#bisexual cinder
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doomalade · 1 year
RWBY: Amity Pride #25 Cinder Fall
Cinder is bisexual!
Now I don’t have much planned out for Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury but like, I could totally have them be poly.
Idk it just kinda makes sense to me to always keep the three together
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pilot-boi · 3 months
For the tans winter maiden jaune au, think we can get a snippet of him meeting with Nora? Does he start using she/her pronouns by then or is he still mostly repressing everything and using he/him?
First of all, it’s not a repression thing. I cannot stress enough that Jaune’s pronouns are he/him. Being a woman doesn’t change that. Like I said before, it took this long for his egg to crack because he feels no discomfort in using he/him to refer to himself. He is a bisexual girl who uses he/him
That being said, I’ll do my best :]
Fair warning, I got VERY carried away
Jaune’s been acting weird since he got back.
Well duh Nora, of course he’s been weird. He’s been trapped in another dimension for gods know how long with nobody to talk to. And he’s apparently a fairy tale character, from a book popular enough that even HER mom had time to read it as a bedtime story before abandoning her.
Good times.
He’s the Winter Maiden.
She’s the Winter Maiden. He? She? They? Do the rules of that even apply anymore now that even Ozpin doesn’t know what’s going on and her family met the mother of the gods?
And how did it even happen? All she knows is her leader is back with flames from blue eyes and Jaune refuses to talk about it. So does the rest of RWBY. Well, to an extent.
The death of the Winter Maiden was something that got brought up immediately, especially since no Penny came through the portal and Winter showed up with Qrow and the Ace Ops. Everyone assumed that Penny was dead, but nobody knew who got the powers.
And then RWBY returns from the dead with a flame-eyed Jaune and an impossible story. They all dance around the question in meetings. It was Cinder’s fault, they all say, and Nora believes them. But they also all glance at Jaune whose hand is tight on the hilt of Crocea Mors.
Nora is many things, but she’s not oblivious. A ditz, sure, over-exuberant, definitely. But unobservant she is not. Jaune was involved in Penny’s death. How, she doesn’t know, but she recognizes the haunted look in those eyes from dark nights in Mistral. No amount of years could dull that.
Ren has taken his turn looking through their leader, and apparently Jaune is fine. Or at least as fine as can be expected. And Nora trusts him. She trusts him more than he trusts herself these days.
But there’s still something. Something in Jaune’s eyes when they land on her, a flicker of something she can’t recognize. Or wishes she couldn’t.
Blame. Guilt. Pain. Emotions that have never been directed towards her from Jaune. Flames from blue eyes, twenty years alone, a trauma she knows nothing about.
She doesn’t know who Jaune is anymore.
And it’s that realization that pushes her to find Jaune and talk in person.
“Jaune? Can I come in?” Nora knocks on the door. The Nora-Of-Before would’ve just barged in without thinking. There’s a lot of things Nora-Of-Before wouldn’t have bothered to think about.
“‘Course, door’s open.” Jaune is sitting on the bed that’s shared with Oscar, adjusting the straps on the shoulders of the armor. “Hey, Nora. Did you need something?”
“What do I call you now?” Wow, great going, Nora. Just blurt it out.
Jaune blinks and looks up at her, visibly confused. “Um… Jaune?” Blue eyes glance over her face. “Unless something changed that I don’t know about?”
Something did change, she wants to scream. You changed. You changed and you can’t even see it because it happened when nobody was around to point it out. You were alone and vulnerable and it’s all my fault.
“Can I sit down?” she asks instead. Jaune slides over immediately, shoving the armor onto the pillow to make room for her. “Jaune, we need to talk.”
“Okay. Shoot.”
“I need to get something out of the way first of all.” She looks her leader straight in the eyes. “What do I call you now?”
“Jaune. Nora I don’t-“
“No no not that,” she waves away. “Not your name, I know your name.”
Jaune chuckles. “You’d be the first.” Short, sweet, ladies love it. The whole world knows them now. Not as much as Ruby, but still. Nora can’t fathom how Jaune deals with the world knowing the fairytale title more than the name from the broadcast.
“It’s just… So much has happened, and you don’t have to tell me all of it or any of it-” The words are tumbling out of her before she knows it, before she can stop them. “-but clearly so much has happened and you’re like family to me, and I’m sorry about what happened, I’m so sorry, but-”
“Woah woah woah, slow down.” Jaune grabs her hands. Dammit, she was rambling. This is about Jaune being hurt, and here she is rambling. “C’mere.” Jaune slides her over and plops a head of white streaked curls down on her head. She can feel Jaune’s voice rumble. “You can talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I just… I don’t think I know you anymore.” And dammit why is her voice so small. She’s supposed to be the strong one. Gods, how does Jaune do this?!
Jaune doesn’t answer for the longest time, and for her it’s like having her worst fears confirmed. You’re right, you don’t know me, her leader’s silence seems to say.
“I don’t think I know myself anymore,” Jaune says eventually. “I was the Burning Knight. I still am, I guess.” There’s a pause, and Nora leans into the ratty sweatshirt Neptune lent. “I don’t really know who I am without the fairytale. It’s hard to explain.”
I don’t actually know who I am without Ren. “No… I think I get it,” Nora says. “Ren and I have been spending time apart since you…” Died. Since you died, and we buried you, and I couldn’t bring back help. But Jaune isn’t dead, she can feel the tickle of blonde curls on her forehead and the warmth through the hoodie. “I wanted to figure out who I am. I’m still working on that, but I think I get it.”
Jaune hmms.
“I’m the Winter Maiden.” It’s so matter of fact that Nora had to remind herself that Jaune’s had decades to get used to the idea. “but I still feel like Jaune Arc. I think… I think I’m a girl, but I still feel like a man.” And Nora has to admit, she’s shocked by how quickly Jaune admitted that. Other dimension therapy must be bonkers.
