#he would just say tiene una sonrisa
fnibbit-fanart · 1 year
Trying some Leo angst
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Original post is from @lotus-1313 (thanks for putting this idea into my head)
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 3 days
PR disaster
Hey guyss, I hope you enjoy this one-shot. Franco is one of my favourite drivers so it was time that I wrote something for him :)
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From the moment Y/N was hired as Williams' new PR manager, she knew the job wouldn’t be easy, especially with Logan's departure. Managing a driver's exit was never simple, and controlling the public narrative seemed like her biggest concern. However, she quickly realized that her true challenge came in the form of Franco, the young talent who had taken Logan’s place in the team.
Franco wasn’t just an exceptional driver; he was a whirlwind of energy and charisma. For the fans and the press, he was a breath of fresh air, full of charm and wit. But for Y/N, he was a constant source of headaches. Whether he was flirting with journalists, posting cheeky comments on social media, or creating unnecessary drama, it always ended with her cleaning up the mess.
"Y/N, did you see his latest post?" One of her assistants burst into her office, waving a tablet in the air. Another post. Another reckless comment from Franco.
Y/N groaned. Of course, he couldn’t help himself. She had spent the last week trying to reign him in, explaining time and time again that his social media presence needed to be professional, not a flirt-fest with every reporter and fan that interacted with him.
"This needs to stop," she muttered to herself, standing up from her desk. She stormed through the paddock, her frustration building with every step.
When she found Franco lounging near the team garage, chatting up a group of reporters—no surprise there—she called his name sharply.
"Franco. A word." Her tone left no room for argument.
He flashed his signature grin, excusing himself from the conversation and strolling over to her. "Hey, jefa," he said casually, as if nothing was wrong. "What’s up?"
(Hey, boss)
“What’s up?” she repeated, her voice laced with exasperation. “You’re what’s up. I just had to deal with your latest ‘incident’ on social media—again.”
Franco shrugged, leaning against the wall with an easy confidence that only made her more irritated. "Ah, it was just a little fun. People like it when I’m myself."
Y/N crossed her arms. “Flirting with journalists isn’t being yourself, it’s being reckless. You need to tone it down. This is a professional environment, not… whatever you think it is.”
He raised an eyebrow, his playful demeanour never faltering. "¿Estás diciendo que no te gusta que sea encantador? No puedo evitarlo si soy irresistible." (¿Are you saying that you don't like that I'm charming? I can't help it if I'm irresistible.)
Y/N frowned, her Spanish rusty but enough to pick up on something. "What?"
Franco grinned wider, sensing an opportunity. "Nada, nada," he said, though his eyes sparkled with mischief. "You know, maybe you should try smiling more. You’re always so… serious." He tilted his head, looking her up and down in a way that made her feel like he was studying her every reaction. "Me gusta más cuando te ríes… tienes una sonrisa preciosa, ¿sabes?" (Nothing, nothing) (I like it better when you laugh … you have a beautiful smile ¿you know?)
Her brow furrowed. Okay, that part she definitely understood, and it only made her more determined to get her point across. “This isn’t about me, Franco. This is about you being impossible to manage.”
He leaned closer, his tone dropping just slightly, enough to make her feel the warmth of his presence. "¿Imposible? No, jefa. Imposible sería si intentaras resistirte a mis encantos. Aunque… lo estás haciendo muy bien." (¿Impossible? No, boss. Impossible would be if you tried to resist my charm. Even… if you are doing it well)
She blinked, caught off guard by the sudden shift in his tone. “What did you just say?”
Franco simply smiled, his eyes dancing with amusement. “You know, if you want me to be more ‘professional,’ we could… work out an agreement.”
“An agreement?” she asked, wary of where this was going.
He nodded, stepping just a little too close for comfort. “Sí. I’ll behave. No more trouble. But… on one condition.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “And what’s that?”
Franco’s grin turned almost predatory, though still playful. “You go on a date with me.”
Her jaw dropped. "A date?"
"Sí, una cita. You know, dinner, maybe some wine… you can lecture me all you want. But I think you’ll find I’m much better behaved when you get to know me… fuera del trabajo." (Yes, a date) (… out of work)
Y/N could feel her face heating up, partly from the absurdity of the situation and partly because Franco’s intense gaze was starting to get to her. “You’re joking.”
Franco tilted his head, eyes sparkling. “¿Parezco que estoy bromeando, jefa?” (¿Does it look like I'm joking, boss?)
Y/N stared at him, her mind racing. There was no way he could be serious. This was just another one of his games, another flirtatious comment that she needed to brush off. But as Franco stood there, grinning like the cat that got the cream, she realized he wasn’t backing down. His eyes were locked on hers, waiting, full of that infuriating confidence.
“Absolutely not,” she snapped, turning on her heel to walk away. But as she took a step, Franco called after her.
"Well, I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing then… Maybe tweet a little something extra for the fans later."
She froze, clenching her fists at her sides. This man was impossible. She could already picture the chaos his next social media stunt would cause. The endless calls, the damage control, the headaches…
Y/N spun back around to face him. “Fine,” she blurted out, her voice filled with frustration. “You want a date? You’ll get your stupid date. But only if you promise—promise—to behave.”
Franco’s grin widened, looking almost triumphant. "¡Perfecto! I knew you couldn’t resist." (¡Perfect!)
She narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms. “This isn’t about ‘resisting,’ it’s about making sure you don’t ruin the team’s reputation. One dinner, and you tone it all down.”
Franco nodded, still smiling like she’d just handed him the world on a silver platter. "You won’t regret it, jefa. I’ll be a perfect gentleman." (boss)
Y/N scoffed, turning away once more. “Yeah, we’ll see about that.”
As she began walking back to her office, she could hear Franco’s voice calling after her, his tone teasing and undeniably smug. "No te preocupes, jefa. I’ll be on my best behaviour… unless you want me to misbehave a little." (Don't worry boss.)
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop the small, almost begrudging smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. Franco was trouble, and she knew it. But for some reason, as infuriating as he was, she couldn’t help but feel a spark of something… interesting.
Grumpy or not, she’d agreed to the date. And she had a feeling this was only the beginning of whatever madness Franco had in store for her.
Here's part 2
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pablitogavii · 1 year
After seeing what happened to Pedri during his latest interview, I came up with a similar idea for Gavi :)
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Pablo was doing an interview today with Residency and he was very happy he will get to engage more with his fans and answer some of their questions.
Everyone knows Pablo isn't much of a talker and doesn't like the publicity he quickly gained but this was a way for him to give back to his supporters.
"Welcome Gavi! one of the guys said and he shook his hand smiling and saying he was happy to participate.
"This is Avaline, she will interview you first" he showed to the girl who was smirking at Pablo before giving him a playful wink which already made him more uncomfortable than before.
Pablo was in an official relationship and everyone knew about it. After a few months, you guys decided to become official in order to avoid any gossip and guesses from all over the internet even though keep most of your relationship private.
"Um..o.okay" he said sitting down and the girl immediately moved closer saying they will share one microphone. He knew that you trusted him but he didn't want you to have to watch numerous videos of him sharing a microphone with this girl who was clearly flirting all along.
"Hay otro micrófono?" Pablo asked the guy who smiled quickly catching on and giving him his while girl just clenched her jaw. She wasn't giving up still always trying to touch Pablo while he was answering her questions.
"I think I and all the girls out there wanna know what's your type?" she smirked and Pablo heard the translation to her question playing with his shirt because he was very uncomfortable.
"Bueno. Creo que todos lo saben ahora que han visto a mi novia. Ella tiene un hermoso cabello castaño largo, ojos oscuros y la sonrisa más hermosa." [Well. I think everyone knows that now that they've seen my girlfriend. She has beuitful long brown hair, dark eyes and the most beuitful smile.] Pablo said using this as an opportunity to clearly show the girl he was taken and not interested in her.
"Yes but I'm sure there are other girls you find attractive also?" she said and now Pablo was really nervous shaking his head trying to change the topic but she just wouldn't let him.
"No. Yo... um, no miro a nadie más." [No. I don't look at anyone else] Pablo answered and the girl joked saying that he was just too shy to admit it on camera. She was really making him look bad and he was looking to the side thinking of the way to end this interview politely.
"Puedo tomar un descanso, por favor?" [Can I have a break please?] he looked at the guy not even looking to see what girl had to say about it. When the man nodded, Pablo quickly grabbed his phone and left outside. He called Pedri.
"Oi hermano? Cuando hiciste tu entrevista con Residency, ¿había una chica que te entrevistó?" [When you did your interview with Residency, was there a girl who interviewed you?] Pablo asked
"Si, tío. Y ella me pasó su número después." [Yes, man. And she slipped me her number afterwards.] Pedri said and before Pablo could respond he heard her annoying voice calling for him.
"Pablito! You know I really like shy guys.." she reached to touch my collar but I pulled away quickly shaking my head in disbelief that she would invade my space like that. This was defiantly crossing the boundaries.
"Don't call me that and stop making me uncomfortable. I am a taken man and I really need you to back off!" Pablo said surprised himself how direct he was but he needed to make things clear.
"Oh come on! I know footballers love to have some on the side..I won't tell if you don't??" she was still trying to get closer until Pablo rolled his eyes walking past her shocked face to the menager.
"Vine por mis fans, pero esto es muy poco profesional." [I came because of my fans but this is very unprofessional.] Pablo was mad now and the menager apologized saying the gurl will leave immediately and he will finish his interview with him instead.
After the said interview, Pablo came home and told you the whole story. You were cuddling on the couch listening to his story while munching on some fruits.
"And you really told her not to call you that??" you said with a big smile looking up at him really wishing you could see her face.
"Mhm..only mi amor can call me that" he said kissing your forehead lovingly and you smiled nodding your head.
"You're too sweet Pablito" you said and then he kissed your lips. Just when you were about to forget all about that topic did you get a notification that someone commented on your old photo.
"What did you say her name was Pablito?" you ask seeing the mean comment she left on your picture on Instagram. When Pablo saw that he wanted to immediately react but you asked him to just let it go.
"Let's not give her what she wants amor.." you say taking his phone from his hands as he sighs feeling awful that this was happening to you because of him.
Barcelona, Spain
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date night outfit💕 tagged: pablogavi
pablogavi: perfectaa 😍
y.n.bebe: te amo muchisimoo❤️
aurorapaezg: wow hermanita! 😍😍
y.n.bebe: I have the best stylist 😘
pablopaezgfanclub: she's so gorgeous!!
y/npablofans: best couple!!
fcbarcelonawags: most gorgeous of the wags!!
mikkykiemeney: princesa 💛
y.n.bebe: te amo!!
avalineee: hiding her face cause she's ugly lmaoo! everybody knows pablo with her only bc he feels bad like he can do so much better!! check out my page besties ;))
pablogavifanss: attention seeker!!
gavirafamfans: this girl literally harassed pablo during an interview!
gavigavipablo: y/n is gorgeous!!
pablopaezgaviraa: and by better you think you!? pls pablo doesn't like all plastic girls with no charm! his girl is an angel and we all love her!!❤️
Even though Pablo promised you not to reply anything and give the girl any attention, he still posted the story that same night because he couldn't sleep without defending you 😊
pablogavi sotries
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For those who don't know, this is my PERFECT girlfriend! 😍
SO many people reposted his story tagging the girl who hated you with quirky comments. It was a clear message since Pablo never writes anything in English. He wanted her to understand every word!
pablitoofans: @avalineee oh no he don't want you HAHAHA
y/npabloship: him defending his girl!! YES pablo!!
gavirafanclub: @avalineee beng mean to this angel is unacceptable but pablo is there to protect her always ❤️❤️❤️
The next morning, when he went to training he was happy that people were writing you love because that's all you deserve.
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ryuusei-niu · 2 months
Well, soooo I'm bored, and I saw this post so there's like 26 songs in Spanish and what and why I relate some of them to Leo and Nico.
This will be a very long post. Get ready, take a coffee, idk.
Playlist here
For Nico:
Que Nadie Sepa Mi Sufrir
"Amor de mis amores, reina mía, ¿Qué me hiciste? Que no puedo conformarme sin poderte contemplar.
Ya que pagaste mal mi cariño tan sincero lo que conseguirás, que no te nombre nunca más."
(Love of my loves, my life, what did you do to me? I can't settle without being able to see you.
Since you poorly repaid my sincere affection(? What you'll get: that I won't say you name anymore)
"¿Qué gano con decir que una mujer cambió mi suerte? Se burlarán de mí, que nadie sepa mi sufrir."
(What do I gain by saying that a woman changed my luck? They would make fun of me, let no one know my suffering.)
Change the woman part with man and you'll have the cupid's scene. I don't ship Percico but this song is like very dramatic and melancholic and so resented in a way Nico would be.
Te Aviso, Te Anuncio
"Te aviso y te anuncio que hoy renuncio a tus negocios sucios.
Ya sabes que estoy de ti vacunada, a prueba de patadas.
Por ti me quedé como Mona Lisa, sin llanto y sin sonrisa.
Que el cielo y tu madre cuiden de ti. Me voy, será mejor así."
(I'll let you know and I announce to you that today I'm leaving your dirty business.
You already know that I am vaccinated from you, kick proof.
Because of you I became like Mona Lisa. Without tears and without smile.
May heaven and your mother take care of you. I'm leaving, it's better this way.)
