#letting autumn come early this year
earthtooz · 4 months
cw: arranged marriage, fluff, neglect at the beginning, ratio falling hard, pining, ratio being jealous of aventurine, unedited bc i wrote this with my heart not my brain
my brain has been thinking about an arranged marriage fic with dr. ratio...
he isn't kind to you at first, less than happy to share a life with a mere acquaintance. he's heard about you before in passing, noting your achievements with a grain of salt because nothing about you particularly mattered to him, irrelevant against the mass of scrolls and books he needs to read.
you don't really disturb his normal routine too much. you move in to his estate with a fair share of your belongings, but none of them crowd his house too much. you have your own room, pristine guest room unearthed by your artistic touch.
aside from dinners, you don't get to see each other too much. he starts his mornings early, getting up at the crack of dawn to exercise and start his day with a hearty meal. you wake up later, partaking in a slow morning, and if you glanced out the window, you might be able to see your husband running laps around the expanse of his gardens.
you admire his dedication and routine, it's fascinating to live beside a genius. everyday, the chest table that sits in the living room changes, the black and white pieces never remaining where you last recalled. the size of his blackboard is impressive, and yet too small to fit all of the formulas his brain remembers, hands effortlessly dancing along the surface to scratch number after number.
a frequent order of his estate is chalk. a new pile is delivered every three days, and he goes through them without fail every time.
during dinner, he tries to spare some conversation with you. you don't tell him too much about your day, not wanting to bore him with your menial chores. he's only half-listening either way, so you'll feign understanding about his work when he explains what he's up to.
ratio is not an attentive husband, but he doesn't mistreat you, either. he allows you to spend his assets without too much care, doesn't police your everyday tasks, and also doesn't bat an eye at other men or women. his pursuit of intelligence is important, and your wellbeing would not come in between that.
your monotonous, distant routine changes one autumn dusk. you're perched in the front yard with an easel set up before you, the sky in front of you now a blend of pink-purple hues. he returns home earlier than you expected, carriage stopping at the front of his estate, and he witnesses you in your tranquil state.
the paint strokes on the canvas before you are skilled, and show years of dedication to the craft. you're so invested in the piece before you, that you don't even hear him approaching until he calls your name.
"the night turns colder with each minute. shouldn't you come inside before you fall ill?" the scholar greets, and you're snapped out of your creative reverie, looking over at him.
"oh, i had not realised. let me clean up here, first." you take your canvas off the easel, but to your surprise, your spouse kneels down to organise your oil paints back into their box.
"make haste, then," he urges.
during dinner, he can't help but be curious over your hobby, the stubborn splotches of paint clinging to your hands visible to him. that night, you engage in uninterrupted conversation, and discover that he's an artist himself- a sculptor. it calms him, and all the statues reside in a removed room, adjacent to his study.
despite your years of matrimony, you had never once dared enter his study, but the design is so fittingly him. it is organised (well, as organised a genius can be), with shelves and shelves filled with books, discarded scrolls lay around the room, but even then, his taste for greco-roman aesthetics are seen. roman dorics act like stands for little plants, and his many certificates are displayed, along with other achievements.
(his study is overwhelmingly filled with them. though you knew of the merit of the man you were arranged to be married to, you had never known just how expansive the list is. perhaps, that only made him more intimidating to you, standing beside a genius does not feel so light to say anymore.)
he shows you his sculptures, and though many of them are... self portraits... the likeness is disgustingly accurate. it was as if he had casted himself in plaster and displayed it proudly. you wonder how long he must have stared in the mirror to perfect their appearance.
but, there are also various other formidable statues. some of people you recognise. you compliment his skill and don't get to see the blush that spreads along his cheeks.
it seems that you've chipped a way into his heart, because between brushstrokes and chiselled marble, he falls in love with you.
ratio knows he didn't start off being the best husband, but he tries to now, and begins by being present. asks you to dine together where possible, listens when you're talking about your day, and the two of you can be seen venturing downtown together; an unbelievable sight for those who believed that ratio was romantically inept.
perhaps, an even more unbelievable sight, was the soft smile on his face that glanced at you very adoringly, and how you remained unaware of his affections.
and, maybe a jealous veritas ratio is just as unbelievable.
he is practically glaring daggers at the side of a certain blond's head. ratio has never been fond of the scheming businessman, aventurine, and is even less so of the fact that you seem so close to him, more than you are with your own husband. you're speaking with him like how one would with old friends, a peaceful visit to the markets turned sour by his presence.
when you finally, finally, finally, bid farewell to aventurine, who gave ratio a look that signified he was up to no good, your husband held your hand in his gloved one with an unforgiving grip. his mood is dampened for the remainder of the day, and is only made better when you enquire about his sudden glumness, visiting his office to see if he was alright.
you leave him with a kiss on the crown of his head, and a whisper of 'goodnight', before retreating to your chambers, and the only thought that circulates in his head for the rest of the night is you, and how he's going to sweep you off your feet.
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awearywritersworld · 6 months
the boy spurned as evil and the girl of his youth
sukuna x reader w/c: .6k tags/warnings: angst, i'm afraid. young!sukuna. depictions of blood. ur dad's an asshole. fem!reader. no use of y/n. a/n: please check out the lovely artwork by @demonzaemon that inspired this piece!!! i'm definitely down to write a second part about a reunion, so let me know if that would interest anyone! masterlist read part two here
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thinking about sukuna at 10 years of age— he's been abandoned by his family and scorned by his village because of the strange way he looks. he has to steal stale bread during the night to survive. he has to take shelter in the ruins of an abandoned home. he has to bear the harsh elements. he has to do it all alone.
that is, until he meets a curious little girl by the riverside during the spring. he'd found an old, frayed fishing net the day prior, and while he hopes to catch something he can eat for dinner, he catches your attention instead.
and you marvel at him as if he's the most remarkable thing you've ever laid eyes on. you're poking at the harsh lines that mar his skin. you're pulling at his pink hair because you're convinced it's fake. you're counting his arms as if the extra two will eventually disappear.
he doesn't mind though. he's too caught up in the fact that someone's touching him. that he can feel the warmth of your skin against his. he can hardly believe it when you scamper off, calling over your shoulder gleefully, "i'll meet you here again tomorrow!"
after that, everything changes and he finds himself in your company more often than not. you sneak your meals out of the house each day, even though your portions are meager. you bring him a few of your blankets, even though it means you're cold at night. what he appreciates most though? the fact you look at him like he's human.
then, what is simultaneously the best and worst night of his life happens. you fall asleep beside him in the overgrown grass near the river. its early autumn by now and the stars are twinkling in the sky, so your body clings innocently to his, seeking his warmth.
he takes the opportunity to study you in the moonlight. to commit every detail of your face to memory. he considers the fact that you feel safe enough to fall asleep beside him, even when every other person in the world has deemed him evil and sinister.
eventually he's lulled to sleep by your slow and gentle breaths, but not before coming to the decision that he is yours and you are his. and while you're the only thing in the world that the young boy has to his name, he's okay with that.
then, all too soon, he's awoken by yelling and it's not a moment later that you're ripped from his arms by your father. he's screaming about how you've defiled yourself by associating with such a despicable fiend.
"no, he's my friend! he's good!" you wail, your arms stretched toward sukuna in a plea for help. "don't let him take me! please!"
and he tries. he really, really tries. he runs after your father, beating at his back in an attempt to free you, but he's just too small. his body is weak from years of malnourishment. the older man pushes him to the ground with little effort and sukuna's palms slice open upon the sharp stones protruding from the earth.
crimson spills from the wounds, but he can hardly feel it. the ache in his chest is too consuming. too agonizing. it's unfair that such a little body should house so much pain, but that seems to be the story of his relatively short life.
so as he calls out to you, his voice broken and desperate, he knows it's the last time he'll ever see you and he's forced to come to terms with the universe's cruel edict— that he deserves to spend his life alone.
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 2 months
Let's talk about Jump GIGA
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Jump GIGA covers, 2016-2024. Volumes are published (left to right per row) as Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn releases, with 2018 and 2019 briefly breaking the pattern by having three Winter and three Summer volumes each. 2023 has an Early Spring volume in addition to the standard four.
So, people have pointed out that the 2024 Spring cover is, uh, not like other covers.
But I've only seen comparisons to other MHA GIGA covers and MHA Weekly Shonen Jump covers. Out of curiosity for what GIGA's typical marketing aesthetics might be, I put together a comparison between all of Jump GIGA's covers to date.
And, um. Some things stand out, to say the least.
First, let me clarify what Jump GIGA even is: it is a seasonal magazine from Shonen Jump, published separate from Weekly Shonen Jump. SJ is an absolutely massive brand and they have a number of magazines serialized outside of the most well-known weekly magazine.
The content of Jump GIGA is primarily made up of one-shots and spin-offs. From the beginning, a lot of the appeal has been the cool cover illustrations which showcase special merchandise that comes with the purchase of GIGA. Usually the cover also promotes big things going on related to the WSJ series, like movie events, new games, or special figurines for sale.
The marketing aesthetic has been clear from the start: the cover consists of one core illustration and a number of ads surrounding it. Most often you get a cover illustration of a protagonist, and then ads and merch for other series, e.g. Food Wars protagonist cover with One Piece film promotion and Haikyuu!! merch.
The purpose of this marketing direction is pretty obvious. Spin-offs and one-shots are not likely to generate a ton of interest consistently, so they lure people in with the cool covers and tempting limited edition merchandise of the series they already know and love. In this way, highlighting one series with the cover and different series with the merch makes sense, because maybe somebody doesn't care about Food Wars, but they definitely want those Haikyuu!! stickers, stuff like that.
Starting from 2020's Autumn volume, you can see a shift. For the first time, basically all of the merchandise is for the cover series. The Demon Slayer manga had already ended five months earlier in May, but a two-chapter spin-off was scheduled for release in WSJ during October. This GIGA was released exactly one day before the second chapter was published and it capitalizes on the hype.
After this point, only MHA and Jujutsu Kaisen dominate the cover and the merch in quite this way, with Black Clover getting attention last volume as a way to highlight the fact that it actually switched syndication from WSJ to GIGA.
Anyway, most commonly the cover illustration is a solo shot of a core cast member (usually but not always the protagonist), and if it's not a solo, it's a big cast illustration.
Only a few covers focus on two characters, and usually it's a crossover as opposed to characters from same series sharing the limelight.
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Here we've got Food Wars' protagonist with the main characters from Dr. Stone and Act-Age.
The two covers most similar to the Izuku & Kacchan cover are 2022 Winter and 2023 Autumn.
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Winter depicts the main trio of Blue Box in a seasonally-appropriate aesthetic. Not gonna lie, this one kinda makes me laugh--Blue Box is a romance and sports manga, and even though Christmas has a romantic air to it in Japan, instead of depicting any sort of like, hesitant but hopeful romantic energy between the heterosexual couple that actually get together later in the series, they focus primarily on the two girls being cute with the guy is a wee footnote? I mean, all right.
Meanwhile, Autumn depicts one of the protagonists with the series antagonist with a typical cool action style. I'm not very familiar with JJK, but I hear these two have got Some Drama going on, so, there's that.
The merch itself has also evolved over the years. Stickers and posters were present early on, but they have since expanded to decorative folders and now acrylic stands and coasters. 2021 Summer sees the first time the cover illustration is marketed as merch, with the Jujutsu Kaisen cover included as a decorative folder.
Right after that, the Kacchan cover of 2021 Autumn is included as a poster alongside earlier covers featuring Todoroki and Izuku.
2023 Summer's cover is a huge, wrap-around MHA cast illustration and it was published three days after chapter 396 came out, strategically timed to highlight the big shift in the final battle as Ochako vs Toga ends and All Might vs. AFO begins. Merch includes a decorative folder of the wrap-around cover and character motif stickers.
And then we get this!?
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A duo cover illustration where the cover art itself has been merchandised to hell and back!?!?
Acrylic stand and pin set!?
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Double-sided coaster showing bkdk greatest hits!? With volume 29's river scene cover!?
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There's also a double-sided poster featuring the Spring cover with the ninth popularity poll art and a decorative bag with the anniversary art. The cover art itself is plastered all over the volume, front, back, and spine, apparently a total of 19 times.
I honestly don't know what to say about this. It feels wild that this is actually what the cover is. Obviously it is a huge marketing push in anticipation of season 7, and Izuku and Katsuki are the most popular characters, but. it just feels... unique.
In the course of Jump GIGA's publication, this direction is kind of unprecedented. Genuinely no one could have expected this. This seems to be the first time there's been this much merch for a cover. And it was a solid fucking move, marketing-wise--it's sold out basically everywhere, everyone is talking about it. And even people who don't follow the series or ship these two can't help but comment on how strikingly romantic it looks!?
I don't know how much say Horikoshi had in what the cover was, but damn it sure feels like he drew this with immense affection. I kind of wonder if he personally pushed for it to be these two, rather than the typical solo shot, cast shot, or even a protagonist vs. antagonist shot.
I'm KO'd, man. idek if this post is useful to anybody I'm just on my hands and knees here.
