#let me know if any other triggers should be put in the tags
seth-whumps · 4 months
I MADE A WHUMP EVENT: get ready for July folks
welcome to the Whumperless Whump Event of July! for your sickfic, situational, and completely apersonal whump needs--comfort included, of course. follow @whumperless-whump-event for more information and details!
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Image transcripts, tagging rules, and guidelines under the cut!
Any and all art types allowed (GIFs, drawings, music, writing, etc.)
No AI generated content allowed
OCs and Fandom works alike are welcome :)
Trigger and content tags required, even if the prompt explicitly requires the content (eg. Vomiting still needs the emetophobia tag)
NSFT and NSFW are allowed, if tagged appropriately. This blog will not reblog them, as minors do follow it. However, you're still free to write as you please :)
If enough interest is shown, I will make an Ao3 collection (edit: ao3 collection is made and can be found here)
Side note: please let me know if there's anything I can do to make this post or event more accessible. Should I put the image transcripts on the ID too? Is the formatting causing issues? What can I do?
This is not a contest, just an event. The only awards will be announcements for people who completed the whole darn thing. My entries will not receive any announcements or awards, because I'm hosting
Tag with, per example: #whumperless whump event day 1; #whumperless whump event; and (optional) #whumperless whump event day 1: alcohol as a sanitizer
Tag @whumperless-whump-event please! If not, I may not see it or be able to reblog it!
If desired, tag the medium you used
Trigger tag and content warn (including nsfw/nsft)
If posting early, tag with #wwe early entry. If posting late, tag with #wwe late entry. If posting just for fun, no need to tag these!
There are NO OTHER RULES. Do one prompt! Do seven! Do 'em all! Repeat the same prompt six days in a row! Switch them around and do them all out of order! Post them eight months after the event is over! Finish the prompt list early! Write one long-ass story that deals with every prompt or do a one-sentence drabble for each one! Recommend your favorite scenes regarding the prompt! Write, draw, sing, play music, make playlists, do fic recs or show recs or episode recs or book recs, fucking crochet or something! FOLLOW THE VIBE. DO WHAT'S FUN.
Prompts (text):
Emergency First Aid: Self-done stitches / Alcohol as sanitizer / “It's just a scratch, I've had worse.”
Does your insurance cover this?: Car accident / Bystander caretaker / “Eyes open, ambulance is almost here.”
Like a record, baby: Vertigo / Struggling to stand / “Is the room spinning, or is it just me?”
It's every day bro: Chronic pain / Massage / “I'm used to it.”
Stealing my breath (give it back): Wheezing / Light-headed / “I'll count, you just breathe.”
Summer is a curse: Heat Stroke / Panting / “Why don't we… find some shade, quick?”
Accidental Cryotherapy: Falling through a frozen lake / Hypothermia / “Hey, c'mon, you gotta stay awake.”
Put your head on my shoulder: Migraine / Light & Sound Sensitivity / “I can close the curtains…”
White and red handkerchief: Coughing up blood / Can't speak / “You just can't shake that cough, can you?”
Your work is never finished: Forced to work while ill / Workplace emergency / “...sit down, I'm calling HR.”
A minor annoyance: Stuffy nose / Hate to be sick / “I'm fine, I can work.”
It's going down (I'm yelling timber): Building collapse / Trapped under rubble / “I can't move my legs.”
It's just a pebble: Avalanche / Stuck in the mountains / “Well, this wasn't how I thought the hiking trip would go.”
Lay down your sword: Fighting back a cold / Cuddling / “Just let yourself be sick so you can get better.”
I'm going down (you're yelling timber): Passing out / Exhaustion / “I've got you, let's sit down, I've got you.”
Say goodbye to filters: Half-conscious / Delirious / “You would never say that in your right mind…”
In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
I don't see it: Hallucinations / Fever dreams / “It's just a nightmare. You're safe.”
The whump morning after: Tending to injuries / Domestic hurt comfort / “Let's check the bandages, okay?”
It's not fun if you're panicking: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / “Get me out.”
Where's the exit: Lost / Stuck in the wilderness / “Surely someone will notice we're gone.”
Better out than in: Nervous Stomach / Vomiting / “I got your hair, it's fine.”
Well, that doesn't taste right: Accidentally poisoned / Allergic reaction / “My tongue feels like bees, is that normal?”
Be one with the fish: Drowning / Rescue Breaths / “Why did you think that was a good idea?!”
We didn't start the fire: Severe burns / Running into flames / “I know it hurts. Breathe.”
That's no barn spider: Venomous bite / Arachnophobia / “You'll be okay, we can help.”
What's your name again?: Concussion / Temporary Amnesia / “I don't remember what happened to me.”
Nothing behind the eyes: Fully unconscious / Force feeding / “It's just me, go back to sleep.”
Wrong place, wrong time: Robbery / One of many hostages / “Stay behind me, I can take a hit.”
I don't mean to get emotional: Fear / Breaking point / “I can't stop crying, I'm sorry--”
Only way out is through: Tunnel collapse / Accidental Journey / “We can't just sit here and wait.”
Wild animal attack
Broken bone
Bloody nose
Panic attack
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3dblr Etiquette
1. Hide your likes and following there are people on here that will report any 3d accounts and this is how they’re able to get you and all your moots accounts deleted
2. Please for the love of god put something about your age in your pinned post or bio it doesn’t have to be the exact number but at least say if your 18+ or a minor. There are many many people in this
3. Don’t reblog other people’s post with tags you’ll get them rep0rted, if you have personal tags that’s fine
4. Absolutely DO NOT send unsolicited meanspo no you aren’t motivating them or helping them out you’re just a dick plain and simple
5. If someone decides to recover and if you cant be 10000% supportive of someone recovery just go ahead and block their page. They are doing a very brave thing and only deserve love and support in their journey
6. If you are not actively recovering DO NOT use the recovery tags we have our own tags and community for a reason
7. If you post meanspo or grossspo on your blog put a trigger warning and cut on the post. It’s not that much more work and again never everyone wants to see it.
8. Don’t post those stupid Reblog or you’ll gain 1000lbs post or those along similar lines. A lot of people in this community have OCD and theses posts are extremely distressing. If you can’t get people to interact with your blog without using fear tactics then your blog sucks and you need to start being more interesting sorry not sorry.
If you guys have anything else you think is important that new people joining this community should know, a let me know and I’ll update this
Edit: when you guys are rebloging this shit with tags do you understand how mad disrespectful that is like if literally says do not do that. If you are rebloging my post with tags you will be blocked
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Someone New 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You’ve had a crush on your best friend for years, but you’re slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: I got like insanely sick suddenly and I still feel off.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“Sam, that paradise punch was a bad idea,” you groan as you struggle to get your bag out of the trunk of the taxi. 
“Whatever,” Sam slurs as he comes around, “I tipped the driver extra. Bud, you think you can get this out for the lady?” 
The driver is all to helpful as he comes around you take the handle from you and swiftly plants the bag on its wheels. It’s everything you have that isn’t bundled up into storage or sacrificed to the dumpster. You thank the man and swallow a belch. 
“Have a safe trip, miss,” the driver nods and turns to slap Sam’s arm, “and you, sir.” 
Sam salutes the man and pushes away from the cab, your carry-on slung from his shoulder. The two of you clumsily lift the bag over the curb. You look up at the airport as the roar of jet engines cuts through the dusky air. 
“I feel like I’m drunker,” Sam snickers. 
“Uh huh, me too,” you murmur. Two hours on his couch was barely enough. If anything, it’s just set your vision askew. “They’re not gonna let me board if – hiccup—I'm blasted.” 
“Don’t worry, we can get water,” he blathers and yanks your bag onto its wheels, “off to the land of vikings! Skol!” 
“Skol?” You follow him in a clamour. 
“It’s what they say, isn’t it?” He chuckles, “I saw it on a show or whatever.” 
“I... yeah, usually while they drink, not stumbling drunk,” you rebuff. 
“Sound pretty sober to me with all that whining,” he rebukes. 
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes and follow him through the automatic doors. 
He veers off and you follow him in confusion, glancing back at the check-in counter. He stops before a bright vending machine and feels around in his pocket. He taps his card and focuses intently on pressing the button. 
“Waterrrrr,” he drones and leans on the machine to reach through the slot. 
He hands it over and you unscrew the cap. You chug half the bottle and let out an obnoxious belch. You cover your mouth in embarrassment and offer him the rest. He finishes it off and you linger by the machine as you let the cool flow settle in. 
“Feel any better?” He asks. 
“A little. I’ll have a coffee on the plane.” 
“Nah, you should sleep.” 
“Maybe,” you take out your phone and tap the side button. Nothing. 
“Anything from Mr. Carter?” Sam asks. 
“No,” you black the screen and shrug. “Come on, I gotta check my bag.” 
“You should check that boy,” he blathers as he stands straight and once more yanks the bag after you, “tell him what’s what.” 
“Sam, he’s busy--” 
“He’s your best friend! At least, he likes to say so then do nothing.” 
“Quit,” you beg him, “this is hard enough.” 
“This is what you need--” 
“I know!” You throw your hands up and face him as you come up before the counter. “I know. Okay. I’m stupid and---” you shake your head and let the truth sink back into the depths of your soul. You face the clerk and sigh, “I’m sorry, I’m here to check my bag.” 
You pull out your wallet and slide your passport across the counter. You show your boarding pass and pay for the extra weight. Your bid a safe journey and carry on with only the smaller bag still on Sam’s shoulder. 
Wordlessly, you sit in a row of seats. You look up at the clock. You’ll have to go to the boarding area sooner than later. He won’t be able to come with you. 
“Sam, I’m sorry. I just... is it that obvious?” You croak. 
He puts his hand on your back and rubs it gently. It’s soothing. The tension trickles down your sides and seeps out. It feels good to admit it aloud yet mortifying just the same. 
“No, I just sense these things. I know Steve, I know you, and I know he doesn’t deserve you. Even as just friends.” 
“Ugh,” you put your head in your hands, “I am so stupid.” 
“No, you’re not. You’re human. It stinks. Our brains, our hearts, they aren’t logical, as much as we like to pretend,” he huffs, “trust me. We’ve all been there and if we haven’t, we’ll get our turn.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” you sit up as your eyes glisten, “I just... he said he’d be here. I thought I’d at least get that--” 
Your name echoes through the airy space and you wince. Right on cue, just before you can collapse completely. You turn as Steve rushes toward you. He wears jeans and grey sweatshirt. He remembered! 
You stand as Sam sighs. You smile, only halfway before you see the figure trailing behind him. Peggy looks less than excited to be there. Her sleepy lashes flutter as her wave hair is pinned back in a messy chignon, still elegant despite the carelessness. She wears a dark green trench over a silver satin nightie. She must’ve rushed out with him. 
“Hey,” Steve nears, “sorry I couldn’t make it for drinks, but I couldn’t miss take-off.” 
“Mmm, they don’t have any afternoon flights,” Peggy mutters. 
“They do but landing doesn’t line up with the train,” you shrug and glance at her briefly. Her glare darts back at you. You wonder if that work dinner was so impromptu after all. 
“Are you excited?” Steve drops into the seat next to you. 
“Uh, yeah, nervous,” you smile as the weight lightens from your chest. He came. Maybe Sam is wrong. Maybe friends isn’t that bad. 
“It’s going to be great. You have to send me updates, oh, and I’ll be sure to send you all the wedding news!” He grins, “I still can’t believe you’re going to be so far away.” 
“It’s a good opportunity,” Peggy intones as she sits on his other side, resting her hand on his forearm, “in her line of work, I’m sure they don’t come often.” 
You press your lips tight and look down, “yeah, not really.” 
“She can get out. Make new friends. Some girl friends, maybe,” Peggy remarks. 
“I’m sure she’ll make all the friends,” Sam interjects, “I hear there isn’t much sunlight over there, she’ll be a breath of fresh air for those grumpy vikings.” 
“Mm, yes,” Peggy grumbles as she trails her hand down to Steve’s. “Too bad you won’t make the engagement party.” 
“Or the wedding,” Steve adds. 
“Well, we’ve a full wedding party as it is,” she shrugs. “There’ll be lots of pictures.” 
“Right, yeah, I’m sorry to miss it all,” you frown. “I...” you sit back and nearly choke, “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” 
You stand as Sam puffs out heavily and to your surprise, Peggy swiftly gets to her feet, suddenly very awake. Your soberness is setting in along with a pulsing headache. You really don’t want to deal with her. If you knew he’d bring her, you’d have told Steve to stay home. 
“I’ll come with you. I’m splitting at the seams,” she trills. 
“Alright,” you agree with a tint of uncertainty. 
She twirls and you walk parallel to her towards the bathroom signs. You chalk it up to the feminine habit. It isn’t unusual to visit the toilets in pairs, even without much kinship between you. It does however spoil your attempt at respite. You less so want to empty your bladder than clear your mind. 
You don’t say a word as you enter the bathroom. You go into a stall and she does the same. Your mind clogs your biology and you have to sit and focus before you can get a flow going. By the time you’re trickling into the bowl, she’s done. A toilet flushes and you hear her unlatch the door and approach the sinks. 
She’s in heels, even at this hour. The sink sprays out water and you listen to her hum as she washes her hands. You finish up and flush, coming out meekly to use the sink next to her. You focus on the simple task as she watches you in the mirror. 
Sensing her gaze, you look up and pull your hands out from under the censor-activated faucet. You meet her eyes and nearly wince at the steely intensity. You stand straight and move past her to retrieve some paper towel. 
“This is a wise decision,” she says, “well-needed.” 
You look at her again as you dry your hands, “thanks.” 
“Oh, I’m not congratulating you. About time you got some sense,” she sneers. 
You wince and crumple up the towel. You drop it in the bin and cross your arms, “okay, well...” 
“It’s better you’re not here for any of it. He doesn’t need the distraction.” 
You chew the inside of your lip as venom drips from her voice. You’re still slightly tipsy and too tired to process this. You have no response. 
“The distance will help you get over it. Finally,” she snips, “you know, I thought it was almost endearing at first then it just became pathetic.” 
You swallow. You’re humiliated that even she could see right through you. You can hardly blame her for her spite. After all, she’s his fiancée, not you. 
“He thinks it’s silly. He laughs.” 
You flinch then. Hard. Your chest rents and your stomach boils. 
“He knows. It’s obvious. I mean, it’s convenient, isn’t it? You’ll do anything for him and really it was rather helpful. Took a lot off my plate and his but it’s time for all of us to grow up. I will be his wife and he doesn’t need some girl to measure out his laundry detergent or remind him to eat.” 
You blink and look away. You cross your arms and push your shoulders up, “got it.” 
“So why don’t you go ahead and just put him on mute now?” 
“Peggy,” you whisper. 
“We’re getting married. You know you can’t stop it, that’s why you’re running away. So end it.” 
“You don’t have to be cruel,” you mutter. 
“I could be horrid. I could have been for all these years. I believe I’ve had remarkable restraint with you,” she points a manicured nail at you, “you should be thanking me for having the grace to do this in private.” 
Your lip trembles and your cheeks tug painfully. You nod and turn away, “don’t worry, Peg, you won’t hear from me. He won’t either.” You make your way to the door, “I wish you both the best.” 
“Mm, I pray you find some clarity and perhaps some maturity along the way,” she retorts as she follows you, heels clicking loudly across the tile, “perhaps you might find someone too. Someone you deserve.” 
Her last words sting. The derision is pungent enough to make your nose crinkle. Someone you deserve... because you could never ever be good enough for Steve Rogers. 
You don’t look back as you go through the gate. You can’t. It’s too painful. The tears have receded but the pain is only deeper. Peggy’s words reverberate in your head, nipping at your ears as your nape burns hotter and hotter. 
She’s right. Sam too. This is overdue. It’s exactly what you need to do. You know it. It’s the reason you chose this. That moment when you were faced with being the eternal wobbly third wheel, you made up your mind. It’s over. That part of your life is behind you, but you don’t know that you’ll ever stop feeling this way. 
It’s hard to settle in your seat, even knowing you have ten hours of flying ahead of you. Disembarking alone will be another hour at least, then finding the train station, another few hours... It’s a lot of time to think and you just can’t stop. 
You don’t take the book out of your bag or touch the screen in front of you. Instead, you sit, slumped down in your seat, eyes drifting back and forth, as you wallow in your self-pity. You stay like that through the flight. You decline the mid-flight meal and the snack cart. You don’t even get up to use the bathroom. 
You close your eyes and float away into memory. You can feel the scene around you. You can smell the stale air freshener forgotten on the shelf above the desk and hear the muffled thrum of music through the walls. You sit on the bed, your textbook open in your lap and your laptop open by your leg. Steve’s on the other end, phone in hand, texting as his golden hair flops forward over his head. 
He’s younger. That rosiness still kisses his cheeks as subtle freckles speckle his pale skin. Yet he’s just a well-built as ever. Broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, long legs. He’s the very picture that should appear next to ‘hunk’ in the dictionary. Every girl’s dream. Your dream. 
“Huh,” he chuckles and drops his phone, “this girl in my history class wants to meet up.” 
Your heart plucks and you force a smile, “a girl? Meet up?” 
“Oh, yeah, she lets me copy off her pop quiz every lecture. Guess I kinda owe her.” 
“Wow,” you utter, the only noise you can eke out. Owes her? Funny, you did his laundry last week and helped him print out his term paper... what do you get? 
“Yeah, so uh, do you think you could send me a copy of your notes?” He pushes himself to the edge of the bed. “I probably won’t be back tonight.” 
“Right,” you nod and hide your embarrassment at the insinuation. 
“You can crash here if you wanna. Long way across campus at night,” he shrugs casually as he grabs his varsity jacket. 
“No, I’ll... I’ll just go now,” you get off the bed and close up your books. 
“Probably a good idea. Just in case she wants to come back here,” he chuckles, “see ya in poli sci?” 
“Sure,” you keep your chin down. “See ya.” 
Your eyelids lift as you come out of the dazed memory.  
New York is gone. Steve is gone. You’re all alone. You’ve left it all behind but that home was never a home. It was all a farce you built on a childish hope. You’re done lying to yourself. It was never going to be. You didn’t miss any chance at all. You just wasted your own time. 
You just languish there in the airplane seat. It’s still hard to believe it’s all real. It isn’t until the wheels bounce and hit the tarmac that it fully sinks in. 
You’re not doing that again. You’re better off alone. You have to be, right? You don’t really know. You don’t even know yourself. You just know the girl who only wanted to be what he needed. 
But what do you need? What do you want? Can you figure it out? Is there anything in this land for you that you couldn’t find in New York? 
At least you’ll have lots of time to figure that out. Intimate hours with yourself to dwell and cringe and regret. Time to think, time to move on, time to cut him out. 
