#let the slumber party begin
crunchywho-comix · 2 months
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It's my weekend, yay!!
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lovemomhatepolice · 1 month
a tiny accident(s) - lando norris
navigation taglist requests
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pairing: lando norris x fem! reader
warnings: nose injury, blood, established relationship, drinking alcohol (lando), suggestive talks, nothing more, just lando being stupidly drunk lover, English is my second language!
type: fluff (a little bit suggestive)
word count: 2k
summary: when you feel unwell, but let your boyfriend alone at a party in Amsterdam, you definitely don’t think about what the consequences might be…
This wasn't the first time you've had a headache this week. It definitely wasn't. You had been plagued by terrible migraines for a long time, caused by stress and long-term travel from country to country. It was hard to switch from the Chinese air to that of the Netherlands, and you still had to travel to Miami, Italy and back to Monaco. All this in the span of one month. But what can you do? You were well aware of this when you met him and entered into a relationship with Lando. Travel, travel and more travel.
And so it was today, too. You and Lando arrived moments earlier in Amsterdam after racing in China and immediately got an invitation to a party. Oh, you knew very well how much Lando wanted to go there, so from the beginning you both assumed you were going and would have a great time. Well, unfortunately, fate willed that just today, an hour before the party you were attacked by a severe migraine relapse. Of course Lando wanted to stay with you - he always offers to do so, but you didn't have the heart to stop him and not let him go to the party, especially since you knew very well what helps you best with such ailments. Silence - and it definitely wouldn't have been there if the boy had stayed with you.
It wasn't long after he left that you totally drifted off and fell asleep on your apartment bed, wrapped in every possible layer with a cold cloth on your head. It wasn't long until you were roused from your slumber by the sound of the phone, which, despite your fondest dreams, didn't stop ringing after one time. “Holy shit,” you muttered under your breath, averting your eyes. You took the wet cloth off your forehead and put it down on the nightstand so as not to get the bed wet. You stretched slightly and grabbed your phone, which was vibrating on the nightstand. You unplugged it from the charger and, without even checking who was calling, you put it to your ear, waiting for the voice of the caller. “Hello?” You heard on the other end. It didn't take you long to figure out who the person banging on your phone was. “[Y.N], do you, do you hear me?”
“Um, yeah, yeah. Lando, is something wrong?” You asked slightly worried, recognizing well that the boy was already quite drunk.
You glanced at watch, which hung on the wall in front of you, and could see that it had been more than four hours since he had left, and it was beginning to get dark outside.
“I think I broke my nose.” He said, and you heard him snort softly through his nose. “Baby, what?” You asked, lifting yourself up on your shoulders.
You freed yourself from the quilt that enveloped you and got up on your feet. Now you didn't feel the earlier headache at all, only worry about the boy, who was somewhere in the middle of the Netherlands, drunk and with a supposedly broken nose.
“I think I broke my nose. I smashed it against broken glass.” He exclaimed in pain, and you could already imagine his glazed eyes.
“And do you know where you are now?” You asked, grabbing his car keys and jacket, which you quickly put on and left the room.
“Not very, but I'd like to eat cookies.” He cried out, speaking to you in a pleading voice.
“Excuse me?” You asked, placing the phone on your shoulder and putting your ear to it.
“Cookies. Please,” he muttered, at which you took a deep breath.
“Okay, we'll buy cookies, but tell me where you are.” You replied, shaking your head as you entered the elevator and chose the lowest floor, where the garages were.
“No, we won't buy. We'll make them” He replied, and you could imagine the grimace on his face. “Okay, we'll make them. Will you give me someone on the phone to tell me where you are?” You asked, and didn't have to wait long for an answer.
A good friend of Lando's, who seemed much more sober than your boyfriend, spoke into the phone and gave you the right location to come to. You quickly got into his car and merged into Amsterdam's traffic. It wasn't the first time you had driven his car, but you were definitely not a fan of being a driver. Mostly it was Lando who drove you everywhere and you felt damn safe with him in those cars. On your own, however, you preferred your calmer and rather larger car, which stayed in Monaco.
The road to the place where the party ship Lando was on was not very long. Especially since the navigation guided you with avoiding all the traffic jams that were associated with King's Day. As soon as you got there, you parked the car in a safe place and got out, searching with your eyes for your injured boyfriend.
Minutes later, you couldn't stand to laugh when you saw Lando sitting on the curb, half of his face wrapped in some kind of bandage, and there was an unnecessary crowd around him, through which you quickly made your way.
“Baby!” He muttered, rising abruptly to his feet, which made him wobble and catch the brick wall behind him.
“Lando, sunshine, what happened to you?” You asked, giggling under your breath, because his condition was pretty funny after all.
“I broke my nose!” He replied, stamping his foot. “Well, look.”
You heard, and just a second later the boy was in front of you, grabbing you firmly around the waist and directing your hand to his bandage. You carefully touched the material and twisted it to the side, being careful not to injure the boy.
“Lando silly, you don't have a broken nose. You scared me.” You replied, covering back his nose, which was not broken at all, but only slightly cut.
“Oh, but you don't know how it hurts me!” He howled, hugging your body to his. “Your hair smells nice.”
You laughed under your breath and, after extricating yourself from his grasp, grabbed his hand and led him out of the crowd. After all, he wasn't as drunk as you thought, so the way to the car wasn't long. Worse was convincing him to sit in the seat and not move too much so you could buckle him in.
“Lando, damn it, can you stop squirming like that? You're not going to drive without a seat belt!” You said, slightly resigned, when once again the boy evaded your touch.
“I like the way your hands go down there…” He muttered, guiding your hands closer to his crotch.
“Idiot,” you muttered, giggling under your breath, to which he also giggled and finally let himself be clasped.
The road to the apartment was quite quiet. You were stuck in traffic for a while, because this time it was not possible to get around them so agile. Lando, meanwhile, turned on the music on his radio and the two of you played a song together.
"You know what?" You heard it out of his mouth, and you gently nodded your head, not taking your eyes off the road.
"I'm listening to you," you asked.
"You're pretty sweet," he said, giggling under his nose.
"Well, thank you?" You asked, smiling at yourself.
"But you're also fucking sexy, my God! If you're driving my car, it's in my pants." he said giggling under his nose again.
Whoever knew Lando knew his giggle. At every possible opportunity, Norris giggled like teenage girls who were excited or ashamed. And no matter how long it's been since you two met, Lando still blushed and giggled a lot whenever he got the chance. So he did it all the time.
Of course, the boy did not miss the topic of cookies, for which he had fought so hard before, so your journey to the mixing room was lengthened by a twenty-minute stop in the store, even though you needed a maximum of seven ingredients for your joint baking. Lando could not pass indifferently by the cookie decorations zone (although you did not need them at all) or by the liquor shelf (although he constantly assured that he did not drink anything).
And finally, after all the pain you went through together (or rather you went through), you reached the apartment you had rented for this stay. Both of you laughing, and Lando also, still covered in blood, you headed to the toilet to clean yourself up. There were some splashes of water and quick kisses, which now seemed quite difficult due to his wound.
You quickly went to the closet to take out some looser pants for the boy and returned to the toilet, where he was sitting on the bathtub, waiting for you to fix him better than they did on the ship.
“Oh, my poor little boy,” you muttered, laughing to yourself as you stood between his legs and grabbed some hydrogen peroxide from the medicine cabinet.
“It's not funny [Y/N]” he said, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"Of course it is. How the hell could you smash your nose on a glass bottle?" You asked in disbelief, shaking your head, although after so many years with your boyfriend, this question should have been rather redundant.
"You're laughing at me. And I'm suffering here." He muttered, hissing under his breath when the wound was already quite disinfected and you put a small plaster on it so that he wouldn't touch it.
Sometimes he was worse than a child, but that was what you loved about him the most. You were both still young after all, why would you mature and become serious so quickly?
Soon you started making chocolate cookies. You knew very well that when Lando made something up, there was no way you could just ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. Oh no. Even if it was the middle of the night, you both would have to jump to your feet and run to the store to get something ready. Or suddenly get up and go out of town to watch the stars at night. That was Lando. And so were you. Damn stupid, head over heels in love with each other.
Baking with Lando was always fun. And baking cookies with Lando after midnight when he was drunk? Even funnier. You spilled the flour here, half a pack of cookie chocolates suddenly disappeared - Lando promised on his life that he didn't eat them - and somewhere in between you almost broke the blender. But in the end, you both looked with a smile at the chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, maybe not perfect, but with some heart in them.
"I can't wait to try them!" the boy said excitedly as you took them out of the oven.
Without waiting for you, Lando put them on a plate and carried them to the table in the living room. Sam sat down on the couch and waited until you joined him.
"Lando, be careful, they're hot-" you started to say, but you were interrupted by the boy's loud hissing, which made you burst into laughter. "Oh my god, you're going to kill yourself."
You hugged him your body, and the boy quickly placed his head in the crook of your neck, placing gentle kisses on it. He lifted his head up and stuck out his tongue at you, which he had burned himself on a moment earlier.
"Oh my god, did you burn yourself? Should I kiss you there?" You asked, laughing to yourself again at the boy's eager nod. "Oh, Lando..."
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A/N: quiet short, but I hope that for the first time you will like it and accept it well :) i will be very pleased if you leave something behind - orders are open, and I am very close to 200 followers! maybe I can get in by the end of the week?
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
lando nswf alphabet the latest one-shot about lando
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etheries1015 · 4 months
Fem!MC X platonic Twst - missing the "girly" things.
General warnings: Fem reader, very Self-indulgent. If you don't relate, please keep scrolling along <3 not very proofread. No pronouns are used, but the concept of "girliness" and "girlhood" is very strong.
The boys have noticed their prefect act a bit different lately...a cloud of loneliness hovered over your head. As the only girl of Night Raven College, it was incredibly easy to feel left out and miss the things you were once interested in back in your world. You held a strong façade of prestige and uncaringness, but what happens when that mask begins to crack? How will the boys of NRC put your woes at rest? ...with a wonderful slumber party, of course!
First coming to Twisted Wonderland, not many could tell you were well-versed (Or at the very least, incredibly interested) in clothing, face Care, and jewelry. Although your personality screamed more or less "Gremlin" at times, and were a "well-known and respected honor student" all the same- you had a rather "girly" side to yourself.
However, you had limited options on having a non-existent budget, but a few of the students took notice of the longing in your eyes whenever you passed by something you desired to have back in your life. The cute earrings, the pretty dresses and skirts, the headbands...a mix of classy and modern, things of that nature.
The first time you were able to get your hands on a half way decent outfit that suited your tastes and you wore it out, others stared in shock. You were still the cheery and "weird" gremlin prefect that had crude humor and silly dance moves, yet something about seeing you in such...frills and 'flamboyance' was not what they were expecting. It suited you, though.
You soon found yourself being handed such outfits. Vil had taken it upon himself to gift you expensive brand outfits that he saw your eye when walking around town, Malleus gifting you a few outfits from Briar Valley that he felt would suit your tastes, Kalim gifting you the cutest earrings he had ever seen (little fruit charms, bows, all sorts of colors and unique charms). Even Riddle introduced you to tea cups that fit your aesthetic to decorate your kitchen with!
Though, the more they saw this side of you, an influx of confessions also came in toe. You were revered as the only female in school (who also managed to stay at the top of the score board, despite your magicless disposition). This came with the struggle of being pursued, more so after they could see just how cute you could dress yourself up.
Despite all these new changes, you felt a tinge of... sadness. You were happy that they were all willing to accept you with open arms and indulge in your desires such as gifting you the cutest of plushies, clothes, jewelry, decor... that didn't stop you from missing fun slumber parties, girl talk with friends, giggling about your love lives, sharing clothes and doing each others makeup and painting nails. You confided all of this to the number one group you could have possibly spoke to about these issues of yours.
the pop music club.
A knock came upon the door at odd hours of the night, upon opening it in your nightgown, you revealed quite a sight. Cater, Kalim, and Lilia along with a few other choice students were all in gorgeous nightgowns, their hair done up, holding blankets and pillows with hands full of bags of what you could tell were snacks, makeup, nail polish, and other slumber party commodities. With a bright smile on your face and a giddy giggle, you let them in gushing about their cute appearances. You all lay out the blankets and pillows in front of the TV in the lounge (kindly gifted to you by Idia) and pulled out the snacks and lay them out for everyone to grab at in their leisure.
"We aren't girls," Lilia pointed out, "But at the very least we can enjoy the things you mentioned before! Oh how I love a good love story, shall we share our love lives?"
"We can do that while we put on these face masks! Look, this one is a panda!" Kalim exclaimed, holding up a large bag of face masks and other types of...random things he thought would suit the party. (He pulled out one of those toe dividers for nail polish, he had no clue what it was but Jamil told him he would need it for later.)
"Oh, I brought you this super cute and frilly nightgown (y/n), Trey said one of his sisters didn't wear it anymore and he thought it would look good on you. Go! Try it on, Then we can take a BUNCH of magicam photos. Don't we look like pretty dolls?!" Cater gushed, handing you the night gown. You took it with grace and skipped away to your room, giddy and unable to hold back your excitement.
It wasn't long for more guests to arrive in frilly pajamas and cutesy hair accessories. A string of familiar faces entered, and you soon found yourself braiding the hair of Leona, Vil, Idia, Malleus, Silver...You were shocked to see even Epel made an appearance simply to make you happy.
"I learned how to braid a little bit," Silver smiled gently at you, "And a few other hairstyles. I would be happy to try them on you," He said. You looked at Silvers' perfectly French braided hair and makeup that made him look nothing less than an angel, you nodding in immediate trust. You soon had hair that was done so elegantly, adorned with flowers and gems.
"Let's be clear, I ain't a girl!...but.." Epel blushed, "I-if it'll make you happy...i'll let ya braid my hair. Just this once!"
Floyd and Jade even came along with their faces caked with makeup and the most flamboyant nightgowns you have ever seen, laughing away at their silliness.
"Look Floyd," Jade pointed at your makeup which was lightly placed on by his hand, "I told you these colors perfectly suits (y/n)'s skin." Floyd boo'd and insisted to take off the colors Jade had chosen, holding out the most...vibrant and interesting color palate to exist. You only laughed and backed away, shaking your head and begging floyd to leave your precious face alone.
They truly indulged in everything you had missed out on, even if they weren't your "girlfriends," they were so adamantly ready to try, simply to see you smile once more.
It was a night of snacks, makeup, nail painting, chick flicks, karaoke, gossiping, and frilly fun. You truly underestimated just how much the boys took a liking to you and wished to ease your worries and make you feel a little more at home, and you couldn't have asked for better friends than them.
