#as a Spanish speaker this hurt to write
fnibbit-fanart · 1 year
Trying some Leo angst
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Original post is from @lotus-1313 (thanks for putting this idea into my head)
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Show me where it hurts (part 1)
Miguel O'Hara x spiderwoman!reader
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(AO3 Mirror), Part 2, Main Masterlist
summary: Miguel's acting weird, and you make it your mission to find out exactly what's going on.
warnings: no warnings for this chap, pg-13, swearing and canon level violence. smut next chapter xoxo
a/n: this is a combination of 2 asks and this post I saw on here a while ago: flirty/ snarky fem reader, Miguel during a ""rut"" (I don't know if it counts as a rut really, but its to do with his animal instincts/DNA) and Lyla playing matchmaker.  I had so much fun writing this, enjoy :D
(i wrote this pre seeing spiderverse 2, so i think characterisation is a little off, esp for Lyla, apologies! I'll fix it in my upcoming fics)
edit: I use the term "bichita" which I have been informed can be read not as I intended in Spanish. I'm not a native speaker so I want to apologise in advance. I'm doing more research for my future fics and leaving this up as a testament to my stupidity. Spanish speakers, feel free to correct me / clown my ass in the comments. My bad guys :(
wc: 3.6k
You think Miguel is avoiding you. 
One of your closest friends, giving you the runaround for months, it seems. Calling the two of you close friends is a little extreme, sure. You've only known O'Hara for two years, and been in love with him for slightly less than that, thank you very much. And yes, he refuses to call you by anything but your last name. And the last time you saw him he wouldn't so much as look at you, but that was besides the point. 
"..the point," You tell Lyla, in between exasperated bites of cereal, "... is that aren't elite forces of spiderpeople supposed to, you know, have some spiderpeople kick ass once in a while? And where exactly is our fearless leader? I haven't seen O'Hara's scary ass in weeks, and I'm starting to miss it."
She gives you a look, one that says this isn't what I'm programmed for , but you pointedly ignore it. 
"His ass, by the way." You clarify. "I very specifically miss his ass. Remind me to get his routine. I know girls that would kill for…"
"How the fuck did you get in here?" A voice croaks. You turn behind you and see Miguel, not in his suit, but wrapped up in a blanket like he's just woken up. And he looks rough, like a train ran him over on the way here: puffy eyes, splotchy skin, tension kneaded into his brow. 
"Wow." Your spoon drops into the milk. "You look like shit.." 
He furrows his brow even deeper, if that was possible. " Mierda. You shouldn't be here." 
"This isn't quite the welcome party I was expecting, man. I'm the only one to actually turn up to one of your meetings, and this is what I get?" 
"I thought I told Lyla to cancel," He mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
"Cancel? Since when do you miss a chance to talk about rules and protocol?" 
"I don't have time for this-" 
"-and I'm not leaving without a proper explanation. Is everything okay?" 
"It's actually way worse now you're here." He deadpans. 
"Haha ." You turn to Lyla. "You drop everything to travel halfway across the multiverse and this asshole won't even say thanks." 
"Thanks, but this asshole needs you to leave. Now." 
This is the most he's spoken to you in forever, and you hate that you like it. You just want his attention, however it comes. If that means dragging this out so maybe he acknowledges you, touches you, looks at you - then so be it. Squinting, you get closer to him. You scan his face for anything to latch onto. You put a hand on his shoulder, still searching. 
"You sure you're alright? You know you can tell me if-" 
"Si, si." He grits his teeth, looking away. "M'just fine. I'll explain…. later."
"...because I'm your right hand man?" You grin, poking at his brow. "Stop frowning so much Miguel, you're gonna ruin that pretty face of yours."
He flushes, nervous, and swats you away. "-what? N-No. You're not my right hand man and I like my face just the way it is. Now, leave. "
Making your way to the door, you tap your nose teasingly. "You know where to find me!" 
When the door closes with a click, you make your way down the corridor, and stop in your tracks when you hear it. It's muffled, but with the strain of your supersenses you can make out Miguel's voice just beyond the wall. 
"I just…. don't want her to see me like this… Lyla, it's not happening… I can't tell her…." Tell her what, exactly? 
Resolutely, you make up your mind. Miguel O'Hara's got a secret. And before you leave for home, you're gonna do everything in your God given power to wear him down and find out. 
Despite his insistence otherwise, you liked to think of yourself as O'Hara's right hand man - and most of the other spiderpeople thought so too. You were one of the very first he recruited, after crash landing onto your earth like a spiderman-shaped meteor; the two of you were inseparable. Miguel was stubborn and headstrong and thought he was right all the time. Infuriatingly, he was, but that didn't stop you from telling him to get his head out of his own ass when his ego grew too big. 
He was different around you, you think. Softer, sometimes. Harsher, other times. He told you what you needed to hear whether you wanted to or not; the result of mutual respect and agonising persistence. Slowly, you had chipped away his hard exterior; the one he built because he thought he needed to push people away. In that regard, you were similar, but this need manifested in you like a weed - an awful, awful compulsion to joke and laugh at your own expense, to keep others at an arm's length. You had spent your whole life picking and pruning away at yourself, looking for perfection. Even after all this, multiverse-hopping and fighting alongside people who were the closest things you had to friends , it wasn't enough. There was still something missing. 
Ironically, Miguel had told you something similar the one of the last times you had spoken. You had fucked up a mission, well and truly. In the aftermath, all you can remember is coming back to base, limping on Jessica's arm. 
"She's hurt!" She cries out. Lyla materialises and leads you both to the med bay, inspecting any visible wounds. There's a deep laceration, sticky with blood, at the base of your stomach. You shift onto the bed and hiss with pain. 
Miguel is quick to follow, face twisted with confusion, pain, sadness. Even in your haze, you feel the tension radiating off of him as he drags over a cart of supplies. 
"What happened?" He strains. 
"I don't even… it happened so fast. We got ambushed, and all of a sudden I'm on the ground. I wasn't thinking straight and… " She sobs. "...she jumped in front of me. God, she saved my life-" 
"-wasn't your fault, Jess." You croak, trying to sit up. "And I'm fine. Just need to walk it off…"
"Sit, bichita," His nickname makes you frown, despite yourself, and you settle back down. "Lyla, what's the damage?"
Your vision goes spotty, and Lyla's voice barely registers. All you can feel is searing pain in your side, but Miguel is warm, oh so warm. You clutch his arms, and force him to look you in the eye. 
"M'ready, Miguel." He nods weakly, but you don't think he understands. "I mean it . I can lead, j-just need another chance and I won't let you down… Jess, tell him that I can-" 
"It's okay. I believe you. You just need to relax for me, hmm?" He clutches at your hand, tight, and it's like you're the only two people in the world. "You did good. I promise."
Faintly, you nod. You feel a pinch at your arm, and Jessica's there, with an empty vial of something in her hands. The pain washes over you, and you fight to keep your eyes open. In those last few moments of light, you swear you feel a shaky kiss pressed to your temple. 
"Sleep, mi bichito amoroso. Sleep."
When you come to, you're still in the medbay, moonlight streaming through. Well, artificial moonlight. Time worked a little differently here, something Miguel explained to you a while ago - God knows what about dilation and quantum interference. It makes you smile now, remembering his frustration as he tried to explain to no avail. You were the only spiderman this side of the multiverse without a degree in quantum tech, you had said with a lopsided smile. 
You move to sit, and pain shoots up your side. Groaning, you push through it, determined to get out of this bed and find the others. As if on cue, Miguel walks in, almost leaping towards you. 
"You should… mierda ! You should be resting in bed."
You pout as you stumble into his chest. He hooks an arm around you and leads you back. You clamber in, sighing. "M'fine, O'Hara."
"Your guts were halfway out of your body less than 24 hours ago. So stay put, or you might give me another heart attack."
You scoff, incredulous. "You were worried?" 
He shrugs. " 'Course I was."
"Why? You know I'm practically indestructible." You give him a shit eating grin, and poke the frown appearing at his brow. He doesn't bat you away like he usually does. 
"Famous last words, bichita." He sighs. You can't speak a lick of Spanish, but you know he only calls you that word when you've frustrated him to his limit. So you take it as a win, for now. 
He drops into the chair next to you. "How are you feeling?" 
"Just peachy, dollface." You wink, and he doesn't so much as groan. 
"I'm being serious. You went through something pretty traumatic…"
"You want me to tell you it hurts, so, so bad, daddy? " You pout and flutter your eyelashes mockingly. Miguel shifts in his seat, unable to make eye contact. 
"That's not what I meant."
"What did you mean, O'Hara? I feel fine. And in a couple of days, I'll feel even better, and I'll be up and about. I can finish what we started and-" 
"-no, absolutely not." He frowns. "A couple of days? I'm sending you home-" 
"You can't do that! On whose fucking authority?"
"On the authority of you almost fucking died ! Keeping you safe is our priority right now-" 
"God, is this my punishment? This is a low blow, O'Hara. You know how hard I've worked for this: months of surveillance and intel a-and I did everything by the book, just like you told me to." You croak. "I fucked up . I know that, and I feel terrible. Give me a chance to make things right; that's all I'm asking. I can do it, I know it. "
He looks at you for a moment, something heavy in his expression. His face contorted, he strips you down to the bone with just his gaze. His voice is so quiet, you almost miss it. 
"....you're still trying to prove yourself, aren't you?"
Honestly, it catches you off guard. You don't even know what the fuck that means, let alone why he said it.
"I don't… I d-don't…?" 
"They all love you. Respect you. More than me I think, sometimes." He chuckles at that. "You're good at what you do. The best . What else are you trying to prove? What else do you need ?" 
Your throat goes dry. You couldn't speak if you wanted to. 
"I'm not punishing you. You made a mistake, but you don't need to be crucified for it. I just want to keep you safe. I can't… we can't lose you."
"-this isn't a discussion. And I'm not trying to argue, although I know how much you like to argue." He inches closer, cupping your face gently. You try to move away, blinking back tears. But his hands are steady and he strokes your jaw with so much tenderness you think you hear your heart break. He's pretty, so pretty. You don't deserve him, you think. "There'll be time to fight, bichita. Rest. That's your mission right now."
"C-can't sleep." You breathe. "It hurts." 
Miguel pauses, head tilted like he's thinking. He taps your shoulder. "Scoot over."
You do as he says, and he slips into the bed with you. It's a tight fit, but he manages, placing you on his chest with an arm gently around your shoulders. You bury your face in his hoodie, sniffling and hoping he doesn't notice you choking back sobs. Absentmindedly, he settles into a rhythm, gentle breathing and playing with your hair, soothing you softly. He pretends he can't hear the tears. 
"M'gonna stay here until you're asleep. For as long as you need."
You nod, unable to speak for fear of breaking down. 
The days after felt like a blur. You woke up to Miguel gone, and an ache in your heart. Jess visits as much as she can, and Ben calls you a couple times, to see if you're okay. Peter B brings Mayday, and she clambers all over your bed, bringing some life into the room. Miguel doesn't visit per se - you hear whispers of him, Lyla visiting in his stead for comprehensive status updates. Once, you wake up in the night to see him on the adjacent chair, head lolling in deep sleep. He looks peaceful, calm - one of the first times you haven't seen his brow furrowed with worry. Of course, he's gone by the morning. 
The very last time you saw him, he opened the portal home. It was weird, after everything, but if Miguel felt the same you wouldn't know. Talking at a thousand miles a minute, he alternates between assuring you they'll be fine without you and situation reports from spider people all across the multiverse. Things you'd missed whilst bedbound, asking for advice before you left. He trusted your judgement and the thought warmed your heart, almost making you forget that he completely brushed past the previous nights before. 
You still remember the last thing he had said to you, which would've been weeks ago, now. 
"...and if you need anything, and I mean anything, you call me directly. Not Jess, not Ben, and certainly not Peter B. Call me, and I'll answer, I promise. You need help, you need advice, you just need someone to talk to, then-"
"-I call you. I get it, O'Hara. Will do." He opens the portal, watching as you walk towards it. He can't take his eyes off of you, even though you can't see him. At the last moment you turn, and run towards him. You almost knock him over with a hug. Burying his head in the crook of your shoulder, he hugs you back, ever careful of your injury. Separating, your smile almost knocks him over again. Weakly, he smiles back as you head through the portal, back home. 
You're left with that feeling, of his arms around your body - warm, so warm - as you putter about by the switchboard. After careful deliberation (you were really, really bored ) you'd taken to manage the Multi Modal Multiversal Switchboard - as aptly named by Miguel. Everyone else called it the Big Red Phone of course, but he had insisted on calling it by its proper name . Every. Time. 
The thought makes you chuckle as you call up Peter B. His icon flashes on the screen in front of you. With a click, he picks up the call, his face materialising holographically in front you. A little hand reaches up and tugs at his ear. 
"Ow… ouch … Dad's on the phone, honey."
"Aww! How's my favourite Parker doing?" 
"Not bad, actually! MJ just made us probably the best burger this side of New York-"
"-sorry, Peter? Me and May are trying to have a conversation." You hear her giggle in the background. Her gap toothed grin pops into frame and she babbles excitedly. "...yeah, exactly May. That's literally what I said."
"Okay, okay, that's enough." He puts the toddler down and watches her scurry away. "You're feeling better, I see."
"Yeah, back in action. Thought I'd check in."
"All good here." He squints, trying to take in your surroundings. "You're at HQ?" 
You hum.
"Could've sworn Lyla cancelled…"
"Yeah, didn't get the memo. But I think something's wrong with O'Hara."
He gives you a weird look. "Uhhh, what makes you think that?" 
"He won't even look at me. Was it something I said? Something I did?" Your eyes narrow. "...what do you know, Peter?"
"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" He scoffs, a little too quickly, clutching his chest like you've offended him. He's stared down some of the scariest villains around, but the look you give him is truly chilling. "Just… uhhh. You didn't hear this from me." 
"We tracked 'em down, the guys that ambushed you and Jessica."
"The Sinister Six? From Earth-215?"
"Yeah, but by the time we got there, it was just Kraven and some of his goons. Miguel got there first, and…." He gulps. "He was pissed. Trashed the whole place looking for the rest of 'em. Beat Kraven half to death and we had to pull him off."
"Yeah, it was pretty rough. Never seen him like that before. And just generally? He'd been weirdly quiet, a little grumpy, more aggressive on missions. I don't know what's gotten into him."
"Hmmm. Thanks, Pete."
"No problem, sweetheart. And if the big guy asks… "
"...this didn't come from you, I know." Weakly, you smile. "Say hi to my favourite Parkers, for me." 
" 'Course I will. We should celebrate, if you're back officially. Mine and MJ's is always open."
"Good to know. I'll see you around."
He waves goodbye, and the hologram clicks off. Sighing, you try to piece together what you've just heard. 
Miguel: acting weird. Well, you knew that already. Aggressive was new. And Lyla? She had canceled, but not for you, for some reason. An honest mistake, perhaps. But Lyla doesn't make mistakes… 
You stew for a couple of hours, puttering about the switchboard, twiddling your thumbs. Something's wrong, and for some reason you're afraid to see him. To have him look straight through you, again, when you ask to do the same. Show me where it hurts. Tell me how to make it better.  
On the way there, you chew your lip in anticipation. In the corridor, you're outside the door to his place, hand hovering above the door. To knock, to call. In the harsh fluorescent light, you hesitate. 
"Lyla?" Nervously, you sink down onto the floor. It's hard to explain, but you don't expect her to actually come; to materialise in front of you. 
"How can I assist you?" She says with a ding. 
"Uhh… hi. Just wanted to talk." You pause, clicking your tongue. "Can you be honest with me?" 
"I can only be honest with you. It is not in my programming to lie, unless specified by my owner."
"Sure. Cool. It's about him, actually. Is Miguel okay?" 
She tilts her head, as if processing your request. "Okay is a subjective term. Is Mr O'Hara alive? Yes. Is Mr O'Hara physically well? Yes. By those terms, he is okay ."
Too vague for your own liking. "I guess I meant more… his emotional state. To the best of your knowledge… in your opinion , Lyla: is Miguel okay?" 
"...I believe Mr O'Hara is experiencing some emotional turmoil."
You frown. "Oh. Do you know why?" 
"Mr O'Hara has instructed me not to disclose that information with you."
"Fair enough. But you don't have to tell me… I could just ask questions?" 
She nods. "There is nothing in my programming that prevents me from answering some questions within certain parameters." 
"Did I do something? Not just today but… last time I was here. Did I say something to hurt or upset him? Is that why he's acting weird?"
"No." She says blankly. "And yes. I suppose it is… complicated." She gestures around that word. 
"I'm a little confused, Lyla."
She sits next to you, on the cool tile. Not that she could feel it, but it feels more intimate - like two friends talking. The extent of Lyla's consciousness, you weren't sure of. Was she alive? To you, she might as well be. Could she think, feel, emote? Maybe, maybe not. You weren't smart enough to understand the nuances of her programming. But you were human enough to see it in her - something glittering beyond the surface. 
It could be projection, but you swear her voice is softer. "He has a name for you. When he speaks about you, and to you. I have it logged in my memory database. Do you know what that is?" You shake your head. 
Lyla opens up her palm and projects videos and images - little Miguel's popping up in her palm, tinny and gruff voices ringing through the hallway. They say your name, shout your name, whisper it. Some say other things in Spanish. Curse words had always been your assumption, and he had given you no reason to think otherwise. Now, having it played back to you, you hear a tenderness in his voice you would've missed. Words and phrases that come up again and again…
"Bichita." She repeats. "Bichito del amor. Mi bichito amoroso. "
You shake your head, still confounded. "...I don't speak Spanish, Lyla." 
"Little bug. Sweetheart. Lovebug. My little lovebug." She clears her throat. "I believe they are terms of endearment."
Steadfast, she directs you towards her palm. Another small Miguel appears, and you think it's him from this morning. 
"I thought I told you not to let anyone in, Lyla?" 
"I did not let her in. She let herself in using the code you previously gave her, Mr O'Hara."
"Yeah, for emergencies. Fuck. Mi bichita, too smart for her own good."
"...If you are in distress, I believe she would understand, Mr O'Hara."
"I just think it's too much. I don't want her to see me like this." 
"According to Alchemax files, previous subjects showing this kind of aggression benefitted from-"
"Lyla, it's not happening, no chance. I can't tell her."
The figure blinks out of her palm. "Mr O'Hara has forbid me from telling you about certain things."
"...but not from showing me." Your eyes meet hers. You give her a watery smile. "Thank you." 
With a hint of a smile, she nods and is gone from the corridor. You are left alone, with nothing but your thoughts of little lovebugs rattling around in your brain.
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Good evening, denizens of Radioapple nation!
I think it's time for a new fic recommendation list. I have been reading some series you recommended and some others that I found on tmblr. My tbr is still shamefully long, you people need to stop being so talented, I can't keep up with all the content.
In any case, here goes my rec list for anyone that is interested. These fics are 100% unadultered radioapple, some sfw, some nsfw, but all of them with good aroace-spec representation and fantastic characterizations.
Without further ado, here we go:
• OSaS, by @morningstarwrites: no need for introductions. This is, I believe, the most famous fic of the fandom. So many hijinks, so much fluff, such character development, and a lot of lovely bickering. It's still going, and we are now entering the 6th arch, with promises of turning up the heat (so far, very much sfw and cute).
• De santos y pecadores, by Sun_Haworth: this is the Spanish version of Of Saints and Sinners (yes, the fic is this famous, it has translations). Very good translation work, I have to say, so check it out if you are a Spanish speaker or if you want to practice your Spanish!
• Lucid Dreams of New Orleans, by @radiaurapple: a "finished" one, with promises of more epilogues and some snippets to come. This is one of the loveliest, most heartwrenching fics I've read of the fandom. Pseudo-human Alastor AU, beautifully written, it will entrance you. You will long for New Orleans like you never knew you could. A must read, for sure. Sfw with the exception of this (highly recommended) snippet, 3 a.m. (Bonus track). I'd also recommend reading A LULLABY FOR MR SHINGLES of you are looking to be creeped out and for a good laugh.
• We should've been enemies, by @soot-and-salt: the gothic horror romance fic you didn't know you needed. It's almost finished, and it captures the creepy dark atmosphere so well. This one is nsfw and very sexy, if I may say so. The writing flows really good, and you can't miss their one-shots: I shine only with the light you gave me, such gorgeous premise and prose, it's a human Alastor AU; and Transubstantiation, based on a fabulous CMV, very gorey and ethereal, it bewitched me.
• All changed, changed utterly, by @tollingreminiscentbells: a finished one, nsfw. Human Alastor AU at the beginning, we follow an alternative narrative in which Lucifer and Alastor met each other before Hell. It is SUCH a gorgeous fic, very nicely written, with so much fluff and angst and character development. Domestic and romantic, without losing each characters essence. I binged it in a couple of days. A must read for any radioapple fan, for sure.
• Lucifer and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad relationship, by @keelywolfe: this is another radioapple stapple, and rightfully so. Nsfw and still on going, a long read that's very worth it. The writing? Incredible. The evolution of every character? Astounding. The plot? THICK. An amazingly hooking fic, with so much fluff, hurt, confort, love, hate, secrets, drama and smut. A MUST, no doubt. You can also read the short Radioapple Standalones, they are a cute, dramaless and sexy read to rest from the chaos of the main series.
• Bedtime rituals to try out before the next angelic war, by @miribalis: finished and sfw. In this one, we find ourselves with a tricky hotel room and many sheanigans involving insomnia, managerial duties and feelings. Very very cute, writing on point and captures a cozy atmosphere that few do. Another binge-read for me, I just couldn't get enough domesticity from them.
• Blood, water and other bonds, by Minimalistless: nsfw two-shot. If you are looking for some self-indulgent radioapple smut, here is your fic. This one is really well written and fun. Worth giving it a shot.
• loml, by @radioapple-heathen: sfw and still going. A very cute fic, with some really angsty moments and pet snake sheanigans. Alastor and Lucifer discover they have many things in common, but their rivalry never fades... for now.
• Stolen Moments, by @mothballmilkshake: I'm still going through this series, but so far so very good. Nsfw and another very worthy long read. It's fun, it's cute, we see the development of their characters and their relationship, and so far it's becoming another favourite! Definitelly worth seeing how this continues unfolding.
