#let me know if anything needs changing! o
howlingday · 1 day
Dragon GF Super Post
Bully / Dress / Strength / Jaune & Yang /
Because of our parents arrangment, we've always been close. But the truth of the matter is... I've always had feelings for you... As we grew older, there was a sudden height difference. Even though it's rare, I understand that some people start growing gold hair instead of normal blonde. The next thing I know, you and I look so different from what we used to look like.
Yang: Why are you staring at me? It's real creepy.
Jaune: C-Creepy?!
Beacon Academy, one of the few schools in Remnant that let you attend regardless of your family background.
Guy: Oh? Your dad's done how much blackmail? I bet I could take him.
Gal: Oh, your mom burned that many stores down? Well, I'm sure my mom would love to meet yours~.
Dude: And even if she doesn't, who the hell cares? We don't need anyone, baby-girl~.
Everyone seems to be shamelessly flirt about it, too...
Jaune: (Gulps, Thinking) Alright! Time to shoot my shot!.
Jaune: Uh, h-hey, Yang? Do you, I dunno, wanna try holding hands today? Maybe?
Yang: HUH?
Jaune: J-Just for a little while! I mean, we're engaged, and everybody already knows about it, so wouldn't it be weird to be the only couple NOT holding hands?
Yang: Mm... F-Fine... But only only for a little while...
Jaune: Really?! We can hold hands~?!
Yang: J-Just until we get to class! Try anything funny and I'll pound you!
Jaune: That's okay with me. (Holds out hand) Here.
Yang: (Red-faced, Reaches for his hand)
Cardin: There you are, Yang! I've been waiting for you!
Jaune/Yang: !!
Cardin: In case you forgot, I'm Cardin Winchester! They say you're the strongest student at Beacon. Fight me!
Cardin: Huh? Oh, the rumors are true, huh? You're really going out with a string bean like him? HA HA HA! What a joke!
Cardin: After I beat you, why not go out with me instead~?
Yang: ...ruined it...
Cardin: Hm?
Cardin: (Half his face indented) Huh-
Yang: (Launches him skyward)
Jaune: ...
Yang: Jaune, come here...
Jaune: Huh?
Yang: You... You wanted to hold my hand... right?
Jaune/Yang: (Holding hands)
Yang: ...HEY! What the hell are you people staring at?! Buzz off!
Yang: (Kid) Hi, Jaune~!
Jaune: (Kid) Oh, hi, Yang.
Yang: (Flips hair, Giggles)
Jaune: ...What?
Yang: Wha- Don't ya notice anythin' different?
Jaune: Huh? U-Uh... You changed your hair?
Yang: Don't ya know, Jaune? When a girl changes her hair, you have to tell her how cute she looks!
Jaune: O-Oh, really? Well, uh... You... look really cute with a ponytail~.
Yang: (Gushing) Thank you, Jaune~!
10 Years Later...
Jaune: Good morning, Yang!
Yang: Huh? Oh, mornin', Jaune.
Jaune: (Blushing, Awestruck)
Jaune: Huh?! Um... It's just... Your hair.... You look really beautiful with your hair in a ponytail.
Yang: (Blushing) Wha- U-Uh... (Turns away, Stomps off) I-I DIDN'T DO IT FOR YOU! IT'S JUST REALLY HOT RIGHT NOW! TH-THAT'S WHY I PUT IT UP!
Jaune: Huh?! Y-Yang!
Yang: Huh? J-Jaune?! Are you okay?! What-
Kid: Professor! She did it! She's the one who hurt Jaune! I saw her!
Yang: What?! N-No! I-
Student: I saw her, too! She hurt Jaune!
Child: Yeah, yeah! She beat him up! She's a monster!
Yang: N-No! It- It was an accident! I...
Kid: She did it!
Student: Hurt Jaune!
Child: Monster!
Yang: (Sits up in bed) NO! (Panting) Ah... Another nightmare... I... I need to get ready...
Meanwhile, at Jaune's...
Jaune: (Working the punching bag)
Cardin: (Memory) Huh? Oh, the rumors are true, huh? You're really going out with a string bean like him? HA HA HA! What a joke!.
Jaune: (Punching harder)
Yang: (Memory, Steps in front of Jaune)
Jaune: (Grits teeth, Hits hard as he can)
Jaune: (Panting, Thinking) What... What the hell am I doing?
Meanwhile, back at Yang's...
Yang: (Whistles as she cooks breakfast)
Ruby: (Sneaks in) GOT IT-
Yang: (Casually backhands Ruby's face) Nope.
Ruby: (Rubs her nose, Pouts) Owie~! How could you hurt your adorable baby sister like this~?!
Yang: You can have breakfast AFTER I'm done cooking it. Go get ready for school.
Ruby: Oh, fine! (Hugs) Love you, Yang~!
Yang: ...
Ruby: Ooh~! Ponytail again today? Something good happen~?
Yang: (Blushes) I-It's the weather, okay? Putting my hair up like this is less annoyin', y'know?
Ruby: AND I see that you made three lunches for today. One for me, one for you, and one for somebody else. Is that also because of the weather~?
Yang: ACK! I-It's also for me! I'm just feeling extra hungry today! Besides, it's none of your business, Ruby!
Ruby: Hm~? (Snuggles Yang) I'm sure he'll love it, Yang.
Yang: (Smiles)
Meanwhile, elsewhere...
???: Huh... Morning already? Good morning...
Bleiss: (Stares at Jaune picture) My darling~.
Ruby: It's been a while since we walked to school like this~!
