#lexi rambles for a bit
pikachugirltits · 6 months
You know, I joke a lot about Ranma 1/2 cracking my egg, but I do want to say that it only really started the process and the numerous TGTF webcomics I read back in the day did a lot to continue it. The Wotch, El Goonish Shive, Abstract Gender, Misfile, Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki...I was obsessed with all of these as a young teen and just constantly fantasized about being turned into a girl...
Still took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize most guys don't fantasize about that.
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lex-n-weegie · 11 months
I'm just feeling nostalgic about a couple of Nintendo selfships today(romo, QP, and platonic)
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bubblegum-bridget · 4 months
When I first started fronting, everything was new and exciting. I felt unstoppable, barely touched by our ADHD because everything seemed interesting.
And I kind of miss it. It felt so good just being.
But... there's also something said for how mundane fronting has become. How well our system works together, and how lucky we got that switching seems easy for us. I work our job, 9-6 everyday. It's so...normal.
Lexi is still struggling a bit with adjusting to this at times, but...for us? We couldn't ask for a better host/core. I get to just be...I get to be bored and frustrated and annoyed with stuff because it's all just so regular now.
Like, I really feel like a person and not just a fragment of a person like this. I think it was a thing I was worried about at first, if I could really become my own person. But honestly...I never wasn't. And I'm so grateful for that.
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aberooski · 2 years
Okay I don't plan on writing the Mario crossover idea until the Cinderella au is done, but hear me out.
The Toads keep mistaking Chazz for a prince because his last name is Princeton which has the word "prince" in it and they don't really understand the concept of surnames 😭
Literally Mario and Luigi's last name is just Mario like those little guys haven't heard legit surnames before 😭
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ivarismaybecrazy · 1 year
I randomly remembered today that Ver watched the Miraculous movie, so here's Xsolei and what miraculous they would hold!
Ver - Ladybug Miraculous.He's responsible enough to hold the power of creation, he is the class president after all.
Doppio - Cat Miraculous. He punched a car, I think he's pretty familiar with destruction. He's also very caring so I can see him treasuring things he loves even more, now that he has the power to destroy it all.
Hex - Bunny Miraculous. Hex gives the mysterious vibes and I think he could handle the power of time. (This is also a polite request for artists to draw him in a Bunny Miraculous suit)
Kotoka - Fox Miraculous. Koto is playful and her canon power is shapeshifting. Illusions aren't too far from that. Also kotoka is definitely a trickster, so foxes fit her.
Meloco - Peacock miraculous. I'm not saying she'd be a villain, but I definitely feel Meloco would create a few Sentimonsters in order to complete the mission.
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lexinympho · 2 years
I simultaneously feel like I got things done today but didn't.
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ellecdc · 1 month
Lexy!!! I've literally just thought of this so it might be awful, but I love the jegulus you've written and I think in most scenarios I see reader falling for James first because he's the more outgoing, ask-for-what-you-want type, but what if she first met regulus as a cat animagus? And she gets really attached to him, and he get really attached to her sweet-talking him all the time, and when eventually she gets to know him and James in-person he's just already so much more comfortable with her than he is with most people? Idk this could be a request if you like (but no pressure!) or just a ramble but I'd love your thoughts on it either way (again, if you feel like it!! no worries if not my love <3). Hope you're having a day as lovely as you are!
I don't write nearly enough for these two so I was more than happy to play around with this!! I think it also stems from Regulus being the type to (rather reluctantly) accept love than to pursue love, but after spending any amount of time with James, I could totally see him feeling capable of accepting it and perhaps giving it away too! so this was fun, thanks for the prompt, my love!!!!!
poly!jegulus x shy!reader who makes a little friend [2k words]
CW: fem!reader, reader is shy....I think that's it, OH reader thinks maybe people are making fun of her at one point but they're not so it's chill
Where James was all bravery (and a ceaseless amount of emphatic assertiveness), Regulus was cunning through and through. 
Was Regulus’ approach perhaps a bit understated? Sure. But was it also effective? Well, he certainly thought so. 
People like you required a softer approach; an approach James wasn’t well-practised in (nor well suited for). Someone as shy as you could handle James’ loud proclamations and brazen flirting even less than Regulus had.
Besides…they didn’t really have time for James’ approach, because if it took Regulus himself three years to come around to James’ advancements, well…they didn’t have three years. 
So, Regulus spent time with you the only way he knew he could that wouldn’t cause your shoulders to migrate to your ears or cause you to avoid eye contact with anyone within a 12 foot radius of yourself. As a cat.
As a very sleek and refined black cat with piercing grey eyes; what? Regulus wasn’t afraid to admit he was a particularly attractive little feline.
And you certainly didn’t seem to disagree.
“Oh there you are, sweetness!” You exclaimed as he trotted his way over to you; a little brrp escaping his mouth at the endearment rolling off your tongue so easily at the sight of him. “I was wondering when I’d see you again.”
Regulus spent some time rubbing along your shin and hip that he could reach thanks to the way you were currently seated with your back against an old oak tree. 
“Well aren’t you just so handsome, hm?” You cooed, and Regulus felt his heart thrum (or perhaps that was just the sensation of the dramatic purrs you were eliciting from his animagus form).
Regulus somehow found it far easier to give affection in this form; there was something far more vulnerable in offering Sirius a sincere hug, or even asking James to hold his hand than there was in stepping up onto your thigh with his little paws as he used his head to rub against your shoulder. 
That, and his feline form didn’t seem to get so caught up on such human feelings like vulnerability or abandonment issues.
“Such a sweet boy.” You murmured, rewarding him with chin scratches. “Where do you go after you say bye to me? Hm?” You asked him then, and Regulus actually found himself desperate to tell you. Desperate to say “I’m right here! I’m always here! I’m just usually accompanied by a great bumbling sod who is just as crazy about you as I am but is far less gracious about it!”
Regulus wondered then when he became the sort to admit to holding a flame for someone? Agreeing to go out with James had been a sort of relenting “oh shit, yeah, fuck, I’m sort of in love and wildly sexually attracted to my brother’s best friend, aren’t I? Damnit, well, alright then I guess.” 
But falling for you had been an active choice on Regulus’ part; he’d set up the playing field with strategic manoeuvres and expertly playing the hand he was dealt. He manipulated moments where he would get the chance to spend time with the unbridled you; the version of you perhaps only those closest to you ever got to see, and perhaps not even then.
The you that you were when you didn’t feel the need to perform for others. The you that you were when you were completely free to be yourself.
He hoped that the comfort and ease you found in his company like this would one day translate to comfort and ease in his company whilst in his human form, too.
It was official; Regulus had officially lost the plot. He’d become a lovesick fool and a complete sap planning moments for the two of you to meet and dreaming of the day he could tell you just how he felt.
He’d been spending too much time around Gryffindors, it was time to see a mind healer. 
You had been resting with your head back and face pointed towards the sky above you that was partially obstructed by the canopy of branches and leaves above you before you took a deep and definitive breath in. 
“It’s almost time for class, kitty.” You murmured softly, looking down at Regulus with a look of adoration and perhaps some regret that you had to leave his company. 
That’s sort of how Regulus imagined he and James looked every time you left the room, not that you’d ever noticed. 
But before Regulus could be particularly perturbed by that thought, you actually bent down and pressed a kiss to the space between Regulus’ ears. 
And with a grace and assuredness Regulus not often saw on you, you stood and headed towards the castle for your next class.
“Oh my Godric, she kissed you!” James squealed as he removed the invisibility cloak from his person.
