declined with a nod, “I do not think so. And like I said, we are all fucked-up from past relationships.” You spoke, watching him watch you back with tiny sparks of lightning inside the greenish irises of the man. 
It was for the first time in forever when your knees went soft by a glare of a stranger in a room with dimmed hospital lights, and it was for the very first time too for Charles to look at someone and sense that shaky trembling feeling inside his aching chest that was later understood as emotion.
If you two were to be in a movie, that would have been the perfect timing on an unexpected set for the main kiss of the story that leaves the audience in a cinema gasping. And yet you were not set in a movie, you were two strangers in the real world who found unknown confront in the presence of the other. The man standing inches from you was nothing but your patient’s father, and you were nothing but a pretty lady that plastered his son’s arm that evening. Both of you gulped almost at the same time when you were the first one to break the eye-contact as the tension became too much to handle and instead of kissing him, you decided to light up the mood with a tease. 
 “I thought that being a fourth time world champion would at least bring you some chicks.” You playfully spoke, legs still lightly swinging. 
Charles erupted in a loud laugh, “I thought that being a smart, young and beautiful woman would at least bring you some men in Monaco since you moved.” Charles added, “We love smart, young and beautiful women here.” 
You huffed, “Yes, you do.” You rolled your eyes, “But only for the sex part.” 
Charles chocked as he was taken aback by your blunt statement, “Where are those men? Do you want me to fight them?” He then added, chuckling as you rolled your eyes again as his inquire and figuring out that this was indeed the person from whom Xavier learned the trick. 
“They probably worship you too.” You teased, “Oh.” You then suddenly jumped from the counter as you read the text on your buzzing phone, “Xavier is up.” 
You have not heard about Xavier nor Charles for the next couple of days after they left the building. You searched for the latter online, you just could not get it out of your head how easy was for you to talk to him back in the kitchen. The fact that Charles was insanely handsome, smart, successful, and rich were such good bonuses to the sense of comfort he made you feel. And yet, the I really cannot think of myself ever wanting to love again in the same way part of Charles’ words resounded with you the most. You sighed, of course they did. You two were the same. Since you divorced from that someone you mentioned back in your kitchen conversation with Charles, you never found yourself being interested in someone in the same way and deep down you knew that will be the case until your very last breath. But damn, Xavier’s father was something else. 
You carried your days within the week thinking about him and that little touch, whereases Charles was thinking about nothing but your title of head and the way your eyes were searching for the vulnerability in his own. Charles searched for you too, but your all-private accounts were not satisfying enough for him. Therefore, the man called the hospital for your contact knowing that they will give it to him in no time. After all, Charles presented himself only as Xavier’s father and nothing more. That was the mere truth, Charles was nothing more to you than just one of your patient’s fathers. Was he wishing for more? Were you wishing for more? 
“You have been all day on your phone, Charles.” The Monegasque’s teammate spoke in that thick Spanish accent as Carlos watched Leclerc nervously tapping the screen of his phone in the middle of the team’s debrief after qualifying, “I cannot cover for you anymore if you keep doing it.” Carlos warned Charles, slightly scolding him by arching one of his eyebrows in the man’s direction, “There better be a girl in there you are texting otherwise-”
Charles nodded, “It is a girl, and I am not texting her yet, I am just stupidly looking at her number on the screen without calling.” 
Carlos’ mouth wide opened, “A girl?!” The Spanish spoke in a loud voice, loud enough to echo in the whole room. Hell, loud enough to echo in the whole paddock.   
“Boys, do you have something else better to discuss than the tomorrow’s race?” The team-principal spoke eyeing the two high-school children from the back of the class. 
“No sir, yes sir.” Both answered at the same time, Charles placing his phone on the table with your number still on it while Carlos cracked one last laugh about this matter before slightly rubbing his shoulder with Charles.
Charles was questioned about you seconds after the meeting stopped, and Carlos’ inquiries and pieces of advice made him a little less anxious in calling you that day. 
“Oh come on mate, call the pretty lady instead of just texting, that is for high-schoolers lovebirds and booty time, do you want her to think that you are booty calling her?” Carlos spoke after Charles narrated the whole story of Xavier’s trip to the ER a couple of nights ago and that little tilt of your head that made him completely crazy for days. 
“Why is it called booty calling if it is done through texts?” Charles confusingly asked, hands still shaky on the phone. 
Carlos rolled his eyes, “You have been out of the game for too long, we do not have time now for the explanation of a booty call and how it is done properly, please go and call the first woman in five years I hear you talking about.” The Spanish encouraged in an excited tone, “Thanks God that it finally happened for you to like someone, I thought you were going to become a monk or something like that.” 
Charles laughed, “I might become one, what if she says no to me asking her out?” 
Carlos huffed, “Sometimes I really do think you forget that you are Charles Leclerc.”
The almighty Charles Leclerc as Carlos positioned him to give the man enough confidence to call you was still nervous to do so. Charles looked up in the mirror at his home’s bathroom and gave to himself silly words of advice to do the thing – to call you. 
“You can do it; you can call her. Come on Charles, she is your son’s pediatrician for God’s sake not some scary sponsor or – oh fuck, she is your son’s beautiful pediatrician though.” 
The dance between the actual Charles and the Charles in the mirror lasted for another few minutes until a “fuck it” resounded from the man’s mouth and the shaky hand pressed “call” with its thumb. 
Your phone buzzed on your desk office, and you immediately answered without looking at the unknown number, “Hello, you reached Y/N from the pediatrician branch at Sera’s Clinic, how can I be of assistance?” You spoke, giving him the prefabricated answer that you initially give to any customers dialing your work cell. 
“Hi, hello. I am Charles.” The nervous man replied at the end of the call, “Leclerc, Charles Leclerc.” He then repeated with a trembling tone, “Xavier’s dad?” He questionably continued, “I do not know if you remember me but I was a couple of nights ago at th-“
You could not help yourself but chuckle at Charles’ ambiguous reply, “I know who you are Charles, Charles Leclerc.” You spoke to stop him from that nervous state of his, “I do remember you; you are quite hard to forget legend says. Is everything alright with Xavier?” You immediately asked after realizing with whom you were talking over the phone. 
You were as nervous as Charles, the only difference between the two of you being that you were quite a master of hiding it. Your feet were swinging underneath the chair and your cheeks turned red instantly when you heard the man’s pronunciation of his own full name. 
“Oh yes, everything is good with my son. He is a little bit sad that he must miss quite a few practices but otherwise he feels completely fine, and I could not thank you enough for what you did for him.” Charles replied, going from the bathroom to the living room just to sit on the coach as he talked to you because he swore that he could not feel his legs anymore underneath all the pressure. 
Charles has not asked somebody out in the past decade or so, always keeping himself away from relationships, pain, and suffering. Xavier was everything Charles wanted to take care of, but now the father felt like he found a piece of a missing puzzle exactly because of his son. Charles knew that there was no way of losing it under the rug as it happens with all missing puzzles of his son’s little games, he needed to ask this little piece of puzzle out and show her a good time. 
“I told you already that you do not have to thank me. I was just doing my job.” You spoke smiling, and somehow Charles knew that the corners of your mouth were lifted at the end of the phone call almost as if he could hear it. 
“I know – this is not why I called you.” Charles paused, “I just –” He paused again, breathing heavily to gain enough straight for the following words to make their way out of the man’s mouth, “I just really liked the talk we had in the fancy kitchen that night and I was wondering if you would perhaps like to repeat it sometime?” Charles then said in a mouthful as all anxiety was liberated out of the man’s body at once.
