#let me live in delulu land
nettedtangible · 7 months
My Grandmother called me in the middle of me reading choices
GM: are you okay sweetheart you sound dreadful
Me: *sniffle, dabs away my tears* yeah I just have a cold
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
DFF Finale
Alright alright alright that took me on a rollercoaster like some REAL high lows in that episode, I love an ambiguous ending but also I crave so much more closure owwwwwwww However for now I'm just coming to share my theory. Ever since this post pointed out that New hallucinated Non in his death t-shirt, I've been sitting on the idea that the Janta drugs have actual supernatural qualities. These aren't just any old hallucinogens New cooked up, they're a strain of a drug that serves a specific purpose for a death cult. So now that EVERYONE hallucinated Non in his death t-shirt, even though Tee is the only one who ever saw him in it, and it's highkey unlikely that he described the shirt Non was wearing to them at any time (and certainly not to New when he hallucinated Non wearing it years ago), I would like to propose the theory that the ghost of Non they see is a very real very true ghost, and the things he says to them are very real very true things. The "thank you" he gives New is not a figment of New's troubled mind, but what Non actually has to say to him, just like everything else he says to everyone else: their actions may be the product of their guilt, but Non is actually speaking his ghostly mind to each of them.
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 1 month
finally start reading asos again after a reading slump:
the very next chapter is dany's:
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
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notesmadefromthedark · 10 months
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
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Idc what you say. I am married!!
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dawnagustd · 2 years
...ready to swing on anybody who tries to save me from Jung Hoseok!
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redrisingsun · 7 months
Y’all know how painful it is to rip your stitches? He did that for her.
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suengmi · 1 year
oh also I reread cat and mouse for like the fifth time today and it got me thinking abt chan as a sugar daddy 😭 awwe that was such a sweet fic tho its honestly all i’ve been thinking about!! he was just so cute and vulnerable and just AWWE!!!
chan as a sugar daddy...... you gonna make me rrRRRR
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jamespotterismydaddy · 6 months
The Wolf's Betrothed
dark!aemond x niece!reader
summary: prepare to be kidnapped by your delulu uncle
A/N: this is based off a request that asked for non-con so this is the closest i've written to it but i still think it's dub-con??? idk pls lmk what you think
TW: MAJOR DUBCON, incest, smut, knife kink, blood kink,, breeding kink, forced marriage, murder
word count: 1,929
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You feel content. Cregan Stark is a good, honourable man and he will make a fine husband, is what you continue to repeat in your head as your carriage makes its way to Winterfell. You travel without your family, being sent early to meet your husband to be and you’re nervous. You met few Northernmen on Dragonstone and you fear the cold, but you know it’s for the best. This alliance could be the thing that puts your mother on the throne. Though, as you get closer to your destination, a sense of dread begins to set in. 
That’s when you hear it, the beating of wings, shortly followed by screaming. The carriage comes to a halt so swift that you’re thrown from your seat.
“Princess!” One of your handmaidens exclaims as she helps you back up.
“I-I’m alright.” You say as you find your footing. You make your way to the door. “We must go.”
“Perhaps we should wait for the guards?” The other girl says nervously.
“They’re as good as dead.” You say as you throw open the door. Your men that are left, fight for their lives against the few green soldiers. They don’t need many when they have a dragon. You glance up to the sky and see her… Vhagar.
“Fuck.” You murmur as you hop to the ground, your handmaidens on your tail as you begin to run towards the forest.
You pant as you go, trying not to trip on your long skirts, snow filling your boots. You know you need a plan but the only weapon you have is a small dagger and you’ve never been a great talent in hand-to-hand combat.
You’re close to the treeline now, barely 200 yards away. You know Aemond won’t torch it if he thinks you’re in there. All you have to do is make it. To. The. Treeline.
But you don’t. It goes up in flames in front of you and you have to turn and shield your face from the heat. Your handmaiden, who was in a much less elaborate dress than you, made it further, and she goes up in flames with it. You turn, grabbing the hand of the other girl and begin to go south before you see three men waiting for you. You turn north and begin to run but you don’t make it far before Vhagar lands in front of you.
“No…” You breathe out as you backup, your handmaiden clinging to your arm. You know you’re caught now.
Two men catch up to you and grab you each by the shoulders, giving you no time to draw your dagger as Aemond descends his dragon.
“Dōna mandianna.” (sweet niece) He says as he approaches. “Sepār hae gevie hae nyke mōrī ūndan ao.” (just as beautiful as I last saw you) He tilts your chin up gently.
“Release my bride. You can do as you wish with that one.” He says to his guards as he glances at your handmaiden. The two men grab her.
“Princess, help me!” She cries out as she’s taken away.
“She’s no threat.” You say to your uncle, glaring up at him.
“My men deserve a reward.” He says offhandedly and you begin to wish she had died in the fire as well. You wish you died in the fire. His hand comes up to caress your face. “I have missed you.”
“I miss my brother.” You say with hate in your eyes.
“Hmm, an unfortunate circumstance.” He replies.
“Kinslayer.” You spit out at him.
He sighs and puts his hand on the small of your back. He is courteous with you, for now, as he leads you toward Vhagar. You let him, biding your time. He straps you in in front of him, his fingers gentle with you, as if you are the most precious thing he has ever laid his hands on.
No chance to jump then. You think to yourself, wishing you could’ve taken him with you once Vhagar was high enough to make the fall fatal.
You don’t speak to each other as he takes you closer to Winterfell. You look solemnly at the scorched land. It’s a pity to see, especially since it is the start of Spring. It should have been the start of new life, not the end of it. He holds his hand out to help you down the dragon and you accept it, glad that he chose not to make you grovel. You know he could. You know he’s not above such things. He keeps his hand on the small of your back as he leads you through the castle, the place crawling with Greens.
You arrive at Lord Stark’s chambers, Aemond letting you in. You’re slightly surprised when you don’t see Cregan but you think perhaps that your uncle is keeping him in the dungeons instead. “And what of my husband?” Aemond freezes when you use the word. 
“That cunt wasn’t your husband.” He says lowly.
“Wasn’t or isn’t?” You ask, not fully believing that he would kill the lord of Winterfell. You back up slightly. Aemond may be in front of the door but you wish to put some distance between you.
“I would not let them trap you with that mutt.” He says as he steps forward. You step back. “You deserve someone worthy of your status.”
“Aemond…” You breathe out, your eyes well with tears.
“It was always meant to be you and I. I’ll take care of you… I love you.” His eye gleams, his words full of possession.
You’re aware that you’ll only have this one chance so you reach for the sheathed dagger. You know you can’t kill him, but you can break him. You lift the blade to your throat in one quick motion but it’s too late, Aemond’s hand is on yours before you can break skin. He yanks the dagger from your hand and throws it to the side.
“Why would you do that!” He looks manic, frightened as he holds your wrists in his hands.
“Cregan!” You cry out as a last resort. You know it’s futile but it’s the only thing you can think of. “Cregan!”
Your uncle slams a hand over your mouth, hot rage in his eyes. “Stop screaming for him! He’s dead! I killed him.” His other hand falls to your waist. “If it is a husband you yearn for, I can fix that.” He takes the hand off your mouth to grab his own dagger.
