#less serious art tho lol
majorarenarde · 5 months
🔥 Mars 🔥
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Mars - known for aggression, motivation, conquest, acting on desire, sex, and stamina
One's mars sign can drastically influence the way they carry themselves, are seen, and impact personal relations and diplomacy. Mars is Energy.
❤️‍🔥 Mars aspecting Chiron can lead to wounds being healed through physical activity- such as martial arts. It should also be noted that it may also indicate particularly violent wounds, or wounds involving domineering men.
❤️‍🔥Mars in pisces need to learn to act on instinct. Decisions are made intuitively and felt through. Because pisces is co-ruled by Jupiter- luck tends to be on their side in accidents or conflict. The type to be in a serious car wreck without a scratch.
❤️‍🔥Mars in cancer are very moody individuals. They can be very shy in private, but project confidence in group settings. They claim to be loners, but I usually see them socializing and going with the mood of the crowd they’re in. Super sweet, but more on the guarded side of cancer placements.
❤️‍🔥Virgo mars have ANGER issues. The type to journal their darker feelings graphically. Think of constant bickering and debates as stimulating and engaging. PE teacher vibes.
❤️‍🔥Libra mars are by far the most charming libra placement I’ve encountered. They can really make everyone comfortable and smooth rough edges in their environment. The type to just shrug and go “this too shall pass” at high stress situations. Very loyal and old fashioned lovers. Their energy is directed towards unity.
❤️‍🔥Pisces mars genuinely need to have a hold on their escapist tendencies. I notice we’re either running from something or highly highly spiritual. Mediums fr tho.
❤️‍🔥 Gemini Mars 🤝 Arguing as a way to flirt
❤️‍🔥 Pluto-Mars aspects and their eternal struggle with control and power is real. You know they aren’t in a good place when they keep trying to death-grip everything in their lives.
❤️‍🔥Saturn-Mars and needing to build up tension
❤️‍🔥 Mercury-Mars and the voice *chefs kiss* 🤌🏻
❤️‍🔥 5th house mars 🤝 being addicted to high risk activities.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 1st house can appear to always be injured/ in accidents. Commonly seen for the first time with casts and braces. Athletic. Also prone to arguing about themselves. “I’m not like that at all!” “my leg is fine! Just leave me alone, I can handle myself!” Etc
❤️‍🔥 Capricorn mars is NOTORIOUS for their waiting. I’m not saying they don’t take action (they DEFINITELY do and BOLDLY) but it’s more structured when they do. When they move, they make it so NOTHING can disrupt their foundation. They’re slow and steady FS. Very respectful of lover’s boundaries in my experience.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 2nd house constantly argue about their worth, fortune, and their structure. Sign will color how this plays out. My mom has Aries mars in 2nd house- always arguing with people ab money, her values, eating habits, etc. my father also has mars here- but it’s Virgo, and he will debate about giving away his money, debate values, etc. he tends to be less aggressive than my mother in this house.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 7th literally HAVE to argue with their partners. I don’t know why. They get really upset when their partners don’t argue back. They really like bratty banter.
❤️‍🔥 10th house mars 🤝 arguing with authority figures
❤️‍🔥 Mars-moon hard aspects have a hard time balancing their emotional reactions, and tend to have very impulsive responses to stimuli.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in detriment or fall signs tend to have lower energy levels and aren’t necessarily motivated to act easily.
❤️‍🔥 Mars in water signs and houses can and will be angry if those around them are. Very reflective lol. Also the type to get hype/motivated when in a crowd. Probably loves mosh pits tbh. Hard for them to release that emotion.
❤️‍🔥 Mars-Venus are charming individuals, often making peace during war, but can sometimes take out their angers and frustration on their closer friends and lovers. Could also just find conflict with social relationships.
❤️‍🔥 Mars Opposite Jupiter (cap mars) can be VERY quick. For some reason he wanted to edge himself??? Literally went in and exited immediately.
❤️‍🔥 EVERY Sagittarius Mars i have met was so funny and sooo nerdy. 10/10 my Sag Venus falls SO hard for this mars sign (esp bc its in my 5th house). Most around my age have aspects to pluto, which is very hot omg. In true fire mars fashion,(in an unserious and joking tone) i have been told by this placement, "I don't want to share you," and that they would flip off anyone checking me out.
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mewtwoandme · 7 months
Ah, the famous debate. Personally, I’m not so much a fan of drawing Gardevoir with breasts because 1. People are usually gross about it and 2. Pokémon are the equivalent to animals so I feel like it doesn’t make sense for the females to have breasts like a woman, even the humanoid ones. With that being said, I actually don’t mind that you choose to do that for your style (which, even if I did have a problem with it, I wouldn’t go out of my way to let you know). It doesn’t feel like you’re doing it to sexualize Gwen in any way. You don’t call attention to it or draw them ridiculously large, unlike some artists. It’s completely normalized. I respect it.
I appreciate that ^^
I will ask this tho: Why are some people grossed out by it to begin with? I can tell you.
Because people have been conditioned by the internet to think that it's gross.
Now, it's not my intention to throw shade at nsfw artists. It's one thing to draw tasteful nsfw art, it's another when drawing uncomfortable and/or disturbing fetishes that are blown out of proportion, fetish art that I personally think should be just for personal "pleasure" and kept to themselves, but instead they share it on the internet for everyone to see. Particularly a boob fetish, which gardevoir are victims of, with people drawing big ol’ tonhongerekoogers, humongous hungolomghononoloughongous (sorry, had to use the meme lol), on them when realistically, they wouldn't even be able to sit up due to all that weight, imagine the serious back problems XD But seriously, gardevoir get a bad wrap because of art like that circling around the internet, unfortunately that's just the way it is, but as I said in a previous ask, I wanted to break away from those stigmas surrounding gardevoir being seen in that light. And I'm happy that the majority of people here can look at Gwen and not immediately think, "Oh my god! Eww, gross!" Or "Ew, rule 34 content!" But can actually see how beautiful she is and how wholesome her and Jericho's relationship is. I've had a few people tell me recently that they've paid no mind to her breasts and never even noticed them until I pointed it out. And I'm sitting here like "YES! YES!" Because in reality, it shouldn't matter, or get that kind of attention. People can look past it and still love her as a character, which is the point I've been trying to make in the first place.
Also, when it comes to the animal kingdom, yes, pokemon are the equivalent to animals, which I why I believe giving gardevoir breasts isn't necessarily wrong but more accurate. Gardevoir is a humanoid pokemon. Look at the animals that are the closest to humans: apes and monkeys. Female primates have breasts on their chests, do they not? In my own opinion, I think giving her breasts on her chest is a far less weirder place to put them compared to dogs or cats that have 6 or more of them along their stomachs, or in the areas where they're found on cows or goats.
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kawaiiocelot · 2 months
Hi! It is I, currently in possession of a query
How do you interpret Durgetash with Wren and Gortash? I'd love to see more about their dinamic!
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HI HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE ASK EVEN THOUGH I AM A MILLION YEARS LATE TO ANSWERING IT!! I wanted to do more art for this but alas, I have been so busy and in my free time I’ve been working on writing and cosplay stuff instead!!
BUT!! WITHOUT FURTHER ADO!! Allow me to give some info on my personal version of Durgetash aka Wrentash or Wrenver.
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Some of this is kinddddaaa subject to change since I haven’t finished Wren’s playthrough yet and haven’t decided 100% what his fate is gonna be hehehe.
To me they’re both such emotionally stunted idiots who fall deeply and grossly in love. Both finally finding someone else worthy of admiration and who matches their ambition. Someone to perhaps be an equal at last.
Ughhhhh I just love the Blasphemy of Durgetash, it's delicious.
Wren definitely feels A LOT of weakness and guilt as well as confusion when he starts to catch feelings for Gortash.
He’s definitely never felt this way about another person before. Just never saw the need to tbh. Never desired to. But with Gortash something clicked intellectually and physically.