Your smile widened as your legs swung so hard that they kicked one of the desk’s pillars, “Oh fuck.” You whimpered in an instinct rubbing your feet immediately and leaving Charles all confused, “Oh no, I do not mean <oh fuck> to you, I just –” You paused, stumbling, and mumbling more for yourself than for Leclerc, “What I mean is yes, I would love to repeat that sometime, but not in the same fancy kitchen.” You teased, “I really need to get out of the hospital for once.” 
“I will take you.” Charles spoke with tiny bubbles of sweat on the man’s forehead that were now drying as Charles got the answer wanted from you. Such a beautiful yes, and an even more marvelous “oh fuck”. 
“When?” You impatiently replied, “You seem to be a pretty busy man, Charles Leclerc.” 
“Right now?” Charles then bluntly asked looking at the clock being almost dinner time, “Do you have any more patients? More importantly, have you had dinner?” The man spoke, already up and going back to the bathroom to hop in the quickest shower ever taken, Charles was already head over heels to see you.  
You took a glance at your watch as well, “I do not, but as far as I know you have a race tomorrow.” You spoke in concern as you rose from your seat as well to hurry at your tiny office bathroom to refresh yourself impatient to meet him again, “Will that be alright?” You stopped, fixing your messy hair in the mirror, and searching for your favorite lip balm somewhere hidden in the drawers. 
“Race drivers got to eat to be in full-strength tomorrow, right?” Charles spoke, putting you on speaker as he was getting rid of his cloths to throw them on the bathroom floor. 
“That is what any medic will recommend, yes.” You spoke, also putting him on speaker for you to better arrange your boobs in the bra. 
“I will take the medic advice then and I will also pick her in twenty-minutes.” Charles laughed, and you replied with the same excitement in your tone. 
Charles bought the classic flowers bouquet to the date, but what you were not expecting was for it to be as huge as to occupy the whole backseat of the car. You were never into flowers at first dates or ever, but maybe that was because the guys you went to first dates up until then were not Charles Leclerc and they also did not bother to buy you flowers even to special occasions. You nervously said a short “thank you for the flowers” as Charles started the engine of the car. It felt like high school once more time in between the two of you.  
Both of you were nervous, and that could be easily sense and seen by the way you shyly stole glances from each other in the car or by the way you kept silent with little to no interventions until you arrived at a restaurant picked by Charles. Everything Charles did up to the point of you sitting in front of each other at the table was exemplary and you could not believe your eyes that there were still men who bought you flowers, opened the doors for you, took your chair as their responsibility and were extremely polite with the waitress giving the fact that everybody knew him in there and as you previously mentioned, everybody worshiped him. 
“Ok, tell me.” You suddenly spoke as Charles was browsing through the menu with you suspiciously looking into the man’s direction, “What is your catch?” You asked him, chin supported by your clasped hands as you scanned the man from up to down as much as the table in between the two of you permitted, “You cannot be this perfect – there must be something wrong with you.” You bluntly spoke, cracking a laugh from the man standing across from you, “Spontaneously asking me out for a date, picking me up exactly when you said you are going to, giving me flowers – not to mention a huge bouquet, taking me to this fancy restaurant,” You paused, glancing at the high celling of the restaurant designed as some renaissance meeting of the finest imaginaries from that period with lots of golds and blues painted on the insides of the dome, “Being all sweet, talking all politely with the staff here.” You continued with a short huff, “How are you even single? Every girl that went even once at a date with you must have fallen in love.” 
Charles cleft a tiny laugh, “Are you always this suspicious about people you met?” 
You declined with a shake of the head, “Not all people, just men.” You highlighted, “I do have my reasons.” You added leaning in your chair to take an even bigger picture at the man standing in front of you. 
Charles seemed flawless right then and there, perfection dressed in a casual unbuttoned loose black shirt through which you could clearly spot the man’s muscles all tensed up. 
“I am far from perfect Y/N, trust me.” Charles spoke, and yet you were not going to believe him that easily, so you squeezed your lips and frowned your brows to make Charles understand that the answer had to be elaborated for him to gain your reliance, “I am a very stubborn man, I tend to believe that I am right until the pits of hell.” Charles spoke in a serious tone that you were not the witness of up to that point, “I am highly competitive and not just due to the nature of my job. Bring a game of UNO next time with you and I will most definitely make you cry without having the slightest intention to hurt you but having the best intentions to win.” He then continued with a sly smile on the face, “I almost never talk about how I feel up until the point that it boils too much and that is when I explode in a fit of range.” Charles added with a shrug of shoulders, “I might seem like a standup guy and see the world through positive outcomes all the time, but I am pessimistic most of the times and I hardly let people see through the fact that I am such an avid player for the saying <<fake it until you make it>>.” Charles sighed, “That is why I do not allow many people into my life, I am too afraid they might see past this glamours life that I am now showing you a piece of.” The man ended with little to no smile sprung on his face. 
You weighted Charles’ words for a while before leaning towards the man to cover one of his hands with yours in comfort, “You say you are not very talkative when it comes to feelings, and yet there you are speaking about some of them with a random woman you met on a week evening.” 
Charles’ cheeks burnt once your hand squeezed his, and the man dared to carefully intertwine his fingers between yours, “Look Y/N,” The man spoke with his glare fixed solely on yours, “I am not a twenty-something childish boy, and I am incredibly exhausted of playing games with someone I like. So, I will be as honest as I can be.” He then added, “There is something about you that makes talking easy, comfortable, familiar even. That is why I asked you on a date, and the <<asking on a date part>> is why it took me days to call you – I was too nervous to do so.” 
You were too unconscious being hit with Charles’ full-blown honesty to even realized how huge of a shy smile your face showed, your heart felt like it could easily erupt from your chest and make turns around the table. Your hand fit into Charles as the lights in the room illuminated the man’s eyes looking right back into yours. You thought that it was a dream for a split of a moment; it must have been a dream – a mature man confessing right away that he likes you? Dreamy. 
You gulped your words, and the only one remining were the following, “You like me?” 
Charles nodded, “Yes, I do fancy you.” 
Not the simple like, but fancy. Your heart jumped out of your chest, “Can I be totally honest with you too?” You spoke, waiting for yet another nod of approval coming from Charles’ side that came right away, “I do fancy you too.” You smiled, and you could feel the grip tightening around your fingers. 
You idiotically looked at each other for more than half of a minute without saying anything to each other but just playing with your fingers on the table – just like teenagers falling in love do. 
“Now that this is settled.” Charles spoke, being the first one to break the prom atmosphere between the two of you, “Tell me what your catch is, there must be something wrong with you too.” The man continued with a laugh, making you chuckle at the same time.
“Oh boy –” You paused, “Where do I start?” 
You took a full breath of air before starting, and from there on continued five full hours of nothing but deep-dive conversations about each other accompanied by silly touches of feet underneath the table and shy clasping of hands. The whole restaurant watched, although they were unable to hear your table. You two talked about everything that you can perchance talk about yourselves in the span of five hours’ time. Friends, family, childhood, personalities, good things, awful things, never told stories, too many times told stories and yet just few of them involved your jobs. 
You talked about the past, mostly about the past and then you switched to the present and hopes for the future. Charles was right, and you followed the man’s words right away. There was something about the person standing in front of you two that made you completely open and unreserved. You laughed a lot, and you even were about to cry one or two times when the conversation went on yet another level. And then, you laughed again and cracked jokes about the presented situations. It felt like talking either to a childhood friend that knew your life from start to finish or like talking with your partner two years into the relationship, and not on your very first date.  