• Strange Appetites, by Gotllphi: Nsfw, gorey (diegetic gore, I believe they described it) and still going. Currently on hiatus, but the author has the story all planned out and will resume writing as soon as they can! My first radioapple read and still on my top list. Human Alastor AU, with some very cute teen Charlie included here and there. The plot is highly adicting, the development of their relationship so much so, and the writing is fantastic. Give it a shot to encourage your local fic writers not to give up!
• Unhealthy Competition, by @theaffablescamp: I have to catch up with this one too, but it is, overall, fun, sexy and intriguing. Nsfw, still going, SO many hooking plot points, SO many hijinks. The radioapples navigate their personal issues while trying to understand each other. A good, entertaining read.
• Eat your heart out, by @seducipher: modern human Alastor AU, nsfw, gorey and unfinished. Very cool atmosphere and premise, good writing and tantalizing. I also binge read this one. Sexy and intriguing, can't wait to see how this one continues.
• @notherpuppet 's AUs: I usually put this one at the end bc it's not a fic per se, but the My Deer Nanny AU is another fandom classic, rightfully so. Fun, cute, fun, domestic, fun, heartmelting... it has everything a radioapple fan needs! They are also in a queer-platonic relationship, which I think is really refreshing and good for their characters. Don't miss their other AUs, art and short-comics. They are pure GOLD.
Also, as I should, have your read Primavera en Nueva Orleans? A great fic in Spanish about Alastor's last Mardi Gras, you should take a look, it's nice 👀
But, anyway, this is all folks! I'll post new fic recs in a while when I continue with my tbr. Thank you for listening and reading, and stay tuned!
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While we’re in Latino Heritage Month, let’s stop assuming your reader doesn’t know/speak Spanish in your reader insert fics. Especially if you’re writing for Pedro’s, Oscar’s or other Latino characters please.
EDIT: After some criticism of how this was originally phrased, let me change it into a question/request instead- Can we as writers please try to be more inclusive with our reader insert fics so poc and others can feel represented and see themselves too? Including taking out a quick throwaway line about reader not understanding Spanish. (Keeping the original phrasing above so anyone who missed the post to begin with can still see how I originally phrased it)
If you have a throwaway line of “he said in Spanish that you didn’t understand” or something similar, just take it out. Have something like “you didn’t hear” instead and let the reader interpret how they want. Or use italics to indicate Spanish. Or have the translation right there without mention of anyone translating for them. Simple. Or if you don’t want to/feel you cannot change it, then please have something in with your warnings so Latinos/poc can skip it if they choose.
And let me tell you why this is so frustrating (even for me as someone who is not a fluent speaker). It’s because Latinos look to these characters and actors for representation. We see ourselves in them. And when you clearly do not have a Latino person in mind when writing, you’re saying we don’t belong here. In a space where we should feel welcomed and celebrated. Representation matters. Inclusivity matters. Please try to be more inclusive with reader fics so we can all enjoy and immerse ourselves in your writing.
This is nothing new, poc have been asking for years now to be inclusive in fics and yet it’s still a battle. We’re not asking for a lot, and certainly not asking anyone to change their style or creativity or anything like that. Literally simple edits: take out the word “blush” don’t mention hair, don’t mention not understanding Spanish, not making reader blood related to a white character, etc. Literally tiny things that would not change the story at all but make a world of difference.
Here’s an example too: a few years ago it was not common for writers to label the gender of their reader as it was usually assumed the reader would be a woman. But, people advocated to label readers as f/m/gn/whatever to be more inclusive and asked writers to strive for gender neutral readers when possible so that more readers felt seen and welcome. Now it’s a common thing to do. Why is making the readers race ambiguous any different?
Yes sometimes posts like this come across harsh, but know that they’re not meant to be. Poc aren’t trying to demand anything, we just ask to broaden your langauge when writing reader insert so more can see themselves in your work. It’s incredibly frustrating to ask for inclusivity and be met with hostility and rudeness in return and a refusal to think about poc so yes sometimes the wording gets harsh out of that frustration. But I encourage y’all to focus on the message more and maybe think about why poc in fandom get snippy like this. We do need to have an open conversation, yes. Just look in the comments at the Latinos and poc who are upset by the exclusion and feel hurt by it. How you you white fans feel if roles were reversed and none of the fics included you? Not fun, right?
And to those who say write it yourself: I do. I’ve been a x reader writer for years now and I do strive for inclusivity in my work. But I’m only one person and this is bigger than any one person. This isn’t about what I personally find acceptable or what I personally what. It should be a collective effort among writers as a whole to strive to include as many as possible in their works and not white code your readers. It’s not about demanding writers write it a certain way, it’s about asking writers to consider others who don’t look like them who also want the immersion and the escape that your fic brings.
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fxrmuladaydreams · 10 months
drunken bets (cs55)
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carlos x mclaren social media!reader
summary: carlos makes a bet with a few other drivers, claiming that he can get you, a new (introverted) mclaren employee, to fall for him
notes: what can i say? i love writing driver x mclaren worker apparently 😂 i think it’s because she can be bffs with lando and oscar and that makes me soft. someone had to be the villian/bad influence so i’m sorry drunk pierre/lance. i hope you guys like the “she fell first, he fell harder” trope
next part
The music in the club blasts through the speakers. Drinks are thrown back as warm bodies dance, or more so grind, against each other to the beat.
Carlos feels the buzz from the alcohol coursing through him. He takes drink after drink. He deserves to relax after this race weekend, hangover be damned. He’s approached countless times by girls looking to spend some time with him, all to which he brushes off, choosing to go home alone at the end of the night.
“C’mon man, what’s up?” Lance asks as Carlos sends another breathtaking girl away. “You’re just not in the mood?”
“I don’t think he can do it. I think he needs his “smooth operator” title revoked.” Pierre drunkenly laughs.
Carlos scoffs, pushing Pierre away by his shoulder. “I could get any girl I wanted. Try me.”
Pierre grins and nods. “Alright,” he looks around the club and nods to a blonde at the bar. “How about her?”
Lance shakes his head. “No, that’s too easy. She’s been staring at him all night.”
Pierre points out a few more girls, all of whom have already expressed some kind of interest in the Spanish driver, until an idea pops into his head.
“What about that new McLaren girl?”
Carlos knew who he was talking about almost instantly. You were a newer part of McLaren’s marketing team. While most others from the team could be found creating content with the boys, you tended to keep yourself behind a computer. Lando said you were hired to do things like edit videos or photos, more behind the scenes stuff.
Others had taken an interest in you when you had shown up. A few engineers or pit crew from other teams attempted to get closer with you, all while you turned them down with a quick no. Hell, even Pierre tried to shoot his shot, but you very quickly shut him down.
You tended to stick closer to Lando and Oscar, both boys somehow able to get you to open up to them.
“You mean Y/n? She won’t date anyone.” Lance shrugs.
“Yeah, so I don’t think Mr. Smooth Operator could get her to date him.” Pierre smirks.
“I could.” Carlos is quick to defend. “Easy.”
“Alright then, let’s make this interesting. You get Y/n to have actual romantic feelings for you, and I’ll give you one hundred euros.”
Carlos reaches his hand out for Pierre to shake. “Deal.”
Carlos wakes up with a pounding headache the next morning, the sun streaming in way too bright through his hotel window. He drags himself out of bed and into the shower, attempting to feel a little more like a human before he actually has to go outside and face the world.
He eats a simple breakfast, something that doesn’t make him feel like he’s about to puke his guts all over his plate. Then he finally starts to pack his suitcase for his trip back home.
He checks his phone before pushing it into his pocket. He sees a few message notifications from Pierre and Lance.
From Lance
Insane night last night. I never want to drink again.
From Pierre
I honestly don’t remember much from last night, but I do remember a bet, and I can’t wait to be 100 euros richer
Carlos groans as he remembers the bet he made the previous night. There’s no way they’re going to let this go, they’ll make sure it hangs over his head until the end of time.
A selfish part of him wants to go on with the bet, to prove that even though he’s had some time being single for a while, he’s still a hot ticket item in the dating world. It wouldn’t hurt his image either, he thinks. If he’s seen pursuing and dating someone who isn’t a model it could make him look like he’s matured, like he’s ready to settle down instead of spending his nights in different beds wherever they travel.
From Carlos
I think you mean 100 euros poorer
The next race weekend he makes it a point to hang around the McLaren garage. No one’s surprised to see him there, given his close friendship with Lando, so the striking Ferrari red practically goes unnoticed in the sea of papaya.
He keeps an eye out for you as he sits with Lando, excusing himself when he spots you making your way towards them. You’ve got a set of headphones on over your ears, clearly enthralled by whatever you’ve got playing on the tablet you’re holding.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts walking in your direction, scrolling through whatever social media app he happened to quickly open. He walks until his shoulder bumps into yours, a little too rough, nearly knocking the tablet out of your hands.
Carlos wraps an arm around your waist, keeping you upright, and manages to catch the tablet with his other hand.
“Are you alright?” He asks, flashing you a smile.
You nod and take a step back from him. “I’m okay, are you?”
He swipes a hand through his hair, then holds your tablet out for you to take. “I’m good. It’s Y/n, right?”
“Yeah, I’m at McLaren.” You tilt your head towards the McLaren garage.
“Yeah, I can see that.” He laughs, glancing down at your papaya team kit.
“Right, sorry.” You laugh. “I should probably go, filming and editing to do and what not.”
Carlos gives you a smile and a nod followed by a quick goodbye. He brushes his arm against yours as he walks away. He has to keep himself from looking back at you to see your reaction, but gets a text from Lando later in the day that gives him the satisfaction he was looking for.
From Lando
What did you do to my editor?
The next time Carlos sees you, he recreates your first meeting, bumping into you just so he can wrap his arms around you again.
“We have to stop meeting like this.” He laughs, holding you.
You laugh with him and shake your head. Your hands rest against his chest from attempting to catch yourself. “We really do.”
He smiles as he lets go of you, but keeps himself planted where he’s standing, giving you his undivided attention.
“I saw the recent McLaren video, it was really good. It kind of makes me wish you worked here when I was with McLaren.” He says tilting his head up teasingly.
“It’s mostly my coworkers, I pretty much just make it look good after it’s filmed.” You tell him, you duck your head down to avoid his gaze.
“Still.” He shrugs.
He’s pulled away by Charles after that, who gives you a quick hello before dragging Carlos back to Ferrari’s garage.
You see Carlos a lot more now around McLaren. You chalk it up to his friendship with Lando, but you begin to notice his seeking you out. He shares meals with you now, even if he ends up sitting with you while you’re focus is locked on your laptop.
Carlos is surprised to find that he’s started to genuinely enjoy your company, that he actually looks forward to seeing you every race weekend. He shakes away the feeling that blossoms in his chest whenever he sees you, afraid of becoming too attached.
That all flies out the window when he’s headed back to his hotel one day though. Dark clouds covered the sky, turning it almost black as rain poured down. You could hear thunder rumbling in the distance, likely headed towards the track.
Carlos sees you standing under the awning of McLaren hospitality, looking up at the sky. You’ve got your phone in your hand and a disgruntled look on your face.
He lifts his bright red umbrella up over his head and dashes over to the McLaren building. He puts his umbrella back down once he’s standing next to you, shaking the drops of water off.
“Did you forget an umbrella?” He asks.
You turn away from your phone to look up at him. He’s got a teasing smile on his face. The humidity in the air has made his hair impossibly fluffier, but somehow still picture perfect. He’s bundled up in a Ferrari windbreaker, his backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Yeah. And I walked here from the hotel today, so I can either try to get a taxi or I can wait until the weather clears up.” Just as you finish explaining your problem thunder booms above you.
Carlos shakes his head. “Yeah, no. I’m not letting you walk out in this.” He gestures to the sky.
“Well the other option is find a taxi.”
“I’ll drive you.” He says it as if it’s an obvious solution. Before you can respond he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him so that you’re both under his umbrella, then starts walking towards the parking lot.
You try to keep up with his pace, occasionally bumping into him, but he makes sure to hold the umbrella over the both of you. He leads you to his car, and holds the umbrella over you as you climb into the passenger side.
You notice how water clings to his hair, drops falling down his coat on his right side, evidence of him prioritizing keeping you dry over himself.
“Carlos, you could get sick, and it’d be my fault.” You scold him.
He shrugs and gives you a smile. “Then you’ll just have to nurse me back to health.”
He parks at the entrance to the hotel McLaren had booked, and walks you into the building. When you expect him to leave, he places a hand on your lower back guiding you to the elevator. He walks you all the way to your door, and leaves you with a “goodnight” and a soft squeeze of your hand.
You get a text from him later that night.
From Carlos
Lando gave me your number. What time should I pick you up tomorrow?
From Y/n
You don’t have to, that’s okay
From Carlos
That’s not an answer cariño
You feel yourself start to smile at the message on your screen and text him what time you usually leave.
He picks you up the next morning, driving you to the track with him. You make conversation about little things like how you slept and what you had for breakfast. He’s quick to run over to your side of the car to open the door for you, and keeps himself close to you as you enter the paddock.
He meets you at the end of the day as well to drive you back to the hotel. He keeps up this new routine each race weekend following. He enjoys your company, and you seem to enjoy his. After a few weekends you could say you have a new chauffeur in the form of a Ferrari driver.
With this new closeness to Carlos comes a wave of media attention you should have expected. Photos are posted over social media of the two of you walking together, you looking up at Carlos with bright eyes, or him looking down at you with his doe eyes.
It’s easy to tell that all of the new attention makes you uncomfortable, but you don’t want to lose your friendship with Carlos so you stick it out. You’re grateful when you see a clip of an interview with Carlos where he’s asked about you, and he sets the record straight.
“There’s nothing going on, we just like to hang out together. We’re just friends.” He smiles.
Although you’re glad he’s put an end to the speculation, you can’t help but feel like your recent hangouts have been only barely platonic. After the nights you’ve claimed are “movie nights” that have turned into falling asleep in each other’s arms, it’s hard to put a platonic label on your relationship.
The first time it happens, it’s you who wakes up first. His chest is warm beneath your head, and his arms lock you against his body. You tilt your head up to look at him. His hair is unkempt, yet still looks effortlessly good. You reach up and brush a few strands away from his face. You watch him for a few minutes, wondering how you were so lucky to be spending your time with someone so beautiful. You rest your head back on his chest and let sleep wash over you again, listening to the soft beats of his heart.
Carlos wakes up not long after you’ve gone back to sleep, lifting an arm to run a hand through his hair. He can feel the little puffs of air from your breathing against his chest, his heart melts when you subconsciously nuzzle your face deeper into him to get more comfortable. You look so sweet, so soft, and a part of him hates himself for it. He let himself accept that stupid bet, and he let himself fall for you. He wishes he’d never let his friends talk him into making that bet, but he also decides he’d never trade the time he’s spent with you for anything.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts when you slowly lift yourself up off of him. He misses your warmth as soon as he can’t feel it anymore.
The two of you continue spending your evenings together, wanting nothing more than to keep falling asleep wrapped up in one another.
He finds himself searching for you in the crowd at parties and events, even those he knows you won’t be at, just so he can spend more time with you. He texts you everyday you’re apart to make sure that you’ve eaten and gotten enough sleep.
Carlos can’t bear the thought of being away from you for more than a week between races. He casually mentions that he’s going back to Spain for the small break, and asks if you want to join him.
You laugh and scoff shaking your head. “Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious, it could be fun. You could relax a little bit. I could take you on my boat. C’mon.” He persuades you.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your time off.”
“You’re not. I want you there, I promise. Please?” He takes your hands in his, swinging them back and forth. He gives you his best puppy dog eyes and bats his eyelashes at you.
“Alright, I’ll go with you.” You sigh, but can’t stop the smile from spreading over your face.
It’s different, sharing a space with Carlos outside of the four-walled hotel rooms you’ve stayed in for work. It feels intimate being with him in his home country. He books a private villa to stay in on the beach.
The trip quickly feels more romantic than friendly, what with him cooking your dinner for you, and your evenings in either the hot tub or curled up together on the couch.
You spend your days with Carlos on his boat. You reading a book you brought with you, and Carlos laying out in the sun to tan.
It’s hard not to stare at him, his tanned toned chest on display, while his swim trunks hang low on his hips. He has just as much trouble keeping his eyes away from you as well, he can’t help but watch you as you scamper around the boat in a different little bikini everyday.
Occasionally he convinces you to hop in the water with him, to which you reluctantly agree. You keep your arms locked around him when you feel something brush against your leg in the water. Carlos keeps a firm hold on your waist as he can’t stop laughing at your distress.
Eventually you get back on his boat and sit side by side on the edge, with your feet dangling in the water. You stare down at the crystal blue sea, looking for any creatures swimming around.
Carlos looks back out to the shore. The smile that’s been plastered on his face for the last few days falls when he sees a figure on the beach. They’re far enough away that he can’t really tell who it is, but close enough that he can see the camera in their hands.
He leans back and grabs a towel, laying it over your shoulders, covering up the skin you had on display. He wraps a protective arm around you and pulls you closer to his chest, in hopes that the photos he knows will be everywhere in a few days won’t be clear enough to reveal you in them.
That night he decides to cook on the boat, which turns out to be a little more chaotic than he’d originally planned. He struggles to keep everything straight, but finds it all worth it in the end when he gets to see you surrounded by the sunset. You look breathtaking, looking out into the sea. The soft breezes wisps your hair away from your face. The sinking sun casts a gold light to wash over you.
He wants to tell you how he feels, but he knows he needs to come clean. Maybe you’ll forgive him, he hopes you will. He needs to put this in the past so that he can love you publicly and wholeheartedly.
You quietly share your meal, then break the silence simultaneously.
“I have something I need to tell you.”
“You first.” He nods.
You take a deep breath. “Carlos, I want to thank you for bringing me here, and really for spending all this time with me. I’m glad you bumped into me at the paddock because I’ve gained a new friend from it. You’re one of the best men I know, and I really appreciate you taking care of me.”
“Thank you.” He feels his chest tighten at your words.
“The truth is, I’ve come to care about you a lot more than I thought I would. A few of the other drivers tried to ask me out when I was first hired, but I told them no. I was happy when you didn’t try to make a move on me, and instead wanted to pursue a friendship with me.” You look down at your hands, and fiddle with your fingers. “But if you did try to make a move on me now… I don’t think I’d mind it…” Your last sentence comes out quieter than the others.
“Really?” Carlos asks, a soft smile growing on his face.
You clear your throat. “What were you going to say?”
He can’t tell you now. He can’t poison this perfect moment, after you’ve confessed your feelings to him.
“I was going to say that I feel the same way.”
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parkerpeter24 · 1 year
Hiii!! If you are taking requests, can you please write a Peter x Reader where the reader and Peter started dating before the spider bite and after Peter got bit he calls the reader to come over because he is freaking out that he suddenly changed and they figure out Peter's abilities together like all crack and fluffy type 🥺🥺🥺
okayyyyy here we go
pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
requests are open (but don’t get your hopes too high)
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peter never avoided you.
he was often busy with school work, community service and his spanish classes but he always made time for you no matter what.
today was different.
everything seemed fine till friday. the two of you studied till late that evening and peter decided to stay over as the two of you fell asleep, cuddled up in your bed. When you woke up on saturday, peter was missing. you didn’t think much of that because you weren’t up for the embarrassing comments from your parents.
now it was sunday morning and there was a lack of his good morning messages. there was nor one on saturday and neither one today. however, the thing that irked you the most was that he wasn’t replying to your texts either. you had sent him various messages, some asking about his whereabouts, a few random meme pictures in hopes that he’e reply with at least a crying-laughing emoji. but nothing came.
it was around 2 o’clock when you received a phone call and you literally threw yourself off the desk chair, seeing your boyfriend’s name flash as the caller.
“peter where the hell are you?!” you cut to the chase but he seemed to ignore your question. you heard him on the other side as he breathed out shallow breaths into the speaker of his phone, “w-what’s wrong?” you asked, suddenly worried that he was robbed or hurt somewhere in one of queens’s alleys.
“(y/n), come home, p-please.” he stuttered, his voice sounding a mix between a plea and a demand.
the call just disconnected as you were about to ask what had happened.
but there was no time to think now. you put on your shoes as adrenaline rushed through your veins, making you stumble as you rushed out of your house, ignoring the call of your name from your mom.
peter was basically your neighbour so it didn’t you too long to reach his place, two houses down the street you lived in.
you pressed the doorbell more than thrice before his uncle ben opened the door, looking at you in confusion, “hey, kid, peter’s-”
may peeked at you over her husband’s shoulder as she walked to the door as well, “did you know what happened to peter?” she asked, clear confusion written all over her face.
you shook your head quickly, “he called me...”
you picked at your nails, just wanting to run past the elderly couple so that you could find out what really happened to the sweet boy.
“you should go see him, he’s been acting...” ben and may shared a look before settling on a word.
“weird.” both of them uttered at the same time.
“i’ll look.” you nodded and quickly made your way upstairs to peter’s room, thanking the parkers on your way up.
you knocked at his door, which seemed weird, but you had to other option as you found the door locked from the inside.
after a few beats, he opened the door and you looked at him. his hair was sticking up, except for the few locks that were stuck to his forehead due to perspiration. he raised his hands up, “something is wrong.”
you looked at him with raised eyebrows. he moved back quickly, letting you in. you noticed the distance he kept from you, which caused a small ache to develop in your heart, but you quickly diverted your attention to the condition his room was in.
there were food containers, bowls, packets of flavoured yogurt sprawled all over his work desk. now peter was a pretty tidy guy– or so you’d made him– so this was new.
the chair he usually sat on had it’s left armrest broken. there were papers– his notes– all over the room, some on his bed, some on the floor.
“peter... what the fuc-”
“i know!” peter exclaimed, “baby, please tell me i’m not hallucinating or... or am i going crazy?!”
“peter what’s wrong?” your voice, dripping with concern, made him look up and just as you took a step towards him, he took one back. a look of hurt flashed across your face.
“no. no, no, no.” peter quickly, “let me explain.” you sighed and nodded, letting him continue, “yesterday, a spider bit me.”
peter continued, ignoring the worried look you gave him, “(y/n), i’m sticking to everything! and i’m... i’ve gotten super strong! i broke that chair.” he pointed, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he gulped, “i think there was something wrong with that spider.”
“peter i-” you weren’t sure if moving closer to him was a good idea because he’d just back away, “are you... high?”
