#leroy kingscholar
Dest: hehehe. ehem, does anyone here who likes puppies want to go on a little adventure? i'm definetly not bored and looking for precious people to hoard-
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Technical Information
Name: Yvonne Cryos
(Former: Yvonne Leroy)
Japanese: イヴォンヌ・クリオス (Ivu~on'nu kuriosu)
Quotes: "Rich and Fool, two choices to one. I'll be fool but rich, just for a plan."
Age: 17 y.o
Birthday: September 9th
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 172 cm
Race: Fairy-hybrid
Species: Ice Fairy
Melodie Kingdom (born; formerly)
Sakura Imperial (currently)
Daniel Leroy (Biological father; haven't seen)
Demeter Harvest (Biological mother)
Pandora Aiko (Stepmother; haven't seen)
Matthew Cyros (Stepfather)
Unseen step-siblings
Riordan Cryos Leroy (Older brother)
Alessia Cryos (Younger sister)
Mitsu Cryos (Younger sister #2)
Rico Cryos (Younger brother)
Nicknames / Aliases:
Evie (by her family and friends)
Dame de neige (by Rook Hunt; means "Lady of Snow", due to her sparkling eyes inspiring his painting of winter scenery)
Mullet (by Floyd Leech; because of her appearance)
Herbivore / Peacock (by Leona Kingscholar; as he described her as the female version of Vil due to being very nagging)
Beauty (by NRC random students who flirting her)
Monster (by her biological father)
Loser's daughter (by her step-mother)
Vixen (by those envious girls)
School Facts and Fun Facts
Best Subject: Magic History |Machinery
Worst Subject: Linguistics
Favourite Colors: Salmon Pink, Orchid Purple and Beige
Favourite Food: Dumplings | Apple
Least Favourite: Junk Food
Likes: Knowledge, books, adventures, discovery, her step-family, simple romantic date, quiet, sakura viewing, mechanical inventions, her mother's homemade foods, motion videos, happiness, peace, preppy fashion
Dislikes: Wrong answers, nonsense, her cheating biological father, a third wheel, cheap gifts, forced to speak, being flirt, fake romantic novels, fighting, bully, her family being mistreated, haters, mocked, gothic
Hobbies: Inventing, playing chess, reading, babysitting, chatting with Sophia on phone
Talents: Mechanic design, navigation, archery, fencing, strategic, problem-solving, inventory, babysitting, ice manipulation, the transformation of ice fairy
Idol Stat
Performance: Coloratura soprano and suitable for some opera classics. However she can only sing in bass now because her throat problem and a few coughs.
Choreography: Combination of ballet and martial arts, Yvonne's bones are a little soft and easily bend, but sometimes need full recovery. She occasionally showing with elegant hand gestures.
Shimmery Wings outfits: Classical • Quirky
Idol Brand
Winter Princess (冬のプリンセス)
The brand that feature on the Snow Princess of the blizzard realm. The outfits has fur coat and the color palette of the brand are blue to white. It even allowed to use other colors to fit on the stage background. It is Yvonne's preferred brand.
Shimmery Wings: Quirky • Classical
Yvonne is a female given name. It is the feminine form of Yvon, which is derived from the French name Yves and Yvette. It is from the French word iv, meaning "yew" (or tree). Since yew wood was used for bows, Ivo may have been an occupational name meaning "archer". Yvonne/Ivonne is also a Spanish girl name.
Cryos is a word of combining form meaning “icy cold,” “frost."
Character Inspired
Yvonne was inspired by
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Timmy (Winx Club series)
Bea Spells-a-lots (Lalaloopsy)
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 years
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True Colors
I got inspired by this song GUMI- Copycat:
I wanted to show of how Leroys Unique Magic works. So I made him turn into Dorm Leaders to show how he can transform into a diffrent person. Inside he is still Leroy, however he can imitate a person quite well.
I also added @piraticusdorm Conrad and @terrors-of-nightraven Viktor to the color schemes because they are also Leaders of Houses I like a lot, so they fit for Leroy turning into Leaders, because he wants to be part of the dorm leaders.
I can imagine Leroy did cringe turning into Riddle and Vil. Also I added his true self, and fun fact, Leroy has freckles actually, which he covers with make up to look cooler.