You clicked, you clicked right from the start back in the hospital’s kitchen and yet now you were not comprehending still the fact that you were indeed bound to each other through however each of you called “fate”. There were little to no physical movements nor touches, besides the ones just mentioned – and yet you were falling in love right then and there underneath the dim lights of the renaissance dome lookalike. 
“It is really that late?” You happily inquired once the waiter had to sadly announce you that they were taking the last order for that night from the customers, “Oh fuck, you have a race tomorrow!” 
“It is alright, lack of sleep is worth it for this.” Charles spoke, clasping both of his hands at the level of his chin as he leaned towards you before your check came in, “Let me know if you are free tomorrow during the race time, I want you to come and see me winning.” 
You smiled, “You sound very confident, Leclerc. What about the Monaco curse?” You teased, mockingly lifting one of your brows. 
“I am positive that you can lift the curse.” Leclerc teased back, “You might be my lucky charm tomorrow." Charles then spoke, throwing you a cheeky wink that you recognized right away as being the same as Xavier’s. You chuckled at the memory; it was indeed a family thing after all. 
You pondered the thought for a while, “Charles Leclerc’s lucky charm, I like it.” You spoke, leaning towards Charles too but slightly going over the now clean table to give the man a quick peak on the cheek, “There you go.” You whispered inches away from Charles faintly rosy cheeks, “To bring you luck tomorrow.” You then teased again before going back into your seat to watch a very perplexed Charles Leclerc that was comprehending the presence of your lips on his skin still. 
“Oh,” Charles almost shortly moaned taming the pleasured sound in a soft whisper that was meant only for your ears to be heard and for your body to be shaken by it, “Tell me what I have to do for more than this.” Charles then spoke, “I mean –” He then paused in a sly smile, “I think I need to get luckier than this in order to win, right?” Charles continued as he fled the seat he was glued for the past couple of hours and coming straight to you, not caring about anyone in the restaurant still present who could see your face being cupped by him as you rose from your seat as well, meeting the man’s lips halfway as you stood up. You started it first with your innocent kiss on the cheek making Charles all flustered and impatient for more than just a quick peak, now you better catch up. 
You chuckled before kissing him, and you chuckled even more when doing so. Charles hands went around your waist, pulling you closer to him as your bodies pressed together. It was just you and Charles, and the remining staff of the restaurant that was too busy cleaning rather than seeing you two making out in one of the corners. Your fingers wrapped the table fabric in between them, and somehow Charles noticed that with eyes closed and took your hand into his to tightening your grip around while the other comfortably rested on your waist still grabbing into the very own fabric of your shirt.
“Now I know what I have to do to win my fifth championship.” Leclerc breathlessly teased after your lips departed for a short while and your eyes locked again. 
You licked the bottom of your lips, and Charles’ too before wrapping one of your arms around the man’s neck to kiss him once again, “Let’s see how much luck I carry you tomorrow and then we can think about something to do in regards of the championship.” You teased back, nails slowly jabbing in the back of Charles’ neck. 
“I might not get to the race tomorrow if you keep doing this.” Charles spoke, shaking as the shivers from the man’s neck went down his spine. 
You chuckled, “Alright, alright. I will stop it, we do not want our favorite driver to miss his home race.” 
Charles laughed, “I am your favorite driver now?”
You nonchalantly shrugged your shoulders, “I do not know any other driver besides you, so I guess yes.” 
“Let’s hope you are not going to change your mind tomorrow.” Charles spoke, taking your hand even tighter than before to kiss the back of it. 
When tomorrow came you did not change your mind, and you for sure did an astounding job as Charles Leclerc’s lucky charm. Charles secured the win from half of the race on, putting an immense gap between him and the others. 
Charles knew that you were watching, and that is why he went to a whole another level that day. After all, it was your first Formula 1 race and Charles really wanted to win that fifth championship through all the means known in the racing world and unknown in the bedroom later that same night.  
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actuallysaiyan · 6 months
Kento never realized why he always hated seeing you being so close to Haibara. He never knew the reasons why it made his skin crawl whenever Haibara hugged you or pressed a kiss to your cheek. It just made this jealousy rage deep inside his soul, but he just never could put the dots together. He tried to push those feelings away, telling himself he was being ridiculous. You were his best friend...so was Haibara.
The way that Haibara looked at you made Kento want to push him off of you and beat him up. But he knew he couldn't do that to the sunshine boy that was both your best friend. There was no way that Haibara was ever aware of the things he'd do to you to make Kento jealous. And Kento wasn't about to spill his guts to either of you.
Kento never realized why he always hated seeing you so close to Haibara...until he realized he was truly in love with both of you.
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1-800-suck-my-clit · 2 months
Stages of Buckys drunkness
Stage 1
John's has a drink in him, but nothing changes. He's still his normal big tooth shit eating grin.
Stage 2
This stage gets a little more energetic. He dances on the table and sings horribly to songs where vocals were not, in fact, needed. He makes bets that he should not have won but always managed to win.
When curt gets involved, things get taken up to another level. John by himself is hard to control, but you bring his little spoon anywhere near him, and those two are causing double the chaos. Which brings us to stage 3
Stage 3
Between buckys ego and stubbornness and curts, "im Irish I don't back down" attitude they get into fights alot. Every little thing sets them off. But most of the fights don't even up more than talking shit back and forth bc Gale quiets them down before they hurt someone else or themselves. But sometimes Gale likes to play to, similarly to when they met the RAFs.
Stage 4
In this stage, John's a lot more touchy. He can not stop touching Gale for the life of him. He's uncomfortably turned on at this point. He wants Gale now. Anyway he can get him. He whispers dirty things in his ears, often getting a rise out of his lover like: "I want your dick in my mouth so bad Gale. Or my dick up your ass. Please, Buck. I need you so bad, however you want it ill be so good to you." This more than once leads them to go to the alley at the back where they eat eachothers faces off and Bucky ends up on his knees looking up at a fucked out panting Gale.
The last and final stage
Stage 5
This is the stage where Gale knows its time to wrap it up and go back home. John gets unbelievably clingy, cranky, and whiney. But not in the "I wanna fuck you" way buy the way when u wake up a child. His hand is always tugged on Buck as he moves around the pub or party. He's completely silent and complacent. When they get back to bed, he often drapes himself on top of Buck and drifts off to blissful peace as Gale plays in his hair and mumbles words of praise that go to his stomach and settles in his heart
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Perv!Eddie humping bestfriend! reader or using their hand to jerk off while they're sleeping at a sleepover
(Cw: perv!eddie, somno, 18+)
Ohhh absolutely. Eddie’s just so enamoured with you. Absolutely in love with you. Severely aching to be with you, to have you all the time. So he comes up with these little schemes.
Even though Eddie’s a nasty perv, and he knows it, he’s also not brave enough to tell you how he feels. Not yet. He’s sure if you ‘caught him’ then he could smirk and find that confidence while he makes you feel good, then that would be a great time for him to do what he needs. Eddie knows just how to work his magic on you, maybe you’re harbouring a little crush for the town metal head too.
So he invites you over for a sleepover! Or more so, you were already coming over to smoke pot, and Eddie was just being his entertaining self long enough for the time to simply slip you by. And when you finally noticed how dark it was outside, Eddie circled his arms around your waist and spun you closer, away from his door. Still dancing with you in the kitchen, to the George Michael song he swore he’d only listen to if he was playfully ‘jamming out’ to it, with you. A fact that always made you shyly smile. He convinces you to stay, still swaying with you to the music. Spinning you around and around with his hand until you got dizzy, and he caught you again, his hands sneaking under your shirt, on your lower back.
