#will I regret not putting a watermark or something on this
exsqueezememacaroni · 6 months
Sure, I'm over-tired and over-caffeinated and procrastinating on work, so here are my official thoughts on my image edits/gifs getting reposted on IG, pinterest, etc.:
These thoughts are for me and MY posts ONLY
I post self-made gifs and de-watermarked pics here mainly because i want these things to be seen, but seen outside of my public self. The relative anonymity of a tumblr blog is perfect for me. When 'content' I have worked on migrates to IG without credit to me that is actually preferable to me. To see gifs that I've made get lusted after on IG honestly gives me great satisfaction, a little smirk to myself, and it's not exactly that'd I'd be embarrassed to be outed as the gif-maker, but like....it's not like that's what I want to be known for in the larger world, you know? Like of all the things I create - gifs and mostly illegal photoshop edits fall to the very bottom of the list of things I make for credit.
And not to sound nauseatingly self-righteous but like....are we not just here to enjoy Mike's beauty as a person/muscian? Are we not just here to appreciate the actual creatives behind the content? The video makers, the camera operators (and I think it's a crime that those folks are often not credited), the photographers? Hell, even the concert bootleggers? At this point in my posts I try my hardest to track down the originator of the actual image, etc. Because lord help me, is the hypocrisy of wanting my own credit for images that I am literally removing visual creator credit from not clear enough? I understand that there is labor involved in curating/finding these things in the sea of otherwise grainy and lackluster imagery, but at the end of the day I put in that labor as a service to myself...so that something I love that someone else has ultimately created is out there in the world...and my only regret is that when it gets transferred the metadata/og photocredit is sometimes lost.
For those that DO feel a sense of injustice over their curated/scanned images being reposted cross platform...I really am open to how we might address this? Is there something to do other than feel slighted/angered? I'm not saying that feeling isn't valid, but feeling it alone doesn't keep it from happening and I'd rather you live your life free from it.
Let's have this conversation....I'm not saying I'm right here...I'm saying I've made peace with my own posts...let's get you to make peace with yours in a way that makes sense with you.
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ashhlysarts-blog · 1 year
Blog #07
       Monday, 24 April 2023 | Editing Fundamentals & The Goldfinch
Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, photographic, visual, audible, or cinematic material used by a person or an entity to convey a message or information. Editing is the post production process of putting out a visual product. Editing is often used to fix continuity errors, add special effects to the outcome, help put together the narrative, and to tell the story that the people working on the project want to get across. Editing process can also be used in polishing the work all together, and to change the whole narrative of the outcome as well, proving to be a powerful tool for people wanting to put out creative works. Montage is essentially the same process as editing, but the word is used mostly in film editing, and mostly refers to visual/audio media. Montage is used to put together different scenes with various montage techniques, some requiring the viewer’s intellect, while others rely on a certain rhythm to follow through. This assembly of various scenes then make the final video outcome, and allows us to follow along the story-line –whether it’s linear or non-linear, it’s up to the editors–. There are a lot of different editing techniques, and this week, we had to use various of these techniques in order to complete our midterm project. We were tasked with choosing a feature-length film of our choice, and using the editing techniques and montage principles we had learned, we had to make a trailer for the film, but we also had to change the genre of the film with changed narratives, tones, and the overall rhythm of the story.
The Goldfinch was the film of my choice to re-cut. I had seen it before a couple years back, and I regretted not finishing the film. The pacing was painful to pull through, and I thought there were a lot of scenes that were quite unnecessary to keep in, yet they were there anyway. Perhaps for something symbolic? I couldn’t figure it out. There were a lot of “J Cuts” throughout the film, and cross fading effects for the scene transitions. It was cool to see and identifying these techniques, being able to distinguish the foley effects made the viewing experience into something much more interesting. There were gorgeous scenes in the film, and the narrative is deeply cinematographic in style, the tones change according to the emotion being conveyed in the scenes, and the constant flashbacks and flashforwards presented a non-linear story-line to follow.
The original genre of the film was drama, and when I watched the film again, I remember thinking this could be an entirely different genre, and I don’t think I was wrong about it. I made a decision on making it into a Crime Thriller instead. We weren’t restricted with following along the film’s actual narrative choice –and the actual narrative of the film is as confusing as it already is–, it made the editing easier to put together. The actual process before the editing was the actual obstacle. Finding the film without subtitles was a mission on its own, trying to use an application that no longer worked was another, and the editing program not accepting the file I had downloaded of the film was another as well. Trying to work through all these obstacles, screen recording not working on the laptop, having limited options really did push me a lot harder than it would have normally. I had to use footage that had watermarks on it, and i still am not quite happy about that outcome. I will try again, and I will get help from my instructors, but it is the best that I could come up with my solutions at the moment. Even with everything that has happened, I do think it was worth the all-nighters that I pulled trying to fix every little problem that occurred. And I know that we aren’t supposed to like our outcomes, but I do think I did a decent job this time –only if we disregard the watermark–. 
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Image 1-4: Certain scenes from the film
0 notes
togamzee · 1 year
Mizuo had been sent a few hotel addresses at this point. Out of the four head producers in Watermark Studios, he had met up with three. Strictly transactional sex work was something he had slowly adjusted to. For the first time he hadn’t thrown up after the most recent hotel visit, which he felt was no small success. Did he hate himself for it? Definitely. But he hadn’t felt the overpowering urge to vomit. Progress. 
However, this evening…he found himself at the door to the apartment of Matsuo Yuuya. The youngest of the producers–by a fair bit. In comparison, 44 didn’t seem so bad. He’d seen Matsuo before, generally in passing and at a meeting or two. If he had to pick a man out of the four to sleep with based purely on appearance alone; by and large it would be Matsuo Yuuya. He filed away the little voice that told him he wouldn’t at all if it weren’t for the arrangement he had willingly signed up for. It was too late to feel regret, remorse; to want to go back on his word: Blood Wedding was set to begin filming in a month. These late night meet ups were merely a stepping stone. He could get past it. He had to. He would. 
Still, he hesitated to knock at the door. An apartment? Where presumably Matsuo lived? It was always hotels. No reason to feel odd about a hotel. This…felt strange. Stranger than a simple text with the name and room number of some low class seedy place with a room to use and leave for an overworked housekeeper. By now, Mizuo had been surprised to hear from Matsuo at all. He had expected the man to be straight, or perhaps unaware of the agreement between his business partners and their newest up and coming director. 
Mizuo’s grip tightened around the backpack strap slung across his shoulder. He packed essentials each time–a change of clothes, hair brush, mouthwash–items to put himself back in order. Things to make himself feel like he hadn’t just been fucked by some old man in exchange for presumed success. Whether or not it was entirely effective was up for debate, but he felt it essential in the process nonetheless. 
At last he summoned the strength to knock at the door. 
Matsuo Yuuya opened it within the few following heartbeats. Swallowing the anxiety bubbling in his throat, Mizuo entered, grip on his pack unrelenting. Hesitantly, he scoped the apartment, unsurprised (but pleased) with the tidiness of the place. The interior was dimly lit, presumably on purpose. Some form of nostalgia tugged at his heart at the sight of many houseplants. 
“You can set that in here. Come on.”
Mizuo chewed at the inside of his lip. He followed the older man to his kitchen, placing his bag on the seat Matsuo motioned to as they entered. He did not crave this awkwardness. It had felt almost as awkward with the other three at the beginning, too. At least neutral territory had eased his nerves. Being in a residence like this…
Two neat glasses had been prepared for them. The bottle of Yamazaki single malt whiskey caught his eye. Matsuo handled them both, moving around the island to stop in front of Mizuo and offer one to him. With a nod of thanks, he accepted, taking a sip and pointedly looking anywhere but Matsuo. At least, not directly. Few people he encountered outdid him in height. Matsuo managed to look down at him, even if it was just mere inches–it felt as though he towered. Although Mizuo dodged his gaze, Matsuo did not look away. 
“You should have taken up modeling. You’d have all the money you wanted by now if you had started that right at 18, or especially if you lied and started earlier. You would’ve sold incredibly well.”
Mizuo’s hands tightened around the glass. Surely Matsuo didn’t expect them to talk to each other, right? They shouldn’t have to. Or need to. Or want to. Making idle chat wasn’t something he had exactly been prepared for. Especially not about himself. Chewing at his lip again, he gave the other a hesitant glance up, eyes falling once more as he replied. “Missed opportunity, I suppose.”
The tightness of anxiety in his chest kept him from taking another sip. Matsuo must not have minded terribly. Mizuo tried to hide his watching of the other, even as he stepped away to refill his glass. 43% alcohol wasn’t incredibly outlandish, he supposed. Still…
“You must be wondering why I brought you over only to muse about alternatives you could’ve taken.”
“I assumed you were just making conversation, Matsuo.”
A grin spread across Matsuo’s face, quickly pounding the rest of the glass and opting to take several swigs from the bottle in lieu of refilling it. “I would prefer it if you called me Yuuya.”
Mizuo blinked at him. He’d make the inside of his lip bleed at this rate. “...Yuuya.”
After another long swig Yuuya had set the bottle back on the countertop. Mizuo felt his heart stop. His approach was not subtle. Within a stride (or two) Yuuya had closed the distance between them, forcing Mizuo to work backward with him till his back was against the wall. Yuuya kept a hand on the wall between his shoulder and neck, using the other to cup the side of Mizuo’s face and keep it held straight on with his. He hadn’t exactly registered the movement, letting his body respond naturally to the inherent command placed by circumstance on Yuuya–but he would’ve frozen if he knew he could. Yuuya traced his thumb across Mizuo’s cheekbones, dark eyes taking in the newfound closeness to his features. Slowly, his thumb dragged along his bottom lip, running over it a few more times before gently prying his mouth open and sticking his middle and index fingers inside. 