As you join the line to have your Visa stamped, you pull out your phone and turn off airplane mode. You swipe through to Steve’s last message. It was weeks ago. That makes it easier to hit that button; ‘mute’. It’s a start. Maybe in a few weeks, you’ll be ready to hit ‘block’. 
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Get off my lawn
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Title: Get off my lawn
Written for @buckybarnesbingo (Round 6)
Card: B004
Square Filled: Y5: Kink: A/B/O Society
Ship/Main Pairing: Alpha (Teacher) Bucky Barnes x Omega (Teacher) Reader
Rating: Mature
Major Tags/Triggers/Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, misogynism, arguments, enemies to lovers, idiots in love, panty theft, implied smut
Summary: You hate your neighbor and co-worker.
Word Count: 1632
@buckybarnesevents „Hot Bucky Summer 2024”: “We’re…enemies to lovers.”
@buckybingo (expired): Square 3: High School Teachers AU
@AllCapsBingo (expired):  G3: AU: Teacher
@warmandfluffybingocards: Square 9: Enemies to lovers
@the-slumberparty (expired): Square 7: Lingerie
@buckbarnesbingo Round 5 (expired): B1: Knitting
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You need time away from … everything and everyone.
Sometimes it’s hard to love your job. On days like this, when the parents of your students bug you because they believe you are more than a teacher you want to quit. According to some parents, you must be a therapist, a nanny, and a private tutor at the same time.
Impatiently clicking your pen, you listen to the last father’s rant. He’s angry because his son won’t do better than a D for months. It’s not your fault his son plays on his phone all the time.
“I’ll stop you right there,” you raise your hand, not letting the man argue with you. “It’s past my work time, still, I agreed to talk to you.” You rub your pounding temples. “Let’s be honest. Your son could do much better if only he put a little more effort into schoolwork. He just doesn’t want to.”
“That’s not true!” And he tries to argue again. Alphas are all the same. They try to force you into submission by raising their voice. “He’s a smart boy, but you don’t give him a chance.”
“Sir, I must ask you to lower your voice. I’m not your omega, and I resent your tone,” you get up from your seat. “Your son plays on his phone all the time. When I ask him to listen to the lecture, he gets cheeky. He doesn’t respect his teachers or fellow students. He’s disturbing the lectures too.”
“Mr. Barnes said my son is a good student,” the alpha snarls and puffs his chest. You roll your eyes and decide to end the conversation.
“Mr. Barnes is a gym teacher. Of course, he believes your son is a good student. Jack only ever shows interest if he can push others around and use his physical strength to intimidate others.”
“Are you implying that my son is a bully?”
“No,” you smile cooly. “I’m not implying that your son is a bully. I’m telling you that he is a bully. If you want Mr. Barnes to teach your son English too, you can ask him to be his tutor from now on.”
You grab your bag and jacket to leave the room, ignoring that the alpha snarls in your direction. You have handled men like him before and won’t whine only because he believes you must cower in front of him.
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Today is not your day. First, you had to endure your student’s father, and now you run into the only co-worker you hate.
“Ah, Ms. Y/L/N,” James Buchanan Barnes, the cockiest motherfucker you ever met, purrs. “I heard you had trouble with Jake’s dad.” He grins, knowing he made things even harder for you. “Maybe you should leave the young alphas to me.”
“Maybe you should not stick your nose into other people’s business, Mr. Barnes,” you quip before marching away. He won’t get under your skin. Not today out of all days. It’s the last day of school. Summer lies ahead and you won’t allow him to ruin your mood.
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“I wonder if you bought these for someone special,” Bucky laughs as he steps toward your fence to look at your rotary airer – or rather at your lingerie hanging on the airer. “I thought you hate any alpha.”
“Get. Off. My. Lawn,” you twirl around to glare at him. “What the fuck is wrong with you? What kind of man sneaks around an unbonded omega’s house to stare at her lingerie?”
He snorts when you put your hands on your hips, and snarl in his direction. “I’m not on your lawn, doll. This is a public street. I can stand here as long as I want to.”
“If you don’t get out of my sight, you’ll regret it,” you point your index finger at Bucky. “I’m warning you.”
“You’re cute when you believe you can scare me,” he laughs. “What are you going to do, huh? Threaten to throw your lingerie at me.” Bucky throws his head back, laughing. “No, I know. You are going to stab me to death with your knitting needles.”
You growl loudly. “How do you know I knit?”
“Women like you,” he steps closer to your fence and puts his hands on it, “lonely omegas no one wants to mate spend their time with knitting and telling themselves they love being single.”
“You—” you inhale sharply before turning around. Bucky is still laughing when you grab the water hose. You suddenly turn back around to spray Bucky right in the chest, soaking his shirt. He ungracefully backpaddles.
“You…” He growls when you laugh at his predicament. “Do you think this is funny?” Bucky takes off his shirt and flings it at you. “You’ll wash it and give it back to me.”
For a moment, you look at his chest, drinking his defined abs in. He is perfectly toned, and you hate him even more when your eyes drop to his thick thighs.
“In your dreams,” you rip your eyes off his body to grab the shirt and toss it in his face. “Get away from my house, you creep. What kind of man stares at a lady’s lingerie?”
“Lady,” he snorts. “You’re a fury, not a lady!”
Bucky watches you storm off, an amused smirk on his lips. He loves to toy with you and rile you up. Your scent gets stronger, and you almost drown him in it. The alpha inhales deeply, purring low in his throat as his lower half yearns for something more than your scent…
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“That bastard,” you pace back and forth in your living room, eyes drifting toward the wool and your knitting needles on the coffee table. “I should stab him with my needles. One day, I’ll do it.”
Your cat meows loudly. The stray you saved a year ago wants more food, not an angry omega disturbing its sleep. “What? I took you in. You should be on my side!”
You’re about to fight with your cat when a knock interrupts you. “Christ, can I not get a moment of silence?” You walk toward the door, taking deep breaths to calm down. You don’t want to yell at someone only because Bucky Barnes riled you up once again.
“Coming,” you coo while opening the door. You put on a fake smile, but it falls when no other than the thorn in your side stands in front of you. He waves his shirt and growls your name. “What are you doing here?”
“I told you; you’ll wash my shirt!”
“I told you to get off my lawn, bastard!”
You snatch the shirt out of his hands, drop it to the ground, and stomp on it before kicking it away. “If you come here again, I’ll stab you with my knitting needle.”
“I knew you are knit—” he can’t end his line because you slam the door in his face.
“Yeah, fuck you too!”
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“Where are my…” You stare at the empty rotary airer. All your lingerie and even your favorite nightie is gone. There is nothing left but Bucky’s dirty shirt. “That motherfucker stole my panties!”
He made it. Today is the day you’ll end James Buchanan Barnes's life. You run inside to get your knitting needles, a grim expression on your face. He brought it upon himself with his cocky attitude and stupid smile. How dare he drown you in his scent anytime you are near him.
The alpha will die and it’s all his fault…
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“Open the fucking door!” You harshly knock at his door. “I know you are at home, you fucker! Stealing is a crime. Trespassing is a crime too!”
Bucky slowly opens his door. Today the cocky fucker has his hair pulled back. The white undershirt he’s wearing is a little too tight. He smirks at you and crosses his muscular arms over his chest. “What can I do for you doll?”
 “You know exactly what I want, Barnes,” you throw his dirty shirt in his face. “Give me back my lingerie and nightie, you fucking creep!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about?” He dips his head to let his eyes wander up and down your body. “If anyone stole clothes, it’s you. How did you get my shirt, doll?”
“You won’t get away with stealing from me,” you take a step closer to Bucky to push against his shoulders. He stumbles backward and hits the door with his back. Bucky yelps when you press one knitting needled against his crotch, poking his balls.
“Doll, what are you up to?” He watches you place your other hand on his chest, moving it up and down. “Y/N?”
“You’ll never underestimate me again,” moving your hand to his throat you smirk. “I want my lingerie back. If you don’t give them back, I’ll take something from you.”
“I can’t give them back,” he breathes heavily feeling the needly poke his sack. “I’d love to give them back…though…but…I can’t…I swear.”
“Why not? Did you give them to one of your one-nighters?” You snarl his name. “Where are my panties?”
“In my nightstand,” Bucky licks his lips. “They are dirty…though.”
You gape at him. “You fucker!”
“Yeah, I fucked them good and hard,” he grins when you drop the needle to cup his crotch. “I imagined it’s your needy hole I stuff with my thick cock.”
“You’re a pervert and a creep,” you fist his undershirt with both hands. “If you don’t want me to stab you with my knitting needle, you’ll wash my lingerie…”
“Hmm…” he purrs when you step away to move your hands under your summer dress. You shimmy out of your panties and ball them up. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, you will wash these with your dirty mouth…”
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Tags in reblog.
384 notes · View notes
itspyon · 10 months
how to adapt into dtblr culture for twitter refugees
so you've decided to move here from twitter. welcome and congratulations. this post is basically a big warning that goes THIS ISN'T TWITTER, DON'T BEHAVE LIKE IT IS, LEAVE THAT AT THE DOOR
i'll be teaching you two things, how the site works, and how to adapt your behavior to tumblr ( and really, normal human being ) culture. believe me, it's not that hard and it will actually feel very productive
let's start with the basics and frequent questions
your username can be anything, don't stress about it
your picture can be anything. a lot of us don't even have dteam related stuff up on our profile
your display name doesn't have to be your name. nobody is going to see it when you post, only usernames are visible
check your settings. do it. get familiar with them. turning on and off asks, turning anon off, turning submissions off. click on your blog, go to blog settings, check things there, go to account, your muted things will be there, go to dashboard and customize that. use your settings !!!
yes, pinned posts are fairly important and they tend to be pretty extensive. name age what you post about ( a lot of people here are multifandom !), just don't overshare ( no locations no trigger lists i beg you ). they also usually have a breakdown of your tags at the end
it's a whole thing. some are actually useful. some are just passive commentary
the tags you put on posts ( both when you made the post and when you're reblogging something ) are both global and hosted on your profile. it's why you'll see things like "nameofperson art" rather than just "art". using just "art" will put you in the promoted tag, in this case
you can use spaces on your tags
usually you will tag what type of post you're making ( art, text post, ask post ), and then the contents keep in mind this is how people often mute things, some people tag the current situation, people use and mute ship tags. but this is also how people find things, like the specific asks from one person to another, so "username ask" is commonly used, "irl person ( dream, dnf, etc )" is also seen a lot just watch how others tag things and copy them. nobody will get offended you took their tag formatting, most of us will appreciate properly tagged posts
you do tag when you reblog people. you use tags to comment on things. don't really use replies unless you're, saying thank you to someone or pointing out a spell mistake or asking to add an option to a poll, etc. we don't do replies, just rb your reply
quick reblog and like deets
post popularity is measured in "notes" which is the sum of replies, reblogs and likes. we don't really care much about numbers here and if you start getting crazy about it people will not like it. this is more of a talking and showing site
you can reblog without tags, feel free to
you can hide your likes. you can and should like as many things as you want. they don't alter any algorithm, since there's none. a like is a "i saw this post" notification to the poster
actually posting
people talk a lot. a fucking lot, and it's something you will have to get used to, because it's very different from twitter
there are no qrts. callouts are looked down upon. breathe. if you don't like something MUTE IT DON'T POST ABOUT IT, because no one is going to listen to any callouts. you will have to learn to live with the fact people like things you don't. this will, with time, make you feel very free
the bulk of posting here is asks, as you might notice soon. asks are fun and encouraged. just don't name drop if you're talking about drama please ?
don't be scared to send asks off anon, this is how people will find you and get to know you really. people are also more likely to reply to you
block bait anons. yes you can block anons. yes it will block every blog they make
culture time
i've said this. tumblr is unserious. drama here is approached very differently and with several less layers of panic. you will see death threats. you will see slurs ( said in non derogatory ways ). you will see jokes about serious topics. you will see people say "i didn't like this" and nobody will care
tumblr is a community of individualism. you will like your own things within the thing we share we like. you might not like dream's music, you might not find irl streams entertaining, as long as you're fucking normal about it ? nobody will care and you're free to express your opinions. people will even come ask you about it and just have a chat. we're here for the same content to some degree
tumblr is also a bunch of people who understand they like another bunch of people. that none of the streamers have stopped being human. so you might see people defend things that, maybe, you'd not have thought to defend before. maybe you're even uncomfortable seeing them defending it. this is something you will experience a lot, and you'll learn to properly deal with it as time passes
because again. no one does callouts here unless it is extremely bad. no one cares if you don't really like them. and they also accept people might and will not like them. and that is fine. and that doesn't make either person horrible. you're just different people. and you don't even have to interact
you want to make friends ? ask people things, compliment people's work, genuinely attempt to make conversation. this is not an impersonal website the way twitter is. people don't care about your opinions because they care about you, and you are more than what you don't like
the more positive and jokey and interactive you are the more people will talk to you. there's no "hitting the algorithm", there's no "engagement", it's just people talking to people. so don't be a neg posting bot, and be a person
you will learn to be less miserable. you learn to stop giving a shit and just do what makes you happy. they cannot get you here. there's no qrts. the few antis you'll find can be blocked and you'll never have to directly interact with one. don't be mean to the people in your own community, even if you disagree
again, you are more than what you don't like. learn to be what you like instead. and leave the dooming at the door
458 notes · View notes
minkyungseokie · 5 months
第二章 | Moving and Meeting the Boss
warnings; age gap love(R: 23, S:39, T: 50), gxg, throuple, controversial age gaps, random German and Scottish pet names, topics of eating that aren't ED related, but might be triggering to some, DeepL translated languages. Untranslated Chinese, French, and other languages
note; okay! second chapter is now ready. I might start another series based on driver x reader x wag. I sort of rushed through this. I also changed a couple of things
She now contracted meningitis during her F2 days and that was the reason for her leaving, but she told people it was the lack of funds
There has something to do with eating, but it's not an ED
The eating thing is based off of a very adorable mukbang YouTuber named Tzuyang. I also never been to Monaco, so Idk how everything works
Realized she should have a last name since she's Felix's sister
note2; please give me requests for moodboards, blurbs, smaus, or anything else you want for this series. Or just request anything as long as you read my rules and how to request thing
fc; imleslie(Y/n), xavier serrano(Aaron Antognelli), blanca soler(Chiara Lorenzi)
Come Talk to Me
Driven by Destiny Masterlist | Previous | Next
Autosports Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Toto Masterlist |
I do not give anyone permission to change, copy, or put my work on any other platform. It will only be on top, so if you see it, please report it. Or let me know.
DO NOT ask me to update this story. I'll update when I can.
Anyway, only accepting 10 more people to be tagged
Buckle up! This is a long one!!!!!!!!
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(My god, Susie is so fucking pretty that I might actually cry)
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In the now packed-up house, Y/n gazed around. "Are you all packed up?" Her brother asked as he crossed his arms next to her. Chan sighed, "I'm going to miss coming over to your house and hanging out," he said, looking around the house. With a soft smile that showed off her sharp teeth, Y/n looked at her brother, "He'll miss popping by my house during random times when the homeless orphans don't have work to do and mooching off me until he needs to go home to Korea." Y/n teased, pinching his freckled cheeks.
Chan giggled at Felix's expression and looked away, clearing his throat when Felix's glare turned to him. The long-haired male slapped his sister's hand away gently and tried to keep his scowl before giving up and breaking out into smiles as laughs filled the room. "For real though, I am going to miss you." Felix said, opening his arms for Y/n to enter, "Aw, I'm going to miss you too, but you can come visit me anytime you want in Monaco." Y/n offered, pulling back.
"You too, Channie. You and the rest of the derelict unparented are free to come visit me in Monaco when you want." Y/n said, opening her arms up to the shorter male. "Why does this feel like I'm sending my little sister off?" Chan asked, gladly accepting the hug that was offered, "You are basically family, mate." Felix assured, wrapping his arms around both his sister and his best friend. The group continued to hug until there was a loud honk heard in front of the house, "Well, I guess we should get this stuff into the truck." Y/n said, letting go of the two singers to grab one of the nearest boxes.
Y/n lugged the box to the truck where a mover stood, ready to grab the box from her hands and put it in the truck, "I'll take that, sir." The worker offered. Y/n froze and stared at the mover, "Excuse me?" Y/n asked, "Oh? Did I say something wrong?" The worker questioned, looking at Y/n with a raised eyebrow, "I am not a man. Please don't assume because I have masculine features." Y/n said, steeling her nerves. Y/n wasn't a confrontational person, but over the years, resentment had built up enough for her to tell someone off when they called her a man.
Her boobs were prominent enough for people to know that she wasn't a man and she was wearing a sports bra with flannel, how the hell did the man assume she was one as well? "I'm sorry, I didn't know--" "I think you did know, but it's whatever. Don't do it again." Y/n huffed, turning around and walking away.
Y/n entered the home again and grabbed a box aggressively, huffing dramatically. Felix and Chan shared looks before putting the boxes they had in their possession down, "Hey, what's wrong?" Chan questioned.
Y/n shook her head, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. She sometimes felt like it was irrational of her to get so upset by someone assuming she was a man, but at the same time, anyone would get upset by being called the wrong gender.
Y/n squared her shoulders and picked up another box before turning to look at the two with a smile, "It's nothing, mate. Just a bit of an annoyance." Y/n then turned and walked out with the box in her hands.
The trio made their way back and forth until all the boxes were in the truck. Now, they stood on the lawn watching as the movers grabbed the furniture and loaded it onto the truck, "Y'know, we're actually going to miss you." Chan spoke up, continuing to watch the movers work. "I know. That's why I said you're free to visit me in Monaco. I'll also try to visit you and in Seoul whenever I can." Y/n assured, throwing her arms around each of the boy's shoulders and giving them an awkward side hug.
"We know. We'll try to visit when we can too." Felix said, laying his head on her arm with Changbin following suit, "We're done, ma'am. We'll be taking this to the sea freight now unless there is something else you need." The mover looked at the tall half-Asian with a pointed look, asking if there was anything she needed or if were they good.
"You're good to go. Thank you." Y/n said, nodding at the mover. The trio watched as the movers packed up and drove away, "What time do you leave?" Felix asked after a few moments of silence, "Three o'clock in the morning. Seeing as my insomnia is so bad that I can't fall asleep, I'll probably be up and out by two. Do you mind dropping my keys off at the realtor office safe drop box? I won't be able to do it since I leave at three." Y/n said.
"Yeah, we can do that. We'll be dropping you off anyway." Chan nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
"Yah, wake up. It's two." Felix hissed as if there were others in the house.
Y/n groaned and swatted Felix's hands away before turning onto her side and snuggling into the blankets, "Y/n, it's time to wake up." Chan said, joining Felix at the side of the hotel bed Y/n was sleeping in. The two put their hands on her and looked at each other, nodding before violently shaking Y/n back and forth.
