#liam/peter rambles
arachnidiots-a · 1 year
so whose muses are pulling up to the multiverse-wide shabbat dinners in martin & peter’s tiny new york apartment??
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arachnidiots · 2 months
howdy hello!!! i have finished my summer program!!! i'm a little unsure at this moment about my activity on this blog in particular but i will probably be doing some big drops with threads and maybe take some more time off just until the muse is running here again <3
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Pack Mom - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek x Reader
Prompt: You’ve always been the mother figure to everyone in the pack but when the pups start calling you mom they also start treating you as Derek’s mate, awkwardness and confessions ensue.
Warning: Smut! and other shit! :D 
You hopped out of your newly bought Mustang, you knew the pack would be shocked at your new car but the moment you saw the sleek black vehicle you knew it was the one. Your last car got trashed in a car chase with the Calaveras but you dug into your inheritance and decided to get something nicer. The moment one foot stepped out of the new car Stiles was on you with a million questions.
“Ohh my god when did you get this!? How does it run!? How much was it!?” You rolled your eyes but answered all of Stiles’ question calmly because you adored Stiles he was like a brother to you.
“Wow that is one beautiful car.” You heard a gruff voice say from behind you, you knew who it was but you turned around anyway with a nervous grin.
“I know she runs amazingly!” You exclaimed cheerfully which made Derek crack a small smile.
“Did he just smile?” Stiles stared at Derek with wide eyes.
“Yes Stiles I have the ability to smile.” Derek deadpanned.
“How come I’ve never seen you smile at anyone except Y/N? Well unless you count that deputy at the police station who you flirted with. Why don’t you smile at me?” Stiles rambled his arms flying around in an exaggerating manor.
“I smile at Y/N because she is about 5 times more attractive and 100% less hyperactive spaz.” Derek replied easily but when he said you were attractive your mind went blank, your heart started racing rapidly and you knew your cheeks were most likely bright red.
“Ooo Derek and Y/N sittin’ in a tree K I S S I N G fir-”
“Stiles shut up before I rip yo-”
“First comes love!” Erica popped up out of nowhere and started singing along.
“Then comes marriage!” Liam exclaimed as he burst out the door with a grin on his face.
“Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!” The three of them shouted together, at this point you knew your face was bright red so you buried your head in your hands willing it to go away.
“Then comes a divorce because she finally realises how grumpy Derek is.” You heard a cheerful voice at which made you look up to see Peter.
“Derek’s not grumpy.” You huffed at Peter which made everyone turn to you.
“Oh so no divorce?” Peter smirked knowing he’s caught you red handed.
“No! I mean-We’re not…And he’s not-Fuck my life!” You screamed storming into the house the pups soon following behind you.
You sat down next to Isaac and Liam as soon as the pack meeting started, they were both sat very close but you knew it was because contact made them calm. As Derek went through everything he needed to you stared at his chiselled face, the abs that you could see through his tight shirt and his ice green eyes as they darted to and from each pack member who asked question.
As the meeting came to a wraps Liam already had his head on your shoulder and Isaac had his on your lap you glanced at both of them smiling but knew you had to move if you wanted to get started on making dinner.
“Liam honey I need to go start on dinner.” His head shot up, nodding before running off to play video games with the boys.
“Isaac sweetie I need to go make food.” You giggled when he nuzzled into your lap more, you ran your fingers through his hair softly before looking down at his face realising he was sleeping. You lifted his head gently and set it on a cushion once you had moved. His face twisted in one of a lost puppy and he reached for anything he could.
“M-Mama..” He whimpered as his hand touched mine. Suddenly you were aware almost all the packs eyes were on you. You wanted to be embarrassed but you couldn’t be because it didn’t feel weird to be called that by the pups.
“Can I ask why everyone feel like that is something to gawp over?” You snapped in a motherly tone which soon made them lower their heads. As so finally got round to making tea you could hear Isaac shouting at the tv which you assumed to be because of a video game, suddenly Jacksons voice cut through the conversation.
“Aww is mama’s boy losing? Why don’t you go-”
“JACKSON JOHNATHAN WHITTEMORE!” you screamed as you shot out the kitchen door straight into the living area. Jackson froze and dropped his controller.
“Apologise right now!” You shouted as everyone seemed to freeze. Derek seemed ready to jump in but you knew he didn’t need to.
“Sorry Isaac..” You dipped his head slightly as if he’d been scolded by his mother.
“Now who’s a mama’s boy?” Stiles snorted which made your eyes shoot to him.
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski! Get in this kitchen and help me make food!” Everyone stared at you wide eyed making Stiles flush.
“How the hell did you pronounce that so perfectly!? I can’t even pronounce it and I’m his best friend!” Scott exclaimed as everyone stared at you then Scott. You ignored Scott question and followed an embarrassed Stiles into the kitchen.
After you finished making dinner you had the pack set the table and carry the excessive amount of food to the table. You all sat down, staring at the various foods you had made. You sat to Derek’s left and Scott was on his right. You noted that everyone let Derek eat the first bite which was normal because he was the Alpha but when everyone stared at you, you looked to Derek for help.
“Why is everyone looking at me?” You asked confused by everyone’s actions.
“The first person to eat in the pack is the Alpha then his mate, then the Alpha’s second.” Lydia stated calmly as she smiled over at you.
“But Scott is Derek’s second not me?” You replied, your left eyebrow raised slightly.
“But your Derek’s mate. Right?” Isaac asked from the seat next to you.
“What?” You looked back to Derek who was staring at Isaac with the same confused look.
“Guys we’re not dating…” Derek shifted awkwardly in his seat as he spoke it made your heart clench painfully at the fact he was uncomfortable with the idea of dating you.
“Oh sorry the idea of dating me seems so farfetched to you.” You growled at him making everyone freeze for what felt like the millionth time tonight.
“That’s not what I was saying Y/N.” Derek stated softly as he stared into your Y/E/C eyes.
“So what were you saying Derek?” You sneered and everyone seemed to shrink into their seats.
“Well I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable with everything they were saying…” He whispered his voice trailing off slightly.
“In what world would anyone be uncomfortable with dating Derek Hale?!” You screeched staring at him like he’d grown another head.
“Well if you wanna play that game fine! In what world would anyone be uncomfortable with dating Y/N Y/L/N!” He retaliated harshly.
“So then why aren’t you guys dating?” Liam spoke up softly, everyone turned to look at the youngest of the pack his head held high as if he’d knew he’d said something smart.
“Because Derek doesn’t like me the way I like him and you know this!” You whisper yelled to Liam but realised that you’d said it loud enough for everyone to hear.
“You like me?” Derek asked making you turn your attention to him, your face now bright red.
“Can we talk about this after diner please? I’d like to at least enjoy the food I cooked before you flat out reject me.” You mumbled softly before pushing the food around your plate. You looked up to Derek who was now out his seat. Before you knew what had happened you were yanked out your seat, one of his arms firmly wrapped around your waist and the other hand cupped your cheek.