“So who are you?”
Another chuckle, this one failing to hide the hurt. “If you only knew how many times I failed to answer that question.”
More silence. Less stifling.
“I think… I think I’m still me.” And Nora can hear the relief. How long has her leader been dealing with identity and self all alone? Did it start in fairytale land, or did she just miss the signs? “I’m the Maiden, and I’m a girl, but I still feel like a guy.”
“Oh yeah?” Nora shifts so she can look at Jaune’s face. Blonde hair streaked with white over blue eyes. The eyes are still the same. “So you’re a woman? Like May?”
Jaune grimaces, thumps back down on her shoulder. “Girl feels right, woman doesn’t. I don’t feel… grown enough for woman.” Nora nods. Young, then old, then young again. Enough time has been stolen, it makes sense that Jaune’s had enough of being grown.
“So you’re my sister now, not my brother?” Nora asks.
She feels Jaune curl around her, long arms holding her like a teddy bear. “I don’t think I know who I am if I’m not your brother. Or Ren’s. Or Ruby, or Oscar’s.”
Who is Nora Valkyrie if she isn’t part of Ren and Nora? “It’s just a part of you,” she murmurs. How many Winter Maidens is she going to lead down this path before she reaches the end herself? “Don’t forget about the rest.”
“The rest of me feels like a guy,” Jaune replies immediately. “Not a man, not a hero just… just a guy. Or a girl. ” She can almost hear the smile behind the words. “A friend.”
“So, what do I call you now?”
“What do I call you?” Jaune shoots the question back at her. “Who are you?” And that’s not fair, ‘cause she hasn’t had two decades to work on this, she’s only had two months. And most of that time was filled up with grieving.
Although, with the white-streaks in blonde hair and the haunted look in blue eyes, Jaune probably spent the two decades similarly.
“I don’t think I know,” Nora admits.
“Me neither,” Jaune sighs. “I should probably talk to May about this. She’s the expert.”
“Who do you want to be?” And the way Jaune says it, the question clearly means something. Something locked up in fairytale land and the lost years spent there.
But it’s an interesting question.
“I want to be someone who’s there for her friends,” she says. A golden portal and knuckles and throat bleeding under the force of desperation. “Someone whose friends know that she’ll fight the battles they can’t, and laugh and cry with them afterwards.”
“Sounds like you want to be Nora.”
It does, doesn’t it? “Who do you want to be?”
“I want to be someone who can help people,” Jaune says. A gleaming shield and a shattered blade, glowing hands meant to comfort and heal. “The kind of guy who can say “Everything’s gonna be alright, I’m here to help,” and people believe him.”
“Sounds like you want to be Jaune,” Nora quips back at her leader, and receives a weak laugh in response.
Him. Jaune said him.
“Do you still want to be a him? You’re a girl who feels like a guy.” She leans back against Jaune’s chest, snuggling into the warmth there. “Whatever you say, I’ll still love you.”
Silence. Nora feels Jaune shift awkwardly, sees calloused fingers pull at borrowed hoodie sleeves in front of her. “Is that like… allowed?” Theres a shocking amount of vulnerability in her leader’s voice. Like her answer will decide the rest of the future.
Oh Jaune.
There’s an immortal witch trying to kill us, time travel is apparently real, and you’re a fairy tale character. Who cares what’s allowed? It’s what she wants to say. It’s what she’s thinking. But cradling Jaune’s bleeding heart in her hands, and knowing better than she knows her name how important the opinion of her leader’s friends are, she stays quiet.
Nora looks up. Blue eyes, full of shadow and doubt. But still Jaune’s. “It’s very allowed.”
And his smile is like the sun.
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I can see it now. Apollo is preparing the dodgeball of prophecy.
In 10 years time, the Fire Emblem series will go the way of Ace Attorney and start to port its games to PC. The first games to be transferred are Fates, Shadows of Valentia, and Three Houses/Hopes.
Fates is a full collection including all the DLC and Revelation route. There are more options for customization. My Castle gets updated to be bigger and can connect to other players while in Online Mode.
Three Houses will pull a Persona and add a new character. This is the cut student who had a Major Crest of Cichol. They will also rework Cindered Shadows into its own full route, so it's technically Fire Emblem Four Houses. It's called the Seasons of Warfare Edition. Everyone is made bisexual and can romance Byleth regardless of gender.
Shadows of Valentia doesn't change at all because it's perfect as it is.
These releases will be so popular that it causes them to port the rest.
But these will be the first.
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somelegobird · 29 days
I'm bored so uh here are all of the headcanons I have written on my Ramble Doc. It's not all of my headcanons, but it's just stuff I thought of through my rewatches
Aroace cis
Horrible ornithophobia
Cis gay man
Afraid of heights and the dark after his fall in March of the Oni
Very mildly red-green colourblind
Still flinches when water gets flicked in his direction. Didn’t have the best hygiene for his first month or so after becoming human again since it took him a while to lose the “I’ll die if I touch water!” mentality. His main way of washing himself consisted of dry shampoo and hand sanitizer, maybe baby wipes if he was brave enough for their slight wetness.
Non-binary, aroace
Cis guy seasons 1-7, questioning season 8, demiboy genderfluid seasons 9+. Bisexual, was in denial about his sexuality until he got comfortable with his gender.
EXTREMELY sensitive to caffeine, like, you’ll get zapped bad if you touch her once she’s had a latte or something
After Skybound, he gets antsy around pirate themed stuff (not the kids kind, but more serious things) and gets stressed and paranoid for a bit when someone says “I wish���. Avoids saying it at all costs .