"搞什么鬼?!" Y/n yelled in Chinese after being woken up so violently, turning to stare at her brothers with wide eyes, "Sorry, you wouldn't wake up, so we decided to shake you until you woke up." Chan snickered, signing as he spoke, looking away as Y/n glared at him and Felix. 
Y/n sighed and threw the blankets off of her body, "Jesus, dude. You could've kept trying to wake me up gently." The dark-haired woman scowled, reaching over to grab the external part of her cochlear implant and the hearing aid for her other ear. Felix grabbed the hearing aid and helped her put it into her ear, "When are you getting your other cochlear?" Felix questioned, making sure the volume was on the level Y/n always kept it on.
"I get the second implant after I start my new job. I'll have to tell the boss about it as soon I do the interview. Especially since I forgot to tell her about my lack of hearing." Y/n mumbled, looking at Chan and Felix from the side since she knew that they would be giving her judgy looks.
Y/n turned to see that they were indeed giving her disappointed looks as if she wasn't taller than Chan, older than Felix, and more intimidating than the both of them combined. "Stop looking at me like that! I was trying to get the application in as fast as I could. I simply just...forgot to put it on my application." Y/n explained, looking down and scratching her cheek. When she looked back up, they were still looking at her with disappointment, "Stop looking at me like you're my parents and I just got caught smoking a fat one....or something cause I wouldn't know how they would look at me." Y/n quickly added the second part and gave the two boys a awkward smile.
Felix and Chan sighed in unison, "Okay, well, I guess we can't really be that upset with you since you'll be telling her face-to-face. Get up and get ready. Felix picked out some clothes for you to wear." Chan said, pointing to the end of the bed where some clothes were laid out for her, Y/n sighed, running a hand through her thick hair, "Okay, whatever. Please move out of the way." 
Chan stepped back as Y/n swung her long legs over the side of the bed and planted her feet onto the floor, grabbing the clothes and studying them before going to the bathroom to get changed while Felix and Chan checked to make sure that everything was properly packed. Y/n exited the bathroom wearing a pair of high waisted brown trousers, a white collared button down with a brown, beige and white sweater vest one top.
Y/n sat down on the bed and picked up the socks that were sitting on the bed, putting them on while Felix and Chan continued to talk, "Y/n, do you want to get some McDonald's on the way or something?" Felix asked.
"I just want a coffee and a bagel honestly. We can get something from the bagel shop nearby. I heard they have some good bagels and coffee." Y/n suggested, putting on her boots and grabbing the glasses that were on the nightstand next to the bed. "I'm down." Chan said, looking to Felix, "I'm okay with that." The blonde shrugged, grabbing Y/n's suitcase and pulling it out into the hallway.
Y/n stood up and looked around, making sure that she had left nothing on the ground
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Y/n turned and looked at her brother as she got ready to board the plane, "Okay, so you'll call when you've landed in Monaco, right?" Felix inquired, holding her wrists lightly. Y/n rolled her eyes and chuckled, "I promise that I'll call you as soon as I get to my new home in Monaco. Don't worry about me. Just make sure that you take care of yourself. All of you." Y/n gave a pointed look at Chan.
"What? Why'd you look at me like that?" Chan chuckled nervously, "I'm telling you to take care of yourself. You tend not to do that." Y/n joked, looking him in the side. Chan jumped away as if he was shocked and held his side, "No promises, but I'll try."
"Flight 35 A is now boarding."
Y/n looked over at where people were beginning to line up, "Alright, it seems I've got to go." The girl pointed behind her with a thumb. Felix pulled his sister into a hug and laid his head on her shoulder, "You better call me when you land. I'll fly to Monaco myself if you don't." He said voice muffled into her sweater vest.
"Okay, let go. I have to board." Y/n groaned, pushing the blonde away from her playfully, "See you, Y/n." Chan said, giving the girl a quick hug. Y/n grabbed her carry-on and boarded the plane, "Make sure the other Stray Animals are around when I call. I want to talk to all of you." Y/n spoke.
After a long flight, of which she slept through most, she hopped off the flight feeling groggy and completely disoriented. To be quite honest, she just wanted to go to sleep in a bed with thick blankets and the fan blasting on her face so she didn't overheat while sleeping. The thing was, she wouldn't be able to meet up with the person who sold her the house until the next day because the offices were closed and her stuff wouldn't arrive until the next day either, so she had to get a hotel for the night.
Y/n groaned as she rolled her neck, attempting to massage the stiffness out of her shoulder and neck as she entered the Uber, "Uh, Hôtel Fairmont Monte Carlo, s'il vous plaît." Y/n spoke in a tired and dull tone.
The driver nodded and pulled off. Y/n pulled out her phone and pressed on the contact of the one person she knew would be up. It was 9:41 PM in Monaco, which meant it was 4:41 AM in Seoul currently and there was one person she could guarantee would be up at that time.
Y/n pulled out a pair of headphones with a large-diameter ear cup that completely encloses her ear and audio processor and put them on. Y/n looked out the window while the phone rang, "Hey! You're in Monaco, I'm guessing." Chan said as his face popped up on the screen. "Yeah, I'm in an Uber right now. I'm heading to the hotel." Y/n mumbled, mouth stretching into a little yawn.
"Oh, yeah. Your stuff isn't there yet, is it?" Chan asked, looking at something off to the side, "No, it'll be arriving tomorrow afternoon. I'll be contacting Mrs. Wolff tomorrow as well to schedule the interview. The jet lag was going to be a bitch." Y/n sighed, leaning against the window. "Yeah, it is. What time is it there?" Chan questioned, "It's, uh, 9:43 PM." Y/n answered, dragging her eyes away from the fogged-up window to the face on her phone.
"Have you eaten?" Chan questioned, "No, not yet. Have you?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I ate some ramen earlier. I'm just snacking on some honey butter chips right now." Chan responded, lifting the yellow bag to the screen.
Y/n opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by the driver, "Madame, nous sommes arrivés à votre destination."
Y/n looked out the window and saw they were indeed in front of the luxury hotel, "D'accord, merci, monsieur. Je vous souhaite une excellente soirée. Sorry, Chan. I have to go. Tell Lixie and the others to text me when they can." Y/n said, exiting the car.
"Okay, I will. Have a good night." Chan said, "Have a good day, mate." Y/n said before hanging up. Y/n pocketed her phone and grabbed her items from the trunk. She waved at the driver in thanks and made her way into the hotel. It was a random one that she picked out and it was probably way too luxurious for a one-night stay, but it was the closest to where her new home would be and she was way too tired to find an even cheaper hotel.
She checked in and paid for the room, trudging up the stairs in a slumped-over position. As soon as she found her room, she stood up and unlocked it as if she was being followed by someone and had to enter quickly. Y/n threw the door open and closed, dropping her bags where she stood before making her way to the bed and getting in
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Y/n woke up the next day and immediately ordered an Uber. Her items would be arriving today and she already slept in pretty late. Y/n's dark brown eyes swept the room until they landed on the digital clock on the dresser. It was 2:52 PM. The truck with her stuff would be there around four and the realtor would be there around 3:00, so she had to get going pretty quickly. Luckily, her Uber was on its way and she would be at her new address in no time.
Y/n's head snapped up once she had heard the honking of the horn. She could only assume that they were there for her and the chime from her phone telling her that her ride has arrived only confirmed her suspicion. Y/n quickly gathered her items and sped and walked out of the front of the building with her hand up in a wave to show that it was her who had ordered the Uber. Y/n pulled up the trunk after the driver had opened it from the inside of the car.
Y/n put her suitcase and carry-on bag into the trunk and closed it, rushing to get to the backseat and get into the car. "Bonjour, Monsieur. Monaco, La Condamine, 98000 Monaco, s'il vous plaît." Y/n said breathily, pulling her phone out of the bag she had and opening the notes app. Seeing as she would have to move all of her stuff in, of course with the help of the moving pros, and there were some other things she needed to do through the day, she decided that it would be a good idea to make a to-do list.
To do for today and tomorrow
Move my stuff into the house
Rearrange everything to my liking
Unpack everything
Go grocery shopping
Call Mrs. Wolff back
Y/n reread the list over and over to see if anything else came to mind, but when nothing did, she pocketed her phone again and stared out the window. Monaco was a truly gorgeous place and she could see herself living out the rest of her life in this beautiful country.
She could definitely see herself finding a man or woman, who would most definitely be an F1 fan seeing as the country basically lived and breathed F1, finding a much better home, settling down, and having a family.
It wasn't something she wanted anytime soon since she was still pretty young, but it was something she could see happening when she was ready.
Actually, now that Y/n thought about it, and as the car passed by the water, she doesn't think any house, which was actually one of those apartments where you have a whole floor to yourself, would be better than the one she got. It cost an arm and a leg to get and she would be able to afford it after she finally started the PA position.
The flat included three bedrooms, one bathroom, two shower rooms, one separate toilet and a kitchen. In total, it has four rooms. Two underground parking spaces provide space for any vehicles and a balcony that overlooked the water. It that high street, city center, bus station, and shopping center all within 500 m, so it was well situated.
Y/n sighed and closed her eyes. This was the start of her new life. While she was is Monaco, she was going to be a different person then what she was in Australia. Gone is the shy, antisocial, introverted girl that lived in Sydney and in is the girl who is still the same thing, but trying to be more confident.
"Pardonnez-moi, madame. Nous sommes arrivés." The driver announced, "Hm? Oh, merci beaucoup." Y/n thanked as she exited the car. She waited until the driver popped the trunk and then grabbed her things, "Merci encore, madame. J'espère que vous passerez une excellente soirée."
The driver gave Y/n a smile, "C'est très gentil de votre part. J'espère que vous passerez également une excellente soirée." She responded before driving off, giving Y/n a wave as she drove off.
"Miss Lee?" A voice with a thick accent called out from behind her. Y/n whirled around to face a tall man with dark, curly hair, a chisled jaw, and broad shoulders. It was the realtor, "Ah, Mr. Tomatis. How are you doing today?" Y/n greeted, looking to the side so she didn't make eye contact. "I am well. Listen, I would love to stay and talk with you, but I have an important showing to do, so here's your keys. Enjoy your new home." Mr. Tomatis gently place the keys into her hands before walking off.
"Oh-kay. Guess it's time to check out the new place in person." Y/n took a deep breath, trilling as she exhaled. The girl made her way into the building until she reached her floor. Y/n put the key into the door and unlocked it, "Home sweet home, I guess. Once I step through this door, my new life officially starts." Y/n mumbled, resting her forehead against the cool wood. Y/n opened the door and wheeled her suitcase in behind her, "Woah, this is sick!" Y/n awed, looking around her home.
She left the suitcase and carry-on near the entrance and walked around, looking through each room and mentally mapping what went into each room and how she would lay everything out.
Once she was done with her mental mapping, her hands fell to her sides and she looked around with a flat face and eyes dulled due to boredom.
She didn't know what to do now.
The truck wouldn't be there until four and it was only... Y/n looked down at the screen of her phone, which displayed the time in a large blue font...3:12.
Suddenly, an idea popped into Y/n's head. She had to schedule the interview and was advised to do so once she was settled down enough, but since she had time to waste, why not do it now? Y/n opened her contacts and pressed on Susie's, making sure it was on speaker, "Hello?" The sweet Irish voice that Y/n had heard last time, answered the phone.
"Uh, yes. It's Y/n Lee. I'm calling to set up my interview for the PA position." Y/n stammered, "Oh, Ms. Lee! I've been expecting your call back. I assume that means you're in Monaco?" Susie asked, "Yeah, uh, yes...ma'am." Y/n confirmed, nodding as of the woman on the other line could see her.
"Great, I know that you're going to need some time to settle down completely, so the interview will not be taking place any time this week. How about the next week around 10:00 AM? What day works for you?" Susie questioned, "I can do next week. How about Wednesday?" Y/n pulled out a pen and pad of paper to write down the date and time. "Wednesday works perfectly. Alright, I will e you then." Susie said.
"See you then." Y/n confirmed before pressing the 'end call' button. Just as Y/n put her phone on the counter, she got another call but this time from the company that had her stuff, telling her that they had arrived early and were ready to move her stuff in.
Y/n ran out the front door and down the stairs to see that they had indeed arrived earlier than planned and were already beginning to unload the lighter stuff, "Hey, I didn't expect you to be so early. Please, follow me and I'll show you where my apartment is." Y/n said, grabbing a box and leading the way to her floor.
After showing the movers where she was, Y/n went back down to grab another, but before she could make it too far, someone stopped her. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you're moving in. Do you want some help?" A tall slender man with dark hair and dark eyes. The man in front of her was the very definition of tall, dark, and handsome and Y/n was the definition of awkward around pretty people.
Y/n opened her mouth to decline, probably stutter through the sentence before falling too embarrassed to continue speaking, when another voice spoke up. "Babe, what are you doing? Who's this?" A woman who absolutely gorgeous saddeled herself next to the man, looking up at Y/n with a raised, perfectly sculpted, eyebrow. "I-uh..." Y/n's eyes darted around frantically, trying to find any way out of the situation.
She knew she said she was going to be a totally different person than she was in Australia, but she had the worst night of sleep where her body got too hot with the blankets, too cold with the fan, and still too hot with both. She also kept waking up randomly during the night, feeling dizzy and disoriented. She also may be up and doing things, but she was severely jet lagged and wanted to do nothing, but drop dead on the floor and sleep until she could physically no longer sleep.
Y/n was going to be quite honest, she could use the help and it would make things go a lot faster, but how was she, a socially awkward person, to talk to two very pretty people? 
Answer; she didn't.
She walked past them with a quick 'excuse me' pretending like she didn't hear them. If they got upset with her, she'll just say her hearing aids weren't on or turned up enough for her to hear that they were speaking to her. "Wait! Ma'am, hold on." The man called out, following Y/n outside and grabbing her wrist gently, stopping her in her tracks. Y/n steeled herself and whirled around with a fake smile, "Oh, sorry. Can I, uh, can I help you?" Y/n asked, eyes darting between the man, who was giving her a smile, and the woman, who was scowling at her with her arms crossed.
"Yes, you can help us. My boyfriend asked you a question and you just walked past us as if you didn't hear. Are you deaf or something?" The girl sneered.
"Pa-pardon?" The girl asked, dropping her arms, Y/n turned her head to the side, showing the couple her cochlear and the the hearing aid, "I-I am in fact...deaf." Y/n muttered, turning to go get more boxes. Behind her she could hear the flustered man scolding his girlfriend while she stammered out flustered responses, 
"How could you-?!"
 "I..I didn't know, okay? Hop off my balls."
"Woman, what balls would I be hopping off of?"
"I... You... Just shut up! We should be helping anyway."
The two stopped their flustered play fighting as Y/n walked past. They both grabbed boxes and followed her, "Hey, we are so sorry." The man spoke up, speed walking so he was next to Y/n, "Especially me. I didn't know you were actually deaf and even if you weren't, I wasn't being the nicest. It's just, and this isn't an excuse, there have been some... how do I say this?" The girl asked, looking up.
"Issues." The man supplied, the woman snapped her fingers and pointed at her boyfriend before quickly putting her hand back under the box as it began to tip over in her hands, "Issues. We have had some issues with our last neighbours and it made me sort of defensive. Sorry about that. My name Chiara Lorenzi and this is my boyfriend..." Chiara trailed off so that he could speak for himself.
"Aaron Antognelli. And you are?" Aaron asked, depositing the box on the floor of Y/n's apartment, "Y/n Lee." Y/n answered. "It's nice to meet you, Y/n. I hope we get to become very good friends in the near future." Chiara said, nudging the taller girl as she and Aaron walked out to grab more boxes.
With the extra two sets of hands, Y/n and the movers were able to get everything inside quickly and it was a good thing too since the sky began to dark with thick rain clouds. "Um, thank you for your help." Y/n muttered, going into her house and beginning to close the door when a hand appeared between the door and the frame, keeping her from closing it fully, "Hold on there, kangaroo. Don't you want help unpacking?" Aaron asked.
"Oh, no. I couldn't ask for that. You have done quite a bit a-and I don't know you well enough." Y/n frantically shook her head. The couple shared a look before turning back to Y/n, "Please, we... I insist. We want to make up for the rocky way we greeted you. Of course, we won't force you to and if you don't want us to help you, we'll leave." Chiara said.
Y/n sighed and nodded, opening the door fully to let the couple in. She didn't know them or trust them, but she also needed all the help she could get. That, and she was shit at decorating, so it would be nice to enlist the help of someone else.
Chiara and Aaron looked around, "Why does your apartment look so much better than ours?" Aaron asked, "I thought they were all the same." Y/n said, looking at her spacious place. "Nah, yours has much more space, but it could be the fact that you're living alone that makes it seem that way." Aaron shrugged.
Chiara whirled around and clapped her hands together, "Alright, let's get this done."
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With a yelp, Y/n fell out of her bed as the alarm she had set on her phone blared in her ear that contained the hearing aid. She had so much fun with Aaron and Chiara the previous night that she ended up going to be later than she usually liked to whenever she had something important to do the next day. After the day they helped her unpack, the two quickly became friends Y/n and they had been hanging out with each other ever since.
Y/n groaned and hobbled over to a cabinet near her bed where she kept her medicine, "Shit, getting drunk the day before my interview was not smart." Y/n grumbled, opening a bottle of pills and a bottle of water from her mini fridge.
Y/n gathered her clothing and put it on the end of the bed then went and took a scalding hot shower that helped her sober up. Y/n gave a quiet groan as she messaged her shoulders, "Man, my shoulders are stiff." She complained.
Stepping out of the shower, Y/n put on her outfit, which consisted of wool wide-leg pants, a skims t-shirt bodysuit, a nocturne cropped jacket, and a pair of heeled patchwork boots. Looking in the mirror, Y/n narrowed her eyes, "Hmm, wait." Y/n looked around to the clothes she had thrown everywhere when looking for a good outfit.
Her room was covered in an explosion of beige, brown, white, and black. There was not a lick of color in any of her wardrobe, save for her shoes, which were still not brightly colored, so they still fit her aesthetic. "I need to add some color to my wardrobe." Y/n muttered, before grabbing her things and making her way down to where the Uber was waiting for her.
She gave the driver the address of a café that Susie had suggested, Café de Paris, and  off they went. Y/n's heart thudded so hard in her chest that she was pretty sure that the beat was coming from her stomach rather than her chest. Y/n ran a hand through her long, messy hair and tried to calm the nervous feeling in her stomach.
The driver looked at Y/n through the rear mirror and cleared his throat, "Nerveux? Vous avez un rendez-vous ou une raison de vous énerver?" He asked, causing Y/n to jump from the sudden addressing. "Euh, oui. J'ai un entretien très important. J'ai déjà obtenu le poste, mais je suis encore nerveux." Y/n answered shakily, wringing her hands together nervously.
The driver studied Y/n through the mirror before turning his eyes back to the road, "Eh, don't be nervous. It must be just a 'get to know you' interview." The driver said, switching to English and waving a hand to the side as if he was brushing Y/n's nervousness away.
