#let's be stupid bitches together :D
secretwhumplair · 1 month
I know the newest chapter should have me feeling for Orafin (yay he has a name) but I can’t help but feel for Elgar because I know he’s hungry too, but he just watched Orafin eat his meal and he didn’t get anything. I can believe he would be so frightened and believing that he won’t be getting anything in a timely manner or may be forced to eat Orafin’s scraps as Orafin was forced to eat his. And Orafin cleans the whole bowl and leaves nothing for Elgar. He’s already worried he will simply belong to a new master, and now knowing his companion is royalty, I’m sure he’s thinking that new master will be Orafin. In his mind, perhaps he is believing he will be treated as Orafin was treated. Anyways please give Elgar food please. It is also an opportunity for angst. Does Elgar not understand refeeding syndrome and so not know why Orafin was given a small portion? Would he try to feed Orafin his food for that reason? Would he try to wait to eat any food he is given until Elgar is given an opportunity to eat first in deference to hierarchy? Will he wait to eat until Orafin gives him permission? So much to think about.
Also, as an origin question, how long has Elgar been enslaved? If he has never even belonged to himself, there probably wouldn’t be anything for him to go back to. And as part of his healing process, he will have to learn to take care of himself as an adult. Who did their master acquire first, Orafin or Elgar? I presume Orafin, but I’m curious. I would love to know what the dynamic looked like when it was just one slave with their master rather than two who try and take care of eachother.
I also have to assume that Orafin knows Elgar was sexually abused, but did he ever see or hear it happen and was he subjected to it himself? For the latter, I can easily see that as something that would be an especial point of pain. Is Elgar going to need to get a fantasy universe STI test?
Also for lore, does Ochuria have slavery? I understand Elgar probably wouldn’t know either way and would likely assume it does, but what is the truth?
Anyways thank you for entertaining all my questions.
I reread the chapter and now see that Elgar did in fact get a bowl of soup (sorry I can’t read). So ignore the parts of my ask related to that concept 🙈
Sorry, I won't because I love your points and I think even now that both of them have been given (a little) food there's still potential for LOTS of angst there. Months of hunger won't be just washed away by a single meal, and yeah, Elgar is extremely unsure what the future may bring, especially for him. Will they continue to be fed? Who knows not Elgar! He is also so so worried about behaving (or in fact having already behaved) incorrectly re: their respective status and that can for sure play into it. And yeah he doesn't really know about refeeding syndrome (and Tarrev was still speaking Ochurian when he explained himself to Orafin--yay language barrier lol) so that's a matter of concern too.
Elgar hasn't been enslaved his whole life but he is so far out of his depth right now he might as well have been for all he knows how to act. And on the other hand he doesn't really think he's "free" anyway. He was enslaved longer than Orafin in total but the master they fled from got Orafin first, that's right!
As for the sexual abuse... I may have a little something that I'll post to my NSFW blog shortly 👉👈 If you don't want to directly read explicit stuff, feel free to shoot me another ask though!
Lorewise, I haven't considered this part in detail, but I think slavery is pretty commonplace in this world, though the different countries may have different laws regarding the treatment/acquistion/etc. of slaves.
Thank YOU for sending all these questions and comments! I love seeing them <3 genuinely looking forward to them!
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interloved · 2 months
nerdy!anakin skywalker who’s secretly a freak
requested by poll!
description box; the nerd with the glasses that tutors you turns out to be not so innocent after all. and he looks even more delicious without his glasses.
warning; heavy nsfw warning, mentions of cheating and an affair, porn with a bit of plot, anakin is a total pervert and freakyyyy, smut under the cut!, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!
ANAKIN SKYWALKER IS A nerd, and it’s by default that he doesn’t associate with ‘your kind’.
the popular kind, the pretty kind.
the ones that run around with the football players, the kind of people that have this certain aura that just makes everyone look at them the second they walk into the room.
most of the popular people at your school were known to be arrogant douchebags, unintelligent jerks and vain bitches who thought they were above everyone else. but not you, though.
you were different. you were popular, really uniquely and breathtakingly beautiful, but your heart and soul were just as pretty as you. you also had a jerk of a boyfriend, and you really sucked at mathematics and physics. but luckily for you, your desk mate anakin skywalker, who also happens to sit next to you in physics classes, knows that. and also happens to be a very valued tutor.
“another D?”
anakin’s gaze is deplorable, his lips are pressed together in a pitiful way.
“yeah,” you wince as you examine the big, red D on your paper, “can’t say i didn’t expect it though. i thought the questions were really easy—maybe that should’ve given it away.”
anakin is hesitant, he doesn’t want to upset you—he knows you’ve been called stupid and dumb plenty of times by teachers, but really, he knows you’re not. really, you excel at subjects like history, english or music, you just… need a little tutoring. but he also knows you’re too prideful for that. you’ve never been bad enough at a subject to need tutoring, but you’ve been consistently getting D’s the whole year and there’s nothing anakin can do.
he would’ve let you copy his answers, but the teachers never look away during exams. he wouldn’t have done for just anyone—he would’ve only done it for you.
you’re the kindest person he’s ever met. you probably don’t remember but about four years ago, maybe a little more, he was getting bullied really bad. and not just by anyone, a guy named dylan. he was your boyfriend at the time. and still is. fucking asshole. anakin hated him passionately.
but you’d broken up with him after you’d caught him throwing punches into anakin’s stomach. you had yelled at him, even slapped him, you had taken anakin by the hand and went to the school nurse with him. and you were so kind to him. so sweet. so nice.
honestly, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he developed a huge crush on you. but he never confessed, he knew you were out of his league, and not his. especially after your (shitty asshole! anakin would treat you so much better) boyfriend dylan had apologised to him and you in a heartbreaking manner through a big gesture, and you had forgiven him.
ever since, dylan and anakin still give each other dirty glances and nasty glares, but he never laid hand on him again.
anakin would like to describe you and him as friends. you talked to each other in every class you had together, especially physics, because you sat next to each other, and you always greeted each other in the hallways.
but you guys have never hung out together and you’ve never been to his place, or he to yours.
“listen, maybe you… maybe i can study with you.” anakin muttered gently, carefully studying your face expressions as he made his suggestion.
your eyebrows formed into a frown, “you think that’ll help?”
anakin nodded, relieved you weren’t taking this as badly as he’d thought you would, “yeah, sure. i’m a tutor, you know? i can explain stuff pretty well.”
“oh, i wouldn’t want to impose—” you’re quick to deny, you hate bothering people.
fuck, you’re the sweetest person there is. truly an angel sent down from heaven. anakin made up his mind, right there. he would do anything to make you his.
“no, you’re not imposing. i want to. i want to do this for you.” he smiled, but seeing your hesitant face, he added, “besides, we’re friends. isn’t that what friends do for each other?”
a small smile tugged at your lips. “really? you… you’d do that for me? but i really don’t want to be a bother! you’re so smart and clever, you probably have so many tutees and you’re probably so busy—”
anakin would be replaying those words in his mind tonight. non-stop.
“listen, i really don’t mind. it’ll be like us hanging out. ‘kay? you don’t need to worry about it, i’m happy to be at your service.”
you hesitated for a second. and then you smiled, and anakin knew he’d won. “OK, then. it’ll be like a hangout.”
“it’s settled then,” he smirked at you, “my place? tomorrow afternoon?”
you laugh.
“your place, tomorrow afternoon.”
YOU HAD ABSOLUTELY NO idea how you ended up like this. in his bed. in this position. moaning and whimpering his name.
you were on all fours, legs trembling and quivering, your arms weak and the only thing that was holding you up was anakin’s toned arm, hooked under your waist, holding you up firmly as he thrusted into you.
you had never noticed it before, but his arm… looked so… delicious when it was flexed.
“that feel good, darling?” the smirk in his voice is all too evident, he got off on the way you were so fucking responsive to his every touch.
his hands went from caressing your thighs and kneading your ass to playing with your nipples and tugging back your hair.
“haven’t even begun properly fucking you and you’re already so soaked. does your boyfriend not fuck you, darling?”
your mind is nothing but chaos, and your stomach all fuzzy, and the only thing you can do is whine around his cock, writhing underneath him. you nod, you just nod because your boyfriend’s cock doesn’t kiss your cervix like this, your boyfriend’s cock doesn’t fit into your womb so fucking well, because your boyfriend doesn’t make you feel so, so, so good.
“n-need you to go faster…”
he kisses his teeth with his one, making a quiet ‘tsk’ sound. “that’s not very polite, demanding others like that. what’s happened to your manners, angel?”
he’s fucking you agonisingly and painfully slowly from behind, the question papers he brought and physics notes he made for you, just for you, carelessly scattered in front of you. your hands are gripping them as you moan.
“f-fuck, ani—please just… won’t fuck me faster? can’t… can’t, ‘m not—hah—”
“all right, all right, doll,” he replies to you sweetly, bending over next to your ear, still thrusting into so painfully slowly, “only if you admit that you love me more than your boyfriend.”
your eyes widen. “b-but—”
“ah-ah. no buts. say it or i won’t let you cum.”
you loved your boyfriend. you did! but anakin just made you feel so, so good…
“love you more than my boyfriend,” you moan quietly, closing your eyes in shame.
“‘m sorry, what? i didn’t catch that.” he grinned teasingly.
“ani,” you whine, “don’t be like that.”
he laughs. “all right, all right. cum for me, doll.”
author’s note;
i have never written smut like this before. please have mercy on me 😭😭
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fdelopera · 4 months
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Accusing Jews of "BLOOD MONEY"??
You dumb fucking Jew-hating bigots have GOT to come up with some better material.
This is LITERALLY the charge made against Judas and (((THE JEWS))) for "killing Jesus."
Even though, no, we STILL didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. G-d, you're dumb. Catch up!!
This is a TIRED blood libel charge.
And that's the best you got, Xiran???
Fuck off, you Jew-hating idiot.
Come back when you've got something original. But you never will. Because (let's say it all together, kids) Jew-hatred makes you stupid!
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lovebugism · 6 months
punchy x steve with "Why aren't we making out yet? We're 5 minutes into an argument, 5 minutes! Goodness."
thank u for requesting! :D — steve gets angry with you sometimes, but he'll never turn down an opportunity to kiss you (punchy/steve universe, angst-ish, mostly fluff, 0.8k)
blurbcember ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
He’s so cute.
Yeah, he’s mad at you and everything, but you can’t get over how adorable he looks.
His scruffy jaw is clenched tight, and there’s a subtle furrow between his bushy brows, and his pink lips are gently pouted. His honey eyes are twinkling too — with anger, maybe, but they’re twinkling at you nonetheless.
With his sweatshirt pushed up to his elbows and his hands on his hips, how are you supposed to do anything but melt for him?
