#lesson 21 hard mode
impish-ivy · 1 year
Obey Me NB Lesson 21 Hard Mode
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amor-immortalem · 9 months
So lesson 40’s here and season 2’s over huh? Let’s complain about it together
I’m simultaneously dissatisfied and satisfied with S2’s ending. I have negative feelings about the hard mode 40-8 in particular.
I feel like if this is actually the original timeline were back in, the brothers should have had a bigger reaction to MC’s return cuz like didn’t Solomon say that we just up and disappeared at the start of season 1 and the bros were a complete mess?
Makes me feel like something’s up- like the brothers’ perception of time has been altered or messed with in some way.
Initially I thought that Lucifer had seen the way his brothers and himself were suffering and wrought with worry for MC being missing so he asked Barbatos to cast a spell on them to kind of ease that by not making it seem so long that MC’s been gone and make it feel more like only a few days to months (or hell maybe he could’ve learnt to do it himself- this is Lucifer we’re talking about here) but now I’m not so sure and maybe we didn’t actually end up in the correct timeline. Or maybe this is all just nightbringer’s influence (cuz remember they’re all about leading others to happiness or something along those lines)
Either way I’m generally not a fan of it- I wanted that big sappy reunion with over the top dramatics with my favorite demons, damnit! I’ve been robbed!
Also where the fuck did Solomon go? he went through the rift in space time with us so shouldn’t there have at least been a small interaction with him when we arrived at the HOL even if it was along the lines of “oh good we’ve made it back in one piece, I’ll let you go inside and have some time to catch up with the brothers on your own. I’m gonna go debrief with Barbatos” or something?
And then there’s Nightbringer- or more specifically, their lack of presence within Season 2. When was the last time they’d even been mentioned in the story(lesson 21? 22? Were they ever mentioned at all after that?)
I know obvious answer is that Nightbringer=Barbatos (is it just me or was Barbs acting kinda… weird? Throughout the lesson??? He had me feeling like ‘this mf knows we time traveled don’t he?’) but anyway it feels like, for a character the game is literally named for, they’re not very important and front ‘n center…
Maybe S3 will be more focused on Nightbringer and whatever the hell’s going on with that weird ass reception from the brothers we got but for now we’ll just have to wait (I wouldn’t be surprised if solmare made us wait until April when the game hits its one year anniversary for S3 just like it played out in the OG game…)
Also also if the devs don’t hurry up and make 13, mephisto, and raphael dateable in S3 I’m going to riot. Lemme give my pretty wife kisses and take her on cute dates and shit. It’s been like 2 or 3 seasons since she was introduced! Whats the hold up?
My thoughts aren’t coherent anymore so I’ll stop but see y’all in April for Season 3
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nobodybutapathetic · 2 years
But You’re My Professor
Draco Malfoy as a professor be like:
(I really didn’t have to add those.)
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“Alright, students. Onto page 452.” Professor Malfoy spoke.
I already turned to the page he demanded and, people see me as a teacher’s pet. I find it really annoying since I’m only doing this for my studies.
Professor Malfoy started the lesson about mind reading. Which is Legilimency. To be honest, the subject was pretty interesting since it was about mind reading because… I can use it for those who talk behind my back.
And you’re probably thinking, “I know you’ll use it for Professor Malfoy!” But no. Yes I may have an interest in him but, he’s my professor. He’s probably another old-aged wizard here at Hogwarts.
I wasn’t paying attention at class so Professor Malfoy just slammed my table, distracting me out of my zoning out mode.
“And what gives you the rights not to pay attention to this lesson? This lesson can really help you out, Ms. Y/LN. I expected better from you.” He sternly said which made me sigh.
“I truly apologize, Professor. Please have mercy on me.” I apologized but he just clicked his tongue.
“Meet me at the office.” He said before leaving to head to his desk.
Thoughts scattered on my mind. His office? As if I did something wrong.
Professor Malfoy kept teaching the class until the bell rang which means all of us students plus him must head for feast. Although, I didn’t really eat feasts at this time so I had to skip.
Professor Malfoy left along with the others which means I was alone at class.
I then remembered that I had to meet professor Malfoy in his office so I just stood up from my seat and fixed my clothes.
I fixed the buttons of my blouse, fixed my skirt to its length and made sure my shoes were shiny.
I did a big sigh then walked through the hallways.
Each step I took, my heels were clicking until I stopped to a door that a had a sign written in cursive writing, “Professor Malfoy”
I knocked on the door then it opened.
“I thought you wouldn’t come. I’m truly surprised. Have you gotten your food yet?” Professor Malfoy smirks as he leaned on the door.
“I don’t usually eat at this time. And, I’m supposed to be sent here, right? So why wouldn’t I?” You spoke.
“You know what’s the problem with you? You can talk back but you can’t accept the fact of what I’m gonna do to you here at my office.” His smirk grew 10x bigger than his casual one.
I was flushed red. What was he gonna do to me anyway? I thought. But, I just entered inside until I heard the door lock click which means he locked it.
“I wanna do something to you..’ He pulled up his sleeves, revealing his veiny arms.
“But you’re my professor!” I whispered-yelled.
“You’re an 18 year old, darling. I’m just 21. I’m 3 years older than you. There’s nothing wrong with that Hm?” He says before pinning me to his desk.
My heart was beating fast. It’s finally happening. The thing I didn’t want but at the same time, I need.
He started unbuttoning my blouse until it fell off, leaving me only with my laced bra.
“How flattering.” He scoffed.
“Continue on that.” I boldly said, which made him grin.
He started kissing me hard and, of course, I kissed back like in every romance films.
His tongue was already in control and I couldn’t even handle it so he had full power over my mouth.
He broke out for air then moved on to my neck, leaving small kisses and hickeys.
“I’m too terrified, sir. What if they’ll find out?” I worriedly said.
“They won’t. If they do, I’ll handle it.” He said, in between kisses on my neck.
I kept groaning and moaning out his name which I expect made him really satisfied.
“Merlin, you’re making me so…” He was left clueless because I took off my skirt, revealing my short socks and laced underwear.
“Even more..” He licked his lips at the sight then started trailing his hands down my waist, to the hip until my leg.
He tried going to my thigh but whenever he did, I’d slap his hand.
“Ow.” he dramatically said.
“You’re teasing me.” I said, bringing his hands to my thigh.
As soon as he was about to go further, the bell rang.
“Damn it!” He growled which made me laugh.
“Lost your chance. Though, I promise to meet you tonight. At your room?” I winked which made him sigh but gave me a grin.
“Be thankful the bell rang or else I could’ve fucked you so hard on this desk that it’ll shake a lot and even break.” He whispered to my ear before I wore my clothes back on.
“Alright then. Goodbye Professor.” I kissed him then left his office.
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11thwardtls · 3 months
Memory Defrag | TRACK 5 - Data Corpulence | Azekawa Kinari's Ward Mayor Novel Translation
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Warnings and Disclaimers:
This translation is not professionally done and is not proofread. Edits and clean-ups may come at a later date.
Not a 1:1 translation either and some liberties into localization were taken into account.
This novel will contain spoilers for the Ev3ns Main Story: "Chained Up Scarlet".
Appropriate Content and Trigger Warnings will be added if needed.
May be used for quotebots/masterlists etc.
I am not fluent and self-studying Japanese (albeit at turtle speed), this was translated by ear and with the help of a JP dictionary, so please feel free to point out any errors!
I came out of semi-conscious mode and awakened all at once.
By my bedside, there was a plastic water bottle, with a note stuck to it: “Are you thirsty? Here, if you don’t mind.” in Raito’s handwriting. 
As I am an android, my mouth does not get dry, yet I drank from the bottle anyway.
The room’s interior has been plunged into azure-hued darkness.
I could hear the flapping of the nocturnal birds resting in the trees behind me.
———[At the very least, you could say what’s on your mind in your own words.]
Father’s words repeated several times within my auditory system.