“what?!” he stared at you with squinted eyes.
“i think you need... rest?” his expression now mirrored your. there was too much confusion in the moment.
“you don’t believe me.” peter sighed in defeat.
“hey, hey. it’s not that, baby...” he shook his head as you trailed off.
“i can prove it.” all you could do was stare at him as he walked towards his desk, placing one of his fingers over the theoretical physics book, the heaviest among all the other books of peter’s. he pulled it up and then the book was in the air, stuck to his finger as if there was an adhesive between the two surfaces.
“holy-!” you almost screamed, now taking a step away from him.
he tried shaking his fingers but the book just wiggled in air, “h-how are... how the fuck are you doing that?!”
it was getting hard to breathe properly as he forced the book away from his fingers, the cover getting damaged in the process. now you understood all the pages on the floor. your eyes trailed over them again and you noticed the torn parts of papers.
“you’re sticky...” you mumbled out and looked at peter. he nodded in agreement.
“i thought the spider bite was making me hallucinate but...”
you took a deep breath, still trying to wrap your head around all of it.
“i’m sorry i didn’t want you to come close because i didn’t want to hurt you.” he explained, frowned eyes, looking into yours.
you held eye contact with him as you slowly took a step towards him, then another, and another until you were standing right in front of him, “you won’t hurt me, peter.” you assured.
“i won’t but-”
“just shh.” you placed a gentle hand over his cheek. he was sweating profusely, you noticed now but you didn’t care as he leaned into your touch, “it’s just your hands, right?”
your voice pulled him out from his slight trance, “what?”
“my hand is not going to stick to your cheek... right?” you asked, afraid to test it out.
“i honestly don’t know...” peter said, nervous to know himself.
thankfully, you were able to easily pull away your hand, taking a sigh of relief.
“what about other parts of you?”
a blush covered his cheeks at your question, “i- uh.. i-i’m sorry what-”
“like your lips?”
“are you willing to kiss me and find-” before he could finish his sentence, your hand grabbed another piece of paper from his desk and smacked it over his lips.
as soon as you left the paper, it floated down to the floor and you gave him a grin, “i can still kiss you!” peter stood there, giving you a blank look which made you chuckle, “sorry.”
“does this mean we can’t hold hands anymore?” peter asked, feeling a little at ease now that you were here with him. it gave him a sense of calm in your presence. in this moment. his senses didn’t feel on override. he was just trying to focus on you and your cute thinking face.
“maybe you should relax a little.” you looked at him, eyes softly boring into his soft, brown ones.
“how?” you offered him a hand and after slight hesitation, he placed his palm against yours. you grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently.
“maybe don’t try to focus on the ‘i’m super sticky, i stick to everything i see’ part?” you suggested, making him laugh. you took a deep breath, prompting him to do the same and it seemed to work. peter released your hand and it just fell to your side, as it would normally have.
peter gave you a huge smile, wrapping his arms around your waist, “god, you don’t wanna know how much i hated staying away from you!”
you chuckled, giving him a quick kiss. pulling back too soon for peter’s liking. however, before he could protest or pull you back for another kiss, you patted his chest twice.
“okay, sticky guy, go take a shower now.”
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uselesssomebody · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post asking abt Miguel fanfics, and id love to read a fanfic abt spider-man 2099! Could you write a fanfic (can be as much fluff, angst, or smut as you want) where F!reader is SpiderWoman, and goes to catch an anomaly with Miguel; her partner that’s slowly becoming fond of reader, yet doesn’t want to admit it. During their mission, reader gets hurt and Miguel confesses while treating her wounds, thinking she’s unconscious and he’s scared to lose her- even to see her hurt. If not that’s totally fine Ill read anything you publish!
𝕞𝕚 𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕝𝕠 - miguel o'hara x spider!reader
complete masterlist | miguel o'hara masterlist
words || 𝟛.𝟜𝕜
summary || in which miguel makes a confession when he thinks reader can't hear him
a/n || grumpy x sunshine trope but plot twist, he's a total simp (reader is too tbf)
➵ thanks for the request anon! very cute love this trope a lot, and hope you enjoy. also your last sentence is literally such a massive compliment for me you're so sweet i love you <3
➵ my tiktok is disrespectfully feral (like him) about this man what the fuck
➵ a bit of spanish in this one, all thanks to a lovely user on here! for non-spanish speakers, translations are below the warnings.
➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
warnings || fluff/smidge of angst
➵ mierda - shit
➵ mi cielo, por favor no puedo perderte - my darling, please, i can't lose you
➵ también eres mi cielo - you're also my darling
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miguel o'hara was a man of few words.
miles could attest to it, alongside gwen, pav, hobie, and peter b.
the lot of them liked - nay, loved - to talk, so his stark silence always seemed out of place, and his long pauses in between words owed to a lot of shifty stares between the group, or awkward silences. thus, the only person who really got along with him was mayday, who could happily spend every moment of her day babbling nonsensically at him as he desperately tried to keep her from crawling all over him.
that was one of the few things he was very bad at.
so, it was a complete shock to gwen when she could hear animated talking from miguel's... uh - lair? platform? she wasn't sure what exactly it was yet. in her intrigue, she grabs miles - the poor guy trying to grab a bagel from the cafeteria - and tells him to follow her. his brows also furrow at the noises, and they decide to wait a moment before alerting miguel to their presence.
"that's ridiculous!" his voice is loud, incredulous, and it causes the other person - a decidedly feminine voice - to ring out in a laugh.
"you're so unimaginative. think big, o'hara! sure, it's complicated, but it's the perfect plan." her tone makes it obvious there's a smile on her face, but what surprises them in that miguel sounds like he also has one on his face. gwen looks shocked. she didn't know he could smile.
they both suddenly feel a palm on their shoulders, and they yelp in surprise. pav's excitable voice greets them, asking what they were doing. miles desperately tries to get him to lower his voice, but it's too late, as the door is already sliding open.
miguel looks at the three of them, a little unimpressed, and she waves at the lot of them from behind him. the platform begins lowering at a snail's pace, and miguel waits stoically for it to reach ground level. impatient, and having already been subject to the move several times, she rolls her eyes, shooting a web out from her wrist to reach the tall ceiling and gracefully lowering down to them. miles found it very poppins-esque.
"hey guys!" she mumbles cheerfully. though pav's face is covered by his mask, she smiles at his obvious beam behind it, ruffling his hair as she comes to stand next to them, looking up to see miguel still being lowered down, "any day now," she jokes to the three teens, and miles snorts at the sarcastic comment.
"can i... help you?" miguel raises an eyebrow as his platform finally reaches ground level. he eyes the younger spiders inquisitively. miles and pav look between each other, not really sure now why they were here, and gwen speaks up.
"it's earth-587 - they had an alchemax breach, and the home spider needs help stopping the burglar." she speaks quickly, having been tasked by jessica to alert miguel of the news. she'd been steadfast in the communication, of course, until she'd been distracted by the sounds of laughter - she still couldn't believe it - that she heard.
miguel looks at her sternly.
"we're not mall cops, a burglary is hardly an issue." he drawls, still unimpressed. she stands up a bit straighter.
"the villain is some rich megalomaniac who wants to hop dimensions in order to accumulate more wealth." she deadpans, and miguel looks at her, slightly more interested.
"alright, yeah. drew told you to tell me? let her know i'll handle it." gwen nods, before turning to leave with miles and pav. as they do, so too does the woman he was talking to, waving animatedly.
"that sounds fun, o'hara. bye!" before she can take more than a few steps alongside the teens, they all hear the spongy sound of a web being shot out, and she stops in her tracks, before being dragged back. miles yelps in shock, not realizing what was happening, before coughing to give off an impression of nonchalance, making gwen chuckle behind her hand. pav laughs at the woman's decidedly deadpan expression as miguel pulls her back towards him with the web.
"not so fast. who do you think i'm sending out to catch him?" he mutters, as the teens finally step out. she rolls her eyes.
"i feel like i do all your work for you." she mumbles sarcastically. he releases her, turning around and not acknowledging the comment.
"sure you do." he responds, matching her tone with ease.
as the teens step out, pav is grinning behind his mask. miles looks at him quizzically, and gwen begins walking forward, already knowing what he's gonna say.
"so, how long are we saying?" he asks animatedly, "one month? two months?"
"what?" miles asks, honestly befuddled.
"he's guessing how long o'hara and that girl have been together," gwen answers, already knowing a lot about pav's tendency to see romance where she wouldn't or couldn't. what surprised her, though, was miles' immediately agreement.
"thank god i wasn't the only one!" he exclaims, immediately beginning to chatter away with pav in solidarity.
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"alright, boss," she salutes, stepping onto his platform, "what's the plan?" for a moment, miguel doesn't respond, simply looking at her, before she snaps her fingers in front of his face, "hey! you fall asleep, o'hara?" miguel shakes his head, sighing in exasperation, as she laughs to herself. though he shows his annoyance while looking at her, as he turns to pull up the fact file of that universe, a small smile graces his lips, appreciating the sound of her laugh and the way it looks on her face.
she leans over his shoulder - or, she tries to, before seceding to his tall frame and instead peeking past his arm - as she raps her fingers in an anticipating manner over his bicep. usually, he didn't love people touching him - having to deal with an overly ecstatic peter b. on occasion - but he didn't mind anything about her, in all honesty.
realizing this, he sighs harshly, hoping she doesn't comment on it, as he scolds himself for getting distracted. he had one of, if not the most important jobs in the multiverse, and he couldn't allow himself to feel so vulnerable around - a coworker, essentially. but, goddamn, did she make him smile. she was the only one who did, he was sure. he tries to ignore it, though it becomes increasingly difficult as her pretty side profile moves past him, reading the file intently. pretty? fuck. he was gone.
she looks over at him expectantly, and he blinks, hoping his staring wasn't too noticeable, "so... he's created a gizmo." she knew it poked him when she called it that, as he now found the name a little cringy. she disagreed. she thought it was cute.
she thought he was cute.
well, maybe cute wasn't the right word - it's hard to call a 6'7" guy who's built like that cute - but somehow, he was.
when she first met him, he was damn stoic and quiet - only focused on his job. and she understood - of course, the fate of universes could lie in his decisions. she, at first, was just glad to have been allowed into this elite society, so she kept her nose in her work, not straying far from it. soon, though, as she established herself as not only highly skilled, but also highly successful in her assigned missions, she took the opportunity to be herself around the others, knowing her nonchalant and jokey attitude wouldn't be enough for her to get reprimanded anymore. more importantly than that, she started seeing miguel a lot more, as he went from her boss - some guy a huge distance from her - to someone much more equal to her.
that led to the relationship - uh, working relationship, anything else she simply wished for - that they had: handling the big bads of the multiverse together. as partners. she was ecstatic at the idea, happy that her skill was being appreciated, and excited to know her work would be more valuable.
but then she met him. the - well, more - real him.
she was shocked to learn the man could laugh, the first time he let her signature spiderman humor - that she technically shared with most other versions of her - penetrate his cold and determined exterior. it wasn't exactly a laugh - more of a chuckle/snort - but it was more than enough for her to double take, and then smile.
as they set out on more missions together, she obviously appreciated his determination, strength and wit, but she really enjoyed those moments of softness, or when he'd react to her sarcastic humor.
and, of course, that time he had to hold her on their way back from that mission where she twisted her ankle was painful but very - uh, memorable.
she snaps out of her thoughts as he enlarges the information about both the villain's suit and universe-travelling machine.
"something like that," he starts, examining it further, before turning to the information about his suit, "his suit is built to withstand and reduce the effects of multiversal travel, and his defense and weapons seem to be modified military gear. so bullets and vests that just handle or deliver more damage." he mutters, and she nods.
"so - nothing too crazy." her confidence makes him smile, and he nods.
"yeah, sure." he looks over the information again, before shrugging, "a attack from the front and the back should be enough - front distracts while back webs. right?" he decides, nonchalantly. she grimaces.
"don't talk to me about your back webs," she jokes causing him to roll his eyes.
"understood?" he reiterates. she nods, saluting.
"yes, sir. should be home for dinner - heard they're serving empanadas!"
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they were not back in time for dinner, much less in time for empanadas.
she'd decided it'd be easier for her to bait out the villain, knowing that most wouldn't take so kindly - nor give a moment of hesitation - to someone of miguel's build and stature. and it'd been fine, until miguel's overconfidence had led to only one of his hands being properly webbed up, allowing him to reach for his modified gun with its modified bullets. he had pointed it as miguel had his back turned, smiling down at her as he called over 587's spiderman to pick him up. she'd noticed before he could, pushing him out of the way before he could react. usually, she wouldn't be able to, but his shock left his position malleable, and his eyes widened - time slowing - as he could see the bullet puncture the side of her stomach.
he shouts out her name, reflexes working to catch her before she fell, and the sharp cry of pain she let out caused his heart to drop. he was pretty sure he had growled, shooting a web precisely at the villain's arm, and wrenching the gun from his grasp, only a hair away from doing something he'd regret. when a small "wait-" tumbles between her labored gasps, he places his anger to the side, immediately letting her squeeze his hand to power through the agony. he looks at her in confusion, wondering how the hell a bullet was causing her so much pain - especially with her spider-healing - but then remembered the modifications listed in the file - including increased damage. he breathes raggedly, completely unsure of what to do, as spider-587 swings past him, a little too excited for his liking.
before he can snap at the kid - he sounded like a college student, honestly - 587 notices her weakened health, coming to kneel beside the both of them. seeing the situation, he swallows harshly.
"uh - take her back to my place while i bring this guy in." he quickly mutters his address, and miguel nods gratefully, immediately picking her up, desperate to ensure that she can get patched up. he swings through the familiar-but-not streets of manhattan, clutching her tightly to him, as she does the same, worried about falling, but confident he wouldn't let her. his heart-rate quickens as he feels her tight hold on him weaken, a sign of her diminishing strength.
the window of the small apartment kitchen is open, and miguel slips inside, less careful than usual to be quiet, focused wholeheartedly on getting her situated. he slips into the bathroom, setting her down on the cold, tiled floor. she winces at the uncomfortable angle he has to have her in as she slumps against the wall, trying to take quick, deep breaths, but wincing whenever her chest rose. miguel desperately searched through the small bathroom's tiny cupboards, finding a first-aid kit. her eyes blink up at the stark green of the casing, a sigh of relief ghosting past her lips.
"you're okay - you're alright, just relax, okay?" he mumbles, tone uncharacteristically emotive. she hums a response, and the breath of her shaky exhale falls over his face as he bends down to examine the wound.
it's not great. far from it, in fact, as he can hardly see the bullet, wedged deep in her bleeding flesh. he lets out a ragged gasp, before forcing his mouth shut when he hears her whimper.
"is - is it bad?" she breathes out into the small space between them. he's not sure what to say. it objectively is, but he doesn't want her more upset in her current situation.
"i'll fix it," is the response he settles on, as he gets to work. in this job, he'd seen quite a few injuries - though not many were like this, and none that had happened to her. he works meticulously to extract the bullet and care for the wound, hyper-aware of how close they were. he could feel her soft breaths on the top of his head, her fingers would curl over his thigh as she tried to firm the uncomfortable sensations, and her chest would brush against his temple when she squirmed at the painful procedure. he tried to keep his mind focused, though it felt inclined to panic every time he heard her whimpers or gasps at a sting or ache.
what really made him panic, though, was when he stopped hearing them. having heard nothing but even breaths for the past minute or two, he looks up in confusion and sees her eyes closed, shoulders completely slumped.
"hey? you there?" he asks softly, waving a hand in front of her face, before decidedly getting more upset, his face scrunching in worry as he gently taps her face, careful not to move it too much, "hello? are you - mierda, mierda..." he trails off, voice becoming shaky. he looks over her face and, seeing the peace of it, he feels a strange mix of relief, that she seemed less in pain, and fear - as he'd seen that peace on many a dead man as well.
working more delicately, he continues the process, his eyes unable to leave her for more than a few seconds. he was trying to convince himself it was just to make sure she was still alright, but the more base part of him kept reminding him of just how much he cared about her, and how he truly hated the morbid thoughts that were encroaching his stressed mind.
"please, please don't give up on me," he mumbles, letting himself talk to keep sane, even though he knew she couldn't hear him, "fuck, stay strong for me. you're so strong, y'know that? and you're smart, and so skilled. i - i do really like working with you. even though - y'know, i'm kind of an asshole around you sometimes. you should see me around the others, though, that's just me. damn, that is just me," it'd transitioned to a ramble, "why - fuck, why do you even work with me? i'm so different from you, and you must feel weird in my company, but you're nice, and you always make me laugh - fuck. i do really like you. not just working with you. you - you mean so much more to me than you think and - well, i wish i could tell you that more often, dammit. i'm just..." he sighs deeply, his fingers brushing over her newly furrowed brows. he's worried that he'd hurt her, and he stops for a moment to let her unconscious self recover, before dropping his voice to a whisper, "i can't lose you, mi cielo, por favor no puedo perderte. i - i really need you to stay strong - stay alive for me." he looks at her relaxing brows, and turns away, beginning to work, as he curses himself internally for being stupid enough to not have said anything until the poor woman literally couldn't hear him.
except, she could. she was incredibly weak - too weak to move, or hold any tension in her muscles, or even open her eyes, but she was just slumped down - not unconscious. she had felt horrible when she couldn't open her mouth to tell him she was fine - well, at least, better than he thought she was - after she'd heard his worry, but she'd become truly upset she couldn't move when she heard his rushed and mumbled confession.
she wanted to reach up and tuck back that bit of hair that always fell over his face when he was working or stressed, and let her hands travel down behind his neck before she'd pull him in for a kiss, like she'd wanted to do for so long. she was over the moon at his words, her lips just barely parting in an effort to say something, but nothing came out. as she could hear him shift away, finally finished, she did fall asleep, still on the brink of returning his feelings.
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it'd taken a night of sleep, but after the bullet had been taken out, her body had begun naturally healing, and by morning, she was nearly good to go. she still winced if she turned around too quickly, and miguel was absolutely insistent on half-carrying her to the on-deck infirmary at the spider society. it had led to a few confused glances in their direction, and hobie's admitted annoyance at seeing them together, so close. hobie didn't love miguel - as was known by most - but he found her much more interesting, and seeing that the both were definitely together - as confirmed by pav and miles' exclamations of the fact - he had resigned himself to a signature curl of his lips, before - after only a few short minutes - finding something else around him to critique.
as miguel set her down, she looked up at him expectantly, searching for that softness from yesterday. it didn't come in the form of his soft words, but rather in the look in his eyes, and the wordless moment he spent squeezing her hand, before mentioning something about having to go back to work, eyes averted from hers. she knew he must have felt awkward looking at her, not realizing she knew what he'd said, so she doesn't mind.
when she's discharged, she makes her way to his office, a box of empanadas from the cafeteria - saved, per her request - in her hand, and knocked on his door. he lets her in, lowering his platform in a heartbeat. she realizes it's going faster than usual, and laughs to herself, realizing he truly did do that slow drop for dramatic effect. he tries to refuse the food, suggesting she eat them and rebuild her strength, but she brushes him off.
"where would i be if you weren't playing doctor, miguel?" his eyes widen at her use of his first name - decidedly uncommon in their interactions.
"is - are you okay? didn't hurt you too bad, did i?" he mumbles softly, looking at her with a worried gaze. she shakes her head, smiling.
"not at all. i did want to mention something to you, though." he looks at her, inquisitive.
"también eres mi cielo."
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mockerycrow · 9 months
4k! Congrats! 🎉 I humbly request some Rudy x gn!reader with the angst "Call me the second you get this. I wont be mad, I just want to know you're safe."
SAFE (Rodolfo Parra x GN!Reader) — 4K CELEBRATION
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a/n; i apologize for how late this is—i hope you enjoy!! i need to write for rudy more tbh.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: bolded italics in conversation are spanish.
[WARNINGS; stalker themes, out of character probably, angst, descriptions of anxiety, open/unhappy ending.]
YOU HAD MENTIONED to Rodolfo about a suspicious person that has appeared in your everyday life. You mentioned it was a big burly man, someone who looked quite intimidating and they certainly used it to their advantage. At first, you didn’t notice him, even as he followed you from shop to shop.
When you first began to notice the familiar figure, standing in an aisle across from you, maybe checking out a few boxes that he didn’t seem to actually show much interest in, you had sent Rodolfo a text. It was first a “men are creepy” text with some quick context, sending assurances to him that you’re fine. It still put on edge; he made sure you were carrying a pocket knife and at least a backup self defense weapon, which you always were.
That first text was not the only text you ended up sending to your dear boyfriend, who could not come home right away to come help due to a different threat in the country requiring his presence. You began to keep track—due to Alejandro’s advice once he was informed of the situation—all three of you knew that the police were likely not going to take this seriously as they nearly never do.. Until something happens. So, a separate chat between you and Rodolfo is made. It’s filled with photos of the recurring man or if you can’t capture a picture, you quickly send a text of where you are and what the man is doing. It went from seeing him once in a few days, to every other day, to literally every single day.
“I just.. I’m afraid to leave home, Rudy—but I have work, and I..” You whimper into the phone, your heart pounding out of your chest as you close your front door after putting a couple of paper bags down on the ground. You had just gotten home from the store where you had seen the man; where the man had the audacity to inch ever so closer to you, as if you hadn’t ever noticed him. “I know, sweetheart, I know. It’s not something you can afford, hm?” Rodolfo soothes you through the speaker, his voice causing a comforting chill to go down your spine and spreading down your skin. “Are any of your friends able to accompany you in public?”
You let out a breath as you try to calm down your hammering heart inside of your rib cage. “No, not all of the time, I asked.” You reply quietly, taking a seat down on the couch for a moment. Your eyes glance over to the open curtains of your home, allowing anyone to peer inside of your house and see some of the layout. You walk over and quietly shuffle the curtains closed. “I see.” Rodolfo utters softly into the phone, a bit muffled on your end. You sniffle, closing your eyes as you sit back down. “Please do not cry, honey. I will figure out a solution as quickly as I can.” Rodolfo murmurs, his voice ever so slightly strained. 
He knows how scared you are—every conversation lately always ends up leading to something about the strange and disturbing man. It hurts Rodolfo that he can’t be there; he’s asked for leave, but he can’t leave his post. Alejandro has tried to approve his request time after time again, but of course.. Someone above him vetoes his decision. Something about the situation at hand is too important—a situation you have no clue about, of course. Rodolfo can’t even tell you about it, even if he wanted to. All he wants to do is protect you from any threat possible and it’s killing him that he isn’t home to do that. 
