#lesbian cress darnel
cress darnel + lesbian ? 🙏🏽
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I need to stop using watercolors LMAO
anywho, lesbian cress!!
Pride requests are open for the rest of the month!
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winterrhayle · 9 months
im bored so im gonna spread my cress is a lesbian propoganda (i know this and believe it with my entire being, and my qualifications for this are : 1) i am a lesbian and 2) i know more than you)
cress spent her formative years alone in a satellite with extremely limited human interaction. for seven years.
therefore her idea of love and relationships will have entirely come from what she saw online, primarily in the form of net dramas
i would assume that these net dramas were mostly m/f couples, as marissa meyer doesn't address lgbt couples in this series at all so i think that in the tlc canon universe, heterosexuality is still viewed as the norm/default
throughout book 3 and 4, in cress' inner monologue you can hear how her views on relationships are generally very *unrealistic* cinematic romantic scenes with a man, you never really see her fantisizing about the more mundane parts of love, or the parts that could really happen in real life, which to me seems like shes more interested in relationships in theory but not the real thing
she pines over carswell thorne, a twenty year old man who is on the run with cinder. he is conventionally attractive (square-jaw, blue eyes, dimples etc etc) and he strikes me as the type of person you're supposed to think is attractive (theres nothing wrong with this but i have a point here i promise lol)
in other words he seems like the type of guy a closeted lesbian would force themself to 'like', as thats what they may think they're supposed to do, as that is what is 'expected'
at this point thorne is also a famous criminal, cress doesnt genuinely think (pre book 3) that she's going to meet him, so he's an unattainable man. and specifically 'liking' only unattainable men is a common part of the comp-het lesbian experience because it allows lesbians to assign feelings to men (and therefore feeling safe in the belief that they are straight) without having to worry about actually being in a relationship with that person
so when she actually meets thorne, her idolisation of him, as well as the power imbalance due to their age gap, already made me feel very critical of cresswell, and i think that all this ^^^^^^^ would make so much more sense for her character
in conclusion,
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shellyseashell · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* I think it’s time to start spreading my lesbian cress and Cressder agenda. I’ve already explained why I think she’s a lesbian, but not I’m going to explain HOW she realizes. This takes place in canon maybe a year after the series? Idk. Also I may or may not be working on a one shot of this.
So Cress and Thorne have been in a relationship for a while but it’s felt off to Cress for a while. Her and Thorne get along great but when it comes to romance, Cress hates the idea. Like it doesn’t feel right for her. But she doesn’t think anything of it, because she’s never been in a relationship before, so this is probably just what it feels like, right? Her and Thorne look like they’re as happy as Scarlet and Wolf or Winter and Jacin or Kai and Cinder, so they must feel this way too, right?
I don’t have a solid idea on how she starts Realizing Things, maybe she finds something online (aka she has a are you gay quiz phase) or talks to someone else about her relationship and they’re like “hey you shouldn’t feel like that” so Cress does some Reflecting and decides she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with Thorne anymore. Somewhere in here is also probably when she realizes she’s gay? Idk maybe that comes after breaking up
So anyway she works up the courage to break up with Thorne and it basically goes “hey Thorne so I love you but not like that and this whole relationship has felt off for a while so I think it’s better we break up and stay friends also I think I’m gay” and Thorne had been feeling the same way and thinks they jumped into a relationship too quickly and supports Cress figuring stuff out and they end up having the brother sister relationship they should have
Now of course I love Cressder but since this takes place in a canon universe I’m gonna ignore that for now—
So Cress does some Exploration on her own (lmao why did I think of her backpacking across Europe) and realizes she is in fact a lesbian. She eventually gets a girlfriend who in a perfect world would be Cinder but—
Also this is unrelated kinda but I like to think she oversees what happens to shells once they’re freed, or at least has a heavy influence on it, and she becomes an author later in her life and she’d definitely write lesbian romance books
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elevator buttons (and morning air) - cressder
@winterrhayle THIS IS SO LATE I’M SORRY ELLIE ILY <3 for the smgh gift exchange!
word count: 2137
cress asks her (very cute) apartment neighbor to help her catch a spider, while struggling with infatuation.
- <3 -
“Um… hello?” 
The confused face of Cress’ next apartment neighbor searched her own, and Cress wondered if it was too late to back out.  They’d made eye contact exactly once  before, when they’d gotten in the elevator together. The girl had returned her smile, so Cress figured she was nice enough. 
A singular smile was probably not the best basis for asking a favor of someone at 7am. Especially this kind of favor. And talking to strangers was very high up on the list of “things Cress hates.” 
It was definitely too early for this. 
Then the sight of the spider that had crawled across her keyboard filled her mind and she shuddered in her slippers.
“Erm… hi.” Cress wound her hand in her hair, very aware that it was early and she’d probably just woken this girl up. However, as she looked her neighbor up and down, Cress realized that she looked very much awake- with a smudge of grease over her eye and hands covered in work gloves.
She also realized that grease, googles, and all, her neighbor was pretty.
Talking to strangers was one, very stressful, thing, but pretty strangers she was attracted to? Abort, abort. 
“Come in?” Cress was grateful as the stranger pushed the door open, despite the fact that she hadn’t managed to come up with anything to say. Cress shuffled in, her overlong t-shirt she’d slept in brushing her knees. Despite the grease stained work tank top her neighbor was wearing, she still had sleep shorts on, which made Cress feel a little better about being in her pjs. 