“Okay, Steve,” you huff, interjecting his longwinded rant. You cross your arms over your chest and sink further into the couch while he paces ahead of you. “I know you’re pissed at me, but—”
“Oh, that doesn’t even start to describe it,” he scoffs. His laugh verges on bitter.
“I know that.”
“I mean— I have no words.”
“Is that why you haven’t stopped bitching at me since we got home?”
He stops his pacing to gape at you. “Bitching at you?” he repeats with an incredulous gape on his pretty face. “Seriously? That’s what you think this is?”
You sigh at yourself and drop your head to the back of the couch. You don’t know how to stop saying the wrong thing. You just want him to be upset with you and be done with it, ‘cause if he doesn’t kiss you stupid soon, you’re scared you might die.
“I didn’t do anything wrong— I don’t know what you want from me!”
His brows pinch together. His pretty face swirls with hurt. 
You shrink under the suffocating weight of his obvious heartache. 
“This stuff is really important to me, babe,” Steve tells you softly, voice light and nearly breaking. “And it’s like you’re just shitting all over it.”
“Well, I’m sorry I don’t wanna spend my Friday night with everyone who bullied me in high school.”
“Oh, don’t play that card,” he scoffs bitterly. 
You feel the weight of his words in your chest. Like he’s taken your heart between his fingers and squeezed all the life out of it. You try not to let it hurt you. His insensitivity isn’t your fault. 
“This isn’t about them, alright? It’s a big deal for me, but you’re deciding your pride is more important.”
You huff like a dramatic teenager.
Steve laughs in response, but there’s little emotion behind it. “What? Am I annoying you now?”
“Can you just kiss me?” you blurt before you mean to.
He falters. Your plea comes out of left field, makes him forget to be angry at you for a blink of a second. “...What?”
“You can keep yelling at me after, I promise. I just wanna kiss,” you confess, features soft and squishy around the edges — filled with adoration. Your eyes sparkle when they blink up at him, with the hope that he might give in and give you the loving you need.
Steve still wants to be mad at you. He’s too stubborn for anything else. You make it real hard, but he tries to be proud about it anyway. “Why?” he presses and crosses two golden arms over his chest.
“‘Cause we’ve been arguing for five whole minutes, and we aren’t making it out yet,” you answer, voice as soft and sheepish as a child’s. You pick at the fuzz of your sweater and try hard to meet his gaze. “I think it’s gotta be some kinda record at this point.”
Steve doesn’t know how to do anything but be obsessed with you. From the arches of your eyelids, to the base of your neck, to the pudge of your tummy, to the chipped polish on your toes. Your beauty bewitches him. Surely, you must be some kind of witch.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?”
You beam up at him, smiling so hard that it makes it hard to kiss him back. He leans down and props his weight on two hands along the back of the couch, one on either side of you. You tilt your head back in wait for his mouth. 
Steve gives you one fleeting peck — a subtle smacking of his lips to yours that he plans to tease you with after. He’ll pull back, and you’ll pout about it. “One more, Stevie, pleaseee?” you’ll drag out in that pretty voice of yours. And he’ll give you one, but only after hearing you beg a little bit more.
He ends up being the needier one, which maybe shouldn’t surprise him. One peck quickly turns into another. Then a third, lingering and languid thing after he hopelessly melts into you.
You’re the one that ultimately pulls back, lips shining and obviously well-kissed. His knees shake when you smile at him. “Okay. You can go back to being mad at me now.”
Steve shakes his head immediately. 
His tongue darts out to swipe along his rosy bottom lip. His eyes dart from your glimmering gaze to your rose-petaled mouth. “I can be mad at you later,” he insists, the warm breath of his softly spoken words brushing your chin. “Now, I just wanna kiss the life outta you.”
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buccini555 · 8 months
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— 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡
˖ ࣪⊹ 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝟐
˖ ࣪⊹ 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
˖ ࣪⊹ You ended up having an argument and after they said something rude to you, you left and during the night they found you drinking in a bar with someone else
˖ ࣪⊹ H e a d c a n o n s!
˖ ࣪⊹ 𝑭𝒕. Rindou Haitani, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, Shinichiro Sano, Hanma Shuji and Kisaki Tetta
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tw: alcohol citation, alcohol abuse, fights with insults, excessive jealousy, offensive words
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𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
"Fuck, you know what? Meeting you was the worst shit that ever happened to me!" Rindou said shouting while you were arguing, hearing that was the last straw for you, making you leave that same moment, as soon as you got home, you ignored all his calls and went out to a bar close to your house.
After a few bottles and drinks, you were there talking to a stranger completely drunk, unexpectedly, Laughing knowing that you would definitely be there, showed up at the place and saw you with the stranger.
"You are kidding me?" He said, holding you by the arm and dragging you out of the place, Rindou was sincerely worried about leaving you alone in that state that he totally ignored the jealousy and the argument you were having previously, for that reason, he took you home and took care of you all night.
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𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞
"Are you that dissatisfied with me? Then go away, I won't miss anything." In the middle of another argument, Kokonoi ended up saying that sentence to you, making you leave, however, in order not to waste the night, you went alone to a bar you used to frequent, not caring at all about the amount of drink you had. you were taking it with someone you didn't even know.
After you were already completely drunk, without warning Kokonoi appeared at the place, seeing you with someone else, that made him hate you, but he definitely wouldn't leave you alone.
"Let's go, this place isn't for you." He held you, taking you from your place and taking you home, because he was completely overcome by jealousy, Hajime couldn't even look at your face.
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𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
"You're nothing but a disgrace..." That's what you heard from Izana in the middle of the argument they were having, causing you to just leave at that moment, but, in order not to waste the night, you went drinking alone in a from the bars on the avenue, together with anyone, you drank more and more drinks without caring, soon becoming completely drunk, ignoring all of Izana's calls.
He went looking for you in each of the businesses in that place until he finally found you, seeing you with another man, he just couldn't control the anger he felt at that moment.
"I was right about you, you're just a bitch." He said in a tone loud enough for everyone to hear, after that, he took you out of the place, taking you home to take care of you, even if he wanted to leave you in the middle of the street.
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
Shinichiro was never rude, but that day his mood was terrible, after he hurt you with rude words in the middle of an argument, you just walked away, ignoring him in every possible way.
During the night you went to a bar next to your house, having a few drinks with a stranger to drown your sorrows, without caring if you were exhausted or not, when you were completely drunk, Shinichiro finally found you, seeing you with another guy really left him very affected.
"Is that how you like me? Not missing the opportunity to be with someone else? That's shit, huh..." He said, taking you out of the place and taking you to your house.
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𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢
"You're nothing but a stupid bitch." Hanma told you in the middle of that damn argument, making you feel so exhausted to the point of leaving, but, in order not to waste that night, you stayed alone in that bar, drinking with a stranger. As soon as Hanma showed up and saw you drunk with another guy, he made nothing but a real scandal, the jealousy he felt became the purest anger he could feel.
"Come on, let's go home, worthless bitch." He said, holding you by the arm and dragging you out of the place, he fought with you the whole way, but then, with a lot of patience, he forced himself to take care of you.
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𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚
Kisaki wasn't one to lose control during arguments, but this time he ended up saying something so offensive to you that you made the decision to leave.
During the night, you went to a bar next to your house, ending up drinking like a stranger.
Unexpectedly, Kisaki went looking for you, as soon as he saw you with that guy, he just remained silent, soon after, he went to look for you.
"Come on, when you're sober we'll talk." Taking you away from the bar, was the only thing Kisaki said.
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tryingtofindava · 1 month
May I ask for Ticci Toby with a proxy S/O? Who's personality is completely different from him like quieter, calmer, heartless yet in private is like soft on him and gives his probably touch starved self the affection that he never got
── 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐰 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐦*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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He’s actually quite observant, and noticed immediately that the two of you don’t have much in common personality wise.
Opposite attract ig. It honestly gives black cat x golden retriever dynamic vibes.
He rambles your ears off when you lock into quiet mode, and when you let him yap away the conversations be changing up so quickly.
On the rare occasion you guys get partnered together for a mission, he’s twitching in excitement while you stand right next to him being the quiet level headed person you are (both being covered in gallons of blood).
HAULS your ass to go and do something either stupid or chaotic, and even though he’d be doing the most wildest shit ever you’d be next to him so underwhelmed by everything.
His red flag is that he’s sees murder sprees as dates. He’s also trying into impress you with cool ways to off someone with his trusty hatchets, trying to get at least some form of reaction outta you.
Speaking of murder, he LOVES watching you end people’s subscriptions to life without a second thought. No guilt or hesitance hanging over your head. (he thinks it’s hot af.)
“Duh-damn, wish y-you’d choke muh-me like that.”
He loves when nobody else’s around you become much super lovey dovey. He also likes that you only show this side of yourself to him and no one else. (HE’S POSSESSIVE AND GETS JELLY EASILY!!)
God knows this deprived bitch needs affection like that.
It’s canon that he doesn’t remember his past, (but he does get bits of déjà vu or small flashback memories) So he probably doesn’t even know he’s touch starved until you come into his life.
He thrives off the attention you give him, even if it’s only behind closed doors.
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Rip my heart, heal my soul Inside Alphabet
[ Jack the Ripper • modern!Aemond x female ]
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Inside Alphabet for Aemond from my series Rip my heart, heal my soul after he met his girl, made for my one year celebration. Very dark content below.
A = Anger (do they get mad and how they react to it)
Before he met his sweet girl, rage, a sense of injustice and aggression accompanied him all the time. In fact, he took it out on his victims, feeling momentary peace, satisfaction and fatigue only when he killed them. However, the euphoric stage was too short-lived for his liking, so he had to quickly find new objects of interest to repeat the whole process.
When a woman was aggressive or rude to him, she could count on him to end her life even if she was not to his taste and he originally had no plan to do anything to her.
After he met her, his frustration and aggression subsided to practically zero. He replaced the adrenaline and endorphin that was secreted in his brain when he was killing with her constant closeness, both physical and spiritual. If he needed to get off, rough, violent sex would suffice, but the kind that wouldn't cause her any real harm. He would never want to hurt her.
B = Behavior (tics, reflexes, things specific to them)
His hands often tremble, usually from excitement or nerves, so he plays with, for example, a glass in his hand, a cloth slung over his shoulder, a cigarette, his jacket, anything to keep his fingers busy. He even feels a tickle in his fingertips when he thinks about killing. Apart from that, he talks to himself a lot under his breath when he thinks about something intensely.
C = Crying (whether they cry & do what when someone else cries)
He actually cries a lot, especially when he lets his consciousness take over for a while and he realises again what he has done to all these women. This knowledge crushes him and he becomes hysterical until she calms him down with her closeness, tenderness and warm words, even though he knows that he does not deserve to be comforted.