Ok but for you all who like to make Nico a diva at the "You're not my type" scene. This song. NICO SINGING THIS SONG TO PERCY. I LIKE DRAMA.
Hasta la Raíz
"Cuando mire al cielo y en la forma cruel de una nube gris aparezcas tú.
Una tarde suba una alta loma y mire el pasado, sabrás que no te he olvidado.
Yo te llevo dentro, hasta la raíz. Y, por más que crezca vas a estar aquí."
(When i look at the sky and, in the shape of a gray cloud, you'll be there.
One day I climb a high hill and I'll look at the past, you'll know that I haven't forgotten you.
I carry you inside me, to the root. And no matter how much I grow you'll be here.)
I want angst. So, every time Nico listen this song, he remember Bianca. (I'm not projecting me and my cat, how dare think about that, I'm not crying at all).
"Una mañana te veré llegar y descubriré que yo, solo ya no estoy mejor. Y te pediré que me acompañes. ¿A dónde? En verdad no sé, dime qué sí, miénteme.
Podría ser que al final rompiste el cristal en mí. Podría pasar que me hagas hablar, yo creo que tienes el don de curar este mal."
(One morning I will see you arrive. And i'll discover that, alone, I'm not better. So, I'll ask you to accompany me. Where? I really don't know, say yes, lie to me.
Could it be that in the end you broke the glass in me. It might happen that you make me talk. I believe that you have the gift of curing this bad.)
Solangelo, that's the post. This song is so happy and so beautiful and it's really them (or every ship that you like, I think everyone should know this song).
Cumbia Para Olvidar
"Finjo que puedo aguantar. Finjo no te veré más.
Cumbia para olvidar, olvido para perdonar. La melodía de un trombón cura mi alma.
Cumbia, no quiero sentir. Cumbia, no puedo vivir así. Cumbia, llévame a bailar, ayúdame a olvidar este dolor."
(I pretend I can hold on. I pretend I won't see you again.
Cumbia to forget. Forgetting to forgive. The melody of a trombone heals my soul.
Cumbia, I don't want to feel. Cumbia, I can't live like this. Cumbia, take me dancing, help me forget this pain.)
I really like the concept of Nico suffering from lovesickness, trying to forget his feelings for Percy, with songs in the background. It's like the only normal teenage thing that he could live.
Leo and Nico:
Morir de Amor
It's just a love song that I really like and I can't get out of this so. They're bot so romantic and they would dedicate this song to their lovers (plus point if it's valdangelo). Listen to this song, is very pretty I really like it.
For Leo:
No Tengo Hambre, Tengo Ansiedad
"Hace tiempo estoy pensando: 'Tengo que parar'.
Mientras tanto, por las dudas, sigo a toda velocidad."
(I've been thinking for a while: 'I have to stop'.
In the meantime, just in case, I continue at full speed.)
I think this song is so so so Leo code. Like, he's thinking all the time about what people would think, what he has to do to please others and trying to fit. He would love this song.
I think we, as a fandom, greatly underestimate the ambition that Leo carries within. Like, he's very perfectionist and he knows he's capable of do a lot of things.
He always seeks to improve himself, even if it leads to misfortune, even if it is not noticeable (and it is).
This song really give me vibes of "Non-stop", from Hamilton, another song that I relate with Leo. He would be such a Hamilton kinnie.
Algo mejor que hacer
Just two things:
"Todos me dicen que nunca voy a llegar a nada, que está probado que soy un caso perdido y que si sigo insistiendo con esta pulseada acabaré arruinado o algo parecido."
(Everyone told that I'll never amount to anything, that is probed that I'm a lost case and if I insist with this thing, I'll be ruined or something like that.)
"No tengo miedo a que me vean como un fracasado. Nadie me dió a elegir la opción de no haber nacido.
No me quieran complicar. Yo no voy a ningún lugar."
(I'm not afraid of being seen as a failure. Nobody gave me the option of not being born.
Don't complicate things, I'm not going anywhere.)
That's it, that's the post.
Lo malo de ser bueno
"Cuantas veces dije 'no' queriendo decir 'sí', cuántas veces presentí el principio del fin."
(How many times I said no when I wanted to say yes. How many times I feel the beginning of the end.)
I'm running of explanations, just listen the song. It's so Leo code.
No Saber de Ti
"Desde que no estás aquí ya no puedo encontrar de nuevo el sentido de la libertad. Sin ti no imagino volver a empezar.
Quiero saber qué fue de ti.
Desde que no estás aquí solo me habita el dolor. Se me va la vida sin saber de ti, amor."
(Since you are not here I can't find the meaning of freedom again. Without you I can't imagine starting over.
I want to know what happened to you.
Since you're not here, only pain lives in me. My life is passing away without hearing from you, love).
(I really love Los Nocheros, listen to Los Nocheros please)
"Los golpes en la piel dejan marca y después se van.
Pero me rompiste en dos y no encuentro reparación."
(Bumps(? on the skin leave a mark and then go away.
But you broke me in two and I can't find how to fix it.)
"Mientras pienso en ti y en lo que perdí, quisiera evitar haberme permitido amarte para perderte.
Y me dueles."
(As I think of you and what I lost, I would like to avoid having allowed myself to love you to lose you.
And you hurt me.)
I have to stop associating dramatic heartbreak songs with valgrace, right?
Mi Buen Amor
Leo and Piper would sing this song with all their soul. They love how dramatic it is.
Also, I think this would be a good song for a Caleo au when they broke but still feel things for each other, just that they don't know what this feelings are and they don't want to be lonely. BUT NO ONE HERE LIKE CALEO. I GOT IT. I'LL BE RAMBLING ABOUT THIS ALONE.
Si Tú Me Quisieras
"Ay de mí, de este amor que se me metió y que se dispara. Se contagia y te reclama.
Ay de mí, de este amor que se me incrusta como bala, que me ahorca y que me mata.
Todo sería diferente si tú me quisieras."
({idk how to translate 'ay de mi'}, Of this love that got inside me and it's growing. It is contagious and demands you.
Of this love that sticks in me like a bullet, that hangs me and kills me.
Everything would be different if you loved me.)
I would say valgrace again but this is so Leo and every character that people ship with him.
Tu Falta de Querer
Maybe Leo just sing this song because it's so dramatic. Maybe he sings this song playing fun with Jason. Maybe he really feel the song.
Un Alma En Pena
"Como un alma en pena sigo esperando. Estoy tan falta de cariño, de años pasados. De niña queriendo, de grande odiando.
Y prefiero hacerme la tonta para no verme tan sola. Solo fluyó como el río, discretamente me sonrío, me pongo el traje largo, el brillo tapa todo.
El miedo borboteando, la risa delirando. Y ya estoy como el cero de mi cuenta al revés."
(Like a soul in pain I keep waiting. I am so lacking in affection, from years gone by. As a child loving, as an adult hating.
And I prefer to play dumb so I don't look so alone. I just flow like the river, I discreetly smile, I put on the long suit, the shine covers everything.
Fear bubbling, laughter raving. And now I'm like zero on my account backwards.)
I don't know if you remember the post I made about Leo's last nights at the Argo II, but this was one of the songs I listened to while thinking about that.
Aaaaand the other songs from there are all songs that I completely see Leo singing as a joke (or not). Most of them are songs that were popular at 2017/18, and now it's like a meme. I love each of these songs and I think Leo and Piper would sing Hola, Despacito, Era Tranquila and Cuando se Pone a Bailar with their soul
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cadeloverforever · 8 months
Hello!, I wanted to make one of Bi-Han, I might make one of Scorpion or Steven Grant from Marvel today! I hope you like this Headcanon! (El mismo Headcanon está en esta misma publicación!)
Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) Headcanon!
⍟ Don't expect many "details" or gifts from him, of course he loves you but in his own way, he may give you flowers from time to time, I feel like I would only leave it to you so that you can find them, for example, on the side of the bed so you can find him in the morning, you usually thank him for the little details and he just says "hmm" as if it were an "okay."
⍟He moves very fast and silently, which almost always scares you. One day you got up to go drink water at night and when you turned around you saw a Bi-Han with his hair messed up, which gave you a scare, you threw the glass at him because of the scare, Bi-Han just looked at you a little confused by the glass you threw at him, he sketched an almost smile on his face.
⍟His love language is spending time with you, maybe sitting looking at places or just sitting without talking, he likes being with you like that, it gives him a lot of peace, if you decide to talk or tell something he will shut up and listen to you.
⍟He would like to give you clothes from time to time, whether dresses or shirts, it gives him a warm feeling when he sees you wearing something he gave you, although you tell him that this is not necessary.
⍟He is literally very cold, literally COLD, but not in feelings but in body temperature, although on hot days it is very useful!
¡Hola!, quería hacer uno de Bi-Han, ¡tal vez hoy haga uno de Scorpion o Steven Grant de Marvel! Espero que les guste este Headcanon!
Sub-Zero (Bi-Han) Headcanon!
⍟ No esperes muchos "detalles" o regalos de él, claro que te ama pero a su manera, puede que te regale flores de vez en cuando, siento que solo te lo dejaría para que puedas encontrar Déjalos, por ejemplo, al lado de la cama para que puedas encontrarlo por la mañana, normalmente le agradeces los pequeños detalles y él solo dice "hmm" como si fuera un "vale".
⍟Se mueve muy rápido y silenciosamente, lo que casi siempre te asusta. Un día te levantaste para ir a tomar agua en la noche y al voltearte viste a un Bi-Han con el cabello revuelto, lo cual te dio un susto, le tiraste el vaso por el susto, Bi-Han solo miró hacia ti un poco confundido por el vaso que le arrojaste, esbozó una casi sonrisa en su rostro.
⍟Su lenguaje de amor es pasar tiempo contigo, tal vez sentado mirando a lugares o simplemente sentado sin hablar, le gusta estar así contigo, le da mucha paz, si decides hablar o contar algo se calla y escucharte.
⍟Le gustaría regalarte ropa de vez en cuando, ya sean vestidos o camisas, le da una sensación de calidez cuando te ve usando algo que él te regaló, aunque le dices que eso no es necesario.
⍟Tiene literalmente mucho frío, literalmente FRÍO, pero no en las sensaciones sino en la temperatura corporal, ¡aunque en los días calurosos es muy útil!
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meinetranen · 1 year
What took you so long?
18+ MDNI!
Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader
Summary: You and Miguel hated each other's guts, always arguing and bickering even over the smallest things. However, one day, you find him injured and offer to help him, opening up new things.
WAR: None. Just enemies to lovers and some kissing, I guess, sexual tension, and reader in this story doesn't know Spanish.
(I do not know Spanish, so if I make a mistake, please correct me, I do not mind).
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You had come back from a mission a few moments ago and was heading over to Miguel's office to hand in the file.
You weren't happy. You and Miguel didn't like each other as much, always bickering about the littlest things, causing an argument almost every day that even other Spider's in the Spider-Society got used to the sounds of arguing coming from the office when they walked past.
The both of you irritated each other, and Miguel never wanted to admit that he was wrong, which made you even more irritated.
You're only dropping off a file. That's it. Just drop it off and leave. That's what you said in your head before opening his office doors, letting yourself inside.
"Miguel!" You called out, searching for him, but he seemed nowhere to be found. "Miguel?"
Suddenly, a portal opened up to reveal Miguel walking out with a groan. He straightened himself and revealed some blood trailing down the side of his face and one of his arms wrapped around his waist.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned, out of breath.
"And what the hell happened to you?" You crossed your arms and eyed him, but concern lingered inside of you.
Miguel rolled his eyes at you as he closed the portal, not paying much attention. "Get out, I need to do some work."
"But—" Before you could speak, he interrupted you.
"What is it now?" He snapped at you, but suddenly he groaned in pain.
Miguel hunched over and nearly fell forward. You went over and caught him before he could, holding himself up before sitting him down on the floor, making sure he was alright.
"You need to get those injuries healed." You narrow your eyes at him.
"I'm fine," Miguel protested. He tried getting up again but groaned out in pain. "Mierda!"
"No, you're not." You placed a hand on his shoulder and held him back. "Stay here. I'm going to find medical equipment."
You left for a quick moment before coming back with the med kit in her hands. You sat back down beside him and opened it.
"Where did you get hurt?" You ask, looking back at him.
Miguel eyed you, giving you a confused but painful look. Though, he said, "On the lower part of my abdomen." He looked away from you, clearly embarrassed that he needed some help for his injuries.
"Don't worry." You smile at him. "I won't tell anyone."
He was a little surprised by your words but scoffed lightly from it as he shook his head. "You sure? This would be a good way to get back at me."
"Don't give me ideas." You turned around to look at him for a split second with a smile plastered on your lips before going back to the bowl of warm water and towel, letting it soak it in.
"Usted tiene una bonita sonrisa." You have a beautiful smile.
"Hmm?" You held the towel in your hands as you turned to him.
"What?" He said.
"What?" You replied back, cocking a brow. "You said something—"
"I was saying something in Spanish." Miguel's eyes deathpan yours.
You placed the wet towel over the side of his face to clean up the blood. "I know, which is why I'm asking 'what' as in 'what did you say?'"
Miguel chuckled lightly from your comment.
He chuckled.
Miguel chuckled.
"Did you just... chuckle?" Your mouth was almost agape as you stared at him. You never heard or even made him chuckle before.
Miguel realized what he had done. "Congrats, querida. Maybe you did."
He gazed at you as you leaned in close to him to wipe away all the blood from his face. He held eye contact, not pulling away as you continued your work.