Cress cleared her throat awkwardly, her hands straying to braid her hair subconsciously. “I’m Cress, and I live next door?”
Great initiative! You sounded like you were asking her a question!
“Cinder.” The girl- Cinder- introduced herself hesitantly. “Nice to meet you?”
“Can you help me get rid of a spider?”  Cress blurted, hands in her hair coming to a standstill.
Cinder looked slightly taken aback, but bemused. “Sure?”
Cress breathed an internal sigh of relief. Thank God. She isn’t even looking at me like I’m weird. 
“I was finishing an assignment when a huge one went across my keyboard, and it was, like, three inches long. Well maybe not that big, but you get the point. I hate spiders… ” She realized she was starting to ramble and flushed, strangling her hands in her hair. “I’m sorry to bother you, especially in the morning.” She emphasised.
Cinder shrugged. “It’s no problem, I was up early working on an assignment anyways.”
The assurance gave Cress barely any relief. “I can offer you food?” She added, hoping to smooth over the fact that she existed.
Cinder laughed, and the slight tension in the room was released. “In that case, I’m sold.”
Cress peered over Cinder's shoulder, and caught sight of a workbench pushed against the corner of the room. Perched on the edge was what looked like… 
“A bot?”  Cress loved coding AI tech, and was actually majoring in computer science.
“Yeah, I’m a mechanic, well technically an engineer, but I do some other personal projects on the side.”
“That’s so cool!” Cress felt her grip loosen from it’s anxious hold. “I’m a coder, and AI tech is some of my favorite.” 
“Really? I have a bot named Iko, and she’s been mentioning something about color changing eyes? While she loves my physical additions and such, I’m sure she’d appreciate some technological improvements.”
Cress beamed. “Wow, a personal bot? I’d love to check her out sometime!”
“That would be great.” Cinder held her gaze for half a second, before they both looked away. It might’ve been Cress’ ever overactive imagination, but she could’ve sworn she felt sparks. Then again, that happened every time her useless lesbian self made eye contact with a pretty girl, but still.
What is this, a rom-com?
Cinder cleared her throat, before leading them to the door. “Show the way?”
Cress leapt at the opportunity immediately, leading them to her apartment. Cress pushed open the door, forcing herself not to jump away as soon as it opened a crack.
“I’ll go first.” Cinder must’ve noticed her anxiety, and she gave her a comforting smile that both soothed Cress’ heart and made it beat more erratically.
Taking a steadying breath, Cress followed Cinder in, leaving the door open in case she needed to make a quick exit.
Cinder grabbed a glass from the counter, which also made Cress feel lighter. Setting spiders free was better than killing them, even if they were spiders the size of her thumb.
“By your laptop right?” Cinder gestured to the work table, and Cress nodded with a nervous gulp. 
A leg crawled up and over the desk and Cress jumped, clinging to Cinder. The tan girl sagged under the sudden weight, one arm coming up to support her from underneath.
The sudden touch made Cress freeze. She realized her arms were wrapped around Cinder’s neck, and she was clinging rather tightly. I just quite literally jumped into a super cute stranger’s arms. Stars help me.
Cress considered hopping down, when the spider ran across the floor by Cinder’s feet.  She squeaked, and clung tighter. She vaguely thought of how awkward this must be to Cinder, but there no fucking way she was touching the same ground the spider was on. 
Also, Cinder was remarkably buff and did not seem to be struggling at all. 
Must be all the mechanic work? Cress thought with a slight flush.
Stop thinking about a girl’s muscles! We’re in the middle of a crisis here!
Cinder scuffed her foot, and the spider raced back up to the table. Cress winced, and watched through partially closed eyes in awe as with her free hand, Cinder dropped the cup upturned on the spider.
“I got it!” Cinder’s voice was right besides her ear, and Cress widened her eyes. The spider was indeed secure in the glass, and Cinder’s hair was in her eye.
With a blush, she fully realized her position once more. Her heart sped even faster than before, which she didn’t know was possible. Cinder smelled of car grase and faintly cinnamon. A combination that was shockingly attractive. The thought made her flush even deeper, as was the fact that her bare legs were gripping a small strip of the neighbor’s midsection where her shirt had ridden up.
“Ahaha,” Cress laughed awkwardly, doing a weird shoulder pat thingy. “Thank you.” Is this flirting? 
Cinder tilted her head to look at Cress, and from their position, the movement made their faces remarkably close. With yet another squeak, Cress dropped to the ground so fast she stumbled.
“You’re welcome.” Cinder’s voice was bemused as she bit her lip in an attempt not to smile. It was distracting, but soon Cress was giggling. Cinder joined her, and all her anxiety melted. 
“Alright, there’s still Part 2.” Cinder cautioned, gesturing to the spider. Cress considered it. 
“We can drop it in the flowersill.” Cress suggested, gesturing to the window.
“Flowersill?” Cinder repeated.
“Oh.” Cress flushed a tiny bit in embarrassment again. “I don’t exactly know the word for it but like, those cute little flower beds that attach to windows?”
Cinder shrugged with a smile. “Works for me.”
After poking around a bit, Cress came back with a piece of paper. Cinder bit back a smile again, and Cress found her gaze pulled to her lips. “This part might get a little scary, if you need to hop in my arms again.” She said it wryly, teasingly, but Cress suppressed the urge to bury her head in her hands and disappear forever.