Regulus let out a startled hiss and felt his tail poof up in an attempt to make him look far more intrepid than he actually was. 
“Awe, you’re so cute when you think you’re scary.” James cooed as he reached down to give Regulus a scritch only to be swatted away rather aggressively by his boyfriend.
“Regulus!” James chided as he held his hand protectively against his chest. “That was very rude.”
“There were no claws, you tosser.” Regulus muttered as he returned to his human form. “What were you even doing out here?”
James shrugged in nonchalance as he tilted his head up to the sky in much the same way you had but moments ago. “I was bored so checked the map to see where you were, and then saw you were here and wanted to see the magic in action.” 
“You’re so lucky you didn’t sneeze and blow the whole thing.” Regulus spat, though James was either ignorant to his boyfriends grumblings or choosing to ignore them.
“She’s so lovely, isn’t she?” 
Regulus hummed in agreement, ire quickly melting away as he looked longingly (like the lovesick sod he was) in the way you’d left.
As he moved to lean back against the tree beside James, his hand came into contact with something distinctly unnatural. 
“Oh?” He murmured as he pulled an open journal out from under him, the page currently resting on a beautiful sketch of…him?
“Merlin’s tits. Did she draw you?” James breathed out in disbelief as he pulled the journal closer to him.
“Don’t be ridiculous James.” Regulus chided as he tried to ignore the quickening of his heart. “That could be any cat.”
James hummed in clear disagreement as he adjusted his glasses. “‘I wish I could paint; there’s no way I can portray the beautiful grey of this cat's eyes’” He read from a small patch of scrawl beside the image with a little arrow pointing towards him.
“I think I just found our in, Jamie.” Regulus murmured quietly before looking at James with an arched eyebrow.
Yup, he’d definitely been spending too much time in the company of Gryffindors. 
You were fanning the tip of your quill against your lips as you stared off into space again. You couldn’t believe you lost your sketchbook. It wasn’t like you’d been drawing anything particularly crude or inappropriate, but somehow the thought of someone actually looking inside the little world you’d been building had you feeling naked. 
“Is this seat taken?” You heard from above you, causing you to straighten up so quickly that your knee met the bottom of the table with a painful thunk. 
It was Regulus who had asked the question, but it was James who asked “Shit, are you okay, love?”
“Sorry. No.” You mumbled quickly, face heating up to near painful temperatures. “Erm, I mean, no, that seat’s not taken, and sorry, I’m okay.” 
“You don’t have to apologise to me, angel, the victim was that poor knee of yours.” He continued as he took one of the two seats across from you, his furrowed brows pointed resolutely at the span of table you’d accosted moments ago. 
“What is it that you’re working on?” Regulus asked you then, nodding his head towards the blank parchment in front of you and the quill that had spent just about more time in your mouth than it had on paper. 
You felt your shoulders shrug nervously as you stared resolutely at the blank expanse before you. 
“Not much, it seems.” You admitted quietly. “I, erm, I’ve lost something recently.”
“Your sketchbook.” James and Regulus chorused, and you winced at the whiplash you nearly gave yourself in moving your gaze to them. 
“I…yes, my- how did you know I’ve lost it?”
Regulus shrugged calmly as he looked down at the table in front of you. “It’s odd seeing you without it, quite frankly.”
You hardly had a moment to feel horribly uncomfortable to realise that Regulus Black and James Potter had ever noticed anything about you before - let alone something that, for whatever, reason felt particularly sacred and personal to you - before Regulus pulled out your sketchbook from his bag. 
“You…had it?” You whispered, feeling disturbingly close to tears imagining this to be one of the Marauders pranks where they spent one evening flipping through the pages for a laugh.
“You forgot it…down by the oak tree on the grounds.” Regulus offered quietly as he carefully slid the closed book towards you. 
“We didn’t take it.” James added as if sensing your concern. 
“Did you look at it?” You asked quietly then; staring down at your long lost book now gripped tightly in your hand rather than at the two boys.
“Just one page.” James admitted as he shifted in his seat. “It was opened to that page when we found it.”
“I hope you don’t mind,” Regulus began, “but I may have added something to the page we found it on.” 
You looked up at him expecting to see some devious or malicious smile gracing his face, but you were only met with a look far softer than you ever imagined possible on the young Black’s face. It looked…dare you say, hopeful? 
You looked back down at the sketchbook to see a little tab sticking out about ¾’s of the way through and opened it carefully.
The parchment crinkled and groaned as you opened the book; protesting as if it had been subjected to water or rain only to be completely dehydrated again. 
And inside, the sketch of the little feline companion you’d come to love had been transformed into a beautiful water painting, the tail charmed to swish back and forth every so often as its - now the perfect shade of grey - eyes blinked at you. 
“I thought the sketch to be beautiful, but you wanted it painted and I wanted to do that for you.” He admitted quietly; voice no higher than a whisper. 
“You got the eyes just right.” You murmured in awe before your eyes flit up to…a matching pair. “They’re your eyes.” You amended disbelievingly. 
Regulus simply smirked, though even that appeared soft.
You looked back and forth between the two boys, neither seeming to know quite what to say, but neither seeming particularly inclined to leave your company. 
You realised then that they’d been with you like this - in your company, that is - before.
You looked down at your sketchbook and began flipping through the pages before stopping at the one you were looking for and handing it to James. 
James accepted your book and held it as if it was something precious as he smiled down at the page.
It was a sketch of him laying on his back across one of the benches in the quidditch stands as he casually threw and caught a snitch - the snitch and his arm charmed to move. You hoped that wasn’t too creepy - having a drawing of him in your personal book - but you had been up there first before his friends came to hang around, and they hadn’t seemed particularly bothered by your company at the time.
“You’re very talented.” He said simply, and you felt your shoulders relax from the worry of him being uncomfortable. 
“Think you can paint that one, too?” You asked Regulus quietly, and you felt your heart stutter slightly when his face lit up into a beaming smile. 
“It’d be my honour, beautiful.” 
Oh gods…what did you just get yourself into?
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tellmegoodbye · 30 days
A not-so-brief analysis of Carlos and Gabriel's relationship and Carlos' decision to join the Texas Rangers.
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We know Carlos is going to join the Rangers, and we also know that season 5 is going to dive into the emotional significance of this choice. This article touches on that, but I wanted to do a bit more of an in-depth analysis of this choice for Carlos and how it relates to his relationship with Gabriel.
Thank you @herefortarlos for reading this over for me and making sure my rambling was at least somewhat coherent!
First, let's take a look at how Carlos feels about other roles, and whether or not they would be something that he would want.
When Carlos was first offered the opportunity to take the detective's exam, he didn't immediately say no. In fact, his face lit up at the idea. It's something that caters to a specific ability that he has, and it's clearly something he considers before eventually deciding against it. Is it an easy decision? No. That much is obvious in the way he tells Grace that he's not a detective in 3x11.
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Clearly, he wants to be the person who solves the cases. He wants to have more of an impact than simply just being there for someone's worst moments. He wants to do more to make these moments easier. He wants to find answers and provide closure, and doing so gives him the kind of purpose that he's been looking for. We can see that when he's praised by Detective Washington and Athena. We see that when he brings Katie back to her parents and when he helps Grace seek justice for Lexi.
Still, he turns down the idea of becoming a detective. He's nonchalant in his explanation to Detective Washington. He tells her it's because he wants to be in the moment, stopping problems before they start. And this is true! Carlos is someone who craves control. He would rather be the person who stops the abusive partner from hurting his girlfriend in 2x05, who saves the girl trapped in her food truck in 2x02, instead of the person who has to go inform the families of their deaths. He can't be a comforting presence in those scenarios.