Yang: Ruby... Why are you here?
Ruby: What? I can't walk together with my big sister anymore? Don't be mean!
Jaune: Hey, Ruby! It's been a while.
Ruby: Oh, hey, Jaune~! Y'know, I've been thinking about having a cute guy like you in my harem. It's too bad you and Yang are already engaged. Anyways, I've got a question for you!
Jaune: Huh?! What?!
Ruby: You're walking two beautiful girls to class. Doesn't that make your heart race~?
Jaune: U-Um...
Yang: (Danger emanating from her) WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?
Ruby: Y- Yang, it was just a joke... Calm down!
Jaune: Well... To be honest... I don't really care who I'm walking with, so long as I'm walking with Yang, I'm happy.
Ruby: ...
Yang: (Blushing)
Jaune: Huh?!
Ruby: Hm? Some kind of commotion over there?
Yang: More bullshit? Just great...
Cardin: I don't pick on weak girls anymore, but I'll make an exception if you don't get out of my way, you bitch!
Bleiss: Weak? Ohoho... Now you've done it...
Bleiss: I'm going to give you just one warning. Stop causing trouble, or else... You got that... Beringel brain?
Cardin: (Swings) YOU BITCH-
Bleiss: (Flicks her wrist)
Cardin: (Legs start freezing) Wh- WHAT THE-?! H-HEY! WHOA! SLOW DOWN! I WAS JUST KID-
Cardin: (Block of ice)
Student: Whoa~! She took down that guy without taking a single step~!
Teen: What else would you expect from our class rep~?!
Bleiss Gele-Schnee - Daughter of Jacques Schnee and his mistress. Beacon first year class representative.
Bleiss: Stupid, annoying... Pyrrha, let Professor Goodwitch know about Cardin causing trouble again. Everyone else, look around the school for his cronies! Idiots like him never work alone...
Bleiss: Well?! What are you waiting for?! Do it now! Classes are gonna start soon!
Class: Y-Yes, ma'am!
Ruby: Oh, Cardin came back already? Well, I guess it was just a couple lines, huh?
Jaune: Beacon first year class representative, Bleiss. She's the daughter of the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company. Honestly, the only trouble I have with her is...
Bleiss: (Gasps, Hugs Jaune) DARLING~!
Yang: HUH?
10 Years Ago...
Bleiss: (Covering her eyes) 1... 2... 3...
Jaune: Yang, let's split up!
Yang: Okay! I'll find you later~!
Jaune: No way she'll find me here-
Bleiss: Found you~!
Jaune: ACK! H-How did you find me?!
Bleiss: Of course I found you, Jaune~! I'm always looking out for you, you know...
Jaune: Huh...? Always...? What do you mean by that?
Bleiss: It's true. You're the only one I have eyes for~.
Bleiss: ALWAYS~.
10 Years Later...
Bleiss: Darling... You were almost late to class. That's no good~.
Bleiss: Hm? Oh, why, if it isn't the problem child? Who do you think was cleaning up after you mess from the other day, hm~?
Yang: I didn't ask for you to do that. Now get your hands off him.
Bleiss: Darling, I've warned you before, but I'll say it as many times as I have to so you understand. Someone as kind, and sweet, and gentle as you shouldn't have anything to do with bandit trash like her.
Jaune: Bleiss, that's enough.
Bleiss: Why? It's the truth, isn't it?
Yang: (Shaking)
Yang: (Hurries away)
Jaune: Yang! Wait!
Bleiss: J-Jaune! Darling! Wait! I was just... worried...
Pyrrha: Bleiss, we've finished everything you- HUH?!
Bleiss: (Seething, Shaking)
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signanothername · 8 hours
So, I know you've admitted to never reading For the Forgotten Ones, but I will note it has some very fanon Nightmare + MTT. And, so, it made me wonder;
the concept is just Ink being stopping from destroying his own SOUL by Nightmare, who takes him in. Ink ends up as a healer, before eventually discovering that he's Protector of Creation. Loosest way to describe the plot as possible. Could go more in detail if you'd ever like. BUT BACK TO THE THING I WAS WONDERING!!!!!!!!
How would that go with your version of Nightmare and the gang? With Nightmare finding the small, skeleton (small enough to be a kid), who has almost no knowledge of how the word works, and stubbornly refuses to ever fight or hurt or destroy, to the point he learns green magic, and barely anything else (he only learns his own magic aside from green), and Ink wants them all to be okay at the end of the day. How would that go with him? Even more so, what about MTT? In the story, Horror's the most chill with Ink, they're vibing. Dust/Murder is kinda vibing with Ink, arguably the two closest to Ink in the beginning. Killer is.....it takes a good minute for him to warm up to this one(Will say, at some point Ink falls into another AU o accident when opening a portal for the first time, nearly dies, is soaking wet ad scared, and he's given one of MTT's jackets, AND IT GOES DOWN TO HIS KNEES, I NEED YOU TO PICTURE THIS PLEASE....it was Killer's). By the end they're found family, but I really love your version of everyone, and I started rereading ftfo, when I wondered how different this could be if it were a DIFFERENT multiverse, a.k.a., your iteration?