“Do you like me?” He asked again with more heat and curiosity in his voice, his green eyes stared into yours making everyone else disappear. You nodded softly as your eyes flicked from his to his lips. His lips met yours in a soft yet passionate kiss, after a few seconds of small kisses that stole your breath away you were pulled out by the sound of Isaac’s voice.
“Ew it’s like watching your parents make out.” You pulled away flushing slightly before looking up at Derek who sent you a pantie melting grin which made your knees weak.
“Can we eat now I didn’t slave over a hot stove to eat cold food?” Stiles grumbled which made me turn to him with a raised eyebrow daring him to take all the credit.
“I mean let eat this delicious food mama made and then make sure to give her a foot massage later?” He grinned over at your cheekily.
“Stiles shut up or I will rip your thr-” Derek stopped mid-sentence as you shot him the same look.
“I mean let’s eat then put on Y/N favourite film?” Derek mumbled his eyes wide.
“See now you’re getting it. Okay time to eat.” You giggled pressing a gentle kiss to Derek’s cheek.
After dinner you all put on a film and cuddled on the giant L shaped couch. Everyone was touching in some way with and Derek in the middle of what could only be classed as a puppy pile. You could stop to scared thought that this could just be another one of your dreams about Derek but every time you count your fingers and thumbs you had ten altogether. You buried you head into Derek hard chest which was surprisingly comfortable. You drew shapes absently on Derek’s chest as your listened to his heart beat. Every now and then it would rise and become louder but other than that it was a calming tempo.
Eventually everyone started leaving until you were the last on left in the newly re-built Hale house. You shuffled about as Derek walked you to the front door. As you were about to put your shoes on Derek stopped you grabbing your face and kissing you with so much emotion and roughness you knew your lips would bruise. When he pulled away, you let out a small whine from the loss but opened your eyes to look into his.
“God I’ve wanted to do that all night but I felt like I’d scar the pups.” Derek sighed softly as he started regaining his lost breath.
“Derek…What are we?” You asked softly as his hands made circles on both cheeks.
“You’re mine and I’m yours.” He responded calmly, his hands slipping into your hair. When he gripped your hair slightly you let out a whimper now thoughts of him claiming you, his eyes glowing red as he made you submit, made their way into your head. You soon started to feel your panties grow damn which as soon as Derek took a deep breath through his nose you knew he smelt because his eyes changed from icy green to crimson red.
“Stop.” He growled as your arousal got worse as his red eyes stared into yours.
“I can’t stop the fact that you turn me on Derek.” You chuckled softly, biting your lip so stop another whimper escaping when you felt his hand grip your hair tighter.
“You smell so sweet.” His left hands moved to grip your hip as he drew you closer towards him.
“If you don’t leave now I’m going to take you upstairs and claim you.” Derek growled into your ear, his fangs grazing against the shell of your ear.
“Then do it.” You panted as his mouth moved to your neck.
“You sure that’s what you want I mean we only star-”
Before he could continue rambling you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him down for a bruising kiss. Both his hands gripped your waist in a tight hold but you didn’t care if he left bruises it just meant that Derek wanted you that much he couldn’t control himself and to you that felt empowering.
“Yes I’m sure I want Alpha to claim me.” You whined softly as you pulled away from the kiss.
He didn’t answer with words instead chose to growl at my choice of words, there was something extremely attractive about his red eyes and growls that went straight to your core. You step back from him and pulled off your baby blue summer dress you were currently wearing, leaving you in your underwear, a strapless nude pink bra and matching panties. His eyes roamed over you hungrily as you made your way up the large set of stairs, swaying your hips seductively as you went. He was soon chasing after your almost fumbling like a horny teenager to get his shirt off.
Once you reached his room, you crawled onto his bed on all fours. He made his way over to you gripping your hips tightly. His right hand slowly made its way down your back pushing softly on your shoulder blades so you were face down with your lace clad ass in the air. You giggled shaking your ass at him playfully making another feral growl emit from his chest. He playfully slapped your ass making you playfully moan at him. You knew at this point you were so wet that your panties were likely soaked. His right hand made it way down my back to my ass before skimming over your lace cover pussy.
“Jesus you’re so wet.” He groaned as if this fact caused him and his dick physical pain.
“Mhm because Alpha makes me wet.” You gasped as he moved your panties to one side and ran his index finger through your wet folds.
“What does Alpha’s little kitten want?” He whispered as his lips gave small kisses to your ass cheeks which made you whine softly.
“Want Alpha’s tongue.” You managed to whisper, your hands gripping the sheets tightly in anticipation. Instead of responding he ripped your panties off, his tongue delving into your pussy as soon as the shredded panties were thrown away. You let out a breathy moan as his tongue dipped into your hole, fucking you roughly with his tongue before moving his attention to your clit giving slight kitten licks making you whimper before trying to push back on him. His hands gripped your hips keeping you firmly in place as he continued his ministrations on your dripping core. Soon his fingers entered the mix, his two fingers slowly pushing in and out making your moans louder. He started sucking on your clit making your orgasm start towards the edge.
“D-Derek am gonna’ cum.” You stuttered out barely able to even form the sentence but these words only made his finger go faster and his licks and bites get rougher. You finally felt yourself fall gripping the sheets, his name repeatedly falling from your lips over and over. Finally as you started to come down his attention stopped and you were flipped onto your back.
“Would like to stop now Y/N?” He asked as he hovered over your body his shirt gone along with his jeans leaving him in boxers with a very large noticeable hard on showing. He tucked some of your Y/H/C hair behind your ear, his actions soft and loving making you smiles up at him tiredly.
“No I want you to make love to me.” You smiled at him lovingly as he leaned down kissing your forehead. He nodded as he grabbed a condom from the nightstand, carefully rolling it on. He lifted your legs gently wrapping them around his waist, his tip now teasing your entrance. He looked at you one last time as if asking once again if this was okay but instead of answering verbally, you brought him down for a reassuring kiss. He entered you slowly your back arching softly as you gripped onto his bicep with one hand, the other gripping the sheets. You had only had sex once when you were 17 but he was a lot bigger than the guy who took your virginity. He stopped as soon as he was fully inside of you he looked down to make sure you were okay.
“You okay baby?” He asked softly caressing your face.
“Y-Yeah this is only my second time ever having…” You drifted off yours cheeks flushing tenfold.
“You should have told me I’d of prepared you more!” He whispered yelled his voice full of panic and apologies.
“It’s okay Der I’m fine now you can move.” You whispered bring him down for a chaste kiss.
He looked uncertain with your words but you moved your hips up letting out a gasp followed quickly by a moan. You moved your arms to rest around his neck pulling him down for a slow yet passion kiss as he began with slow thrusts that made you moan into the kiss. He supported himself on one arm and used the other to run his fingers through your L/S hair. He kissed the corner of your mouth as his thrust got harder but not faster. His lips placing a trail of kisses to your neck.
“Shit Y/N…Feels good.” He moaned huskily into your ear.