You caught this, and your eyes slightly widened from the scene as you pulled away, gulping. He watched your throat move from that action.
"Show me where it hurts," You say.
"What?" He cocked a brow at you.
You looked at him confused. "The part where you injured yourself...? Your lower abdomen?"
"Right." Miguel made a part of his spider suit disappear due to it being a hologram and showed the injury.
You examined it, seeing if the gash was deep, and thankfully, it wasn't. However, you couldn't help but roam your eyes around the lower part of his body, examining his muscles that flexed from his movements.
Miguel caught on to this. "Am I distracting you?"
"Hmm?" You hadn't really paid attention to what he said as you slowly looked back up again and saw the smirk on his face. "Oh—what—?" You felt your face heat up. "No. You pervert."
"Really? I'm the pervert when you are shamelessly looking—" you had caught him off.
"Alright, hush!" You exclaim, embarrassed. "Okay, I'll admit, I was looking—" You raised your hands in defense. "—but I stopped. Don't feel special."
"Está bien, no me importa," Miguel muttered quietly, holding eye contact with her. It's okay, I don't mind.
"What?" You raised a brow.
"What?" He shrugged.
"Are you cursing me out?" You say.
Miguel simply shook his head. "No."
You didn't believe him. "Oh, really?" You placed the towel on his lower abdomen, putting down pressure that made him groan out loud in pain.
"¡Deja de hacer eso!" Miguel squinted his eyes as he looked at the towel placed on his abdomen, the pain stinging him. "For damn sake, I wasn't cussing you out!" Cut that out!
You realized you were hurting him too much and pulled the towel away. "Oh, jesus. I'm sorry, Miguel. I didn't realize—" He raised his hands up towards you to make you stop talking, and you did.
Instead of chatting more, you cleaned up the blood around Miguel's wound and got a cotton pad, dipping it in alcohol to disinfect.
Your hands hovered above the wound before placing it on his skin. "This is gonna sting," you said.
The cotton made contact with his skin, and Miguel hisses out in pain, leaning his head back in the process, clenching his teeth together, showing his visible fangs.
And it was a sight to be hold.
"Sorry," you mumbled, looking away from him but taking a glimpse now and then.
Miguel grabbed your wrist, pulling away the cotton from his skin. "That's enough," he groaned.
You looked down at his hand holding onto your wrist, and a knot grew in your stomach. You felt the warmth of him, knowing his entire body was hot and somehow... it excited you.
"Alright." You pulled your hands away and exhaled, letting his hand fall to the side as you went and grabbed a bandage, ignoring the thoughts that poured in your head.
Miguel sat up as much as he could, but it hurt. As he did, you began wrapping the bandages around him, having to lean over his body and touching his skin.
He watched the whole thing. From your body leaning in close over him to tie the bandage around him, feeling your breath on him and your touch that sent flames to him.
You caught him staring at you, not even midway done. "Is there something on my face?"
Your eyes glistened, and Miguel noticed. "Don't look at me like that."
"Like... what?" Your face heated up as you stopped your movements. You looked at his eyes, his lips, and then back to his eyes.
"Like that," Miguel whispered, leaning forward.
Suddenly, his lips were on yours.
He held your chin with his fingers as he kissed you with passion, as if he wanted this for so long. He pulled away and looked at you.
"I've wanted to do that for a while, you know?" A grin was on his lips.
"Then what took you so long?" You grinned back before pulling him into another kiss.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are well ((:
I don't know if it's already been done but can I ask for headcanons for Hanayama, Jack, Gaia Yujiro and maybe Kozue with a s/o ( fem or Gn ) who likes to draw a lot and boys ( and Kozue ) discover that their s/o has several notebooks with drawings of themselves, for example drawings of them when they fight or when they do everyday things
Thanks in advance :)
In fact, I already wrote a request exactly the same as this one where Gaia, Kozue or Yujiro are not included, so I will do it with those characters. / De hecho, ya escribí un pedido exactamente igual a este en donde no se incluyen a Gaia, Kozue o Yujiro, así que lo hare con dichos personajes.
Situation: A S/O that draws them. / Un S/O que le dibuja.
Character: Gaia, Kozue Matsumoto and Yujiro Hanma.
He thinks it's cute, he will compliment his S/O's talent with a quiet smile. If his partner allows him to keep a drawing, he will keep it in a special place.
He could look at the drawing when he is alone, he thinks that his partner has a great talent.
If he discovers it by accident, he will hide it and it will be impossible for his partner to find out unless he mentions it himself. His S/O will notice that he looks at them in a "special" way, but they don't know why.
If he found out because his S/O showed him, he'll let out an impressed whistle and acknowledge his mate's talent with a smirk.
He will be motivating his S/O to draw as much as they wants, he will lend himself to pose for them if that's what he S/O wants.
Kozue Matsumoto.
She's so embarrassed and flattered at the same time. She thinks that it is the cutest thing in the world, she feels very special when she sees various drawings of her face on the pages of her S/O sketchbook.
She thinks it's very romantic, and she likes romantic things.
If she discovered it by accident, she will want to pretend that she doesn't know anything because she doesn't want to invade her S/O's privacy, but she can't help wanting to compliment her partner's talent.
If she found out because her S/O showed it to her, she'll let out a surprised gasp when she sees her couple's notebook and squeal happily at the cute detail.
Her S/O will most likely get several kisses after that.
Yujiro Hanma.
It's better that he doesn't find out about his S/O's hobby, though that's unavoidable. He cannot respect the privacy of others and is NOT willing to stay out of other people's lives.
He is making fun of his S/O, he is pleased that he is the center of attention of his partner, because he LOVES to be the center of attention of his partner. Cocky jerk.
If he finds out by accident, he was really just rummaging through his S/O stuff, he would be able to flip through the sketchbook out of sheer boredom, but seeing his face on various pages is when he would interested in it.
He'll sneer in his S/O's face, brag about how important he is, and say some nonsense about how his S/O does well only noticing him. It is unbearable.
If he finds out because his S/O showed it to him, he will disinterestedly flip through the drawings until he sees his face and the teasing begins.
Versión en español.
Cree que es lindo, felicitara el talento de su S/O con una sonrisa tranquila. Si su pareja le permite quedarse con un dibujo, lo guardara en un lugar especial.
Podría mirar el dibujo cuando se encuentra a solas, piensa que su pareja tiene un talento muy grande.
Si lo descubre por accidente, lo disimulara y será imposible que su pareja se dé cuenta a menos que él mismo lo mencione. Su S/O notará que le mira de una forma "especial", pero no sabe por qué.
Si lo descubrió porque su S/O se lo mostró, soltara un silbido impresionado y reconocerá el talento de su pareja con una sonrisita.
Estará motivando a su S/O para que dibuje cuanto quiera, se prestara para posar para ellos si eso es lo que su S/O quiere.
Kozue Matsumoto.
Está tan avergonzada y alagada al mismo tiempo. Piensa que es la cosa más linda del mundo, se siente muy especial cuando ve varios dibujos de su rostro en las páginas del cuaderno de dibujo de su S/O.
Cree que es muy romántico, y a ella le gustan las cosas románticas.
Si lo descubrió por accidente, querrá fingir que no sabe nada por qué no quiere invadir la privacidad de su S/O, pero no puede evitar el deseo de alagar el talento de su pareja.
Si lo descubrió porque su S/O se lo mostró, dejara escapar un jadeo de sorpresa cuando vea el cuaderno de su pareja y chillara feliz por el detalle tan lindo.
Es muy probable que su S/O reciba varios besos después de eso.
Yujiro Hanma.
Es mejor que él no se entere sobre el pasatiempo de su S/O, aunque eso es inevitable. No puede respetar la privacidad de los demás y NO está dispuesta a no meterse en la vida de los demás.
Se está burlando de su S/O, le place que él sea el centro de atención de su pareja, porque AMA ser el centro de atención de su pareja. Imbécil engreído.
Si lo descubre por accidente, realmente solo estaba hurgando entre las cosas de su S/O, sería capaz de ojear el cuaderno de dibujo por mero aburrimiento, pero al ver su rostro en varias páginas es cuando se interesa en ello.
Se burlará en el rostro de su S/O, presumirá lo importante que es y dirá alguna tontearía sobre como su S/O hace bien en fijarse solo en él. Es insoportable.
Si lo descubre porque su S/O se lo mostró, ojeara con desinterés los dibujos hasta que ve su rostro y las burlas inician. Es sencillo, él será implacable cuando se burle de su pareja.
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rudext · 2 years
how is he / preference ➷♡
(Eddie Munson)
- el es todo un caballero, que si te llama "dama" en frente de todos, que si te hace una reverencia...
He is a true gentleman, he calls you "lady" in front of everyone, he bows to you...
- aunque no lo parezca, el sería muy pegajoso contigo, intentaría siempre estar contigo.
Although it may not seem like it, he would be very sticky with you, he would always try to be with you.
- " ¿Qué tal, nena? "... "Adiós princesa" ... "Hola bella dama"... "Mi niña"... "¿Estás bien cariño? "...
"How are you gorgeous?"... "Goodbye princess"... "Hello beautiful lady"... "My girl"... "Are you alright darling?"...
- Aunque el siempre huye del peligro, si algo te pasará a tí, te protegería con toda su alma.
Although he always runs away from danger, if something happened to you, he would protect you with all his soul.
- Con el nunca faltarán las risas... Y siempre serás feliz, porque aparte de que nunca te sería infiel, el siempre te dará su confianza.
With him you will never lack laughter... And you will always be happy, because apart from the fact that he would never be unfaithful to you, he will always give you his trust.
- Es muy cariñoso, pero también tiene sus esposas por algo. (+ durante el acto no pararía de elogiarte, aunque eso ya lo hace de por sí)
He is very affectionate, but he also has his wives for a reason. (+ during the act I wouldn't stop praising you, although that already does it)
- A el siempre le emociona cuando vienes a sus conciertos y aprendería a tocar tu canción favorita con su guitarra.
A el siempre le emociona cuando vienes a sus conciertos y aprendería a tocar tu canción favorita con su guitarra.
- No te obligaría a beber ni a fumar, y si algún día se lo pidieses, el solo te diría que no. "No seré yo quien te introduzca en este hábito"
He wouldn't force you to drink or smoke, and if you ever asked him to, he'd just say no. "I will not be the one to introduce you to this habit"
- El fué quien inventó tu sonrisa
He was the one who invented your smile
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hattercatsparadise · 4 years
Mythical Pet
Mirror, mirror on the wall ... Reveal the Reflected Wish.
The mirror reveals the Reflection of the Wish: When you have a dangerous mythical creature as a familiar / pet that is faithful and loving to you (feat. Azul, Ace & Jamil)
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✨ O jeito que você consegue manter Grim sob controle o faz querer te provocar sobre seu “dom” para controlar monstros;
✨ Você revida com um sorriso sarcástico dizendo que faz isso todos os dias muito antes de conhecer Grim;
✨ Então você conta que possui uma criatura mítica como familiar ou mascote que poderia fazer dele um brinquedo ou petisco se você desse uma ordem; 
✨ Ele não acredita em nenhuma palavra;
✨ Ele seria do tipo que acredita apenas vendo;
✨ Grande chance de provocar dizendo ter sido uma boa pessoa em não o fazer de brinquedo para seu amigo mítico como vingança por toda vez que ele fez uma bagunça e você foi forçado a limpar tudo;
✨ Uma vez que você o leva para conhecer seu amigo monstro ele está dividido entre medo, arrependimento, admiração e surpresa;
✨ Ele esperava que era tudo uma mentira, mas aqui está ele diante da feroz Hidra de Lerna;
✨ O famoso monstro de inúmeras cabeças que tomou inúmeras vidas e que se cortar uma cabeça duas surgem no local;
✨ Mas você lidava com essa criatura que com você era amorosa, gentil e fiel a todos seus comandos como um cão bem treinado;
✨ Okay... 
✨ Agora ele pensa duas vezes antes de irritar você;
✨ Ou causar algum problema em que o diretor te força a limpar a bagunça dele;
✨ Passado o momento de estar morrendo de medo, ele pergunta como foi possível encontrar essa bela criatura e como você domou a Hidra;
✨ Espere que ele começa a fazer piadas ou se gabar a respeito da Hidra e do fato de ele namorar a pessoa que domou a feroz fera com os outros;
✨ Ele acha tão legal você ser mestre de um monstro poderoso!
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✨ The way you manage to keep Grim under control makes you want to tease you about your "gift" to control monsters;
✨ You fight back with a sarcastic smile saying that you do this every day long before you meet Grim;
✨ So you say that you have a mythical creature as a familiar or pet that could make Ace a toy or snack for your pet if you gave an order;
✨ He doesn't believe a word;
✨ He would be the type to believe just by seeing;
✨ Great chance to provoke him by saying he was a good person at not making him a toy for his mythical friend as revenge for every time he made a mess and you were forced to clean up;
✨ Once you take him to meet his monster friend he is torn between fear, regret, admiration and surprise;
✨ He hoped it was all a lie, but here he is in front of the ferocious Hydra of Lerna;
✨ The famous monster with countless heads that took countless lives and that if you cut off a head two appear on the spot;
✨ But you dealt with this creature that was loving, kind, and faithful to all your commands like a well-trained dog;
✨ Okay...