I see them having some interesting build up, both trying to make sorts of things in their heads and if this is a bad idea. But they’re both so drawn to each other. They’re fated. (Sometimes I like to say fated to die together in every universe to make myself extra sad)
Pre-tadpole Wren is a little less deadpan and a little more freaky and fiendish tbh, BUT he definitely does not handle having romantic feelings normally.
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Anyways he doesn’t kill him and lets his feelings torment him.
I think Wren never realized how touch starved he was until Gortash?? Like I never imagined physical touch to be one of his love languages but uhhhh it might actually be lol.
I always imagined Gortash being casually touchy with him at a random moment. Like a hand on his shoulder?? Or hands accidentally brushing together?? And this just HITS Wren. He feels a little feral. And I think they keep having moments like this. Gortash of course catches on. They keep pushing each other's boundaries and what not. Very back and forth, very playful, but still dramatic like a dance.
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Constantly finding excuses to spend more and more time in each other's company. 
But I can definitely see them squabbling a lot and play fighting. 💕
And one day it just escalates into something more intimate,,,,,,
Lots of pent up feelings and ferality.
And I think something just SHIFTS and they really become something to each other. Not necessarily labeled but it’s SOMETHING and it's strong.
As I mentioned, Gortash makes Wren realize how touch starved he is so in time I think he becomes REALLY CLINGY with him. Wren is more of a physical being who prefers actions to words so I think he’d be all over him when they get to that point lol.
They both have their respective plans prioritized of course but they just can’t resist each other?? They fill some void for each other that neither knew they had and I think that’s why they become so attached at the hip.
Wren will?? Listen?? And somewhat behave for pretty much only Gortash??
Wren really likes to bite and claw and mark and I think most Durgetash shippers agree that Gortash would be into that. 🖤
Gortash chew toy confirmed.
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 ANYWAYS I know this is getting long but I do have a few other quick tidbits about them.
I know they’re “serious baddies” and what not but I think they have many moments of just being silly and cringe and playful with each other?? To an extent?? Healing inner child vibes.
Gortash gifted Wren the dagger earrings that he wears.
Even tho they are very close, Wren still fantasizes about killing Gortash lol. Just Durge things. <3
TADPOLE WREN IS A BIT DIFFERENT. I’m still playing Act 3 so I haven’t decided how everything is handled. Wren obviously doesn’t remember him. :’) BUT he has this weird connected feeling to him still ever since Gortash’s name was first mentioned. He collects every note, letter, and book that contains Gortash’s name because reading the name makes him feel weirdly closer to remembering something. No joke, he steals every poster of him in the city as well (I can’t believe those things weigh more than a pound each!! My little twink does NOT have the strength stat to carry around much more LOL).
Upon meeting him again, Wren still does feel an inexplicable connection to him but also wants to hear him out because Gortash is the only one who allegedly remembers him but is genuinely not meeting him with immediate animosity?? And like, is actually giving him some slight answers about his past?? While everyone else just seems to want to confuse him or kill him. And he’s a bit of a control freak so he’s desperate to learn about his past and clings to anyone who can help him with this.
ANYWAYS THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF ME FOR NOW!! Only time will tell what else I decide to write for these two but these are the basics~ They’re grossly and chaotically in complicated love.🖤
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bidonica · 2 months
Hey! I see you're into fragile/higgs ship and caught myself quite like them too recently (tho i've been in DS fandom already for a year and mostly thought about them as a friends)
Just wondering why do you like them? Do you have any headcanons/interesting thoughts? I'm very curious 👀
Hi! First of all apologies for the wall of text you're about to get, but unfortunately you came knocking at my door after I spent nearly two months ruminating about this ship basically by myself sooo I'm dumping it all here
Well the short (lol) version is that in my first playthrough I mostly just absorbed the characters and storyline, but by the time I got to their final scene on the Beach I was like wait a minute... their whole shared storyline feels way too loaded for them to simply have been business associates, that shit is personal, even Higgs wanting to damage Fragile feels way too pointed to just be justified by "he was a turncloak with a secret agenda." Now, I'm not against a "they were simply close friends" interpretation, it works just as well to explain the emotional weight of their falling out, BUT I also cannot ignore the zest, the flavor, the spice of them actually having been involved romantically at some point. And honestly going into my second playthrough with the shipping goggles on I can't help thinking that Fragile speaks about Higgs like he was an ex that hurt her, and the way that she is suspiciously cagey about the specifics of their relationship makes my ears shoot up like a German shepherd.
On a Doylist level I also find it interesting that Kojima gave Higgs extra backstory that connects him to Fragile in the Director's Cut, and also how the behind the scenes for the DS2 mocap show Troy and Léa sharing a scene... I think Kojima is not done intertwining their story and we'll get more info in the sequel.
Now for the headcanons... I have enough that I might or might not be writing a long-ish fic about it, but I want to finish this Director's Cut playthrough before completing it (I could just look stuff up on the wiki but that's not fun). Also I have some art in the pipeline about it that I hope to post within the week. Anyway, the bite sized version of how I envision their relationship:
I hc Higgs as being immediately attracted to Fragile but not really acting on it, while she develops her attraction after getting to know him a little. Then she's down bad but she doesn't even realize it until it's so obvious it hits her in the face
A few people at their joint Fragile Express/whatever Higgs' operation was called co-op assume they are an item long before anything ever happens, because they just hang out together a lot. They have a similar penchant for corny jokes and puns and enjoy some light banter; Fragile finds Higgs' flair for theatrics endearing, while he is drawn to how gentle she is because he has known so little softness in his life (also he thinks she's insanely pretty, which duh. It's self evident because Léa Seydoux) (it's his first serious girl crush anyway; I hc him as bi and as having had mostly experiences with men before her)
They bond over their DOOMS condition and Higgs is fascinated by Fragile's powers, while she is less enthused by all the collateral effects. In my hc, at this point she has yet to become as skilled at traveling through dimensions as she is in the game, which makes her reluctant to agree to Higgs' requests to show him the Beach. This sows the seeds of his resentment towards her, because he feels she has a privilege she doesn't make use of and doesn't want to share.
They are both pretty touchy feely (canon!) so when their relationship goes from friendly to romantic it gets physical immediately and enthusiastically. Yes even accounting for the worldwide lowered sex drive. If there's one thing I never do is put characters in horny jail 🫡
 I think Fragile got to know a version of Higgs that was quite different from what we see in the game, which you sort of can gauge from the more optimistic pages of his diary. Like there's a part of him who's starved for love and connection and a sense of belonging and gravitates towards people like Coffin (he never had a mother) and Fragile herself; ironically, the pull towards Amelie answers to the same need but in reality it feeds on his more nihilistic, call-of-the-void side. I'm not saying that Amelie brainwashed him or anything, but I think she saw what was already there – a  deep seated resentment towards a hostile world and towards those he feels got handed a luckier deal than he did, that he countered by clinging to the notion of being special because of his DOOMS, but then there's someone like Fragile who's even more special and doesn't seem to be doing much with it. Amelie gave him a chance to fulfill what he felt was his potential and shared her power with him, but the tradeoff was severing  the connections he had, "killing" the part of him that wanted to be loved to make space for what he perceived as a higher form of love ("I found someone who completes me" which he says to Fragile specifically like he wants to rub it in her face? Like she wasn’t  enough to fulfill that role?)
That’s why I think it’s significant that he lost his hands with his power-up, because the (holding, welcoming) hands are strongly associated with Fragile; and to me it makes sense if he purposely ruins her body also because it’s a way to stifle his attraction to her. There’s also a lot of projection because HE is the one who’s felt like damaged goods all along, who grew up being  crushed psychologically and physically. I also think that both of them coming close to annihilating the other but choosing not to – leaving them in a dicey situation but not entirely without escape – shows in some twisted way that their bond still exists, which makes me giggle and rub my hands like a nasty little goblin knowing we have another game coming.
So… That’s the gist of it. Sorry for rambling on but as I said, I don’t really get the chance to talk about this ship much – greetings from rarepair hell, etc.