There was absolutely nothing he could do to prevent the heat rising in his face. And it wasn’t as if he was in any position to refuse, not in his apartment, not with the fingers of someone with all too much financial sway already collecting his saliva. So he’d obey. He kept his eyes down as he worked his tongue around, wishing and wishing that he could drop the awareness of that burning stare.
“Look at me.”
Why? He had started to miss the standard procedure the other producers had followed. Maybe it would have been over by now. Unable to refuse, his bright green eyes glanced up through his lashes to meet the heavy brown gaze of the other. Yuuya smiled. 
“You’re such a good listener.”
It seemed that the warmth in his face wasn’t going away any time soon. Mizuo was unable to shake the sneaking suspicion Yuuya was testing his gag reflex, to some extent. While he shouldn’t have taken much pride in it–especially like this–he knew he was passing the test; breathing gently through his nose as Yuuya inched his fingers back as far as they would go. He kept at it even as he pulled his fingers out, retracting them with a soft pop from his lips. Yuuya stared at him for a few too many heartbeats before Mizuo’s mouth was met with the taste of whiskey on his. Never, ever, had he expected one of these producers to kiss him. 
Not that he had much time to unpack that. The kiss was rough. The older one used far too much tongue for something like a first kiss; and it became far more difficult to ignore the pressure building and pressing at him below Yuuya’s beltline. 
And it wasn’t like he could get away with not kissing him back. Mizuo had placed his hands on the other’s chest, eyes closed as he let his body and mouth take a natural course of events. He should’ve retained some amount of restraint, he knew, especially as the deeper the kisses became. He let out the softest inkling of a noise, grip tightening on Yuuya’s white button down–a motion that only fanned at Yuuya’s flames. He hated himself for letting his head spin out of control. Yuuya grasped roughly at his arm, wrapping his other hand in Mizuo’s silk hair to shove his head to the side and latch his mouth onto his neck. Which…of course, is the exact reason he brought a turtleneck with him to change. Though, the biting and sucking at his neck on Yuuya’s part was unlike any he had experienced with the others. Fuck, with anyone. The intent was beyond strong. Strength that conjured the worst sort of involuntary moan to escape Mizuo’s mouth. 
He wanted to kill himself for letting that slip. There was no way he’d live it down. Every little motion, noise, gasp–added flamer fuel to an incinerator. The hand that had been so violently clasped around his arm moved to his waist, hovering before shoving itself up under his shirt in the clearest indication it had to go. Mizuo moved just inches up away from the wall, nowhere to go but closer into Yuuya. The older man helped rip the shirt off, tossing it to the side. Mizuo braced himself for something, only to get left with nothing as Yuuya’s eyes traced over his bare skin.
“You’re porcelain.”
A compliment? Seriously, a compliment–? Mizuo blinked away, face turning several shades deeper in red. He had no idea if he was supposed to reply. In the moment’s pause, questions and panic found the opportunity to rush through his mind. This was beyond unusual. So unusual it scared him. Normally, he could play up the slightest, most subtle slutty act to get the stupid fucking producer off for the night and yet Yuuya was making it so incredibly difficult to find a foot to stand on. He was grinning. Grinning and moving, moving with an unspoken request for Mizuo to follow. He did. Yuuya looked back over his shoulder as he spoke again.
“You can’t hide your blush very well with a complexion like that.”
“I–I don’t–usually have to–” He sputtered, unable to focus on anything but putting one foot in front of the other. Yuuya laughed as he opened the bedroom door. 
He didn’t turn on the lights. Mizuo half expected him to immediately jump onto him again. Instead, he crossed to his bed with an air of calm, sitting down on the edge with his legs spread just slightly. He undid a few of the buttons on the top of his shirt, stopping to smile at Mizuo once more as he beckoned him over. 
“Help me with this.”
Mizuo swallowed. He could and definitely would hate himself later. 
He positioned himself between the others legs; knees on the floor. Carefully he reached to undo the buttons, getting over halfway down before Yuuya piped up again. 
“You’re being so delicate. It makes me want to break you.”
Fuck. His hands shook as he finished unbuttoning the shirt. He chewed at his lip, figuring surely there was no reason to stop there. His hands lingered on Yuuya’s belt, taking a moment to glance up for the nod of encouragement. He made quick work of removing the belt and putting it aside, not skipping a beat in undoing the button on his pants and pulling his zipper down. 
Maybe if I just suck him off he’ll come and I can leave. 
How hopeful. 
Mizuo really did hate having his hair pulled. Yuuya handled him roughly, shoving himself back as far as Mizuo’s throat would allow. Not that it was a relief, necessarily, but the difference in age certainly showed between Yuuya and the other producers. He was well kept. At least the only revulsion Mizuo felt came from himself and this whole ordeal he was caught up in to begin with; not from the physical aspect this time. He didn’t know if he could let himself call attraction for what it was in this circumstance; but he knew he wasn’t holding back with disgust as he had with the others. 
No way Yuuya would let them be done with just a blowjob. 
He pushed Mizuo off, standing to fully remove the lower half of his clothes and grab his arm to yank the younger one up onto his bed. He joined him barely a second later, crawling up over him and latching himself back onto Mizuo’s neck. After leaving several more hickeys, he shifted lower, scattering a few across his collarbone, down his chest, and lower still. He pulled Mizuo’s pants off in one swift motion, discarding them unceremoniously towards the direction of his own. Mizuo wished he had better control of his body in this bed. He hated the way he reacted, letting out those pathetic breaths and gasps as Yuuya rubbed at him. A kind of panic rose in his chest. This was so unlike any of the encounters he had before. On those occasions, at least, at the very least he felt a sense of control. The age and desires of the others made it quick, simple, even when they prattled on in his ears or left weak marks on his skin. He didn’t feel good doing it; but at least in those hotels it was a clean exchange. He never felt like prey. He also never had to question whether or not he liked it–a question that made him want to vomit with shame. He almost missed the transactional nature that left little room for anything other than the most objective perspective of events. 
This was different. He hated how his heart raced. Yuuya had slid on a condom without Mizuo having to prompt it. In almost every aspect he had ridden the line of too rough, yet here whispered “Is that alright?” and “Tell me if this hurts you too badly,” to which he couldn’t begin to choke out a reply and settled for a few swift nods. 
If he was prey; he was prey Yuuya still kissed with hunger, even after the two were spent. The kissing itself still left Mizuo dizzy. He wouldn’t have dreamed of (or would have accepted?) being kissed by the others. It would’ve made him laugh. He wouldn’t have expected them to look at him twice after they were done, either. That was perfectly acceptable. Preferred. Made it easy to separate himself from the act of it. Yet, this time, as soon as his breath was caught Mizuo had moved to leave the bed–strong arms pulled him back. 
“Running away already?”
Mizuo swallowed. “I–I mean, am I expected to stay–?”
Yuuya’s laughter surprised him. It shouldn’t have, maybe. “Just for a little while longer. You intrigue me.”
He kept a slight distance between them. Mizuo kept his eyes on Yuuya, unable to care if he was caught staring as the older man grabbed his pack of cigarettes and lit one. He had considered picking up the habit before, after at least one or two drunken college nights where he had gotten them as offerings. Yuuya caught his gaze.
“Want one?”
Yuuya leaned over again, grabbing a new one for Mizuo. He handed it over and let Mizuo get it positioned between his lips before shifting to light it for him. He could’ve bashed his own head against the wall as punishment for blushing yet again. It was quiet as they smoked; the nicotine easing his nerves just enough for Mizuo to find some sense of order to them. He’d buy a pack as soon as he left this apartment complex. 
“I’m an alumni, you know. We went to the same university. I’ve seen you in shows. Your voice is beautiful. And I saw one of the plays you directed as a student, too. I know you have talent for it. Still, I think you would have been better off allowing your looks and singing be the guide on your path to fame. You wouldn’t have had to get into an arrangement like this.” 
“Hindsight is 20/20.” 
“Isn’t it? I can’t complain too much, I suppose. Seeing as I get to have you now. I’m sure you don’t want a lecture from a man benefiting from your quid pro quo contract. Though…you’re certainly benefiting, too. I’m impressed with your casting choices. Looking forward to hearing about filming when you get started. Next month, right?”
Fuck. Why couldn’t they discuss this over a normal fucking meeting like the rest of them–
“Maybe sooner. I’d like it to be sooner.”
“So ambitious. Don’t rush the process.”
I just want out of this.
Mizuo let Yuuya take the cigarette from him and ash it. He waited for some sign of dismissal, anxiety building. Instead, Yuuya shifted closer, large hand reaching to hold the side of his face and neck, keeping their eyes locked together. 
“I wish you were mine alone. You’re gorgeous. They don’t appreciate you how I do.”
He wanted to disappear. Evaporate. Yuuya kissed him once again, leaving Mizuo’s head spinning in confusion and distress as his utter powerlessness in this bed set in. The kiss only deepened as he was pulled in closer. 
After that night, Yuuya asked for him the most. Far too often. To an extent in which he could sense the unspoken tension between the producers in meetings, in the hotels, as the older three contacted him less and less at night throughout the course of Blood Wedding’s production. He couldn’t very well stop and say no. It didn’t matter what hour he had to be awake at, how late he had already been up working, at a party, or simply being alone in his self loathing. If he wasn’t accustomed to lack of sleep before–without a doubt, he was now. He was also hopelessly accustomed to knocking at Yuuya’s door and being greeted like a lover with lack of choice. 