Oh it’s definitely extremely different chhchc
I’m sorry to say that my multiverse isn’t much of a merciful one hchchchchc (I wouldn’t say my multiverse is a sad one, but it’s certainly a bittersweet one)
Biggest difference? Nightmare won’t even think of getting Ink under him or get him inside his castle to begin with
To Nightmare, That’s just another random Sans in this vastly wide multiverse, he already got 3, he doesn’t need another, sure, the circumstances of this particular Sans are interesting to say the least, but by that point, there’s nothing Ink could offer Nightmare at all except for his misery and negativity, but again, he already got 3 negativity meals that continuously feed him anyway, and this entire place is nothing but white void, so Nightmare has nothing interesting to be offered, there is literally no reason Nightmare would feel like he needs to change his routine to include a random skeleton who’s best they ever done is sit down and sulk
And hey, if being in this white void makes them miserable then who’s Nightmare to stop them from being miserable? :)
He’ll come in, take one look at them and their Au, get out, simple as that, and even if this random Sans had something to offer, Nightmare would simply settle for making a deal and leaving them there (no open positions for another member in his gang)
So basically the entire plot of the fic won’t even happen with my Nightmare, the fic is just gonna be reduced to a oneshot wheeze gchchcch
But for the sake of this ask, let’s imagine that my Nightmare did actually take Ink in, let’s explore how that would go
Another big difference? It’s Killer that’s gonna “warm up” to Ink first, (ngl, never understood the notion of Killer being the aggressive one cchhcch), i put “warm up” in quotes cause in reality it’s less warming up and more like, “wow! A change of pace? Something new? Interesting gotta squeeze every info outta them and maybe even manipulate them to suit me and convenient me while i’m at it”
Killer is social in nature, and unless Ink somehow reminds him of his own misary, there’s no reason Killer would pass up the opportunity to see how this new guy ticks, he’d study Ink like an ant, dissect them in his mind even, i mean, Nightmare getting someone new? He knows Nightmare isn’t one who likes change in his routine so what’s the new guy got that actually caught Nightmare’s interest this much?
All that aside, Killer is actually extremely docile to anyone as long as they don’t push him or force something upon him, and even when pushed, Killer is surprisingly patient and would simply let them get it out of their system all while making it clear he wants to be left alone until he loses that patience, so unless Ink somehow genuinely and actively pushes Killer’s buttons, he’ll never get on Killer’s nerves/bad side, Killer would simply treat Ink like he treats anyone, no genuine connection, just another thing (not person) to study and analyze
If Killer were to attack Ink in any way, it’s less aggression, and more “let’s see what this guy can do” just a quick test for his new lab rat
Killer wouldn’t form any genuine emotional connection with Ink, to Killer, Ink is just another toy Nightmare wanted to get for himself, and that’s talking about Stage 2, Stage 1 is… outta commission, I don’t think Ink would truly have the chance to meet Stage 1 Killer, meeting Stage 3 is a big possibility, but let’s hope Ink doesn’t have to cause I don’t think Ink would know how to deal with him
Murder and Horror are a different story, Horror wouldn’t want anything to do with the new guy, he already got a ton to deal with, he’s not interested to add another problem to his pile of problems, I wouldn’t say Horror would be aggressive, more passive aggressive, Horror is the old tired guy™ in the group, he’s got a splitting headache most of the time, a bitchy boss, hunger eating away at him and a Killer he would like to choke sometimes, he isn’t really in the mood to make friends
But as long as Ink doesn’t bother him, Horror would simply just co-exist with them, and even answer their questions or converse with them, but all in a “hurry up i want a nap” attitude
Horror has the capacity to warm up to Ink, but it’ll be a long slow journey till there, and Ink would have to do all the work cause Horror sure as hell won’t be the one trying to form a connection with him
Murder is a bit on the aggressive side, but not too much, just enough to make it very clear he isn’t up for making friends either, a bit of a cold shoulder if you will, but generally, Murder would just keep his distance, not trusting Ink too much, a bit paranoid about who he might be and why Nightmare brought them in considering they don’t look like they’d fit in their band of misfits at all
Still, Murder would warm up to Ink eventually if he truly realizes that Ink isn’t really that much of a bad guy, just another lost unfortunate soul that had miserable luck in life that Nightmare found them first
I’d say Murder is the one that might form a friendship with Ink, a twisted form of friendship where it’s “you’re now tolerable and so i might lend a hand here and there but every man for himself”, definitely not a rose filled friendship where it’s all rainbows, but a friendship nonetheless
But still, Murder is kinda the opposite to Killer, Killer is docile, Murder is hostile, so if Ink were to be hurt by one if the MTT first, it’s most likely Murder’s doing
But in general, it’s Killer that’s gonna help Ink “catch up” and get up to date on how things go around the castle and in general, it’s pretty much his job as he’s Nightmare’s right hand man, so if anything happens or if Ink steps outta line which could’ve been prevented had Killer done his job by properly introducing Ink to their “work flow”, it’s an 80% possibility that Killer is the one that’s gonna be in trouble
Don’t Imagine Killer doing his job in the sense of actual genuine love to help and more, cold distant “here’s how you can survive” without much emotion behind it even, just Killer smiling his dead smile and chatting it up, and even going as far as physical harm for “demonstration purposes”
When it comes to Nightmare and his relationship with Ink… there isn’t any, Nightmare sees Ink as another asset, another miserable soul to do his bidding, if Nightmare somehow deals with Ink’s refusal to hurt anyone then two things might happen:
1- Nightmare tortures Ink with his fear of white spaces and if things continue they way they do, and Nightmare reaches his limit, he’d simply try killing Ink off (now whether that would work is really up to you)