Everybody knows what we're all here for, and it's these cute boys finally getting their happy ending.
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aphrogeneias · 4 months
𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 — 𝒂 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: during a quiet afternoon, you and eddie discuss (hypothetical) wedding songs.
author's note: it feels right to repost this the day before valentine's. i hope you all have, or someday find, a love that makes you feel the same way i do when i listen to the song referenced in this story <3
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"Have you ever thought about what song you're gonna want to play at your wedding?"
You were both sitting at the old brown couch of the Munson's front porch, the afternoon breeze blowing through the unusually quiet Trailer Park. There were no dogs barking, no kids running, no yelling coming from a neighbor's trailer. Only the sun, the late autumn chill, and the gentle breeze.
Eddie was lying down, his head on top of your crossed legs as you played with his hair. Your question caught him off-guard, looking up at you with raised eyebrows.
"You mean at our wedding?"
He could tell you were flustered by the way you hesitated to answer, brows furrowing, trying to disguise it. The urge to lift himself up and give you a smacking kiss on the forehead was temporarily buried inside, waiting to hear what you had to say. "I don't know. Like, a hypothetical wedding. With a hypothetical bride."
His answer was earnest, though.
"The only bride that's ever come to mind is you, babe."
"Just answer the damn question!" You exclaimed, rising both of your hands in the air.
"I just told you I don't know! I've never thought about getting hitched, never mind what song I'd want to play at the ceremony."
This bit was earnest as well. Eddie had never, in his twenty years, thought about getting married. His parents' disaster of a relationship made sure that he'd never seen marriage as something healthy, let alone an option. There were also his beliefs that marriage was a failed institution made to subjugate people, and that the church and the state shouldn't have a say in people's relationships.
Eddie thought he'd be like Wayne and live his life without a partner, just go through with it by himself. It was much less complicated, even if lonely.
He was seldom lonely now, with you in his life — and though you were way too early in your relationship, or too young and inexperienced, to think about marriage, if he was to think about it, it would be with you. Every one of his other thoughts ran to you, this one would be no different.
"Not the ceremony. A first dance kind of song, you know?"
He considered a few options for a moment, in silence, but he was still curious to know what you were thinking. "If you're asking me that question, that means that you already know yours, don't you?"
"You don't know that. I'm just asking." You shrugged, lowering your voice, suddenly vulnerable. "Forget what I said."
"Sweetheart…" Eddie laid fully on his back, looking up at you. "Tell me what's the song."
Narrowing your eyes at him from above, you grabbed his chin, squishing his lips for a second. "You're gonna laugh at me."
"When have I ever…" Remembering all the times, in the early days of your blossoming friendship, where he followed you around the record store with the sole purpose of laughing at your music choices, he stopped, scoffing at himself. "Don't answer that."
Gently, you pushed him off of you and stood up, silently going into the house.
"Just tell me! Now I want to know." Eddie protested as he followed you inside.
He watched as you went into his room, bent down at the waist — and what a view that was, he thought to himself, not trusting to make a lewd comment to distract you from the moment — and quickly looked through his records, finally pulling one from the crate.
Trying to think of what it could be, because he had no idea what song in his large collection of tapes and long plays could possibly be enough of your taste to be played at your (hypothetical) wedding. When he saw it, though, it clicked.
It was a copy of The Beatles' "Revolver". His only copy of an album by your favorite band. You had gifted it to him after he told you he found the experimentation, and all the drug references, in it "badass". He really did, and he was happy to own it as long as it made you happy.
Still silent, you put it in the record player above his dresser, and selected a track without looking at the listing in the back cover, most likely commiting each one of them to memory. His heart swelled as he watched you turn around, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, struggling to meet his eyes as the song started.
"To lead a better life
I need my love to be here…"
Paul McCartney's voice and the two-voice harmony that accompanied him was the only thing that could be heard in his bedroom for a moment, until you started explaining yourself.
"When I was younger, sometimes… Actually, I still do that…" you started, "I listen to this song when I'm alone, and I feel like swaying to it. Like I'm slow dancing with someone, you know? Two steps to the left, two steps to the right." You did a little dancing motion, lightening up the mood. "It's the perfect song to dance to, but I'd never had a partner to dance with me. So I'd dream about it, about the day I'd have someone who'd love me enough to dance with me."
Your sad smile broke his heart, but what put it together was knowing he could be the one to dance with you.
"It's such a simple song, really. Just a guitar and the vocal harmonies, but it's… it's beautiful. Makes me feel like I'm floating, or something." You continued.
Eddie approached you, then, pulling you forward by both of your hands and making you stand flush to his chest, where he held you by the waist with one arm, the other raising to hold the hand that wasn't resting on his shoulder.
"I'm not much of a dancer, but I'll dance to any song you want to."
It was a murmur, a promise whispered by his lips touching your hairline. You chuckled, your head resting on his collarbone, and began swaying the two of you just as you said before. Two steps to the left, two to the right.
Eddie added his own flair, spinning you around, and it was worth it just to see the you giggled. The song wasn't long, a little over two minutes long, but it was long enough to trap you in your little world, your hypothetical wedding dance, in his very real, very messy bedroom.
"So… is that our wedding song?" He teased, still holding you, after it was over.
You slapped his arm lightly, but he could feel you smiling against the soft fabric of his t-shirt. "It could be."
"I like it, baby."
Then, you look up, wrapping your arms around his lean waist. "Really?"
"I like whatever makes you feel like you're floating."
"Do you wanna know what else makes me feel like that?"
At that moment, Eddie still knew he didn't want the church or the state to be involved in your relationship, but he wouldn't mind throwing a party just to make the most beautiful girl in the world float around the room for one night.
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the0doreslover · 9 months
Obliviously in love | t.n
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it’s not that you were dumb, not at all.
you were just… oblivious.
To be fair some people would call you dumb but not for the same reasons they would oblivious.
Theodore nott had his eye on you from the moment you slumped in his charms class in year two.
There almost wasn’t a single person who didn’t know of theodore’s attraction towards you.
You must of been the most blind witch ever.
Theodore gave you answers?
“you’re such a good friend”
Theodore wanted to take you to hogsmede?
“sure let’s ask everyone if they want to join”
Theodore wanted you to meet his mother?
“family is important of course i will”
Here you were in your fifth year still with no ounce of knowledge that theodore nott was still hopelessly inlove with you.
“good morning, nice to see you finally up” pansy snickered watching as you rubbed your eyes and took a seat next to theodore
“it’s still too early for your voice pansy” you sighed
you looked at theodore who was making a plate of food. “can you pass me a plate please pansy”
“no need, this is for you” theodore finally spoke
“oh! thank you theo”
“by the way i was thinking we should go to hogsmede today” he smiled turning to face you
“sure, pansy would you like to joi-“
“just us!” he quickly added
“oh, yeah sure” you smiled confused at the smirk pansy was giving you.
you and Theodore finally began your way to Hogsmeade together after finally getting out of pansys gossip session,
you remained blissfully unaware of theo’s true intentions. The two of you strolled down the cobblestone streets, the village bustling with students and locals enjoying their weekend.
Theodore casually slipped his arm around your shoulder as you walked, his fingers grazing gently against your arm. You simply shrugged it off, thinking it was a friendly gesture to ward off the chilly autumn air.
you went into various shops, while Theodore finally managed to stop your swinging arms and hold your hand, his fingers interlocking with yours. You assumed it was simply because he didn’t want to loose you, and you continued chatting away about your favorite books and Quidditch teams, completely oblivious to his racing heartbeat.
Theo's attempts grew bolder as you entered the Three Broomsticks for a warm butterbeer. He slid into the seat beside you at a cozy corner table, his knee brushing against yours. Still, you regarded it as nothing more than accidental contact.
As you sipped your butterbeer and chatted, Theodore couldn't help but steal glances at you, searching for any sign that you might reciprocate his feelings.
You were in the middle of talking about your plans for the holiday when a familiar trio entered the pub. Draco, Blaise, and Pansy, strolled in with smiles on their faces as they spotted you and Theodore sitting together.
You waved enthusiastically, calling them over.
Pansy exchanged a knowing look with the boys before they sauntered over to your table. Draco grinned mischievously, taking a seat opposite you and Theodore. Blaise and Pansy flanked either side of Draco, creating an oddly symmetrical arrangement.
Draco leaned in," i didn't know you and Theo were on such an intimate outing."
You blinked in confusion, glancing at Theodore, who looked both embarrassed and hopeful. It Finally dawned on you that perhaps there was more to this outing than you initially thought.
Pansy chimed in with a sly grin, "Oh, don't mind us, we're just here to witness this romantic moment."
Blaise added, "Yeah, we wouldn't want to intrude on your 'date.'"
The room seemed to close in on you as the realization hit. Theodore had been trying to express his feelings for you all day, and you'd been completely oblivious. A wave of guilt and embarrassment washed over you, making your face turn bright red.
You mumbled an excuse about needing to use the restroom, and with a quick, apologetic look at Theodore, you hurriedly got up and practically ran out of the Three Broomsticks.
coming to a halt a sense of embarrassment washed over you. You realized it was silly to have run away like that, especially from Theodore, who had been nothing but kind and patient with you.
Turning around to retrace your steps and face the awkward situation you'd created, you suddenly bumped into Theodore's chest. Startled, you took a step back, "I'm so sorry, Theo, I didn't mean to—"
Theodore interrupted your apology with a warm chuckle. "It's okay, really. No need to apologize."
You sighed, looking down at the ground and then back up at him. "I... I just realized how stupid I've been all this time, not seeing what was literally infront of me."
Theodore's gaze softened as he listened to you.
You continued, your words coming out in a rush, "All those times you wanted to spend time with me, I thought it was just friendship, but now... I see that you've been trying to tell me how you feel."
Theodore simply stared at you
“the time you wanted me to meet your mother— oh god! i told you ‘family is important’ i’m so stupid”
Finally, you paused upon noticing his gaze, and he asked, "Are you done?"
You nodded.
Theodore grinned. "Well then, let me show you in a different way." And before you could react, he kissed you, his lips meeting yours with a gentle warmth that sent shivers down your spine.
As you pulled away, breathless, he whispered against your lips, "I would wait three more lifetimes if it meant you would kiss me like that, but for now i’m just happy i’ve finally got you"
You couldn't help but smile at his words, and without another moment's hesitation, you leaned in and kissed him again.
“This means you are asking me to be your girlfriend right?”
“right” he laughed
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lolokouhm · 9 months
pt.2 is out!
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"Could you rail me?"
That's not something Megumi expects to hear at 10 p.m. Especially coming from you. 
You're drenched - that's the first thing he notices. It's been raining the whole day, pouring even, making early autumn weather even gloomier than it usually is. You don't have an umbrella and the light jacket you put on yourself earlier in the morning looks completely out of place - it doesn't even have a hood to hide under. Or maybe it's not the jacket that feels off? Maybe that's just you.
You, the one who is always prepared. You, the one who is always put together. You, the one who, as far as he's concerned, should be in the cinema on a date with your boyfriend right now. A dickhead boyfriend, Megumi makes a mental note. He couldn't bring himself to like the guy, but as long as that idiot treated you right, he wasn't really in a place to say anything. But apparently, something has changed. 
"Could you rail me?"
Yeah, something has definitely changed.
Megumi doesn't really say anything as you get inside - your every movement is showing how furious you are, and it’s not like Fushiguro's not used to people with bad temper, it's just you're not one of them. He's never seen you like this before and, combining the situation with that question you’ve asked him twice, he's taken by surprise. That gets him thinking. Something must have happened, and judging by your face...
Then he notices. The smudged mascara, the barely visible traces on you cheeks, and your red, puffy, eyes.
You cried.
Megumi has seen you in various mental states, but never furious - and most importantly, never crying, so he couldn't possibly have any idea how seeing you like that would make him feel. He knows now. 
He'll kill him. 
"Come on, you need to take a hot shower, or you'll get sick", he finally says, his voice sounding surprisingly normal and calm. He's relieved - all these years of hiding his emotions and not letting them surface have at least some perks. Looking at your state, you need something - someone - to calm you down, and Megumi won’t let himself lose control just over his imagination and groundless jealousy. You need to tell him what happened first. 
So when you’re finally out of the shower, your hair still damp, drowning in his cotton, black T-shirt, Megumi is waiting in the kitchen - and he needs you to speak.
„He cheated on me.” It falls from your lips, light as a feather, and these words do something to him. Something that could have very bad consequences. „We broke up. But it doesn’t even hurt. I… I am so fucking stupid.” You’re not crying anymore - there’s a fire in your eyes that Megumi has never seen before. 
„He’s the one that’s stupid.” That is probably the nicest adjective out of many others he has on his mind right now. He observes you carefully as you adjust yourself on a high hocker next to him. 
„No, I am. I…” You sigh, hiding your face in your hands. „I didn’t cry because he broke my heart. That’s the problem. He didn’t.” That’s a relief, but Megumi’s still not convinced. His brows furrow, as he’s trying to understand what exactly has happened. „I was crying because I don’t fucking understand myself.” Your gaze suddenly jumps on him and the intensity of it makes him gulp. „That’s why I want you to rail me.” Before he can form a coherent answer to that, you speak up again. „I think I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings. And that makes me a cheater, because I went into a relationship knowing that. Or at least suspecting that.”