Chooses to continue calling himself “Jay Walker” because he has no emotional attachment to either the name Gordon or his biological father (having never met him) and he loves his adoptive parents. However, he does sometimes say his name is Jay Gordon when he wants to brag about being the son of Cliff Gordon.
After finding out she was adopted, she struggles to watch the Starfarer movies with the same enthusiasm. Whenever she sees the actor Cliff Gordon, she feels an odd wave of emptiness because that is the man that gave her away, that is the man that wanted nothing to do with her.
Claustrophobic since almost drowning in Seabound because he was trapped in his car. Also thalassaphobia both because of that moment and the fact that the sea “took” his yang
Accidentally bit their lip hard when they got turned into a snake in s1, that’s why they ran into the bathroom. Has a small scar from it that Nya loves touching gently, reminding herself of how strange Jay was back then (but also how innocent both of them were)
Cis man, pansexual
His fears of water cleared up a bit after Nya turned out to be master of water, but they never really went away and still finds himself getting nervous when Nya uses her powers on larger bodies of water
Dad sneezes all the way. Sometimes he sneezes fire, sometimes Jay gets scorch marks. Those two are unrelated statements.
Transmasc, heavily questioning his sexuality but leaning to aroace
Listens to Will Wood, I have no reason for this other than that I can perfectly imagine him screaming the lyrics to “Hand Me My Shovel I’m Going In” or “2econd 2ight 2eer”
Is like a Disney Princess when it comes to animals. Animals don’t feel that initial fear or uncertainty towards him unless he gives them a reason to, which he doesn’t to the best of his abilities. He always leaves the window in his room wide open and has various feeders both inside his room and outside. He had the window sill on the outside of the window extended to make room for feeders and a variety of enrichment items. Unfortunately, because the Monastery is so high up, he only really gets birds and the occasional goat (Once a deer came up to his window and he will bring this up every single time the topic of animals is touched, he is proud). If he and the others are going to be on the Bounty for a while, he designates an open area on the boat for bird feeders that he sets out when the boat is still.
Because he keeps his window open, his room is the coldest of all. To combat this, he has the softest and fluffiest blankets. He really doesn’t like these blankets leaving his room, so it’s not rare to see some of the other ninja curled up in his room under the blankets because they got cold during the night.
The name Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon isn’t firstname middlename lastname, it’s firstname lastname and Lloyd Montgomery-Garmadon. Garmadon doesn’t have a last name, so to give their kid a last name that comes from both the parents, Misako took her own last name (Montgomery) and slapped Garmadon on the end of it to create the surname Montgomery-Garmadon for her kid. I could've probably said this in less words.
Cis, but contemplating demigirl since season 4 HER AND JAY ARE T4T I DON’T CARE (transfem hehe). bisexual
Like Jay, she gets nervous when someone says “I wish” but is much less affected than him. She’s okay with saying it herself but puts a conscious effort into not saying it around Jay.
Fem-presenting agender, demiromantic ace
Often gets nightmares where she is trapped and unable to do or say anything, they stem from being stuck in Zane’s head for so long
While she was in Zane’s head, she would suffer many existential crises and question if she was even real. She still gets them sometimes while in her own body, but they are much more infrequent.
Cis guy, Gay. He’s the mandatory “cool old gay guy” you find in bars (I have never been in a bar in my life)
Has a Ninjago equivalent of a Tumblr blog themed around unicorns, uses :3 in his messages and has a unicorn sona that he draws interacting with his unicorn figurines
Masc-presenting agender, heteroromantic asexual
Heavily struggles with Misophonia, often turns off his ears when he gets overwhelmed. The other ninja have learned rudimentary sign language to communicate with him when they realise he’s blocked out the noise. Totally not projecting here
Often falls into fits of panic and paranoia, not trusting his own mind or memories. He had his memories wiped or mind broken into so many times, he ends up sending himself into a spiral of uncertainty and delusion when he thinks about it too much. During these fits, he believes a variety of things, but mostly it’s a mixture of “I’ve forgotten something important and I have no clue what” and “Someone has hacked my mind and is slowly altering my thoughts and memories”. He also sometimes gets the very strong illusion that there is another Ninja that he forgot about that is currently off on a solo mission. He starts to panic because how could he forget an entire person, and the others have to try and calm him down and reassure him that there is no one he’s forgotten. All of these stem from forgetting his father pre-s1 and forgetting everything for 60 years in s11. The hacking one also stems from when Ronin hacked into his head and shut him down.
Ninjago City has English but is called Ninjargon, because of Karlof’s and Korgran’s accents I imagine Metalonia has Russian but it’s called Metalonian or something, and Shintaro has German but it’s called Shintar/Shinatrian. I have no basis for the last one other than I like (and am learning) the German Language and I like Shintaro.
I also like to imagine there’s a place (they aren’t really countries,,, cities?) called Stoneland which is just Ninjago Poland. Really high quality minerals and stone-carved statues originate from here.
Alongside the sayings already used in the show, ones I like to imagine also being used include “By the Master” and “In the name of the First” because “the First Spinjitzu Master” is too lengthy and “FSM” still has three entire syllables. “The First” and “the Master” are used interchangeably. This is kind of already canon with Pixal saying “Thank the Master”, but I just wanted to further expand on it a tiny bit.
When an Elemental Master touches Vengestone, there is an initial wave of a feeling of impending doom and (physical) cold that runs through their body. The feeling dissipates with time but doesn’t truly disappear until they lose contact with the Vengestone. The specifics of the feeling change depending on the Element. My ideas so far, MO fire has the cold feeling amplified, MO lightning feels an odd stillness within them, MO earth has a feeling of shrinking, MO water gets a dry throat and feels like their organs are shrivelling slightly, MO life/energy starts to believe they or others around them are dead (gets amplified with time), and MO ice instead starts to feel uncomfortably warm.