2- would let Ink warm up to MTT, then use them as scapegoats to force Ink to do what he wants by torturing them every time Ink decides to be stubborn (even going as far as making an example without any actual reason and demonstrating it by breaking one of MTT’s bones like twigs as Ink watches)
Now MTT would definitely start pressuring Ink to do his “job” to just murder someone or hurt them, as they aren’t looking forward to Nightmare torturing them just cause Ink wants to hold on to such delusional ideologies, and maybe even ending up feeling a lot of distaste for Ink and his behavior, their environment wasn’t meant for good intentions to blossom, and they’re gonna teach Ink that
If Ink somehow got stuck with Nightmare and his lil gang then man, I genuinely pity him
I feel like Ink would crave a tiny bit of genuine connection after being stuck in a white void for so long, but Nightmare and MTT don’t have that genuine connection, MTT are just roommates barely tolerating each other who live in absolute horrendous conditions under an abusive boss in an abusive environment, where the nicest most genuine thing one of them might do is tell you “hey don’t talk to boss today he’ll make you relive your worst nightmares, yeah, he’s in a mood today it seems”, and then there’s Nightmare who would make Ink extremely miserable and would use Ink’s fear of white spaces against him like the cruel sadistic bastard he is
Nightmare gang isn’t a found family, it’s a group of forced enslavement and labor, and there’s no escaping it
(The image of Killer’s jacket reaching Ink’s knees is really adorable tho, have a sketch for it :D)
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alleyskywalker · 1 day
Some of Louis’ choices in the finale do make me raise my eyebrows a little bit at him. He's got all the right to be pissed at Armand, no question. But why does this automatically redeem Lestat in his eyes? OK, sure, Lestat saves him - that's new information to him, but...First, this doesn't change anything about Lestat's part in Claudia's death (which is what he primarily confronted him about in the tower) nor the fact that Lestat willingly participated in the trial. Nor does it change the fact that Armand saved him from being starved to death. Technically, they both saved Louis, but at different points and in different ways. (If Armand really wanted him dead, he could have just left him in the wall or could have warned the coven about Louis’ plan to destroy/attack them, etc. And even though he lied about the proportion of his role, Armand had already admitted to knowing that the coven was planning to kill Louis and Claudia. And…Louis makes the choice to warn Armand to not be at the theater before he gets the “full” story of how much Armand knew/participated. At that point, all Louis “knew” was that Armand had saved him, which…wasn’t even technically a lie in and of itself, just, again the degree of things.)
So, what really changes re: Armand and Lestat in the final reveal? For Armand: he participated in the trial more actively and in saving Louis less than originally supposed. For Lestat: he participated in saving Louis, whereas initially Louis thought he hadn’t. So ultimately…both Armand and Lestat actively participate in the trial and then both participate in saving Louis. (Granted, Armand lies more in the process. But on the other hand – Armand can’t really be expected to care about Claudia and Lestat can; Armand had attachments and commitments to the coven and Lestat didn’t…) If Louis had just walked away from Armand as well, that’s fair enough. But how does Lestat suddenly warrant a reconciliation (and apology??) when a similar level of participation in this whole debacle warrants Armand – Louis’ partner for decades, whom he had supposedly forgiven for the worst of what happened in Paris, who has stuck with him through various self-destructive behavior trying to fix what he'd broken – an immediate break up (with some physical violence to boot) with no questions asked? (And he has to be at least somewhat over it if he hasn’t bothered to hunt down Sam despite them knowing all about where he is and what he’s up to these days.)
Speaking of questions for Louis, here’s one. So, Armand claims that the coven “improvised” a death sentence from the word banishment. He says this in the context of claiming that he saved Louis by mind controlling the crowd into sentencing Louis to banishment instead of death. But what if…it’s not true that the coven “improvised”? Perhaps “banishment” has a double meaning or gets used as a euphemism for those sentenced to die of starvation in the wall or just who get buried in those crypts after committing crimes. I’m not saying, btw, that this is indeed so, but we don’t actually have evidence that it isn’t. Satiago getting flustered at first indicates that this isn’t a formal way to refer to this kind of punishment/sentencing at least, but when he tells the coven to “tuck him in nice and tight” everyone know exactly what he means, so there’s a basis to assume  the possibility of some common understanding of banishment = getting shoved into the wall, alive or not, whether slang, euphemism or similar. So, let’s for a second assume this is true.
Armand wouldn’t admit this context to Louis while he’s lying about saving him at the trial, because it takes away from Armand’s role as his savior, so if he’s going to lie about mind controlling the crowd, he has to lie/bend the truth about how much the coven needed to improvise to arrange for a death sentence regardless. It also makes sense then that Armand might not have taken this road to trying to save Louis, in fear/knowledge that it would/could just come out worse.
So, what of Lestat? Lestat knows the rules, conventions, and language customs around the coven because, well, he founded/was part of it. So if “banishment” could be easily interpreted as “banishment to starve in the wall,” then Lestat would know that or could be expected to. Yet, this is the punishment he chose when he could have mind controlled the crowd into saying anything. Hell, why didn’t he mind control them into saying “not guilty?” Would have solved a lot of issues, yk?  Would this make Lestat kinda extra vengeful/sadistic? Sure, but…he did just willingly participate as the star witness in a trial to burn Louis and their “daughter” to death. Is this really sooo out of character from what Louis knows or thinks he knows about Lestat at that point in time? Like, not even to question Daniel’s suggestion that Lestat saved him – even though, the script is not actually evidence of that, just that Armand might have had a more extensive role in the play? (And…he could have still been under duress to direct it as much as he would have been to just not tell Louis about it. But Louis doesn’t ask about/consider this either.)