So many things Megumi didn’t expect to hear tonight.
He just stares at you, not sure, whether his heart is racing or it’s completely stopped beating. You’re blushing, but at the same time doesn’t look embarrassed. Despite that cute pink tone on your cheeks, you seem determined, and he’s not sure what he should do about it. 
„Or you can say you won’t”, you suddenly speak up again. The eye contact is so intensive, to the point it physically hurts. „You can say that and I’ll see if it breaks my heart. It’ll be easie-”
„I won’t rail you.” It jumps out of him faster than he’s able to process it, and his heart drops as your face turns pale. 
„Okay. It hurts. So this is a crush after all.” You stand up suddenly and rush somewhere - his apartament isn’t big, but the embarrassment hits you like a truck and you just need to hide. Or die. 
„How the fuck do you expect me to rail you?” Nervousness in Megumi’s voice makes you turn around. He’s got up from his seat as well, his worried expression long forgotten - now he just looks angry. „I’ve had sex like three times before. Fuck”, he sighs, pinching his nose bridge. As if that ever helped somebody to focus. He doesn’t have any other options though. „Jesus, (Y/N). You can’t just say these things like that. Why can’t you just like… say that you have a crush on me? At least I’d know how to answer”, Megumi murmurs and now you’re confused. 
He cannot comprehend the fact that you haven’t noticed. Everyone noticed. Itadori, Nobara, Gojo - everyone. Even he himself noticed. The gradual changes in your friendship, the staring, the smiles that cost him way more than anyone else, and yet he would give you them for free. The jealousy that came few months ago - with you being asked out, taken on dates, kissed. The irritation. And eventually, the nights where he would be so hard and frustrated, and the only cure seemed to be a memory of you. Of your skin. Of your touch. He was sure when your name left his lips that one particular night - he let his imagination run freely, and it sprinted to the point where he imagined it was your hand going up and down on his dick. He panicked a bit, that night. Your friendship was more valuable than anything else. He couldn’t risk it. 
So he endured. 
And now this?
That’s not fair. You play dirty. You asked that fucking question three times and now he’s sexually frustrated and stressed beyond what’s humanly possible. He tried so hard, gritted his teeth, tossed and turned - and you just destroyed everything. 
So when Megumi comes up to you to catch your face in his hands, you can feel his anger. And a million other things that convince you, that yes, Megumi Fushiguro could rail you without any doubt. He kisses you - and the kiss tastes like longing, like desperation, like something more, than just „liking”. Like…
„He was first”, he murmurs, as he pulls away, just millimetres, but enough to be able to say what he needs to say. His long, slender fingers rest on both sides of your face, the right thumb delicately brushing you cheek. A feeling completely different from that sudden kiss.
���What?” You feel a bit hazy and so does he.
„And you were always so happy… I just couldn’t…”, he mutters, running with his gaze when the embarrassment hits him. He curses himself for wearing that black sweater tonight, it’s so hot he cannot stand it - especially when your hands land on his covered chest.
„I was happy because I was with you, you dumbass!” You moan, and even though it’s not sexual at all, Megumi can’t help but groan. You are intoxicating. „I thought you didn’t like me… So I tried to…” You’re interrupted as he pulls you for another kiss, even more needy than the first one. And you suddenly forget what you wanted to say.
Megumi still remembers, but he needs you. If that’s a dream, then he just hopes he’s not going to wake up. Luckily for him, the way his body reacts is more biological than ever and that gives him some hope. 
„You tried to…?” 
„I tried to fall in love with someone else.” 
„You’re stupid then.” His lips travel down your neck as he’s leaving slow, sensual kisses all over it. You grip tightens on his forearm, nails diving between the sweater’s weaves just to find his skin underneath. You had no idea Megumi could kiss like that, and when his fingers slide down your collarbone, you find out that you had no idea that he could touch you like that either. „If you talked to me, we’d save a lot of time.”
„You could have said something too”, you whisper, and the combination of stress, anxiety and bliss makes your legs go weak. Luckily, Megumi’s here, and his arm keeps you in place. „You never say anything. And I…” A little whine interrupted you as his teeth grazed over your paper thin skin. „I don’t know how you feel.”
„You really can’t see it?”
„I need you to say it. I can say it. I’m in love with you, Megumi”. Is it really your voice, or are the angels singing? He could swear he got the chills. „Please.”
Years of hiding. Years of not saying anything. Years of keeping his feelings hidden. All that, just for him to make a confession.
„I’m in love with you, (Y/N).” It’s shaky, it’s soft and it’s quiet, falling into your skin and melting into your soul - something you needed so desperately. And that’s enough. 
You need to see him, so you cup his face into your hands, and the picture leaves you in awe - his soft cheeks are flushed, blue eyes shining with desire. It’s so unlike him, and the fact that you’ve actually managed to pull these words out of him shows how desperate he is.
„You can let go” you whisper, before pulling him for another kiss. „Don’t overthink it. Just… let go.” 
Who knows - he might rail you after all. 
masterlist ❤️
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crustaceousfaggot · 1 year
So I've been thinking a lot about the setting of Disco Elysium. Specifically it being set in late winter/early spring. It's not something I've really seen anyone else bring up.
I mean, the symbolism seems pretty obvious right? Spring is the time of new beginnings, winter is ending and we're entering a time of potential and rebirth. Definitely nothing new. But I think it goes beyond that.
I live in one of the coldest major cities in the world. Not *the* coldest, but you'll be hard-pressed to find a city with over 1,000,000 inhabitants that gets colder than it gets here. Winters are long and brutal and difficult, and when the soil itself is frozen and covered in a foot of packed snow it's really hard to believe that the world could look any other way.
And don't get me wrong, winter is beautiful. The world is quiet and picturesque. There's none of the usual dirt and debris in the streets because it's all buried under the snow. The way that fresh snow sparkles under street lights at night is one of the most breathtakingly gorgeous things I've ever seen.
It's early April right now, and the snow is melting. It's not all gone, but it's getting there. When the air starts to warm up there's this feeling of excitement and anticipation in the air. Spring is here, and any second now the world will be bursting with new life and beautiful greenery.
But it's not. Not yet.
For about a month and a half after the snow starts to melt, the world is grey. No glittering snow, no budding flowers, no swirling red leaves, just puddles of brown water and lawns of brown grass. It's like winter had ended, but the world has yet to realize that it's supposed to be spring. Until it remembers, we're all trapped in a world where there is no season at all.
Sometimes it snows, but the snow never sticks around. Sometimes it rains, but the rain never brings flowers in its wake.
That last month of winter, that first month of spring, whatever you want to call it, is my least favourite time of year. I heard it described once as "the long-preserved corpse of autumn, finally allowed to rot", and that phrase stuck with me. There are eight month old leaves on the ground, skeletal and bleached grey by a winter trapped under the ice. Without the snow to cover it, you can't ignore just how much we've let our city go to shit. The trees are bare and skeletal, and even the evergreens look washed out and grey when they're not contrasted against the snow. Most of the birds aren't back yet, so the only sound outside my window is the ever-present hum of traffic.
It's impossible to ignore the movement and the sounds of humanity, but at the same time the world has never felt so stagnant.
I think there are all sorts of comparisons you could draw here, some of which hold up better than others. The one that first comes to mind for me is sobriety- the line "Full recovery will take years, though. It’ll be depressing. And it’ll be boring. Don’t expect any further rewards or handclaps." from the "Waste Land Of Reality"o thought is one which really stuck with me on my first playthrough, and one which feels especially appropriate here. But that's just one angle.
How much of this was intentional? I don't know. Probably not most of it. Part of me just wanted to go on a little tangent about the seasonal purgatory I'm trapped in once again. But I genuinely don't think there could be a better time of year to set a game like Disco Elysium. That bleak dusty shoulder season, where all the ugliest and most honest parts of nature and civilization are on display. The time of year where I've gone through the ringer and come out the other side, but everything still looks and feels like shit. It's just a different kind of shit.
Spring isn't here. Not yet. And when it does come, it won't fix anything. There will still be garbage on the ground and pollution in the air, there will still be class inequality and senseless violence and I will still be mentally ill.
But still.
For the first time in months, I can feel the wind against my skin without it hurting.
Whatever that's worth.
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mrchiipchrome · 9 months
99 with Alexia plss
prompt 34. -You know I get so forgetful looking in her eyes.
prompt 99. -My heart is yours.
I combined this with another prompt, hope that's okay. If you want to request, there's a prompt list linked in my masterlist:)
The bed is soft and warm, near the feeling of a hot summer day in the spanish city. No, not even the hottest day in the summer could compare to the feeling of your love’s warm breath puffing out onto your neck.
The seductive whispers from the older woman would paint your cheeks red whenever they came, your temperature rising with every whispered word. Mixed in with the seductive words were heartfelt confessions that made your heart clench with the love you felt for the Spanish woman.
“My heart is yours mi vida, and I wouldn’t have it any other way” Her cherry breath wafts over your steadily darkening face, doing nothing to calm the storm made of love inside you.
Alexia lifts her head from your shoulder, rising from the overly comfortable bed. The girl slings her strong leg over your midsection, settling her weight down onto you.
Your hands sit upon her pretty waist, making sure that she wasn’t falling down under any circumstances. The Barcelona captain puts her hands at the sides of your head, her hair falling down like a curtain around you.
One hand comes up to tuck it behind her ear before settling on her jaw, Alexia turning her head to press a light kiss to your palm. Her full lips pressing against your palm gives your heart another reason to skip a beat, your thumb moving to stroke over her bottom lip, pulling it down slightly.
Pulling the midfielders face down towards your own, your lips interlock in an innocent embrace. The kiss is neither rushed nor is it filled with the earlier sexual tension, it’s simply filled with the purest love there is.
Alexia pulls away far too early for your liking, her lips still only millimeters from yours. Opening your eyes slowly, you meet those of your fiancées within a fraction of a second and all the thoughts you had just disappeared like magic.
“Qué?” Alexia purrs out into the hot, early autumn air. Even after countless years together, her voice and just her had the same effect on you as it did when you first got together.
The adoring look in your eyes doesn’t disappear even as her breathy giggles fan over your lips, in reality it probably just gets even stronger.
“What?” Her question coming out through one of her sweet giggles makes your heart flutter in your chest giddily.
“Oh I forgot, you know I get so forgetful looking in your eyes.” Your eyes scan over her now rapidly blushing face, the older woman quickly leaning down to push her face into your neck.
“Amor, don’t hide your gorgeous face from me. I want to see all of you.” The words are whispered directly into her ear, the strong woman punching your arm softly, not wanting to hurt you. 
Immediately you grab your arm dramatically, acting like you got shot instead of punched in the arm. Alexia’s light giggles echo around the large room, the sweets sound better than anything.
“Let me see your face amor” Cupping her face in your hands, you make sure that you're careful while pulling her face back. You bring her closer to you, the captain not anticipating that you would kiss both her cheeks before planting another loving kiss to her lips.
At last, Alexia settles her head down on your chest, legs tangling with each other, neither of you knowing where one starts and the other one ends. 
Luckily enough, that was just perfect for you.
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emeritusemeritus · 10 months
The little one? [Fred Weasley x Reader]
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Title: The little one?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x wife!Reader
Timeline: Set during DH (canon has been altered slightly so that Fred and reader were married before Bill and Fleur)
Summary: A wedding brings out all the extended Weasley family, and their incessant questions about when you would start your family.
Warnings: Established relationship, getting married young, mentions of pregnancy and babies, but neither actually feature in the story. Mentions of sex and a few curse words.
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The questions had been incessant ever since you had gotten engaged, never once letting up each and every time you attended some sort of Weasley family event.
You'd been dating Fred Weasley ever since your third year at Hogwarts and over time your relationship had just gotten stronger, knowing right from the start that you were endgame for each other, two souls eternally entwined.  You'd gotten engaged not long after the shop had opened in Diagon Alley, with Fred using the profits of his and George's wildly successful shop to buy you a simple but beautiful ring that he'd proposed with not long after.
You were both incredibly young but with everything happening with the war and the general unrest, time felt precious and neither of you had seen any fit reason to wait to start your futures together.
You'd gotten married in a small little ceremony in the woodland behind the burrow in the autumn, the spot you'd claimed as your own ever since the early days of dating, the spot you would both sneak off to in all weather to claim some time alone. Just your closest friends and family had attended, and you'd spent the evening laughing and dancing with the people you loved.
Bill and Fleur had apparently had very similar feelings and had wanted to marry as soon as possible, which meant Weasley family gatherings left, right and center in preparation for the big day.