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iraprince · 1 year
hi idk if this is a weird question but like. how do u Make Art with adhd? you mentioned in your comic that you struggled w various other creative hobbies, but like drawing feels to me always like the Big Bad Thing I Cannot Ever do. even tho i want to make it my career LOL
how'd you get past that?
not a weird question at all! this is actually a question i ask myself pretty much every day, bc generally my answer to "how do i make art with adhd" has always been: With Great Difficulty, lmfao.
it's hard! i am not always good at it! i made art my job bc i realistically couldn't imagine being truly happy with anything else; if that wasn't the case, i'm not sure i would be doing this. like, that ends up being a big divide between the hobbies mentioned in that comic vs art, which is something that it seems (according to viewing my online activity) i do "Consistently;" it is my career, so there's a level of like, urgency and necessity there that my hobbies don't have. which, like, obviously my advice is not "make it your job so that you HAVE to OR ELSE :)" because it doesn't work like that. i am spending an amount of time OR-ELSE-ing that i think might surprise ppl, and i am frankly very lucky that my wife is the primary provider for our family, because it gives me a safety net for when my brain makes a loud grinding noise and then belches a big cloud of smoke and i have to spend a week hitting it with a wrench.
ANYWAY. this is going to get long bc i have a lot of thoughts abt it. there's really no one answer to getting past it, and i am not "past it," i don't know if i think anyone ever can be! we can just try really hard to keep going in ways that won't burn us out. if i had to pull out the absolute #1 most important thing i've learned over the past few years, it is -- and i know this sounds like dumb corny bullshit but you really have to stay with me here -- being kind and patient with yourself.
i'm being so dead serious. if beating yourself up and freaking out and constantly agonizing over how much more you Could be drawing worked, you would be drawing right now. if beating ourselves up over our output worked, EVERYONE would be drawing ALL the time. it doesn't fucking work! it does not! do literally anything other than yelling at yourself. it's bullshit. it's fuckery. it does not work.
on the other hand, cultivating as much kindness and patience and compassion as i can muster -- saying, "well, it looks like i just don't have it today. that's okay, let's try again tomorrow," even if i'm saying it through clenched teeth and i don't really believe it -- THAT works, because it chips away at the idea of drawing being life or death. it's probably a very similar feeling to you describing art as The Big Bad Thing. of course if you hang all your self worth on it and let it become immense and dominating, it's going to be hard to interact with it! it's scary! it becomes easier to avoid it than to try to tackle it and then feel disappointed in yourself in a more active way (vs. just disappointed in yet another day where u didn't try). but every time i sigh and say "okay" when my brain is screaming and crying bc art just is not working, and i decide to rest and try again tomorrow, 1. it is easier to do a little bit of work the next day when i'm rested than it is to do ANY work when i chain myself to my desk for 9 hours and demand results, and 2. i learn that it is not the end of the world. it just isn't. and so art gets smaller, and less frightening, and it can just be my job (something i have to wrangle my adhd around just like anything else, like grocery shopping and keeping the house clean and keeping up with my friends) instead of some huge destructive boss battle with my identity hanging in the balance.
sometimes you have to talk to yourself like a little kid. if a little kid came to you upset and was like "i wanna draw but i just can't. i don't know why." you would (hopefully) not be like, "whatever, i guess you're just not cut out for it then!" or whatever other mean shit we say to ourselves when we can't draw. you would be like, "well, okay. do you want me to sit with you? how do we start? where's some stuff we can draw with? hm, i can't really think of what to draw either. did you see anything pretty or cool today? let's just draw some shapes." etc etc. and if the kid got frustrated and it still wasn't working you'd be like, you know what, that was a good try. let's have some lunch and try again later. and you deserve that same level of patience, and that level of CURIOUS problem-solving ("what can we try? what might be easier?") instead of, like, adversarial/blame-assigning problem solving ("what the fuck is the matter with you? why can't you just do it?")
also, shaking things up!! one of the most frustrating things abt adhd for me is i'll find a new strategy that Works, but it only works for like, two weeks or whatever, and then it stops working and i have to do something else. i have had a way better time just accepting that that's how things work vs thinking of these cycles as "failures."
if i start dreading working at my desk, i throw a block of printer paper onto a clip board and work on the couch for a few weeks. when that stops working, i get back on drawpile and do all my warmup sketches on an interactive canvas, with strangers around me (virtual coffeeshop lol?). when i get tired of that, then maybe i'm ready to be alone with clip studio again. nope, still not working? okay, let's stream while i'm working for a while then. let's start drawing differently. let's change the background color i draw on. just, like, i keep shaking things up to see if maybe i can trick my brain into feeling like we're doing something totally new for a while, and a lot of the times it works, and when it does not work i am not an asshole to myself, which is, as i keep reiterating, super vital.
when i make the most art is when i get super excited about something and i let myself go apeshit. (there's a reason my guild wars 2 stuff is corralled on a sideblog lmao.) when commissions start grinding to a halt for me, a lot of times it's bc i've let them become Tasks on a to-do list instead of remembering that each piece is a DRAWING; it can help for me to sit down and go through each piece in my queue and really look at it, and remind myself that these are DRAWINGS and i LOVE drawing, and to point out to myself stuff in the wip that i like, and stuff i'm excited to draw the next time i work on it. it's very easy to flatten stuff into just An Obligation if you stress too much about it, but it's very helpful to slow down and step back and remind yourself WHY you care that much. it's not just bc you have to.
i don't really want this to get much longer than it already is, especially when i don't really have concrete tips so much as rambling opinions and examples of stuff that Kind Of works for me Sometimes. i think the tldr is: relax, be nice, keep it fresh. i hope at least some of this is helpful!
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yandere-flower · 8 months
What would be your ocs go to punishment for a darling that is maybe steeping over lines they should know better not to, kind of like an everyday type punishment? And what would be their go to punishment for an extreme rule break? Like trying to escape
Cliff - Honestly the stern slap, and then if you tried to escape it would be him taking away all your agency. He picks out your clothes and dresses you, feeds you, schedules your whole day, basically doesn't let you do anything unless he told you to do it
Sawyer - Honestly, at first for a minor thing he'd ghost for a bit. Maybe spend more nights out, less talking. He feels hurt and he wants to see you hurt by him not engaging. More serious, he ties you up and leaves you in bed all day until he gets back and cries/yells in front of you for a bit. He just wants you to love him, that's all.
Antonio - Arguing/the slap is his first stop. Then serious gaslighting. He wants you to doubt yourself and crumble before him so he can reconstruct you like art. He also wants you as you are, and wants that version of you to love him. He says he doesn't want control, so he'll make you doubt yourself until you "choose" him.
Desmond - Kidnapping you is the minor one lol. More seriously, he just stops trying to "play nice". Before he recognized how you would feel and tried to at least be cautious, or mindful, but now he doesn't care. He doesn't need you to love him, he just needs you here. He'll break your leg after an escape attempt, and be cold. He won't admit how much it hurt him tho, and how he's angry at you.
Ezra - This is tough. He doesn't really punish, so there's no minor one here. If you try to leave him tho, he will drug your food and all dollify you like Cliff, but less of a daddy kind of way and more in a "picture perfect household" kind of way. He'll constantly drug you to, just enough to keep you compliant
Mizu - He's a brat, and will throw a tantrum and say mean things to you and how he doesn't care about you, get out of his space. More seriously, he'll deprive everything. You get a cold, empty room and the bare minimum to eat at first, and slowly he'll feel guilty lonely and start giving nicer things, and then say he'll let you sit at his fit in the comfy room as he plays games. He kinda makes you a pet.
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via-the-ghoul · 1 year
Slasher headcanons: realistically none of these people would do this but like. What if they had Tumblr accounts
Micheal Myers
His username is literally just Micheal-Myers or some variation on it if that’s already taken
He mostly just Reblogs the occasional “Can’t wait for Halloween” “it’s November” “Can’t wait for Halloween” post.
