#lesb couple
rusself7 · 6 months
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labbelafries · 1 year
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If you are to say something, what would it be
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miyakuli · 2 years
Coffee Talk
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After playing big games like Pokemon scarvi & DBH, I needed a “simpler” game to pass time at night. I had this one in my wishlist for a while, and since it was about preparing hot drinks and listening to people’s stories, I thought it could go with this winter period ;) 
It’s a visual novel for the most part but there is also a management side where you have to prepare the right drinks to the clients. It’s also a fantastic world with different creatures (vampire, troll, elf...) but even so, the conversations will make a kind of parallel to our own society ; parenthood, racism, immigration, disease...
I was surprised at first that we didn’t have any choices of dialogs at all, especially since it’s a game of conversation literally x) but our character isn’t really important at the end, the purpose of the game is about listening <3 and I really got attached to these customers <3 (meaning, I need fanarts now lol).
Anyway, here’s my global review : 
❤ Very chill and charming, perfect for playing while drinking a tea under a warm blanket :3 ❤ The pixel art is really nice and the little facial animations make the interactions more lively and dynamic. ❤ The management side with the concoctions of the drinks for the customers is simple but amusing (and the latte art will either obsess you over to make something pretty or it will frustrate you so much xp) ❤ The characters arcs can be a bit cliché, but I let myself be carried away naturally without the fuss. Also each couples are so adorable////
+/-  Why is it always raining in this game xDD sorry but personally the sound of the rain is not at all relaxing, it makes me cold inside, so I had to reduce the background sound =v=“
✖ Some customer orders don't give us any clue what recipe we're supposed to serve so I played randomly at some point. But yes, in the game menu we have a free option to experiment but it breaks the immersion imo. ✖ A bit too short. The stories follow one another and end quickly and you end hungry for more (or thirsty?....I’m out) ✖ The idea of the daily newspaper is underused : every day you get to read the news (very often negative) that are very related to our society. The thing is that it doesn’t bring anything to the story, the characters never mention any of it...so what’s the point? and personally it limited my imagination about this hybrid world.
There is one thing that this game brought me for sure : I want to try some more tea recipes now x))
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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cha0tic-n1ghtmar3 · 2 years
An interaction with my darling girlfriend that I had over text disguised as Alphyne so you don't know who said what:
Alphys: I can't think straight.
Undyne: Thinking straight was never an option, we're 💅🏳️‍🌈✨GAY✨🏳️‍🌈💅
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miezemia · 6 months
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biasbuck · 1 month
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Friday everyone! What a couple of weeks huh? We're so back etc. I've still not recovered from the blooper and bts blessings. But I'm back again with another round of the fic I've been reading so far this month! You can find previous rec lists here.
9 August 2024
i'm here with the door wide open by @eddiebabygirldiaz oh my god the YEARNING in this fic. I actually wailed when I got to the end. Eddie POV, he's struggling with the silence with Chris gone, and the absence of the life and noise that he's so used to in his home. Through it all, Buck is there, sweet, supportive, vibrant and loud in his presence. Eddie tentatively comes to listen to what's not being said out loud. I absolutely adored the delicate hand held out to all the relationships here, and the beautiful imagery in the writing. But mostly the intimacy which struck me so deeply. Love is indeed stored in the kitchen. Just gorgeous.
in love with every song you've ever heard by @timeshareindestin I'm so glad I saw the beautiful art of hard of hearing Buck and his firetruck red hearing aids, because it led me to read this wonderful fic, in which he grapples with the disability he suppressed as a child, and realises that the family he craves has been there for him all along. This is an emotional read, and I particularly loved the flashbacks to his childhood and Maddie's support, as well as the realisation that he can be brave and vouch for himself with people fighting his corner.