✨ Now he thinks twice before he pisses you off;
✨ Or cause a problem where the Headmaster forces you to clean up his mess;
✨ After the moment of being scared to death, he asks how it was possible to find this beautiful creature and how you tamed the Hydra;
✨ Expect him to start making jokes or bragging about the Hydra and the fact that he is dating the person who has tamed the ferocious beast with others;
✨ He thinks it's so cool that you are master of a powerful monster!
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✨ La forma en que logras mantener a Grim bajo control hace que quieras burlarte de tu "don" para controlar monstruos;
✨ Luchas con una sonrisa sarcástica diciendo que haces esto todos los días mucho antes de conocer a Grim;
✨ Entonces, usted dice que tiene una criatura mítica como familiar o mascota que podría convertirla en un juguete o un refrigerio si da una orden;
✨ El no cree una palabra;
✨ Sería el tipo de persona que cree solo con ver;
✨ Gran oportunidad de provocar diciendo que eras una buena persona para no convertirlo en un juguete para tu amigo mítico como venganza por cada vez que hacía un desastre y te veías obligado a limpiarlo;
✨ Una vez que lo lleva a conocer a su amigo monstruo, se debate entre el miedo, el arrepentimiento, la admiración y la sorpresa;
✨ Esperaba que todo fuera una mentira, pero aquí está frente a la feroz Hidra de Lerna;
✨ El famoso monstruo con innumerables cabezas que tomó innumerables vidas y que si cortas una cabeza, dos aparecen en el acto;
✨ Pero trataste con esta criatura que era amorosa, amable y fiel a todas tus órdenes como un perro bien entrenado;
✨ Bueno...
✨ Ahora lo piensa dos veces antes de molestarte;
✨ O causar un problema donde el director te obliga a limpiar su desorden;
✨ Después del momento de morir de miedo, pregunta cómo fue posible encontrar a esta bella criatura y cómo domó a la Hidra;
✨ Espere que comience a hacer bromas o alardear sobre la Hidra y el hecho de que está saliendo con la persona que ha domesticado a la feroz bestia con otros;
✨ ¡Él piensa que es genial que seas el maestro de un poderoso monstruo!
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✨ Tudo começa quando você faz uma piada sobre a próxima vez que precisar perseguir os violadores de contrato você poderia mandar seu adorável companheiro de estimação;
✨ Azul pensa que você deve ter um animal de estimação inofensivo e adorável, então ele dispensa;
✨ Caso os gêmeos já conheçam seu “adorável” não resistiriam em sorrir maquiavelicamente se deleitando ao imaginarem o medo das pobres almas infortunadas que violaram os contratos;
✨ Acredito que ele conhece sua adorável mascote quando ele estava sozinho do lado de fora e um canto isolado e ligeiramente distante do dormitório para descansar um pouco;
✨ Isso quando sua breve pausa é interrompida quando um grupo de alunos que violaram contratos vieram atrás dele por uma vingança infantil;
✨ Azul sabe que não é muito bom em lutar por conta própria, então ainda tenta uma abordagem civilizada;
✨ Mas seus agressores não querem escutar as tentativas do líder de Octavinelle tentar resolver isso pacificamente;
✨ Quando eles ameaçam pegar suas Canetas Mágicas e lançam seus feitiços;
✨ Para surpresa de todos, nenhuma magia acerta Azul que foi protegido por um tentáculo gigantesco que bloqueou todos os ataques;
✨ Foi então que todos escutam algo como um grunhido irritado e se deparam com mais tentáculos surgindo em todas as direções;
✨ Eis que surge a figura de um dos monstros mais temidos de todos os mares: O Kraken;
✨ O monstro marinho demonstrava-se irritado contra os agressores do Líder de Octavinelle e os captura sem machucá-los e tomando suas Canetas Mágicas enquanto mantém um tentáculo de forma protetora ao redor do corpo de um confuso tritão polvo;
✨ Então você chega com os gêmeos e com o diretor Crowley para infortúnio dos meliantes;
✨ Você se aproxima e acaricia um tentáculo chamando o Kraken de “meu bebê” e dizendo como ele fez um bom trabalho protegendo o “papai” tritão polvo;
✨ Isso enquanto ele tenta absorver o fato de você interagir com o temido Kraken como se ele fosse um bebê foca que estava feliz ao ser elogiado por você;
✨ AzulAshengrotto’sBrain.exe parou de funcionar;
✨ Você conta a ele que instruiu seu “bebê” a proteger o líder de Octavinelle caso ele estivesse sozinho e correndo perigo;
✨ Levaria um bom tempo para absorver o fato de que você controla tal criatura que é fiel a você;
✨ ... Ainda é tarde para pedir ajuda do seu “bebê” para poder lidar contra infratores de contrato?
✨ Afinal são incontáveis vantagens em ser o “pai” de uma criatura temida e ter sua proteção contra situações como essa.
✨ Ele já pode ver os negócios se tornando ainda mais produtivos com um aliado como o Kraken.
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✨ It all starts when you make a joke about the next time you need to chase contract violators you could send your lovely pet companion;
✨ Azul thinks you must have a harmless and adorable pet, so he dismisses it;
✨ If the twins already know your “adorable baby”, they would not resist smiling smirk and delighting in imagining the fear of the poor unfortunate souls who violated the contracts;
✨ I believe he met your lovely pet when he was alone outside and in an isolated and slightly distant corner of the dorm to rest for a while;
✨ This is when his brief pause is interrupted when a group of students who violated contracts came after him for childish revenge;
✨ Azul knows he is not very good at fighting on his own, so he still tries a civilized approach;
✨ But his attackers do not want to listen to Octavinelle's leader trying to resolve this peacefully;
✨ When they threaten to take their Magic Pens and cast their spells;
✨ To everyone's surprise, no magic hits Azul that was protected by a gigantic tentacle that blocked all attacks;
✨ It was then that everyone heard something like an angry grunt and were faced with more tentacles appearing in all directions;
✨ Here comes the figure of one of the most feared monsters of all seas: The Kraken;
✨ The sea monster was irritated against the Octavinelle Leader's aggressors and captures them without harming them and taking their Magic Pens while maintaining a protective tentacle around the body of a confused octopus merfolk;
✨ Then you arrive with the twins and Headmaster to the misfortune of the miscreants;
✨ You approach and caress a tentacle calling the Kraken "my baby" and saying how it did a good job protecting the "papa" merfolk octopus;
✨ This while he tries to absorb the fact that you interact with the feared Kraken as if he were a baby seal that was happy to be praised by you;
✨ AzulAshengrotto’sBrain.exe has stopped working;
✨ You tell him that you instructed your "baby" to protect Octavinelle's leader if he was alone and in danger;
✨ It would take a long time to absorb the fact that you control such a creature that is true to you;
✨ ... Is it still too late to ask for help from your "baby" to deal with contract violators?
✨ After all, there are countless advantages in being the “father” of a feared creature and having its protection against situations like this.
✨ He can already see business becoming even more productive with an ally like Kraken.
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✨ Todo comienza cuando haces una broma sobre la próxima vez que necesites perseguir a los infractores por contrato que podrías enviar a tu encantadora mascota mascota;
✨ Azul cree que debes tener una mascota inofensiva y adorable, por lo que la descarta;
✨ Si los gemelos ya conocen a su "adorable", no se resistirían a sonreír y deleitarse al imaginar el miedo de las pobres almas desafortunadas que violaron los contratos;
✨ Creo que conoció a su encantadora mascota cuando estaba solo afuera y en un rincón aislado y ligeramente distante del dormitorio para descansar un rato;
✨ Esto es cuando su breve pausa se interrumpe cuando un grupo de estudiantes que violaron los contratos lo persiguieron por venganza infantil;
✨ Azul sabe que no es muy bueno peleando solo, por lo que aún intenta un enfoque civilizado;
✨ Pero sus atacantes no quieren escuchar al líder de Octavinelle tratando de resolver esto pacíficamente;
✨ Cuando amenazan con tomar sus plumas mágicas y lanzar sus hechizos;
✨ Para sorpresa de todos, ninguna magia golpea a Blue que estaba protegido por un gigantesco tentáculo que bloqueaba todos los ataques;
✨ Fue entonces cuando todos escucharon algo parecido a un gruñido enojado y se enfrentaron a más tentáculos que aparecían en todas las direcciones;
✨ Aquí viene la figura de uno de los monstruos más temidos de todos los mares: el Kraken;
✨ El monstruo marino estaba irritado contra los agresores del Líder Octavinelle y los captura sin dañarlos y tomando sus Bolígrafos Mágicos mientras mantiene un tentáculo protector alrededor del cuerpo de un confuso hombre pulpo;
✨ Luego llegas con los gemelos y el Director Crowley a la desgracia de los malvados;
✨ Te acercas y acaricias un tentáculo que llama al Kraken "mi bebé" y dices cómo hizo un buen trabajo protegiendo a "Papi";
✨ Esto mientras intenta absorber el hecho de que interactúas con el temido
✨ Kraken como si fuera una foca que estaba feliz de ser alabado por ti;
✨ AzulAshengrotto’sBrain.exe ha dejado de funcionar;
✨ Le dice que le indicó a su "bebé" que protegiera al líder de Octavinelle si estaba solo y en peligro;
✨ Tomaría mucho tiempo absorber el hecho de que controlas a una criatura tan fiel a ti;
✨ ... ¿Todavía es demasiado tarde para pedirle ayuda a su "bebé" para tratar con los infractores del contrato?
✨ Después de todo, hay innumerables ventajas en ser el "padre" de una criatura temida y tener su protección contra situaciones como esta.
✨ Ya puede ver que los negocios se vuelven aún más productivos con un aliado como Kraken.
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✨ Pela maneira que você falava da sua mascote, pensava que era algum animal pequeno e comum ou até ligeiramente exótico como animal de estimação;
✨ Quando você falava o quão belo e elegante era sua mascote;
✨ Ele tinha entendido pelo jeito que você falava era uma pequena cobra não venenosa;
✨ Foi então que você o convida para conhecer sua adorável serpente;
✨ O que ele não esperava era encontrar o temível e infame leviatã que claramente podia matar vocês em poucos segundos;
✨ Ele entra em pânico quando o monstro se aproxima e enrola seu corpo ao redor do seu;
✨ Apenas para ver o monstro sendo carinhoso e gentil, até mesmo sendo cauteloso para não esmagar seu corpo entre o dele;
✨ Jamil já viu várias coisas sendo servo de Kalim, mas ele admite que isso foi surpreendente e ao mesmo tempo inesperado e bizarro;
✨ Como ele iria imaginar que veria você, o amor da vida dele lidando com um monstro perigoso e infame como se fosse um filhote de cão?
✨ Ele ficaria cauteloso em relação à sua mascote no começo;
✨ Jamil não quer correr riscos de irritar a fera e ele claramente se vê em desvantagem mesmo que você assegure que está tudo bem;
✨ Mas como muitos animais de estimação às vezes adquirem um pouco da personalidade dos donos...
✨ No começo é estranho ver uma criatura tida como perigosa sendo amorosa com ele;
✨ Em algum momento ele se acostuma e gosta da companhia fera marítima;
✨ Chega a ajudar a cuidar dele e dar alguns petiscos que você faz para seu leviatã;
✨ Você pode até provoca-lo sobre ser como agora parecem dois pais criando seu bebê (monstro marinho).
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✨ From the way you talked about your pet, you thought it was some small, ordinary animal or even slightly exotic as a pet;
✨ When you talked about how beautiful and elegant your pet was;
✨ He had understood from the way you spoke it was a small, non-poisonous snake;
✨ It was then that you invited him to meet your lovely snake;
✨ What he did not expect was to find the fearsome and infamous leviathan that clearly could kill you in a few seconds;
✨ He panics when the monster approaches and wraps his body around yours;
✨ Just to see the monster being affectionate and kind, even being careful not to crush your body between his;
✨ Jamil has seen several things being Kalim's servant, but he admits that this was surprising and at the same time unexpected and bizarre;
✨ How would he imagine that he would see you, the love of his life dealing with a dangerous and infamous monster like a puppy?
✨ He would be wary of your pet at first;
✨ Jamil does not want to take the risk of irritating the beast and he is clearly at a disadvantage even if you assure him that everything is fine;
✨ But as many pets sometimes get a little of the owners' personality ...
✨ In the beginning it is strange to see a creature considered to be dangerous being loving to him;
✨ At some point he gets used to it and enjoys the company of a marine beast;
✨ Jamil even helps to take care of him and give some snacks that you make to your leviathan;
✨ You can even tease him about being like two parents now raising their baby sea monster.
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✨ Por la forma en que hablaste sobre tu mascota, pensaste que era un animal pequeño y ordinario o incluso un poco exótico como mascota;
✨ Cuando hablaste de lo hermosa y elegante que era tu mascota;
✨ Había entendido por la forma en que hablaba que era una serpiente pequeña, no venenosa;
✨ Fue entonces cuando lo invitaste a conocer a tu encantadora serpiente;
✨ Lo que no esperaba era encontrar el temible e infame leviatán que claramente podría matarte en unos segundos;
✨ Él entra en pánico cuando el monstruo se acerca y envuelve su cuerpo alrededor del tuyo;
✨ Solo para ver al monstruo siendo cariñoso y amable, incluso teniendo cuidado de no aplastar tu cuerpo entre los suyos;
✨ Jamil ha visto varias cosas como sirviente de Kalim, pero admite que esto fue sorprendente y al mismo tiempo inesperado y extraño;
✨ ¿Cómo iba a imaginar que te vería, el amor de su vida lidiando con un monstruo peligroso e infame como un cachorro?