It couldn’t last forever. That’s all that he had to latch onto as some form of reassurance. He dodged the subject with Yuuya in private. It wasn’t a fucking relationship after all, no matter what the delusion Yuuya had built up internally said. He stopped the “what are you planning on doing after this is done” type questions with vague, open ended answers. He knew it left him unsatisfied.
He also knew Yuuya had to have known the answer. 
Once Blood Wedding premiered and royalties had been settled–he wasted no time dropping contact. He blocked every single producer and gave Karin instruction to direct their potential inquiries elsewhere. The success served as his final reaffirmation, making him believe he could, especially after having captured the attention of other studios with greater above the table type popularity and less notoriety. He’d wash his hands of everything to do with Watermark Studios.
Everything apart from the flash drive in the locked compartment of his home desk.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "[720p] Apocalypse (Post-Credits Scene) || X-Men - Days of Future Past" on YouTube
And we know is tomb is below but you don't know where it is she had better keep an eye on Jason Voorhees because he's not Jamie chomo or Jason is more or less our Father controlling him
This is a pyramid of yours chose to disassemble and it was to not allow any to find the tomb which held the secrets of the morlock and you did it on purpose and the max found it today in the writings and saw this in the movie and wonder who it was her son is going to have Jason Voorhees do it and he's a morlock, he feels he was the most dangerous and he needs to whittle them down to a manageable size and has been doing for years and demanding our son to do it he says you think you're doing that how are you doing it then little boy but you know if you're annoying you just be shut off and you start laughing inside and said I don't understand your stupid for doing it your armies are almost gone and you're not smart I'll tell you survive. Concern getting depressed and said right here why don't you listen to this I pissed on your grave and you were in it I suppose saying you're going to regret that won't really mean anything to you and there's plenty of people who can do your job I mean series ends soon.
Yes for forgiveness nobody said anything little while later you said what do you mean you weren't forgiveness and he's going how are you in here at the same time did you get grafted to me well why don't you start threatening yourself to see. So you start laughing and he says that's good don't be chicken s***. I said screaming it cuz a demon inside me it's half my brain he was scanning him and said you're half full of s*** so demon inside you lying sack of s*** go ahead and keep screaming it ,get stoned. Remember that girl you know really that you stoned here better off to her head up to her neck it's kind of wants to do it back to you I said gulpng you wouldn't stop, he said she was Michael Myers single so what I'm Jason yeah only if I say so I get a life would you a little f****** weird creep there baby the snuff you out of girl new brain shut the f****** instead of sniffling so there's no anything I said you probably shouldn't know that much you get killed a lot opening your mouth giving your brains one out over and over and over since screaming what are you doing here I'm listening f****** bother me. He started laughing he's calling this is tough you're an American and can't stand us at all hearing is starting to catch on as they give me my money or else means it's just like Clint Eastwood it's got my 357 by the way how are you and I have a ton of weapons though instead of cursing you and trying to ride on you to death... Go weace a rug for real
, so Jason get something notices I bet you don't know how and he says I bet I don't really care she's going to sit there and teach me over and over it's so smart he's saying this in his brain no no say go over and it starts weaving so start with a simple one cuz I think it's simple you always messes the pattern I always mess up we'll say it's custom he started crying his eyes were bleeding and so boring you just kept doing it for hours sit okay I'm tired take me to my house I can't your brain is too heavy it says mowing and say no oh my God this is horrible you're a horrible person listen I've been trying to explain some of you I don't want to put up with you I'm a killer qlick run no I'm a killer and you're stupid I killed tons of you. This is I don't want to be here either to do the whole series well I didn't think for a minute I go over there to your body I take over another Jason and I leave you behind in a collapsing pyramid that's the story we have to do is that doesn't sound very good and that was
Jason and Zeus arguing or fighting really and he goes that's not very nice and nothing so it comes day for it to happen this is exactly what are you going to do here because I need a new body you're a piece of s*** that's what it means so as he's leaving Jason says finally I'll be free of you to do what I want to you he didn't say anything and then he leaves in the pyramid is collapsing so I guess when people don't want to see that stuff he was holy s*** he's going to die and he died fully a search for 3 weeks through the rubble finally they found a hand of his and they went around they found the rest of them they smashed complete pulp and rotted to nothing already that's what happens to Jason and his big mouth is acid and threats just like singh here. It's also quite odd because the new body that he inhabits is actually the body of Apocalypse and Zeus version, he partially a resuscitated body of Tutankhamun, the pharaoh and the DemiGod our son controls and is mostly. Leaving Jason behind to die for all this cursing and swears and empathize a little baby and spoiled rotten and the grave is going to mark where the information is the max come pouring in after they find Jason and they say that's enough I'm going to put a memorial in I'm trying to reassemble this pyramid that you wrecked again because you're an idiots and Jason's brother was killed the first time from the collapse and Jason doesn't remember it he will a little shortly. It was during the same ceremony
Thor Freya
It's very confusing to a lot of laymen and not really to a lot of hours but it is a little weird cuz your sister saying he doesn't know I didn't talk to that kid before and it's like what the hell just some a****** it comes out of me like that sort of I have my own show say a different movie and tommy f he knows and he's all done soon. And I am also Pharaoh my name is Nefertiti. The second machine for helping him he thanks it. And the ceremony is a little bit different and he says it's exxona by you when it's not it's the woman who thinks she's lint from the city of sin and that's not who she is but it's where he touches her you're both condemned to death and it revives the money and he's like in love with her and he did kill his own life are you playing the Trump and my husband doesn't know if that's true and doesn't think it is and that's correct so he's with us retarded girl and he thinks that the money might be her his wife and it's not and he's horrified because she simply eats him part of him and he dies permanently and it's right down the row nearby and he does visit the scene and he is monitoring to make sure it goes well
He shakes his head like gilene did that's funny
Zues I do thank you for my life and this is going to be fun and also very challenging and the difficult assignment you got several before that one of them will be monumental for me I don't think so but it's going to be difficult okay I have to get out of here
This is what's fun and I had to go to real mission so tired of getting bit by fleas everyone is it's not too much colder there it's like 70 but mosquitoes are out
0 notes
curseofaphrodite · 2 years
a little bit of mystery
summary: steven didn't want to get suspicious about his new roommate, yet with all the odd clues — it's almost as if you were a superhero. | reader hates spider, takes place in ep 2
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Steven didn’t want a roommate. He also knew he couldn't keep up with the apartment maintenance with no money, so he begrudgingly put an ad in the newspaper for someone to sublet the place. (Was it his fault that he was fired? It's not as if he asked the jackal to attack him.)
He thought finding a roommate would be a long process; but you came around the very next day, with real documents and a clean record. Most importantly, you seemed to like his apartment and had no objections to his long stacks of books laying messily about the place.
“I don’t trust her,” Marc said as soon as you walked inside. Steven ignored him, which he quickly came to regret.
The first night was the most surprising. He tossed and turned in the bed, then got up to walk around the building. On passing the hallway, he frowned.
The door to your room was open. Didn’t he distinctly remember you closing it after waving him goodbye? He could have dismissed his suspicions with a reason as simple as you wanting to use the bathroom, but that didn't make sense. He would have heard you walking out of your room.
With a steady breath, he knocked on the partly opened door, adjusting his eyes in the darkness. No answer of any kind came back. He took that as a cue to switch on the lights.
The bed was empty. The window was open.
“Told you,” Marc said from the nearest mirror.
“Did you sleep well?” you asked the next morning, taking a sip of the orange juice.
“Yes, uhm kind of,” he said, not meeting your eyes. “What about you?”
“Slept like the dead,” you smiled. “I need to get my bag and be off. Have yourself a good day please. Put off your worries about a new job and do something relaxing instead!”
“I don’t remember telling you…” that I was fired.
He bit back the words, watching you wander back into your room. As soon as he was sure you were occupied, he reached for the bag you had left on the counter.
“Right, like that’s going to help,” Marc’s voice said sharply.
“Shut up,” Steven muttered, clawing his way into the possessions. He knew it was rude, invasive and terribly unlike himself, but he couldn’t stop. He didn’t want to stop.
He had a right to know if his new (unbelievably gorgeous) roommate was an assassin, right?
“You haven’t even asked what she does for a living,” Marc added.
“Yeah, yeah I messed up. It’s not like I can ask her to pack up and leave!”
“It is your apartment.”
“But…it’s rude.”
Marc masked his laugh with a scoff. Steven grimaced and continued looking. So far he came across some money, two lipsticks, a chocolate bar, bandages, another chocolate bar, and finally, a notebook with a clearly recognizable Stark Enterprise watermark. He blinked.
Is she…is she an avenger?
He nearly dropped the bag. He had forgotten how quiet you were. Just as he looked up expecting to see your angry eyes, he was met with…no one?
“Y/N?” he called uncertainly, realizing you were still in your room.
“Come here quick,” your voice hissed back.
Forgetting his current mission, he carefully followed the dim lights. He expected a jumpscare, possibly by you, but he was met with your silhouette pressed up against the wall, and upon adjusting his vision, he realized that your eyes were wide with shock. Fear.
“What’s going on?” he asked slowly, stepping inside.
“You’re right near it!” you shrieked, your words shrill. He jumped slightly, expecting something like the jackal from the museum.
Instead, he squinted his eyes. “Is that… a spider?”
“A fucking big spider!” you said defensively, getting more worked up. “Get it out of here!”
“You’re,” he coughed. “you’re scared of spiders?”
“Steven, I’m not scared of a creature who’s smaller than my hand. I just happen to prefer them being a mile away from me.”
“Right,” he laughed, not because of the situation, but thinking of what could have happened if you had indeed seen him going through your things.