Your moans were gentle and worn out as you felt yourself building again. When you clenched around Derek slightly brought his hand down to draw circles against your clit. His panting and gasps getting heavier as his thrust became more uneven and messy. His other hand gripped the sheets as he felt you finally cum around his shaft.
“Derek!” Your voice shouted out as you felt yourself cum for the second time.
“I’m cumming…” He gasped as he thrust into deeper than before, making you rasp out a quiet moan. As he came his thrust became more uneven and slowed down before coming to a stop. You were both panting as he took the condom off. He tied it throwing it into the bin before he collapsed next to you. He pulled the covers from under both of you making sure your naked body was covered as he drew you in until your head was on his chest.
“I love you Y/N.” He whispered as he kissed your head, running his fingers through your hair.
“I love you too Der.” You murmured before you felt sleep take you.
I guess being pack mom isn’t so bad after all.
-> Part 2
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yourmommygay · 8 months
Let's trust him.
Idea: This is set just after Liam brings theo back and is set in Scott's house when they find out he's back.
Pairings: theo raeken x plus size!reader, Malia tate/hale x reader (siblings. Malia is 2 years older), Scott mccall x reader (platonic), Liam Dumbar x reader (best friends)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood and violence.
Be prepared this is a kinda long one.
Cody christain is just majestic.
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Me, malia and Scott had just returned to Scott's after receiving a message from Liam asking for us to come back. As I stepped out of my truck and closed the door I heard my sister growl, I didn't understand why, I just shrugged it off and walked over to Scott who was walking up the path to the front door.
We entered the house and I heard hushed whispers from towards the kitchen area, I identified the voices of Liam and hayden aka my best friend and his girlfriend. As I rounded the corner I saw him, theo. My ex boyfriend standing behind my best friend and hayden who was holding the katana.
"What's going on here?" I asked worried as to why he was here. Liam looked sad almost guilty but still confident all at once. Scott stepped towards Liam with a angry glint in his eyes.
(Skip to later. Also im adding more speach cause its been a while since ive watched teen wolf and i cant find it anywhere as i live in the uk)
"Scott I don't trust him" malia said to Scott and I don't blame her, he manipulated us all, made us believe we could trust him, shot malia, made me fall in love with him just so he could get closer to the pack, manipulated Liam into trying to kill Scott then trying and sort of succeeding in killing him. "I know you don't malia, but Liam thinks he may be able to help us, he remembers stiles" Scott said trying to calm down the situation.
"I remember stiles, Lydia remembers stiles, y/n remembers stiles and so do you. We don't need theo, Liam needs to send him back. He tried to kill you scott" malia rambled getting angrier by the second. "What do you think y/n?" Scott asked looking straight at me, I looked over at theo and saw his eyes. He was listening in to the conversation and he looked scared. "Malia has a point he did try to kill you." I pause. "But so did I and malia and Liam and Peter and Kate and Chris and Jackson and yet you gave us another chance and trusted us. I say we give him one more chance, if he does something we don't like or agree with put him back" I respond.
Scott nods and tells Liam "y/n's right, but he's your responsibility. You watch him, got it?" Liam nods and looks over at me "can y/n help? She's theos weakness remember".
(Flashback to before they sent him to his personal hell)
"Y/n your everything to me, I didn't mean to involve you in the plan. I didn't mean to fall in love with you, at first I thought maybe it was easy but then you actually treated me the way I wanted to be treated, with love and care. God I'm crazy about you y/n, if anything happened to you I'd lose my mind. Your the only thing that keeps me calm and anchored" theo said trying to plea for my forgiveness.
"I can't be with you theo, not anymore. Your not the person I thought you was. If you can change then maybe at some point eventually but right now I'm pushing myself to just talk to you, I don't think I can trust you" I turned and left theo standing there looking like a kid who just dropped their ice cream.
"Fine catherine goes with but if he gets to close to her stop him" Scott and malia both say St the same time making me smirk. I have a feeling they will be together soon enough, there's always been something there. I can tell.
(Time skip again)
I'm walking behind hayden and Liam by theo but not next to him as I see Liam and hayden being a cute couple. Hayden says how she trusts liam I nearly make an audible sound of adoration towards the teenage couple as they kiss theo says "oh do you want me to leave you two alone to have some couple time?" He then holds up the chains "Oh wait I can't" he says annoyed. Liam rolls his eyes and me and hayden giggle at the boys. Liam yanks on the chain connected to the handcuffs on theo's wrists.
As I'm walking theo looks at me. "Hey" he whispers knowing that even though the teenage couple infront of us are talking that if he spoke loud enough Liam would hear him. "Hi" I whisper back. "I heard what you said to Scott back at the house, thank you for sticking up for me" he whispers smiling at me, not a smirk like before, a genuine smile. "I didn't do it as a favor for you." Amd just like that the smile is gone.
"I did it for me, so I can kill you once we have finished with you" I smile and him then jog to catch up and walk next to hayden.
(Time skip again. I'm sorry)
"Scott was right, I'm sending you back" Liam said to theo, we had just returned to the little shed thingy and saw a ghost rider dead in the cage with the gate open and theo sitting on the floor. I hadn't looked at theo yet I just know he's sitting on the floor, I finally look over at theo then turn to Liam and whisper to Liam "leave me alone with him, I'll fine out what happened" Liam looks hesitant but I nod and he and everyone else walks out leaving me with theo.
I sit down next to theo sideways facing him. I cross my legs, sigh and put my hands in my lap. "What happened theo?" I ask. Theo looks at me with tears in his eyes and blood on his face, "my sister would pull my heart out, over and over and over and over again. Then suddenly you appeared and she started pulling your heart out then she would make me pull it out, I couldn't. I couldn't hurt you again so I always had to watch you die." He said catching me of guard. "Theo I meant about what happened here. Is-is that what you witnessed in your personal hell?" I ask putting my hand on his knee. He nods then says "it was uh, Mr Douglas. He came in here, killed the ghost rider. Ate something from in his brain that let him use the whip" theo says then he clears his throat and sits up more, still leaning on the wall.
"Mr Douglas, as in the new teacher?" I ask in disbelief. Theo nods again and I nod. "Theo I have to ask, did you try to stop him?" I ask scared of the answer. "Yeah I did he uh, he pushed me against the wall and then faced the ghost rider" theo said and I knew he was telling the truth cause they couldn't lie to me. I nod and pull theo into my chest hugging him catching him by surprise but he quickly wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my neck.
"I missed you" I confess. "I missed you so much more and I'm so sorry I broke your trust and I promise I will try to prove myself and change, for you. I'll be better for you" theo said looking me in the eyes. I smile and nod then kiss theo quickly before calling Scott and Liam and the others back in.
I stand up as they enter and say "He's telling the truth, he had nothing to do with what happened here. In fact he tried to stop it from happening but he couldn't. Scott can I talk to you outside?" I ramble, Scott nods and we walk out the little shed thingy. "Scott, he's just told me what he went through down there. I think we should at least give him a chance to be better. To prove to be better. He isn't the same as before, believe me. I was his girlfriend and there is a look in his eyes that wasn't there before." I explain.