Operation: Keep Eddie Diaz Busy and Annoyed by @gigi-gigi 'the one where Buck forces Eddie to keep busy while Chris is gone, but ends up catching a bad case of The Feelings in the middle of Eddie learning to love pickling things to irritate Chim and charming old ladies through square dancing.' THE FLIRTING. Dear god the flirting. Just delightful.
where the tumbleweeds blow by @tallahasseemp3 a buddie road trip fic! In which Eddie goes home to Texas. Buck follows. Along the way, they find each other. The perfect thing to read after the deleted Christopher and Eddie scene, with them learning to find their feet with each other whilst Eddie also learns to trust himself with Buck, and establish boundaries and a new understanding with his own parents. Such great family dynamic examination.
free mustache rides by @standback ALL HAIL MOUSTACHEDDIE SMUT!! 'Eddie comes back after two weeks in Texas with a) Christopher, b) a tan, and c) a mustache.' In which Eddie is flirtatious and a bit smug about the effect he's having, whilst Buck is entirely mesmerised, and needs to sit on his face about it. Funny and hot.
Safe for Work by @911-alsaurus continuing with the funny and hot theme, Al's specialty, in which touch starved Buck looks for some way to alleviate his cravings, and 'Eddie offers to be Buck's official head scratcher, shoulder massager, and general tactile needs provider. It's a really normal thing for friends to do. Surely.' Featuring an excellent Chim cameo.
Paint Me in Neon and Make Me Glow by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels HELLO exhibitionist streak Buck 5+1 hot as hell buck tommy fic. Truly Lincoln writes their dynamic in such a fun way, I love how tongue in cheek teasing Tommy is and how playful and intrigued Buck is here, whilst being extremely turned on. Kink exploration that ups the ante with each new tentative discovery. There's no room to be shy!
Every Day You’ll Still Show Up by @bluflamingo was a really nicely characterised buck tommy fic, an emotional oneshot in which they're early days boyfriends set close to S7 canon, learning to comfort each other when Buck returns after a bad call. There was a gentleness to this that I could genuinely see slotting into the show, and I really liked that it was a regular call out that went wrong rather than a massive catastrophe.
PS - once again sending out the signal to ask if you have any henren authors/fic recs I should check out PLEASE let me know! Have you SEEN S8 Hen's arms in those tank tops? Dear lord. Help a lesbian out?
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citadelofmythoughts · 8 months
I'm WAY late to the party on this but read the original 26 issue run of IDW's Jem and The Holograms and it's adorable and so gay.
Like Kimber and Stormer are the cutest lesb couple ever.
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And yeah, I'm with you, Kimber. I would date the FUCK outta Stormer.
And then, there was the trans woman who temporarily replaced the lead singer of the Misfits.
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And how they reacted to her telling them she was trans
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I'm just saying it was a really sweet read.
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helticks · 11 months
howdy !! I'm Helticks, local bringer of trash n good tidings. Here's a couple quick things about me:
autism n adhd i will maul you. violently
any pronouns
transformers art blog primarily maybe a lil
i spam an alarming amount of reblogs on @vevobrat (main)
art tag - #helt's art
model tag - #helt's models
no comms currently!!
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dancinsquid · 2 months
Can I have some more headcannons of the Stoughton brothers? I like ur au and I wanna know more about them, such as love life and stuff like that-
sure thing dearest !!
as a little preface, i see steven as a genderqueer sapphic, and mike as a butch lesbian! that’s just how *i* see them you’re free to interpret them as you please <3 u don’t strictly have to go by my hcs (it doesn’t affect their story too much anyway) im just a lesbian who likes to make all my faves lesbs lol
• im honestly not too sure abt their love lives 🤔 id like to believe daisy and steven are still together! they’re very cute i think<3 as for mike… i do like pairing him with glitchy red! unlikely and hard-to-explain couple, but hey, it’s all in good fun!!! don’t think abt it too hard ;p i’d love to talk about them more sometime.. hehe
• aside from that, they just live simple lives in the outskirts of pallet town. nothing too special going on really. they hang out, play fight, play games for hours, bother each other, stay up late, share and fight for snacks, train their mons, etc.