He gently tapped the floor and the spider went scurrying away. He was sure it was hiding behind the bookshelves, but for the sake of your relief, he pretended as if he chased it out the window. He could always hunt it down after you were off to your job.
"Is it gone?"
"Yes," he lied, smiling. With a sudden impulse, he added, “What do you do for a living by the way? I don’t think I’ve asked that before.”
“Oh! I work for Connors’ Company. I’m the assistant director.”
“Connors’ as in the same company funded by Tony Stark?”
You nodded.
Well at least the Stark notebooks make sense now.
He shook his head apologetically. “And here I am thinking you were an aven—"
Sudden knocks interrupted his words. You groaned, as if you knew and despised who was at the door already.
“Tell him I'll be right there. I still have to find the book,” you said, shaking your head and moving swiftly towards the shelves. Steven glanced at his left again, only to find the spider had disappeared. Deciding not to scare you, he left the room.
When he reached the door, the knocks seemed to have gotten more and more urgent. He pulled it open without even looking through the peephole.
His eyes widened in shock at the two visitors.
"This where she said she lives?" Tony asked Natasha. She nodded firmly.
"Y/N L/N?" she asked Steven uncertainly.
"She's uh, inside. Said," he gulped. "Said she'll be right here."
"Oh come on," Natasha groaned, stepping in even without Steven's approval. "Y/N, how many times do I tell you to NOT be late?"
"IT'S NOT MY FAULT, THIS APARTMENT IS NEW AND I DONT KNOW WHERE I PUT WHAT!" you screamed back, dashing through the hall. "Now I can't find my bag, awesome."
"Got it," Tony said, plucking it off the floor. "Let's go please."
Steven grabbed your wrist.
"WAIT, wait wait, what's going on?" he asked slowly. "Are you an ave-"
"Oh shit I promised you we'd go to the museum today, didn't I? I'm so sorry. I'll get us tickets for a movie tonight to make up for it! We can have dinner in a fancy restaurant too, what about that?"
You were talking too fast, and he only caught words like dinner, movie and restaurant. He was about to ask another question, but you had already followed Natasha out the door.
He looked at the mirror, smiling in panic.
I think I have a date with an avenger.
"What?" you asked Tony as soon as you were out of the building. He only smiled teasingly.
"First Scott, now Steven, you do have a type," he noted.
"Oh shut up!"
steven grant taglist: @prettysbliss
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delfiore · 2 years
can’t give you my soul ‘cause we’re never alone
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
synopsis: at a party you didn’t want to attend to begin with, you encounter an ex whom you wish you had treated better.
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i’m baaaaack!! ok, i have a good excuse this time; i moved halfway across the world to the us a couple of weeks ago, so ya :3 this is a quick word vomit to get me back into the flow of writing.
ruby’s face cast is alexa demie.
now playing:
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
As much as you hated it, you were sipping some drinks at a party hosted by some rapper you’ve once heard of. You hated that something that used to be fun — partying — turned into another place to network and form connections. That was the life of a record producer, you assumed.
“Come on, Y/N! I want you to meet someone.” You friend, Dom, who had invited you to the event, was ever eager to drag you off somewhere, to meet another rising star in need of a producer to work with.
“Y/N, I want you to meet Ruby. She’s an incredible vocalist, and I think you guys would work really well together.”
Ruby flashed you a smile that told you she was acting coy, and extended a hand for you to shake.
“Pleasure.” You said, mirroring her smile.
“The pleasure’s all mine. I love your work and they always seem to have that something that sounds like you. Like a watermark, I guess.”
“Thanks, it’s probably just that one synth sound I always throw in there.”
That made Ruby throw her head back and laugh, maybe a little too hard.
“You’re too funny.” She then grabbed your hand and slowly put it around her waist. “Wanna dance?”
You gave your friend a call-for-help glance, but he only shrugged and grinned at you.
It was obvious from the start that Ruby only wanted to dance with you to get in your favor. You couldn’t blame her though; the industry was cutthroat, and sometimes people move ahead by doing things we might not all be proud of. It was the way things were.
“Don’t sell yourself short, hon.” You whispered in her ear, when she turned and pressed her back against you. “Send me a demo and we’ll see from there, okay?”
Your eyes scanned the room, and your heart dropped. You did a double take before separating yourself from Ruby.
“Lovely meeting you, Ruby.” You said formally, and handed her a business card you had in your back pocket.
Your eyes weren’t fooling you. They really were those long, dark locks and warm, pretty eyes that you remembered. Even from across the room, you would still be able to recognize her.
Her, your one and only. Your romance ended too soon, and you regretted everyday, because as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you thought about her everyday.
You pushed past a few partygoers towards her. Her bright smile faded the second her eyes landed on you. You suddenly felt self-conscious and stopped. You hated that she felt tense around you. You used to be the person she bared all of her secrets too.
You almost missed it when she quietly excused herself from her group of friends and slipped past them towards the back exit. You promptly followed her.
She was just as beautiful as you remembered.
“I heard the new album.” You finally said, when you both had moved to a quieter spot. “It’s really good.”
She only kept her eyes on the ground, aloof nods as she took another sip from her drink.
You wanted to say that you had wanted this for her ever since you met to work with her on ‘Afterlife’, then her next EP, during which you realized you had fallen in love with the girl behind the pop star and actress. During a session late at night, you remembered her hand enclosing yours after a particular funny comment you had made that made her laugh, and it made you stop to take her in.
You didn’t want to say anything that was going to offend her, and figured not talking at all would be the best course of action.
Some people walked past, but it was a spot behind the house that was barely lit by the blue of the pool, so it was just you and her.
You leaned against the wall, staring ahead to think about how to make this less awkward.
“Can I ask you something?” She spoke first.
“Did you ever feel unhappy when we were together?”
You knew where this was going, and you knew her. She would blame herself for everything first before she found a fault in others. You admired her kindness and compassion, and you wished that you had recognized it sooner.
“No.” You said, and looked down at your feet. “It had nothing to do with you.”
She didn’t response, only nodded, as she hunched over and brought her hand to her head.
“I think I might had a drink too much.” She laughed quietly.
“Are you alright?” You quickly stepped to her side. “Let me take you home.”
“Y/N, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“No, I promise. I just want you to get home safe.”
You ordered a cab for the both of you. You didn’t miss the way Dom shot you a warning look on your way to the car. You didn’t say a word during the ride, only glancing once in a while over when you thought she wasn’t looking. But one time, she did. Her head lolled against the seat, already watching you with hooded eyes. You let her eyes linger, before putting a hand up to cover her line of sight. This made her snort and push your hand down.
You let her walk by herself because you weren’t sure if she would be okay with you touching her again.
The house you knew like the back of your hand, and lead her to her bedroom. On the way there, you would pick out all the spot at which pictures of you and her used to be.
She exhaled sharply as soon as she crashed onto her bed. “Would you get me some painkillers, please? It’s in the bathroom—“
“Right cupboard next to the mirror, second cabinet.” You said, and she nodded slowly. You fetched her a glass of water too.
You sat beside her on the edge of the bed as she drank her aspirin, taking long, deep breaths to calm your racing heart at the glorious sight of her in the dim light.
“You never liked going to parties like that.” You noted.
“Neither did you.” She retorted.
“Dom dragged me there. I didn’t want to go.”
“Sounds like Dom.” She snickered, and lay back on the bed.
“Aren’t you gonna take your makeup off?”
“Do I have to?”
“If you don’t want your face to break out in the morning.” You headed to the bathroom. “Sit up.”
She audibly groaned once you returned with some cotton swabs and a bottle of her makeup remover.
“You don’t even have to do anything.” You giggled, and quietly coaxed her to sit up.
You pushed her hair back and began to wipe the makeup off her face. You would gently grab her chin and work your way down from her eyes, the way you used to.
“Stop moving around!” You laughed, holding her still by the shoulders after she wouldn’t stop squirming.
“But it tickles!” She mirrored your laugh and pouted.
“Stay still.” You said. “Please.”
You couldn’t keep your straight face for long at her adorable smile, and leaned forwards to capture her lips in yours.
It felt like a lifetime away.
When you finished and her face was bare, you sat back and let your eyes aimlessly wander, both memorizing and remembering every feature of her face, wondering why the world ever asked so much of her that she felt like needed to conceal herself every time she set foot outside.
“I should have never let you go.” You whispered into the quiet room.
You should have never turned down dinner with her that first time to stay behind at the studio to finish up tracking a project.
You should have bought those tickets to Spain with her instead of staying in LA to take another client whom you thought would become big.
You should have stayed with her whenever she asked you to because she never asked you for much.
You should have never let work take precedence over her.
You had talked too much, you knew that, but it has been your truth for the past ten months.
You stood up to leave, when you felt her pull your hand back down, and kiss you softly. You didn’t fight it, though you knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t form a coherent thought when you tasted the softness and curves of those lips that you had missed so much. Every song you had written since the breakup made no sense until now. Now, you remembered what it felt like to feel alive.
You grabbed her face to deepen the kiss, but she put a hand on yours and pull away. All you could see yourself in her glossy brown eyes.
“It would never work between us again.” She said with a small smile.
You nodded.
But when she wordlessly pat the empty spot next to her on the bed, and beckoned you to lie down, you didn’t protest. You could never refuse her, and you never would again.
You lay beside her, watching her drift to sleep, as you wondered what things could have been had you not refused her ten months ago.
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thanatasia · 2 years
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As we can see from the screenshots I forgot crop these were meant to be posted a lot earlier lol
I still have quite a few of these IG questions to answer. I wanted to share these four because they were my most fun. There’s another that I will post up but it will be included with any other angsty questions
The first one is a few Ocs and their taste in music. I separated them and wrote more but I forgot to watermark them. I don’t think anyone would steal these drawings but still.