It had started when Fleur's family arrived from France to meet the Weasley's and great aunt Muriel had took it upon herself to join in on the family gathering, stating herself to be the head of the family. The questions started from then on, with everyone over the age of 40 seemingly fixated on asking you and Fred the same question. Then, when Bill and Fleur's big day came, you'd been accosted by great aunt Tessie to help her to her seat during the reception and had been trapped there for a while as she went into excruciating detail about her own wedding and basically her entire life story. Truthfully, it wasn't entirely unpleasant with Tessie, not like talking with Muriel, but as you looked around the beautifully decorated marquees and saw Fred and George dancing in the crowd, clapping for the happy couple, you couldn't help but think about how much you'd rather be there with them, dancing with your husband. Fred had found you not long after and had attempted to steal you away to dance but Tessie in a rather spectacular fashion had also managed to get Fred to take a seat and had begun to drone on about her wedding once again with her new audience member.
"So when's the baby coming then?" She's asked with a wicked glint in her eyes, looking between you both.
"Do I look pregnant?" You'd asked in alarm, looking down at your stomach in your bridesmaid dress before flicking your gaze worryingly to Fred who looked just as shell shocked.
"Of course not dear!" Tessie laughed, slapping her hands down on her legs as she leaned back, "but you're married now!"
All words seemed to fall from your mind as you stared back in complete astonishment, not knowing how to respond.
"You know," she says, turning her attention to Fred who still looks frozen in place, "your mother was only 20 when she had William."
Ever since then, it was like the flood gates had opened and suddenly everyone was asking the pair of you about when you were planning on having a child, completely ignoring the fact that a potential war was on the horizon. It was exhausting, deflecting the same question twenty times from both families and towards the end of the night, you could tell that Fred's patience was wearing thin.
"So, have you two thought about trying for a little one?" A deeply unpleasant friend of aunt Muriel's had asked you both as you were making your way out of the marquee for some fresh air.
"Yeah we've just started actually," Fred snaps, making you turn your head quickly to look at him, eyes wide as you hear his words, knowing it would not end well. "Honestly it's exhausting, we've never had so much sex and that's saying something- every single day and sometimes twice a night, it's a miracle she can still walk."
You were horrified and amused in equal measure, not knowing whether to run away to hide your blush or your laughter at Fred's blunt delivery. The old woman looked up at Fred with utter disgust as she barged past him, fleeing from his rude and uncouth behaviour. It took one look between you both before your resolve shattered entirely and you both burst out into infectious laughter, doubling over as you wheezed. Fred dragged you close to him as you laughed and you squealed as he roughly pulled you into his chest, feeling his laughter reverberating through his muscular torso. You slapped his chest to scold him for his outrageous behaviour but he simply chuckled more and pulled you tighter, kissing the top of your head as you both made your way out into the woods, wordlessly falling in step as you sought out your spot.
"You know, I wish it was our wedding we were re-living," Fred says, slipping his hand down from your shoulders and entwining with yours as you walked, your other hand holding up the bottom of the long, satin bridesmaid dress so you could walk the final stretch to your spot without damaging the dress. You looked over at him, seeing the cheekily smile you loved so much and beamed back, nodding your head at the thought.
You approached the little fallen log that signalled the entrance to the little clearing in the woods and Fred suddenly dropped your hand and reached out to grab your waist, hauling you effortlessly over the little stump so that you didn't have to climb over it in your heels. His hands lingered on your waist for a few seconds as you leaned up to kiss him, silently thanking him for the little gesture. He winked at you as you pulled apart before pulling out his wand and casting a charm that created little firefly lights all around the little clearing, just adding a little more light to the moonlit clearing. You smile as you look up at the beautiful little twinkling lights, momentarily mesmerised by the beauty.
"Mrs Weasley," Fred says to your side, making you turn with a wide smile. Your new name and title still made butterflies erupt within you, the same way that Fred calling you his wife did. "Would you do me the honour of dancing with me this evening?" He asks with a smirk, extending his hand to you as he bows formally. His wedding ring glints in the moonlight and it makes your tummy flip once again.
"Why of course kind sir," you said flirtily, placing your hand delicately in his, gasping as he pulls you closer not a moment later, his other hand resting on the curve of your hip, just a little lower than what was deemed appropriate for a waltz as you begin to slow dance in the middle of your spot. "You know, my husband won't like that I'm dancing with such a handsome stranger."
"Husband you say?" He jokes, playing along, "I didn't realise someone had already claimed you, he's a very lucky man."
"I'd say so," you teased, laughing as he suddenly pinches your bum as you joke. "I'm pretty sure I'm the lucky one," you say with complete adoration as he smiles, the hint of a blush appearing on his freckled cheeks. "After all he does fuck me once a day and twice a night."
Your squeal echoes through the woods as he grabs as you, chuckling at your squeal as he spins you recklessly in his arms, both of you perfectly happy with your lives in that moment, without a mini Weasley.
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breelandwalker · 9 months
Harvest Moon - September 28, 2023
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The summer heat might be hanging on, but it's time to get excited for autumn shenanigans all the same. Grab your canning supplies and your favorite cider mug - it's time for the Harvest Moon!
Harvest Moon
The Harvest Moon is the name given to the full moon which occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. It does not matter whether the moon occurs before or after the equinox or in which month it falls. In some years, this means the Harvest Moon may occur in October, in which cause the September moon might go by the name of Corn Moon or Rice Moon, depending on where you are.
In 2023, the Harvest Moon falls once more in the month of September. The same will happen in 2024, when the Harvest Moon will also be a supermoon! However, in 2025, the September moon will come early in the month, making it a Corn Moon. The Harvest Moon that year will be in early October.
The September moon is particularly beloved by farmers in the Northern Hemisphere, as it rises earlier and shines brighter than other full moons due to the relative angle of the Earth in relation to the moon during the equinox, which is helpful for lighting up the tail end of those long work days. In addition, the Harvest Moon may also appear full for multiple nights, providing additional illumination for labor or evening strolls. As such, while the peak of the Harvest Moon will occur in the wee hours of September 29th, it will appear to be full on both the 28th and 29th.
Other North American Indigenous names for the September moon include a number of variations of the aforementioned Corn Moon (used by numerous nations), such as Corn Maker Moon (Abenaki), Corn Harvest Moon (Dakota), and Corn Is Harvested Moon (Zuni). Other names refer to seasonal changes or animal behavior, such as Autumn Moon (Cree), Falling Leaves Moon (Ojibwe), Leaves Turning Moon (Anishinaabe), and Rutting Moon (Cree). Some European and modern pagan names for the September moon include Barley Moon (Old English), Singing Moon (Celtic), and Fruit Moon (general).
It's also worth noting that our Jewish friends and neighbors will be celebrating Rosh Hashanah this month, so remember to share your apples and honey and wish them Shanah Tovah (Happy New Year)!
What Does It Mean For Witches?
As autumn begins, we continue to reap what we've sown over the course of the year. It's a time to pause and reflect on what we've accomplished, let go of any unnecessary burdens we're still carrying, and focus on taking care of hearth and home for the cold months ahead. Now is a good time to do one last clutter purge or finish those repairs you've been putting off all summer!
Change is in the air as well, and transformations begun earlier in the year will burst into vibrant life. Just as the flowers bloom in spring, the leaves turn in the fall, and those of us who come alive in the autumn will start to fell that zing coming back.
Community also comes back into focus during harvest time, both because of the sharing of resources and the accompanying start of the school year. Take a moment to reinforce positive and supportive connections with friends and neighbors, or reach out to your local or online circle to strengthen existing bonds.
This a time of great abundance, so if you've been meaning to draw any kind of increase into your life, take steps to do so now. Harness that Harvest Moon energy to help carry you through the lean times in comfort and plenty.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
This is the time for feasting, bonfires, and outdoor gatherings. September and October will give us a few more warm weeks before the weather turns cold and rainy, so make the most of it! Have a potluck supper with a menu made of everyone's favorite seasonal recipes. Visit a local farmer's market and bring home that fresh seasonal produce. Thank the earth for the bounty it provides and renew your promise to be a good steward of the land where you live.
Technically, this is the second "harvest" moon of the year, since the harvest of most seasonal crops began back in August with wheat and corn and late summer fruits. The harvest of corn and grain continues into September and is joined by additional late-season fruits and vegetables, the most iconic of which is the annual apple crop.
Apple-picking is easily my favorite autumn activity and it's fantastic way to get outdoors, get some fresh air, and come home with tasty produce for uses both mundane and magical. From cider to applesauce to pies, apples are delightfully versatile. They also feature in a number of folk traditions and party games which double as divination rituals.
Continue your preparations for winter by canning or preserving fresh foods, hanging harvested herbs and flowers to dry, or refreshing your stocks of moon water and magical oils. Make your own magical brews using a stock pot as a cauldron and soups, stews, punch, cider, and mulled wine as your potions. Kitchen witches, your time is NOW!
Wear the colors of the season boldly and revel in all the gifts you've received and joys you've experienced so far this year. If you've been particularly blessed, pay it forward to share the bounty with others. Reflect on everything you've accomplished, celebrate your progress, and maybe set one or two small goals for the end of the year.
And since the decorations are already appearing in stores, start stocking up for Halloween!
Happy Harvest Moon, witches! 😊🍎
Further Reading:
Additional Lunar Calendar posts
Secular Celebrations - Autumn Equinox
Harvest Moon, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
What Is The Harvest Moon?, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Harvest Moon 2023: The Spiritual Meaning of September's Full Moon, The Peculiar Brunette.
Full Moon 2025 Calendar, Full Moonology.
Rosh Hashanah, Wikipedia.
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison, Llewellyn Publications, 2004.
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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halfmoonshines · 10 months
Sweater Weather
summary; bucky barnes x reader but reader is obsessed with spooky season
fluff fluff fluff
After three years together, Bucky knew when to be prepared for each seasons decorations to make their appearance. November first for Christmas, February first for Valentines day; but the far and above winner was September first for Halloween. And when you decorated for Halloween the house was almost unrecognizable.
This year you'd started a bit early, either because the weather had tipped or Bucky had been gone on a mission for a week. Either way when he stumbled in the door at 2am on the 31st of August, the wall of fake spiderwebs he ran into almost had him screaming.
He was a little jumpy after missions, okay?
He found you still awake in the living room, wrapped up in a blanket that you thought could hide you from the demons in the movie you were watching.
"Bit early isn't it, Doll?"
His voice almost made you jump out of your skin, but that didn't stop your excitement at his arrival home. You were in his arms in the blink of an eye, face burrowed into his shoulder when you replied.
"It's spooky season, Buck."
"Can we please grab this? It's a whole different scent."
Falling leaves accompanied shopping for things that smelled like fallen leaves, that was in Bucky's 'Autumn Girlfiend' guide. You were holding an apple-pumpkin candle out to him, the three wicks staring at him tauntingly.
He was sure that you had three candles with the same scent, or a mixture, at home already. But if all it took were some smells to keep that smile on your face he would buy you the whole store. Not that he'd tell you that.
He had never seen you this sad on Halloween before, it was like a sacred thing for you. But this was your first year in the new house, and so far it was just passed 8pm and you hadn't received any trick or treaters.
You sat on the couch with a mostly untouched bowl of candy next to you, the only stray wrappers from the ones you'd succumbed and eaten yourself. Bucky stood in the entryway, arms crossed and brows furrowed.
This simply wouldn't do.
He sent off a quick text before coming to join you on the couch, arms pulling you into his chest so you could sit together. "Why don't we watch The Conjuring?"
He could see your spirits lift when you asked. "Really?"
"Of course. Go make us some popcorn, I'll get us set up."
The return text came as you entered the kitchen, his team as quick as he ever needed.
The knock on the door sounded as you were walking back to the couch, popcorn forgotten you quickly set it to the side and grabbed the big bowl of candy. "Trick or treaters, Buck!"
"Trick or treat!" A chorus of decidedly adult voices sprang from the front door when you opened it. It was most of Bucky and yours friends; Steve, Sam, Nat - all dressed up in the most cliche Halloween costumes.
"So, do I get candy?" Sam's Batman outfit definitely called for some candy.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We couldn't let you not have a fun Halloween." Nat said as she pushed her way in, the boys following behind her.
You glanced at Bucky, sure that it was his diabolical plan. His serene smile met yours and in that moment you remembered every reason you loved the man.
"Happy spooky season, babe. Lets watch that movie."
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bettysupremacy · 8 months
heyyy. I saw you saying you would write for tasm peter and because it’s officially autumn I would love to request him giving reader his sweater and loving on her idk maybe after their second or third date or establish relationship, what ever you like better<3 :))
Hi! Sorry I didn’t get to this sooner, this past month has been hectic for me. I hope u like!! <3
The rollercoaster in front of you swishes past quickly, blowing cold air towards you and Peter. He flinches, shaking with the chills that raise on his covered arms. He takes a moment to look at you. Your arms are not covered. It’s early October, chilly in the morning and less so during the day, you hadn’t thought the need for a jacket.
“Are you cold?” He asks suddenly.
You startle. “What?”
“You’re shivering,” He laughs, and then frowning. “babe.”
“I’m fine.”
“No you’re not.” He drags, though there’s a small smile on his face.
“I’m serious!” You laugh. “I’m good!”