• mike will do mostly all of the errand running but they both share chores— mike does the cooking (steven has been banned from the kitchen for many unfortunate mishaps) and they split the cleaning (mike will sweep, steven will mop, etc.)
i can’t think of anything else off the top of my head ^_^’ these are really fun to do though<3 thank you guys for your interest in my stoughtons… it makes me happy! i love rambling abt these dorks
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ok I'm bored so we're doing queer vocab in Norwegian
lhbti: lgbti (lesbisk, homofil, bifil, transkjønnet, intersex/interkjønn)
lhbt: lgbt
lgbtqia: lgbtqia (it's just the English one, we just borrow it)
skeiv: queer (literally: not straight/right, diagonal, askew)
homo: homo/gay (used by gay folks and derogatorily)
homse: gay (often used derogatorily, unsure if used as a self-descriptor)
lesbe: lesbo/lesbian (sometimes used derogatorily, unsure if used as a self-descriptor)
homofil: homophile/homosexual/homoromantic
homoseksuell(e): homosexual(s)
lesbisk: lesbian (adjective)
bifil: biphile/bisexual/biromantic
panfil: pan
transperson(er): trans person/people
transkjønnet : transgender
kjønn: sex/gender (one word only here)
kjønnsinkongruens: being trans/ long-term gender dysphoria
ikke-binær(e): nonbinary
kjønnsidentitet: gender identity
aseksuell : asexual
aromantisk: aromantic
interkjønn/intersex: intersex
juridisk kjønn: legal gender (judicial)
seksuell legning: sexuality/sexual orientation (specifically orientation, not other uses of sexuality)
seksualitet: sexuality (all uses)
hetoronorm: heteronormativity
homofobi: homophobia
transfobi: transphobia
kjønnsmangfold: gender diversity
kjønnsbekreftende behandling: gender affirmative treatment
monogami: monogamy
polyamori: polyamory
parnormen: uhh, pair/couple norm (kinda like amatonormativity), the norm of only being two in a couple. (note: in Norwegian the word for couple is literally defined as two in other usage: pair)
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rusself7 · 6 months
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tatsächlich - ich hatte die videos bewusst nur mit #schlosseinstein getaggt und sonst nichts (wie #mlm etc.). irgendwann hat der algorithmus aber wohl gecheckt dass es sich bei den videos um ein mlm couple handelt, und dementsprechend waren meine likes und v.a. follower auf einmal voll mit personen, deren for you pages anscheinend mit solchem content gefüllt sind, d.h.: erwachsene (30-50 jährige) männer aus der ganzen welt. manche von denen sind sogar in meine dms geslidet (wahrscheinlich in der hoffnung, dass sich hinter meinem profil ein minderjähriger twink befindet und keine 23 jährige lesbe). das war so unfassbar weird und creepy und ganz ganz unangenehm und hat mich in meinem glauben an das internet ehrlich gesagt erschüttert lmao, deswegen hab ich die videos sofort gelöscht. die waren für schloss einstein fans gedacht und nicht für erwachsene männer, die gefallen an einem video über zwei teenager in einer kinderserie finden. vielleicht bin ich einfach nur zu sensibel und hab die dunklen seiten des internets (bzw. tiktoks) bisher nicht kennengelernt, aber ich hoffe, dass die personen, die immer mehr edits von den beiden machen, sich bewusst sind, dass sie damit diese serie einer gruppe von menschen eröffnen, die definitiv nicht die zielgruppe dafür ist
Yikes, ein weiterer Grund, warum ich mich nie auf TikTok anmelden werde (und hoffe, dass nie ein Anmeldezwang für die Desktop-Version kommt).
