#leo speaks spanish
fnibbit-fanart · 1 year
Trying some Leo angst
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Original post is from @lotus-1313 (thanks for putting this idea into my head)
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leos-katanas · 8 months
¿Quieres unirte al maratón de películas de Barbie? :3
Seguro Por qué no.
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shardkn1ght · 1 year
Does Leo ever go into the maze of death or other mystic places like the mystic library and the Hidden City?
And does he know about Piel and pirates!
Hueso takes Leo all over the place. As he doesn’t know that Draxum could potentially see him, he doesn’t worry about where Leo is seen or where he goes. He basically says to Leo ‘do what you like. But if you need help call me, and I will be there. And avoid breaking the law or putting yourself in danger where possible.’
I think he would be a very open dad, so Leo would just tell him all the things he’s done and wants to do or go see. Leo never had a reason to hide anything because Hueso never hid him from anything.
And that leads perfectly to Piel!
Piel came to run of the mill when Leo was still a baby, and when Piel saw that he had a Nephew, he realised he was missing out on his brother’s life, and missing out on his family. So that day Piel gave up his pirating career and became a vintage collector and seller!
They never hid from Leo that they had a past in piracy. And Hueso, of course, was hesitant to let Piel back into his life. But when he saw how much Piel spoiled and loved Leo he knew he had made the right call.
The other pirates are like distant aunties and uncles. They come to visit every now and then. 
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I don’t know Spanish so if it’s wrong let me know!
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Incorrect Hoo quotes #13
New camper : *Horrified* The fuck is that?
Leo: *Sleep deprived but feral with energy drinks and adhd. Muttering to himself and carving math equations into a table.*
Breisa: What? Oh Leo? *Scoops him up*
New camper: That— that thing!
Breisa: This is Leo. He’s one of them he/theys. A cutie pie, don’t ya think? Say hi Leo!
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Just a joke and a bit of a headcannon 😭💀 don’t come at me fr
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lazy--lillies · 2 months
Sorry not sorry but Piper and Hazel being able to speak French to each other and understand it better than Leo and Reyna speaking Spanish to each other is still the funniest thing HOO ever did
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kiturts · 3 months
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same, same
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solarisol · 6 months
Ok I just need everyone to know, as a third gen Mexican-American, Leo Valdez does not speak Spanish.
He is fourth (probably more) gen and lost his mother at a young age. You think this kid speaks Spanish??? When it comes to languages, if you don’t use it you lose it (side eyes Nico’s ability to speak Italian) and Leo was tossed from foster home to foster home, most of which, if not all, likely didn’t speak Spanish. Even before that, could his mom speak Spanish? She was a third gen (if not more) like me and seemed to speak pretty good English. She probably spoke Spanish too (I hope) and used both with Leo.
So: Leo knows terms of endearment for a child. He might know how to count up to 5 or maybe 10. He definitely knows at least one swear word. He knows titles (uncle/aunt obviously, Mr/Mrs too, probably). He knows some household items and the names of other everyday things. He seems to have been able to hold onto most of his memories of his childhood before the foster homes which is why I think he knows counting and everyday things, because that’s probably what his mamá taught him. Now, this is aaalll assuming Leo’s mom knew Spanish. It’s possible she only knew the bare minimum. I like to think she knew enough to hold a conversation, if not more because of how her grandfather (Sammy) talked. But it’s also possible she knew very little Spanish.
Now, a little disclaimer: I was not taught Spanish as a child. I had to learn it in school. Do I resent that? Yes, absolutely. That’s why I say I hope Esperanza knew how to speak Spanish (Jesus Christ it took me an entire rant to remember her name) and why I like to think Leo could maybe hold an extremely simple conversation in Spanish. His grammar would probably be shit and there’s definitely a lot of Spanglish thrown in there but he could get by. Maybe. If he doesn’t have anxiety about messing up like I do. Anyways, I’m also only a quarter Mexican so maintaining the cultural stuff was a little hard - meaning, I’m culturally American. And that’s the vibe I get from Leo. He gives very strong Americanized vibes and with Americanization comes no sabo.
However! I like to think that once Leo has a stable place to call home, he starts trying to learn more Spanish. At first as a way to connect with his mom and her culture, and then just cause it’s useful.
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recently read The Lost Hero. Have a couple thoughts on Leo Valdez
I love Leo, first of all. This is a "why did this happen" thought more than a complaint about Leo.
In the book, Jason knows Latin and Piper knows French. Understandable. They even have a few lines in those languages.
Leo knows Spanish. Not a single Spanish sentence in the book. I've read it twice to check.
I am not saying anything about Rick or the book or anything, this is simply my observation. As a Hispanic American, I was immensely excited to know about Leo. I was very sad to know he didn't speak spanish in the book.
hopefully he speaks more spanish in the other ones!