Slowly, I think Carlos begins to see that he can make an impact in many different ways. That there's still value in picking up the pieces after damage has been done, because the lives of everyone involved do not stop after a trauma. Now, Carlos not only sees the value in this, but he also learns that he is someone who has a talent and a drive for it. He has a desire to make things right in any way that he can. However, as much as he clearly loves the idea of allowing himself to thrive in his career, to be the person who solves the case and brings peace and closure to people, he still can't get past the powerlessness he'll feel when he comes across a case that he can't solve, or a problem that he can't fix in time.
A lot of these reservations could definitely translate to the Rangers, but there's something deeper there than what he was able to express at the time. Something that made him have a very immediate, negative reaction, as opposed to remaining a patrol officer or becoming a detective.
Part of it is exactly what he expressed, but history is not the only factor at play here. It's not what sets this role apart from the others. Part of it is his freedom within his role, the ability to be proactive, instead of reactive, but another major factor that he's probably somewhat aware of, but just couldn't express in front of Gabriel, is that the main difference when it comes to the Rangers is that he would be working with his dad. I'm not positive of how the hierarchy works but even if he wasn't officially working under Gabriel, he would still be a hovering presence. Having Gabriel within his vicinity feels like a loss of freedom for Carlos in its own way.
It's not just about working with Gabriel either. It's about what Gabriel represents to Carlos. He trusts his judgement, this is evident in the way Carlos tries to calm TK down in 2x12. He knows Gabriel will do his due diligence and that he won't settle for the easy answers, which lied with Owen as a suspect at the time. Carlos knows his dad does his job well, but he doesn't see him as someone who actively strives towards something better. He saw mostly indifference throughout his childhood, and this significantly impacted his perception of Gabriel.
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We know a slightly different view of Gabriel from Andrea. She saw all of the parts of him that he tried to hide from the rest of the world. She's the one he shared his innermost feelings with. Andrea knows, and tells us, that Gabriel cared a lot about leaving things better off than they were when he got there. But that picture causes dissonance for Carlos when for most of his life, he knew the version of Gabriel who struggled with his coming out. Who wasn't able to take the steps to reassure him. Who never learned to have conversations about his feelings instead of shutting them down. In his job, Gabriel wanted to change the cycle, but at home, he couldn't. The cycle of repressed feelings continued through Carlos, and it left him with a lot of trauma.
Carlos has gotten to a point where he has confidence in himself. He feels comfortable standing on his own two feet and making tough decisions on the job, but when Gabriel is around, it's a different story. I doubt he would have been able to make the decisions he did in Bad Call if Gabriel had been there from the start. He knew he could trust his instincts, but when Gabriel came in to question him, Carlos began to question himself. All of that self-doubt that came with years of wanting to be good enough for his father came bubbling up to the surface.
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Looking back on how much tension came from working with Gabriel then, Carlos doesn't want to go back there. He doesn't want to feel like that again when he and Gabriel have spent all this time mending their relationship. He doesn't want to comprise everything that he wants to be in favor of working under Gabriel's expectations.
Now, let's take a look at the complexities of Carlos and Gabriel's relationship. We know his role with the Rangers contributed significantly to how Carlos viewed the job as a whole, but this story isn't just about a job. Their careers are only a vehicle for them to better understand themselves and their relationship.
We know they started the reconciliation process after this episode, but it seems they only started to scratch the surface of all of the conversations that needed to be had between them. In 4x12 Carlos says he only just started a relationship with him, and has a clear desire to build on that. However, when we get to 4x17 the pain in his eyes reflects something that he hasn't yet received closure for.
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This scene does so much more than introduce the idea of Carlos joining the Rangers. For the first time, we're not just seeing Gabriel through Carlos' eyes. We're not just seeing Carlos struggling with feeling inadequate in his father's eyes. We see two individuals who love each other, but who both harbor a lot of shame towards themselves. We see two people who are afraid they aren't good enough in each other's eyes. We can hear Gabriel's pain just as much as we hear Carlos' when he asks him how long he's been ashamed of him.
The shame Gabriel feels in himself isn't a product of his career, but of the mistakes he made as a father and the fear he still struggles to express. He can see how all of this has affected Carlos. We've seen, and will continue to see Carlos' journey with learning who Gabriel was as a person, outside of his role as his father. And in turn, Carlos will hopefully come to learn more about all of the feelings Gabriel had that he failed to express to him. Starting with his feelings towards Carlos' ability to do his job.
Clearly, Gabriel knows Carlos is competent. He's practically glowing when he offers Carlos the position with the Rangers, but has he always felt this way? Well, it's complicated.
Carlos says that he thinks Gabriel saw him as being too soft. There very well could be some truth here. As much as Gabriel and Andrea love their son, his coming out would not have completely changed their thinking overnight. It took time for them to rewire their brains, for Gabriel in particular to erase previously held ideas of masculinity and understand Carlos as a person. Having said that, this is again only one factor.
Gabriel looks at Carlos not with judgement, but with reflection. He sees much more of himself in Carlos than he would care to admit, and that's why the main thing he would have felt upon learning of his career choice would be fear. He's scared, and that's not an emotion he's comfortable outwardly expressing, so Carlos only sees the way he tries to rationalize his fear. He doesn't see what Gabriel sees when he looks at him, which is someone who is driven, passionate, and someone who will sacrifice himself for others. The last thing Gabriel wants is to watch Carlos repeat the mistakes he made and put himself at risk by being stubborn like him. To close himself off emotionally just like he did.
We see all of this come to a head in 4x04 when Gabriel is weirdly calm. He falls back on habits that are necessary for his survival, and for Carlos'. And we can see that he's obviously been mentally preparing himself for this moment ever since the day Carlos told him he was going to become a police officer.
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Learning this about Gabriel will offer a lot of closure for Carlos, because when I see the frustration and anger on his face in 4x17, I see more than surface level reservations about this specific role. I see the kid who desperately wants to ask his father "Why now? Why are you proud of me now? Why did I have to wait so many years for you to have confidence and pride in me? Why are you asking me to come work with you when you didn't even believe I could do my job two years ago, when you didn't support me or defend me, when you never trusted that I had the ability to make the right decisions in the field? How do you expect me to work in an environment where my instincts and opinions aren't respected?"
And I wish Gabriel could have gotten the chance to answer these questions. To show him that his idea of what it means to do good is more in tune with Carlos' than he ever knew. To have a conversation about his own shortcomings and mistakes that he made as a father, to apologize for all of those years of walls he built between them, for the time it took for him to become more comfortable in his own emotions.
Gabriel was slowly learning to be more open and honest, to allow himself to feel emotions like fear, like sadness, and anything else he's spent nearly his entire life bottling up. If there was one conversation he absolutely needed to have with Carlos, it's this. The most important lesson he had to learn, which was that emotional maturity and masculinity go hand in hand. Having emotions doesn’t make you incompetent, and it's what you do with those emotions that make you a more functional person.
Or, in Owen's words, "There should be a heart behind that shield."
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This is a lesson Carlos is still learning too. Even without his dad, he's going to have to learn to be comfortable in the absence of control. He's going to have to learn how to let go, to grieve even if he doesn't have answers or justice. He will grow as a person, and he will find solace in that feeling of the unknown that he's been fighting against for so long. It's with this obsession, this determination that he will come to realize he does not have to be the end all be all for every problem. That he is allowed to be imperfect and make mistakes, that he can be human and still do amazing things in any role he chooses.