“I don’t want any husband. I want him!” You slam your fists against Aemond’s chest.
“No you don’t!” He shouts back and he shifts behind you, pulling your back to his front, holding his dagger to you with one hand and your chin with the other. “It is that silly feminine loyalty. But don’t worry, it will be towards me soon enough.” 
He holds your face tightly and lifts the dagger to your lip, cutting ever so gently. Just enough to get a drip of blood. He lets you break yourself free and run to the door so he can slit his own lip. You yank on the door handle but it’s locked and before you can even turn, Aemond’s hand is in your hair, pulling your mouth towards his. The kiss is messy and bloody but by Old Valyrian standards, you are wed. Your uncle barely gives you a chance to come up for air as he slips his tongue into your mouth. You whimper slightly as he sucks on your lip, mixing your blood further. 
“You didn’t think I was going to bed you without making you my wife first, did you?” He says so softly, the kind look in his eyes misplaced. “I would never do that to you.”
“Please don’t.” You beg him.
“Why must you look so frightened? I only want to make love to you, to my bride.” He moves behind you, nimble fingers undoing your dress. “I don’t like it when you fight with me. I want us to be happy.” He tugs the gown down so you’re only in your shift. Just the sight of your ankles, your shoulders is enough for him to go crazy with lust. He can feel himself growing in his trousers the longer he looks at you. “My beautiful girl, ñuha ābrazȳrys.” (my bride) He coos, mesmerized by you.
You’re pulled in for another kiss and you nip at his lip. He groans as he parts his mouth from yours.
“Be gentle with me and I shall do the same with you.” You know it’s a warning, a warning that you should most definitely heed. “We will have more time to play later, darling but for now, we must consummate immediately.” He says as he leads you to the bed by your hand. He places a palm on your tummy. “I shall pray to the Gods’ that my seed takes tonight.”
“Of course, husband.” Your voice is emotionless but he still seems pleased by your words.
He smiles and then lifts off your shift. His cold fingertips trace over your breasts and collarbones, and down to your navel before he hooks them on your small clothes and pulls them down. “Your beauty is unmatched, my love” He says as his eye runs over your body. “Lie down on the bed for me.” He watches you walk and obey as he undoes his trousers. Your husband doesn’t take any of his clothes off, only pulling his cock out and beginning to pump it as he gazes at you. You’re nervous as he is incredibly well-endowed but you are inclined to believe that he won’t be rough with you.
“Shh, it’s okay.” He says as he climbs between your legs, noticing your fear. “It won’t hurt for long.” He takes a moment to rub his cockhead over your cunt, using his precum as lube before slipping in.
You gasp at the intrusion, the feeling of your maidenhead breaking as he defiles you but he doesn’t move at first, only peppering kisses across your face that are almost… comforting?
“I’m going to move now.” He says and begins to slide in and out, causing you to wince.
“Not yet, it hurts…” You say to him but he just runs his thumb over the cut on your lip.
“You can take it, darling.” He replies as he thrusts in and out of you. He licks the blood off his thumb before using it to rub your clit. You hate how you enjoy the feeling. “Good girl.” He says as he begins to pick up speed. He rubs harder, clearly far too close to cumming himself and not wanting to be the only one. “I love you.”
You turn your head away as he says it and he begins to fuck into you harder, pinching your clit now and causing you to scream. If he can’t make you love him, then he can just make you cum. 
As soon as he feels you begin to squeeze your walls around him, he finishes, sheathing his cock as deep as he can inside of you in hopes of breeding you.
“My perfect wife.” He admires as he runs his fingers through your hair. He presses a kiss to your lips before resting his head on your breasts so he can listen to your heartbeat.
You lie there, confused. Part of you wants him to fuck you again, the other part hopes he falls asleep so you can drive his own dagger through his heart.
Oh the woes of newlyweds.
taglist (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 7 @watercolorskyy @ophelialaufey
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drewharrisonwriter · 10 months
Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC A/N, Warnings: 18+, Talk of artificial insemination, peeing in a cup, sperm, and more. LOL I wrote this in an hour, IDK where I pulled this from. Not beta-ed. Also, I'm pretty sure this doesn't make so much sense in terms of plot, and being realistic. But come on, let this delulu queen live her life. You're welcome to join. Summary: You ask (beg) your best friend, Henry to donate--sperm.
I’m AO3, too as MoonDjarin ^_^
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“Hank, pleaaaase…” You pleaded, dragging the last word. Henry laughed at your frustration but still could not wrap his head around what you’re asking of him.
“You’re going insane.” He jokes, causing you to drop your back on the carpet with a soft thud, covering your face with your palms as you landed.
“It’s just like peeing in a cup.” Your reply came out muffled. Henry just snorted and tried his best to stifle a laugh.
Nearly 18 years of friendship and here you are, seemingly at the end of your rope, asking your best friend to father the child you so ache for and he laughs at your ridiculous solution, telling you he’s not going to be responsible for a “turkey baster baby”.
“I don’t like peeing in a cup. Besides, why go the turkey baster way when you can go… au naturelle?”
“You know exactly why…” You said, sitting up, and gathering the profiles of sperm donors from the (sperm) bank. You and Henry had been going through each profile over the past few hours, laughing and making faces at the notes.
“And I thought Tinder was bad.” He commented earlier.
Henry got up and took the bottles of beer on the coffee table and walked back to the kitchen to open new ones.
“Tell me why won’t you do it?” You asked him, eyes round and glazed with tears that are threatening to fall any second.
He hates seeing you like this.
He sighed and admitted, “If I were to have any children of my own, I’d rather have them borne out of love and not out of… desperation after a really bad break up.”
“But I’m not asking you to be… a father. Just a donor.” You countered.
"Darling, please. Reaaally think about what you're asking of me."
"I have! I wouldn't be asking you if I haven't. Come on, Hank..."
"Right, not more than an hour after dropping sperm bank Tinder and you've thought this through." He said sarcastically and you pouted.
"Well, think about it, too!" You asked of him. "It's the ideal situation."
"How? Tell me exactly why it's so ideal." He said, running a hand through his face and resting his chin on his palm as he waited for your brilliant idea.
"Well, first of all, we love each other. So the child won't be borne not out of love." You began, mocking his accent and his statement from earlier. He snickered and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Jesus," He muttered.
"Plus, I won't ask you for anything, Hank. No child support, no emotional support. You don't have to see them. You're not even going to be on the birth certificate."
Henry winced at each of your points. "Darling, you know so well that I'm always your emotional support. And d'you really think I can go around just being Uncle Hank?” He replied with an eye roll as he took a sip of his beer.
"Yeah, how hard could that be?" You exclaimed.
"Very." He said sternly, looking you straight in the eye.
"Y/N." He began. "You know so well I won't be able to sit here with you holding a child knowing it's mine and not be involved in all ways."
“God, you’re too emotional.” You rolled your eyes at his response as you drank from your beer bottle.
“I am! And I’m sorry, darling. I can’t just give away my children. They’re not the meals you make for me every week.”