D = Despair (who they seek help from first)
When he panics, he calls her first before he does something stupid. He tries not to make any rash decisions before he talks to her. Often her voice alone and her soothing words calm him down and make him realise that the situation is not as bad as he feared.
E = Enemy (who they hate or argue with most often)
He hated women who reminded him of the girls who teased and mocked him in high school. There were several, but the worst was one of them, a dark-haired, petite, sweet girl who only pretended to be nice.
She flirted with a lot of boys, cheating on them, and made fun of him, saying that if he was desperate, she could take his virginity because he might never get the chance to make love to a woman with that appearance.
These words left a mark on him, completely killing his already low self-esteem. He began to exercise, changed his style of dress and conversation, and when he returned to school after the summer holidays, he found that she didn't recognise him until she saw his scar up close.
He felt a sense of power over her and satisfaction at the thought that she was now the one who followed him around and begged for his attention, the more he was secretive and withdrawn, the more he teased her, the more she was in love with him.
She was very insistent that they go to bed together, and when they finally did, she was not happy with how inexperienced he was. Her remarks and the look on her face full of disappointment enraged him so much that he strangled her with the string she used to tie her dress around her waist.
When she stopped moving he was terrified and tried to wake her up, however, in addition to the fear he also felt an immense satisfaction that this dumb bitch was no longer laughing.
She had mocked him and was now lying there with a blank stare, a fucking slut who deserved everything that had happened to her.
He decided afterwards that he wished he'd caused her more pain before he killed her, that he had said all those things to her that had been pressing to his lips.
His girlfriend reminded him a lot of her in some ways, so he had originally considered her the perfect target for his next victim, believing that she was simply faking it.
He tried to catch her in a lie, gossip or words she would normally be ashamed of if she didn't trust him, but his plan backfired a tad because he fell in love with her instead.
F = Friends (do they have and who they consider friends)
She is his only real friend.
G = Gifts (whether they like gifts and give them themselves)
He loves to make his sweet girl little presents, he knows what kind of buns she likes to eat so he always buys her fresh ones after work so she can eat them for dinner and in the morning before class, he buys her books, notebooks and anything he thinks she will find useful and enjoy, always excitedly waiting for her reaction.
When he gets gifts from her, when she turns out to have remembered his birthday or anniversary, he feels happy, ashamed and remorseful at the same time, thinking that after all he has done he does not deserve any presents, much less from her.
H = Hobby (what they do for pleasure in their free time)
I = Idol (their role model)
In fact, she is his role model. Every day he watches her and learns from her how to deal with everyday problems and adversities in a calm and composed manner, at the same time filled with hope and reason. She is the one he counsels when he doesn't know how to solve his problem, not wanting to use violence any more, and he usually gets an answer from her that satisfies him and, in his mind, makes sense.
J = Jokes (how they react to jokes and if they laugh)
No joking. He doesn't even know how to do it. He laughs sometimes when she does something silly.
K = Kids (do they want to have them)
Some part of him would like to have a family, but he would be afraid that his children would be like him. He would also be afraid that he would then have to share his beloved, that a child would take her away from him to some extent. He knows that he is perhaps too possessive for that and would rather not risk it.
However, he would never force her to terminate the pregnancy if she decided that she wanted to keep the child. He would then try to deal with it somehow, but it would be very difficult for him because of what would be going on in his head.
L = Love (anything to do with falling in love)
Before he met her, he did not believe in love or that he was capable of it. He believed that he could not be loved and that women who bestow affection on him simply want to go to bed with him and fall in love with someone they have made up themselves, in some imagined version of him, rather than the monster he really was.
When he met her, however, it became apparent that something was beginning to happen inside him. He felt warmth at the sight of her as she crossed the door of the café, the rapid beating of his heart and the trembling of his hands as he handed her an order and exchanged a few words with her, the things he had learned about her and the articles she had written made some part of him want to get to know her instead of trying to drag her to bed, and once that happened he was unable to hurt her.
M = Manners (how they behave in formal situations)
He is cold and withdrawn. He hates talking to strangers and dies when he has to call the doctor or get anything done at the office. He begs her to do it for him, but she refuses, saying that he has to deal with such things on his own. He literally dies then, but he tries, for her. To make her proud of him.
N = Nightmare (their worst nightmare)
He often dreams that he wakes up next to her and she is lying beside him with empty eye sockets, covered in blood, dead. He doesn't remember anything, he can't believe that he did it, but he also sees traces of blood on his hands. He then wakes up, for real this time, and grabs her, begging her to say something, and she looks at him terrified, snapped out of a deep sleep, asking him if he's been having nightmares again.
Usually then he starts crying in relief, unable to even answer her question, sobbing hugged to her chest, and she embraces him and strokes his hair, whispering that everything is okay.
He dies of fear when she goes off somewhere alone and doesn't respond to his messages for too long. He's ready to quit mid-shift, get straight into the car and drive to wherever she is, just to make sure she's okay. He drives her crazy with his overprotectiveness.
He would be devastated if she broke up with him. He would be afraid he would do something to her in an act of desperation or go back to murdering again.
O = Origin (their childhood)
He grew up in a family where money was always in short supply. His father died when he was very young and his mother worked several shifts to support him and his siblings. When the terrible accident happened to him and he lost his eye, his mother could not afford the expensive treatment, so his scar did not heal as well as it could have.
For a long time he wore the cheapest glass eye, which looked awful and made other children afraid of him. It wasn't until he was in high school that he managed to get a refund from the country for a better one, one that is almost no different from a normal one.
P = Proximity (what they are like when they are intimate)
Before her, he associated proximity only with animalistic closeness and aggression, so he did not see it as anything pleasant or desirable.
Only when he met his girlfriend did he desire this closeness in a different way, wanting simply to touch her, feel her and experience fulfilment with her. It turned out that her touch, full of respect, warmth and care even calmed him down, and sex with her became his favourite way to relax.
Q = Quiz (whether they like to play and how)
He enjoys playing chess or other logic games.
R = Routine (do they have a daily routine and what is it)
He always sets himself a routine for the day, which he sticks to and which his girlfriend knows he hates when someone disorganises it for him. They have agreed that they will always set all changes in advance and try not to surprise each other with anything unless something happens that neither of them had control over.
He didn't resent her when she became unwell and he had to take her to the doctor even though he should have been at work, it is obvious that her and his wellbeing are of utmost importance to him.
S = Safety (whether and where they feel safe)
He only feels safe when he sleeps cuddled up against her breasts in their bed, making sure he has locked the door on both locks beforehand.
T = Touch (who they allow to touch and how)
Only she can touch him. He loves her hands, the way she touches his bare skin with them, his chest, his cheeks, his shoulders, when she kisses him, or when she comes close and embraces him from behind at the waist.
In the case of any other person, he tenses up all over and pulls away, furious, thinking that this is a right meant only for the woman he loves. When any strange woman touches him he bursts into a rage, he then snorts for air and counts to thirty, waiting for the wave of anger to pass away.
U = Unforgivable (things they would not forgive)
He would never forgive her if she lied to him, even if it was some small thing. He would rather she say she doesn't know something or isn't sure than say something that would later turn out not to be true. He often checks what she says with the facts and is relieved every time her words are confirmed. He trusts her, but at the same time he is still afraid that she will start hiding something from him.
I don't even have to write what he would do then. He would kill her first and then himself.
V = Vengeance (whether they are vengeful and how)
He is very vindictive and only her pleas and requests make him let strangers off the hook for certain things. He is very easily annoyed or offended and often winning his forgiveness is impossible.
W = Warderobe (what they wear, what style they have)
He dresses simply but elegantly. He loves fitted, dark jumpers and turtlenecks worn with black trousers.
Y = Yearning (whether they yearn and how they express it)
He dies of longing when she goes out somewhere alone with her friends. He lets her do it because he knows she needs it, but he wants to cry then. He is emotionally unstable and sees the very worst scenarios in his mind − above all that something will happen to her.
He constantly craves her, when she is tired several days in a row he starts to worry that she doesn't love him anymore, that he has done something wrong. Usually when she comes back to strength she shows him how wrong he was and then he feels that wonderful, overpowering relief again, which passes every time he has to separate from her again.
His dream would be to die lying in bed with her, cuddled up against her naked body, with his manhood deep inside her, his nose filled with her scent, listening to her calm breathing.
Z = Zone (their comfort zone)
He feels comfort when he is with her in their flat. This is where he's calm and composed and does not feel any frustration or anger.
When he goes outside and has contact with strangers he feels threatened, even more so when she is next to him and he has to worry about her too.
He then holds her hand in his to make sure he doesn't lose her somewhere among the crowds, watching the people around them like a guard, protecting her in his mind from other people like him.
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iiseor · 8 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Lights | part 1
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Summary: dating ellie was a battle. That is, until the night she cheats on you. Leading new doors, and cigarette packages to open.
cw: toxic!ellie, biker!abby, fem reader, cursing, cheating, smoking, mentions of the reader having curly hair. second repost on new account
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You and ellie had been together for a few months.
At first, It started off as just fuck buddies. but you felt like things were always different between you two, compared to her other hook ups.
After a while, you expressed your liking to her, surprisingly leading to her asking you out officially—something she hadn’t done with a girl since first starting college.
You were ecstatic, you thought this was the start of her settling down.
And honestly, everything was perfect at first. You were together 24/7, basically inseparable.
But after a month, The relationship was…rough for the most part.
You quickly realized how hard It was to not be jealous when it came to Ellie, as she always had someone all over it. She swore that she was loyal to you now, never letting you stay mad at her for more than a day before finding a way to make it up to you.
Despite this, deep down, you always knew it wouldn’t last. You knew she wasn’t made for relationships, and you could tell she started getting bored when you wanted to spend more time together. but you were so deeply in love with her, it was impossible to let go.
The day was long, you had classes all morning and by the time you got home it was already 5pm.
You laid down on your bed, opening your phone, slightly hoping Ellie wouldve text you.
Three unread messages
Why aren’t you answering my callssss
I’ll be at your house at 6:30, be ready or I’ll kill You
You sighed placing your phone down and walking over to your vanity to get ready.
The night before, you had gotten into pretty…heated argument with Ellie.
Nothing new.
“I wasn’t flirting with anyone, you’re crazy” she said.
“Ellie, can you fucking listen to me for once?” You yelled
“Listen to what??? You’re saying nothing important, just making assumptions” she scoffed, sitting down on her couch.
You sighed, trying not to become even more frustrated with her was impossible
“I literally watched you flirt with her el, stop acting stupid” you say
“You saw nothing, that’s how I talk to everyone” she replied, lighting a joint and completely ignoring you pacing around her living room
“Yea right, do you stroke the hair of ur female teachers when they talk to you? Or your co workers? Do you think im stupid” You rambled on, your eyes pleading for hers to look over at you.
“I think you’re dramatic, it’s not like I fucked her in front of you” she said, laughing at you as you started picking up your stuff.