We lost Gabriel far too soon after he made this discovery for himself. That's part of the tragedy. But Carlos is still here, and he will grow in ways his father never got the chance to. That is one of the many ways that he'll honor his memory.
He's going to learn a lot about himself in season 5, and along the way he will also learn a lot about his father. In the end I think he's going to find his own version of closure when it comes to their relationship. He'll find the answers he's looking for in terms of Gabriel's murder, and in terms of what Gabriel saw when he looked at him. Which is, and always was, pride. Even if he struggled to show it for so long.
I don't know what exactly his journey is going to look like, but one thing I do know is that Carlos is going to grow and become more comfortable in his own skin than he ever has been before. And that's the most important thing at the end of the day.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Writing Share
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here and here!
Here's a bit of me added weather. Also Niri gets more to do!
From The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“Eughagh!” was the best approximation of the noise we all made when we realized that it was raining. The trees, sure, were able to block some of it, but as the portal was close to the edge of the forest, the trees weren’t dense enough to block everything. Besides, the rain was coming down super hard, and all the trees were shaking from the harsh breeze. “How are we supposed to make it to the Baxters’ in this weather?!” I shouted over the wind. “Guys, look!” Noelle pointed and we all turned to see Niri at the edge of the forest. His sleeves fluttered, and his right arm was lifted above his head, his palm open to create the crest of rain in the shape of an umbrella. He was completely dry, and I couldn’t help but notice that his gloves were off, though I wouldn’t risk getting them wet even if I could get the water out, either. He didn’t need the gloves, though, since a simple “come here” gesture was enough for us to scamper under his makeshift umbrella, and he extended it to cover all of us. His normally dark eyes glowed a deep blue as he strained to keep it stable, then moved his free left hand in a fluid motion to dry all the droplets off of us. “Thanks, Niri!” I shouted over the rain and wind, and he nodded his response. We then left the tree-covered grounds into the open, where it was even worse. Niri’s brow was tense in concentration even in the short walk to the Baxters’ place. Once we were inside, Niri practically collapsed against the wall. “Do they not have umbrellas here?” Noelle complained. Niri held up a finger to ask us to wait before he bent down and picked up his gloves from the floor where I assumed he put them. Once they were on, he answered, “Yeah, but Alium umbrellas are the same quality as Ceteri umbrellas.”
I'll tag @sleepywriter00 @paeliae-occasionally @sarahlizziewrites @gottestod-writes @wyked-ao3
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TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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avadmortain · 27 days
actually going insane over my new detective lexi & her dynamic with bobby because it’s just. completely different from canon— instead of bobby holding some sort of power over the detective it’s completely the other way around. so basically lexi was a year older than bobby and bobby always had the biggest crush on her, also possibly definitely also her queer awakening <3 anyways bobby finally plucks up the courage to talk to her & she can definitely tell that bobby likes her & humors her anyways stuff happens they sleep together with it being bobby’s first time 🫣 & they hook up a few times but for lexi it’s just a bit of casual fun nothing more while bobby is lowkey in love…..
anyways lexi is originally an oc from another story (this girlie is my current hyper fixation she has so much lore but i will refrain from rambling abt all of it for now yes that is a threat) so she actually comes back to wayhaven about 10+ years later & bobby is so confused on one hand she’s ecstatic because no one in wayhaven has managed to capture her attention quite like lexi. but also she’s just ??? lexi represented someone who got out. someone who was always bigger than this stupid town they both are irrevocably & unfortunately tied to. why is she back? putting that aside lexi still takes every opportunity to flirt w bobby & doesn’t find her annoying at all in fact finds her to be one of the few tolerable people in this town she loathes sm. but then bobby sees lexi & ava and it’s all just so HSJSJS
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
hi, i was hoping to do one of the redacted matchup thingies, they’re so fun :) I’M SO SORRY THIS IS A PAGE LONG AAAAGH
i’m just gonna lead with the miscellaneous stuff (WOW i spelled that without spell check. didn’t know i could do that.) i’m a young adult bi dude. apparently i’m quiet but snarky and people say my humor is very dry (i have a monotone voice and am Very Committed To The Bit.). i used to have really bad anger issues to the point that davey pre-character arc is more relatable than he should be (even though my parents are alive. they’re just shit). i try to dress kinda grungy? but also whatever’s cozy/comfortable and in neutral/dark colors (except red! i like red, my hair is dyed neon red) i used to have cptsd so bad i basically didn’t leave the house for two years. i think it was like agoraphobia or something? there were delusions in there too. i’m much better now though.
usually the kind of stuff i listen to is loud angry rock music (fave song is hysteria by muse) or slightly older pop music (florence and the machine, MARINA) but the last few days i’ve been on a newer pop kick and i’ve been playing “Good Luck, Babe!” by chappell roan on repeat and it makes me want to scream on a windswept seaside cliff during a storm. specifically the bit from 2:15 to ~3:10 in the song. i know it’s a banger when it makes me want to scream on a cliff or punch something.
INTP? is that an enneagram? (“you’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?”-sounding sentence, sorry)
not really video essays but i love listening to someone summarize books i never plan to read (i like the ones by cari can read or lexi aka newlynova.)
i didn’t have an imaginary friend? i’m incredibly autistic + adhd so i was daydreaming constantly to a near maladaptive extent but i never had One Consistent Thing that i thought was real.
i have to mash my face into the pillow for a bit to decompress and then i can sleep how i normally do, sleeping on my side in a way that’s probably very bad for my shoulders. (i am an adult dude and i hold a stuffed bunny who i haven’t given a name every night to go to sleep. maybe ill name the bunny after whatever character you give me)
my name is stolen from the love interest of a YA steampunk novel (a young victorian gentleman who wears eyeliner), because his character description just fits me so well, as well as the name itself just looking cool written down
my fave audio is probably the smash bros tournament :D. it literally convinced me to buy the game lol
it’s a good thing i’m anonymous cause i just do not get the gavin or caelum hype. i’m too possessive to date an incubus/ someone who will fuck other people. and i hate children so caelum is just past my threshold for kid-esque behavior that i’m willing to deal with. i’m also really not a fan of the yanderes/evil ones. other people can go ahead and like them, they just stress me out more which is the opposite of what i want.
knives out :D. the detective movie
i would friend the HELL out of asher. i just wanna play games with the man that’s all i ask
i don’t really get food at gas stations but whenever i go to a cafe i am probably getting something strawberry related (lemonade, a smoothie, etc) and a breakfast sandwich
the playlist “songs to get obliterated by a black hole to” is my pride and joy. i fucking love space and sci fi (that’s the thing i’d ramble about too)
my guilty pleasure media is the official gender-swapped twilight (puts my head in my hands) I KNOW.
I sent an anon for matchup earlier (I mentioned a stuffed bunny) and said I didn’t know what an enneagram was and I just looked it up and did a quiz and apparently I’m type 6? Idk how accurate that is but there you go (also I’m sorry if I was trauma dumping/oversharing I was restless from being inside all day whoopsie)
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I’m a sucker for a good black cat/golden retriever sort of pairing, you know? Tack that onto you being a Type Six, and I’ve just got to pair you with Huxley!