You laughed at that. "So you admit it, you don't like the meals I prep for you?"
"That's beside the point."
You'll get back to that later. You sighed out loud as you both drank.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Why do you desperately want this?”
That ought to get you thinking hard.
You sighed and asked yourself the same thing, reflecting on what started this vision of yourself with a child, and what turned it to longing and aching, then desperation.
Growing up without present parents, you basically become an extended Cavill sibling. The sister they never had, or as the youngest Cavill, Charlie, would like to joke, the no-choice sister. That family took you in like their own kin, having you over for dinner almost every evening, and spending weekends and vacations with them.
It's not that you're not well off, financially. Your parents were just really successful actors who don't pay you much any attention but showers you with plenty of lavish gifts and an American Express Black card. Which, Henry's mother found really heartbreaking and his father pitied you on.
You were 15 when you met Henry. He was already a budding actor with a couple of productions and a movie or two in his portfolio. You were a bright and young singer-songwriter from Italy, about to break it into the English-language audience with a catchy single that Henry happened to star in the music video of.
It was easy falling into a friendship with Henry. He was kind, funny, a little nerdy, but he's also such a gentleman, and treats you and talks to you like an equal despite the five-year age gap.
It didn't take long before you met his family when he invited to his birthday party. You didn't know exactly how the events played out that day, but somehow, at the end of it all, you walked out of their home being a part of it.
You got along so well with his brothers, you and his mother already sharing secrets. You figured she was excited to have a girl in the house as none of her children would bring their girlfriends for them to meet. His father was so easy to please, a couple of jokes here and a few football arguments there, and you won his heart. Not like you were even trying, but you were glad that you got along with all of them.
Henry drove you home that night and when he parked in your empty driveway, he jumped out to open the door for you. You cried in the passenger seat with the door open and he stood there, leaning on the doorframe as you confessed to him your jealousy and longing for that kind of family.
He pulled you in and wrapped you in a tight hug beneath the street lamp.
"Hank, you know so well there is nothing I want more in life at this moment than to have a family."
"I don't get it, Y/N." He said quietly, "You're definitely the smartest person I know. You're a literal genius..." He thought of your first few conversations on the set of your first English-language music video, and learning that not only you spoke several languages fluently, but you are also about to start university at such an early age. It impressed him so much.
"You've accomplished so much in your career, you're still young, there are so many things you can do with your life, why do you go back to this?" He asked and you just shrugged.
"I feel incomplete. What can I say? A dream is a dream."
"Gerry was a dream, too." He said and you looked at him surprised at bringing up your ex fiancé.
He was indeed a dream. You met Gerry at an evening talk show as a fellow guest. He didn't hide the fact that he was so enamored by you and that he's such a big fan of your music. You, being a fan of him, too, was just so happy to hear him say all that in person.
It was an instant connection, and it didn't take long for you and Gerry to start a long, and at the time, seemingly, lasting and perfect relationship.
"Sorry." He muttered. "But it makes me wonder, you never talked about it, just casually said that things didn't work out. Knowing you, things don't just not work out like that."
And he's right, you know he's right.
Gerry loves you a lot. You love him, too. But for all the years you've been together with the high-profile action star, the talk of kids almost never came up, at least the serious talk about kids. Until you brought it up soon after he proposed, and he confessed that he had a vasectomy shortly before you met.
You were not mad. You understood, vasectomies are reversible. But Gerry didn't want to have it reversed, ever. He admitted that the reason he got it in the first place was to not accidentally have kids as he fully intended to be childless.
You understood that, too. But it broke your heart.
Regardless, you had a clean break up, but never felt the need to tell people, even your friends or family as to why. Just that things didn't work out.
"Gerry didn't want to start a family." You told Henry.
"What?" He asked, surprised. His brows furrowed and his mouth hung slightly open at your revelation. You just nodded.
"I don't understand, you were to be married." You just nodded again, and took a sip of your beer. You told him the truth about Gerry, and Henry felt his heart breaking for you.
Henry reached for your hand from across the coffee table, enveloping your tiny hands in his big ones.
"And that's a deal breaker for you." He said softly, coming to the realization.
"Yeah." You replied. "So... there you go."
"But you know what comes after the last one, right?"
"The next one." He joked, trying to make the air in the room lighter. He smiled at his success when you snickered.
"I'm tired, Hank. Tired of getting to know new people. I've been with Gerry for four years, and before that... well you know." It was Henry's turn to snicker.
He knows so well. All the heartbreaks, disappointments, even the rebounds, met most of them. He was always there at your highest of highs, and always down with you when things didn't work out.
"I get that." He finally answered, thinking about his own strings of ex girlfriends, and an ex-fiancé. At one point, you both feel very proud of the situation you found yourselves in, both engaged to beautiful people at the same time.
You even toasted to it last New Year's eve, not knowing that both promises of a lifetime of love would fall apart in a matter of months. He, too, wanted what you wanted. A family of his own, being the only one amongst his brothers to be single and childless.
He thought he might have had that with his ex fiance. Telling him she was pregnant when she caught a whiff of him about to break things off. He was caught off guard when she told him and he didn't even waste a moment to put a ring on her finger, falling for her lies.
Maybe it was not so bad, making your dream come true. You can always discuss co-parenting, he thought and he's sure you'd allow it.
He pondered on it some more.
Henry rested his head on the cool glass top of the coffee table, his hand never left yours. He let out a breath, fogging the glass beneath him as he gently squeezed your hand.
He shut his eyes tight, and muttered to himself, "Please don't make me regret this."
"What?" You asked, not quite hearing what he said.
"Okay, what?"
"Okay, I'll do it. I'll--be your turkey baster baby's donor."
With that you burst out crying and he stood up, took your hand and guided you to his arms. He wrapped you up in that big, warm hug, that you always find comfort in.
"Set an appointment in the morning, darling." He whispered and you cried some more and muttered a yes, thank you.
18 years of friendship with Henry Cavill, and this is where you find yourself: at a crossroads that neither of you could have predicted.
The weight of his decision settled between you like a tangible presence, and as you hugged each other tightly, you knew that this was a turning point in your relationship, an uncharted territory.
Read next part: Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Still poking around the dialogue and have discovered that Dalyria has indeed chosen that coping mechanism of living far, far away in delulu land, pretending that they're a genuine found family rather than a bunch of kidnapped abuse victims trapped together in a torture chamber like rats:
Dalyria, to Astarion: "I can't believe you'd turn on us - on your own family." - Astarion: "Listen to me, damn it! I'm trying to save you, even if you're too stupid to see it" Roll (Charisma, Persuasion) vs 18 Dalyria: "You... you really think the master would kill us?"
Petras also gets in on it:
Pale Petras: "The master has always been... strict. But we're better for it."
...hmmm. If you say so.
And then there's this:
Pale Petras: "You believe this? You believe that most self-centred, arrogant, egotistical one of us all is here to save the day?" Pale Petras: "When has Astarion ever done anything that isn't in his own self-interest?" Astarion: "I admit, I wasn't the best brother to you, so let me make it up to you. Let me save you." Pale Petras: "No, you were a piece of shit. And you're still a piece of shit. Let's go. We don't need to listen to this."