Whenever I recall these words, I start to feel something, slowly.
It’s something that I’ve not been able to properly verbalize.
But now, I’m searching for a meaning within Father’s words, of which I had previously felt nothing upon hearing them. 
“Were his intentions similar to Master’s own words?”
I threw my question into the void.
I suppose that the true nature of Father’s hopes for me, was similar to Master’s own desire to treat me as if I were a fellow human being. 
What Father wanted at the time was not for me to be in a state to channel Kinari’s spirit, but for me to speak out using my own words. 
Rather than words that have been programmed into me, he must have wished to hear my words from the heart.
As I thought, I still deeply regret that I could not do that even at his deathbed.
Yes, there’s some sort of feeling of regret. Likely so. Surely, I thought.
And this sort of emotion is quite surprising in itself.
Because, as an android, I feel an emotion called ‘regret’. 
But looking back on this incident and understanding how I felt while reviewing those memories, perhaps someday I too will gain those 21 grams.
By analyzing, considering, and reflecting……
As Kuguri has previously said, these records can turn themselves into memories. 
[Further verification is still required.]
For that purpose, any and all records shall be preserved without being deleted.
I thought about it for when I have the free time to browse these past data bit by bit, but a message box appeared hovering over my retinas.
[The additional information related to the emotion base is building data corpulence at this time. Would you like to delete those additional parts?]
This newly acquired data is a highly valuable resource that is connected to 21 grams, therefore it cannot be deleted. I selected [No]. 
[The screen glitches for a moment.]
The moment that I’ve made my choice, the image reflected in my retinas became distorted and a noise appeared.
I checked on my systems to see if a small error had occurred, but there was no problem.
Right now, I cannot afford to shrink down on my memory any further.
The everydays that would increase from here forward would be also valuable pieces of samples.
With that in mind, I laid down on my bed.
“Today’s a whole extra super awesome ‘nother lesson day~! After finishing with warm ups, we’re doing formation checks, alrightyyyy?” 
Chihiro’s cheerful voice resounded throughout the lesson room this morning.
He always took the initiative whenever it came to practicing.
As always, I put out the tablet and started to record our dance formation———
—But he appeared troubled almost immediately.
“Oh whoopsies! My hard disk is full already~ I can’t record anymore.”
“Isn’t that a large capacity tablet? Why’s there so much data…? Plus, didn’t you say the same thing last month?”
Tao rushed in to check quickly. Chihiro pouted, cheeks puffed up, “I’m an influencer, aren’t I? Don’t tell me you forgot?!”, he retorted.
These two always have this kind of conversation all the time.
“Hahaha, well yeah, your job’s to take pics and all that. So I guess my smartphone…
Ah, right… I dropped it in the bath yesterday and it broke.” 
“Haaaaa. It’s like, soooo unbelievable that such a high-key moronic guy exists in this world!” 
Raito made an offer to do it on his behalf, but then was quickly rejected.
Kuguri gave Raito the stink-eye, as he had no intention of ever lending his own device.
“Welp, there’s no choice then. Kinyari~ can Chii twouble you to do it?”
In the past eras, humans have used their eyes as a camera when photographic equipment cannot be used. Their video recordings would be burned onto their retina, be available as an output and viewed on another device.
I began to film our dance routine while looking into the mirror.
“Tao, stop. Your hand placement is off by three centimeters.”
“Tao, stop. Your arms are not fully extended.”
“Tao, stop. You mustn’t do this move from your chest, but from your shoulders.”
I added detailed annotations about our mistakes, and by the time I finished them, Chihiro would hug me and say, “Luuuuv ya, Kinyari!”
Chihiro does this more often than not. He also happily rested his cheek by my hair.
“Ahhh, you smell so nice, Kinyari~ Haaaa, you’re just the bestest, the cutest, I loooove you~” 
“Mm. Thank you.”
“Oi, Chihiro, quit messin’ around already. Keep doing that and it’d count as sexual harassment.”
“But if it’s me and Kinyari, we make a super mega cute picture together, so it’s a-okay!” 
“Eh… That so?”
Tao warned him, but Chihiro bit back.
He seemed a bit distressed after listening to Chihiro’s absurd reasoning.
Raito laughed softly as usual, saying, “I’m glad that we all get along so well.”
On the other hand, Kuguri interjected, “Nyushi, if I were to join in as well, wouldn’t it be even prettier?”
This sort of interaction between us unit members had now become the norm.
Chihiro often talked about me so lovingly, yet according to Tao, “Ain’t it because Chihiro used to be an idol otaku and likes cute things?”
Can this kind of love be classified as something that fulfills my father’s hopes and wishes that [Someone who loves you will surely appear]?
I don’t know it yet, but I have long since accepted this circumstance.
“Man, at the end of the day, I was still the one who made the most mistakes again.”
“Tao, you’d be training on your own again today, wouldn’t you? I’ll join as well so let’s do our best together.”[4]
“By the way, Kinari. I accidentally let it slip that you slept longer than usual this morning to Ushio. He seemed quite worried so if you could, please show yourself to him later to let him know.”
“Plüss, won’t you at least punish this wretch of a man for saying something so unnecessary?” 
Chihiro and Tao started to whisper amongst themselves about everyday this and that, while Raito and Kuguri, who were wiping away their sweat, also chatted for a little while. 
I’d say, “Shall we proceed to play and observe the formation video I took on my camera on another device now?”, all four of them, Kuguri—to an extent, would watch somewhat seriously. 
Thus, our discussion on how we could further improve it would then begin. 
I, for once, would like to repeat this moment an innumerable amount of times.
……The thought of it was not at all unpleasant.
“Please give it your all in singing, dancing, your idol activities and live happily!”
This is my firstmost and top priority order I needed to fulfill. It is my very core of being. 
My most important standard of behavior.
However, rather than having to meet that standard, little by little, the desire to fulfill it instead is being born.
What to call this sort of ‘emotion’, I don’t know it yet.
But, I can feel it. I know so.
Emotions that I cannot name yet will continue to grow within my heart.
Surely. Probably. Maybe. 
Someday, even… 
———is what I thought.
Translation Notes: 
1 - This chapter’s title name was very… difficult to word, as 肥大 in particular could be any of the words related to gaining weight/fat. In accordance with this, I used the word corpulence instead to achieve the same meaning across. 
2 - Took liberties with Chihiro’s gyaru-speak. Also yes he did say all of that part (I have screenshot receipts). 
3 - Again, Tao did actually say that. Quite literally in fact too!
4 - I don’t know who said that, but basing off the prose that followed, it seems to be Chihiro? I’m not sure if he’s ever called him anything other than Taotao so please correct me if I’m wrong here! 
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annkous · 1 year
Lesson 22 came out last night aaaaaAAAAA
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They always catch me by surprise, I swear... It seems this time they're releasing lessons every 7 days instead of 10.
Anyways, lesson 22!
Previous lesson!
We start the day by going to the House of Lamentation again. Mammon, thank heavens, seems to be acting a bit more normal. So far, so good.
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Instead of the usual dynamic of Luci and Mammon, we get Belphie being worried about him this time around. I love these brothers so much.
Even while we're busy taking care of the brothers and walking them to RAD, Solomon's words about the possibility of getting stuck here ring through our head. We can't catch a break.
Things are chill for now. They're reuniting with Diavolo to try and get ideas for future RAD events, and Mammon comes up with something to raise up funds and... maybe things aren't back to normal just yet.
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I CALLED IT PREVIOUSLY I mean it wasn't really hard, was it jdshfd but yes. They're starting to be less subtle about this whole thing being about Mammon being the Avatar of Greed. Diavolo's father gets a mention (gasp) and they even drop a bit of foreshadowing about how the titles he bestowed upon them seem to be important.
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We get sent to clean the library (whohoo) and we're atop of the stairs cleaning the top of a shelf. Your shoujo or fanfic senses might tingle a bit. I mean, we already got a sprained ankle scene.