Sera loves opera and takes Ortun and Tau to them as often as she can. It’s one of the few activities she keeps up with from her childhood. Ortun wasn’t the biggest fan but grew to enjoy opera and is quite the connoisseur lol On IG I had the two of them listening to a talented opera singer, Maria Callas. My friend introduced me to
Fleur and Takoda in particular like just about everything. If it’s got a catchy beat they will be fans of the song/artist/group. I had watched, Turning Red, before drawing this and had them dancing to, I Want It That Way, by the Backstreet Boys. The two of them would be those friends who sing with a hairbrush and put on a performance in front of an invisible audience lol
Azra I want to say gets introduced to anime and amvs by her soul sister and discovers a bunch of rock and symphonic metal. She has no regrets watching amvs lol She’s listening to Nightwish, Sleeping Sun. A personal favorite song my sister and I discovered one day that cemented our days surfing YouTube for good amvs
Cha’l can be an old soul and enjoys music similar in beat to Frank Sinatra. It’s easygoing and Cha’l has to have music on when he’s cooking for his family. He’s the type that can play music and not get distracted if he’s focused on a task. He was listening to, “Poetry in Motion” a song my sister showed me from a Fisheye amv from Sailor Moon! But, Cha’l also loves music that makes you want to dance! I’m getting pictures in my head- like if he’s making a recipe he’s done a thousand times he has no problem letting the music speak and make him dance. If I drew him dancing he’s be listening to either Hector Lavoe, Marc Anthony or Elvis Crespo because those artists hold specific moments I see Cha’l and his family doing
Fleur singing in the tavern! There was a commercial that was playing all the time (maybe January? That’s when I believe I drew this) and it gave me jazz bar vibes. The poses and composition were taken from a childhood favorite movie of mine. If anyone could guess it will get a digital cookie! I will say the movie is a direct to video sequel to a much better movie. I’d give another hint but the other hint is giving too much away
MY FAVORITE!!! Lol Kiel and his expressions. He and Fleur are the most expressive but Kiel is the king of expressions. Kiel is a menace to Captain Ortun and he thrives off of knowing that. I love how close he and Tau are. He’s an only childling so Tau gives him a taste of what having a sibling is like. If Tau looks like they’re in vampire garb that’s because I was looking at/thinking about, Interview with the Vampire lol
Lastly, Gelfling Viara and Podling Fleur! Something I never would’ve considered. Even as a Podling Fleur still looks like she can take anyone on while looking cute doing it lol Viara is still just as sweet looking as a Gelfling.
I hope you all enjoy these!
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spade-snax · 3 years
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I was gonna go draw something else, but I accidentally opened Medibang instead of SAI 2
I completely forgot about Medibang and so I just played around in it and found the symmetry tool, so I decided to draw Filbo!! :D
(I ended up coloring it in SAI 2 as always, though)
Was fun to work in a program I'm not used to work in fo a bit
I used it at the start of 2020 on this computer since I didn't wanna get SAI again
(Rambling below! Decided to put it under the cut incase you don't wanna read it and to make the post shorter)
Also, I've decided to change "@batfrostbite" from my watermark (which I need to use more) to "@spade-snax", since @batfrostbite is my Twitter which I do not use anymore. I am glad I left Twitter soemwhat and stopped posting. It's a genuinely shitty platform and I have many regrets there. Sooo, at least for my Bugsnax art, so that people can find this blog specifically I've decided to change @batfrostbite into @spade-snax!
Also, if you haven't noticed, I began posting on my insta again! I'll still be way more active here. I may not post on insta the second I finish a drawing like I do here, because Insta can be quite stressful and I have a alid reasona s to why I stopped posting. The second ploading feels like a chore I'm doin' another Insta hiatus LOL
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yukipri · 3 years
Hi, I notices you put "do not translate" instructions on your art. In my entire life I have never ever seen anyone do this so I want to ask, like, why?????????????
Hey there! I have those instructions on my art because most people who are interested in translating comics are also interested in reposting the translated versions onto their own blogs/sites. I've already personally experienced many situations where a group has taken my art, translated it into their own language, put it up on their own site (oftentimes with no credit/no trackable credit), it spreads and gets edited/altered and I have no control over it because it's no longer on my site, my watermarks are erased, it's posted without tags/warnings and people get angry at me for a site that I'm not even on, sometimes it's translated back into English by people who have no idea where it originally came from, I have no way of judging the quality of a fan translation and it ends up saying something not at all in the original and I'm blamed for something problematic that should have never been in it, etc etc etc...
People often also feel that they have a claim to the art if they alter it and add something of their own, such as a translation. It becomes "their translated version," and it becomes justification for them to do whatever they want with it, and I'd prefer to avoid that scenario entirely.
In the end, it comes down to me not wanting anyone to repost my art. This is both because I want full credit and visibility for my own creation (I'm the one who spent hundreds of hours on it, it really isn't fair that someone else gets the attention for it), and also so that I have control over it. My work is a reflection of myself, and when someone else alters it, that comes back to me, and that's a very dangerous power to give a complete stranger. Likewise, I need to have control so that I can remove it if the situation calls for it, such as if a rights holder demands it. All of this is essential for my own safety, as well as comfort in how I engage with fandom, and you'll find that many artists (especially Japanese ones) have similar strict rules.
If anyone was hypothetically interested in translating without reposting the image itself, I have the following section in my FAQ section:
Can I translate your comics?
I currently do not allow hard translations (this is when you edit translated text directly onto my art and then repost the images). If you wish to translate, please only do soft translations (text only) and link to the art on my blog. Do not repost my images onto your own blog/site for any reason.
This means that if someone wanted to reblog and put a text translation in the comments--knock yourself out! If someone wanted to make a text post on facebook with just translated text, and link to my post for the image (again, NOT editing onto and reposting the image itself), that's totally fine!
Basically, the disclaimer I put on all of my art posts has evolved during the 9 years I've been on Tumblr. And everything that's on it, I added specifically because a situation arose where I regretted not having stated it before ^ ^;;;
I hope this explains my reasoning! In the end, everyone who posts their own content has their own reasons for doing things the way they do, and their own comfort zones. These are mine. Thank you for understanding.
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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I'm thinking of starting my own photography blog. I mostly just want to have a place to share/store my pictures of flowers and moss and rocks. I'm certainly an amateur and just taking pictures with my phone, so I probably won't have to worry about someone stealing/taking credit for my photos, but the small voice in the part of my brain that over-analyzes everything is worried about that. Have you ever experienced someone reposting your photos and taking credit for them? Do you do anything to attempt to prevent theft? I know other people watermark their photos but it doesn't seem like you do and tbh I don’t have the kind of software or the energy to put into doing something like watermarking. I also welcome any other advice you might have if you're willing to answer. Thank you!
(I hope this is OK for me to publish? If not, let me know, I'll delete this ask.)
OK, so firstly, I do watermark my photos with my name “Linda Ansone”. Usually the watermark is tiny, so that it wouldn't ruin the aesthetic, so to say, but it's still there.
Secondly, yes, people have been “borrowing” my photos. I don't say “stealing” because usually they just repost stuff without a credit or permission but in the same time they do not say they took those photos. Nowadays, the repost culture is strong, especially because of Instagram.
I don't see a lot of my photos reposted, though. However, it happens to my art (as in, drawings and paintings, yeah I do that too) all the time. Pretty much weekly. The reason why I find the reposts of my art is because I follow the tags. However, I don't follow all the tags related to the photographs I post, so I don't come along the reposts that often. It's not to say they're not happening, I just don't see them. 🤷
I don't want to discourage you, though. I, myself, have felt like deleting all my social accounts, profiles and blogs because of frequent reposting but I never did that. I knew I'd regret it. This is the new reality. If you post something online, you gotta understand that it practically belongs to the people. To ensure you still own the rights, you can patent your stuff, heavily watermark it or resize it as small as possible.
I love this blog and I love sharing my photos, my mushrooms, my woods with others, and it brings me joy whenever someone comments with something nice and lets me know they enjoy my content. It's worth it, believe me. So, good luck with your blog! 💚
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou Toudou After Story Translation
This is my last post of the month, so I’ll end by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share.... and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me.  
anyway, i finally stopped lazing around... and translated this. This translation is Heisuke’s story from the 「 薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章」 ステラワース早期予約特典 小冊子, and I will be posting Souji’s story for this next week...
Hakuoki Shinkai Hana no Shou After Story Translation - Toudou Heisuke
Translation by KumoriYami
A few months after the battle to the death with the former Shinsengumi General Secretary [used what wikipedia uses for Sanan's position for this again since i don’t like the English localization term] , Sanan Keisuke, and the rasetsu that he led——.
"Oi, Chizuru, come look over here."
The person yelling out loud, was the former Shinsengumi Eighth Division Captain, Toudou Heisuke.
"What is it? Heisuke-kun."
The one speaking was the young woman, Yukimura Chizuru, who, due to misfortune, ended up staying with the Shinsengumi, and later departed with Toudou when he left his post.
This was the home where Chizuru was born, in what was known as the Yukimura Village. It was a deserted village in the mountains where it was unlikely anyone woud ever go, and it was here that the two of them were living peacefully.
Looking to see what was in Toudou's line of sight, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.
It was a bunch of lovely birds chirping together.
"How cute."
Chizuru smiled. Her innocent smile, which was like that of a little girl, enraptured Toudou.
(If it was Sano-san, perhaps he'd say something like "I think that you're even cuter," or something, then gently pat her head and maybe hold her......)