I’m not saying that’s how it went, mind. The reunion scene with Lestat makes it pretty clear that Lestat had in fact wanted to save Louis. But Louis can’t/doesn’t know this, certainly not prior to the reunion scene. Did Lestat actually save him? Is there any other context he might be missing? This is just a theory Daniel has after all. Does Claudia’s death no longer matter then? Doesn’t this just mean that both Lestat and Armand belatedly tried to save him? He’s obviously shocked and not thinking straight – I’m not saying this to bash him or anything (and leaving Armand would have been a justified reaction regardless, just for the lying). But it’s kinda crazy to me that Louis is apparently so eager to believe the worst of Armand and find any reason possible to forgive Lestat at the drop of a hat.  
I don’t really have a point here. Just…need to throw thoughts into the void because the show melted my brain a bit. Forgive me, etc. I do love/enjoy all these characters.
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@ambivalentatmosphere asked: 26.  HEAL :  for one muse to nurse the other back to health from a sickness or injury. (yeeting Hibiki at Maxie because I think it has potential to be cursed)
To say that Groudon's revival wasn't going to plan was a bit of an understatement. Or rather--the awakening had gone just as planned. It was everything afterward that had been the problem.
It had proved wholly resistant to any attempts to command it. Groudon had also revealed a startling ability to move much faster than any of them had anticipated, discovered when it made use of one of its enormous, clawed hands to throw Maxie bodily into the cave walls. Everyone else was ignored as it focused its attentions on burrowing its way out of Mt. Chimney.
Archie had spared a moment to check if Maxie was even still alive. Upon finding them still conscious enough to deliriously insist on their ability to help, he'd pushed them back to the ground, told them to stay put, and taken the admins to go after the titan.
It takes them a few minutes to work through the pain enough to sit upright. They'd taken the brunt of the hit with their left side, judging by the pulsing in their shoulder. Standing up was proving to be more of a challenge, but they'll be damned if they're still going to be on the ground by the time some of the grunts arrive.
...Though judging by the sound of footsteps echoing down the connecting chamber, it appears they might, in fact, be damned. Maxie tenses and retrieves a pokeball from their pockets with their good hand. They'd rather have their mightyena at their side, just in case.
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ladyseidr · 4 months
@florietiae ( because i was enabled <3 )
Jayne had been frequenting the little café not far from her apartment complex for awhile, and she was in the middle of her weekly visit. The cappuccino was whisked off the counter and paid for, Jayne turning to leave before someone caught her eye. It was a quiet morning, the café mostly empty save for a few individuals, but this one stood out.
The woman was pretty which, admittedly, was the only reason Jayne needed to consider making an approach. It wouldn't have been the first time she had picked up a beautiful woman along with her coffee. So, she strolled over and placed her drink on the table across from the stranger. With one hand on the back of the spare chair and the other fiddling with the bottom of her cropped tank, she finally spoke:
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"Mind if I sit here?" She flashed her best smile, head tipped slightly to one side. "I know it's a big, empty coffee shop, but I was hoping you wouldn't mind a bit of company. You seem interesting. And I like your shirt." The compliment was given with with a dash of humor. ( Testing the waters, before she overstepped any boundary. ) "It's alright if you'd rather spend the time alone, though. I was planning to take a walk down by the storefronts after this anyway."
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atimelesslullaby · 9 months
Now go home, @dullweapons! Regain your lost time! Home... Where you are supposed to be... The way you are supposed to be...
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"Would you like a flower?"
He was quite tall in comparison to the princess. She had just been, very carefully, picking some red and blue flowers. The red were those that were rare, blue could be found in many patches. To this taller man, it was a red flower, the roots still in tact. If there was a desire to replant the bloom, it was more than possible.
It felt as though she was always busy. Overseeing construction, approving traditional designs, and this didn't even begin to count the number of letters she had to write, and paperwork she had to sign. Zelda had a wrist of steel. Her basket was full of, mostly, blue flowers. Seems she didn't have much luck today finding the red ones.
Taking in a deep breath, Zelda releases it, gaze turned towards the sky as a breeze tugged at her hair, and dress.
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"...Do you ever feel a strange sadness?"
Maybe that wasn't a good question to ask, given her status. But one thing was for certain: She'd never put herself above anyone else, royalty or otherwise. Her once best friend had been a simple boy from the forest.
If only she could see him one last time...
"The power to control time feels more like a curse, than a blessing."
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lunaetis · 10 months
▸▸ [ @ardenssolis || hikaru interaction call ]
─「ヒカル」─  the SCIENTISTS would have briefed him on her past prior to bringing him to where she was kept. ever since the connection with her last deus was severely damaged and forcefully corrupted, it was TERMINATED manually by the previous deus herself in order to preserve the automata's mind from being infected by the virus. that, however, resulted in the said deus having lost her life. a SACRIFICE made out of calculation. there were many handlers, many humans capable of what she could accomplish, but the resource it takes to build one automata was too great to bear. in the end, she deemed her life less valuable compared to the BATTLE AUTOMATA.
                [ MODEL 0107-1999 : HIKARU : ACTIVATED ]
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                crimson hues were slowly revealed. concept of time was non-existent for the AUTOMATA. yet, the feeling of a connection being established was surprisingly nostalgic. the way the end of her mind, her nerves, her consciousness and thoughts were linked to someone. she didn't know how long it had been since the last time this happened. ruby optics met with DARING GOLD.
                he was bright, she thought. shining. warm, almost. like the SUN.