Type Sixes are characterized by a desire for stability and security, for dependability, and who’s more reliable than Huxley? This also works with your self-described possessive nature in that Huxley would be the best partner to never trigger that nature, to never make you doubt or toe your boundaries. I also love him for you because we know Huxley canonically is a calming, relieving presence in the face of anger and conflict, which makes him even more perfect for you! (Also I think your grunge fashion sense would contrast so cutely with his casual, gym-bro style.)
Huxley would be so fun to be with! He’s no Asher, but he’d be a great gaming buddy, happy to show you all the Smash tips and tricks for when he introduces you to his family. Speaking of family, Huxley’s moms would just adore you for making their son happy. I can see him taking you to the east coast to meet them and taking you on the hiking and camping trails of his youth. It’d be a lovely time of you showing him the stars and constellations at night and maybe even him finding a cliff for you to sing Chappell Roan off of.
And I hold you every night/ And that's a feeling I wanna get used to/ But there's no man as terrified/ As the man who stands to lose you/ Oh, I hope I don't lose you
It was so fun to look for a pop-rock song that would make you want to scream or punch something, and I hope this fits the bill. The first chorus extremely hits on top of being a beautiful love song, and I think it wouldn’t be out of place on a road trip with Huxley in the driver’s seat or by a gorgeous cliffside.
Aaron and Sam are your runner-ups for a lot of similar reasons. They both also have drier senses of humor, so I think you could vibe and hold to a bit with either of them. I headcanon both of them wearing red often (Sam, a red-checked flannel and Aaron, a red polo a la his thumbnails), so you could match. I also headcanon both of them actively wanting to be child-free, so you’d be compatible in that aspect. Aaron outranks Sam just slightly because I think he’d offer more stability and security given his occupation and Unempowered status.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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lex-n-weegie · 4 months
Aghhh I wanna do a deep dive on movie Lexi cause she's so fun raghhh
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
♥️ Fezco Masterlist 1 ♥️
This is strictly my Fezco Masterlist.
Before requesting, take a look at my Masterpost to gain more insight into my DNI and requesting guideline lists. Take a look at my Prompt List for some ideas regarding request too!
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la vie en rose (completed)- masterlist
Dangerous Woman (Completed)- masterlist
Soft Place To Land (Complete)- masterlist
Friends With Benefits: Part 1; Part 2
My Boys: Part 1; Part 2
Caught Red Handed: Part 1; Part 2
Cocaine Jesus:
Summary/Request: "Reader and Fez met one day at his store, the girl drawn to him immediately. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t feel the same, the need to please and spoil her consuming him. She loved the attention too, just wanting to be held and praised by him."
The Accountant:
Summary/Request: "Reader is a successful accountant just like Fezco is a successful business man. He’s only been to her place of work a few times but he felt the need to go support her and catch her alone."
Tell Me It's Okay:
Summary/Request: "After Rue spent all day wandering around, trying to find someone to take her in, the reader witnesses a fight between the two friends. A fight that would have a longer lasting impact than his previous ones.
Safe and Sound:
Summary/Request: "After a big fight with her boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend, the reader goes to the familiar corner store in need of support and help from her best friend."
Silent Treatment:
Summary/Request: "Fezco regretted to inform his girlfriend about Faye and her new living situation, which was now their home. She’s a bit pissed off and disappointed, Fez’s obvious disregard for her and Ash’s opinions making both of them equally upset."
Off The Deep End:
Summary/Request: "Reader’s having a difficult time with her mental health so her best friend Fez takes matters into his own hands."
Summary/Request: "Just a few little instances where Fez was not able to keep his hands off of his girl."
We're Not Friends:
Summary/Request: "The reader has been friends with Fezco for years. She’s never really been bothered or jealous over the handsome man, until Faye enters the picture."
Fuck To Make Up:
Summary/Request: "Even though they had a child together, the reader and Fez have spent months away from one another. They were amicable when it came to their child and making sure she’s healthy, but their friendship dwindled. One night after their baby goes to sleep, the reader and Fez have an eye opening conversation. And a leg spreading one too."
Fake You Out:
Summary/Request: "Rue and Faye get the reader, Fezco and Ash into a sticky situation with the local gangbanger Laurie."
Little House:
Summary/Request: "Just a ramble of the reader and Fezco’s life stemming from the beginning of their relationship, to the present."
Summary/Request: "After a heated night after getting high, the reader uncovers a part of herself to Fezco."
Watch Your Man, Watch Your Mouth:
Summary/Request: "Could you do a Fez x reader imagine where it uses the “watch your man, you should watch your mouth”, like someone tells Y/N, “You should watch your man” n like a bad bitch she does the “you should watch your mouth”:)"
Polite Company:
Summary/Request: "Could you write a fez x reader where she gets jealous cause Lexi keeps hanging around hum and he gets mad at her before she admits that she likes him."
Daddy Dearest:
Summary/Request: "This tells a handful stories of the Reader and her household. Reader has been dating Fez for about a year or two, her being the only girl his daughters ever known."
Summary/Request: "could you do about fez girlfriend actually getting along with faye while they're living together and fez being jealous of all the attention shes getting"
Saturday Nights:
Summary/Request: "could you write something for fezco inspired by saturday nights by khalid"
Summary/Request: "pregnancy scare with fez?"
Truth or Dare:
Summary/Request: "reader x fezco imagine where they are playing truth and dare and then they start having fun (you know what I mean 😏 ahah). But during the game there is a sort of sexual tension"
Labor Pains:
Summary/Request: "If you have time, I was wondering if I could please have one with fez? The reader is pregnant and goes into labor and he gets to hold and meet his baby girl for the first time? 🥺"
Clean Up:
Summary/Request: "would you mind writing a fez fluff where like the reader is his gf and she’s like doing skincare"
Summary/Request: "Can you write fez+reader where the reader is maddy's sister and is pregnant (boy or girl which ever you prefer) and maddy and ash are fighting about whose going to buy what for the baby?"
Summary/Request: "one of my previous asks about the fez x reader to everywhere by niall horan lowkey doesnt make sense when theyre best friends, so if u wanna make them exes or like they have feelings & tried to get together but didnt last long/didnt even start bc timing was off so they pushed it down & stayed friends idk but still friendly w each other & ash & her still love each other & hang"
Summary/Request "fezco is so whipped he treats reader like a princess and everyone teases him about it but he doesn’t care bc in the bedroom 🥵"
Ocean Eyes:
Summary/Request "Fez is sick and needs taken care of."
Rest and Recover:
Summary/Request "Just some headcannons about how a lazy day with Ash and Fez is like."
Sing a Song:
Summary/Request "These are some headcannons for Fez dating a singer."
Summary/Request "Just some headcannons about Fezco dating a skater girl."
Innocence Is Bliss:
Summary/Request "Just some headcannons of how Fez might be with an innocent reader."
Suit Shopping:
Summary/Request "Fez suit shopping for lexis play."
Leading Hand:
Summary/Request "Fez with a dominant girlfriend that like to hold his waist and rub his thighs while driving and stuff"
Summary/Request "Is there anyway you could something where Fez’s girlfriend is a sleep walker? and just the moments him and ash have to deal with when she stays the night"
Summary/Request "what if Fez has a gf who usually wears pants and hoodies but one day is in a tank top and shorts, revealing almost her entire body is covered in bright and colorful tattoos."
Puppy Dog Eyes:
Summary/Request "Could you do nsfw Fezco with prompts 17 and 22?"
Summary/Request "anyway can you write a fix about fez and his girlfriend being a celebrity actress/singer and she spends a lot of time away from him but when they are together they are both so so happy and maybe like little blurbs of them missing eachother or blurbs of them together and really happy? thank you!!!!"