However the actual reason he got this account was to ominously like all of Laurie’s posts
The problem is that she blocked him immediately
She doesn’t even know for sure that it was old Mikey she just thinks naming your account after the guy who destroyed her life is a dick move
And his profile pick is the mask so she knows it’s not the actor or some other guy named Micheal Myers they’re talking about
So he can’t do the ominous liking thing anymore
Freddy Krueger
He is blocked by at least 90% of Tumblr
Ok let me explain
He runs a Freddy Krueger fan account
And isn’t trying to hide the fact that he is literally Freddy Krueger
And kills people
So everyone thinks that he’s just one of the worst of the weird TCC people
The weird serial killer simp TCC people don’t like him either because whenever they post about literally any other serial killer being hot he replies with “Freddy Krueger is way better kys”
And that’s why he’s blocked by at least 90% of Tumblr
His account is basically one of the most normal ones on this list lol
It mostly posts those dark poetry posts (you know what I’m talking about right) and old paintings.
And before you ask yes. A good amount of said art is stuff he made as Daniel
He also reblogs a good amount of other people’s art and commission posts, artists gotta support each other!
The weirdest thing about the account is that one time he posted a painting that he made as Daniel, that was like, considered lost media up to this moment
And he didn’t know
Everyone’s just like “YO HOW TF DID YOU FIND THIS” and he’s just like “wait this was lost media”
Billy Loomis and Stu Matcher
They run a joint horror movie review account
Every single review is mostly positive
They still have a clear fav tho: gorey slasher movies
Billy’s reviews are more serious while Stu jokes around a lot
Billy’s like “you know it’s really messed up what happened to Henry, and I like the twist that he isn’t actually the killer this time and it’s the less sympathetic Axel” while Stu’s like “lol stupid kids get fucked”
They’re decently popular in the horror community
The account however, becomes infamous after their deaths and the fact that they were serial killers is revealed
It becomes… really uncomfortable to look at their posts after that
Lester Sinclair
He’s the only Sinclair brother with Tumblr
His posts are mostly just talking about the progress made on the Town of Wax (leaving out the murder obviously)
Bo and Vincent are both worried that Lester’s gonna accidentally reveal their crimes at some point
Similarly to Billy and Stu’s it gets uncomfortable to look at after the truth about the Town of Wax is revealed
However, it does get people to look at the posts
They’d get like 5 notes at most beforehand
Billy Lenz
His profile pic is the Bob eye, his username is a keyboard smash, and his background’s just like static or something
He just replies to random posts with keyboard smashes
Sometimes he’ll accidentally link a website but it never means anything
It’s a huge mystery what tf is going on with blog
At one he just posts “i am going to kill you” with no tags and goes silent forever
Everyone thinks it’s some bizarre ARG that didn’t go anywhere
Amanda Young
She posts quotes from various horror media she finds cool as well as aesthetic boards for said media
It’s mostly dark poetry, horror stories, and art house Horror movies
And the occasional Jigsaw quote
She does not hide the fact that she is a Jigsaw apologist. While being a trap survivor.
People argue about whether her account is ok or not for this reason
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soya-ix · 10 months
AnS Ask Game - No one asked but here's my full answer sheet;)
1.Favorite character
It's too hard to pick one because the dynamics among the characters is exactly why I enjoy AnS so much🤔. Let's just say I love everyone equally🥰 (Maybe less for Mitsu tho) (I resemble Hisame even in this regard lol)
2.Character you hate with a passion
Nah I really don't have one either. Sensei's really good at building up characters and it's hard to genuinely hate any one of them.
3.Character who grew on you eventually
It wouldn't be a surprise that it's Hisame but it would probably surprise you that he grew on me simply because sensei's art improved so much and I just can't get enough of his pretty face lol. But of course his personality growth is particularly interesting to me as well.
4.Character with the best hairstyle
Tariga!!!! Let me do your braids!!!!!🤩🤩🤩
Also Kazuki's ponytail yes yes yes🤩🤩🤩
Hisame's casually messy hair has a unique style too😎😎😎
5.Character with the best design
You mean clothes?🤔 I'd say Shirayuki, and Hisame has the potential to be a model as well lol.
6.Character you would date in real life
After some serious thinking I would say🤔……Kazuki!😋 (Wait he's underage isn't he???) But let's just say if it's not illegal to date him x), I think it'll be fun to date someone who's a bit (you sure it's 'a bit'?) younger than me and who's always so cheerful and energetic wherever he goes. He's also simple-hearted and I think it's super cute(ˊ˘ˋ*)♡. Last but not least, JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE💗💗😍😍
Oh and yes I'd definitely date Tariga too just for his pretty face💕💕🥰🥰
7.Character you would marry in real life
Ahh…This one's hard. To be honest I don't think I'd make a good marriage candidate for any one of them🤔. I'll probably choose Izana cause he seems to be busy with work all the time and I get to live a good life but still get lots of free time of my own😈. (yeah i guess marriage is not my thing…at the moment…) But if it's marrying into a noble family I'd rather run away with Kazuki and the Lions😈. (Power and duties❌ Adventure and Freedom✅)
8.Character that is most like you
Hisame, as MBTI and @sabishi-tomo 's quiz show.
Fun fact: I totally anticipated it when I found out Hisame was ENTP (tho ENTJ works for him too) cause I myself as an INTP can't help but noticed how we both enjoy being snarky and sarcastic just for the fun of it x). And also in tomo's quiz I got Hisame as well. I do especially agree with the "self-centered", "live to be entertained" and "like to tease people" parts. Apart from that apparently I'm better at forming close connections with people than he is lol. But the point is I'd be a great match for Lady Kiki YES🧎‍♀️
9.Character with the best redemption arc
I'll have to say Raji. Never thought he could actually transform from an annoying arrogant prince into an adorable royal heir, thank you Shirayuki.
But let's not forget the Bergatt twins. The confession they made about finding their light was so touching I almost cried T T.
10.Ships or characters who you think deserve more love
IT'S NEVER ENOUGH FOR HISAKIKI. They deserve all the love in the world. I'll only stop saying this when everyone on earth ships them.
And of course Kazuki. You know what I mean and I'll save the ranting for your sake.
11.Favorite “villain” or morally grey character
If Raji still counts as "villain" as he previously was then yes I appreciate him but in a comedic sense.
12.Favorite arc
Bergatt!!!!! THE PLOT AND THE PANELS!!!!! My heart was pounding so fast and I just couldn't help rushing through pages as if I was the one in the story trying to seize every second to save Zen💓💓💓. Bergatt will always be the best arc. End of story.
13.Favorite scene or line
I HAVE SO MANY FAVORITE SCENES HOW COULD I NOT??? But I'll present you with one that hit me different during my first read and that is Hisame's proposal to Kiki (the one where he actually succeeds). I wasn't even shipping them that much but man the scene was like🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯and I just couldn't help but go awwwwwwww for them💗💗
And now favorite line, I bet no one can ever guess it's this one:
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Sorry I only have the Chinese version with me but basically it's Shirayuki saying: "It would be nice if we get to see the new flower this winter^^." To me, this line symbolizes the very feeling AnS gives me: consistent hope and never-ending positivity in every corner of the simplest daily life.
14.Most hated arc
Not exactly hating or disliking them but the science part in the phostyrias (is that right?) arc is a bit difficult to read for me, and I wouldn't mind if the perfume arc were a bit simpler and shorter. Just saying😜
15.Your controversial take
I'm glad you asked cause I finally get to say this out but also a bit afraid cause it's gonna upset some fans. Just to be clear, I don't intend to throw shade on any ship or characters or people who enjoy them. I'm just sharing my pov👀.
So here it comes: I don't see how Mitsu and Kiki make a good romantic couple, and I don't understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
I mean at the very beginning of the story (when it was supposed to be a short series) it was apparent that Mitsu and Kiki were going to be a couple and I could tell that. As the story goes on, we see hints that Kiki has romantic interests in Mitsu. And since Kiki confessed her feeling to him it seems to have become canon that Kiki did/does love Mitsu, and I fully accept that. But still, despite all the hints and confessions, I just don't see when/why/how Kiki fell for him. (Not saying Mitsu is not good enough, just examining their relationship development.) As far as I'm concerned, Kiki takes Mitsu as her most trusted partner and cherished friend. She knows she has to marry someday and of course she'd be looking out for the right candidate. And Mitsu would certainly be her best choice in many ways. But that's it. I don't see how Kiki actually developed romantic feelings for Mitsu. Perhaps sensei just didn't elaborate on that, or perhaps I missed something, in that case please lecture me lol^^
16.Something that you had wished had happened
Man I really wish we get to see more of Kazuki. It's illegal to waste that pretty baby face like that. I mean sensei couldn't you get him a job around Shirayuki? Like being an aide to Obi so that they can take shift to look out for Shirayuki's safety when Obi's away to help Zen or something??