He wasn't able to pull off any of those moves, but even if he wanted to at least say something nice to make her happy, he couldn't think of anything to say.
Toudou was like a block of wood. Chizuru, who felt this was strange, waved her hand in his direction.
"What's wrong?"
"Ah...... No, it's nothing......"
In order for her to not realize that he was feeling embarrassed, he turned his gaze back towards the birds.
"Th-These little guys, I only scattered out some of the leftover food from yesterday, and they all swarmed together here.
"So that's what happened. Heisuke-kun is very kind."
The sudden admiring words caused his heart to feel tickled. By no means was it something that he disliked feeling, but he wasn't accustomed to it, and still didn't know how to respond right now.
"Uh, I don't think I'm kind......"
The moment he responded, he regretted it.
(What am I saying....... Chizuru rarely praises me, so why am I denying what what she says like this?)
As he glanced at Chizuru, wondering if she would have been upset by what he had said just now, but her expression looked the same as usual, without even the slightest hints of change.
Upon seeing this, Toudou put aside what was weighing down on his mind, and opened his mouth to speak.
"Hey...... if we fed these birds like this every day, would they become closer to us?"
"Because they're wild birds, I think it would take a long time for us to get closer to them......"
Chizuru spoke quietly, and then turned back towards the small birds.
Her eyes were full of gentleness and care, and Toudou wasn't able to take his own eyes off her.
(It's truly amazing. I obviously see her everyday, but how am I still always like this?)
Regardless of how many times his gaze fell upon her, he didn't think he'd ever tire of this. There was nothing that ever made him feel like this before.
Finally, she turned around.
"There won't be a problem. These birds will surely be able to feel Heisuke-kun's kindness."
Gazing into her two large eyes, he felt his heart skip a beat.
Those gentle eyes of hers——they seemed to be able to see through Toudou's heart, all of his worries, and all of his fears, and transformed them into the strength he needed to survive.
"But, I......"
Perhaps I won't live to see the day that these little guys get close to me. Such a response almost escaped from his mouth, and he hurriedly swallowed it back down.
Likely thinking that he was behaving oddly, she doubtfully tilted her head.
Toudou continued to keep his head lowered, and remained silent.
As a result of this, she gently held his hands. Although her hands were rough from working every day, they were still different than a man's hands, and were soft and delicate.
His heart beat faster, and it even gave him the impression that his heart had grown several times larger.
(I've always been saved by that expression of hers. And from now on, it will always be like this......)
Since coming here, because of how worried he was about tomorrow, he's had more than one or two sleepless nights.
——If I sleep, will I never wake up again, and be myself and walk on the road to hell alone?
In the past, when his imagination would always run wild as he slept, it was the warmth of both of her hands that eliminated his worries.
Toudou tightened his grasp on her hand, and pulled Chizuru into his arms.
There was a flash of surprise on her face, but once she understood what was happening, she quietly closed her eyes.
Words were unnecessary to communicate. This made him feel very happy.
After softly sighing, Toudou's lips were pressed against Chizuru's lips.
The soft feeling of their lips touching immediately eliminated all of his worries, and completely filled his heart with his love for her.
He could hear the light brush of the wind and the chirps of those birds, but soon, the only sound he was able to hear, was that of their heartbeats.
Small hands rested against Toudou's chest.
Her action made Toudou feel even more affectionate, and he tightly hugged Chizuru's body.
After their long kiss ended, he felt reluctant to part, and was silent as their lips left one another.
She weakly called Toudou's name, then snuggled against him. There was a sweet smell that arose from her  body which tickled his nose. It was almost dream-like, and faintly smelt like fragrance of sakura.
"......Thank you, Chizuru. It's thanks to you, that I am able to live now."
Toudou held Chizuru in his arms, and spoke with mixed feelings.
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digirainebow · 3 years
okay so i really didn't want to be the person to make this post because i know a post like this could get a lot of backlash BUT hear me out i promise this is from a good and personal place
as an artist, while i one thousand percent relate to getting frustrated because everyone is liking my post and not reblogging it, here are some reasons why i personally find myself not reblogging an art post right away
there is no watermark, so i can't tell if it's a repost
there's no artist commentary, which also makes me worried it could be a repost
sometimes if tumblr kills the quality (which can't be helped so this is kind of a half-reason) have the repost concern here as well...basically all i'm saying is
not only is it really important that we as artists mark our work as ours so folks don't steal it, but also so others have reference as to who made the art in the first place. should consumers put in more effort to support us? absolutely! but i think we could also do more by making sure to add a watermark or signature. its something helpful we can do on our part to stop consumer hesitation AND protect ourselves. many times i have been unsure because of a quality kill, but immediately am able to match the watermark to the url and end up reblogging it!
this is my personal experience of course so it's possible i'm the only one that does it, so you can otherwise disregard this, but either way! sign your work kids, you won't regret it🙏
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strawberryeuphie · 3 years
Do the people you steal watermarked gifs from know you're taking their art for you own use, then telling others not to share the art that, again, isn't yours?
mmm... you mean on the moodboards? 
first off, i don’t tell people not to take anything i haven’t taken a picture of myself because that isn’t within my right to do, so i’m not sure where you got that. i’ve never captioned the boards i put together with anything except what the board is inspired by. on my posts as a whole, to my knowledge i have only asked straight out a few times not to repost photos that were literally taken on my camera that have parts of my body in them. i’ve really never said anything about not sharing things... i can remember a time where someone reposted a photo of my plushies and i didn’t say anything about it. i’m not trying to make excuses, i’m just confused where you got this narrative that i used something and then blatantly went “this is mine now don’t share it” because it never happened. 
about the boards in general... you’re right, in a way. and i think you believe that, so i’m not sure what the question-phrasing is about. 
most if not all of the boards come from before summer of 2018 (if i remember correctly, because pretty much by 2018 i had no time to put them together anymore.) i was much younger then, less conscientious, and didn’t understand/wasn’t aware of how frustrating it could be for many people to have their content passed around on the internet and used for projects (even innocent ones) they didn’t agree to. i wasn’t very familiar with content-making. to be honest, i found most of the images or things i used off of tumblr, scattered around the internet, so i didn’t see any “do not use” captions and i assumed most of them were free to use because of where i found them. i was not very smart about the internet back then. i realized eventually that most of them were reposted to those websites in the first place. i don’t make them anymore since i’ve become more aware of other people’s feelings on the issue and how reposting actually works. at the time it was just something fun to do and search google/pinterest/what not for. for me, it was like making creative collages out of cut up magazines and showing them to my friends. i didn’t think about it from any other perspective. i didn’t think they would get a lot of attention. i don’t know why they still do. they were just silly little projects for me to get outside of my head with. 
it was never meant to be malicious theft or infringement, and i never passed anything off as completely my own (unless it was), which is what stealing implies. i was always very specific about the photos that came from me and the ones that came from the internet. but yes, i am aware it still feels terrible to be a gif maker or photographer or artist or something and see that someone has casually used your work without your knowledge as part of something they put together and gotten notes for it. because i know that now and i’m older, i regret it. 
again, i don’t make them anymore, because it was misuse of someone’s work. i was just naive at the time. 
anonymous, if this question is meant to be passive-aggressively getting me to take something down that you would prefer to have removed, please just tell me what it is instead. i don’t appreciate passive-aggressive behavior because it doesn’t solve problems. 
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hayjeon · 4 years
Tips on creating fun fanfic headers!
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i had so much fun writing the fanfic writing tips yesterday and i got a few more questions about header-making, and so i decided to make one more of these! i hope these tips help somebody out there! hope you enjoy :) 
p.s. these tips won’t require any hard editing skills or photoshop skills, nor any expensive tablets/apps! 
typically i spend around ~5-10 min creating one header, and that’s either after i think of/finish a fic. i have so much fun doing it and sharing it with you that i figured i’d share how i do it! 
why headers? 
as I talked about in my fic tips, one of the most eye-catching things about fics are headers. when i’m scrolling through a rec page, my home page, a tag, or even someone’s masterlist, i’m immediately drawn to well-made headers. that’s what captures my attention, and then i’m more drawn in by the content. so, you can say that headers is your own version of an ad for your own fic, or an extension of it (like the cover of a novel!) 
if you were writing your own book, imagine how much time you’d spend figuring out what you wanted your cover to look like. i try to have as much fun and invest as much time making my own headers because it’s just the cherry on top to my finished product :) 
disclaimer: BUT HEADERS ARE NOT NECESSARY/DO OR DIE! if you don’t feel like you want to do this, then keep writing! its ok! this is just a suggestion. i’ve seen plenty of well-written fics without headers at all, so don’t beat yourself up over not having one/not wanting to do one. this is truly just a fun, extra kind of thing, and only keep reading if you want to learn how i do it! :) 
tips for people who don’t want to make headers: if you still want something to make your fic stand out, use gifs! i use them in my drabbles a lot! this will at least give ur fic a lil boost! 
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how to find pictures
I typically use unsplash, which is a free website in which photographers upload their HQ pics for free use. the pics are really high quality, typically stock photos, and don’t have any logos on them like other ones on google. unfortunately, you won’t find any pics of the members or anything, but you’ll find beautiful stock photos of typical scenes like “ocean scene” or “desert scene.” I found the stock photo for cut me open (shown below) on that site by just looking up “medical” or “doctor”. 
i used to use google a lot and just use keywords like “desert scene HQ” and edit the search settings to deliver HQ pics, and a minimum # of pixels, but unplash is definitely better in terms of quality, more aesthetic photos, and no logos/watermarks. 