                " are you ... my deus ? " registration required. " please tell me your name. "
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ninocence · 1 year
speak your heart
Denning feels a draw towards the library; A similar force to how they gravitate towards sound, how silence repels them. Perhaps that natural voracity for words (one of few things in their nature) is what drives them out of their room in the off-hours to linger in the library like a spectre, sitting deathly still on what would be an uncomfortable stool for most for hours at a time; Poring over research journals en masse in a corner far enough to not drive others away, but close enough to hear the subtle shuffle of paper, the hushed and unhushed discussion of academic material, projects, menial things.
It is during one of these unnecessary little trips outside of their room that the knight spots a faintly familiar head of green hair leaving the library. Golden eyes follow the girl, unwavering; They have seen her before. It is not often they were snuck into the Black Fang in place of one of their kin, but that out-of-place shock of grass-green is memorable enough to be unmistakeable; Less stand-out during the assault upon Ostia, but present nonetheless.
They had no orders to harm her, and their master lies silent. Their bow is pledged to another, even if the hand to guide them is yet clumsy in their wielding them.
So, they do the polite thing to do when recognising another person, like their knight-tutor had taught them; They lift a hand in greeting. Their own short ebony hair is as unmistakeable as their eyes, but far from unique, more telling to their nature rather than their exact identity. They do not know if she will recognise them in turn. It hardly matters. They recognise her, after all.
Another hand comes up. Hesitates. Points at the book she is cradling. 'light reading?' they ask.
Keeping up with the monastery's workload is no easy task, but Nino had promised she'd work hard and do well, so it's only natural she'd have to put in the extra effort at the library most days! That said, most of the library's contents are still impossible for her to decipher, and the books she chooses can only reflect that limitation. A travel log is in her hands this evening, its pages dominated by beautiful, colorful illustrations in an artist's loving hands, with short descriptions underneath that she hopes will be within her grasp. She's about to head out with the book when —
"...!" She's learned, by now, not to automatically flinch at the sight of golden eyes, even though the sudden appearance of a figure right outside the door still catches her off guard. But the face that greets her isn't that of Ephidel, similar as they look at first glance. No, this person's hair is shorter, and there's an odd air of familiarity about them, even though Nino can't exactly place why. She hesitantly raises a hand in return, taking the few steps to close the distance between them, blinking up at the other. A few seconds pass in silence, but there isn't any clear recognition in their expression, nor do they speak.
Instead, their hands raise, palms out in a movement that seems deliberate, all without speaking a single word. The immediate meaning is lost on Nino, but she takes a guess to their intentions.
"Do you... want the book?" Mindful to keep her voice down, since they're still outside the library, Nino looks down at the tome in her hands. She supposes she doesn't have to read this one specifically. "You can have it if you'd like," she says with a smile that's only a little timid, holding out the tome, "I can go look for another one."
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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@gateway31 liked for a starter.
With William's interest in engineering and tech, it was little surprise that he would have ended up at a nearby tech showcase event. He was always on the lookout for ways to improve his own creations, and viewing up and coming new products and concepts could leave him jittering with anticipation to get back into his workshop. That brimming energy was only visible, however, in how his eyes lit up—something far more genuine than his usual expressions.
He glanced sideways at a woman standing nearby, presumably viewing the same exhibit as him. He took the opportunity to speak, thumbs hooked in his pockets and a smile in place, "It's incredible, isn't it? How quickly technology progresses." It wasn't often he had the chance to talk to someone other than Henry who might understand even a drop in the pool of his knowledge of engineering. Reaching out to strangers at a gathering of like-minded individuals was one of his rare opportunities.
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"William Afton," he introduced himself with a faint incline of the head. "I'm here looking for. . . inspiration for my own work. Is that what brings you here too?"
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diabeticgirl4 · 2 years
I normally don't say this about characters I love but I rly hope matt gives cassandra a love interest before the end of the campaign
#ignore me#maddie liveblogs critical role#in a talks machina ep taliesin mentioned how the de rolo family rarely shows affection and all#and I think cassandra deserves that!!#percalia is slowly starting to grow on me bc it shows how good she is for him etc#he's had a Stressful life tbh and she's a nice break from his ever-present angst#but poor cassandra is barely an adult and she's been shoved from trauma to being the main head of her home w/o much company#and her terrible brother avoids her all the time!!! she needs someone to help her out and ease her stress#just. she deserves someone that reminds her of happiness#I love cassandra as a character and I'm so sad she's rarely mentioned bc she never has anything to add so she's always forgotten#like. kima/allura and gilmore are given so much more attention than her. and she's a main character's sibling!#I'm not saying that giving her a love interest would change that#but at this point she's become so bland and barely 2D she rly needs something for herself#giving her a love interest would at least allow her to open up more and ease her stressload and let her be the teen she never got to be!#and I know this is asking much but maybe even percy drama?? force him to talk to his sister he abandoned and avoids.#make them talk about love and family! things percy hates talking about but now has- but cass never had the opportunity!#make him the protective older brother and she the stubborn teen and let them be silly about it#I've been reading too many fics that give cass so much more character than she has in canon and it makes me sad#cmon I have 20 eps left don't disappoint me mercer
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interxstitial · 2 years
@fadinglights​ sent: “ do you want some company? ”
they’ve crossed paths several times, simply by the inevitable nature of their social circles intersecting. election fundraisers, hospital openings, country club brunches... truly, the elite live in one big incestuous pool of privilege and indulgence. if julien weren’t already on such a strict diet, he’d be emptying his stomach at the first opportunity after a meal with these rats. in any case, he expects to see the same faces at most events—or, at the very least, the ones worth knowing. so when he sees park seojung at a mutual acquaintance’s gallery, julien isn’t surprised.
this is, however, the first time they’ve spoken to each other.
slowly, julien peels his gaze from the sculpture in front of him and turns it onto his new company. a polite smile settles across his lips as he allows a hint of recognition to slip into his expression. while park seojung plays little, if any, part in his war, it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to make a friend of him. better than an enemy, especially considering the empire he’s meant to command one day.