And also I'd love to see more of Hisame's days at Sereg as well, like how he usually tries to be a pain in the ass every time the trio visits^^.
17.Your OTP
HisaKiki (because no I cannot separate ObiZenYuki.)
18.Your favorite rare pair
Love the chemistry between Tariga and Shirayuki too.
19.Your BroTP
Obizen. That night the way they dealt with their triangle on the deck was absolutely mind-blowing. I've never seen anything like that and I just didn't know it could work this way🤯. Obi&Zen definitely share special bonds and have a unique way of interacting with each other that is essential to both of them.
(Yes I take them mostly as broship but I'm open to other interpretations. I mean I don't really mind what type of relationship they have as long as they're together and they're happy. This applys to obiyuki/obizenyuki as well.)
20.Your NOTP
MitsuKiki. I'm truly sorry. (Not at all😜)
21.Favorite trio
22.Favorite fancontent
I LOVE THE ANALYSIS POSTS ON TUMBLR I LOOOOOOOOVE THEM!!!!!! I enjoy reading every 2000-word essay about how someone think this character has been misunderstood or how this plot is so well-designed or how this detail is supposed to mean something or how……I just love it💗💗💗. Thank you to every amazing AnS scholar who's so profoundly enriched my understanding of the original work💗💗💗.
23.Favorite fancontent that you've created Snow On The Beach. It's just so beautiful. (Credit goes to Sorata and Taylor of course.)
24.A random headcanon that you have
Shirayuki is 100% Tariga's type. The girl of his dreams🥰. (He just doesn't know it yet🥰)
25.Why you picked it up
Haha this one's pure personal story. Two years ago I was binge watching shoujo anime/manga during summer vacation and AnS was one of them. But I only watched the anime back then. It was not until half a year later when I decided I needed some lighthearted mental relief that I thought of it again. So I rewatched the anime, and when I searched about it online I accidentally saw these amazing illustrations from the manga and got totally stunned by the style. Before that I was even criticizing how strange the anime art style is🤣, and the manga was a total surprise!
26.How long you’ve been a fan
A year and a half now.
27.Best part of the series
As I've said before I love how this work is full of consistent hope and never-ending positivity. It's the ideal world in my mind.
Also salute to Sorata's art style and amazing designs.🧎‍♀️
28.Things you would change about the series
Nothing, really. I'm happy with the way it is. It's enough a blessing for me🥹.
29.Things you still don’t understand
Like I said in Q15, I don't really understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
30.Did you watch the anime first or read the manga first?
Anime first.
31.Which one is better: manga or anime?
32.The best part of the fandom
Everyone's so positive and kind-hearted and nice and cute and witty and fun just like the characters in the work🥺. Love you guys🥺.
33.How will you feel when AnS ends?
I'm gonna be so sad. On the one hand we won't get any more stories about these people that we love so much, and on the other hand I feel like the community will become much less active when the series ends😢. It's like our days will be gone😢.
34.If you could ask Sorata-sensei anything, what would you ask?
Aside from the loads of questions I have about AnS, I'm genuinely interested in what influenced her most as an author/artist. I love the consistent positivity in almost all of her works and really wonder what works or things perhaps have influenced her in this regard. Or does this positivity just innately run in her blood? Lol. But it's not just the attitude and vibes in her work, I'm overall curious about what influenced her most as an artist.
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helenana666 · 7 months
Araki knows how to write female characters? I barely see him and Oda in mentions of their female characters in manga discourses when it comes to good female characters.
Hi anon, haha sorry for my lack of energy.
Warning: Long text SA mentions, little spoilers from Jojolion.
Uh that's a good one, honestly both Oda and Araki fall into the same issue about it but when they cook, they cook (or at least is what I have noticed from Oda, since I'm in 305 chapter of One Piece, so I can't tell you how much he fails or gets better).
Let's start with Araki, In general, there are never mentions of Jojo in the tops or compilations of good aspects of some Mangas, better protagonists, best character designs, etc. Because still people refuse to see Jojos in any serious way (okay, Jojo isn't 100% serious, it's bizarre) and others refuse to watch it because of its art style.
That said, Araki fails miserably with female character during part 1-4.
He fails but not in the bad way like only uses their female characters for fanservice, but as useless or from background or encourage male protagonists.
Erina and Lisa Lisa are maybe the exceptions, but again fails, Araki was clear that Erina was Jonathan's love interest and at the same time played with the dynamics, giving Speedwagon the role that in theory should have been Erina since that role was given to the women who were the girlfriends of the protagonist, he already did Gorgeous Irene as a protagonist and fighter, why didn't he gave Erina more role if he wanted to change the roles in his story? Because he wasn't that great at times, same with Lisa Lisa, looks like an attempt to have a strong character with more than a role than just a lover, but fails miserably at the end, giving Joseph all the attention instead of a fight between both Lisa Lisa and Joseph vs Kars, sucks because he gave more of that chance towards a N@zi 💀. I'm not even going to elaborate on part 3 bc it's too obvious.
Part 4, even tho has more female characters, none of them has relevance. Yukako was totally wasted, like her only role was to be a simp for Koichi, she didn't help at all. Reimi just was like a storyteller to give context towards the protagonists rather than useful character, of course even her own trauma is just there, same with Tomoko and Shinobu. Basically all pawns to fulfill or help the male characters.
Now, being a little fair, Araki fucked off the same with male characters, specially in part 4 and 5, but come on, even the Hazamada guy had more screen time than Tomoko and Araki just left her there to be completely in love with Joseph and for what? 😭 That sucks and it's sad.
In part 7 and 8, we actually have more good side characters, but again most of them wasted, literally Jojolion has more female characters than in stone ocean and yet Yasuho is the only one with importance.
Now the fanservice, what can I say? At this point is impossible to escape from it, only Metal alchemist and Attack on titan didn't and is oh so wonderful🥰, also Araki didn't with Jolyne so I'll take that as an apology from what he did to other female characters, lol.
And finally with that issues about SA scenes and mentions, the thing is that with Lucy, Trish or Dragona (probably they aren't a she, tho but let's count them.) seems more like a thing that happens a lot due to the context, specially with Lucy. Like real life issues that Araki has show up with other characters.
My problem is with Yasuho, like okay, she is vulnerable as every other woman, but some of the contexts she wents through are more implied in a funny context and it's something I dislike a lot, like that time Joshu almost rapes her, the touches that Tsurugi gives to her are so icky (I know he is a kid, but that doesn't make it any less creepy, Emporio was also a kid and didn't do that weird shit to Jolyne).
That's my only complain, uh I can see why ppl gets annoyed or disgusted with Lucy or Dragona SA situations and I understand it, but also saying that they have to gain some kind of lesson or something good from it is pathetic as if SA situations are only for that when in real life you only get trauma, not some kind of development. Perhaps, if there should be a Pov about their feelings and fears, how is going through SA and how affects the characters and their mechanisms to protect themselves, but okay I can ask for much in a Shonen manga when fights and powers are more relevant ig:/
As I said when Araki wants, he can cook a good female character like Jolyne, Lucy, Yasuho, Kaato, Trish and Mitsuba. This doesn't mean that other minors female characters are bad, just wasted. The only I mentioned some of them doesn't have great impact but with the role they get they make it work.
Now with Oda, his issue is about the way he draws female character, lots of fanservice and the anime doesn't help. At least Araki gives more different looks on his characters, Oda doesn't, lol. Must of them have the same face as Nami, and again due to the fanservice and how long One piece is, ppl don't take it seriously, another issue is that even though there's incredible powerful females, they're never enough as good as the males, even the only female character that was better than Zoro died 😭. Now that I think about it, Araki hasn't give this powerful stands to his female characters, not as powerful as GER or C-moon type.