Rather than jumping into Cinder’s arms again, she settled for hopping on the counter and keeping all parts of her body away from the table and floor. From her new perch, Cress watched as Cinder slid the paper under and brought the spider to the window to release it. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, Cress gave Cinder a wide smile when she turned back to her. Cinder smiled back, and her eyes crinkled. Cress’ heart fluttered again.
“So… grease huh?” Cress realized what a weird conversation starter that was and blushed as Cinder raised an eyebrow.
“Well- you smelled like it and there was some above your eyes and well-” Cress stuttered to a rambling stop because she really didn’t know how to explain why she said that. She didn’t know why she said that.
“Oh.” It was Cinder’s turn to blush as she scrubbed at her eye. The grease stubbornly remained, and Cinder’s nose was wrinkling with concentration through the effort. Cress tried to repress a smile, but it was impossible.
“Here, let me help.” Reaching to the side, she picked up a cloth off the counter. Running it under water until it was damp, Cress gestured Cinder forward. Hesitantly, her neighbor stepped towards her, and Cress lifted the cloth. Carefully, she brushed away a few strands of hair, and Cinder’s breath hitched a bit. Cress thought hers did too. She gently rubbed at the grease, and with the soap on the cloth, it came off of Cinder’s reddening face with little effort. 
“Maybe we should try a collab sometime?” Cinder seemed to almost blurt it, catching Cress by such surprise she almost dropped the cloth. The moment had felt like a pause, and the disruption startled her. The girl had seemed so calm and collected, but the chink in the armor was just as nervous as Cress.
Despite her initial surprise, she glowed at the suggestion to spend more time getting to know her cute next door neighbor, and resisted jumping off the counter and spinning.
“That would be amazing.” Cress hopped a bit in excitement, and Cinder gave her a fond smile.
“Do you want to stay for breakfast?” Cress wasn’t sure what compelled her to ask, and she buried her hands back in her brown tangle of hair.
“Oh!” Cinder seemed pleasantly surprised, and Cress beamed. “That would be great!”
“How do pancakes sound?” Cress crossed to the fridge, practically buzzing with excitement as Cinder followed right behind her.
“Amazing. And can I help?” Cinder was right at her shoulder and Cress nodded, uncertain if she could find coherent words as she got out the supplies for pancakes.
Cinder grabbed a bowl that was, unbeknownst to her, filled with pancake powder.  Her face lifted in shock  as it poofed out of the bowl, covering her features in a layer of powder. Their laughs mingled as they poured water into the mix, and Cress felt lighter than she had in weeks. Cinder took to sitting while Cress heated the stove and got the eggs going. Occasionally, she would sneak a look over at powder-covered Cinder and grin to herself. One time she almost burnt the eggs as she got distracted.
"Here." Taking a dishrag from the stove handle, Cress swiped it quickly around Cinder's face - considering - a little too late that she just should've just given the rag to her. Two times in one day!
Cinder coughed a bit, her hands going to fiddle with the ends of her sleeves as she leaned back on her heels, pink in the cheeks.
"Thanks." She managed. Cress smiled, plating the eggs and getting ready to start cooking the pancakes.
After a few minutes, they had settled into a steady conversation about their studies and work. Cress filled with excitement as they discussed plans to build a robot that could make them ice cream. It had started as a joke, but the more they talked about it, the more realistic the idea became.
"I would make sure it has strawberry for myself." Cress was saying. "What about you."
"Butter pecan." Cinder responded immediately.
"Oooh, good choice. French vanilla would be my second."
"Me too!" Cinder replied. "Nothing wrong with a classic."
The more they conversed, the more Cress was enamored with Cinder's wit and sharp mind. She'd always been a romantic, falling in love quickly. But she'd learned her lesson in the past, and was happy to bide her time and truly get to know Cinder.
A timer on her phone rang, and Cress jumped.
"My first class is in 15 minutes."
"Oh!" Cinder stood up as well. "Yeah.. here's my number." She scribbled it on a napkin. Cress grinned as she wrote hers on another napkin.
Handing it off to Cinder, their fingers brushed. It was far from the first contact they’d had this morning, but it filled Cress with a feeling of hope nonetheless.
Cinder tipped her head, giving Cress a simultaneously sweet and wry smile. “Call me if you see any more spiders.”
Cress laughed, waving at Cinder on her way out. “Will do.” 
She knew that spiders weren’t the only thing she’d be calling about.
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im-fostering-it292 · 2 years
❤️Day 2🧡
Q: First Memorable Realization?
Me: Well, I think I’ve always known I was Ace, but I realized I was homosexual when I said I wish I could kiss one of my favorite girl book characters.
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Sybil: You don't look like a lesbian.
Cress: What do you mean?
Sybil: Just that you're a bit... short.
Cress: Well, there's no height restriction.
Cress, eyes suddenly filling with terror: As far as I'm aware...
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cressisaqueen-moved · 7 years
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cressder (cress/cinder) little mermaid au for @lgbttlcweek sep. 25
Cress, a mermaid bored with her life in the undersea kingdom of Luna, yearns for adventure. Curious about the human world, she collects artifacts she finds from sunken ships. 
One night, on the ocean surface, Cress spots a woman on an anchored ship and is immediately drawn to her. The woman happens to be Lihn Cinder, empress of the coastal kingdom of New Beijing, and the kingdom’s mechanic.
Then, a storm causes Cinder to be thrown overboard. Cress swims quickly to save her and drags her back to shore, distractedly singing Cinder a lullaby but leaves when she starts to regain consciousness, and the empress is fascinated by the memory of her rescuer’s voice. 