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imyourbratzdoll · 10 months
𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚
🕊️a whore's fairytale masterlist🕊️
summary - poor little sleeping beauty (you) has a tough day, from finding out who she really is, and falling into a deep slumber. is the prince able to awaken her?
warning - smut, somnophilia, dubcon (all my characters consent), choking, spitting kink, swearing, creampie, breeding kink, wife kink, kidnapping, cursed.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You were shocked to learn the truth, finding out you were a princess and that your real name wasn’t Briar Rose, you were told your parents had named you Y/n and that they had to send you off with the fairies because a woman named Maleficent cursed you. You had to take a few moments to collect yourself, learning that they were to take you back on your eighteenth birthday, which meant you were due to leave your home any moment now to go back to where your family supposedly lived. 
As the four of you began to head off, your mind was full, thinking about your family, the curse, and the man you had met earlier that day. Oh, he was so handsome. You were saddened to hear the news that you were to be betrothed the moment you got to the castle. You didn’t want to be married off to a man you did not know. It didn’t sit right with you. Maybe if you spoke to your parents, they would understand and let you be with the man in the woods. 
After the long walk, you had finally arrived at the palace, staring up at it with wide eyes, gobsmacked at the sheer size of it. The guards moved out of the way as you walked closer to the entrance, letting you in. Your blue dress that the fairies made as a birthday present clung to your body with each step. Small hands touched your arm, causing you to look down at Fauna. “We will have to leave you for a bit, my dear. We have some business to attend to before you are able to meet your parents.” 
You give a soft smile. “That is alright, Fauna. I’ll be okay.” You assure them, watching as they leave. You begin to look around, admiring the artwork that litters the walls. Suddenly, a wisp of light appears in front of you. Your mind starts to go fuzzy as it pulls you into a trance, and your legs begin to follow as the light moves away from you, leading you toward a secret panel that opens when you are near. You walk up the winding staircase and into the hidden room.
Maleficent’s voice fills the room, coaxing you. “Touch the spindle! Touch it, I say!” Her command fills your ears, taking over your mind, and you have no choice but to obey. Your mind had taken over your legs, causing you to walk over to it. Your hand lifts, finger pointed, before a soft gasp escapes you when the spindle pricks your finger, causing it to bleed. You fall, eyes slipping closed into a deep slumber, not knowing of the dangers that lie ahead. Maleficent cackles as she appears over your unconscious body. “Oh, what a dumb girl.” She smirks as she spies into your mind and sees you dreaming of a man. “Hmm, if you want that man so badly, I guess I could give him to you.”
It was too late when the fairies realised what had happened. They looked at each other with wide eyes. They quickly become their former selves, allowing their wings and magic to take over and lead them to where you are. They would never have expected to be met with you, knocked out into a deep slumber with the one who cursed you standing above you in the same room. Their hearts race as Maleficent looks at the three with a deadly smirk, knowing they wouldn’t be strong enough to stop her. 
“The three fairies! Flora, Fauna and…” Maleficent cocks her head to the side, “Merryweather, I’m guessing?” She waves her hand, scoffing. “Oh, well. I don’t care. I assume you came to get your girl? It is a shame. She would’ve done some good for the world.” She reaches down, running her fingers through your hair. “But, I’m willing to show the princess that the world isn’t so good and colourful. Goodbye.” With a wave of Maleficent’s hand, you and she disappear, causing the fairies to set off in a panic, frightened to tell your father, the king, the news. 
Maleficent lays you on a soft bed, watching you as you sleep. “M–Maleficent, my queen. T–the prince, we found him…” She turns, raising a brow, waiting for her henchman to spit it out. “It seems he is waiting for the princess at the cabin, h–he seems impatient.”
“Hmm, that sounds perfect. Bring him to me!” She waves her hand before looking down at you. “You’re going to have so much fun, little one, and instead of true love’s kiss.” She scrunches her nose as those words leave her lips, not believing in such a thing. “Let’s make it something more… Extreme.” A dark grin appears on her face, knowing what the prince would do once he saw you. Her crow told her how the two of you got along in the woods and how the man couldn’t stop staring at your soft breasts and plump arse. 
Ransom struggled against the henchmen, growling and swearing as they dragged him along. “Get your filthy paws off me! I’ll kill you for touching me! Don’t you know who I am!” The henchmen just shrug and huff, not caring. One of them grabs a cloth and stuffs it into the young prince’s mouth, wanting some quiet. They finally make it up to the room you are held in, throwing Ransom inside. 
“Ah, finally.” Maleficent walks over, tilting his head up with her finger underneath his chin. “Hmm, you are quite handsome.” Her eyes drag across his face, getting what you see in him. Ransom’s brows furrow, unable to speak with the cloth in his mouth, his eyes fall upon your sleeping form, and he begins to wonder what the hell is happening. “But, you are not for me… Princess Y/n continues to think of you, and as you can see, she is currently in a deep slumber.” Maleficent leans closer to his ear, whispering. “Why don’t you find a way to wake her up.” She cackles as she straightens and waves her hand, disappearing in a puff of smoke.
His binds and cloth disappearing along with her, Ransom grumbles, shaking his head. “Fucking witches.” He stands, brushing off his clothes, and his head lifts as he peers at you, eyes drifting down your body. “Huh, so you’re the princess I’m meant to marry.” He walks close, tapping the blanket with the tip of his fingers. “I was ready to fuck you as a mere peasant girl, but knowing that you are much more, it’s so much better.”
It’s as though your body knows he is near. Your nipples harden and slick gathers between your thighs, your dreams turning sexual and dirty. You shift in your sleep, letting out a soft whimper as you dream of the handsome man in the woods, bending you over the log and thrusting into your tight cunt. 
Ransom smirks as he watches you squirm. His cock hardens when he hears soft whimpers escape you. “Fuck, sweetheart. You sound so good, and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He strips from his clothes, sighing as his cock springs free from his slacks, no longer feeling tight and suffocated. Ransom pulls the blanket away from your body, his cock twitching when his gaze lands on your dress, wondering if it could get any tighter. He slowly gets onto the bed and crawls on top of you, lifting your dress higher as he moves up your body. “So beautiful, and all mine.” He pampers you with kisses, kissing up your body until he reaches your face. 
Ransom groans when his leaking member connects with your bare cunt, and he grips his thick base, rubbing his swollen tip through your sopping folds. “Jesus, you’re so wet, sweetheart. What or who is making you so wet?” He raises his brow in jealousy, wondering who you could be dreaming of when he is here for you. “You know what? If you’re going to be a little slut in your dreams. Then I’m going to treat you like one.” Ransom growls, sick of competing with someone else when you should only be focused on him. He aligns his mushroom tip with your tight hole before thrusting in. His eyes close as he grunts, never having felt someone like you before. 
Sweet moans pass your lips, dreaming of the handsome man in the woods gently lying you onto a blanket on the ground, pressing his hips into yours as he buries himself deeply into you, making love to you, marking your skin with his hands and lips. Your back arches in your dreams, arms wrapping around him, nails digging into his back. 
Ransom moans, “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Shit, sweetheart, you’re squeezing me so fucking tight. You’re sweet walls are fluttering around me like crazy.” He buries his face into your neck, peppering kisses along your skin and thrusting harder and faster into your sweet honey pot. “My sweet little sleeping beauty.” Getting lost in how good you feel around his member, he hastily grabs a pillow and shoves it under your hips before gripping them, giving him leverage. “When you wake, I’ll continue to fuck you. I’ll fuck you every day, even after you become my wife. I’ll pump you full every single day and night. You won’t think of looking at another man when you have me.”
He nuzzles closer to you, pounding harder as he kisses your cheek, moving closer to your lips, his eyes slipping closed, enjoying the feeling of you wrapped around him. “You’re mine, my sweet Y/n. All mine.” The moment his lips connect with yours, magic explodes around the two of you. Your eyes fly open, arms wrapping around him and your back arches. Ransom smirks, tilting his head back as he looks down at you with hooded eyes. “Ah, my sweet little sleeping beauty is finally awake. Do you feel that, sweetheart? Do you feel me inside you? Fucking into you, claiming you?” He fucks into you deeper, hitting against the hidden spot inside you. Ransom cups your cheek, glaring down at you with lust-filled eyes. His thumb lands on your bottom lip, pulling your mouth open. “You’re mine, understood?” 
You whimper, feeling yourself throb around his cock, never having experienced pleasure like this before. Your mind is cloudy, being pulled from your dream to see it come true with the man you’ve fallen for. You claw at his back, digging your nails into his soft flesh. “O–oh, it feels so good, my prince!” You scream, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he continues to pound into that spot, allowing Ransom to spit directly into your mouth, smirking as you immediately swallow. 
Ransom moves his hand between you, rubbing and rolling your swollen clit between his fingers. Enjoying the feeling of you squeezing his thick cock, he continues to pound into you, the hand that cups your cheek, moves to your throat and squeezes. “You’re going to cum for me, sleeping beauty, and then. I will pump you so full of my cum that it leaks out of you for months.” Your sweet moans fill the room, walls tighten around Ransom, your back arches, and you cum, your juices squirt out of you, covering everything. “Fuck, sweetheart.”
He captures your lips with his, thrusting harder and deeper until his cock twitches and his eyes slip closed. Ransom groans when his end approaches, burying himself deep inside you and emptying thick spurts of cum, coating your walls and filling you to the brim. He begins kissing down, resting on your neck, leaving soft kisses in his path. “My sweet little sleeping beauty.” Ransom lifts his head and stares deeply into your eyes, his softening cock still deep inside you, blocking his cum from leaking out. “You’re now mine forever.”
You hum, feeling your eyes begin to droop again. You would later learn not to fall in love with the first handsome man you laid your eyes upon. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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ficmenrhot · 6 months
Finnick Odair with a praise and corruption kink/smut/
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TW!: 18+ content, dom!experienced!finnick, sub!reader, corruption!kink, praise kink, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving), P in V, very brief mention of forced prostitution (Finnick), brief aftercare, that’s about it.
A/N: Ok so this initially started off as a drabble but then it kept adding on and ended up way longer than planned, hahah. Anyways, enjoy! The amount of Finnick smut is criminally low.
Minors DNI
Finnick Odair who has a corruption kink and praise kink. You just look so innocent and pretty in your tight floral dress, clinging by his side as he greets the other victors at parties. You are being such a good girl for him, simply smiling sweetly at everyone and letting all the hungry men who are staring you down know that you are taken by letting him press kisses to your temple with his arm wrapped around your waist.
Later when the two of you return to your home in the Victors Village, he’d reward you for behaving so well and make you feel good.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me tonight…you deserve to feel good hmm, honey?” He would say, voice laced with lust and so smooth as he begins to kiss down your neck. You whimper as you let him, nodding eagerly, knowing that Finnick knows how to work your own body better than you do.
He starts by burying his face between your thighs and feasting on you, expertly licking, sucking, and fucking you with his skilled tongue. He takes notes of the way your chest rises and falls, the sweet noises you make are music to his ears. He feels you tensing a little as your legs clamp around his head and he holds them open with his big, strong arms.
“Nuh uh darling….” he tuts as he raises his head up from your heat, “keep them open or I’ll stop”. He returns to work and he inserts a finger, pumping in and out of you as he draws figure eights on your clit with his tongue. You’re a loud moaning mess, back arching as you whimper and release all over his face. Finnick smirks and lifts his head up, his chin dripping from your arousal.
Then he moves on to fucking you. As everyone knows, Finnick is extremely experienced because of his past and he definitely puts his skills to good use. This man pushes in slowly and increases his pace. His thrusts are nice and deep, rough yet his hold on your waist is gentle. He finds that spot which makes you squirm in a matter of seconds and thrusts into you in a rhythm which makes your eye roll to the back of your skull. The sensation is indescribable, a mixture of bliss and pleasure and slight pain from the stretch of his size. Finnick whispers sweet praises in your ears as he feels you clenching around his cock.
“Mhmm..doing so good for me darling…so nice and tight, just like that”
“I can feel your sweet little pussy clenching around me…you close, honey?”
“F-fuck you feel perfect….this body is made for me huh darling?”
Let’s just say that the night is long and after many rounds, it ends with your legs shaking and body sore yet so satisfied from the immense pleasure you’ve just experienced. The aftercare is just as amazing as the sex (better if it’s possible) and Finnick smiles knowingly as he watches you doze of into a deep slumber on his chest almost immediately, gently caressing your hair as he presses soft kisses to your forehead.
Finnick Odair who wants to corrupt your innocence by teaching you about your body and his, encouraging you with praises and his way of showing affection being to leave you breathless and covered in his scent.
A/N: well I hope everyone enjoyed reading this bc it’s the first time I’m writing smut or any fic in general after I accidentally deleted my account. Previously it was also called @ficmenrhot or @sullymenrhot. Please reblog or like if you enjoyed this, a follow is appreciated too :);)
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bonesandchalamet · 1 year
slumber party - t.chalamet
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requested: y - “Hii, could you make one about Timothée and reader having a toddler,and just pure fluff please 🫶🏻”
pairings: dad!timothee chalamet x mom!reader
warnings: fluff + child has been given a name + established relationship
a/n: this is short I’m sorry love!
silence never fills the walls of your New York apartment anymore— at least not since aurora, your daughter, was born.
her presence has been a blessing, there’s no doubt to that, but when the silence exists it’s deafening. which is why you’re concerned at six am when the pitter-patter of little feet against the hardwood floor is nonexistent. she’s only four, you think to yourself, there’s no way she’s learned to sleep in yet.
Timothee, your husband, is dead asleep beside you. he couldn’t of heard a tornado hit with the way he sleeps, and you don’t blame him. work and production of the upcoming films he was in were beginning to start, and sleep was lacking with not only a toddler, but work.
so yes, he had his reasons to sleep in, but aurora didn’t.
you heave out a worried sigh, throwing the blankets off your body, exposing you to the cool air of the room. you slip on your slippers and trudge down the hall towards her bedroom. the homemade sign of her name Timothee made hangs loose on the door, the stickers her and Pauline stuck to the wood were fading, but stuck like glue. you push open the door carefully, to see her blinds are pushed open already, and she’s dressed herself.
“aurora,” your groggy voice jolts her head from the book in her lap, it’s timothees copy of dune that she stole because it reminder her of him. he spent months in the desert thinking of you two, and she spent months pretending the fat book in her lap was readable.
“mommy, is daddy awake?” she slips off the bed, book falling open onto the ground, she brushes past you headed straight for your bedroom door that’s closed. she doesn’t give you a second to reply, the man in the cozy bedroom is all she cares about and you don’t blame her. his presence was absent due to filming, any chance she got cozying up with him was a win in her book
you don’t have in your heart to warn her that he’s sleep. she’s already pushed open the door and by the time you slip into the dark room, she’s made herself comfortable in his arms. he’s barely awake, but when he felt her finger poke his chest, he unconsciously lifted his arms up.
you slip back under the sheets, turning in bed to look at the two. their mouths part the same way, their strains of curly brown hair fall over their faces in the exact same way.
you watch his eyes flutter open for a brief minute, he takes a look down at her, and then at you. your eyes are shut once again, forehead touching auroras, the two of you are sound asleep, and he doesn’t hesitate to sink further into the mattress and let sleep wash over him.