✨ Al principio desconfiaría de su mascota;
✨ Jamil no quiere correr el riesgo de irritar a la bestia y está claramente en desventaja incluso si le asegura que todo está bien;
✨ Pero como muchas mascotas a veces obtienen un poco de la personalidad de los dueños ...
✨ Al principio es extraño ver a una criatura considerada peligrosa ser amorosa con él;
✨ En algún momento se acostumbra y disfruta de la compañía de una bestia marina;
✨ Incluso ayuda cuidarlo y darle algunos bocadillos que le hagas a tu leviatán;
✨ Incluso puedes burlarte de él como si fueran dos padres que ahora crían a su bebé monstruo marino.
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anchorandrope · 4 years
miss you is a song with many interpretations, you will see many blogs that say it’s a stunt song but you will also see many that say that isn’t.
in this post i want to explain several interpretations of this song so that you can judge for yourself what it is about.
1) it’s a stunt song
in this case, the interpretation of the song is literal therefore it would speak of a break up. as we know miss you was released in 2017, the same year eleanor returned with louis so it would fit with the narrative.
louis wrote that song while they were separated and now that they are together he doesn’t want to sing it anymore because that would bring back bad memories, it fits perfectly right?
however the real reason why he doesn’t want to sing it would be because it doesn’t represent him.
2) talks about the closet
in this option the song is not interpreted literally but in a more metaphorical way and it is thought that the structure of the song is to fit into the elounor narrative but the meaning is different.
is this option there is a relation with habit, always you and too young so i recommend reading this post first.
“is it my imagination? is it something that i’m taking? all the smiles that i’m faking “everything is great everything is fucking great” going out every weekend staring at the stars on the ceiling hollywood friends, gotta see them such a good time i believe it this time”
first he talks about how he isn’t happy in that situation, he says that he fake his smiles and that he shows himself in front of everyone as if everything is fine, he clearly talks about how he shows himself in front of the public. then he talks about his “friends” who tell him that he has to go out and is “such a good time”. those “friends” are actually a metaphor for the people who put him in the closet. the people who put him in the closet (as mentioned in too young) told him that he would be better without harry and that they wouldn’t last, that’s why they were happy and they told him that while he is away from him, it would be his best moment and as he mentions in too young, at one point he believed that story that’s why he said “i believe it this time”
“tuesday night glazed over eyes just one more pint or five does it even matter anyway?”
“we’re dancing on tables and i’m off my face with all of my people and it couldn’t get better they say we’re singing ‘til last call and it’s all out of tune should be laughing, but there’s something wrong and it hits me when the lights go on shit, maybe i miss you”
after the fight he tried to drown his problems in alcohol, “should be laughing but is something wrong” as he believed the story, he thought that being mad with harry should be happier, but he loves him and that is not the case, he missed him.
“just like that and i’m sober i’m asking myself, “is it over?” maybe i was lying when i told you “everything is great everything is fucking great” and all of these thoughts and the feelings cheers to that if you don’t need them i’ve been checking my phone all evening such a good time i believe it this time”
he hides and lies about how he feels, which leads to more fights. he waits to be able to talk to him and fix things (with “checking my phone” he doesn’t mean the literal phone but at the moment of talking).
“now i’m asking my friends how to say, “i’m sorry” they say, “lad, give it time, there’s no need to worry” and we can’t even be on the phone now and i can’t even be with you alone now oh, how shit changes we were in love, now we’re strangers when i feel it coming up, i just throw it all away get another two shots ‘cause it doesn’t matter anyway”
first he mentions his “friends” again, he regrets but his “friends” want to stop him from solving things. then he talks about how difficult it’s to fix things completely because between the fact that their relationship was in a tense stage and they couldn’t even look at each other, everything is worse. the phrase that most identifies the iron closet is “now we are strangers” because it talks about how publicly they had to act like strangers and finally it talks about how they drown his problems in alcohol again.
in this case louis doesn’t want to sing the song because it brings back bad memories or because he just doesn’t want to.
[see also]
3) talks about the party boy image
in this option it’s also interpreted metaphorically (although more literal than the previous one) and with a structure that serves to fit in with the elounor narrative.
this option doesn’t need much explanation, the whole song talks about partying and missing someone. that “someone” would be the louis of the past. (there are some lyrics that don’t fit 100% such as “and i can’t even be with you alone now” or the “we were in love now we're strangers”).
i want to clarify that option 2 and 3 are just as valid as 1 (and just as valid as other interpretations), that there are people who interpret it in a more metaphorical way isn’t wrong. artists often want to write one thing but have to make it fit with another because they are forced to do so, so it would be no surprise if this is the case.
finally i want to say that no interpretation is right or wrong, just because someone thinks differently from you doesn’t make your opinion less valid. it doesn’t matter if you see big accounts with a different opinion than yours, that you have it doesn’t mean that you are wrong or that you are “less larrie” for it, draw your own conclusions, don’t repeat without thinking what the rest says.
miss you es una canción con muchas interpretaciones, vas a ver muchísimos blogs que dicen que es una stunt song pero también vas a ver muchos que dicen que no.
en este post quiero explicar varias interpretaciones de esta canción para que ustedes juzguen por ustedes mismos de que se trata.
1) es una stunt song
en este caso, la interpretación de la canción es literal por ende hablaría de una ruptura. como sabemos miss you fue lanzada en 2017, el mismo año que eleanor volvió con louis por lo que encajaría con la narrativa.
louis escribió esa canción mientras estaban separados y ahora que estan juntos no la quiere cantar mas porque eso les traería malos recuerdos, encaja perfecto no?
sin embargo la verdadera razon por la que no la quiere cantar sería porque no lo representa.
2) habla del closet
en esta opción la canción no es interpretada literal sino de manera mas metafórica y se piensa que la estructura de la canción es para encajar en la narrativa elounor pero el significado es otro.
es esta opción hay una relación con habit, always you y too young así que recomiendo leer este post primero.
“is it my imagination? is it something that i’m taking? all the smiles that i’m faking “everything is great everything is fucking great” going out every weekend staring at the stars on the ceiling hollywood friends, gotta see them such a good time i believe it this time”
“¿es mi imaginación? ¿es algo que yo estoy tomando? todas las sonrisas que estoy fingiendo “todo está genial todo está jodidamente genial” saliendo todos los fines de semana mirando las estrellas en el techo amigos de hollywood, tengo que verlos es un buen momento lo creo esta vez”
primero habla de como no es feliz en esa situación, dice que finge sus sonrisas y que se muestra frente a todos como si todo estuviera bien, claramente habla de como se muestra frente al público. después habla de sus “amigos” que le dicen que tiene que salir y que “es un buen momento”. esos “amigos” en realidad es una metafora para las personas que lo ponen en el closet, los enclosetadores (como menciona en too young) le dijeron que iba a estar mejor sin harry y que no iban a durar por eso ellos se ponen felices y le dicen que mientras este lejos de el iba a ser su mejor momento y como menciona en too young, el en un momento se creyó ese cuento por eso “i believe it this time”
“tuesday night glazed over eyes just one more pint or five does it even matter anyway?”
“we’re dancing on tables and i’m off my face with all of my people and it couldn’t get better they say we’re singing ‘til last call and it’s all out of tune should be laughing, but there’s something wrong and it hits me when the lights go on shit, maybe i miss you”
“noche de martes ojos vidriosos sólo un trago más o cinco ¿de todos modos, importa?”
“estamos bailando sobre las mesas y estoy borracho con toda mi gente y “no podría ser mejor” ellos dicen, nosotros cantamos hasta el último momento y todo está fuera de tono debería estar riendo, pero hay algo que está mal y me golpea cuando las luces se encienden mierda, tal vez te extraño”
después de la pelea intentó ahogar sus penas en alcohol, “debería estar riendo pero algo esta mal” como se creyó el cuento, el pensaba que estando mal con harry debería estar mas feliz, pero el lo ama y no es asi por eso lo extraña.
“just like that and i’m sober i’m asking myself, “is it over?” maybe i was lying when i told you “everything is great everything is fucking great” and all of these thoughts and the feelings cheers to that if you don’t need them i’ve been checking my phone all evening such a good time i believe it this time”
“sólo eso y estoy sobrio estoy preguntándome, “¿ya se terminó?” tal vez estaba mintiendo cuando te dije “todo está genial todo está jodidamente genial” y todos estos pensamientos y sentimientos celebremos por eso si no los necesitas he estado revisando mi teléfono toda la tarde es un buen momento lo creo esta vez”
oculta y miente sobre como se siente, lo que genera más peleas. espera para poder hablar con el y arreglar las cosas (con “revisando mi teléfono” no se refiere al teléfono literal sino al momento de hablar).
“now i’m asking my friends how to say, “i’m sorry” they say, “lad, give it time, there’s no need to worry” and we can’t even be on the phone now and i can’t even be with you alone now oh, how shit changes we were in love, now we’re strangers when i feel it coming up, i just throw it all away get another two shots ‘cause it doesn’t matter anyway”
“ahora les estoy preguntando a mis amigos cómo decir “lo siento” ellos dicen: “amigo, dale tiempo, no hay de qué preocuparse” y ni siquiera podemos hablar por teléfono ahora y ni siquiera puedo estar contigo a solas oh, cómo la mierda cambia estábamos enamorados, ahora somos extraños cuando lo siento venir, simplemente lancé todo lejos búscate otros dos shots, porque ya no importa más”
primero vuelve con el tema de “los amigos”, el se arrepiente pero sus “amigos” lo quieren frenar para que no resuelva las cosas. después habla de lo difícil que es arreglar al 100% las cosas porque entre que su relación esta en una etapa tensa y encima no se pueden ni mirar es todo peor. la frase que mas identifica al closeting de hierro es “ahora somos extraños” porque habla de que públicamente ellos tenían que actuar así y por último habla de que vuelve a ahogar sus problemas en alcohol.
en este caso louis no quiere cantar la canción porque le trae malos recuerdo o porque simplemente no quiere.
[vean también]
3) habla de la imagen de party boy
en esta opción también se interpreta de forma metafórica (aunque mas literal que la anterior) y con una estructura que sirve para encajar con la narrativa elounor.
la verdad esta opción no necesita mucha explicación, toda la canción habla sobre estar de fiesta y extrañando a alguien. ese “alguien” sería el louis del pasado. (hay algunos lyrics que no encajan al 100% como por ej “and i cant even be with you alone now” o el “we were in love now we’re strangers”).
quiero aclarar que la opción 2 y 3 son igual de válidas que la 1 (e igual de validas que otras interpretaciones), que haya gente que la interprete de manera mas metaforiaca no esta mal. los artistas muchas veces quieren escribir una cosa pero lo tienen que hacer encajar con otra porque los obligan asi que no sería ninguna sorpresa que ese sea el caso.
por último quiero decir que ninguna interpretación esta bien o mal, porque alguien piense distinto a vos no hace tu opinión menos válida. no importa si ves a cuentas grandes con otra opinión distinta a la tuya, que la tengas no significa que estes mal o que seas “menos larrie” por ello, saca tus propias conclusiones, no repitas sin pensar lo que dice el resto.
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lemonpie-girl · 4 years
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How have I underestimated this scene for so long? It is so perfect, and has almost no dialogue.
Mac has just fired Aiden and his pain and anguish over losing who he considered a great CSI is remarkable. Stella knew what Aiden had done and knew her reasons, but still couldn't go against the rules, or Mac. When she sees Aiden leave the office with her head down, she decides to enter, and just asks "Are you okay?" , because even knowing that Mac had to respond objectively to what had happened, and that his position forced him to act like this, she knew that it hurt him to fire Aiden, she knew that his work led him to face situations in which he would have no intention of taking part. He answers "Yes", perhaps without believing it himself, and turns his head to the window to continue getting lost in the beautiful view of New York. But, seconds later, he turns his gaze to Stella, who kept hers on the floor. When she feels Mac's gaze, she raises her head and looks him closely in the eye. "Thanks," he says, with a half smile. Stella nods and leaves the office, leaving Mac appreciating the view of the city again.
It is simply a gem.
¿Cómo he subestimado esta escena tanto tiempo? Es tan perfecta, y no tiene casi nada de diálogo.
Mac acaba de despedir a Aiden y su dolor y angustia por perder a quien consideraba una gran CSI es notable. Stella sabía lo que Aiden había hecho y conocía sus razones, pero aún así no podía ir en contra de las reglas, ni de Mac. Cuando ve a Aiden salir de la oficina cabizbaja, decide entrar, y solo pregunta "¿Estás bien?", porque aún sabiendo que Mac debía responder objetivamente a lo sucedido, y que su puesto lo obligaba a actuar así, sabía que le dolía despedir a Aiden, sabía que su trabajo lo llevaba a enfrentar situaciones en las que no tendría intenciones de tomar parte. Él le responde "Sí", quizás sin creérselo ni él mismo, y gira su cabeza hacia la ventana para seguir perdiéndose en la hermosa vista de Nueva York. Pero, segundos después, vuelve su mirada hacia Stella, quien mantenía la suya en piso. Cuando ella siente la mirada de Mac, levanta su cabeza y lo mira detenidamente a los ojos. "Gracias" dice él, con una media sonrisa. Stella asiente y se va de la oficina, dejando a Mac apreciando nuevamente la vista de la ciudad.