You were pretty tired anyway, Eddie always had a way of tuckering you out, whether it was from his own energy, or getting you to do things. And Eddie says Wayne’s already gone, it’s perfect!
Eddie even gets you in his clothes for pyjamas and God, he could actually drool. But sorry, his ac is busted, and most of his comfortable pants are dirty or in the wash. Eddie even lightly kicks away a pair of grey sweats, that clearly have white patches on them. Him kicking them under the bed had been the reason you’d seen those stains, looking away to spare his modesty. Even though Eddie had kicked them on purpose, to really set in that his comfy pants were dirty. And to maybe put a thing or two in your mind. You didn’t want them!
You can put on one of his shirts and keep your underwear on, you can even run straight under the covers, he promises he won’t peek - he covers his eyes with his hands as he says that, pushing two of his fingers apart, and coyly smiling at you, before pressing them in harder. Keeping them over his face, even as he heard you giggle at his antics.
When you suggest taking up the sofa, Eddie profoundly swears against it. He’s your best friend! He doesn’t have cooties, does he? You two are just friends! You do way more intimate things all the time. A fact that gets you to bend your head even at the suggestion, making Eddie’s heart beat faster, wondering if you remember those ‘practice’ kissing sessions, or the spin the bottle games, or the way he holds you just like a boyfriend does, touches you in those ways, how he carries you places, plays with you, all the sweet pet names you constantly call each other. Don’t you trust him? Come on sweetheart... It’s just sleeping! You’ll both be out before you even know it. And hey, he’s not uncomfortable with it! So don’t worry.
You jump into the covers while Eddie still has his back turned, which helps because he doesn’t have to cover up his smirk, not that he would of anyway. And he can feel your eyes on him. Which is when he drops his jeans, leaving him in his black boxers, as Eddie takes off his shirt for the day.
When Eddie turns around you’re still looking at him, like you can’t turn away, and Eddie’s so pleased with himself, as he goes to find a pyjama shirt, a shorter one. “Oh, by the way, do you like my new piece? I thought it’d also be your kind of thing.” Eddie comes forward, showing you his bare, tattooed, chest, and he swears he sees your hands itch towards him.
Instead you just nod, humming and Eddie smiles. Putting on his shirt (in a bit of a show), just to ease you in a bit. And since he knows you definitely like his bare chest, maybe it’s something he can give you as a treat later. As well as being something to keep you wanting, something you’re going to be thinking about until you dream, so close yet unattainable, just like you were for him. Until tonight.
You rest your head on Eddie’s chest, once he’d reached over your body to turn off the lamp, and he even gave you a kiss to the corner of your lips, a simple kiss goodnight, one you returned to his cheek. Cute. You snuggled into his chest, resting your arms on his torso, and Eddie gets to hold you. Something he really enjoys, holding you in his arms. And soon, you’re drifting off to sleep, but not before slipping your leg between his, and your palm spreads over his chest, over where his new tattoo is, lips pressed into his shirt. Then, after about an hour of just holding you, Eddie gets to have a different kind of fun.
Something he’d been thinking about since the moment he met you. And something he just can’t help, he just needs you so badly.
You’ve turned around a little at this point, in sleep. Your back to him, but still clinging onto his arm that had been around your front (over your tits), drooling slightly on his hand. Eddie didn’t mind, drool away baby, so said Eddie, lightly brushing your ever soft cheek. Eddie’s other hand was laying on the curve of your waist.
He lifts the covers up now, to get a peek at your ass, your thighs, your hips, covered by only your panties. Goddamn, you’re as pretty as he imagined. Eddie lightly rests his hand on your outer thigh, no rings at this time of night, his guitar player fingers stroking up and down your smooth skin. Did you moisturise your thighs as well? Or did you just always feel this good?
Lifting the covers a little more, not wanting to expose you to the air too much, Eddie gets a proper look at what you’re wearing. Comfortable black panties, high on your hips, shielding them, but lacy at the sides. The material only just covering your ass. Something that would be found indecent to the civilians of Hawkins Indiana, but something so so sexy to Eddie. “Wear this just for me baby? So pretty on you.” Eddie mumbled, your body only rising and falling softly with breath in response. He loved that you wore black panties to come and see him, you knew that that was his favourite colour. And holy shit did they look good on you.
Eddie slid his hands down your panties, not anywhere private just yet though. Only down your hips. Eddie shuddered a breath as he got his hand down there, his calloused fingertips reaching the end hem of your panties at the side, and then going further. Eddie just held your hip for a while. Before rubbing his hands smoothly, up and down your hip. Massaging his thumb over the bone, bringing his palm back up to lay on your waist, rubbing you lovingly there.
With a sigh, Eddie decided to lay his thumb on the luxurious curve of your waist, his fingertips venturing down again, and sliding beneath your pretty panties. Having to bite his lip, with an annoyed face, to stop himself from circling your hip. He didnt want to fuck things up and wake you. Not yet.
Eddie slowly lowered your panties, only a little. Not enough to indecently expose you, not yet. Just so he could see those hips, so your waist could be free, so he could be teased just that bit more.
Fuck Eddie hates teasing himself. He can’t even edge himself with your stolen vibrator, he couldn’t do this. The vibrator you cried to him about, terrified your parents had found it and were waiting to tell you off for. Admitting you even had one to him a moment of vulnerability after Eddie calmly coaxed you into telling him what’s wrong when faced with you crying.
Eddie wasn’t really planning on returning it, but fuck, he couldn’t watch you cry. Especially not when you were crying to him, shaking into his chest. And anyway, once Eddie returned it behind a ‘jammed’ desk drawer it must’ve fallen into, he was returning it very well loved and used, so watching you use it again from your window was actually way more fun, after he’d already used it himself enough times.
Eddie pulls your panties up, wedging them in between your ass cheeks, and tight on your mound, wondering if that feels good for you too, even in sleep. And finally being able to have more of your ass on display, your shapely pussy tight against the clothing. God... what Eddie wouldn’t give to be able to lick your pussy. Even once, even through your clothes!
...Fuck it, he’d give risking his plan. Eddie wasn’t a strong man. Eddie leaned down, his hands fisting his sheets so he didn’t squeeze you instead, as he peered his big brown eyes down at you. Before his nose pressed into the curve of your ass, and he let his long tongue flatten against your pussy. Licking up in a long stripe against your cunt, before shifting his head up, only to see you wriggling in sleep, still comfortably on his pillow he’d humped last night picturing you. Fuck... even through your panties you tasted good. Eddie licked his lips again, patting away some drool from the corner of them with the back of his hand.
He really wanted to go back in, but that would wake you too quickly. And he wanted to stick to his plan. Cupping himself through his own underwear, he could tell he’d need to soon, before he exploded. But Eddie releases his grip, he doesn’t need to touch himself anymore. He has you.
Eddie gets back to the position he was in before, taking one more look at you, so perfect like this in front of him, and places his hand on your warm, bare back. Before thrusting himself gently into the curve of your ass.
Again, Eddie does this, his hand now on your waist, steadying you, so he’s not jiggling you about too much, he wouldn’t want to disturb your beauty sleep.
He humps slowly against your ass, more so pressing the outline of his hard cock in his boxers against you, sliding it over your backside, before wiggling down, and humping up into your warm cunt. Sighing shakily as he forces himself to gulp down a breath, keeping his hands gentle on your waist, as he humps his clothed cock over your heated cunt, and into the bottom of your ass, doing this over, and over, until his thrusts were at a slow, but steady and rhythmic pace.