I do believe that the conflict between Astarion and the other spawn wasn't one-sided and the other spawn probably aren't innocent victims of the antagonism (Petras in particular is an ass) but... Astarion, what did you do to piss Petras off so badly? That sounds personal.
It could very well be "what did Cazador make it seem like you did to isolate you" but to be honest it could very well be a mixture of the two. I can imagine that the other spawn would be forced to share in Astarion's punishments, at least sometimes, even when they weren't part of his behaviour. Seems like a good way to make them turn on him whenever he defied Cazador. I can also easily imagine Astarion lashing out at the other spawn, if he got the opportunity.
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lunarw0rks · 10 months
hear me out 🙃 riding soap for the first time
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☾𓂃❛🍰❜┊ riding soap for the first time
warning(s): explicit content (18+), smut, p^rn w/ little plot, p in v sex, unprotected sex, breath play, established relationship, fem!reader, no use of y/n ♡ masterlist // requests // ask box
a/n: scotland foreverrrr!!!! (i live in delulu-land 24/7 and probably need meds)
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johnny was good in bed; so satisfactorily it was almost infuriating. he had you wrapped around his fingers, yearning for him whenever the time was right — and he knew it.
despite all the dirty-mindedness he possessed, or his alarmingly high sex drive. he could be tender, observant to a fault — especially when intimacy was involved.
classic missionary was typically the way to go with him, and honestly, you were satisfied enough to forget about all the other positions that needed trying. typically you were rid of your clothes before the idea even arose, and soap was not going to turn down sex, no matter the location or position he found himself at the end.
currently, you found yourself laying between his legs, the back of your head against his lap as his legs caged you in. ❝almost done,❞ you said, pulling the needle through the other side of his blue shirt, in the midst of patching a tear. could he have bought a new one? ten new ones? yes, but then he would miss the opportunity to watch you with a needle between your lips.
you brought the end of the thread to your mouth as you turned around and made eye contact, using your teeth as scissors. ❝will this be alright for work?❞ you held up the section that once had a rip, a genuine question about your sewing skills.
his lips contorted into a satisfied purse, then he grabbed the shirt and set it down on the neighboring table. ❝think we're done with that, eh?❞ he couldn't care less about how his shirt looked, or anything else for that matter. you had unknowingly aroused him; a seemingly common theme whenever he was home... or, anywhere really.
you recognized the familiar glaze that clouded his vision, a nearly primal look as he motioned for you to come closer. climbing into his lap to make out wasn't new, by any means. what was? how he hadn't cupped your waist and flipped the position so he could hover. instead, the heated kissing merely progressed with you straddling him the entire time.
it was new, but not a discomfiting bind to be in. his hardened bulge, pressing against your inner thigh through his sweatpants. when he removed his lips for air, your foreheads remained pressed together as he flashed a pleased smile.
his hands cupped your waist as you pulled down his sweats and boxer simultaneously, exposing his erection under the dim lighting of the master bedroom. soap's mouth remained slightly agape as you sank your weight back on his lap, clothed heat pressed against him with just enough pressure to make the sensitivity agonizing.
he showed no sign of wanting to move. he wanted you on top of him, just like this. ❝you want me to...? you sure?❞ you whispered as you furrowed your brows. it seemed strange, how many times you two had sex, but never once had you rode him.
your look of uncertainty couldn't be hidden, even if you were the type to possess a poker face. not while his eyes were glued to you and your body.
❝aye, i do. it's better this way, bonnie.❞ he gave your hips a firm squeeze, a sly smirk now forming on his lips. in this position, nearly every part of you was on display for the taking.
well, how could you say no when he looked as if he could devour you whole? and by now, despite only kissing him, you had a familiar tension forming between your legs, too. you shifted around until you had rid yourself of your pajama bottoms, then you found the panties you were wearing, pulling them to the side until you exposed enough of your core to sink onto his length.
soap let out a guttural groan as you eased yourself onto him until you had swallowed his cock entirely. he wanted to let you fend for yourself for a bit until he couldn't fight the urge to take over again. you did only what you were familiar with, grinding your hips the same way you did when you would dry-hump him.
❝look at you, lass, taking all of me so well.❞ whatever you were doing, you had to be doing it decently. each rock of your hips got more desperate, as if the need to release became more important than how you looked, or even how you were performing.
the hands palming your hips slithered higher; one cupping your clothed breast, the other finding the base of your neck, giving it a tender squeeze. each time you ground, he would squeeze, then release again. it was a methodical constriction of your airflow, only he followed each unsteady movement you made, even when you would slow or hesitate. it wasn't enough to make you see spots, just enough to keep you secure.
his fingertips burned with each tightening, the breath control only urging the both of you to that edge. you gathered enough momentum to increase the pace a bit, constricting his waist with your thighs. what once was him sitting up, was now him flat on his back, only anchoring his hips up to clash with each descension of your needy core.
once your whimpers had grown loud enough, once you had gotten sloppy, he was satisfied with watching you. by now, he was just as close to his climax, with much less self-control. from your breast and neck, he gripped your hips now, pushing you down onto his cock at his desired pace — a snappy one.
he was pushing you down deeper than you could've done yourself, a quick, harsh push repeatedly. soap's eyes clenched shut as he felt you pulse around him, seconds off from finishing.
johnny let out a hiss as he opened his eyes again, needing to watch you come undone. when you began to shake and lose your balance, he sat up again for you to loop your arms around him, still a defeating bounce on his length. ❝christ, hen, you're shakin' already... go on, finish for me.❞ his hushed praise was enough to make your core tense its grip, plunging you deep into a momentous climax. one that came quicker than ever before, with the exception of when he used his tongue on you.
he seized your chin, groaning against your open mouth as he finished. soap was rarely vocal when he climaxed, but that didn't make it any less attractive to watch him fall apart. based on his starstruck appearance, he had gandered a new favorite position.
it wasn't until his upward thrusts had slowed, that he spoke again, ❝don't give me those eyes, love. ye ken i can't resist the ride of a lifetime.❞
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starryriize · 3 months
any nicholas fluff thoughts pls 🥺 ppl often depict him as some kind of tsundere bc of his looks but he's actually such a sweetheart and the members have said he's a genuinely kind and caring person. he said he even tried smiling more growing up so that people wouldn't find him so intimidating oh i want to protect him with my life 😭
delulu thoughts | nico
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼genre: fluff!!
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: i agree nonnie 🫶🏼 he deserves the world!! anyways, i hope you enjoy this love :(( hehee i giggled while writing this 🤭
🫧laur’s taglist: @chiiyuuvv @kehnarii
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⋆⑅˚₊ the type of bf to have a small smile as he watches you work! or just the look of love when he sees you do anything :((
⋆⑅˚₊ plays piano for you and sometimes puts on music as he takes your hands, leading you in a slow dance in the living room (stop he would do this idc)
⋆⑅˚₊ the type to pout but smile when you call him cute!! he knows that he can come off with the vibes of "big scary dog" but like most big dogs, he's a total softie 🥹
⋆⑅˚₊ strikes me as the type to pick you up randomly and just give you big hugs!! he gets all smiley while hugging you too :((
⋆⑅˚₊ when you feel sad, he's by your side in a comfortable silence as he gives you a reassuring look 🫶🏼 words aren’t always necessary when his eyes speak a thousand words to you
⋆⑅˚₊ “why did you do that?” and “because i care” type of relationship!! he cares so much about you that he always remembers the tiniest details about you :((
⋆⑅˚₊ he’d take you on really cute dates and a lot of them are pure fun!! would buy the matching souvenirs and play games for you so he can win you the biggest prize 😌
⋆⑅˚₊ the type to always reach for your hand!! he just loves knowing that you’re his makes him feel like he saved a world in his past life🥹🫶🏼
⋆⑅˚₊ loves it when you play with his hair and let him lay down on your lap :((( it’s so comforting to him, especially after a long day in the practice room
⋆⑅˚₊ when you dress up together for a fancy occasion and you tell him that everyone's staring at him because he looks so handsome, he replies, "no love, they're staring at you." (argh stop i'm giggling even thinking about this) 🤭
⋆⑅˚₊ the type of romance that you only read about and used to dream of having! he entered your life and made you believe in true love :( the way he puts you first no matter what too :(( please it's so incredibly sweet
⋆⑅˚₊ his friends most definitely tease him when they catch him staring at you so lovingly, saying things like, "nico, when are you going to propose??" and he just stops. he secretly knows that you're definitely the one for him.
⋆⑅˚₊ often asks you why you love him because he fears that his intimidating looks might cause you to leave one day, but you always reassure him 🥹 you love him for who he is and that he has the most genuine soul and a pure heart :((
⋆⑅˚₊ he regales you with stories of his childhood and his time on i-land as you listen to each and every tale!! and then asks about your childhood while he's giggling at every word you say 😭 (he's so cute pls)
⋆⑅˚₊ KARAOKE DATES!!! hear me out when i say that he loves nostalgia and fun like...the carefree vibes! when you start dancing while singing off-key, he bursts out laughing, and at this point, both of you are just enjoying the vibes 😭😌
⋆⑅˚₊ when you're sad, he's holding you tight and letting you cry on his shirt! he's willing to listen if you want to and he holds your hands to reassure you that he's not going anywhere! through thick and thin, he'll be by your side 🫶🏼 (he gives forehead kisses too)
⋆⑅˚₊ overall, a green flag!! he's a gentleman and kind-hearted so please don't ever break his heart <3
🫧join laur's taglist!
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targaryenluvs · 8 months
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pairing - prowler!miles morales x reader, miles morales x reader
summary - you and miles make it back to your own universe and dodge the other members of the spider society as you make your way to miles’s home. little did you know someone managed to slip through the cracks, and was here to try to take you back, whatever it takes. does he?
warnings - possessive!prowler miles, he’s like low key delulu, swearing, violence, stalking, bad spanish/glish, not proofread
word count - 3.1k
notes - uhm hahahah i thought i’d leave it at part two and i go in and out of povs :) lack of consistency with names , this lowkey might not make sense at times since it was nighttime i wanted a cutesy easy ending so the solution might be super easy idc i wanted to make a part three :)
TAGLIST: @pifuyue @afternoon-evening @myspacewhore1comz @ashleebooksblog @sophiaj650 @colossaltitannnn @the-rogue-robin @zaddyskye69 @loonalockley (some not working)
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you thought you’d collide with the ground straight away.
rain was pelting down as you slowly got up from being splayed across miles on the concrete roof. “i’m sorry for landing on you.” miles groaned as he rose, “nah your good babe.” you slowly stood on your feet and looked around, now this was your earth.
“c’mon we have to get you home. maybe you should change? we could borrow some clothes from somewhere and maybe find a pay phone? call your dad ask him to pick you up then we can explain everything. miguel is probably staking out your home, there’s probably a bunch of spider people here.” you rambled as miles got up too, “i don’t care if they see, we need to get home y/n.” he tried to straighten up, but you could see the pain in his face and his ripped suit.
“you need to take it easy miles. we can’t afford fighting more people, that other miles is nothing compared to miguel.” as you voiced your concerns you could see miles thinking, “alright, let’s just get home, i need to see my dad, we’re so close, we can save him. I’m not stopping now.”
the wind was cold as it nipped at your bare arms, the rain had died down but splattered across your body as well.
you invited it in.
nothing felt better than being home. to ground yourself (and to make sure you were in the right universe) your eyes scanned across your environment, your favourite restaurant tucked into the side of a gigantic, glass mcdonald’s, your favourite sandwiches at delmars, yours and miles’ favourite arcade, graffiti work à la mode miles. you were so grateful to be home, but you were terrified at the thought of not reaching mr morales in time.
the two of you landed on a roof nearby miles’ apartment as you surveyed the two of your surroundings, you both pointing out miguel and his counterparts. “will he still see us if we’re invisible?” you asked as miles nodded, “pretty sure he can see me, heightened senses and vision, probably. i just don’t wanna put us at risk.” you sighed, “how about a diversion? car alarms going off, maybe scare the living shit out of someone and the second he looks away we swoop in?” miles looked up at you as he sighed, “i can’t think, why can’t i think?”
you wrapped your hands around his wrists as he stared at you, as if you held all the answers. as he looked at you, he couldn’t help all the voices in his head.
“in every universe, y/n l/n falls for spider-man. and, in every universe it doesn’t end well.”
as miles looked at gwen he couldn’t help but smile, “i’m not like every other spider-man, i’m better.” he joked as she laughed. “and, in every universe i guess spider-man falls for her. i did. and it’s cause i love her that i won’t let it happen. i won’t let anything happen to the people i love.”
and as he looked at her, he felt, exposed.
but looking into her eyes had the gears turning in his head again, she gave him his spark. and he’d be damned if any other spider-man tried to take her from him. tried to take the ones he loved.
“i’ve got a plan.”
as miguel neared the edge of the roof looking over the scenes below his eyebrows furrowed together as he wondered (or aggressively pondered) where on earth miles was.
thank god y/n remembered the password to the service door of the building.
as the two ran up the stairs, their hearts were oh so close to bursting. miles was praying to every god that his dad was home. his patrol car was outside, so he had to be home, right?
as they burst through the door, they came face to face with mr and mrs morales and- gwen?
“there you two are! i was so close to calling your mother and telling her you’d ran away!” she screamed as she engulfed the two of you in a hug, mr morales following closely behind.
“i unground you and allow you and y/n/n to go after your friend and the two of you disappeared, no text, call nothing! do you know how irresponsible that is?” as she was about to continue her rant, jeff slightly elbowed her, alerting her to your guys’ huffing selves.
“i’m glad you’re okay. you can go talk to your little friend in your room but keep the door open! don’t need you three sneaking off, okay?” rio explained as you nodded profusely but not before miles launched himself at his parents, “i love you guys, so much.” the two parents smiled and returned the favour, “te quiero papa.”
as the three of you got into miles’ room you crawled along the ceiling till miles reached the curtains and drew them.