The piece of Vengestone touching the Elemental Master has to weigh at least 500 grams, if the 500g is split between multiple pieces it will not work (I’m saying this because I laughed at the idea of someone losing their powers because they had a tiny bit of Vengestone stuck in their shoe from a mission).
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howlingday · 7 months
How much of RWBY Chibi would you consider Canon? Like Ren teaching everyone the dance or Cinder being most likely Bi?
Off the bat, non-canon. In fact, some fans theorized (non-seriously, I'd assume) that RWBY Chibi is a defense mechanism developed by Jaune after the Fall of Beacon to cope with the loss of Pyrrha. Beacon never fell, Pyrrha never died, and everyone is happy and friendly... even if it's not with everyone else.
BUT I can also pick and choose on things I think are "canon," or at least see personality traits that can be transcribed across as canon.
For example, did Ren teach everyone how to dance for the Vytal Dance? Probably not, BUT I could see Ren taking this as the one and only thing he would ever get mad over.
Did Nora eat all those waffles and get sick, or travel to an alternate dimension with coffee? Probably not, but it's fun to imagine her as this universal constant that no matter what universe she's in, Nora will always be Nora.
As for Cinder being Bi, I'd say it's more like she's bi-curious. She even says that she hadn't really considered it, BUT she was willing to try. But in the end, she gave up on the idea of being BIsexual and settled on being MYsexual (bdmtss), in that no one was good enough for Cinder, except for Cinder.
Also, I'd like to say that if that theory of this being Jaune's coping mechanism is true, then that means Jaune sees himself as a secondary character to everyone else. And that's sad. Hilariously sad, but still sad nonetheless.
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 months
Alright I’m thinking of doing some pride wc things but cuz of the recent shit-
What wc characters to you are bi gay/bi lesbian/mspec/ any other label that gets people weird over for literally no reason. I already got bi gay Hawkfrost cuz it’s so right for him, and bi lesbian Star Flower. But feeling like I need more :)
ur SO right about bi gay hawkfrost. and bi lesbian star flower is galaxybrained.
to me cinders (my girl) is heterosexual and a lesbian at the same time. no shes not bisexual its different <3 im having fun okay
BI GAY SOL!!! and het gay purdy!! aro lesbian hollyleaf. bi gay jayfeather. oooooooohhhhhh,,,,,, amab trans guy firestar,,,,,,,,,,
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best female villain tournament!
- Only submit the same character once
- Multiple submissions with different characters are fine!
- Matchups will be posted as soon as I have enough submissions and will include the most submitted characters
-Resubmissions are fine as long as they weren’t on the tourney last time
- Please be as detailed as possible
I had issues on my end with some technicalities and media’s. eg a lot of characters from the hatchetfield musicals by team starkid were just submitted as hatchetfield which made it harder to search for them to identify them and get pictures etc. If those and similar fandoms could be submitted with what musical etc they’re from that would be great :)
Those who sent submissions through my askbox will be getting submitted by me unless it was off anon(because you’ll be getting a notification)
Cool people/awareness tags:
@tournament-announcer @bisexual-protagonist-competiton @the-ballerina-battle @the-great-british-blorbo-off @pinkhairswagtourney @childhoodfriendstoloversshowdown @most-tragic-character-tournament
characters in the last poll(please do not submit):
Makima(Chainsaw Man)
Dahlia Hawthorne(Ace Attorney)
The Handler(The Umbrella Academy)
Margaret Slitheen(Doctor Who)
Linda Monroe(Hatchetfield)
Miyo Takano(Higurashi When They Cry)
Diane Makepeace(Layton Brothers: Mystery Room)
Marisa Coulter(His Dark Materials)
Vespera(Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Master Cyclonis(Storm Hawks)
Exellinor the Witch(How To Train Your Dragon(books))
Lady Felmet(Discworld(Wyrd sisters))
Magica De Spell(Ducktales)
Twyla Sophio(Cemetery Mary)
Marie Campbell(Killer Frequency)
Jezaille Brett/Asa Shinn(Ace Attorney)
White Diamond(Steven Universe)
Medusa(Kid Icarus)
Bryce Tankthrust(Brandon Rogers/Bryce Tankthrust, CEO)
Beatrice(Umineko When They Cry)
Shiela young(Hatchetfield)
Odalia Blight(The Owl House)
Cora Mills(Once Upon a Time)
Alcina Dimitrescu(Resident Evil)
Beroba(Kamen Rider Geats)
Poison Ivy(DC)
Arlecchino(Genshin Impact)
Dr Olivia Octavius(Spiderman: Into The Spider-verse)
The Other Mother(Coraline)
Granny Rags(Dishonoured)
Larxene(Kingdom Hearts)
Morgana Pendragon(BBC Merlin)
Barbara Burgess(The Goes Wrong Show (90 Degrees))
Cinder Fall(RWBY)
Lanfear/Selene(Wheel of Time)
Azula(Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Queen Chrysalis(My Little Pony)
Mother Gothel(Tangled)
Cruella de Vil(101 Dalmations)
Missy(Doctor Who)
Nightmare Moon(My Little Pony)
Himiko Toga(My Hero Academia)
Maleficent(Sleeping Beauty)
The Iron Queen(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Lust(Fullmetal Alchemist)
Shego(Kim Possible)
Queen Beryl(Sailor Moon)
Medusa Gorgon(Soul Eater)
The Enchantress(Shovel Knight)
Delilah Briarwood(Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina)
Delilah Copperspoon(Dishonored)
Lady Gisela Sencen(Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Evelyn Deavor(the Incredibles)
Yzma(Emperors New Groove)
Ragyo Kiryuin(Kill la Kill)
The Prince(Bullet Train)
Queen Cersei Lannister(Game of Thrones)
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pyrrhicpoison · 5 months
tw // self harm mention + scars
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WOOHOOO THEYRE FINALLY DONE!! team rwby are here and real after nearly 23 hours spent on them in total 😵‍💫
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^ versions without the text&arrows
vvv hc transcript + hcs not mentioned vvv:
Butch Lesbian
goggles: ‘Goggles to protect remaining eye (+they make crescent look cool as hell)
right eye: ‘Eye scratched out by Cinder’s grimm arm’
green hairband: ‘For Penny :(‘
nose: ‘Shares nose shape, skin tone & freckles with their Dad & Yang’
upper chest: ‘scars on chest from CC’s attempted possession’
chest 1: ‘Yang bought their binder & had it customised for her (+ Blake)’
chest 2: ‘Binds their chest most of the time except from when she’s in Vacuo. Then they borrow trans tape from Blake and bind with that instead’
sash: ‘CR hooks onto the back of sash and sits diagonally across crescent’s back’
shirt and shorts: ‘Stole one of Yang’s goofy shirts & cut his cargos into shorts’
4’11 (5’2 w/ heels)
Transfem lesbian
hair: ‘Hair cut shorter & she wears it down more often’
green hair tie: ‘For Penny :,)’
nose: ‘Shares nose shape with her brother + got her beauty mark from her mother who has one in the same place (TO ME!!)’