Rodolfo doesn’t know how much his superior’s superiors decision will maybe cost him. It’s about two weeks later after that incident, of the strange man borderline invading your space. You went out and bought cameras—not ones connected to WiFi, no. Rodolfo taught you better than that to buy cameras that could be easily hacked into. No Ring Doorbell type cameras, of course. You bought cameras, accompanied by a friend; the man missing on this trip. You bought new locks, made sure to not leave any spares outside like with your previous locks. Even when you were forced to venture outside of your home by yourself, the creepy man seemed to be lacking in any of his usual areas. For a week, you were paranoid. Maybe he just found a way to watch you without being noticed; maybe he grew some brains, but you couldn’t find him at all.
After two weeks, one day.. You haven’t texted Rodolfo once. Not a good morning text you usually send his way, no updates about your day, nothing about if you maybe have to work—not even a mention about how the birds on the bird feeder outside are behaving and it’s eating at him. His bones are aching every time he checks for a notification from you; nothing. Absolutely nothing. The anxiety in his gut is brutal, carving it’s way up his throat and threatening to spill out in angry spurts; or maybe actual bile instead.
There’s anger and cold panic settling in his guts, in his muscles—his skin, his bones, his cartilage. There is nothing else but just.. Rage, and worry. His texts were being left on delivered and now they’re not being sent at all, meaning something is going on with your phone. Alejandro shoots him a worried look when he watches Rodolfo furiously typing at his phone, walking away for some privacy. He’s already called you several times; both him and Alejandro, but he has to keep trying. He needs to know you’re okay. Rodolfo is so close to grabbing a truck and going AWOL for you. He clicks the phone symbol to shoot you another call.
Rodolfo curses and his heart drops to his stomach when it goes voicemail automatically. Cold sweat rolls down and seeps down his face down to his jaw when he hears the voicemail he helped to set up for you.. Hearing your wonderful voice; he doesn’t want your voicemail to be one of the last times he’s heard your voice. He inhales shakily—his chest feels tight. “Hey, sweetheart. Call me when you get this. I.. I won’t be mad, I just want to know you’re safe.” He pauses for a moment, and then his lips part; his voice wavers. “Please.”
Rodolfo tries to keep himself focused despite your lack of response. He tries to focus on Alejandro’s words, the paperwork that needs to be done, the ride out to the city that needs to happen to scope out an area for a future endeavor. He knows his heart and mind need to be at work, but all he can think about is you; and that man. Rodolfo only lasts about an hour before he brings his case to Alejandro. He opens his office door on base, Alejandro’s brows already tense and furrowed from Rodolfo’s previous behavior. “What’s wrong, brother?” Alejandro utters, keeping their eyes locked.
“It’s them,” Rodolfo answers easily, making the other man tense. “I think something happened, I.. I do not know what to do, Alejandro. I need to go home.” The air is tense and thick—the intensity radiating off of his usual calm second in command nearly choking Alejandro. He lets out a deep sigh, contemplating. “Go.” Alejandro utters. Rodolfo eyebrows raise for a moment and Alejandro tips his head towards his office door. “I can deal with the bullshit later. Go.”
Rodolfo sends him an appreciative glance before he’s right out the door.
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multi-fxndom446 · 11 months
Alejandro Vargas x Reader
Summary: you are taken into custody after working with Valeria and Alejandro practically begs for you to give him a reason why.
Warnings: angst, talk about blackmail, fluff at the end, a lil spicy at the end by not to much. my absolute shit show of Spanish (my resident Spanish speaker took 6 hours to respond and I don’t trust google.) IS THIS MILITARY ACCURATE OR POLITICALLY ACCURATE? NO BUT LEMME LIVE.
Word count: 5.1k
Also the very end was completely unnecessary and you can skip it if you want but I feel like it add another little happy ending cushion😗
Whaaaat another one so soon??? Crazy.
Genuinely this seemed better in my head but hopefully y’all still like it.
Now where did this come from? Idfk don’t ask my I was gonna write for Gaz next 😭
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Your wrists hurt.
That was the only thing you tried to focus on as you stared blankly at the wall in front of you as if looking through the multiple men standing in the room with you, interrogating you.
They had your wrists zip tied together behind the chair. You couldn’t help but rub against the restraint from how tight they were, your skin becoming raw.
It made you wonder if they cuffed you tighter than was necessary. No, you knew they did. Maybe it was because it was Alejandro who restrained you and he let his anger for you bleed through slightly.
“You’re really not gonna talk?” Alejandro demanded, his hands splayed on the table separating the two of you. If you looked in his eyes you knew you’d see the anger he harbored for you but that’s not what you were scared of seeing, you were scared of seeing the confusion, the hurt that would also be there. “Why did you do it?”
He’d been asking you that for the last half hour and yet you still haven’t given him a reason for doing what you did. You didn’t give him a reason as to why you betrayed him and Rudy all those years ago. And why you did it again not even a week ago.
You were taken into custody with Valeria, who was in a separate room from you awaiting her own interrogation but for some reason they really wanted answers from you.
“Let's go. She won’t talk.” Ghost had finally said after a tense moment of Alejandro trying to get you to look him in the eyes but everytime he did it was like you were staring straight through him. “Maybe Valeria will talk.”
Maybe she would. Just to torment you further.
“C’mon Ale.” Rudy muttered softly patting him on the shoulder as he walked out of the room with everyone else.
Alejandro stared at you for a moment longer and in a split second of weakness your eyes flitted up to meet his. His breath caught in his throat but he forced himself to look away and follow the others out.
He was the last to enter the shipping container holding Valeria and after they got the information they needed from her some of the men left. Leaving him, Rudy and Price alone with her.
“Why did she do it?” Alejandro asked her but she tilted her head in mock confusion, legs crossed like she didn’t have a care in the world. “Don’t play stupid Valeria. She wouldn’t have done that on her own accord.”
Finally Valeria snapped, a humorless laugh leaving her lips. “And how would you know? You don’t know anything about her.” Alejandro just glared back at her.
“Can someone please explain to me the relationship between all of you?” Price finally piped in and it was then Alejandro realized he never really explained how he knew you.
Alejandro held his glare on the women before him for a moment longer before turning his head to glance at Price. “Y/n was part of Valeria’s squad. One of the closest friends Valeria had.” Valeria sneered in response.
“Maybe that was why she decided to join me. Ever think of that pendejo? Maybe she wanted to.” Alejandro just shook his head, he could feel his anger rising the more he spoke to her, he knew he had to calm down if he was going to get the answers he wanted. “She was practically my right hand man y’know? Did everything I asked without question.”
“There has to be a reason for it. She wouldn’t have just done that.” Rudy finally spoke up. “She was also my friend in the military. I did know her, she wouldn’t have just done something like that for no reason at all. She wouldn’t have betrayed us-“
“Twice?” Valeria finished, laughing when all three pairs of eyes snapped back to her. “You hear quite a few things when stuck in here. Did you ever think maybe it’s just in her to betray you?”
Alejandro scoffed. He clenched his jaw as he shook his head in disbelief, “no.” He stated as he slammed open the door and walked out.
Time was running out for you to confess your reasons to him. TF141 was already gathering supplies to take off shortly to go after the last missile and Hassan. He needed to know why before he put you in a prison so far away he would never even see a glimpse of you again.
You were still staring off blankly rubbing against your restraint when Alejandro came in again. So loudly it did cause you to glance at him but this time he held your gaze as he walked in closer.
“Explain to me.” He demanded his fists clenched tight. “Explain it to me! Why did you do it?” Your heart hurt at the way his voice had a hint of begging.
When once again he saw your lips were sealed tight he flung the only other chair in the room against a wall. “Puta madre!” He yelled but you didn’t move not even when Rudy and Soap rushed in at the commotion.
Soap had a hand on Alejandro’s chest to stop him from advancing which he just shook off. “Alejandro, maybe you should take a minute to calm down.” He said softly but Alejandro just shook his head.
He opened his mouth to respond when your voice stopped him in his tracks. “I won’t speak to you.” You said it with such conviction before nodding to Rudy. “I’ll only talk to Rudy.”
Alejandro looked between you and his best friend with a look you could almost decipher as hurt or betrayal. Maybe both. “What?” He muttered his gaze still flying back and forth before he took a deep breath and leveled you with a harsh glare. You wouldn’t talk to him then whatever happened to you was no longer his fault. “You don’t get to call him Rudy. Not after everything you’ve done. It’s Rodolfo to you.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, “fine I’ll only speak to Rodolfo. No one else.” Then you went quiet again and shifted your gaze back to the wall. All three men looked at each other before Rudy looked to his friend, almost in question on if it would be okay for him to talk to you.
“Hijo de la puta.” Alejandro shoved soaps hand away as he put an arm out again. “Fuck!” Finally after a few more moments of him cursing under his breath he nodded to Rudy before he quickly made his way out, soap following close behind.
Rudy watched his Colonel go, he knew how much this was hurting him. It was hurting him as well. You and him were pretty close when you served together, you told him everything and he you, so he truly couldn’t believe you would betray them without good reason.
“Alright,” he picked the chair up from the floor and set it down across from you, almost surprised that you met his gaze head on. “Explain.”
“I already know I’m dead Rudy.” He titled his head in confusion, choosing to ignore the way you called him by his nickname. “Either i get killed or i'm going to prison for the rest of my life, I have no reason to confess.”
“Other than to give us peace of mind!” He leaned forward. Rudy was never one who was able to hide his emotions easily, especially around people he cared about. But you were honestly getting tired of the pleading that was in the depths of his and Alejandro’s eyes. “There had to be a reason. The you I knew back then would’ve never left without-“
Suddenly he cut himself off almost like a realization hit him square in the face, chest caving slighty he took a deep breath. “Y/n..”
You could see it on his face, the knowledge he had just come upon. Your shoulders sagged as your cold eyes finally broke to reveal just how tired you were. “They threatened someone I care about Rudy.” Silence engulfed the room while he waited for you to continue. “Someone I love. If I were to ever reveal their plans it’s not my life at risk it’s his.”
“After all this time you still-?” His gaze and posture both softened almost immediately as the answers were slowly being revealed to him.
“Everyday.” You swallowed thickly. “I was never worried about my own life.”
Rudy shifted slightly to bring himself closer to you as if the two of you were gossiping. “Dime.” He all but whispered “Everything.”
You shook your head, “I can’t. The ones threatening him are still alive. I can’t.” You denied, your wrists rubbing tighter against the restraints as you grew more and more anxious.
“Valeria and Graves?” You nodded “y/n. Valeria is going away and graves is dead they won’t get to him.”
You shook your head again a little more forcefully, “I didn’t see Graves with my own eyes I don’t know that he is. And you don’t know Valeria, Rudy. Not the way I do. She has people on the outside. I can't risk it. So kill me, do whatever you want to me just keep him safe.”
“You know I can’t do that.” You could see the way his heart was breaking at even the thought of killing you. “I can protect you, we both can. Just trust me enough to tell me.”
You shut your mouth tight, already making up your mind that you were done with this conversation but Rudy wasn’t going to let you do that. Not after he just started getting answers.
“Fine. I’ll go speak with Valeria, tell her you told me everything.” Your eyes shot open at his words. You pulled tight against your restraints as he stood up.
“No?” You shook your head. “Then tell me.”
You searched his eyes to see if he was really going to do what he said but you saw nothing but conviction in them and it made you realize one thing. He had no reason to make promises to you when you broke all of yours.
Sighing, you deflated in your seat. “Valeria, that day on the mountain, already had our squad on her side. I was the last to know because she knew when I found out I would tell you and Ale. She was my best friend. I had no reason to suspect her of anything. Until she held a knife to my throat and told me she would kill him if I didn’t join her. I told her to go ahead, that I would never do it.” The pain of recalling the moments of your betrayal was almost unbearable. “The one person I loved longer than I could remember. His life was in my hands. So the choice was obvious to me. Even if you both hated me in the end at least you both would be alive.”
Rudy took a deep breath as he took in all your words. “And Graves? Why did you side with him?” You gave him a look as if telling him he should already know.
“Come on Rudy.” You scoffed, eyes burning with unshed tears. “You know why. He took me into his custody soon after Valeria and I were arrested. I had information he needed and when I refused to talk he told me what he did to you and everyone else.”
You looked at him again, shaky breaths falling from your lips. “He had him, Rudy. I couldn’t just let Graves hurt him. So yes I told him what I knew in exchange for Alejandro’s safety. I don’t care if that makes me weak, I don’t even care that it means he hates me now. He’s alive. That’s all that matters to me.”
This time when the silence engulfed the room he knew you were well and truly done speaking. Your posture straightened as you sat back against the chair, your gaze back to staring at the wall in front of you.
Rudy let the silence settle for a minute before he rapped his knuckles against the table and let out a deep breath. He pushed his chair in and left without another word, knowing you well enough to know he wasn’t getting anything else out of you.
As soon as he was out of the room, questioning eyes were on him, piercing into his very soul. “Well? Did she say anything?” Alejandro asked frantically, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. But when Rudy stayed silent Alejandro’s shoulders fell. “She really won’t talk? She told you nothing?”
“That’s it Alejandro. We have to load her and Valeria up.” Ghost muttered while the colonel stared at Rudy for another moment, hoping he would say anything. But when he again didn’t he let out a long sigh before nodding his head.
“Sí, I’ll help you.” Alejandro and soap were the ones to go in and get you. Rudy watched from the doorway as the both of you seemed to put a brick wall between you. Neither one acknowledging the other as Soap yanked you up.
You winced slightly when your wrists rubbed against the zip tie again.
Rudy was going to leave it alone. He really was. But then he saw your eyes quickly scan Alejandro as if checking for injuries when he wasn’t looking. Then how Alejandro was still gentle when he grabbed onto your arm to escort you out.
“Colonel, wait.” Your eyes shot over to Rudy who couldn’t seem to keep your gaze. “She did talk. Can we speak privately?”
“Rudy.” You gritted out roughly and Alejandro’s hand tightened its hold on you. “Don’t.”
“Please Ale it’s important.” You swear if looks could kill Rudy would be so far underground. Alejandro looked between you, Rudy and soap before gesturing for soap to let go which he did. Alejandro sat you back in your chair and the both of them followed Rudy out.
“Rodolfo! Don’t you dare!” You screamed after him as the door clicked shut behind them.
You felt like you were going to be sick, after everything you’ve done to keep it a secret it was gonna be exposed just like that because you trusted Rudy. Which in hindsight maybe wasn’t the best idea but after so many years of not seeing a face you trusted your gut just told you to speak to him.
It was so quiet now in your cell. You were so tired, there was no more fight left in you. You followed Valeria around like a puppy on a short leash, doing anything and everything she asked you even when your morals told you it was wrong. One click of her phone had you scrambling to do what she asked.
You learned very early on of all the connections she had. If she wanted something done or someone killed all she had to do was press a few buttons and things would be done.
Alejandro’s life loomed over you even after all these years. Even after all the time you started losing sight of yourself, your anchor was keeping him safe. Maybe that was why it was so easy for you to give in to Graves. Like a good puppy trained, one threat and you were spilling everything.
It made you sick. You were trained harshly in the military to not give information so easily. To either get rescued or die. But..you couldn’t even consider yourself as part of the military anymore not after going with Valeria.
You could still feel the presence of Graves like he was still right behind you interrogating you. Like your hands were still tied to the chair, breathing through any punches they threw at you until you saw Alejandro being roughly escorted by the room you were in. He didn’t notice you but you noticed him and Graves noticed the drastic change in your eyes.
It took him less then a minute to finally understand what made you tick and immediately he switched his way of doing this. Any time you refused to talk, he would send one of his men to Alejandro’s cell just a few doors down. You’d be able to hear very clearly when he would grunt in pain or when he would fall to the floor and it made your heart ache.
You lasted them doing that only a few more times before you finally gave Graves everything he wanted. Then he left you there for dead, stuck in a room in between 141 and shadow company as both sides shot at each other. The stray bullets landing somewhere near you.
You hoped that one would bounce just right and take you out. But unfortunately the world wouldn’t be so kind and in the next moment Alejandro rounded the corner, stopping short when he saw you.
He had clenched his jaw tight then and grabbed a zip tie he found somewhere. He cut you loose but immediately cuffed your hands together and you couldn’t even put up a fight as he grabbed your arm tightly and started dragging you down the halls with them.
That’s how you ended up here you suppose.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed since Rudy decided he was going to reveal everything to Alejandro but a few minutes later the door opened quietly and the man himself walked in, lips sealed shut much like yours.
He didn’t say anything as he walked over to you and pulled out his knife. You watched him carefully as he came closer and closer and just when you were about to be worried he cut the zip tie and let your hands loose.
You immediately brought them up to your chest so you could rub away the soreness and keep a close eye on him but he wouldn’t meet your gaze instead he stopped at the door, “make sure she doesn’t do anything. We’re taking Valeria into custody. We'll be back later tonight.” He informed one of his men who nodded sharply.
“Rudy told you everything?” You finally asked and Alejandro turned his head slightly to acknowledge that he heard you but never did respond. Just continued out the door which closed softly behind him. “God damn it Rudy.”
When he had said he was going to be back later that night you didn’t expect that to mean some god forsaken hour of the night. You waited as long as you could, pacing your small room after finally being let free but after a while there really was nothing to do but sit and wait.
And you waited. And waited.
Until your eyes couldn’t wait anymore. You rested your head on the table for what you told yourself would just be a short nap but then your eyelids continued to grow heavier and you slept until Alejandro returned.
When he did finally return he sent his own men to bed when he noticed the tired look in their eyes. He really needed to give them a day off soon. “You want me to come with you?” Rudy asked when the last of the men were gone.
Alejandro glanced between him and the door before shaking his head softly. “Nah. This is something I have to confront on my own. Get some rest.” Rudy gave him a short nod and parted ways while Alejandro quietly entered the room, noticing your sleeping form immediately.
It made his chest squeeze to see you so vulnerable. It made him wonder how long it’s been since you felt comfortable enough to even do something as simple as falling asleep.
He quietly moved the other chair closer to you and leaned his head against the table just so he could admire you in peace for a little longer. You really never changed in his eyes.
He watched silently while your eyes fluttered open, taking a minute to adjust to what was in front of you before your eyes widened and you sat straight up. Very much wide awake.
Alejandro let out a sigh as he slowly sat up as well, the once soft expression now wiped from his face. You glanced at him every few seconds as the silence consumed you.
He just watched you and you were starting to wonder if he was ever going to talk. After a long silence that seemed almost like a challenge you finally broke first when you could no longer take his piercing eyes burning holes into you.
“Why didn’t you take me into custody with Valeria?” You knew you could usually hold out longer but it was him staring at you. It was easier to ignore when more of the men were in here because that way you could feel all eyes on you. But his alone was starting to hurt.
Alejandro crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Because I’m not taking you into custody. Rudy did tell me everything.” You looked away from him, nodding. “I can’t accept what you did even if it was you protecting someone you love.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion slightly at his choice of words. “What?” You muttered softly.
“The things you did. Do you think the person you loved would forgive you if they learned you did all of that in the name of protecting them?” Your throat dried as you stared at him. “You killed innocent people.”
“I never killed anyone.” You snapped and his eyebrows raised. He uncrossed his arms to lean against the table again, motioning for you to continue. “Valeria had men for that. I was in charge of moving the shipments. To keep her identity safe.”
Alejandro was quiet and you could see the way he was trying to process your words. “I was put on the front line, my life was at risk but I never killed anyone. How little do you think of me?” At this he glared at you and opened his mouth as if he was going to argue but he just shook his head and stood up to make his way to the door.
“I’ll be sure to let Rudy know.” He stated while he reached for the handle.
“What the hell does Rudy have to do with this?” You demanded as you stood abruptly from your seat. “Did he not tell you everything?”
He paused, “he told me you were doing it to protect someone you loved, he didn’t tell me who. But you only wanted to speak to him so I put two and two together.” You stood there in utter shock. You felt like wringing his neck.
How clueless could he be even after all this time?
“It wasn’t because of Rudy I did all of that.” You clenched your hands tightly at your sides and Alejandro finally turned to you again but didn’t say anything. Another challenging silence fell between you before your anger got the best of you. “How stupid are you Alejandro?”
“Que?” He rounded on you quickly gripping onto your wrist when you tried backing away. He cornered you against the wall closest to you, caging you there as he leveled you with a harsh glare. “You think you can talk to me like that?”
You were almost positive your heart may just stop beating all together. He had your wrist in one hand pressed against the wall and his other gripped your upper arm making sure you stayed there.
You opened your mouth to respond but no words would come out. “Come on, you had so much to say just a few minutes ago.” He sneered, bringing his face closer to yours to where you had no space left. His entire body was practically pushed against you and you could feel every muscle on his body.
You only stood in shock for a second more before you returned his glare. “Yes because what makes you think it was Rudy?!” You felt his hold loosen just ever so slightly but his glare never let up. “Why for all these years have you continued to be blind?”
“Then help me see. Just fucking tell me the reason.” He pushed against you slightly like he was trying to shove you into the wall more
“Rudy already told you everything.” You spat bringing your face just that much closer. “I can’t help you see something that’s been right in front of you this whole time!”
Alejandro tsked before his body was gone and he was already several steps towards the door again but he didn’t pause at the handle, it looked almost like he needed to put distance between you both.
“I want to hear it from your mouth!” He shouted, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “Why is it so hard for you to tell me? Haven’t you trusted me before?”
“This has nothing to do with trust.” You rubbed at the wrist he had in his grasp. “I’m doing it to protect-“
“Protect who?!” He took a few steps closer to you again
“It doesn’t matter-“
“Who did you do this for?! Who did you throw your whole life away for?!”
“I did it for you, pendejo!”
Your breathing was heavy as you stared at him. The confession was like a bomb going off in the middle of a battlefield. Something that was so loud it left your ears ringing from the aftermath.
Before you could even register, Alejandro had crossed the space again in a few steps. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him while his other hand went to cup the side of your head, hands entangling in the strands of your hair as he brought you to him.
He kissed you heatedly, keeping you tight against him when you made a noise of surprise. Even still you couldn’t help but notice how kissing him in real life couldn’t ever compare to all the dreams you’ve allowed yourself to have.