Cress, determined to see Cinder again, makes a deal with the sea witch, Sybil Mira. In exchange for being turned into a human, Cress gives up her voice, with the caveat of obtaining ‘true love’s kiss’ in three days. 
Cinder finds Cress on the beach, unaware of who she really is. They spend the next few days together, bonding and slowly falling in love, until Sybil intervenes with plans of her own...
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princessselene126 · 7 years
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She-who-fights-and-writes Coronacation Book Rec List
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I know that a lot of people are stuck at home right now in dire need of entertainment, so I decided I’d put out a book recommendations list of all the books I’m currently reading and all of my must-reads!
(Just a note that a lot of these are Fantasy because I’m a fantasy nerd haha)
Books/Series I am currently reading
1. The Folk of the Air Trilogy by Holly Black (Currently on #2, The Wicked King)
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Genre: High Fantasy
Setting: The land of Faerie which is kind of historical, but in the human world it is modern day
Main cast :
Jude Duarte (white, human, cutthroat, if I saw her in a Denny’s Parking Lot at 3am I would RUN)
Cardan Greenbriar (white, faerie, the true embodiment of Bastard)
Vivienne (Jude’s half-sister, lesbian with canon gf, half-human half-faerie, I would totally try to be her friend)
Taryn Duarte (Jude’s twin sister, queen doormat, still, I would take a bullet for her she’s jUST TRYING TO FIT IN)
Rating: 5/5 Stars
These books have been on my “To Read” list for so long now and for some reason I just never got around to reading them! Hands-down, these are some of the best high fantasy books that I’ve read in a long, long while.
I finished the first book, The Cruel Prince, in just two days and rated it 5/5 stars! Even though these books are high fantasy and focus on the traditions and ways of life of faeries, somehow all of the characters seem like I could meet them in real life!
The main character actually has genuine flaws and not just “””“flaws”””” and is a Bad Bitch down with murder, and the plot had me on the edge of my seat from page one!
The summary makes it sound like it’s going to be about their romance, but it’s really mostly about a power struggle and Jude being a badass.
Goodreads summary for The Cruel Prince:
Jude was seven when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King. To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences. As Jude becomes more deeply embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, she discovers her own capacity for trickery and bloodshed. But as betrayal threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.
2. The Raven Cycle Series by Maggie Stiefvater (Currently on #1, The Raven Boys)
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Genre: Present-Day/Realistic Fantasy (?)
Setting: The fictional town of Henrietta, Virginia
I haven’t gotten around to much of the book, so there’s not much I can tell you about the characters and I can’t properly give it a rating yet.
These books were also on my “To Read” list for a while; I was a huge fan of her book The Scorpio Races and have also been looking for something to quench my thirst for “private school/ghosts/magic” that I’ve been dealing with ever since I read The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo.
I’ve only JUST started The Raven Cycle yesterday, but so far I am hooked! I’m super worried because I’m TERRIBLE at juggling two series at a time but both of these are just so interesting! 
Goodreads Summary for The Raven Boys:
“There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve,” Neeve said. “Either you’re his true love . . . or you killed him.” It is freezing in the churchyard, even before the dead arrive. Every year, Blue Sargent stands next to her clairvoyant mother as the soon-to-be dead walk past. Blue herself never sees them—not until this year, when a boy emerges from the dark and speaks directly to her. His name is Gansey, and Blue soon discovers that he is a rich student at Aglionby, the local private school. Blue has a policy of staying away from Aglionby boys. Known as Raven Boys, they can only mean trouble. But Blue is drawn to Gansey, in a way she can’t entirely explain. He has it all—family money, good looks, devoted friends—but he’s looking for much more than that. He is on a quest that has encompassed three other Raven Boys: Adam, the scholarship student who resents all the privilege around him; Ronan, the fierce soul who ranges from anger to despair; and Noah, the taciturn watcher of the four, who notices many things but says very little. For as long as she can remember, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love to die. She never thought this would be a problem. But now, as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she’s not so sure anymore.
1. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
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Genre: Historical Fiction
Setting: 1700s Europe (England, Paris, Barcelona, Marseilles, Venice)
Main cast (I’ll try my best not to spoil anything because you find out a LOT of different stuff about these characters throughout the book):
Henry “Monty” Montague (white, bi/pansexual, attitude problem)
Percy Newton (mixed race, gay, very sweet boy, definitely got “most likely to bring home to mom” in the yearbook)
Felicity Montague (white, Monty’s little sister, headcanoned as asexual, I love her to death)
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Daring adventure, gay representation, historical setting, hilarious characters!
This book literally has it all! I would consider it one of my favorite books of all time, yet for some reason I’ve never gotten around to reading any of the sequel books! The ending is very satisfying and ties everything together, which I feel is part of the reason why I haven’t gotten around to them yet. 
Therefore, it can serve as a one-shot read or a full series if you want to dive into something good!
The humor made me laugh out loud at points and all of the characters are very real and very, very relatable, not to mention the vivid settings of 1700s Europe!