Eddie wraps his arm around your stomach, then quickly changes as he realises his opportunity, holding his bat tatted arm over the length of your torso, his hand talking a greedy, but still gentle, grab of your tit. Holding your breast in his hand, and pressing his nose into your back as he shoots out a needy sigh, at being able to feel your nipple through his shirt. It wasn’t even cold in here.
He keeps dryhumping you, desperately trying not to squeeze, but just fondling your breast instead. Were you feeling this? Were you dreaming about him? God he hoped you were. Eddie moans into your shoulder blade, his face smushed there to avoid any loud sounds, as his cock ruts hard against you, feeeling your pussy lips starting to open up around him, his other hand bringing your panties up tighter, allowing his cock to slip through them just a bit, even with both your pants on.
Eddie couldn’t stand if you were dreaming about someone else. He ruts more, sloppy. Eddie needs you, needs you like air, for him to keep going through his day. He pants heavily onto your back, and he’s sure you’d be able to feel the wet heat, sticking your shirt to you. Eddie would do anything for you, and he can’t believe he’s finally here, so close to getting what he wants. He presses a small kiss to the back of your neck, rutting up further into you, even through your panties, like he was trying to rip a goddamn hole through them and...
God. Were you wet?
Eddie forced himself to lean back just a little, his tongue between his lips as he trembled a whine. And while there was definitely a spot of pre in his underwear, the white glob being obvious in your black pants too, Eddie looked down as saw a wet patch in your underwear. Dark, and right where your pussy lay, sticky, and wet.
Oh my god.
Eddie dove in again, his hand reaching under your shirt to grab your tit properly as he moaned quietly into your ear, his face on yours, hair all over you, as he repeated his humping. His pace picking up as he slammed into your backside, needing your cunt so so so badly.
When you start to wake up, Eddie’s already drooling down your neck, it slipping down his shirt and past your tits. You’d think he was just drooling in his sleep, if it wasn’t for the voice that so obviously belonged to Eddie, moaning, in your ears. And more so, the fact you woke up with pleasant spikes shooting through your cunt. And you could feel Eddie rutting against you.
A gasp left you before you could even stop it, although it was more of a moan. Eddie squeezed your tit now, finally able to, and you just held onto his hand through the shirt, brain still waking up.
“Here. Lemme help you.” Eddie whispers right under your ear, into your cheek, his drooling lips moving against you. And before you know it your top is thrown off, and you’re backing into Eddie even more at the sudden exposure.
Something Eddie throughly enjoys, holding you closer, his other hand meshed with your hair on your shoulder, as he humps up further into you.
You’re starting to wake up more now, sure you just fell asleep at your best friends house. “E-Eddie?-“
You’re cut off with a squeak, as Eddie’s hand that was on your tit, is suddenly over your mouth.
“Please.” Eddie groans, humping up into you and you can hear the slap of both your thighs. Not sure if it was you who was so wet, creating that sticky sound, or Eddie. “Just let me have this. Be such a good girl for me. Even lick my cum out of your perfect little cunt once I’m done. Lick you clean, promise. Know you just want me so bad.” Eddie whines into your face this time, gutturally, and unashamedly needily so. Turning his head it seems on purpose, so his hot breath hits your cheek even more, as he whines into you.
You take Eddie’s hand, firmly in yours, but when you bring it away from your mouth, and further down than where you tit is, Eddie momentarily pauses.
But it’s not enough for you to even notice, because you’re already putting Eddie’s very skilled fingers you’ve always taken notice of, down your pants, and against your soaked thumping clit. “Please Eddie. Was close before you woke me up.”
You didn’t even know where this was coming from. You just woke up in a haze of lust, and didn’t care about your best friend dry humping you with all his love when you’d never done anything like this before. You just knew Eddie was making you feel good, and you wanted him to finish what he started. No thoughts. Just what Eddie had made you feel.
Eddie of course snatches his opportunity, moaning grossly indecently in your ears, which only made you moan back, holding his toned arm as Eddie rubbed your clit furiously, worshipping it with his fingers, and knuckles, and thumb, his heel, and his entire hand for all it was worth, moaning lewd words into your ears, as he drooled against your cheek, which were only making you wetter. His bouncing curls you loved so much sticking to your dampened face, as Eddie kept grinding on you.
Bringing his hand up to stick his fingers in his mouth, something that made you rock back into his rock solid bulge as you watched in pure lust, Eddie looking like he was about to cum just from tasting you, before sticking his wet fingers right back against your clit. “Fuck yeah. Shit baby, been wanting you for so long. Glad you finally got your fuckin eyes open. God, I’m gonna cum in you till I actually pass out in this bed. You’re mine now. Want to be mine? Want you so bad. Kept fucking my fist to you every night. Used your vibrator so much it almost broke. Want to be mine? Know you do. Bout to cum all over me. I can fuckin feel it. So dirty for me. Knew you wanted me.” Eddie bites your ear, tugging on it as he pants moans of swears and praise and filth into your ear.
Eddie’s quickly cumming in his pants, crying out your name in his loud voice as he keeps humping you, his hand crushed under your body but still rubbing your clit with speed as he humps you into the bed, spreading his cum all over your painted pussy until you’re spraying in his hand. Screaming out Eddie’s name, which only gets him to cum more, spreading it over you as much as he can as he thrusts his dick against the wet warmth of your cum ridden pants, fucking himself against it, and holding you so closely, all the while you ride his hand, gripping onto your best friend just as tight. Both of you adding new stains to Eddie’s bed.
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breannasfluff · 10 months
What if... through time/portal shenanigans, Eldritch!Chain met Wing!Wild for a shift
Traveling through time? Check. Meeting alternate versions of a hero? Also check. Legend sits up in his bedroll and stares at Wild. Or…not-Wild. Not their creepy vibes Wild. No, this one is crouched by the fire, cooking what looks like bugs. Oh, and he’s got wings. Because yeah, that’s how this day is going to go.
Legend points, which is rude, but so is dealing with this so early in the morning. “Who are you?”
Not-Wild looks up and honest-to-Hylia chirps at him. Yeah. No. He’s not dealing with this alone. The vet leans across and whacks at Twilight’s bed roll. “Fix this!”
The rancher blinks slowly, entirely too comfortable. “Mornin’. Cub cookin?”
“He’s weird now. What did you do?”
“Me?” Twilight blinks again and sits up, turning to the fire. “Whadja–oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.”
They both stare at the not-Wild. The person? Bird? Avian? Ruffles feathers and fluffs his wings up around his ears at their stare.
Twilight cheats and slaps Time awake. “Somthin’s goin on.”
By the time the old man extracts himself from the bedding, everyone else is awake and staring as well. Time manages an impassive face pretty well, but his tells give him away. The vein next to his eye is twitching. 
“Good morning.”
Bird boy whistles again and looks at his pan. “Breakfast is almost ready.”
“Er, right.” Time shares a helpless glance with Twilight. Goddesses, they really make the vet do all the work, don’t they?
“Hey, kid. Where did you come from? Where’s our Wild?”
He cocks his head and flutters his wings. “I’m with you for now, I guess.”
“Who said?”
Well, shit. She would inflict some kind of dimensional weirdness on them. 
Wild gives the pan a shake and waves Four over. “Here. You can have half,” he stresses.
Four sidles closer, the wariness growing to confusion as, likely, he doesn’t feel the need to run for the hills. Then he glances in the pan. “Are those bugs?”
“Yeah. Got some nice crunchy bees.” The avian pops one in his mouth and crunches and oh–Legend would like his weird Wild back. Sure he eats animals whole but they aren’t…bugs. “I’ve got a nice big spider we can split, want some of the legs?”