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sidekick-hero · 4 months
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(steddie | teen | 1.2k | tags: rockstar!eddie, drummer!steve, secret relationship, part of @thefreakandthehair and @firefly-party and mine project pickup note | @steddielovemonth prompt love is staying in bed for five extra minutes because you can't tear yourself away from them just yet by @starryeyedjanai | art by Kei | story in the same verse by Lex | AO3)
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Steve came to slowly, like swimming through molasses, his mind caught somewhere between dreaming and being awake. In his dream, he had been lying in the sun, his head cushioned in Eddie's lap, Eddie's fingers running through his hair, humming a soft melody Steve had never heard before.
Slowly, the melody changes to the sound of soft snoring, and the soft thing under his head isn't Eddie's lap, it's his chest, gently rising and falling with each snore. Steve presses his smile into the warm skin beneath him at the thought of Eddie's face when he tells him he snores.
Some things are worth waiting for, though, and he knows the perfect moment to reveal this particular piece of information will come.
He has no idea what time it is. Judging by the morning light filtering into the room, it's just after sunrise, the sun's rays piercing through the blinds and casting a warm, golden glow that gradually fills Steve's hotel room.
Moving as carefully as he can, he cranes his neck to check the aged alarm clock on the bedside table. It tells him that he was right, it's 7:58 a.m., and the sun has risen just minutes before him. The light filtering in is soft and diffused, making the colors seem muted yet rich, with shades of pale orange, pink, and yellow dancing across the surfaces. Long shadows stretch out elegantly, accentuating the contours of furniture and objects in the room.
It's Steve's favorite time of day. There's a sense of quiet serenity in this early morning moment as the world slowly awakens. It offers a brief respite before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.
These days, early mornings hold an even more special place in his heart because it's the only time of day he can just look at Eddie.
Sometimes Steve thinks Eddie is like a hummingbird, always moving until all his energy is used up and he falls into a deep slumber that almost looks like he's dead to the world. It allows Steve to soak him up undisturbed and unabashed. His fingers carefully exploring the hills and valleys of hard muscle and soft flesh, he can drink in the swirling ink on Eddie's pale skin.
It's such a stark contrast from the rest of the day.
Eddie often seems driven. By the perceived expectations of others, by his own fears of falling short. By his own demons, which Steve has only glimpsed. But as the darkness of the night gives way to a new day, Eddie looks at ease.
It's probably too soon to think, but Steve hopes it's because he's now sharing Eddie's bed. That Eddie feels safe with him, safe enough to let go of all the things that plague his beautiful but sometimes overwhelmingly loud mind.
That's why it pains Steve to be the one to wake Eddie from his peaceful slumber and bring him back to reality. But they have a sound check at 9:15 because the venue has had some problems lately and they need to make sure everything goes off without a hitch tonight. This whole tour means too much to them, to Eddie, for it not to be perfect.
Pressing a gentle kiss just above where Steve can feel the steady beating of Eddie's heart, he softly calls Eddie's name. Not surprisingly, nothing happens, so another kiss follows the first, this time on Eddie's collarbone.
"Eddie, c'mon," he tries again, this time closer to Eddie's ear, eliciting a soft murmur. "We have to get up, the soundcheck -"
"Mm, they can check the sound without us," his - Eddie's - voice comes in a slightly drawn out tone. "Don't wanna get up."
Eddie, obviously not fully awake yet, wraps his arms around Steve and buries his face in Steve's hair.
"I know, ba-" Steve stumbles over the pet names that want to come out more and more now that they're so much closer than when he first started touring with Corroded Coffin. "I know. But we can grab a big coffee with enough sugar in it to put an elephant into a sugar coma, and when the check is done, we can come back to the hotel and sneak into your room and I can make it worth your while."
Steve's tone is low, almost a purr, as he says this. The others don't know about them yet, although Steve thinks that at least Robin and Chrissy have their suspicions. And Jeff has been watching them more closely as well. He's sure that they'll tell them soon, but first they want to enjoy getting to know each other this way, without their friends getting involved.
"Five more minutes and I will make it worth your while. Whaddya say, big boy?"
Before Steve can answer, most likely telling Eddie no, we're going to be late and how are you going to explain that to the others, Eddie rolls them both over until Steve lands on his back with a soft umph. Above him, Eddie is smiling down at him, suddenly much more awake than seconds before.
"Hi," he says, nudging Steve's nose with his own.
Steve doesn't even try to fight the dopey smile, even as he rolls his eyes at Eddie trying to get what he wants by playing dirty. It's so Eddie, just like the wolfish grin on his face.
"I'll make this the best five minutes of your life, Harrington. Scout's honor."
Steve snorts. "Scout's honor? I doubt you ever talked to a scout in your life."
"Oh yeah. In fact, I'm sleeping with one. And I'm about to kiss one before I rock his world."
"See, that's where you're wrong."
"Is that so?"
This makes Steve laugh out loud. "You're ridiculous."
"And you love it," Eddie replies, then hesitates as his choice of words seems to register with him.
Before the moment between them ends in awkwardness, Steve leans in to kiss Eddie on the nose. "How did you know I was a Boy Scout?"
Steve's distraction works, and the worry in Eddie's eyes is replaced by mischief. "Just a guess, but good to know."
"I have it on good authority that you like my ass," Eddie teases, and Steve has to agree. He really does. As much as he likes everything else about Eddie. How much is becoming a problem.
Instead of saying any of these things, Steve looks over at the alarm clock, which now reads 08:04. He clicks his tongue in mock disappointment. "I think your five minutes are up, and I have to say, not the world-rocking I was expecting, Munson."
"Oh you..." Eddie growls before swooping in to capture Steve's lips in a deep kiss. It turns into another, and another, the dim light in the room growing brighter around them as they become lost in each other.
Eddie makes it to sound check just in time, while Steve is ten minutes late, carrying five cups of coffee. He hopes no one notices the bright grin Eddie flashes with the first sip of his overtly sweet coffee, or the wink he gives Steve.
A promise is a promise, and Steve intends to keep them all when it comes to Eddie.
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deansapplepie · 6 months
Everything with you, everything from you
Summary: Daryl and you always loved each other, neither of you acting on your feelings and him always scaring all the men that had interest on you. That is until you can’t take it anymore.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x F!Reader
Era: Commonwealth
Genre: Smut, Romance
Warnings: NSFW, smut (there’s a small plot), sex, oral (male receiving), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex (don’t do it kids), creampie, Subish Daryl, Subish Reader, Sweet Dirty Talk, Swearing, Age Gap (everybody is of age, but Daryl’s concerned somehow. Reader is on her 30s and Daryl on his 50s). 18+ Minors, please do not interact.
Word count: 5,505
A/N: English is not my first language so it may contain errors, even though I proofread it. It’s lightly implied reader is plus size, but everyone can read because it’s just small hints of it.
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You were infuriated.
He infuriated you in the same amount he made your heart beat faster because of him.
It had been years of the damn apocalypse, years that you met him, years that your mom died and let you alone. It had been years since he became your best friend, protector and trainer. He taught you many things. He taught you how to fight, hunt and track. He also taught you about love, but he didn’t know it or he fakes he didn’t make you fall in love with him all those years ago.
It first started as a silly crush, when the world ended you were so young… you were in your first years of college when it all happened. You and your mom had become close with the Dixons at the quarry, Merle was a dick, but your mom made him respect both of you, as much as he could. Daryl… was Daryl, he was quiet and grumpy, but he was gentle and caring on his own way. Your mom’s origins wasn’t very different from the two rednecks, so she was able to understand them and where they came from, you were lucky that her and your dad could give you a better life. When the quarry was attacked by walkers and you mom got bitten and died, he was everything you had.
Still today, even with your big found family, you and him were like a package, you even shared an apartment at the Commonwealth and raised Judith and RJ together while Michonne and Rick were away. But your package… this package never included a relationship with him. You were on your 30s already, no boyfriend, no relationship and you couldn’t even blame yourself, guys did come to you and wanted to flirt with you, make plans with you… but he… he always ruined everything. He’d scare the men or make it impossible for you to go out with any of them. In the beginning, you thought it was ok, he was just worried, you were young and you were all still careful about people outside of your small circle. Then you started to think he also felt something for you and it made your heart beat fast and butterflies fly on your stomach. He never acted, he never did anything, and honestly you were tired of waiting for him, you were tired of being alone, you wanted to live just like everyone else. Have someone to hold hands, cuddle, have some physical contact and make plans for your crazy uncertain future.
You entered your shared apartment after him and knowing the kids were on a slumber party at Aaron’s, you closed the door with all the strength you had.
“Wha’ was that for?!” He stopped on his tracks and turned to you. He knew what it was for, He was just playing dumb.
“What was that for?” You sarcastically repeated his question. “Why do you have to ruin all my chances of going on a date with someone?”
“That guy’s a prick.” He leaned on the counter of the kitchen.
“Funny, ‘cause every guy that has some interest on me is a prick for you.” You took some cold water from the fridge, maybe it was going to help you calming down.
“Not my problem you’ve got a bad taste in man.” He picked an apple from the tray and started eating it nonchalantly.
You looked at him, more specifically at the back of his head that you could see from where you were at the kitchen, he felt that soon your stare was going to make a hole on his head, but he tried to fake normalcy. “Yeah, I think I really got a bad taste in man. But apparently that’s your problem since you can’t let any of them get close to me.”
“Why do you keep doing that, Daryl?” You asked, honestly, and he turned to look at you.
“Tomorrow, we have family game night. It’s important.” He said, and that was what he had just said to Jake the guy from your work that asked you to go out on Saturday.
“And I can’t miss it one week?” He was full of bullshit when he wanted to. “What about Sunday? Why did you say I couldn’t on Sunday?”
“Because… I don’t like him.” You rolled your eyes. You walked to the other side of the counter, one hand on it and the other on your waist.
“You don’t need to, I’m the one that has to like him.” You blurted out. You were tired incredibly tired of that sick silly game of his.
“I…” you didn’t let him finish.
“I don’t want to be alone, Daryl. Nobody comes close to me because of you. If you feel anything for me, grow some balls and do something about it, or stop getting on my way.”
The following seconds were a blur, in one moment you were feet apart and in the next you were being lifted to sit on the counter, Daryl between your legs and his lips crushing against yours. A hot messy hungry kiss on your lips, for a brief moment you were surprised, but then you closed your eyes and just let yourself enjoy the moment, take this once in a lifetime opportunity that you have been waiting for years. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your hands tangled and tugging on his hair. You kissed him back with the same enthusiasm and eagerness, you had dreamed about this for so long. His left hand was on your lower back and the right one was holding a handful of your thighs, your thick delicious thighs that he wanted for so long. You tugged a little harsher on his hair eliciting a groan from him, he pulled you against his body and you could feel his hard on, knowing it was all for you. He gave open mouthed kisses on your jaw and descended to your neck, making you grind yourself against him and a loud moan come from you.
And he stopped.
He simply stopped and pushed himself away from you.
“Fuck.” He said as reality hit him, or what felt like reality for him. “I shouldn’t have done this I…”
“Funny, ‘cause your hard dick says otherwise.” You said still sitting on the counter, cheeks blushed, lips plump and all the tension that had gone threatening to come back. “I’m not complaining Daryl, actually it’s the opposite. So why would it be a mistake?”
“This isn’t right. Ya’re younger than me. Shit… ya could be my daughter.” He said, hand on his forehead, the other on his face.
“Unless you fucked my mom, and I don’t know. There are zero chances of you being my dad.” You tried reasoning with him, was it what he was thinking all this time and not acting on it?
“Ya understand what I said. Ya’re way younger. I’m on my 50s and you on your 30s it’s… it’s not…”
“Right?” You asked. “Is it wrong that 2 consenting adults want each other? I’m not a kid anymore, you just said I’m on my thirties. When we met each other maybe it could have been messed up, I mean I was young and naïve, but still of age. But now? You really want to put the age gap talking on me?”
“Didn’t say ya’re a kid.” He retorted trying to not look at you since your flustered image wouldn’t help him controlling himself.
“If you don’t, it doesn’t make any sense thinking that what happened right now was a mistake.” You jumped from the counter and put yourself in front of him. “What is it? Are you attracted to me but is ashamed of me? Am I not beautiful enough? Not thin enough?”
“I ain’t this shallow, Y/N.” He looked at you, and it broke him seeing hurt and self doubt all over you. “I made a promise to your mother, before she died that night in the quarry. I promised I’d protect you…”
“And you did. I don’t need your protection anymore, you taught me how to defend myself. I don’t even need you to eat, I can hunt my own food if needed. So you’re free you from this burden, I should have never been your responsibility.” You were so angry at that moment tears on your eyes threatening to fall down, his promise should have nothing to do with it. “Well. Fuck. So here’s the thing, if you’re not taking me, acting on your feelings or whatever, Stop hindering other people to do so! I’m not gonna wait on you my whole life and be unhappy just because you’re so close minded.” The words left your mouth like the water flowing from a broken dam. You took your bag again and headed to the door.
“Where are ya going?” He asked before you could leave.
“I don’t know. Gonna decide once I leave. Don’t wait for me. I’m not coming back for game night, tell the kids I’m sorry.” You opened the door and left, no looking back.
He stayed there for a moment staring at the door, he had just let you go. He had you on his arms, just like he dreamed many times and he threw it away, he didn’t do all the things he wanted to do to you. He didn’t showed you how much you meant to him, he just pushed you away and probably lost you, not only on the ways he wanted to have you, but probably also as a friend. He was stuck, desperate and helpless, he didn’t know what to do now that you were gone.
When you left the apartment, you didn’t know where exactly you were going. Now, you had two possibilities. You could go to Carol’s she was your friend, but she was also his friend and he would want to go to her and you would lose your moment with her. So instead, you decided going to Rosita’s, they worked together, but he would not look for her to vent about everything and he knew Rosita would kick his ass if he went there looking for you, or at least you thought so. A plus was, you could also use Coco cuteness to calm and warm your heart, since your kids were not around.
When you knocked at Rosita’s door she wasn’t expecting to see you, and right when she saw you she brought you inside and put you on a tight hug. You had watery eyes and when your friend embraced you so kindly you couldn’t control the tears anymore and let them roll.
“What happened babe?” She asked sitting on the sofa with you and holding your hands. “Who hurt you? Was it Daryl? Want me to kick his ass?”