Force Feed: 
Summary/Request " fezco x reader where the reader has a fainting problem"
Fezco NSFW Alphabet
Fezco Fluff Alphabet
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starlightandsouls · 2 years
im not sure if your taking requests but maybe you could do a really cute story where the reader is a suuuuper shy and tiny person and az is like her protector and does all the talking for her. thank you and i love your writing
A/N: Anon thank you so much for your request! It's so so cute! Sorry it took me to long and that it's really not that long. Also I've written it as a one shot of one of my other fics "Yours To Keep And Cherish" Hope you don't mind. I hope you like it! It'll all i could come up with rn
Yours To Keep And Cherish: Part 1 Part 2
Bookshop Brawls
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The past few months had been the best you’ve had your entire life. The dinner with the Inner Circle had given you a small family of your own, and they claimed to see you as nothing less than that; their own.
Nesta had become one of your closest friends. The oldest Archeron shared your love for books and you owning a bookshop opened the gate to a wondrous friendship. You had always wanted a sister and now had one in the form of your boyfriend’s sister in law. The two of you had spent hours locked up in your shop. When customers were slow in coming, the two of you would retreat to the back and ramble about the latest romance the two of you had read. Countless times had Cassian and Azriel found the two of you asleep on a pile of books. Neither of them minded though. Both of you were were not the most social people and your respective boyfriends were just happy that you were getting along well.
Especially Azriel. He knew that his nightingale was not the most outspoken person, much like himself. Sure she laid her heart out to him whenever they were together and was the sweetest, most amicable person he had had the pleasure of meeting. But with strangers or people she did know that well, she was always a bit reserved, always keeping her heart, her thoughts just out of reach. Sure she had her friend Lexie, but she was the complete opposite of his girlfriend, a social butterfly. Lexie loved partaking in activities and events that had the most amount of people, frequenting the biggest clubs and bars that Velaris offered. His nightingale would always prefer staying home, reading to her heart’s content. It had always worried him. Sure he would spend as much time with her whenever he was in Velaris. But his job was demanding, often taking him to other courts for extended periods of time. Then, his mind would always be wracked with worry about his nightingale, fearing she might be feeling too alone in his absence. Now he was just happy that she had someone to take care of her when he was gone.
Today, however, he had you all to himself. He had just returned from Summer Court from a routine check with Tarquin and was practically jumping at the idea of going back to you. These excursions, while not serious or threatening in any manner, were always stretched out longer than needed and exhausted him to no extent. Plus he had to report back to Rhysand as well and share all the details of his visit. In all honesty, he could have done that later as well. His brother would never protest to him getting some down time after work. His brothers were always adamant he worked too much. What could he say? He was a perfectionist.
Regardless, he went to see Rhysand beforehand, if only to get done with the task and be able to spend as much time with you as possible. He had practically been bouncing on his toes the entire meeting, too eager to meet you at your bookshop. A fact that Rhysand noted with that aggravating smirk of his,
“Excited are we brother? If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you were getting sick of our company,” Rhysand said.
Azriel only flipped him off and started to leave, knowing his brother was merely joking. And he was. Rhysand was truly and honestly happy for Azriel. Happy that he had found someone who loved him as irrevocably and completely as he deserved. But as his brother, it was Rhysand’s solemn duty to tease him about it. How else were they to prove their brotherhood?
Azriel had leaped out the window as soon as he exited Rhysand’s office. The fresh spring air beneath his wings lifted off of him all burdens of exhaustion he had been carrying. Flying always did that to him. It calmed him, set his mind straight. All the stress practically melted away whenever he was in the clouds. And the thought of flying to go see you, only accentuated the feeling.
The sight of your bookshop made him smile. It was one of the most meticulously designed buildings in the Rainbow, despite the fact the fact that it was not as huge or glamorous as some. An architectural gem stone hidden in the most bustling centre of Velaris. The stone columns with sculptured intricacies, the stained glass windows, all made the store look like something ripped from a fairy tale. And that was truly what it was to him. A haven, a place of magic; for it was here that the Mother had decided to bless him with you, his saving grace, his own guardian angel who had saved from the ruination that was himself. It was his temple, his holy shrine. He would worship every brick if he could for the rest of his life. And it would still never be enough to express how truly grateful he was for you.
Walking in, he was immediately greeted by the mouth watering aroma of your croissants. It was another quirk of yours that never failed to make him beam at your thoughtfulness; how you always strived to help others out, from fantasy books to food.
You were immersed in a huge pile of books and an even bigger pile of papers. Countless times had he told you to hire an assistant, someone to help you out with your work but you had always refused, not wanting a stranger to infringe in your space. Like him, you were a huge introvert. While you were always fond of making new friends and loved spending time with his family, he also knew that you needed some time to yourself. Just like for him, the bookshop was your haven as well, a place where it was just you and your books, a place where could earnestly let down your guard and relax. So even if it meant a little more work, you never seemed to mind and Azriel always helped whenever he could with shelving and listing and whatever you asked of him.
As always he walked in on you surrounded by books you were stacking on shelves, or at least attempting to. The slight furrow in your borrow indicated that you were troubled by something, and at the same time it made you look even more adorable. How love changes a person. Could any stranger imagine the Night Court’s Spymaster, torture extraordinaire, to be so completely consumed by his affection for you? They would surely be deemed mad by everyone else.
“What’s got my love so worried?” Azriel asked, walking behind you and wrapping his arms around you. The fact that you leaned into his touch immediately, as if a sixth sense, without any fear or hesitation, made him fall even more for you. Every day he thought that notion impossible and everyday you proved him wrong.
“Nothing much Az. I just ordered some books for next month’s stock and they haven’t arrived. They’re usually here before the month ends,” you replied, still caught up in your list.
“Hmm. Would you like me to go scare your supplier? Surely he deserves some trouble for bothering my nightingale,” he joked.
At that, he was graced by the melodious sound of your laugh and an even sweeter smile; a sight so beautiful that it rendered the stars dull in comparison. You turned in his arms then, arms moving to their place around his neck,
“Azriel, darling. Why would you put that poor man through all that? I’m sure there’s a valid reason for the hold up.”
He only shrugged, indicating he was only half joking with his offer. You didn’t say anything in return. Instead, you only smiled that damning smile of yours and gazed back at him. It always made him nervous when you did that; when you looked at him like he was the only thing in the world, your gaze laced with such irreverence as if you had seen an angel of your own. It made him nervous because deep down he knew he didn’t deserve someone who loved him so completely like you did.
“What is it darling?” he asked after a moment of silence, the emotion bubbling up in him because of your love filled gaze enough to make him cry, and they couldn’t have that now could they.
You only shook your head at him and buried yourself in his arms, grip tightening around him. For a second, he panicked. Had something happened? Regardless, he hugged you back just as tight.
“Nightingale. Hey, is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, my love. I just missed you a lot,” you whispered softly.
“I missed you too darling. More than you can imagine. But I’m done with all my work. And I have absolutely nothing to do for the next few weeks. So I am completely at your service my lady,” he said, hand lifting to push a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. He didn’t miss how you instinctively leaned into his hand. How you took it into your own and kissed his hand, intertwined in yours. At that moment Azriel almost fell to his knees before you, ready to repent and confess to this goddess he was blessed enough to call his lover, and to the Mother to thank her for this gift that he would be eternally grateful for.
“Well, just give me one more hour. I’ll finish everything up here and then we can go home,” you replied. He nodded and leaned forward to kiss your forehead, then both your eyes and lastly those honey lips of yours that always had him craving a second taste. Lust or gluttony, he cared not.