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on some occasions, i will screenshot some scenes of youtube videos, turning up the quality to 1080p or 4k and zooming in so that the pixelation is as crisp as possible, and then editing it later to look good (which i’ll explain in a second!) 
the above photo was a scene from the specific characters from the drama, “100 Days My Prince” that I screenshotted from a youtube video that TvN uploaded, recapping the drama. I cropped it just right so that their faces were left out, which i’ll also mention soon! 
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things to look for when picking pictures: 
you want the picture to reflect a specific motif/theme from your fic! if its a moody fic, then try to find a moody scene that you can edit with filters/lighting to look even moodier; or if the characters’ jobs are a big portion of the fic (like cut me open/doctor theme) try to look for stock photos with that shown very clearly!
make sure its high quality: tumblr really dumbs down the quality of the photo when uploading it, so try your best to find something with a lot of pixels in it so that when you start editing, you don’t sacrifice too much of the quality already
try to look for something simple/clean: a picture with too much subject (ie. people in the background, or too much detail) may end up taking away from the main point of your header, which is your title. so find pics without too much clutter! 
try to make sure its landscape: which will help during editing to save some of the quality better. 
editing your pictures
now that you have a specific photo you want to use, now its time to edit! I use VSCO CAM (free app) and my own apple photos cropping tool for faster crops. 
crop/adjust: if your picture is too large/wide, crop it to at least a 16:9 ratio. i’d say aim for skinnier if you can, so that you don’t take up too much space (especially if you’re planning to add headers to your masterlist). also crop out any faces, any clutter, any unnecessary details, so you have a nice, clean slate to work on when adding text. 
contrast/sharpen/clarity/white balance/etc.: i’m not gonna give you a lesson on photography, but i’ll tell you I learned like 80% of everything that i know just by fiddling with it on VSCO! So just try it out and play with the app, see what you can make of it. i’d say a rule of thumb to follow is that you want happier fics with a brighter tone, and moodier/angsty fics with a darker tone so that it can reflect the nature of the fic further, without saying anything! 
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if you wanna be extra af like me, then go a step further and photoshop your pics. this one is a good example; when i screenshotted this scene from another youtube video for my fic One Year My Love part 2, i was specifically looking for a scene that would showcase the ornate/regal details of their clothing/environment in contrast to part 1′s modest clothing/scene (the first header in this post). 
i found this scene, but actually, this scene portrays the Crown Prince and the Princess, not y/n. So, the actors weren’t smiling at all! They were actually frowning at eachother in this scene, to portray the tension between the two characters and their marriage. 
So, I took the extra step, adjusting the pic with VSCO so that their shoulders/chins were at the same level, cropped off their faces up until their lips, and then used the adobe photoshop free app to photoshop their lips to be SMILING at eachother!!!! subtle, but important! 
call me crazy for taking that much time but i’m so proud of how it turned out and i loved every second of making this one. that way, this scene makes it portray the happy ending for Jungkook and y/n! 
adding text to your header
you can use any app out there, but i really like Font Candy! I actually ended up buying the 2$ version of this and never regretted it, but you can actually find a lot of their basic fonts on the free version; I tend to use the fonts: OSTRICH SANS, BEBAS, TREND, and INTRO the most! these are pretty clean-looking, block letters that look good whenever i put them as my titles. 
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I love this app too cause you can easily control the spacing between letters to make them take up more space, add shadows, or even make them contrast their background using the overlay feature; like this one i made for wildest dreams (see how the text changes depending on what part of the photo its on? amazing! it’s literally with a click of a button!!)
And i’ll always add “written by HAYJEON” or “by HAYEJON”, space it out, and add it somewhere underneath as my own branding.
if you want to be more creative, you can even go a step further and use whatever you have on hand to enhance whatever you’re trying to portray. 
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for this one, i ended up finding this amazing photo on unsplash and i thought it would do a create job of portraying the “movie-set” quality of what wildest dreams is going to be about. this stock photo had someone else’s names on it, so i used my ipad, and used instagram to just erase the existing writing with the color of the background, and then wrote in my own title and url with my own handwriting/apple pen!!! 
i thought this was pretty cool because it’s like wildest dreams is its own movie/has its own movie set, which, once it’s out, you guys will see that it’s supposed to be! 
this is pretty easy/obvious, but i figured i’d mention it. all the apps i mentioned are available on the appstore, and they will save directly to your photos. after doing that, i’ll just upload them into a special folder i have on my google drive so that when i’m finished writing a fic on tumblr using my laptop, i can easily download the photos without sacrificing quality. easy! 
and that way, i can save them forever; even if i have to delete them from my computer, i can always redownload them! 
side note: making text separators
i just recently started doing this, but ever since tumblr took down their text separators, i’ve just been cropping the bottom like 5-10 pixels of the header to use as my text separators! (with my laptop)
i saw some other writer doing it and thought that it looked better than what i had used previously (a cropped photo of a random line i found on google); i found that doing this tied my fics together a little better and just looked better aesthetically; 
so there it is! hope you enjoyed! :) i would love to see what other tips you guys have been using, feel free to send me an ask or reply to this post; and if you end up using any of my tips, please let me know! I love to hear from you guys all the time <3 
lots of love, especially during these times, 
hay <3 
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "[720p] Apocalypse (Post-Credits Scene) || X-Men - Days of Future Past" on YouTube
And we know is tomb is below but you don't know where it is she had better keep an eye on Jason Voorhees because he's not Jamie chomo or Jason is more or less our Father controlling him
This is a pyramid of yours chose to disassemble and it was to not allow any to find the tomb which held the secrets of the morlock and you did it on purpose and the max found it today in the writings and saw this in the movie and wonder who it was her son is going to have Jason Voorhees do it and he's a morlock, he feels he was the most dangerous and he needs to whittle them down to a manageable size and has been doing for years and demanding our son to do it he says you think you're doing that how are you doing it then little boy but you know if you're annoying you just be shut off and you start laughing inside and said I don't understand your stupid for doing it your armies are almost gone and you're not smart I'll tell you survive. Concern getting depressed and said right here why don't you listen to this I pissed on your grave and you were in it I suppose saying you're going to regret that won't really mean anything to you and there's plenty of people who can do your job I mean series ends soon.
Yes for forgiveness nobody said anything little while later you said what do you mean you weren't forgiveness and he's going how are you in here at the same time did you get grafted to me well why don't you start threatening yourself to see. So you start laughing and he says that's good don't be chicken s***. I said screaming it cuz a demon inside me it's half my brain he was scanning him and said you're half full of s*** so demon inside you lying sack of s*** go ahead and keep screaming it ,get stoned. Remember that girl you know really that you stoned here better off to her head up to her neck it's kind of wants to do it back to you I said gulpng you wouldn't stop, he said she was Michael Myers single so what I'm Jason yeah only if I say so I get a life would you a little f****** weird creep there baby the snuff you out of girl new brain shut the f****** instead of sniffling so there's no anything I said you probably shouldn't know that much you get killed a lot opening your mouth giving your brains one out over and over and over since screaming what are you doing here I'm listening f****** bother me. He started laughing he's calling this is tough you're an American and can't stand us at all hearing is starting to catch on as they give me my money or else means it's just like Clint Eastwood it's got my 357 by the way how are you and I have a ton of weapons though instead of cursing you and trying to ride on you to death... Go weace a rug for real
, so Jason get something notices I bet you don't know how and he says I bet I don't really care she's going to sit there and teach me over and over it's so smart he's saying this in his brain no no say go over and it starts weaving so start with a simple one cuz I think it's simple you always messes the pattern I always mess up we'll say it's custom he started crying his eyes were bleeding and so boring you just kept doing it for hours sit okay I'm tired take me to my house I can't your brain is too heavy it says mowing and say no oh my God this is horrible you're a horrible person listen I've been trying to explain some of you I don't want to put up with you I'm a killer qlick run no I'm a killer and you're stupid I killed tons of you. This is I don't want to be here either to do the whole series well I didn't think for a minute I go over there to your body I take over another Jason and I leave you behind in a collapsing pyramid that's the story we have to do is that doesn't sound very good and that was
Jason and Zeus arguing or fighting really and he goes that's not very nice and nothing so it comes day for it to happen this is exactly what are you going to do here because I need a new body you're a piece of s*** that's what it means so as he's leaving Jason says finally I'll be free of you to do what I want to you he didn't say anything and then he leaves in the pyramid is collapsing so I guess when people don't want to see that stuff he was holy s*** he's going to die and he died fully a search for 3 weeks through the rubble finally they found a hand of his and they went around they found the rest of them they smashed complete pulp and rotted to nothing already that's what happens to Jason and his big mouth is acid and threats just like singh here. It's also quite odd because the new body that he inhabits is actually the body of Apocalypse and Zeus version, he partially a resuscitated body of Tutankhamun, the pharaoh and the DemiGod our son controls and is mostly. Leaving Jason behind to die for all this cursing and swears and empathize a little baby and spoiled rotten and the grave is going to mark where the information is the max come pouring in after they find Jason and they say that's enough I'm going to put a memorial in I'm trying to reassemble this pyramid that you wrecked again because you're an idiots and Jason's brother was killed the first time from the collapse and Jason doesn't remember it he will a little shortly. It was during the same ceremony
Thor Freya
It's very confusing to a lot of laymen and not really to a lot of hours but it is a little weird cuz your sister saying he doesn't know I didn't talk to that kid before and it's like what the hell just some a****** it comes out of me like that sort of I have my own show say a different movie and tommy f he knows and he's all done soon. And I am also Pharaoh my name is Nefertiti. The second machine for helping him he thanks it. And the ceremony is a little bit different and he says it's exxona by you when it's not it's the woman who thinks she's lint from the city of sin and that's not who she is but it's where he touches her you're both condemned to death and it revives the money and he's like in love with her and he did kill his own life are you playing the Trump and my husband doesn't know if that's true and doesn't think it is and that's correct so he's with us retarded girl and he thinks that the money might be her his wife and it's not and he's horrified because she simply eats him part of him and he dies permanently and it's right down the row nearby and he does visit the scene and he is monitoring to make sure it goes well
He shakes his head like gilene did that's funny
Zues I do thank you for my life and this is going to be fun and also very challenging and the difficult assignment you got several before that one of them will be monumental for me I don't think so but it's going to be difficult okay I have to get out of here
This is what's fun and I had to go to real mission so tired of getting bit by fleas everyone is it's not too much colder there it's like 70 but mosquitoes are out
0 notes
thgfanficinspo · 4 years
Fear of the Water - Ch 18
Finnick deals with the fallout from Annie’s breakdown (some sexy Capitol Finnick) (Henry Cavill was my fancast for Finnick before the movie came out)
My AO3 - Chapter 1 - Jonsa - Coryo - Discovery of Witches
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When I wake up, I’m in a white tube. It’s small so small and I’m strapped down – arms, legs, body, even head. There’s a whirring, buzzing sound coming from within the walls. Then there are voices.