“He ruined my chances to go on a date, again. We fought at home. We kissed and…” Rosita didn’t let you finish given the new information that was something you never said before when you complained about the archer.
“Wow, slow down. What? You kissed? So why are you here crying?” She truly needed to understand, she knew there was probably more to it, but she couldn’t hold herself when you mentioned kissing.
“Yes, and it was the best kiss of my life. But it doesn’t matter, he ruined everything. When it was getting heated, he simply pushed away from me and said everything was a mistake.” You said, the angry feeling about all the happenings coming again to your mind.
“Oh, he didn’t!”
“Yes, he did. He says I’m too young for him. He’s…ridiculous!” You wanted to pull out your hair, he was making you crazy. “I hate him!”
“You don’t hun…” Rosita pulled you for another hug and you just rested your head on her shoulders.
“I… I think I’m giving up Rosi… I can’t keep losing time like that.” You had already lost so much, not that he ever made it easy for you to know other people and find someone, but maybe you should have imposed yourself many years ago and things wouldn’t have gotten so bad like now.
Daryl couldn’t stay at home. The silence there without you were deafening, he left the apartment and went to the only place he knew he could find some solace if it wasn’t with you. He knocked on the door and waited for the answer. He wasn’t expecting for this person to get the door.
“Hey, Daryl! Is everything, ok? You look terrible.” Ezekiel told the hunter while holding the door.
“I… I didn’t know ya were here. I’m sorry, dun wanna to spoil yer moment.” Daryl scratched his neck nervously.
“Nah, you’re not disturbing. Come in, Carol and I were just having dinner and talking.” The former king invited him in.
He entered the apartment and ended at the table opening his heart to Carol and Ezekiel about everything that happened. Carol listened to everything in silence, but she already knew everything she needed to know.
“You know she’s right, don’t you?” Carol said when Daryl stopped telling them everything.
“I dunno if she’s right.” He stubbornly answered.
“You’ve liked her since when? The farm? And she also liked you for a long time and you already knew that.” Carol told the obvious, but at the moment she felt like she needed to draw for the observant and smart archer.
“Since the quarry.” He mumbled.
“Ok, since the quarry. Whatever. Even earlier and you still act like you shouldn’t be together because of your 20 years difference or something.” Sincerely she thought both of you would have it sorted out a long time ago. “She’s not a little girl and you’re also not a little boy, so stop acting like one.”
“Daryl, love’s something so rare in the world we live in. You shouldn’t let some prejudice like this prevent you from being happy with the person you love.” Ezekiel spoke for the first time, he was careful with his words.
“I ruined everything already.” He took a deep breath. Damn. The way you looked at him, he felt like the biggest asshole in the world, keeping you away from happiness but also didn’t acting on both of your feelings.
“You can still do things right. You just need to quit this nonsense about age. She’s a good heart, and I know she’ll forgive you if you talk to her.” Carol felt like she needed to grab both of your hands and guide you through this like two kids, or you would stay in this cycle forever. “She forgave when you left with Merle, all the times you lied to keep her safe and I’m pretty sure she forgave you for all the years you stayed out there coming and going to look for Rick, and you ended up with Leah, you and Y/N weren’t anything other than friends, but don’t you think it hurt her while she loved and couldn’t have you? She wouldn’t be around if she didn’t forgive you.”
He didn’t say anything, he looked down and started to chew on his thumb, an old habit of his when he was anxious.
“Now, I know it will sound cliché and cheesy, but forget all this shit and follow your heart. Go find her.” She gave a small squeeze on the archer’s hand and have him an encouraging smile.
“Do you have any idea where she could be?” Ezekiel asked.
“Maybe. I hope she’s there and not going after that fucking prick.” He answered, jealous rising when he remembered your colleague asking you out earlier. “Thanks, gonna see if I find her. If not I’ll just need to wait for her.” He got up and was ready to leave.
“Go get her pookie! If you need some extra time I don’t mind taking the kids and having game night with them here.” Carol said taking Daryl to the door. “If you both don’t solve this, I’m going to kick both of your dumb asses.” She completed.
He walked on the corridors of the old building following the path he already knew by heart, whenever he’d not find you, he knew you would be there. He was nervous, it could go all kinds of wrong, but he needed to try if he still had a chance. He stopped in front of the door and took some breaths before knocking on it.
You were at Rosita’s kitchen preparing some pasta for both of you to eat when Coco started to cry and she had go look after the baby. In that specific moment you heard a knock on the door. “Can you answer it, Y/N? It’s probably Eugene or Gabe.” Rosita said already with Coco in her arms.
“Yes, of course.” You lowered the fire you were using to cook the sauce and went to the door, opening it without even looking who it was. When you opened you met the last and first person you wanted to see at the moment, damn your lovesickness for him. You were just going to shut the door right at his face, even though the house wasn’t yours, but he was faster and held the door. “What do you want? I told you to not wait for me.” You tried to sound monotone, but you were pretty sure you sounded angry.
“Ya didn’t say anything about coming after ya. I want ya, that’s what I want. I’ve always wanted ya, and I’ve been an idiot trying to deny it. We’re both adults and I was being stubborn and dumb about it. I love you and…” he stopped to catch a breath since he hadn’t breathed since he started talking. “…I’m incredibly sorry. Please forgive me, and come home with me.”
“Daryl, I love you too. You know I love you. If you go back on your words…” you started to say, your voice shaken with emotion, but was interrupted.
“I won’t. I promise.” He took your hand in his and looked at your eyes. “Let’s get home and make things right.”
“Go girlie! Grab your man!” Rosita shouted from behind and you had almost forgot she was there. Daryl had ignored it completely just now being aware of opening his heart to you in front of Rosita, and Coco.
“I’m going er… Can you just wait a minute? I’m finishing dinner for Rosi. As you can see, she’s a little busy with Coco.” You said going back to the stove and checking if the sauce was good.
While you finished the dinner for Rosita he sat on the sofa near Rosita and the baby, and they talked about something you couldn’t hear from the kitchen. You considered you must be dreaming, this moment couldn’t be real, but you just burnt your pinkie on the pan and it hurt like a bitch, so you were definitely not sleeping.
When you finished you told Rosita it was ready, you gave her a warm hug and you kissed Coco goodbye. You left the apartment with Daryl following you and soon his hand engulfed yours and you could swear you were in heaven, you felt all flustered. Daryl was no different, he was a blushing mess from his cheeks to his ears. His mouth a thin line, his lips pressed against each other trying to contain the smile that wanted to come out.
Once you got home you opened the door and entered first, you waited for Daryl to lock the door and when he turned to you… You attacked him, you crushed your lips and body against him pressing him against the door. Daryl wasn’t going to lie that he didn’t want that to happen, he wanted that a lot, but he wasn’t expecting you’d like to engage in such activities so soon. He had imagined maybe cuddling with you on sofa or bed, talking about you or making dinner together. But he wasn’t going to sign a complaint, he was more than fine with your choice for your first night as a couple.
He quickly kissed you back, his hands coming to your back sliding on it and ending on your butt which he grabbed and pulled your body against his. You gasped in surprise and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth, your hands were on his nape and on his hair tugging at it and scratching his scalp. You felt his erection against your belly and you couldn’t resist but slip your hand down his body and touch it, earning a groan from him. It was so hard and by the outline you could see it was thick too. You just couldn’t wait to feel and taste his cock, you unbuckled his belt and worked on the zipper opening his pants.
You shoved your hand inside of his pants now groping his dick with only the thin layer of his boxers separating your hand from touching it skin to skin. He threw his head back leaning on the door, groans and grunts escaping his lips.
“Do you like it Daryl?” You asked your eyes on his face registering all of his reactions on your memory.
“Yeah, a lot… ugh…” The way he was at your mercy was so delicious that you couldn’t contain yourself into teasing him.
“Are you gonna be good for me?” Your hand went up a little, your thumb holding on his waistband.
“Yeah, ‘m gonna be good. All for ya… Anything for ya…” he answered, his eyes closed his mouth agape and a little sweat on his temple.
“Good, so I’m gonna take good care of you. Ok?” You said while you pushed his boxers down with his trousers letting his dick spring free from it looking deliciously glorious. You took it in your hand, pumping it, playing with it… gods… your mouth was watering. “It’s this hard for me baby?”
“Yeah, always this hard fer ya.” He nodded, a groan escaping his lips at each different touch on him.
You got to your knees and he wasn’t expecting this, this wasn’t like he imagined your first time together to be, but again, he wasn’t complaining, he’d take everything you wanted to give him and you’d have more time to do it in all the ways you could and wanted.
You pumped his cock a little bit more and before giving it all of your attention you gave a delicate kiss on his balls. “Oh, fuck…” he hissed, goddamn how did you come so boldly like this? You licked them, your hand never stopping pumping his shaft and your eyes never living his face. Now he looked at you he wanted to watch you with the face of an angel work sinfully with your mouth. You started sucking on his balls making him moan and god, it was delicious hearing him moaning. You sucked both sides of it and just by doing it you had already a pool in your panties. Not that you wanted any other man, but after this you’d want to only suck his dick.
Your mouth left his balls and went to the base of his cock, giving open mouth kisses while your hand would wipe its head. You put both of your hands on his firm thighs and licked all along his shaft. “Damn! How can ya do it so well, angel?” He hissed, hands flattened on the door and the wall.
“You cockblocked me all those years, but at least I had some fun before the world ended.” You said before kissing the tip of his dick, just to put it in your mouth and swirl your tongue on it.
He wanted to throw a sassy remark at you, but at this point his brain couldn’t formulate anything coherent so he decided to just appreciate what you were giving him. One of his hands went to your head massaging your scalp while the other continued supporting him on the wall, it was so good that he felt like he would fall. You’d take little by little, more and more of him while you hummed on it at how it tasted deliciously like Daryl and his pre cum. You started bobbing your head up and down, going further and further, his moans and his hand on your head encouraging you to continue and when he alerted he was about to cum you slowed a bit, you wanted it on the top of your tongue, you wanted to fully taste and savor him. You touched his balls while sucking him and soon he was shooting his seed inside your mouth while he grunted and moaned your name. You swallowed every drop of it, not wasting anything.
“Tasty…” You wiped your mouth and he brought you from your knees to stand up.
His lips crashed immediately on yours, changing positions and pressing you against the wall. His taste on your lips and on your tongue making him taste himself on your mouth. He kicked his pants and boxers like he could without breaking your kiss, still wearing his boots, but now his legs were free to move. He lifted you from the floor and you got the cue to put your legs around his waist, her urged you to take your shirt off and took a moment to kiss your neck, shoulders and collar bones.
He started to walk, taking you to his room and you couldn’t care less as you took this time to kiss, nibble and suck on his neck. He threw you on his bed and took his boots off frantically, you were on your elbows observing him as he took your shoes off and threw them anywhere in the room. You observed him only using a black sweater, bare legs and his cock that you had sucked the life of a few minutes ago was already standing proudly. You licked your lips and he didn’t let it pass, having a smirk on his face.
He came back to you hovering you on the bed in between your legs, taking your lips one more time while his hand travelled down your body palming your covered bra. His hand went to your back and how he was able to open it so easily was a mystery to both of you. He massaged your breasts with both hands giving slight pinches on your erected nipples taking moans from you. His mouth came to your left breast while his hand took care of the other and his other hand descended to work on opening your jeans.
Once your pants were open he pulled them from your body taking your panties too. God, there was too many layers he needed to have you. He came back with his mouth to give the same attention to your right breast while his hand covered your wet covered pussy.
“Is this by just sucking my cock?” He took his mouth from your breast spit slipping from his mouth. “I barely played with ya.”
His fingers slipped between your folds making you whimper. “Princess, I made ya a question. Don’t ya wanna be a good girl and answer?” He watched you, observing every reaction you had. His thumb touching your clit and circling it, a cry leaving your lips.
“Yeah… it’s because of your cock.” You replied breathlessly. “It’s so delicious… ugh…” One finger slid inside your cunt.
“Are ya my good girl?” Husky voice, his finger pumping in and out of you.
“Yeah…” A second finger went inside of you. “Ugh… Dar…”
“And who d’ya belong to?” He asked finger fucking you, a lick to your neck savoring you and sweat.
“You… I’m yours…” Your hips bucked onto his fingers. He started scissoring, his thumb pressed on your clit.
“Whose pussy is this, hugh?” You were a trembling moaning mess, your cunt clenching around his fingers.
Damn. You were close. “Daryl’s! It’s yours…” His fingers going in and out of you, playing with your button till you burst out in your orgasm clenching and spasming on his fingers. His name being moaned again and again.
“Fuck. Ya’re so good fer me.” He kissed you passionately, fingers pumping you slowly, till he broke your kiss, just to have a taste of you from his fingers and slipping them in your mouth so you could suck and taste it too. “Such a good girl… what should be yer reward?”
“You know what I want… but first…” you tugged at this black sweater that he was still wearing, fuck, you wanted to feel his body against yours, skin to skin, the mix of your scents with sweat and the smell of sex.
He took out his shirt throwing it on the floor and coming back to you, looking at your eyes, his hands caressing your head scratching your scalp. “Now, tell whatcha want sunshine…”
“I want your dick, full inside of me. Please…” You pleaded your hands wandering on his chest, going down on his abdomen.
“Ya ask so nicely, I could give ya the world.” He kissed you, deeply, slowly and sensually, this time wasn’t like all the others despaired and craving for the other, it had more. It was as if this kiss could mean everything, all the years pinning for each other, all the feelings that were hidden, the lonely nights thinking about each other, the inability to be satisfied never having the other…
He aligned himself to your pussy and he pushed inside. You gasped, it had been so long… and you’ve been wanting this for so many years, that none of your fantasies or attempts to reproduce the feeling with your fingers could compare to having him inside you. He slowly bottomed out and started to move once you were comfortable. His hips trusting onto yours rhythmically and yours doing the same unable to contain your moves and the need for the man between your legs.
“Fuck, ya’re so delicious. I should’ve had give in to yer temptation earlier.” He groaned nibbling and sucking on your neck.
“Dar… ya do it so well…” Your arms around him holding on his shoulders. “Hhgmmm…”
A thought crossed his mind for a single second and he didn’t think twice. He rolled both of you so you’d be on top, his hand moved to your hips. “Ride me, I wanna see ya riding me…” you sat on top of him, he still inside of you. You looked at him and… Daryl has always been handsome but fuck… were he gorgeous right at that moment.
You moved your hips, both hands on his stomach, going up and down right on your rhythm, rolling on top of him. “You feel amazing…” You closed your eyes, throwing your head back, your hair down framing your face… in Daryl’s mind he was being fucked by a goddess., you glowed in all your glory. You felt you were close, that so familiar feeling inside of you telling you’d explode at any moment, you quickened your pace searching for your breaking point. You could feel by the way Daryl’s dick was twitching he was close too.