You felt the roughness of his beard against your own face as you brought your hands up to his chest where you could feel his heart beating just as hard as yours.
He pushed you back against the wall as he moved from your lips to leave heated kisses down your neck forcing you to arch into him with a moan. The hand on your waist wrapped around the small of your back to keep you in that arch against him. You could feel the heat of his palm through the layers of clothes you had on and it made you want more.
“Ale.” You whimpered and immediately felt him stop. He pulled away slowly to look you in the eyes which you were sure were hazy from the moment. “What?”
He had a look in his eyes you couldn’t place. Something so much deeper than you were expecting. He took in a shaky breath, “I didn’t think I was ever going to hear you say my name like that again.” He whispered almost breathless.
The hand in your hair moved down to cup your jaw softly while the two of you kept eye contact. “Rudy told you everything didn’t he?”
Instead of answering he kissed you again this time softer before pulling back only an inch to mutter his next request against your bruised lips. “Stay with me. We can protect you.” He felt you take a sharp breath. “I can protect you.”
“Let me protect you mí amor.”
Your hands clenched against his chest and looked away from his intense gaze. “Your higher ups wouldn’t allow that to happen.”
“If you’re worried about 141 and Sheperd don’t. Shepherd is AWOL he can’t tell me shit on what to do with you.” He informed and you could feel his hand start rubbing your back soothingly. “You gave up everything to protect my life. Let me do this for you now.”
You searched his eyes looking for anything that would tell you he’s lying but there was nothing but love. “Okay.” You said softly and could practically feel his grin before he closed the gap once again and brought you to him.
Months later you would find yourself in his room on base while he was away training. He practically forced you to stay with him and by that you meant he held you tight in his embrace anytime he was with you and it made you never want to leave. And he never made you.
You found out that Alejandro loved you as well, since the beginning. You remembered when you finally broke down in his arms one night when he admitted that he never stopped loving you.
You apologized over and over but he just cradled you in his arms and whispered sweet compliments in Spanish until you calmed down and he carried you to the bed you shared and held you even closer for the rest of the night.
He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to protect you. He did everything in his power to protect you even from your own mind.
It’s all you could think about as you roamed his room, wearing one of his shirts while you cleaned. You were so lost in thought you didn’t hear his door open and close softly until arms wrapped around you and you were pulled into a sturdy chest.
“Hola, mi amor.” Alejandro kissed your neck softly, smiling when he felt you melt into his arms. “Is this my shirt?”
You felt his hand grab onto the hem of the shirt while he continued kissing you neck. You titled your head away to give him more access and gave him a small hum in confirmation.
“You should wear it more often.” He murmured against your neck while he laid his palm flat against your stomach to pull you closer to him. His lips traveled up to the shell of your ear where he whispered, “come to bed with me. I’m so tired.”
You laughed softly. This whole thing felt like a dream. You didn’t know how you got so lucky for him to let you stay like this.
Though it was a slow process and he was still working through forgiving you for everything and you were working through everything you had been through you truly don’t think you have ever been happier.
“I’m cleaning.” He groaned when you started unwrapping his arms but he just grabbed your waist and twisted you around so you were facing each other. “Ale.”
“I’m just relishing in your presence Princesa.” He smirked while trailing his fingers down the side of your bare thighs.
You chuckled again and kissed his lips shortly, smirking when he chased after your lips for more. “Well you can relish in it still by helping me.” You stepped away and he groaned.
“Okay okay.” But he still couldn’t keep his eyes off you the whole time.
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smilocity · 3 months
His Goddess - Rodolfo Parra x VargasFemReader
Note: This is from my old account! (I will be reuploading them all to this account!) WARNING! This is my first time writing about military action, and war with battlegrounds/warfare. So bear with me...
Parring= Rodolfo Parra x VargasFem!reader
Genre= Fluff! Romance♡
Additional stuff to warn about= Guns, wounds, swears(mostly in Spanish), warfare, military action, etc.
And to add, I am not Mexican so I'm gonna have to use some poor translator for some sentences i'll be writing in the fic. (Apologies to all the Spanish speakers out there....)
You are Alejandro Vargas' younger sister by 4 years, and by what Las Almas sees, you're like his little princess he doesn't want to see sad nor hurt. Hell, even his men are scared of your brother. Once, a new recruit for the Los Vaqueros thought you were a good choice to flirt with...Let's just say he was bedridden for about 4 days...
You met Rudy at the same time you joined the Los Vaqueros so you both clicked and just sailed away happily. Alejandro was relieved of you being quite attached to someone like Rudy as he is the only man he completely trusts aside from you and even called him his brother in all but blood.
Your occupation is being a combat medic and head of the medical department of the Los Vaqueros.
"Hermana. (Sister.) Rudy and I with some of our men are meeting up with Sergeant Mactavish and their Lieutenant of TF 141 to help for the El Si Nombre and Hassan problema." Your brother arrived in your office as you just finished taking care of 10 patients and their paperwork.
"¿Ah, de verdad? (Oh, really?) Interesante(interesting), Alejandro. But you do know the problem in Las Almas is bigger for only four soldiers, hm?" You reclined in your chair.
The leader of the Los Vaqueros only smirked, "You underestimate my allies, flor(flower). Rudy will be driving if you want to come along." Your brother left before you could even get a say in making you huff.
Rudy was already in the black van ready to go as he saw his superior and his sister.
Seeing you just made Rudy's day or even week, "No me digas. (Don't tell me.) ¿Te animó a unirte?" (He egged you on to join?)
"Mhm. Used you to bribe me. Puta. (Bitch)" you mumbled making both males chuckle.
"Ah, Rudy? ¿Estás bien para moverte? (Are you okay to move?) You took quite a beating when chasing Hassan a few days earlier. Estoy preocupada. (I'm worried.)" You gave the second in command a soft look making him smile delicately towards you.
"I'm fine, Angel. (That's your codename btw!) I've been through worse."
"Ahora, ahora tortolitos. Tendrás tiempo para coquetear más tarde." (Now, now lovebirds. You'll have time to flirt later.)
Both you and Rudy only slightly eye rolled at Alejandro's teasing and started to head to the meet up spot for the new allies.
When arriving, you were cut short with some problems since some new recruits caught themselves in strife, "Doc, dos cadetes se lesionaron durante una sesión De entrenamiento." (two cadets were injured during a training session.) Spoke up a Los Vaqueros when you arrived to the base making you sigh sharply, "Oh Dios mío...(Oh my god...) Looks like I'm held back again."
Alejandro and Rudy nodded, "We'll meet the Sergeant and Lieutenant for you, hermana. (sister)
Before leaving, you and Rudy did a secret handshake (It was basically you both giving each other a high-five from side to side then you guys doing a cross over your chests before doing a fist bump.)
"See you soon!" You bid goodbye to Rodolfo as you gave a nod to Alejandro.
"Nos vemos Ángel. (See you Angel.)" Smiled Rudy before getting a pat on the shoulder by his colonel as they left.
To cut it short, the Vaqueros(as) with the addition of Srg Mactavish and Lt Ghost haven't found El Sin Nombre making you get ticked off but radio to your brother that you will find him yourself if you have to.
"(Y/N) is it?"
You heard your radio working making you pause but answer, "Yes. Who is this?"
"Kate Laswell at your service ma'am. I heard you're the 3rd in command of the Vaqueros with Alejandro. I'm here to help you find El Sin Nombre. I'm with TF 141 consisting of Sergeant-" You cut her off,
"Mactavish and Lieutenant Ghost. I have heard quite a lot beforehand." You heard a hum for an answer.
"I have now understood that. I just sent you some information I have gathered from the boys on their recent search of El Sin Nombre. If you can, I'd love to see if you can find this person with my help."
You smirked, "Of course. Let's get to work Laswell."
After doing some digging with Kate, you both found out the Cartel had a house for a base in the far part of Las Almas.
"Thanks for the help Vargas."
"No problem Kate. I'll tell the boys and we'll be off with your orders." You said to her as you got the papers you used for information while talking with your radio.
"See you soon." That was the last message you've heard of her before the mission.
While getting out all the Vaqueros bowed to you in respect as you walked towards the part of the base where your brother is. (It was made mandatory they had to since Alejandro wants everyone to respect you like they respect him.)
Of course they were outside so they could be quickly briefed for the mission.
"Didn't know the Mexican Special Forces had a beautiful lady like you walking around." Said an unfamiliar person as you turned to see a soldier with short blonde locs and a smirk on his face.
'He's American...Must be with the Sergeant and Lieutenant.' You thought.
"There are many things you don't know about Las Almas." You replied ignoring the whole him hitting on you bit.
"Well then, let me at least get to know you better." Urged the man as he walked closer to you.
"¡Esa es mi hermana idiota!" (That's my sister dipshit!)
You both turned to see Alejandro speed power walking to get to you and the soldier.
"Detente ahora, Vargas. No lo sabía, eso es todo." (Basta ahora, Vargas. Él no lo sabía, eso es todo.) You held a hand to the colonel's chest to stop him from hurting the oblivious guy.
"What now?" As you said before, the blonde male was confused as hell since you both spoke Spanish and not English.
"Please excuse the Colonel. He gets...protective of me. Ale. Move." You apologized on behalf of your brother before ordering him to get a move on so you can be introduced to the rest of the men, the said Colonel moved on your order.
"Whoa! I didn't know there was someone who can order Alejandro around like that." Said a surprisingly Scottish voice near Rodolfo and Lieutenant Ghost.
"She's the only one who can." Added Rudy as he smiled when you approached them.
"Men, meet the head of the medical department in the Mexican Special Forces. (Y/N). Codename: Angel." Introduced Alejandro as you smiled and nodded to the men.
"It is nice to meet you all. I was supposed to meet you beforehand when you landed but some idiotas(idiots) decided to hurt themselves while training." You joked as you shook the Scottish male's hand.
"Sergeant John Mactavish. Nice to meet you. Call me Soap." Smiled the man, as you nodded.
"Ghost." Simply replied the Lieutenant making you nod.
"Philip Graves. Head of the Shadow Company. At your service ma'am." The man that talked to you before smiled at you. Alejandro gives a short glare, making you do the same to him, making him stop.
"Alejandro." You warned.
"Sí, sí flor. (Yes, yes flower.) Got information for us?" Asked the Colonel as you nodded.
"Yes. I have acquainted myself with Laswell and talked about your next move. Y deja de burlarte del coronel, sé profesional.” (And stop teasing Colonel, be professional.) You nodded.
"By all means, please do tell." Urged Graves.
"There's a small selected house in the outskirts of Las Almas. We figured they(Cartel) could be there. And I think possibly, El Sin Nombre." You told the males as you showed them a picture of the house and the address.
"So we just go there and tackle the guy or whoever El Sin Nombre is?" Summed up Soap as you nodded.
"Bingo. All the vehicles and weapons are at your disposal. The only thing we need for this mission is you and El Sin Nombre back. And as head of the medical department, I want you all to be unharmed during this mission if you can." You finished.
"We'll do our best. Let's move! Volveré.” (I'll be back.) Alejandro kissed the side of your head as you smiled, "Vuelve pronto.” (Be back soon.)
"Rudy. Permanezca en (S/N) y en espera.” (Stay with (Y/N) and standby.) Alejandro ordered his second in command.
Rudy gave his leader a nod, " Si Colonel." (Sí, coronel.)
You scoffed, "I don't need protection."
As soon as the men left Rudy started to silently cackle, "Say that again when you were cornered by three big men ready to tackle you down if Alejandro wasn't there to save you."
"Rudy! ¡Cállate! (Shush!)" You hit the man on his back as he only laughed more.
"Eres tan lindo cuando estás loco, Ángel.” (You are so cute when you’re mad, Angel.) The man before you held your hand as you had to register what he had said, making you turn away.
"Estúpido... decir cosas así sin darme una advertencia adecuada…" (Stupid...saying stuff like that without giving me a proper warning...)
"I'm glad to be called stupid by you. Come on, why don't we hang out for a bit, hm? That is...if you'd like to spend time with all your papers instead of me." Suggested Rodoflo making you laugh at how dramatic he is.
"Don't worry, Para. I'm all yours for the rest of the day."
You didn't know that the man was flustered by your statement before he started jogging to catch up to you.
"WHERE IS HE?" You yelled as some masked men decided it was a good idea to invade your base.
"Angel! We gotta go! They're here to arrest us!" Rudy grabbed your hand and led you to a secret pathway out of the base before you'd be detained/arrested by the mysterious masked men.
"Rudy! ¿¡Qué está pasando!? ¿Quiénes eran esos tipos y dónde está mi hermano?!” (What's going on!? Who were those guys and where is my brother?!) The moment you enter a small black SUV is when you bomb the second in command with questions.
"Graves se volvió y acogió a Alejandro. Lo recuperaremos.” (Graves turned and took Alejandro in. We're getting him back.) Responded Rudy as he drove to the safe house.
"That pendejo(dumbass)! I'll sever him up when I find his body if he did something to my brother! Let's go and break him out." You said as you got a few guns and put on some tactical gear.
But before you can continue on suiting up Rudy held your shoulders, "I can't let you go, Angel. Not when Alejandro told me to keep you safe."
"Rudy. I joined at the same time with you and Ale. I've been a soldier before being a doctor. I know how to use a gun." You reminded me.
"Sé que no eres débil, amor. Pero no puedo soportar que te lastimen ahí fuera. Déjame traerlo de vuelta.” (I know you're not weak, love. But I can't bear you to get hurt out there. Let me bring him back.)
You knew Rudy wasn't going to let you go but you still want to protest, "But Rudy...Alejandro is–"
You were cut off by some soft warm lips on your own for a few moments before they were pulled away.
"Por favor(Please), Angel." He looked in your eyes with a pleading look making you sigh and nod.
"One injury and I'm going to find that American myself if he hurts you." You warned making him smile.
"I'll keep that in mind. See you." He nodded as you both did your handshake.
"See you, Rudes."
While Rodolfo went to check the perimeter you went to the small medical area of the safe house before you heard a noise outside. You radioed to your ally immediately.
"Rudy? Alguien está afuera." (Someone 's outside.)
"Quédate quieto. Estoy atrás dirigiéndome al área principal de la casa. Quédate en las sombras."  (Stay put. I'm in the back heading to the main area of the house. Stay in the shadows.)
It was quiet for a few moments making you grab a pistol and a few throwing knives before using the shadows as an advantage.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard someone get in from the window making you hide behind a large wooden pole.
A red laser appeared on the man's shoulder, "Don't move." A deep voice was heard throughout the house before a knife was heard hitting the wooden pole.
"¿Quién es?" (Who is it?)
You didn't wait for Rudy to get a reply as you threw a warning knife back at the men as it hit the window near them, "Cac naomh...!" (Holy shit...!) Lowly exclaimed a Scottish voice making you remember on the men you've met before at the base.
"Soap! Ghost!"
Rudy got out of his hiding spot as you stayed put in the shadows.
"Nice throw." Rodolfo gave back the knife to the Lieutenant.
"What about the other one? Who threw it?" Asked the masked soldier.
"Ángel. Está bien. Si estás cerca, puedes salir ahora." (Angel. It 's okay. If you're near, you can come out now.)
"Podrías haberme dicho que tendríamos invitados, Rudy." (You could've told me we'd have guests, Rudy.) You appeared from the shadows making the Scottish soldier curse under his breath.
"That was you wasn't it?" Asked the masked soldier as you nodded.
"Forgive me about that. I didn't know it was you." You apologized before thanking Soap for giving your knife back.
"That was a good one. Almost had me there." Praised the Scottish man as you smiled, "Ale always wanted me to be prepared for every situation. I was a soldier before being a doctor."
"Speaking of that. You two were on the run?" Asked Rudy.
"But I was on the run. Ghost waited for me." Clarified Soap.
"Of course no?" You asked.
"Yes. This happened on my watch. And I need help to fix it. We're a team. No one fights alone." Cut off Ghost as Soap nodded.
"Why did Graves turn?" Rudy asked the bombing question.
"We don't know. But no can be trusted out there. Price, Shepherd, Laswell, and all others are considered hostiles." Answered Ghost.
"Except for–" you cut off the Scottish soldier, "Alejandro. He was taken, no?"
"Yes. And we're getting him back." Responded Ghost.
Rudy then led the group to a table and explained where your brother was being held.
They quickly got into gear to get the Colonel back.
"I'll stand by and head towards our other base. It isn't completely safe here." You told the men making them agree.
"Be safe, Doc." Nodded Soap as you gave a nod as well.
"Nice throw back there." The Lieutenant praised you, making you smile, "You as well."
Rudy held your head before giving you a silent message with his eyes, "Volveré contigo." (I will come back to you.)
"You better, Tonto.” (Dumbass) You whispered back before doing your handshake.
(While heading to the prison.)
Soap was a bit curious about the relationship you and Rudy had, "Rodolfo. What kind of relationship are you in with the doc?"
"Àngel's been with me and Alejandro since we've joined. 20 years to be exact. Toughest woman I've met in my life. Same goes to Alejandro. We swore to protect her as she's saved our lives so many times. That's why the Colonel always tells me to keep close to her, to keep her safe." Answered the second in command.
"Hm. Seems like you've done a good job."
"Feels like you two are closer than friends." Jumped in Ghost.
"We are. It's a bit classified." Responded Rudy.
"Classified, eh? Don't think Alejandro would like that." Joked Soap.
"Hm. He didn't at the beginning." Lowly chuckled the Mexican before he changed the subject and went to their task.
(After getting Alejandro out.)
"What about my sister Rudy? Is she..." started the Colonel as he was handed a rifle.
"She's fine, Colonel. She went to a more secure base. That's where we're going too." Nodded Rudy.
"Good. Let's get my men out." Stated Alejandro.
"Wait a second...You have a sister Alejandro?!" Said a bit too loudly Soap as they continued to move forward in the prison.
"Be more quiet Soap. We're in bloody enemy territory." Scolded Ghost.
"Sí (Yes). I kept it a secret to protect her. She wanted to join me and Rudy to look after us. I trust you and Ghost so I'm telling you this now."
"Thank you for trusting us. Won't tell a soul." Thanked John.
"Of course."
You were ordering around some Vaqueros to prepare for the fight that Alejandro would like to have ASAP since Graves turned.
"¡Escucha ahora! (Listen now!)" Whistled the Colonel to his men as you ran up to him.
"¡Gracias a Dios...! (Thank goodness...!) Are you okay?" You asked as you examined your brother's face as he only smiled.
"I'm fine hermana. (Sister.) Glad you're safe too." Alejandro kissed your forehead making you smile before you two held each other's hands as a greeting.
"No way I'm leaving you and Rudy alone." You joked as you saw Rudy making you hug him.
"Estoy de vuelta como le prometí a mi amor." (I'm back as promised my love.)
"Me alegro de que hayas vuelto." (Glad you're back.)
"I'm confused here right now." Said Soap as you smiled at him and Ghost.
"Captain, Sergeant Garrick. This is my sister, (Y/N) Vargas. The head of the medical department of Los Vaqueros." Introduced your brother as you nodded to the new sergeant and the captain who was beside him.
"Delighted to meet you Miss Vargas. Captain Price of TF 141." Captain Price nodded towards you and even took off his hat in much more proper greeting.
The new sergeant beside him nodded as well, "Same here."
"Nice to meet you Captain, Sergeant." You greeted back.
"Wait! You're the sister!? This whole time?!" Yelled Soap making you grin.
"You just caught on to that Johnny?" Asked the masked soldier.
"I thought it was obvious by how affectionate he is. But yes, he is my blood brother." You responded.
"So then, what's your relationship with Rodolfo?" Asked Soap.
"Ella es mi ángel. (She's my angel.) My wife of 6 years." Answered the second in command as he held your left hand.
"What?! I only thought you two were close friends!" To TOTALLY clarify, Soap did NOT see that coming. He honestly thought you were dating Alejandro by how close you two are. And thought you were the sister of Rudy. While trying to figure out who could be the Colonel’s sister.
"We get that a lot. Some actually thought I was my own brother's wife a few times before Rudy made it public to the person who asked. Al menos podrías haber aclarado lo de la hermana, idiota. (You could've at least clarified the sister thing idiot.)" You laughed a bit as you explained the misinformation before scolding your husband.
"Alejandro told me to keep it secret, querida." (darling)
"Oi! Lovebirds! Let's move. We got an American to finish." Said your brother as you gave him a small playful glare before following him and the team to the table.
Captain Price was the one to talk about the plan as they all grabbed skeleton masks naming themselves to be the "Ghost Team."
You almost did a double take when Ghost took off his own mask to the team as Price welcomed him back, "Good to see you, Simon."
Since you and Rudy were near Gaz and Soap you whispered to the Scottish soldier, "Better engrave that in your head before you forget Sergeant."
He huffed meaning he found it funny making you do a small grin before the men went to all put masks on.
"Okay, the first team is Alejandro, Sergeant Garrick with some Vaqueros to secure Valeria and possibly our base again. Alejandro will be leading since he knows the base well. The next team consists of Rudy, Ghost, Soap with Vaqueros. Ghost will be leading the team. The third team will be Price in a helicopter to assist in the air with a pilot. Laswell had already got the coordinates to where you will be dropped off at the base. Any objections?" You explained as you showed your tablet and the teams.
None of the men said anything making you learn they understood and have no complaints.
"Nice one, Doc. Let's move." Praised the captain making you smile, "Delighted to be of help captain."
Soap and you did a small high five as you gave a nod to Ghost and Gaz.
"Be safe." You said as you hugged your brother.
"Always. You too!" He said as he joined Gaz and the Vaqueros on his team.
Rudy gave you a loving look, "Te amo.” (I love you.)
You smiled before putting his forehead on yours, "Yo también te amo a ti, mi marido. (I love you as well my husband.) Esté a salvo y regrese conmigo.” (Be safe and come back to me.)
"haría cualquier cosa que estuviera en mi poder para volver con mi esposa. Nos vemos pronto, Ángel." (I'd do anything in my power to come back to my wife. See you soon, angel.)
"You're so romantic. Go." You chuckled as he squeezed your hand before leaving, "You know it!" You heard him say, making you laugh.
It was a few hours and there were already so many Vaqueros that got injured while giving Graves some payback as you already had to operate on 12 men and women.