face: ‘On E’
red bandana: ‘gift from Ruby :)’
right arm: ‘Heavily scarred arms from SH & fighting grimm’
left eye: ‘Blind in this eye’
left shoulder: ‘Wears shawl to protect shoulders from the sun (burns easily)’
right side: ‘Chest scar carries over to her back & she has no feeling in the skin there — the nerves were burned away and caused permanent damage’ then off that ‘Doesn’t cope well in hot climates (Vacuo) too well because of this’
myrtenaster: ‘Has a strict routine she keeps with maintaining Myrtenaster and if she doesn’t do it, it’ll send her into a spiral’
Non-binary bisexual
Autistic + PTSD
ears: ‘Gold jewellery like her mum’s’
right eye: ‘Eyes shine in the dark due to faunus night vision’
left eye: ‘More prominent faunus facial features (slit pupils, fangs, nose, etc.)
hood: ‘Hood has cat ear shaped pockets that unzip so she can choose whether to have her ears out or covered’
chest: ‘wearing trans tape under crop top’
left bicep: ‘Has big, strong arm & shoulder muscles from throwing Yang around with Gambol, but a softer tummy cause she’s healing from all the bad habits they picked up in the WF’
orange scarf: ‘Wears orange scarf to mirror where Yang’s arm ends and where metal begins’
tummy: ‘happy trail and STRETCH MARKS!!!”
shoulder+elbow: ‘More furry like their Dad’
forearm: ‘Scars from WF training, SH & grimm’
waist straps: ‘Yang uses these to pull her in for a kiss all the time :)’
chaps: ‘chaps + cowboy boots = sapphic devastation’
tummy scar: ‘The scar on her hip is the only one that still looks fairly gruesome, and the only one that burns and stings even long after the initial injury is healed. She thinks it’s because technically she was stabbed there twice, even if the second time she managed to use her semblance to get away.’
Butch lesbian
nose: ‘Got his nose scar while fighting a jabber walker’
eye: ‘Eyes have specs of crimson in them even when his semblance isn’t active’
ear: ‘Shares skin tone, nose and hair with his dad’
facial hair: ‘On T’
left bicep: wears scarf on left bicep to mirror Blake’
arm,legs,tummy,chest: ‘HAIRY!!! :D’
leg: ‘Heavily scarred from SH, grimm and bar fights’
shorts: ‘Can sew and likes to decorate his trousers/shorts with patches & pins. He also likes to sew things for his team (he’s the reason they all have the team colours somewhere on their outfits)’
chest 1: ‘Scar across chest from Neo’s blade’
chest 2: ‘Got top surgery at some point in Vacuo (he likes to joke around and say that her semblance blew his tits off).
HCS NOT PUT HERE (i forgor):
•takes tips and advice from Yang on how to dress but mainly just throws clothes on and hopes for the best. she hasn’t quite got the hang of things looking… cohesive… yet.
•strong arms from swinging CR around.
•Was quite slender, but began gaining a bit of weight once she got back to Remnant. Starting to heal :,).
•has chronic pain that stems from her tummy scar and radiates up her spine. Overworking, stress & the cold cause most flare-ups.
•has a collection of goofy shirts (That ruby always steals from).
•has weapons hidden in her prosthetic arm in case he’s ever out of dust or in a bind.
•still experiences phantom pain in his stump and pain from some of the scars he’s acquired over the course of the war.
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bestworstcase · 2 years
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ahaha. ahhaahah
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she is going to spend the rest of the volume ripping herself apart to not be this
also god lmao “and penny—she—jaune tried to help, but she sacrificed herself to save the power” lol. lmao. weiss says the quiet part out loud but man. “jaune tried to help”—says the girl who lunged straight at cinder fall to protect her friend, who fought so hard to try to give jaune time to save penny and nearly died herself in doing so. “penny sacrificed herself to save the power” says the girl who is alive now because of that sacrifice. it all happened so fast. nobody came back from vacuo to help. jaune tried to help, but—weiss wasn’t good enough, and no one else was there. god. weiss sweetheart her blood is not on your hands.