Your eyes widened, god she was a bitch.
“Whatever el, why don’t you go fuck her then yea? Since you can’t go one second without swooning over another girl” you replied again, picking up your things and leaving.
And that’s what she did.
The night you left her house, everything felt blurry. All you can remember is yelling at Ellie, causing you to go over to Dina’s dorm distraught. As much as Dina hates yours and Ellies relationship, she knew telling you to break up with her wasn’t the way to go, even if she did, you’d never listen. So instead, she made you promise to go out with her the next night, to get your mind off things.
“Are you almost ready??” Dina shouted, banging on your door.
The night was cold, your head was still pounding from all the yelling and crying last night, but you never broke a promise—so going out was your only choice.
“Yes gosh d holdon” you answered, getting up from your vanity to open the door for Dina.
“Woah…” she said, walking inside.
this was the most you had spent on your appearance in weeks, between constant fights with Ellie and heavy class work—you simply never found the time.
Tonight was different, you wore a black lace dress, with heavy eye makeup and red lipgloss.
“Well, are you ready to go?” You asked as dina kept staring at you
“Yea..but are you sure you wanna wear that? You look great, but what it Ellie is there? I bet she’d be pissed if you went out like this” she replied.
“Who cares” you said, picking up your purse and leading her out of the door.
As much as you loved when Ellie was protective…you truly couldn’t care tonight. her feelings were the last thing to matter.
The moment you walked into the party, you spotted Ellie. Her hands gripping the waist of the same girl she swore she wasn’t flirting with, the girl sliding her hand up and down Ellie’s leg.
Fucking bitch. You thought to yourself.
Even though you didn’t want to say it outloud—Your heart wasnt broken. Not in the way your friends thought it would’ve been at least. You were just irritated, confused at most.
As Dina lead you to the couch, you pulled back, letting go of her hand.
“What’s wrong?” She said, glancing over to where you were looking.
“Oh shit” she said, sighing.
“You go, have fun Dina, I’ll be fine” you let out, not giving her a chance to reply.
You stumbled out of the house, your mind racing as you pushed through the crowd.
You couldn’t fully grasp what had happened, all you could think about was getting out of there.
You never felt so annoyed before. You knew Ellie was a player, but why did she have to lie? Why would she ask you out in the first place, pretend to be loyal if she wasn’t ? She rejected girls before, so what was the point of it all?
Your head pounded at the amount of questions running through it.
When you got out of the house, you turned the corner, squatting down against the wall and rubbing your hands over your head.
“Everything okay?” a raspy voice asked
Your heart jumped, looking up to view the tall girl.
You and Abby never spoke before, but you’d seen her around. It was hard not to, considering how tall and attractive she was.
Abby…the most you knew about her was that she was like, the exact opposite of Ellie, and that she road a cool ass motorcycle.
Despite having girls all over her, Abby was never seen with any of them. Using her time to focus on biking and school.
“Want to take a picture?” She laughed, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her pocket.
“no, sorry” you said as you stood up, not realizing how long you had been starting up at her.
“No everything’s not okay, or no you don’t want my autograph?” She teased.
“Neither” you replied, your eyes never leaving her face.
She smirked.
“Wanna talk about it?” She asked.
“No” you replied quick, forgetting why you had even came out there, why you weren’t inside cursing at Ellie.
You watched as abby lifted the cigarette to her lips before pulling out a lighter, pieces of her hair falling out from behind and blowing across her face.
She turned to look at you, your faces being lit only by the dim house side light.
“Do you have anymore?” You asked.
She smiled again, this time allowing you to see her full face.
“of course” she replied, pulling out another cigarette from the box and handing it to you.
She watched as you twirled the cigarette in your hand, observing it for a moment before placing it in your mouth.
As she watched you, she laughed once again, not being able to hide it this time.
You looked at her with concern, the cigarette hanging out of your mouth.
“You don’t smoke, do you?” she questioned.
You took the cigarette out of your mouth slowly, confused at her question.
“Why do you think that?” You replied.
Before you knew it, she was standing directly in front of you. One hand leaning on the wall beside your waist, the other taking the cigarette out of yours.
She flipped the cigarette over, placing it back onto your lips and pushing your hair back—your curls blowing throughout the wind.
She leaned in closer, throwing her used cigarette on the ground and picking up the lighter from her pocket.
She lit the cigarette in your mouth, letting it sit for a moment before taking it, and then placing it in hers.
Abby didn’t break eye contact with you once, not until she turned away from you to exhale, your eyes still memorized by her moves.
She looked back over at you, her tone turning quieter, not much above a whisper.
“The orange part goes in your mouth sweetheart, you light the white part” she finally answered through a laugh, stroking your hair again. the same way ellie stroked that girls hair.
You laughed nervously, abby moving back to lean on the wall.
As you watched her closely, Every thought you had of Ellie slowly slipped your mind.
Maybe her leaving you would open new doors.
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onepiece-polls · 10 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 2 Side B
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ZoLaw art by @jack-pictures. Check out the original post here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Sanji x Law:
North blue bitches unite!! Law is definitely a nerdy fanboy who fell in love, just look at the gif i submitted. Also remember the extremely gay way law landed on sanji's shoulder in wano? Other ships could never!
Why have one traumatized north blue twins when you can have two?
North Blue boys and their trauma
Propaganda for Zoro x Law:
they're just both really good at sword play :P
Grumpy swordmen? What's a better ship?!
Sword guys, great way to go from releasing tension to topless and sweaty and close together, Zoro gets lost and Law enjoys wandering so they just go on walks together, both incredibly intense in what they do, both unlikely to back down, understand each other reasonably well, Zoro can deal with Law's brand of stupid/crazy/D
I think their interactions are fun :)
Law: "Let them kill you! Be ready to die for the plan!" Zoro: *is ready to die for the plan* Law: "NO!"
They have ao much in common! Both are swordsmen and they both have cursed swords (at least one). They're both pretty deadpan but not above getting into shenanigans with luffy. They just fit!
Two moody, broody swordsmen who are really bad at expressing their feelings, but deep down, you know that they are softies. They would bicker with each other but at least understand that the sarcasm is like a love language. They can at least share that mutual respect of having to be the strong one, especially surrounded by a crew of silly goofy guys.
They are perfect together because they are both massive nerds who think they're just so freaking cool, but they're not. Literally every time everyone else is freaking out about something they're like "pfft losers." But THEY are the losers.
It's two guys who are obsessed with Luffy who are in love, it's swordsman x swordsman, it's the two straight men together, it's jock/goth. I just think they would have nasty sex and I'm into it.
Both of these poor gay boys accidentally fell in love with the most aroace mf in all the blues. So they fuck each other to cope.
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tulypes · 6 months
nsfw alphabet: dick grayson
please like, reblog or comment. ♡ open orders i'm super inspired to write, lol. minors don't read.
tw: smut, oral sex, dirty talk, insinuation of drug use (cannabis/marihuana), Dick being a goofy pervert, degradation, hc a little long
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Dick is a caring boyfriend, that's undeniable. but post-sex is always a round of sleep, you both fall completely asleep and love it. aftercare actually comes after a brief nap; You wake up, you put on a blouse and Dick puts on some underwear, then you go to the fridge, eat something silly together and watch some comedy film until you fall asleep again.
Or they talk about routine, future desires, marriages, children and everything else.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's a fan of ass. He loves!! likes to squeeze, hit, bite.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Men are visual and Dick doesn't shy away from that. He likes to see you swallowing his cum (if you don't like it, he won't complain, Dick is very respectful), but he goes crazy when you suck him whole and shows that you're swallowing it like it's your favorite flavor of ice cream.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I'll give two, I don't know if you'll like the second one, but let's go.
1: you both have several folders with lots of videos and photos of you having sex (obviously you both agreed to the amateur recordings and they were just between the two of you as a kind of fun – sometimes he even threw them in your face) — look how beautiful you were in that video, look at your face begging me to eat you. Girl, what is this?
2: He likes to smoke…...... Dick knew that marijuana wasn't Bruce's or some superheroes' favorite thing, but he smoked it sometimes. before sex it made him sensitive, he was literally BEGGING for you. After sex, it was more about relaxing, staying calm. Dick loved to drink wine and smoke
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is very experienced, after he lost his virginity, he never stopped. He knows exactly what he's doing, but that doesn't stop you from teaching him something.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
ok, I'll stop for a moment here. It depends on the day, it depends on what you're feeling at the moment. when you two are in a more romantic vibe: missionary. He loves to look into your eyes, tell you how much he loved you, while sinking his dick into you, my beauty. WOW, he also LOVES LOOKING at your face with pleasure and HAVING full access to your breasts.
He will push your face into the mattress, he will hold both of your arms behind you and he will hit your butt so hard that you will have bruises for days. Seriously, he loves your ass slapping against his pelvis, you looking at him over your shoulder… this man will cry with passion.
— I love you so much, you bastard!
he'll go even more crazy if you hold his ankles ;)
Dick loves sucking you, the son of a bitch is a pussy addict, so he loves it when you sit with your legs wide open for him, giving him full view of everything. This boy will suck you from top to bottom, side to side.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I feel like the boy Dick is a little silly, at least what's in my head is super playful…. He'll be really fucking you, then he'll remember something, like a fall that Wally took in front of everyone, or some stupid joke, then he'll laugh a lot.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he doesn't like to let it grow, but if you let it grow, he doesn't care
— I'm a feminist man, the way you give me that beautiful little thing between your legs, baby, I'm going to eat it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
you share a lot of intimacy. In addition to being lovers, you are friends. you two share everything, so there are no problems in that regard.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
those videos there? What do you think they are for? When you're far from each other, he jerks off and doesn't have the slightest shame in admitting it. He sends a photo, teases you, says he misses you, moans your name loudly like a prostitute.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
everyone knows he's an exhibitionist. Sex in public or forbidden places was her greatest joy. you have sex in the car, you have sex in the movies, you have sex during Bruce's galas, you have sex during missions, you even have sex in the Batcave (don't tell Batman). he likes air deprivation, wow. He loves squeezing your neck with all his might while you smile like an idiot at him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
batcave. lie, I'm joking. So, despite being an exhibitionist clown, Dick loves having sex at home. He loves the comfort that home brings because you don't have to worry about clothes or what you're going to do next. PLUS THERE IS MUSIC!!! Who doesn't love a sex playlist?
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I think that if he knows that you want it, that the desire is mutual, it is already a motivation. Seriously, Dick is very respectful, so if you show any hint that you're not in the mood, say no at that moment, he won't try anything.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
menage. divide you. watching you have sex with someone else. and synonyms. Seriously, he doesn't like it! THE BIGGEST SUPPORTER OF MONOGAMY OF THE CENTURY. He likes being with you and that in addition to sex, so there's no way he can have a threesome.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he loves them both. loves to suck you, as I said. but he also loves receiving, Dick always praises his skills with his mouth. he loves sideways 69, because the pleasure is divided for both
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the day and the moment, but it is generally faster and more difficult. you both liked this!