Four blanches and skitters away to the other side of the clearing. Insane-Wild turns his attention on Warriors. “Catch!” Then he chucks something that smacks the captain in the face. Warriors shrieks and flails. The thing falls to the ground. Wild chatters in what must be disappointment. “That was good quality meat!”
“You threw it in my face!”
“I have meat juice. On my face.”
“...why didn’t you catch it?”
The captain joins Four on the other side of the clearing. Most of the others back up as well. 
Twilight makes the next move, coming to stand by Wing Boy. Wild sidles away. Twilight shuffles closer. The champion sidles away again. They continue the weird shuffle all the way around the fire as Wild’s wings get higher and higher. Finally, he gives a strange tsksksks and bites the rancher on the arm.
Now Twilight is yelping and hopping away. “What was that for!”
Wild eyes him, wings ruffled. “Too close. You know better.”
“Nah, I don’t!” He rubs his arm with a truly wounded like. Like a kicked puppy. Fitting, considering his transformation.
Sky steps into the fray, but his eyes are glued to the wings. “Is your nickname still Wild?” he asks, only he’s addressing the wingbone rather than the boy attached to it.
“Your wings are beautiful! They remind me of my loftwing.”
Wild loosens slightly, wings drooping. “Yeah, your loftwings are cool.”
The chosen hero, because he has rocks for brains, reaches out and pats some feathers. Wild shrieks and explodes off the ground. His wings kick up clouds of dust and he launches straight up, then flaps into a tree and balances on a branch, hissing down at them. Sky is left blinking in confusion, hand still outstretched. 
It takes a good ten minutes for Wild to flutter back down, during which the bugs have been moved out of sight and eggs and potatoes set to cooking in a new pan. 
Legend watches from the corner of his eye as Wild paces around the edge of the group, then zeroes in on where he sits with Hyrule. He gives a funny bird call and trots over, shoving his way between them. 
“Hey!” Hyrule moves entirely, annoyed at being ousted from his seat. Legend gets a face full of feathers which he doesn’t dare push away. 
The avian trills again, wings pulling in tighter.
“Wild,” Legend says, or tries, muffled by feathers. “We don’t know what you want.”
He chatters at them both. “Force of habit.”
“To steal seats?” Hyrule’s prickly, both because he hasn’t had his morning tea, and because his fae sensibilities have been offended.
“Not stealing.” Wild’s attention is caught by the bag at his feet and he dives for it.
“Hands off!” Time jumps for it as well and a wrestling match begins before Wild lets go of the bag. The old man falls back on his butt and masks spill everywhere. 
Everyone tenses as the fierce Deity mask lands in the dirt, but the avian ignores it to grab for a cow mask. He holds it up with a grin. “This is my favorite.”
Time is still sputtering and Hyrule grabs some of the masks, passing them over. “You can’t just–take things!”
Bird boy blinks back, the picture of innocence. On the other side of the clearing, Twilight sulks. Warriors considers his scarf with misery; must have gotten meat juice on it. Sky’s wariness fades into resignation and he sits next to Four, who’s still a little peaky. 
This Wild inspires no strange feelings, but the absence of them is…disconcerting. It’s like a small piece of Legend’s awareness is missing; like he grew an inch without realizing. 
Wind, who was out collecting wood after his watch enters the clearing with a cheery smile. “Good morning! What did I miss?”
The champion perks up and taps his slate, pulling out a crab and tossing it at the sailor. The crab is, unfortunately, still alive. And angry at being thrown before breakfast–or to be breakfast. The crab attaches itself to Wind with vengeance. 
Wind starts screaming.
Legend closes his eyes to the chaos. Hylia, please give them their old Wild back. Nothing is worth this much chaos in the morning.
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amvro · 6 months
pairing: amuro tooru x reader
summary: he is home late (again) but you love to stay up for him
cw: i would not say suggestive but a lot of kissing implied ? IDK IM SORRY, it’s very short
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It wasn’t rare for you to be staying up waiting for him to come home, but tonight he was especially late coming home and he truly did not expect you to still be up. The clock almost ticked 3:30am and he truly wished he didn’t have to stay out so late if he knew you would still be up. He was going to ask why you were still up and tell you about how you should’ve just slept without him, but he knew you would tell him you would be too worried to fall asleep regardless. 
“I’m so sorry I was so late,” he said, apologetically. “But really, next time you shouldn’t mind me. It’s far too late.”
“And it’s far too late for you to be out with no one to greet you when you come home,” you replied with a soft smile. Gosh he was in love with you. “Waiting for you to come home is one of my happiest times, at least let me do this much. Besides, it’s a Friday we get to sleep in tomorrow.”
And you were absolutely correct. Although he’d tell you every single time to go ahead and sleep, it still warmed his heart when he saw you reading a book or scrolling through your phone with a warm tea, waiting for him to come home. The way your face would brighten up when he came home was truly the only thing that could heal him from a long day at work.
“I’ll hop in the shower real quick, so go to sleep okay? It’s still not good to be up this late,” he said as he took off his coat and put his stuff down, getting ready to step into the bathroom.
“Wait,” you said, almost subconsciously.
“What is it, love?”
“Oh, um,” you said, you hadn’t meant to say it out loud. You looked up at him slightly embarrassed. “....kiss?”
A faint blush covered his face as his eyes narrowed and lips pursed. He did not understand how you managed to make his heart flutter from such simple words after all this time, but he did understand that this wasn’t going to go away. He walked right back to you and pressed a kiss on your lips. He was going to kiss you again when he resisted the temptation and kissed you on your forehead instead. 
“Why not?” you asked quietly. You were going to kill him if you kept this up.
“Because I’m not going to be able to stop at this rate,” he said, but you went and kissed him instead.
“But I don’t want you to...” you said. That was it, he was giving in. Saving the country was a whole lot easier of a challenge than the ones you gave him it seemed.
“Okay, now you’ve done it,” he said, kissing you again. 
The shower will have to wait a little. 
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loptido · 3 months
hi there, nothing much, just coming on to think about..
coming home late into the afternoon— it’s borderline evening, the setting sun already shining the world in an overlay of a calming orangey-yellow — to kazuha who welcomes your return with a soft smile and arms open wide, just waiting for you to come in between them so they can wrap you in a hug.
you close the door behind you as you lug yourself towards him, slumping into his open arms as soon as you get close enough. kazuha remains silent. usually he’s all chipper with a poem riddled in infatuation and utter admiration already spewing from his mouth, acting like the opening line to your conversation.
neither of you say a word. kazuha’s hands pat you gently, one buried in your hair giving you small rubs to ease away any headaches that lingered from today, and the other on your back, occasionally moving around to massage your stress away. he always does this; it’s relaxing, and it works well to ease away your tension, your stress, and you finally let the tears flow through.
the poet’s clothes get stained with tears, but he doesn’t care.
you stay like that for a little while longer, kazuha holding you tight as you let the stress from the morning leave your body through tears.
once they’ve dried, kazuha wipes your cheeks and presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “want some tea?” he asks, intwining your hands together as he softly leads you to the kitchen, “i’ll steep your favourite. it won’t take long, don’t worry. i’m not leaving your side, dove.”