“you weren’t supposed to be here”/“if you thought we wouldn’t come for you” ruby rose master of spin but also like yang straight up woke up in wonderland and concluded she was dead and the one thing she had left to hold on to was that at least she died saving her baby sister. at least it was her and not the others. and then they’re THERE and all she sees is my sister is dead until ruby makes it sound like they came here on purpose. to find her. if they came to rescue her then they can’t be dead and maybe she isn’t either lmao god. yang has been here five minutes and already gone on a whole emotional roller coaster while RWB got lost on the beach.
also she rly went welp i’m dead and a raccoon stole my arm so i’m gonna uno reverse the jabberwock about it, how do you like THESE eyes of flame you fucker. which is like the most yang thing she could possibly do lmfao. you think she’s traumatized? could a traumatized person do THIS? *chases a monster until she’s so exhausted she can barely stand* girl literally does not know what to do with herself if she’s not taking care of somebody else so she just goes apeshit on the most dangerous-looking thing in the vicinity because that’s WHO SHE IS, isn’t it, that’s what makes her special, every time something knocks her down she picks herself up and punches it back twice as hard, except it’s not working anymore. this time the monster runs away and yang runs herself into the ground clinging to this empty pantomime. “i said i wasn’t done with you yet!”—she sounds so strong—like the one liner, the rock to the back of the head, it’s a pitch perfect heroic entrance and then
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babygirl you are serving yourself to the monsters on a silver platter again.
hysterical that blake just fucking body slams her. local bisexual gets in touch with her inner freight train. love is stored in the broken ribs
blake is also shaping up to be the one who lands on her feet and i am really intrigued by how strongly the ever after responds to her decisiveness; “i think we focus on getting everything back, then we can figure out how to get out of here” and the sunlight breaks through the clouds as the rain that answers ruby’s misery stops. it’s interesting because it positions blake pretty blatantly as a direct inversion of ruby, emotionally, in this moment, and the contrast being underlined here is specifically ruby’s overwhelming, paralytic despair vs blake’s clear-eyed focus on the what’s immediately in front of them. RWY are getting sucked into this vortex of anxiety about what happened after they fell but blake really hits the ground running. right out of the gate, she found weiss and immediately settled on a clear, achievable objective (find gambol shroud by piecing together its probable location based on when it fell in relation to herself and weiss and where they landed), already thinking ahead to what their next step should be after that (find yang and ruby) and trying to piece together what exactly this place is. she’s able to take a deep breath and shelve her feelings about the things she doesn’t know and can’t control in order to break her and her team’s current situation down into small, manageable steps even though she’s just as scared, confused, and upset as they are—
which 1. god she’s grown SO MUCH since the fall of beacon, and 2. what we’re looking at here is, i think, the first open salvo against the huntsman ethos. blake recognizes intuitively that their first priority right now is themselves. they’re not huntresses down here. they’re not the noble defenders of mankind; whatever the situation in vacuo is, it is wholly and completely out of their control and there’s nothing they can do to change that. so she’s putting it down. and as she lets that burden fall off her shoulders the sunlight pours through the clouds to show her the way forward.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
Reasons to love Cinder Fall from RWBY, by June / Blightmxb on Twitter
1. Her outfits.
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She's had MORE wardrobe changes than any other RWBY character. she's a fashion victim and she looks GORGEOUS while doing every evil deed
2. Her story.
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She's the survivor of an abusive environment in a world where nothing was given to her, she learned that taking the things she wants is the only way to survive. She's such a tragic villain cause there was never a kind hand that could've lead her on a different path
3. Jessica Nigri's VA skills.
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I cannot stress enough how much i LOVE Cinder's voicing. Her velvety voice when she's being mean, her grunts of frustration, how raw she sounds when she FIGHTS. Jessica Nigri does a marvellous job for her volume after volume!
4. She's a girlfailure.
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She has been defeated numerous times by a little girl, has been allegedly killed by another maiden, challenged by Jaune (affectionate), kicked by THE Blake Belladonna. The list of failures goes on and i support her ALWAYS coming back
5. Her powers.
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She can materialize incandescent cristals, fire, make any given weapon on the spot and BREATHE FIRE. how absolutely COOL is that !!
6. How PETTY she is.
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"Do you believe in destiny?" "Yes." // "Someone once asked me if I believed in destiny and I'm happy to say I still do" Cause after coming back from the dead (almost) she es yet again ready to commit atrocities to become even stronger, i respect her tenacity
7. She looks so awesome.
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The atrocities look GOOD on her and she is a feast to the eyes when she's on screen
8. She is an overconfident, manipulative, intelligent, ruthless, cunning, villain who knows exactly how to get what she wants AND she's a woman.
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Enough of morally corrupted men in media, I want morally corrupted WOMEN who are POWER-HUNGRY & not afraid to take what they want !!
9. If Ruby is the light of RWBY, Cinder is the shadow.
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As the show goes on, Ruby & Cinder both face failure, loss, trauma and they both slowly lose parts of themselves. But while Ruby overcomes the struggles and becomes better, Cinder doesn't change her ways and becomes worse
10. Her Cinderella theme
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i'm obsessed with how she's based on cinderella but she mirrors that entire tale and instead of becoming kind and forgiving and loving she becomes ruthless, cold hearted, and vengeful
11. She is the heart of the conflict in RWBY.
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She’s the only consistent villain that brings conflict to the story. Grimm are background threats, & Salem & the other villains have less impactful scenes but Cinder is ALWAYS at the centre of the main events that further the plot
12. She would give it a shot to bisexuality.
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And I think that's very cool of her to love women !!
13. Overall, I think she's a pivotal character in the RWBY universe who stirs things up and gives us such memorable (and painful) moments and I just love a complex and morally dubious villain !!
Disclaimer, cause I know you guys like to take things out of context. Do I condone her actions? No. She's done terrible things and she'll have to pay for them. Do I think she deserves a happy ending? I think she's too far gone for any hope of redemption, so probably no.