And there, we find a book. Not any book. THE book. The one that tells the story at the beginning of Nightbringer: the one of the human and the demon.
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Cue me screaming.
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They all guess the demon in the story is Nightbringer, and Satan comments that he found a mention about Nightbringer in a Celestial Realm book about the Father of Demons. Apparently, Nightbringer was The First Demon to be "born."
This whole thing isn't working on Barbatos' favor about NOT being Nightbringer, let me tell you. If I remember correctly, we are told somewhere (either main story or an event/card, I forgot haha.....) that Barbatos wasn't exactly born: he just started existing. He didn't have a childhood, he just poofed into existence. That would fit the First Demon ever.
However, there's no more info he can give us for now. To match the sprained ankle energy from lesson 21, the ladder shakes when we move and we fall down to the ground, BUT LEVI COMES TO THE RESCUE AND CATCHES US and honestly it was really sweet. Then shit goes down.
The title is "what's come over mammon", so you can guess where this is going.
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This brings og!OM flashbacks where he says something similar, but it's not in this way. In the og!OM if you remember, around the beginning after he's grown attached, he says he's the only one that wants to come to your rescue, and that you shouldn't call anyone else first, but he's in full "tsundere" mode, so people found it endearing. This is going down a different route, but because Greed has fully taken over him, to the point he's going to actually fight his brothers over you. We all know Mammon, and how he wouldn't do this seriously. It's obvious something's wrong.
Asmo being really angry is such a treat to see, though.
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We try "stay" and it doesn't work, so we try to step in. It doesn't work, either. Mammon's so gone it gets to the point he tries to shove you if you step in.
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Satan tries to use a curse-nullifying spell, but it doesn't work because it's not a curse. Beel can't hold Mammon, who has even transformed, for longer, so the only thing you all can think about is to book it.
Thankfully, you all find Lucifer on your escapade, who sees Mammon on your heels and knocks him out with one hit. Damn.
So Mammon's now knocked out, and you're all watching over him while storming ideas...
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They're so right on the money. I'm so happy the whole Avatar of Greed was said outright. Also if helping Mammon implies making the pact, it means they're all probably going to go through this. They're a bit scared, though... And that's why I see mc trying to do anything so they don't go through the same thing Mammon just did, even if it means giving up the pacts for now.
In any case, they're worried about how they can possibly end up being taken over, just like Mammon...
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Lucifer comes to the rescue, saying he's spoken to Diavolo and that he's come up with an idea, so off we go. We get a bit more worried Belphie over his older brother as a treat before we leave, too.
According to Diavolo, the ones that can save Mammon are us (obviously) and Little D. No. 2 (what). Okay at first I was caught off-guard but then they dropped lore and I loved it and got hooked two sentences in. You know how the Little Demons have the Brother's qualities? Like, Little Demon of Greed, Little Demon of Pride, etc... all those little ones that are in the lower ranked cards? They get cool lore.
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The Fairy King gets another mention! Solmare better not mention him too much, or people might want to see a design (it's me I'm people)
So apparently, every time a Demon is born, they can get a Little Demon counterpart, although it's extremely rare, yet according to Diavolo, every single one of the brothers has one, and those Little Demons are currently safe and sound working in the Demon Lord's Castle. Not for long, though, if the plot has its way LMFAO
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This whole "mc entering Mammon's inner self to save him" is some Kingdom Hearts soriku kind of shit and honestly I live for it.
We have the option to consider sending one of the brothers instead, but we know Mammon has a special part of his heart reserved for us, regardless of where we stand with him, so in the end, we're the best option. I thought they'd send everyone together, since his brothers are also very important to Mammon, but maybe they'll play a role later. I want another Demon Brothers hug pile.
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As a little add-on, Little Demon Number 2 is scared shitless of going into Mammon's mind, but the brothers staring very seriously at it plus us asking nicely (at least my option lol the other was "you've got self-esteem issues on par with levi" and I laughed way too much at that) make it fold pretty quickly pffft.
So we enter Mammon's mind in search of his inner self...
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Of course it's the Celestial Realm HJDSFSF and the lesson ends just as someone (Mammon) is yelling "OUTTA THE WAY" near us.
Since this lesson was also short (9 battle stages and 8 story ones plus the extra), I went ahead and did the extra plus the hard mode. You also unlock a VIDEO CALL (AAAAAAA) but we'll see that one later.
The extra takes place as you're all walking to the library to clean it, talking about the 666 mysteries of RAD. Mammon is terrified, and admits he's been like that since Adam took over him.
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Most options you get here are cute though lol (give him a laughing charm, a calming charm or prank him and make him more terrified) I have to try the laughing one. The calming one helps him and also makes everyone else ask for a charm as well.
The scene from hard mode is Barbatos looking around for Little D. No. 2. Clearly it's to bring it to the House of Lamentation, but Little D. is running away like a kid is running away from a parent thinking they're in for a scolding. Remember how Nightbringer is referenced as the Father of Demons? Okay it might be a bit of a reach but IT WOULD BE INCREDIBLE-
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Anyways it gets found by Diavolo, who hands it over to Barbatos and gets dragged away to the House of Lamentation. Rip.
It's not over, though, because after finishing the hard mode, you also get a main story chat. We also still have to see the WW map situation, and actually both are related. I didn't realize though so I did the chat first and then the video call, but it made it funnier for me, so I'll put them as I read them.
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Damn Solomon went STRAIGHT for his throat-
Note also the name he has saved Mammon as lol I love it. Between the German numbers in normal mode cards (this time we have Vier (Satan), Fünt (Asmo) and Sechs (Beel)) and this my nerd language lover is over the moon.
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Well......... It was nice knowing poor Mammon. Seems like he has a contender about being greedy over you, too.
Okay but the fact that Mammon called MC's name when addressing Lucifer though that's actually pretty funny LMFAO
Then comes the video call, which is between Luke, Simeon and Solomon.
They're talking about Mammon, mostly because they're all worried about him, and Simeon lets slip that we are an important existence to Mammon, maybe even moreso than his own brothers, and Solomon latches to that piece of info while Luke begs Simeon to please stop talking... but it's too late. LMAO WELL. WE KNOW NOW WHO SPILLED THE BEANS TO SOLOMON.
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rip Mammon........ oh Simeon what have you done...
Can't wait to see how the other siblings go through this mess and if we FINALLY get one pact out of this Our first pact AGAIN. And how we're gonna go on an inner-self adventure with their respective Little Demons. I don't like the way I'm wording this tbh JHDSFF
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convoswcourt · 6 months
Inner Child Healing
If you have my astrological placements, you definitely know what I mean when I say I've lived at least 6.5 different lives the past three decades. One of the most important lessons I learned when I was approximately 21 years old - was to take my own fucking potential seriously.
Being born into chaos and growing up in survival mode created an identity for me that was rooted in self sacrifice, self sabotage and pain. I grew up way too fucking fast and didn't get a chance to truly experience my childhood. It was hard for me to see my own gifts and to take my divine abilities seriously when I was not properly nurtured in my developmental years. All I have been shown and told was "you are undeserving and worthless".
I did everything in my power as a young adult to never feel that way again. But of course, as a capricorn stellium, I learned everything in my life the hard way. Through countless trials and fucking errors. Through trusting and investing in the wrong people.
At some point, you get hurt enough in life that you learn how to lighten up and laugh at the fuckery. I look back now at my younger self and chuckle at just how serious and angry at the world I used to be.
It really is true what they say about capricorns aging backwards. This past year was the most painful one yet, but because of it - I've finally learned how to detach from outcomes. This is a big achievement on my end because it signifies that I have developed a deep unbreakable consistent trust in the universe. It represents the level of peace I have achieved within and marks true maturity and real trust in myself that I have the ability to deal with anything that comes my way. It feels good to know that there was a purpose to all the pain I endured and that I finally made it out the other side where I fully understand how those years served the development of my worldly wisdom and existential intelligence.