"What did he go through?" Scott asks, I shake my head "I can't say exactly as its not my place if he wants to tell you he will but I will say that if anything would change him. It would be what he went through. Can we please give him one more chance and just put at least a little bit of trust in him?" I say.
Scott nods and says
"Okay, let's trust him"
A/n: I hope you like this, it took me about an hour to write as I kept getting distracted. Anyway let me know what you think about this and I'm sorry that I couldn't really remember much from the episodes but I tried my best. Anyway, remember you are loved and you are wanted. I love you and I hope you have a nice morning/evening/night. Bye bye.
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a-lil-bi-furious · 1 year
what’s your favourite thing about Scott McCall? 🥰
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to gush about my boy! This is honestly such a difficult question because there are so many things I love about Scott McCall. He's witty and Intelligent, devoted and kind, strong and gentle. He's inspiring. He's the funniest lil shit around. He's soft with animals and wants to be a healer. I love his little mole and the sound of his voice and the way his face scrunches up with that bright sunshine smile. I love his rare bursts of anger and the struggle with it he buries. I love the complexity of his emotions and how he bears the weight of the world and still finds a way to keep going.
If I have to choose, though, my favorite thing about Scott is the depth of his empathy and how that shapes his actions. We see time and again throughout the show that Scott already seems to have a lot of empathy for others naturally, even to the point of hints at him being an empath (see: Scott feeling Erica's seizure from another room over). But what is perhaps most impressive is his intentional practice of empathy in cases where it may be difficult/he may not immediately feel it.
It's Scott telling Allison "You could be crying for you. You lost someone." when she's struggling with missing Kate, a mass-murderer who tried to kill Scott, but was still Allison's family. It's him responding "I get that" when Chris points a gun at him and says: "I guess there's a part of me that still wants to shoot you" even though, really, Scott has done nothing to Chris. It's "No, I mean you. I don't want you to get hurt" when Isaac is still his enemy. It's Scott following Jackson to Derek's to protect him, even though he and Jackson are far from friends.
He has an extraordinary gift for putting himself in other people's shoes. Scott is kind and caring toward his friends and family, he does what he can to protect and soothe strangers, but most incredible is the way he actively practices empathizing with people who, arguably, do not deserve it from him.
It's the way he still has faith that Peter has good in him, even after Peter tried to kill him months before. The way he trusts Theo to help them with the ghost riders and then the hunters, even though he's clearly terrified and, to use his own words, wants to tear Theo apart. How when Matt--who had just shot Scott, harmed his friends, and murdered multiple people--tells Scott his story, Scott looks genuinely horrified and sympathetic when he realizes Matt drowned.
I also find Scott's struggle to empathize with himself compelling. As the show progresses, we watch Scott shoulder more and more responsibility for everyone and everything around him. In the pilot we watch as his autonomy is violated and he's changed against his will; we watch him hurt again and again, make mistakes, save the day. And still, regarding himself, Scott arrives at blame rather than understanding. Frayed/Motel California are a great example of this, with Scott blaming himself for Derek's supposed death and concluding "What if doing this (dying) is the best thing I can do for everyone else?" Compare this to what he says about Liam being dragged into the supernatural and struggling later on, that he's "just a kid". It's an interesting difference between how he views himself and his own mistakes/bad things that happen versus others in his position.
I've already rambled too long, but I suppose my point is that Scott's empathy shapes so much of who he is as a person. It motivates his goals, particularly those relating to other people and giving people chances to be their best selves. It builds strong relationships with others, even without always meaning to (see: long line of strays who become incredibly loyal to Scott). It is simultaneously a strength and, at times, a fatal flaw. And it largely motivates Scott's practice of kindness, gentility, and hope--none of which are easy, especially in his circumstances. I think he's wonderful for it.
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Out of ten what do you rate how much you like each teen wolf character
Okay This is definitely just me rambling and I'm missing a few characters but these are the ones that I know well enough to give an opinion on atm. {I've watched up to a few episodes of season 3}
(And I'm ignoring people like Kate and Gerard because I cannot express how much I hate them)
Scott Mccall - 8/10. He's super cool, definitely underrated in his own show. 😂
Stiles Stilinski - 10/10. Love him. His sarcasm. >>> he is so genuinely awesome!
Isaac Lahey - 20/10. I'm sorry he does no wrong. I love him.
Derek Hale - 9/10. He's great. Please stop being soooo grumpy.
Allison Argent - 6/10. I loved her and then she injured Isaac and like yea she was justifiably angry but I'm still holding a grudge. Other than that so far she's pretty cool tho!
Lydia Martin - 7/10. She's awesome. A bit mean at times but I love her for it. 😂
Theo Raeken - 8/10. Haven't actually met his character yet but I know a decent amount about him. He deserves better 🥹
Liam Dunbar - 9/10. Once again haven't officially met him but I've seen clips and he is so cute 🥹💀 I love him!
Malia Tate/Hale - 8/10. She seems cool. I don't know her character very well yet.
Melissa Mccall - 10/10. Love her!!! She is truly amazing!! She's a great mum. 😌 Can she be my mum pleaseee.
Noah Stilinski - 10/10. I love him so far!!! PLEASE ADOPT ME. 🥹 Seriously I want him to be my father!!!
Coach - 9/10. He's so damn funny 😂😂😂
Chris Argent - 6/10. Almost positive he gets better at it goes on, I don't dislike him but he's not my favourite.
Peter Hale - 8/10. I should hate him from where I am but I've seen clips of him and I can't help but love him. He's so funny.
Erica Reyes - 8/10. She's so pretty!!! 🥹 I love her!!!
Deaton - 7/10. I've seen very little interactions with him but he's pretty cool from what I've seen. He in a way reminds me of my mum. (no I will not be elaborating 😂)
Aiden & Ethan - 5/10. I've been told I'll end up liking them but for now I'm holding a grudge. (to be fair the first time I saw them they sent my favourite character to the hospital?!)
Jackson Whitmore - 6/10. He gets better after the early seasons. I don't know him great in the later seasons but from what I have seen he gets a lot better after Lydia rather than during dating her.
Danny - 8/10. I can't explain why I like his character so much. I just do. 😂
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kevrocksicehouse · 10 months
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Ryan O'Neal
In 1970 Ryan O’Neal starred with Ali McGraw in Arthur Hiller’s Love Story the biggest hit of that year.  Years later I found it tedious and condescendingly manipulative. (“Love is never having to say you’re sorry.”)
In 1972 he starred with Barbra Streisand in Peter Bogdanovich’s What’s Up Doc? playing a variation of Cary Grant in Bringing Up Baby but with none of Grant’s exasperated charm. Not a bad screwball comedy but he got upstaged by Streisand, Madeline Kahn, Austin Pendleton, Kenneth Mars and especially Liam Dunn.
In 1973 he was a con man opposite his daughter Tatum (who won an Oscar) in Bogdanovich’s Paper Moon. His best performance.