Returning with the one piece, as far as I can see Oda actually writes good female characters! Nami and Robin are simply incredible, and as far as I know big mom is also a wonderful and good well character.
For me, Nami and Jolyne are one of the most stronger female characters in the Manga and media, next to Maki from Jujutsu no kaisen and Korra from avatar.
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sso-montana · 7 days
Hello Hi! ₍₍ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜ ₎₎
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I'm Kali, a 19 y.o., bisexual, german gremlin that has been playing sso since 2015. I use she/her pronouns and mainly post art of my oc, Montana Opalheart, or ramble about her lore. Sometimes I will complain about random things tho.
I would LOVE to actually be able to chat with people here but I am extremely shy and do not have the confidence to start conversations and if I somehow do I am terrified of messing it up sooo if you want to, feel free to send in asks or dm me (or ask me for my discord) ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
my main blog is @another-void-gremlin and follows/likes come from there ( ̄ε ̄)
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some things about me (╯✧▽✧)╯
I love love loooove butterflies and the color purple and turquoise.
I casually do western riding and have been since I was ten (no competitions or anything like that, literally just riding lessons once a week lol)
I'm a cosplayer!
Flowers are really neat imo
In regards to sso I generally just take the lore pieces they give us, throw them in a bottle and violently shake it around until I like it.
Justin's mine now and I will not take anything sso decides to do with him serious.
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The Montana Master Post link
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last but not least my persona which is more or less based on what i look like irl (picrew here)
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thepringlesofblood · 2 years
back on my bullshit again - i have 2 audiobooks on my libby app rn, all systems red and graceling, and my brain is stuck in compare and contrast mode, so hot take.
murderbot and katsa (from graceling) would get along like a house on fire
i mean. the parallels. the autistic coding. the gnc vibes. the capability of incredible violence coupled with the reluctance to use it. the fear of being forced to use that violence unwillingly (again) due to past trauma. fuck.
im listing all the parallels i noticed under the cut bc this is going to be a long one
*disclaimer: I love the murderbot audiobooks. the graceling audiobook can choke - they do not do it justice. my standards are probably way too high tho lol i’ve been reading and rereading graceling for like a decade*
the line that sparked this connection is from graceling - katsa and po are talking about her grace, and she says she hasn’t helped as many lives as she’s hurt, and he says “you have the rest of your life to tip the balance”
like. if that doesn’t capture mb’s vibe idk what does.
here’s the list
autistic coding. we all know mb is autistic, but katsa show so many signs of it that are easy to miss if you’re not looking for it but once you see it you can’t unsee it.
I made a whole other post about it but I mean - sensory issues, not picking up on social cues, bluntness, it’s all there baby.
plus katsa and mb are equally bad at identifying their own emotions and what they want (big picture).
they both have relationships with gender and sexuality than differ from the norms of the societies they’re in
obviously their relationships to gender are wildly different, but both differ from societal gender perception in-universe. katsa is seen as odd for her short hair, pants, and rejection of the societal expectation of women to get married and have kids. her relationship with Po is unique, and negotiated on their terms, not dictated by societal norms. meanwhile murderbot’s experience of gender and sexuality is inherently tied to its identity as a construct, and while i’m sure there are agender aroace humans in universe, mb repeatedly ties its identity to being a construct, like saying ‘constructs have less than null interest in humans or any other kind of sex’ instead of just ‘i have no interest in sex’
they’re both really, really good at fighting and killing people, but they choose to use that capability to protect their friends and the people they love.
they learn that they aren’t just made for killing, that they can do so much more, and that they can find a place for themselves where they’ll be safe, independent, doing work they like, and that they have friends who know what they are and aren’t afraid.
For a long time they were under the control of a greedy, corrupt authority, which forced them to enact senseless violence. They’re both conflicted about the things they were forced to do, and harbor serious guilt and self-loathing about it, but over the course of the book begin to heal and acknowledge their pasts while working to take control over their future.
both have serious issues and trauma related to losing control over mind and body - mb with its governor module, katsa with randa’s threats and leck’s grace. they will do anything to never feel like that again.
in fact, at some point both of them say something along the lines of “I want to keep my mind my own” - mb with “the inside of my mind had been my own for 35,000+ hours...I wanted to keep me the way I was” and when katsa is fighting with po when he first reveals his grace, she says “what thoughts of mine have you stolen?” and “It’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one whose thoughts are not your own!”
they both make friends with someone who is “like them,” (ART is another bot and Po is another Graceling), but whose skills complement their own and who share common interests, but come at them from new and interesting viewpoints. (ART learns to like media, but it’s a bigass spaceship that has wildly different perspectives on things than mb does, and Po’s great at fighting, but in a different way and for a very different reason than Katsa).
They spend a long time sharing these interests (watching media/training), until something external happens, and there’s a betrayal of some kind that they then work together to overcome in pursuit of a larger goal.
mb and ART share media and generally are on good terms until the Targets happen in Network Effect and ART sends the Targets after mb and they fight and make up in pursuit of the common goal of Protecting The Humans.
katsa and po train for a while until she refuses to hurt Lord Ellis, and then realizes Po’s lie about his grace, and they fight and make up in pursuit of figuring out the whole grandfather tealiff mystery.
this relationship is unique, and does not fit into in-universe societal expectations - others try to put labels on it, even close friends, but they’re wrong. it is what it is. these two are just going to do what they do and not care about what everyone else thinks.
also there’s some mindreading going on any way you slice it, and ART/po has more power in that division, and navigating that power imbalance is an important part of the relationship.
the feed is the sci-fi version of telepathy, don’t @ me. 
look, the best dnd classes are bard and rogue for a reason.  ninja + smooth talker = profit
welp. lets see if anyone else has ever combined these two incredibly niche interests
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
How did Shinrei meet the Matsus?
What exactly does Shinrei do for work?
How did Shinrei and Jyushi happen? Was it slow burn? Was it faster? What do they like to do together most?
Does Shinrei live alone?
(Can my insert Mao and Shinrei be friends?)
sorry if this is too many u can skip some if u want to
LOVE THESE QUESTIONS,,, im so ready to infodump on u just to let u know ^-^
Okay, this may be a bit long from the questions, but I will do my best to answer them! Answers are below the cut!
1: Shinrei met the Matsu's from seeing them around the Akatsuka ward, but Totoko "introduced" her to them! (They begged to know who her new friend was and why she was a popular idol)
I have the scenario in mind that, in the standard fashion of the sextuplets, they were sort of watching Totoko (and eventually Nyaa) hang out with Shinrei from the sidelines much like when they stalk each other to see what the other brothers are doing. Eventually, after gathering enough information about Shinrei from watching and Todomatsu looking up information about her idol career online, they eventually get Totoko to agree to meet them formally at a mixer.
Totoko was a bit worried at first because obviously if they acted weird enough around herself already who KNOWS how they would've acted towards Shinrei, but she was surprised when they pulled through and restrained themselves for the majority of it!
(By the end though you could tell they were physically restraining themselves a lot tho lol) 2: Shinrei, much in a similar fashion to how Totoko and Nyaa were in the first two seasons, works as an international idol! She started her career while living with her mom in the US after she moved there post-high school-graduation, posting some of the music and songs she had begun composing and writing throughout her early adult years. (The reason why I made Shinrei an idol was in part of me wanting to make the girls a trio, but also because of the symbolic nature it could have, with Totoko using fish, Nyaa using cats, and Shinrei using skeletons for their branding. I mentioned this earlier in the tags of a post, but I didn't elaborate on it further than that until now.)
She moves back to Japan not only because she misses home, but she is hosting a mid-summer concert to celebrate the new season a few months later! The fanon season 4 would follow the events leading up to the show, in which it went from a one-idol concert to 3 idols and 6 sextuplets performing near the center of the Akatsuka ward. 3: Much like with the rest of them, it was a pretty slow-burn relationship process with Jyushi and Shinrei. Like AGONIZINGLY slow.