“i certainly wouldn’t mind it,”  julien answers with a playful tilt to his head, which in turn has the little hoops in his ears swaying lazily. “but if you’re going to chat with me about the art, i’m afraid i’m already familiar with them all. we could talk about anything else you like.”
questioning minds starters: ACCEPTING!
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quietvigil · 3 months
[Starter for @tearenola - Led Astray]
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It was far from the first time Ginko has escorted someone else through the Uro passageways for one reason or another. Those deep, winding tunnels through the layers of the world are treacherous, but not without their uses— the Uro mushi's method of hiding from unenclosed spaces can bridge the span of japan in its entirety, if only the right path were to be found through the twisted spaces.
…However, it was the first time he's had someone run off from him. Perhaps he should have kept a closer watch on his tag-along; he'd noticed the wound-up energy in the soles of the other man's step, bouncing and dragging in equal measure down the precarious angles of the pathway, but had erroneously mistaken it to be a simple desire to get out of the tunnels… not to trap himself further in.
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"Hey— come back!" Ginko's shout echoed in time with the beat of his temporary companion's footsteps as they left the staked path with a yell, disappearing around the corner in a flash of blue and black. Callused fingers curled around the thin metal chain that marked the route to their destination, a sudden trepidation having gripped him.
Damnit, damnit, damnit.
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Ginko, for the first time in a very, very long time, had strayed from the path. He chased the sound of footsteps through winding turns and deep drops, chambers playing with the sound and distorting it with every breath and echoing pulse. It was nearly impossible to tell where the other man had gone after a few sharp twists, and the further he went from the charted area, the worse both of their odds became—
His eye had caught a stream of light shining down from the corner of the passageway in the middle of his marching thoughts, glinting in the corner of his mind. There shouldn't be other passways open from the inside this close to the main path, but— if they had gone anywhere...
The tiny crack of an exit he had come across almost looked too small for him to squeeze through, at the time. His shoulders still ache from the contorting and twisting he had to do to work his way out of the passageway, the edges of his medicine box scuffed by black packed dirt and stone that still stubbornly lingers beneath his fingertips.
The world Ginko resurfaces to in pursuit of the other man is… utterly alien by all definitions. Tall buildings that gleam in the hot, humid sun, a thin copse of trees that struggle to blot out the roar of— of something beyond, passing people and blurred shapes in cuts of cloth that ring remarkably similar to his own. The area he's in is enclosed by astoundingly expensive-looking wrought black iron and fields of stone, all carefully maintained from the encroaching vegetation. And more importantly…
His charge is nowhere in sight. There are some people milling about the area, and a scant handful of baffled stares weigh heavy on the back of his head. Surely someone here would have noticed? Ginko pauses for a moment to try and wrest some of the black dirt from his person, deep scuffs dug into the weave. It looks like he's just dragged himself out of one of the graves— which, uncomfortably, may not be too unapt a description, judging by the shape of the tree roots he'd wormed his way out of. They seem to have grown up and over top of something not too dissimilar in relative size to the odd engraved stones that litter the small enclosed field, which upon closer inspection certainly appear to indicate some sort of final resting place, albeit not in a... style he's seen before.
"…Hey, you," It only takes him a moment to narrow down the closest bystander— an individual with straw-like hair and something metal catching light from the bridge of their face. (They're hardly like anyone he's ever seen before, foreign in every sense of the notion— where is he?)
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"—Have you seen a man about this tall," Ginko gestures about level with his eye, a new unlit cigarette dangling from his offhand as he catches his breath— "long brown hair, blue kataginu..?"
Please let them have gone down the same path.
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4fter-hours-archive · 4 months
━━ ✦  ( @kissofthemuses )
Roaming centuries he had seen his share of places and people. They had all lost their appeal after a while when you traveled them alone. Thankfully Arabella was with him this time as they traveled Europe again for the sake of it. Reminisced about what their lives had been like before they had been turned by their Sire. What they had hoped for their lives and what could have been had they never been turned. Why? Who the hell knew anymore? All they knew was that time would be a currency that they would never run dry of.
What neither expected was what, or rather who they found, in Amsterdam. They had come upon her by chance in her final moments. Something about her made him think about a sister he had centuries ago, when his heart still beat and he was able to enjoy the warmth of the sun. They argued for a moment, they had come across so many people before, why was she different? Arabella hissed at her fellow childe. Reluctantly he knew she was right, they had avoided giving others the same fate they had, why was he considering it?
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As they began to walk away, he could hear her heart beginning to slow in his ears, the echo of her moans in pain as she lay there. She had put up a hell of a fight but in the end, it was for naught. ❝ Fuck this. ❞ Hastily he kneeled next to her, even now as she lay Death's door, her hands, weakly, batted at him in her last attempt at a fight as he took her wrist and bit it. Then offered his in return. ❝ We need to find somewhere to take her while it happens. ❞ He pleaded at Arabella, if she wanted no part in this, he would understand.