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moodywyrm · 1 year
you're so real ❤️‍🩹 lesb+bi couples are the cutest wish them nothing but pure happiness
ellie and dina are so dear to me, literally the best
i wish all lesb+bi couples a very wonderful n loving existence they mean the world to me. I want that so so so bad I’ll cry about it but genuinely seeing Dina for the first time was like ,,, life changing, n then her and Ellie??? I want nothing more in life
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bl00dy-p3arlz · 2 years
About Enid Sinclair- I see people acting like 5 year olds about her sexuality. I just saw a headcanon that she was a lesb/ace and someone literally said "nooo she's pan!"like at first when people started headcanoning sexualities yall were chill about it. People pushing the lesbian agenda onto her actually shows how much people have a fetish for sapphics, because you can't let a 16 year old girl like men. I hate that I've seen so many people insisting she's closeted or experienced heteronormativity when she didn't. She likes Ajax, she likes dudes. She could very well be under the pan/bi umbrella, but seeing people say they won't like the character if she's straight is honestly horrible. Why do people have this need to have her be a lesbian? Lesbians have gone through sm and have been fetishized badly over the last few decades and this just shows it. She's 16, you should be worrying about her character development, her wolf-out struggles, not her sexuality. I get that it would've been nice for Wednesday and Enid to be a couple. I would've actually preferred it to the two white guys fighting over Wednesday-i like ajax- but the heternormativity thing still bugs me. Enid wouldn't have screamed, cried, slashed tires and put a long hole through her school bus because of that. Be fucking for real
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beerecordings · 2 years
I read Part 21 twice, once at the very beginning of the run cuz it was RIGHT THERE, yaknow? and then once again at the end of the run, and at first when we were with Jameson and it described how he was under the metal thing with the blankets on top, I thought it meant that there was a metal dog crate in there and that there were a bunch of blankets over it, and I had no context for the social dynamics, and I was like “oh! That’s nice, someone put blankets over the crate so it was more cave-like, dogs like that better than having it exposed.”
Which taken in context is a little horrifying, like they put him in “containment” and it ends up being just a room with a dog crate that has a couple blankets on top and nothing inside???? That’s definitely gonna have a positive effect on their mental health, great way to get them to want to be human again.
But then when I was reading it again something either Sean or the cop (who I’m going to pretend is Max, he seemed nice and he brought JJ food, even if it didn’t work out. I’m also pretending he’s the one who was like “yeah dudes, seriously, just call Seán, leave them alone and let them breathe.” The two multiversal constants of the Beeregard Cinematic Universe are Boots Moses and Max, and they must exist in all stories) said made me realize “oh DUH he’s hiding under a BED” which, lesbe real, must be pretty spacious to fit a Whole Boy under it. Cuz even my Abby has to get down and army crawl to get under most beds, and even as a goldendoodle with standard poodle in her, she be a small pubby. But she heckin loves being under beds. We call it spelunking.
But also, Mr Entity-That-Is-The-Brighton-Police-Department, why is there not a dog bed as well? The person bed is obviously high enough off the floor such that a Big Wolfy Boy can fit underneath, so if a wolf is recently tranq’d or if their legs or hips have any problems or injuries, they might have a hard time jumping up onto it! Give them a dog bed on the floor that’s of comparable quality to the person bed! And usually there are like toilets and sinks for people in cells, right? Containment sounds like it can easily be an overnight thing, so these would be overnight cells, right? So WHY aren’t there like doggy training pads or one of those doggy litter box things? Or heck, a spot with a sloped floor drain where they just go. LET THE BOY PEE. THE PUBBY NEEDS TO PEE, YOU MONSTERS.
I don't think it's necessarily that there's nowhere for a human to use the bathroom, I think JJ is just in dog mode and wouldn't think to use it. I didn't go into any more detail than what he would understand. there could be a toilet in the room or an adjoining room, he was just hiding. and yes it's a bed! but there may not be convenient places for him to sleep or use the bathroom because, as we've seen, the police are not that accommodating
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elphiessolsikke · 2 years
So I'm at a restaurant right now and at the table behind me are sitting two women with their kids. And I guess my subconscious must've been a bit too occupied with the question whether they are a queer couple or just friends cause when one of the women said "Schau, hinter dir ist die erste Wespe" (look, behind you there's the first wasp), what I understood was "Schau, hinter dir ist die erste Lesbe" (look, behind you there's the first lesbian). 😂😂😂
Anyways, I'm in Erfurt today so have some pictures:
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