"You're right. Merci, Monsieur." Y/n sighed, leaning back against the headrest. The rest of the car ride was spent in silence.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Susie sat at a table in Café de Paris, occasionally looking at her watch as she waited for Y/n to arrive. Admittedly, she had arrived a bit too early, but she was excited. She had been looking forward to finally starting the F1 academy and with Y/n working by her side, she'd make these girls into Formula One champions.
Susie continued looking out the window for Y/n, even though she has no idea what Y/n looked like at all. Y/n walked through the door and approached Susie from behind, "Mrs. Wolff?" Y/n spoke up, causing the blonde woman to jump up. As soon as they were face-to-face, both women froze.
Now, Y/n was open about her sexuality and what she liked, but Susie wasn't. Susie had never been interested in women and she wasn't one who would ever fall in love when she already had a husband and a beautiful son, but Susie's heart raced looking at the younger woman and she couldn't understand why. Susie had no problem admitting when another woman is beautiful and the one in front of her? Well, she was drop dead gorgeous in Susie's eyes.
"Ah, Ms. Lee. You startled me." Susie chuckled, putting a hand on her chest to calm her racing heart. Whether it was racing because of Y/n's beauty or because she genuinely got startled, she didn't know. Either way, the woman in front of her made her heart race. "My apologies, Mrs. Wolff. I didn't mean to scare you." Y/n apologized, giving the older woman a shallow bow instinctively.
"Shall we sit and begin?" Susie asked, gesturing to the chair. Y/n nodded and sat down across from the older woman. "Okay, remember that you already have the job. This is just to get to know you a bit more. Do you want to order something or do you just want to start?" Susie questioned.
"I would like to order something." Y/n muttered, Susie gestured to someone and a waiter came over, "Are you ladies ready to order?" The waiter asked politely. "Yes, I would like a chocolate chaud and panna cotta parfumeé au citron." Susie told the waiter who wrote it down before turning to Y/n, "I would like Le Chou Profiterole and the Irish coffee. Please." Y/n said.
Once the waiter finished writing down their orders and left, Susie turned back to Y/n with a smile that made Y/n want to throw herself off a cliff. She was so pretty and Y/n didn't think Susie knew just how gorgeous she was.
"Okay, let's start while we're waiting for our orders. Can you tell me about yourself?" Susie questioned, "Oh okay, um... I'm Y/n Lee, I am half Chinese and Half Australian, I am 23 years old, I want to do modeling in my spare time, I like surfing and skiing, and I used to be a Formula Two driver before I contracted meningitis and had to stop." Y/n replied.
"You contracted meningitis?" Susie asked, "I did. I lost hearing in my right ear," Y/n turned her head and moved her hair, showing her cochlear, "I had to get a cochlear for my right ear and I have a hearing aid in my left because I'm losing my hearing in that ear. After I got my surgery, I just decided not to continue driving even though I would love to continue." Y/n shrugged.
Susie nodded, "If you had the chance, would you try and continue to drive in F2?" Susie questioned. Y/n sighed and looked around the café, "I honestly never thought about it. I wanted to but I didn't have enough money to continue, so I thought that my chances were over. If I had the chance to do it again, I don't know if I would take it. I'm turning 23 soon and I fell like I'm getting too old." Y/n said, looking up as the waiter arrived with their stuff.
"Thank you/Merci." Susie and Y/n said simultaneously. Y/n brought the glass mug up to her lips and took a sip of the drink. Y/n put the mug down and looked at Susie again, "What are your goals for the next five years?" Susie asked.
"Hmm, I think I still see myself working in the motorsports world or perhaps attempting to further my modeling career. Or both." Y/n answered, picking up one of the cream puff and taking a bite, refraining from making any sort of noise. 
"Do you consider yourself a passionate person when it comes to this sport?" Susie inquired, Y/n nodded as she swallowed the pastry in her mouth, "I was..am...Before I got meningitis, I was obsessed with being a Formula One driver. I was about as passionate about it like most of the guys on the grid. It was my passion." Y/n explained.
Susie nodded and sat back in her chair, "That'll be all." She said, picking up her spoon and eating some of her panna cotta parfumeé au citron. Y/n paused halfway from the plate where she was reaching for another mini creampuff, "That's all?" She asked, "That's all." Susie reiterated 
"Okay." Y/n nodded. She was honestly so unsure as to why she needed to do the interview when she was only going to be asked about four questions, "Now, let's get to know each other since we're going to be working closely together. My name is Suzanne Wolff, but you can call me Susie. I am Scottish, 39 years old, I have a wonderful husband who is the team principal of Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One team, and I have a gorgeous fiver-year-old son named Jack." Susie introduced herself.
The woman held out a hand for Y/n to shake, "It's wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Wolff. I look forward to working with you." Y/n said, grabbing the older woman's hand and shaking it firmly. Susie waved off her formalities, "Oh, please. Call me Susie. We'll be working close together, so we might as well drop the formalities." She chuckled.
The two women continued to talk about random topics, getting to know each other more and more. The two became quick friends and even made plans to hang outside of work sometime in the future and even talked about Y/n meeting her son and husband since she would have to meet them eventually.
By the time Y/n was in her Uber and on her way home, it was well into the afternoon and Y/n had a small permanent smile on her face as she thought about the older woman.
Y/n hated to admit it, but she tended to catch feelings for people quite easily. She didn't and never would believe in love at first sight, but she did believe that one can get to know someone well enough to gain some sort of feelings for someone. 
And Y/n could tell that the bubbling feeling in her stomach was her feeling giddy and anxious. She was beginning to feel something for the older married woman, but she brushed it off. It was just a small puppy crush, and even if it wasn't, nothing would ever come of it. Susie was a heterosexual married woman with a family and if there was one thing Y/n could never be, it was a homewrecker.
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 Susie entered her home happily. Her husband and son greeting her at the entrance, "Hello, liebling. How was the interview? I can assume it went well since you're smiling from ear to ear." Toto said, kissing his wife on the forehead. "She's perfect, Toto. She is everything I wanted and more in a personal assistant. Not to mention she's absolutely gorgeous. If she were to go to a GP, people would assume she is some sort of supermodel WAG." Susie said absentmindedly.
Toto gave his wife an odd look as she bent down to greet their five-year-old. His wife was what some people would call a girl's girl and she definitely has complimented other women before, but the way she had talked about the woman she had met with made him feel curious. She had never sounded so infatuated with anyone other than him and Jack.
Of course, Toto knew that his wife was not going to cheat on him and especially not with another woman, but there was just a feeling in his gut that said there was something more than just a regular excitement to be getting the F1 Academy project off the ground. 
"Yeah? Is that right?" Toto asked, "Yes. She used to be a F2 driver too, so she is the most perfect candidate for the job. I think you and Jackie would lover her." Susie said, kissing the top of Jack's head and carrying him into the kitchen.
Toto shook his head as he chuckled. He didn't know what the woman was like, but she must have been super amazing because she left such an impression on his wife that she was positively gushing about the new PA.
By the time Susie stopped talking about the new PA, Toto himself couldn't wait to meet her and he was now sharing the excitement that she was practically projecting off her in waves.
This was the start of something new and both Wolff's could tell.
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↳ ❝ [Taglist] ¡!❞
@exotic-iris13 @alliwantisadonut @evie-119 @xoscar03 @cheyxfu @laur2608 @sunnylikesfrogs @goldenmoonbeam @victorharrington @only-nope
Unable to tag all of you
This one was over 6k words. I felt like I needed to give you guys this since I had been away for so long.
DO NOT ask me to update this story. I'll update when I can.
Anyway, only accepting 9 more people to be tagged
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mynameismckenziemae · 12 days
A Little Bit Stronger
Part 8
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x OFC
Summary: A not so innocent internet search sends you down a rabbit hole…Bradley is happy to help you out.
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Just like everything else I write/post: this story is for 18+ only. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. It will contain smut, adult themes, situations and language. Please also note this story may be triggering due to the topic of domestic abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) violence-feel free to message me with any questions before reading.
Warnings: smut, unprotected p in v, squirting, toy use, etc.
Now that the idea of blindfolding Bradley is in your head, it’s hard to think of anything else, even with Drew chattering away the entire ride back.
Bradley notices you’re distracted when you stop to play a round of mini golf.
“Roo, I think you should help Shae,” Drew giggles when you miss another easy putt, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom quick.”
“Alright,” Bradley laughs, coming over to help as Drew runs off. A shiver dances down your spine as he presses into you from behind.
“What’s going on?” He murmurs in your ear, sliding his hands down your arms before covering yours on the putter, “We both know you have a better golf game than me.”
It’s true. One of the few good things that came out of your marriage to Chad was he taught you how to play golf…and then never let you again after you beat him once.
Bradley on the other hand, got a kick out of it and tells anyone that listens.
“Just thinking,” you sigh, pressing your ass back into his groin where his cock is already stirring in interest.
“About?” He breathes against your ear the way he knows you like as he helps you take a few practice swings.
“The…uh,” your brain can’t seem to form a coherent thought as nips at the sensitive skin below your ear, “the blindfold.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks, soothing the bite with a kiss.
“Yeah,” you reply, “and what I’m going to do when you have it on.”
He sucks in a shuddery breath. “Great,” his forehead drops to your shoulder as his cock fully hardens against you, “now that’s all I’m gonna be thinking about too.”
“You asked,” you smile and press a kiss to the hair curling over his temple.
Feeling better now that he’s distracted too, you take a deep breath and focus on the ball.
“There ya go!” Drew startles you both as the ball sinks in the hole, “You’re such a good teacher, Roo!”
“Such a good teacher,” you agree softly, giving him a wink as you follow Drew to the next hole.
Bradley looks to the sky for help before adjusting himself and tagging along too.
Drew wins and Bradley treats you both to ice cream before heading back home.
Hank is excited as ever to see Drew and after a long game of tug-a-war, they cuddle up on the couch while you and Bradley take the other to watch a movie. A movie that seems to drag with the excited energy buzzing under your skin.
“I’m gonna head up to bed,” you say when the movie ends, dragging your hand up Bradley’s thigh as you bring it out from under the blanket to stretch, trying not to smile as he tenses under your touch, “give you guys some alone time since I crashed your boys night.”
“You can’t crash it if I invited you,” Drew argues.
“I suppose,” you smile as you ruffle his hair, “thank you for inviting me, but I’m tired anyway,” you lie, “G’night bud.”
“Night Shae,” he giggles as Hank puts his big head in his lap, telling you that he’s staying put.
“Guess I’m chopped liver,” you narrow your eyes at him teasingly before kissing the top of Hank’s furry head.
You stop to give Bradley a kiss on the forehead, “night Roo.”
“Night,” he murmurs, eyes darkening as he watches you walk up the stairs to the room you haven’t slept in since you and Bradley got together.
Your fingers shake an hour later as you pull up your messages to text Bradley after falling down a rabbit hole.
It started innocently enough when you searched for a ‘sex blindfold’.
Things took a turn when you added one to your cart and the ‘you may also like’ suggestions popped up; Silk handcuffs, cock rings, vibrating cock rings, flavored lube, and so much more.
Curiosity got the best of you and you opened an incognito tab. To learn how to use those toys, of course. Soon you stumbled across some videos and suddenly you were reaching into your bedside drawer for your forgotten vibrator.
2 intense orgasms in quick succession later make it hard to form words, much less type a message to your sweet, unsuspecting man downstairs.
Shae: Drew sleep yet?
Bradley: I think so, shouldn’t be long if he isn’t. It’s been quiet for a few minutes. Why, what’s up?
Shae: I need you.
Bradley: What’s wrong? Are you okay?
His concern makes you smile and it widens as you snap a picture of your hand pushed down the front of your sleep shorts before you send it.
You can’t help but laugh at the flurry of messages that follow.
Bradley: Holy
Bradley: duck
Bradley: I mean fuck
Bradley: Holy fuck
Bradley: Don’t move
Bradley: Please?
Bradley: Let me take Hank out and I’ll be right up.
Shae: 😘
“Motherfucker!” Bradley’s hushed curse as he trips up the stairs makes you giggle.
“Not that I’m complaining,” Bradley says with ruddy cheeks as he strips off his clothes before sliding next to you on the bed, “at all, like even a little…but what brought this on?”
“I ordered a blindfold,” you say with no shame, too far gone to care, “and some other things. And then I looked up videos on how to use those things and-“
“And then you got all worked up?” He finishes for you with a sexy little grin before capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“Yeah,” you break away with a whine as he dips his hand down the front of your shorts, “I want-no I need you, please? My fingers don’t fill me up the way you do.”
He groans at your words, “Of course, sweetheart. Anything you want. Feels like you’re all ready for me.”
“Uh huh,” you pant as he pulls his hand out of your shorts to help you push them down and finds the vibrator you discarded while you slip off your shirt.
“Were you using this too?” He asks, holding up the still-slick toy.
You bite your lip as you nod, refusing to be embarrassed.
“Fuck,” he lays back with a pained sound, dropping the toy as his eyes squeeze shut, “that’s so hot.”
Suddenly, you want to show him. You want to bring him pleasure like the girls in those videos did. You want to blow his mind like hell does yours.
So you turn to your side to kiss him, making his chest rumble with a pleased hum when you slide your tongue into his mouth. He typically leads but it seems like he’s more than happy to let you take the reins.
“You’re going on top?” Bradley’s eyes fly open when you straddle his hips for the first time.
You nod, rubbing your arousal up and down his cock. “If it’s okay with you?”
“More than,” he agrees eagerly, sucking in a breath when you catch the head of his cock on your entrance and begin to sink down. Slowly, because it’s still a stretch even with two orgasms under your belt.
“Look at you,” he pants, watching where you’re joined, “there ya go. Just a little more, honey.”
His hands fly to your hips at your little whimper at his praise and he slowly gyrates your hips for you, letting you get used to the size of him in this position.
“So big,” you whisper, leaning forward for a kiss but keen instead at the new angle, “fuck!”
His cock surges inside you at your curse.
“Can’t believe this pretty mouth says such dirty words,” he murmurs, tilting your chin to kiss your smiling lips like you were looking for.
“Mmm,” he hums into it when you slowly start to move up and down, “That’s it, that’s my girl.”
You shiver at his words before your hand starts to sweep the comforter for the silicone vibe, flicking it on when you find it.
Your teeth clamp down on his lower lip when you bring it to your clit to keep from crying out at the unexpected intensity it brings with him being inside you.
“Ha-ah!” Bradley lurches beneath you, hand flying to circle the base of his cock, “slow-ah! Don’t move.”
“Are you okay?” You pull the vibe away and sit up in alarm to look at him, but his eyes are still tightly closed, “Oh God, did I hurt-“
“No! Not at all,” He wheezes, shaking his head vigorously, “not even close. You just squeezed me so tight when you-I-I almost came.”
“Oh,” you reply, relieved.
He chuckles breathlessly as he releases his cock to put his hands back on your hips while he opens his eyes when he’s no longer on the knife's edge. “Do it again.”
You give him a small smile and resume your movements, turning the vibrator back on and pressing it to your clit with a choked cry.
“How’s it feel?” He murmurs as he brings his knees up to plant his feet.
“So good,” you breathe, mindlessly rocking your hips as the pleasure builds, “you’re so big.”
He chuckles cockily as he starts to fuck up into you with deep, sharp thrusts and moves you up and down like you weigh nothing at all.
“Bradley-“ Your eyes open in alarm as you feel the pleasure building, but it feels different; deeper, stronger. “I-“
“It’s okay,” he pants, nodding as if he knows, “it’s okay, just let it happen.”
Your free hand lands on his chest as an anchor and your nails dig into his pec. His lust-blown pupils are the last thing you see before your eyes close as the pleasure crests; the release so intense it takes your breath away. Yet you must be making some noise because Bradley’s hand flies up to gently cover your mouth.
“Oh fuck!” Bradley sounds far away as he cums too, filling you up and adding his release to the wet mess between your thighs. “Fuckkkkkk.”
When you come to, your cheek is pressed against his still-heaving chest, his rapid heartbeat keeping pace with yours.
“That-“ he clears his throat, voice gravelly, “that was so fucking hot, Shae.”
“That’s never happened to me,” you admit breathlessly, too worn out to be embarrassed.
“Can’t wait to make you do it again,” he smiles, rubbing your back, “and again. Preferably when we don’t have to be quiet.”
“Was I loud?” You ask, mindlessly tracing his nipple and smiling at the way his softening cock inside you jerks.
“A little,” he replies with a breathy laugh, “Sorry I covered your mouth, I hope that wasn’t…triggering.”
“It wasn’t,” you answer truthfully as you lift your head to look at him. Your slowing heart rate picks back up at the love and affection so evident in his gaze, “I trust you, Bradley. I know you would never hurt me.”
“I won’t,” he promises, brushing your hair back before lifting his head for a kiss, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you reply and kiss him again.
After another round of sweet, unhurried lovemaking, he changes the bedding while you shower. He joins you after, washing you with such reverence it brings tears to your eyes.
You want nothing more than to have him climb in bed with you when you finish, but you send him downstairs instead, not wanting Drew to wake up alone and get scared.
Reese can’t stop smiling at work Monday and you couldn’t be happier for her.
“It’s not going to be conventional, but I’m going to ask Bradley to be my man of honor,” she smiles, “and I was wondering if you’ll be my other bridesmaid?”
Hot, emotional tears fill your eyes and spill over before you can blink them back and her eyes widen in alarm.
“You don’t have to!” She rushes out, confused by your tears, “You just get me, and I’m so thankful you came into my life and-“
“I’d love to,” you interrupt her, embarrassed as you wipe them away, “I’m sorry, I just-I was cut off from my friends for so long but…” you shake your head, refusing to sour another moment with your past. “I’m honored, Reese. I would love nothing more to be at your side on your big day.”
Her eyes shine too as she pulls you in for a hug.
A/N: I was fully planning on this chapter being the blindfold scene but this came out instead. But it’s on way! I have a feeling it may happen after Reese’s bachelorette party when Shae is feeling goooood 😏
Please hate me but…this one is going to be wrapping up in a few chapters 🫣 I’m happy to take requests/asks/thots about them though!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 7 months
A Princess' Guide to Interrogating a Radio Demon
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Ler!Charlie, Lee!Alastor (strictly platonic)
Content/Trigger Warnings: tickling, interrogation (in the most playful sense). If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add in the future (and/or to this fic), PLEASE let me know! I am always happy to oblige.
This is a ticklefic! If that's not your cup of tea, kindly move along.
This is my first fic for Hazbin Hotel, so any feedback would be welcomed and deeply appreciated! (also, let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future work - I'm quite sure this'll be FAR from my last fic for this fandom hehe)
Hope you enjoy!
Ever since he'd discovered glam metal, Angel has been blasting it nonstop from his room.