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He likes it a lot, but he prefers complete sex.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Dick is willing to do anything except menage. one time, you even joked with him about being a snack between him and his brothers…. Dick got upset, girl.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The guy is a superhero and lived in a circus, he is resistance personified, but if he is too tired or injured, due to his tough routine as a nightwing, he won't get very far, okay?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
when he found out that you had vibrators stored in the back of a drawer, it was like WOW, A DEVILIAN SMILE CAME ON THAT FACE. He loves using them, touching them at full speed to your breasts or clitoris.
— you have a dick amusement park, mini Dick will be jealous
Do you know what he loves? vibrators with remote control. This son of a bitch will make a point of sticking them in you and taking you to dinner. with every step you take, it will change your speed.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he really likes it! you two were a great match in every aspect, so teasing is always welcome. you're doing something, he comes up from behind, kisses your neck, says he misses you, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'RE TOGETHER ALL DAY, ALL WEEK. When you're on some not-so-important mission, he'll keep whispering how hot you look in the hero costume, he'll rub your ass whenever he gets the chance.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he is so noisy…
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Did you read the letter A of the alphabet? So, let's go. He always wakes up first, so he loves watching you sleep, no matter how messy your hair is or if there's drool on your cheek, he thinks you're beautiful. He will caress your waist, he will caress your scars, your stretch marks. It's not very sexual, but I think it's a good hc
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's big and thick, not in an absurd and lying way, but he's got a REALLY nice package. It's obvious that you preferred mini (or not so mini) Dick over vibrators.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
the bastard is always excited, he always makes you laugh. but in the morning…
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
it turns off, ok? Don't expect much from this guy, especially after a round of weed and sex.
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lo-aksgf · 1 year
hiya!! my name is maggie :D how r u doing today? if it's not too difficult, may I please have some headcanons for ao'nung, tsireya & neteyam? to set the scene, they get into an argument ( D: !!! ) and he/she says something that actually gets their lover, the genderneutral reader, to tear up-- how would they react? would they jump to comfort them? or would they take the argument further? ( pstpstpst your writing is so nice :D I like your formatting!! )
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maggie babe i’m so sorry i’m just getting around to this ! i hope you like it though 🫶🏼
includes ; neteyam, tsireya and ao’nung
warnings ; crying, ao’nung being a bitch of a bitch icl, not proofread
part two to this <3
“just because lo’ak wants to risk his life doesn’t mean you should to!” neteyam raised his voice, angry at the fact you could’ve died because of his brothers actions.
“no- ‘teyam, im sorry!” you apologised, the boy standing over you wasn’t happy with what you’ve done and you knew that but you just wanted him to accept your apology.
“well if you weren’t so stupid you wouldn’t have done it!” neteyam instantly regretted his choice of words, as you teared up at the comment he made about you. you knew he said it in the heat of the moment but you couldn’t help but be upset, you were even embarrassed to cry over your boyfriend calling you stupid.
he pulled your head into his chest, his other hand resting on your shoulder “y’know i didn’t mean it, i’m sorry” your tears falling off of your cheeks and onto his chest, neteyam scrunched his face in sadness. pulling your face away from him, “i’m sorry”
he wiped the tears from your face, your bottom lip was even quivering a little bit. his hands were placed on each side of your face “i didn’t mean it, i’m really sorry. promise” you nodded your head and looked away, neteyam placing a quick but passionate kiss on your lips “let me make it up to you tomorrow, yeah?”
“you just spend too much time with him! i’m not saying your cheating on me- i just want you to be honest.. do you like him? are you going to leave me for him?” you argued, your jealousy was getting the best of you right now. also your insecurities.
“maybe i will!” she said angrily, her eyes immediately widening “i didn’t mean that” she said quietly, your eyes brimmed with tears threatening to spill out “i did not mean that!” she said as tears also rose to her eyes.
“if you didn’t mean it then why would you say it?” you started to cry, wiping the tears from your eyes.
“because im- i was angry! being accused of liking someone who i don’t is tiring. you know i love you and you only!” tsireya started to cry, “im sorry for assuming that” you said.
she pulled you into a hug, both of you still crying. “im sorry for saying that i would leave you, that is a lie. i love you” she said into your shoulder “i love you too”
“why would you defend her! we are together, you aren’t with her. you embarrassed me!” ao’nung yelled
“because, you shouldn’t be rude to her just because of her differences! we are all different in our own ways” you yelled back
“your different because you are an idiot! embarrassing yourself to our people. defending what is not part of us!” he said angrily, rolling his eyes.
“what?” you quieted down, heat rising to your cheeks of embarrassment of what your boyfriend had just said. tears started to flow from your eyes straight away, you couldn’t even breathe properly.
“why are you crying?” he said in a snobby tone, “maybe think about what you just said” you hid your face in your hands, hands wet from your tears. ao’nung started to feel bad, he didn’t want to show it because he was embarrassed of your actions.
“what is wrong with you?” he spat, “what’s wrong with me? what’s wrong with you! you just said really mean things to me and expect me not to get upset! ao’nung, i’m supposed to be the person you love, not the person you push away because i defended a hopeless girl” you let out, tears still running down your face. ao’nung felt a lot of guilt now, “i’m-” he tried to speak but you cut him off
“i don’t want to be around you right now” you say turning around and walking away from him.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 3 months
masked fantasies ft. portagas d. ace!
set-up: going to your friend nami's costume party may have been a good idea, after all.
warnings: nsfw thoughts include bathroom sex, drunk sex, oralimplied (f!recieving), in a literal party so your friends will tease you about this endlessly; mdni thankyou!
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💗the music blared loudly thru the house, audible clearly even with the closed bathroom door. your fingers lightly danced against the shoulder of the man who stood in front of you. portagas d. ace. your friend luffy's (hot) older brother.
💟 you knew luffy would probably be a little upset if he found his older brother's fingers were currently rubbing your clit through your skimpy, little thong. he would probably be a little mad if he knew you were sitting on the sink in nami's bathroom and moaning as his brother bit down on your neck and sucked hard. his tongue swiped down where he bit, soothing the skin and pressing a chaste kiss. but his brother was the one who started the ordeal.
💟look, you were no brother-fucker okay. and look, you knew taking zoro up for that alcohol challenge was stupid because you were just gonna lose and get drunk and messy. but it was too late. "hah" zoro laughed, chugging down on another bottle easily, "you're gonna throw up, stop it" "oh fuck off. not everyone's a raging al-coholic like you, bitch." you flipped zoro off, hiccupping slightly, "im gonna go dance." "don't fall to your face" he called out after you, still laughing. but now you were hammered. and what were you gonna do when an equally drunk, beautiful, hot man started dancing against you, sweet-talking his way to your pants??? especially when he showed up practically shirtless with just a ghostface mask on??? obviously you were gonna fuck him. obviously. 💟ace gulped down his drink, his eyes trained on your dancing figure as he pretended to listen to sabo next to him. and you'd admit, you aren't perfect so when you caught him looking at your swaying body in that tight, mini fairy costume, you may have beckoned him over to dance with you. and he may have come, rutting his pelvis against your ass as you threw you head against his shoulder. you swayed to the rhythm together, his warm hands on your exposed waist as you rubbed against him. he bent down to whisper in your ear, "you wanna go somewhere with me?" you looked back at him with a seemingly innocent look and pouted, "what for?" he laughed, "you'd figure out." 💟and now you were locked in the bathroom with him trapping you between the mirror and his body. you threw your head back, resting against the gigantic mirror as you gasped. his fingers expertly toyed with your cunt, using the wetness pooling in your panties to his leverage. "a-ace," you slurred, nails biting down crescent scars on his shoulders, "we shouldn't be doin' this." he pulled away from your body, smirking slowly, "why not?" "if luffy found out-" you breath hitched as his fingers went fasted against your clothed cunt, rapidly rubbing against your swollen clit. he tsked, "don't bring up my brother while im fucking you, baby" "but-" your distracting opinions came to a screeching halt as he swiftly pulled your thong aside, exposing your bare self to the cold air outside. you shivered as his calloused fingers stroke easy glides against your aching cunt. he flashed you a wicked smile, "let me help take your head off of things, yeah?" and he knelt down.
a/n: idk, head empty only ace forever <3 tagging: @tetsuskei @bokutosbiceps
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saelique · 28 days
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cinna’s note : wrote this at 2am n finished it in a library. why do toddlers scream s’ much D: my feet hurt ;;
tw : blood, guns, the usual mafia stuff, one death threat, alcohol ( beer ) ft. chuuya + mori, can be seen as platonic or romantic, angst / fluff !
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the last time you see dazai osamu was when you were in your apartment, opening cans of beer to drink and eating cheap food from a convenience store nearby your home. 
it was a normal saturday night, one that happened every week. talk about stupid stuff with him and fall asleep on the sofa together with nothing but a thin blanket to keep you warm, the lights still on. 
you expected to see him when you were in your office, hanging around to escape his workload. until you don’t. 
you didn’t think too much about it. he’ll be back tomorrow. maybe he got sent on another mission without your knowledge, and so you buy some extra food in case he decides to crash by. 
seconds, minutes, hours which turn into days passes. and you presume he got killed by the boss. not really. 
you ask around when work is over, hoping for some sort of news, only to receive confused glances. then you realise you haven’t asked nakahara. he was nowhere to be seen as well for now.
the elevator’s doors open and you step in, only to hear a greeting. 
a shiver runs down your spine when you recognise that voice. “oh. hello boss.”
awkward silence falls and you can barely breathe, choked by the heavy air. petrified. you were scared. you never knew what made this man so fucking intimidating but you guess its because he looks the most normal out of all of you. but is practically a monster behind that facade of being fake nice. 
“you’re the girl that ex-executive dazai always hangs around with.” he commented, a smile on his face. “yes.” you manage to nod, before his words struck you. “ex-executive ?” you repeat, eyebrows furrowing. 
“yes. he defected a couple days ago. unfortunately no one could contact him.” he sighs. “a shame, dazai truly was a treasured subordinate.” bullshit. 
“I take it that you weren’t aware ?” “I was unfortunately occupied with reports. I apologise.” 
but why would he leave ? it doesnt make sense. and if he left, the people close to him would be suspects. and didnt he say that the port mafia was really where he belonged- 
oh. then you remember why you were stuck in the office with another worker for the whole day doing stupid paperwork. 
that bitch had known that you would be questioned. 
“dont worry,” that sickening sweet voice again. “well, I’ll have to go now. see you around.” he says, when the doors open and then he left. 
you sigh, then walk your office. you bite your tongue, so hard that it draws blood and you can taste the smell of rusted nails in your mouth. 
you walk to your desk and pull out a drawer full of small notes from him. taking one out, you rip it into small, tiny peices, coloured paper fluttering down the ground.