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starrystevie · 4 months
"what are you doing," eddie mumbles in confusion, hair fanned out on steve's pillow, the moonlight streaming in giving him a hazy halo.
there's a hand on the side of his face and it's cupping his cheek, thumb stroking over his skin. it's soft, so soft, too soft. another hand is trapping his against the mattress, fingers trailing over his forearm before tangling into his own and squeezing tight. it's gentle, so gentle, too gentle.
eddie isn't soft, eddie isn't gentle. eddie isn't making love in a full size bed with wallpaper that matches the drapes. he isn't fluttering kisses in time with fluttering heartbeats and the fluttering wings of butterflies trapped in his stomach like the most lovely cage.
eddie is fucking at 2am when there's enough intoxication to make him look like he's worth it. he's rough and wild, quick and easy. a means to a barely wanted end because he's there and willing and with long enough hair to let people imagine he's someone else.
he should be caged instead of the damn butterflies. he bares his teeth and thrashes his limbs just to fight and see what he can get away with. he laughs loud and brash in the face of sweetness just to see anger, just to see hurt.
he has half a mind to think he's a feral animal that's hardly been trained, performing in some fucked up circus that charges two bucks to see him snarl and hurl insults at anyone who passes by. he bites at the hands that try to touch, try to feed, proving to the onlookers that he's only worth the pocket change they pay to see him.
but steve. he's holding his face like he wants to, holding his hand like it's the most important thing in the world. he's pressing kisses along eddie's jaw without any hurry, without any rush, kissing just to kiss. feeling just to feel. he's like a ray of goddamn sunshine even in the darkness that midnight provides, warming eddie from the inside out.
eddie wants to run. he wants to scream. he wants to feel like he's allowed steve's soft and gentle but he's-
"is this not okay?" and now steve's looking at him with all of whatever he's trying to give him lacing into his face, his eyes and spit slick lips sparkling in the moonlight like a shiny new toy. "do you not like it?"
concern and care are different sides of the same steve shaped coin and if eddie looks hard enough, he can see them blurring together in his frustratingly beautiful sparkling eyes and those damn butterflies start to come back.
"no, it's-" he let's out a sigh, relaxing his tight muscles and sinking into the bed, sinking into whatever steve is willing to give him. "just different, is all. good different, i think."
steve smiles and eddie shakily mirrors it back, before he's ducking his head again and slotting their lips together, fingers still holding tight to eddie's, still cupping his face like it's something precious.
eddie's come to terms with the taste of the metal bars of his cage, teeth wearing down as he tries to bite his way to freedom. maybe this time he'll let himself get used to the taste of soft and gentle smiles if it means loving steve.
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seungiee-sunshine · 8 months
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𝘱. 𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘚𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘹𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 (𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺…)
𝘤𝘸. 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘷!𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘮𝘪𝘯, 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘶𝘯𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦, 𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘮𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘐 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦…
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He shouldn’t be doing this.
And he knows it, but how could he ignore the moans spilling from your mouth as Chan did—who knows what to you? He couldn't, plain and simple. The thought of what was going on in the tent beside his own made his cock twitch, and your suppressed moans didn’t help the situation. They sounded so beautiful, so not like the ones he’d ever imagined. Fuck, what he was hearing now made what he conjured up in his head a literal pile of shit.
And he knew that was wrong too, thinking about his hyung's girlfriend in such a light when the two of you were simply enjoying the time you thought you had alone. But he was always there, letting his perverted self take over and shamelessly listen to the muffled sounds of your lovemaking within the dorms. Nonetheless, he shouldn’t have been thinking about you like that, but he did. No matter how hard he tried not to, he couldn't help it. His dick was in full control whenever it came to you; even if he was talking to you, he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to your chest or your neck, which were almost always covered in dark purple marks.
Sometimes he wished he could leave such marks on your perfect body, paint your skin to his liking, and have the knowledge that he did that and that you were his. Much to his disappointment, he knew he’d never be able to do so; he was just “one of Chan’s friends” to you and nothing more, and no matter how much he prayed, it was a far-fetched dream that was never destined to come true.
The most he could do was stare and occasionally get off to the thought of you, sometimes even steal a pair of panties or two. Some nights ended with his hand and the lacey fabric coated in white liquid, and others ended with him sitting on his bed as he stared down at his lap, shame finally setting into his gut.
The shame, although strong, went away fairly fast, just like right now. He felt so ashamed that he was listening in on such intimate acts, but then again, Chan made the mistake of assuming that everyone was asleep. If he didn't know his hyung any better, he probably would’ve thought that Chan knew one of them was awake... And wanted to show off that he could make a woman cum in a minute flat.
But Chan was far too smart for that, or just too cautious per se. He wasn’t one to let his private life be known to most, even if they were his dormmates. It’s not like he straight-up checked every room to make sure no one was home before fucking your brains out; he just thought things through a bit more than some men would. A man which Seungmin was not, he was far too irrational to care about others; if someone walked in on him fucking his fist, he could care less. He’d just continue on, waiting for whoever it was to leave.
And who’s to say he wouldn’t be the same if he had a lover? He’d bet on everything he had that no matter who walked into the room, he’d continue to make the time they spent with him worthwhile. At times, he even thought about fucking you, and his hyung walking in on the two of you. Oh, how his mouth watered at the thought. What would Chan do? Flip out, watch, or possibly even join in?... God, if only-
His eyes widened for a moment as he heard a strangled moan come out from you. He was almost worried for you. Knowing Chan and the way he was always pent-up, sex was most likely his relief, and that meant he would be rough with you. However, his worries subsided when he heard you ramble on about him and how good he felt. 
His cheeks reddened, and he bit the inside of his cheek as he listened in, wishing it was him who was getting told such things and getting to feel you squeeze around him, getting to fuck so dumb you could barely even think. God, if only...
(A/N: If you read this far, thank you so much. Likes, comments, and reposts are what keep me going, so please be sure to do so. Anywho thanks for reading!..)
Credits for the page divider go to; frogs-frogs-and-more-frogs -on tumblr-
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ok-boomerang · 4 months
Zutara 17
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
Zuko jiggled the doorknob for just a moment before he turned to Katara, a frown on his face. "It's locked somehow."
"Huh? It locks from the outside?"
"Yeah, you know the palace. All sorts of weird security measures," said Zuko, running a hand through his hair in exasperation. He sighed. "Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…"
Katara glanced around the little room Zuko had pulled her into, the one he had said he'd been wanting to show her. It was filled with small statues, some created from earthbending, and was meant to serve as a gallery of artwork from around the world. It was quite lovely, and she particularly enjoyed the little statue of the polar bear dog, but their engagement party was going on in the adjacent hall.
"Maybe if we shouted, someone could hear us?" Katara suggested, walking toward the locked door herself.
Zuko turned back toward her, sliding in front of the door. "I don't think so, they're pretty far away—"
She attempted to edge around him to try the door herself, but Zuko took one step to the side again. "And maybe it would be best if we weren't found right away," he said, a smirk unfolding on his face as he blocked access to the door.
Understanding washed over Katara, and she slapped a hand to her forehead. "Zuko!"
He was unabashed. "What, so I want to spend some alone time with my betrothed?"
She couldn't be annoyed with him. Not really. She was getting tired of the constant meet and greets at the hours-long party, and perhaps that's why Zuko had pulled her in here all along.
"You made sure it's locked?" she breathed out. "From the inside, that is?"
"Yeah...from the inside."
"Fine," Katara sighed, smirking herself, as she reached toward him.
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ancientschampionau · 11 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Parentalbond Horror
*grinning* I am baaaaaaaack!! @spotaus get over here :D
So. I had the difficult choice on which drabble i wanted to write so For now I settled on this one because I haven't had the chance to write a drabble with Horror's pov since a while and that is a crime.
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As always we go in unbeta'ed and unedited.
Horror checks the windows again before turning back to the couch and seeing Nightmare just staring at him.