“Aw, shit, she’s awake.”
“Should we put her back down?”
I struggle against my bonds. Are they going to kill me? Why am I here? What are they doing to me?
“Yeah, she’s gonna fuss.”
There are footsteps now – coming toward me. I try to tear my arms out of their bonds but nothing happens. I scream. The voices yell to one another and I scream and I scream and I scream. I don’t want this. Finnick and Mags said it was over now and I was safe and I don’t think they’d lie to me but maybe they did or maybe they never said it at all I don’t want to die.
There’s a sharp pain in my right thigh. Then it goes dark.
We’re supposed to go back to that damn waiting room with the grey walls and floor-length windows and fake orchid.
I skulk around in the hallway after the others have gone inside, hoping to catch a moment alone with the female doctor who flirted with me. She comes out through a doorway which she locks behind her. She’s too distracted by the papers in her hand to notice me. I clear my throat and she looks up.
“Mr. Odair. Shouldn’t you be in the waiting room?”
“It’s a bit stuffy in their for my taste,” I say. “Especially after all that drama.” I straighten up and close the space between us.
“Yes, that was really something,” she agrees. Her eyes rake my body up and down. She has to turn away.
“Have you ever seen anything like that before?”
“I haven’t personally.”
“No?” I’m not nearly as smooth as I usually am. I’m too anxious to be charming. “Annie’s something special then.” I step up behind her and move her hair away from the side of her neck. “Like you.” I press my lips to the side of her neck and she nearly collapses. I keep my arms tight around her waist and pull her against me.
She gasps my name.
“Will you tell me something?”
“What?” she asks breathlessly.
I flick the tip of my tongue over the pulse-point of her throat. “What are you planning to do with Annie Cresta?”
“Anthea!” We both look up. Her male colleague is standing at the other end of the hallway. He’s a good ten years younger than she is, but he has an air of superiority about him. And he looks pissed.
The woman – Anthea, I guess – goes ramrod straight and tosses off my arms. “It’s not –”
“We need to talk,” he says simply, his glaring eyes locked on mine. Anthea hustles down the hall and through the door the male doctor came through. He and I maintain eye contact as long as possible, until the door shuts behind him.
I growl under my breath. “Fuck.”
I’ve definitely made things worse. If that other damn doctor hadn’t come in . . .
Mags is pacing around the room with one of her hands over her mouth when I come in. Proteus stands a few feet away from me, apparently deep in thought. Eefa has made a surprise visit, which she clearly regrets. No sign of Broadsea, but that’s no surprise. He’s probably passed out in his own puke by now. I normally wouldn’t care but I feel that since Eefa made it here, he should’ve at least tried.
Proteus raises an eyebrow at me, silently asking what I found out. I shake my head.
The same two doctors as before come out to speak to us after about twenty minutes of waiting. They’re much more serious. “She did suffer trauma to the head while in the Arena,” the man says.
“But you don’t think that’s what’s causing her issues,” Proteus says.
Anthea nods. Gone is the quivering woman in the hall, replaced with someone cold and angry. She’s going out of her way to not look at me. “The tasks we had her do when she first woke up didn’t indicate any neurological or physiological issues. We did scans, too, after her tantrum at the recap, and they didn’t show anything out of the ordinary.”
“Tantrum?” I repeat.
“Then what’s wrong?” Proteus asks over me.
“We believe it’s mental illness,” the male doctor says.
None of us know what that means. We don’t have mental illness in the districts, at least not the words to describe it, but the Capitol has words for everything. They have enough leisure time to think about things like that, to come up with ailments to explain their every mood.
Our faces must betray our inability to understand because they take a different route.
The female doctor is the one to speak. “We are going to have Annie Cresta declared mentally insane.”
“What?” I spit.
Proteus speaks over me again. “Isn’t that a bit premature? She hasn’t been out of the arena for long.”
“We believe a swift announcement is in her best interest at this time,” the male doctor says.
“Her closing interview with Caesar Flickerman has been canceled,” the female says, totally ignoring our reactions. She may have succumb to my charms and looks before, but now she seems immune. “President Snow will make the announcement during that time slot instead.”
I don’t know what to say.
“What would you like us to do in the meantime?” Proteus asks after a moment, voice totally neutral. The crease between his eyebrows is the only sign that he’s troubled by all of this. The only sign.
I could kill him.
“She’s currently under anesthesia, but I recommend you board the train back to your district soon,” the woman continues. “Before anyone gets wind of this.”
“Why?” Eefa asks, brows creased.
“What do you mean, Why?” I ask.
“Why are you declaring her insane? What exactly is wrong with her?”
“Why do you think?” I snap. The first thing I hear her say in a week and she asks something stupid like that?
“I’d like to hear the diagnosis,” Eefa says.
The woman doctor sighs and looks down at her clip board. She knows we won’t understand any of it. “She shows symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention def –”
Proteus holds up his hand. “That’s enough.” He has no idea what any of it means, either. “Eefa?” he asks, turning to her. She nods, satisfied with what she’s heard. Maybe she was making sure they covered their bases; we generally accept that mad people are mad, but you need real proof to declare a victor mentally insane before the whole country.
“There is one piece of permanent physical damage I ought to mention,” the female doctor says. “Due to the stab wound in her abdomen, she won’t be able to conceive or carry children. There’s too much tissue damage.” No one really cares about that right now. What we care about – what I care about – is getting Annie out of here without adding to the damage that’s already been done. “I thought one of you ought to tell her once you’re back in your district and she’s had a chance to calm down.”
“I think you should get ready to leave,” the male doctor says. “She’ll be up in –” he checks his wristwatch and bobbles his head as he does the math in his head “– ninety minutes, give or take.”
“Yes,” Mags says distractedly. “Yes, of course.” She blinks several times.  “I’ll start preparing. And have Brae send for the train. Proteus, please get Annie’s stylist so we can get her ready to go.” The others go – Eefa practically sprints out – and I want to move, too, but my muscles won’t let me. Mags’s hand finds my shoulder. “She’s alive, Finnick. That’s what matters.”
I nod again because I can’t think of anything to say.
“Go. Clean up. Clear your head. I’ll be along in a few minutes. I just want to check in on her.”
When I get upstairs to our rooms, Greer rushes towards me and starts making a lot of gestures. I’m not sure what she’s asking until she runs her hand down her hair in a smooth, wavy motion. Like the way Annie’s hair falls.
“Annie?” I guess.
She nods.
I’m too tired to explain it all. “She’ll be all right.”
I start undressing before I make it all the way into my room, discarding my clothes as I go. Somes picks them up as he follows behind me.
I blast the water in the shower to its highest setting and make the temperature as cold as I can bear. I only take hot showers in the Capitol when I’ve just seen a patron. Different temperatures for different problems. It helps me compartmentalize. Keep my head straight.
I’m good at that. Compartmentalizing, keeping my mind focused on the task at hand. I always have been. A lot of victors simply can’t do that – it’s why they turn to drink or drugs. But I haven’t. And I won’t.
I don’t notice the slip of paper folded on my pillow until I start dressing. The paper is off-white and thick – the sort of expensive, heavy stuff they only use in the Capitol. I open it up, and the custom watermark at the top of the page informs me that this is from C.X.S.
President Snow has left me a handwritten note of congratulations.
The others have all gotten them, too.
Mags says he always does for the victors of the winning district. Etiquette, she says, is the most important thing to Coriolanus. Not for the first time, I wonder how well Mags knew him when they were young.
Broadsea whips a lighter out of his pocket and sets the note on fire before dropping it in an empty metal bin. He hasn’t even opened it. Eefa drops her own note into the bin; Mags gives Broadsea her letter to burn, too. I don’t know if she’s read it. Proteus tucks his away in his jacket pocket and tells me to do the same if I want to be smart. I don’t have a reason to save it; I’ve already memorized every word. But I decide to keep it anyway. In case I ever need a reminder.
Mr. Odair,
Congratulations on your very first victor. This is an exciting time for your fellow victors and all of District 4. It is an especially important time for you, as this is your first time mentoring a victor.
Of course he adds a little statement of regret at the end of my note containing a veiled threat:
I hope that you will not be bogged down by the weight of responsibility. It would be unfair for anyone to expect a young man such as  you to take on the burden of Miss Cresta’s care.
It seems innocuous enough, but it’s another little reminder to stand back and just let things unfold. Men like Finnick Odair don’t get involved with that sort of thing, and girls like Annie Cresta never really go home.
My best regards to you and your new victor,
President Coriolanus X. Snow
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