It was a rush but none had suffered any severe injuries, just some deep gashes, big cuts and strained limbs. With a few who got a hit on the side of some bullets but at least no surgery this time!
While you started on the paperwork one of your nurses appeared to tell you some news, "Doc. El Coronel y el segundo al mando están de regreso con sus equipos. Te están esperando afuera." (The Colonel and second in command are back with their teams. They're waiting for you outside.)
"Finalmente. (Finally.) Gracias. (Thank you.) Estás a cargo hasta que yo regrese.” (You're in charge till I get back.)
"Sí, Doc.” (Yes, Doc.)
You walked outside making the men turn to you as Alejandro was first to greet you, "Hope you weren't busy, flor (flower)."
"Not really. Except for the numerous patients I had to stabilize with a small needle and be covered in blood while patching up wounds. Graves is gone...?"
Soap nodded, "Blew him up to smitherins." You nodded as you did a fist bump to the Scottish man.
"Valeria will stay in our custody until further notice. My sister will interrogate her more if  she hides more information from us." Alejandro spoke up.
"Valeria, huh? Seems like she was trying to keep the war and terrorism intact for her business with the Cartel. Not surprised at her being El Sin Nombre." You hummed as the said woman was seen getting into the black SUV.
"So the golden child appears at last. ¿Cómo estás? Espero que Alejandro no te haya ocultado mucho sobre nosotros.” (How are you? Hope Alejandro hasn't hid that much from you about us.) Smirked the ex female soldier towards you.
"I got this." You stopped your brother from roasting the bitch in front of you, "¡Será mejor que mires lo que dices, perra! Los usaré contra ti.” (You better watch what you say, bitch! I'll be using them against you.) You swore to her in Spanish before signaling the men to take her away already.
"Steamin' fuckin' Jesus...You're wife is something Rodolfo." Said Soap to your husband as the man smiled, "She is. Now you know why I married her."
"She's still my Angel Rudy. She's my sister. Well it looks like this is it, eh?" Retorted playfully to the Colonel before smiling towards Ghost and Soap.
"Guess it is. Keep fighting the good fight, hermano.” (Brother) Soap and Alejandro shook each other's hands while patting each other's shoulders.
"To the bitter end my brother."
"Good luck amigos.” (Friends) Rudy then shook Soap's hand right after.
"It was nice meeting you, (Y/N). Hope to see you soon." Smiled the sergeant to you as you both did a small fist bump, "Of course. Same here Soap. Esté seguro ahí fuera." (Be safe out there.)
"Si hermana." (Yes sister.) You smiled when he talked in Spanish with his accent as he then patted Ghost on the shoulder so they could head out in the chopper waiting for them.
"Keep your throws well." Simply said Ghost towards you as you nodded, "You too."
"Oi Ghost!" Your brother stopped the Lieutenant, "No te pierdas, hermano.” (Don't get lost, brother.)
"A huevo!"(Of course!) He yelled with a fist in the air before turning back to the chopper.
Alejandro chuckled at that as you saw them leave.
"You made them learn Spanish, didn't you?" You asked.
"Hey, the more the merrier, no?" Laughed your brother, "Vamos. (Come on.) We get the afternoon for ourselves if we get the puta (bitch) locked away in time."
"Rudy? I almost forgot. Glad you're back, mi corazón.” (My heart.) You kissed his lips briefly before patting his chest a few times.
"Hey. I told you I'd do anything in my power to come back to you. Come on, let's go before your brother teases us again." Chuckled your husband as he opened the door of the van for you.
"Too late! Move, you two! Or else I'll make you!" Yelled the Colonel making you and Rudy laugh as you both entered the van.
"Wanna go on a date later on? It's been a while." Asked Rudy.
"I'd love that." You smiled.
"Oi. What did I say about being cariñoso(lovey dovey/loving) while on duty?" Teased Alejandro.
"Nothing, Ale. This is the first time you've spoken of that ever since me and Rudy got married, pendejo. (Stupid/dumbass, etc)" You retorted as you all laughed and headed to the place where Valeria will be locked up.
(Bonus! Here's you taking care of Rudy after he met Hassan. Note: he was shot with adrenaline during the process of the bullet extraction.)
You shot Rudy with adrenaline so the process of extracting the bullet will be less painful.
"Eres tan bueno conmigo.” He murmured to you, eyes blown from the adrenaline. (You're so good to me.) 
“Te amo mucho.” (I love you so much.) Your husband told you as you did your work on his injury. “Eres un verdadero Ángel que los dioses me han regalado. (You're a true Angel that the gods have gifted me.) Eres una doctora y una esposa increíbles." (You are an amazing doctor and wife.) Rudy babbled on and on. It lasted at least 5 five minutes.
You had to force yourself from not smiling from ear to ear at the compliments your husband has given you but also found it funny since it was due to the effects of the syringe mostly but he's still behind those words.
"Cállate ahora, amor. Déjame ayudarte. Ahorra el aliento." (Hush now, love. Let me help you. Save your breath.) You whispered to the man you're operating before giving a small face rub to assure him you're still there beside him.
But your hand that held his cheek was trapped by the arm that wasn't shot, You could see the love and adoration in his eyes.
"¿Cómo tuve tanta suerte?" (How did I get so lucky?)
That made your heart jump at how adorable he looked. (He'd kill you if you said it out loud.)
"I should be saying that. Now lie back down and rest up, the syringe won't last long and I'm only almost done." You gently put him down so his bruised rib and other injuries you've treated wouldn't get irritated.
"Please say yes if I ask you to have a family with me in the future. I want to spend eternity with you, amor. Eres una diosa para mí. (You're a goddess to me.) Let me worship you."
You were so glad that your medical room was slightly dim lighted so your husband wouldn't see your taken aback face. But you were regardless, happy he had life goals set already.
"Rudy...I'd love that. All of it, but please. Save your strength. And I'm no goddess, just a doctor, Mr. Parra." You finally got the bullet out of his arm and now it was time to stitch him up. You had to use another syringe since the last one was getting weaker.
"Tonterías. (Nonsense) You are one."
"Rudy..." You warned him, but you just wanted him to rest instead of forcing himself to assure you he'd be fine or him spouting his praise towards his wife.
"Sólo que decir mi nombre me hace feliz. Esa es una verdadera diosa para mí."(Just you saying my name makes me happy. That's a true goddess to me.)
"You are such a hopeless romantic."
"Only for you, armor. Only for you."
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jayden-killer · 1 year
part 1
What would happen if your favourite fictional character appeared in your bed...?
A/N: hellooo! Part 2 is finally here! 🙌 exams finished!! So now, full focus on my tumblr blog, heheh. This time chapter is longer. As always, just the reminder that I'm not a native English speaker, so you might find some errors. If you do, point them out to me! Enjoy the reading.~
Warnings: mention of the traumatic life of Miguel (both comics and movie), kinda derealisation if you hint it?, angst haha :)
Taglist (write me down in the comments if you want to be added!): @strxngegirl @d1lf-loverrr @laysmt @musicalhistorical @souichi-sbitch
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I pressed the pillow against him, ready for any movement from the muscular man in front of me. His unkempt hair and a remnant of drool at the corner of his mouth confirmed my previous suspicions: he had fallen asleep in my bed. But how could he be divine even in that way? My eyes fell on his clothing: the holographic Spider-man suit was still on the young man. And he noticed my gaze fell there, then brought his attention back to me.
«Why are you pointing a pillow at me? It's not even a weapon».
«Ha, ha» faked a laughter, «That's is...amusing. How did you end up in my house, Miguel O'Hara? Did you fly with your webs through the window? Do you come from the roof of the building?»
And how do you know that my name is Miguel?" The man slowly approached me, losing his self-doubt demeanor that he had until recently, and I threatened him again with the pillow, lifting it up more as a reminder. «Stop there» My finger pointed to a precise point in the room, «First: what are you doing here. Second: how can you be real?»
«Are you answering my question with another question? Seriously?» Miguel's hands found place on his hips, and his eyebrow rose. I felt I was being watched too much by his eyes, which menacingly scanned me from head to toe.
«I'm in charge here, whether you like it or not, I make the rules here. Now, answer»
A snort left Miguel's lips. He rolled over more than once, shaking his head as if he was trying to find the right words. Well, a clear and comprehensive explanation didn't seem bad.
«Alright. I don't know how it happened, apparently my Gizmo started showing signs of instability as I traveled through the multiverse. The destination was marked for Earth-42. At the last minute, this maldito reloje decided to take me up to Earth-199999» Silence fell between us. I pushed the pillow aside, sitting on the edge of my bed to better focus on Miguel's bizarre story. The man seemed to mutter something in Spanish, but it was hard to decipher what he had said. He continued to look at me without looking away. «I was catapulted into this universe. The portal threw me onto the hood of a truck and the driver, seeing me, almost threw the truck into the wall. Luckily I managed to fly out of there with my webs».
«May I know then why did you come to my house?»
«I'm not done yet.»His eyes narrowed. I gulped fearfully. The man took a deep breath and continued to tell his story. «As I was saying, I flew away immediately. I wandered the streets for a while, and I saw how different your universe is from mine. The means of transport, the buildings, the people. I was tired, my strength was out of me. Your building was the closest. And your window was open. Besides, I would never hurt you. I'm a Spider-Man after all.»
«Yes, but you still attacked a fifteen-year-old boy because he didn't listen to you.»
«What?» I laughed embarrassed. «Okay, I get it big boy. So you had a good sleep in my house, good, but now you should reall-Hey! What are you doing?»
«How can I be a giant poster hanging on your bedroom wall?» His was more than a legitimate question. I would have felt uncomfortable (and also quite lost) if I suddenly saw a poster with my face on it. I wouldn't have liked it at all. Even though Miguel was handling it well. I noticed how his head didn't move an inch, but he instead showed a surprised look at finding himself in poster form.
«Well, it's a long story...» I began.
«I have all the time in the world».
At that moment I looked at Miguel, then at the poster again and heaved a long sigh.
«What I'm trying to say is...you shouldn't be real». I put much more emphasis on the last word. Oh, God. Things were taking a turn for the worse. How could he believe what I was about to tell him? He had always felt real, but to me, he has always been part of the fictional world. It was just a drawing, yet he was here. How was all this possible? He was way beyond the multiverse.
«Miguel, I know it may seem strange to you, but you're part of a movie, you're a comic book character. You're...».
I couldn't.
I didn't want to make him feel like someone out of this world. I already understood what he had been through before. The loss of his mother, his brother Gabriel, the abuse from his father, and even the loss of his daughter, Gabriella. To tell him that it was just pure fiction, an invention of some brilliant mind would have been... not right. But Miguel wasn't stupid and he immediately grasped what I wanted to tell him. His gloved hand curiously and delicately traced his figure on the piece of paper. He shook his head, almost as if I were telling an unfunny joke. I couldn't blame him. I would have reacted way worse than the man. It was at that moment that I noticed the man in question ran a hand through his brown hair and swallowed hard, his back to me the entire time. In the meantime, worried, I was playing with the edges of my nightgown, with the fear that he might tear me to pieces.
«I feel real». His voice boomed off the walls. And I looked up to notice strange movements. «I am true. Even if all this creates a lot of...confusion for me».
«Miguel, you deserved to know...» I broke into the conversation, trying to find valid explanations. «I had to...»
«No». He held up a hand to stop me. A moment of silence followed. «You did the right thing. Being Spider-man also leads to these consequences... doesn't it?». It didn't seem that the sentence was addressed to me, but more to him.
«Maybe you need to take a shower, yes?». I tried to change the subject, my tone going from concerned to persuasive. «I have some clothes left here by my brother in case of an emergency. Maybe they'll fit a little short on the shoulders, but they'll have to go».
Without saying anything, Miguel nodded, then asked me where the bathroom was, so he could freshen up.
«Take your time, so don't rush-»
Shit. What did I do?
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Ask and you shall receive!! A quick thing I wrote (not proofread), thanks for the ask <3
Miguel O'Hara x reader
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(AO3 Mirror), Part 2, Main Masterlist
summary: Miguel misbehaves. You teach him a lesson. part one maybe?? idk y'all let me know if u want a pt 2. (Part 2 is out!)
warnings: pwp!! light f-dom, angry (ish??) sex, grinding, slight m-sub, (m) begging. mostly just filth. I am soooo desperate for any character played by Oscar Isaac. 18+ Minors DNI
a/n: I apologise in advance, native Spanish speakers. Me and reverso tried our best. 
wc: 1.4k
A great crash from the workshop has you running from all the way in the kitchen, apron still on. 
He looks tired, hunched over his desk. Great hulking shoulders hang, tense in the dim light of a single lamp.
"Miguel?" It's soft, in the metallic hum of lights. "Everything okay?" 
He shifts, looking over his shoulder at you. "M'sorry for the noise mi sol, just tired." 
"...maybe it's time to call it a night, baby."
He waves you off with a flick of the wrist.   "Give me ten minutes, I'll come to bed."
"That's what you said half an hour ago, Miggy." It's under your breath but loud enough that his super senses pick it up.Your voice is fraught, frustrated - no doubt at the nights he'd spent away from you. Whether coming back late from tinkering in his workshop, or on the streets; he'd meet you fast asleep in bed, and wake up to an early morning rush. Either way, he seemed like a stranger in your own home; consumed with his work. It was taking its toll. 
You pad back, returning to the kitchen in silence. You clean up the remnants of a dinner Miguel had picked at, sighing. You loved him, and you knew he loved you; but he lived in his own world sometimes. Sure, the world needed him; but what about you? After everything you had given each other, how could he discard you so easily? 
It's only after a while Miguel realises the noises of you clearing up have long subsided, that he heads into the kitchen to investigate. It's meticulously clean, your apron hanging up on its peg by the door. On the counter, the remainder of his dinner boxed up in tupperware, with a post-it-note on the lid. 'For Miggy <;3' , it reads. 
His heart aches as he walks towards your room. You're dressed in nothing but his t-shirt, knees drawn and curled up into yourself. He slides into bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
"Mi vida?" He mumbles. "Mi vida, I know you're awake." 
You respond with an unceremonious grunt, back still turned. You're mad at him, and he deserves it. 
"I'm sorry." He says, listening to the rise and fall of your chest in the dark. He sits up. Sighing, he cradles your arm, tracing circles into the flesh. Gentle, and oh so soft. "I'm an idiot, you know that. I fucked up. Couldn't see how much you were hurting."
You stir, turning to face him. In the neon lights that stream into your room, his face falls. He brings a hesitant hand to cup at your cheek. 
"Say something. Please." Imperciptably, he watches your eyes fall to his lips. 
You kiss him, passionate and hot and angry. He can barely breathe when you envelope your plush lips around his, snaking your hand towards his back. You claw at his shirt, raking a hand into his hair. When you separate, it's obscene; a sliver of saliva still connecting his lips to yours. His scarlet eyes are low as he licks his lips; chasing your taste. You both sit up. 
"You haven't touched me in weeks, Miguel." Your voice is dangerously low, hand wrapped around his neck.
He wraps strong hands around your waist, guiding you to straddle him. For once, he's grateful for the flimsy fabric of his t-shirt - thin around the apex of your pebbled nipples. He paws at your hips, hands trailing towards your bare thighs. Just as they come to rest towards their crook, you snatch his hands away. 
"Let me make it up to you," He hisses at the contact, leaning into your touch. "Por favor, sólo una probadita, just a taste, my love."
"No touching." Dramatic, he protests, cursing in Spanish before you bring a thumb to his mouth to silence him. 
"No. Touching."
Eyes lidded, looking up at you, it takes everything not to break; you fight the urge to kiss the tip of his nose and whisper praise into the crook of his neck. Instead, you coax your thumb into his mouth; as he swirls his tongue around it, like he would on your clit. Miguel savors it like the sweetest honey, grateful you'll even touch him considering how he's been acting. 
He swells in his pants, hard as the crotch of his sweats graze your bare pussy. Beautiful tits pressed against his chest,  you draw small circles with your waist against the seat of his crotch. Precum spills as his hips jump up to meet you, desperate for contact. 
Immediately, you stop. With a pop, you pull your thumb from his mouth and Miguel moans at the loss. 
"Mierda. Baby, please-"
"No. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to use you to get off. You're gonna watch, if you're lucky. And then I'm…" You swirl your hips, causing him to groan. "... going to bed." 
"¿Entiendes?" You croon, spiteful in the slow sway of your hips. "Do you understand, Miguel?" 
"-f-fuck, ok, ok-" Desperately nodding, he grips the sheets by his side. Closing his eyes to steady himself, he slumps his head on your shoulder. God, he's trying so, so hard not to cum right there; turned on by the lull of your sweet voice. He likes it when you get angry and treat him like a toy - painfully hard at the way you light him on fire. Everything about you; your scent, the way you taste, the grip you have in his hair; turns his senses up to eleven. 
You grind on his crotch, steadying yourself with your other hand on his shoulder. Plush lip tucked under your teeth, it takes all his willpower not to capture you in another kiss: hungry and consuming and overpowering. He can tell you're serious; everytime he grinds his crotch into yours, you will yourself to stop and tighten your grip. 
"Miguel…" You warn, moaning softly into his ear. "I m-meant what I said…"
When his hips snap up the third time; you growl, frustrated. Both your hands move to his chest, pushing him down onto the mattress so he's on his back. He looks good like this; at your mercy and putty under your hands. You push up the lip of his shirt to expose his midsection and pull down his sweats. A happy trail snakes down to his neatly trimmed cock; its deliciously curved tip springing free. Precum covers his cock, so when you slide him between the lips of your pussy it glides like he was made for you. You bite down on your lip so hard, it almost bleeds. 
With this new angle, you plant your hands by his head; grinding your clit onto his dick desperately. The slick sounds drive Miguel crazy, and when his hands fly to your waist to help you along, you don't move them. 
"You're s-so pretty, mi vida… prettiest thing I've ever seen. Need it. Need you. Use me, please, hump my cock like I'm your toy, p-please, please…"
He knows your body better than you do. You're close, dangerously near the edge. With the way your thigh shakes and the spasms that slow your rhythm, he knows. You don't break eye contact with him under you, moaning as you slide on his cock. Desperate, you chase that sweet spot, electric when he angles your hips just so… 
"M'gonna cum, fuck, Miggy-" You writhe desperately. He's close, too, shamelessly humping your pussy like a feral animal. He can taste it; white hot at the tip of his tongue. Finally, you cum: a leg shaking, biting orgasm that rips through you. You clench around nothing, but it's not enough for him. So, so close; and it's ripped away from him when you come down, in the aftermath. 
Unceremoniously, you pant and roll off of him; spread-eagle atop the sheets. Miggy curses softly at his ruined orgasm - still rock hard. He's glad you feel good, but he knows he can make you feel better, broad hands pawing at your hips. You slap them off, and turn your back pointedly. The slope and curve of your ass taunts him. 
"Fuck off, Miguel."
"Baby, I'm sor-" 
"Fuck. Off."
Sighing, he takes the hint. Grabbing the pillow, he pads off to the sofa in your living room, adjusting his hard on. He'd give you your space, tonight, and begin to win you back tomorrow morning. He needs you, more than you'd ever know. 
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thedarkcoven · 1 year
You’re My New Addiction | JL x Reader
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Jake Lockley x f!Reader.
Stalker!Jake Lockley. Dark!JakeLockley (obvi). Choking. Hair Pulling. Mentions of alcohol. Smut without Plot? Teasing. Biting/marking. P in v (no protection- wrap it before you tap it). Noncon/dubcon. Knife play. Bondage themes (ie: using duct tape to tie reader up, using fingers as a gag). Semi-public sex (Sex in his limo). Jake is a rough man (Marc like to get to the point). Some Dark!Steven x Reader. Some Dark!Marc x Reader. Noneducated depiction of DID (MCU writing- also not a Spanish speaker so sorry if its incorrect)
No edit/nothin but word vomit. Sorry for any mistakes lol
- Dark themes. This writing isn't for everyone just an fyi so if you're not into that sorta stuff then don't read- i want everyone that visits my blog to feel comfy with what they like. Sorry if its not the best. Was kinda rushed and this is my very first Moon knight writing <3
  Word Count: 1,487
If anyone wishes to be added/removed please let me know
The sound of the bassy club music was deafening, making your body vibrate with each beat as you and some of your female friends danced together, drunk and giggling from downing a shit ton of your favorite drinks. You told your friends you were going to call for a cab as you gave them goodbye hugs. You knew you were at your stopping point and there was a man making you feel uncomfortable.  
You let out a shaky breath as you pulled your jacket close to yourself, looking around nervously as you began to walk quickly, going into a nearby alleyway that you usually took for a shortcut to your apartment. The sound of footsteps echoing behind you made you shiver as you reached into your pocket to grab your keys to use as a weapon. Before you could wrap your hands around them a leather-gloved hand clamped over your mouth. Your eyes widened as the smell of cigars and cologne filled your nostrils. A dark chuckle vibrated against you as someone held a knife against your throat.  
"Now now, sweetheart. No fighting me, alright? And I won't hurt you. I promise." He smirked as he began forcing you back to where you came from toward a white limo.  
The interior was cherry red leather. The seats squeaked slightly under your weight as the man quickly placed you into a seat. He grabbed the duct tape that was in the seat beside you and taped your wrists together. Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight of the man in front of you. His eyes were dark as chocolates, his skin sun-kissed, his lips in a tight line of concentration before using the same knife from earlier to cut the tape.  
Your eyes widened as the man's eyes met yours with a smirk on his face. He tutted his tongue when you quickly averted your gaze away from him but he wasn't stupid. He gripped your jaw firmly, forcing you to stare at him, his smirk widening into a grin as he stares you up and down as if to size you up; his tongue swiping across his bottom lips to wet them.  
"Oh, we're going to have so much fun, Cariño" The man spoke, sending shivers up your spine and a pool of arousal straight to your core.  
You jumped slightly as he slammed the door shut before climbing into the driver seat, opening the window panel that separated the front from the back, and glanced back at you before driving. You could hear him rambling on to himself as he kept glancing at the mirror.  
Something inside of you was telling you to try and escape. Call for help from the window. But something inside of you was telling you no. But why? What if the man decided to end you after he was finished getting what he wanted. You were most likely going to be used as a toy and thrown into a ditch somewhere.  