Es simplemente una joya.
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 years
"Neko-Player" {Familia/Family} "Mi hijo es muy lindo.../My son is very cute..."
"Azúarc" {Familia/Family} "El hermano mayor.../The older brother..."
"Aluz" {Familia/Family} "Hermano del Medio... Es adorable.../Brother of the Middle... he's adorable..."
"Nomula" {Amiga/Friend} "Mi guerrero más fiel, mi caballero invencible.../My most faithful Warrior, my invincible knight..."
"Lea" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Ella es la mejor sirvienta que tengo.../She is the best maid I have..."
"Catasto" {Tensión/Tension} "Sus comidas son deliciosas... Un gran Chef, pero todavía espero su muerte.../His meals are delicious... A great Chef, but I still await his death..."
"Angelica" {Familia Adoptiva/Adoptive Family} "Mi sobrina favorita.../My favorite niece..."
"Cali" {Familia Adoptiva/Adoptive Family} "Si eres muy patética Hermana.../If you are very pathetic Sister..."
"Metra" {Nada/Nothing} "Entiendo tu dolor... Yo también perdí a un hijo.../I understand your pain... I also lost a Son..."
"Frem" {Tensión/Tension} "Una Chef estúpida, es inútil.../A stupid Chef, she is useless..."
"Tilo" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Me pregunto si es consciente de que ama a una loca.../I wonder if he is aware that he loves a madwoman..."
"May" {Nada/Nothing} "Un cangrejo.../A crab..."
"Mref" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Tienes un corazón muy dulce Mref, muy dulce.../You have a very sweet heart Mref, very sweet..."
"Coco" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Siempre tan loca, me gusta eso.../Always so crazy, I like that..."
"Tod" {Nada/Nothing} "Sé que está escondiendo algo.../I know he's hiding something..."
"Tard" {Tensión/Tension} "Tan pequeño y tan valiente.../So small and so brave..."
"Osca" {Nada/Nothing} "Sus vestidos son los más conocidos en todo el Mundo Oscuro.../Her dresses are the best known throughout the Dark World..."
"Ilik" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Siempre fuiste la gemela buena.../You were always the good twin..."
"Say" {Tensión/Tension} "Todo el mundo sabe que quieres ser como tu primo, por eso te peinas como él.../Everyone knows that you want to be like your Cousin, that's why you style your hair like him..."
"Carlota" {Nada/Nothing} "Huele a pescado podrido.../It smells like rotten fish..."
"Dudu" {Nada/Nothing} "Muy colorida.../Very colorful..."
"Kili" {Nada/Nothing} "Siempre la gemela mala... El perro fiel de Cali.../Always the bad twin ... The faithful dog of Cali..."
"Tulia" {Nada/Nothing} "Siempre está durmiendo.../He's always sleeping..."
"Mozuy" {Nada/Nothing} "Sé que perdió el ojo por luchar contra un pez globo... Lo sé, es ridículo.../I know he lost his eye from fighting a puffer fish... I know, it's ridiculous..."
"Loyota" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "También tengo 9 colas.../I also have 9 tails..."
"Mapin" {Tensión/Tension} "Creyendo siempre en los chismes.../Always believing in gossip..."
"Morta" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Es una gran doctora, pero tiende a ponerse muy nerviosa cuando trata a un paciente.../She is a great doctor, but she tends to get very nervous when she is treating a patient..."
"Pinam" {Nada/Nothing} "Su estilo para lograr sus sueños es sangriento... Me gusta ese estilo.../His style to achieve his dreams is bloody... I like that style..."
"Duremu" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Una gran mensajera, sé cuándo está durmiendo y cuándo no.../A great Messenger, I know when she's sleeping and when she's not..."
"Arleta" {Nada/Nothing} "Siempre en el cementerio.../Always in the Cemetery..."
"Dialo" {Nada/Nothing} "Como su hermana, siempre en el Cementerio.../Like her sister, always in the Cemetery..."
"Rot" {Nada/Nothing} "¿Diablo?... No se parece en nada a un Diablo.../Devil?... He looks nothing like a Devil..."
"Conde" {Amigo/Friend} "Solemos jugar a las cartas... Pero siempre pierde, también es un mal perdedor.../We usually play cards... But he always loses, he is also a bad loser..."
"Ret" {Nada/Nothing} "El Universo está lleno de idiotas, pero este es el más idiota de todo el universo.../The Universe is full of idiots, but this is the most idiotic in the entire universe..."
"Night" {¿Amigo?/Friend?} "Después de todo, sigue siendo alguien importante para mí.../After all, he's still someone important to me..."
"Nai" {Nada/Nothing} "Muy pronto estará muerto.../Very soon he will be dead..."
"Wuly Arpale" {Entretenimiento/Entertainment} "Wuly es graciosa, sus tonterías me divierten... Es mejor para ella que me siga divirtiendo... Porque si me aburro, no le gustará lo que pase después.../Wuly is funny, her nonsense amuses me... It's better for her that I keep having fun... Because if I get bored, she won't like what happens next..."
"Ojus" {Tensión/Tension} "Todo lo que sube debe caer Ojus.../Everything that goes up must fall Ojus..."
"Virus" {Nada/Nothing} "Una vez fuiste imparable ... Ahora eres solo una mosca pequeña e inútil en este mundo.../Once you were unstoppable... Now you are just a small and useless fly in this World..."
"GrosMoon" {Familia/Family} "Mi hijo.../My son..."
"Ojo" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Sé que su sonrisa es falsa, sé que está triste.../I know her smile is fake, I know she's sad..."
"Groria" {Amiga/Friend} "Una gran amiga y una diosa muy poderosa.../A great friend and a very powerful Goddess..."
"Daniela" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Es muy ágil.../It is very agile..."
"Juan" {Confiable/Trustworthy} "Es alguien muy inteligente y se enoja fácilmente... Una pulga pequeña con gran carácter.../He is someone very intelligent and gets angry easily... A little flea with great character..."
-↓↓↓Personas que hacen que Arma sienta sentimientos↓↓↓-
-↓↓↓People who make Arma's feel feelings↓↓↓-
1. Neko-Player....
2. Aluz...
3. Azúarc...
4. Nomula...
5. Angelica...
6. Conde...
7. Groria...
8. Night...
G: Eso sería todo por ahora.../That would be it for now...
Hello Conde, Neko-Player y Conde son de {Hello Conde, Neko-Player and Conde are from}: @vanetheglitchfox
Mundo Oscuro y todos los demás personajes {Dark World and all the other characters}: Son míos... {They are mine...
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moonyplatt · 4 years
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A movie person ~ River and Payton au ~
River had not wanted to say it, but the words had come out of his mouth without him being able to stop them, and now Payton was next to him in his bed, with a pillow in his arms and a blanket over their heads.
He was amazed that Payton had agreed to this, he hadn't thought the boy was much of a movie person, he was always so busy with politics that he would have sworn he barely had time to sleep. But Payton never ceased to amaze him, and now River felt he loved him a little more.
They had finished their Mandarin lessons for the day and River hadn't wanted to leave yet, he loved spending time with Payton, cause when they were alone he was someone else, and River wanted to discover every layer of the boy.
He was falling too fast and that scared him.
Payton was smiling at the screen, and River couldn't help but smile too.
"What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" Payton put a hand on his nose, raising his glasses to clean up anything he might have. River laughed and looked back at the screen.
"No, I was just looking at you"
He felt Payton stiff by his side, alert and scared.
"Why?" he said slowly, his voice barely above a whisper.
River glanced at him, with a small smile, knowing that Payton liked his dimples. "Because I like to see you smile"
Payton opened his mouth, but nothing came out of it except a little "oh". River was beginning to regret what he had just said when the boy next to him blurted out "I like to see you smile too" he was blushing and didn't look at him in the eye.
He could feel Payton's nervousness at his side, he didn't want that, he wanted the boy to be comfortable at his side, but Payton seemed to freak out with the feelings.
"Hey" he said pushing him a little by the shoulders "Are you hungry?"
"Yes!" Payton blurted out Impulsively "I mean ... yeah, that would be fine"
"Come on then" River stood up and extended a hand towards the boy "I'm going to prepare the best dinner of your life, you're going to go crazy"
Payton chuckled and took his hand, relaxing as he stood up. "I can help you"
"You? Do you know how to cook? " He joked as he led him down the stairs.
"HEY! Of course I know how to cook" he accused him in a fake annoyed voice. "I am not my brothers"
"You could never be" River looked at him sideways, turning his head to look at the boy who was smiling shyly "You are better"
spanish down below 👇🏼
No había querido decirlo, pero las palabras habían salido de su boca sin que él pudiera detenerlas, y ahora Payton estaba a su lado en la cama, con un una almohada entre los brazos y una manta sobre sus cabezas. River estaba asombrado de que Payton hubiera accedido a esto, no había pensado que el chico fuera mucho de películas, siempre estaba tan ocupado con la política que habría jurado que apenas tenía tiempo para dormir. Pero Payton nunca dejaba de sorprenderlo, y ahora River sentía que lo quería un poquito más.
Habían terminado sus lecciones de mandarín del día y River no había querido irse aún, le encantaba pasar tiempo con Payton, porque cuando estaban solos era otra persona, y River quería descubrir cada capa del chico.
Estaba enamorándose demasiado rápido, y lo asustaba.
Payton estaba sonriendo, y River no pudo evitar sonreír también.
"¿Qué pasa? ¿Tengo algo en la cara?" Payton se llevo una mano a la nariz, levantando sus lentes para limpiar cualquier cosa que pudiera tener. River se rio y volvió a mirar hacia la pantalla.
"No, solo estaba mirándote"
Sintió a Payton quedarse quieto a su lado, atento y asustado.
"¿Por qué?" dijo lentamente, su voz apenas un susurro.
River lo miro de soslayo, con una pequeña sonrisa, sabedor de que a Payton le gustaban sus oyuelos. "Porque me gusta verte sonreír"
Payton abrió la boca, pero nada salió de ella, salvo un pequeño "oh". River estaba comenzando a arrepentirse de lo que acababa de decir cuando el chico a su lado soltó "Me gusta verte sonreír también" estaba sonrojado y no lo miraba a los ojos, River pensó que era adorable.
Podía notar el nerviosismo de Payton a su lado, él no quería eso, quería que el chico estuviera cómodo a su lado, pero Payton parecía enloquecer con los sentimientos.
"Hey" dijo empujándolo un poco por los hombros "¿Tienes hambre?"
"¡Sí!" Soltó Payton impulsivamente "Quiero decir...sí, estaría bien"
"Vamos entonces" River se puso de pie y extendió una mano hacia el chico "Te voy a preparar la mejor cena de tu vida, vas a enloquecer"
Payton rio entre dientes y tomó su mano, relajándose mientras se ponia en pie. "Pero puedo ayudarte también"
"¿Tú? ¿Sabes cocinar?" Bromeó mientras lo guiaba escaleras abajo.
"¡HEY! Por supuesto que sé como cocinar" lo acusó con una fingida voz de molestia. "No soy mis hermanos"
"Jamás podrías serlo" River lo miro de soslayo, girando su cabeza para mirar al chico que sonreía tímidamente ahora. "Eres mucho mejor"
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mr--clown · 4 years
The “needless to say” phrase
Esto es para ti @art-hurfleck​, sabes que te amo y por favor ya publica algo de tu arte (aunque sea para mí, ¿Si, si?) Lo he dejado en inglés y en español porque a veces cambio muchas cosas y además no pude decidir qué gif me gustaba más, así que... ahí van los dos. *Arthur’s thoughts*
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English: 1,035
You're eating cereal at the table, it's barely morning and you're already exhausted, you run your fingers through your hair and rub your neck, soulless. The hours seem long, exaggerated like the commas in my texts.
And Arthur looks at you as if his life was sustained by the most tousled strands of your hair. You hardly notice him next to you on the couch: so drenched are you in your problems, so sunk you seem in the milk of your bowl.
You don't know or imagine it, but a Monday morning is a Friday night for him as long as you're by his side, even if it's just having the most common cereal for breakfast.
You can't take your eyes off the TV, watching the same old clowns doing the same old shit to entertain the masses, argh, you hate politicians, no, hate no, they don't even deserve that.
But you prefer to immerse yourself in them, in the monotony, in the "reality" as you usually call it, instead of facing Arthur: sometimes you feel like he will get tired of you, of your instability and the innate capacity that you have to come down when everything seems too 'good' much.
But no, there are people who fall in love with chaos, there are beings who see beauty even in the picturesque way someone chews their flakes:
“Oh, Dani
I never thought love would knock on my door,
that it had the audacity to caress the rough face that I distinguish every day in the mirror,
I never thought I'd find it behind the gaze of a mischievous woman with a heart that bleeds as much as mine.
I never imagined that it would be possible to kiss a soul with as much passion as tenderness at the same time and release my ego with relief every time I squeeze your hand.
I never thought the sadness, which manifested itself as a barbed wire hugging my throat, could be softened only with the fresh touch of your lips against my forehead.
You don't understand but I love you, I love you like I have never loved anyone and I love you for reasons that even I can't understand.
I love you because you have stayed when the world has implored you to leave, I love you because you make me feel that I deserve to be loved and that it is worth fighting for me,
I love you because being fragile with you doesn't make me feel vulnerable, I love you because you're the muse that inspires me and because when you read something in my journal you turn the pages as if playing the harp.