I have a pluto in sagittarius in my 1st house so my identity changes and shifts every 6-7 years. With that much soul growth in a lifetime inevitably, at times, it comes with exhaustion and burnout so I am learning how to really honor and listen to my inner child. She and I deserve more play, more color and more fun. We deserve a second chance at life to really figure out who we are outside of chaos and pain. With that, I am excited to continue to share my growth with you all. Thank you to each of you reading for being a part of my journey.
Follow my astrotherapy instagram: instagram.com/convoswcourtI I follow back :)
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 years
Heart Shaped Wound: Yandere Various Baki x Reader
Chapter 21
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Author’s note: you’re getting Kiyosumi, your future stalker in this chapter.
     (Your name) had a great time with Katsumi last night, he made it hard to leave in the morning with how warm he was. Not to mention the tight grip he had on her, Katsumi tried his best to get her to stay with him a little longer.
    (Your name) smiled at the mental image of how cute Katsumi was when he was sleepy. Not to mention how attractive his voice was when he first woke up. It was a little deeper and raspy.
     “Sensei! There’s two doves outside!” Yuki squealed, her body bobbing up and down in excitement. 
     (Your name) smiled at the young girl before directing the students’ attention back on their English lesson. 
     Her eyes drifted out to see the two doves sitting together in a tree. One of the doves leaning its head into the other dove’s affectionately. 
      What a beautiful avian couple.
     Kureha groaned as he flipped through his medical notes. It would appear as if (your name) has yet again rejected his advances.
     He just didn’t understand why she wasn’t into him. Kureha knew he was attractive. Perhaps it was because he was a bit on the feminine side. Yet he had a feeling (your name) secretly liked submissive men. 
     Kureha sighed to himself glancing at the notes he’s written about her so far. He wanted to know more. He needed to know more about her and how she was able to withstand Hanayama’s brute strength with minimal damage.
     Maybe he should ask her out to dinner instead? 
     (Your name) was thrilled to finally have a day to herself. A day without a date. Plus she could finally open the gift Hanayama had given her.
      (Your name) made her way down the busy streets, a certain drunk catching her eye. It would appear he was mentally struggling with how his face was buried in his hands, a bottle of sake sitting beside him.
     “Hello.” (Your name) slowly approached Kiyosumi, treating him as if he was a wounded animal. Her hands out so she wouldn’t frighten him into fight mode. She could tell from his muscles that he was a fighter of some sort and she should never underestimate someone based on appearance. 
       Kiyosumi glanced up, his dark eyes wide at who was in front of him. His angel was here again. He scolded himself for getting so drunk again. Kiyosumi had tried to be sober but he was disheartened when he hadn’t seen her again.
     And he knew that it would not be socially acceptable to admit to her that he had been searching for her over the last few days. She’d probably think he was more of a creep than a loser if he did.
    “Hello.” Kiyosumi muttered, his face flushing a bit under her sympathetic gaze. He couldn’t stand how much she seemed to pity him. Kiyosumi didn’t want to come off as a charity case to her.
    “I haven’t seen you in a few days. How have you been?” (Your name) plopped herself next to Kiyosumi. She could smell the liquor on him from here as well as a mixture of cheap cigarettes, musk, smoke, and leather. 
     Kiyosumi’s eyes widened before he cleared his throat to compose himself. He couldn’t remember the last time someone asked about his well being. It was a foreign feeling but not one that made him uncomfortable.
     “I’ve been the same.” Kiyosumi replied, his voice cracking a bit since he was screaming at the bar tender prior to sitting on the curb. Kiyosumi has been at an all time low as of late.
     (Your name) hummed, her eyes skimming over the dark circles under his eyes and the slight gauntness in his cheeks. Seems he wasn’t sleeping or eating well. (Your name) wondered what his story was for him to end up in such a state.
     “Have you eaten anything?” (Your name) asked, her expression softening at his frantic eyes. He reminded her a lot of an injured stray cat. It was so disheartening to see how much he struggled to ask for help when he clearly needed it. Depression was an awful disorder to have and she’s seen a lot of people succumb to it over her short life. A lot of people resort to drugs and alcohol to try to silence the despair they feel but it always ends up making it worse.
     “How about I get you something to eat? It’s important to eat a few nutritionist meals throughout the day.” (Your name) gently placed her hand on the back of his leather jacket, his tears watering up a bit. Kiyosumi couldn’t remember the last time someone had been so kind to him.
    “Thank you.” Kiyosumi replied, (your name) smiling at him. 
     “Of course. I hope you start to get better, mister.” (Your name) stood up, her eyes looking around for a food stand or restaurant. She believed soup would probably be the best for him since he was intoxicated still,
      “My name is Katou Kiyosumi. I’m a mechanic.” Kiyosumi muttered, (your name) smiling down at him.
     “My name is (your full name). I’m a kindergarten teacher.” Kiyosumi thought it was interesting how his angel was a kindergarten teacher just like Katsumi’s girlfriend was. It was such a strange coincidence… almost as if… she couldn’t be Katsumi’s girl right? She gave him her full name so she was interested in him right?
     Kiyosumi watched her as she walked across the street to get him something to eat, his hands tightly clutching his pants in anxiousness. He could feel his head spinning and his stomach twisting as his mind began racing. She couldn’t be Katsumi’s girlfriend or she wouldn’t be so kind to him. Katsumi has everything, he doesn’t need her too.
     Kiyosumi felt like he was going to be sick. He stood up, hastily making his way towards the garbage can to empty out the contents of his stomach. His body shaking as the self doubt came back. God he was such a loser.
     “Kiyosumi? Are you alright?” Kiyosumi turned his head around to see a concerned (your name) holding a container of soup in her hand. 
     “I’m alright…” Kiyosumi replied, his body recoiling when she outstretched a napkin to him. The rough texture of the napkin rubbing against his lips as she wiped the vomit off his face. 
     “Don’t push yourself so much.” (Your name) smiled at him, trying her best to cheer him up. She handed him the soup. “You should eat before you take some rest in a bit.”
    “Thank you.” Kiyosumi didn’t know what to say. He thought she would’ve ran when she saw him throw up. He was going to savor every second of her attention that he had.
      “I hope you feel better. Take care of yourself, Kiyosumi.” (Your name) told him with a smile. Kiyosumi frowned when he realized she was leaving. He was such a loser.
      “Will I see you again?” He asked, (your name) flashing him a grin.
     “Hopefully when you’re not drunk again.” (Your name) waved at him. “I’ll hopefully see you next time sober.”
    Kiyosumi took one last glance at his soup taking in a deep breath. Hopefully he would be sober next time. He needed to get clean, maybe she’d go out with him if he got his crap together? The thought of her entertaining him with her time was enough to motivate him to better himself a bit. 
      Hopefully next time he could get her something to eat instead of buying himself liquor.
      But now he at least knew her name and that she was a kindergarten teacher so that would narrow down his time searching around for her. He couldn’t wait to see more of his anngel every chance he had now.
Author’s note: congratulations, you have a stalker now. Thanks for reading!
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linzsaw · 9 months
2023: my year in review
1.  What is the most important lesson you learned this year?
To allow myself to be in the spotlight, even if it makes myself and others uncomfortable.
2.  What is the best thing that happened?
(Publically) marrying my soulmate.
3.  What challenges did you overcome?
I learned to set boundaries and choose my peace over the possibility of hurting others, even if that meant I had to say goodbye to some friends.
4.  What new skills did you learn?
Project management. lol
5.  What did you do for your career growth?
Switched jobs, best decision ever. also started my own ugc business which has been really fun on the side.
6.  What did you enjoy the most?
I hate a hate/love relationship with planning my wedding.
7.  What was your favorite moment?
Its hard to choose. There was really nothing better than being surrounded by my soulmate and all our best friends/family in one place, though.
Also, my kitty recovering from a very scary health emergency.