I personally don't want her to die, but knowing how RWBY works there's a slim chance she'll survive after what she's done. So. I would like her to hit rock bottom so hard she realizes she's neck deep in the wrong path, but she can still do One Good thing before she's done for(+)+) and that is sacrifice herself for Ruby. Or save her/help her in any capacity when all seems lost and she's too far gone to survive. Her own little redemption to all the terrible things she's done. That isn't enough but it's Something. I want her dark life to end with a light
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hadesisqueer · 2 years
How many confirmed LGBTQ characters does RWBY have? So far I can think:
Blake Belladonna (bisexual)
May Marigold (transgender)
Shion Zaiden from IQ (non-binary)
Yang Xiao Long (sapphic, orientation not confirmed)
Saphron Cotta-Arc (sapphic, orientation not confirmed)
Terra Cotta-Arc (sapphic, orientation not confirmed)
Ilia Amitola (lesbian)
Coco Adel (lesbian)
Scarlet David (gay)
Nolan Porfirio (mlm)
Carmine Esclados (lesbian-coded)
Little (non-binary)
Then there are characters that are implied to be LGBT either in canon content or side content like RWBY Chibi (see: Velvet in the novels when it was teased but not confirmed that she used to have a crush on Coco back at Pharos Academy, and when in Chibi they went on a date—or Cinder implying that she hasn't tried but wouldn't mind dating women but then again that's just Chibi so it doesn't count lmao. And more, I guess. Headcanons and vibes exist).
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ofduskanddreams · 1 year
The Embers of Us — Snippet
requested by @thelovelymadone
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Eris’s breaths cloud with every exhale before dissolving into the early April air. The rising sun will peek above the feathered crowns of the fir trees lining the far side of the river any minute.
He’s twenty-nine today. A year from now he’ll be thirty.
If his twenty-year-old self could see him right now—still in Wyoming, still single, running Autumn Crest Ranch of all things—he’d think it was a nightmare come true. But Eris has learned to love this place.
It turns out that it wasn’t the ranch he hated; it wasn’t the small town that made him feel like the walls were closing in even under endlessly blue skies, it was his father. Beron Vanserra was the rot in the roots; a poison, slow and insidious in its creeping.
Eris ran off to Seattle for university when the chance presented itself. It had been a selfish choice, a desperate one if he’s being honest, but a choice that he loves and loathes with equal measure.
Those had been four years when he’d left his mother and brothers here under his father’s fist and unprotected. Those four years had also been the first time he’d felt truly alive—truly himself—for longer than a few stolen hours at a time.
Beron died when the ranch was about to go under three years prior. Eris thinks that if he didn’t have those precious few years to learn and live the way he wanted to, he would have failed his family when he inherited the ranch. Instead, he turned things around.
It is still a “working” ranch by all technical definitions but their cattle herd is mainly for show. After all, tourists come to Starlight Creek from all corners of the world to get an “authentic” experience at Autumn Crest Ranch.
Does it make him a sellout? Potentially. But Eris would rather take the judgemental looks from the other ranchers in the area than be unable to provide a comfortable life for his mother and brothers.
And there’s the added bonus of this: of the sun climbing and setting fire to the treetops, of Cinder and Vulcan chasing after a rabbit, of Candy’s warmth seeping through his jeans into his calves as they walked parallel to the gravelly river bank.
It’s these moments that fill him with an inundating sense of peace, of home, and Eris marvels that this is the same land he grew up on. In the absence of Beron’s shadow it’s a different world: one where his mother is often smiling and never concealing bruises, one where Lucien does his homework at the kitchen table and Maddox can read a novel in the living room instead of hiding away so as not to be noticed.
In this world, Eris flies a Pride flag right below Old Glory and flips the ground the finger whenever he leaves the house and sees it on the pole. He hopes his father is rolling over in his grave at the fact that his ranch is more successful in the hands of his bisexual son than it ever was when he was alive and throwing slurs at the TV whenever a man appeared on-screen that didn’t match his definition of the word.
In this world, Eris’s home and family are flourishing and he wakes up looking forward to the day ahead. When this is already so much more than he’d ever imagined for himself, what more could he want?
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chemicallyyourss · 7 months
TLC sexualities
Cinder: Kaisexual, partly just because she’s never even considered being attracted to anyone because she has so much pent up self hate
Kai: Straight
Scarlet: Bisexual….The obscene amounts of blushing with Winter is TELLING
Wolf: Scarletsexual
Cress: Thornesexual
Thorne: Straight but he is damn near leaning towards bisexual
Winter: Jacinsexual
Jacin: Wintersexual. The most devoted couple ever
Don’t fight me on this we all know it’s right
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
Book recs: post- and transhumanism
AKA: cyborgs, uploaded minds, and humans otherwise altered by technology.
I have previously written a rec list for books featuring robots and artificial intelligences, but ended up excluding various titles for not quite fitting the theme. Hence, this list, which focuses more on the step from human into something else, commonly with themes of what it means to be human.
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Previous book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books, portal fantasies, robots and artificial intelligences
For more details on the books, continue under the readmore. Titles marked with an * are my personal favorites. And as always, feel free to share your own recs in the notes!
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The Quantum Thief by Hannu Rajaniemi*
Place this one in the category of ‘accept that you’re gonna be confused as hell and just let the world wash over you’. The singularity has come and gone and humans can now easily upload, download and copy themselves into new bodies, not all of them human and not always willingly. Consciousnesses and time has become something close to currency. Follows a murder mystery on Mars.
The Scorpion Rules (Prisoners of Peace duology) by Erin Bow*
Young Adult. Featuring a dystopian future in which an AI forcibly keeps world peace by holding the children of world leaders hostage. If anyone attempts to start a war, their child will be executed. Greta is one of these children, kept in a school with others like her. But things start to change one day when a new, less obedient hostage arrives. A unique, slowburn take on the YA dystopian craze, also featuring a bisexual love triangle.