“Y/N… love… I need to pull out I’m…” you interrupted him, going faster by every second.
“I dun mind. I wanna everything with you, everything from you…” If he didn’t mind of course, but you didn’t had the time to say it, hearing your words were the ignition he need to erupt inside of you, filling you with his cum and bringing you to the edge as soon as you felt his warm seed inside of you. “Daryl, fuck…”
Your body collapsed on top of him, your head laying on his chest hearing to his quick heartbeat and heavy breathing, both of you calming down and relaxing on each other’s arms. He rolled you again, so now you were resting on the bed he was on top of you. He looked at you, his hand on your face admiring you.
“I love ya, I always have.” He confessed.
“I love you too.” You said teary eyes, you were so happy you weren’t able to control.
“Shush… dun cry, I’m not pushing you away ever again.” He said thumb caressing your cheek.
“I’m so happy.” You said trying to control your happy tears and failing.
He pulled out of you, your mixed fluids coming out and spreading on the bed. He took a clean humid cloth cleaning you and the bed the better he could. Then he joined you in bed again, holding you, your head on his chest, a blanket over both of you. You talked about nothing and everything, imagining how the future would be and imagining how the kids would react once they knew you were finally together.
In the middle of talking you fell asleep, while Daryl stayed awake a little more thinking on how long he deprived himself from happiness and how lucky he was that you never gave up on him, until he fell asleep. Little did he know that you also thought you were the luckiest woman for having him by your side all those years and finally being able pour your love on each other.
Final notes: Hope you guys enjoy it, it took me some time, but I’m happy with it.
Wanna be add to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series)
Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
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graybby · 4 days
PR nightmare
Lando Norris x Russell!reader
The F1 drivers twitch streamer sister series !
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 here 2285 words
sorry for the wait ! hopefully it's worth it <3
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This isn’t good.
Pacing back and forth around her hotel room wasn’t how Y/N planned to start her morning but the constant dinging of her phone had rudely awoken her from her slumber at 5AM. She felt reluctant to check it at first, anxiety swirling through her brain as she racked it for a reason why this was happening, nothing preparing her for what she was about to see. Hundreds of tweets and pictures of her and Lando from the grand prix the day prior - luckily none had captured the dispute between him and her brother, which came as a momentary relief to the drama that presented itself in front of her. The focus was only on the two individuals as they had been papped in the time it took him to find her in that heat stroked state and walk away from the bathrooms, which led to a multitude of both Lando’s and her own fans to start conspiring. Those who watched Y/N and had knowledge of her most recent stream - in which Lando had made his presence known - were already losing their minds, believing that this wasn’t just a coincidence and that she had specifically attended the race as his guest, some of these comments being a lot meaner than others - accusing the smaller streamer of being an ‘attention whore’ and ‘just using him for likes and followers’ however there were a few that sounded excited at the possibility of a blossoming romance between the two. Y/N laughed to herself that people were making assumptions about the two, trying to block out how much some of the hate comments stabbed into her mind but subconsciously agreeing with those that were finding it stupid that others believed Lando would even go for her let alone be dating her. 
She opened her chat with Lando to try and warn him about the social media mess but halted when she realised she was still left on read from the night before, pushing aside the feeling it gave her she began typing. 
I think we’ve got a situation..
The brown haired boy rolled over his plush hotel bed and groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Tired from the race and night he had which left him to return back to his designated hotel room in the early hours of the morning. He didn’t remember too much, only that he had been in a sour mood about something and decided to dull the internal noise with a shit ton of alcohol and crowds of people. His phone began blaring and Lando shot up to accept the call before he registered who it even was. 
“What do you think you’re playing at Lando?” a voice bellowed down the line. “Zak please it’s too early to be screamed at, what did I do now?” rubbing his temples, a hangover beginning to set in. 
“we said no more girl trouble Lando. It’s bad for our publicity right now, we really need a clean slate at the moment to boost our sponsorships. With all your recent antics the tabloids are making you out to be a party obsessed playboy and the current sponsors don’t like it”
“But I haven’t even been spotted with anyone recently it’s a joke- you can’t just expect me to stay put in my room like a good little dog all the time man-” “Hey hey stop, I know how shitty it is but yesterday you got spotted just talking to some youtube or influencer girl and the internet won’t shut up about it, you’ve been trending on twitter for hours and not for much of a good reason”. 
“What the fuck Zak- that’s such bullshit, shes just a friend and we only just met properly the moment it was photographed. It’s not fair”. 
“I know it is, look i’m really sorry Lando but we just need you to keep a low profile for a while- not forever, just until this ‘persona’ everyone is making you out to be is not tabloid front pages”. 
“Fine Zak I get it, I'll try to be a ‘good little boy’ just for you” sarcasm dripping off his tongue as he spoke.
“Whatever you say Lando, just don’t blow this. I’ll talk to you later”
“Yeah bye Zak”
What a fucking headache 
“Y/N are you alright?” George asked approaching his sister carefully, taking in her disgruntled appearance. He had found her sat on the edge of the hotel sofa - head in hands which tightly wrapped around her hair in frustration. 
“No” she groaned, slightly peeking out between her hands to meet her brother's worried expression. 
“I hate twitter” she cried out as George cradled her in his arms. “It's so stupid George, everyone’s going crazy at these images of me and Lando someone took of us talking yesterday. Now everyone’s jumping to conclusions and making up rumours I- WE JUST MET”, “I’m sorry- I don’t know why this is getting to me so much… I think deep down I’m just scared that someone’s gonna find out that we’re related”.
“Well just remember it’s not the end of the world if they do” George remarks, trying to hide the hurt he feels at the idea of his sister being this adamant on hiding their relation. 
“Yeah for you it’s not but the whole life I’ve been trying to build all by myself will just be over, I’ll just be ‘George Russell’s sister’ and who I actually am will come second”. 
“I’m sorry that's how I’ve made you feel” George pulls away from his baby sister in haste, barely looking at her as he rushes to leave the room clearly harbouring offence at her words, which she realises quickly after - attempting to follow him. 
“No George, sorry I didn’t mean it like that- wait!” the door slams shut in front of her before she can continue. 
Crumpling back on the sofa her tears continue to free fall, this time at a quicker pace as her heart tugs against her chest - guilt tearing through her. 
She reaches for her phone just to see that once again Lando planned on leaving her on read. Anger bubbling over the heartache she already felt towards her brother made her snap, hurling her phone against the wall on the other side of the room in a heartbeat as her vision clouds over, sobs racking her frame. 
Clambering out of his room, Lando made his way down the hotel hallways, his throbbing head demanding a remedy which he decided would be a late breakfast. Passing along each door, stopping when he hears a loud bang against the wall he was outside of, followed by loud sobbing coming from a voice he swore he knew. Without even realising his hand was already knocking on the door. 
A moment passed before it cracked open revealing a distraught looking Y/N, her tired eyes made redder by the stream pouring from them. He was taken back by the sight, the shock not lasting long though as she attempted to slam the door in his face. Clearly underestimating the reaction time of an F1 driver as he swiftly wedges his foot between the door, stopping her from closing it as he barges past into her room. 
“I don’t want to talk to you Lando- why are you even here? You clearly don’t want to talk to me so just go..” 
“Wha- what gave you that impression?”
Y/N turns to look at him - straight faced, a scoff passing her lips. 
“You’re joking right?! You ignore every message I’ve sent you and you ask me why I think you don’t want to talk to me??” 
He stiffens as he realises his mistake this morning, too caught up in his own problems that he glossed over hers, he knew that her message would be about the pictures after his call from Zak but he didn’t know what to say to her - the way that Zak spoke to him earlier made Lando feel the need to distance himself from Y/N and the whole situation, something he thought he could manage until he heard her gut wrenching sobs and all his rational thoughts went out the window. 
His face softened as he reached out to her. “Y/N look I’m so sorry about that, I didn’t mean to upset you- I’ve just been caught up in a PR nightmare this morning and everything’s slipped my mind” she sniffles, eyes meeting his “it’s my fault isn’t it, the PR nightmare? Its cause you spoke to me” Lando notices her eyes welling up again as she spoke, he steps forward, his hand wrapping around her smaller one giving it a gentle squeeze - his other hand rising to cup her cheek (too close to the way the stood just the day before when everything began to go wrong). 
“Y/N no it's not your fault. This happens- way too often for my liking but no way is it because of you. It's the fault of nosy journalists and gossip pages that want to tear apart every aspect of my life and I'm sorry you got caught up in it. I can imagine some of the things you’ve seen people say about you today and I want you to ignore it for me okay- it’s just jealous, horrible people with nothing better to do okay? Don’t believe a word of it”. Lando stared at her, still holding her hand so gently as if he applied the slightest pressure that she might break. She nodded her head softly in response to what he said, a small smile breaking through the pained expression she wore since he walked in. He beamed at the change in mood, wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. He had felt such guilt after ignoring her last night - he was so wound up by her brothers outburst towards him and being so close to his first win that he had given her the cold shoulder, choosing to drown his sorrows in alcohol and loud music instead of responding to her attempts at checking in on him.
Y/N melted into the hug, she hated the way that Lando made her feel so warm in the short time she had spent with him, especially after how cold he had made her feel only the night before, she felt she owed him in a way to hear him out, knowing how messy it can be living in the public eye. She was so glad she did as she stood there basking in the warmth his touch gave her - she felt embarrassed that he had this big of an effect on her, brushing it off and blaming it on how emotional she’s been all day making her overly thankful for his comfort. 
“Feeling better love?” he pulled back from the hug, hands still holding either side of her shoulders - that cheeky smile he always wore gracing his face as he gazed into her eyes. She giggled lightly at the sight before it became a full fledged laugh as he giggled back, smile stretching wider. They stayed like that for a moment just laughing as they held each other. Once they both quieted they sat down together on the sofa just enjoying each other's company. 
“I’m sorry about yesterday by the way, I don’t like arguing with people, George just set me off I guess- but it didn’t give me a right to take it out on you, thank you for checking up on me Y/N” sincerity oozing from every word that passed his lips. 
“Don’t worry about it Lando, but hey guess we’re both in George's bad books right now” she spoke solemnly, fiddling with her hands in her lap. Lando took her hands into his own as he noticed her anxiety bubbling. 
“What happened?” he was honestly quite shocked at her words not believing that her and George could have a full  blown fight. 
“I hurt his feelings pretty bad- I was going on about how scared I was that someone might do too much digging now that the attentions on me and find out that we’re related, I guess it sounded like I resented being his sister and he stormed off slamming the door on me before I could properly apologise, he just can’t understand that I’m scared it will just make all my hard work amount to being an ‘F1 drivers sister’ and not be recognised for my own achievements” she sighed, squeezing his hand softly as she spoke.
“I understand Y/N and I think he will with time, I personally hope that he’ll get over us talking- especially after yesterday, he’s never been that pissed at me before” he chuckled lowly, thumb rubbing the back of her hand. 
“He’ll get over it, he just doesn’t know how to react to me talking to anyone of the other gender without freaking out” she rolled her eyes as she recalled every time George had interrupted a conversation of hers, pulling her away from whatever guy she speaking to at the time before giving her a classic older brother lecture. 
“Good to know- guess I’ll have to start sneaking around and seeing you in private ey?” winking at her jokingly but catching the way her face flushed in response. Cute 
“It’s honestly not a bad idea though, that way we avoid any more media upset, you don’t have to worry about your identity and I don’t have to face the rath of your brother for simply just talking to you” Lando laughs nudging her shoulder as she giggled at his words. 
“I like the sound of that Lando”
“So do I” 
thanks for reading <3
taglist : @bicchaan @lauralarsen @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @ssararuffoni @cherry-piee @eviethetheatrefreak @2pagenumb
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xiaoxo · 2 months
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featuring — kafka, himeko, jingliu, y/n
summary — a sleepover turns into something more.
warnings — kafka, himeko, & jingliu x fem!reader, wlw relationships, wlw smut, self indulgent, use of sex toys, fluff (lots of it), non-established relationships in all, dancing together in jingliu’s, stellaron hunter!reader in kafka’s, hsr spoilers, astral express!reader in himeko’s, reader works for jing yuan in jingliu’s, reader is a vidyadhara in jingliu’s, pet names used in all, slight corruption kink in kafka’s (reader is a virgin), reader’s a bit shy in kafka’s, reader has insomnia in himeko’s, boob lover!reader in himeko’s
messages from the stars — i ♡︎ women, they can do no wrong, i worship the ground they walk on. err also im not the best at writing wlw smut but i tried my best :’) , also just a heads up, anyone can interact with this, just don’t be creepy and don’t erase wlw rep ! went a lil wild on kafka’s lmao
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after arriving at the luofu, you and kafka headed to your room. there weren’t that many rooms so you and her needed to share. you didn’t mind though. maybe the ongoing sexual tension would finally be cut tonight.
you and kafka were close, that didn’t mean you fully trusted each other though. but, there was something romantic between you two—the longing gazes, the giggling to each other, the flustering and teasing. everyone could see it. blade was tired of it and silver wolf just wanted you two to get together already.
“looks like it’ll be the two of us, huh? wanna have some fun?” she smirked, her voice smooth and seductive. you gulped, watching her approach the bed you were laying on. she crawled onto the bed and straddled you.
“finally, i have you all to myself,” she sighed softly, running her fingers up and down your waist. lifting your shirt up, she immediately tossed it on the floor and made out with you.
“mmph!” you moaned, feeling her palm your bare breast. she swirled her tongue in your mouth, lapping it on top of your tongue. pulling away, a string a saliva connected both your lips together. the magenta haired woman smirked to herself, beginning to take off her coat.
you both undressed and made out with each other. she pressed you against the bed and told you to wait a moment. she got off the bed and got a few things out of her bag—sex toys.
“i’ve been meaning to use these on you, hope you enjoy,” she told you, walking towards the bed again. she placed the strap-on and double-ended dildo on the foot of the bed and crawled towards you with a vibrator in her hand.
“spread your legs, darling,” she purred, sliding her hand between your thighs. you spread them eagerly and watched as she turned the vibrator on. pressing it against your clit, you squirmed and whimpered. she chuckled at your sensitive body. she couldn’t wait to ruin you.
“kafka, i’m a—” “i know, dear. i’ll take it slow, just let me know if it’s too much and i’ll stop, okay?” she said tenderly, a kind look in her eyes. you nodded and she watched as your arousal began to drip from your pussy.
“you’re so wet already,” she tsked, but was proud on the inside. “can’t help it, you make me feel so good,” you said shakily, body trembling from the pleasure. kafka inserted a gloved finger into your pussy, feeling the wetness soak her glove.
she pumped her finger in and out of you before slowly adding another. pleasure bubbled in your chest as you felt your orgasm approaching. “kafka, i’m close!” you whimpered.