8.  How did you have fun?
I hugged elephants, I danced the night away at my wedding, I made homemade bread, I connected with nature in many ways, four-wheeled through a Thai jungle, I snowboarded, I sang at the top of my lungs with my bffs on a yacht. I mean... the fun times were actually endless.
9.  What new habits did you start?
I worked out regularly the first half of the year and tracked my protein goals. Def need to restart these habits in 2024.
10. What are you the most proud of this year?
Pulling all of that off. Really proud of myself for honestly everything.
11. What did you learn about yourself?
I am capable of more than I could ever realize. All my manifestions come to fruition.
12. How did you live by your core values?
By never becoming complacent, always chasing my goals
13. How did your relationships (family, friends, work) evolve?
Talking things out that happened long ago in the past when I was struggling in life when in survival mode and thus hurting those around me. Having difficult convos with Drew about boundaries and financial goals for the future.
14. What was the best decision you took?
My WFH job
15. How did you fail?
Some of my UGC content wasn't great. It's a learning process.
16. What got in the way of your success?
My limiting beliefs. Not staying consistent with things.
17. What would you do differently if you could?
Stay consistent, be more organized with my routine.
18. How are you different than a year ago?
More fierce, authentic
19. What did you do for your physical and mental health?
Strength training, protein gains, & then switched to a cut so I could fit into my wedding dress lol. Mental health? Oh boy does she need some attention in 2024.
20. Who or what had the biggest impact on your life this year?
Being in the spotlight this year. I don't think I've ever attended to many events in my life that were directly related to people being there to support me. That was a wild experience and It was a bit uncomfy at times...
21. What did you let go of?
Friendships that were not serving.
22. What were the most useful resources you had?
Friends & fam
23. What are you thankful for this year?
Friends & fam
24. What did you leave unfinished?
Cleaning out my ENTIRE home.
25. What was the best compliment you received?
I feel like I only got compliments on my appearance which is kind of sad.
26. If you were to talk about this year like a story, how would you write it?
In a tumblr post
27. How do you describe this year in 3 to 5 keywords?
Adventure. Romance. Lux. Chaotic. Fun.
28. What energised you? what drained you?
Looking forward to events. Setting boundaries.
29. How kind were you to yourself?
For the most part yes.
30. What advice would you give your last-year self?
Don't let anyone make your moment about them.
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chilopodacrudus · 3 months
Who do you Want to Be? Chapter 21: Louder than Words
Previous CW no longer apply for these last two chapters. These are the Nice and Kind chapters; enjoy. CW for deer hunting tho.
The next week was filled with preparation and a nervous gathering of supplies. Casey had a hefty chunk of money in his bank left from doing Johnny’s errands; enough to last them a few years if they were frugal. They had no idea if it was tracked by someone else; no idea if there were eyes on them. They chose to not be ignorant; yet they all pushed it in the background of their minds.
Casey and Allison knew Piers was dangerous; they knew he was no where near tame, yet they stayed with him. At least if they were to come across one of the other cult members; they had a chance if he were there. So they spent this week getting ready and all three of them spent this week lowering boundaries and accepting fate.
A new vehicle and RV were the main new buys; Piers, muzzle covered by a new neck gaiter, opted to visit a hunting supply store and buy a bow and arrows. He wanted them to live off of the land as much as they could and this meant a lesson for his new companions. He taught them the intricacies of taking a life.
Allison: All three were dressed in camo; Allison happily humming to herself, shedding the makeup and frilly skirts that were forced on her, she felt in control for once in her memory. They stalked through the woods near a campsite; Piers taking the lead, bow and arrow strapped to his back. “Arkansas then…” She spoke suddenly making Piers chest flutter; he was in hunting mode, his instincts primed and ready. “First Arkansas and then further West?”
Piers: “That’s the plan for now. Fast and loose though; we’ll have to keep moving…” He pulled the neck gaiter down from his mouth and looked at her with a smile. “Getting a job will be hard for both of you and I’m not in the running for that at all...not until we can get this thing off.” He rolled his tongue over the predatory fangs in his mouth. “Can’t really smile too wide at people anymore either...heh..”
Casey: “We’ll be alright; we’ll find a way, even if we have to pry it off.” Casey was euphoric; his guard was fully down around Piers and Allison both, he had never felt like this before, at least he didn’t think so. “I want to learn by the way Piers...I want to learn how to hunt too. I’m tired of being worthless…”
Piers: “No one is worthless.” He spoke confidently.
Casey: “What about Johnny.” A statement more than a question; he felt bad afterwards and quickly followed up with a laugh. “You don’t have to answer that…”
Piers: “Thank you for sparing me the thought exercise.” Eyes wide with fearful amusement he turned to Allison then half eyed the deer tracks they’d been following. “What about you Allison? You want to learn too?”
Allison: She blurted out something that was on her mind for awhile. “Chickens. We can get chickens. I’ve always wanted to raise them…” Then followed up on Piers question. “Maybe...fishing? For me instead.”
Piers: “Ha ha ha chickens?...Eeeeeh we’ll see…”
Allison: She found Piers amusement comforting; grabbing his arm and tugging it slightly. “Ducks? Ducks too.”
Piers: “Now that’s just redundant!” He chuckled to himself. Casey: “Maybe another dog? A sheepdog...Doc would probably like someone to play with.”
Piers: “Sheepdog? How about something...a bit smaller for a second dog…” The conversation; though so mundane, stirred a sense of comfort in his mind. He learned to treasure small moments like this; ‘push the hunger down’ he thought until the hunger barely registered.
Allison: “Doc would probably eat a smaller dog wouldn’t he?” She teased.
Piers: His attention sprang back. “Nooooo no Doc is a good boy; Doc even likes cats!”
Casey: “We could get a cat then.” A laugh on his breath as they all continue deeper into the woods.
Piers: “Not until we get a house…”
Allison: “We’re getting a house?” Allison piped up with a twinge of excitement.
Piers: He stopped himself for a moment and shook his head; they could likely never settle down completely but he could dream. “We’ll see…”
They walked for several more moments until Piers suddenly put his arm up and ushered his companions to crouch down. A doe in the distance; Piers pupils grew large as he grabbed for his bow.
Piers: A whisper to his voice. “Don’t ever take a shot unless you know it’ll kill; no animal deserves unneeded pain. We’ll wait for her to turn and I’ll take the shot.”
Casey sat with eyes wide seemingly engaged; Allison’s heart was pounding as they lay in wait, she took a look into Piers eye and tried to read him, what was he feeling. She felt she’d never know.
Doe: She was alone; away from her herd, nothing but the gentle heat of Autumn sun fell kindly along her back. She had no idea of her fate; much like the others before her, only the scent of food, only the urge to fill her belly. She made the last choice she ever would and turned broadside for the hunter before her.
Piers: In an instant his bow drew taut; as it had hundreds of times before, he took a breath and on exhale, the snap of his bowstring and the sting of the arrow deep into the Doe’s chest.
Doe: Blinding heat in her heart then the fading of vision as flight took her; she ran, ran as fast as she could from the jaws of whatever she imagined had taken her. She didn’t go far; dizziness overcame her senses until there was nothing and she fall to her belly in a heap.
Allison: Gripping her chest instinctively as she watched the scene before her; Piers was good at this, she remarked. Gazing up at the man and getting another read ‘what are you thinking what is on your mind.’
Casey: He watched the hunter’s work in awe; swallowing deep as he watched the quarry drop, he stood up and patted Piers on the back who flinched but then looked at Casey with a smile. “Good shot…” He felt he was in his element; he felt he may have done this before? Some lifetime ago.
Piers: His mind raced then quieted; tongue clicking in the back of his throat as he made his way to the doe’s body, urging Casey and Allison to follow. “You’ll get just as good some day Casey; I’m sure of it. I’ve got a lot of time under my belt.” ‘And time is all we have now’ he thought; walking up to the doe and running his gloved hands along her fur. “Beautiful doe; she’ll feed us for a good while.” Dragging her out of a patch of vines she landed in; he field dressed her, giving a lesson on how such things worked as Casey looked on in awe, Allison was impressed but a hint of nervousness hit her as she watched Piers work. ‘He’s a predator all the way through.’ She rolled her eyes and smiled ‘but it’s a predator we need protecting us.’