(The only theory i will take about this is that he doesn't speak spanish bc it reminds him of his mother. Other than that, idek)
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meglyfer · 2 years
It’s my birthday today, so I drew my cats (comfort characters) :D Also, TELL ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY
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Lil me :]
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Close ups
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(Macaque looks so fucking ugly, I hate it 😭😭😭)
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(Yes, I drew Red Son with boobs, deal with it /hj)
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tervaneula · 6 months
Question: how do you feel about the father figure-son relationship between leo and bone man? A.k.a Hueso?
And do you like if your F!Leo was close to him?/nf
I LOVE IT. BONE MAN BEST. He acts aloof around Leo (and I don't doubt that sometimes he's genuinely annoyed by his shenanigans) but he cares so so much and that's one of the best dynamics in the world of fiction
And yes!!!! I don't remember where I saw it the first time because it's been ages but I get very soft thinking about Leonardo calling Hueso "tío". It feels like such a natural development for their relationship, especially as the invasion progressed and people were lost and comfort seemed like a fever dream at times and. And. I like to think that Hueso never stopped calling Leonardo "pepino". Arrahrhghaarhagrghgr
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(ALSO I'm sure we all know that nqk!Leonardo burst into tears when they went to visit Run of the Mill Pizza for the first time in the present time and he saw Hueso)
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the-crimson · 1 year
I’m not sure how to word my sadness while scrolling through the qsmp tag this morning. There was only one person that I saw (well I saw other people mentioning them as id blocked them about a week ago lmao) stiring the pot and being negative/racist while most others were either reacting to the cesspool that is Twitter or that one person which was kind of creating an echo chamber of worry/negativity.
Unfortunately there isn’t really anything we can do about the assholes other than block and move on. Don’t engage with them as they are looking for that. They want outrage and drama.
The only thing we can do is be extra positive towards the ccs. Encourage them, make more fan content supporting their rp choices, engage in the fandom in a positive way to drown out the negative.
The qsmp is very special. Don’t let the ass holes ruin it for you. Take a break from Twitter if you need to. Block people and report them for hate speech if need be. Be a positive force to counter the negativity
Forever and Cellbit were talking about cross banning everyone shitting on Bagerah and I think that is the best way we can also proceed. Don’t give the assholes any attention. Don’t argue with them. Just block and move on/continue supporting the ccs.
Please don’t let this fandom turn into the dsmp fandom
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lotus-1313 · 2 years
Rottmnt Leo headcannon
Leo starts ranting in Spanish. Once he’s overwhelmed and tired just something setting him off (invalidation of feelings, no one trusting him) he just starts ranting in Spanish. And Donnie only knows very few words in Spanish and can’t really follow but he gets the gist of it.
Just imagining him going
“!Pero no importa, ¿verdad? ¡Porque es Leo! ¡Porque el es el hijo más difícil! ¡Porque Leo es la problema! ¡Porque Leo sirve para nada! ¡Porque Leo es arrogante, es impulsivo, nunca piensa en los consecuencias! ¡No importa que tengo pesadillas, no importa como yo me siento porque no es importante!” Breathing heavily with tears in his eyes. “Leo tiene una sonrisa, el dijo una broma terrible, Leo está bien. No tenemos que preocuparnos de él. Tiene una sonrisa y se está riendo, no está afectado. Acabo que no mas quire el attention.” Whispers almost like a realization dawns on him, “Because it’s not about me, right? Because, it’s never been about me.”
“But it doesn’t matter, right?! Because it's Leo! Because Leo has always been the most difficult child! Because Leo is the problem! Because Leo is useless! Because Leo is arrogant, impulsive, he never thinks of the consequences! It doesn’t matter that I have nightmares, doesn’t matter what I feel because it’s not important!”
“Leo is smiling, he told a terrible joke. He’s fine. We don’t need to worry about him, he’s smiling and laughing, he’s not affected. After all, he just wants attention.”
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mistergreatbones · 5 months
Not thinking straight when I started to type and
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Bro so adoption-addicted he adopted himself
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Incorrect HOO quotes #11
Leo *high asf*: Look I know you love me, but you can be honest with me…Is there any other guys you find attractive?
Breisa *Also high*: Guys?….No.
Leo: Come on, there is bound to be some other guy you have a tiny bit of attraction.
Leo: I mean look at Jason. With his buff body, chisel abs, and strawberry blond hair…and that killer jawline. Plus those baby blue eyes….*Dazes off*
*Breisa connecting the brain cells she has left*
Breisa: Is there something you wanna tell me?…Specifically about your man crush on Jason?
Leo*Bi panicking*: Uh…no?
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guckies · 10 months
Guys how are Leo and Chayanne going to communicate?? Chay forgot Spanish??
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1spooky-dad · 1 year
I can't believe there's people watching qsmp who hear the Spanish speakers and just go "well i don't know Spanish and there's nothing i can do about that. Guess I'll never know what they say". When Tahlulla said "then learn" cause quackity said he didn't speak Spanish, that was at y'all. If you can watch a 6 hour stream you can download doulingo and do a 5 minute Spanish lesson.
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