“you guys are okay thank god.” gwen spoke as she sat down on miles’ bed. “i realised you went to the wrong-”
“wrong universe.” you and miles finished her sentence in union. “it was crazy we got there and another version of miles was there, the one his spider was meant for. gwen, the entire world there, we’ll at least new york, it’s dangerous. they don’t have a spider-man and it’s ruined the city. they have no one to protect them and miles- he lost his father and his- me. and when he saw me he was crazy, he thought i was her, we barely got away.”
“he- i cant stop thinking about him. and if- if i never got bit, would i be him? would i have turned into him, i would have lost my dad and you.” he stuttered, the last part spoken toward you.
“hey, we’re home. i’m here, your dads right outside. we got here in time. spot is probably gonna be here soon, we can convince your parents to leave the city for a bit, make-up some fake excuse and get your dad to push back the captain thing. we defeat spot and then there’s no threat to your dad. we can grab peter, hobie- anyone that can help us beat him. then hopefully miguel will back off, we can try and fix the canon-”
“and how exactly are you going to defeat spot?” all three of you whipped around to the window as miguel crawled in. “what the fuck?” you shouted as rio and jeff ran in, “what the hell are you doing in here? what on earth are you? you are not spider-man and you need to get the hell out of here!” rio shouted as jeff grabbed his holster and pulled out his gun.
miguel raised his hands and tried to calm them down, “there’s no need for the gun-”
“no need!? you’re a six foot, leotard wearing spider-man copy in my sons room, if you know what’s good for you i suggest you leave buddy!” jeff shouted as miles rose to his feet, “dad! don’t-”
a loud crash from the living room caught everyone’s attention, allowing miguel to swiftly take the gun from jeff’s grip. “did you just disarm a police officer?” miguel scoffed, “and you threatened spider-man we’ve all done shocking things.” as he tried to move forwards you all shouted in scattered warnings.
“woah there!”
“you stay right there.”
“not another step from you!”
“don’t come any closer”
“stop moving!”
“is the suit not enough? the web i used to disarm you? i’m a spider-man either way so it’s a waste of time to try and corner me when there’s someone else in your living room.”
you all slowly shuffled out of there, everyone keeping track of miguel, but all of a sudden, he wasn’t the biggest threat.
a gaping dark mass in the middle of the room took the cake.
“he’s here.” miguel said as he began to inspect the whole. “whaddya think would happen if we just pushed him in?” gwen whispered, “don’t even think about it gwen.” miguel answered, shutting down all revenge fantasies.
“will someone please explain what on earth is going’ on here?” rio asked exasperated. “mom, dad. i have something to tell you.” (i’ve decided to spare you the agony of my shitty spanish translations - imagine it’s said in spanish 😘)
“no lo hagas.” miguel warned as he turned towards miles.
do not do it.
miles pulled down the zipper of his jacket and proceeded to pull both sides apart, exposing the red and black suit of the one and only spider-man.
“ay dios mìo.” rio uttered as her hands covered her mouth. jeff just stared. the awkward, apbrupt nature of the reveal made you want to die. you stood next to miles and covered the suit again. out of your peripheral you could see miguel with his head in his hands.
“i know it’s a lot but, miles is a good kid. you know that, and this is a huge secret, he knows. but all he wants is to keep the city safe and he does it! along with the noble police of course but at the end of the day, he comes home to you. he’s always safe and is never reckless and balances it all with school, family, friends, me. so don’t be mad that he lied, just be grateful he’s alive! not that he’s not responsible out in the field- he- miles is super careful i promise- i would know! he always takes me on swings and the amount of control he has- no actually he does not swing me since that would be-”
“càlmate querida.” rio spoke as she again hugged the two. “i knew you were hiding something but i thought it was- ni siquiera lo sè. pero estoy contenta es nada mal. pero siendo spider-man es- peligrosa. por favor tener cuidado mi ninito.”
“si mamà.”
“alright, if you’d wrap up there then maybe we can try and sort out your mess later? spot is here, and we need to contain before anything else ha-”
the whirring in the corner took you all by surprise. you were excited, maybe it was peter, or maybe hobie? pavitr? noir? pen-
you swear your heart stopped the second you saw other miles step through, and you clutched onto miles that much harder. as the portal closed miguel snapped his head towards miles, “now what the hell is this? did you do this? did you bring him out-”
“no, i did not bring him out! y/n/n and i barely got away from him! why would he wanna see him? send him back!” miles shouted as his parents’ jaws hung low.
other miles’ gaze lingered on his dad, which caused unease throughout miles’ body. what was he doing here? how did he get here? what was he for? revenge? does he think miles got bit on purpose? did he want y/n?
her hand clutching his grounded him to the moment as he looked back at her, glossy eyes, chewed on lips and heavy breathing. she looked up at him and his heart plummeted. the idea of her getting hurt flashed through and all of a sudden, he was lunging at this other miles.
“this how you say hi up in here?” other miles joked as he allowed miles to tackle him and all of a sudden, the entire room was in motion. gwen running to miles’ aid, miguel readying his watch, more of spot spreading outside and miles’ parents trying to help their son as-well.
y/n stood still, what the hell was going on? miguel leapt outside as jessica’s bike could be heard starting up miles and miles got pulled apart from one another with miles in one corner, smug, and miles being pulled away by his parents and friend, furious.
miles was eventually subdued by gwen and miles whilst miguel hopped out the window to jessica. rio and jeff were confused by everything going on, “we let this boy out for one day and look what happens.” rio scoffed as jeff ushered her out of the messy apartment, “why won’t you leave!” gwen shouted at the other miles, frustrated, as he laughed in her face. “I just want one thing, but ain’t no one giving it to me.” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, this guy was seriously delusional huh?
the growing concern was the enormous black holes appearing outside and if you were to save your world all of you needed to help outside rather than deal with other miles. looking around the room you found nothing of use, so you ran back inside miles’ room, searching through the drawers you were looking for one thing only.
you ran back to the living room to see gwen getting right back up, ready to charge at the other miles as you slipped it on and aimed.
sticky substances confined miles to the wall as he struggled to get out, he may be the prowler, but he doesn’t exactly have super strength. as he stayed strung up miles had the idea of finding the watch he used, the commotion outside was distracting yet you all tore the room apart for said watch only to find a mangled piece of wires and glass.
“looks like i’m staying a lil’ longer.” miles smirked your way as miles’ fists closed, connecting with his face, “miles!” you shouted out. “are you okay?” miles laughed, “yeah I’m good, but we gotta get out there and we need more help.”
and as if God was answering all of your prayers and words, portals began to open as the three of you sighed in relief. hobie, peter and may by association and pavitr hopped through. “hope we aren’t too late to the party.” hobie laughed as you ran over and hugged him, “could’ve used your help a little earlier but it doesn’t matter now, spot’s here and we need to stop him before he causes any further damage here. thank you, guys, for showing up.” you rambled on as the others smiled. “now i’ve gotten pretty use to the portal but maybe i am still experiencing some side-effects because i think i am seeing double.” pavitr exclaimed as miles and gwen walked over, “nope just another version, the usual.” gwen explained ever so nonchalant. “will you all stop standing around and get the hell out here?” miguel screamed as you all prepared for whatever was going to happen out there.