Unfortunately, his room happens to be directly beneath Alastor's... and the insulation in the hotel's walls leaves an awful lot to be desired. The Radio Demon's eye had been in a constant twitch for three days by the time he'd finally had enough.
"Alastor? Have you seen Angel's speakers?"
When Charlie appears in his doorway, the demon in question is sitting comfortably on his couch, sipping a mug of black coffee and reading a newspaper (though Charlie isn't sure how he acquired it - the local paper has been out of print for weeks).
"No. But I've certainly had the displeasure of hearing them."
"They've gone missing. Do you have any idea where they might be?"
"Far away, I hope."
Charlie rolls her eyes and leaves to go consult the other guests. The deer takes a long draw from his mug.
To Alastor's slight irritation, he only enjoys a few minutes of peace before the princess' voice echoes from the hall again.
"Oooh, Al...." Charlie sings.
"What is it, my dear?" the Radio Demon sings back absently.
"Nifty says she saw you with Angel's speakers yesterday."
"Did she?" He flips a page of his newspaper.
"Look, all I need to know is where you put them."
Long pause. "I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."
"Whaaat?" Though his eyes haven't left the page, his grin has widened slightly. "You think I'm lying?"
"You're always lying. That's your thing."
Charlie perches on the sofa beside him.
"Are you gonna tell me where it is or not?"
"Fine. I'll be completely honest with you."
She perks up.
"I would honestly die a second death before subjecting myself to one more note of that infernal garbage."
Alastor's eyes flick up from his paper for the briefest of seconds, just to watch the bubbly princess' face fall into a delightfully exasperated scowl.
"You can't steal someone's stuff just because it annoys you!"
"On the contrary. That's exactly what I did."
Charlie narrows her eyes. "Alastor. You tell me where Angel's speakers are or else."
Alastor chuckles in spite of himself - Charlie's attempts to be intimidating never fail to amuse him.
"What's so funny about that?"
"My dear, I say this with the utmost respect and admiration for your many talents: there's a reason I tend to be the one called upon to scare off demonic threats."
Charlie huffs and crosses her arms. "Just because you're creepier and... more sadistic than me, doesn't mean I don't have ways of making you talk."
"Oh?" Alastor arches a skeptical eyebrow at his paper.
"So you better watch your step, Mister."
"Hmm. You make a compelling case." He flips another page. "Maybe I should tell you where Angel's poor excuse for music is."
Charlie brightens. "Really?"
The princess deflates.
He's right, of course: even if Charlie figures out a way to make herself legitimately threatening to the Radio Demon... he's the fucking Radio Demon. She may be the Princess of Hell, but she doesn't want to have to rebuild the hotel from rubble all over again.
The two sit in impassive silence for a few minutes - Charlie glaring at Alastor, Alastor staring stubbornly at his paper - until she finally stifles a sigh and slouches against the cushions. He's enjoying this, she just knows it. Sitting there with that stupid grin. He's probably been laughing to himself all night, imagining poor Angel waking up and finding his most prized possession missing.
She finds herself wishing she could make the old deer laugh himself sick sometime, just to teach him a lesson.
...Which is a horrible thought! Charlie's eyes widen, her brow furrowing in self-disgust. She could never bring herself to hurt Alastor, even via laughter.
In fact, she quite likes his laugh - it's a little maniacal, sure, and certainly hard to truly enjoy amid the gory contexts that typically trigger it. But if she knew a way to make him laugh at something other than another person's expense, she'd probably do it all the time... it's just that the things that make him laugh also tend to make Charlie nauseous.
Once again, the princess finds herself completely baffled by her own subjects. How one could be so tickled by anything that goes on down here - the pain, the violence, the gore...
Charlie tilts her head. She may have just gotten an idea.
If Alastor had happened to cast a quick glance down the couch, the smile creeping across Charlie's face would've been enough to give him real pause.
But since he is instead stubbornly focused on his paper, he is completely unprepared for the fingers that suddenly begin crawling oh-so-gently up his side.
To her initial disappointment, Charlie finds at least three layers of fabric dampening her touch, and aside from a subtle flinch at first contact, Alastor himself remains perfectly still.
But then a low buzz of radio static swells around them. As she probes up his ribs, she can hear a soft crinkle of paper as his grip tightens.
"Charlie..." His voice is oddly clipped.
"Mm?" Charlie takes one glance at his face, and her smile deepens - even Alastor's signature grin can't mask the effect. He's still technically staring at the paper, but his eyes have gone wide and blank. He opens his mouth to continue just as her fingers reach his armpit - and his jaw quickly clamps shut. It's clearly taking everything in him not to squirm.
"Got something to say, Al?" She starts pinching back down his ribcage.
"Mmph!" The giggles start in his chest, bubbling up and fighting to escape through clenched teeth. Soon his shoulders are shaking with the effort of holding them in.
"...Maybe about the location of a certain object?"
No response. The radio demon just curls forward a little, hiding his face in his paper.
Taking advantage of this new posture, Charlie slips her other arm around behind him, and gives a good pinch to both sides of his slender waist.
The demon straightens right back up with an audible gasp and tiny squeak of surprise (that he quickly tries to cover with a cough).
"Charlie! Are you s-seriously trying to-"
"Are you seriously ticklish?"
In response she delivers another series of pinches to the same spot. His posture crumples again, until finally he loses his grip on his paper and twists to face her.
"No?" she giggles. And squeezes him again.
"Stop that!" He fumbles at her fingers, trying to pry them off his sides.
Instead Charlie swaps her hands, wrapping her fingers around his waist with both thumbs resting lightly on his stomach... and begins digging them right under his lower ribs.
That finally does it. He flinches back with a little snort, followed by soft but utterly helpless giggles pressed shyly into his hands.
"Awww!" Charlie coos.
"Keheh- f-fuckin'- heheh! - quiet!" His voice cracks amusingly on the last word.
There are about fifteen different things Charlie is dying to say as Alastor goes to pieces with laughter, but she can't think of anything that wouldn't risk embarrassing the poor guy - and humiliating him is the last thing she wants to do. The fact that Alastor hasn't instantly dissolved into shadows (or cursed her across the room) hasn't been lost on the princess; she is NOT about to jeopardize this moment by making him uncomfortable enough to do so.
That said, she is conducting an interrogation here.
"What was that about not being ticklish?"
His clutching at her wrists becomes more frantic. "Don't-!"
Alastor hyperventilates a couple times, trying to get ahold of himself - but then she continues squeezing down the sides of his belly, and he can only collapse into even worse laughter.
"I think I know just how to get you to talk..."
"Nohoho- ahagh, Charlie! Shihihit!"
Charlie shifts onto her knees for better leverage, gives him a gentle push backward, and pins him (surprisingly easily) against the couch. Her snaggle-toothed grin looms over him...
For a split-second, Alastor gets a flash of what his victims must've seen moments before they debuted on his show.
But he's pretty sure this isn't quite how they felt about it. He's already shaking with anticipatory giggles, grinning back at her wider than ever. And the giddy panic behind his eyes quickly forms an unlikely union with defiance.
"Do your worst, my dear."
To be continued... pt. II is already in the works, so stay tuned!!
Until next time - hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! 💕
💜 - Cozy
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myownwholewildworld · 2 months
wherever you go (a joel miller’s ff) - chapter 4
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chapter 3 | series masterlist | main masterlist | chapter 5
pairing: outbreak!2003!joel x f!reader.
a/n: hiya! i already mentioned all of this in my snippet post, but i'll do so again. in this chapter we are going down some dark path. probably not wise considering how shit has been going down as of late in the pedro pascal fandom. i have tried to write this chapter as sensibly as i could given the circumstances reader is in. i know this is a sensitive topic so please, PLEASE, read the warnings before you go ahead. i promise i'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter. other than that, i do appreciate any comments, reblogs and/or likes you may want to leave! i love engaging with you guys. take care of yourselves <3
warnings: MDNI, 18+. please proceed with caution. if any of the following warnings trigger you, skip this chapter. DARK THEME. r4pe threats (it doesn’t happen, but still). death threats. mention of voyeurism. unsolicited dirty talk. slapping. reader is humiliated. derogatory terms (bitch, whore). swear words. masturbation (m to himself). body shaming (well deserved though). blood. violence. gore bc joel loses his shit. murder (but it’s okay because i say so). soft!caring!joel. pet name (dove). reader is female, no other description given. reader is mid-late 20s, joel is 36. no use of y/n.  joel's and reader's pov.
w/c: ~2.3k.
tags (let me know if you want to be added/removed from the list pls!): @yesjazzywazzylove-blog
Joel groaned, face down on the ground. His head hurt like hell, to the point where he could not even open his eyes. A drilling pain on the back of his skull pierced through the whole way to the space between his eyebrows. He squeezed his eyes, in an attempt to clear his sight, before opening them. The whole world spun around him like a merry-go-round ― he felt like throwing up.
He motioned his hand backwards to where the searing pain was coming from, only to find a new source of aching ― his right shoulder felt like it was dislocated, but the reality was that he had been shot.
I have been shot, he repeated in his mind.
Why though? He couldn’t remember what had happened nor where he was.
“Joel! What the fuck is going on?!”, Tommy’s voice forced him to close his eyes again. He kneeled beside Joel, putting pressure on his shoulder. “Where is she?”
Where is who? he wanted to reply.
And then it hit him. You both gave in to your passion, and he ruined it by labelling it “a mistake”. And then hell broke loose ― his last memory was your screams before you were dragged away.
Consciousness flooded back into him. Joel sat up quickly ― too quickly as his head pulsed in excruciating pain.
“Easy, Joel”, said the younger Miller, removing his hand to inspect the wound and tying a piece of clothing around the shoulder to contain the bleeding. “The bullet has gone through cleanly. You’re going to need to take care of that wound but should heal just fine”.
“They’ve taken her, Tommy”, Joel managed to mutter.
Doom washed over him. He felt sick to his stomach at the mere thought of what your destiny might be. He should have paid attention; he should have known you both were being watched. But at that moment in time he was thinking with his cock, not with his brain. He put you in harm’s way. He knew he shouldn’t have exposed you like that. He would not have done it had he known someone was spying on you both.
His last words to you basically meant that you were a mistake he regretted. His heart contracted so hard at the realisation of what he had said, his lungs evacuated all air within them. Where those going to really be his last words to you?
Joel gulped down the knot in his throat. He truly was a damned man. Everyone he touched, died. His deceased wife, Sarah, now potentially you too.
Death might be her best way out, that intrusive thought scared the shit out of him. He shook his head at the idea, in denial.
“Who have?”, Tommy asked. Joel could hear fear in his brother’s voice, mirroring his own.
Joel stood up with the help of Tommy and touched the back of his skull, finding the sore spot. It was wet ― blood covered the palm of his hand, which he cleaned on his jeans.
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. If something happens to her, I swear to fucking God, Tommy, I will―”.
Tommy nodded in understanding and handed Joel the rifle and his jacket.
You were finding very hard to come back to consciousness. Your thoughts were a tangled mess, not being able to connect them in a way that made sense. You felt like you had been sleeping for ages, but it had only been five minutes. Your heart was beating slowly on your chest, your breaths shallow.
You heard two male voices nearby. For a second, you thought they were Joel and Tommy. But even in your semi-conscious state, you knew it wasn’t them. You managed to open one eye, looking around. Memories started to crawl back ― you and Joel fucking like the world was ending, him being a prick once again, then the gunshot, Joel falling to the ground, two men approaching and taking you away. Your heart began to race.
Was he alive? He had to be. He couldn’t have died. You would know, you would feel it in your guts. You felt like your chest was being crushed. No, he can’t be.
“God, I am gonna come”, you spotted the first man you saw, the one who shot Joel, jerking off besides you.
Had you been fully conscious, you would have retched when he cleaned the cum off his hand on your T-shirt.
“She was fucking that guy like a whore, she won’t mind if we use her for a bit”, said the second man. “I bet her cunt is still fucking wet. But we should wait for the others to get here first”.
You were slowly coming back to your senses, starting to understand the gravity of your situation. By the way they talked, it was pretty clear what their plans for you were. The prospect of being raped awakened your fight-or-flight instinct, your brain racing with thoughts, trying to come up with an escape plan. Either you fled, or you died trying.
You were sat up, your back against a tree, your hands loosely tied up in front of you. You rubbed one hand against the other, the right one slowly coming off the knot.
“I want to fuck her mouth so bad ― I don’t think that lucky bastard did”, you were not sure who said it, but you didn’t care.
“With such a small dick, I bet you I still would have plenty of room in my mouth to be able to talk unbothered”, you couldn’t stop the snarky remark.
The first man didn’t take your comment very graciously, probably ashamed of such a small dick. He slapped you with such force, the ring on his finger slashed the skin on your right cheek. You fell to the ground on your belly, your hands becoming free in the process, which you hid under your body so that monkey of a man wouldn’t notice.
“We’ll see how much you laugh after we’re finished with you and leave your broken body somewhere for your boyfriend to see”, he threatened with a laugh, touching himself again. "Open up, bitch".
He grabbed you by your hair, forcing you to face him, his ridiculously tiny dick too close to your mouth. You pulled away from him with all your might, releasing yourself from his grasp.
Although you put on a mask and pretended this was not affecting you, you were so fucking frightened. Your survival instinct kicked in again when the same ape tried to snatch you by the T-shirt as you slithered away, partially ripping it. You turned around quickly and scratched his face ― your nails sinking in his skin as deep as you could. You thought you hit his eye ― and you wished him blind. You growled like a cornered animal when the second man approached you, while the first one was on his knees wailing like a newborn baby.
“So you’re a fighter, huh?”, he chuckled.
When he got close, you knocked him off his feet by swinging one of your legs sideways under him. That was your chance ― and you took it. You got up and started running, the second man shouting blasphemies while going after you.
You had only run like five yards when a gunshot echoed in the middle of the night. You ducked and tripped, falling to the ground.
You looked back and saw that guy face down on the dirt, not moving. The back of his head was blown to pieces, half of it had disintegrated into thin air. Blood and brain bits had started to soak the leaves under him.
Then you saw Joel a few feet back, rifle on hand, Tommy just a few metres behind him.
You sighed with relief.
Joel had one look at the state of you and wished he hadn’t shot that man. He should have suffered a more terrible death. He felt anger ―no, fury― burning up his insides. Joel was seeing red, not being able to tame his feelings back under control. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins with solace ―you were alive― but also with rage.
“Man, we’re sorry, I’m sorry, it’s not what it looks like, I had nothing to do with this”, begged the man who had shot him ten minutes earlier.
Joel slowly turned around to face him. The asshole was on his knees, his left eye bleeding profusely, trousers pulled down and his micropenis dangling out of his underwear. With his eyes fixated on the poor excuse of a man praying on the ground, Joel handed the rifle to Tommy and unsheathed the folding hunting knife he kept in his boot.
“No, please, I promise you I didn’t touch her, I would never―”, his pleading fell on deaf ears.
“You fucking liar”, Joel said under his breath, positioning himself behind the kneeled man.
Joel grabbed him by his hair, pulling his head backwards to expose his neck. He could see tears on the edges of his eyes. He was young, probably around twenty, but Joel didn’t give a fuck. He deserved to die. Joel unfolded the hunting knife by removing the safeguard, placed it under his chin and slit his throat slowly but steadily. The man gagged, desperately trying to fill his lungs with oxygen ― his hands had flown to his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but blood was pouring out like a fountain.
Joel looked at him dead in the eye until the man’s arms fell to his sides. When he was sure that motherfucker was dead, he let go of the head, the body making a thudding sound when it hit the floor.
Only then he dared to look in your direction. He wasn’t ready to see you down on your knees, dry tears on your cheeks. You looked like a baby deer in the middle of the road at night, blinded by the headlights. One side of your T-shirt was ripped from top to bottom, one of your breasts showing. You were not moving, your big eyes widened in shock.
Joel did not want to imagine what had happened to you, but he saw semen on your T-shirt and his brain started wandering off to the darkest of places. He was frozen in place for a few seconds before finally approaching you slowly, afraid you were going to step back away from him. He wouldn’t blame you if you did. He put away the knife before kneeling in front of you ― his hands, palms down, up in the air.
“Are you…?”, he didn’t finish the question because it was obvious you were not okay.
“It’s okay”, you answered immediately.
Joel gave you a puzzled look.
“No, it’s not fucking okay”, he whispered.
Then reality dawned on you. Your body had been on high alert this whole time, your instincts forcing you to put your feelings away so you could focus on the task at hand ― escaping as unscathed as possible. It wasn’t until those men were dead and Joel faced you, that you allowed emotions to take over you.
Your eyes welled up, your entire body shaking as the adrenaline abandoned your system.
“I… I don’t… It’s just…”, you couldn’t form coherent sentences.
Joel closed the distance between you two and hugged you. You buried your face in his chest and sobbed silently for minutes on end. His left hand stroked your hair as he held you and whispered calming words in your ear. When your eyes dried up, you looked up at him through damp eyelashes and he swept away the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs, the rest of his fingers gently placed on your jawline.
“Your cheek”, Joel’s lips wrinkled as he hovered his thumb over the wound.
You could tell he was trying to control himself, but as the seconds went on, he got calmer.
“Can I?”, he muttered, looking down to your teared T-shirt.
You nodded and he helped you take it off. Joel blocked Tommy’s vision with his broad body while he removed his jacket and helped you put it on, discarding your dirty T-shirt to one side.
“They didn’t…”, you tried to explain, your bottom lip trembling.
“We don’t need to talk about it now, only when you’re ready ― if you’re ever ready”, he spoke softly.
You greatly appreciated he didn’t push you for an explanation of what had happened. You were not sure you could talk about it without breaking down again. You breathed in deeply and nodded again. Then you noticed the blood on his shoulder. You raised one hand, softly touching the improvised dressing.
“You’re hurt, Joel”, you mumbled.
“It’s nothing, it’s not even painful. Let’s go back to the cave. You need to rest and I need to clean that wound on your cheek before it gets infected”, said Joel while helping you up.
You saw Tommy in the distance ― he had been kind enough to give you some privacy. Joel guided you through the trees, his left arm firmly wrapped around your waist to aid you in your walking.
You didn’t get too far though, not even with his help. Your legs were so wobbly you were afraid you couldn’t stand any longer. Joel saw you struggling and with no hesitation whatsoever, he picked you up in his arms to carry you to the cave.
"You're gonna hurt your shoulder even more, Joel", you complained.
"Nonsense", he whispered, softly kissing your forehead.
You did not protest after that again and hugged his neck, your face hiding in the curve of his neck.
In his arms, you felt safe. Your haven on this twisted, revolting earth.
“One of the men said they were waiting on more people to arrive”, you remembered suddenly.
Joel briefly looked down at you. You could tell he was controlling his face expression.
“Don’t worry about it, dove. I’ll take care of each one of them”.
That was a promise he kept religiously.