Horror tils his skull "sleep will be easier if you actually lay down...." And he looks pointedly at the couch.
Nightmare gains that stubborn glint in his sockets again as he huffs "I am fine. Not tired at all." he looks at the pile of bags in the corner of the room wishfully.
Horror has to keep his chuckling inside as he answers "Shame then that it is bedtime for young skeletons." And adult skeletons. Horror glances at the other three. All KO on the other couch, all still dressed in their normal clothes and none of them actually finished their meals.
Horror will have to pack up the leftovers. Make sure nothing goes to waste. But he will let them sleep for now and just make them eat a big breakfast. But all three had been running themselves ragged lately. Especially after the last encounter they had had with the Stars.
It meant they have been making more jumps and teleports and not going out as much to collect things to make it easier for them.
Horror walks over to them and puts one of the blankets in this apartment over them, he doesn't bother to try and pull them away from one another. The four of them always had the habit of sleeping in a pile and that habit only got worse once they started searching for Nightmare and reclaimed him.
Horror checks Ngihtmare's plate and smiles "You finished it all today." No wonder he is grumpier and more active than usual.
Nightmare pulls a face and crosses his arms. Horror walks over and nudges him at his shoudler "Sleep time." and he waits.
Nightmare grumbles more as he pushes the blankets and pillows around. Horror just crosses his arms as he waits. Nightmare huffs but lays his skull down on the pillow and glares at him.
Horror knows he is grinning but he is proud to say he doesn't actually snort or laugh at the grumpy face Nightmare is pulling. instead he moves closer slowly, the first week of watching Nightmare flinch at every movement and sound had been horrible, and puts the blanket over him as well.
Nightmare doesnt complain about it. Most likely becuase he just saw Horror do the same for the other three.
Horror nods and sits by him "Time to sleep." it is his turn to keep watch and he plans on taking ti seriously.
Nightmare huffs but just turns his face further into the pillow. Tiny body starting to relax with the simple comforts.
Horror tries to not be obvious as he keeps an eye on Nightmare.
Horror knows of course what is going on and he is trying to not give in. At least one of them should not give into the adopting.
Horror can admit he had been surprised that Dust was the first one to actually soul adopt Nightmare. Especially after only a week. It had been so fast and the transition between the before and after state had been so smoothly that Horror had honestly thought that Dust had done it on purpose and planned.
It would have made sense. Dust had been the one to find the book first and been the one to actually manage to get Nightmare back to them.
Only for it to become obvious that Dust had no idea what he had just done.
Soul adoption is a rather normal thing for monsters to do. Though in most universes they rarely happened as monsters don't tend to abandon children.
But well, Horror's AU had been one with starvation and a lot of fighting. People lost their lives in multiple ways. That meant quite a few orphans.
Soul adoption happened when an adult monster willingly took the role as caretaker for a younger monster who doesn't have a caretaker. There are a few more factors obviously but Horror doesn't know all of them of the top of his skull, especially not now with that hole in it.
What it comes down to? Nightmare is an orphan and has no one he could go to that could take care of them, and all of them know this. Dust found out first and surprisingly his soul was open enough to the idea to accept Nightmare as... well... his.
There are more hurdles in this situation of course. The fact that they Nightmare they knew was an adult, which is what Horror thinks is tripping up Cross. But Dust had been very quick with accepting that Nightmare is now a child and so immediantly treated him as one.
Killer took a bit longer but quickly fell into step as well. Calling Nightmare tiny boss and going from his right-hand-man to his babysitter, Killer's words not Horror's.
Horror is however a bit surprised that Killer also soul adopted Nightmare. In theory it shouldn't have happened as Nightmare at this time already had Dust as his caretaker and so technically didn't need one anymore.
Seems like Killer's soul didn't agree with that.
Horror can't say a lot about it though, seeing as he can feel it happening with himself as well. And he has no doubt that Cross is very close to giving into his own instincts and feelings concerning this as well.
The whole thing with their last interaction with the Stars is a very big give away. Even if Cross felt very embarresed by his own reaction.
At least Nightmare is no truly convinced that they won't harm him and will help him. Horror is happy they managed to get there and with it having only been a month since they took him with them. Horror can say they did a good job.
Nightmare has falled asleep.
Horror move slowly and silently and puts two fingers to the the side of his small belly and feels.
Horror may not have a lot of magic himself but his AU was left him with a very useful skill. Wiht how little food there was available and how little magic there was there came issues. One of the issues was that after a while the magic monsters had wasn't strong enough anymore to digest the food that the mosnters did manage to eat. meaning that even if the monster ate food they would not get any energy or new magic from it.
Meaing that even if they ate they would continue to starve.
Wiht how difficult it had been for Nightmare at first to eat or even remember to eat Horror had worried something simular may have happened. That being in the goop form had caused his own magic to grow too weak to be able to function fully.
But all Horror feels is the soft and quiet purr of NIghtmare's magic working hard to use the offered food to rebuild the babybones' small reserves.
Horror sighs a sigh or relieve and just watches Nightmare for a moment. Nightmare, having noticed the pressure on him, makes an unhappy sound and his socket flutters open to give him a sour look.
Horror chuckles as he whispers "I apologise." Horror is unsure how clear his answer is as Horror himself is purring like a loud law mower at this point.
Nightmare blinks at him, still looking like the tiniest little grumpy skeleton this multiverse has ever known, before closing his sockets again and turning on his side. surprisingly not away from the touch and light hold.
Horror watches the other. It is strange. They are all different yet Nightmare still has them all completely under his control. Yet it is in a completely different way and Ngihtmare now doesn't even seem to realise it.
Horror leans on the couch and watches their tiny charge just sleep. Horror had managed to keep the need to complete an adoption at bay by reminding himself that Nightmare already had a caretaker- well two and a half now, Horror is sure that all Cross still needs to complete the soul adoption is a tiny nudge. Horror thinks that Cross is jsut thinking too much about it and doubting his own instincts and feelings.
But that still leaves Horror, and what he wants to do. He figured that it would be better to at least keep one of them unbiased in this nature, just in case that Nightmare suddenly turns into an adult again. But the longer this went on the less likely it seemed to Horror.
Not to forget. Horror doesn't even think Nightmare wants to be an adult again. Not now that he is a child but doens't have to vigilent every moment of every day.
Does he technically already have caretakers? Yes. Does Horror still want to count himself as one? Yes.
So. He just picks for himself.
Horror moves slowly and quietly as he picks Nightmare up. Nightmare grumbles in his sleep at being moved but calms when his magic recognises Horror.
Horror gets comfortable on the couch and lays Nightmare on his sternum. He can still feel the tiny soul beat and pulse fast even through two shirts.
Horror pulls the blanket back over Nightmare and waits.
It doesn't take long as Horror can feel the slight pull on his magic and energy. Hardly noticable and Horror doubts that if he wasn't so paranoid about his own levels he would have noticed.
It is something tiny monsters do. To help stabalise and sharp their own magic they try to take tiny bits of their parents, or caretakers in this case, to help guide them. It all happens naturally.
Horror just holds the tiny babybones closer and feesl Ngihtmare's soul slowly start to match Horror's own soulbeat and he feels all the calmer.
Now it is pretty much done. Horror will have to probably deal with this decision one day but for now he is happy. Their tiny babybones is comfortable and everyone is resting. Tomorrow they will have to worry about getting supplies and where they can go and eventually where they will sleep that night.
But right now? Right now he doesn't have to worry about that. and all he ahs to worry about is that their babybones is comfortable and healing.
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