“good, that’s a good girl. go ahead and cum for me,” she praised, leaning down to swirl her tongue around your nipple. she had such a skilled tongue, making you wonder if she’s done this before. or she could just really be wanting to make you feel good.
you came all over her fingers and she brought her hand to her mouth, sucking the juices up. “you taste delicious, i need to have a proper taste,” she told you, leaning down slowly while making eye contact with you. she hovered in front of your dripping heat as you bit your lip in anticipation.
she began licking and swirling her tongue all over your pussy, practically devouring it. “kafka, kafka!” you moaned her name like a matra, as if it was the only thing you could utter out in your fucked-out state.
her chuckle vibrated against your clit, making you let out a deep moan. “you’re making me so wet, keep moaning for me, will ya, doll?” she cooed, moaning softly as she continued to eat you out.
“make the whole hotel hear, won’t ya, baby?” she chuckled, smirking devilishly up at you. “n—no, don’t wanna get caught,” you stammered shyly. “aww, it’s okay love, it’ll just make sure everyone will know you’re mine.”
“all yours, kafka, all yours!” you babbled out, drunk on the way she ate you out. “that’s my girl,” she whispered, blowing against your clit. “o—oh!” you gasped at the new feeling. she began slurping up your juices and shoved two fingers in your hole.
“cu—cumming!” you shouted in a moan, creaming all over kafka’s face. she didn’t bother wiping it off as she leaned up and kissed you. while she kissed you, she grabbed the strap-on at the end of the bed.
placing it around her waist, she teased the tip against your tight virgin hole. she couldn’t wait to fill you up with her fake cock. she wanted to see your face contort in pleasure as your eyes roll back into your head. she wanted to ruin you, turn you into a lustful slut for her and only her.
she slowly thrusted in, allowing you to adjust to the length of the strap-on. you panted heavily, slowly getting used to the penetration. you gave her a nod and she slid in a little more, waiting for your confirmation.
“kafka, please fill me up, i need it now, i can take it,” you told her, pleading. she chuckled to herself, stroking your cheek. “is my baby ready to take my cock like a good girl? okay, here we go.”
with that, kafka thrusted all the way in, earning a loud stifled moan from you. she paused before you urged her to keep going. she rammed the strap-on into you, hitting the deepest parts of your womb.
“you look perfect like this, fuck darling,” she panted, breasts bouncing with each thrust she pounded into you. “you look so angelic, kafka. never thought i’d get to see you like this,” you murmured bashfully.
“you flatter me, y/n. heh, i dreamed of the day of seeing you like this. do you know how many days you’ve gotten me so heated i needed to take a step away to relieve myself?” she asked, chuckling. ramming her fake cock into you, you babbled and moaned how much you liked her and were enjoying yourself.
“fuckk, i like it when you’re needy like this—loud, too. make the entire hotel hear how good kafka’s making you feel, hm? that’s an order, darling~” she chimed, sensing you getting tighter around the false cock.
“you close, baby?” “mhm,” you moaned out, letting your head fall back. you kept your eyes on kafka and scanned down her body. you reached your hand up to cup her breast, squeezing it weakly.
you came with a loud moan erupting from your mouth, coating the strap-on with your cum. kafka pulled out, seeing the strap-on drenched in your liquids. “do i really make you this horny, dear?” she teased.
“yes kafka, you make me so wet,” you replied, not even caring about the embarrassment you would receive later when recalling your words to her. she hummed and grabbed the vibrator again.
spreading your legs, she straddled you and angled her pussy to line up with yours. pressing her pussy against yours, she held the vibrator against both of your clits as she began grinding on you.
the room reeked of sex with moans bouncing off the walls and possibly echoing into the hallway and other hotel rooms. she smiled down at you and you swore you’ve never seen anyone so beautiful, the way sweat stuck strands of her magenta hair to her forehead, the dazed look in her eyes, her perfect pink pussy grinding against yours. you felt yourself cumming again.
“did you cum already?” she asked, feeling your slick against her pussy. “y—yes,” you admitted shyly. “aeons, you’re perfect. just let me cum too, okay? you can handle a little bit more, can’t you?” you paused before nodding.
“that’s a good girl.”
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everyone was asleep on the astral express except you. damned insomnia was keeping you awake. you wanted to sleep, you really did. but, your body didn’t allow you to. huffing to yourself, you laid in bed, debating what to do.
you wondered if you could visit himeko, perhaps she was awake. it was worth a shot. she did say come to her at any time if you needed anything. and right now you needed something.
tugging the covers off your bed, you headed towards the door and exited your room. quietly, you began tip-toeing to himeko’s room. knocking gently twice, you heard a faint ‘come in’ on the other side of the door.
opening the door, you stepped into himeko’s room. “y/n, is something wrong?” she asked in a concerned tone. “i can’t sleep,” you briefly explained. “come here,” she said, pulling the covers away from the free space of the bed for you to lay down beside her.
“how come you can’t sleep? are you nervous about something?” she asked, hoping she could help get to the bottom of why you couldn’t sleep. “i have insomnia,” you told her, inching closer.
“oh, i see,” she said, nodding and understanding. “how’d you develop insomnia?” “it’s…part of my past,” you explained. much like dan heng, you kept your past a secret, mainly to not burden any of the astral express crew with your problems. you didn’t need pity, you told yourself.
she nodded, not prying further. “you can come closer, y’know?” himeko chuckled, causing you to inch even closer to her. the redhead giggled, leaning close to your face.
tilting her head, her eyes glided across your lips, wondering what they could possibly taste like? aeons, why did you have to be so stunning? it wasn’t fair. himeko was so close to making a move, she was so close to her face. she wanted you to just—
you locked lips with her, cupping her face tenderly. you’d never kissed anyone before, so it was a little sloppy but you soon got the hang of it, kissing her with utmost love and devotion.
straddling her lap, her hands met your waist, grinding you against her. even with her moans being muffled against your lips, she still sounded as angelic as ever. “wanna hear you moan for me, himeko. you sound perfect as always,” you told her.
“then go ahead and make me moan. i’m excited to see what you have in store for me,” she said, smirking.
you began by undressing the both of you, leaving you completely bare. “my, your body is beautiful. i can’t believe it’s all mine for tonight,” she complimented honestly, smiling brightly. “th—thank you, himeko.”
“i love the way you say my name, i could hear it all the time and never get tired of it,” she admitted to you, smirking and spreading her legs. for a few seconds, you just stared at her pussy that was awaiting for you to pleasure it.
leaning down, you began licking, sucking, slurping, and swirling your tongue around himeko’s pussy. she tried keeping her moans quiet but the pleasure was pure bliss.
“ah! you feel so good, more y/n more,” she whispered out. she was doing a surprisingly good job at keeping quiet, as if she’s trained for this situation. “aeons, how many nights has it been that i’ve masturbated to the thought of you.” that explains how she’s so good at it, you thought.
you continued to lick and eat her out, holding her twitching thighs down to keep her legs spread. “keep ‘em open for me, okay baby?” you purred, kitten-licking her pussy. she nodded, keeping her legs as wide as she could for you.
“such a good girl.” you began using the pads of your fingers to rub her clit as you stuck your tongue into her hole. feeling her gummy walls clench around your soft and wet tongue made your eyes roll into the back of your head.
reaching between your legs with your other hand, you began rubbing yourself, humming in pleasure and relief. “do you get off to you eating me out?” “can’t help it, you’re too perfect,” you muttered, continuing your movements.
“ah, y/n i’m close, dear.” “cum baby, cum for me.” she came on your tongue as you lapped the liquids up. you licked the sides of your mouth before leaning in and kissing her again.
“you did so well, miss himeko,” you teased, smiling at her. “thank you, miss y/n,” she responded back, a light shade of red dusting over her cheeks. her face felt hot from being flustered and orgasming, beads of sweat dripped down her collarbone, making parts of it shine.
“just let me, please,” you pleaded in a rushed tone, lowering your head and sucking and biting her breasts. you left marks throughout the valley of her breasts and swirled your tongue around the nipples.
your dream of being smushed between himeko’s breasts had come true, so now you were going to indulge yourself.
himeko felt the knot of pleasure form in her stomach again. she cried out as you continued fondling and sucking on her breasts. she let out a few high-pitched moans as she came for the second time.
“did i make you cum just by playing with your tits?” you asked, hardly believing it. “yes, you did,” she responded. “i didn’t know i had this kinda effect on you,” you mentioned, teasing her nipples with your fingers.
“good to know,” you muttered, smirking to yourself. “do you have a vibrator, dildo, any sex toys, dear?” you asked calmly. himeko nodded and pulled a purple vibrator out of her nightstand drawer.
“perfect,” you told her, taking the sex toy in your hands. it was the same one you had, so you knew the settings and such. “what’s the mode you usually use?” you asked, not wanting to drive her overboard.
“medium,” she replied, “thank you for asking.” “of course, this is an experience of pleasure, i don’t want to overwhelm you,” you chuckled, turning on the vibrator to the medium setting.
bringing the sex toy down to her heat, you rubbed the vibrator against her clit, causing her to whimper and squirm. “you really know how to—ahh!—hit my weak points,” she told you, moaning between her sentence.
“so good for me,” you cooed, running it down her pussy and inserting it in her hole. she leaned forward, twitching in pleasure. what a sight to see. she looked as angelic as ever—face scrunched up in pleasure, her breasts covered in your marks, and the lust and love in her eyes. the look in her eyes made you feel safe and secure.
pulling the vibrator out, you began getting into a scissoring position, grinding against her puffy clit slowly. she let out light whimpers and moans. you kept the vibrator against both your clits.
crying out, you both came simultaneously. catching your breaths and leaning your foreheads against each other, you felt her breath fan against your face. he breath smelled great, you almost got lost in the smell.
“hey so..” you leaned beside her again. “you don’t have to be mine for tonight, you can be mine as long as you’d like,” you admitted bashfully. “really?” she inquired, raising a brow. “mhm,” you hummed and nodded in response.
“i don’t mind that,” she finally said, smiling at you brightly. “i don’t either,” you replied, kissing her again before cuddling and finally falling asleep in her arms.
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“so you’re now jing yuan’s assistant? you were an esteemed fighter, y/n. how come you took up the job as an assistant?” jingliu asked. you sighed. it wasn’t like you wanted to be an assistant. the pay was good and it meant you could still be close to your best friend, jing yuan.
years ago, it was you, jing yuan, baiheng, dan feng, yingxing, and jingliu. the group thought you and jing yuan would make a good couple but you both assured you two were just close friends. and it was true. he helped you during a time when you needed it. you didn’t feel necessarily indebted to him but you wanted to stick close to someone you care about deeply and platonically.
in reality, you liked jingliu. jing yuan would give you points on how to talk to her and tried to get the two of you together. it never came to pass though.
but now, jingliu has returned and she invited you to stay the night with her. wanting to catch up with someone you liked much more than a friend, you accepted.
now, you sat in jingliu’s hotel, sipping your tea and conversing and catching up with her.
“and imbibitor lunae? how has he been?” she asked, sipping her tea. “dan heng’s been okay, i hope, haven’t really talked to him since everything happened.” she nodded, not wanting to press the subject further since she could tell you didn’t have too much information on the matter. jing yuan told you snippets of it, but not enough to relay the full story to jingliu.
“let’s dance,” she suddenly said, standing up. she went over to the record player and played a slow song. you stood up and approached her, taking her hands in yours. trying to make sure your hands didn’t shake, you clasped her hands and began swaying to the beat.
“it’s been so long since we’ve danced like this, y/n,” she said, spinning you around. turning back around, your chest made impact with hers. but she didn’t pull away. “yes, i’ve missed it,” you said, but all you could think about was kissing her.
“me too,” she droned on, continuing to sway to the beat. this time, you spun her around. making her way back to face you, she leaned her face very close to yours. your noses almost touched.
“jingliu,” you breathed, flustered by how close the woman you love was. “i want you to kiss me, my dear y/n,” she pleaded, breathing out. “k—kiss you?” you stammered, cheeks burning.
“if you’d like.” slowly, you leaned in and pressed your lips against hers. her lips were soft but moist, not dry. they were so addictive, you couldn’t get enough of her lips. you began wondering what other parts of jingliu would be addictive, causing arousal to pool in your panties.
she guided you to the bed which she took a seat on. you hesitantly straddled her lap and her hands immediately went to hold you in place, making sure you weren’t leaving under any circumstances.
you kept kissing her. you kissed her until both your lips were sore and you needed a breather. but, you both didn’t want to stop kissing, and you also wanted more.
beginning to strip out of her dress, you decided to do the same and undo your clothes as well, tossing them on the floor. now completely nude, you had a better advantage of intertwining each others bodies within each other, the chance to be as close as possible pretty much.
jingliu allowed you to lay back against the pillows, spreading your legs. the slightest of touches made your cheeks heat up and your stomach feel all fuzzy. her fingers merely skimmed across your thigh and you shivered underneath her.
“are you alright, darling?” she asked, taking in even the slightest movements from you. “ ‘m fine, you can keep going,” you reassured, nodding. she gave a single nod and got into a scissoring position.
grinding her pussy against yours, her breasts bounced as she moaned out in ecstasy. “i’m so happy i get to be doing this with you. you’re the only one i’ve wanted to be intimate with, y/n.” your eyes widened at her confession. jingliu was saving herself…for you? it seemed near impossible that the woman you were in love with loved you back.
“me—me too! wanna be with you forever and ever,” you admitted, moaning out in bliss. “ah! ah! that’s perfect, darling. i’m yours and you are mine,” she moaned out, cupping your breasts. your hand reached down to rub her clit, earning a mewl come from her pretty lips.
“yours forever!” she moaned loudly as she came, leaning her head back. she gripped onto your breasts to stabilize herself, rolling her thumb over your nipple. “c’mere,” you cooed, holding your arms out.
she obliged and laid in your arms, feeling euphoric bliss.
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connorsbonez · 9 months
Stalkers and Cryptids: Incorrect Quotes #2
Danny, Bernard, and Wes are sitting on a bench
Tim: Why do you guys look so sad?
Danny: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
*Tim sits down*
Bernard: The bench is freshly painted :)
Dick comes to visit
Danny, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Bernard, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Wes, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Dick, trembling: What the fuck are we playing??
Tim, placing down a card: Go fish.
Danny: *Screams*
Wes: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Bernard: Should we do something?
Tim: No, I want to see who wins.
The Monopoly Game
Danny: Tonight, one of you will betray us.
Bernard: Is it me, Danny?
Danny: No, it’s not you.
Wes: Is it me, Danny?
Danny: It’s not you either.
Tim: ...Is it me, Danny?
Danny, mockingly: Is IT mE DaNnY?
Wes: I think we're missing something.
Bernard: Teamwork?
Tim: Cohesion?