You had sent him to read at the sofas lining the bookstore, knowing he would be too much of distraction to get any work done, and then you would have to stay here for much longer than you wanted.
It had not been twenty minutes that you had sent Azriel to the back when the door bell rang, indicating a customer. You sighed, just having gotten to the bulk of your work, and not wanting to drag yourself away from it. Nonetheless, you walked to your reception, and instantly wished you had stayed behind.
For before you was no customer. No. Your shop had the unfortunate luck to be graced by the presence of Archer Flynn, Lexie’s ex-boyfriend. The man was of average height, yet still carried himself with the ego of a war hero, and he had the ego of one as well, but no other commendable characteristics. He was the text book definition of toxic, male masculinity. Pride and arrogance oozed from his very presence. The worst bit being that he had no appearances to back up that pride. Limp, dirty blonde hair with eyes so shrunk in, that it seemed like someone had shoved eyes two sizes too small into an unusually large skeleton. Lanky limbs and gigantic ears, all made him look like a character from one of the children’s books she had, and it wasn’t a very good one either. But she had never pointed it out to Lexie, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Although she would never understand what her gorgeous best friend had seen in this cartoon. Come to think about it, Lexie had lost her job when she started dating Archer. Perhaps he was no more than a mid life crisis. Most couples are, but not her. Her and Azriel were the exception. And perhaps it was the two of them that had made Lexie realise that there really was someone better out there, someone who could love her like Azriel loved you. You were just happy that Lexie had gotten over this loser. The same, apparently, could not be said for Archer.
“Why are you here Archer?” you demanded, getting straight to the point. Small talk sucked the soul out of you, and with Archer it was even worse. He always gave you the ick, and you had always distanced yourself from him because of it. Something about the man never quite sat right with you.
“Where is Lexie?” he shot right back. Well at least both of them were on the same page about getting straight to the point.
“What’s it to you? Last time I checked you broke up two months ago. And I also know she does not want to see you, so I really don’t understand why you’re here,” you said, hoping you sounded at least a little assertive. You were never a people person, and such confrontations always made you nervous.
“I’m sure you were the one who convinced her to break up didn’t you? Filled her head up with all those lies and stupid ideas. You were just jealous of us weren’t you? All day locked up in this stupid shop of yours, no one to love or ask after you. You were just jealous of how good Lexie and I had it.”
“Really? You see what I don’t understand is why you can’t stop interfering in our lives. Minding your own business isn’t really hard, sugar.” You shivered at the nickname, it wasn’t vulgar per se, but something about it coming from Archer made it sound disgusting. The man continued without waiting for an answer.
“Trust me, Archer. No girl in this world would do anything but thank the Mother it wasn’t them dating you after seeing you with a girl. You’re just that pathetic. And I’m glad that Lexie saw sense as well, before it was too late. Now get out of my shop and don’t bother showing up here again,” you barked at him and turned to leave the counter when you were suddenly pulled back.
You let out a cry from the harsh grip Archer now had around your forearm. Trying to yank yourself free from his grasp wasn’t that easy, guess he wasn’t that lanky after all.
“Listen here bitch, what me and my girlfriend do is none of your fucking business. No one asked for your stupid opinions alright? So quit yapping about them and tell me where Lexie is? Or else i know a lot of ways to make a woman like you sing," he spat at you, grasp tightening with every word to the point that you were sure ugly bruises would be lacing your arm where he had grabbed you. This. This was why you didn’t like this man. Because you had seen the monster that lied in wait below his facade from the first day you had met him. Gods had you tried to warn Lexie about it. And now Lexie was all the way over at Dawn Court, visiting family, while you were here cleaning up her mess. The things you do for friends.
“Archer, let go of me. You’re hurting me. Let me go!”
Then his hand was being ripped away from your arm, and you were pushed behind a tall, shadowed back. Azriel. Caught up first in your work and then Archer’s tantrum, you had almost forgotten he was still here. And you couldn’t express how glad you were that he was. You didn’t even want to imagine how far Archer would go to get what he wanted. Before you could ponder on this some more, you heard a sickening crunch and Archer was on the ground, cradling his nose as blood flowed freely from it. Azriel picked him up and punched him again, this time in the stomach,
“How dare you lay a hand on her?” Azriel seethed. The man before you now was not your lover, nor the man who loved tea and books and afternoon naps. No. This was the Shadowsinger, the Night Court’s Spymaster, a man feared across all seven courts. And he had murder in his eyes. He had Archer shoved against the wall with a death grip around his neck, surely to choke the man to death.
You were not frightened of Azriel, or of what he could do. And you would never be. Yet you still intervened, not wanting him to hurt someone else on your behalf, not believing yourself to be worth that much.
You had uttered one word and he had stopped. Letting Archer fall to the floor but not before kicking him once more in his gut. You rushed to him then, needing to calm him down,
“Az, it’s alright. I’m okay.”
But Azriel had his sights set on Archer,
“He hurt you. He threatened you,” Azriel growled out, moving forward again to the bleeding man. But you jumped across him to stop his path,
“I know and you made him pay for it. And it’s enough Azriel. I’m fine, truly.”
Azriel remained where he was, to get his breathing in control or his anger, she did not know. She only put her hand around his arm, and leaned into him, wanting to ground him,
“Azriel, my love. Look at me. I am alright. Truly. And I’m sure this scum bag has leant his lesson as well.”
Azriel sighed, defeated. You didn’t need to hear it to know that he would heed your words. While you could tell that he would not beat up Archer anymore, you could also tell that he wasn’t quite done yet.
He walked over to the man quivering on the floor and shoved him against the door. Azriel’s grip on his collar lifting him from the floor so that Archer dangled at the door like a headless chicken, which against Azriel he was,
“If you ever come close to my girlfriend again, if you ever even think about her, I swear to the Mother I’ll make sure your death lasts a thousand nights. And believe me, I also know a lot of ways to make a man regret ever being born. You will not bother her or her friend again. And if I ever hear that you treated another woman like you did my nightingale... well then your family will be finding pieces of you all across the city. Am I understood?”
Archer only nodded like the pathetic fool that he was and when Azriel let go of him, scrambled out the shop, stumbling multiple times before he got the door open.
As soon as he was out, Azriel turned to you, gently grabbing your arm for inspection. Huh. Guess it wasn’t as bad as you had thought. There were no bruises, just some redness from the grip that you’ll disappear in a few minutes.
“I’m so sorry love. I should have moved sooner. I never should have let him put his filthy hands on you...” Azriel started rambling. And it broke your heart a little, to see your love blame himself for this.
“Azriel it wasn’t your fault. That guy was just an asshole. And thank you actually. I think you scared him really bad. I don’t think he’ll be bothering us any time soon again,” you reassured him.
Later while you sat on his lap in the back sofas, cleaning the asshole’s blood from Azriel’s hands, he had said to you,
“You don’t have to do this darling. I can go do it myself..”
“I don’t mind,” you had shrugged, too focused on his hands, and you truly didn’t.
“I’m serious nightingale. I... I shouldn’t have lost control like that in front of you I should have...”