Amid your thoughts, you were unaware of the man stopping in a dark wooded area that was a few miles away from the town. He opened your door and fixed his leather gloves causing them to squeak slightly with his movements as he grinned down at you. You swallowed the lump in your throat and quickly began scooting away from him to scream for help. Would anyone even hear you? Before you could get a sound out the man climbed on top of you, placing his hand around your throat as he held you close. His mouth centimeters from your ear as he pressed himself into your ass making sure you could feel his erection that was struggling against the fabric of his black slacks. He let out a deep groan as you squirmed against him, causing you to rut against his cock that so desperately needed to be buried deep inside the warmth of your soaked channel. You let out a loud whine as he pushed you onto your back, a sadistic smirk on his face as he pulled his knife from his pocket.
Your eyes widened as he brought the face up to your face, dragging the sharp tip down your sensitive skin down to your chest and dragging it slowly along your clavicle leaving a trail of red welts in its wake before pushing under your left strap of your dress and pulling it toward the side making the strap fall loose in two pieces exposing your black lace bra. A low guttural growl vibrated his chest as he took in the sight of you after doing the same to your second strap and tossing your dress off to the side.  
The man gripped your hips and began grinding his hips into yours, pressing his lips to yours before he tensed, throwing his head back and his eyes rolling back. He looked down at you, his demeanor changing as his brown eyes scanned your body.  
“Holy hell, love. Arent you just a fantastic sight? So-Sorry about all these. Just couldn’t help ourselves now could we. M’name is Steven with a V. Thank the gods Jake finally got you where we wanted you.”  
“The hell?”  
“Sorry yeah um, the body is shared by three different people. Marc is the host, Jake and and I are an alter, and who ever fronts is who you get a joy of bein’ with, love. Hope this doesn’t affect your thoughts on us. I-I mean of course they won't. We’ve been watchin’ you for quite some time. Bit excitin’ innit? We just had to get you. You’re our new addiction after all.” He gripped your thighs as his eyes rolled back again.  
When he came to his appearance seemed to change again. He seemed more dark and mysterious, his thick brows furrowing together as he clenched his jaw as if he was pissed off. And boy was he. He snarled as he flipped you onto your stomach, ripping your lace underwear off as if they were nothing, pulling your ass back against the erection that was begging for attention roughly as he shoved two thick fingers into your mouth.  
“You know the thing about Steven and Jake... they like to take their sweet ass time and draw things out. Work you up where as I...” he quickly undone his belt and pants with one hand, pulling his aching cock free before pushing the thick leaking head against your tight entrance. Slamming his hips into yours not letting you adjust as he slammed his hips into yours over and over at a punishing pace. The sound of wet noises and your muffled sobs rang through the car, fogging up the dark glass. “I like- to – get – to - the – fucking - point.”  
Marc groaned loudly as he used his hand that still had two fingers in your mouth to pull you back until you were on your knees and your back pressed against his front. It was painful yet gave a deliciously new angle that he abused your cunt with. Your drool drenching his arm as he reached his free hand around to rub your clit as he pounded into you. While your brain melted, Jake fronted, Spanish profanities slipping from his lips as he continued what Marc was doing. He pulled his fingers from your mouth and moved his hand down to your throat, squeezing hard but not enough to block your breathing.  
All you could do was whimper and beg, nonsense falling from your tongue as they made a mess of you. Jake smirked at the cute noises you were making, their names leaving your beautiful swollen lips as tears streaked your face. His hips snapped harder up into you, the tip of his fat cock brushing against your special spot that made you lose control repeatedly until you were gushing, soaking his pants and the floor of the limo.  
“Holy fuck, Princesa. Your cunt just made such a big fucking mess on my cock. Such a good girl for us, aren't you? Letting us tear you open and being obedient for us. Gonna fill – fuck- gonna fill this tight little hole up until you can’t hold anymore. You’re our now, sweetheart.” Jake’s thrusts became sloppy as he rubbed your clit faster, making you clench tightly around the base of his throbbing length, the girth spreading you open a bit more as he began twitching inside of you.  
He pulled whimpers from you as you felt the warmth of his hot spend filling you to the brim while he rocked your hips into his softly until you were both cooled down from your highs. Jake smirked as he placed you onto your back and fixing his pants before giving you a quick kiss to your lips.  
“Now. It's time for us to go home. Got to get some rest so we can continue breaking in our new little toy. When I’m done with you. You’re not going to be able to walk for a few days.”
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celticwolf55 · 12 days
Do you have any songs that, when you listen to them, you think of wenclair? Like when I listen to miss you by Josh Makazo, I automatically think about wednesday being sad about Enid temporarily leaving her. And idk if you speak Spanish, but Tanto by Jesse & Joy is them. I mean, the lyrics literally are
"I love you so much I feel stupid
Stupid that it hurts when you aren't here
And so you can imagine how much
Count all the stars and add one more"
Also, have you heard of Epic the Musical? If you haven't, you should give it a listen. It's amazing and the song Little Wolf reminds me of Enid's fight with tyler. The fight in Little Wolf starts in the song Legendary right before it in defense of someone
I actually tend to make playlists depending on what story I am writing.
The first one I made was just things that gave me Wenclair vibes or was cello covers, and it has hundreds of songs in it. But then I started to make playlists that were specific to the story I was working on.
When I was writing Fake it till you make it, I literally listened to Reckless Diving on repeat for months. I also religiously listened to Mercy by Shawn Mendes to get the vibes as well as a lovely cello cover by GnuS Cello (which made it into the fic itself).
I am not familiar with the song you are specifically talking about or the artist, but I will look it up for sure. I do not speak Spanish, but I am learning Danish which is an absolute bitch of a language to learn as a native English speaker.
And YES I am obsessed with Epic! I often listen to the sagas when I go to the gym. I can totally see the whole Little Wolf being their fight, but I think there was a whole animatic I had in my head around one of the first sagas' songs. I think it was from Just a man with these lyrics:
But when does comet become a meteor?
When does a candle become a blaze?
When does a man become a monster?
When does a ripple become a tidal wave?
When does the reason become the blame?
When does a man become a monster?
(When does comet become a meteor?)
(When does a candle become a blaze?) forgive me
(When does a man become a monster?) forgive me
(When does a man become a monster?) forgive me
I'm certain I had a whole ass thing in my head about Enid struggling with her wolf side, but I will probably never make it.
For anyone that wants my playlists, here are several:
Specifically the songs Morticia and Wednesday play together in this story:
And this is just a general one for when I need background noise without lyrics:
And the Wenclair one I was talking about:
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firesnap · 1 year
wait what did q!quackity do????
Gegg had been harassing Wilbur and Tallulah all night (it was GREAT) and Wilbur quickly ran out of patience and decided he didn't like Gegg. Quackity showed up and Wilbur went on a rant about not wanting the slime egg around and Quackity got a little annoyed because Gegg is his.
Wilbur said he needed to go soon and Quackity said after Wilbur left he was going to take Tallulah out. Wilbur was Not A Fan and kept saying it was her bedtime and she didn't need to be out when he wasn't around. Quackity said Tallulah is around too many English speakers and needed to hang out with the Spanish CC's a little. Wilbur still said no.
The moment Wilbur signed off, Quackity collected Tallulah and started introducing her as his adopted daughter and that he and Wilbur had a deal because they were sorta-kinda-almost-maybe one day a thing. He then dumps her off on BBH so he can go to a therapy session with Gegg and Roier.
(Quackity does admit during therapy that Tallulah reminds him enough of his dead kid that it's causing him issues. The rest of the session is a trainwreck and Gegg is revealed to be Charlie to Roier and Charlie and Quackity work through some stuff, maybe, but also maybe turned the Gegg thing into a cult).
BBH takes Tallulah home because Tallulah mentions that her dad had said to be careful around Quackity and that he didn't really want her out. He does a little work in the garden and lights things up and writes Wilbur and Philza a note about how Quackity is telling people Tallulah is his.
The Gegg Group have decided to take revenge on anyone that has expressed dislike toward Gegg -- number 1 on the list being Wilbur. They decide to vandalize his house. Quackity stops everyone and makes them promise to not mess with Tallulah or accidentally hurt her.
The problem is Wilbur doesn't have a house. Everything is Tallulah's. They tear up her flowers, accidentally bomb a corner of her house, break some of her signs and cause chaos. Quackity finds the note BBH had written about his behavior and changes it to imply Dapper wants to hurt Tallulah.
BBH catches them and they leave -- not before Quackity loses it on BBH wanting to know where Tallulah is and if she's safe.BBH repairs as much of the damage as he can and talks to Tallulah a little. She thinks they wrecked all of the stuff her and Wilbur had worked on because they don't like her. BBH finds the altered note and decides to look into what the hell Quackity is doing. He then moves Tallulah somewhere safe for the night (Phil's basement).
So just a little light kidnapping and child endangerment. Nothing outside their normal version of dating.
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sortofanobsession · 4 months
Will o’ the Wisp - Ch. 11 (Umbrella Academy Complete) Diego x Reader
Author’s note: The last chapter. I'm sorry this took so long. Rough translations in the end notes. (I'm not Spanish and haven't taken a course in it in 14 years, but to be fair neither of these characters are native speakers either. They would have learned it like anyone else.) While I was trying to finish this I did actually write most of the stories for season 2 and 3. Not sure if anyone would read those if I posted them. This one might get a POV shift and repost if I post those.
So as it goes, Y/N = your name. Y/N/N = your nickname. Reader pronouns She/Her.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Primary Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Female!Reader (Slow Burn Season 1)
Series/TUA Masterlist
Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Summary: Events of Episode 1x10 The White Violin: The siblings deal with the crumbling academy. They regroup and make a plan that ultimately leads them to The Icarus Theater to confront their soloist sibling.
Content Warning: building collapse, canon character death, canon typical violence, head trauma, concussions, fighting, gun violence, bleeding, injury, language, history of abuse, PTSD, knives, anger, angst, family drama, failure.
Chapter 11: A Standoff and a Show
Y/N focuses back in on the Wisp as Viktor seems to have a conversation with himself. She wishes she could say something. That the Wisp could actually convey something helpful. But she can’t. 
"Thank you for trying, Y/N/N,"  Viktor says, glancing at the Wisp. "I hope this won't hurt you." He apologizes to the Wisp before he uses his powers to take out the bunker wall. He ends up taking out the Wisp in the process. 
It feels unusually painful when the wave of destruction hits the Wisp, causing Y/N to gasp violently. She would have stumbled if Diego hadn't been dragging her along. No one had ever essentially snuffed out one of her forms before but her. 
"Hey!" Diego shouts after trying to get her attention for a few seconds. "You okay?" She stared at him wide-eyed. "No one has ever…the Wisp it-" she shivered, and he pulled her closer to him. They are too distracted to notice the ceiling above them give way. She and Diego are knocked out cold as part of it hits them. Klaus shouts for them. A larger section begins to separate. Klaus manages to pull her out of the way, and luckily, Ben somehow manages to pull Diego out of the way as a huge slab of the ceiling falls and would have crushed them. Klaus manages to get his sister up, but she’s still confused and off-kilter so he half drags her with him. His other arm pulls his half-stunned brother. Thankfully, Diego recovers enough to move on his own quickly. She seemed so bewildered as they make it outside. They beg Grace to come out, to try and save herself, but she doesn't.  It's too heartbreaking to think about. So Klaus focuses on his sister.
“Come on, Sunshine. You’re freaking me out more than this place falling apart.”
“Sorry,” she mumbles. She reaches up to get a look at the cut on her brother’s forehead.
“Want me to?” she holds up her hand, but before she can even try to see if her powers she can control her powers while this out of sorts. They both turn their attention to Diego as he clamors over into the rubble of what was their childhood home.
“Mom, mom! Guys, come here. Help me search!” Diego looks around the rubble frantically searching for Grace. Klaus looks at his sister and she shakes her head. 
“Diego,” Klaus starts. “Just stop.”
“What?” Diego looks up at him confused as Klaus tries to pull him away. Y/N moves closer. Diego tries to go back to searching. “What are you-” Diego resists as Klaus continues to try and pull him away. Y/N cringes at the way Klaus pulls on their brother’s injured arm. But it doesn’t seem to phase Diego. “Let me go! What are you doing?” Diego’s eyes snap to hers. “Y/N, help me, mi luz.” She smiles sadly, and despite the uneasy feeling and pressure behind her eyes, she decides to help him her own way. Ignoring her doubt and pain, she draws on the Wisp. It takes her longer than usual to pull enough strength, but she manages. She uses the weakened orb to search the rubble at light speed. 
“Diego,” she starts as her vision adjusts, but Klaus has managed to pull him to his feet.
“Stop, stop!” Klaus tells him. “She’s gone. She’s-she’s gone, okay?” Diego doesn’t want to believe it. He looks over at their sister. 
“I’m sorry, Diego,” she puts a hand on his chest. “I checked. It’s just rubble.” She lets that sink in. "I know this is hard for you. No one loved her as much as you did. But we need to focus. I need you to focus. Because we can’t lose anyone else." 
“What do you wanna do?” Diego challenges. “You wanna... wanna…w-w-walk away from this? What about Pogo?” 
“He didn’t make it,” Luther says.  
“What?” Diego asks as they all turn to their approaching siblings. Allison goes over to hug her sister. The silent sister pulled back to get a look at the other. The blood on the usually glowing sibling was a stark contrast with her unusually pale completion. Allison tries to wipe off some of the blood. She also doesn't like the way their brother is supporting most of her weight. Diego keeps a tight grip on her as he talks to Luther. Glancing over at the sisters now on and off.
“Viktor killed him,” Luther states.
“But Viktor wouldn’t…” their brother says.
“No, I saw it,” Luther insists. “Just before we got out.”
“I'm mostly just tired,” Y/N assures her as she continues to check for worse injuries. 
The brothers continue. “Mom. Now Pogo.” Diego, consciously or not, pulls his luz closer as he tries to process everything that has happened. It finally registers how shaky she is. He ignores the ache in his bad arm as he reaches his hand over and takes her wrist. Solid pulse but her temperature seemed off again. Chilled for her. Allison was clearly onto something, fussing over their sister. But he didn't have time to figure it out. Five shows up with unsettling news. 
“Guys,” Five starts. “This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today.”
“I thought you said it was over,” Luther says.
“I was wrong, okay?” Five admits. “This newspaper, I found it in the future
the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed.”
“No, that doesn't mean anything,” Diego insists.  
“Time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning.” 
“You're not listening to me,” Five continues. “When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth is in one piece.”
“Five…” his closest sibling starts. 
“But not the Academy.”
“I'm confused,” Klaus states.
“Then listen to me, you idiot!” Five shouts. “Viktor destroys the Academy before the apocalypse.” Five sighs. “I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Viktor is the bomb. Viktor causes the apocalypse.”
“We have to find him.”
Sirens can be heard in the distance as well as the whirling of helicopter blades. 
“We gotta go, now,” Diego says. He takes his sister's shaking hand in his and squeezes it. He gets an uneasy feeling in his stomach when he realizes the wisp is still nowhere to be seen. Something that only usually happens when it rains or she is in a crowd trying to blend in. She rarely kept her light to herself. Her lack of a bright glow didn't bode well, but he didn't have time to do anything about it now. Once they got where they were going, he would deal with it. 
“Regroup at the Super Star. Go!”
“Whoa, hey,” Diego asks as they make their way into the bowling alley. In the bright lights, he gets a good look at her and it worries him. “You don't look so good.” He leads her to a bench near the door and helps her sit. “How are you feeling?” He brushes the hair out of her face and tips her head back slightly to see her face. He barely gets a look at her bloodshot eyes as she winces at the harsh fluorescent lights.
“Head hurts,” she admits. “But it's fine.”
“It's not fine, you got knocked out. Where exactly-” he lets her lower her head as he runs his fingers carefully through her hair for serious injuries. Her breath hitches and she whimpers as he finds a nasty bump. It tugs at something in his chest as her shaking fingers grip at his jacket.
“Lo siento, mi luz,” he says as he shifts. He gently guides her to lean into his shoulder when he sits down beside her.
“Lets just regroup,” she tells him. “Then figure it out.”
“Right, okay,” he keeps her tucked into his side while he keeps an eye out for the others. He ignores the odd looks from employees. 
Klaus comes over when he sees them. 
“Boy am I glad to see you guys,” he says. 
“Stay with her,” Diego says in a slight whisper.
Klaus gives him an odd look at how she didn't protest to being shifted around by her brothers. She just leans into Klaus much like she had in the car.
“How hard did that ceiling hit you?” Klaus mutters as Diego leaves. It seemed odd that Diego was up and moving like barely anything happened but she was practically out cold again. No one around them can hear how Ben complains she needs sleep as he worriedly studies his sister. 
Klaus hums in agreement but doesn't say anything else until Diego comes back and tosses a bag and some bowling shoes on the bench. 
“Come on,” Diego says as he wakes her up enough to get her on her feet. He takes most of her weight again as he does. “And bring all that.” 
He leads them to a lane and gets their sister settled on a bench. 
“Put those on,” Diego gestures to the bowling shoes as he grabs the small duffle bag.
“Where did you get that?” Klaus asks. 
“Locker,” Diego tells him as he tugs a zipper hoodie out of the bag. 
“What are you doing?” Klaus asks.
“Will you just do what I told you to and keep an eye out for the others?” Diego grits out before turning back to Y/N. “Work with me here, Luz.”
Klaus watches as his brother helps her get out of her jacket. He shakes some of the debris and dust off it as he tosses it aside. Klaus wasn't sure the last time he saw his grumpy brother act so gentle. Even Ben finds it interesting as Diego adjusts the clearly oversized hoodie on the female and carefully zips it up. He pulls the hood up to shield her eyes from the light.
“Los demás llegarán pronto. Sólo relájate por ahora,” Diego quietly tells her. He goes to pull away to make sure Klaus had actually done what he asked when her hand grips his.
“Don’t leave me,” she begs. And whatever he was planning on doing doesn't matter. 
“Not going anywhere, Luz,” he assures her as he sits down beside her. “Not going to let anything happen either.” 
He puts his arm around her and she snuggles into him. Klaus is damn near giddy when Diego looks up at him.
“Don't start,” Diego cautions. “She's exhausted and hurt.”
So Klaus doesn't ask about the fact the two siblings used to hate each other are now cuddled on a bench. “Why am I not surprised you have a locker here with a bug out bag? That is just the most you thing ever.”
“It's called being prepared,” Diego states. “Be useful and put names in, will you?” 
The rest of their siblings join them, except of course Viktor. 
Allison goes over and tugs her sister up and leads her to the ladies' room. Allison raises an eyebrow at Diego’s sweatshirt. The slightly glowing sibling shrugs because she didn’t hate it. And she was too exhausted to be embarrassed. It was clean and warm and it smelled like Diego. Allison’s amusement disappears at the amount of dirt and blood that comes away as Y/N washes her face as best she can. 
“I’m mostly just tired,” Y/N tells her sister.
Allison scribbles on her notepad. ‘Because of blood loss.” Then Allison points at her throat.
“It’s not that,” the light bender assures her. “It’s from the Wisp. It was in the bunker when V took it down.” Allison looks like she is about to ask another question. “We should get back. We need a plan.”  
Their names are on the scoreboard above the lane as they return. Y/N drifts in and out where she is stretched out across one of the three-seat benches. Her jacket under her head. It's not comfortable but she doesn't have to hold her head up. Without getting up she uses an orb to knock the pins down when it is her turn. She doesn’t care if draws extra attention. Diego takes a frame for her when she is too out of it to notice. She tries to listen as they talk. 
"How you feeling, Sunshine?" Klaus kneels next to her. She cracks one eye open at him and regrets it. He puts his hand up to shield her eyes from the harsh lights, tugs the hood back over her eyes with his other hand. "That bad huh?"
"Honestly, I've never felt anything like that, Klaus. Worse than when Dad would try to drown the Wisp in training. My fully formed Wisp was snuffed out like it was nothing. Not just dampened or forced to shift. It was stamped out. Extinguished. It wasn't like when I let one fade it was like…you know when you put a lid on a candle and the flame dies as it burns through the only oxygen until it can't sustain it?"
"Yeah," Klaus says.
"The smoke builds up, and the oxygen is just gone."
"I'm following," he says.
"It was like that but in an instant. The Wisp was gone, and it was like nothing was there, then that build-up was in my head. Like my powers didn't have what they needed to work, and my brain couldn't process it for a moment. Then it came back, but the pressure had done its damage."
"Okay,” Klaus nods. “Forget the bowling. You just take it easy."
“You sure?” she asks.
“Yup,” he assures her. “Let the Wisp recover.”
"I'll do my best," she smiles. 
Klaus takes her next frame, but slowly the siblings begin to focus more on the planning than the bowling. 
“Hello! I hate to intrude…” the female employee says to them. “But my manager says if you’re not gonna bowl, you gotta leave.” To emphasize the point, the manager slaps a set of bowling shoes on the counter. 
“Whose turn is it?” Diego asks.
“Oh for-” Luther hurls a bowling ball like it was made of nothing without looking behind him, and it clatters a few lanes over towards the pins. It would have been comical if their situation wasn’t so dire. 
“We're the only ones capable of stopping this,” Luther states. “We have a responsibility to Dad.”
“To Dad?” 
“No, I've heard enough about-”
Even Y/N groans because she is done doing anything for the man who used to use her against her family.
“He sacrificed everything to bring us back together,” Luther argues. 
“I'm with Luther on this one,” Five says. “We can't give him a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We're past trying to save just one.”
“Hey, you know, guys, uh maybe I could help,” Klaus offers. That gets his lounging sister's attention. She sits up and pulls the hood back to fully join the conversation. Five and Luther seem very annoyed by that offer. 
“Now is not the time.”
“No, let him finish,” Diego interjects to support Klaus. “He saved our lives today. Mine and Y/N.”
“Is that true?” their brother asks, looking at the three of them. 
“Why would Diego lie?” Y/N asks.
“Yeah, yeah, I did take credit for it. And I did save Sunshine,” Klaus says, smiling at her. “But it wasn't all me. In fact, the real hero was Ben. Today. Listen. Today, he punched me in the face.” Y/N didn't think he was lying but still looked at him in confusion. He continues. “And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's life, not me.” 
“You are unbelievable, Klaus.”
“Come on, you guys. He has a point, I think. I mean, I was out of it,” she shakes her head. “How could he have saved both of us on his own? I was already dead weight. How could he have gotten me out and Diego?” They still look like they don’t believe him.