In 1975 he played the title role in Stanley Kubrick’s visually opulent but dull Barry Lyndon.
In 1977 he played an American General in Richard Attenborough’s overstuffed war film A Bridge Too Far. At least I think he did. He was in there somewhere.
1n 1984 he played a thinly-disguised version of Bogdanovich in Charles Shyer’s Irreconcilable Differences. He’s not bad but the rambling and unfocused story bombed at the box-office.
In 1998 he was the heavy in the weird Detective movie Zero Effect, upstaged by Bill Pullman and Ben Stiller as a shaggy-dog version of Holmes and Watson
That was it for me and Ryan O’Neal aside from seeing a few clips from the atrocious Tough Guys Don’t Dance, a glorified cameo in Terence Malick’s Knight of Cups and the occasional tabloid story of his infidelities and child abuse.
 But I’m sorry. RIP.
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narnianselfships · 2 years
Fandoms filled with primarily cishet women who only write female readers my beloathed
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2-fast-2-curious · 2 years
do you have a master list of all the audios? i need one place to find them all 😩
Motorsport Audio Masterlist Albon - Lawson
Male Listener Audios
Alex Albon
[M4F] [Script Offer] Early Morning With Your BF
[M4F] Be My Good Girl?
Fernando Alonso
noche de lluvia
[M4F] Déjame ayudarte a dormir
Marcus Armstrong
A Soft Morning at the Beach [M4F]
[M4F] [script fill] Study break
Teaching you how to drive stick
Exhibitionist in front of the window
[M4F] Flatmates [painting]
[M4F][Script Fill] All Wrapped up
[M4F] It’s been a while
Peter Bonnington
[M4F] [Script Fill] Laundry Day
[F4M] Thanks for a Great Race, Wanna Fuck?
Valterri Bottas
[M4F] You Love It When I Put On A Suit, Don’t You?
Jenson Button
[M4F] Breakfast In Bed
Perfect The Way You Are.
I talk about going down on you
Sweetening up a Single Father [M4F]
Angela Cullen
[F4F] Taking Time For Yourself
Nyck De Vries
[M4A] [Ramblefap] I have to start with something...
[M4F] I'd say it was a pleasure but...
[M4F] Some Comfort
[M4F] Some heavy petting
My roommate, my vam[M4F]Feral Friday Ramblepire
[M4F]Feral Friday Ramble
Jack Doohan
shall we share my sleeping bag?
[M4F][Script Fill] Impulse Control
Felipe Drugovich
[M4F] Ramblefap #2
Pierre Gasly
[M4F] Boyfriend Waited Too Long For You And Can't Hold Himself Back 
[M4F] Are you horny too?
[M4F] I do like your tits, speaking English can be hard fortunately I can do better things with my mouth
[M4F] Sleepy boyfriend wants you to come to bed to cuddle
[M4F] Helping you falling asleep
[M4F]The perfect gift
A Kiss, Or Two, To Wake Up
[M4F] Un réveil exceptionnel [FR]
[M4F] Unspeakable
[M4F] You and your crush have your first of many kisses
[M4F] Your beautiful breasts
[M4F][Improvisation]Sleepy boyfriend wants you to come to bed to cuddle
[M4F] Oh, you're studying? No, I'll just sit with you.
Lewis Hamilton
[M4F] Testing your strength against your boyfriend goes wrong... but very, very right
[M4F] Catching Daddy Playing
[M4F] A not-so-sneaky night of passion to cap off the week
[M4F] Fucking your brother's best friend.
[M4F][M4F(MMM)] You're my pretty little maid for game day. Won't you make my friends feel comfortable?
[M4F] You just can’t keep away, can you, Princess?
You're Safe With Me, My Darling
[M4F] Aw, is daddy's cock too big for you, princess? I don't care.
[M4F] Naughty Daddy fucks his little girl neighbour who's been teasing him for some time now.
[M4F] Distracting you from chores
[M4A][Improv] A needy "good morning" in the kitchen
[M4F] Needy Whore
[M4F][Script Fill] Honeymoon Swats
[M4A][OC] A sleeping gift for your overworked partner
[M4F][Script Fill] Shopping spree
[M4F][Script Fill] I saw what you did… Was that for me?
[M4F][Script Fill] Dominant friend needs an assistant
[M4F][Script Fill] Your Dom BF wants to make you cum while you game
Dennis Hauger
[M4F] I Will Hurt You, Princess
[M4F] Just Like That
[M4F] Warm Mushroom Soup
[M4F] Happy Ending Birthday
[M4F] Amateur Masseur
[M4F] A Farm by the Fjord
Christian Horner
[M4F] [Script Fill] The Sleepover DILF
Niko Hulkenberg
[M4F] Let’s see if you actually deserve more of my cum today
[M4A] You're Not Alone
[M4A] Unwind, and fall into relaxation with me
Callum Ilott
[M4F] You’re Sick, But It Doesn’t Bother Your Boyfriend
Michael Italiano
[M4F] Closing Time At the Gym
Liam Lawson
[m4f] Taking her virginity after a date
A Quickie with the fuck buddy
[M4F] Let Me Make You Feel Beautiful
Your doting boyfriend treats you to a night of relaxation and pleasure
[M4F] It’s been a while
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beatricehawthorne · 7 years
Okay, so just this morning, I watched an episode of [The Royals] totally by chance. It's ss3, so I only got some basic information (still enough to enjoy it, though). Then... THEN, I saw the gorgeous Prince Liam and got this strange feeling.
Like, I don't even know whether I saw him as Liam or William or Peter. Impressions made when you were a child are really hard to ignore. I watched this ep and undoubtedly enjoyed it, yet at the same time, some part of my mind kept screaming "NO! WHY, PETER!", especially in every scene between he and Kathryn. How odd the way I felt as if something precious was taken from me. Quite heart wrenching, if you get what I mean.
Along with negative feelings, I was moved, too. The boy I knew as Peter Pevensie has become this handsome man, with 100% upright aura. A bittersweet feeling, I guess.
However, the thought which kept turning back to me was "So this is what High King Peter looked like sometime in the Golden Age" and I just wanted to burst into tears.
I never knew watching one episode could be this emotionally exhausting...
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arachnidiots-a · 10 months
peter parker in the hunger games… oh mannnnn he does not belong there get him out of there!!! tucking him into bed and sending him to bed!! (he would be district 3 I think)
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arachnidiots · 4 months
crying my eyes out. i will never be a superhero with casual wear over their suit. it's such a good look it is so important
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes pt 1 - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: None!~ Just came to me brahh
Warning: NONE! 
If it’s one thing the pack was sure of it was that you were very much like Stiles’ long lost twin. Stiles had even insisted you call him big brother, though you refused. However if anyone could match the rambling of said hyperactive spaz it was you.
Only you didn’t have ADHD it was just your personality. Which had still earnt you a seat at the table with what you had once assumed to be the popular kids however turned out to be a very different group.