Shinrei was very skittish when first introduced to the Matsu's, and coupled with Jyushi's excited and energetic personality, it made getting used to things a bit harder than she anticipated. I don't see Jyushi being too inconsiderate or oblivious to the fact, so I do think he notices things he does that would ward her off, so he does try to be as gentle as he could at the beginning of their friendship. The fake-official art I posted earlier last month is sort of a demonstration of this, where they took a day to spend time together and outline things that they weren't okay with the other doing or would make the friendship a bit less rocky. I do have a semi-finished relationship chart with all the Matsu's that helps define their dynamic together (along with Jyushi) a bit more, but as I said it's semi-finished since it was done a little bit ago.
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Ohh but when they did get closer than friends though... Jyushi definitely likes to walk around with Shinrei and do various physical activities together, like hiking or playing some favorite sports of Jyushi's. They would definitely have that "we hold hands, hug a lot, sometimes kiss each other on the cheek and say I love you but we aren't considered official" dynamic later on (BECAUSE IM A SUCKER FOR THAT TROPE) As for when it does get more serious, I think Jyushi would be the one to say it first out of the two. Jyushi doesn't end up mentioning this fact to ANYONE though until his brothers see him running up to Shinrei and kissing her straight on without hesitation (Which would be considered context for that kiss doodle I posted earlier). 4: She does! Well, partially.
She lives by herself a couple blocks outside the main area where the main cast lives, closer to the outskirts of the town.
She DOES have a black cat, though! Her name is Eve :] 5: (ABSOLUTELY you don't even have to ASK) THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS AERO <33 I loved answering them so much!!!
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adobodemon · 4 months
New Years Resolution Manifestation Rant Listicles
and yes I'll put it under Read More for all of our sakes. Happy New Year 2014 everbody!!
Prelude: Who I want to be
lemme be real for a sec. I am going to be turning a serious age this year. rhymes with flirty. I have had time to get grown but now it's time to get wise! It's time for me to get behind the wheel of my life again. I felt like I was behind it 4 years ago but We All Know What Happened. It Is Happening To All Us. Coming back home to my parents stunted my growth a little and also I feel it erode at my current friendships. I feel like I'm doing a good job of improving myself, but this year I need to improve my relationship to others. So yeah in short, less autopilot, more hangouts with friends, less overwork, more hobbies...
How will I go from Consoomer and Doomer to Improover and Dooer?
1. Be more consistent with what I want to practice - that goes for working out, digital art, other hobbies I may want to pick up... saw a Tiktok once saying that we need to pick up slow activities again bc clearly, the need to be instantly gratified has poisoned almost every aspect of our lives. InstaGrat also helps us be in autopilot a lot easier, we can't think, we can't breathe, we can't taste our food before swallowing it down. this year I'm going to change that by planting a lot of seeds that I may not see bloom for weeks, months, years even!
2. Approach people with curiosity - not the best communicator as I've said many different times on this blog. I always catch myself trying to make the conversation about myself and how I can relate to it instead of asking the other person more about themselves or what they think. I've seen enough thinkpieces on other sites recommend this that I might as well try it for myself and see how it works out.
3. Get off my damn phone - already made steps towards this! Tiktok and IG are gone from my phone, whenever I go into a huge timesink like Tumblr (sorry) or Discord I set it up so I get an annoying pop-up telling me all the other things I could be doing! (I will share this Shortcut w anyone who needs it, iPhone exclusive tho sorry)
4. Appreciate all the stuff I have - while I am nowhere need as bad as my mom who needs to go to Burlington and buy 3 whatchamacallits or else she has a nervous Boomer breakdown, I do admit I own and have access to a lot of things I take for granted, like books, games, tools like my iPad, PC, etc. I will fight against analysis paralysis, I will squeeze the life out of all that I own, I won't spend another day bored inside my head if I don't have to.
5. Collect. Organize. Do. - one of my oomfs indirectly changed my Youtube algorithm for the good and I've been getting a lot of videos from Improovtube. skimmed through a video that suggested a neat system for getting things done: Collect your thoughts and desires. Organize your tasks. Do the things that make it happen. and just like that every self improvement book I've read is useless. lol no but really it's crazy that that's all it boils down to. I will investigate more on this system but for now this seems like a good modus operandi.
Epilogue: Specific non-specific goals
Completing my year long art practice regimen
Reading more of my physical books and manga (and I get to see their spines when I finish :D)
Bigger boobs
Becoming a homeowner
Going to at least 5 group activities and meeting new people there
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synintheraven · 5 months
Get to know me!
Thanks for the tag love @lord-aldhelm (;
Nickname: Ky, Viking (imagine how annoying I am about fictional Vikings that my friends started to call me that)
Sign: Pisces ♓️
Height: 154 cm 👉👈
The last thing I googled: Where does Rhaenyra live (lol)
Amount of sleep: 5 hours, more or less? I slept like a baby last night tho 😌
Dream job: Get paid for doing nothing Idk I'd love to be able to live off my art/my (still in progress) graphic design degree but it's though out there 💔
Favorite song: I have a few that own my heart, but What A Feeling by One Direction (don't judge it's really good!!) is probably my forever favorite but also not the kind of song that I usually am into so yeah, that makes it my fav hehe
Movie/Book that Summarises Me: Misery? Not really a movie/book girlie but I'll use my most serious expression and say Shrek - you know because everyone judges him by his looks/apparent personality but he's actually great 😌 (besides, I love the Shrek movies)
Favorite instrument: Probably piano, though I can't play a single instrument 😅
Aesthetic: I'm following way too many fashion influencers so yeah, I love some 80/90s fashion trends so that's usually my vibe hehe - interior design wise idk I'm a mess but usually modern stuff (with a few classic touches, you know like fancy wall molding or chandeliers or really just romantic architecture/decor :p)
Favorite authors: Agatha Christie? - I have yet to read more books but I love myself some detective stuff - Also don't have any other I consider my fav so I'll leave it here 😅
Random fun fact: Used to study Architecture back when I was still living in Sweden but wasn't what I pictured it would be so (after several people asked me why I didn't chose Graphic Design instead) I switched to Graphic Design once in the UK 🤭
No pressure tags to my fellow gremlins aka @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @alexagirlie and tbh whoever else feels like doing it!
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vlkodddlak · 1 year
For shockwave!
15. Does this tf character ever make anything creative (e.g. writing, drawing, sculpturing)? If so, do they show other people what they’ve made?
16. What do you think this tf character’s opinions regarding humankind is?
THANK U FOR ASKING!! your ask game is super cool!!
im gonna go with tfp shockwave cause he's my fave. my version of him isnt that scary and evil he's just kind of a guy who likes to play around with science and engineering, doesnt know basic safety, and is bad at socializing. he's still kind of a cartoon type villain tho
15. ohh he's creative for sure. it's not always that obvious, but i do like to think that shockwave likes to create things for fun sometimes. about 98% of the stuff he works on are projects that will help the decepticon cause, but he does occassionally get a spark of creativity and decides to make something for himself. it's not art in a traditional sense, like poetry, music, etc, but it's enough to count as art (in my opinion)
the 'art' he creates may include stuff like: 1) creating little gadgets that have no practical use, they just look cool
2) playing with chemicals just to get some interesting reaction. like putting some liquids together just cause it makes them change colors in a pretty way or something
3) adding decorative designs to his creations, again, simply for the esthetics
ok ok i know these sound silly, but when you think about the fact that shockwave is a serious, 'logical' character and not someone artsy, these little actions DO count as creative! think about it!!
he NEVER shows others, tho. it's not that he's insecure about his craft, it's simply not something that he wants to share. i wouldnt say that the creative things he does are personal (he probably doesnt see any artistic value in his little projects, it's just for fun after all) but his art comes from feelings and thoughts deep within him that even he doesn't like to admit (like idk... the fact that he can be happy and enjoy something? no one should know that! 😡). basically, he's not comfortable showing his creativity to others, unless it's someone he knows for a long time and absolutely trusts, which isnt a lot of people...sigh hes so weird
16. oh he couldn't care less. like, fr. i mean if the decepticons want to transform Earth and eradicate all life including humans then he'll just... go along with it yknow? his main focus is helping megatron, it's all he really cares about....BUT! i do think that there's a chance he COULD develop some sort of care for humanity? i can't say it confidently, but i do think he would be able to connect with humans through his favorite things - science and technology!