Back at the campsite; Piers had butchered the doe and packed her meat away carefully in a freezer. He sat out in a chair looking up at the newly lit stars as it was just now getting dark. He saw someone approach; Allison, a smile on his face to greet her.
Allison: She looked nervous but excited; strangely enough, holding a pair of scissors, she crouched down in front of Piers and before he could question her handed them to him and turned around, the back of her head facing him. “I want my hair cut…” She shook her head. “However much you think would look good just...short...please.” She had been wanting to ask him for this for awhile now; ever since their escape, a few cans of beer had loosened her mind enough to allow her to voice this question and she was ecstatic.
Piers: He blinked a few times; taking the scissors and looming over her, he ran his fingers through her hair and nodded, smiling to himself. He understood why; he felt blessed that she would ask something this important of him. “Of course…” He measured out her length and made the first cut; Allison started to tear up but these weren’t tears of pain, for once. As Piers kept cutting she began to laugh; stirring a new feeling inside of Piers, one that he couldn’t quite name yet and when he was done, he sat the scissors down and ran his fingers through Allison’s new hair. “Turn around and let me see you.”
Allison swung around giggling; placing her hands on his knee a shy look on her face. Piers was pleased with his work and nodded; ruffling his hands along the top of her head. “It looks good on you Allison.” She swallowed hearing her name; she had something else of importance to ask but she clicked her tongue a few times before blurting out. “I want a new name.”
Piers: His eyes grew wider but only briefly; he of course could understand her reasoning but he had yet understood what she was asking, before he could say any words of encouragement she added:
???: “I want you to be the one to give it to me...Piers.” She sat up confidently watching as Piers grew nervous; she squeezed his hand tightly to reassure him. “I’ve been thinking about it for awhile...don’t worry...it’s something I really want.”
Piers: He was speechless; albeit briefly, ‘a new name…’ he rolled some names over his tongue testing their sweetness before uttering unsure. “Laine.”
???: She looked away from him then added yet again. “Something less…feminine.” She caught his gaze again shyly.
Piers: He got it now; nodding to her he closed his eyes, names came to him, names from underneath the latch, he pushed them back, plucking something new, a name that tasted just as sweet. He opened his eyes and spoke with confidence. “Alex.” The name danced on his tongue he leaned forward with a smile and kissed her forehead. “I think Alex suits you well.”
Alex’s eyes lit up and she nodded; the name echoing in her mind. ‘Alex’ she thought to herself ‘A new me a new start. Alex.’ Grabbing Piers’ face she drew him in and kissed his lips; no longer caring about the sting of his metal fangs as they bit at her. Piers met her in turn; getting down onto his knees and pushing her into the grass, his tongue slipped into her mouth as he pinned her down, breathless after a moment of connection he finally pulled his head back and rested his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes as Casey ticked his head up from beside of Doc, a smile on his lips. He decided not to tease, instead he was gripped by wonder and kept a thought in his mind for later.
Piers: “I have something for you Alex…” Piers whispered as he pulled the control box to the muzzle out of his pocket and pushed it into her hands. “I want you to be the one to hold onto this…” His expression drew dark but his voice stayed calm; loving. “Just in case…”
Alex: She took the remote but shook her head a moment only to be met by Piers nodding in turn.“That’s a lot Piers...you sure? I won’t misuse it...I’d never lock your mouth unless I...felt like I had to.”
Piers: He spoke in a tone soaked with sweetness. “It’s not just my mouth you have to worry about...I have...two strong arms…” Wrapping his arms around her in a firm embrace he laid on his side and tucked his body around her; then noted the third button on the controls. “There’s another button there; why don’t you press it, see what it does.”
Alex: “No not until you tell me what it does; I don’t want to..”
Piers: “Go ahead and press it; I’ll be fine.”
Alex hesitated; pressing the bottom button and in turn, a blinding shock hit Piers mouth causing him to snarl and curl tighter around her. Alex panicked and held her hands along his face. “I’m so sorry…” “No...that’ll come in handy for you sweetheart…” He coo’d. “I need to be retrained.” A soft; pained laugh on his lips as Alex trailed her fingers in worry down his chest. “I love you.” She uttered; the words even caught her off guard.
Piers: He fell silent ‘I love you’ the words danced in his mind; he shook his head ‘this is danger’ ‘this is where it all begins’. Though those thoughts were quickly subdued as he gripped her hands ‘my love isn’t a lie’. “I’ll only accept that if you know me.” He spoke firmly.
Alex: She had a moment to think about it; her eyes not moving from his, she nodded then said again. “I love you Piers.”
Piers: His chest shivered as he kissed her wrist with his eyes closed; arms enveloping around her like shadow. “I love you too Alex. I love you too.” Gripping Alex’s hands over the muzzle remote he nodded in assurance ‘I’ve handed off my reigns’ he thought to himself. ‘The mad dog is under your control now...don’t let him bite his new master.’
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literacyindia1 · 7 months
Rajvi’s journey to academic excellence with Gyantantra Digital learning
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Rajvi, a fifth-grade government school student, comes from a modest background with her father working as a self-employed carpenter, and her mother taking care of household responsibilities. Rajvi has two siblings, and her family’s monthly income fluctuates and is roughly around 10,000 rupees in a month. Despite the financial challenges, Rajvi’s parents are supportive of her education. 
Rajvi’s journey at Gyantantra began when she, along with her older brother, sought admission. The initial days were promising as Rajvi displayed enthusiasm and diligence in her studies. However, her sudden disappearance from the learning center raised concerns. Our team at the centre reached out to Rajvi’s family and followed-up with them. Upon investigation, it was discovered that Rajvi’s family faced housing issues due to a sudden eviction by their landlord. The landlord’s decision was influenced by the controversial situation surrounding Muslim communities in Delhi. With the hope of seeking safety and comfort, Rajvi’s family decided to return to their village in Bihar for a brief period. The family eventually moved to another accommodation in Chhawla, and Rajvi resumed attending the learning center regularly. 
Rajvi’s pre-test scores were below average. She scored an aggregate of 21 out of 100. Her value education and environmental studies scores were also low. Despite her academic challenges, Rajvi’s remained resolute and her teachers noted her proactive approach to completing tasks ahead of schedule, reflecting her determination and efficiency. Her mid-test results demonstrated substantial growth. She scored 79%, showing her commitment to daily learning, consistent effort and hard work.  
Gyantantra’s digital and interactive mode of learning helped enhance Rajvi’s academic development. The incorporation of technology provided Rajvi with the opportunity to access educational resources beyond traditional classroom settings. This flexibility allowed her to continue her studies even during the challenging period when her family faced housing issues. Interactive learning tools and resources offered by Gyantantra engaged Rajvi in a more dynamic manner. The use of multimedia, educational games, and interactive lessons made the learning experience enjoyable. This approach not only captured her interest but also facilitated a deeper understanding of challenging topics.  
Rajvi’s educational journey reflects perseverance and determination. Despite facing external challenges, she has shown commendable improvement and a commitment to her studies.  
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yescs2020 · 8 months
. Don’t throw Jones’ way
Chris Jones is the only Chiefs defensive starter remaining from four years ag
Jones single-handedly wrecked a couple of plays from his spot at defensive tackle. On plays in which Garoppolo appeared to be throwing to open receivers, Jones raised his arm and batted down two critical fourth-quarter pass attempts at the line of scrimmage.
Purdy must find uncluttered throwing lanes on his short passes to get the ball to his playmakers — and out of the way of Jones’ 85-inch wingspan.
3. Be wary of the no-huddle
When Kansas City’s offense needed a spark, Reid decided to speed up the tempo of the game.