You somehow found yourself entangled with werewolves and all other type of supernatural people but just like Stiles you loved it. Even with his fear Stiles loved the adrenaline of chasing down the bad guys and putting them to a stop. Just like you.
The pack was full of couples who had been together since before you joined and some after. Aiden and Lydia had got together just before you joined. Erica and Boyd had been together since long before you got there. Allison and Isaac had come together just after you joined the pack. Derek and Stiles still hadn’t got together but that didn’t mean everyone stopped calling them an old married couple.
Liam and Theo were still bouncing off one another but anyone could tell they’d eventually explode and fuck each other much to the disgust of the Alpha. The last couple was fairly new and recently came back to join the pack. That would be Ethan and Jackson. Which shocked everyone except you and Lydia. Mainly because you never really met Jackson.
It had been months since Jackson came back with his significant other and everything was relatively settled except the only people in the group who were single were you and Scott. Obviously if you didn’t count those who had yet to pull their head out their asses. Kira had been gone too long and she and Scott had officially put an end to their relationship.
You couldn’t help but pout as you remembered that even Peter had started dating a beta from another pack just outside McCall territory. You only let out another sound of distress when you realised even Melissa and Chris had started dating.
The parents of the pack officially had a better love life than you.
“You’re doing that thing again.” Derek snorted as he sipped his coffee.
“What thing!?” You replied, sarcasm evident in your voice.
“That thing that Stiles does when he angrily eats his food because he’s thinking about something that pisses him off.” Derek chuckled making Scott look up from his homework.
“Oh yeah he used to do that when we talked about you a lot.” Scott commented, his adorable lopsided grin making an appearance.
“I did not!” Stiles screamed, causing Derek to growl making him shut up very quickly. Stiles flung himself over Derek and made grabby hand at him which apparently Derek understood and handed Stiles his coffee.
“Only a little bit Stiles.” Derek commented not even taking his eyes of his newspaper.
“Yeah yeah, Okay Sourwolf.” Stiles chuckled before taking a sip and handing it back to Derek.
“You guys seem…extra close…” Scott commented as he sipped his coffee with a raised brow.
“Did you guys finally fuck?” You snorted, sarcastically as you crammed some waffle in your mouth, but when Stiles blushed and Derek choked on his coffee which caused you to begin choking on your waffle. Scott patted your back a little roughly but you gave him a thumb up and looked at the apparent new couple.
“Oh my god! GIRLS! STEREK IS HAPPENING!” Suddenly you heard loud banging before Erica, Allison and Lydia came into view with wide eyes.
“Sterek?” Derek asked confused before he looked at Scott for answer but Scott just smirked.
“It’s your names combined.” You replied honestly making Stiles sigh dramatically.
“So which one bottoms?” You questioned making a very prominent blush show on Derek face.
“You can’t ask people things like that!” Derek snarled making you frown.
“Jackson who’s bottom?” You yelled from the kitchen knowing he’d hear you in the living area.
“Me. My ass is too good to resist.” He replied easily.
“Mason who bottoms!?” You yelled again.
“We switch. I’d asked why but I don’t wanna know!” He screamed back earning a chuckle from Lydia.
“If Stiles wants to tell you he can but my lips are sealed.”
“It’s obviously Stiles who bottom’s I mean have you felt his ass.” Erica snorted but Derek quickly growled causing her to immediately shut up.
The questions and guesses continued through the morning before Stiles eventually told you all that yes he was bottom. Scott had tuned out the very private conversation because they were both like his brothers but that didn’t stop him from giving Derek a very small warning that if he hurt Stiles he’d be dead.
You were currently watching Liam and Mason play video games, as you cuddled into the corner of the couch by yourself. As you looked around and saw all the couple you felt undeniably sad. Lydia was sat on Aiden’s lap as she helped him study for finals. Theo was sending Liam goo goo eyes. Cory had Mason sat between his legs as he played video games.
Erica and Boyd were napping on the floor, Derek and Stiles were surprisingly openly cuddling while reading their own books. Jackson and Ethan were scroll through their phones as Ethan teased him about something and Isaac was laid on Allison’s stomach as he napped and she read something on her kindle.
As you looked around you spotted Scott sat by himself as he read a book most likely for school work. You smiled sadly at his cute eyebrows that were currently drawn down in concertation. You got off the couch and strolled outside the newly built pack home, sitting yourself on the porch swing.
You took a deep breath and tried to forget about the feelings you’d buried months ago. You had, had a crush on Scott from before you were even a part of the pack but when you joined the pack you were told he was with Kira so you buried your feels, but after they broke up he seemed happy being single so you buried them even deeper until all you felt was a dull throb.
Recently your feelings had been trudged back up due to someone asking you if you would ever turn into a wolf. That when you got thinking about not only the risks but also the perks. You could be equal to most of your friends for one but not only that, you could also feel the connection the others felt with Scott. Which made you ultimately think about the feelings you had buried.
“Hey you okay?” A soft kind voice asked from the front door which you hadn’t even heard open. Damn werewolves.
“Y-Yeah I’m fine…” You lied but as soon as you saw him frown you knew he’d heard your lie.
“You can talk to me you kno-”
“I think I want you to turn me.” You blurted out, cutting his sentence off before he had the chance to finish it.
“I won’t turn you.” Scott replied as a deep frown set in on his face.
“Why not!?” You snapped, thoroughly offended he flat out refused.
“Because you said you ‘think’ instead of I ‘know’. I won’t turn you unless I know it’s what you want 100%.” Scott sighed, his frown quickly disappearing and being replaced with what you would guess was sympathy.
“I do want to be turned. The only thing stopping me is the fear my body will reject it because I’m weak…” You’d been in the pack for a few months but no one had figured out how weak you really were. You had a few health problems but they weren’t noticeable unless you voiced them which you were thankful for.
“You’re not weak your human and that’s okay.” Scott retaliated, his smile encouraging yet pointless because he had no idea of your problems.
After Scott comforted you a little you decided to go finish your homework. As you sat down you noticed a slight pain in your wrist but chose to ignore it. You’d become very good at ignoring the pain so none of the wolves knew.
You were writing for half an hour when it started again but worse. You knew you needed to leave but if you rushed out of here in a room full of werewolves they would notice. You stood up and turned to the pack with a smile. You knew your back was going to start hurting soon and if you didn’t leave everyone including the humans would know.
“Guys I’m gonna get goi-”
“Sit down now.” Scott growled, causing you to freeze ignoring his command but not long after he shot over to you and grabbed your face.
“Why are you in pain?” He asked his eyes full of worry.
“Scott let her go.” Derek sighed sadly.
“Stiles drive Y/N home.” Stiles nodded like he knew what was happening.
After you left Scott turned to Derek with red eyes letting out a warning growl. Derek rolled his eyes and sat down to read his book.
“What the hell did you do that for!? She’s obviously in pain!”
“DO YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT? DO YOU THINK WE ALL DON’T KNOW THAT!?” Derek screamed making everyone stop their tasks.