(Im too lazy to figure out how they defeat spot so come up with a fantasy or som since this is such a random explanation with no planning)
it was quite odd to be at HQ without a million spider people chasing you and your boyfriend, but you obviously weren’t complaining. as you walked through the halls miles’ grip on your hand was tighter than over, indicating he was feeling on edge, and you were glad you weren’t the only one.
spot may have been downright diabolical and delusional but god did he learn quickly. he must’ve devoured a million ‘how to villain’ books as he jumped around universes and aced any tests cause he somehow beat the shit out of all of you, repeatedly. but again, he was overly cocky and underestimated miguel’s willpower and it was obvious he was an amateur in the ‘angry miguel’ department since he had no clue what that man would do to keep the order.
with lyla and margo’s help and organisation you were able to come up with a way to lure spot into a trap, with his over-whelming need to beat your boyfriend came the blindness and he did whatever he thought would help him win. other spideys came along to aid your group of course and a certain spidey named petyr had the ability of illusions, being able to manipulate any mind into seeing what he wished. and whilst it was hard to catch spot his holes were an extension of himself in a way so touching one/being in one allowed petyr to connect with spot’s head. by creating that link he was able to create false versions of not only miles, but his parents and you.
once spot believed everyone else to be busy fighting off the destruction around them and saving people, he cornered miles and was monologuing his ass off, “no one’s here to save you, you realize that right? just like no one came to save me. no one is going to care about you being gone, your family being gone. you ruined my life and now I’ve ruined yours, maybe your parents manage to escape, your girlfriend too, but they will never be able to come back here. im going to destroy this world of yours, like you destroyed mine. and no one will ever overlook me again. im more powerful than any of your little spider society.”
and as he continued the real miles slung down and tapped him on the shoulder, “are you so lonely you’re talking to walls?” he joked as he sent about a bajillion volts of energy throughout his body, then quickly transporting everyone back to HQ and trapping spot.
lyla with the help of some scientist spideys managed to figure out a way to take away all the dark matter from johnathon’s body, returning him to his normal self. as he stared in awe of his normal body being returned to him you could see the sadness on his face. yes, he was normal again, but what was he supposed to do now? his family turned away from him, his job probably wouldn’t take him back, did everyone know who he turned into? god all the things he’d done, how was someone supposed to turn back to normal after being a literal universe-travelling, world-destroying villain?
and the other miles, miguel had him in the amber case as he waited to be taken back to his world. the watch he’d used was gone so he couldn’t exactly use that and he was surrounded by literal heroes. he couldn’t exactly fight them all off, take you and run. he knew his time with you was slipping away and he hated that he couldn’t do a single thing.
so he sat and watched you as miles brushed away stray hairs, assessed the damage on you as you comforted each other. his eyes drifted to rio and jeff, the two of them in awe of their surroundings whilst throwing questions every second at the two of you whilst you tried your best to answer them all. there was so much going on around you but all you cared about was your family, which didn’t include him, and never would.
miles was absolutely exhausted.
and as the two of you sat down together you wondered what would happen in the future, what miguel was going to do about your canon event, how you’d save his dad.
and while you didn’t know what would happen in the future you knew whatever happened,
you have eachother.
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exo-raskreia · 17 days
Thoughts on 261 & More Utahime Potential Ideas
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Ok, I know everyone's been losing it lately. I tried to keep calm when the 261 leaks dropped. I'm very disappointed & shocked as well (Gojo... 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚+)゚。 ).
However... The latest developments have also caused me to ascend to a higher state in Delulu Land & this is my hardest cope yet.
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First off, it seems to be implied that Gojo chose to become a monster by killing the higher-ups, thinking that he was finally going as far as (stooping as low as) Geto did for his ideals, but didn't want his students to see. And yet, they wanted to be there with him, not wanting him to carry the burden of becoming a monster alone—they would too by going through with the Horrible Plan™. So, miss me with that "Gojo wanted to die & reunite with his best friend" nonsense. There is too much at stake here & Gojo gave his all for his students and allies. Yuuta is currently risking his life too, for his friends & to carry Gojo's burden (let's go a little easier on him, guys, & Maki too, since she was against this plan; mainly for Yuuta, but still. Hakari looked disturbed too...).
This whole thing's a mess, though. What is Gege doing? Why hype up Gojo only to reveal such a horrible plan? Is he playing with us 'cause he's a sadistic freak or could it be there's something more to it? That he's setting up for something else? I've mentioned this before, but could it be that Gojo is truly meant to return at a crucial moment? When all hope seems lost? As it did feel a bit random to reappear during Todo & Yuuji's fight...
WARNING: Harry Potter spoilers!
Nitta must've stopped any further bleeding from Gojo's brain & Yuuta's body, so he, Shoko, & Amai must be keeping them healed & safe. I wonder if they're keeping an eye on the possibility Gojo could regain consciousness. I once mentioned this in a Tweet, but could Gojo be in a similar state as Harry Potter after getting hit by the Killing Curse, seemingly "dead" but actually in a state of limbo where he had met Dumbledore's soul in a place resembling King's Cross Station?
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In Gojo's case, he's at an airport where he met his dead comrades (whether it's actually them or just Gojo dreaming, is uncertain; if he is dreaming, then wouldn't that mean he's still alive?). He's given a choice to metaphorically "board a plane" north or south, to return as someone new or to stay as he is. In the Buddhist-inspired JJK verse, north could mean enlightenment, so will Gojo choose that path, as many have theorized? It's uncertain if going north means choosing to live and/or ascending to a higher state (godhood), & if going south means straight up dying/reincarnating or simply returning to his misunderstood self, but I hope Gojo chooses whichever is best for his return. One that will possibly make him stronger but finally gaining a new perspective that will break the barrier between himself & others? Or maybe weaker but finally able to fight alongside the others (especially if he makes a Binding Vow)?
As such, Gojo's body was healed by both Shoko & Yuuta, & since his head had remained intact & on his body throughout the whole ordeal—which is required for RCT to work—could it be he could regain consciousness at some point with his own RCT? Yuuta only has 5 minutes to fight in Gojo's body but it's unknown what would happen once they are up. There are the risks he could die or stay stuck in Gojo's body, both of which are atrocious. However, in order to survive, could Ui Ui do a soul swap before the 5min mark, if/when Gojo revives? Or could it be both souls would automatically switch back? Either way, if the danger is out of the way, would Shoko then be able to perform the operation again to switch their brains back?
However, do the sorcerers really think they can defeat Sukuna in less than 5mins before Yuuta's back to the operating table? This is so convoluted, so I'm not sure how this would go. 😥
Anyway, I've been delulu theorizing Utahime could really have an important role in the Shinjuku Showdown arc here and here for a while now, whether it's to help in Gojo's revival or something else. Even with this latest shocking development, my ideas still stand.