And when you smile at them, God, when you smile at the pages I feel complete, I feel like I don't need more while the being that I love the most smiles at my lyrics no matter how crooked, absurd or bizarre they may be.
I love you for that, because you know how to flirt with my soul in a way not even angels could.
I love you even when you think I don't just because the rest links love with vain and wrong reasons, I'm not like that and you know it better than anyone. I know you're not like that either.
I love you because you give me life; your curves, your triangles and rectangles give me life, you are one of those works of art that my mother told me were in the Wayne mansion.
I love you because I feel like I need to write everything I live by your side: when you comb my locks and put your colorful hair clips all over my hair (duh, where else, right?), when you let me eat you whole on the table, when you tell me that I'm your all-capable man (a smile is drawn on my face every time I think about it, 'all-capable man', I know you mean it), when you wear my clothes because you say you like to see me only in my tighties (although you always end up taking them off too), when you leave my sweaters smelling of you, when you walk into my shower without asking for permission and slide your mouth over my wet and ticklish body, when you attack me with kisses while I'm trying to see Murray Franklin, when I go late to work because it occurs to someone that the sheets are not enough to warm us, when you dance with me and the world becomes so surreal that I would swear everything's a dream.
I can't believe you're with a man like me, that you want to touch me as much as I want to touch you ... Do you remember the first time we made love?
I make love to you every day since then Dan, since you get up and put the spoon on the cereal bowl with that typical and subtle delicacy of yours, until you get in the blankets and give me a soothing Colgate-flavored kiss.
I love you because you have taught me to love myself, to love what I do and that's something not everyone would dare to do, let alone with someone who was a lost case like me.
I admire you Dani, and every night when I see you sleep in our warm little bedroom I feel that my heart is going to explode with pure happiness.
I love you so much that I have cried many times for how overwhelming this feeling is, I cry because you love me and because fuck, I don't even know what I did so well in life to have you.
You are perfect, especially in pajamas when you don't let anyone see you apart from me: so natural, so different, so mine.
You frown at the TV and then laugh, I see you and can't help but wonder... How come someone can be everything at the same time?
I love you Dan, I love you, I love you, I love you. And I'm not going to stop saying it until it's well-recorded in your mind that...”
“I love you.”
You just smile.
“Liar, why would you do that?”
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Español: 970
Tú comes cereal sobre la mesa, es de mañana y ya estás agotada, pasas tus dedos por tu cabello y sobas tu cuello desangelada, las horas te parecen largas, exageradas como las comas de mis textos.
Y Arthur te mira como si su vida estuviera sostenida en tus cabellos más revueltos, a un lado tuyo en el sillón, sin que apenas te des cuenta por cuán empapada estás de tus problemas, cuán hundida pareces en la leche de tu plato.
No lo sabes, ni te lo imaginas, pero un lunes por la mañana para él es un viernes en la noche mientras tu estés a su lado, incluso si es sólo desayunando el más común de los cereales.
No apartas tu mirada de la tele, están los mismos payasos de siempre haciendo de todo menos divertir a la gente, uffff, como odias a los políticos, no, odiarlos no, ni siquiera eso merecen. Pero prefieres enfrascarte en ellos, en la monotonía, en la "realidad" como tú sueles llamarlo antes que confrontar a Arthur: a veces sientes que se cansará de ti, de tu inestabilidad y esa capacidad innata que tienes de venirte hacia abajo cuando todo parece demasiado 'bueno'.
Pero no, hay personas a las que el caos les enamora, hay seres que ven belleza incluso en la forma tan pintoresca en la que alguien mastica sus hojuelas:
“Nunca pensé que el amor tocaría a mi puerta, que tuviera la osadía de acariciar el rostro áspero que a diario distingo en el espejo.
Nunca pensé que lo encontraría tras la mirada de una mujer traviesa con un corazón que sangra tanto como el mío. Nunca imaginé que fuera posible besar un alma con tanta pasión como ternura al mismo tiempo y desprenderme con alivio de mi ego cada vez que aprieto tu mano.
Nunca creí que aquella tristeza que se manifestaba como un alambre de púas abrazando mi garganta se suavizara sólo con el toque fresco de tus labios contra mi frente.
No lo entiendes pero te amo, te amo como nunca había amado a nadie y te amo por razones que ni yo logro entender.
Te amo porque te has quedado cuando el mundo te ha implorado que te fueras, te amo porque me haces sentir que merezco ser amado y que vale la pena luchar por mí, te amo porque ser frágil contigo no me hace sentir vulnerable, te amo porque eres la musa que me inspira y porque cuando lees algo en mi diario pasas las hojas como si estuvieses tocando el arpa. Y cuando les sonríes, Dios, cuando les sonríes siento que estoy completo, que no necesito más mientras el ser que más amo sonría ante mis letras por más chuecas, absurdas o bizarras que éstas sean. Te amo por eso, porque sabes coquetear con mi alma de una forma que ni los ángeles podrían.
Te amo incluso porque crees que no lo hago, sólo porque el resto vincula al amor con razones vanas e incorrectas, yo no soy así y tú lo sabes mejor que nadie. Sé que tú tampoco eres así.
Yo te amo porque me das vida; tus curvas, tus triángulos y rectangulos me dan vida, tú eres una de esas obras de arte de las que mi mamá me contaba que había en casa de Thomas Wayne.
Bueno, eres mejor, no tan plástica.
Te amo porque siento que vale la pena escribir cada cosa que vivo a tu lado: cuando me peinas y pones tus broches coloridos en mi cabello, cuando me dejas comerte entera sobre la mesa, cuando me dices que soy tu hombre capaz de todo, ( se dibuja una sonrisa en mi rostro cada vez que lo pienso 'hombre capaz de todo', sé que lo dices en serio), cuando usas mi ropa porque dices que te gusta verme sólo en calzoncillos (aunque luego también me los quites) , cuando dejas mis suéteres oliendo a ti, cuando te metes a mi ducha sin pedir permiso y deslizas tu boca sobre mi cuerpo húmedo y cosquillento, cuando me atacas a besos a propósito mientras intento ver Murray Franklin, cuando voy tarde al trabajo porque a alguien se le ocurre que las sábanas no son suficiente para calentarnos, cuando bailas conmigo y el mundo se vuelve tan surreal que juraría que todo es un sueño.
No puedo creer que estés con un hombre como yo, que desees tocarme tanto como yo a ti... Recuerdas la primera vez que hicimos el amor? Te lo hago cada día desde entonces Dani, desde que te levantas y metes la cuchara al plato de cereal con tu típica y sutil delicadeza, hasta que te metes en las cobijas y me das un beso adormilado con sabor a Colgate.
Te amo porque me has enseñado a amarme a mí mismo, a amar lo que hago y eso es algo que no cualquiera se atrevería a hacer, menos con alguien que parecía un caso perdido como yo. Te admiro Dan, y cada noche cuando te veo dormir en nuestra pequeña y cálida alcoba siento que me va a explotar el corazón de la felicidad.
Te amo tanto que he llegado a llorar por lo sobrecogedor que es este sentimiento, lloro porque me quieres y porque joder, no sé qué tan bueno habré hecho yo en la vida para tenerte.
Eres perfecta, sobre todo en pijama cuando no dejas que nadie te vea más que yo: tan natural, tan diferente, tan mía.
Le frunces el ceño al televisor y después ríes, ¿cómo es que alguien puede serlo todo al mismo tiempo?
Te amo Dani, te amo, te amo, te amo.
Y no voy a parar de decirlo hasta que en tu mente quede bien grabado que yo...”
“Te amo.”
Tú sólo sonríes.
“Mentiroso, ¿por qué lo harías?”
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ourotakuparadise · 5 years
Relationship headcanon with Erza, Juvia & Mira
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Ela quer ser o mais perfeita possível para seu amante sendo exigente de si mesma;
Erza faz o possível e impossível para que cada momento seja memorável e inesquecível;
Provavelmente seu amante teria que dizer a ela que ser perfeita em tudo não é ruim;
Erza seria uma bagunça corada quando seu amante lhe dissesse que gosta de estar com ela como ela é desde o mais simples gesto ou qualidade até dizer que ama seus defeitos;
Nossa Titânia sabe ser amável e carinhosa do jeito dela quando quer;
Só precisa de tempo e confiança para ela baixar os escudos e a armadura que esconde seu coração;
Essa pobre donzela guerreira tem suas inseguranças como qualquer um pois ela não está acostumada a demonstrarem afeição ou carinho a ela (a maioria tem medo dela);
Algumas vezes seu parceiro precisa mostrar o quanto a ama;
Presentes inesperados sem ser em datas comemorativas a pegam de guarda baixa;
Ela ficaria confusa e uma bagunça mais vermelha que seu cabelo se seu amante dissesse nesses momentos: “Quando vi isso na loja, eu logo pensei em você”;
Erza agradeceria gaguejando mais da metade da frase e dizendo coisas desconexas ou trazendo assuntos aleatórios sem nenhuma conexão com o momento em questão;
Mesmo nos mais simples gestos de amor a fazem feliz e ela agradece a vida por encontrar um parceiro que a ama como ela é.
Ela ama cada momento que possa estar ao lado do amante dela;
Todo o tipo de programa como encontros sejam simples ou sofisticados ela simplesmente ama!
E se o parceiro dela pedir para usarem roupas combinando?
Oh! Ela está no paraíso!
Sinceramente ela tem um altar ou um santuário com tudo sobre seu amante;
Não há dúvidas que ela guarda no templo/altar o primeiro presente que seu amante lhe deu mesmo que fosse uma bola de brinquedo;
Seu quarto tem a temática de tudo possível a respeito de seu parceiro, em especial pelúcias feitas à mão (ela fez todas);
Qualquer demonstração de afeto mesmo que pequena para ela é estar em um paraíso particular;
Toda vez que seu amante diz a ela “Eu te amo”, Juvia sente como a fecha do cupido a atingisse como no dia em que se apaixonou por seu parceiro;
Juvia ama seu amante de todo coração e alma.
Ela é extremamente atenciosa e zelosa;
Algumas vezes ela parece agir como uma mãe do que como uma namorada para seu parceiro;
Mas é isso que a torna encantadora;
Mira não é exigente quanto a encontros ou presentes;
Estar com seu parceiro é o bastante;
Obviamente que ela aprecia cada gesto de amor que seu amante lhe faz;
Como um piquenique surpresa repleto de comida caseira ou presentes artesanais pois para ela há um significado maior;
Ela ama demonstrar seu afeto mesmo que por um sorriso (abençoado pelo sol por ser tão radiante);
Ela é extremamente compreensiva quando o seu amante está em um mal momento e estará para ajudar no que puder;
Mira quer a mais pura felicidade para ambos, ela já é feliz por ter seu amante com ela.
She wants to be as perfect as possible for her lover by being demanding of herself;
Erza makes the possible and impossible so that each moment is memorable and unforgettable;
Probably her lover would have to tell her that being perfect in everything is not bad;
Erza would be a flushed mess when her lover told her that she likes to be with her as she is from the simplest gesture or quality until she says she loves her faults;
Our Titania knows how to be kind and affectionate in her way whenever she wants;
All it takes is time and confidence for her to lower the shields and armor that hides her heart;
This poor warrior maiden has her insecurities as anyone because she is not accustomed to show affection or affection to her (most are afraid of her);
Sometimes your partner needs to show how much you love her;
Unexpected gifts without being on commemorative dates to take low guard;
She would be confused and a mess redder than her hair if her lover said at such times: “When I saw this in the store, I soon thought of you”;
Erza would be grateful for stammering more than half the sentence and saying unconnected things or bringing random subjects with no connection to the moment in question;
Even the simplest gestures of love make her happy and she thanks her life for finding a partner who loves her as she is.
She loves every moment that she can stand beside her lover;
Every kind of program like dating is simple or sophisticated she just loves!
What if her partner asked to wear matching clothes?
Oh! She is in paradise!
Honestly, she has an altar or a shrine with everything about her lover;
There is no doubt that she holds in the temple / altar the first gift her lover gave her even if it was a toy ball;
Your bedroom has the all-possible theme regarding your partner, especially handmade plushies (she made them all);
Any demonstration of even small affection for her is to be in a particular paradise;
Every time her lover says to her, “I love you,” Juvia senses how the cupid’s date struck her as on the day she fell in love with her partner;
Juvia loves her lover with all her heart and soul.
She is extremely helpful and caring;
Sometimes she seems to act like a mother rather than as a girlfriend to her partner;
But that’s what makes it lovely;
Mira is not picky about dates or presents;
Being with your partner is enough;
Obviously, she appreciates every gesture of love her lover gives her;
Like a surprise picnic filled with homemade food or handmade gifts because for her there is a greater meaning;
She loves to show her affection even by a smile (blessed by the sun for being so radiant);
She is extremely understanding when her lover is in a bad time and will be there to help in whatever he can;
Mira wants the purest happiness for both of them, she is already happy to have her lover with her.