“You all know she’s in pain and no one tried to tell me!?” Scott yelled angrily when finally Theo spoke up surprising everyone.
“She’s stubborn Scott. We keep our mouths closed because we can do more that way. She thinks we’re oblivious, so whenever we get the chance we take her pain without her realising. It’s sneaky but it’s the best way. Its human problems we will never understand again. It’s nothing deadly from what I can tell it’s her joints or nerves surrounding the joints. I don’t know what’s wrong with her but I know it’s not deadly and that’s what matters. When we all figured it out Derek stopped us from saying anything because she obviously didn’t want us to know. That’s her choice and we should respect it.” Theo sighed, everyone nodding in agreement.
“It’s really nothing deadly?” Scott muttered with a concerned look on his face that made Lydia and Derek smile.
“Do you really think I wouldn’t tell you if the girl you’re in love with was dying?” Stiles muttered from the door, a sad smile gracing his face. Thankfully your house was only a 2 minute drive from the Hale house so when Stiles walked through Scott relaxed a little.
“She wants the bite but I think she thinks her body is too weak for it but she’s wrong. I actually think she could be one of the strongest wolves this pack has ever seen. I can smell it on her.” Derek commented making Scott nod in thought.
That night Scott thought about whether turning you would be an option he would consider. He spent all night worrying about if you were in pain and that lead to him making his finally decision. He knew turning was your choice but the least he could do was give you that option.
The next morning you walked into school with Lydia only to be pulled to one side by Scott. His eyes were sad but it wasn’t pity you saw it was an apology which thoroughly shocked you.
“If you want me to turn you I will but only if you sure it’s what you want.” Scott murmured making sure no one outside the pack heard you. Your eyes widened at his words but you felt relief and happiness flood you.
Would these damn problems finally disappear? Could you finally do everything your friends could do? Running? Partying? Drinking without having to stop your meds?
“I want it.” Scott smiled and stroked your hair softly before giving you nod and telling you to come to the pack house after school.
Throughout the day you thought about how Scott’s hand felt on your hair. Not the fact you’d be a werewolf soon but the fact that the only guys you’d ever liked, had touched your hair. You snorted at yourself and thankfully no one heard.
Lesson’s dragged on but when they finally ended, you ran to the parking lot and spotted Stiles who was getting into his Jeep. You ran over and hopped into the passenger side making him raise an eyebrow at you.
“To the hale house! GOOOOO!” You screamed making him nod dramatically like you’d just given him some kind of dangerous mission.
Once there you hopped out as Scott pulled up on his bike. You leaped onto his back and giggled.
“Werewolf me Mr.Alpha!” Scott burst out laughing but grabbed behind your knees so he could piggy back you into the hale house.
“Really Y/N werewolf me Mr.Alpha? Really?” Stiles snorted making you shoot him a glare as you made it inside, but eventually chose to ignore him.
We had our Friday night pack meeting and then your text your Mom telling her you were staying at Lydia’s all weekend which she quickly okayed. Afterwards you and Scott went to your bedroom in the pack house for more privacy.
“Where is the best place to b-bite?” You stuttered nervous about the outcome.
“Usually the waist but if your uncomfortab-” Before he could finish you stripped off your shirt and stood there in your skinny jeans and lace black bra.
A silence fell over you both as Scott gaped at you causing you to squirm under his gaze. Goosebumps appeared on your skin as you tried not to think about how it would feel to have Scott take you against your bedroom door.
“Okaaay well this is sufficiently awkward so hurry up and bite me.” You sighed, sarcastically making him quickly snapped out his gaze with a blush.
“S-Sorry.” He muttered but despite his word he got down on his knees in front of you and gripped your hips twisting you slightly so he could get a better angle. He looked up at your waiting for your permission but with the sight of him on his knees in front of you, it made you bite your lip quickly forgetting you needed to nod. He inhaled but as he did his eyes went wide, shooting a look at you that was very much full of shock.
“Don’t say a word.” You muttered angrily, a blush taking over your face. He nodded shyly and decided it was better he bite you before things get even more awkward. His eyes glowed red and he looked up at you before he slowly sunk his teeth into your waist.
It hurt, you couldn’t deny that as the screamed that ripped from your throat was high pitched and enough to have Derek and half the pack burst into your bedroom. Scott pulled his fangs out and quickly stood up blocking you from everyone’s view. He held you up as you began to wobble on your feet.
“Allison get the first aid kit. Lydia help her cover herself. I’ll be back once she’s settled.” Scott instructed his eyes glow red as he peered over his shoulder letting them know it was a command.
Lydia rushed over and held you up with difficulty making Erica run in to help as Lydia slipped a blanket around you. Allison ran back upstairs and started on cleaning the wound as Scott dragged all the males out the room.
“Sorry we burst in like that we just panicked.” Mason sighed, his response making Scott smile sadly.
“I knew she’d scream but I wasn’t expecting a friggin’ Lydia scream. She almost put Lydia to shame.” Aiden joked making Liam nod in agreement.
“Remind me to make her walls soundproof soon.” Derek muttered to Stiles who smirked silently.
“Why would she need soundproof walls?” Scott asked softly, his head tilting to the side in confusion which never failed to make him look like a lost puppy.
After a few hours a frequent checks on you everyone sat down to discuss what would happen next but before long it was late and the pack decided to check on you tomorrow. Everyone was sleeping soundly through the night as the bite healed over with everyone none the wiser.
-> Part 2
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sun-spark · 3 years
Teen Wolf & Among Us
(Always two imposters.)
Stiles: Tries way too hard to be detective. Cannot bluff as the imposter, but he rambles so much in either role that somehow it works half of the time by confusing everyone.
Scott: Surprisingly okay with killing everyone in the game, killed everyone in two rounds once. No one ever expected that of him. Everyone is suspicious of him now.
Theo: Gets voted out every single time - Imposter or not, just because killing the crew is something he would do. (Screws with everyone as a ghost if he is imposter - You want to go through that door? No. Oh reactor failure? Yes please.)
-They left Theo alive one time, he was crew, he made the game go on for an hour because no one could find him and he would not finish his tasks. PETTY BOI.
Liam: Way too panicky when he is imposter. Disorganized as a crewmate, never remembers who he saw where.
Lydia: Clean and analytical. Every time. Crew or Imposter, watch out.  Everyone is scared to kill her when they are imposter.
Peter: Is not allowed to play, but if he is, everyone ignores it when he gets killed at the button. Everyone is suddenly and mysteriously blind.
Malia: Enjoys being the imposter, always gets lost in the map as a crewmate.
Mason: Gets tasks done immediately. Sneaky imposter who is very good at faking tasks and giving himself an alibi.
Corey: VENT KING. Always sticks with Mason if he is crew. They are a terrifying duo as imposters.
Isaac: Tries to make himself look suspicious every time - Not reporting bodies and standing on vents. No one trusts him, but no one wants to vote him either, especially when there are few crew left. He will not finish tasks. If he is crew, you either find the imposter or die.