Mahomes handled the situation with aplomb to prevent the 49ers from being able to freely substitute on defense. The 49ers’ defense wore down, and Mahomes took full advantage.
The Chiefs were down 20-10 with 8:53 remaining in the game. Mahomes and the Kansas City offense ended up scoring 21 unanswered points en route to the victory after going into hurry-up mode.
Mahomes is at the stage of his career where he can run a more sophisticated version of the no-huddle offense in his sleep, so the 49ers have to be prepared to handle that challenge at any point in the game.
Also, Mahomes drew the 49ers offside on two occasions with hard counts. It is not uncommon for defensive linemen to get jumpy early in big games, so Mahomes could look to pick up some easy penalty yards.
4. Focus on Kelce, not play-action
Kansas City scored on a 1-yard pass to tight end Travis Kelce with 6:13 left in regulation to pull to within 20-17. Kelce was wide open in the end zone after Mahomes’ play-action fake.
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ear-worthy · 2 years
Choiceology Podcast: Can We Learn To Make Better Choices?
One of my favorite podcasts is Amicus with Dahlia Lithwick. Recently, she's been promoting a podcast from Charles Schwab. Charles Schwab? My reptilian brain immediately thought of a podcast where listeners were bombarded with investment options and the lure of incredible returns, if, of course, you use Charles Schwab.
The name of the podcast was Choiceology. I decided to listen for a few minutes to get a good laugh.
I haven't been this wrong since I predicted that Tom Brady wouldn't retire until he was Medicare-eligible.
Choiceology is not about investments, but about making better life choices. See the subtle connection to investing through Schwab? But I admire that complexity and subtlety.
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The podcast, which began in 2018, explores the lessons of behavioral economics, exposing the psychological traps that lead to expensive mistakes. 
That's a mouthful. What does that mean? Let me explain. In the October 21, 2019, episode -- Take The Deal! -- Choiceology looks at a Deal Or No Deal TV contestant who forsook a guaranteed $333,000 payout to chase a larger prize. During the episode, host Katy Milkman talks about the concept of framing a decision a certain way can alter decisions. 
That's where Choiceology excels -- in illustrating the myriad ways that our decisions on things big and small are often affected by unseen forces that are inside us. These forces have names like loss aversion, attribution error, and even decision-making based on our current physical state. NOTE: Try to get a morning court date because in the afternoon, judges tend to hand down harsher decisions.
Choiceology is teasing out why we do what we do. The guests are often academics, but thanks to the host, she keeps the conversation balanced -- not too much treble or bass, not too much psychobabble and talking down to listeners. This is not Dr. Phil.
Speaking of the host, Katy Milkman is a perfect choice to share stories of irrational decision-making—from historical blunders to the kinds of everyday errors that could affect your future. Nice goin' Schwab.
Katy Milkman is the James G. Dinan Professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and holds a secondary appointment at Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine. Her research explores ways that insights from economics and psychology can be harnessed to change consequential behaviors for good, such as savings, exercise, student achievement, vaccination and discrimination. 
Milkman co-founded and co-directs the Behavior Change for Good Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania.
In 2021 Milkman was named one of the world’s top 50 management thinkers and the world’s top strategy thinker by Thinkers50. The New York Times also named her bestselling book How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be one of the eight best books for healthy living in 2021.
Katy Milkman is the former president of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, a TEDx speaker, an APS Fellow, and has published dozens of research articles in leading academic journals such as Nature and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Her findings are regularly covered by major media outlets.
Yet for all Milkman's impressive credentials, podcast hosting requires a unique skill set that you can receive via numerous academic degrees. That's where Milkman excels. She's astute at framing and explaining the premise of an episode, and is a "natural" at interviewing the guest experts and keeps them from going into "academic mode."
Unlike some academic podcast hosts, Milkman oozes sincerity, agreeableness, and a command of the podcast flow. She likes the Captain of the Titanic, who was prescient enough to steam away from the glacier. Milkman wants listeners engaged, and she works hard to place us into that state of thoughtful reflection.
For example, in the December 2, 2019, episode, Milkman interviewed Duke Professor and psychologist Dan Ariely and Northwestern University professor Dean Karlan, who also founded StickK, a website and app that helps people commit to achieving goals using contracts and real goals.  
In the episode, Milkman deftly narrates the battle between long-term goals and succumbing to the temptation of short term only rewards. Milkman uses the twin examples of Odysseus, who avoided the tantalizing but deadly songs of the sirens, and author Victor Hugo, who procrastinated so long on completing The Hunchback Of Notre Dame that he was forced to cleverly devise a method to overcome his own dithering.
In its episode archive, Choiceology can admit to tackling topics such as separating correlation from causation, predicting the likelihood of rare events, overweighting raw numbers and neglecting their relative value, and how bias often leads us to make mistakes.
Choiceology "seasons" seem to run about six episodes twice a year, with each episode being released every two weeks. Milkman values listeners' time because episodes run about 35–40 minutes.  
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annkous · 1 year
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Lesson 20 here!
We start with a bit of whiplash because the brothers are getting ready for RAD in their school uniforms, but RAD is not quite open yet. There's still two months for the Founding Ceremony, and today the brothers are helping around the school doing chores. They're also excited you're walking with them, Mammon the most of all. Love the spotlight on him always, they even call him out on his eagerness lmao.
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Satan is having trouble with a jar of marmalade, and you try to help him with magic... but it's not working. And it's not the jar. It's clear something is wrong with your magic, but since you still use a spell to stop the jar from spilling all over the brothers (and it works), it gets forgotten quickly. Weird.
You can tell something is in Lucifer's mind, being the most perceptive of the brothers. I think he's noticed that failure at the beginning wasn't just a fluke. Something is wrong with your magic, but apparently you brush it off since the mc doesn't comment on it again.
Then I just got excited because WE HAVE A NEW SONG MAP!! "IT'S MY PARTY!" IS FINALLY HERE! And it has a new pretty background too! We also have new UR cards in hard mode ;u;
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Also in normal mode we have new cards too, and I usually don't pay attention to those, but this time they caught my attention because they had German on the titles for some reason and I'm a language nerd so I just can't help but point them out.
For example, Lucifer's card is called "Prideful Eins", Mammon is "Greedy Zwei" and Levi is "Envious Drei". Sounds cool and that's probably all there is to it aaaa ANYWAYS BACK TO THE GAME-
Some shenanigans happen where they all want you to fix their uniform. Nothing out of the ordinary.
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LMAO rip
When we arrive Mephisto is already with Diavolo. He tries to get a rise out of Lucifer, but he gets ignored and quickly gets distraced since he's "the best suited demon to take care of RAD's newspaper". Barbatos asks us to keep an eye on the brothers as they do their chores by pairs, and we have to bring a report to Lucifer about their performance as well. The job of a devilsitter is never over.
Simeon and Luke are still around, but they're only staying until the Founding is done. They're not enrolled in as exchange students just yet after all, and Luke's sad about it. Simeon calls him out on it www I love this child.
Anyways you arrive to the first pair and then you get this ominous title that confirms that yes. Something, definitely, is not right.
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First we have Satan and Belphie, who got demoted to weeding duty after Lucifer caught them slacking in the library (they were supposed to be cleaning but went off looking for curses instead. Of course.)
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Satan has no right to be this funny is2g.
However they're close to fighting, and Satan is done with this ardous task, so he decides, being the smartest person in the area, to summon a hellfire salamander to burn the weeds. He might be the smartest around but it wasn't his turn with the braincell today, huh.
Anyways it goes bad, as expected, but we can see what this little plot is for: it's not to cause trouble, but to show you that yes, your magic is growing weak. You can protect both brothers with water, but none of you can send the salamander back. Thankfully, Solomon appears out of the blue and solves this mess. But he also notices that something's wrong.
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He says this when you ask. Alright then, keep your damn secrets.