Goodreads summary:
Henry “Monty” Montague was born and bred to be a gentleman, but he was never one to be tamed. The finest boarding schools in England and the constant disapproval of his father haven’t been able to curb any of his roguish passions—not for gambling halls, late nights spent with a bottle of spirits, or waking up in the arms of women or men. But as Monty embarks on his Grand Tour of Europe, his quest for a life filled with pleasure and vice is in danger of coming to an end. Not only does his father expect him to take over the family’s estate upon his return, but Monty is also nursing an impossible crush on his best friend and traveling companion, Percy. Still it isn’t in Monty’s nature to give up. Even with his younger sister, Felicity, in tow, he vows to make this yearlong escapade one last hedonistic hurrah and flirt with Percy from Paris to Rome. But when one of Monty’s reckless decisions turns their trip abroad into a harrowing manhunt that spans across Europe, it calls into question everything he knows, including his relationship with the boy he adores.
2. The Ninth House By Leigh Bardugo
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Genre: Horror, Fantasy 
Setting: Yale University and the town of New Haven, Present Day
Main cast:
Galaxy “Alex” Stern (Hispanic, sees dead people, very scary)
Daniel Arlington “Darlington” (white, rich, an angel who can sometimes be a dick)
Pamela Dawes (tbh I honestly don’t remember what she looks like, only that she’s a tired grad student with big nerd energy)
Detective Alan Turner (Black, takes shit from nobody, husband material)
Rating: 4/5 Stars
This book is a great read for someone who’s looking for a disturbing, gritty book with layers upon layers of secrets that you have to peel away as the mystery unfolds. I love the secret societies and the intricate magic systems that the book introduces, and it actually made me hungry for more books like it!
 Alex is a three-dimensional, very real character who also serves as an unreliable narrator who witholds or warps the information that she’s telling you, making the narrative all the more riveting.
The only issues that I have with it are the fact that Leigh Bardugo kind of just dumps you in the middle of it without explaining stuff first, to the point where it kind of feels like you’re reading the second installment of a series rather than the first one, so things can get a bit confusing at first.
The book also can drag and draw things out for a bit too long, but once the plot fully kicks into gear, you will not be able to put it down!
Goodreads summary:
Galaxy “Alex” Stern is the most unlikely member of Yale’s freshman class. Raised in the Los Angeles hinterlands by a hippie mom, Alex dropped out of school early and into a world of shady drug dealer boyfriends, dead-end jobs, and much, much worse. By age twenty, in fact, she is the sole survivor of a horrific, unsolved multiple homicide. Some might say she’s thrown her life away. But at her hospital bed, Alex is offered a second chance: to attend one of the world’s most elite universities on a full ride. What’s the catch, and why her? Still searching for answers to this herself, Alex arrives in New Haven tasked by her mysterious benefactors with monitoring the activities of Yale’s secret societies. These eight windowless “tombs” are well-known to be haunts of the future rich and powerful, from high-ranking politicos to Wall Street and Hollywood’s biggest players. But their occult activities are revealed to be more sinister and more extraordinary than any paranoid imagination might conceive.
3. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
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Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Setting: Earth, Space, The Moon
Main cast :
Linh Cinder (Chinese, based on Cinderella, cyborg, certified badass)
Scarlet Benoit (French, based on Little Red Riding Hood, farmer who is not afraid to shoot you)
Cress Darnel (White, based on Rapunzel, nerd, I will protect her with my life if I have to)
Kaito “Kai” (Chinese, based on Prince Charming, kind of has to run a whole country, a very kind soul, deserves a nap)
Carswell Thorne (White, based off of Rapunzel’s Prince, bastard)
Winter Hayle (Black, based off of Snow White, royalty, has super special powers)
Wolf (Race unspecified, based off of the Big Bad Wolf, charming killing machine, furry????) 
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Do you like fairy tales?
Have you ever wanted to know what fairy tales would be like if they took place in the FUTURE instead of the PAST? 
Do you like an amazing, hilarious cast paired with a super interesting plot? 
These are the books for you!
I haven’t read them in so long, but I remember how much joy I felt while devouring these pages. Definitely something you will not able to put down!
Goodreads Summary for Book #1: Cinder: 
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth's fate hinges on one girl. . . . Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She's a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world's future.
4. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
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Genre: Fantasy
Setting: Ancient Greece
Main cast:
Patroclus (Greek, Gay, quiet pining) 
Achilles (Greek, gay, very strong, student athlete energy)
Brisies (Anatolian, clever, literally the only one in this story who has a brain cell)
Rating: 100000/5 stars
This is basically the Iliad but if historians hadn’t completely erased Patroclus and Achilles’ relationship. “Haha yeah these guys were totally bros” they say, even though I have read the Iliad and their relationship isn’t even subtle.
This book made me cry at least ten times. It’s just so beautifully written and has such a distinct vibe to it that whenever I crack it open for another time, it takes me straight back to the vacation that I read it on. (Needless to say, sobbing your eyes out can be less than helpful when you’re on the beach)
If you can only read one book on this list, it should be this one. I could talk all day about it and write novels on just how much of an incredible writer Madeline Miller is, but I feel like you’d get my drift a bit better if you actually read the book.
Goodreads Summary:
Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the court of King Peleus and his perfect son Achilles. By all rights their paths should never cross, but Achilles takes the shamed prince as his friend, and as they grow into young men skilled in the arts of war and medicine their bond blossoms into something deeper - despite the displeasure of Achilles' mother Thetis, a cruel sea goddess. But then word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped. Torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus journeys with Achilles to Troy, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they hold dear. Profoundly moving and breathtakingly original, this rendering of the epic Trojan War is a dazzling feat of the imagination, a devastating love story, and an almighty battle between gods and kings, peace and glory, immortal fame and the human heart.
Hope this list helps you through your coronacation, and please don’t be afraid to reblog or message me to tell me if you’ve read/will read any of these!