“you’re taking this better than I expected.” nakahara walks in, bottle of wine in hand. “I thought you would go out, look for him and then murder him.” 
“why is there wine ?” “wanna drink ?” you pause before silently agreeing. “sure. lets just go back to my apartment. dont wanna risk anyone seeing me drunk.” 
shockingly, four years pass quickly when youre preoccupied with shitty work. 
you ended up being nakahara’s assistant, a promotion that you hadn’t expected honestly. but the pay was good so you didnt have any issues. 
when you come back from printing some reports at two am, you find chuuya sitting in his couch, legs spread and his hat covering his face, asleep, soft snores escaping his lips. 
you hum, covering his sleeping figure with a blanket you found draped on the side of the couch, taking your briefcase and fixing your appearance, you left the building. 
waving over a cab, you quickly went into it and gave directions to your apartment, tired and wasted from the long hours. 
it soon stopped, signaling it’s arrival. mumbling a thanks, you stepped out of the taxi after paying. 
you walked up the stairs slowly, feet aching from your heels. when you arrived to your door, already key in hand, ready to insert it into the lock. but just as you opened the door a crack, you stopped short. 
the light was on. 
swallowing a groan, you grabbed a gun from your belt and kicked it open. 
“get out from your hiding spot or I’ll shoot you in the head ten fucking times.” 
“aww, but you’ll shoot me even if I come out.” 
what the actual loving hell was he doing here ? 
turning around, you pointed your gun at him, rolling your eyes. “the fuck are you doing here dazai ?” 
“it’s friday.” 
you scoff, still holding the gun up to his head. “we dont even do that anymore. leave.” 
“mmm . . . i bought some beer though, it would be a shame if you drank it alone-“ 
smoke hisses behind dazai, a hole shot clear through the wall. only then did you let your arm down, glaring at him. 
“i’m not going to deal with this bullshit. I’ve had a long day.” 
“the last time we saw each other was today’s date. wouldn’t you like to catch up ?” when did he become so persistent ? he changed too much. but you did too. 
you put the gun down your coffee table, running a hand through your hair, defeated. “i’m going to take a shower, dont pull anything funny or I’ll be dragging your ass to the port mafia and handing you over to ozaki’s team.” 
“got it !” 
you end up screaming inside the shower the whole time. 
when you come back out wearing your usual clothes, hair still wet and your towel around your neck, dazai looks amused but thankfully keeps his mouth shut tight. 
he was already drinking a can of beer, and  you notice there’s small splatters of blood on his beige trench coat.  
“so, how’s everything back in the port mafia ?” he starts as you open a can straight from your freezer, a pop echoing through the room. 
“as usual. i got promoted to become executive nakahara’s assistant.” you relish in his pained and disgusted look, knowing the friendly rivalry in between them that usually caused fights and included random buildings exploding. 
“him ? that slug ? couldn’t you refuse ?” “the pay was high.” “hmph.” 
“hows things at your new job ?” you ask, “is everything better there ? you’ve changed a lot so I guess so. you’re not the dazai I knew anymore,” your voice cracks, “what the fuck were you thinking ?!” 
tears fall down your cheeks as you get up from your chair, grab his collar, “did you know how much I worried for your stupid suicidal ass ?!” 
dazai stays silent, chocolate brown eyes staring back into your own. you let go of him and plop down your chair. “things are alright. altough there’s a co-worker named kunikida who always nags at me.” he replies, not talking about your sudden outburst. 
you avoid his glance before getting up yet again. “i’m going to the toilet.” 
the faucet is running and you’re splashing your face with cold water. eyes and nose a bit red and puffy. 
it wasn’t any use crying. that dazai wont ever ever come back and it’s not something that you could control. 
when you come back, you find your beer is already almost gone, so you grimace and pop open another one. the second one for the night. 
“you’re working at the armed detective agency huh ?” you sigh, “I hope you manage to get killed in one of your missions.” “youre so cold.” “only to you.” 
“you didnt lose an eye after all.” you comment, staring at where his eye bandage had been. “was that really just for fashion ?” 
he doesnt answer and you dont talk anymore. 
it continues on for a while until he breaks the silence. “i’m sorry.” 
“im not accepting it.” 
“knew it.” 
silence envelopes the room yet again, and the only sounds audible is the clock ticking.
“I wont ever forgive you for a million years for pulling that. but, i’m quite a merciful person yknow ?” your words breaks the invisible wall in between you breaks a bit, cracks starting to form. 
he perks up in surprise, “what do you mean-“ “i’m willing to start over. but dont think I won’t try and murder you in one of those fights.” 
the young man chuckles, “alright then. to new beginnings ?” 
“to new beginnings.” 
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 4 months
The Fixed Cup
He thought for sure things had settled down between him and Eddie after Vecna. He thought maybe he and Eddie could finally be friends, but how could he be friends with someone so annoying? Steve hoped that once their bat bites healed, they would stop bitching at each other. . . Boy, was he wrong. It's like everything about Eddie set him on edge, and it didn't help that they were stuck in this quarantine that the government had set up for them. Luckily, it was in their own houses, and Eddie was lucky enough to get stuck in his.
"I swear to God, Robin, I'm going to kill him," Steve complained into the receiver. "I mean it this time, and it will be self-defense too because I think he's also trying to kill me. If I trip over his shoes one more time. . ."
"Hmm, well, like I said before, I'm not helping you bury the body," Robin said casually.
"Aw, come on, big boy, it's so much fun watching you clean up after me," Eddie taunted from the other line.
"Get off the other line, Eddie! Goddamnit!" Steve cursed.
"Well, then, how else will I find out what you and Robbie say about me?" Eddie said.
"Well, I think you're a lovely person, Eddie," Robin said.
"Well, I'm glad someone thinks so," Eddie replied.
"Robin!" Steve whined.
"Just keeping you on your toes, Steve," Robin said. "Well, as much fun as this is. . .I'm going to call Vickie."
The line went dead, and Steve scowled before slamming the phone back on the hook. He ran down into the kitchen to find Eddie giggling at the island.
"Munson! You're such an asshole! You know I only have a certain amount of time to talk to her! Why the fuck do you have to do that?" Steve asked.
"The more you keep letting me know it bothers you. . .the more I'm going to do it," Eddie cackled. "It's fun riling you up."
Steve let out a holler and started chasing him around the kitchen. Eddie ran out laughing.
Of course, it was mostly Eddie who enjoyed taunting him, but there were times that Eddie would get as annoyed with him as Steve did with Eddie himself.
"I told you I don't want to watch some dumb laundry basket game!" Eddie yelled as he grabbed for the remote.
"And I don't want to watch some stupid nerdy cartoon!" Steve yelled as he yanked back the remote.
"You're a douchebag!" He screamed.
"Oh, like you're one to talk!" Steve screamed back.
Eddie shrieked and dove on top of him. Of course, they would wrestle around with it for a while until their wounds gave them no choice but to collapse on the floor in exhaustion. They were mostly healed but still not healed enough. Steve’s not sure what it was. Maybe it was the fact that they were stuck here together with no one else. Maybe they missed their friends, Eddie missing his uncle, or maybe it was the fact that neither one of them could stop the nightmares that came every night. They were on edge all the time, whenever they were around each other. Sometimes, they just crossed the line.
"Eddie!" Steve exclaimed. "That's not a cup you drink out of! There's a sign!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, is the peasant living in King Steve’s house supposed to drink out of the poor cups?!" Eddie exclaimed as he slammed the cup down.
Of course, slamming it down on the table caused it to shatter.
"It's my grandmother's!" Steve said through gritted teeth.
"I'm sure your mommy and daddy can buy your granny another one," Eddie rolled his eyes.
"She hand-made that," Steve said, his eyes glittering with tears.
"And she can't make another one?" Eddie asked.
"It's kind of hard to do anything when you're dead," Steve snapped.
"Shit, man, I'm so - ," Eddie started to say but was startled when Steve slammed him against the wall like Eddie did that day in the boat house.
"I wish I never - " and Steve stopped himself.
"What? Saved my life?" Eddie asked, bristling.
Steve stared at him, gripping the collar of his shirt, and for once, he didn't know what to say. Eddie pushed him off of him and stormed upstairs. They didn't speak to each other for days after that. Steve thought it would be a blessing, but he found that he missed the sound of Eddie's voice. Steve had woken up in the middle of the night, after struggling to go to sleep, and walked into the kitchen to find Eddie gluing the cup back together.
"Almost as good as new," Eddie said, and Steve found himself smiling. "I mean, I wouldn't drink out of it. . ."
"Maybe I can use it as a pencil holder," Steve said and paused. "Thanks. . .and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. . ."
"I know. I'm sorry, too, man," Eddie said softly.
"I know that it doesn't seem like it, but I'm glad I'm stuck here with you," Steve said.
"Yeah?" Eddie asked and he nodded. "Back at ya."
And for a little bit, it seemed like they were almost getting along until. . .
"I didn't ask you to clean my room, Harrington. You're not my goddamn mommy," Eddie snapped.
"It was driving me crazy!" Steve exclaimed. "Just like you do! I'm sorry if I didn't want you to trip in the middle of the night!"
"You don't have to worry about me, Harrington! I can look after myself, thanks!" Eddie growled.
"It's hard to tell! You couldn't even follow simple instructions! All you had to do was follow the plan. Instead, I find you almost dying in Dustin's goddamn arms!" Steve yelled.
Eddie screamed and pushed Steve up against the wall, pressing his body up against his. They were so close that their noses were almost touching. Eddie pinned Steve’s hand above his head.
"Shut up!"
"Fucking make me."
Eddie growled again before slamming his lips to Steve’s. His eyes widened before he melted into the kiss, moaning into Eddie's mouth. He nibbled on Eddie's lip before swiping his tongue over it and slipping into his mouth. Steve felt his body move on his own and freed himself from Eddie's grasp. He pushed Eddie back onto the bed before ripping off his shirt in a quick single motion, dropping it onto the floor. Eddie was propped up on his elbows, waiting for him. The realization hit him in that moment. . .Holy shit, he just made out with a guy! It wasn't long before Eddie made that same realization, and he looked just as startled as Steve felt. Leaving his shirt behind, Steve quickly ran out of the room. They quickly avoided each other, and not talking seemed to last longer than the cup incident.
"Robin - ," Steve croaked on the phone when he picked up.
"Jesus. You sound like shit," Robin said. "Did you and Eddie get into it?"
"Something like that," Steve said. "I wish I could tell you, but it's not just my place to say."
"I swear to God, I'm willing to risk breaking quarantine. Do I need to come over there?" Robin asked. "Did Eddie do something that requires me to kick his ass? Because as much as I like him, I'll kick his ass if he actually hurt you."