Next up are Asmo and Beel, and again we can see something is definitely wrong. Asmo asks us to help them to cheat by using magic so their cleaning goes faster. You have the option to comply or refuse. I refused, and so Asmo used his charm on me. AND IT WORKED. I THINK IT SHOULDN'T HAVE WORKED????
Regardless of your choice, magic is used, and then it gets out of control. The brooms/mops move on their own, but so do Beel and Asmo and now they can't stop their bodies as they move around cleaning non-stop. You have to undo the spell before anyone gets hurt.
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We use the "stay" command to stop them since we can't find another way to undo the spell, and it works... But it's not the same. It feels weird, and even Beel and Asmo mention it.
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They've stopped dropping hints and just outright said it: our magic is fucked.
Now, since by using stay we made Beel and Asmo fall on us, Beel has to carry us to the classroom to look for something to heal our ankle that just got sprained by this mess. BUT BEEL PIGGYBACK MOMENT.
Levi and Mammon are inside the classroom, also ignoring their cleaning duties, obviously. They're on their phones instead. Mammon immediately gets bossy when he sees that you are hurt, I love it. But again, things go wrong, just that this time it's not how you might expect it. You find an ointment for your leg, but...
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Mammon starts acting weird as well, as if he's blinded by greed and nothing else, like he can't even see you: he only sees profit and ignores that you need help. That he's not actually joking makes it look really bad.
I believe they wrote Mammon in this part to be such a dickhead so you would definitely notice that something is wrong. Like, they exaggerated his sin so bad so every single person can tell that something's wrong. I'm not really bothered by it (but I do feel a bit sorry for him kjdsf) because not only I think that's the reason, but I also think he won't be the only one changing. Personally, I think that they're going to be fully turning into the avatars of what they embody, and it's up to us to help them to keep their shit together.
The present brothers (Levi and Beel) call out Mammon, understandably. Simeon comes in to cut the fight before it starts and uses a healing spell on your leg. Problem solved, except now we got confirmed that shit's starting to go down and we don't know from which direction this mess is coming.
The chores are done, so time to head back with everyone and give the report to Lucifer.
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I'm crying. I mean, he's not wrong.
They were all walking disasters so of course they get a lecture from their older brother.
Barbatos brought cookies, the sweetheart please give me your birthday card I am suffering over here I have no vouchers and he's hidden a lucky coin in one of the cookies that supposedly brings good luck to whoever carries it. And we got it!
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I love this option. We give it to Simeon for good luck (I can't help but think that mc is thinking about the Simeon in the present, who was demoted down to a human......) but he insists that you shouldn't give it to him in exchange from him helping you with the ankle before...
So Mammon yoinks the coin instead. Wow.
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He gets called out on it. And yeah. He's definitely off the rails.
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Finally we notice, as the mc, that Mammon is acting strange.
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And so does Luci, as Mammon keeps talking about money on the way home, happily flipping his coin. He's not calling him out on his behaviour, though. I wonder if he's just watching so he can get a better grasp of the situation. He hasn't mentioned a thing about our magic failing this morning either.
Mammon bumps into Belphie, who's suddenly stopped, and the coin falls and gets lost on the street. Mammon gets unreasonably angry at Belphie about his coin. driving home the greed point. Belphie feels bad, and finally, Mammon seems to realize that he's going overboard and just walks home :(
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My favourite part here was that when you talk to the brothers about how Mammon has been acting strange, you get points with both Lucifer AND Mammon.
The lesson ends with us having a bit of a stressful talk with Solomon back at our home.
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I assume that's what he noticed when he used his magic to fucking yeet the hellfire salamander away.
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Well shit.
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So we have these two months to do the Pacts again, or we're screwed.
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At least he's trying to cheer you up.......
Then he finishes dinner while we're not looking and it's the end of lesson 21 so I assume we just fucking died on the spot.
I'm joking AFTER THIS WE HAVE A VIDEO CALL. PLOT RELATED. AT LAST. IT'S BEEN SO LONG OH MY GOD I NEED MORE OF THOSE I don't mind the models I've grown used to them. They're fun to watch and they're fully voiced!! It's basically you, Satan, Belphie and Asmo talking about Mammon, who hasn't gone to eat dinner even :( they just tell you not to worry, as if this won't be turning into everyone's problem soon hfjdhf oh dear.
It's short but I hope there's more calls in the future...
The extra lesson is right after Mammon left, where Beel, you and Luci go to buy groceries for the House of Lamentation. They give him a long-ass list of extra things to buy and this poor man is just Tired and Done. But he does it anyways for his siblings.
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There's a bit of a memory game going on during this whole lesson where you have to remember everything the brothers asked of Lucifer and help him get the stuff. They did it too in the classroom bit where you sprained your ankle. I don't know if you showing you have incredible memory (or not) is going to be relevant, but it's fun. C-check the log? What log? Cheater? Me? I don't know what you're talking about-
Lucifer only tells you "not to worry" about Mammon and sadly that had the total opposite effect on me because I'm sure this fucking stupid man said this bit because his Pride is showing, just like Mammon's Greed, and will try to solve it on his own. This is going to be a smackfest of mc vs the brothers and we're going to go ONE by ONE telling them to tone it down, isn't it.
Since this lesson was shorter than the others, I also went ahead and did the hard version. I wanted the extreme version of "it's my party!", but not yet :( anyways the hard lesson scene is ahout Mammon and Simeon.
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Simeon is having trouble choosing what to add to his hot cocoa when Mammon walks in. Simeon seems chill towards Mammon, being the angel that he is, even if Mammon basically took your gift away from him.
Mammon looks like he's about to say something about the coin, I think he was about to apologize, but eventually switches the topic to Simeon's choice dilemma and just says this:
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That can't be tasty, Mammon......
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What Mammon said reminds Simeon of this so he just pulls a uno reverse on Mammon, who pretends that doesn't remember. I love this angel so much.
Mammon says that he's going out for a walk, but Simeon knows that he's going out to look for the lucky coin, so he goes and places a blessing of luck on Mammon so he finds it and sends him off.
Also the cocoa tastes disgusting. That's where the hard 21 scene ends lmao.
I have to say, I love the conflict that's building up. Like, I know in ogOM Mammon was a bit of the butt of the joke and got called out a lot on his greed, and I think a few people aren't going to like this lesson because it feels like it's going back to that point, but I personally don't mind it as much because it's not "part of Mammon" as it was in the og (it wasn't even THAT bad either, if anything, it might be just like when you two first met), but it feels like a "plot point", exaggerated too so you notice the change from how he's been in Nightbringer up to this switch. Hell, they even want YOU to see that he's going overboard by taking the coin you gift to Simeon when he politely declines it. Not even YOU are exempt of his greed, as you can see when he refuses to give you the ointment for your swollen ankle unless you pay him, and that by itself is the biggest red flag I've ever seen on Mammon tbh. Like, damn, they really wanted you to see it jdsfsf.
I wanted even more conflict so that's what Solmare is giving me I GUESS lmao
And I love that the pacts thing is moving forward with a sense of urgency now. We have two months left as our power runs low or else we're getting stuck here forever AND we're also growing weaker while the brothers are, for some unknown reason, (potentially and just one brother for now) becoming assholes by fully embodying their own avatars. We've been OP for too long. Time to get humbled. I bet Michael is watching with popcorn.
There's also no sign of Michael yet btw, as expected. Seeing the direction this story bit is taking, I feel he's not gonna show on this arc just yet. We have this mess to solve before the Founding Ceremony, so maybe after? I wonder if Solmare will tease a silhouette at least lol.
Can't wait for the trouble.
Edit: trouble is here on LESSON 22 AAAAA
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(Hard Mode)
Ban the tag "om spoilers s2" or "om lesson 21/22 hard mode"
Btw I forgot to mention it but Simeon and Luke missing the Devildom : 🥺
Luke getting all excited when Simeon suggests that MC and Solomon come over to the Celestial Realm to the point he runs to Michael's, while he is in a meeting, to ask for permission : 🥺
Simeon purposefully annoying Lucifer : 🤣
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