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night-raven-dorms · 5 years
Leona Kingscholar/Reader
@yandere-wishes asked: Its totally alright if this story goes a fluffy route I don't really mind. Heres the request: Leona punishes his darling for some reason (both reason and punishment are up to you) and than tries to comfort her after.
Safe to say Leona doesn’t like sharing. Especially when his older brother in involved.
Warning (just in case): Spicy time is mentioned
I highly doubt I need the warning though
Leona had told you many stories about him and his brother from when they were younger. They intrigued you. How could they not? From them you learned a lot about your boyfriend; like how he got his scar from a fight with his brother, or how he and his brother used to be really close.
What you weren’t expecting to happen, was actually meeting his brother.
The two of them looked very much alike, yet not at all like each other. Leroy Kingscholar was almost like the prince charming version of his younger brother. He was bigger in stature, had broader shoulders, and was taller. His hair, while kept long like Leona’s, was smoother and more taken care of. It was also lighter and had more of a red tint to it. His ears were slightly larger and rounded, and his tail was longer too; both also being a lighter color when compared to Leona’s. The biggest contrast between the two brothers was their eyes. While Leona’s were a striking green that held power and dominance, Leroy’s was a softer and kinder brown.
You had met him one day when you were looking for Leona. They were together in the entrance hall having what seemed to be an intense conversation. Not wanting to see any fighting, you quickly made your way to them. Your sudden presence caught both of them off guard. “Oh? And who might you be?” Leroy asked.
His voice was deeper and richer, and it shocked you. When you were going to reply, Leona quickly stepped in, “Brother, this is my girlfriend (y/n).”
Despite his efforts at a ‘kind’ introduction, you clearly heard the growl that followed in his voice. He smiled at you and stuck his hand out for you to shake, “Well, it’s nice to meet you (y/n). I’m Leroy, his older brother. You can call me Roy.”
You shook his hand and replied, “It’s nice to meet you Roy.”
You could practically feel Leona’s burning gaze as he watched you interact with his brother. He was going to speak, but Ruggie came in to retrieve the dorm leader for a meeting. Before he left, he whispered to you to not trust his brother then went off with Ruggie in the direction of the headmaster’s office. You and Leroy stood there watching the lion leave. You turned to his older brother and gave an awkward smile. He looked around the building and sighed, “This place has changed since the last time I’ve seen it.”
“Really?” You asked, “How has it changed?”
He let out a deep chuckle, “It hasn’t changed much. Things just feel different. Say... could you be so kind to give me a tour?”
“Uh... sure?”
You weren’t in any position to say no. First off this is your boyfriend’s older brother. Not only that he was the first prince of his country. The future king.
Leading the way, you first made your way through the main building before going into the dorms. You first ran into Sam in the main hallway. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Leroy. Looks like you’re not so little anymore!”
He wasn’t wrong. When they both greeted each other with a hug, Leroy was about a head taller the the shop keeper. “So how have you been bud?” Sam asked.
“I’ve been well, thanks for asking. Although, training to become king hasn’t exactly been the easiest thing.”
Sam shrugged, “You’ll be a fine ruler Roy. If you did amazing here, no doubt you’ll do well as a king. Now if you would excuse me, I have to pick up some goods. So y’all around.”
Sam wasn’t the only person to greet the lion like this. Professor Crewel sang praises of back when Leroy was in his potions class, Professor Mozus talked to him with much respect and – hilariously – started ranting on about how Leona should be more like him, and even the headmaster greeted him like an son he never had (to be fair he treated all of the students like his children).
Then you went to each of the dormitories, but it wasn’t until Savanaclaw that things changed. Each student you passed by gave a bow to Leroy, and in all honesty, it was starting to feel awkward being next to him. Having noticed your discomfort, Leroy said, “Ah, the dormitories we’re just back the other way right? Why don’t we go back? I would like to see my old room again. Besides your feet are probably hurting from walking me around the campus. And if it’s alright with you, I’d love to hear more about my brother. What do you say?”
He put a gentle hand your shoulder. You stuttered trying to find the correct words to say when you were suddenly pulled back into someone’s chest, “Back off Leroy.”