"Eddie didn't do anything wrong. I think I just realized something is all," Steve said and paused. "I kind of wished we were on the floor of the bathroom for this. . .Do you think that it's possible to like girls and also like guys?"
"Oh, dingus," Robin said softly, her voice full of love. "Anything is possible. Especially that. So, you don't actually hate Eddie?"
"Turns out. . . Not so much. . .not at all, actually. I don't think I ever hated him," Steve admitted. "What do I do?"
"I don't know. What do you want to do? Do you want to do something about it, or do you want to fill out the rest of your life full of regrets? You told me to go for Vickie, and you were right. Sometimes, things do work out for the best," Robin said.
"I want to do something about it," Steve said.
"Go get your man, Steve," Robin said with a grin.
Of course, actually doing something about it was harder than he thought. Steve had chickened out a couple of times. His house made it easy for them to avoid each other, and when they did come together, it was completely awkward silence. They didn't even fight over the remote anymore. Steve missed the sound of his voice even more now. What was it going to be like when the quarantine was over? Nothing happened until Steve woke up from a nightmare, went downstairs, and broke down crying in the kitchen. The kitchen light flickered on.
"Steve?" Eddie asked, and Steve jumped.
"I'm fine," Steve sniffled.
"You don't sound fine, man," Eddie said. "Nightmare?"
As soon as Eddie touched his shoulder, Steve burst into tears again and hugged Eddie around the waist.
"You were dead. You were dead and I was alone in this house again," Steve sobbed.
"Oh, sweetheart," Eddie said, running his hand through his hair. "You've got me no matter what. I'm here."
"Would you still be here if I told you that I'm starting to fall in love with you?" Steve asked and pulled back, his hands on Eddie's hips.
"Even more so, big boy," Eddie said, cupping his face.
He stepped in between Steve’s legs and leaned down to kiss him, falling into Steve’s lap. The kiss was short and sweet. . .getting its point across perfectly.
"I'm starting to fall for you too."
"You want to come to bed with me? Keep the nightmares away?" Steve asked.
Eddie took his hand, and together, they walked upstairs. When the quarantine finally ended, Robin was the first one through the door. Steve was at the stove, making breakfast.
"Please, tell me you settled things with Eddie," Robin said.
"Nope! Still hate the guy! Thought for a moment that there was something else, but I was wrong! The man is just so goddamn annoying - " Steve ranted.
"Steve! Are you fucking serious?" Robin asked.
Suddenly, Eddie pounced into the room wearing Steve’s yellow sweater and one sock.
"No, but he is fucking me. We worked things out, Robbie," Eddie said, kissing Steve.
Steve giggled against Eddie's lips as Robin yelled in frustration.
"Assholes!" Robin exclaimed and plopped down at the island. "So, tell me everything."
"Hm, everything? You want all the gory details of Steve railing me so hard into his mattress that he nearly breaks his back?" Eddie asked.
"Eddie, don't scar my best friend!"
"What can I tell her? Oooh! He likes holding hands during sex," Eddie said.
Steve rolled his before smiling fondly and kissing Eddie.
"Aww, what happened to your grandma's cup, Steve?" Robin asked.
"Don't worry about it, Robin, it's all fixed now. . ."
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jaeminmp4 · 5 months
what if we read manga together, then what? (m.lee)
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synopsis - you have a love for reading mangas, and you made it your goal to visit your town’s local bookstore to relax after a grueling finals week and to check out the new bungo stray dogs manga that was just put on sale. however, you didn’t think that having a tower display of mangas falling onto you would lead you into having a friendship with the nerdiest (and cutest) boy ever. member - mark lee x fem!reader word count - 3.1k warnings - just some cursing, SOME my hero academia slander but it's not bad i promise!!! genre - college au, fluff, humor, strangers to friends to lovers authors note - wow casually dropping my first written scenario here hehe and it's for your favorite canadian boy, mark lee!! idk i was watching and consuming mark lee content like my life depended on it and it lead to this,, uh monstrosity of a fic, it isn't my best work, but i wanted to put out something before i start procrastinating, hope you somewhat enjoy it at least :D
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You definitely weren’t the clumsiest person on the planet, and you knew this for a fact after witnessing your friend Minjeong trip over her own feet and spill the contents of her lunch tray all over the floor. Then when she attempted to get up from the ground, her foot had stepped right onto the apple sauce left on the ground, then she tumbled over again, this time almost hitting her perfect face right onto the tiled floors of the cafeteria. At the time you were too busy laughing at her demise to be of any help. You guessed karma came back to bite you in the ass. Stupid karma.
You had just finished your last exam of the semester and all you wanted to do was rot in your dorm room and sleep until the RA’s kicked you out to go home for break. You, however, didn’t do any rotting or any sleeping. For weeks you had been eyeing up the small bookstore near campus because you knew for a fact that they had just put up a sale for the new volumes of Bungo Stray Dogs and you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see your beloved Chuuya Nakahara. You’d do anything for that red-headed son of a bitch. Which means sacrificing the rest you so desperately needed. You could sleep anytime you wanted now that it was break, but that sale was going to go soon (and you were a broke college student so you couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste), so you needed to get into that bookstore ASAP. You knew that they were closing at 6 pm. But by the time you got back to your dorm room to change it was 4:30 pm and it was a good twenty-minute walk. 
You came barreling through the door of your dorm room scaring the life out of your roommate in the process. You were throwing stuff around the room looking for more comfortable clothes to change into, and to find that stupid discount coupon your literary professor gave your entire class months ago to buy books that would “enrich your mind”. You had scoffed when he turned around after giving you the coupon, stuffing that damned paper into a random pocket of your bag. Now that you needed that coupon it was nowhere to be found. Now, you could go without the coupon but you only had like 25 bucks to your name, and you needed to take what you could get. You were about to give up on your search because you were running out of precious time, that is until your roommate, Yoo Jimin, or Karina as she liked to be called, waltzed up to you with a very familiar paper in between her pointer and middle finger. Your eyes lit up, your hands moving to grab the coupon from her. But Karina snatched it back so fast before you even had the chance to blink. “Hey! Do you even need that coupon? Last I checked the last book you read was your physics textbook but you turned to the first page before nearly bursting out into tears.”, you whined. Karina gives you a dirty look as a warning to shut the hell up, which you do knowing she’s the only one with a coupon.
 “I’ll give you the coupon if you get me a volume of Jujutsu Kaisen.”, she bargained. You give her an incredulous stare, “That’s all you wanted? Okay, that’s fine Rina, but please give me the coupon they’re gonna close in like an hour and won’t be open till Monday, and I need to read something other than a lab report or I’m going to go insane.”, you stressed. Satisfied with your answer and her plan to make you do something for her, she hands you the coupon and blows you a teasing kiss before walking over to her side of the room and plopping onto her bed. Rolling your eyes you scramble to gather the rest of your belongings before running out of your dorm room, the door slamming, giving your conniving roommate her second scare of the day. 
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That’s what brings us to present time and your current predicament. You had to run like three blocks to get to the tiny bookstore in your university’s town. It was nestled in between a cafe (which is quite convenient) and an arcade. You stood in front of the building wheezing your lungs out, you attempted to catch your breath so you looked less like a crazed person who was struggling to breathe and more like a normal person getting ready to purchase books. When you entered you had a good forty or so minutes to grab the two volumes, pay, and get out. What could go wrong? 
There were very few people left in the bookstore, only about one or two people that were still perusing the many aisles of books. You knew exactly where the volumes you wanted were located. Gripping the coupon in your hand tighter you walked towards the manga section of the bookstore. This section was by far the smallest section of the entire store and the only place they kept the manga, for obvious reasons. 
You had only taken one step into the section when the strap of your bag decided that latching onto the manga tower was a good idea. Thus bringing the entire display down onto your unsuspecting form. 
You first felt a spike of pain on your backside, and it hurt like a bitch. You looked behind you to catch a glimpse of the cause of the pain and noticed it was that display of My Hero Academia volumes you saw placed right at the entrance of the aisle. Of course, it had to be that god-forsaken manga Chenle and Jisung were talking your ear off about all the time. But like god damn, what were these books made of? You had landed on the ground on your knees in the most ungraceful way possible, and you knew for a fact that you probably had a bad case of carpet burn on your knees. It didn’t help that you looked like an idiot, and it also didn’t help that you were quickly garnering the attention of the other customers in this tiny ass bookstore. Of course, you’d humiliate yourself right when they get a sudden influx of customers. 
You felt your face turn hot in humiliation, and you moved to try to get up to attempt to save yourself from this embarrassment. However, the damn display wasn’t done with you yet and didn’t want to budge. Why was this display all of sudden so heavy? You turn your attention to the people walking over to check out the commotion you created. However, none jumped to your aid. You sighed in disbelief and were about to attempt to get up by yourself again. Before you could, you felt the relief of the heavy display being lifted off of you and you swear to god you could hear the angels ascending down to Earth and singing to you. You turned to look at your savior and you came face to face with the cutest stranger kneeling next to you, his facial expression showing deep concern. He was saying something to you but you were too busy gaping at him like a fish out of water.
He puts one of his hands on your shoulder finally snapping you out of your dazed stupor. The cute stranger’s face had contorted to one of panic, “Did you hit your head too? Do you have a concussion?” You frantically start waving your hands out, shaking your head no, “N-No, I’m fine! Perfectly fine, peachy actually.” you say, your voice cracking by the end of your sentence. The boy next to you doesn’t look convinced but he nods anyway and he lets out a small laugh at the oddity of all of this. You laugh too, one because his laugh is infectious and you couldn’t help but laugh along, and two, you thought it was stupid to think this, but you couldn’t help it, all that was going through your mind was, you didn’t know who to thank for giving you the chance to meet this cute stranger, your incessant love for Chuuya Nakahara or Deku’s silly superhero gang.
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Turns out that cute stranger’s name was Mark Lee, an employee of that bookstore. A cute name for a cute human, you had thought. After the whole fiasco, you had gotten an ice pack from him and assurance that he’d be the one to clean up the display you destroyed. You sheepishly told him you didn’t mind cleaning it up yourself since it technically was your fault. But he insisted that a pretty, injured girl like yourself shouldn’t be doing any cleaning at all. That shut you up real quick, a red hue taking over your face. You were just glad he didn’t notice. You ended up staying till the store closed, talking with Mark about different animes and mangas you two enjoyed, and other interests you had.