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imagineredwood · 2 months
Would it be possible to get an HC or would include of Yandere Juice who's readers best friend and he (somehow) convinces reader to have sex with him and he pokes holes into the condom without her knowing? Thank you for giving us all the dark boys lately ☺️
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**As you can tell from the request, this is not gonna be everyone’s cup of tea ***
This is obviously triggering content to some people so please please please don't read it if the subject is off-limits or triggering to you. It's yandere Juice who like anyone in that realm is crazy, obsessed, and unhinged and is not by any means a healthy depiction of a relationship. If anyone were to display these behaviors, RUN. That being said, the sex in the HC is consensual, it's the pregnancy that the reader hasn't agreed to obviously because the reader doesn't know. And one could say she was slightly coerced by being horny. (I did tag it for a TW for the R word since she didn't consent to unprotected sex but PLEASE tell me if there are any other tags for triggers I need to put in this post.) If you're on the dark fiction taglist and there are specific topics you don't want to be tagged for please also let me know. I also tagged it for categorization purposes on my page, but if anyone thinks I should remove them so they don't show up in the shows/characters tags please let me know. I'm still new to this type of content and want to make sure I don't do anything wrong.
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He’s wanted you for so long
Wanted to marry you and spoil you and show you off as his
He loves you so much and has for so long
But you're just friends
Something you always made sure to remind him of whenever the joke flirting got to be a little too serious
You loved him, no doubt
But you were always hesitant, not knowing if he could be faithful when surrounded by so many other beautiful women so often
You didn't want to risk a broken heart
And he would rather have you only as a friend over not at all
So he never pushed
Only making half asses offers, hoping that one day you'd bite
It was one night when the conversation turned to sex again that he saw a golden opportunity
You admitted that you had never tried one of his favorite positions
Never saw the appeal
And he knows this is his chance
"You'd love it. I know you would. Once you try it, you'll understand. "
He'd go into detail more and more, slowly
Explaining exactly how he does it
How he'd touch you
How he'd position you
How good you would sound
How he would make you see stars
And he can see the way your eyes glaze over ever so slightly
It's the narrative as he explains and the way your mind plays it out that has your thighs squeezing
You think it's subtle enough that he'd never notice
But he notices everything
And he needs you to see how good he could be for you
"Come on. Just trust me. We'll go right back like nothing ever happened right after if you want. Think of it as a learning experience."
And before long, he's got you agreeing
"Just so I can try it out."
He nods and agrees, going into the nightstand and grabbing the one single loose condom that's out of the box
The one he kept for just this very moment
A baby is like an eternal link
Even if you decide eventually that you wanted to leave him, he'd always have access to a part of you
A bond that would be unbreakable
The mother of his child
He'd be a wonderful protector and provider
You'll see that soon enough
Dark fiction taglist 
@whitetxilwxlf @kikijackson-blog @ben-c-group-therapy @ravennaortiz @mama-mischief @pekusofixus @shellofashadow @flowercrowns-goodvibes
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imgoingtofreakoutnow · 10 months
foolish, foolish love
Summary: During a quiet reading afternoon, you keep getting distracted. And Rolan won't pay any attention to you
Pairing: Rolan x Tav
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: fluff, also some sexual tension (beware of the sexy snarky wizard), definitely not betad and with some possible grammar mistakes
A/N: I just wanted to touch the wizard's hair... why can't i touch the wizard's hair???😭
Tagging: @tripleyeeet @elfinbloodbag @fictionobsession @adequate-superstar @sapphiccloud (if you don't want to be tagged, or if you want to be added, let me know <3)
It's a calm afternoon. After the days fueled with anxiety and rush of the past weeks, you had almost forgotten what quiet and peace looked like.
Cal and Lia are running the Sundries today, so you and Rolan are left alone in the tower. Laying on the couch with a book in your hands, your head rests on Rolan's thighs. The wizard is also reading, quietly turning page after page.
As your gaze silently rests on his relaxed features, you realise he's never looked more at ease. More peaceful. A hint of a smile, so spontaneous and soft, runs across his face as his eyes dart along the inked lines of the book, so sucked in by whatever notion that he seems completely untouchable by anything or anyone else.
“Is the book not to your liking?”
“No, I love it.” Your eyes go back to the page, reading just a few more lines before they move back to the tiefling’s face, who’s still focused on his reading. “Why do you ask?”
“I've just noticed you keep getting distracted.”
You smirk, closing your book and putting it on the ground. You ignore Rolan’s frowning glance that follows your movement. “It's not my fault you're much better-looking than some words on paper.”
Your hand moves until your fingertips meet his face. They slowly run along his skin, brushing against his cheekbone and caressing his jaw before sliding along his neck. His muscles tense at the feelings triggered by your touch, his breath shaking in his throat as he slowly swallows, but his eyes stay fixed on his book, an amused smile pulling on his lips.
“You should learn to resort to something other than flattery, my dear. It's quite foolish, really.”
“I know you love it, don't try to hide it.”
He doesn’t confirm nor deny your statement. His empty hand finds your wandering one, intertwining your fingers together as he takes it to his lips and leaves a lingering kiss on the back of it. His touch brushes softly on your skin, like it so often does on your own lips. A breath itches in your lungs, stuck on the tip of your tongue, while you’re staring intently at the way Rolan’s mouth curls just before pulling away and letting go of your hand to turn the page of his book.
Your fingers, instead of retreating back to your lap as his hand does, keep roaming on his features. You hear him sigh whenever they graze teasingly his lips, a mix of annoyance and frustration that makes you grin.
“Getting distracted, love?” you ask as your hands finally move through his hair, brushing soothingly against his scalp before running through his brown strands. “You haven’t turned a page for a while now.”
His fingers quickly move to the book and a paper sound soon follows. “Not at all. I was just stuck on a quite obscure passage.”
Your eyes dart to the cover. “In Volo’s Guide to Monsters?”
He ignores the question but the darker shade of red tinting his cheekbones doesn’t escape your gaze. As a warm smile pulls your lips upwards, you keep playing with his hair, absent-mindedly twirling the soft locks around your fingers. The longer you do, the stronger the desire to just drown your hands in it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with your hair down.”
He hums, his index tapping on the book. “Not many people have.”
With a sigh, you sit back up and turn towards Rolan. One moment, he’s reading the volume in his hands, still ignoring you. The following one, he’s staring at a blank space with frowning eyebrows. He slowly turns towards you, carefully bookmarking the page before closing the book.
“I was reading that.”
“I noticed.”
His eyebrow jolts up as you set it aside on the couch, just out of his reach. “Can you give it back?”
“I don’t think so.”
He opens his mouth to retort but his words fall short when, in a smooth movement, you point your knees on either side of his legs. His lips hang agape long enough for you to sneak your hands around his neck and for your fingers to wrap around his hair, satin under your rough fingertips and palm.
One of your hands roams blindly that smooth sea until it finds the wooden clip holding his hair in place. Tapping it gently, you turn your gaze to Rolan. His wide eyes are finally focused on you, giving you all of his attention at last.
“May I?”
After the longest second of silence, he nods, a quiet sigh leaving his lips as you pull the clip away. His hair easily slides out of it, falling out of its usual style and framing his face.
You keep running your hands through the brown strands, pushing them back and ever so slightly pulling them at the roots. Rolan closes his eyes under your maneuvers, looking almost unfazed if it weren't for the way his hands are gripping your thighs, tightening their hold with every stroke through his hair.
“Still want your book, love?”
Your whisper brushes his sensitive ear and a shiver runs down his spine. He opens his eyes into yours, his pupils so dilated his golden irises almost disappear in the blackness of his sclera.
“I might be dense when it comes to some things, my dear,” he utters – his fingers digging into your flesh – “but I'm not a complete fool on these matters.”
After the initial surprise, you chuckle softly as your hands slide back to his cheeks. You cup his face and turn it upward ever so slightly. His muscles make no objection, following your ministrations like a devotee on his knees. Ready to do whatever it would take to please his deity.
Lowering your head, you feel Rolan moving towards you until the distance between you disappears. Your lips hook onto his, addicted to their fresh, minty taste that always seems to surround him. You pull his face closer to you, drowning in that scent as his hands move to the small of your back, fistful of your shirt in his hands. The cold air hits your suddenly exposed skin, but there’s so much heat running through your body that you barely notice as your hands grab at Rolan’s hair after he gently nibbles your lower lip.
As you do, a soft gasp leaves his mouth and his siege of your lips ends. You pull away from his face, just enough to rest your forehead against his. Your nose nudges against his as you smile softly.
“Then show me,” you whisper against his mouth.
His eyebrows crease under your touch but a soft, breathless chuckle leaves his lips. “Show you what?”
Your finger slides along his features: cheekbone, jaw until it stops under his chin. You can feel him swallow under your touch.
“That you’re no fool, love.”
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shslbunnylover · 1 year
★★★𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙩 (𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 5: 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜)★★★
Character: Larissa Weems
Tag list: @lilfartbox1 @inlovewithgreta @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Smut, degradation, praise, Top Larissa/Bottom reader, Semi-public sex, sex toys, brat taming, spanking,
Genre: Smut
Word count: 2.5k
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You glance up and down at your body in the mirror, smirking as you hike up your skirt so that it just barely shows your ass in your black thong that matched the bra you wore under your shirt and blazer. Your [eye color] eyes fall down to your chest area, which makes you move your hands to unbutton the blazer so that your breasts were easier to notice.
"Hmmhmm..." You chuckle, giving yourself a wink in the mirror as you put on your black thigh highs that clung to your skin beautifully. "I just know mistress will love this~" You say with a smirk, putting on your shoes before walking out of your home.
The cold air of the outside leaves goosebumps across your legs, but to you it's all worth it if it meant that Larissa would get pissed off. You put in some earbuds, playing [favorite lewd song] as you think of all the different reactions that could form on your girlfriend's face once she sees you disobeying her rule of covering up.
"Ah! Ms. Y/n!" You hear a cheery voice say, making you turn around to see one of your students from your chemistry class, Enid Sinclair.
"Miss Sinclair, how can I help you?" You ask, walking inside of Nevermore with the young blonde girl.
"Well, I wanted to see if you could get me a meeting with Miss Weems~! I've been wanting to show her my new werewolf form for so so long!! Plus, you're the only teach that will ever have a chance of convincing her!" She gushes, pressing the palms her hands to her cheeks as her eyes light up with excitement she only got from talking about things she liked.
You tilt your head slightly and nod, an idea popping into your head as you talked with the younger girl.
"Of course, I can! Come inside of the her office after school, okay?" You reply, knowing that Larissa hated her schedule being interrupted and would be very pissed off at you were you to invite the first year girl to do just that.
The younger girl clasps her hands around your own and smiles brightly with joy, her eyes seemingly sparkling even more than they already were.
"Thank you so much Ms. Y/n!!" Enid beams before running off to go be with Wednesday and Tyler.
"No problem~" You smirk quietly, a mischievous glint forming in your eyes as you walk into the teachers lounge that at the moment only contained a couple of other teachers.
"Oh, hey Y/n," Marilyn says as she let out a tiny chuckle of amusement, continuing to read her book.
Larissa's assistant, Gwen, turns around from the fish tank her eyes seemed to be infatuated with, and she waves at you.
"Greetings Ms L/n!" She says, walking up to you to strike up a conversation before the first student council meeting of the day started.
"Hey Gwen!" You smile in response,
"Do you know where Miss Weems is?" The secretary asks, but before you can even open your mouth, you hear a soft voice interrupt what you were about to say.
"She is running quite late, she had some stuff to take care of with the Adams family, however, she should be here any minute now," Marilyn says, twisting her head to face the two of you without moving her body from its front-facing position.
"Oh, that explains it," The assistant says, now noticing just how revealing you had edited your usual clothing due to her love for eye contact.
You nod and sit down on top of the table, leaning on your left arm as your eyes glance over Marylin's book, your legs crossed as they laid on the wooden table below your body. A small shiver goes through your body as your bare ass touches the cold material that Larissa had the table made out of.
"What do you need?" The brunette asks, tilting her head a bit.
"I know you stole one from Enid while she was eating one during class so you're going to have to give one to me~" You chuckle.
The aburn-haired woman chuckles as well, handing you the sucker.
"Thank you~" You smirk, unwrapping it and placing the candy in your mouth, the stick poking out from your soft lips in a seductive manner as you waited for everyone else to arrive.
Gwen raises an eyebrow at you, confused on why your behavior is weird today, but she decided not to pry, and instead goes over to the fish tank once again to stare at the different colored specimens swimming around the decorations at the bottom of the water.
A few minutes pass, and a couple of other teachers and staff arrive, leaving Larissa to be the only one that was missing. You wave at the newcomers as they all sit down at their respective seats on the table, one of the male teachers silently smirking at the new revealing nature of your uniform.
"Where's Larissa?" One of them asks, taking a sip of their tea.
"She's busy with family matters or some shit," Marilyn replies, beginning to become a little agitated as she tried to calm her irritation.
"What she said," You say, your eyes glancing back over to the brunette's book. "But I don't think we have anything important, the only thing any of us have to do is Larissa meeting with Enid,"
Gwen looks up from her clipboard with a puzzled expression present on her face.
"What do you mean Ms L/n?" She says, flipping through her multiple papers that were attached to the plastic clipboard. "Larissa doesn't have a meeting with any specific person for a few more weeks, much less Enid,"
You smirk in response, and remove the lollipop from your mouth with a loud 'pop', looking over at Gwen before speaking.
"I know, but Enid was soooo eager to see Larissa, and I just had to let her see the woman," You reply,
The assistant sighs in response, knowing that Larissa would not be happy with your new addition to her schedule,
"Ah...I see, well, I'll inform her when she arrives, when is Miss Sinclair supposed to arrive?"
"After school,"
"Okay," The blonde woman mutters, writing down some notes quickly on a spare sheet of paper before attaching it to the clipboard. "I'll make sure she knows when to see Miss Weems,"
"Let who see me?" You hear a deep yet seductive british voice that could only belong to your girlfriend say as the door to the lounge room opens.
"Oh! Principal! I was just about to call you! Ms Y/n has scheduled a meet up with you and Miss Sinclair after school!" Gwen says as the other woman walks in.
The blonde pauses as she walks up to her seat, noticing the new revealing aspects of your outfit. Once she hears what you've done, you see her face darken, and an angry look crosses her features.
"Ah...Thank you Y/n..." She says, sitting down, "Please, take an actual seat instead of that cold table," Larissa continues, but you know what she said wasn't a request, but a demand.
"Oh don't worry Rissa, I'll be fine~" You smirk, making the same male teacher lean back on her chair and place her legs on the table almost directly next to your ass.
"Geez Larissa, what did you do to make Y/n so sassy?" He asks with a big fat smirk present on her face. "Not that I mind, it's hot, but it'd be hotter on you"
The principal's eyes darken even more, and her Red lips form a scowl that kept the rage built up inside of her, inside her.
"Shut up," She glares, before beginning to speak, only to be interrupted by the bell.
As the bell rings through the school, making everyone look at the speakers before standing up and getting ready to leave.
As you lift yourself off the chair and walk out, you feel Larissa pull you back right as everyone else is out of the room.
"What is up with you, brat?" She growls, pinning you to the wall as one hand finds its way up to your neck.
"It's nothing Rissa" You smirk,
"It's obviously not nothing," She replies, pressing her body up against your own
You push her off with a wink, "Remember, you can't do anything naughty right before school~" You say before getting ready to walk away, only to be pulled back another time,
"Get your ass back here, I'll do whatever the fuck I want," The blonde woman says, shoving you down onto the chair and stepping on your thigh to keep you in place.
You blush furiously at her actions, and you try your hardest to grind up against her boot, but to no avail."
"Remember your safe word?" She asks,
You nod,
"What is it you slut?" Larissa asks once again, putting more pressure on her foot.
"Libra..." You whimper, to which your girlfriend alleviates some of the pressure.
"Good girl," She says, putting a hand on her thigh to replace her foot as her other hand slides down your thong,
"W-What are you doing?" You ask,
"I'm going to put a vibrator in that fucking cunt of yours," She replies, shoving a remote-controlled vibrator inside of you before sliding your thong back on.
"What, you think this will do anything?" You smirk, trying to keep up your bratty attitude as you stand up,
The taller woman's expression darkens, and she quickly switches the vibrator onto its highest setting, making you fall to your knees,
"Yes, Yes I do, now get out and go observe your students like the good girl you are, and you better not cum until I see you again," She growls, spanking you on the ass in order to make you stand up and walk away, which it does.
The rest of the day was pure torture, Larissa just kept turning the vibrator from the highest to the lowest setting, and it always to seem to be right as you were about to cum. You didn't know it, but she was secretly watching you through the security cameras, adjusting the vibrator in your pussy as high or as low as she felt was necessary.
After school, you ran into Larissa's office as fast as you possibly could, forgetting that you had let Enid schedule the meeting with your girlfriend.
Your eyes widened, and Larissa gave you a knowing smirk.
"Ah, Y/n~" She smiled, patting the seat next to her as she conversed with Enid,
You quickly sat down next to Larissa, who quickly turned off the vibrator and cupped your center with her hand, Enid not being able to see it due to the sight being underneath the table.
"Hello Ms Y/n!" Enid smiled innocently as your girlfriend removed the vibrator and inserted 2 of her fingers, making you whimper,
"H-Hey E-Enid..." You muttered in response, a massive blush flashing across your cheeks as Larissa pleasured you.
Enid raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything and continued to talk with Larissa.
You sit there in silence, taking in the pleasure your blonde girlfriend gave you as her thumb caressed your bundle of nerves, still pounding her two fingers inside of your aching pussy. She curled them perfectly, and it made you squirm no matter how much you tried not to.
Once Enid finally left after what seemed to be forever, Larissa pushed you to the floor, shoving the vibrator back inside of you. She quickly removed her hand from your pussy and placing it in her own, using your love juices that had fallen onto her fingers as lube for her own tight cunt.
"You're gonna watch me cum, and if you cum, you'll get a spanking. If you don't cum like a good girl, you'll get the best orgasm in months," Larissa said, beginning to pleasure herself.
You watched for what seemed like a few minutes, when you noticed Larissa slowing her pace without even coming close to orgasming. She looks up at you and your shaking body, and a devilish smirk forms on her shiny blue lips.
"You know what? Maybe you should make me cum," She chuckles, moaning as you instinctively get to work, lapping up her pussy like a dog with your tongue.
Larissa's moans filled the room, echoing the faster you pleased her. Your tongue eventually found its way up to her clit, where you began to circle it with the tip.
"Y-Y/n~!" She moaned, turning up the vibrator in your cunt to the highest setting as she began to reach her peak.
"Please mistress~! Please let me cum~!" You whimpered, the vibrations from your voice pleasuring the older woman's sensitive vagina even more.