human technology is WAY behind cybertronian one, but shockwave might find himself curious about it! well, to be specific, he would find interest in HOW humans came to their discoveries and research. humans are such a small, young species after all! how come they've done and discovered so much in so little time? (this is all relatively speaking lol)
of course, over time he would be interested in more than just human technology. he would also look into human history, art, language...probably anything regarding humans. if he's focused on something, he is focused A LOT. shockwave human hyperfixation real
eventually his slight interest for human science would turn into fascination and later... appreciation? maybe? it would take him a pretty long time and he would definitely need someone or something (preferably a human friend) to convince him to even look into human stuff, since he doesnt view humanity as anything important from the start... but yea! i like to think that this big purple mf would go from "humans small and weak and stupid and unimportant" to "humans small and weak...and kinda cool"
ahhh i can't believe i wrote so much omg.... embarrassing! 😞😞anyway yea shockwave is my fucking fictional fidget toy, whenever i'm bored i poke him and squish him in my brain
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Hi, I was wondering if I could get classpected? I really love your analysis and I’m struggling with my own.
*I most often get heart, space, and void as quiz results (I have taken most existing aspect quizzes at least twice). I usually get mage, knight, and page on quizzes.
**this is essay length I’m really sorry about that
I really like my creative hobbies. More often than not I'm sewing, sculpting, drawing, etc. I also really enjoy those really long video essays on video games and such but I also listen to more political stuff when I can handle it. When my anxiety is less obnoxious I like to take walks in the middle of the night- I can go outside and be completely alone with my thoughts (and my maladaptive daydreaming lol). I do a lot of writing about fiction and only actually write fiction sometimes. Ideas are always more complete in my head and I can’t do them justice in meatspace. I do a lot of armchair philosophy but it’s all probably just something I regurgitate forgetting somebody else said it first and better. You will literally never see me without my earbuds in regardless if anything is playing in them. On that note I can’t play an instrument or compose or anything but I want music to swallow me whole like a snake.
Me about myself:
I think I’m weird but I don’t particularly care that I’m weird. I hate that other people think I'm weird and guilt me for having genuine interests? My self esteem isn’t great but as I’m getting better at being an adult I feel less like a fish flopping around on the floor. I feel like I’m never going to have a proper self concept because something is always changing and I can’t keep up with that. The self hatred is mental subtext instead of text, ya feel? I want to say something in a way only I can say it, like perfect a message in a way only my art could portray it. It would be a cool thing to have a legacy even though it’s totally meaningless. Like, if somebody thought about me the way I think about Toby Fox I’d feel like I succeeded. Local strider kinnie. All of the striders. Every iteration. In middle school I was obsessed with Dave and now (college) I'm obsessed with Dirk. It’s The Existentialism. Spice that with a little Jake English style social awkwardness. My problematic trait is thinking empathy is a conspiracy (I’m ((probably)) just on the spectrum). I have serious self-control issues and will eat a whole cake by myself. I reread homestuck in less than a month and barely managed to get my assignments in because I hyper fixated so hard.
Others about me:
When I was younger I was the scapegoat of my friend group, like the Tavros to someone else’s Vriska. Classic page behavior. Now that I’m older I’m mostly just super reserved because I got burned so bad I can’t take positive feedback. I have one friend who tells me that I’m super talented and cool and shit and I feel so weird about it. He’s not flirting with me or anything, he's just a genuinely good dude. I feel dirty and evil existing in his presence. I’ve also been described as a cryptid in the past. “Quiet and kind of scary until you open up then you’re unhinged” “Mad scientist” “Introverted artisan” (this person then called me out on “looking for that passing validation” and he was right but I hate it lmao) (the conversation has gone on and I am now realizing he is. Talking about trans shit,,,, which is also right and I hate it) (I’m literally going to copy paste this next one it’s too good) “You’re the type of dude that gets dragged on for the ride tho… the one that’s like ‘maybe we shouldn’t be breaking into a haunted house’ in the movies” “You’re not the Lame little piss baby that they drag around , you’re the one that’s there cuz someone wants to hand the white boy a blunt and see you take a large chuff” (oh my god he’s such a gem lol) “You’re still also a dork and I’ll probably still label you as gay boy mentally tho”
How I interact with people:
I keep forgetting I can’t just rely on my imaginary friends to meet my social needs so I go bug one or two people for a few weeks before I start feeling like it’s too risky because if I go too hard I'll burn out and hate them or something. If you know someone too well it’ll break any infatuation (platonic) you have with them. The thing with characters is that they learn and grow with you in your mind, like a family member that will only hate you if you’re having an off day. Tldr I’m scared of other people because intimacy and honesty about things is Not My Style. All of my secrets keep spilling out whenever somebody gives me crumbs and then I regret it and like. Soft ghost them? I recently ditched a group of friends and while I feel guilty about it I was in a kind of codependent relationship with one of them and I needed out. I tried to force myself to be more open and loving and shit but I was totally repulsed by myself and them by the end of it. Anyway if I could just like, have a good friend and feel comfortable with them and Mean It that would be pretty sweet. Unsure if I’m aromantic or just scared of vulnerability and commitment of any kind. I want to be helpful and cool and reciprocal to the people I care about but I feel like I’m lacking in anything I could use to help them- they always need something I can’t give them. When I help it starts coming off as patronizing.
What do i value:
My inner world is what’s keeping me alive. See in there I'm not really obligated to bend to expectations (which are usually pretty reasonable I think, I just don’t like them) and I can live out the fantasy of Being Loved without needing to be vulnerable. They’re in my head of course they know me I don’t need to tell them anything. Politics are important but I mostly listen to other people talk about it. I'm really burnt out with the state of the world. I think finding some kind of reason to live and love in the meaninglessness of it all is really really important, I'm just bad at it. I just kinda wanna live in the abstract and undefinable because everything is like that, but people have to put things into categories and words to understand them. Having a body to take care of and whatnot is a curse. I honestly forget I have one because i’m so zoned into whatever it is that I'm thinking about.
Ideal self:
In an ideal world I get over all of my pseudo intellectual bs and just like. Feel my feelings. Enjoy being with people and making little trinkets. I might actually be less aware of what other people think of me and I could just say things without feeling like every bit of it was silly or pointless. I would be able to accept positive feedback instead of thinking everybody was lying to me. I’d also understand on a fundamental level that other people are real, actual, intelligent beings and we just communicate very differently. If I could be comfortable in my place in the world and not panic because it doesn’t matter I’d celebrate that instead. Nothing matters but with sunglasses this time. In theory every little thing means something, but sometimes I don’t need to know what it means, Y’know? Knowing just puts more weight on my shoulders and makes me an anxious goddamn wreck. I would be able to take action without other people nagging me to do something with myself.
Bonus stuff that I think is relevant:
I’m scared shitless of most “voidy” stuff, like the dark and just like, the concept of oblivion. My worst fear is my mind completely slipping off into nothing. Caves, oceans, etc- they all scare me. I considered space for a long time because of my creativity but I literally have sensory processing disorder and while I think a space player who lacks spatial awareness is funny I don't think that’s all that viable. I think I have a lot of knight hallmarks but really I'm way too outwardly cowardly and self serving to think I deserve that title? Idk im just spitballing now i'm so sorry for ranting.
Thanks for reading my doomer bs - 🏳️‍⚧️🎃♊️
Hello! No need to apologize for the length, the more you tell me the more accurate I'll (hopefully) be :)
Aspects: Mind, Heart, Doom
Classes: Prince, Knight, Page, Mage
Out of these I think either Prince of Mind or Knight of Heart suits you best! But Page of Doom and Mage of Mind might be ones to consider too
I hope this was helpful! And I hope you're doing well :)
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