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priffi · 3 years
cress darnel, for the ask game!
aish !! hellos !!
notp: thorne x cress
brotp: cress & iko
otp: cress x cinder (cress is lesbian and u can fight me)
second choice pairing: none ig?? ive just never seen cress w anyone else so maybe w scarlet or winter but it's been awhile since i last read tlc
fluffy: cressder
angsty: cressder doesnt deserve it but i want to write a slightly angsty breakup fic for cresswell (it's what they deserve 😌)
polya: hmm just all the tlc girls having a good time
weirdest: none bc i dont rlly multiship when it comes to cress
send me a character !!
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tlc moodboard: lesbian cress darnel
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scriptflorist · 6 years
Name: Braynan Garcia
Nickname: Bray
Birthday: Jan 12 2013 (he’s a teenager in my story)
Birthplace: Miami
Dwelling place: Miami
How do they live: Braynan was very much an anti-social loner and used to stay at his “homes” because he has rich parents who own a chain of luxury hotels and a beachfront mansion home. He causes a lot of fuss making every hotel his “home” by demanding unbooked rooms for himself. He gets his room, services, meals “free” when in reality everything goes through his parents to handle so they always know exactly where he’s been and what he does. His lifestyle literally blows up when a bomb goes off in his room, intended for the next customer, Alissa Keets, a famous writer, who is very grateful but horrified for her life being saved that way. She gets in touch with Braynan, pays for all his medical bills, even though his parents are richer. Braynan no longer stays at his parents’ hotels because he is now in a wheelchair and stays in his parents’ home. Jazan has his brother Galan help with work so he can often stay home to take care of and repair his relationship with his son. Cala starts visiting often as well, shocked at almost losing her only biological son and realizes she actually cares. Lustor comes over when possible as well. Basically the entire story is balance between work and family and biological family vs adopted family and they realize all family is important, so in the end, they all live as one big happy family. Oh, and Alissa and Cala start dating in the end as well (they’re about the same age).
Appearance: Braynan always wears expensive name brand clothes. His hair is neat and gelled up and wears a couple expensive bracelets.
What’s in their bag/pockets: Cash, credit card, phone. He actually brings a huge suitcase with his clothes and belongings every time he used to stay at his parents’ hotels.
Species: Human
Name of parents: Jazan and Lustor (Biological parents are Jazan and Cala, Cala is the surrogate mother and friends with Jazan.)
Others next of kin: Galan (Uncle)
Not-in-blood-but-in-bond-family: Alissa Keets
Family history: Braynan’s family is multicultural, immigrants (including illegal before becoming a citizen) to America from various countries around the world.
Favourite colour: Black, Grey.
Favourite book: Silenced (a story about a country devastated after war, and the nameless victims) ([My character, Alissa’s book]
Favourite genre: Action, fantasy, drama
Favourite food: Exotic foods and fine dining
Personality: Originally a messed up teenager whose parents rarely see him and he thinks everything his parents’ own is his. He was loud-mouthed, demanding, cold-hearted, rude, spontaneous and very anti-social. He becomes more friendly, warm, kind, loving, as well as feels ashamed and sorry for his previous bad behavior. He’s neat though, so he’s never trashed the hotel rooms he’s been nor damages stuff. He doesn’t smoke or take drugs but sometimes drinks but is sensible enough to never get drunk. Oh, but he does swear, but not too much.
Misc: Note that my story takes place in the future. First of all, my character is a teenager yet I mentioned him drinking. The drinking age becomes 16 in the future, so he’s legal. Secondly, I never mentioned my character going to school. School is online so he can physically be anywhere he wants and has no classmates to talk to. I’m barely writing about his school life, but he is a good student. Thirdly, the parents are actually two men, thus the need for a surrogate. I probably used male pronouns for them but in case it slipped through because if you search ‘Jazan’ it will show up as a female name. 
Hey Tak,
No problem, I've added it to the rest of your submission! Just in case it hasn't been apparent with the previous character submissions, I base the flowers I pick on the information given in each section that you filled out. In your case, this means it may have gone a little off topic occasionally with the overall headline of the section.
Birthplace: Miami
Miami is located in Florida, which has two state flowers! Orange blossom and tickseed. Tickseed, better known as Coreopsis perhaps, is stated to be a wildflower, so I guess the orange trees are domesticated.
orange blossom – your purity equals your loveliness, chastity, innocence, eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness
coreopsis – always cheerful
coreopsis (arkansa) – love at first sight
Based on how they live
acacia – friendship, platonic love, secret love
agave – security
agrimony – thankfulness, gratitude
ash mountain – prudence, with me you are safe
aspen – lamentation, fear, groan, excessive sensibility
balm of gilead – healing, cure, relief, I am cured, time
basil (sweet) – good wishes
bee ophrys – error
bee orchis – error, industry
bell flower – gratitude, indiscretion, acknowledgement
bell flower (white, small) – gratitude
broom-rape – union
calycanthus – benevolence
cardamine – paternal error
chestnut – justice, do me justice
cinquefoil – maternal affection, beloved daughter/child
citronella – homosexual love
coltsfoot (sweet-scented) – maternal care, justice, justice shall be done, we will do you justice
cowslip – healing, youth, pensiveness, winning grace, rusticity, early joys, native grace
daffodil – sunshine, respect, regard, unrequited love, new beginnings, self-love, chivalry, deceitful hopes
flax – I feel your kindness, benefactor, domestic industry, domestic symbol, fate, I am sensible of your kindness
fly orchis – error
freesia – lasting friendship, innocence, trust
geranium – true friend, stupidity, folly, envy, gentility
geranium (oak-leaved) – true friendship, friendship, lady deign to smile
glycine – your friendship is pleasing and agreeable to me
goat's rue – reason
heath – solitude
heather (lavender) – solitude, admiration
ivy – friendship, matrimony, I have found one true heart, constancy, fidelity, marriage, wedded love, affection
lichen – solitude, confidence, dejection
moss – maternal love, recluse, charity
narcissus – selfishness, self-love, egotism, formality, stay as sweet as you are
palm – victory
pussy willow – motherhood
sundew (round-leaved) – surprise
sunflower (dwarf) – your devout adorer, adoration
sunflower (tall) – pride, haughtiness, false riches, lofty and pure thoughts, smile on me still
verbena (pink) – family union
virginia creeper – I cling to you both in sunshine and in shade
wood sorrel – maternal tenderness, joy
For info about violets and lesbians go here.