Once again, neither Utahime, Ijichi, & Gakuganji were present at the strategy meetings in the flashbacks, especially the one with the Horrible Plan™. While Gojo wasn't present either for said plan, he was informed of it later & he commented he didn't intend to lose, so he didn't really care what would happen to his corpse anyway. This could mean that Utahime & the others were later informed too but at that point, it may have been too late to stop it. Maybe that's why Utahime had that somber expression in chapter 222. She knew what could happen and DID NOT agree with it, so while everyone was cheering Gojo on with happy expressions, she wasn't. I wonder if she had expressed her disagreement to Gojo right before meeting up with the others or something, as this other panel still makes me curious.
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Gege didn't have to include her here but he did. She looks nervous... I once made a silly post on both GojoHime panels in chapter 222 here.
Anyway, Ijichi wasn't even present which is kind of strange while Gakuganji is typically so serious anyway.
At this point, one's inclined to believe that maybe they really were up to something else. It's too suspicious and obvious that these 4 were not a part of any of the important strategy meetings with the other sorcerers. It seems deliberate on Gege's part. Which is why these new delulu ideas come into play.
Shoko has shocked us all with her very blasé attitude about the Horrible Plan™, that even Gojo said he was hurt annoyed by it. Either she was bottling it all up (she really did seem worried during the battle...), fully trusted Gojo in not losing (but she should've assured him?), or maybe, just maybe, there's a tiny possibility that she's hiding something. Could she have another plan?
Whether she does or not, Shoko is not part of my delulu ideas this time. I'm done. I had mostly brought her up before because of the possibilities & how much others hyped her up for it, but my delusions have always mainly revolved around Utahime. Shoko thankfully did her part already by helping heal Gojo's body & now it's Utahime's turn to take care of the rest.
Sure, Gojo could return on his own through a Binding Vow and/or his own RCT that should be working again, but as I brought up before in my first aforementioned delulu post, what if Utahime boosts his RCT to quicken and strengthen it? Nice and simple, right?
Or, what if Utahime's singing will finally come into play? As I also mentioned before, what if Gojo can hear her in the limbo & will be guided back by her voice? Like the luring of a siren? Will she call him by (first) name? Shrine maidens can summon spirits & gods, so if that applies to the JJK verse, could Utahime perform a ritual to reach & summon Gojo's soul? Especially if he chooses enlightenment? Now, I would hope this wouldn't be a temporary thing...like he returns to help one last time before departing to the heavens in a godhood state or something. Oh, Gege, u better not...
What if her singing does have healing abilities? But even more crazily, what if they're not physical, but spiritual? Could Utahime restore both Gojo's & Yuuta's souls to their bodies? Could she help Yuuta's soul remain safe once the 5mins are up?
For all this to happen, Utahime would have to be in the medical room. Where is she currently? Is she on her way? Is she still out on the battlefield possibly boosting the remaining sorcerers (well, hardly anyone left, tbh)? If she's headed to the medical room with the intent to help Gojo, I imagine it'd shock Shoko & the others. Would they know what she intends or not? Would they think it's possible? Would they try to stop her?
This is super insane & bordering on headcanon (lol, I warned you), but wouldn't it be amazing if she could have possibly managed to achieve Domain Expansion during her long absence in the manga post-Shibuya? What if it was kept a secret from all? What if as soon as Gojo laid his Six Eyes on her after his unsealing, he knew? What if that's one of the things they were cultivating, planning around, during the time-skip? Could it have offensive abilities involving her voice, like a siren? Like maybe she can make the enemy do her bidding or de-buff them? What if it's the opposite & instead has healing/buffing abilities? Any ally inside it would be in a state of max HP? Now, whether she would use it to actually heal Gojo or in combat, who knows.
I once read a wonderful one-shot fic in which Utahime achieved DE by finally accepting everything about herself, which included her suppressed feelings for Gojo. I know it's fully delulu but do we really know Utahime's full abilities? How is she a Semi-Grade 1 sorcerer if she can only buff (unless her CT is seen as good enough to warrant the rank)? Come on, Gege, stop wasting her character potential.
Remember that Sukuna still hasn't been taught about love? Based on Yorozu's version of it, his idea of love is to become vulnerable enough to connect with others & not feel lonely anymore by being defeated in battle; basically, get humbled, lol. He thought only Gojo could teach him how to overcome the barrier between himself & others deemed weak. But how would that be now, if Gojo's possibly in a state of limbo? (Is it another hint to his return?) The only other people that could possibly teach Sukuna are pure-hearted souls like Yuuji or Yuuta, the latter whom has also experienced romantic love. However, Yuuta just "discarded" his humanity by choosing to become a "monster", so Sukuna may throw that in his face. Taunt him & the other sorcerers for going against their ideals to defeat him.
What if it's not one person, but multiple that will teach Sukuna? Nakama power, y'all. What if Utahime could be one of those? She's the most pure-hearted sorcerer besides Yuuji. Her love for her students, helping Gojo whenever he asked despite her "hate" towards him, her not getting that Mei was asking for money to promote her in S2E1 (and Mei didn't even push it as if knowing Uta would never agree), her not being informed about the assassination attempt on Yuuji at the Goodwill Event by Gakuganji & her students (not even by Gojo, who suspected something), & she wasn't even present at the meeting for the brain switch plan...
It's like Utahime is being protected and/or her comrades know that she would never support all this immorality. She's a selfless person, often seen risking her life or attempting to for others in her little screentime. Not to mention that her CT is literally named after a love song. If romantic love were to be addressed at all in this fight, besides Yuuta, could Utahime play a role there? Her giving her all to help Gojo while Gojo had done his all to protect her during his fight with Sukuna? (You know, since it's still too sus that Sukuna doesn't know about her CT... Gojo entrusted Ijichi, the man he trusts the most, to keep Utahime safe for her ritual...)
I've talked about this image before but I may have discovered something interesting: the Angel Number 3612. Gojo's revival could be on the horizon... I elaborate in this post.
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(Shoutout to some other amazing theories out there on Utahime's potential in helping Gojo. As a shrine maiden here & here, or even as Buddha's wife here, for example. These are seeming more & more plausible to me now, since Gege mercilessly threw a wrench at us in 261... I'm coping hard).
Having a plan unrelated to Gojo's revival is still possible. One thing I've seen thrown around is what if Utahime & team will try to stop the merger? If we go with the idea that Utahime has healing abilities for spirits, could it be that she could help restore Tengen's soul or something, like at least bring her back to her previous state before Kenjaku took over? Help her regain consciousness if she lost it? (FULL DELULU, I KNOW).
Utahime's only a minor side character, I know that 😮‍💨. Her having such an important role & any other formidable abilities may seem like a reach, but at this point, I need something to hold onto. I don't wanna lose hope like several others have. It's hard but... As long as it's not 100% confirmed that Gojo's dead, then there is still hope... There's still so much we don't know... His choice of north & south is still up in the air, his answer to Geto's old question, his reaction to everything that happened during his time in the Prism Realm, what happened in the Prism Realm, what he did during the one month time-skip... Gege, come on...
The fact Sukuna still doesn't know about Utahime's CT is something I can hold onto, right? I will ride this wave until it crashes onshore.
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