Derek: Does his tasks, but does not rush. He will glare silently at everyone, whether he is crew, imposter, or dead, it does not matter.
Brett: Will third imposter just to screw with everyone. Especially if it means he can help get Liam killed.
Alec: Tries his best, but is very quiet and little help at meetings. Goes off on his own too much and gets cornered and/or framed.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Wait, What?
Summary: After having argued as per usual, Reader decides to lay their head over in Stiles’s lap and fall asleep much to Scott’s confusion.
TW/CW: Stiles Stilinski x Reader.
Requested?: Yes by a lovely Anon who said, “Hellooooo. I don't know if you're taking request because of your break, but if you are, can you do the promp 10 with stiles? Thank you have a nice day!!!”
Word Count: 430
A/N: So I feel like this would make a pretty good Sterek prompt lol but this is what I came up with for Stiles x Reader. I probably should’ve done it the other way around but I hope you enjoy! Sorry about it being so short :/ Requests are open and as always love to all!
Prompt: Person A lays down in Person B’s lap and falls asleep. Person B acts like nothing is happening and just starts playing with Person A’s hair while they have a conversation with a friend. Friend is confused because don’t these two practically hate each other??
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Your POV
    “Why must you two always be arguing?” Lydia asks as I collapse on to the couch beside her. I just finished a yelling match with Stiles and I’m pretty tired.
    “Because he’s a little bitch and always picks the fights,” I respond with every ounce of sass that I could muster.
    “Geez, Derek wasn’t wrong when he said your sass level matches that of your uncle Peter’s,” Kira laughs.
    “Actually, it’s hard to believe (Y/n) isn’t his actual child sometimes,” Malia adds from where she lays on the floor tossing a ball into the air absentmindedly.
    I roll my eyes and glare across the room at Stiles as he animatedly explains something to Scott. I don’t understand why Stiles always wants to pick fights with me. Any time the others aren’t around, it’s smooth sailing and he’s really nice. Hell, he's even took me out on a few dates. I discard the thoughts for later and instead occupy myself with watching Liam and Theo bickering on the couch to my right.
    After a while, everyone departs for home. That is everyone except those of us who live here and Scott and Stiles. I finally get bored enough that I make my way over to where Scott and Stiles are still locked in conversation and plop down beside stiles on the couch. Scott smiles at me but Stiles doesn’t acknowledge my presence and continues with his rambling.
    I sit there for a while listening to Stiles and in that span of time, Peter and Derek both make their way to their bedrooms for the night. This isn’t the first time we’ve had visitors late into the night and it surely won’t be the last. I finally give in and lay my head over in Stiles’s lap. He doesn’t even pause, he just starts playing with my hair and as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, there’s a look of utter confusion written across Scott’s face.
Stiles’s POV     Scott’s look of confusion throws me off track and I stop my train of thought, “What?”
    Scott chuckles, “It’s just, don’t you two basically hate each other but (Y/n) just laid their head down in your lap and passed out and you didn’t bat an eye.” I look down at (Y/n) and find that Scott is correct, they are passed out.  
I smile and brush their hair out of their eyes before looking back up at Scott, “What can I say? I have a soft spot. Anyway...” I find where I left off before and continue on that track.
Taglist: @emiijemii​ 
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day-dreamsinthedark · 4 years
Kids with the Teen Wolf guys
I can NOT stop thinking about genetics and kids and what the outcome of having children with the Teen Wolf guys would be like. Bear with me pls 
I also like writing actual headcanons/imagines, but this is rlly more of a ramble.
Scott McCall: Right off the bat, Scott doesn’t seem to have any unsettling family history. Frankly, having Scott McCall’s children seems like a safe bet. No family history of psychological or physical health issues (at least that we know of.) Having werewolf children is also pretty great because it seems as though they are both healthier than the average child and significantly less likely to endure some traumatic life changing injury. I think Scott learned his moral compass from Melissa, but I am very sure that his conscientiousness and strength of character are inheritable. The wonky chin might be genetic, but it could also just be dependent on the way Scott was laid to sleep as a baby. Overall, Scott’s has some pretty great DNA to pass on. 
Stiles Stilinski: At a first glance, how could you NOT want to have Stiles Stilinski’s kids? Then I got to thinking.. and oh yeah, this has risk. To break it down-- Stiles seems pretty ideal. Some traits, like extraversion and agreeableness are inherited, and what is Stiles if not outgoing and agreeable? However, it is canon that Stiles carries the genetic mutation for frontotemporal dementia--which is highly hereditary. There is also the ADHD and anxiety, but those aren’t really big issues and can be handled pretty easily. Realistically though, if your kid/s end up inheriting the dementia, you know uncle Scott’s going to swoop in and save the day.  🥺 Anyhow, having children with Stiles Stilinski has many pros and one very scary game of Russian Roulette. 
Derek Hale: Once again I will vouch for werewolf genetics. It just seems right to want to pass on that strength and power, you know? Just imagine being pregnant and your maternal instinct kicks in and it’s just like, “Hey, my kids are significantly better off than almost everyone else’s. I don’t have to be constantly afraid that my baby is going to get horribly sick.” Of course, Derek isn’t very agreeable, but he’s not a bad guy. It just seems like the Hale’s are less open and a little overly aggressive until they find their pack. We see this in the way Peter, Derek, Cora, and Malia are all closed off and a little bendy with social/moral rules, but they always end up being good guys for the people they love. Overall, a great idea but you would definitely have a lot to show your kids when it comes to opening up and creating relationships. 
Isaac Lahey: Okay, so we know that Isaac’s dad had issues. This absolutely means that Isaac will raise his kids in a home where safety and comfort are priority--but that doesn’t stop the possible genetic aspect of what seems like pretty bad anxiety. Again, not a big issue. Realistically though, abuse can alter DNA and Mr. Lahey definitely changed Isaac in one way or another. Overall, Isaac (great guy AND werewolf) Lahey is pretty high on the list for good genes.
Aidan Steiner: Twins!! Well, only if Aidan and Ethan are identical, and it seems like they are. Honestly this seems like a great idea aside from the intense aggression and questionable ethics. Fun fact: the ability to have identical twins and fraternal twins are genetic, but in two completely different ways. Identical twins happen when a sperm penetrates an egg in a way so the egg splits in half, and ta-da, two kids. Fraternal twins happen when the ovary lets out two eggs instead of one. 
Liam Dunbar: Liam is sweet, loyal, and incredibly caring-- all great things to either teach or pass down to your kids. Sadly however, Intermittent Explosive Disorder is hereditary. Liam’s kids are another game of Russian Roulette. Honestly though, it seems like Liam handles it really well, so his kids more than likely would too (if they even get it.) So overall, pretty good genetics. 
Theo Raeken: There is so much to unpack with this one. We aren’t entirely sure whether Theo is a sociopath or a narcissist, but there is absolutely something more going on with his brain chemistry. Whatever it is, it is clearly something that he has been able to overcome with time, bonding, and a leader. I don’t think the shapeshifter mutations pass on here, but who knows?
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