Ella quiere ser lo más perfecta posible para su amante siendo exigente de sí misma;
Erza hace lo posible e imposible para que cada momento sea memorable e inolvidable;
Probablemente su amante tendría que decirle que ser perfecta en todo no es malo;
Erza sería un lío colorado cuando su amante le dijese que le gusta estar con ella como ella es desde el más simple gesto o calidad hasta decir que ama sus defectos;
Nuestra Titania sabe ser amable y cariñosa de la manera de ella cuando quiere;
Sólo necesita tiempo y confianza para ella bajar los escudos y la armadura que esconde su corazón;
Esta pobre doncella guerrera tiene sus inseguridades como cualquiera porque no está acostumbrada a demostrar afecto o cariño a ella (la mayoría tiene miedo de ella);
Algunas veces su pareja necesita mostrar cuánto la ama;
Regalos inesperados sin ser en fechas conmemorativas la toma de guardia baja;
Ella se confunde y un desorden más rojo que su cabello si su amante dijera en esos momentos: “Cuando vi esto en la tienda, pronto pensé en ti”;
Erza agradecería tartamudeando más de la mitad de la frase y diciendo cosas desconexas o trayendo temas aleatorios sin ninguna conexión con el momento en cuestión;
Incluso en los más simples gestos de amor la hacen feliz y ella agradece la vida por encontrar un compañero que la ama como ella es.
Ella ama cada momento que pueda estar al lado del amante de ella;
¡Todo tipo de programa como encuentros son simples o sofisticados que simplemente ama!
¿Y si su pareja la pide para usar ropa combinando?
Oh! ¡Ella está en el paraíso!
Sinceramente ella tiene un altar o un santuario con todo sobre su amante;
No hay duda de que ella guarda en el templo / altar el primer regalo que su amante le dio aunque fuera una bola de juguete;
Su habitación tiene la temática de todo lo posible acerca de su pareja, en especial peluches hechos a mano (ella hizo todas);
Cualquier demostración de afecto aunque pequeña para ella es estar en un paraíso particular;
Cada vez que su amante le dice “Te quiero”, Juvia siente como la cierra del cupido la alcanzaba como el día en que se enamoró de su pareja;
Juvia ama a su amante de todo corazón y alma.
Ella es extremadamente servicial y celosa;
Algunas veces parece actuar como una madre que como una novia para su pareja;
Pero eso es lo que la hace encantadora;
Mira no es exigente en cuanto a encuentros o regalos;
Estar con su pareja es suficiente;
Obviamente ella aprecia cada gesto de amor que su amante le hace;
Como un picnic sorpresa repleto de comida casera o regalos artesanales pues para ella hay un significado mayor;
Ella ama demostrar su afecto aunque por una sonrisa (bendecido por el sol por ser tan radiante);
Ella es extremadamente comprensiva cuando su amante está en un mal momento y estará para ayudar en lo que pueda;
Mira quiere la más pura felicidad para ambos, ella ya es feliz de tener a su amante con ella.
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Life after death. Part 1. Joe Mazzello!Eugene Sledge.
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AN: I said like 4 hours ago that I was waiting to write this, but I’m so inspired that... this happened. If you want to be tagged so you don't miss the following parts, you just have to ask!! Remember my requests are always open. The spanish version of the fic is after the english one.
Summary: Eugene meets the reader right after coming back from war.
Words: 920.
Warnings: none.
Eugene went down the stairs, wearing that black suit he buyed before the war, and he found his mom.
"Eugene, aren't you wearing your soldier uniform?" he looked at her through the mirror in the house entrance.
"No, mother. I prefer this one." she nodded, trying to find out why he would do that.
"Have a good time." they heard the horn of Sidney's car. Eugene just nodded.
Once they got to the place, Eugene did what he had been doing since he came back from war, observe, observe the results of a war. Everyone danced, as if anything hadn't happened, as if the whole world hadn't staggered during some years. He looked to the room until he found the only person who was alone too. A young girl, his age, with her brown hair collected on her head, with a very simple sky blue dress and red lips. Arms crossed, she was also observing the room, until her eyes met the exmarine's. After a while, he walked out the room, and she followed him some minutes after that. She found him sitting in the stairs, she sat by his side.
"You look like the loneliest man of the world." the boy looked at her with... admiration? She reached out her hand. "(Y/N)(Y/LN)"
"Eugene Sledge" he hold her hand, smiling. "I don't know of the planet, maybe I'm the loneliest of the party. But it looks like you too." the girl smiled, looking at the folds of her dress.
"I've came by obligation, this is not my type of environment."
"Who brought you here?"
"A friend that must be inside, dancing with any guy dressed as a soldier. Who brought you?"
"A friend who wants me to do things of ex-soldier."
"Ex-soldier?" Eugene nodded. "Where is your costume?" (Y/N) asked with sarcasm, Eugene laughed.
“At home, I don't want to wear that thing for the rest of my life." she nodded, in her eyes there was a weird look of approbation towards her new acquaintance. She looked at the sky and he observed her.
"You're lucky you came back." Sledge nodded, he felt like he could trust her. He liked her, she was one of the most beautiful woman he had ever met "I think I'm going home."
"Can I walk you home?"
"Of course, Eugene Sledge. Let me tell my friend" while she went inside, the boy waited outside, looking at the sky clear of bomb smoke that let him see the stars. "Let's go." her voice said accompanied by her heels. "I live near."
During the short walk to her house, they small talked until they got to the door of her yard.
"(Y/N), I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me." Eugene said nervous.
"I'd love to, Eugene. I can't tomorrow, but what about friday?"
"Friday is perfect"
(Y/N) smiled at the marine, "I'll wait for you here, at eight o'clock."
Eugene went back home, smiling, with his heart racing still. How could the heart of a man that lived the worst living conditions still beat that fast at a smile with red lips of a girl he just met?
The next morning his friend Sidney appeared on his yard.
"Sledge, where did you went last night?" Eugene looked above the newspaper he was reading.
"I walked someone home."
"Who's someone?" a half smiled appeared on Eugene's face "Eugene Sledge, did you met a girl last night?"
"Can I borrow your car tomorrow?"
"For what do you want my car?"
"For taking her out to dinner"
"So you really met someone last night." Eugene nodded. "Of course you can take my car." he slapped on his back.
The next day, Eugene was at eight o'clock at (Y/N)'s front door. He took some air and knocked the door. A man near his 60s opened the door, with a not friendly look.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Eugene Sledge, mr. (Y/LN). I came to see (Y/N)" just when he was going to answer a woman appeared behind him.
"You must be Eugene, come in, please, (Y/N) is coming in a moment." she smiled.
"Thank you, mrs. (Y/LN)"
"Please, call me Helen." they heard the sound of some heels going down the stairs, two skinny legs were going down to where they were.
"Mom, do you know where the earrings that...?" she stopped when she saw Eugene,
"Eugene, I didn't know you were already here." he smiled.
"I can wait as long as you want."
"No, no, it's fine." they both said goodbye to mr. and mrs. (Y/LN). Once they were outside (Y/N) said: "I'm sorry if they said something inappropriate."
"They didn't have enough time." Eugene looked at her, she was wearing a red dress that looked amazing on her body. "You look beautiful."
"I though compliments were at the end of the night, Eugene." she blushed.
"I thought it necessary telling you now."
"Nice car." she said while Eugene opened her door, then she went to the driver's one.
"It's not mine, but you can't tell anyone, it's a secret" she nodded, smiling.
Durind dinner they talk about everything and nothing at the same time. But they laughed a lot. Eugene discovered in (Y/N) a very peculiar person, free and very happy; unlike the other girls, she didn't care about what the rest of humanity thought.
"I'd like to see you again." Eugene said when he parked on her street. She opened the car door and smiled saying:
"Come tomorrow at twelve, I want to show you my favorite place."
Eugene bajó las escaleras, con el traje negro de antes de la guerra, para encontrarse con su madre.
“Eugene, ¿no vas a ponerte el uniforme?” el chico le miró a través del espejo situado en la entrada de la casa.
“No, madre. Me gusta más este.” Ella asintió, intentando entender el por qué de esa decisión.
“Pásalo bien.” Oyeron el claxon del coche de Sidney, Eugene solo asintió.
Una vez allí, Eugene hizo lo que era propio de él desde que había vuelto de la guerra, observar, observar los resultados de una guerra. Todos bailaban, como si no hubiera ocurrido nada, como si el mundo no se hubiera tambaleado durante varios años. Registró la habitación con la mirada hasta que encontró a la otra única persona que también estaba sola. Una chica, joven, de su edad, con el pelo moreno recogido, un vestido muy simple, azul claro, y los labios rojos. Con los brazos cruzados, ella también observaba la habitación, hasta que sus ojos se toparon con los del exmarine. Pasado un rato él salió de la sala, y ella, decidida, lo siguió unos minutos después. Lo encontró sentado en unas escaleras, sus tacones se aproximaron, y se sentó a su lado.
“Pareces el hombre más solitario del planeta.” El chico la miró, con cierta… ¿admiración? Le tendió su mano. “(Y/N) (Y/LN)”
“Eugene Sledge.” Apretó su mano, sonriendo. “Del planeta no lo se, de la fiesta si. Pero parece que tú no te quedas atrás.” La chica sonrió, mirando a los pliegues de su vestido.
“He venido obligada, este no es mi tipo de ambiente.”
“¿Quién te ha obligado?”
“Una amiga, que debe estar dentro, bailando con cualquier tipo vestido de soldado. ¿A ti quién te ha traído?”
“Un amigo que quiere que haga cosas de excombatiente”
“¿Excombatiente?“ Eugene asintió “¿Y tú disfraz?” preguntó (Y/N), con sarcasmo, Eugene rió.
“En casa, no quiero volver a usarlo en lo que me queda de vida.” Ella asintió, de repente en sus ojos había un extraño sentimiento de aprobación hacia su nuevo conocido. Miró al cielo, él la observó.
“Tienes mucha suerte de haber vuelto.” Sledge asintió, sentía que podía confiar en ella. Le gustaba, era una de las chicas más guapas que había conocido. “Creo que me voy a ir a casa.”
“¿Puedo acompañarte?”
“Claro, Eugene Sledge. Deja que avise a mi amiga.” Mientras ella entraba otra vez, el chico se quedó fuera, mirando a un cielo despejado de humo de bombas, que le dejaba ver las estrellas. “Vámonos.” Dijo una voz acompañada de unos tacones. “Vivo cerca”
Durante el corto trayecto, hablaron de banalidades hasta que llegaron a la puerta del jardín de la chica.
“(Y/N), me preguntaba si te gustaría salir a cenar, conmigo, un día de estos.” Eugene habló nervioso.
“Me encantaría, Eugene. Mañana no puedo, ¿qué te parece el viernes?”
“El viernes es perfecto.”
(Y/N) sonrió al marine, “Te esperaré aquí a las ocho.”
Eugene volvió a casa, sonriente, todavía con el corazón palpitante. ¿Cómo el corazón de un hombre que había estado en las peores condiciones todavía latía así de r��pido ante la sonrisa de labios rojos de una chica?
A la mañana siguiente su amigo Sidney apareció en su jardín.
“Sledge, ¿dónde te metiste anoche?” Eugene miró sobre el periódico que estaba leyendo.
“Acompañé a alguien a casa.”
“¿A qué alguien?” Una media sonrisa se formó en la cara de Eugene “Eugene Sledge, ¿conociste a una chica ayer?”
“¿Me dejas tú coche mañana?” ignoró la pregunta de su amigo.
“¿Para qué quieres mi coche?”
“Para llevarla a cenar.”
“Entonces de verdad conociste a alguien anoche.” Eugene asintió. “Claro que puedes coger el coche.” Le dijo dándole una palmada en el hombro
 Al día siguiente, Eugene estaba a las ocho en punto en la puerta de la casa de (YN). Cogió aire y llamó a la puerta. Abrió un señor con una edad cercana a los 60 años. Con una cara no muy amigable.
“¿Quién eres?”
“Soy Eugene Sledge, señor (Y/LN). Vengo a buscar a (Y/N)” justo cuando el señor iba a responder, una señora apareció.
“Tú debes de ser Eugene, pasa, por favor, (Y/N) está a punto de bajar.” Dijo sonriente.
“Gracias, señora (Y/LN)”
“Por favor, llámame Helen.” Se oyeron tacones en las escaleras, unas escuálidas piernas bajaban a la planta baja.
“Mamá, ¿sabes donde están los pendientes que…?” la chica calló al ver a Eugene. “Eugene, no sabía que estabas ya aquí.” Eugene sonrió.
“Puedo esperar lo que quieras.”
“No, no, da igual.” Ambos se despidieron de los señores (Y/LN). Una vez fuera (Y/N) dijo: “Siento si han dicho algo inapropiado.”
“No les ha dado tiempo a nada.” Eugene la observó, llevaba un vestido rojo que se ajustaba perfectamente a su cuerpo. “Estás preciosa.”
“Pensaba que los cumplidos iban al final de la noche, Eugene.” Ella se sonrojó.
“Pensaba que era necesario decírtelo ahora.”
“Bonito coche.” Dijo ella mientras Eugene le abría la puerta, después de cerrarla dio la vuelta para entrar al asiento del conductor.
“No es mío, pero no puedes decírselo a nadie, es un secreto.” Ella asintió sonriente.
Durante la cena hablaron un poco de todo y un poco de nada. Pero rieron mucho. Descubrió en (Y/N) una persona peculiar, libre y muy feliz; que a diferencia de las demás chicas, le daba igual lo que el resto de la humanidad pensara.
“Me gustaría verte otra vez.” Dijo Eugene cuando aparcó en su calle. Ella abrió la puerta del coche y desde fuera sonrió diciendo:
“Ven mañana sobre las 12, quiero enseñarte mi sitio favorito.”
tag list: @almurg @multifandomgirl16 @valentinasancia @mrsmazzello
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