You share a look, pointed and faux serious. He tugs at his sweater gently raising his eyebrows in question. You shake your head no and he pulls it up anyways, dragging along the nice fabric of his tee shirt. His stomach shows slightly, just long enough for you to catch a sliver of skin, and the wind to nip it meanly. He tugs it over his head roughly, messing up his hair. It’s not like he needed it, his spider senses regulating his body like a heat lamp, but he has the decency to shiver a little when you look his way.
The sweater is thick, and nice. Peter got it from a gift shop a few years ago, so not of the highest quality, but the graphic pattern of yarn makes you smile anyways. It’s warm like a hug, engulfing you thickly as he pulls it over your head.
“Better?” He asks.
You smile, fiddling with the sleeve. You’re definitely still cold, the warmth of his sweater failing to reach your legs, but still. You have the decency to play warm. “Yeah.”
“I knew it!” He pulls you into him, wrapping his arm around your back so he can rub some friction into your arm. “You don’t have to suffer.” He kisses your temple. “‘Specially not in silence.”
You and him have shared 1, 2, maybe three kisses, but this one feels more intimate, more personal. It’s not on the lips, sure, but it tingles as his lips leave your skin. Pulling back, his eye rake over you.
“Sorry.” You murmur.
“Don’t be sorry,” His eyes scrunch as he looks back up up to your eyes. “What’re you sorry for silly?”
You pause, settling with a shrug. You don’t really know.
“See.” He breathes through his nose. “And it’s not like I wouldn’t kill to see this.”
“You don’t have to kill to see me.”
“I would.”
“That’s silly.”
“I don’t think it is.”
You breathe out heavily, fighting a shy smile. You’re way past the shy phase, but still. Sometimes it peeks through.
“Peter would kill to see me.”
“He would.”
“In an old Spider-man sweater?”
The smile on his face is an inside joke, something you can’t decipher. “My most favorite sweater.”
“Take a picture.” You laugh.
He reaches for the camera around his neck. “Good idea.”
“No,” You murmur with a smile, reaching for his camera. Your eyes flit to the people around you. “no, stop, I was kidding.”
He pulls away from you. “Let me get a photo.”
“Stop,” you giggle breathlessly and hushed as your hands come up to push his down. “I wasn’t serious.”
“But I was.” He smiles. You scoff, tugging him closer to the moving line.
“I can’t stand couples.” Somebody groans behind you.
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honeykaes · 11 months
heart's loyalty
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pairing: kazuha x femme!reader II 2.7k
warning: smut, 18+ content, minors do not interact, heavy angst, use of she/her pronouns and descriptions of afab!reader, based on feudal japan, arranged-marriage with scaramouche, reader is a foreigner, exhibitionism, public sex, praising, body-worship, fingering, creampie, character death, cheater!reader, can be read as yandere!scaramouche, unedited
synopsis: kazuha never thought that when he was assigned to protect daimyo kunikuzuishi’s wife his loyalty would shift from the shogun to you and when you asked to run away with him, he couldn’t deny you.
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Early fall was one of Kazuha’s favorite times of the year. The heat from the summer was beginning to drift away as leaves would slowly float down from his favorite maple trees. He loved the garden in the small manor of the daimyo’s wife as it captured his favorite scene perfectly.
As he turned the corner of the manor, he saw your form. You were sitting on a large rock next to the tall maple tree, giving you shade. A solemn gaze had taken up your face as maple leafs slowly drifted down around you. You revealed your hands from the sleeves of your ornate yukata, picking at a small loaf of bread you threw a yard away towards the koi pond.
His autumn-tinted eyes softened, heart warming at the side of seeing you, yet a small sadness clawed at his heart seeing you so depressed. He couldn’t fault your emotions as if he was trapped in a loveless marriage, he couldn’t smile all the time either.
You were a foreigner picked to be the wife of Daimyo Kunikuzushi by the Shogunate, Raiden Ei. She wanted access to your country's military and weaponry that came from the West as a deterrent from anyone who sought to challenge her power. Therefore, you became a sacrificial pawn to a game of chess you had no means of playing, let alone winning.
He remembered the night you first came to the estate as he walked the quiet halls before hearing your sobs coming from the other side of the sliding door. He was merely randomly assigned to be your personal guard by the daimyo for his skills in sword fighting but his lack of heart to actually fight in conflicts unless necessary. 
When he slid the door open, seeing your shocked and tearful face turn in shock that night, he struggled to come up with the words to even greet your depressed form, not knowing what he could say to stop you from crying. He merely walked up and bowed, getting to his knees and lifted his head down, vowing both to you and to his heart to try to give you a better experience of the many years you had awaiting in the country of Inazuma.
As Kazuha walked closer to your form in the garden, your eyes flickered to him—light returning in your dull gaze. He sat besides you on the rock, looking up at the rings of light that managed to escape the maple leaves before placing his pale, calloused hand on yours and weaving his fingers.
A bond between the wife of the daimyo and the samurai guarded to protect her happened gradually but remained strong, leaving both of them longing to be with one another openly. But, when daimyo Kunikuzushi left to return to his larger mansion or to visit the Shogun, it was him that got to warm your bed every night, joined together in a secret but passionate union.
Kazuha was thankful that hardly any workers were at this estate before a small number. Here, they were free to pretend they were together. 
But it was only pretend; a reminder Kazuha so sadly acknowledged whenever the Daimyo would return to break that fantasy.
Kazuha felt you squeeze his hand tighter as he turned his head to your form. You stared out to the koi pond, watching the fish swim in circles in the small patch.
“My bird…you know the one I have in my room right?” you asked in a low voice. Kazuha nodded as you sighed, throwing another small chunk of bread to the pond. 
“..I let it fly free from its cage. When I went to feed it today, it was looking out to the sky. How could I not? A bird isn’t meant for a golden cage” you mumbled. You loved that bird with every fiber of your being, Kazuha knew letting go was harder for you than you let on. Kazuha lifted his intertwined hands with yours to his mouth, offering a tender kiss on the back of your hand.
“...I’d go with you in case you decide to follow that bird and leave your cage,” Kazuha replied. You briefly smile before lips curling downwards into a frown, throwing the remainder of the bread in the pond.
“No, you couldn’t Kazuha. Your loyalty was pledged to Shogunate Ei and Daimyo Kunikuzushi. You’d end up getting killed for treason if you decided to escape with you,” you whispered. Kazuha let his hand go from yours, bringing it up to caress your cheek. His thumb brushed against the skin, feeling the warmth from your cheeks.
“I am only loyal to those in my heart,” he murmured, closing the gap between you as his lips graciously captured your own. Your bodies eventually got closer as the samurai's hand refused to part from your cheek. You whispered out his name, wrapped your hands around his neck to kiss him deeper.
You gasped feeling his hips buck and grind at your thigh, parting his lips with heavy breaths.
“We can’t do this here…in the garden. Someone could see—” Kazuha briefly silenced you with his lips before leaning out, trailing his lips along your neck.
“I dismissed everyone to go to their courtier. Only you and me remain in this garden,” he whispered, nipping at your earlobe. You softly chuckled before leaning in to kiss the samurai once more as his hands began to paw at your clothed thighs. His hands snuck past the fabric of your yukata and their hadajuban, cupping their cunt eliciting a breathless sigh from you. His lips continued pecking along your neck, so delicate and quick as if a butterfly was landing on them.
Kazuha finger brushed against your clit as jolts of pleasure wavered throughout your body. You ground your core against his hand, desperate to get more friction from the pad of his thumb. He pressed against the bundle of nerves, offering quick circles to it. You whined once more, shifting from his touch.
“Always so lovely and soft for me, my lady,” he murmured, voice muffled as he pressed his mouth against your nape. Your arousal was beginning to drool out of your hole, coating his finger that was toying with your clit with the essence. As his ministrations went faster, two fingers prodded at your entrances—teetering back and forth—before finally allowing them to sink into your cunt. 
As you moaned out his name, you quickly covered your mouth, muffling the soft moans Kazuha so desperately wanted to hear from you. Your walls fluttered against his fingers slowly plunging themselves deeper inside of you. He soon curled them up as he pumped them, your body jolting as he finally found what he was looking for.
Your walls clamped down pulsating against his fingers curling and moving themselves inside of you to massage that spot. Your hips gyrated and grinded, nub from your clit beginning to slightly burn in pleasure.
“That’s right, my dove. Just let yourself fall into the pleasure,” he whispered deep in your ear as his free hand made way to your clothed breast. He gave it a squeeze, moaning lowly himself as if he could perfectly visualize the pair out as he did before. He shifted in his seat, rubbing his thighs together as his cock pressed firmly against the thin fabric of his fundoshi.
His tongue darted from his lips, planting a long stride against your neck, tasting the salty sweet mixture of your sweat and lotions on the skin. His mouth settled against your ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps to sprout throughout your body.
“Please don’t deprive me of your beautiful voice, dove. I need to hear how I am making you feel,” he moaned, lifting his hand away from your breast to the hand covering your mouth. As he gently moved it away, the corners of his lips curled in delight hearing the soft groans elicited from his fingering continuously pumping themselves inside of you.
“Kazuha..ha! I’m gonna…please! I’m gonna…!” you moaned out, voice beginning to rise in tone from Kazuha’s pace increasing. He quickly leaned forward, capturing your lips once more as you finally reached your high shivering in his touch, hips grinded against his hand.
As he leaned away, Kazuha’s gaze was half-lidded and darkened in lust. Both of your lips are glossy with a translucent string of saliva connected to the pair. His gaze softened once more, admiring your afterglow of your climax.
“You make me feel so drunk as if I was a fool. How easy you tempt me, my dove…” he whispered, sliding his fingers out of your cunt as you whined. His hands snaked through the fabrics once more, revealing the coated digits.
“Perhaps, I should have waited to have you in your chambers. You always taste so divine,” he hummed to himself, pressing his fingers against his mouth. His tongue curled around his fingers coated in your slick, cleaning them before rubbing the excess saliva against his yukata.
“As sweet as always but alas, I don’t think I can wait anymore,” Kazuha groaned. You soon found yourself up on your feet, pinned against the base of the tree as Kazuha’s eyes drank in your disheveled form. 
Kazuha quickly disrobed, pulling his trousers and fundoshi off and exposing his cock against the cool early fall breeze. His haori decorated in maple leaves fell along the gravel of the garden as well, leaving him completely bare as his cock lulled against his toned, pale lower stomach.
He tenderly wrapped his hand around his length before letting out a breath sigh, slowly jerking it as his cock pulsated in his grasp. His base soon shined in precum, now coated on his head that budded from his flushed tip. Kazuha’s gaze rises to yours curling his lips into an amused, and slightly mischievous smile, witnessing your eyes avoiding to look down at his length.
“This isn’t the first time I've had you like this. There’s no need to be embarrassed, although you are rarely cute like this, my dove,” he murmured, pressing a chaste kiss against your cheek. You gnaw on your bottom lip, feeling his heavy cock rest against your thigh.
“I-I know that! But we’re outside…,” you whined. Kazuha chuckled, kissing the other side of your cheek.
“Just as our ancestors before us and the animals that roam along these vary lands. There’s no need to be embarrassed, I promise it is just us here and no watchful eyes except my own,” he reassured. You shyly nod as Kazuha’s hand made its way to loosen the obi and grabbed onto the fabric of your kimono, revealing your breasts to him.
He leaned in once more, pressing a kiss against the valley of your breasts before lifting your leg to his hip, exposing your drooling cunt to his gaze. The tip of his cock nudged against your sensitive clit as you whined once more, gliding along your slit as he struggled to find your entrance. With a soft grunt, he finally finds it allowing him to finally sink into your warmth. His pace was slow and deliberate, grinding his pelvis against your entrance.  
You moaning out his name was his favorite melody as you wrapped your arms around his neck, allowing him to plunge deeper inside of you. The soft noises of nature around you were eventually drowned out by the snapping noises of skin coming to contact with one another and your breathless sighs of pleasure. 
It was overwhelming, feeling your walls desperate to pull him in deeper and fluttered against his sensitive cock. His other hand found it way to your covered ass, squeezing it tightly to push your bodies closer to one another.
“I always find myself spellbound and so captivated by your ethereal form…forgive me for losing myself, my dove,” he moaned, pressing his face against your nape. His pace soon grew faster.
“I will always be yours, no matter what,” Kazuha grunted, strokes becoming faster. Your body bounced at his relentless pace as weaker branches begin to shake and tremble from his pace. Kazuha’s blunt nails dug into the plush skin of your thighs futility trying to sink deeper inside of you, muffled whimpers of your name escaping from his lips. Snapping his eyes shut, Kazuha reached his peak as thick ropes of cum shot inside of you. His hips bucked—weakly thrusting—as he slowly came down, leaving a kiss on the nape of your neck.
“Ah…how could I let myself become undone before you…” he softly chuckled, lifting his hand away from the globe of your ass to toy with your throbbing clit to cease your whines. You squirmed in his grip, grinded against his cock still nestled deep inside of you plugging the cum that was threatening to leak out. He grinded his hips, feeling your walls slowly caved down, pressing tighter circles against your clit
“That’s it…you’re almost there…just a little more dove,” Kazuha hummed, flicking your overstimulated clit rapidly. Your back arched, leg shivering in pleasure as you finally reached your high. Kazuha peppered kisses against your nape.