“You want proof, is that it? All right. I'll give you proof.” Klaus picks up a bright pink bowling ball. “All right, it's showtime, baby. Catch!” He throws a bowling ball, and nothing happens. The ball just hits the ground and bounces away. She sighs. She loved her ridiculous brother and she didn't think he was lying. She just didn't know what to believe. 
“Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?” Luther asks him. 
“You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid,” Klaus retorts without thinking. He tries to backpedal when he realizes how Allison reacts. “Which was a complete It It wasn't his fault, 'cause he was ridiculously high, right? And the girl, she thought he was a furry.”
“Allison, wait.” Luther goes after Allison. Y/N shakes her head and lays back down, and mostly tunes out. Using the same sort of focus on her surroundings as her body gets when she utilizes the Wisp. The only difference is her powers are still inside her. It isn’t something she usually let herself do. It would usually make her paranoid, but Diego and Klaus had made it clear they wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Five was there too. Nothing was getting past all three of them. Her glow was masked by the harsh fluorescent lights and the neon lights around them. She tunes back in when an unfamiliar voice speaks.
“Excuse me!” The overly cheery woman’s voice says as she approaches. “It’s my son Kenny’s birthday today. And wouldn’t your son be happier with kids his own age? Assuming that’s okay with your two dads.” Diego just stares at the woman as Klaus looks over at Diego. Y/N tries so hard not to laugh from where she is sprawled out across the bench of seats across from them. Her eyes closed against the fluorescent lights.  
“I would rather chew off my own foot,” Five hisses.
“Let’s go, Kenny,” the woman says as they hurry away.
“If I were going to date a man, you’d be the last one I would date,” Diego tells Klaus.
“You’d be lucky to get me,” Klaus teases. “But you're sweet on Sunshine, aren't you, tough guy? What do you call her, your light?”
She tunes out the two as they argue. She doesn’t even open her eyes when she feels someone standing over her. She doesn’t need to in order to know who it is. She can just tell it’s Diego. “You worry too much. It radiates off you more than I do light.” She reaches up blindly and pats his chest, the handle of a knife cold against her palm. “I’m fine, just not feeling the bright lights.”
“Come on, sit up,” he says. 
“You just don’t want to be mistaken for Klaus’ boytoy again,” she grumbles but sits up anyway. She leans back against him once he sits down. He rubs her temples like he always sees her doing. She groans and pretty much melts into him.  He grins to himself.
“When I asked you two to get along, I didn’t mean that well,” Five states. 
“Fuck off,” Diego says, as he keeps the pressure on her temples.
“Well, you get what you get, and you don’t get upset,” she mumbles.
“It’s almost more annoying than when you two constantly fought,” Five says.
“Nah, you missed the worst of it,” Klaus tells him. “It’s amazing Diego didn’t spontaneously combust some days from her glaring. Especially one time he cut off a chunk of her hair in training. I’m shocked no one had to call the fire department on that one.” Klaus kept talking, she ignores him.
 "Cariño," she says as she pats Diego's leg. "Agradezco la ayuda, pero tienes que seguir jugando a los bolos o nos echarán." 
"Está bien,” he nods. “Está bien." He helps her sit up and kisses her forehead. Klaus smirks at that and nods when Ben says he'll watch her so she doesn't fall over.
Klaus and Diego take turns bowling.
She is pretty sure she dozed off for a few because she wakes up to dark lenses of sunglasses covering her eyes and leaning against Diego. She isn't sure who managed to put the sunglasses on her without her even feeling it or waking up. But she gives up on that line of thought as Luther asks. "All right, where's Five?" 
"He left." She looks around, not sure what she was expecting. Their brother has seemingly vanished again. Something else she slept through.
"Oh, for the love of-Where'd he go?" Luther asks. 
"Didn't tell us."
"Well, we're not waiting around for him."
"The concert starts in 30 minutes."
"All right, so what's the plan?" 
Diego gets up to make sure he's ready now that he wasn't being used as a pillow. He checked his knives were all in place. 
"Well, I think that," Luther says. "Uh We go to the Icarus Theater."
"That's a location, not a plan." Diego points out.
"Is that all you got?” Diego asks. “Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we're all over the place."
"You're right. We need a plan."
The bullets start flying as soon as the armored, glowing-eyed and gas-masked gunmen enter the bowling alley.
"Get down!" 
They all scramble for cover.
"Who the hell are these guys?" Diego asks. He pulls Y/N tight to his chest as they shelter from the bullets. She is sandwiched between Diego and Luther. Both keeping her blocked. She has one hand gripping the arm around her torso. The other grips the arm that Luther had thrown out to help cover them. Or keep her upright. She isn't sure. 
“Maybe they’re here for Kenny’s birthday!" Klaus shouts from where he and Allison hide.
"No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us!" Luther argues.
"They're blocking the exits."
"Diego," she says. He looks down at her. 
"I got you," he says. "Just stay close and don’t let go." He throws a knife with enough force to knock one of the gunmen out. The masked figure taking out the lights as they did. Black lights, neon signs, and the persistent glowing from Y/N's powers light the area. She takes advantage of the darkness and throws out multiple forms of the Wisp to try and confuse and disorient their attackers while the others use whatever they can find, including Kenny's birthday cake, to make an escape. Diego takes her hand and leads her while both continue to defend and defect any oncoming attacks. They made their way up the lanes without falling somehow. The Wisp hold the gunman off long enough to keep anyone from getting shot. Between adrenaline and her little nap, she was managing better than she had been before.
Diego's hand has barely left hers since he took it so he could pull her along with him. He let go only long enough for her to get past the machinery of the lane. And again when she superheated both hands to melt the lock on the door they ran out of in order to slow down their pursuers. She quickly found his again once her's were cool enough to touch. If anyone noticed they haven't mentioned it. Even as they pass under the brightly lit marquee. 
Allison stops Luther making all of them stop as they clear the lobby and reach the stairs. 
“Wha…” a confused Luther starts but stops when she holds up a note saying she needs to go alone. 
“Allison, I can't let you do that, all right? She's beyond reasoning.”
“You hear the music?” Diego asks. Y/N nods. He turns back to the others. “It's started.”
“Do you honestly think she's gonna listen?” Luther pushes. “After everything that's happened?”
“We don't have time for this,” Klaus says.
“Okay,” Luther agrees to let Allison go in alone. They watch as Allison leaves. 
“You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?” Diego asks Luther.
“It's our best chance to incapacitate Viktor,” Luther reasons. “She'll thank us later.”
“For the record, I hate this plan,” Y/N states as Diego starts up the stairs, a slight tug at their joined hands has her following.
“Noted,” Luther says as he starts to go as well. 
“So, what's the plan?” Klaus asks. 
“Uh,” Luther turns back to tell him. “You wait out front.”
“What?” Klaus asks.
“Yeah, you’re the lookout.”
“The lookout?” Klaus asks in disbelief. He looks up at his sister, who had forced Diego to stop, much to his annoyance. She looks back at Klaus.
“You and Ben, two sets of eyes,” she assures him as Diego tugs again to get her moving. “You’ll do great!” She adds before she is dragged too far for him to hear. 
Diego drops her hand and opens the backstage door. She hurries inside and moves to get a good look at the stage. 
She looks on in awe as Viktor plays. She feels Diego step beside her. She looks at him. He looks back at her. He thinks for a second how this all might end with them all dead and this may be their last moment of peace, ever.
"Fuck it," he mutters before pulling her into a kiss. She is shocked but recovers quickly and kisses him back. They pull apart for air. He notices the light coming off her is warm and golden for the first time in over a decade. 
She wishes they could stay like that forever. Unfortunately, their little bubble is shattered by an object hitting the floor beside the. They look up to see Luther glaring at them and gesturing towards Viktor. Diego looks over at her one last time. 
“Stay here, maintain visual, use the Wisp if you see an opportunity,” Diego instructs.
“Be careful,” she tells him. He nods. They both look at Luther. Diego signals he's ready. 
While Viktor has his focus on Allison, Diego and Luther go in for the ambush.
Viktor knocks them back with a blast. Y/N curses but stays in the wings. Not willing to risk a move too soon.
“She's stronger than expected,” Diego says as he sits beside Luther. 
"Yeah," Luther agrees but is distracted when something hits him in the head. He turns to see Allison. “Yeah. We're fine, thanks for asking," Luther says to a clearly frustrated Allison. Luther continues trying to rationalize their actions.“Look, I almost lost you once, all right?” Luther tells her. “I wasn't about to lose you again.”
“Well, so much for the element of surprise,” Diego complains. “What else you got?”
Allison hit the seat to get their attention. She mimics playing a violin. 
“No shit, Allison,” a frustrated Diego says, “Tell us something we don't already know.”
“She's talking about the violin,” their brother says. “It's her lightning rod. If we can take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot.”
“I told Y/N if she gets a shot with the Wisp to take it,” Diego tells them.
Allison throws a shoe that was near her at him.
“Believe me, I don’t like it either,” Diego glares at her. “But what was I supposed to do, tell her to stay outside with Klaus? She still only listens to me about half the time. She’d never have gone for that.” 
Still backstage Y/N doesn’t bother summoning the Wisp. She slowly makes her way on stage. She puts her hands up as she nears the conductor. Trying to signal for him to leave but he and the musicians looked more scared of what their soloist might do if they stopped. So they kept going. Viktor’s eyes locked on his glowing sister's. She lets her light show, attempting to distract him long enough for their siblings to come up with something. 
Allison hits the seat again to get their attention. They look at her and she points at the stage. The glow from Viktor now joined by their sister’s. 
Diego curses. “I told her to stay put.”
“She’s made it closer than we did.” Luther states. 
They watch as Y/N reaches a hand out to Viktor. Viktor’s gaze narrows at her but is drawn away as the armed gunmen storm in. Whether intentional to get her off the stage or to just knock everyone back, Viktor sends out another burst that sends Y/N offstage. Diego doesn’t hesitate to run towards her. Allison and Luther not far behind. 
“Luz!” Diego helps her sit up. “Talk to me, Luz.”  
She groans. “Hurt less than the first time, but damn. I think my concussion has a concussion,”  
The gunmen shoot at the area around the. Y/N throws a fully formed Wisp out to get an better vantage point, as Diego pulls her down to cover her. She curses as her usual tricks don’t work because of the lighted goggles. 
“What the hell happened to Klaus,” Diego shouts Luther. “He’s supposed to be our lookout!” 
“Yeah, are you surprised?” Luther asks.
“Those stupid goggles! I can’t do shit like this!” Y/N shouts. Her body no longer glowing but her eyes shine bright. She continues, “I either have to go hands-on or-”
“Don’t even think about it!” Diego refuses. 
“You want me to just sit here and do nothing?” She hisses.
“Be a better lookout!” he suggests. 
She looks over at Luther. “Can’t hurt,” Luther adds, “You can at least tell us where they’re at.”
“Fine!” She shouts. Just as Five reappears in the aisle.
"What's with all the lollygagging?" Five asks.
"Five, get down," their brother demands.
"Y/N, do it,” Luther tells her. 
She and Diego share a look before she seems to steady herself and starts to pull away. He knows he told her to do it, but his instinct is to pull her back and keep her sheltered, but he sees the way her fists are starting to glow, her eyes bright to match. She nods. He nods back. They had to do something. The Wisp glides above them with ease. As she start to relay numbers and locations, Klaus comes running in. “Guys, it’s Cha-Cha! It’s Cha-Cha. She’s come!” He ducks as the gunmen take aim at him. Five teleports onto the back of the nearest gunman. The Wisp drops in front of another one. She superheats the Wisp and pushes it forward, focusing the heat on the masked figure’s ammo clip. Igniting the gunpowder in the rounds, sending shrapnel into the air and the gunman. She goes to repeat the process but she’s not sure how long she can actually keep it up. She’s out of practice, recovering from being shot, she has a concussion and a desperate need for sleep, but she keeps going. Adrenaline flows and she knows she needs to focus. Her attention is drawn as she hears her siblings.
"Is that?"
Klaus had managed to summon Ben with his powers, and Ben uses his powers to take out the gunmen. She pushes Diego off of her to get a better look. To confirm what she is seeing from the Wisp. 
She half sobs her mind trying to wrap around not only seeing her lost brother but at seeing his power from dual perspectives. She wants to never forget that moment. The ghostly tentacles whip past her and the Wisp with precision as they find their targets.
“Now who’s the lookout?” Klaus says, clearly proud of himself.  
“Me you dumbass, since when could you do that?!” She shouts at him.
Diego sees his opportunity as his siblings argue and goes after Cha Cha when the assassin stepped on stage. Cha Cha was focused on the chaos the siblings were creating. He glances at his siblings, Klaus and Y/N now together. Diego knows this is probably his only shot at revenge. So he takes it. After a bit of a scuffle He manages to get the upper hand and Cha-Cha is at his will. He could kill her. He should kill her for Patch. For all the people she has killed with no remorse. They had injured not just him but his siblings. She deserved it for what she did to Klaus. But what Five said to him gives him pause. He had meant it when he said that Eudora had seen the good inside, despite seeing the worst in the world. ‘Well, I'm sure she'll be proud to know that you're killing Hazel and Cha-Cha as a way to honor her memory’. That is what Five had said. In that moment, when the academy still existed, Diego had looked to Luz. She didn’t admonish him. She didn’t say anything. She just gave him a sad smile. She had always been the one to challenge him when he was about to do something stupid. If the world wasn’t ending and she wasn’t fighting her own fight, would she try and convince him not to do this? She would probably tell him to focus. That she needed him. That he could still make the right decision.   
The eighth sibling looked over at the first. As they started to refocus on Viktor. 
"You got closest, see what you can do!" Luther tells the one sibling who seemed to actually be willing to take orders from him right now. She nods and splits her attention to the Wisp to try and get to Viktor. She starts to get that uneasy feeling she felt at the academy.
"Luther!" Her glowing eyes lock on his. "I'll try, but V has taken the Wisp out once already today, I'll have one shot at that violin! No recovery time! This is it!”
"If we fail it won't matter!" 
"Well then, I guess I'll see you on the other side, Number One!” She splits her focus and inches both the Wisp and her glowing physical form down the aisle.
"What did she mean about the Wisp?" He asks Klaus. 
"Viktor snuffed the Wisp out in the bunker. Her powers freaked out, saying it was like putting the lid on a candle and it dies from lack of oxygen. It was like her powers didn't have what they needed to work, and it took a minute to get them back. That’s why we were trying to get her to rest instead of bowling."
Allison glares at him.
"Why didn't she say anything?" Luther asks.
"She did to me. And Allison probably would have asked if she could. You just didn't.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Luther shouts.
“You were mad about Five and then bullets!”
"That would explain why she said she'd have one shot," Luther admits. They look over at their glowing sister. “She’s our best shot right now, If she fails or worse dies-” Allison shoves his shoulder despite it having little effect.
"Let's not find out," Klaus says. "Apocalypse be damned, Diego might kill all of us if that happens." He looks at Luther. “Especially you.”
“Why me?”
“You told her to do it,” Klaus says. Luther looks at Allison and she shrugs. 
Luther goes to say something but stops when Diego rejoins them. 
"Oh, welcome back."
"Where were you?" 
"Honoring a memory," Diego says. Allison squeezes his shoulder. 
"What is she doing?"  Diego asks as he looks over both Y/N and the Wisp. 
"Trying to use the Wisp to get the violin from Viktor. But she said Viktor took the Wisp out already, and she has one shot."
“And you all are just going to sit here and watch?!”
"Well, let's give her a hand."
"We surround Viktor."
"All right? We come at him from all angles."
"So it's a suicide mission."
"Yeah, but one of us could get through."
"And Y/N has a head start and the best odds."
"It's the only chance we've got."
"Are we all in?"
"All right."
“Stage left,” Luther says nudging Diego. He indicates himself. “Stage right..
"You guys back Y/N up and take the front."
Allison tries to get his focus. To try and get him to consider Viktor and other options. 
"I'm sorry,” he tells her. "There's no time, Allison. If she finishes this concert, the world goes up in flames. Do this for Y/N. We can save her.”
She hears Klaus's voice in her ear. "Stay behind us." She nods and shifts enough of her concentration to move when he does. She barely had it in her but she does it. 
The rush of air from the constant vibrations and force of V’s powers had her straining. Viktor was strong, but their powers had been dulled for years. Y/N always had hers. She should be stronger.  
“Now!” her brother calls.
She gives everything she can spare over to the Wisp. She could feel her body struggling, but she ignored it. Ignored how every little scrape and bruise, even the air in her lungs, seemed to burn. But she pushed forward until Viktor’s power latched onto the Wisp. Quickly draining the lighted form. The shock of the loss has her body falling but never hitting the ground. She feels someone has caught her. 
“I can’t-it’s-,” her voice is broken and almost too quiet, but the figure holding her hears it tightens their grip. She tries to clear her vision, and it takes a few tries before she is successful. 
“Ben,” she sobs when she realizes who it is. Ben had gotten Klaus to true again when he realized what was happening. Klaus hadn't argued when he'd glanced back to see fresh blood drops in the floor. He wished he could see her face but her eyes had been too bright. So he focused and let Ben help. 
She stares at her long lost brother, but can only focus for a second before she feels Viktor's powers latch on to her physical body this time. The ghostly form of Ben fading. She strains to see others suffering from the same treatment. She can barely keep her eyes open.
Allison puts an end to Viktor's rampage by firing a gun next to Viktor's ear. Y/N can't brace herself enough as she hits the ground. Y/N tries to pull on any energy she still has left in order to stand up but she fails, causing her to whimper.
"Shhh, it's okay." Klaus gently rolls her onto her back and Diego  drops down beside her and pulls her against him. Klaus would almost laugh at how possessive it seems if everything didn't seem so desperate. Diego holds her so they can get a look at her. She looks so fragile and drained. Diego has never seen her push so hard. He carefully wipes blood away from the corner of her eyes before he pulls her tight against his chest. Kissing the top of her head. Klaus goes to checkmon the others. She curls up against Diego and hides her face in his neck. It feels like a part of her is missing. Like a piece of her soul is damaged. He manages. He holds her tight, but he feels her weakly push against him. He pulls back enough to see her.
“V…” she starts, trying to get to her feet. And he couldn't tell her no. Not after what just happened. Not with her blood stained cheeks and tear filled eyes. He doesn't have it in him. Diego helps her over to Viktor. She picks Viktor’s hand up off the floor and holds it tight. 
"Sunshine," Klaus smiles down at her before sitting beside her. 
“Klaus! Ben, he caught me. You-”
“He did, didn't he,” Klaus chuckles. “He watches over you when we're around just like you always did us.” She rubs at her face as the blood and tear mixture blocks her vision again. Diego stops her. She looks like she might go to tears again.
Klaus takes pity on her. "Oh Sunshine, what did you do?" He takes the edge of his vest and tries to clean some of the blood off her face and neck.
"Not a good look for me, huh?" She jokes. 
Klaus tuts. "You always look good, right, Diego?"
"She does," he agrees. She feels his answers rumble in his chest as she leans against him. 
 "And I'm the one with head trauma and maybe internal bleeding." She uses a shaky hand to wipe at her sore eyes again. This time Diego catches her hand and pulls it away. He knows her other one won't be letting go of Viktor's anytime soon. 
"You're gonna make it worse,” he tells her as he intertwines their fingers. “We'll get you cleaned up soon.”
She looks past him at the moon, Klaus follows her gaze.
"Well,” she does her best to look at Diego as she gestures weakly to the sky with their joined hands. “You won't have to worry about it for long, cari."
"Uh, Guys?” Klaus says. “You see that big moon rock coming towards us?"
"That's not good."
"So this is it, huh?” 
“So much for saving the world," Klaus says as he looks down at the dog tags.
"If only Sir Reginald could see us right now, huh?" Diego says. "The Umbrella Academy A total failure.” He stares up at the fractured moon. 
“At least we're together at the end,” Luther says. “As a family.”
“This doesn't have to be the end,” Five tells them.
“What? What are you saying, Five?”
“I think I have a way outta here,” Five says. “But you gotta trust me on this.”
The three brothers all reject that idea. Y/N smiles despite herself. These were her brothers after all.
“Well, then, we might as well accept our fate,” Five states. “Because in less than a minute, we're gonna be vaporized.”
Diego looks down at Y/N. She gives him the sad smile he’d only started to decipher because it’s heartbreaking for both of them. He’s pretty sure he’s right when she squeezes his hand. All he knows is this cannot be the end. He looks back at Five. 
“What's your idea, then?” 
“We use my ability to time travel,” Five starts to explain. “But this time, I'll take you with me.”
“You can do that?” Diego asks.
“I don't know.” Fives answers honestly. “I've never tried it before.”
“What's the worst that can happen?” Diego asks.
“You're lookin' at it.” Five states. “A 58-year-old man inside a child's body, so there's that.”
¿Qué te parece, luz?” He asks as he looks down at her again.
“No puede ser peor que esto,” she tells him.
“We’re in,” Diego says. 
“Yeah, whatever.” Klaus says. “I'm in.”
“Me too,” Luther agrees. “Allison?” Allison nods her agreement. “What about Ben?”
 “Great, yeah,” Klaus answers accurately for once. “He's in.”
“Okay, great,” Five says. 
Diego goes to pick Y/N up but she shakes her head.
"I think I can stand or...at least lean," she assures them. Klaus helps Diego get her up on her feet and she curls into Diego's side. Her head lulls against his shoulder. "I'm okay, I know you've got me," she assures him. She feels his lips press against her temple. 
"Luther, grab Viktor," Five tells him. 
Luther does it but he ask. "Wait, should we be taking him? I mean, if he's the cause of the apocalypse. Isn't that like taking the bomb with us?"
"The apocalypse will always happen,” Five states as he gets them to start joining hands. “And Viktor will always be the cause, unless we take them with us and fix them."
Diego puts wraps his arm just under Y/N's shoulder to keep her there. He wasn’t going to lose her now. Her hand searches blindly until Klaus grasps it tight. They anxiously watch as Five draws on a larger portion of his powers than usual. Diego hadn’t realized how much light was involved with so many of their siblings’ powers. Y/N, Viktor, Five. Even Klaus’s power had a glowing aspect to it. 
"Ah! It's working!” Five tells them. “Hold on! It's gonna get messy!"
They all vanish under Five’s powers.
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