Danny: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Bernard, tilting his head: Why are your tongues purple?
Wes: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Tim: I had a red one.
Bernard: oh
Bernard: OH
Danny, the dense king: You drank each other's slushies??
The Sleep Deprived Slumber Party
Bernard, laying flat on his back: Can I be frank with you guys?
Danny: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Tim: Can I still be Tim?
Wes, setting his hand over Tim's mouth: Shh, let Frank speak.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Tim: Shit.
Danny: Wait, three?
Cop: ...Yeah?
Wes: Dammit, Danny!
Danny: What?! It wasn’t me!
Wes: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Tim!
Tim: Not me either.
Wes: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Bernard: *whistles*
Danny: ARE YOU-
Wes: Fucking.
Wes: Fucking.
Danny: IDIOT!
Bernard: …What was that?
Wes: Danny's mom's swearing senses have been going off, so I’m helping him out.
Bernard, gesturing towards the love interests: They make a cute couple, huh?
Wes: They certainly are standing next to each other.
Pre-OT4, Beginning Stages of the OT3
Danny: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Tim: Um...Neat.
Tim, lying face down on his bed: I said "Neat," Wes. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.
Wes, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Tim. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I told you I did when Danny confessed his love for me?
Tim, slowly lifting his head: ...Didn't you thank him?
Wes: *closes the book and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked him.
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xstevex-world · 1 year
Steve Harrington’s favourite musician has been the same since he was 17.
He distinctly remembers hearing Chrissy Cunningham play in his car radio during his senior year, subsequently listening to nothing but her breakout EP for a week straight - and that was just the beginning.
He followed all of work for over the past 7 years: bought physical and digital copies of all her albums, watched every music video multiple times, read every interview, saved up enough while working weekend shifts at scoops to get tickets to her sold out shows in Indiana - he had so much merch that Jonathan Byers once joked that Steve could probably make a shrine to his idol.
He had even kept up during her hitatus, almost two full years of radio silence from the star, like she had disappeared off the face of the earth. It wasn’t the worst thing that had ever happened, but it didn’t help that it overlapped with him dropping out of business school to pursue a career in cosmetology and that final falling out he had with his father over his choice in education.
The day she came back felt like Christmas.
Her comeback announcement dropped on June 13th - and it wasn’t just a new post on social media or a candid shot online someone managed to snap.
It was a whole EP drop, 4 entire songs (and a music video) that he knew he was going to play on repeat after 716 days of radio silence.
That opened the floodgates for everything to start again: she went back on social media, thanked her fans for their wholehearted response to her new releases. She started doing interviews again: discussing her mental health and the impact of her mothers control in her life; her reunion with her best friend (and apparent ex) from high school; her label dropping her after it was found that her “momager” had embezzled a huge amount of money from said company, releasing her from her contract early and allowing her to find new partners, new producers, new projects.
She talks about how she’s never been happier, and Steve can’t help but beam at it. He can hear it in her music, how it’s going more against the grain of what’s popular, opting instead for etherial synths mixed with heavy guitars. She sings about heartbreak and moving on and being better than then the people who brought her down for long, now that she’s starting fresh.
Steve loves it, thinks some of the changes have something to with Eddie Munson’s name appearing in the credits of all her new material.
Truthfully, he got curious after someone on Twitter posted a screengrab of cameos made by Munson and his own bandmates in all of her new music videos. He thankful someone else made the connection, and although he’s not the biggest fan of Corroded Coffin’s music (apart from the collaboration EP they did with Chrissy: “CCxCC presents Satanic Slumber Party”, that was incredible), he would lying if he didn’t say he was totally enamoured by Eddie goddamn Munson.
Let alone the fact that he’s totally Steve’s type (big hair, bigger eyes, a complete dork with a heart of gold but who also looks like he would bite someone in both a feral dog and a “please take me to your bedroom right now” kind of way), the guy is a genius when it comes to music, spending interviews talking about the process of artistry and the importance of storytelling - even when they’re discussing songs about him, written by Chrissy about their break up, he’s still so passionate and witty, the two of them spending interviews bouncing off each other in a way that would rival his relationship Robin.
He’s fine, really, he knows logically this is just a celebrity crush that will pass if he stops thinking about it for long enough, but he’s certain that this could develop into one of those all encompassing obsessions if he doesn’t curb it now- and that’s exact what he does. He tries to put that energy into school, excelling more than he ever did in an academic setting. He meets up more often with Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle and Barb, inviting them over more often for dinner or drinks, sometimes even just because he wants to make a breakfast feast and need someone else to eat it.
It’s at times like this that he misses Robin, who only has about 6 weeks left of her internship in Paris - he hasn’t seen her in person since he went to visit her a few months ago during spring break. He wishes she was her to openly judge him over this, before rambling on about her own current hyperfixation or moaning about her lack of romantic adventures since she and Vickie broke up.
They still talk on the phone every afternoon (nighttime for her), ranting to each other about their perspective day and sharing any worthwhile gossip.
Tonight’s no different, he’s telling her about the current drama happening in his classes when Robin says:
“I met someone today.”
He’s ecstatic - in his opinion robin deserves the world and the fact she’s met someone on her own in a city where she has been finding it hard interacting with people outside of her placement is a miracle in itself.
She tells him more: how she met this girl that morning at café, acting as a knight in shining armour (Robin’s words, not Steve’s) when the girl got flustered trying to order her coffee in broken French; how she spent the day showing this girl around to her favourite shops and parks and museums; how they spent hours talking about everything and nothing; how Robin hasn’t felt this way about someone since Vickie.
“So then we had dinner at that Italian place, the one I took you to, and, Steve, oh my goddess, she has the cutest little laugh-“
“Did you get her name?”
“Oh, sorry” he can hear her move the phone from one ear to the other. “Yeah it’s Chrissy.”
Steve stops his pacing. That would be one hell of a coincidence, if it was Chrissy Cunningham. She is playing in Paris the following night, the penultimate stop of her current tour. (The very show that he had been tempted to go to, since he could stay with Robin. It absolutely wasn’t because Corroded Coffin was joining her for the European leg of the tour - acting as her band, as well as performing songs from their collaboration as the encore - something that did not happen at any of the American shows). It couldn’t be the same Chrissy that Robin had fallen head over heels for in the space of a few hours, right?
“Did you get any of her socials?” He asks, cautiously.
“Nope,” she answers, popping the p for emphasis. “I didn’t think to ask, because I’m an idiot and all that-“
“Robs,” he interrupts, trying to keep his voice steady. “You’re not an idiot.”
Her hears her laugh on the other end of the line, the same kind of self-deprecating giggle she uses when she’s nervous. He wishes he was there with her so she could see him roll his eyes at her, their main way of communicating their love.
“What did she look like?”
“Oh!” She exclaims as he hears her tumbling over something (knowing Robin, probably herself). “We took a picture together, hold on, I’ll send it over.”
His phone vibrates against his ear, so he brings it in front of him, putting Robin on speaker so he can see the photo.
Holy fuck.
“Robin,” he says slowly, because he actually can’t believe it himself. “Do you know who that is?”
((Part 2))
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pabtsblueliving · 1 year
Dirty Laundry
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Wasn't a request, but thought of this tonight! This is my first fic so please bear with me!
Warnings: Slightly suggestive
Description: Daryl and Fem!Reader have been secretly hooking up for a few weeks now. After a late-night rendezvous after a party Deanna throws, you two end up getting caught by a familiar face on all days, Laundry Day.
pabtsblueliving © 2023
    Daryl had rolled over in bed to see your nude figure lying flat on the bed on your stomach, arms tucked under the pillow, hair awry, face titled and facing him. Your eyes were still shut, as he grazed his hand over your shoulder. He felt the warmth that gathered under the covers over the night as the sun shined slightly through the window in his basement room.
   It was early in the morning, 6 am. He had planned on going on a solo hunt to get out before anyone was awake to join him. As he pulled his hand away and began to undo himself from the tangle of sheets that had billowed after your late night activities, he heard a low whine come from the warm figure beside him.
    You haven't even opened your eyes, only burrowed further into the pillows. You spoke while yawning, “Where you goin’ D?” you asked. He gave a gentle smirk to your sleepy demeanor and rubbed your hair out of your face. He kissed your cheek as he arose from the bed, “Goin’’ ou’ on a hunt, remember? Tol’ you last night.” He searched for his jeans. “You said lots of things last night” You spoke, implying to the behind-closed-doors activities you two got into when you managed to sneak away from everyone else. He gave you a look and scoffed lightheartedly as you peeked one eye open.
     You propped yourself up on your elbows, your nude back being revealed as you covered your chest with the sheet. “Want me to go?” You said shyly as he began to button up his shirt. He saunters over, you grow nervous, expecting him to say something you didn't wanna hear. He propped your chin up with his knuckle and planted a gentle kiss on your lips and cheek. “Sleep in. Stay as long as you wan’, just make sure you go out this door and not the front, don’ want anyone seein’ you leave and ruinin’ our peace.” You looked up at him and then lowered yourself into the mess of sheets, sleep not far. “See you later then?” You smiled, and he gave you a smirk and nodded.
       A few hours pass, its 9 am. Daryl is well into his hunt, and youre still enjoying the sweet slumber of a sunday morning. Carol is upstairs, already been up for an hour as she began her daily chores and responsibilities. “Laundry day.” she thought, and gathered her dirty clothes and a laundry basket. Before she walks out the door of the shared home, she thinks of just going into Daryl’s basement space and taking some of his laundry. She has an idea that it won't get done so she might as well gather the dirt caked clothes and get them fresh. She knocks on the door, not knowing Daryl was long gone, unsuspecting of the guest downstairs. “Daryl? Laundry. It's Sunday, let me take your clothes for you!” She yells behind the door. She listens for footsteps, nothing. She decides he's still sleeping and opens the door, and begins the descent.
       She turns the corner and sees a familiar face and hair in the sheets of Daryl’s bed. She gasps and turns around, flattening against the wall as if you were awake and could see her. She looked again to make sure she was not mistaken. Nope, it was 100% you. She tiptoed off the wall and got a closer look. “Oh my gosh everyone is going to die!” She thought to herself, lightly covering her lips with the tips of her fingers. She shook her head and quietly grabbed Daryl's dirty clothes off the floor and quickly made her way back upstairs, still in shock.
       Daryl returns from the hunt around noon. You had already been up, out of his room, and back at your porch drying out herbs before he returned. Carol stood on her porch looking at you. “How could she not say anything to me about him, she tells me everything.” She thought as her eyebrows furrowed. Daryl had parked the bike and walked up the stairs to an unsuspecting Carol. “Your face is gon’ get stuck in a scowl if you keep yer’ face like tha’ any longer.” Daryl gruffed, he squinted to see what she was looking at. “You're too talk…” Carol mumbled. “So what’s up why you got’ the face’?” Daryl asked. “Uhm…” Carol put on her best smile “I took your laundry from your room this morning, and uh, washed it” Her smile got more mischievous, trying to let Daryl know what she saw.
         He froze slightly, looked at you across the street, grimaced, and started to walk into the house. “You’re being weird today.” He grumbled. He placed the rabbits he caught, a crossbow, and a bag on the counter. He walked off and made his way across the street, Carol decided to prop next to the window to look on. Daryl sauntered over to you as you completed hanging herbs to dry on your porch railings.
         He comes and leans on the banister on his elbows looking at you. “Hi.” He said, “Hi” you smiled. He sniffed and squinted. “Carol knows,” he said. “What are you talking about?” You panicked. “She told me she did my laundry this morning.” He emphasized. “I slept in, she totally saw me.” You sighed and groaned. Daryl turned his head over his shoulder to his shared home, Carol fluttered her fingers hello to the both of you. “Oh yeah she knows.” You chuckled. Daryl waved back and gave you an awkward smile, you said “Is this ok?” You said, nervous for a possible rejection of some sorts. He bit his lip, smirked and looked at you. ‘Yeah, this is good.”
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 4 months
It's time for the January Summary!
Let's begin with the (not very surprising) highest win count!
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Surprising absolutely noone, Richas has gotten the most wins, at a whopping 7/26! He's been voted most likely to:
Start the Warrior Cats roleplay
Get banned from the Warrior Cats roleplay
Start the NERF fight
Eat the raw cookie dough
Eat the mud pies
Throw the Wii remote into the wall
Get really weird while sick
That's a lot for a little ovo! You all scare me sometimes.
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Our favorite princess arrives with an impressive 5/26 polls won! They've been voted most likely to:
Hyperfixate on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Have a "magical destiny" complex
Have the largest stuffed animal collection
Be very into the original (2014 and before) Barbie movies
Collect Loom Bands
That all seems to be very in character for her.
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I can't deny that Pepito is one of my favorites, but clearly Pepito is yours too, with 4/26 polls being won! Pepito has been voted most likely to:
Have the pet goldfish replaced weekly without noticing
Mistake an opossum for a cat and keep it as a pet
Watch "Hey Bear Sensory" videos for hours on end
Sit 3 inches away from the TV because Pepito wants glasses
We love Pepito here, don't we.
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With 3/26 polls won, you can certainly tell he's picked up some habits from his father. Chayanne has been voted most likely to:
Teach the local corvids to rob people
Have a hyperfixation on Mythology
Attempt to fly off the roof with fake wings
I'm glad we all agree here.
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I have to be honest, I don't see Leonarda that often. But it seems like you all love them very much, with 3/26 polls won, including being the winner of the FIRST ever poll on this blog! Leo has been voted most likely to:
Try and sneak a muddy stray dog into the house
Ride the family dog into 'battle'
Build the biggest snowman (very closely tied with Dapper!)
I hope her and her 193838 dogs do alright this month.
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While he hasn't won that many polls, the 2/26 that he has have made complete sense. Dapper has been voted most likely to:
Be like Sid from Toy Story with all of his toys
Actually summon a demon during the slumber party (and the most intense sweep, with over 80% of the votes!)
Who can blame him for needing more juice from his dad, right?
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She's only won 1/26 polls, but hooooo boy did you all get heated about that one. Despite the attempts at sweeps, Tallulah has been voted most likely to:
Be a horse girl
Don't listen to the haters, queen. You can be a horse girl if you want.
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I hope our girl gets more love this month, with only 1/26 wins for January! Empanada was voted most likely to:
Have a stuffed animal net above their bed and have trouble sleeping for fear that it will fall on them in the middle of the night
That one is definitely a mouthful.
Ramón & Pomme
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While these two didn't get any wins for January, I have high hopes that they will do just fine for February. After all, they'll have ~58 chances to do so!
God help me.