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unseeliiee · 1 year
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@acourtcfmuses’ Jude asked: “You’re in a bad mood. Are you in pain?”
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“I am not in a bad mood,” Cardan protests, a half-empty glass on wine in one hand. The liquid sloshes against the sides so close to spilling with one haphazard motion.
Despite his words, tension still winds through his shoulders and in the hard set of his jaw. It had been some time since he had had to hide the entirety of himself from Jude and he was well out of practice. Time and affection had made it much harder now.
“Let’s just get ready for this meeting. I want to get it over with.”
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cringe-but-proud · 28 days
Can I request headcanons for Kurt, Remy, Logan, and Wade finding out that his gn s/o has never dated anyone else before him please?
X-Men requests YAYYYYY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!! 🤸🏃🤸🏃🤸🏃🤸🏃🤸🏃
Wade, Logan, Remy, and Kurt with a s/o who hasn’t dated anyone other than them!! <3
Warnings!: cursing ig, reader is referred to as pretty (I consider that gender neutral, but wanted to put it here just in case), and that’s it!
A/n: Want them all ngl 😞 If it wasn’t already clear, I’m delighted to have my first X-Men request. And I also really like this prompt (definitely not because I can relate to it. Haha, shut up). Also, requests: OPEN 💜
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He straight up thinks you’re lying when you first tell him. He even laughs because he’s convinced you’re just messing with him.
But, then he realizes you’re not laughing and he’s like “Oh, shit. Really?”
He’ll apologize for laughing and probably say some shit like “Sorry, I just didn’t realize a smoke show like you was capable of being single”
And he means it. He was fully under the impression that you’d been on more than a few dates because you’re HOT
Definitely teases you about it. “Is that why your hands were so sweaty on our first date?”
Don’t be afraid to (playfully) smack him.
Despite all of the teasing, he makes sure to let you know that it doesn’t bother him. In fact, he thinks it’s cute
He’ll say that you’re “new to dating” even if the two of you have been dating for years
Starts calling you a rookie. And he ends up saying it so much that it just becomes one of the many pet names he has for you
And, yeah. When you’re not around he’s probably giggling and kicking his feet over how he’s your first boyfriend 🤭
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When you first tell him, he just looks at you for a second, not saying anything before going “You’re serious?”
“And you decided I’d be a good first pick?” He says it like he’s teasing, but, in reality, it does confuse him a bit.
Like, wouldn’t you want someone sweet and kind for your first relationship? Not a grumpy, old guy with knife hands???
Nonetheless, he’s grateful (and even honored) to be given the title of your first boyfriend
He doesn’t make a huge deal out of it. He’ll occasionally bring it up, maybe ask a question or two about it. But, it doesn’t really change anything about your relationship.
Or, at least, that’s what you think for a while.
One night, he returns from a long mission and he crawls into bed next to you, and you think he’s just gonna immediately go to sleep like he does every time he comes back from a mission. But, then he mumbles something.
“I wish I’d had someone like you as my first.”
And before you can even process it, he’s asleep.
You ask him about it in the morning and he says he doesn’t remember saying it. You can decide whether or not you think he’s lying.
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You tell him that you want to tell him something, and he can tell you’re nervous about it.
“What’s got you so nervous, chère? You know Gambit don’t judge nobody. ‘Specially not you.”
And you confess to him that you’ve never dated anyone and he’s like. “Oh. That’s it?”
He doesn’t mean to sound apathetic. He was just expecting something bad.
He asks you to clarify what you mean by “not dating anyone before him” because he thinks he somehow misunderstood you
“You telling me no one ever tried to get with a pretty thing like you?” And then he smirks. “Or were you just ignorin’ all of ‘em till Gambit came round?”
He also teases you about it from time to time. Makes little comments about how he’s your first.
But, it’s just because he loves it.
He often thinks about how he’s the only guy who’s gotten to take you on dates and do all this romantic stuff with you
“Don’t no one else know what they missing out on….”
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He doesn’t even try to hide his surprise. He can’t.
“I’m really your first? But, how? You are so beautiful!” He’s just upfront with why he thinks it’s absurd.
He needs to hear it a few more times before he finally accepts it. And that’s when he starts getting giddy.
“I am your first lover?” He grins. “I like that, I think.”
And now everyone has to know. Sorry.
He will gladly go around and tell people that he’s your “first love” (as he likes to say). Is it usually embarrassing for you? Yes. But, it’s Kurt. So, it’s okay.
So, yeah. You definitely don’t have to worry about whether or not he minds it.
Of course, now he has to ask a bunch of questions about it too.
“So, was the first date you’ve ever had with me?” If you say yes, he smiles before asking. “Was it good?” Like he doesn’t already know the answer.
He’s just over the moon that he was the first person that you really fell in love with. And he wants you and everyone around you to know how happy he is with you.
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atimelesslullaby · 10 months
I hoped you would return I waited seven years And now, you are back, @heirtotheskies!
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"I do apologize if I am trespassing."
She must have looked out of her mind, here, in the snow. Nothing but her traditional dress on, along with the jewelry tradition had always demanded she wore. She may have been on the run from Ganondorf, but that didn't mean she didn't have to compose herself as a proper princess.
...Thank goodness for Din's Fire.
Where in time this was, Zelda didn't know. She was still very new to the concept of manipulating time, it was incredibly difficult. Even now, there was no hope of using it again. Just traveling here had sapped most of her energy.
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"If it would be no trouble, could you possibly direct me towards the nearest village?"
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