“There you go…such a good, little dove,” he cooed. 
Your eyes softened as you placed your hands against his flushed cheeks.
“Kaedehara Kazuha.”
Kazuha snapped his eyes open, looking down at the gravel—the pain of the rocks pressed against his legs kneeling down. His eyes felt heavy, skin much sweeter than usual as a pure white kimono clung onto him uncomfortably. When he went to move his arms, the tight rope burned against his wrist as they stayed in place bound behind him.
He finally leaned his head up, observing his surroundings. Familiar faces of his comrades were sat around a courtyard, varying faces of disgust, disappointment and anger on their faces.
“...You will be executed for treason against the Shogun,” a woman called out, with a decree in her hands. There his name was, written in kanji, penned by the all-powerful Raiden Ei,
“Ah.. that was right,” Kazuha slowly whispered to himself. He buried himself in a dream to forget the nightmare that was his reality.
He remembered that day, as your bodies were still joined together, you gently clasped his face and pleaded that you needed to run away, to be with him and happy. Just as he pledged before, Kazuha happily complied, cleaning the two of you before packing a small rations and cash to get on the next boat leaving Liyue.
He thought, together, they could make it. He was skilled enough to fight off against ronin or his old comrades.
What he didn’t expect was the skilled power Daimyo Kunikuzushi had. Kazuha knew him to always have others do his dirty work. It only took a half a day for him to find you two with ten men at his side. The servants must have reported the pair or he arrived at your manor earlier than you thought—you weren’t sure how and why he was able to know where you two were headed.
Pinned down against six samurai, all Kazuha could do was reach out to your crying and screaming form, desperately reaching out for his hand. It was as if the world had slowed watching your form slowly disappear from his sight as he was rushed to be arrested.
He knew you would be physically alright, but you’d be put into a smaller cage and under a more watchful eye by the Daimyo.
Him, however…
Kazuha’s eyes drifted up, feeling the weight of a hateful gaze glare down at him. Kunikuzushi stood behind him, a katana by his side.
One man he knew to be Heizou, solemnly got up from his seated position, walking over and behind him, covering Kazuha’s eyes with a white cloth. Kazuha sensed Heizou left to return back to his position—the samurai’s eyes waiting in hesitant anticipation for his death.
Hearing a katana unsheathe from its hilt, the corners of Kazuha’s mouth lifted into a smile before closing his eyes. His mind conjured your image once more; how he wished he could see your smiling face one more time. He’d sadly have to leave you lonely for now.
“Do you have any last words,” Daimyo Kunikuzushi seethed out. Kazuha could feel the twisted smile on the daimyo’s face, relishing that he was about to die by his hand.
”I followed her to this life and I will follow her to the next.”
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wileys-russo · 11 months
a date to remember II m.earps x reader
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kinda love this, kinda hate this? but there is an appaling lack of love and fics for my girl mearps, shes fit as fk and i will take no slander
a date to remember II m.earps
4.17K words
mary's eyes slowly fluttered open as the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted around the bedroom. with a stretch and a grunt the woman swung herself out of bed, quickly noticing you were no longer soundly asleep beside her, your side of the bed cold where your body had once laid entangled with her own.
stepping into her slippers the brunette quietly padded downstairs, blinking tiredly and wrapping her arms around herself at the chilly autumn morning. she wasn't sure what the time actually was but it had to be early given the bitter frost speckled across the windows of her manchester flat.
her nose guiding her she made a beeline right for the kitchen, craving a coffee to try and kick start her out of her half asleep state. rounding the corner the keeper paused in the doorway of the kitchen, admiring for a moment as you stood at the stove facing away from her. 
her last name stretched across your shoulder blades you'd as usual worn an old jersey of hers to bed, the sleeves a few inches too long you'd now rolled them up to your elbows, always careful not to damage your girlfriends kits when she let you wear them when you stole them.
seeing you wearing her last name had always done something to mary even when the two of you were only friends and you'd come to her games to cheer her on, cheekily buying an earps jersey before the game without telling her.
she was both flattered and impressed at the sneaky surprise as she'd spotted you sat with the rest of her friends and family, and for mary that was the beginning of where she'd had the abrupt realization that she didn't care for you as simply just a friend.
but fast forward to now seeing you wander around the kitchen with earps spread proudly across your back only made her mind drift to the ring that sat hidden in her kit bag, the one place she knew you'd never go snooping, forever claiming it smelled like damp gloves and sweat you steered well clear, making it the ideal hiding spot.
alessia had gone with her to help to pick the ring out weeks ago, rachel and millie assisted via facetime, and ever since it had felt like everyone had been pestering mary insistently about when she was going to actually use the ring.
there wasn't a single doubt in mary's mind that she wanted you as her wife, that wasn't the cause for her hesitation by any means. entering her thirties now she knew she wanted to settle down and having been head over heels in love with you for years she knew you were her one.
so it wasn't and wouldn't ever be doubt or cold feet which held her up from popping the question.
what it was, was having seen for almost the entirety of knowing you just how much of a hopeless romantic sap you were, forever swooning over love stories in books and movies, rambling wildly about boom boxes and love letters and john hughes films. 
it meant mary wanted you to get your fairy tale ending and for the moment she asked you to be hers forever to be perfect, and so far she unfortunately hadn't been able to seek that out.
"good morning my love." mary was quick to attach herself to you, cold hands creeping up your top craving your body heat as you squealed at the icy invasion. "god your hands are freezing, go put some gloves on or something!" you teased with a smile, turning in her hold and pressing a gentle kiss to the taller woman's lips, murmuring good morning as you pulled away.
"oh she's got goal keeping jokes about gloves how original!" the english keeper rolled her eyes sarcastically with a slow clap before grabbing at you again and fondly leaving sloppy kisses all over your face, you playfully pushing her off with a laugh as she stepped away to make herself a coffee.
"what's cookin good lookin?" the woman asked with a grin, sipping on the hot beverage with a sigh of pleasure already feeling herself begin to wake more as the caffeine started to pump through her veins.
"well I'm having french toast...don't know what you're having." you shrugged, the hints of a cheeky smile tugging at the corner of your mouth as mary hummed and inched closer, backing you into the counter as she placed her hands either side of you, trapping your body against hers.
"so we want to play the mine and yours game, do we?" the keeper tutted as you innocently shrugged. "well if you want to be like that then this is mine, should I take it off you?" mary tugged teasingly at the jersey covering your top half with a smug smile.
"have i ever been one to complain when you've taken my clothes off?" you quipped back smoothly, mary raising an eyebrow somewhat impressed at the quick response. "if you want to be like that then these are mine, shall i take them off?" you mocked, a single finger tracing teasingly along the inside of the waistband of the nike tracksuit pants she wore which did technically belong to you.
"have i ever been one to complain when i've got no pants on round you?" mary grinned leaning in closer, her breath hitching as you teasingly dipped your hand a little lower into her tracksuit bottoms. 
"yes well it was kind of stupid of you to even bother wearing them in the first place." you grinned as she dipped down to kiss you, though no sooner had she captured your lips in hers was the smell of coffee replaced with the smell of something burning.
"shit my toast!" you realized and shoved her off, darting back towards the stove and moving the pan away, staring sadly down at your now blackened breakfast. "would it help if i said i actually wasn't in the mood for french toast?" mary tried as her eyes met yours over the top of her coffee mug, the woman sipping on the last dregs of her coffee and sending you a guilty smile.
"this happens all the time mary you're the worst distraction! get out of my kitchen." you ordered sternly, a wooden spoon poking your girlfriend firmly in the chest in warning as she attempted to step forward and wrap you in a hug. "hey! that's gonna bruise." the keeper pouted rubbing at her sternum as you rolled your eyes, shooing her away and grabbing the ingredients out to make a new batch.
"mary you're gonna be late if you don't shift it like right now!" you shouted out in warning, sighing and tapping your foot impatiently, head thudding softly against the front door as you twirled the keys in your hand. 
"you know if i didn't know any better i'd think you were rushing me out of here so you get the place all to yourself." your girlfriend finally appeared, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.
"yeah i am, cause my other girlfriends coming over for dinner." you grinned, grabbing your girlfriends suitcase for her as she slung her kit bag over her free shoulder. "watch it, cheeky." the taller woman pulled you into a searing kiss before you ran her through her usual checklist, mary confirming she had everything as you both stepped outside.
"you wish!" mary snatched the keys from your hands after she'd loaded her bags into the back, the two of you headed off to st georges park so you could drop her off for camp for the euros. 
"wasn't the entire point of this for me to drop you off? why can't i drive i'll be driving home anyway!" you reached for the keys as the taller woman held them easily out of your reach, something which infuriated you to no end. your girlfriend was forever finding it funny to put things away just out of your reach and watch you struggle, giving you no choice but to play right into her ego and have to ask her to get them for you.
"i'm gonna miss you so much baby, but i'll make sure you're well taken care of." mary murmured with a soft smile and your frown melted away. until you realised she was talking to her car and  you punched her in the arm with an annoyed huff only causing her smile to widen, going as far as to cheekily tap you on the bum as you booked it around her to the passenger door.
"acting as if you aren't a self confessed passenger princess baby. now stop frowning or you'll get wrinkles." mary teased, leaning over the console to press a few kisses to your cheek as you rolled your eyes, biting your lip to stop the smile which was fighting hard to consume your face.
"can you text tooney and less for me please? tell them we'll be there in ten." mary asked, slinging an arm across the back of your chair and turning to watch over her shoulder as she reversed out of the driveway, a simple action you found wildly attractive.
moments later after much bickering back and forth and a few games of luggage tetris to fit everything in, you'd picked up the two younger girls and the four of you were headed off toward st georges park. "what are you gonna do without us now? you'll be bored out of your mind." ella grinned, leaning forward and draping her arms around you, poking at your cheeks as you smacked her hands away.
"i'm going to catch up on sleep and every single show and movie i missed out on seeing from spending all my free time babysitting the two of you!" you shot back with a smirk, the blonde and brunette gasping at the accusation as mary let out a loud belt of laughter. 
"babysitting?!" alessia scoffed, crossing her arms stubbornly over her chest. "yes i feel like a mother of two at twenty eight, i will miss my little babies, off to their first home euros!" you cried dramatically, wiping away some fake tears as ella leant forward again and sharply pinched you for the comment.
"ow tooney!" you stretched back and tried to slap her as alessia blocked the shot, the two of them teaming up against you, ella flicking repeatedly at your ear and squeezing your cheeks with mocking words as alessia held your hands in hers, rendering you unable to defend yourself.
"oi cut it out you three, act your ages!" mary yelled sternly over your combined chattering, alessia letting you go as you quickly slapped at her leg with a loud crack and darted back into your seat before she could grab you again, flipping ella off who returned the gesture with a grin.
"i'm the one who babysits!" mary grumbled to herself as you smiled, leaning in to kiss her cheek and murmur how much you loved her in her ear, ella and alessia gagging in the back at your words. 
some sing alongs and genuine goodbyes later you were scooped up into a joint bear hug by the younger girls who admittedly you did look at like your own, the two frequently coming to yourself and mary for advice about everything and anything.
promising you'd see them soon and shooing them off you turned toward your girlfriend who was leant against her car, arms crossed and sunglasses on, patiently awaiting your attention. "i love you." you smiled as you wrapped your arms around her, glancing around to make sure there weren't any cameras on the two of you and craning your neck so your lips met with hers.
the two of you were out to the public, mary having thrown herself at you for many victorious kisses after matches won and you were forever dragged against your will into her tiktoks, but neither of you were overly fussed about having the more intimate moments of your relationship broadcast on a huge public platform like the lionesses social media.
you'd both already said your proper goodbyes last night over a very lovely dinner together, with tears shed between tender kisses and sweet words of affirmation afterwards as you lay wrapped up together in the comfort of your bedroom. 
mary leaving for camp wasn't anything new, and you would be at every single match with her family cheering for her loudly and proudly, so it wasn't really a moment that needed a goodbye, more of a see you soon.
"you're the best in the business baby, don't you dare ever doubt it." your hands landed on the brunettes cheeks, thumbs gently tracing the curve of her lips as she nodded, sweetly kissing the pad of your finger. "how could i with you in my corner forever reminding me? i'd be lost without you." mary smiled, swallowing back the tears which threatened to fall.
the keeper was always overcome with emotions when she thought back to the countless nights you'd spent sat on the floor with her as she'd cried her heart out, yelling about how she was going to quit because she was spent, having thought she'd gave football her all and just not been good enough.
as much as you assured her it wasn't the case she knew she owed you a great debt, she could hardly be the most reasonable or kind person when in that sort of head space, having lashed out and taken her emotions out on you when under pressure more times than she could count. but having known her long before anything turned romantic you knew exactly the response she needed from you each time. you were the anchor of mary's life, forever a steady point to call home she knew would keep her grounded for the rest of her life.
which is exactly the reason she knew she wanted to marry you, heart yearning for nothing more than to be there for you even half as much as you were there for her, she loved you with every fiber of her being and planned to spend the rest of your shared life together making sure you felt it.