“You did what you should have. You were defending me and I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for it. I’m not some glass doll that’ll shatter at the sight of some blood. And you’re not that good at hiding your thoughts Azriel. If you think even for a second, that i got scared of you, you are wrong,” you said, putting your hands around his face. He opened his mouth to protest but you continued before he could do so,
“Don’t even try to lie. I can see it in your eyes. Azriel, listen to me; there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that you can ever do that’ll ever make me scared of you. I’m not afraid of you Azriel and I’ll never be. You want to know why? Because I love you and I trust you. Because the Cauldron gave you to me as a blessing that I’ll cherish forever, my own guardian angel.”
Azriel had then taken you home and made love to you under the stars to show you just how utterly devoted he was to you, how he would worship you for all eternity if he could. Unbeknownst to you, he had also sent some of his shadows to Archer Flynn, to further teach him a lesson. Like you had said; Azriel was your guardian angel. That asshole had hurt his nightingale, and he couldn’t have that now could he?
Taglist: @mooncleaver @cheshmetkoshgele @elegantranchcowboytree
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dragonairice · 7 months
LOWKEY BEEN INSPIRED BY @not-sure-what-im-feeling s AWESOME OCS AND LORE (Go check them out)
And it inspired me to talk about MY ocs :D
I mention in passing that I am in fact writing a novel, but I try to avoid saying too much to prevent spoilers buuuuut I think I can keep it vague enough while still rambling <3
The novel (technically a novella) is called 'The Shadow Walker' and here's a draft of a blurb:
With no friends, an absent mom, an abusive dad, and a shadow that inexplicably went missing; Nicholas Walker is convinced his life couldn’t possibly get any worse. But everything changes when he meets something (or someone) who may or may not want him dead.
(Not the best but again it;s a draft)
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He's 12 years old and a selective mute and my scrungliest little blorbo who experiences the horrors™. He doesn't have any friends, is neglected by his parents, and all in all has a bad time before the book starts :(
The only source of healthy food in the house (he borrows money from his dad and goes to the store alone) but is severely malnourished from eating nothing more than reheated takeout his dad left in the fridge. Nick doesn't talk verbally unless it's to his dad (out of necessity) and otherwise converses in ASL (which I'm learning for this book <3). Loves pretty buildings and stargazing, has a dream of visiting things like Notre Dame and the colloseum some day and is fascinated by architecture. I just realised that this kid would adore Minecraft but anyway after things get better for him he's given Lego models of like the eiffel tower and he loves them :)
Gonna stop before I spend the entire post talking about my boy and move onto
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You know that thing that's like, "Not a bad person, just a bad parent"? Yeah. That's her. She ran away from her abusive boyfriend and left Nick behind out of fear, since she didn't know if she could survive by herself, much less with a child in tow. She ends up leaving with her best friend and they travel around the world a lot for their job. They're a musician who plays back up for bands in different places and Rachel ends up learning to play some stuff too after watching them for so long. The two end up dating at some point and they've been together ever since. Rachel still sends Nicholas a postcard every time she travels to a new place, but she doesn't have the courage to actually see him in person yet. Also fun fact. She's descended from a woman who was killed for being a 'witch' during the salem trials. This is relevant to the story :3
Do I have to talk about his dad??? Ughhhhh fine
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This is Gregory Walker. I hate him. bye.
Not but fr, he's a terrible father. Works at a convenience store and his co-workers fear him. Lives off of take-out and instant ramen, never checks on his son. Spends all his money gambling and buying alchohol. Literally would not notice if he missed an entire month of his life (*cough* foreshadowing *cough*)
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Lexi is a single mom who grew up kinda spoiled and is still figuring out how to raise a kid. Her parents are kinda helpful about it but also she doesn't want to raise Chelsea how she was raised so hgjhrj. Chelsea was orignally planned to be autistic since this entire book is a transparent cover for neurodivergent rep but the version of her in my head is so very ADHD instead. They only show up near the end of the book so I'm still experimenting with them a bit but Lexi is a huge book worm and Chelsea loves unicorns, like, I mean in the 'mythology is cool way' not the 'stereotypical girl behaviour' way. She does love pink things and sparkles though
(It's a sentient shadow, that's- do you get the pun in the name- there's three references in it-)
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pansysgothgf · 2 months
The Buddie Grey’s Anatomy AU I wrote is done so here’s the rest of my moodboards for it + the rambling thoughts I have about the characters :)
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Hen!! Hen’s the character I was the most excited about but also the character I feel like I did the least with because as much as I adore Cristina, so many of her plot points in the show seemed to revolve around her truly horrific boyfriends/fiancés/husbands. My hatred of Owen Hunt runs deep, so Karen ended up being partially inspired by Burke. I ended up mostly focusing on Hen and Buck becoming friends, but I do wish I got to spend a little more time on her :(
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I ended up sharing Bailey’s plot lines and character between Maddie and Chim, which I’m pretty happy with tbh! My favourite scene to write with them was actually the first one of theirs I wrote for this fic, which was my whumptober submission that ended up being a chunk of chapter two. While they’re mostly based after Bailey, Maddie also reminded me a little bit of Jo (both of them surviving abusive husbands) and I gave her one of April’s plot lines in the final chapter, which was exciting! I did briefly consider incorporating Lexi, Molly or Maggie’s plot lines in for Maddie (the whole ‘secret sibling’ thing) but it just didn’t work with the way I set it up.
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LUCY MY LOVE!! I became so unintentionally attached to Lucy while writing this so she got WAY more plot than I was initially intending haha! There’s something so magical about watching the first few seasons of Grey’s and seeing the dynamic between all of the roommates, which I tried really hard to incorporate into the fic. Then I realized I’d become attached to Lucy and Ravi and went… oh shit I’m going to have to actually give them plots rip. I had so much fun choosing which Izzie plots to give to Lucy since Izzie has some really amazing stuff to work with in the show. I ended up going with the two biggest plots (imo). Because I changed so much though, I ended up combining Izzie’s cancer plot line and Amelia’s brain tumour to create what I ended up with. I’m pretty happy with it, honestly, I hope I built it up sufficiently enough :)
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Ravi!!! Ravi is what people wish George O’Malley could’ve been. As I’ve previously stated, I do not like the majority of Grey’s men, and this includes George. I ended up focusing mostly on George’s issues with confidence and his complicated relationship with his family. I also elected not to go the bus route with Ravi, you’re all welcome. Fun fact! I made Lena the orthopaedic surgeon because my biggest crack ship in all of 9-1-1 is Lena/Ravi. I headcannon them to be a lesbian and a gay man but they match each other’s freak, and they’re both just as surprised about it as anyone.
Honourable mentions (aka characters I want to yap about but didn’t make moodboards for):
Shannon: I based Shannon off of Addison Forbes-Montgomery-Shepherd SPECIFICALLY because of the season 1 finale. They’re both the secret wives that show up and create chaos which I love lol. I specifically left Shannon’s ending pretty ambiguous, mainly because I don’t know if she would’ve stuck around had she lived in 9-1-1. If we’re going off of Grey’s though, she’s living her best life in LA with a group of friends who she cares a lot about. I like to think that at some point Chris reaches out (probably when he’s a lot older) and they create a tentative relationship.
Tommy: I gave Tommy elements of both Mark Sloan and Owen Hunt (just his position at the hospital because seriously, fuck Owen Hunt). I decided on Tommy as Mark before Season 7 started airing which is WILD because I basically flipped a coin between him and Sal, but went with Tommy since he showed up to fly the plane in season 2. I wrote him and Buck kissing after Buck, Bothered and Bewildered though lol! I don’t really think about what happens to Tommy after the ending of the fic, although it’s definitely not what happened to Mark. Seeing as Owen doesn’t exist in this world, neither does the plane crash <3
Ok that’s it thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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