The lion in front of you looked confused, “Leona, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
Leona walked, more like dragged, you back in the direction of the dorms. Before he could get far, Leroy called out to him, “Don’t turn your back on me brother.”
Your boyfriend stopped and looked over his shoulder to the older lion, “No, perhaps you shouldn’t turn your back on me.”
Leroy walked up to Leona, turned him around and grabbed him by the collar of his leather vest, “Is that a challenge?”
Leona grabbed his hand and shoved it off of him. “I wouldn’t dream of challenging you. Now, excuse me, but I have to talk with my darling. In private.”
As you left, you felt the stares of the other Savanaclaw students watching your figures leaving the scene
When you made it back to Leona’s room, he shoved you in and locked the door behind him. “What we’re you doing with my brother? I thought I told you to be careful around him.”
You stared back at him, “He just wanted a tour around campus?”
You hadn’t meant for it to come out like a question. The look on Leona’s face told you he was only becoming more pissed off. “Leona, please, he was only trying to be friendly.”
He stalked closer to you. “Friendly? Is wanting to get you as far away as possible from me friendly? Is him wanting to lead you to his room friendly?”
He had backed you up into a wall of the master dorm room and slammed his hand next to your head. You flinched at the loud impact but continued to look straight at Leona in the eyes. “Leona please stop. What has gotten you like this?”
He laughed, “What’s gotten me like this is the fact that you’re mine, and only mine. Not my brother’s, not any one else’s but mine.”
He slammed his lips against yours. Unlike the passionate, hungry kisses he would give you, this kiss was pure carnal desire. From the way his lips moved against yours to his tongue exploring your mouth, it was starting to fog your head. Without disconnecting the kiss, he hooked his hands underneath your thighs and hoisted you up pinning you against the wall. When he noticed your struggle to breath, he moved from your lips to kiss and nip down your jaw to your neck. “Leo... Leona... wait.”
He ignored you as he sucked and bit at your collar bone. You could hear him mumbling against your neck, “Do you know why,”
A hickey.
“I’m like this?”
A bite.
“My brother took everything from me”
A lick
“And I’m not letting you go”
A kiss
“So I’m going to show him... no, I’m going to show everyone who you belong to.”
Another hickey.
While his words were kind of sweet and romantic, you couldn’t think straight as he captured your lips once more while grinding against you. Holding onto you, he carried you to his bed where you fell back and looked up at him. He was panting, his hair was a mess (due to your hands), and his pupils were dilated to slits. He licked his lips and smirked, “For your punishment, you’re not allowed to leave my room until I say so.”
He grabbed the front of your uniform and ripped it open, “Leona my uniform!”
“I can always get you a new one. Now, I have to make sure you won’t be able to leave.”
That night you lay on top of Leona’s chest as he played with your hair. He peeked down at your body which was covered in love bites and bite marks; your chest, neck, and shoulders having the most littered on them. On the other hand, he had his own bite marks and scratches that raked down his chest and back. “Babe... I’m sorry.”
You groggily looked up at him, “wha?”
“I’m sorry for being jealous. I shouldn’t have–“
You quickly cut him off, “Leona.”
He hummed to acknowledge you. You snuggled closer to his chest, “shudup.”
He laughed and kissed your head. You called his name once again. “Yes?” He asked.
In your half asleep state, you mumbled out, “I love you.”
He smiled, “I love you too.”
A/N: The duality of Leona. Btw ya girl tried and probably failed oof. I hope you enjoy the writing though!
Also is it just me, or when the spicy scene isn’t described, it’s spicier?
-a blushing GW
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Ryuco: *holding all the previously stolen kids in his wings* here you go and sorry for the trouble
Awww thxs Ryuco! And don't worry I'm sure the children had fun! Didn't you kids? :3
Rory: Yup! We got necklaces, and I got a golden donut!
Leroy: I got a golden crown!
Jason: I got a golden dumbbel!
Mania: I have a golden apple!
Ida and Ori: We got controllers!