"go away before you make me cry, we promised we wouldn't!" you wiped away a stray tear after she'd whispered into your hair how much you meant to her, stealing one last kiss and snatching the keys from her grasp, playfully shoving her taller form away.
"i'll see you at old trafford." you smiled softly, blowing her a kiss and sliding into the drivers seat of her car, flipping her off as she yelled out to drive carefully. knowing her well enough to know she wouldn't move until you'd driven out of sight you wound down the window and revved the car, only doing it again to drown her out as she told you off, winking with a grin at her look of displeasure at your antics.
and true to her word with another i love you and an air kiss, she stood watching until you'd booked it out around the corner of the driveway, disappearing from sight.
"they did it, they really did it." marys mum julie pulled you into a tight hug, whispering in disbelief as the crowd roared, the whistle having sounded to announce englands win over germany.
they'd done it, they'd won the euros.
your girlfriend was a champion of europe and you thought your body might explode with pride, having been on the edge of your seat with every minute passed, the girls putting in the work and the love of your life the unbeatable brick wall you knew she would be.
marys eyes met yours and she beamed, waving her gloved hands at you as you mouthed how much you loved her, signing out MVP with your fingers causing her grin to widen, Leah shoving her and making a few teasing comments in her ear where she watched on beside her.
having been given their medals and lifting the trophy, a few power slides through confetti and crashed interviews later, mary found herself finally alone with her team, dancing around the solitude of the change rooms as her ears rang with the thundering boom of their chants of victory.
slipping her gloves into her bag so she was able to hold her drink a little easier, marys eyes dropped to see the small velvet box tucked into her slides. grabbing it and sitting down on the bench she ran her fingers over your initials she'd had placed atop the box, a million thoughts racing through her head, only snapped back into reality as a hand landed on her shoulder.
"you alright mate?" leah asked, slightly concerned for her friend who seemed to have mentally checked out of their celebrations. "i think its time." mary answered, opening her hand and showing the box clasped tightly in her grasp as leahs eyes widened. "yeah?" the captain squeezed her shoulders tighter as mary nodded, every single shred of doubt disappearing as your face beaming with pride flashed through her mind.
"yeah, its time."
with a nod mary was quick to stand, sprinting out of the change rooms and ignoring her team mates confused calls after her, dodging and weaving through staff and family members who littered the tunnel, sending appreciative smiles to the compliments thrown her way but not stopping.
only as her feet hit the pitch did eventually her eyes find you, sat down on the edge of the barrier beside her brother and laughing at something ella's dad had said, quite close with all of the families of her united team mates.
she heard someone behind her call for her attention but she had other priorities right now as she made a beeline for you, only stopping to hug her family, unable to deny them her attention as her mum wrapped her in a tight hug.
whispering in her ear what she was about to do julie's head snapped back and she looked at her daughter first in shock, then her features softened and her eyes welled up with tears of joy, nodding wordlessly and stepping away, grabbing at mary's father and brother to stop them interrupting.
"mary!" you laughed as your girlfriend was quick to take your hand, uttering a hasty apology to those who had you engaged in conversation and tugging you away, ignoring your protests as she dragged you down the tunnel, only letting go of your hand once she'd pulled you into the kit room.
"okay i love you and i am so so fucking proud of you, but i don't think victory sex in a closet is really-" you started as mary rolled her eyes, cutting you off with a quick kiss and placing a finger to your lips, silencing you.
you opened your mouth to continue once she'd stepped back but your throat dried up and the words died as the keeper got down on one knee, eyes widening you froze, feet rooted in place as mary took a deep breath.
"my love. i cannot even begin to express how much you mean to me, or even imagine how to put into words how much you've changed my life. not only do you make me a better person every single day, but you make me want to be a better person, for you, because you only deserve the best. i wouldn't be here today without you, without you picking me up off the kitchen floor and wiping my tears, assuring me over and over that i wasn't done and that i couldn't give up yet." mary paused and looked up to the roof, swallowing her tears and clearing her throat as your hands moved to your face, covering your mouth in shock.
"you give me purpose and drive and motivation to want to do better, because you believed in me that i could be better and have spent every moment since making sure i know i am better. there isn't a single moment in life when i'm with you that i wish i was anywhere else, every second spent by your side or in your thoughts is a blessing and i promise to never ever take you, your love and your unwavering support for granted. i am far from perfect but as both a friend and a partner you've never expected me to be. you're the grounding point in my life and i know that with you in my corner i'll never need to feel lost again." mary paused again to pull the small velvet box from her sock as you choked back a combined sob and a laugh at the hiding place, wondering how you'd not noticed it before.
"there's so much more i could say about how much i love and adore you and all of the little things that make you you, but if you do me the honour of saying yes then i vow to spend the rest of our lives making sure you feel it. so, will you marry me?" mary finished, stomach knotted tightly with nerves the keeper felt both like she could pass out or throw up at any given time, the adrenaline of her spontaneous decision now starting to wear off as reality set in.
"are you sure you want to ask me today? today should be about you and your achievements, because i know you're fucking brilliant but you deserve a day to yourself and for yourself that commemorates that." you bit down on your lip and mary's heart practically burst out of her chest that of all the concerns you could have right now it was simply that she felt assured and celebrated.
"i've never been more sure of anything. i'll already remember today for the rest of my life and i want nothing more than to share that with you, if you'll let me." mary promised with a firm nod, popping open the box as your eyes somehow widened more at the ring, it was perfect.
"yes." you agreed instantly, mary looking at you both in shock and admiration. "yes?" she asked to confirm and you nodded, practically tackling her onto the ground in a hug. "yes!" you laughed, tears now streaming down both of your faces as your lips met hers, the kiss nothing short of euphoric as with shaky hands mary slid the ring onto your finger.
"oh my god mary!" you scrambled to grip onto the back of her jersey as she practically threw you over her shoulder, barreling out of the kit room and charging into the change rooms, leah cutting off the music as soon as she spotted her.
"SHE SAID YES!" mary boomed with a cheer, her team mates swarming the two of you as you held up your hand, eyes still welling up with tears as congratulations poured down on you. "oh god thats lovely, what good taste in rings you've got mary!" rachel teased as millie grabbed your face, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"is this why you were making me try your rings on!?" you smacked at alessias shoulder with a laugh as mary finally let you down, pulled to the floor and dog piled on by half her team as the younger blonde yanked you into a very tight hug.
"yeah tooney and i really didn't think that would work but you didn't question it." alessia grinned and you didn't have a moment to respond before a body barreled into you, ella taking you down to the ground in a tight hug as mary was quick to push her team mates off, checking if you were okay and breathing a small sigh of relief when you let out a laugh and shoved her off you.
after many more congratulations you left the team to continue to celebrate their win not wanting to take away from a moment they had well and truly earned. stepping around the back to the bathrooms where no one was, pausing for a moment and sinking down against the wall, eyes scrunched tightly closed.
taking a deep breath you looked down to the ring on your hand, covering your mouth again in shock as you let out a strangled sound which was half laugh half sob, your now fiance rounding the corner in a desperate search to find you.
"there you are, thought you got cold feet and ran off." she teased, dropping down beside you and grabbing your ring clad hand, pressing a gentle kiss to the warm skin as you swooned. "it's no boom box on a lawn mower in the rain like a john huges film, but i promise i'll spend the rest of my life loving you like you deserve." mary whispered in promise and you nodded firmly, too choked up to get your words out.
and true to her word, she did exactly that.
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monodreamin · 7 months
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Rated: M (18+)
Genre: smut, fluff, one shot
Synopsis: after a bad break up you meet a handsome man in a dog park.  
Warnings: one ass smack, protected sex, cute nicknames and penetrative sex. 
Words: 3,049
Author’s note: I wanted to write something more soft and with autumn vibes. I just haven’t written in so long and wanted to put this out before winter. I mean it hasn’t snowed for me yet so I don't count it as winter yet lmao.
It was a cold crisp early autumn morning and you were walking your dog Jax, a Shiba Inu breed. Your ex boyfriend got you while on a trip to Japan. Your ex boyfriend left you with the dog he was yours anyway. The break up was a nasty one with your ex boyfriend. Ever made time with you he was either busy with work or hanging out with his loser friends you disliked so much.
Things weren’t always like this you once both loved each other very much after dating for 2 years decided to love in and build a life together you always wanted a dog so on a business trip to Japan your boyfriend got you Jax for your birthday you cried holding the small puppy in your arms the best birthday gift ever. 
Let’s be real, you felt like shit your boyfriend came over last night to pick up his stuff. He was moving in with his best friend, the one you hated because he was so far up your boyfriend’s ass honestly he should have dated him instead. 
When you and your ex boyfriend would get into heated fights  and he was anywhere nearby he was always picking a side and it was always his best friends of course even when he couldn’t be anymore wrong that was the bro code shit these men spoke of because it just didn’t make any sense to you. 
You were holding Jax's red leash as you entered the dog park. You could hear the fall leaves underneath your shoes crunch as you walked on the leaves that have fallen from the trees. 
You had a hand holding a hot coffee while the other held your dog’s leash tightly when suddenly a small black dog a mini pinscher breed it  jumped on top of your dog and it scared you a bit not knowing if they were playing or not you were paying to much attention to the two dogs in front of you that your hot coffee spilled all over your jeans. 
“FUCK” you yelled out feeling the coffeee seep through your pants burning your thigh. “I’m so sorry, is everything ok?” You heard a deep Aussie accent and as you looked up you saw the most beautiful man you ever came across. 
“Let me help you, I'm so sorry about that.” He rushed over with a stack of napkins handing them to you. You pressed the napkins to your thigh on the wet spot but your eyes never left his. 
“Lori come here” he lifted the dog up in his arms. Something about a man with a dog since your ex boyfriend wasn’t a dog person he just got you the dog because he thought it would keep you company and leave him be with his friends. 
“It’s ok I just got burned a bit by the coffee but I’ll be ok.” He opened his mouth in a gasp. 
“That is not ok let me make it up to you  I’ll get you a coffee. I’ll also get Lori here a new leash here since hers snapped. 
You watched the man be all lovey woth hos dog and it warned your heart instantly. “I can come with you if you don’t mind Jax here needs a new bowl.”
“Really? Well then let’s head over there now if you don’t mind” 
“So I know your dog’s name Lori and you know my dog Jax bit that is your name? My name is YN by the way.”
“My name is Christian I usually don’t let my dog loose I’m a responsible pet owner I promise but her leash unexpectedly broke and well she’s a playful dog and so when she saw the only other dog at the dog park she got a bit excited.”
“I see that it’s ok really.” You self consciously put a strand of your hair over your ear. 
“Well I’m a bit glad things happened the way they did I mean minus the hot coffee spilling on you.”
“So to the pet store then to the cafe to get my coffee? You owe me.” You joked.
“I’m a man of my word YN.” The both of you walked out the dog park making your way to the pet store. 
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Christian looked through the dog leashes and decided on a black one you could see him testing out its strength. 
“I’m sure you’re good with that one.” You teased walking toward another aisle full of all types of pet bowls they had: stainless steel, ceramic, plastic, double bowls, elevated dog bowls the list went on and on.  
“Having a hard time picking one?” It was now Christian’s turn to tease you. 
“Well it’s much harder than picking from leashes I’ll tell you that.” 
“Ppft I digress.” Christian picked up a stainless steel double bowl and walked to the counter. 
You followed behind him “you needed a bowl too?”
“No, since I saw you having a difficult time I picked one.”
“That was nice of you thanks.” 
You both walk out and this time Lori is on her leash. Christian is still holding the brown paper bag with the bowl in it. 
“So the next stop is the cafe?” 
“Yes the cafe it is but let’s do outdoor seating since we have the dogs with us.”
“I mean that makes a lot of sense to me.” Christian smiles. 
The both of you walk two blocks down from the pet store and there is the cafe.
“Two… or should I say an outdoor table for four since we have our furry friends.” Christian says and we are seated by an older woman outside. 
“Are you ready to order?” The cute older lady says. 
“One iced americano and….” He looks at you for your order. 
“Hot coffee light and sweet three sugars please.” 
“Ok and I’ll bring some treats for the furry friends too.” The lady leaves. 
“She’s nice.” You say. 
“I feel like dog people are usually nice people.” Christian looks under the table at the two dogs who are lying peacefully on the ground. 
“I think we tired them out today.” Christians head pops back up from underneath the table. 
“I mean we walked everywhere maybe that’s why.”
“So tell me about yourself, where do you work? Do you have a boyfriend?” 
“ I work in marketing and no I don't. I had one but not anymore. You?” 
“ I work in the arts so painting and sculptures mostly. I don’t have a girlfriend I haven’t in a year.” 
“Oh that sounds so cool and why not? You’re very good looking and with that accent I’m sure you have no problems.” 
 Christian laughs when the older lady returns this time with a tray and two drinks she places the drinks on the table and gives the dogs treats. 