Larissa placed a hand on the back of your head to keep you still, and she nodded slightly,
"You can finish right after me~ Fuck~!!" She groaned, a loud moan escaping her lips as she began to scream your name.
"Yes mistress~" You whine, moving your tongue
"God Y/n!!!" Your girlfriend eventually screamed, her release finally reaching her as cum escaped her hole.
You lapped all the milk from her pussy up, and once you were done, you looked at her with a whiny look.
"Please mistress, I'll be good, I won't brat," You whimper, to which Larissa picked you up and puts you on her lap,
"Cum all over me baby, stain my thigh in your cute little juices," She finally says, allowing you to cry out her name, burying your face in her neck as you also reach your peak, leaving your pussy and your girlfriends thigh soaked in your own doing.
"Mistress~! G-God~!!!" You whimper as another string of curses left your lips.
"Good girl..." The blonde mumbles, grabbing a water bottle and lifting it up to your lips, which you happily accepted.
"Thank you, Rissa," You mumble, yawning as the braided haired girl wiped away the tears that had formed in your eyes.
"You aren't going to brat for me, are you princess?" She asks after you finish drinking your water.
You nod, and bury your face in her large chest,
"I won't, I swear, I'll be good,"
"Good girl," The blue-eyed woman repeats, sighing in content as the two of you cuddle up on the couch in her office.
You shut your eyes after a minute, whimpering slightly as you feel the taller woman remove the vibrator from your soaked pussy, but you didn't care to move.
"Rissa?" You ask, looking up at the older woman,
"Yes Y/n
"Can I sleep here?" You ask again,
Larissa tilts her head and a soft chuckle escapes her red lips,
"On my lap?" She teases,
You nod with a blush, burying your face in her breasts,
"Of course, princess," Larissa replies, stroking your hair as you sigh in content, eyes shutting once again as you fall asleep.
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Someone New 2
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You’ve had a crush on your best friend for years, but you’re slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: Idk why but I'm so over dealing with people!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You swipe away another phone call. You have at least a dozen missed. Let them buzz in your pocket for another few hours. You try not to think about it as you turn your attention back to the plot before you, the tight foot by foot square, and continue to gently sift through the dirt. You stop only to make notes on the map and examine the odd bit of animal bones you find. 
Bzzzzzz. The constant vibration in your pants makes you anxious. You should put it to silent but keep forgetting. Whatever. You’re busy. Whoever it is will have to wait. You know who it is. He’s been calling for days. You’ve been ignoring him just as long. 
You should pick up. You should be there for him. You should be happy for him but your heart feels rotten. Years of pining and you can’t pretend any longer. Not after the party. Not after seeing him on his knee for another woman. That’s it. That’s the seal on the envelope. The dream is crumpled up and in the bin. 
He didn’t even notice that you left early. You don’t think anyone did. You spent all those weeks planning and fretting and laying awake at night and for what? To pretend that it could ever be all for you?  
You sigh and sit back on your heel, one leg bent under you as you rest your arm on your other knee. You blow an insect away from your face and push your hat back. The sun beats down, offering great light for the excavation but less than ideal temperature. 
“Eh, there you are,” Arturo waltzes up in his round tinted spectacles, “find anything good?” 
“Nah,” you shake your head and shrug. 
“You know where you’d find something amazing? Norway,” he smirks, hands on his hips. “So... you thought about it?” 
“Mm, yeah, been thinking,” you utter dully as you look up at him from under the brim of your hat. “When do you need a decision?” 
“The sooner the better. The grant proposal is all but approved, we just need a name on that blank line,” he says, “this could be really good for you. No, I know it will be good.” 
“Right,” you nod and stand up, dusting off your tan pants, “I know you said you weren’t sure but any idea how long? I’d have to worry about my apartment and telling my family...” 
“A year. That’s about right,” he proclaims, “could be longer but I’d plan for that.” 
“A year?” You wisp as your chest deflates. You put your hand on your pocket as your phone buzzes again. “Wow.” 
“You really want to spend another year in the city sweating for crow bones?” He asks. “Not trying to push you but these opportunities don’t come along often.” 
“Norway,” you suck your teeth and angle your chin as you think, “viking stuff?” 
“Possibly, could be an early Christian settlement too. How about I send you the proposal and you give it a look?” 
“Sure, I... I guess I should.” 
“It’ll all be taken care of; accommodation, travel, stipend,” he lists off with his fingers. “I know it’s not Ireland like you wanted.” 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you assure him, “I’ll keep thinking.” 
He winks and grins triumphantly, “tomorrow. I need to know tomorrow.” 
“Tomorrow?” You echo back in a hollow murmur. 
He’s already walking away. Your phone starts to shake again and you growl. You shove your hand in your pocket and rip it out. Your gloves smear dirt on the screen as you press the red button. You pause before you can drag your thumb over. You inhale and push your finger the other direction. 
“Bucky,” you answer in confusion. He wouldn’t be calling if it wasn’t an emergency. 
“Ah, there you are kid,” Steve’s voice comes in place of the expected timbre. You hiss. “You avoiding me or something?” 
“Uh, no,” you reply thinly, “I’m working,” you rub the back of your neck with your other hand, “it’s been busy and I’m sure you’ve been running all around with... everything.” 
You can’t bring yourself to say it. Wedding. Ugh. He’s getting married... to her. 
“Well, Peggy’s doing most of the planning, really. I don’t know,” he chuckles crisply, “you know, more a lady’s thing. She’s already knee-deep in the engagement party. Maybe you could give her a few pointers.” 
“Yeah, maybe,” you grumble as you bring your hand forward to rub your thumb with your index, scratching away more of the dust. 
“I didn’t get to say thank you. Again. That party was amazing. It was perfect, kid.” 
“Steve, we’re the same age,” you gripe at his pet name. 
“Yeah, but you hate it so much,” he teases. 
You can’t smile. Even as your cheeks pinch, you can only grimace. You drop your arm and close your eyes as you push your head back. 
“She loved it. I did too. We’re so happy and you made that happen--” 
“Steve, why are you calling? I’m buried right now,” you huff. 
“You are? I thought you’re supposed to dig stuff up--” 
“You know what I mean.” 
“Well, you missed Opening Day so I thought maybe you’d wanna come watch the game. Sam’s doing his famous nachos and Bucky is... coming.” 
You hear the very man mutter in the background. Great, you even have an audience. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had you on speaker. Why would anything between you ever be intimate? 
“Tonight?” You wonder, “you sure you’re available?” 
“Me, I should be asking you,” he scoffs, “come on, how long’s it been since we’ve been apart a whole week?” 
“Can you dig in the dark?” He challenges. 
“Steve,” you sniff, “I’m tired...” you feel your heart sinking. You feel bad. You never say no to Steve. It’s not easy. You tried but he’s right. You can’t remember the last time you didn’t see him at least every other day. “Fine, twist my arm.” 
“Good,” he chirps victoriously. “I wasn’t looking forward to driving up there and digging you out. So, seven?” 
“Seven, right,” you agree. “See ya then.” 
“Don’t make me come find ya, kid.” 
You hang up and cringe. You don’t even like baseball. It was just another personality trait you took on hoping to be close to Steve, hoping he might realise you’re destined to be together. Well, that’s not true. You’re just stupid. It took you too long to grow out of being that stupid college girl fawning over the blond hunk in his coed sweater. 
Still stupid, still alone. 
You never show up empty-handed. Even when you were a poor sophomore. So it is that you delay the inevitable by stopping at your favourite local bakery. They’re closing and you get the eclairs for a discount as they’ll be on the day-old shelf in the morning.  
The owner, Marigold, knows you and puts in an extra one. You leave a tip as you listen eagerly to her rambling story about her granddaughter’s first soccer practice. Usually, you would be checking the time but today, you got more than enough. Finally, she sends you off as she turns off the sign. 
Fine, you’ll go. 
You find a visitor’s spot behind Steve’s building and linger in the car. You eat the extra eclair to keep from crying. Sugar is good for clogging up your tear ducts. You wipe your mouth and make yourself get out of the car. 
As you wait in the lobby for the buzzer to pick up, your insides squirm. You’re not ready for this. You’re not ready to face the truth you’ve been running from. The one you know you can’t deny any longer. 
“Hey kid,” Steve unlocks the door without awaiting a response. It’s typical; you have your patterns. Those little rituals are all going to end. 
You go through to the elevators and contemplate taking the stairs as you wait. The doors open and you step on, facing your reflection in the mirror doors. Your pants are still filthy from working in the dirt, your shirt is stained with your sweat, but at least you remembered to change your shoes. The elevator dings and you nearly let the doors close again before you can find your strength. 
You walk down the hallway and knock. You can hear their voices through the door. Steve opens it from within and gives you a strange look. 
“What’re you knocking for? You know you can come right in.” 
“Yeah, sorry, tired, long day,” you babble out the lazy excuses. “Here.” 
“Oh, nice,” he takes the box of eclairs, “you weren’t lying. You look exhausted.” 
“Ah, you really know how to talk up a woman,” Sam interjects as he appears in the doorway further down the entryway, “it’s a wonder Peggy said yes.” 
“Shut up,” Steve throws back as he turns to head back to the kitchen. 
You take your time in pulling off your shoes and sense Sam lingering, watching as you meander. You clear your throat as you stand and head down the hall. He nudges you as you step into the doorway next to him. 
“Where ya been?” He asks, “these jackasses have been driving me nuts.” 
“Work,” you repeat again, “lots going on.” 
“Right, yeah, now that you’re not spending all your time planning someone else’s girlfriend’s birthday.” 
You give him a sharp look and he shows his palms. You shake your head. He’s right. You wasted all that time. You’ve wasted years. All for nothing. 
“Fiancee, now, I guess,” he adds. 
“Yeah, the happy couple,” you snip and step into the room, “so we watching the game or are we giving him another pat on the back.” 
“What? You’re not excited? You’ll get to be a bridesmaid or whatever. Since I’m best man, I’ll be sure to save you a dance,” Sam chuckles. 
“You? Best man?” Bucky sneers from the couch where he slouches and flicks through a motorcycle magazine, “don’t think so, bud.” 
“Oh, you don’t think I’m better than you?” Sam challenges. “Let’s race for it.” 
“You cheat,” Bucky growls. 
“No, I have strategy,” Sam counters. 
You roll your eyes. Wedding talk, already. The exact thing you can’t handle right now.  Bucky sits up to glare at Sam as he closes the glossy pages. You let them argue and posture at each other. 
You leave the room and let yourself onto the balcony. The fresh air is chilling. You shiver as you step up to the railing and look across the city. You take in the skyline, each window, each peak, each speck of a car on the streets below. It feels so grey. Like it’s the last time you’ll be standing here looking over it all. 
Maybe it is. 
You sip from the bottle of beer as Sam nearly drops his nachos off his lap in excitement. He hollers at the screen as Bucky gives him a look. Steve shakes a fist at the second base run. You’re happy enough to tamp down the heat of the peppers with the wheaty ale.  
Sam rights himself beside you as Steve reaches forward to set down his plate. He grabs the square of paper towel folded on the coffee table and wipes his lips. He sits back and slings his elbow over the armrest as the next batter takes his place. 
“So, how do you guys feel about a destination wedding?” Steve asks. 
You clamp your lips tight and scoop up more fixings with a chip. Sam swallows loudly as Bucky shrugs. No one says a word. 
“Peggy asked earlier. I wanted to do it at a cathedral here. Just how I always pictured it,” Steve says. 
Yeah, that sounds like him. He likes old-fashioned and elegant. Everything Peggy is and you’re not. Makes you wonder why she wouldn’t want the same venue. 
“Back home?” Sam wonders. 
“England? No. I suggested that and she was not into it.” 
“Somewhere tropical?” Sam prompts again. He’s at least trying. You’re too sick to open your mouth. 
“Sure, that’s what I was hoping,” he smiles, “especially if it’s a winter wedding. The date... yeah, that’s a big deal too. You know, I thought the ring was a pain.” 
You keep your head down, hoping the pain doesn’t show. Not only did he propose to her, he kept it from you. You’re best friends and you had no idea. How much had you been through with him? He had you plan that whole party but he couldn’t tell you that?  
No, no, you’re being dramatic. You’re friends. He doesn’t owe you that. It’s between him and Peggy. His future... wife. Ugh. You can’t even imagine that happening. You try and try but you just can’t stomach the image. Peggy in white, Steve in his tux, and you just standing, watching. 
“I can’t come,” you blurt out abruptly. 
“Huh?” Steve blinks and flinches as if he’s been slapped. 
Sam angles beside you to squint at you and Bucky’s brows pop up. Another silence, this one deadly. You’re suffocating as you search for words. 
“I won’t be here.” 
“Well, yeah, like I said, it’s gonna be somewhere else. You don’t even know when it is,” Steve blusters as his face creases in disappointment. 
“I’m going to Norway,” you blather and nearly choke at the realisation of what you said. 
“Norway?” Sam repeats hollowly. 
“Yeah, uh, work... offered me a grant contract and I’ll be going to Norway. For at least a year. So... yeah.” 
“Wait, you’re leaving?” Steve blinks rapidly, “how-- when were you going to tell me?” 
“I’m telling you now,” you push your shoulders up, “I just found out.” 
“You can’t...” Steve begins. 
“That’s awesome,” Sam speaks over him, “hey,” he nudges you, “that is so fucking cool. Norway. Vikings and shit.” 
Bucky nods and gives a thoughtful look, “rains a lot.” 
“So I’ve heard,” you utter dumbly, not sure how to respond. “I got a lot to do before then so I might be a bit absent.” 
“Don’t even worry about us,” Sam insists, “you need any help at all...” 
Steve stands up suddenly and slams his bottle down. Before you can speak, he twists on his heels and storms across the apartment. You stare after him as he disappears into the next room and you hear the balcony door slide back then snap shut just as quickly.  
You grip the beer bottle tight and look down. You didn’t think he’d be mad. You’ll be out of the way. He can get married and be happy. 
“What a baby,” Bucky grumbles, “can’t be happy for anyone but himself.” 
“Well, you are his best pal,” Sam snipes, “birds of a feather.” 
“So that means I’m best man,” Bucky intones mischievously. 
“No, it’s not best buddy, it’s best man--” 
They continue their banter and you get up. You put down your chips and beer and leave without notice from the bickering couple. You near the balcony and look through to Steve as he leans on the rail, his head down. Gently, you slide the door open and step out. 
Only the wind blows as you come closer to the railing. He roils in the cool evening air. You take a breath as you come up next to him. 
“Sorry, it’s... a good opportunity.” 
“No...” he drones, “I’m happy for you. I just... I can’t imagine my wedding without you. Or my life.” He lifts his head to look at you. “What am I going to do? You’re supposed to tell me what bowtie to wear and how to do my hair.” 
“Peggy can do all that,” you cross your arms, “Steve, I can’t pass this up. If I stay in the city...” you let your voice trail off into the wind. If you stay, you’ll have to watch his happily ever after while yours never comes. “I’ll never do anything.” 
“I know,” he dips his head again, “I’m proud of you. Really. But I’m going to miss you.” 
Your cheeks tauten and your throat clenches. Your voice is creaky as you speak, “I’ll miss you too.”  
He’ll miss you but he’ll never love you like you do him. 
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theminecraftbee · 3 months
fic masterpost
last updated: august 2024
note that this masterpost does not include tumblr-exclusive fics, because i write those as effectively "sketches"; they're practice and meant to be easy for me, so i deliberately don't 'take them seriously' enough to list them here. (also, there are probably over a hundred at this point.) you can find the tumblr exclusive fics in the tag 'a bee fic' if you're looking for them.
additionally: for ANY of my fics, you can always DM me to ask me to give you spoilers if the tags and summary do not give you enough information to decide if you want to read the fic or if the fic might contain one of your triggers. just let me know in a way i can respond privately, and i will give you that information!
multichapter fics
this is about a stuffed bird, hermitcraft, T (warning: a bordeline M), 78k. in which an apocalypse happens that turns much of humanity into horrible monsters, mumbo gets a distressing call from grian and decides to travel across the country to meet him. still my most popular hermitcraft fic and my second-most popular fic overall. heavy on body horror, themes of what makes someone a person, and also evil x is here. i still love the mumbo voice in this, and it even has a complete podfic by quackingfish if you prefer audiobooks.
the continued adventures of the boatem road trip, hermitcraft, T, 28k. a series of events that take place as boatem is trapped in the void together for three months after big moon. originally written as a series of vaguely-connected oneshots on tumblr, gathered here into one place. the ending is a little abrupt, but if you're looking for something with the highest concentration of some of my favorite jokes i've made sitting right next to some good old cosmic horror, this is the fic for you.
the last days of the free angel of carrows, hermitcraft, T, 79k. the angel joe hills and the zombie cleo, owners of the atsign agency, investigate a strange mystery brought to them by pearl, and must save their city as they go. a noir-inspired urban fantasy i originally wrote for a big bang, and still my longest fic! it's got some of my favorite worldbuilding i've done, a great joe-and-cleo plot, a pearl i'm still obsessed with, and so much angel symbolism. if you like aus or urban fantasies, this is the one of my fics you should read.
solving counting sheep, evo, T, 78k. blade-three, living weapon of the watchers, is stolen by martyn after martyn finds its command words and taken home to jimmy to try to rehabilitate. what neither the property police or three itself know is that three is the ultimate fate of grian, their friend who they presumed dead. a fic that is very VERY much about identity and learning who you are, and also plays into many of my favorite living weapon and watcher!grian tropes--as well as subverts them in some heavy ways. probably one of the most personal fics i've ever written, as well. my understanding is that both people who like watcher!grian and people who hate it like this fic, which i take as praise.
the carriers, life series, M, 40k. PET mail (the group made up of Pearl, Etho, and Tango) are mail carriers after the zombie apocalypse, as well as asymptomatic carriers of the zombie virus. when cleo, a person from pearl's past, asks them to bring her a package, they go on a journey that barrels through all three of their pasts. this one is rated M for two specific reasons (both violence) but if you're chill with violence this one turned out pretty well! it is a very me take on a zombie apocalypse, what with the fact that the remnants of heavy industry are almost as much of a threat as the zombies, and a fic that leans pretty heavily on the double life soulmate pairs.
san luis, dream smp, T, 23k, perpetually unfinished. after the other three members of sbi die, philza tries to put back together the pieces. it would be easier if he wasn't hearing their ghosts. this is a fic i'm unfortunately unlikely to finish because it just makes me too sad to write after irl events, but it has some of my best handling of grief, and i know it brings some people comfort. if you don't mind me at my most unrelentingly sad, or are looking for that, i might still recommend it.
in deference to saint george, original superhero work, T, 42k. superhero superball, aka jack harlan, starts dating a customer he meets at the coffee shop he works at, while at the same time dealing with the attacks of the villain dragon and natural disasters. a hero/villain fic with a very ME kind of ending, i am still SUPER PROUD of this. i think the worldbuilding and characters work and it's my proof to myself i can write ow! also, if you've always wanted to read a superhero au from me, good news: this may not be an au, but it's very much exactly that.