Based on appearance (also fits the contents of his bag & pockets)
chrysanthemum – wealth, abundance, cheerfulness, you're a wonderful friend, loveliness
corn – riches
grape vine – abundance, intoxication
lily (tiger) – wealth, pride, prosperity
poppy (yellow) – wealth, success
Favourite colour: Black
black bryony – support, be my support
blackberry – envy
ebony – blackness
laburnum – blackness, pensive beauty, forsaken
mulberry (black) – I shall not survive you, devotedness
poplar (black) – courage
Favourite book: Silenced (a story about a country devastated after war, and the nameless victims) ([My character, Alissa’s book]
achillea millefolia – war
aloe – grief, bitterness, religious superstition
aloes (parrot bill) – grief
cypress – despair, mourning, death, disappointed hopes
dragonwort – horror
greek valerian – rupture
handflower tree – warning
harebell – grief, submission, humility
hop – injustice
indian cress – warlike trophy, resignation
marigold – grief, cruelty, inquietude, contempt, chagrin, pain, pretty love, sacred affection, caress, sorrow, trouble
milfoil – war
monkshood – beware, danger is near, chivalry, knight-errantry, a deadly foe I near
nasturtium – a warlike trophy, patriotism, resignation, conquest, victory in battle
oleander – beware(!), caution
rhododendron – danger, beware, I am dangerous
rudbeckia – justice
tussilage (sweet-scented) – justice shall be done you, you shall have justice
yarrow – war, to cure, a cure for the heartache, cure for a broken heart, cure for heartache
Based on personality
agnus castus – coldness, indifference
bladder nut tree – frivolous amusement, frivolity, amusement
blue bell – kindness, constancy, sorrowful regret, humility, gratitude
borage – rudeness, bluntness
broom – neatness, humility, ardour,
bur – rudeness, you weary me
cactus – warmth, maternal love, ardent love, endurance, my heart burns with love
chaste tree – coldness
clotness – rudeness, pertinacity
copihue – there is no unalloyed good
crocus (spring) – youthful gladness
darnel – vice
dodder – meanness, baseness
feverfew – warmth
fig marigold – coldness, idleness
geranium (night smelling) – melancholy spirit
geranium (scarlet) – thou art changed, folly, stupidity, comforting, consolation, melancholy
hortensia – you are cold, carelessness
hydrangea – you are cold, (a) boaster, heartlessness, dispassion, thank you for understanding, frigidity
hyssop – cleanliness
ladies' bedstraw – rudeness
lettuce – cold-hearted, cold-heartedness, coldness
marsh mallow – kindness, beneficence
peppermint – warmth of feeling, cordiality
pimpernel – change, assignation, the weather-glass
pink (indian double) – always lovely
saffron – beware of excess, abuse, do not deceive yourself
rose (striped) – warmth of heart
rye grass – changeable disposition
spearmint – warmth of sentiment, warm sentiment
spotted arum – warmth
xanthium – rudeness, pertinacity
- Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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channary · 7 years
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lgbt tlc week: day 6 - platonic/solidarity  ↳ cress & thorne - wlw/mlm solidarity
ft. lesbian cress darnel and bisexual carswell thorne
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Sunrise- Cressder
There’s two fics for this ship on ao3 and none on tumblr and I’m heartbroken- so I decided to write one of my own! It’s a little clunky, but I love them so much I couldn’t help myself. 
In between letumosis runs, Cress stays with Cinder on Luna to visit and help out the palace tech. On one of these visits, Cinder and Cress watch the sunrise on Luna. Soft morning fluff and plenty of yearning.
Word Count- 764
A whisper was trying to draw her into consciousness, and Cinder resisted, rolling over.
"Cinder, come look!" Groggily, she matched the voice to Cress's, and getting up seemed a little more tempting. 
With a sigh, Cinder blearily opened her eyes, and the petite blond came into view. She also seemed soft and tired, but her reluctantly open eyes were gleaming brightly. "Good morning." The petite girl chirped. A tangled curl of hair fell in front of her face, and Cinder felt a rush of warmth as she matched Cress's smile with one of her own.
"'Morning Cress." She replied, sitting up. 
Cress held out a cup of tea to her. Accepting it gratefully, Cinder took a sip before asking, "What are we doing?" 
Setting her own floral patterned cup on the bedside stand, Cress gestured to the grand floor to ceiling window facing Earth and met her gaze excitedly. "We're going to watch the sunrise!"