“Enjoy the drinks, anything else I can get you?” 
“No, we're done for now thank you so much .” You say. You both are sipping from your hot drinks. 
“When you truly love someone and have your heart broken it takes time to heal.” Christian continues the conversation. 
“I get it well I just got out of a serious relationship “
The both of you continue to talk about life and other things. You looked at your phone and you have been at the cafe for an hour now. 
“I should get going now, you know shower from the coffee that spilled on me earlier.”
“Let’s exchange phone numbers.” So the both of you did and you were on your way “I’ll walk you home if you don’t mind” Christian still held on to the paper bag he was such a gentleman. 
You and Christian walk along with your dogs. “Ok well this is me right here thank you for walking with me.” You say as you stand in front of your apartment building. 
“Let’s stay in touch.” He simply says and with that Lori  leads the way. You watch him for a bit then head upstairs to your apartment with Jax. 
When you reach your apartment you use the key to open your door to your surprise you see your ex boyfriend on the couch. 
“What are you doing here?” You were highly annoyed by his presence. 
“I got the last of my stuff and to return the key.” 
“Ok well thanks I won’t live here long anyway.” 
“Why not? And where were you?” Why did he care about you and what you were doing? He just needed to be on his way. 
Jax stood in front of you very protectively. 
“What does it matter to you? We aren’t even dating anymore.” 
“Are you seeing someone else?”
“You have no right to ask me that it’s none of your business.” You raised your voice and Jax started to bark at him. 
How dare this man be back at your apartment without a heads up and he had the nerve to be jealous when you broke up with him 2 weeks ago. 
“If you aren’t seeing someone it would be a simple question to answer but you can’t because you’re with someone else already I know it just tell me.” 
“You are sick and twisted, you know that? It is none of your concern what I do, who I say or who I don’t see now, get out of my apartment right now.” 
Jax barks got louder and your ex boyfriend got up from the couch throwing the key over your head. What a dick and he just reassured you that breaking up with him was the right thing to do. You wouldn’t ever go back to that. 
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A month has passed since your break with your ex boyfriend and you had been texting Christian daily. It was cute flirty texts and getting to know each other better. Mostly you haven’t seen each other since the cafe date your break up felt so fresh you couldn’t move on just yet. 
You have been looking for new apartments because you thought moving from this old space you shared with your ex boyfriend would help in the moving on process. You reached out to a few realtors on some properties and waited for them to contact you for a viewing. 
You were getting ready for bed when Christian texted you again. You smiled as you read his text. He couldn't wait to see you tomorrow you replied and put your phone on the nightstand smiling to yourself you couldn’t wait to spend time with him again soon. 
You went to sleep and were awakened in the morning by your alarm clock. You hit the stop button getting up from your bed and you start to get ready for work where you will be counting down the minutes for when you’ll see Christian again. The day hasn’t even begun and you knew you would be dreading it. 
You finished your work for the day but acted as if you were busy with someone before you were given an extra task you didn’t want not today you had plans and you were excited for those plans you kept looking at the time hoping it would pass faster. 
It was 5:30 PM and you were clocking out. You had to rush to the train to get home to shower and get dressed for your… well not date you didn’t know what it was you and Christian haven’t discussed that yet and you both were just enjoying each other's company. Sometimes you would make out but before it got too intense, always stop yourself. You weren’t fully healed from your breakup and it didn’t feel right to have sex with another man in the apartment you once shared. 
Lucky you the train pulled up on the platform as soon as you finished climbing the stairs. You got on the train and saw a seat so you sat down. Today was your lucky day. Indeed, you checked your phone to see Christian had sent you a photo of him at his art studio. The man was gorgeous. He was so focused on his sculpture donning black frames to get a better look of his work. 
You almost missed your stop because you were  too enthralled with the photo. You grabbed your purse and rushed out before the doors could close. You had 3 blocks to walk before you were home to get ready and you were speed walking. You had a lot to do and you didn’t want to keep him waiting. You reach your building and let out a sigh of relief time to get pretty, you thought to yourself. You laid your clothes on the bed and stepped in the shower. You knew exactly what makeup and hair style you wanted. You got out the shower in your towel and started to prepare for… whatever this is. 
You took one last look at yourself in the mirror making sure everything was looking right then headed quickly out the door. You met up with Christian at the bowling alley and then after had sushi for dinner. You weren’t talkative and Christian seem to pick up on it. 
“Is everything alright?” He asked, popping some sushi into his mouth. 
“I’m sorry I’m so quiet, I'm just in my mind too much.”
“We’ll talk to me, what's on your mind right now darling?” 
Your heart thumped harder at the nickname. 
“Well…” you blushed, picking at your California roll with the chopsticks.
“Are you not into the date?”
There it goes he said it a date this is a date all your worries and headache went away with one simple word date you smiled 
“No, I love it and thanks for the date.” You drank the rest of the sake and started to eat and become more engaged with Christian now that he put your worries at ease. 
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The date was done and you both had a great time and decided to head back to your place. Jax eagerly greeted Christian since they have become very much acquainted. 
“Hey Jax, did you miss Y/N? I’m sorry I kept her from you but she’s here now.” 
Jax jumped on your lap and you started to scratch his head. The both of you sat on the couch talking and taking turns petting Jax.  After a while Jax was asleep and you put him on the couch next to you. 
“I bet Lori misses you too.”
“My mom is taking care of her now.”
“Really why?”
“I’m leaving this weekend I have an art show. I was wondering if you would like to attend with me?”
“Of course I’m sure my mom won’t mind dog sitting for me.”
Christian leaned over kissing you unexpectedly but you reacted by kissing him back. The both of you were all each other on the sofa. 
“Let’s take this to my bedroom.” You said leading the way. The both of you went straight to the bed clothes were being removed and thrown on the floor. 
The both of you were naked and you laid in the middle of the bed Christian’s hands caressing your body. Something caught Christian’s eyes on your nightstand and you quickly knew what it was your vibrator that you had used earlier in the day you forgot to put it away. 
“Oh babe I see you were having fun without me.” He grabbed the vibrator turning it on. 
“I think I’ll have more fun with you now.”  You spread your legs giving him access to you. Christian smirked as he pressed the vibrator over your clit. 
“Is that ok?” He moved the vibrator in a circular motion. 
“Put it higher.” You bit your lip watching him work the vibrator on you. 
“I think you need more than a vibrator.” He said and you looked down at him and saw his erected cock. 
“You’re right about that I’m tired of my hands and vibrator.” 
“Well I can be of some assistance to you.” Christian got his pants from the floor and went in his pants pockets pulling out a condom. 
“I know you can.” You watched as he put the condom on then picked up the vibrator again placing it back on your clit this time with higher speed. 
You moaned at the high speed vibrating perfectly against your clit. Soon after Christian entered you slowly as he kept the vibrator pressed against you , the sensation of him in you stretching his walls and the vibrator would have you cumming in no time. 
“That feels so good Christian oh my God.” You threw your head back moaning louder. Christian picked up the pace, his hips slamming against yours as he put the vibrator on the highest speed. 
Your body felt like an explosion of sensation, a wave of relaxation and peace taking over your entire body shortly after. You couldn’t believe how quickly you orgasmed . I mean he was hot and extremely talented in bed. You have been deprived by a man for so long your body responded quickly to his. 
“Darling I know you didn’t cum that quick did you?” A very cocky grin played on his lips. 
“I’m I’m I’m so sorry I…. I…” you sounded like a broken toy repeated itself. 
“Oh no it’s ok I’m not done with you just yet babe. Now lay face down for me.” You did as you were told and he smacked your ass. Your legs were straight and hips slightly raised off the bed. Christian entered you from behind. He felt bigger than before in this position. 
Christian stroked deeper in you as he nibbled on your ear then softly bit your shoulder and proceeded to your neck. 
The passion filled through your veins as his pace quickened. Your pussy pulsating in his cock adding even more pleasure you both were close to reaching your high. 
“Fuck I need to get on the pill again so you can fuck me raw.” You looked back at him as you both reached your climax and he pulled the condom out tying it up and threw it in the trash can. 
“Well luckily you are my girlfriend now and  we have a lot more time to do more of that on our trip.”  He grabbed your face kissing your lips and you both cuddled on the bed. 
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yearning-for-autumn · 5 months
Eris x gn reader pure fluff and comfort for an insecure reader sfw nothing explicit
Don't Worry Darling
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Word Count: 1,016
Pairing: Eris x gn!Reader
Warnings: Feelings of low self-worth
Summary: After a bad day at work you fall into your usual pattern of questioning your worth. Eris makes sure you know how much he loves you.
A/N: Thank you for the request! I was feeling a bit rubbish after losing my first draft of this, but somehow it got finished!
You glanced at the clock, only fifteen minutes until you could escape home. Your co-worker seemed oblivious to your sullen mood and wittered on about her weekend plans whilst you counted the minutes until closing time. Usually, you loved working at the little bookshop. It was tucked away in the heart of the Autumn Court’s main city, and enjoyed by Fae from all walks of life. You were an avid reader, and generally didn’t mind talking to the customers.
Except today.
It had been a throwaway comment, something spewed in frustration and not really meant to be rude though not meant to be polite either. But it had stuck with you. They had come in early, asking for a particular book you thought you had; a beautiful leather bound tome with gilded edges. You had seen it this morning in the stock room, and you told the customer as such. But when you went looking for it, it was gone. You approached your manager, asking if you still had it.
“No, we sold that first thing today.” She said, and you groaned, “But we can always order another copy in.”
This is the message you relaid to the customer, an older High Fae Male with clothes that reeked of money, he rolled his eyes.
“Well you told me you had it out the back. Are you really so incompetent at your job that you don’t know what you have in stock? Don’t bother ordering it, I will be sure to let your manager know that you have lost my custom today.” With that he turned on his heel and strode out the door, leaving the doorbell jingling miserably in his wake.
This was the start of a terrible day for you. You lost your favourite coffee cup somewhere in the cavernous break room, stacked a whole box of new stock on the wrong shelf, and had to miss your lunch break due to a co-worker being off sick. By the end of it all you were totally drained.
Your co-worker was still chatting away when the doorbell rang and she gasped, but you were still running on autopilot.
“Sorry, we’re just closing up, please come again tomorrow.” You said without looking up.
“I’m sure you can make an exception for me, can’t you?” Came the smooth, self-assured voice of your mate. Eris Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court.
You fought the urge to run into his arms and sob with sheer relief. Your co-worker tittered and you barely suppressed an eye-roll. It had been years since the two of you were mated, and he frequently visited you at work when he had the time. Then again, was it so surprising that people couldn’t believe you were together? Who were you compared to him? His smirk dropped when he saw your exhausted expression and he opened his arms for you.
You stepped forward and let him pull you in close.
“Rough day?” He asked, kissing the top of your head. You just nodded against his chest, breathing in his smoky scent. He held you a moment, letting you soak in his warmth, then released you and gathered your things. With a polite smile to your co-worker he winnowed you both home to the Forest House.
Once in your room, you slumped into your armchair. It was your favourite spot in the palace. Next to a large window, it overlooked the golden forests of Autumn that the room in an orange afternoon glow. Eris came to stand at your side, carding his fingers along your scalp.
“Tell me about today.” He said, his words gently demanding. You told him everything as he continued his massage down your neck and shoulders.
“I’ll make you a tea.” He said once you were finished, kissing the spot underneath your ear. You sighed as he left.
The mirror that angled towards the bed mocked you as you took in your tired form, draped in your chair in a way unbecoming of a High Lords mate. Incompetent. That’s what he had said. Incompetent at your job. You had it easy. What was bookselling to running a court? And you couldn’t even manage that. Even now, High Fae and Lesser Fae alike queued for even an audience with Eris at balls and parties, why would he ever have chosen you?
“But I did choose you.” Eris re-appeared in the doorway, tea in hand and expression pained. You realised your innermost thoughts had been pushed directly down the bond. Eris put the tea down and held out his hands, pulling you up from the chair and placing his hands protectively on the small of your back.
“And I will always choose you. You are capable, and smart, and brilliant.” He smiled, and kissed you softly, “You mean everything to me. Sometimes I wonder why the Mother gave me such a sweet mate when I have been so terrible.”
You frowned, and your arms pulled him tighter against you.
“You’re perfect.” You state and he pulls a face. You growl. “No. You are.”
A smirk graces his features and you realise, a bit belatedly, that you have been played at your own game. You huff and bury your face in his shoulder as he laughs at your dawning realisation.
“Tomorrow I’m taking the day off, and so are you. We’re going to spend the day together doing whatever you want.”
“I can’t I—” You start to protest but he silences you with a kiss. You roll your eyes.
“Come to bed, my love.” He says with a self-satisfied smile and you are helpless to stop it as he picks you up and deposits you onto the plush bedding. You wriggle into the soft sheets despite still being in your work clothes and it being well before night time. He shuffles in behind you and you melt into the warmth of his embrace. His breathing is even and rhythmic against your neck and your eyelids droop.
“I love you.” He murmurs against your neck, the last thing you hear before drifting off, dreaming of Eris.
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