long oneshots
consequentialism, hermitcraft, M, 5k. as the members of boatem start falling in the boatem hole, their own dead bodies start showing up. peak "WOULD THAT BE FUCKED UP OR WHAT" horror from me, and also the first hermitcraft fic i ever wrote! if you like my horror writing and aren't too squeamish, good news: this exists.
to convey a certain brilliance, hermitcraft, T, 21k. joe hills and zombiecleo slowly, and through many death loops, drag their way out of their collapsed base to try to survive after a lunar apocalypse. this is the second hermitcraft fic i ever wrote and i wrote it before we knew how moon's big would end, inspired by super hostile; people still tell me it has some of their favorite joe characterization.
cura te ipsum, hermitcraft, T, 15k. tango, in a world where the hermatrix is canon, wakes up on-board the hermethius after dying to the moon and has to try to figure out how to cope. still one of my favorite oneshots i've written, full-stop, and the culmination of all my big moon emotions. it can be considered fully canon-compliant, and it's mostly about all the big emotions something like big moon would cause.
jevin's egg disaster, hermitcraft, G, 7k. the eggs from the season nine egg hunt turn into real children. chaos ensues. this is technically sorted into chapters, and written as a series of very short ficlets on tumblr originally. it doesn't really "conclude" as a result. however this is me on pure crackfic and contains my favorite joke i've ever made (it's in chapter 7 if you're wondering) so PLEASE read it if all the rest of my 'everyone talks about their big feelings' is causing you to need a laugh because it WILL make you laugh.
attempt thirty-three, hermitcraft, T, 14k. joe hills experiences the thirty-third loop of the time loop he's been stuck in, trying to save the world from the rift. a fic exploring the idea of "what happens in that middle part of the time loop when you've been there a while, but don't have things solved yet?" if you like joe hills and you also like hurt/comfort, this is very much a fic with both of those things, and some of my best with both of those things.
a thing that is thicker than starlight, hermitcraft, T, 13k. after reuniting on an adventure through space, long-lost siblings cleo and gem return home and try to figure out where they're supposed to fit into each other's lives. written for recursive exchange and based on "out to the galaxy steady she goes" by thedepressedcanary, although this fic stands on its own. it's a vaguely treasure planet-like au, but it's also MOSTLY about the trauma your parents leave you and the feeling of knowing you're supposed to care about someone (but don't know how to yet). this is my sibling feelings fic, read it for sibling feelings.
the inner mechanism of a black box, dream smp, T, 14k. techno is trapped, isolated, in a horrible version of the prison with only his voices for company. still my most popular fic, and also the fic of mine that is most describable as 'whump'. i still really love the techno writing in this one; it may be the first complete thing i posted to the account but it's still good. written before we knew anything about the prison, and so the situation is entirely speculative; also written before 'techno in prison' really became a genre. you can tell both of these things, for both good and ill.
revenant, dream smp, M, 11k. jack manifold descends back into hell in order to drag tommy back up and out with him. written in a fugue state during the like, three days tommy was still dead. jack manifold is way cooler than he deserves in this fic (he is also EXACTLY as cool as he deserves). to be honest i don't remember why i rated this one M, but not stuffed bird? if you can read stuffed bird you can almost certainly read this. has some of my cooler weird formatting decisions in it and a WAY COOLER VERSION OF HELL THAN THE DSMP GAVE US I'LL STAND BY THAT.
bad beat, dream smp, T, 10k. techno goes to play a high-stakes game of poker against quackity, hoping to win insurance for his friends' lives. do you like card games? i like card games. most of this fic is a thriller in which they are playing poker. both people who like and dislike poker like this fic, though, because the thriller elements still work. also, my one take on casino quackity, so if you like quackity, give it a shot.
a kind of playing heartstrings, empires smp, G, 6k. jimmy invites scott to a cod empire gathering. an older fic of mine that's a cute take on empires flower husbands with a LOT of music culture worldbuilding for the codlands! this is just a fic that makes me feel cozy and happy. it is uncomplicated fluff.
survivorship bias, empires smp, G, 9k. an amnesiac jimmy is fished out of the water and into a surviving village that exists a few decades after the rapture, but still a great deal of time before empires season two will happen. a combination of worldbuilding of that transition period and emotions about jimmy, who doesn't remember why he's sad but certainly feels it. i enjoyed meshing different empires cultures together for this a lot!
the perils of updating your vault hunters server before even the public release (seriously who qa checks this), vault hunters smp, G, 9k. in which a bug on the vault hunters server turns all of iskall's friends into cute small children and he has to get them out of a vault again. this one is just an excuse for me to write endless Cute Baby Shenanigans, and if Cute Baby Shenanigans sound like they're your kind of thing, give it a read!
it's a long way down if you want to get up again, yugioh dm, T, 12k. mokuba tries to puzzle out why his brother is acting so strangely; as it turns out, this is because kaiba has recently time traveled. a fic shoving DSoD kaiba into the earliest parts of yugioh. he is very bad as a time traveler, and he's not necessarily making things better, but they aren't necessarily worse. also, a fic with a lot of my feelings about mokuba and seto's relationship, as well as their relationship with gozaburo. the kaibas will always make me feel things.
on burdens, yugioh dm, T, 11k. kaiba realizes that jounouchi is both more complicated than he gave him credit for and probably being abused, which changes his perspective on him. violetshipping, but mostly pre-violetshipping. another fic where i write people playing a card game! it is also as much about kaiba having the world's worst emotional intelligence as it is about kaiba and jounouchi both having shitty dads.
selected short oneshots
a question for the dead, life series, G, 1.2k. a script-format fic interviewing the dead players of last life. one of my favorite experiments with formatting of all time, line after line of character study with no wasted words. read it.
different sort of soulmates, life series, G, 926. an aromantic mumbo jumbo hears about double life after the fact, and talks through with grian his fears that he wouldn't have been capable of having a soulmate. cute grumbo friendship and also some feelings about feeling disconnected from the people around you. a personal favorite ficlet of mine.
the long odds, life series, G, 1.8k. martyn is invited to the table with the other writers to play a game. a very meta fic in which martyn plays blackjack with watchers and listeners. this fic is like 80% metafiction and allegory by weight, and i like it very much.
a murder, life series, G, 483. before limited life, jimmy and joel realize it's coming via a flock of birds on empires. a fic both with jimmy and joel's unique friendship and a meta twist on the whole canary thing.
task: answer the following question: do you believe in curses?, life series, G, 1.2k. the surviving members of secret life explain their thoughts on curses. a spiritual successor to 'a question for the dead' and another one of my absolute favorite experiments with formatting. another one with no wasted words that hinges on the character voice of it all.
home, life series, G, 887. cleo and etho have a conversation about their new relationship after secret life, given that cleo's aromantic. man, i love cletho so much, and i also really like the idea of aromantic cleo, so this is my ficlet with both of those things.
do you even lift, bro?, hermitcraft, G, 2.4k. boatem fluff about who can bench press the most members of boatem. this fic is still really cute tbh, not much else to say.
like father, hermitcraft, T, 2k. grumbot prime decides he has to protect grian the same way grian protected grumbot in another world. the horror of being trapped by something you can't escape in a box designed to stop you from hurting yourself; also, the horror of your mistakes coming to haunt you.
forgetful, hermitcraft, T, 977. an interaction between evil x and xisuma near the end of season eight. a ficlet exploring some of my feelings about how season eight evil x can very easily be read as abusive and not even xisuma ever seems to acknowledge that. also, the horror of admin powers in minecraft.
to spite your face, hermitcraft, T, 980. a ficlet where joe gets to be mad about how he was treated by hermitopia during the crossover. i just think i still have so many crossover feelings about joe hills on empires, that's all.
as what you make becomes you, hermitcraft, T, 3.2k. decked out consumes tango, as seen from three perspectives. technically three separate oneshots collected into one fic as one story, the idea of decked out 2 'eating' tango is one of my favorite horror concepts from season 9. this is my execution of it.
missed the shovel talk so this is the next best thing, hermitcraft, T, 941. the rest of the NHO throws a party for doc and then interrogates him about when he even got married to ren in the first place. a goofy, funny fic about the hermits hanging out and being friends. this one is mostly jokes, but i think they're very funny jokes.
i also have a number of other 'shorter' oneshots that aren't included here for the sake of the length of the post. to find all of my fics, including those left out of this masterpost, check my ao3! and, as suggested above, browse the 'a bee fic' tag on tumblr to find a collection of everything i've written, including things i either haven't yet transferred to ao3 or will not transfer there.
i hope you enjoy my writing!
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Jealous over Astarion's affections
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Pairing: Astarion x Reader -- This is set in Act I
I got triggered by some flirtations banter between him and Shadowheart and I realized, my tav, if anything like me, would probably feel extremely jealous too. We are not together yet, so do I even have a claim on him? I needed to write down this scenario.
Tags: angst, fluff, sadness, angst, fluff, then maybe eventually smut because I do love that
Part I. Crowned light moon of mine - I found you too soon
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
Part III : maybe tonight I'll rest in peace
Part IV: There is much to do and I still want to live
Part V: Our futures bound, our bodies known
Part VI : These ain't my sins, I broke my chains
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours?
Part VIII : your blood like wine, invite me in
Part IX: I'll welcome my sentence and give you my penance
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die
What a day. As you all were sitting down next to the campfire, your eyes couldn't help but wander at Astarion. While you all were fairly new to each other, you noticed, Shadowheart was quite comfortable around Astarion. and Astarion was acting quite familiar around her too. You wished you didn't see that. So you quickly averted your eyes. Every one else seemed to be busy being merry, laughing, drinking and having a good time. So why couldn't you relax?
You stood up, intending to clear your head. Why do you feel such a sharp pang. You don't love him. You barely know him, he may not even be a good person for all you know. What had you hoped? That he would favor you over everyone? But why... is it because, you yearn...
You yearn for him.
Your heart lit up. And then, you remembered, he didn't, yearn for you. He likes Shadowheart. The beautiful Shadowheart. And she is powerful. Of course he would. She was like a dangerous flower. But a flower all the same. And you? Just a nobody, with no past, and a future you cannot envision. Nothing to your name. Except for a sword, bound to you by a pact. Power. To dispel enemies. To fight your way in this madness that has engulfed your world. But they weren't enough. Not enough for him to yearn for you...
You ran.
Through the woods, far away from your friends, and the warm fire. Through the darkness, like your racing mind. Till you were out of breath in a field bathed in silver moonlight. And the world was quiet. And you felt welcome by Nature. And loved. By the world around. There was not a soul around, and you broke down, in tears. As you felt sorry for the state your heart was in. And how brutally it was crushed. You blamed yourself for even getting your hopes up.
You wailed.
Your cries could not be heard by anyone here. You felt grateful for the serenity. You lay on the grass, hugging yourself. Before long, you closed your eyes, and were drifting off due to exhaustion. The day was hard. The night even more so.
Your light sleep was interrupted by the sound of twigs cracking under approaching light footsteps. You jolted up and were shocked at the shadowy figure looming over you. Instantly your hand reached for your Pact Weapon, but the other party - just as shocked initially - cried out in self defense. "Its' me! Astarion! Please, I did not mean to scare you. Please."
You lowered your weapon. But he had some explaining to do.
"I am sorry, I - I didn't realize it was you. I - I thought you were someone else. A bandit. And I, I was going to well... I was hungry."
He took a deep breath. Resolved to his fate. "I would never hurt you. Or any of my friends. I want you to trust me."
"Alright, let's say that is true, what did you want with this.. bandit? You wanted to loot him I suppose." You put your weapon away.
"That's the other thing. I am not sure, if I should be telling you this, but, I am so hungry, and .. and I have been very unlucky tonight, you see."
"Did Karlach not leave you any food? Or were you so distracted, talking to Sha- other people, that you forgot to eat?"
"I, I need blood to survive."
Silence followed. Deafening silence. He looked down. As if he was ashamed. Then looked up at your with pleading yes.
Your eyes widened in disbelief. Incredulous, you couldn't believe you had missed the signs that were there all along. Everything pointed to him being a Vampire. So that boar..... But now what? There is a Vampire in your midst! OMG. Had you just put your entire party in danger?! You and your stupid trusting heart. What now? Should you kill him?
"I never, please believe me, I never hurt people I know. Those who are my friends. But please, I am very hungry, I just need... a little bit.. it will help me fight better, and make me feel like myself, again".
He knelt down. On his knees... "If it isn't too much, I only need a little bit - or you are free to stake me".
You looked down at the sorry state he was in. This man who you were yearning for, on his knees, pleading you. He was pleading for your blood. That was the only problem. You didn't want him to, but wanted him to not be in such a state either. You wanted to help him. There went your stupid kind heart again. You never learn.
"Will it hurt?"
Astarion looked up - incredulous that you even entertained the idea. "What? Oh! No, only a little prick. And I can be extra careful too -"
"Does it have to be the neck? Because I don't want-" "And you don't have to - if you don't want to" He had stood up. He lifted your right hand, and lifted it to his lips - placing a light kiss. "I am more than happy, with your hand. May I?" He looked up. A darkness in his eyes. Hunger? Greed? Deception? Maybe all of it. You nod slightly.
He caressed your hand with both of his, dragging his lips over your wrist sending sparks through your body. This felt so wrong, yet your body liked his touch. You could smell his hair, bergamot. He was taller than you. Lit up in the moon, this man was gorgeous. And dangerous, as he was just about to prove himself to be. You looked away as he bared his fangs. You hated anything piecing your skin. Hoping you don't feel a lot, you closed your eyes, and you did not. It was barely a prick like he promised. You were grateful.
After a while, you decided this was more than enough of a favor. You tried withdrawing your hand. He got the hint. He let your hand go and stepped back, and looked at your with a grateful smile. "Would you like me to...escort you back, to camp?"
Should you let him? Weren't you running away from how he was making you feel. Wouldn't Shadowheart notice? What would she think? But, how could you refuse him. After all, you may never get another chance...to walk with him. Through the woods. Just the two of you. Even as friends. Or strangers. You grasped at what you could get.
You two walked back in silence. Him next to you. Every now and again you would look at him. He seemed lost in thought, smiling. You figured he must be thinking of her. Your heart sank, and the gratitude you were feeling at being able to walk next to him, quickly dissipated to pangs of sharp pain again. What started as a romantic moonlit walk quickly turned into an unbearable awkwardness for you, and you wished you were back already. So you quickened your pace.
Very soon, you could see the warm glow of the fire. What a relief. You just need a hug. From Karlach. Or Halsin. And you could forget about the unceremonious way you let your heart pine for a man out of your reach. And upon reaching camp - you did just that. You forsook Astarion immediately and without another glance at him, ran to Karlach and buried your face in her, lest you start crying again. You didn't care what he did, whether he went back to Shadowheart, you did not want to witness that.
Afterwards when the whole camp had quietened down. You hung around with Karlach, Gale and Wyll. You assumed, Shadowheart was in Astarion's tent. And you dare not look that way. You asked those lingering - what their reason to live was. Did everyone have something to live for? What would they do, after all this was over?
An interesting discussion followed. You felt you got to know your comrades a bit better. It made you feel warm. The cold that was left due to the lack on one was filled by the warmth of many, and you smiled. You liked it. And you liked your new found friends.
Later that night, you lay in your tent, and tried to drive away all the thoughts about how no one would miss you. If you were not there, or how you were not as interesting as some of the others. And as you fought hard, with yourself, you realized, that there must be others like you out there who needed someone to know them, to look at them, and value them. And you realized you had a purpose. You could be needed. You could carve out a meaning for your existence in this crazy world. You wanted to be there for those that needed you. You will be the hero. And that would be the reason to exist, you would love yourself, so you can love those who needed to be loved.
And with that comforting thought you drifted away.
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
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andiv3r · 4 months
☆ ! INTRO POST ! ☆
HEY THERE! ☆ * . °
I'm Andiver :3
-> i am an intersex transmascfem boygirl with audhd and a lion + coyote therian as well as being aromantic and on the asexual spectrum, so if that bothers you, you should probably leave now
my pronouns are (no preference)
he / him / his + it / it / its + xe / xem / xyr
or she / her / hers if we're friends !
note: i usually prefer masculine gendered terms over neutral / non-gendered or feminine ones !
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No DNI, anyone can interact with me or my blog so long as you're doing so with respect and kindness. If you intentionally make me uncomfortable or act like an ass I'll probably block you, but other than that, I'm more likely to block tags than people.
MY DISCORD IS andiv_r <3
anyone can add me just pls tell me who you are
the ones i care about most have sideblogs!
most important:
- warrior cats @andiv3r-warrior-cats
- doctor who @andiv3r-doctor-who
current biggest hyperfixation:
- gravity falls @andiv3r-gravity-falls
other interests:
- tma @andiv3r-the-magnus-archives
- good omens @andiv3r-good-omens
- dbda @andiv3r-dead-boy-detectives
- dungeon meshi (no sideblog)
- wings of fire (no sideblog)
- ted lasso (no sideblog)
- probably several i forgot about
note: i have a "don't like don't read/watch/look" attitude in regard to media, fanfic, fanart, etc. so long as no real people are being harmed
dashboard simulator
- @these-posts-arent-real is a dashboard simulator blog where i make fake posts, mostly set in the warrior cats universe
animal adventure game
- @animal-adventure-game is a game where you start out in a forest and progress through text-posts
Regular Stuff
#andiv3r rambles - my regular blog posts... basically what it sounds like, i ramble
#ive been asked - replying to asks
#reblog on main - any reblogs that go onto here instead of my side account for reblogging for whatever reason
Fandom & OC Stuff
#andiv3r rambles about [fandom] - my general posts tag + whatever fandom i'm talking about, block these tags to avoid seeing me talk about whichever fandom it is
#wc!omens - my (temporarily dormant) art project where i'm putting good omens characters into the warrior cats universe
#puppet!bill - my concept for a bill cipher puppet that he would have inhabited during the building-the-portal years
#my murder lesbians<3 - content about my warrior cats ocs swiftheart and stormstripe
#a sort of immortality - content about my werewolf & vampire ocs, lori and lucille
Trigger Warnings
#nsfw - usually just mentions genitals for comedic effect, sometimes will be suggestive posts or art
-> #avert your eyes‚ y'all - what i will be tagging my nsfw posts as, specifically for people who want to filter out my nsfw posts and not the general nsfw tag (copy and paste the whole thing into your filtered tags to get the "comma", i promise it will work)
#vent - posts where i'm in a bad mood, be careful
#flashing lights - posts that contain flashing or flickering lights, which i most likely will not post often as i have issues with that myself
#eyestrain - posts that contain bright or very contrasting colours that might cause eyestrain
let me know if i should tag other triggers on my posts
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