"Oh!" Cinder sat up a little straighter in eagerness. She'd heard that the sunrises, though rare, were spectacular. However, she'd never seen one herself, always either too busy or too tired. But here she was, admittedly half asleep, but hanging in there.
Cress climbed up onto the bed and settled herself next to the other girl, drawing the blankets around her. Cinder felt a deep pang of affection and longing, and tried to content herself with sneaking looks at her lovely heart-shaped face, curious eyes, sweet pink lips, and curling unbrushed hair. Flyaways from her hair caught the light, making something of a halo around her head. Cinder longed to pat them down, just to see if the rebellious strands would pop up again.
"How was your sleep?" Cinder started as the admired turned her head. 
"Besides interrupted?" She joked, and Cress rolled her eyes and grinned. 
Both of them could sense the early morning fuzz between them, and they were content to watch the window in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence and their tea. 
When Cress reached over to take Cinder's hand and point out the window, the young queen, caught totally unprepared, had a moment of panic. All her senses focused on her hand, her left hand. But if Cress had any reaction to the fact she was holding a cyborg hand, she didn't show it. Cinder thought back to the previous conversations she'd had with Cress about her cyborgness- ones that always ended with Cress telling her that while she was different she was by no means lesser, and though she was 36.28% cyborg she was 100% human.
"Humanity isn't a measure of how much flesh your body is made up of." Cress had replied when Cinder tried to argue. "It's your capacity to feel, love, and think freely. Not to walk on two legs of skin and bone."
A feeling of acceptance and clarity mixed with a good amount of loving emotions had come over her, and if Tressa hadn't walked in that moment, Cinder was certain she would've either cried or kissed her.
"Look!" Cress tapped her friend's shoulder, and they both looked over to see a halo of light began to peak over the Earth. 
The Sun began to crest, rays making brilliant golden points as stunning hues of yellows, oranges, and gold began to cascade over the Blue Planet. Moments later, the star of the show made a blinding appearance. Cinder saw her own awe mirrored in the fair girl's face.
Once the Sun had taken its full place in the sky, Cress scooted closer. Looking sleepy, she tucked into Cinder's side. Instinctively she put an arm around her, feeling acutely aware of how every breath lifted the small girl's frame, and how Cinder's own arm rose with them. Cress' light pink nightgown made her appear harmless and defenseless, but to Cinder, Cress's kind heart was tougher than almost anyone else she knew. Her gentleness rounded out Cinder's harsh edges, just as she grounded Cress and kept her from living in her head for too long. Cinder smiled to herself, thinking about how the lovely girl in her arms brought out the best in her, as well as feelings she'd never felt before.
Longing filled Cinder as she looked down, and she would’ve been content to watch her sleep for hours, but exhaustion was pulling. Sliding down from sitting position, Cinder curled around Cress and dozed off.
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lesbenoits · 7 years
What are ur fave cressder headcanons???
this got long and out of hand so i’m putting it under the cut
they’re such an unlikely couple but they’d totally be the ones to like, korrasami it
i feel like they wouldn’t get along that great at first like there would be Tension
it would come off as them not getting along but really they were both just rlly rlly gay for eachother
when cress first saw cinder she was Stunned because Wow
like that teen movie scene where the girl’s hair flips in slow motion? that’s what cress felt like looking at cinder
before they got together cress would probably imagine their wedding and pick out names for their kids and just be ridiculously in love with cinder
cress definitely went to scarlet, a Seasoned Bisexual, for advice
she was so sure it was one sided
and cinder was like Oblivious at first but she slowly started feeling for fond for cress until she Realized
and then SHE went to scarlet for advice, sure it was one sided
scarlet: “…. these kids”
cinder definitely doodled “cinder darnel” at least once during a meeting
they’d be such a soft couple, like after a day of running around and doing Official Things they would collapse together into a bed and there would be soft kisses and cuddles and cinder would brush cress’s hair away from her forehead and ahhHHhh
after cinder abdicated she was had a bit of a crisis because what was she supposed to do now??
then she and cress realized that neither of them at really travelled before
so they called up iko and émilie and the four of them went on this big six month long cliche-backpacking-roadtrip-spontaneous-let’s-see-the-world-together-trip
cress and iko would take so many pictures of their girlfriends
cinder would pretend to hate the camera but she secretly loved her adorable girlfriend and her enthusiasm about everything on earth
“what’s this?? it’s the best thing i’ve ever tasted!!” “that’s ice cream, cress”
cress’s enthusiasm would definitely be contagious and they would giggle and laugh and there would be soft forehead and nose kisses
they’re both abysmal cooks but cinder would be trying to cook breakfast and then cress would come downstairs and wrap her arms around her and hug her from behind and kadhffkjdhhdjskf
Imagine That Scene where they’re sitting on the roof of a car as the sun sets and there’s soft languid kissing and everything is Perfect
and when the trip is over they work to distribute the antidote and work with kai and winter on creating legislature to protect cyborg rights
the media probably assumes that they’re just Gal Pals a lot even though they’re not subtle at all
i feel like cinder would eventually go into politics in some way
when they were old they would definitely be that Old Lesbian Couple that you always see on tumblr and they’d be soso cute still
cress would probably take up knitting or some ish like that
and little kids would always love to come over and visit them because they always had lots of sticky buns and stories to tell and it would always be warm and nice
i jsut love them a lot??
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Liking girls is NOT my only personality trait! I am also sad.
- Cress Darnel, a known lesbian
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