Silk: I have a golden sword!! :D
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Dest: *at the old castle with the kids, still in dragon form* alright kiddos, this castle is filled with treasure. whatever treasure you find, you can keep. so to start you all of you can all have these *holds out a clawful of gemstones* and if you get tired or hungry, there's a nest of pillows right there with food next to it so go crazy. i'll be near the nest if anyone wants to play or cuddle something
All: Okie-doki , thanks Ms.Dragon Lady!! :D
Rory: *Rustling through treasure* Oh Silk look at this necklace I found! It's all sparkly!
Silk: Really?! I have the same one!
Rory: Oh what is it?! :0
Leroy: It's a golden crown! I think I might give this to Oto-san! ^^
Jason: And I found a golden dumbell! ^^
Mania: I also found something! I found a golden apple! Daddy might like this! :D
Ida and Ori: We found golden controllers! :D Our dad's gonna love this!! ^^
Silk: Rory, Rory!!! Look what I found!!
Rory: Huh-
Rory: OOO REALLY?! WOW THAT GIVES ME AN IDEA, I could give the golden donut to my dad! And you could give the golden sword to your dad!
Silk: Ooo! That's a great idea!! :D
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Twisted Playhouse Daycare Update!!!
Hey everyone Admin Superstar here! Or should I say….
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Admin Starburst!
Now I may be wondering why I look different, that’s because I have turned into a boy due to a potion unfortunately there’s been an accident with a potion I’ve been making, so now me and the future in this Playhouse Daycare has become their opposite gender 😅
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Since the kids are now genderswapped! You may refer to them as these names!
Rosado Rosehearts
Aaron Trappola
Darren Spade
Cole Diamond
Trevor Clover
Aaren Trappola-Spade
Leroy Kingscholar
Rory Bucchi
Jason Howl
Zuko Ashengrotto
Jacqui Leech
Jacquelyn Leech
Finn Leech
Florence Leech
Sunburst Al-Asim
Brooch Viper
Victor Schöenheit
Mania Felmier
Liliac Vanrouge
Sorren Zigvolt
Chesse Pinka
Noah Leblanche
Cosmo Viper
(Riley, Ida and Ori, Malef and Silk's named will remain the same due to sounding androgynous, and Lyrain shall stay the same due to being gender fluid)
Currently Yuu and Iris are working on an antidote so please feel free to help them!
(Credit to @rotten-ap0ll0 and @saneriddlefan67 for help with some of these names!)
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fumikomiyasaki · 3 years
For the twst relationship thing: Flynn whit the nrc dorm leaders? 👀 you know, begin a dorm leader himself :3
- @multydoodles
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Riddle Rosehearts:
Well given Leroy is his buddy, Flynn also kinda teases Riddle, especially about his height. He has no interest in Riddles influence and so keeps it a casual teasing and passiv keeping him at distance. He doesn't get collared only warned by Riddle, Flynn usually responds with a smirk and leaves.
Leona Kingscholar:
Flynn DISLIKES him heavily. To him he is a vile, wild and unprofessional leader. I mean a leader that only sleeps and lets his members be that agressive. They are not fit to be it. At least in his eyes. Usually he passivly insults him, given Flynn likes to break people more with his words.
Azul Ashengrotto:
Actually they are pretty close friends, Flynn likes his gentleman looks and enjoys his company and dorm. However he is very wary of contracts from Azul, so usually instead he uses some of his card tricks and scams to change the topic. They both try usually to outfool each other and then laugh about it. So they are on very friendly terms.
Kalim al-Asim
He has nothing against him, but given Kalim is so pure despite his riches, Flynn doesn't feel satisfied to scam him. His goal is after all to fool and teach a lesson to the rich and corrupt, not the once naive an born into it. So if he meets them he usually shows kindness to him and encourages him to stay on the right path.
Vil Schoenheit
He actually likes his looks but not so his attitude. Especially given Flynn lived on the street to treat someone worse just because they are not beautifull enough is to him a bad thing to do. So he tries to keep a casual relationship to Vil, but would totally scam him when he can.
Idia Shroud
He is not really interested in him. I mean he rarely seen him and Idia holds nothing Flynn needs, so if he meets them he is just his first meeting kindness and gentlemaness but thats it.
Malleus Draconia
He is very intrigued in him especially given all the rumors. He also really likes the Diasomnia dorm aesthetic so he wanted to ask him for advice for the vintage look. Sadly he rarely even finds him.
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