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sleepyhollands · 1 year
Omg can u pls do a blurb ab Demon!Harry finds Angel!Y/N being bullied by some other demons and he stops them before they go too far?? 😇😇😇
harry was just on his way home after a terribly long afternoon of making sinister deals and collecting the souls of the damned when he heard the commotion across the street. normally, it being literal hell, he wouldn’t expect much differently from the world around him, but he happened to take a fleeting glance toward the whooping laughter and mocking voices, and saw something that made him do a double take.
now, there is no place in hell for the color white, save for the teeth of the few demons who care for dental hygiene and the whites of their eyes before they’re consumed with inky blackness. so imagine harry’s surprise when he thought he spotted an array of ivory feathers, scuffed as they may be, flutter behind a wall of burly demons whose backs were turned to him. but no, that couldn’t be right… right?
call it the pull of curiosity (months later, he would call it fate), but harry felt like he should go over there, if only to confirm his suspicions. so he did.
harry walked up behind the group, quietly so as not to be heard, with his arms crossed and his jaw set. he was still many meters away, but the closer he got, the better he could hear, and suffice to say he was becoming concerned. now, harry’s all for roughing someone up— it’s quite literally in his job description, right under ‘hijacking high school slumber party ouija sessions’— but something about the whimpers of pain and pleas for mercy weren’t sitting well with him.
“please, i-i’m sorry, i don’t know how i—,” the voice cut off with a sharp cry.
was that a girl’s voice? surely they didn’t kidnap a girl from the surface? harry may be a demon, but even he had some morals.
“aw, is it scared? you scared, sweetheart?”
“how did a pretty little thing like you get all the way down here, huh? ’s like you’re beggin‘ for us to grab you by the neck and—”
“quiet, dumbass. don’t want anyone to know about this. don’t wanna have to share it, do we? fuck, we’re so fucking lucky.”
harry saw the demons shuffle around a bit, seemingly manhandling whatever girl they were tormenting. when they turned and harry’s view was no longer obstructed, his eyes widened momentarily as his wildest suspicion was confirmed. but how in satan’s name did an angel get to hell?
one of the demons had his arm wrapped around the terrified girl’s middle, his broad chest to her back, her wings crumpled in what harry assumed could only be quite painful between them, free hand clamped over her mouth. another grabbed both her wrists in one of his, squeezing tight and causing her knees to buckle as she sobbed into the first creature’s palm. harry could’ve sworn he heard a muffled “please!” from beneath it.
“the things we’re gonna do to you, doll face…,” mused one of the demons who wasn’t grabbing the angel, instead groping his crotch, squeezing and moaning, “fuck, i’m hard just thinking about it.”
their poor celestial victim’s eyes went wide with unmistakable fear, and she squirmed harder in their grasp, kicking her legs and subsequently having them restrained by the fourth and final gang member. she wasn’t touching the ground anymore, and had no more leverage to move in their grip.
“c’mon, let’s get outta here before someone—”
“what’s all this about, gentlemen?”
harry hadn’t even realized he’d come up to the edge of the scene until the demons before him shot their heads up in surprise, their leader (crotch-groper) leveling out to just about an inch shorter than him.
“harry!” he said with a grin, flashing harry his yellowing teeth as if they’d been friends for years, “what brings a demon of your standing down to this here part of hell?”
“answer the question or i’ll deliver you to lucifer myself.” harry didn’t spare the angel a glance, not wanting to alarm her further, but from the corner of his eye he could see her begin to tremble in her restraint.
crotch-groper, who harry soon recognized as lyle, a rather young and distasteful demon, clenched his jaw before responding. “found her all curled up an‘ alone in the alley. we were gonna go have some fun with her at sanjay’s, if you know what i mean. you want in? i just got a batch of new devices i haven’t had the chance to try out yet, and a fuckin‘ angel’s guaranteed to be a vir—”
“enough,” harry held up a hand to silence lyle, who only shut his mouth (albeit begrudgingly and with a huff) due to harry’s higher ranking— he really didn’t want to get reported to the boss… he quite liked his legs and wasn’t fond of the idea of them bending the other way.
harry finally took a good look at the angel, keeping his face stoic. her eyelashes and flushed cheeks glistened with tears, her body was shaking like a leaf, and she looked on the verge of hyperventilating. he couldn’t explain it, but harry found himself itching to smooth out the crease between her brows with his thumb.
he wished he could signal to her that he was handling this.
eyes meeting lyle’s again, he said, “an angel’s presence in hell is a grade six security violation. in other words, above your pay grade. she is hereby relinquished from your custody and into mine to be dealt with accordingly.”
“the fuck she is!” shouted one of the lackeys holding the girl, “we found her first!” and with so much as a tilt of his head, harry made it so his ribs snapped inwards and punctured his lungs, effectively ending the creature’s existence and his grip on the angel’s legs, allowing her to stand as he crumpled to the ground.
four pairs of eyes widened at harry, and then one of them squeezed so tightly shut he worried they might never open again.
“any more complaints, then?”
the three remaining gang members shook their heads, releasing their hold on the celestial, causing her to scrape her palms and knees on her short trip to the asphalt with a pitiful “oof!” if harry had blinked, he’d have missed their instantaneous dissipation from the scene.
fucking finally.
crouching to the ground where the innocent being was curled up into herself, harry reached out a hand to gently touch her shoulder as he began, “hey.”
but he didn’t get very far, because the second his skin made contact with her own, the girl scrambled backwards into the nearest alley wall with a gasp. dirt was collecting under her fingernails, at least one of her wings was definitely broken, she had no idea how she ended up in satan’s domain, and she was just so scared.
harry noticed how she couldn’t even look him in the face, her hands covering her own for fear he would attack her. he felt a pressure in his chest at the thought.
“’s all right, love,” he reassured. “’s all right, ’m not going t‘ hurt you.” she didn’t move an inch, so he patiently continued. “i’m harry. what do they call you?”
and while she was terribly afraid to speak to him, she was more afraid of what he might do if she continued to ignore him.
harry smiled at the pretty name. “it’s nice to meet you, y/n.”
y/n kept her hands in front of her face as she responded. “nice… nice to meet you too, harry.”
he thought it was endearing, really, how her manners were so ingrained into her being that she could be polite to him even now. harry wanted to move a little closer, but he didn’t want to spook her. so he asked her if she could move her hands and open her eyes.
y/n shook her head so fervently, harry worried she might give herself whiplash. “he’s still there,” she sobbed, upper body shaking with her cries.
“’s just us here, love.”
“n-no… the man. the… the one you…,” she couldn’t bring herself to say it, but harry caught on. the one you killed.
oh, right. harry had forgotten him before he’d even hit the dirt. he waved his hand and the corpse disappeared from sight.
“he’s not, promise. no one to be seen for miles.”
tentatively, y/n lowered her hands, but they still hovered over her mouth, prepared to shoot back up at any moment. her eyes opened up to him again, and this time harry could admire their beauty without having to pretend to be indifferent.
“hi,” he smiled a gentle smile, settling his palms on his knees so she could see them still and empty. “can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?”
y/n flinched at the pet name, which didn’t go unnoticed by harry, and it took him a few moments to understand.
“aw, is it scared? you scared, sweetheart?”
“oh. sorry, um, about those blokes. they’re right big twats, they are. they won’t bother you again.”
y/n slowly began to relax, ever so slightly. but she still had a million unanswered questions, and her guard was still way up. why was this (rather handsome) demon being so kind to her? was it true he was going to be ‘dealt with’ by him? and why… what was that warm feeling she got in her tummy each time he called her ‘love’? she figured she should start with the most important question.
“what are you going to do with me?”
harry could literally feel the fear flowing through her veins, could practically hear her thoughts running a mile a minute. his face softened.
“well. first, we’re gonna have to take care of those wings, and any other injuries you may have. after that, we’ll try to find a way to get you home.”
y/n didn’t look convinced. “you’re… you’re not gonna… lock me away?”
“did you commit a crime in heaven? did you sin?”
“no…,” y/n tried to think back, tried to remember the moments before she wound up in hell, but it was like she was missing part of her memories. “i-i don’t think so.”
harry stood up, wiping his palms on his trousers and holding out a hand to help her up. “well, then there you are. it might be hard to believe, but there is a system for punishment in satan’s kingdom, too. if you haven’t done anything, we’ll get you right on home.” he didn’t say it aloud, but a small part of his heart twinged at the idea of letting her leave.
why was that?
y/n gratefully took his hand, but wasn’t able to help pull herself up. she was too weak, and her whole body ached. she figured she was only feeling it now from the passing of adrenaline as harry helped her relax. a whine tumbled from her lips as she struggled to stand.
“here,” harry spoke in a quiet voice. he stepped closer to her, and on instinct she shied away. he paused for a second, opening up his palms and facing them upwards as he approached to show he meant no harm. “y‘ can’t walk, love. let me help.”
hesitantly, the angel nodded, and harry swooped down to pick her up under the knees and shoulders. a small squeak escaped her lips as he pulled her off the ground, and he cooed, “i’ve got you. i’ll be careful.”
once she was securely in his arms, y/n asked the next biggest question on her mind.
“why are you helping me, harry?”
harry looked down at her big doe eyes, subconsciously pleading for him to protect her from the unknown horrors of this underworld she’s never hoped to find herself in. her small fists gripped his shirt like a vice, crinkling the well-pressed material, though harry found he didn’t mind.
“well,” he breathed, “this isn’t your home. and you’re hurt. and i know if i was confused and alone in a scary new place, i’d want some help, too.” then, to lighten the mood a bit, he added, “though, truthfully, it’d be hard to get me to admit it.”
y/n mirrored his small smile, uttering a breathy, “thank you.” her fingers still clung to his shirt just as tightly, but she relaxed enough to let her head fall to rest against his collarbones, and harry counted that as a small victory.
his wings, long and dark and somewhat ashy, extended fully behind him, and began wrapping themselves around the sweet girl in his arms, a barrier between her and the dark secrets of hell. then, generating no noise or wind as though nothing had occurred at all, the pair dissipated from sight.
taglist: @fahsey @caswinchester2000 @lmaotshollandd @jackiehollanderr @nervousdadmode @amii-nyc @skitmix @auggie2000 @voguesir @yourgoldengirls @hunnybunimdun @lolooo22 @atoris-fantasy
and also @cherryjuiceblues <3 :D
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pettypartypooper · 11 months
!bang chan fic recommendation
part 2¡
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bang chan fic recommendation list part 1
other members fic recommendation lists
s = smut , f = fluff , a = angst
hyunjin + chan & squirting [s] by @comet-falls
drabble [s] by @stvckwithaphobia 
drabble ft lee minho, han jisung [s] by stvckwithaphobia
safe [s] by @subskz
word count: 4.9k
drabble [s] by @sluttywonwoo
host requested: chris bang from one night at the back door series [s] by @cb97percent
word count: 8.2k
angel pussy [s] by @lixiektty
word count: 1.3k
drabble [s] by @hardstraykidshours
drabble [s] by hardstraykidshours
that was so hot… but don’t you dare do that again… [s] by @whydoeseveryonewanttobangchan
word count: 1.3k
summary: channie’s room is live, but you’re bored in the bedroom. good thing he’s already looking at his phone
sunshine and sundress [s] by @hwanghyunjinenthusiast
summary: there's just something about the sight of you in a sundress that makes chris lose all of his self-restraint
rainy days [s] by @es-kay-zee
word count: 0.9k
chan + face sitting [s] by @lix-ables
the neighbour [s] by @slightlymore
word count: 14k
be that guy [a,s] by @daizymax
word count: 7k
forgot something? [s] by @writerracha
word count: 1.4k
#3 [s] by @linorachas
insomnia series + lee know [a,s,f] by @j-0ne25
total word count: 64.9k
series summary: another failed attempt of getting into a serious relationship leads you to an unlikely agreement with your roommate. but that’s only the beginning of the real chaos…
I think I like you - i was always alone until you came along [s] by @straylightdream
word count: 10.4k
crying over you - drowning in my tears in my room [a,f] by straylightdream
word count: 1k
good boy [s] by @smoonjis​
call me [s] by @seo--changbin
word count: 2k
summary: jealousy? pft. chan never gets jealous, he believes. but when hyunjin never seems to get the message that you're taken already, chan puts the matter into his own hands, giving hyunjin a reminder he surely wouldn't forget
hyung will teach you (bang chan, yang jeongin) [s] by seo--changbin
word count: 4.5k
"go harder for round two?" [s] by @chanshoesunite
word count: 1k
day 27 ♡ chan/seungmin [s] by @ballelino​ (as a part of kinktober series)
word count: 2.5k
summary: chan lets seungmin have his way with you
HAVEN. [s,f] by @seospicybin
word count: 8.7k
summary: as an old friend of him, bangchan offered you to stay in his apartment for a week for work and to rekindle the sparks you once had for each other
double take ft bang chan, yang jeongin [s] by @seospicybin
between (bang chan, lee know) [s] by @tasteleeknow
word count: 5k
summary: your two roommates are your best friends in the world. you’d also love nothing more than to be sandwiched between them. queue tension and smut with feelings
sweet [s] by tasteleeknow
word count: 4.1k
get spotlight (bang chan, seo changbin, han jisung) [s] by @hwajin
word count: 3.8k
mangata [s,f] by hwajin
five-point star [s,a,f] by @therhythmafterthesummer
word count: 6k
summary: with a career like yours, you knew you shouldn’t let yourself fall in love. but honestly, in retrospect, there was no way you wouldn’t have fallen in love with chris. after meeting him, you couldn’t help but hope that he’d be the last person you fell this deeply for–maybe foolishly so…
6:55 pm [s] @bbyquokka
word count: 1.4k
slumber party [s] by @lalal-99
word count: 9k
summary: chan, ash, y/n. the perfect trio. spending so much time together, people usually mistook you for a throuple. not that you were complaining. your best friends were hot, your past sexual encounters with each of them the subject of most of your dreams. all it takes is one fateful night and a bunch of tequila to finally make that dream a reality
hotline ft bang chan, lee minho, han jisung [s] by @planet-dusk​
word count: 1.5k
summary: “not so fast.” chan speaks up again. “there’s one rule: they can play with you, but only if you can correctly guess which one of them is controlling the vibrator you’re allowed to cum”
really f**king like you [s,a] by @jl-micasea-fics
word count: 10.7k
summary: tinder matched and subsequently ghosted by the hot guy that lives across from you, you’re mostly resigned to singleton life, dejected and somewhat fed up. that is, until a screwed up delivery turns things around, in the most unexpected of ways
the first first date [s] by jl-micasea-fics
word count: 5k
summary: a dinner date, a single dad, an almost certainly taboo relationship. a brazen, explicit proposition whispered amongst oblivious teachers and occupied parents. honestly? you never stood a chance of resisting
west side ft bang chan, lee miho [s] by @setsugekka
word count: 6.5k
summary: a very special valentines with your two boyfriends
bang chan fic recommendation list part 1
other members fic recommendation lists
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