Karina had texted you a couple of minutes after the bookstore closed wondering where you were. 
rina<3: hey where r u, its been like yearssssss y/n: ive been gone for like two hours max, u’ll survive rina<3: i just want my dose of jujutsu kaisen :/ 
You snicker at the message and shut your phone off choosing to tell her what had happened when you arrived back to your shared dorm. Standing in front of the bookstore, you put your phone into your back pocket. You look up right on time to watch Mark fumble with the keys as he tries to lock up the store for the night. You laugh quietly, who knew the boy who’d come to your rescue was also clumsy, granted his clumsiness was cute and yours was more on the, I’d rather crawl into a hole and die than have to go through that again, sort of clumsiness.
Mark turns around to look at you after he finishes locking up the shop and he gives you a small grin, and you were sure your stomach was a terrarium with the amount of butterflies flying about in there. You barely knew the guy, you seriously couldn’t be forming an infatuation that fast. Right?
 “Y/N, you said you lived on campus right?”, he asked as he walked over to stand next to you. You nodded in response to his question. “That’s great! I live on campus too, it’s sort of crazy how we never really saw each other before though. If you want, we can walk back together?”, he suggested.
You were getting ready to refuse not wanting to waste any more of Mark’s time, at this point, you assumed he was just doing all this to be polite, and if it were you in Mark’s position, you sure as hell wouldn’t exactly be so chipper and willing after having to clean someone else’s mess. But once you glanced over towards him, you were so done for. He was giving you one of those doe-eyed stares, like a cute little puppy wanting something from you. So you folded, like a piece of paper, but like come on, how could you say no to a face like that? That’s how you ended up with an entertaining walk home, an amused roommate, and a new contact in your phone.
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Turns out that Jisung and Chenle knew Mark as well. They both had met him in one of their many shared classes (you realize a majority of your friends really enjoy the arts), and they use him as a means to get a discount at the bookstore Mark works at. You wish you had thought of that, but you supposed you already used all of Mark’s sympathy the moment you tumbled down to the ground with his meticulously arranged display of books. Speaking of the bookstore, when both of those two gremlins found out how you two had met they both laughed their big heads off, both boys in literal tears after Mark was finished retelling the encounter. You wish the ground would just open up and swallow you whole but life never wanted to go your way, did it?
You cursed them both out in embarrassment and a bit of anger as Mark sat in between you and the two boys, attempting to cover his small amused smile from you, but it didn’t really work. “Do you find me getting hurt so funny? I’m glad my demise will forever be a joke.”, you lamented. Chenle laughed again, his laugh higher in pitch now, and you had to restrain the urge to reach over the table and throttle his giant head. You felt a slight pat on your back and you looked over to see Mark smiling at you with his cute little smile and you felt your heart melt, “Don’t be too sad, I don’t find it that funny.”
Mark looks at his watch and he looks at it alarmed, he starts hastily getting up from the table you four were sitting at, pulling his backpack onto his shoulders, “Sorry guys gotta go, I promised Donghyuck I’d help him with recording his new cover of some song he found on Youtube.” He turns to look at you, “Catch you later? Heard there’s a new manga coming out soon, maybe we can read it together?” You nod dumbly at his question, Mark sends you one last smile and a thumbs-up before he leaves. His figure moved farther and farther away from the three of you.
Chenle was the first to break the silence. “Have you finished drooling over Mark yet?” You spluttered, “What are you talking about? I was not!” You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at the boy. He had a shit-eating grin on his face, and you groaned covering your probably red face with your hands. You peeked through your fingers and Jisung was also looking at you expectantly. Okay, so maybe you should have throttled Zhong Chenle earlier.
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Being friends with Mark Lee is exhausting, and that’s only one of the many words you could use to describe your friendship, but you didn’t feel like delving more into that territory.
Mark was excitable at times and was always passionate about the things he had an interest in. In your words, he was a huge nerd. So when he found out there was going to be a convention in a town near yours he was practically bouncing off the walls. He had called you at three in the morning with the news, you, on the other hand, answered the phone half asleep mumbling “mhms” and “uh huhs” to his excited rambles.  
When the day of the convention had come, he had convinced you to come along, and even dress up as a character. You decided to dress as Yosano from Bungo. It was a simple outfit really, just a button-up blouse with a black tie, a black skirt, and some black tights. Your hair is adorned with Yosano’s signature butterfly clip. You had to say, you cleaned up nicely. You exited out of your dorm and walked down to the parking area of your dorm’s building.
Mark was supposed to come over and pick you up ten minutes ago but he still wasn’t here. For someone excited about all this, you’d think he’d be the one to come early. You pulled out your phone getting ready to text him, but the boy in question pulled up to where you were standing. Looking up at him you noticed he was dressed up as well, as Ranpo, from his hat, down to his little detective cape. 
That is so adorable. You just wanted to pinch his cheeks at how cute he looked, but you threw the thought out the window. You clambered into Mark’s passenger seat, closing the door trying not to get your skirt caught as you closed it. Mark looked over at you and chuckled, “Hey what are the odds we’re two characters from the same manga?”
You giggled as you playfully hit him on his shoulder, “I literally told you who I was going as ages ago, you literally did that on purpose.” Mark turns to look back at the road as he starts to pull out of the parking lot onto the main road. “Maybe I did.”. he says nonchalantly. You glance at him, “You wanted to be matchy matchy?”, you chirped. He beams at you and nods. You felt those butterflies in your stomach start again, just like all the other times you’ve hung out with Mark, but somehow this felt different. “Any reason as to why?”, you asked slowly. 
Mark sucks in a breath, and you worry you’ve offended him. You start to take back what you had said, but he places a hand on one of yours that was in your lap, and that’s when you notice how clammy your hands were. You were praying to anyone that would listen so that he wouldn’t notice. If he did he didn’t mention it at all but not that that mattered at all because the next few words he uttered nearly knocked the wind out of you, and made you forget the fact that you had gross hands. 
“I like you, Y/N. To be honest, I thought I was being obvious in my feelings for you, but forgive me if I was a little awkward, I’ve never really done anything like that at all.”
You stared at him not knowing what to say, and this felt a little too familiar to your unceremonious meeting, where even back then you had stared at him like he’d grown two heads. Mark was beginning to feel a slight bit uncomfortable under your gaze and started to pull his hand back, “If you... don’t return my feelings that’s fine too! We can forget this happened, stay as friends and we can go back to reading our silly little mangas together.”
You grabbed his hand back and held it in yours. His hand was warm, and it felt nice, and you liked it a lot. “You know, Mark Lee, I like you too, probably a lot more than you think, plus you were quite literally my knight in shining armor.”
“Oh thank god you like me back, I thought you thought of me as some nerd pestering you all the time.”, Mark gushed. You jokingly put a hand on your chin pretending to think, “Welllllllllllll………..” 
“Hey, I was making a joke!”
“I’m just kidding.”, you say, grinning from ear to ear. “So does that mean, you’re my girlfriend?”, he asks giddily. “If you want, I can be.”, you breathed. “Then, it’s official.”, Mark says, while drawing delicate circles with his thumb on your hand.
Mark turns to take another look at you before adding, “I’m glad your clumsy self got nearly crushed by a My Hero Academia display stand.”
“Okay, well now you’ve ruined it.”
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eventually27 · 1 year
Omg can't wait to read your smuts about my request of Frankenkyle 😭😭
Here we are, sweetness, sorry its a quick one💙🩵
While helping Kyle learn to communicate better, things get heated (Warnings, smut,intercourse)
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"Let's go bitches" Madison strutted round the room in her tiny dress, everyone was getting ready to go out, but it wasn't really your thing, Madison noticed you weren't ready, "Ah good you can stay and look after zombie boy, make sure he dosnt kill anyone" she pointed at Kyle, you hated the way she spoke about him, like he was an object, HER object. " That's fine, we can carry on with our word cards, can't we, Kyle? I'd rather spend time with him anyway. " You shot a look of anger at Madison, "whatever he's mine when I'm back, laters. " she slammed the door behind her. You were so glad she was gone.
"Shall we go upstairs and get started, Kyle?" You took his hand and led him upstairs. He smiled while squeezing your hand in approval. You had been spending time with Kyle every day working together to help get him back to himself or at least a version of himself. Well that was when Madison wasn't trying to have her fun with him.
You both entered your bedroom, you sat together both cross-legged on the floor. Kyle had been doing so well. He had learnt nearly all the basic words to help him communicate with everyone easier. You started holding up some hand-made flash cards with different words on them, "f-f- food, e-e- eat, d-d- drink," Kyle pointed at each of the cards successfully. "Well done, Kyle." You were so happy he was getting better. You then moved on to the harder cards, Kyle starred at you blankly, then at the card and back at you, he put his head in his hands and started to hit himself, "i-im stupid, s-stupid, stupid, s-stupid" Kyle's eyes were filled with disappointment. "Kyle, no, you're not stupid. You never have been. We just need to help you remember, that's all. You're doing amazing, I don't want to hear you talk like that. It upsets me. " You took Kyle's hands and removed them from his head to hold them. Kyle put his arms around you to embrace you, " I-I I don't love Maddison, I-I love you." Kyle took your head in his hands and kissed you softly on the lips. You kissed him in return, his soft lips felt like they belonged on yours, but you had to pull away to say, "I love you too Kyle". This time, he kissed you with more force. You felt his tongue searching for a way in, your tounges brushed against each other, both savouring every taste, Kyle took your hand and placed it on the hardness in his jeans. He still wasn't the best at communicating what he wanted, but from how hard he was, you knew. You signalled for him to remove his jeans, which was done with urgency, while you slid down your leggings. You placed your hand on his boxers and you could feel a wet spot from pre cum, this made your clit pulse. You lowered his boxers and his hard cock slapped against his stomach, you took it in your hand and began to play with it, Kyle let out a moan, He reached his hand around placed it between your legs, he could feel you were wet through your underwear, " t-this okay?" Kyle was gentle and sweet, but animalistic and sexy too. You took down your underwear with your spare hand to give him permission. He wasted no time slipping his fingers inside you, you felt his cock twitch as you let out a moan, you slipped your hand up and down him with ease your hand was wet from his pre cum. "Ready?" Kyle started to kiss you again while pushing your body down so he could get between your legs. He kissed down your neck, and across your collarbone, you felt him rub his tip upaginst your clit and move down to your soaked entrance, he slipped himself in and you both let out a moan, He sped up his pace, every thrust making you pulse, you dug your nails into his back, this only made him thrust harder, you loved how he could be so rough but so gentle at the same time. You closed your eyes while moaning as you were getting closer and closer to your climax. When you opened, them you could see Kyle staring at you in amazement, he loved seeing you in pleasure, he loved he was the reason for it. " Kyle I'm I'm going to cum" you moaned, "m-me too" he replied, he was looking at you doe-eyed, his hair wild, you wished in this moment you could take a picture with your eyes, he gently kissed your lips as he felt you begin to tighten around his cock, as you moaned it made him explode inside you, you felt every drop inside of you. You both laid there in each others arms in awe, "I-I love you Y/N," said Kyle, "I love you too," and you wished you and both never had to leave the room.
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