The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Jenna Fox Chronicles) by Mary E. Pearson
Young Adult set in a near future. Jenna wakes from a year long coma after an accident, and something is wrong. Is this really her life? Are her memories her own? Exactly what happened a year ago, and what did her parents do to get her back?
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Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky*
Millenia and generation spanning scifi. After the collapse of an empire, a planet once part of a project to uplift other species to sentience is left to develop on its own, resulting not in the intelligent monkeys once intended but in sentient giant spiders. Millenia later, what remains of humanity arrives looking for a new home, only to be met by the artificial remains of the ancient woman who once led the uplift project - and she is not willing to let them on her planet.
War Girls by Tochi Onyebuchi*
In an enviromentally fraught future, the Nigerian civil war has flared back up, utilizing cybernetics and mechs to enhance its soldiers. Two sisters, by bond if not by blood, are separated and end up on differing sides of the struggle. Brutal and dark, with themes of dehumanization of soldiers through cybernetics that turn them into weapons, and the effect and trauma this has on them.
The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffrey
1969 classic. Features a future in which children born too weak to survive are put into and raised in mechanical bodies. Helva, one of these children, grows up to be put in charge of her own space ship, from which she works to fulfill various missions out in space, missions which she quickly comes to learn are much more dangerous than she could've imagined.
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Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles) Marissa Meyer*
Young Adult fairy tale retelling. Cinder, a cyborg with a mysterious past she can't remember, lives with her stepmother and two stepsisters in New Beijing as a deadly plague ravages the world and a race of Lunar people threaten war against the entire planet. As Cinder becomes entwined with the young prince Kai, she is pulled more and more into dangerous politics that see her as less than human due to her cybernetics, yet need her to save them.
House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds
Six million years in the future, humanity has spread across the entire Milky Way galaxy. Purslane and Campion are both clones of the same woman, sent into the galaxy millions of years ago to explore along with almost a thousand clones like them. Every 200 000 years they all meet to compare memories and experiences. But this time Purslane and Campion arrive late - and discover that a secret millions of years in the making has lead to an extinction level attack against their kind. Now they must find out the truth before their line is completely wiped out. Absolutely wild world-building, featuring various kinds of posthumans (among which the clones are, shockingly, the most similar to people of our time).
Nexus (Nexus trilogy) by Ramez Naam
In a near future, a nano-drug is developed that can link human minds together, having the potential to change humanity forever. As different factions fight over it - some wanting to control it, other to eradicate it, and many to exploit it - a scientist who's caught improving the drug is thrust into a world of danger and international espionage.
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Skinned (Cold Awakening trilogy) by Robin Wasserman
Young Adult. Rich girl Lia Kahn had the perfect life - until she died and was brought back by having her memories downloaded into a mechanical body. Despite having her life back, Lia also finds her life changed, as people fear her and treat her differently. Worse; she herself isn't sure if she's still really Lia, or whether she's even a person at all anymore.
Blindsight (Firefall duology)by Peter Watts*
Vampires and aliens and questions of the nature of consciousnesses, oh my. A ship is sent to investigate the sudden appearance of an alien vessel at the edge of the solar system, but the crew, a group of various level of transhumanism, isn't prepared for the horrors awaiting them. No, seriously, this book will fuck you up, highly recommend if you’re okay with a lot of techno babble and existential horror.
Mortal Enginges (Mortal Engines quartet) by Philip Reeve*
Young Adult. On a barely survivable Earth humanity has taken to living on great wandering cities, hunting each other across the plains for resources. Tom lives in London, but when he intervenes to stop a murder, he falls off the city alongside a strange and hostile girl on the hunt for revenge. Together they set out to catch up to the city, but are chased by a murderous machine like being set on stopping them. Trans/posthumanism isn't the main theme of the book, but it continues to grow in importance throughout the series.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Meru by S.B. Divya
A human and a posthuman, called an alloy, venture together into space to explore a newly discovered, earth-like planet, testing the future of the relationship between their peoples on the way.
WE by John Dickinson
Humanity has become a hive mind, constantly connected. When Paul is sent on a one-way mission to a frozen moon, he must disconnect from the rest of humanity, for the first time seeing what it has truly become.
Accelerando by Charles Stross
In a time in which the artificial and the posthuman is more and more outpacing the human, something strange enters the solar system and starts dismantling its planets.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: We Are Legion (We Are Bob) by Dennis E. Taylor, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow
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therealkaidertrash21 · 8 months
My queer tlc headcannons
because they're all (not so) secretly queer
- Demisexual
I mean, she is never attracted to anyone besides Kai, and she was only attracted to him after knowing him, she was never attracted to him before only by seeing pictures.
- Bisexual or unlabeled
I will not elaborate
- "straight"
I think he would only date girls, and he would be like "i am straight, but-"
- bisexual
this is cannon at this point. she is bi, she used to date Emelie and stayed friends after, now she's with Wolf but she would totally date Winter (#winletforever)
- bi wife energy
that's just another way of saying Scarlet is bi
- straight
- non binary/ demi boy
I won't explain
- Lesbian
honestly, just makes sense, this is not even a headcannon, it's an actual theory, I think @winterrhayle made a post about it at some point.
- Pansexual/ Omnisexual
that's it. I won't elaborate.
- Bisexual with a preference for women
you can't tell me she wouldn't kiss a girl, and by "a girl" I mean Scarlet.
- Straight/ bisexual
- Asexual
again, I won't elaborate
- Pansexual
- Asexual
I also see her as aromantic. I think she might want a romantic relationship but only in theory, I don't think she would be in an actual relationship.
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